#I've wanted to have all my pc stuff in white for so long so it can match my pc
dianagj-art · 1 year
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Look at my beautiful bad economic decisions from last month I love them so much
(Now is a new month and I can do more bad decisions 😌 meaning I'm buying a zelda game and paying nintendo online so I can play overcooked with friends)
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moosegbt · 11 months
What did you use to convert the digital video to analog for your OTGW tape? I'm a former video tape archivist and I've only ever gone the opposite direction :x
I essentially tricked my PC into thinking a VCR was a monitor, so it would send its video out into the VCR. I fine tuned the video output settings with the Nvidia drivers to make it a little crisper (this is also paired with the project being rendered at 480i to fit the format). I added a little time at the beginning and end of the video to allow time for me to stick in a blank tape and hit record.
For the orange tape, I did all that, THEN I took apart the tape I was recording on (black) and switched out the inner reels with a copy of the Rugrats Movie (orange). I’m not too big of a fan of the orange one, considering orange is reserved specifically for Nickelodeon stuff, but it looked really good when viewed in the Halloween mindset.
For my future projects, I would love to do:
- Scott Pilgrim on a red VHS
- ITSV with a black tape and a red latch
- Steven Universe Season 1 across 4 tapes (due to its length) in Yellow, Blue, White, and Pink.
- Steven Universe the Movie in Pink
- The FNAF movie on a white VHS (white was usually reserved for very young children’s media like Barney and Little Einstein, so I think it would really fit the Chuck E Cheese aesthetic)
I have a HUGE respect for physical media archivists, that’s an awesome line of work. I have an old really long VHS recording of when they aired They Might be Giants on the series finale of Blues Clues on Nick Jr, and I’ve been meaning to teach myself how to digitize it correctly. I’ve made digital recordings of it using my VCR, but I want to make a higher quality scan.
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sxyphen · 9 months
soooo I made some morphology's and outfits for td charcters, here’s what I have so far (warning, this is gonna be long)
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Gwen: outfit (Female Pearlcatcher; teal Jupiter, obsidian Basic, and emerald Basic) This is one of my personal favorites, it's simple but it works really well, but you'll see the morphologies and outfits get more complicated soooo
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Courtney: outfit (Female Coatl; sand Cherub, camo Constellation, and wisteria Basic) Another favorite, she just looks pretty :3
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Duncan: outfit (Male Bogsneak, eldritch Cinder, fern Blaze, and flaxen Basic) Silly little eepy guy, I feel like this is probably the most accurate dragon of any td character i've made. not much to say about him tho
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Alejandro: outfit (Male Imperial; coral Python, maroon Shimmer, and blood Smoke) This is actually a dragon that I have, you can check him out here, but it actually took a couple tries to get an outfit that I think works with him lol
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Bridgette: outfit (Female Skydancer; caribbean Lionfish, sanddollar Shimmer, and cobalt Okapi) nothing much to say other than, pretty :3
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Geoff: outfit (Male Pearlcatcher; magenta Clown, ivory Butterfly, and strawberry Spines) same with Bridgette, I wanted them to be matching, cause, y'know. they kiss :<, but I honestly prefer this one over Bridgette (the outfit, not the morphology)
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Harold: outfit (Male Ridgeback; periwinkle Skink, orange Hex, and fern Stained) I'm really happy with how this came out, even if it took a couple redos lol, and the steampunk apparel works with Harold's, vibe
ok for some stupid reason I can't put the pictures of Beth, Justin, Katie and Sadie [im on pc], so I'm just going to link the morphologies here: Beth (Female Aether; ivory Candy, magenta Butterfly, and shamrock Wish), Justin (Male Aether; bronze Boa, hunter Daub, and overcast Flutter), Katie and Sadie (Female Aberration; brown Pinstripe, ivory Flair, and cottoncandy Koi)
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Ezekiel: outfit (Male Wildclaw; algae Pinstripe, soil Patchwork, and stonewash Veined) My favorite tbh, can't really explain why it just, ✨does✨
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Feral Ezekiel: outfit (Male Mirror; fern Stiched, camo Patchwork, and cobalt Ghost) yeah, i made the eepy. i changed the breed cause 1) it reflects how ezekiel changed after his mutation, and 2) Male Wildclaw's position(?) isn't creaturey enough
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Leshawna: outfit (Female Obelisk; ginger Falcon, obsidian Rosette, and cerise Contour) Nothing much to say about this one tbh, she looks real pretty tho :D
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Owen: outfit (Male Snapper; metals Ground, marigold Safari, and teal Koi) I like this one, it's simple but unfortunately i couldn't find anything to represent his maple leaf :(
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Cody: outfit (Male Coatl; gold Swirl, twilight Fissure, and copper Contour) i'm honestly not happy with this one, specifically the outfit. might redo this one later, and remove all the autumn stuff
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DJ: outfit (Male Tundra; camo Python, brown Constellation, and dust Runes) lookie, is my boy :3333333333
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Izzy: outfit (Female Mirror; sunshine Clown, pear Eye Spots, and avocado Gembond) really happy with this one, it fits her well and gives off her craziness :>
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Sierra: outfit (Female Spiral; jade Clown, mulberry Hypnotic, and blackberry Opal) i'm very lucky to have found the apparel that i did for her, cause if i didn't, i have no idea what outfit to have given her ;-; but yeah she pretty
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Eva: outfit (Female Snapper; cobalt Falcon, sapphire Peregrine, and obsidian Spines) big buff lady :D
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Tyler: outfit (Male Ridgeback; cherry Jupiter, sable Eel, and white Basic) A fan of this one, and the Love's Herald was a gift from Lindsay. and now thinking about it, i might wanna make some lore for this. it's a big maybe though
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Lindsay: outfit (Female Fae; garnet Flaunt, honey Jester, and cornflower Scales) i don't know how to feel abt this one, not a fan of it. and also will probably redo the outfit. the morphology i can live with.
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Noah: outfit (Male Nocturne; brown Jupiter, pthalo Safari, and crimson Underbelly) another favorite, it gives off very Noah vibes lol (and i just realized that he shares a gene with Owen. so do with that information as you will)
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Trent: outfit (Male Skydancer; algae Viperia, forest Eel, and obsidian Koi) I love this one, gives off very bard/guitarist kinda vibes. and if there was lore, i imagine trent would be a nomad entertainer, playing in small towns and cities, and maybe at a bar or two
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Chris: outfit (Male Fae; forest Falcon, teal Myrid, and obsidian Smoke) look, it's him, the guy!!!!/j but in all seriousness, this is literally just him. entitled little short king who slays (i also have one for Chef, but it's yucky :,<)
i had one for Heather, but I deleted the outfit for her, which was of a dragon that i already sold, soooooooo i'm just gonna make a new one for her :3 also thank you for reading this long ass post (if you actually did), it means a lot to me :3
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semper-legens · 6 months
25. Destined, by PC and Kristin Cast
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Owned: No, library Page count: 325 My summary: Neferet's plans have ramped up. Killing Zoey's mother to make her perfect vessel, Aurox, wasn't enough. She wants to destroy Zoey and her friends, and she's going to need power to do it. The Darkness is calling...meanwhile, Zoey's friends face trouble amongst themselves. Rephaim is still settling in, and Erin and Shaunee have started to separate themselves. And Zoey is grieving her mother's death. Can they get it together long enough to find out what really happened? My rating: 1/5 My commentary:
Back at it again with the House of Night and hoo boy folks, this one's a doozy. I'm so close to the endgame now - only three more to go after this! And as soon as they come into the library, I swear, I'm speedrunning this shit. But this post is going to be the opposite of speedrunning. Turns out I have a lot to say about this continued train wreck, and I'm gonna spill a lot of digital ink in so doing! So without further ado, let's get down to it.
Right off the bat, we have a healthy dose of ableism! Yep, this book introduces Shaylin, who became blind as a child and is Marked by Erik. But she's Marked as a red vampire, and immediately regains her sight - and is gifted an aura-sensing True Sight. And of course, she goes on and on and on about how great it is that she's not blind anymore, and how bad being blind was, and it's just enough to make me cringe. Because all blind people need is to magically get their sight back! Not, like, better accommodations to help them live in a world that hasn't been built for them, or to be treated like actual adults or something. Nope. Magical sight, that's the best thing. It carries forward that unhealthy idea that vampires in this world are physically 'perfect' - before, we've seen the kids whose bodies reject the Change being portrayed as fat, greasy, and unfit. Now, it seems that disabled kids aren't allowed to be vampires while retaining their disability. Gross!
Nefert has a new boytoy, and his name is Aurox. Get it, because he's a werebull. Sort of - he was gifted by the white bull of Darkness, and he can turn into a bull involuntarily. But because Neferet botched the summoning, Aurox has a soul and stuff. Specifically, Heath's. Remember Heath? Zoey's human boyfriend, got necksnapped by Kalona? Yeah, the book treats it like it's a big mystery, but it's so obvious that it's Heath. Aurox knows things about Zoey he shouldn't, calls Zoey by Heath's pet name for her, has his mannerisms…it's one thing for a book for teenagers to be simpler than I, an adult, expect, it's another for it to be so obvious that a toddler could realise what's going on. And yet again, we've got another topless teen badboy who angsts about being evil and is gonna get a redemption arc. Christ alive, how many of those are there? Stark, Kalona, Rephaim, now Aurox…we get it, Casts, you got a kink. Can you please come up with another male character?
Speaking of male characters, in order to sew some chaos, Neferet's invited humans to come work at the House of Night, which means we're introduced to Lenobia's cowboy, Travis. He's a cowboy. Who works at the stables. And Lenobia, running minor character and horsemaster at the House of Night, is falling hard for him. What does this relationship do, plotwise, other than add a sexy cowboy to the cast? Even though I've criticised things like Stevie Rae and Rephaim or Zoey and…most male characters…I can at least acknowledge that they serve a function. Introducing or adding to the theme of redemption, giving those characters conflicts and secrets, furthering the plot somehow. But this? I guess it's giving us an insight into Lenobia, but so far all I've gathered is that she has a thing for cowboys and doesn't want to be romantically involved with anyone but oh no this guy's too sexy. It drags the book down and takes up valuable page time - not to mention that Travis himself has less depth than a Mills and Boon cowboy. He's just…charming and folksy and respectful to Lenobia and loves horses. Exactly the sexy cowboy archetype. Bleh. Lenobia seems like she might have been an interesting character, but the new context we learn about her is entirely about her love life, or lack thereof, and nothing to do with who she is as a person. It's lacklustre, is what I'm getting at here.
Neferet continues to be the big bad, evilly doing evil things because she's evil. She's escalated to human sacrifice and gives blood to the Darkness to drink whenever she needs something. As if she wasn't enough of a cackling supervillain already. My biggest problem with Neferet is that there's no depth to her. Why is she doing what she's doing? Sure, she wants power, she wants to rule the world and become a goddess, but why? I don't need a Disney-live-action-movie backstory for her, just something other than her hatred for Zoey and lust for power! Has this always been a facet of her from before Zoey? Was she striving towards this goal before Zoey? And, of course, for all that the Casts seem to think they're clever for making the evil bull the white one, we have the Darkness demanding blood in order to do Neferet's bidding. Not at all an overdone trope. And the way they take it from her is uncomfortably sexual - almost like the Casts haven't gotten over their whole 'slutshame the villainous female character' thing. Above all, though, Neferet falls into the biggest trap for her character archetype - she's not camp enough. If you want to have a cackling balls-to-the-wall Evil Bitch as a main villain, she needs to own it. Think Maleficent! Think Ursula! Neferet just isn't interesting enough or ridiculous enough, that's my problem.
Meanwhile, there's trouble in Zoey's inner circle. Erin and Shaunee, the Twins, have started to un-twin themselves, separating from each other to become their own people. This would be a perfectly fine plot point, but for three things. One, Erin and Shaunee aren't well-developed in general - literally, their only character trait is that they are Twins. This would be a good time to give them more character, except that this mostly unfolds with people standing around and telling Shaunee how much nicer she is now, rather than us being shown it really. Two, it seems to come right out of nowhere? There's no particular reason it happens. And three, none of the other characters seem to care about Erin after it happens. They're obviously setting up for Erin to become more of an antagonistic character later, but as soon as the split occurs, all Zoey and her friends seem to care about and check in on is Shaunee - nobody ever checks in on Erin or seems to give much of a shit about her as a person. Which is…really fucking weird? Like, if Zoey et al had checked in on Erin and been yelled at or something, that'd make sense. But it's like this girl wasn't their friend at all, so quickly is she dumped. And that's just lazy writing. It's a clear signal to the reader that Shaunee is the 'good one' and Erin is the 'bad one', despite it being a particularly cold and uncaring thing for the characters to do in-universe. There's no reason why Zoey can't be like 'hey are you okay' to Erin at least once. It'd give a chance to show how Erin is changing! But nope. Subtext is for cowards. Let's just spell it all out to the audience. Wouldn't want them to start thinking.
And yet, for all that seems to be going on here, that's actually a negative. Because it makes the book so unfocused. You can hardly concentrate on one plot thread, so much is being brought up and juggled and dropped. And a lot of it isn't resolved - sure, this is a series and there's three more books after this, but it just feels like the Casts are throwing a lot of spaghetti at the wall to see what will stick. It strikes me as a series that hasn't been tightly planned, that was loosely improvisational, and it really shows. New conflicts come out of nowhere and aren't properly foreshadowed in anyone's behaviour. New twists are set up that are predictable from the moment they are introduced. Characters are sort of fleshed out, but only in very limited ways. Characters stick to one-dimensional archetypes. There's a lot going on, but it's all as thin as paper. And it's just as bad as all the books that came before it.
Next up, time travelling meets a pirate tale.
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semi-imaginary-place · 7 months
ffxiv ill mheg 2 and rak'tika 1
2 headed wolf of voeburt. like the 2 headed eagle of the germanic kingdoms?
dohn mheg. i kinda miss actual dungeons that were mazes would have been appropriate here
ardbert's got that chronic depression rizz
firs tthe echo makes pc best canditate for primals and now the blessing of light makes them suitable for lightwardens. isn't it great being the player character
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i was eating chocolate so this line blindsided me because it's very different and 4 times as long in the og japanese. so i didn't get it all but whats different is something like i'm not the real minfilia im not the minfilia that is his family
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yeah that sounds like him. 5 years and a different world didn't make him any less emo
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this is my favorite section of the game so far.
fandom is such a liar. emet selch is the true femboy of ffxiv. he's such a drama queen (literally too since he was the main patron of the sb raid theater group). he just came here to complain
speaking of ill mheg and lakeland. those don't look like 100 year old ruins. (or was lakeland earlier i dont remember). but stone structures even without maintenence don't fall apart that fast like irl we have stone castles and pyramids that are hundreds or thousands of years old. stone is durable. wood is the stuff that will fall apart after a hundred or two years. i guess the pixies went on a wrecking spree?
rak'tika greatwood. y'shtola joined a cult.
wow he's really got nothing better to do than follow us around
y'shtola joined a paranoid xenophobic cult. they called anne-san! an oira character! oira characters are the best! damn she really went no contact
yeah i got spoiled on this plot point but it's concerning that pc-kun is aetherically indistinguishable from a sin eater
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oh so this is a persistent script change. in jp minfilia says "I'm not the real one" and this isn't the first time she's referred to herself as not the real one. honmono ja nai or something
idealism, hedonism, spirituality. also interesting that rak'tika is the only place outside of the shroud ive seen teh duskright models being used.
rather convenient that krile of all the scions didn't get summoned. well i guess post sb she's messing with eureka. but still imagine if 5 sine eaters were distributed among 3 people instead of 1. 5/3= 1.67 and wol-chan is ok at 2.
... it's a new age cult. the night's blessed see themselves as stars in a night sky, lights in the dark or do they consider stars/candles to be a part of the darkness too?
huh just noticed everyone this expansion is in black and white. minfilia is in mostly white. urianger and y'shtola in black. thancred is in white and black . alphi and alisaie are the most colorful. and my player character is all in white too.
... pc didn't tell anyone about ardbert.
it doesn't come across as much in eng but in jp vauthy's speech pattern is unusually childish for his position
weren't the murderous faction wanting to kill everyone. really ranjit is the better option. the audience knows the night's blessed are the "good" ones but really this sounds like a religious faction skirmish, what is one belief system over another.
finally i've been hearing about the great serpent of ronka for years now. is that a tsukinoko?
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huntunderironskies · 2 years
Hey thaks for responding my other question but i have come to bother you once more (i am really sorry btw). But do you think that werewolves are weaker in comparison to the other cofd splats in a 1on1 fight ? Like how would like a wofle compit against an obfuscated (invisible) vamp for example?
No worries, I love talking game design and the details of mechanics. :>
Quick terminology note: I use the abbreviations RAW and RAI which are, respectively, rules-as-written and rules-as-intended. RAI can include edge case rulings of "this makes sense but the writers didn't specifically say it" such as death mimicking powers like Cold Embrace which stop your metabolism also halting the progression of illness or poison. But it can also mean things like "I know what these rules are supposed to be and what they're trying to communicate but they're not doing it the way they're supposed to so I'm tweaking some things," which is about the position I ended up with regarding down and dirty combat since it's wayyyyyyy too swingy for trying to show a one-sided beatdown.
The term "whiteroom" is used in English-speaking tabletop communities to describe the most basic possible combat scenario, two guys facing off in a white room without any confounding factors like terrain, the roleplay setting, external resources like allies the characters might have, and so on.
Now, I'm going to have to put this behind a cut because it got very long.
So, the short answer is that it's super hard to whiteroom this stuff. CofD characters are way more varied and have more potential iterations than, say, DnD characters. One of the complicating factors is that drawn out fights are actually discouraged in CofD versus other games (unless you're a mummy, then you'll be fine.) The general answer to this is supposed to be "werewolves are most deadly in groups" but even that's not quite right. A smart werewolf won't get into a protracted conflict, period, unless maybe they're a Blood Talon. They're an ambush hunter, they're going to harry any prey and disappear off into the night, repeat until something's dead.
However, that doesn't really answer the question, so let's talk about hard counters. You mentioned vampires specifically, which isn't surprising since Obfuscate and any physical Disciplines tend to be...problematic for combat encounter balancing and tend to be the first realization for GMs that if monster PCs want something bad enough and are willing to spend all of their resources in pursuit of it, they'll get it and you just have to accept that and plan around it.
When talking about Obfuscate I generally assume people are referring to using Obfuscate 3/Cloak of Night specifically since RAW Obfuscate 1 doesn't help with anything other than people being much less likely to intervene when they see you doing something suspicious. I think the rule people overlook here is aura effects end Cloak of Night. Werewolves RAW have an aura effect in their Hunter's Aspect, which all werewolves have as of Shunned by the Moon, not just werewolves with an Auspice. So they would need to survive one strike (which, unless you're at an extreme of Harmony, you can shift to Gauru as a reflexive action in some way or another, meaning it's absolutely doable given the healing factor involved if you are sufficiently desperate) and then they'll be good for a turn and just need to successfully impose their Hunter's Aspect on the vampire.
(RAI I politely disagree with Player's Guide to the Contagion Chronicle about not giving other supernatural beings aura effects and one of the houserules I've bootstrapped on is giving other things aura effects given how useful they can be for these kind of rules interactions. I mean, CofD is not balanced and isn't supposed to be, but you know. Some are pretty straightforward like a Sin-Eater using their liminal aura and some I had to get creative with.)
Werewolves also have an equivalent to the Obfuscate > attack > Obfuscate > repeat death spiral maneuver if they have access to Evasion Gifts, which gets even more potent if they have Stealth or Strength paired with it, because they get what is arguably the best damage reduction power in all gamelines with Hit and Run. Burn one Essence for a guaranteed escape from one attack, and then roll if there's a hiding place to see if you can re-establish stealth and repeat an ambush. I had a (....highish ranked, he was effective Spirit Rank 3 and hit Cunning 4) Irraka in one of my games who took out three ancillae vampires without taking a level of health damage between that and clever usage of Eviscerate + Divide and Conquer so he wasn't getting ganged up on, and using Feet of Mist so the vamps couldn't pick up on his heartbeat.
Probably worth mentioning he was also on the Sacred Hunt so he was getting his bonus from Relentless Hunter which put him around 15 dice on ambush rolls in Urshul, though, and it did cost him almost all of his Essence and most of his Willpower but still pretty impressive.
Anyway, this can kind of turn fights into a game of rocket tag depending on the builds which means that at some point in time a smart monster is going to say "fuck it" and leave because it's now no longer worth it to risk health and other resources on. Vitae and Essence aren't easy to get and once a vampire ends up looping around into lethal damage (which werewolf bites do cause rather than bashing) it starts getting painful to heal. Werewolves can at least sit it out without burning off their fuel stat.
Speaking of going "fuck it," for more general purposes of dealing with invisibility, getting out is also a viable counter. Insight gives a very good utility power in One Step Ahead, which once the werewolf catches a vampire attacking they can intuitively sense where that vampire is. This is more RAI but it's not tracking in the same way that Know Thy Prey isn't reading someone's mind to figure out their names and social Merits. The world is just telling you where to find someone because you're hunting them, and as an inheritor of the God of the Hunt it's bowing to you.
Evasion (which I maintain would be the best Gifts to dip into were it not for Deny Everything being a bit of a dud, instead it's only among the best because of that) also has the fantastic Exit Strategy, which just automatically tells you where to go if you need to get away from someone. Regardless of whether or not you can see them. This isn't specifically anti-vampire but it's anti-invisibility in general. Again, utility powers are disproportionately useful in just about every gameline, the one thing better than being good in a fight is making sure you don't get in one.
Back on the more general topic, however, since that doesn't answer the question: I would say if you're talking about werewolves that are going to handle one-on-one conflict well and might actually do it are Storm Lord Rahu and Blood Talon Irraka (though Rahu do pretty damn well, unsurprisingly, those 8-agains and extra health levels add up.) Storm Lords get innate access to the above-mentioned Evasion Gifts, and have the usual Rahu nonsense going for them (namely, Strength and Full Moon Gifts.) Dominance also has some applications in combat, and Weather gives some debuffs, but that shouldn't be at the top of your priority list for spending Essence. All that said, you're intended to be funneled into a very long-term, slow, exacting hunt as a Storm Lord. You want to pile on as much pain as possible so you can do one final strike without much resistance, making sure you're always just one step behind to catch that opportunity to give a lethal blow. This does, however, technically count as one-on-one combat I guess.
Blood Talons are....Blood Talons. Strength gives you just about everything you want and the ability to make some truly deadly neck bite grapples due to Unchained if you chain it off Primal Strength. More turns in Gauru, damage reduction, weapon modifier bonus, and all of these become free effects if you're in Death Rage. This is, uh, very nasty to deal with and since Death Rage is very difficult to redirect your choices are mostly to just run and live to fight another day. The catch is that you could endanger your pack or any bystanders and you have absolutely no control over what's happening, but in a whiteroom scenario, yeah, this is probably the nastiest combination.
Hunter in Darkness Rahu deserve an honorable mention here. They've got the capacity for some absolutely deadly ambushes with the phenomenal Shadow Pelt and Primal Strength combined together, while Black Earth Red Hunger is great for longevity. That aside, even more than most werewolves Hunters in Darkness really thrive with a home turf advantage. They do get Nature's Lure to try and peel off a target to make sure it's a one-on-one fight.
A lot of your other Auspice/Tribe combos aren't really going to try and go for that sort of thing. And some of them will just wait until they can kill someone while they're asleep. Not a Glorious action, but probably Cunning.
With all that said....this doesn't mean much alone. I can think of some absolutely turbo busted combat builds even for splats not normally thought of as being combat-ready (four words: Stoneskin Ogre Summer Courtier. A combination of applying Tilts and having an insanely high armor rating will make it so eventually they don't have to kill you, you just stop getting up off the ground.) Most splats have at least one power that will hard counter another splat, it's all a matter of what you pick, and in some cases there's a lot less available for you and the resources you need to pull it off might be harder to get.
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ttvnadeeta · 21 days
fiance is tired and i told him to take a nap and not push himself as 1. he was gaming already while waiting til i got home from work and 2. we do have a time diff,so it is late by him and stuff. so plan is he will take a 5-6 hr nap. as long as he wakes up on time,and/or feels up to gaming we will game later tonight,if not plan is to do a 3 day weekend. so Friday-Sunday. i won't solo stream,if we don't game tonight,as i did do 1 last night.
also i was on amazon after work as i wanted to know if i could afford capture card for my xbox,as u guys know my xbox doesn't work well with streaming. which i've said it before and i'll say it again it has to be an xbox,and/or a Microsoft thing. cuz I've never had this happen with ps5 with sony. and discord works on ps5 as well when i used to stream off the console before i got the capture card. that's why i say it has to be xbox,and/or Microsoft as it works with sony/ps5. but yeah so i got some non-streaming related stuff,but i mainly focused on streaming stuff. i got a 2 pack capture card(plan is 1 is going to be for the Xbox one and the other one will be for the xbox x.) , i got an HDMI plug with the red,white,and yellow hook ups for the wii and stuff(but i don't think my tv has that input,so i feel like it might be useless atm. at least if that's the case,it was only $13,and i can keep it for future reference. if my tv DOES have those inputs ,then i can stream wii,and/or ps2. if my tv does NOT have those inputs,i will have to find another device to use to stream off it with. unless i can use the hdmi convertor i'm already using with it. will have to mess around with things when i have free time/on a non-streaming day.) i also ordered a GeekShare Cute Wrist Rest Support Mouse Pad. plan is to put it over the lap rest i currently have(it might be a bit to big,but here's hoping it fits. if it doesn't fit then i'll just keep it for when i get a desk in the future). and lastly i ordered another headset. it says its for pc and xbox,so now i just gotta decide where i wanna use it. its a PDP one. i might use it downstairs for when i game on the xbox and stuff. cuz technically when i get the capture card,i will game on my pc,so i mean. i mean yes i would still have the headset in the xbox controller i could use,but wouldn't hurt to have a backup downstairs with me and all that. according to amazon, the capture cards and the convertor are supposed to come this upcoming monday. and the headset is supposed to come in 2 weeks,so i will use the current headset i have downstairs until the new one comes. and then lately the wrist mouse-pad thing,isn't supposed to come until near the end of the month. so at the very least i SHOULD be able to stream Xbox this upcoming week. which means until then it will be ps/pc. idk if we'll do a debate stream,or just a chatting stream,or if i backseat my fiance to do switch and then we do pc,or what the plan will be as i mean 1. there's only so many games i can do on ps/pc and 2. i'm sure u guys wil be tired of the same content over and over.
and lastly I'm srry i still have yet to post my clips/highlights on my tiktok page. i knew i was supposed to post them a month ago,but i been so busy with work,with being sick,with eating,sleeping,streaming,doing arts and crafts,etc that i just been forgetting to do it and by the time i remember its to late and there's no point. like i said in my most recent tiktok video,i SHOULD have content in the next 1-3 months. i have drafts,i just have to post them. I'm hopping within the next week or 2 to post them,but we shall see. no promises that it will happen, but that's supposed to be the plan.
well until later/tomorrow(depending what all happens),see u all then ^^. hope u all have a good rest of ur evening <3
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notsocheezy · 2 months
Brain Curd #146
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction - practically first drafts - posted daily (haven't missed one yet!) and sometimes written with the express intention of being terrible… but, you know, in an endearing way. Please like and reblog if you enjoy - the notes keep me going!
He's gonna be Frank with you. Read the rest of The Frank Program here on Tumblr!
“Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to the new-and-improved Frank Program! I'm Frank, over in the corner is my wonderful son, Daryl, and today our guest is a personal hero of mine, star athlete David Helper-Cummings! Welcome to the Program.”
“Good to be here, Frank, good to be here.”
“Be honest with me, David, you'd rather be competing in the Olympics, am I right?”
“I'd love to be able to compete in the Olympic Games, no doubt, but it just wasn't in the cards this year. Maybe next time.”
“I really do think you're good enough to win gold.”
“Thanks, Frank, but there's just been too much happening in my life lately. The affair, the divorce, I mean, you've heard about all that stuff. It's no secret. I can barely play right now. My short game is in the toilet.”
“You've still got the most impressive drive I've ever seen!”
“Sure, sure, I can still get the distance, but there's too much on my mind. I slice the crap out of it every time. It's really throwing me off.”
“Well'n, forget all of that. Let's talk sports in general. I'm really curious to know what ya think about some controversial topics.”
Daryl closed his eyes and shook his head.
Frank continued. “David, what's your take on transgenders in professional sports?”
“Hmm? What do you mean?”
“You know, men who make themselves look like women so they can get trophies.”
“Doesn't seem to me that a real man would do such a thing. That's downright embarrassing.”
Daryl spoke up. “That's not how it works. There are very specific requirements for -”
“Daryl, will you shut the fuck…” Frank caught himself and cleared his throat. “Daryl, you don't even like sports. Stay out of it. Ya got no business talking about things you don't understand.”
“But you don't -”
“Shh! Anyway, David, it's real and it happens. There was a boxing match between a woman and a transgender, and he beat the shit out of her in one round!”
“That's awful.” David scratched the side of his head. “Can't believe they'd let that happen.”
“Actually, Dad, neither of those women is transgender. The one everyone thinks is trans just has long arms.”
“You're too damn gullible, son. You believe everything you see online? I know more about this than you do.”
“Oh yeah? What are their names?”
“Huh? Who cares about their names?”
“Did you even watch the fight?”
“Pfft. Ain't nobody got time for women's boxing! Hahaha!”
Frank put his hand up for a high five and David quickly slapped it, but realized that might not be a good look.
“Uh, for the record, I respect women's sports. I rescind that high-five and would like to apologize to all the women athletes who were offended by it.”
“Aww, come on, Davey, have a little backbone! You got no spine, man, that's why you keep slicing!”
“Hey, I take offense to that, okay? I love women.”
“No kidding,” Daryl muttered under his breath. Frank glared at him.
“Alright, alright. Forget that topic. I've got another question for ya, David, if that's alright?”
“Yeah, uh, sure.”
“Do ya think we ought to have a separate basketball league for Whites?”
Daryl put his face in his hands and groaned. David looked at his watch and pantomimed shock.
“Oh, damn, Frank, look at the time! I gotta be going. I got a divorce hearing in a few minutes.” He got up from his seat and patted his pockets to make sure he didn't forget anything. “I'll see you around, okay? Alright.”
David Helper-Cummings was out the door before Frank could even react.
“What the hell?”
“You gotta stop making guests uncomfortable, Dad.”
“I didn't make him uncomfortable! You got him thinkin’ about PC and woke! It made him nervous to say what he wanted to say.”
“I couldn't let you spread misinformation…”
“Why the hell not? It's my show, boy.”
Daryl crossed his arms. “You want me here, you gotta treat me with respect. And quit lying.”
Frank sighed. “Whatever you say, your highness. Anyway, folks, this has been The Frank Program. Thank'ya much for letting me be Frank with you.”
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maria-mga2024mi4014 · 3 months
Building 'Bob the Builder's' hammer on Maya
Today's class brought back some memories from the good old Portfolio days. Back in portfolio, Ravindu had one class with us where he taught us how to 3D model a hammer. And that's exactly what we learned today as well. We learned how to 3D model the same hammer we used as reference for portfolio.
I will proudly admit that my amateur 3D modeling skills have improved since portfolio, but I obviously have a long LOOOONGGG way to go with this.
This is the hammer we used as a reference. (BEHOLD!!! The hammer that triggered my portfolio memories!!)
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Before getting started with the hammer design, Ravindu had a Zoom call with the class to show a step-by-step tutorial on how to model a basic hammer. (For context, the lab PCs and the projector weren't working. Ravindu's only option to teach us was through the zoom call).
Below are some screenshots from the morning Zoom call.
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Now, I should admit to being a novice with all these 3D drawing thingamajigs and I didn't search for any tutorials during the break to learn 3D. But luckily, Thameena was there to help. She had made some attempts at learning 3D modeling on Maya during the break. So, she had some prior knowledge to help me build the hammer.
Before we started on the hammer, I decided to play around with the faces of the cube to come up with a random shape. I ended up making this U :D (Ik it looks a bit wonky, but there's some potential to it. It's a good enough start I guess)
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Alright! Back to the important stuff. The hammer modeling Work In Progress.
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Before starting on the modeling, we had to select the cube shape and then extend the view to the 4-panel view. Next, we had to click the icon that looks like a 'Blue vertical sheet on top of a horizontal White mesh sheet' to import the image of the hammer.
*Note for future self - Save the images in documents and click all files to import them to Maya.
The easiest way to think about building a figure is to long-press the left mouse for selections. If you want to move just one face of the cube, long press the left mouse button, select faces, click on the face you want to move, and press 'shift' and upward arrowhead to move the cube face upwards. (It all depends on the direction you want to extend the cube)
If you want to move a particular edge of the cube figure the same process should be repeated with one exception. When you long-press the left mouse button for options, click 'Edges'.
Also, if you want to move the image around, click panel 2, Press the 'alt' key and use the mouse for movement.
zoom ins and zoom outs can be done by pressing the 'F' key.
That's all I can remember for instructions....
Moving on, this is the final outcome of the hammer model. I couldn't have created it without Thameena's and most of Ravindu's help. Although working on the hammer seemed a bit complicated at first, I now have a bit more confidence in trying out the hammer modeling on my own. So...a win is a win!
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For future reference, I've recorded some videos of Ravindu showing how to do some 3D modeling adjustments when making the hammer. I will add the Google Drive Links to them down below!
That's all for today's post! Thank you so much for taking the time to read through it. From today onwards, whatever 3D modeling attempts and tutorials I find will be shared on this blog. I hope to keep some motivation up to learn 3D and master it!
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starrierknight · 8 months
I dread the day I forget to click the little "Ask anonymously" box. If that ever happens then please don't answer the ask I wanna be an anonymous little Star- Ahem. Anyway.
The art I meant is uhhh. Guys. I dunno I just like art of guys they look so good. And the reason I checked out your blog was actually the synesthesia thing! I remember years ago I was low-key obsessed with it for a while after reading a book that mentioned it (I can tell you about some related stuff from back then if you want those rambles? It's nothing too interesting but y'know)
Also since you add like. The perfect amount of line breaks I wouldn't mind any lectures or tangents or rambles y'know? Line yes give me a lecture about human experiments. I am interested. I could get invested. I wouldn't mind at all as long as you don't. Keep telling me about things that interest you so I can listen to an online stranger going by Reece, like how I am an online stranger going by Star, and you listen to me- what was I saying again?
Anyway uhh if you wanna hear more about that stuff I mentioned (or really anything I mention) let me know, especially since I'm finally at my pc now so I can type way faster and better
...Also I just reread your likes and uh. Bunnies, huh? Go on? (I love bunnies so stupidly much sagbkvhjab please show me some favorites if you can I will beg if you want--)
Okay byeee
- Star 💫
ofc ofc dw!!! I will simply pretend I do not see it. I'm not here to expose my darling anons :3
art of guys??? 😭😭 LMAO sick well. well well well. I will try to rb more art, I've been off my game abt rbing it recently. I should fix that smh.... gotta support the artists on here
oh really??? that's so cool!! I can't believe my silly little ask game encouraged you to say hi. I'm pretty grateful for it actually lololol. and wow. you read a book on it??? can you tell me about it, if you're up for it? I'd love to learn more (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
HAHAHAHA LMAO GOOD TO KNOW GOOD TO KNOW!!! teehee, very pleased that I've lured you in w my synesthesia and my line breaks. I consider this an epic win 😎 and I will totally be rambling (with ample line breaks ofc!) for you, my Star!!!! I love it so much, I could yipyap for days abt my silly little interests LMAO
and damnnnn look at you go! speed race typing, I see you!!!!!! mwah. your dedication to the cause is impressive and endearing.
they mean so much to me yk??? like yk how some ppl have animals they feel drawn/connected to??? that's me with bunnies. always have done.
fun fact! once when I was about 4 I was chatting to one of my mother's friends about bunnies and I described my dream bunny in so much detail and how I'd look after it that she thought I actually had it as a pet 😭🩷
I also have some Miffy stuff!!! I love Miffy so much, she's so cute. I have a couple of jellycat bunny plushies as well as a HUGE white rabbit plush on my bed. so comfy and squishy kfldlskfkfd
I also wanna get a little Peter Rabbit tattooed on my ankle one day!!! I really do love them. all bunnies are good bunnies, but I have such a soft spot for long haired bunnies and for lop eared ones :(
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trans-xianxian · 1 year
apologies if this is like. putting too much authority on u so u can ignore it
i used to be really into genshin & i love a lot of the characters/story but esp with the newer stuff (i say "newer" but i left before sumeru came out) i've been getting really uncomfy w/ the lack of fat, disabled, or darker skinned folks and i wanted to ask if you think they got/are getting any better in that regard?
this got incredibly long so I'm going to put it under the cut!
for one I'd say that one of genshins biggest problems is it's complete lack of dark skinned characters. there are, what, five playable characters who aren't death pale out of the 70 something in the whole game currently? and my white dad gets darker than all of them in the summer. and then almost every single one of the darker skinned npcs in sumeru, with the exception of like three, have either been lying tricksters trying to con us, or aggressive and "brutish". they are also framed as being evil, unreasonable, and dangerous for wanting their ancestral lands back and trying to practice their culture. they couldn't even make candace, who is BASED OFF OF A REAL BLACK ETHIOPIAN QUEEN, dark skinned. sumeru is based off of swana (which, there are also problems w sumeru being based off of a huge geographical area w a plethora of different cultures while every other nation in tyvat takes clear inspiration from One singular real world nation and culture), but almost all of the characters, npc and playable, are super pale? this is obviously not to say that Everyone from a certain region looks the same way or that there are no light skinned ppl in swana nations irl, but like. cmon. they had an opportunity to represent darker skinned ppl w a nation based off of an area where a lot of darker skinned nonwhite ppl live, and they dropped the ball. not to mention the fact that out of all of the sumeru npcs, I don't think Any of the scholars from the akademiya have darker skin. there's obviously cyno as a pc but I feel like his academic side wasn't as focused on as it was w the light skinned characters. I think that the positive addition of a collection of darker skinned protagonist playable characters and npcs in sumeru sadly doesn't outweigh the fact that these characters are still ultimately whitewashed, and negative treatment of so many of the darker skinned npcs in the nation and the way that, even when those characters aren't being portrayed in a negative light, harmful stereotypes are still being perpetuated. there were quests that I could barely get through because they made me so uncomfortable. I do however know that hoyo has gotten a good deal backlash about this issue, at least from north american players, so we'll see how they handle natlan
as for fat characters... I feel like in general, genshin does pretty well with fat npcs. for the most part they're treated the same as other characters, appear in a variety of roles, and I haven't noticed any fatphobic jokes. I could very much be wrong and I wouldn't be Surprised if there were one or two but it hasn't been so much of a glaring issue that I can think of specific examples or remember it as a huge overarching problem. there was a fat npc in the most recent archon quest that played a pretty minor but positive role. sadly, I don't think there will ever be a fat playable character in genshin. there is barely any body type variation in the pcs anyway, ignoring the complete lack of fat ones. at the end of the day, genshin is a gacha game. the most popular one in the world currently. every playable character has to be marketable to the largest possible audience, and to be blunt about it, as fucked up as it is, fat bodies are not marketable. I just Know that if there was a fat pc there would be insane backlash. the amount of people losing their fatphobic minds would drown out anybody celebrating it. now, there Are instances of hoyo doing stuff w character design despite previous backlash - lyney being so blatantly gnc despite all the shit they got for venti comes to mind - so Maybe there's hope, but I honestly doubt it, unfortunately
hoyos relationship w disabled characters is.... complicated. there were two pcs in sumeru who I would consider disabled - collei had a fictional chronic illness and another character named layla has what I'd argue is narcolepsy or at least chronic fatigue. you could argue that what's happening w dainsleif is a chronic illness and I know baizhu is sick in some way but I'm not informed enough on the details to really speak on it. the pc dehya Maybe has a prosthetic arm? but it's incredibly unclear. there are of course a few characters with eyepatches. there's an upcoming character in hoyos other game, star rail, who has a prosthetic arm, but in the same game they have a blind npc who turns out to be a villain with her blindness being an obvious aspect of why she chose to be evil. in genshin a lot of the characters with sort of ambiguous health problems are treated... fine? like dainsleif is obviously isn't supposed to be a villain but I feel like his chronic illness doesn't actually affect his every day life in a significant way and it's just sort of a looming plot device. from what I remember from our interactions with layla, nothing glaring stands out as being problematic, and I think the portrayal of her illness was decent but I also don't really Remember a lot about how she acted or was treated. eyepatched characters don't get outwardly ableist treatment but it also doesn't seem to really matter to or affect their characters. and then there's collei. collei could have been so good, I was So excited for collei. the treatment of her chronic illness was surprisingly well handled, and there was a plot significant npc with the same illness who I appreciated the handling of as well. it could have been So good. but then due to plot events that chronic illness magically disappeared and wasn't a problem for anyone anymore. I was so disappointed, it felt like such a cop out like oh this playable character whose whole life has been affected by her illness and who has had to build different strengths than others due to her disability? who experienced medical abuse and was taken advantage of because she was sick? yeah all that's magically whisked away now. like it didn't even matter. honestly it's embarrassing. hoyo had been handling it so well and then they fumbled at the end. for a popular piece of media, I think genshin does alright with disabilities, there are some positive instances I can think of, but I also think they've made some real blunders in this regard. I don't know if I would call recent updates any Better about disabled characters, but I guess there's More of them
hoyo has its own handful of biases and bigotry that are very evident in the game (especially when it comes to race and colorism), there's no arguing with that, but I do think a good chunk of it comes down to what is and what they perceive as marketable, and considering genshin Is a combat game, this is especially true for fat playable characters. people would throw a fit about fat characters being """unrealistic""" in a combat setting, and hoyo knows this. they know that certain disabilities could get similar backlash or at least not be seen as being as "cool", and they know that, especially in east asian countries where colorism is very prevalent, dark skinned characters wouldn't make as much money. people like to act like because hoyo is a chinese company, they could have no possible clue that any of these things are problems, which is it's own insane brand of racism/orientalism from fans, but ultimately they are a multimillion dollar corporation trying to make as much money as they can, they know exactly what they're doing
there are many parts of the game that you can tell are made with genuine love for the story and the craft, I'm not saying it's all a nefarious cash grab, they Do care about quality and storytelling - that's clear in the intricacy of the lore and the beauty of the game itself. genshin is a game made by people trying to make good art, and I want to acknowledge that, but those people also work for a multimillion dollar company that gets the final say. I'm not trying to be pessimistic and say genshin will Never change, or that they Always bend to fan service and marketability, I do think there's hope! they've gotten better about a lot of these things! but I don't think that any of the issues you mentioned are Fixed by any means, and sadly a lot of the positive improvements have negative and disappointing counterparts
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
I'm moved in. The cat and I are sitting in the main room of my new apartment. I'm sitting on a cheap side table because I don't have a chair. Max is sitting in her cat tree.
I slept like shit. I got the rest of my stuff packed, had my mom come over to help. I got the car packed and was out the door around sundown. I still have a bunch of things in the old house, but I'm going to wait to sort through it for a few days. Just to get settled in a bit.
The drive was easy. Max was a little upset the first 45 minutes or so, but she slept the rest of the way with little problem. I had to leave her in her crate in the apartment when I brought things in, which was very stressful for her, but we explored after I was done which was a lot of fun.
I'm still getting used to all the sounds, and to keeping my voice down. The walls are pretty thin, I'm not sure how loud I can comfortably be, I really don't want to upset my neighbors. I'll get a feel for it, I'm sure. I got my PC set up, and the internet, and ordered a calzone from GrubHub. It is absolutely perplexing how long I've been missing out on delivery food, that shit was so easy. But my timing was... pretty shit. Because at that point, I noticed that my heat wasn't working. I called the on-call person for the building, she came by and checked it out. She was tremendously nice! She found out that it was the breakers, threw them and even offered to get space heaters too! I said sure, because she was insisting... and then I had to book it because the delivery dude was at the entrance and I said I'd meet him there. I sprinted up 4 flights of stairs and back, and she brought the heaters by a few minutes later. The calzone was... nothing to write home about... but goddamn was it nice to not have to unpack everything and cook!
Then I played Noita for a few hours to "decompress" - it's a stressful but fun game - and here I am. It's still a bit cold in here. It's 34F out, my toes are a bit chilly and its a really big space to heat. I'm hoping the bed space is warmer, it should be, it's upstairs.
I don't really have much more to write today than that. I'm exhausted. My feet stink real bad from my shoes I never usually wear. All my shit is in boxes. I'm gonna have to test run smoking before bed here. But all-in-all... it's good to be home. This is a cool place, and I'm really excited to fill it full of plants. That's like... my new thing.
I noticed at my old place that there were white spots on one of my hats that was hanging on the coat rack. And white spots on one of the cushions of the couch. Mold or fungus of some kind. The couch was near the big hole where water damage pulled away a section of the wall covering, where there was pretty clearly mold problems. But the hat was clear on the other side of the house. It concerned me how they both had mold on them. I've had concerns for a while now that breathing problems for me and Max had been coming from environmental factors like that. And I remember vividly how horribly frustrated I was that everything I tried to grow in that house would just die in a week from mold, and that was 5 years ago. So this is my big second chance, and hopefully it comes with a healthier set of lungs for me and my cat too. I'm hoping to turn this place into a goddamn jungle. :D
Any suggestions on good plants for a beginner indoor gardener, please shoot them my way. I've gardened outdoors (tomatoes, watermelons, cucumbers, jalapenos, green onions, green beans, lettuce) but not indoors before. I'd really like to grow edible plants, but I am totally onboard with decorative too.
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leidensygdom · 2 years
Hoi, I am running a campaign with drows and now I'm a little worried I'm stepping on some toes, and wanted to ask your opinion? On surface, they have the whole evil matriarch thing going on, but there is plenty of good drows, (one of them being a PC and several NPCs) - and the end-goal for that mini-arc is for drows to dismantle their old system that's based on the crueler traditions, and improve their society and culture as a whole. Is this a bad idea? I've always loved drows aesthetics wise, but I'm also white as the Scandinavian snow I was born from, so understandably I'm a little blind to the implications of my choices - second hand opinion would help a lot. Sorry for the wall of text, hope you have a great day, keep being awesome!
Hey, hello! This is gonna be a long post~
So, I think a lot of people started running drow by-the-book, and over time, shifted towards other possible options. You're already doing much better than what the canon content does say, though, since you're including several drow with a better alignment, and there's a margin for change. I think revolution/rebellion plots are a good way to work with this: The fact people can organize to try to destroy a tyrannical government means that not every member of the race is somehow aligned to evil.
You can run drow societies that are evil. I have one like that, although heavily reworked to be way more coherent and less sexist. I talked about it in somewhere, search for "Mith-Sharorr" in my blog! And well, there have been human cultures that have veered towards being pretty... terrible, not gonna lie. Fascism has been a thing, stuff like the Roman empire have done HORRID acts, and yet, there's still (at core) a lot of people within these cultures that aren't just cackling villains all the time. I think, looking at these can be interesting. A lot of people get entangled in the system, fed propaganda, and end up being part of it, but in the end they're trying to live their lives, take care of their family and friends, and go through the day. A lot of these societies also have marginalized groups, people who are against the whole thing, or just cannot really do much: Think of lower classes, slaves, etc.
One thing that CAN help humanize even an evil Lolth-praising society is thinking about the lower classes. RA Salvatore just NEVER mentions them in the books: Either you're a noble or a slave. Same for most of the canon content. But societies have lower classes, which often have little say over the politics at the top, and are just trying to go by. I've usually run that as either people who keep silence to avoid repression, or people who are trying to organize to change things for the better. Having a more humanized portrayal of these people can help things a lot: Maybe they've been fed propaganda that outsiders are always evil, but it means they're constantly thrown at war with people for no reason, and they're starting to get weary of it. Or maybe merchants that travel to other cities have had contact with other cultures, and have noticed things work very differently, and they return with rumours of "maybe the rest of the world isn't our enemy." All these things can help humanize drow quite a lot!
Dictatorships (and drow are pretty dictatorial in nature, even if theocracy-flavored) do have a lot of dissidence. I'll put as an example fascist Spain, which ranged from 1939 to 1975 (or 1978ish). Fascism won the war here. People in power were often appointed by the regime and were the ones perpetuating most of the oppression. They had all the political power, the church became extremely powerful and prosecuted anyone that was out of the norm, they ran schools, hospitals, etc. And of course, they taught that the regime was correct. That didn't mean everyone agreed. There have been cases of people organizing stuff in the shadows ever since. People who got prosecuted for it. People who did their best to fight against the regime. People that managed to get rid of fascist higher-ups through organization. People who ran away from Spain into other countries, and from exile, tried to help people here. (Exiles can be a really cool concept! And it's not explored enough). During these almost 40 years, Spain was surely doing horrible things, but the people suffering from it were often the lower classes and minorities. But these people weren't evil or guilty for living under that regime.
I think these examples can help a lot shaping a drow society! How DID it become like that? Was it a recent change? Is it been so deeply tyrannical for generations? Drow are extremely long lived- What do people who are now old remember from back their childhood? Were the nobles in power back then? Do they still long for change? There's a lot to be asked~
Finally, I think it's important to point out that one of the best ways to avoid falling into the "drow are always evil" is having these cultures be just one of many within the race. Humans in the real world are extremely varied, and while there's been some cultures that could be labelled as evil, a lot of them are diverse and hard to categorize in one way or another. Even if there were nazis in Germany, it didn't make humankind evil as a whole. I think the trope becomes extremely harmful when you tie race to culture. Cultures and races are never tied: If you raise a drow outside of a tyrannical society, they won't have tyranny written in their genes. Which means that there should be many drow cities that just haven't got into praising evil goddesses and racism, and at the same time, other races probably know that (like all other races), drow aren't universally evil. Maybe some drow just established underground and work with dwarves on the regular. Maybe there's a nomadic bunch of drow that help travellers traverse the underdark and trade with others. A deeply evil society is usually the exception, not the norm.
(tl;dr: Check real societies to make drow a bit more realistic. Think of how those that are not directly benefitting from the system deal with the entire thing. Introduce dissidence. Make sure that drow have different cultures, since evil is not determined by genetics. And good luck!)
(Also, sorry for the long post- I'm a bit passionate about the topic. And sorry for spelling mistakes, English isn't my first language!)
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Hi, I’m Artemis.  I’m figuring out this tumblr thing.  I’ve lurked for a long time, but I wanted to be able to write my many thoughts about FFXIV without word-vomiting at my FC discord all the time, so here I am.  I play on Mateus, Crystal Datacenter.  I might go into my characters later, we’ll see.  I’m also working on carrds for them.
Spoiler tags for FFXIV:
#stormblood for anything Stormblood specific
#shadowbrings for anything Shadowbringers specific
#endwalker for anything Endwalker specific
#6.1 spoilers for (obviously) 6.1 spoilers only.
Anything before Stormblood I probably won't tag. Sorry.
If you only want ffxiv stuff, you can block #not ffxiv sorry to get rid of anything else.
I am: 40-mumble years old, white, AFAB, agender (any pronouns are fine really, but mostly I use she/they), asexual, panromantic, married to a transwoman, recently diagnosed with ADHD, not-so-recently diagnosed with persistent depression and social anxiety disorders.
I am not: tolerant of TERFs, fandom antis, racism, male-bashing, aphobia, transphobia, panphobia, etc.
I'll probably mostly talk about FFXIV here, but I wanted to be clear where I stand on those things because they are an important part of who I am as a person.
About me:
I love parenthetical asides (sometimes nested).
I've been on the internet since 1995. It was via a BBS and really only had access to Archie, but I'm counting it.
I'm a gamer. My first game was Rogue on a terminal workstation in the server room where my dad worked for Southern Bell when I was 5 or 6. I'm not quite PCMasterRace; I have a PS4 and a Switch, but I'd rather play on my PC given the option. Right now, I am absolutely obsessed with FFXIV, but not in any productive way (like, I'm not gearing up to raid or anything, I'm just replaying the story over and over). I also can't wait for Elden Ring in February, even though it's going to kick my ass.
I'm a gamer (the second): tabletop style. Right now, D&D 5e is my system of choice, though I really cut my teeth on Earthdawn back in college and I have a huge amount of nostalgia for it. My partner GMs for us and is amazing at it.
I'm sometimes a programmer. I primarily use PHP, and no, I don't need to hear, for the millionth time, about how it's a useless terrible language and only idiots use it, thank you. It gets the job done, and I have a terrible allergy to significant whitespace so Python is very difficult for me.
I'm sometimes a writer, though I am very sensitive about posting anything that I write because anxiety. I'm hoping to combat that a little here, because Endwalker has inspired my writing more than anything has in years. We'll see.
I talk too much. It's documented. I try to curb the word vomit when I can, but sometimes it just has to get out.
I love G'raha Tia. I love a lot of FFXIV characters, but Raha is my boy. It made me very happy that he finally realized he wasn't a grad student anymore and could have more than ramen for dinner.
I love cats. I am owned by two: Mozzie (like the character from White Collar) and Anya (the vengeance demon). There will probably be photos at some point.
Okay that's enough rambling. It me; this my blog; hello world!
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bringatea · 3 years
Update 07/04/2021
So I'm still alive, but had to live through the worst heatwave I've ever experienced this week. I'm just glad things are slightly cooler, and my PC survived somehow. I hope you all are making it through this.
As a treat, I thought I'd show a shot of the last page, and the 2nd page of the comic. So the first pic is more of a rough sketch so I have an idea of the kind of expression I want for Izuku. And the 2nd is what I aim for the comic to look like. So now you know why it's taking so long XD I think I'll switch back to black and white unless I find some good shortcuts or cheats for color and backgrounds.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Oh and I finally got my Ipad. I'm waiting on my pencil, but that means I can do art stuff no matter where I am. So this means I can work on art stuff away from my PC.
For Hisashi fans, I will post another part of his story soon.
Finally, because the blog will soon be 1 year old(Or at least 1 year since I've started the comic and posting on Tumblr again), and I'd like to do picture of Izuku and Hiashi. Mainly because they've been the driving force for the comic. I was thinking of a picture of Hisashi and Izuku trying to adopt an animal.
So which animal would you like to see them try to adopt?
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zoobus · 3 years
mmm i stumbled upon some old-ass game opinions of yours (namely that red dead redemption sucks). i've never played said game (cries in "poor bastard who cant afford consoles and games and non-trash pcs") but i've only heard Good Things about it; care to elaborate? (i'm a sucker for "people complaining (or gushing) about things i know nothing about")
Red Dead Redemption was the reason my family finally bought a PS3 (the PS4 had been out for a while lol). I still used my ps2 but I was ready for the next generation of gaming.
Well guess what
-technology "progressed" out of plug and play. "Oh boy I can't wait to spend Christmas playing RDD" two fucking hours later it's still installing
-Red Dead opens with some rancid white women gossiping about "savages" committing some heinous act that is situationally ironic. I hate this. I was seething a bit about the installation time, but once they dropped a savage? Right from the start? Kill Bill sirens. Hatred. Words that tell you a writer has nothing interesting or profound to say about bigotry but by golly they won't let that stop them!
-John is a boring badass interchangeable good guy protagonist. You can choose evil, but his character is at odds with evil choices, which makes me not want to do evil. You can buy sex but it feels like I'm possessing someone to act against their will, in a bad way.
-all rockstar transportation mechanics suck but horses were next level
-everyone blames the MCU for this but so many writers rely on making flippant quips during shocking effects to show how jaded and badass their characters are. There's a side mission where you get stuff for this old guy's wife. If you wish, you can investigate his house and discover said wife's long dead corpse. John will quip at this reveal, so you know how unbothered he is. Boring. These characters who are too cool to care about any of the events they witness are so fucking boring. You don't have to scream and cry but give me a reaction.
-I predicted every single plot point with Abraham Reyes and Luisa. I'm not sure I was meant to. They're both grating. I felt nothing when he killed her. His fandom wiki page reads much more interesting than the character I saw.
-everyone praises the way music interjects at certain moments like the bridge crossing? Maybe I did that mission wrong but the only time I had a big music moment was during the thing in the mountains, and that came out of nowhere. It scared the shit out of me when some guy belts out that song with no warning.
-I don't think I like cowboys as a genre
-generally did not enjoy missions
I know people found this game fun but rockstar should have put that RD2 money into Bully 2.
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