#I've watched both Goofy movies and to see Max when he was younger is just so cute
belacottie · 4 months
Best comfort show ever:Goof troop
I loved goofy and Max every since I was a kid and I didn't even know this show existed until like 2 days ago.And it's everything to me I love it so much🥺
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nobodycallsmerae · 3 years
Not long ago you'd shared a prompt list, so bbrae best friends to lovers meeting the parents one-shot please? brownie points if you add some disney reference cuz I've been obsessed with your titans musical fic!!!
Oh wow, this is my first time getting a prompt, I hope I don’t suck ^^’ My exams are coming and school has been killing me so sorry for the late answer.
And, Thank you so much for that sweet comment!! I'm really glad you're enjoying my fic!! ^^
Also, I actually have no idea what it's like to meet your partner’s parents, or why people seem to be nervous about it. But anyway, instead of writing an awkward and unrealistic conversation, I wrote a small, very short “pre-meeting the parents” scenario. I hope you like it :)) --ngl I was thinking max. 500 words but it ended up at 1k lol
‘Oh no, no! You did not just say that!’ Victor exclaimed, clutching his chest in a dramatic manner. ‘Don’t tell me you’ve never watched Cinderella!?’
‘I have watched Cinderella!...It was the.. Sofia Carson version..?’ Garfield exclaimed, feeling embarrassed for no necessary reason. ‘And isn’t it a chick flick anyway?’
‘That was not the original movie!! The Disney animated one was a real classic!’ Vic said. He turned towards the girl walking with them, who was currently scrolling through her phone. ‘Raven, what kind of an illiterate boyfriend do you have? ...Raven?’
Raven sighed, not really paying attention to them and turned her phone so the boys could look at it. ‘Kory and Dick won’t be able to make it for movie night tonight.’
‘What why?’ Gar asked, walking closer to get a better look at the device. ‘They’re going on a double date with Kitten and her boyfriend? Again? Why? We’re not even friends with them.’
‘Man, I feel like with these double dates all Kitten is actually trying to do is find more ways to spend time with Dick.’ Vic scratched his head. ‘Should we be worried?’
‘Don’t worry Victor.’ Raven put her phone back into her jacket’s pocket. ‘Kory and him have been dating since freshman year, and they’re even going to go to the same college-’
‘And I feel like the real reason we have to be worried is that when y’all are gonna make me watch the “disney classic”.’ Gar butted in with a pout.
‘Well, I gotta head home now,’ Vic chuckled, pointing at the crossroads. ‘Guess we’ll do this another time then?’
‘Sure!’ Raven and Gar nodded, and waved as they parted ways with their friend. The two teenagers walked down the same street side by side, in a comforting silence.
‘Hey! Wanna crash by my place?’ Gar suggested, holding Raven’s hand.
‘Sure,’ The girl smiled, but then flinched as she remembered something.
‘What?’ Gar said, his voice breaking in a chuckle looking at her shocked expression.
‘..Wouldn’t.. Rita be there?’ Raven asked, rather timidly.
‘Yeah.. so?’ Their palms were still joined, and Garfield gently started swaying their intertwined hands as they walked forward. ‘Meeting Rita hasn’t ever been a problem for you… What happened?’
'I mean..' Raven stumbled upon her words, and as Gar stopped to look at her, he saw that her whole face was colored in a lovely red. 'It would be the first time I would be meeting her as your gi.. girlfriend.'
Gar started laughing at her flustered form, and she frustratedly punched him in the arm. 'It might seem really easy to you, but.. what if your mom doesn't.. like me? What if she doesn't... accept me as your girlfriend?' Raven hid her face in his shoulder blades, almost as if giving him a side hug.
'Rae..' Gar finally looked at her, properly, his eyes shining with tenderness. 'Rita loves you. You've met her a thousand times!! And you guys have already had your introductions-'
'I wouldn't exactly call it introductions, Gar.' Raven gave him a playful skeptical look. 'The first time I had to talk to her was when we were 12, and it was because you were in the park-'
'WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT THAT!!!' The boy yelled rather bashfully, remembering his younger self with a tinge of self pity while Raven laughed. 'What I meant to say was..' He started. 'Rita is really fond of you; And I wouldn't be surprised if she loves you more than me..! We've been best friends for more than a decade, and.. now you're my girlfriend,' He softly touched her cheek, as she nuzzled into his hand. 'I'm sure she'll be more than happy to know that we're dating…’
‘Would it make me look really stupid if I say that I’m kinda nervous.. And scared?’ Raven’s lips slightly tilted upwards.
‘Never.’ Gar gave her a reassuring smile. ‘And, whatever happens, I’ll be there with you.’ He held her hand again, and neither of them could help it as they both broke into a goofy grin.
Without their realization, they’d walked towards Gar’s house during their conversation, and now they were currently standing in front of the rather large two-storey manor which Gar called home.
‘Shall we?’ He bowed playfully, and both of them walked towards the entrance.
Raven closed her eyes and took a big breath as Gar pressed the doorbell. When Raven opened her eyes, instead of being greeted by the tall, feminine figure she was expecting, she saw a short, well-built man standing in front of her instead.
‘Steve!’ Gar exclaimed, and he seemed nervous; like he wasn’t expecting to see his father standing there. ‘What are you doing here..? I-I mean, I thought you were on your business trip?’
‘I was.. But it ended early so I returned.’ The man answered with a slight chilly edge to his voice, which ran a shiver down both of the teen’s bodies. ‘Do you have a problem with that, son?’
‘N-no, Sir- Steve! Not at all-!’ She could hear Gar fumble on his words beside her, but she wasn’t focused on that, not when Steve’s rather angry-looking eyes were studying her so intently.
‘So.. Is this Raven Roth?’ The older man asked. Even though Raven had known Rita whilst she was friends with Gar, she’d never really met Steve; and he didn’t seem to care about knowing Gar’s friends either.
‘Y-Yeah, this is Raven... My girlfriend.’ Gar said, squeezing Raven’s hand. She wasn’t sure if it was to give her reassurance or gain some support himself, but the way he said the sentence with the tone of affection made Raven all giddy inside.
‘Hmm..’ Steve let out a skeptical hum, looking at both of them intently, and Raven braced herself.
Well, as long as we do it together. She thought.
‘Garfield.’ Steve finally said, and Raven could feel Gar stand straight beside her. ‘Go upstairs, Rita wants to talk to you... Meanwhile,’ He finally looked at Raven in the eye. ‘I would like to have some words with Ms. Roth over here.’
Oh, joy.
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