#IAS Officer Powers
lawtoppers · 2 months
IAS Officer Dr. Puja Khedkar Transferred Amid Allegations of Power Misuse and Misrepresentation
Breaking News: IAS officer Dr. Puja Khedkar transferred amid serious allegations of power misuse and fake certificates. Maharashtra government initiates investigation into her conduct and qualifications. Stay updated with the latest developments.
IAS Officer Dr. Puja Khedkar Transferred Amid Allegations of Power Misuse and Misrepresentation Pune, July 2024: Dr. Puja Khedkar, an IAS probationary officer, has been transferred from Pune to Washim amidst serious allegations of misuse of power and misrepresentation. The Maharashtra government took swift action following revelations of her misconduct and demands, which have sparked widespread…
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mrdogface · 7 days
here's something annoying about the dick grayson cop arc:
so, the writer treats internal affairs as inherently villainous because that's a trope in cop movies and tv shows, right, but he forgets to make them do anything villainous. in fact, when dick grayson is framed for murder, they never demand a bribe or seem consciously complicit in the frame, they're just doing their job and following a lead. the reason they are framed as villainous is that they have more power to investigate officers than normal officers have to investigate civilians, which is uh, a good thing actually?
anyway, so internal affairs, what dick grayson literally wants to be doing, is The Bad Guys because starsky and hutch said so
and then
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dick grayson joins a secret, probably illegal not-officially-internal-affairs internal affairs??????????
just make IA corrupt. show an IA officer accept a bribe or make the dude investigating dick give one of the officers framing him an ominous nod or something.
god no wonder the batfam has such a thriving fanfiction scene, it's hard to read 90s batfam without wanting to fix it
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starseneyes · 1 year
Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 21
"Going Under" AKA "Going Down in the Laundry Room"
We made it home just in time for the episode, but I was too worn from the events of the day to finish last night. So, here it is, your Meta.
SPOILER ALERT: Look, I don't spoil those who want to remain unspoiled, which is why there's a cute "Read More" button. But as soon as you click that, you're on your own. You will be spoiled. Sorry, not sorry.
All squared away? It's time to dive in!
Lucy and Tim Brief the Team
There's something very powerful about seeing Lucy and Tim standing up there to tell everyone about the Op.
It throws me back to Lucy's first Under Cover assignment when an angry Tim perched outside the door, arms crossed, while Lucy sat as a member of the briefing.
Now, Sergeant Second Class Bradford and... what the hell!?
Where's Lucy's promotion, dagnabbit?!
Look, I'm really not trying to complain after the feast we got in this episode. But, it really does strike hard when you're thinking about earlier seasons and how far Tim has come professionally.
I really hope the "Lucy wants to make Detective" story line continues this season or beginning of next.
"Which is where Officer Chen comes in. She'll be going undercover..."
It's good that Tim's the one who's introducing this, and we're continuing our thread of, "Tim is trying to be okay with this."
Also, again, a long way from Tim being pissed about Lucy going UC. The growth has been massive. I think it's important to acknowledge that even as we spend this episode highlighting how much further these two have to go.
The need for continued growth does not cancel out the growth already achieved. Work is work, and when you put it in, it matters.
"Until further notice, if you see Officer Chen out in the world, don't acknowledge her."
And, I'm thrown back to Lucy's Op at the end of Season 3, when Tim and Jackson came across her with the traffic stop. I remember Jackson asking Tim how to play it, and Tim coaching him through.
"I called Hard Luck." "Really? He's such an unreliable CI."
Gosh, I love how these two talk to one another. Again, we've come so fucking far.
And I know I'm waxing nostalgic, a bit, but I think that's natural for an episode of this magnitude. Lucy hasn't done more than a short stint undercover op in many seasons.
And this is the first time we get to see these two handle it as a couple.
Every other time they've done this, Tim was a TO or a coworker. Now, he's Lucy's Shower Sex Sweetie and Quality Quickie with a dash of Down-And-Dirty-All-Night-Long-Hottie.
It's bound to change the dynamic. But one thing that I love about this scene is how equal they are.
Sure, Lucy doesn't have the rank, but she's no longer "sir"ing Tim (unless he asks for it in the bedroom... or shower... or wherever role playing activities might transpire).
"He knows it's important to me." "Aw... undercover love." *giggle*
Y'all, I'm giddy. Like, legit was grinning like a fool. And after the day I've had, that's no small miracle.
Also, it feels like Eric Winter almost broke, and like Melissa O'Neil did. I have no intel on this, and I might be completely off-base, but there was something about his little quirk of the lip and double-take that would definitely have set me off if I was working opposite him in that scene.
"Jamie Hall." "You all set up Jamie?" "Yeah, all good."
So. Fucking. Cute.
I just love that Tim's the one outside keeping an eye on her (even if my subconscious is trying to connect the dots between IA paperwork, possible liabilities of Tim overreacting or losing his cool, and what happens if he uses the wrong name by accident, etc).
He is the protector. And being involved in the Op is easier for him to handle than not being involved.
Think about it... we know that Isabel would go away for months at a time and Tim felt like he couldn't breathe the whole time. He didn't know about the people she met. He didn't know anything.
He told Isabel that Lucy was different, and I think we all can see that Chenford can be different. But without communication, they're doomed.
Golly, that sounds dramatic. Like that old shipping commercial where everyone is doomed. Yeah, like twelve of you reading understand that reference, and I'm leaving it anyway.
But, I truly believe communication is the foundation to a strong relationship. And I'm not just saying that because I happen to hold two degrees in communications.
Tim and Lucy have the benefit of an established relationship based on trust and respect. But learning to effectively communicate your needs, wants, fears, aversions, and desires as a couple is completely different.
"Are you good? .... "Are you good?" "Do you mean do I miss you already? Nah, I'm fine." "You are such a jerk."
This is so me and Matt coded. And, yes, I'm Lucy in this scenario. Can't tell you how many times I've affectionately called Matthew a jerk and he's shared that same satisfactory smirk on Tim's face afterwards.
"Hey, will you keep an eye on Tamara for me? You know, just check in on her every once in a while." "Of course. Yeah, don't worry about her. I'll keep an eye on her. You just focus on the job."
Tim is really trying to be amazingly supportive for her. And I love this little reminder that Tim does have his own place.
Yes, for production purposes we're spending a lot of time at Lucy's (that I head-canon is because she lives closer to the station).
Also, Tim doesn't hesitate to watch out for Tamara. There was a time he only referred to Tamara as "Lucy's Puppy", but now they're family.
"How long do you think this will take?"
Excuse me, we're getting a montage!?! Like, a montage with voice over provided by our intrepid duo? Be still my beating heart!
Y'all don't understand. I was a Voice Over artist for two decades. So, when I see actors who can also do voice over well, I get super hyped.
Melissa O'Neil and Eric Winter decided to make me gawk at their talent even more tonight. Gee wiz! Like, it's possible they recorded their audio together, but more likely they were each in comfy clothes in the booth solo on completely different days.
And the chemistry. still. freakin. works. That's talent, my friends.
Look, some people crush VO and some people don't. Just watch (or don't watch... maybe with shrooms nearby) the Star Wars Holiday Special animated section to see what I mean.
I'm not gonna name names, but it was really easy to call which Star Wars actor was going to go into voice work later and which one really shouldn't have been asked to do that long VO for Blade Runner.
"Oh, do not finish this season of Top Chef without me." "I can't make any promises."
Y'all, this is so me and Matt coded! Now, Top Chef is my show and not Matthew's. I even keep it on in the background when I'm working or writing a screenplay.
Yes, I know most people don't work that way. I'm weird. I've come to terms with it, and I like me—weird and all.
But we totally have our shows where we say, "You better not watch this without me!" And, usually, I'm the one to screw it up. Mostly by accident!
Matthew always reminds me of Mean Girls. He wanted to see it in theaters. I said to hold off. Then we were in the video store (yes, we're old) and he offered to rent it, but I said to hold off. The third time was a year later when he remembered we hadn't seen it.
Except I accidentally caught it on TV totally forgetting we said we'd watch it together. Eep!
Also, after Lucy complaining about her ex watching too many cooking shows after his wrists were slit, I find it interesting she actively watched them with Tim.
Just goes to show cooking shows were never the problem. *cough* dead weight puffed chicken *cough*
"You ever wish you has a normal job?" "One where people don't shoot at you? Not once." "Yeah, me, either."
I love how easy their conversation is. These are the little things that add up to big things when you're building a relationship. And some mastermind in the Writer's Room thought, "What if we advance their relationship while advancing the episode's story via VO?"
As much flack as VO sometimes takes (and I'm actually a VO fan), I adore this choice.
We don't need to meet all the people in the office and establish relationships with them. It doesn't service the story or our core characters. So, we're letting Tim and Lucy—two characters we adore—carry us through via the VO. It's bloody beautiful.
Also, I love the pacing of this episode. Love it. There's an effortlessness to the timing of the edits and the passage of time via wardrobe change is so beautifully done.
I know we have the Super giving us time stamps via dates, but those are almost superfluous because we can visualize the journey via other cues. It's stuff like this that makes me bloody giddy.
"Making any friends?"
This. Is. So. Cute. Tim is actually keeping Lucy sane, here, I'm convinced! Remember her last UC assignment where she had to check in via phone? She was bored out of her mind.
"Is the monotony getting to you?" "I don't mind it... I just don't want it to all be for nothing."
This is so interesting to me. The word choice, I mean. This is how I felt about the infertility drugs... it couldn't all be for nothing.
I'm not going to get into the whole thing, here. But, I dealt with multiple years of infertility for my kids. For a while, I had to be on this medication—letrazole. Most people have minor reactions on it. I had almost all the weird/severe reactions.
But it got my follicles to optimum size for ovulation. It wasn't all for nothing.
There are things we put ourselves through willingly, sometimes, that to an outsider might seem strange. But we have a reason for what we're doing—and a hope that it's the right thing to do.
"Why don't we go for a walk?"
It's not Chenford, but I gotta call out my on-screen bestie for using her brains on this one to prevent Frank from taking her to a second location. Well done.
Tim Pretending to Be On the Phone
Fierce protector is there. Now, I'm turning off my subconscious brain on this one, and I'll explain why at the end. But, I did think it was a nice touch to have Tim on the phone, here.
There's something about this episode that felt like a dash of Alias was sprinkled onto the souffle. It's already an abundant hour that could feel bloated, but instead is rich and decadent. But that added spice is palpable in the shooting and editing, especially.
That over-the-shoulder shot of the landscape when Tim's watching them feels hand-held, giving us that sense of something being off-kilter and unstable.
When Tim hangs up, it's a shot of his torso, out-of-focus, with the real action behind him. There are layers to how this is shot, and it's so reminiscent of a spy movie in the best ways.
The whole episode is already elevated by Michael Rooker. But the script and pacing and directing and editing all feel like they've risen to the occasion, too.
"I was bored to early onset rigor mortis."
But this is a part of UC life. It's the "hurry up and wait" that is strangely a huge part of life in the film/television industry, as well. Like, a huge part.
It could be waiting for the sun to set so you have the perfect lighting, waiting for an actor on set, waiting for notes, or even a Writer's Strike if it comes to that.
UC often means embedding for months at a time before getting what you're going after. It's something for which Tim and Lucy must prepare. And I feel like this episode is the perfect vehicle to get us there.
"Like a date?" ... "odds are he's hoping for a little something-something."
Tim is having a hard time, and Grey knows it. I love how he casts a glance Tim's way on this line, sensing his unease.
Let's be real—Grey saw Chenford coming before they did. And he's the one really tuned into Tim, here.
Tim can't help walking her to the door, holding it open for her, even if he knows he can't touch her. He's concerned.
"You okay?" "Five by five." "You gotta treat this like any other op and treat Lucy like any other UC." "I know."
I'll be honest, when I first watched this scene, this is what I wrote: UGH. I don't like what's being set up. Please don't let Tim fuck this up. Please don't let Tim fuck this up.
I have never been so happy to be wrong about my read on a scene. I seriously worried we were setting it up for Tim to be the liability in all this, and I'm grateful that's not the direction it went.
This show has a history of showing couples working through bad times, tough situations, close calls. The core couples suffer as much as any Austen heroine—and they come out alright in the end. I'm grateful to see that tradition continue with Chenford.
First off, I have to admit that I giggled when Lucy's head popped up. I know it's a completely inappropriate response, but all I could picture was one of those Whack-A-Mole's at the Chuck-E-Cheese growing up. She was like a little prairie dog, and I haven't been able to watch the scene since.
Anyway, back to what I wrote when this first aired: Tim sees Lucy and he can breathe, again. She knew. She knew he'd be looking for her.
And Tim knew he couldn't breach. If he went in, that'd give away everything, and someone needed to go after that car.
He's doing everything right. But it hurts like hell.
"Gun was empty. I got lucky. Otherwise..."
And you can see it hurts. Look, Tim has faced a lot worse in his time in the military and working Patrol. But everything is raw right now.
The woman he loves it in danger. She was nearly killed by that same weapon. Both of them had close calls with the same gun and lived to tell the tale.
"Hey, you okay?" "Yeah. I am now.... meet me at the laundry room in your building." "Yes. See you in 30."
I love the touch that Lucy's hand is on the phone before Frank even pulls away. She needs to touch base with Tim. She needs to hear his voice.
And I love the emphasis Melissa O'Neil places on "Yes". It's a heart cry for its soulmate. There is no question that they need to see one another.
Tim has always had this need to protect Lucy, even before romance was on the table. And Lucy has always had a need to protect Tim, too, in her own way.
Lucy watching out for Tim with Isabel. Tim doing whatever it took to save Lucy from a serial killer. Over and over, these two have a need to know the other is okay.
I remember not so long ago Tim was asking Nolan, Nyla, Angela... asking if Lucy was okay. He needed to know. Then, he finally had the direct line as a friend. He could text her to get the details.
Now, they need to see each other. It's that same need, but it's grown along with their relationship.
*hug* "That was really scary." "Yeah, I almost had a heart attack."
Lucy launches herself up into his arms and he nestles into her shoulder. Tim's right hand is splayed across her back, as though he wants to hold as much of her at one time as he can.
It's another one of those "Eric Winter act all the way through his fingers" moments. Tim's whole body is reacting to holding her, safe in his arms, down to those fingertips.
These poor babies. This is the first time they've had to do this deep since Lucy's S3 arc. And they've never done it in love, before. Not with each other.
Tim knows what he lost with Isabel. But this love is different, deeper, developed from the gradual building of trust. Layers upon layers of caring. Lucy is the love of his life—and he's run raw from witnessing the shootout, and skirting death moments apart.
"If you need to tap out-" "No."
Tim is trying to give her an out, and there's a mix here of professional and personal. She's shaken. So is he. But this is the job.
And he knows that. He does. But we've already established he can't be objective where she is concerned.
"Has he tried anything?"
This is a scenario that's run through my mind a million times—what would Tim do if someone violated Lucy... and what would he do to that person?
The way Eric Winter plays this moment is so heartbreaking, too. There's a vulnerability in Tim's eyes that is completely personal, void of professional. He's a man worried about the love of his life.
He knows she can handle herself. It's not a cognitive issue. It's that part of him that cries out Fierce Protector whenever she is in danger.
Lucy gets that, and she grabs onto his jacket with one hand, almost pulling him closer to her.
"Alright, now is not the time to talk about this-"
It's easier for him to change the subject on her than to acknowledge how much they both need to have this conversation at some point. They've been talking around it and avoiding it.
It has to be addressed at some point. There is no way forward without it.
"If you're good, I'm good." "I'm good." "Good."
I'm having a bit of a Court Jester moment, here, and it's cracking me up. "Get it?" "Got it." "Good."
But also, "Good" is kind of their word. Tim used it post-DOD with her in the workout room, and again when he was happy she didn't change her mind about dating him.
I don't know who made the choice—whether it was a writing thing, first, or an actor choice in the moment, but it somehow makes it more personal and lived-in. And I love that.
"Lock the door first."
Did they just.... have sex in there? Oh my GOSH they pulled a Java!
But what I really love about this is how it feels like a callback to 5x01 and the airplane bathroom. Not only is it a small space where they are covertly meeting to discuss the mission, but it's also a parallel to Lucy needing grounding and Tim being the one to do it.
In 5x01, Lucy was shaken by the Rosalind news. She made an excuse to kiss Tim, to wrap herself in a moment that was a release. Remember Isabel talking about how great it was to unwind in that hotel room and not be on guard for a bit?
Lucy needs this. She needs to be with Tim and wrap herself in the life they are building. Even if it's only a little while, it's going to sustain her while she's pretending while thinking on three levels to not get killed.
He grounds her when she's flailing. And she envelopes him when he's crumbling. Tim and Lucy have built a relationship of mutual respect, love, and protection. And, damn, is it great to get to see it on-screen.
"Miss you." "Getting coffee. 1 Minute." "911."
Shit. Of course this is the one moment when something goes down.
But I love the fact that Lucy was having Laundry Room Sex less than 12 hours earlier and she's already texting her boyfriend because she misses him. No wonder he practically lives at her place, already.
Also, now we know she finally has him listed as "Tim" in her phone. Now, he was "Tim" at the end of S4E1, but I think that was an oversight. So, officially we've graduated to first names.
"Hey. Why are you here?"
Oh, GPS tracking, how I hate thee in real life and love thee on TV.
"You got ten seconds to convince me you're not a cop."
Annnnd, there it is. This guy's not a moron. This isn't his first rodeo. And now he has a gun trained on our girl.
"I'm not a cop I... " "Then how the hell did you know they were coming." "A police scanner app. I can show you."
Well. Done. There are folks in my area who have scanner apps and are constantly posting things online.
I sometimes forget about it because when I worked in a newsroom, we had a guy whose whole job was to listen to the scanner. Still boggles my mind anyone can do it these days!
And Lucy. Gets. Him. Monologuing. And it's beautiful. Lessor actors would have bungled it, but Michael Rooker is a bloody master of the craft, and Melissa O'Neil holds her own opposite him, which adds such richness.
Before we move on, I have to pause and just fawn over Michael Rooker a bit. He's just such a gem of an actor, and that whole interaction there between Lucy and Frank is elevated by his presence.
He pours so much life into a character we've barely known five minutes.
I met him once upon a time. My mother was the Key Makeup Artist on a movie called Deceiver. While I was visiting Mom on-set, I had the opportunity to run lines with him.
He treated me like a working actor, which was crazy to a kid like me.
I remember him running me through this one line over and over. It was a three-word line (which of course I can't remember), but he was trying to teach me how inflection and intention can completely change the meaning of a line.
I carried that with me, and applied it to my acting, writing, and VO work the rest of my life.
My mom said he told her that I acted like a pro. And that's just so bloody special to me. I never had the body or the face for the big time, ya know? But, an actor I admire thought I had the chops. And that's super cool.
"Where are you?" "I'm outside the cover apartment. Frank just dropped me off."
One thing that is a minor thing, but really cracks me up about their dialogue is when they see each other in person, there's almost always a "hey" breathed under their breathe. On the phone, they just get to the point. It's so minor, but it makes me smile.
"I think this op is done." "You sure? " "Yeah. I mean, he's got no crew, no product. It's over." "That's too bad." "Why?" "I was looking forward to another laundry room hookup."
You. Idiots. And I say that with all love! It's so nice to see these two really enjoying their relationship, dagnabbit.
"I need a big meal, a hot bath, and some quality sexy time and then I'm gonna sleep for 24 hours."
Lucy runs her hands down his stomach, but Tim's quick to grab her hands. He rubs her arm, as though reminding himself that she's real.
"What what is that? What? " I just... Isabel used to always crash after a long term assignment. It took her months to come back to life."
I have three children. The first two are twins. And they were born just a few months after my best friend had her first. Her second child was born about six months before my third child.
Yes, I have a point. Gimme a second.
I have dealt with two very different children from day one. I don't know what it is to be the mother of a single child. That was never my reality.
But my bestie was shocked by how different her second child was compared to her first. She'd only known one thing for three years, so she assumed that's how all babies would be.
It was simply lack of experience that led her to lean into her previous understanding thinking it was all she needed. That's Tim, here.
He knows that Lucy is different... but they've never done this before. He's never been the one she came home to after a UC assignment.
He's not equating everything to Isabel because he thinks Lucy is Isabel, but because he has no comparisons. Tim and Lucy are going to build that together, yes, but he honestly doesn't know how to do that.
We know that Isabel shut him out. Tim is terrified Lucy will do the same, even though he hasn't verbalized it... yet.
"You know what, I do have to come clean about something, though. I know I made you a promise to not watch Top Chef without me but I couldn't wait. I'm sorry." "Bad girlfriend." "No! No. I'm sorry." "Horrible!"
I'm sheepishly hiding my face because I'm so Lucy in this moment. My on-screen bestie and I have way too much in common.
Also, we needed that bit of levity to break up the scene. Because it's about to get heavy.
"So... Why didn't you tell me you almost died chasing down the shooter at the restaurant?" "Because I didn't. Who told you?"
It's shocking Lucy thought she would ever be able to keep the Five Player Trade quiet considering how quickly gossip moves through that station. Gee wiz!
"The gun was empty, right? So this is much ado about nothing."
A Shakespeare reference? Now I know our girl's been rubbing off on her man.
"Besides I know for a fact you don't tell me everything that happens when you're undercover." "No. you know for a fact that Isabel didn't. If this is gonna between us I need to know you can see the difference."
Here we go. They are finally having the conversation they need to have. Tim told Isabel that Lucy was different. We know he knows it. But he has to believe it, too.
"... listen, I need you to take it seriously if I ever sound the alarm about something. Otherwise the pain of what I went through would have been for nothing. And I can't lose you the way I lost her.
That "for nothing" is coming back around. It can't be for nothing.
And he can't lose her. He survived losing Isabel. Yes, it broke him. It broke him for a long time. But I don't know if he'd ever recover from losing Lucy. True love can have that effect.
"You won't. I'll walk away before it gets close to anything like that. Okay? I promise."
There we go. This was the piece Lucy was missing last week when she tried to broach the subject. She approached it as though it was something he needed to deal with. But relationships only work when we get through together.
This conversation doesn't make everything all better. They are still going to face obstacles and issues. But they are finally being open and honest in both directions about Lucy doing UC.
Tim and Lucy embrace, but this is different than any of their other hugs, and I wonder if it's intentional. Tim has always nestled into her right shoulder. Lucy usually has one arm up and one down.
This time, she almost scoops in underneath as he wraps both arms around her. She's nestled in his wings as he's held up by her strength.
"We can build a house away from here," the song says. And they could. They could both walk away. But we've established that this is the life they love, dangerous as it is.
And the more they fall in love, the more they both have something worst living for. And that's terrifying.
Have you ever been in love? The kind of love that reciprocates and grows? It's amazing. I've only experienced it once, with the love of my life. It's difficult, at times, but it's also rewarding.
And it amplifies the big stuff. Because you're now a part of something so much bigger than the individual. And for Tim and Lucy, putting their lives on the line means there's someone who will be destroyed if they die.
There's all the more reason to live, but that can't get into the decision-making process in the moment. "You have to keep your head in the game," Tim has said often.
Love conquers all, right? Sometimes, it merely complicates.
I'm grateful for this episode. The pacing and directing were so on-point all around, and I felt like all the on-screen characters had moments to shine without it feeling over-bloated. Just beautifully done all-around.
Thank you for reading, loves. This week has been a hard one in my life as I drove back to Wilmington to say what may be my last goodbyes to one of my best friends who I've known since we were 11. Cancer is the B-word.
Cherish the ones you love. Tell them often that you care. Make memories. Build dreams. Chase hope. Live this life, dagnabbit. I believe in you.
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yongguk-ia · 8 months
Driving Mr.Daisy | Sunshine and Grump (AuGuk)
Yongguk had his AirPods stuck in his ears, on work call while logging on to his laptop for a zoom meeting. He was consulting a group while being presented the numbers of the next quarter. He learned how to multi task as soon as he started this job years ago. Now instead of carrying a tray of coffee and printing out papers for his managers, he’s running a company and in meetings.
Yongguk had a tough childhood but he worked his way up. Now he has more money than he could ever imagine but no time to enjoy it, so focused on making more and more of it.
All of a sudden his power goes out in his office. Causing everything to go silent. “Carol what they fuck?” He yelled out at his secretary only for her to come in holding onto a black backpack and slick matching carry on suitcase.
“Oh right” his vacation. He was supposed to leave over an hour ago but he just needed to make ‘one more call’ which led to 3 more. He sighed setting everything down and grabbing his bags, grumbling a thank you before he left the building.
20 minutes later the taxi was pulling up to August’s home. He got out taking everything out of the taxi. He stood at the front door in his black suit, sunglasses and luggage. “I’m here open up” He yelled after knocking once.
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My fingers get all bendy when I try to write anything. Sad emoji. Sorry I’m using the text-to-speech feature. Send Send Send God dammit send the message
If it isn't my favourite anhelarentus patient! It's good to know you're well enough to be falling ill once again!
Upon reading your message, my assistant, Asher, suggested to me that you may be suffering delusions, considering that you used a nonsense word (“emoji”), and are referring to writing your message to my office as “text to speech”, which they insist is the wrong way around for the method of transferring information you are speaking of (although, considering I have only ever received messages in a paper format, and clearly no advanced enough technology exists to make text into speech or speech into text, I have no clue which term means what). However, considering that they are a victim of Meht's Disease, which can and does cause quite the bout of nasty delusions (they are not truly my assistant, but I allow them to think so, as I keep them around in order to further my studies on the disease), I can only assume they are merely projecting.
Thinking about it, I am now considering using the reverse that my assistant speaks of, “speech to text”, to refer to them, as--and I truly digress, but as you are coming to me a second time, I can only hope we can become acquainted with each other–they insist on writing down my responses to these requests themselves through transcribing my verbal answers. Upon inquiry, they have told me that while the messages appear to me as paper, in order for my patients to receive a response, they have to transfer them through something they call “the Internet”. I made a lot of progress on my research into Meht's Disease the day they tried to explain that to me.
Anyhow! Returning to the subject at hand, I am shocked that you have not already been diagnosed with medensia deficiency. As the beginning of it suggests (“medens”ia, as you may know Medens is my last name) this is when you fail to take everything I say as 100% truth. Medensia deficiency is the source of most ailments, as it results in a shrinkage of the most powerful sickness-fighting cells in your body, medensia cells, but can occasionally, as in your case, appear as its own disease with its own set of symptoms. It does not appear to have a bacterium, a virus, or any other such cause associated with it, but is instead purely psychological, and can be quickly addressed through repeating a set of phrases I will leave enclosed below. These symptoms are not a result of delusion, as my assistant posits, but simply misinformation.
1. Fingers do not bend while writing. Fingers are naturally fused at the knuckle and are meant to be straight all of the time. Anyone viewed doing otherwise must be suffering from a fracture or break at the knuckles, and should be taken into medical care immediately.
2. Technology advanced enough to make text into speech or speech into text does not exist. Anyone viewed doing anything that violates this must be part of or a victim of a cult that has been slowly rising in the last few decades, which specialises in attempting to brainwash the local populace by telling ridiculous stories of hunks of metal able to transfer messages at the speed of light.
It is vitally important that you repeat these phrases daily, as medensia deficiency can devolve into Meht's Disease, a much more serious disease. It is also recommended that you go outside and scream at the sun four times a day, because if the sun didn't exist then medensia cells could prosper in their natural ice cold environment, and no one would suffer from this horrible deficiency. Thank you for inquiring upon me.
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krishna-sangini · 1 year
**Warning** Long Rant
The one thing I absolutely hate about my family is the way they always, every single day, ramble me to become an IAS officer.
It may seem like a sob story, but it is what it is. From my very childhood, I was always told, "My granddaughter will be an IAS officer!" Or "My niece will be an IAS officer!" Or "My daughter will fulfil my dream!"
Nobody asked that daughter, that niece, or that granddaughter what she dreamt of becoming...
And when they did ask, it was only to mock, to belittle her dream. Every single day they tell me, "If you become an IAS officer, think of how proud we will be. Think of how we will have a respectable position in society. Think of the power you will exercise."
I know it's a child's duty to fulfil their parents' dreams, but at what cost? What if I say that I don't want that power to begin with? Yes, I do want to serve my nation. But what if I just wanna do it in a different way.
I am, fortunately or unfortunately, a star student. Like, a straight-A student. And on top of that, I took Humanities. So my family is like, "We never stopped you from studying as you liked; can't you do this much for us?"
Like, excuse me? I will serve you and do every part of mine to keep up your honour in society, but I have a life of my own where, at the end of the day, I'll have to face myself. And sorry if I'm asking too much, but I don't wanna face a broken and self-hating self.
I feel tired. I'm honestly too tired. Tired of the hypocrisy of my family. On one hand they will endlessly pester me to take up IAS coaching when I get to Delhi, and on the other hand, they'll say, "We're not pressuring you, love. Do what you like. It's your take."
How can I do what I like when I hear the exact opposite every single day?
I wanna be a professor who can shape her students into better versions of themselves, but seemingly, it is too low of a job for someone of my 'talent'.
I'm so sick and tired of this. I feel like I may break completely.
Honestly speaking, now I sometimes think it would have been better if I was dumb academically.
But I'm sure all this is happening for a reason...
My Keshav is just making me stronger each day. To take on the pressure of the real world ahead.
Thank you for reading this shitpost, honestly. It's a big deal~
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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North American P-51 Mustang | Classic Warbirds
The story of the P-51 began in 1940 when North American Aviation President James J. Kindelberger had approached the British Purchasing Commission to sell North American Aviation's twin engined bomber, the B-25 Mitchell. However with the Royal Air Force in desperate need for fighter aircraft and the Curtiss P-40 Kittyhawk being the only aircraft coming close to the specification required for the air war in Europe and even this aircraft was only available in limited numbers. So North American Aviation was asked, under licence from Curtiss-Wright, to produce the P-40. North American Aviation felt, however, that they could have a better aircraft working quicker than it would take a production line to produce the P-40 to be set up. Whilst it was agreed for North American Aviation to supply this new aircraft instead it was required for a prototype to be ready in 120 days.
Although this looked like a tall order, North American Aviation already had a design outline for an aircraft which benefited from information from the air war in Europe. Under the leadership of Raymond Rice and Edgar Schmued the design team set about fitting the new fighters design to the specification laid out by the British. And impressively just 102 days later the prototype airframe designated NA-73X was completed, however due to the 1,100-hp Allison V-1710-39 engine, which was to power the aircraft, running behind schedule, it wasn't until a couple of months later on the 26th October 1940 when the prototype finally flew for the first time.
In a little under seven months and after a very successful testing programme the first production aircraft flew on the 1st May 1941 and six months later the Royal Air Force received the second production NA-73 for evaluation. The NA-73 had been ordered before the prototype had even flown and so more of the aircraft soon followed. Designated Mustang Mk I by the RAF, initial evaluation showed that at low-level the aircraft was fast and extremely manoeuvrable and was much better than any other American fighter then available. At higher altitude the performance of the aircraft suffered as its Allison engine power output fell rapidly as it climbed.
With eight machine-guns comprising four 0.50-in and four 0.30-in and its superb performance at low level it would be an ideal replacement for No. 26 Squadron's Curtiss P-40 Tomahawks that they were using. They began to receive their first Mustang Mk Is on the 5th January 1942 and would fly their first operation on the 5th May 1942. Other use of the aircraft saw it equip No. 2 Squadron of Army Co-Operation Command during April 1942, equipped with obliquely-mounted cameras, and on the 27th July 1942 they flew their first operational sortie. Its first aerial victory came on the 19th August 1942 during the Dieppe Raid when Flying Officer Hollis Hills of No. 414 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force shot down a Focke-Wulf Fw 190.
Just two months later the Mustang showed its potential for long-range escort duties when on the 22nd October 1942, on an attack on targets in Germany, it became the first Royal Air Force single-engined fighter to cross the German border from its base in Britain, however the performance of the aircraft at higher altitude still needed to be improved, but an order for another 300 aircraft was placed.
One of the conditions to allow North American Aviation to supply the Royal Air Force with its NA-73 design was that two aircraft were given to the United States Army Air Corps for evaluation under the designation XP-51. Before these two aircraft were supplied to the USAAC the United States Army had already ordered 150 more aircraft to be sent to Britain under Lend-Lease. These aircraft featured self-sealing tanks and instead of eight machine-guns featured four 20-mm cannons and were designated P-51 by the US and Mustang Mk IA by the British.
Two examples initially designated XP-78, but later XP-51B, were each tested with different engines and they proved very successful and the Royal Air Force's findings of superb performance at low-level was confirmed. However the United States was committed to the Lockheed P-38 Lightning and Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, nevertheless 500 P-51's modified to have dive brakes and bomb racks to provide close support to ground troops and designated A-36 were ordered on the 21st August 1942. The first A-36 flew on the 21st September 1942 powered by a Allison V-17110-87 engine with six 0.50-in machine-guns, they were the first Mustang variant to go into operational service with the United States Army Air Force. Equipping two groups based in the Middle East during 1943 they also performed support operations during the invasions of Sicily and Italy. As well as ordering the A-36 an order for just over 310 P-51As had been placed by the United States with armament of four 0.50-in machine-guns and racks for either 1,000lb of bombs or two of either 75 or 150 US gallon external fuel tanks, this was designated Mustang Mk II by the RAF and powered by a 1,200-hp Allison V-1710-81 engine.
After showing its ability for potential long-range escort duties into Germany, but lacking high-altitude performance, during 1942 the decision was taken to install Rolls-Royce Merlin 61 and 65 engines in four airframes of the Mustang Mk I. Testing showed a much improved performance and North American Aviation were informed of the results and a 1,430-hp US-built Packard Merlin V-1650-3 engine was installed into two P-51s, these would be designated XP-78/XP-51B. Tested during September 1942 and achieving a maximum speed of 441 mph and having a better rate of climb than the P-38 Lighting, and confirming the British findings, the United States Army Air Force, impressed with the performance, ordered the Merlin powered Mustang in large numbers.
P-51B and P-51Cs, which featured a strengthened fuselage, improved ailerons and a number of small changes, to accommodate the new engine, and armament of four 0.50-in machine-guns, began to enter operational service with the United States Army Air Force in Britain as part of the Eighth Air Force. The 13th October 1943 saw this new aircraft complete its first long-range escort mission when a force of bombers were sent to attack the U-boat yard at Kiel, Germany. The P-51, with the benefit of external fuel tanks, would provide regular escort for bombers of the Eighth Air Force, during their perilous daylight operations deep into the heart of Germany. During March 1944 the P-51 took part in its first mission to Berlin and started being used operationally by both the 10th and 15th Air Force in Burma and Italy respectively. The Royal Air Force also started to receive their Lend-Lease P-51B/P-51Cs, designated Mustang Mk III, around the same time and No. 19 Squadron based at RAF Ford were the first to receive this new type, which would eventually be used by at least 21 RAF squadrons, many of which were part of the Second Tactical Air Force. The RAF modified the original cockpit canopy which opened sideways to a sliding hood design to overcome the poor rear view of the original canopy design.
Development of the aircraft continued and the next production version was the P-51D, with a modified rear fuselage, six 0.50-in machine-guns and a bubble canopy as standard, this was to become the most produced version of the P-51. Later versions of the P-51D had a small dorsal fin added and racks to accommodate 5-in rocket projectiles. A change in propeller led to a change in designation to P-51K, and both of these aircraft were designated Mustang Mk IV and Mustang Mk IVA respectively by the Royal Air Force.
During 1944 as part of experiments into lightweight construction the United States Army Air Force had ordered three XP-51Fs and two XP-51Gs as part of this process. A new redesigned airframe was also produced and as a result of an overview of the aircraft a new low drag section of wing replaced the laminar-flow design, the oil cooler was also replaced with a heat exchanger and the cockpit canopy was stretched to reduce drag further. With a simpler structure and the removal of equipment no longer deemed necessary and the use of new lightweight materials being used a significant reduction in the aircraft's weight was achieved. Both prototypes were powered by different engines with a 1,695-hp Packard Merlin V-1650-7 engine powering the XP-51F and a 1,140-hp Rolls-Royce Merlin 145m engine powering the XP-51G. Two P-51J prototypes of a similar design were ordered, however only one was finished and this would be powered by a Allison V-1710-119, 1,720-hp engine.
As a result of the prototypes the P-51H appeared, flying for the first time on the 3rd February 1945, powered by the V-1650-0 Packard Merlin engine, this was to be both the last production P-51 and the fastest with a top speed of 487 mph. Further improvements had been made to the aircraft and as a result the aircraft was 40% lighter than the last P-51 in wartime service, the P-51D.
Another permutation of the P-51 was the P-82 Twin Mustang which was two aircraft merged together, however this didn't see service in the Second World War (1939 – 1945).
A grand total of 15,576 P-51s were built by the time production ended, seeing service with China, Netherlands and a few were also supplied to the American Volunteer Group in China. The end of the war didn't see the end of the aircraft, as it remained in service with the United States Air Force, although under a different designation of F-51, until the 27th January 1957 when a F-51D, from the 167th Fighter Bomber Squadron, performed the types last flight with the USAF. In fact the last P-51 was retired from the Dominican Air Force in 1984.
Technical Details
Top Speed Range Service Ceiling Armament
Mustang Mk I 382 mph 1,000 miles 31,350 ft four 0.50-in machine-guns
four 0.30-in machine-guns
A-36 365 mph 550 miles 25,150 ft six 0.50-in machine-guns
1,000lb bombs
P-51 390 mph 1,050 miles 32,000 ft four 20mm cannons
P-51A 390 mph 750 miles 31,350 ft four 0.50-in machine-guns
two 500lb bombs
P-51B 439 mph 1,180 miles 41,800 ft four 0.50-in machine-guns
and either two 1,000lb bombs or
rocket projectiles
P-51B side profile image
P-51C 438 mph 949 miles 42,000 ft four 0.50-in machine-guns
two 500lb bombs
P-51D 437 mph 1,000 miles 41,900 ft six 0.50-in machine-guns
and either two 1,000lb bombs or
six 5-in rocket projectiles
P-51D side profile image
XP-51F Lightweight version, three built.
XP-51G Lightweight version,, two built.
P-51H 487 mph 855 miles 41,320 ft six 0.50-in machine-guns
and either two 1,000lb bombs or
rocket projectiles
XP-51J Modified XP-51F.
P-51K 437 mph 1,180 miles 41,780 ft six 0.50-in machine-guns
and either two 1,000lb bombs or
rocket projectiles
P-51L Improved P-51H with new engine, only one built.
P-51M Improved P-51H with new engine, only one built.
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i-got-the-feels · 2 years
10 characters
Tagged by @ahdriking sorry this took so much time, i kept on forgetting it.
1) Pat Napat - Bad Buddy
A walkikg green flag really. A human who doesn't let his past mistakes or his family's define him and works hard on himself. He made me understand what the term comfort character meant.
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2) Baek Yijin - Twenty Five Twenty One
Know how they say, that once God starts giving, they give in abundance?
Yep to meet him and Pat Napat so closely? When I needed comfort? Yep. He is kind, hard working, genuine, respectful and just over all a lovely gem of a person and deserved a happier ending.
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3) Kinn Theerapanyakul - KinnPorsche
He is my TO comfort character. Know that if world ia against kinn, the world is wrong. He is such a well written character and mile did great justice in bringing all the layers of kinn to life kn screen.
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4) Rahul from Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham
Resposible. Takes accountability of his actions. Understands the meaning of respect and commitment. A MAN.
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5) Vincenzo from Vincenzo
Mafia consiligere who decides to put a pause on his revenge plans to help the opressed fuck the people in power and supporting a bamf lawyer whom he may have a crush on avenge her father's murder. Gets scared by make up. Is friends with pigeon. Picky abiut food. Says cool one liners. Fights without breaking a sweat but almost looses a lung when lifting bricks. Drinks espressos in really tiny cups. No like they really tiny. Has soft fluffy hair. Cries for his mom and with his mom. Forgives her. Forgives himself.
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6) Kashaf Murtuza
Opposed her father's regressive values- father who abandoned her, her sisters and mother btw, to become a government officer. Sloely learns to open her heart and find the joys of romantic love and marriage
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7) Grim Reaper from Goblin
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8) Penelope Featherington - the book series, we don't talk about series Penelope until its to trash the shitty writing
Book Penelope never wrote an article with malignant intention. She never made fun of anyone in a vindictive manner.
9) Tony Stark - mcu
He did so much to change himself, undo his mistakes, take care of others. He just doesn't get the appreciation he deserves and tbh was taken for granted by his buddies.
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9) Bucky Barnes - mcu
I feel so much for him. He is still overcoming what happened, repenting his actions as winter soldier - even when he didn't have control on them. His kindnesses, his empathy, his genuineness. Him.
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I can't choose between them okay?
10) Arnav Singh Raizada - Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon
This a glimpse into my teenage days. Apparently i haven't changed all that much. I still like characters with a rough shell and soft inside. Dude saw his parents die due to his dad's cheating, had his relatives betray hik for property-developed a hard shell and lost faith in love only believing in money. Worked hard to make money and looked down on others-yep very mills and boons but khushi (the fl) actually had a backbone so a level above mills and boons.
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I tag @snimeat @ommited-miscellaneously @morathicain @liyazaki @natahjikio @surajmukhis @boysbeloving @omarandjohnny @milkpansa @mrdumpling @talays-portkey and @thisnightsrevels who wants to do this.
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16-tito-16 · 1 year
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Well, hardly anyone would be interested in Tiberian Sun (TS), it's a very cool RTS. In short, since I'm a fan, and everyone knows what fans are who can draw, create their characters in different universes.
Anyway, these are my TS characters. The plot isn't worked out yet, but the synopsis , crooked but there is :
CABAL is back, but he acts in the shadows gaining power after the battle with GDI and Nod. CABAL uses a cyborg (a man who realizes he's half robot) to manipulate the Brotherhood. But two humans, a mutant (Forgotten) and a Brotherhood officer Nod, want to stop him.
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Briefly about the characters
Faceless or Commander - a cyborg under the control of CABAL. even though most of his body is made up of iron and wires, he still thinks and acts like a human, so as not to stand out
Al - Scientist, works mostly with mutations , Bioengineering, very rich in emotion.
Wins - Mutant, worked for the Brotherhood of Nod not by choice
Ias - Officer of the Brotherhood of Nod, former officer since he escaped with a mutant
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There are also more characters
Mother and Daughter GDI researchers
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Knights and Priestess of the Black Hand
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gritsandbrits · 10 months
Tfasona lore
My self insert moved to Detroit from the south for work, getting a low level job doin packaging for sumdac inc. During a job she saves a child from an accident thay child revealing to be sari, her boss's daughter. Isaac is pleased and gives her a promotion...as sari's governess. Whatever that means.
My oc of course doesn't like it she feels it's a glorified babysitter gig but upon further inspection she notices sari is quite lonely and offers to teach her real things. My oc also lives in a poorer part of the city and with the sudden increase rise of supervillains, those parts take the brunt of the damage left in their wake. So my oc decides to clean up part of it in secret, she doesn't expect rewards or anything but the denizens come to like her for simply being there. Tinkering with some rejected armor she becomes something of a guardian taking on petty crimes like robbers. Angry Archer is her first real supervillain that she had trouble with but successfully drove him off.
During the first episode my oc is at the factory when the mutated bugs attacked she takes the opportunity to get into gear, and that's when she meets the Autobots. She's shocked at the sight of real giant robots. She follows them back to their base and that's when she finds the allspark. The allspark senses her potential and upgrades her armor into something legit along with a heart shaped headphones. The rest of the season sees her getting to know the bots striking a particularly deep friendship with Optimus. They're accompanied by two more ocs hacktivist Alisha and former cop turned private eye Nicole Fanzone (Capt's niece). Meanwhile my other self insert Veena works under Powell, she's known for being an ice queen and keeps to her work in her office. She and junia don't like each other.
Things get rocky when Megatron gets brought back Optimus gets frustrated and kinda insults my sona. She gets mad and leaves to handle it alone but ofc they get back together after apologies.
In season 2 my si learn more about her powers, and also why Optimus was feeling the frustration in the s1 finale because of the way Sentinel treats him. Soon Junia gets sick of the cold way ultra magnus and sentinel treats Optimus and stands up to them, gently pointing out that it's unfair Optimus has done so much good for her planet and cybertron while they're waiting for him to screw up, and Optimus ia shocked that anyone stood up to the guard much less stood up for him.
Veena also lost her house during the battle and forced to move in with Junia, during which Veena learns more about her and the bot' genuine kindness, something she never got with powell. After Powell kicked Sari out Junia finally has enough and quits. She starts working odd jobs to make ends meet. But somehow they do manage to keep the plumbing running as it turns out Veena is secretly paying their bills. She is now on their side and also gathering evidence to expose Powell for the corrupt a-hole he is.
In s3 isaac comes back, veena leaks all the evidence of powell funding headmaster and several other villains, he's in DEEP shit. Junia decides not to return to Sumdac finally finding her place as a hero. Veena takes Powell's old position and eagerly gets hands on with the inventions. Towards the end Optimus and Junia finally confront their feelings for each other and start dating, the funny thing every one saw this coming.
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space-snake · 1 year
My spider person oc is Gwaine Stacy. He was full of idealistic naivety and thought he could reform the police from the inside. He slowly gathered evidence on all the cops in his precinct and slipped it to Internal Affairs. But IA is also cops so one day when a suspiciously timed break in happens at Octavious Labs while he and his partner are on patrol nearby, they go check it out…
And Gwaines partner shoots him in the back and leaves.
While bleeding out on the floor, a genetically modified radioactive wolf spider that was in one the destroyed tanks bites him.
He writhes on the floor in agony for hours, but eventually Dr. Otto Octavious walks in and exclaims “what the fuck!?”
Gwaine has enough mental faculties to ask for help and Otto is all like ‘hm, well I guess. Oh shit your bullet wound is healing really fast, the venom must be healing you somehow instead of killing you! Neat. I’m just sit and watch then.’
Somewhere in there Gwaine grits out enough info to convey he was basically trying to single-handedly bring down the police institution by being a police officer and got shot for his troubles. This amuses Otto.
Eventually Gwaine is no longer in pain but he does have fangs, claws, and red eyes. He can make all that go away though.
Gwaine gets cleaned up and realizes he can’t exactly go back to being a cop now that the others are definitely onto him, so they concoct a story where Gwaine says ‘gosh whoever broke into the lab must have still been hiding nearby and shot me. Kinda pissed that my partner ran away and left me. I’m gonna quit about it’. This gets him away from direct danger and makes the cops think they’re in the clear and that Gwaine will stop bothering them.
Since Gwaine is out of a job now, Otto excitedly demands he become his bodyguard/science experiment. Gwaine agrees to the bodyguard thing and very limited experimentation. Otto is clearly a little horny about all of this. Gwaine is a little scared because there’s definitely something Off about Otto (the guy just sat there smiling while the venom painfully went through Gwaines system) but he also thinks Otto is cute so he just sorta goes with it.
Experiments happen, Gwaine becomes Wolf Spider and starts taking down the police, sexual experiments happen, Otto gets blown up so bad he breaks his back, they confess their love for each other, Otto builds himself some new arms to help with that new chronic pain, he goes all supervillain for a hot minute and it’s real angsty but also incredibly hot before Wolf Spider finally takes down Doc Oc and puts him in jail.
Then there’s a couple of years where Wolf Spider is SadTM but still trying to dismantle the police when suddenly Norman Osborn becomes Green Goblin.
You see, while Otto was in jail Norman stole his research and made a new genetically modified radioactive spider and gave himself powers. He thought this was awesome and tried to sell it to the military but nearly all the soldiers they tested the venom on died. He realizes letting the military be Special Like Him would have been a bad idea anyway. Actually he kind of wants to be the Only Special One. Time to kill Wolf Spider! Let’s go break his “arch enemy” out of prison for some help!
Otto loves not being in prison because he has his sentient robot arms back. He does NOT like working for Osborn, especially on his little ‘kill the Wolf Spider’ project.
He eventually manages to discretely contact Gwaine and tell him everything that’s happening. Over the next few weeks they’re trying to figure out what to do while Otto drags his feet on Osborne project as much as possible but then, well
Otto is trans (did I mention that yet?) and Norman is Very Queerphobic so things deteriorate quickly between them, not that there was much there to begin with. Norman managed to hide Ottos arms so Ottos having a tough time without that back support and the convenience of arms that can move without jostling his arms. He no longer has to pretend to drag his feet, he genuinely can’t keep up anymore. This angers Norman and he, uh, tries to attack Otto is a sexual manner if you catch my drift.
But Harry walked in and is fucking horrified by so many things at once. Norman tries to placate Harry but he’s not having it. He tries to get Otto away and in the process Norman accidentally claws Harry instead of Otto. Harry is pretty much cowering and Otto is in too much pain (back pain! Normans attack didn’t go anywhere!) for either of them to do anything, but Wolf Spider appears out of nowhere (a vent) and savagely fights Norman!
You see, one of Wolf Spiders powers is the ability to communicate with spiders and see and hear through them. He and Otto were using this ability to keep in some form of contact. So he saw everything and only just got there.
Wolf Spider is seconds away from killing Norman but Harry says ‘Stop!’ ‘cause the guy may be completely vile but he’s still Harry’s dad. In that moment of hesitation from Wolf Spider though, Norman bites his arm and runs away.
Wolf Spider is in pain because Norman has venom. No not Venom, just regular spider like venom.
Harry tries to call the police but Otto is like ‘fuck that, find my arms, I need to get Wolf Spider back to the secret lab’. So he does that and comes back to Otto holding Wolf Spiders face and calling him darling and stuff and he gives Otto the arms and they go off.
Harry is left in a destroyed lab knowing that his dad is the worst kind of monster there is.
After a bit of a think, he starts packing because he Cannot live in this house anymore (he’s 22 so it’s fine) but then his dad comes home and freaks out about Harry trying to ‘leave him’ and fucking bites him all like, “either you’ll change or you’ll die. Either way, you’ll never leave me”
Anyway the spiders in his room saw the whole thing and they’re still in spy mode so they telepathically report to Gwaine and he tells them to spell out ‘help coming’ for Harry to see.
Harry is terrified but he sees the messages and is relieved and passes out
He wakes up in Ottos secret lab, sees Gwaine without the Wolf Spider mask and blurts out ‘pretty’, prompting Otto to snap the pencil he was writing with in half.
Anyway he recovers in the lab, gets powers, but does not become evil! Instead a threesome happens.
That’s all I got for now
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kitewithfish · 1 year
Wednesday Reading Meme for March 29 2023
What I've Read Piranesi by Susanna Clarke - Xing Book Club - I adored this - like Tamsyn Muir's Nona the Ninth, this is written from the POV of a character who has the least information about where he is and how he got there, and the novel is largely about him finding out what happened. This is about a haunted house, maybe, from the view point of the living man doing the haunting, or maybe a labyrinth from the view of the minotaur. The atmospheric descriptions of the vast and impossible structure put me in mind of descriptions of hikers talking about walking great swaths of a trail and getting to directly experience their own minds paying attention to minute details of the world around them. I have heard it compared to House of Leaves, which seems somewhat fair - they have both have an epistolary style and a focus on an impossible space - but Piranesi is far gentler. I really, really enjoyed it - read it in a day - and I'm a bit sad I can't sum it up better! The mere plot of the thing doesn't really live up to the experience.
A Gentleman and An Officer by Trudemaethien (Restricted) https://archiveofourown.org/works/46045405 -Star Wars Clone Wars AU bit of military fic, Cody/Rex
The Creche by Blue_Sunshine https://archiveofourown.org/works/36847618 - AU Star Wars fic with a bit of a series. Anakin/Obi-Wan. Anakin goes down to the Jedi Temple's creche for the first time, after being raised mostly by Qui-Gon Jinn, and meets the crechemaster.
the first church of the end of the world by withbloodstainedclothingon https://archiveofourown.org/works/4007173 - Supernatural - Dean and Lisa and Castiel, AU of The End
What I'm Reading True Colors - Karen Traviss - 23% - static - This is a Star Wars "Legends" novel that builds out a lot of the Mandalorian culture by focusing on the military fiction adventures of a subset of clone commandos who were raised and trained by one Mandalorian trainer in particular. There's a bunch of awkward stuff in this particular novel around a pregnancy and some real patriarchal BS, which is why I'm slow with it. But it's good background for my "Clones are Fun, Actually" reading.
A Restless Truth - Freya Marske - 55% - This is a fun fantasy with ship-board mystery and a sapphic romance that is both sweet and quite sexy. The first book in this trilogy was a delight and this is also adorable. I started this about three days ago and I have been blitzing thru.
Too Like The Lightning - Ada Palmer - A re-read bc a couple of my friends are starting it. It's a future mystery with a writing style like a 18th century novel, all breathless and Englightnment that I really enjoy.
Underline the Black by not_poignant https://archiveofourown.org/works/41396784 - Not_Poignant writes some really interesting fannish-feeling original work, and this seems like it's an Omegaverse AU of that - twisty and very hurt/moderate comfort.
On Earth as It Is in Heaven by samyazaz https://archiveofourown.org/works/833193 - Soulmate AU of Vikings - You don't need to know anything other than the first season or a vague sense of how history went down
What I'll Read Next Powers of Horror - Chapter 1 - For the Great Queer Supernatural Re-Watch. This is a nonfiction theory book that is referred to in many of the horror-focused sources that we have previously read. The Gothic A Very Short Introduction - After the last reading we did kind of didn't get into what The Gothic is in literature, I figured that this might be a good little supplemental piece.
The Calculating Stars - Xing Book Club
Mexican Gothic - Discord Book Club - A re-read for me, but I enjoyed the book the first time and I think it will be fun to get into again.
Babel - Looks like it will on the Hugos list eventually, I'm trying to get out ahead of things
Owned and need to read: California Bones, Raven Song by IA Ashcroft, Kraken's Sacrifice by Katee Robert, Even Though I Know the End by CL Polk, At The Feet of the Sun by Victoria Goddard, Tamryn Eradani's Enchanting Encounters Books 2 and 3, Like Real People Do by EL Massey, Tom Stoppard, invention of love. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by Caitlin Doughty, "You Just Need to Lose Weight" and Other Myths about Fatness by Aubrey Gordon, Alisha Rai Partners in Crime, the Right Swipe, Aphorisms of Kerishdar
Owned and Read/Reading: Frey Marske's A Restless Truth, Susanna Clarke's Pirenesi,True Colors by Karen Traviss
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salmankhanholics · 2 years
★ Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan: Salman Khan's Eid release to be a monster hit, predicts trade expert!
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan: Salman Khan's Eid release to take the box office by storm as the superstar has a solid fan base feels trade expert 
March 11, 2023
When we think of Bollywood, one name that immediately comes to mind is Salman Khan. He is not just an actor, but a phenomenon, and his fan following is a testament to his popularity. His cameo in Pathaan, His swagger style at the public events, his fandom and his next movie Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi ki Jaan becoming the most talked about and awaited film, shows the megastar’s era is right here! 
Commanding the largest and a devoted number of fan following among all the actors in India, both online and offline, his social media pages have millions of followers, and his films consistently break box office records. What makes him even more special is the connection he always manages to build with the audiences. No fan of his has ever left the theatre without feeling a personal connection with him and his character, and his films are always eagerly awaited for with always increasing interest and anticipation. 
Trade expert Taran Adarsh shares :" Salman Khan's film on Eid is a festival combination on its own! Basis on the kind of fan base and huge stardom the actor has, it’s evident that once in a generation somebody gets this kind of constant stardom and loyalty. It is Salman Khan's era. His cameo in Pathaan was overwhelmed, his next KBKJ is the most anticipated movie and Tiger 3 may break multiple BO records! Yes, there is a possibility.
Salman Khan and Eid are synonymous with each other. His film releases during Eid and the tradition that it has become over the years has made Salman-ia a festival in its own right. His films bring people together, permeating every demographic constraint, and it is not uncommon to see fans lining up outside theatres for hours to catch a glimpse of their favourite superstar on the big screen.
Apart from films, Salman Khan is also the face of the popular reality show Big Boss. The show has been running for over a decade now, and Salman Khan has been hosting it for the most part. No one can think of Bigg Boss without associating the face, persona, aura and character of Salman Khan with it. He brings his own unique style to the show, and his presence has become an integral part of it. Salman’s flamboyant clout extends beyond his own movies and overarches above and beyond.
His cameo in the movie Pathaan was the hottest topic of the time and audiences still cannot help raving about his exuberant presence and performance in the movie. His appearance in the movie was unexpected, and it added to the excitement surrounding the film. It is this ability to surprise his fans that has kept them loyal to him all these years.
In an attempt to conclude what can barely be concluded, Salman Khan is not just a superstar, but a phenomenon in Bollywood. His ability to connect with his fans, his films’ box office success, and his presence in popular reality shows have made him a household name in India and around the world. His recent cameo in Pathaan is just another reminder of his star power and how he continues to be relevant and loved by his fans even after more three decades in the industry.
His next movie Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan is the most anticipated, most talked about and most awaited film of the season. Two songs released from the film and both have been chartbusters.
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tiredassmage · 2 years
8, 12, 15, Tyr :^))c
Pain and suffering. xD Pain and suffering for the agents for 1,000 years kaldfndslkfs. I'm SO sorry that is IMMEDIATELY what my brain spat out reading these numbers, lmaooo
(I'm so sorry, Tyr, I love you, I swear.)
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8. Bad memories/experiences.
[Hands over a plot summary of Imperial Agent] Cipher Nine's no good, very bad, terrible time at Imperial Intelligence. End transmission, lmao.
Okay, so yes, but also, I'll answer more specifically, lol. Spoilers for IA in (hopefully) broad strokes because if you know, you know, and if you don't, seriously, IA is my favorite story in the game, yes, I'm biased, yes I will still feed you IA superiority propaganda. *confetti shooter*
Anyway. The short version is I think his worst experiences relating to class story shenanigans are probably on Taris and Quesh. Taris because stars, he was going to help anyway, you don't need to jerk him around like an akk hound and Quesh because... not to spoiler your next question, but, stars, has Tyr ever hated anyone more than Hunter??? Probably not. There's also Dromund Kaas - particularly... eee, iirc, before Voss? The spiked message that affects the Watchers. And Shara. And that "stops his world," as he puts it to Vector. I mean, several incidents on Dromund Kaas, tbh. He's still mad they cut Imperial Intelligence at the knees at the practical height of wartime tension. He doesn't miss Lord Razer, ngl. Couldn't have happened to a nicer Sith, you know!!!!!!
(I threw in a meme, hold on, your cut's gonna go here because of the meme, lol)
And don't get him started on... I wanna say Ilum, but like, any time after the class story where you talk with someone and it's like "woe! Intelligence disbanded!" Tyr standing there like
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And you know what they say, kids. If you have issues, take it up with your local governor Dark Councilor! And maybe they won't make stupid fucking decisions like that!
OH, okay, here I can give you. A non-class story answer, too, I just had to warm up my brain. Okay. So, if you've been around a bit, you might have heard me mention Tyr's dislike for Sith started at home with his sister, Mevais, and their mother - I've vaguely described that Mevais is your more loose-canon type. She's young, powerful, has an influential family, and she knows all of this. Tyr is not only an outsider living on the good graces of her father (he was 'adopted'), but he's also has no force sensitivity to speak of. Neither does her father, sure, but bold of you to assume she doesn't bitch with her mother while he's not there. Which is often when he's an officer.
She's not physically cruel. To him. But she's a menace that doesn't stop reminding him of their different places. So, in a way, he could probably thank her for teaching him resistance and how to wear a mask, take insults on the chin, and keep his head down and keep working long before he was ever in basic training and tapped by Intelligence recruiters. Accepting Intelligence's offer was enough reason to never speak to either of them again, but it was also certainly an excuse he was more than happy to take.
And then, of course, future Sith did very little to rebuke his distaste for running over average Imperial citizens like insects and pawns rather than fellow patriots and, y'know, actual people. Sorry Jedi, he's not particularly more trusting of you, either. He's never in complete denial about the Force - he grew up on Dromund Kaas, after all, but he is rather wary of any of its users - from either side and even unaffiliated parties like the Voss. Power eats even good people when its unchecked, after all.
12. Grudges and vendettas.
Hunter. >:))))) Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, ohhh, Hunter. Tyr is never able to see this as an even remotely equal relationship. They're not charming. They're cocky. Arrogant. And Tyr absolutely believes they delight in dragging him around by the nose. That bastard's smirk about it all was one of the most haunting images of all of those hallucinations. More than anyone else, Tyr holds Hunter accountable for what he went through. In fact, it's mainly Hunter. Primarily Hunter. Is it reasonable? Fair? Eh, maybe not. But it is someone he can hold personally accountable.
Unlike the Minister whom he otherwise respected. Unlike the Dark Council, which as a whole body is far more than any one operative could ever hope to stand against, particularly in open confrontation. Jadus was enough of a wild ride - if only he'd known then that he'd go on to put a blaster to the Sith Emperor himself akdfnlsdfnldf. But, yeah, I don't think Tyr holds a vendetta for anyone else like he does Hunter. What he sees in the Voss's trials convinces him the only safe way, the only certain way to end all of this is to put a bolt between their eyes the second he has the opportunity. He's not willing to give them half a chance to get away. It's really only made worse by Hunter drawing comparisons - Tyr's already mad, he doesn't listen, he's not interested in listening, and he's sure as hell not interested in taking over the galaxy. He just wants his damn life back. And personal justice.
Anyway, to keep from continuing to harp on poor Hunter, it's worth mentioning, perhaps again, that him and Lana's relationship was strained, at best, prior to Zakuul. Leading up to Shadow of Revan, its strictly a professional relationship in which he is an operative reporting to her and gathering intelligence for operations. What little trust and respect for her unusually pragmatic nature he does build in that time for her is sniped by Theron's ordeal with the Revanites because, yes, he caught feelings (oops), and primarily because he sees it as an act 'typical' of Sith interests - burning a trusted ally just because it seems like the fastest, easiest path to her goals. Unfortunately, it takes them so long to mend the relationship because Tyr didn't particularly feel too cozy with her to begin with - not enough to call her a friend, not more than was necessary for them to perform their respective jobs together. And then, of course, he's reporting to her again in Sith Intelligence and the relationship is still strictly professional by necessity. Even right after the rescue from Zakuul is a little touchy as he tries to figure out if he does trust her and how far he does, but crisis has a way of bringing people together. By the time they're really doing work on Odessen, Tyr sees her commitment and is willing to give them both a bit of a fresh start.
Also uhh... rip Vinn Atrius. Is another person Tyr took out with extreme prejudice. There's maybe a small part of him that regrets that admittedly very in-the-moment retaliation, but it is, yet again, not something he can go back and change, so dwelling on it is not usually Tyr's course of action. In a clearer headspace, he could've absolutely found Atrius's feelings understandable, maybe even relatable, but, in the moment, he had no qualms 'proving' to be the monster Atrius wanted. He hurt Theron. Any other considerations Tyr might've had went out the window in that single action. Not after how far they'd gone, not after he'd finally just gotten him back, found out this was all just an elaborate operation to protect what they'd worked for.
15. What it takes to make them cry.
Ahahahha, whatever it is, I'll probably cry about it because he doesn't like to, usually! He is definitely not about to let this be a public thing. Too many people had access to his mind over the years without his explicit consent and, without a purpose, it's... not in his usual missions, no, lol.
Off-handed, I think... the few times I've possibly seen this man cry have been in moments of... relief doesn't seem quite right, but in essence, yeah. Tyr still tries to take a lot of life on by himself, I think, even with the Alliance as a sort of proven support network. With the Alliance more than any other point in his life, Tyr has people he trusts and relies on with little to no doubts about their motivations or loyalties. Theron, of course, is a relief to have back in his life as the one person he had the easiest time relating to and is probably the person that knows the most about Tyr Deckard as he's mustered up the courage enough to share. So, it's probably been mostly to Theron.
And it's usually quiet. Probably usually because he's been reminded he isn't alone, his experiences and reactions to them are valid. And absolutely when he almost lost Theron. And... possibly in private, alone, pacing his quarters after Theron's 'defection.' But you'll never get him to confirm or deny and if anybody in the Alliance knows, they're not talking. So, I guess, tldr, moments of extreme emotional honesty, times where he's felt he's been able to lay himself bare and be accepted, jagged edges and all. Theron's shoulder is a really good place for him to hide and process all of that vulnerability.
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littleperilstories · 2 years
The Prince of Thieves: How Tedious It Is to Be Surrounded by Fools
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Mood Boards | Chapter Titles | Also on A03!
Warnings: Fantasy-esque prison setting, restraints (shackles), nasty law enforcement, power imbalance, Bad Guy POV, lady whump
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Word count: 1691 || Approx reading time: 7 mins
How Tedious It Is to Be Surrounded by Fools
Teaser: “Perhaps she does not realize how thoroughly beaten they are at this game. But it will surely be amusing to watch them play. And since pain doesn’t seem to work on the little demon prince, I wish to know what will drive him to spill his secrets in the end.”
I am utterly dumbfounded when Michaelson informs me what our intrepid IA thieves have been up to.
“You’re…being truthful?” I peer down at Michaelson, doubt pricking at my insides. My junior is good at keeping prisoners in line, which is one thing his nasty streak is good for, but I wouldn’t put it past him to contrive some sort of dramatics in order to justify more punishment. I have a sneaking suspicion that if he didn’t wear the uniform, our relationship might be something very different.
However, he is insistent that it all happened as he says it did. “Ask Lenton. She picked it right off him. He didn’t even notice.”
Good god. Stealing right off his belt? I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying not to let my frustration show. Four years on the streets, or wherever she crawled off to the night she left, have turned Miss Breanna Cooper into more of a wild animal than I realized.
“With all due respect, sir…”
Never a good thing to hear from one’s subordinate. But I nod, giving him leave to speak his mind. “What is it you wish to say?”
“Sir, I do mean this respectfully, but is it…wise…to keep them so close to one another? To let them talk?”
Retsing my hands on my desk, I meet his eyes squarely. “What are you afraid will happen, Officer Michaelson?” His is a valid question, of course, but still I must suppress a wave of irritation. Brutes like him, they have no vision. It has not occurred to him, clearly, that there might be a reason for holding the thieves together.
“Well, the girl’s only just been brought in, and she was bold enough to take the flask right off Lenton’s person—”
Bold enough indeed. “I am learning rather quickly,” I cut in, “that Breanna Cooper is capable of churning up mayhem wherever she goes. Isolating her from the boy will do little to change that.” I raise my eyebrows. “Did you not say it yourself that you believe the girl acted of her own free will?”
“Well, it sure seemed like he was trying to cover for her. To be heroic.”  He sneers the last word, but still Michaelson is unsure. “Won’t they cause more trouble together?”
Oh, that is perhaps so. In fact, I am counting on it. “We ensured at the whipping post that the fox-thief can’t do much of anything right now.” A smirk rises to Michaelson’s face at the reminder. “And, I must confess, I am interested to see if a change in tactics will help to loosen that dirty tongue of his.”
Michaelson, bless him, is a good constable, but he doesn’t carry much between his ears. “Sir?”
“Sweet little Breanna showed us her hand immediately,” I say, thinking of the shrill gasp she let slip when she set eyes on the thief, the frantic pitch of her voice as she begged for us to stop his punishment.
It was not only she, though, who laid bare a weakness for us to see. Though the fox-thief surely didn’t even know it at the time, he also unwittingly gave up his.
The Johnston boy, that other thief we caught, the one who was hanged—there was nothing between him and “Fox,” and still the thief-prince wept to see him hang.
Not many brains inside that ruddy head of his, but in his chest beats a pathetic, bleeding heart.
But these two…they know one another. “Perhaps she does not realize how thoroughly beaten they are at this game. But it will surely be amusing to watch them play. And since pain doesn’t seem to work on the little demon prince, I wish to know what will drive him to spill his secrets in the end.”
I suspect my junior still does not understand. No matter. It is I who is in charge. “Thank you for the update, Michaelson.”
He nods, at least catching that he is now dismissed, and disappears.
The scene is as Michaelson described: young Miss Cooper remains in the cell next to the boy’s, but she is curled dejectedly at the back wall, a manacle around one wrist.
“You couldn’t even go a single day without causing a fuss?” I glare down at her from outside the bars. “Did you actually believe you’d get away with stealing inside here? Off his belt? Are you daft?”
She fixes me with a burning stare, but she says nothing.
“You won’t speak? Learned your lesson, then, have you, about back-talking your betters?”
Her face tightens, twists into something savage and hideous, before she calms her features again. “What do you want?”
“And now you are angry,” I go on, ignoring the question, “because someone is finally doling out consequences for your severely questionable choices.”
Still, Breanna does not move. What can she say to argue? All I said is true. She opens her mouth, clearly about to try, but another voice speaks first.
“Leave her alone.”
Prickles of heat sweep through my body. Oh, how I love it when the thief dares to give me orders. “What was that, boy?”
“I said, leave her alone.” The boy shifts, rattling the chains on his legs. “Did you just come here to gloat?”
“You have quite some nerve, telling me what to do.” The torchlight casts shaky, bar-shaped shadows across his pitiful face. He is looking at me, but he remains still, hunched in what must be quite a lot of pain. Pathetic.
“Your junior already did enough,” he says.
“Fox.” Breanna’s voice is quiet. Brimming with warning. She may have made a dire miscalculation in this ridiculous water-flask debacle, but it seems she has more sense between the two of them.
A fact that is demonstrated when the boy plunges ahead with ordering me around. “Have someone bring her more water,” the thief says. “She hasn’t had any in—”
“The way I hear it,” I cut in, shaking my head, “you both should have had plenty of that very thing.”
“Well, we didn’t.” The boy straightens slightly, eliciting a wince. I wonder what, then, they used the water for. Or whether they’re simply lying. Still, it’s refreshing to see him pretending to be human for a few minutes, talking like someone of value instead of roaring and cursing like a beast. “And he knocked over her cup. She hasn’t had a drink in hours. You can’t deny her water.”
I don’t move. “As you well know, fox-thief, I can do as I wish.” A glance at Breanna tells me she is glaring at both of us. “And interestingly enough, as I listened to your request, I did not hear the word please. If you truly wanted me to take this matter seriously, you might at least pretend to be civilized for a few precious minutes.”
What I wouldn’t give to have that look immortalized in stone—the wide-eyed, grudging acceptance that I will not consider doing what he wants unless he shows the respect he’s been so resolutely denying me until now.
She will tell him to leave the matter alone, to disobey. It is all too clear what manner of woman she has become in recent years. She may have been a gentle girl who knew her place once upon a time, but that time is long gone.
“Please, Constable Hatchett.” The sound of those words, even spat unwillingly through gritted teeth, is a thing of beauty. “Won’t you bring more water?”
It is tempting, very tempting indeed, to remain still, to wait for more, to really make him grovel, and maybe her too, but I can accept a victory with grace. As I walk away, I pause again by Breanna’s cell. “You cannot even make requests on your own behalf, Miss Cooper? Letting the boy take your blame earlier, now having him beg for you?”
She sits up suddenly enough, cracking her chain against the wall, that I know I’ve struck a nerve. “That’s not—”
“You’re even more of a faithless minx than I thought.”
She stares at me wildly for a few moments, as if she cannot decide how to proceed from here.
“Take this off.” She raises her shackled wrist. “It’s pointless. I can’t go anywhere.”
I can’t help it—I laugh. “You think I’m going to do that?”
Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. “No one’s worried about you going anywhere, Miss Cooper. I think they’re worried about your little thieving fingers going where they don’t belong.” Looking at her, at the both of them, makes me sick. “You really believe you’re somehow above the rules, don’t you?”
“It’s not that.”
Bullshit. “Then what is it?”
Even in the dim light, I can see the way she sets her jaw. Stubborn little bitch.
“You need to send the medic to do his job,” she says. Quiet now. As if being demure will somehow sway me to her cause.
I’m about to ask why when I glance over at the boy in the cell next to her. Ah. For him.
“Now you’re giving me orders, too, Miss Cooper? How very bold you’ve become.”
“I’ll think about it.” Before she can say anything else to piss me off, I walk away.
I bark a set of orders at the first junior I see. “Bring water to the IA girl. Breanna Cooper. Make sure she can reach it.” He scurries off with only a nod, perhaps seeing the look on my face and understanding that insubordination and stupidity will not be tolerated in my prison.
Which means I will need to speak with my juniors. Fear and pain—torturing the thief, forcing Breanna to count each strike—are good for loosening a prisoner’s tongue, and consequences—whipping him for his escape attempt, restraining her to prevent any more attempts at thievery—are necessary in an institution such as this. But denying her water… As much as I hate to admit it, the boy is right. I want her alive. Both of them.
Neither of them can be permitted to die until every last drop of usefulness has been wrung dry.
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Tagging: @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @gala1981, @kixngiggles .
[Banner ID: A narrow horizontal, rectangular banner featuring a barred archway. The bars and the stone walls evoke the feeling of a dungeon or prison. There are burning candles on either side of the archway. The title of the story, The Prince of Thieves, appears in white text in the centre of the image. The author's username, abbreviated to LPS from littleperilstories, appears in the bottom right corner in partially transparent text. End ID.]
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hyphenscs · 2 years
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It was an absolute honor for Arun Pandit ® Co-founder of Hyphen SCS to give the vote of thanks to respected Arun Goyal Sir at a special session organized by the Young Leaders Council AIMA on the topic “Indian Economy and Role of Youth in the 20th Century”. His distinguished academic record i.e. clearing three of the toughest exams in the country i.e. IIT, IIM, and IAS without coaching or taking any leave is simply awe-inspiring. His focus on integrity, hunger for learning, continuous development, building expertise in a niche, life being a marathon, not a sprint, the indispensable role of hard work, and the need of staying humble and grounded as an essential ingredient for success were some of the key takeaways. He is currently a Member of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission and also the former Secretary to Govt. of India. He is a retired Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer with more than 34 years of wide-ranging experience, particularly in the areas of power, finance, infrastructure, trade, and industry. He has been a part of some of the most historic reforms in India - Transition from GATT to WTO regime; Carrying forward Delhi's power reforms involving unbundling & privatization of distribution; Setting up India's Financial Intelligence Unit and establishing Anti- Money Laundering regime and Rolling out of GST in time bound manner. This session was moderated by the ever-so-lively and dynamic Dr. Himanshu Talwar, Chairman, Delhi and NCR Chapter for Young Leaders Council AIMA by All India Management Association (AIMA), and also an International TEDx speaker. Arun Goyal Sir also found time to understand what we are building at Hyphen SCS and shared his valuable suggestions and priceless blessings for our success. Visit hyphenscs.com to know more! #experience #india #management #learning #finance #development #coaching #leaders #economy #power #infrastructure #intelligence #success #electricity #building #aima #ylc #arungoyal #arunpandit #hyphenscs #himanshutalwar #diplomat #ias #iim #iit #hyphenscs #voteofthanks #events #seminars #leadership
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