#I've never seen my dad fanboy as much as he did
pinksilvace · 3 months
Fern guides their mutuals and followers through Cats 1998 as if we're all sitting on the same couch watching it and I'm shouting out stuff (4/?)
Character Wiki Pages
On to Bustopher!
8: Bustopher Jones
Everybody is SO MEAN about Bustopher Jones (joking). I love him so much but nowadays when numbers are cut his is usually one of them since he usually shows up once and disappears 🥲
The actor for Bustopher sometimes dons a chorus costume for the opening number, often named Peter. They're also usually the actor who plays Gus later, as both Bustopher and Gus traditionally had operatic moments in the show.
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Tom Hooper clearly did not know how to interpret media because could you IMAGINE 2019 Bustopher cleaning up his appearance as a first impression???
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When I was little, I was under the impression that Bombalurina, Jenny, and Jellylorum all liked Bustopher Jones in similar ways; it wasn't until I started interacting with the fandom on here that I learned how some people interpret Bombalurina as being completely sarcastic in this song. Art's always up to interpretation, of course, and that's the fun of it, but I never really got that impression, even with Rosemarie Ford's eye rolls. To me, this moment shows Bombalurina as a character that can show others respect. It also cements her as being at the older end of the "not-old" adults.
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This is YET ANOTHER song that is PERFECT for examining whatever Pouncival is getting up to at a given moment. I am once again saying that the Pouncival cut in this show is the most fun
Subsequently, this is also the "Skimbleshanks is three wrong moves away from a panic attack" song, which to me means that he respects Bustopher just as much as Jenny does. I like to think that they grew up together.
(For an incredibly anxious Skimble, here's Boston 2007; skip to 28:30):
(While I'm at it, there's this part in Moscow 2005 when the boys are all lined up like they're going to take a family photo, and I think it's very silly and cute; skip to 27:45)
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Have you ever watched Cats (1998) and wondered who that cat that's really excited to see Bustopher is? That's George. The George Cut (TM) is probably my second favorite version of '98, after The Pouncival Cut (TM).
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No doubt, you'll notice the number of Mistoffelees & Bustopher moments in this number. This is probably where the most popular headcanon about Bustopher originates: lots of us like to think he's an uncle, usually in conjunction with monochromatic siblings (Misto & Victoria & sometimes Alonzo)(Alonzo is like. Y as a vowel). I've also seen some folks frame him as Misto's dad, and in those cases, Misto is usually an only child.
Slightly off-topic, but my friend @thepineconelord likes to think of Mistoffelees as butler-core, and I think they're especially correct in this number.
(Yet another side note: the monochromatic siblings staging is a bit stronger in post-US Revival choreography, especially between Alonzo and Misto. Head to 30:00)(<- pretending to see things that supports the tunnel vision)
(Is it obvious yet that I've watched this number, specifically, many times?)
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Okay I only just noticed this one but WHAT is up with Plato in this part. This picture doesn't do nearly enough justice to his posing but. My dude are you okay??? He was built to have an arm slung over the back of a park bench and instead he's here and forced to harmonize
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The rare moment when Mistoffelees is peeved by Pouncival (and the altogether common moment where Munkustrap is also peeved by Pouncival)
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One incredibly interesting thing about this number is that it's one of the most gendered numbers in the whole show, speaking from a choreography standpoint. When I was younger, I thought it came from a position of "all of the girls have crushes so they're all fangirling together," but that's not true. Only Jenny is shown to have a crush, and Coricopat, George, and Skimbleshanks could all very easily start fanboy-ing with them.
What is it, then? Is it because Bustopher presents as a much more "traditional" character than the rest? Do the things they're describing about him ascribe to him a certain level of masculinity that he can only share with the boys? Are these formations all part of some sort of militaristic protocol? Leading from that, is his appearance at the Ball (and approval) a right of passage thing for the boys? It's not something I've really seen anybody touch on, which is odd to me, because Cats in general tends to have interesting messages re: gender roles, especially with Mistoffelees, who obviously shares some sort of close connection with Bustopher! GILLIAN LYNNE REVEAL YOUR SECRETS
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The cats know what golf is. Either that, or Bustopher saw a rich person play it, decided to copy them, and everybody else is amazed for his benefit.
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mooncherrv · 2 years
In Your Dreams - Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
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Character(s): Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia x Doctor!Reader Genre: Fluff Summary: Mickey keeps seeing the same person over and over in his dreams but he knows for a fact he has never seen them before. He starts to wonder if it has more meaning than a simple dream. Author's Note: Fanboy my lil meow meow Masterlist
"Hey Bob, can I ask you something?" Fanboy said as he sat down next to Bob in the Hard Deck. "If this is going to be about a Star Wars debate again, then, no. If it's not then maybe." Bob said as he set his drink down. "It's not a Star Wars debate, I promise. I wanted to ask you if you think dreams can mean something." Fanboy laughs remembering going to Bob to settle the debate he had with Coyote over which Skywalker was the best. "Well, I think it depends on what kind of dream it is. Like, those dreams we have where everyone's skin is neon colours? No. Those are just dreams. Why? What kind of dreams are you having?" Bob questioned. "Don't laugh at this, but, I keep seeing this girl in my dreams. I've never seen her in my life but she keeps showing up in my dreams and I'm starting to think it might mean something but I don't know what it could be." Fanboy told the aviator. Bob smiled at him while Fanboy's face showed no other emotions but confusion. "That happened to my mom. She told me the only reason she agreed to date my dad was because she had seen him constantly in her dreams while she was growing up. They never met until college but once he asked her out she knew those dreams happened for a reason. Perhaps this dream girl is your soul mate and you'll meet her soon." Bob explained.
The dream conversation happened a few months ago yet it never left Fanboy's mind, and the girl continued to show up in his dreams. He was still very confused by everything and after about 6 months of the dreams occurring he convinced himself it meant nothing at all and Bob's story about his parents was merely a coincidence. That was until he ended up in the hospital and having her standing right in front of him. "How do you feel Mr. Garcia?" she asked as she looked up from her clipboard. "You can just call me Mickey but I feel fine. Nothing really feels out of the usual." he responded. "That's good to hear. Nothing looked concerning on your tests so you should be ok to go back to work tomorrow. Just try to take it easy, Mickey. If anything changes though come back and we'll see if we missed anything."
The following day Fanboy remained distracted, so much so that the rest of the crew began to notice how out of it he was. Normally he'd walk into work and strike up a conversation with Bob about some sci-fi show the two watched or he's once again try to convince Hangman that he should watch Star Trek (Which Hangman did in fact watch in his free time but would never let Fanboy have the pleasure of knowing.) Instead he simply sat at his desk filling out paperwork in silence. The entire day he barely spoke, constantly lost in his own thoughts. The other passed it off as him being tired considering he had an incident during training which landed him in the hospital the other day. The first person he spoke to that day was Bob, who was pleased to see his younger friend talk as he began to worry something had gone wrong. "Remember those dreams I told you about?" The younger boy asked. Bob's head tilted as he thought about the many conversations the two had. "The weird goo monsters dream or the recurring dreams about a girl?" He asked. "Bob, this is not the time for jokes. Yes, the dreams about a girl. I saw her yesterday. Like, saw her in person. I spoke to her and I know her name and she spoke back." Fanboy said, worry showing in his voice. "Shouldn't that be a good thing? You know she is real and now you can hopefully see her again." Bob smiled. "She was the doctor that assessed me. I doubt I would see her unless I was back at the hospital. Even then, it looked like she doesn't usually work in the ER, she had a teddy bear nametag and bright rainbow sneakers on." he responded it defeat. "Well obviously you just need to get a kid then and take them in for a checkup with your dream girl." Bob joked, earning a glare from Fanboy. "Jokes aside, if you keep seeing her in dreams and she really is supposed to be in your life you will see her again. Just wait for things to work themself out on their own." Bob told him. The issue with Bob's advice was that Mickey felt like he couldn't wait to see her again. So, despite all his morals he was raised with and how stupid it seemed, he faked injuries and specifically requested one specific doctor to see him.
"Mickey, this is the 5th time I have seen you this month." she said as she walked into the room. He had to admit this felt like a really low point in his life, faking injuries just to see a girl. "I fell and hit my arm on a crate at work. I think I might have dislocated my arm." Mickey says as he gives her a small smile. Rather than checking his arm she just sat in the chair in front of him and looked at him. "The last 4 times you showed up the alleged injuries you suffered were not there at all. I figured maybe it was just phantom pains from your incident the first time you came in but after the 4th visit it began to seen like you just enjoy hanging around in the emergency room. So, Michael Garcia, why do you keep coming into the ER and specifically requesting to be seen by a doctor that works in the pediatrics ward?" she asked. Mickey sighed in defeat before he spoke. "This might sound stupid, but, I kept seeing you in my dreams months before I had my first ER visit. After the first visit I could not stop thinking about you and I didn't know another way to see you again." The two sat in silence for a moment after he admitted that to her. The silence was broken when she let out a soft laugh and looked up and smiled at him. "I've also seen you in my dreams. I was surprised when I saw you the first time but I figured it happened for a reason since I usually don't work in the ER but I was covering a friend's shift since she was sick." she said. Mickey looked at her with a shocked expression. "I must admit though, you could have just came back to talk to me regularly. I admire your efforts though, it's sweet." she spoke once again. "So what does that mean now? Am I allowed to ask you out on a date then, doctor?" Mickey asked. "Technically, no. I think it might break patient and doctor rules, but, if you just so happened to run into me at the Hard Deck at" she paused to look down at her watch "maybe 8pm today I would no longer be on the clock." she smiled before standing up. "It was nice seeing you again, Mickey. Hopefully next time I see you it won't be for an alleged injury."
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I keep seeing some wanting/hoping Ada (and possibly Carlos) to show up in Death Island when that movie is packed enough as is with 5 protags. Some even insisting Chris & Rebecca aren't important to the plot b/c the antagonist is supposedly after RC survivors so they should be replaced with Ada, Sherry or Carlos? Like how about campaigning Ada gets her own game/story or something since Leon has been in things without her anyway? Sorry some stans are annoying.
To be completely fair, I get why people say Sherry should be there. If the villains have access to Leon's personnel file, they should logistically have Sherry's, too. But that's some anal, nitpicky fanboy pedantry that looks at the lore completely divorced from what an actual narrative is trying to accomplish.
And -- yeah, 100%. I'd much rather see Ada in her own game rather than stuck in Death Island. I've made this case myself. It's long past due for her to get her own fucking game and be her own fucking character. It's absolutely ridiculous that we've only ever seen her through the lens of Leon's perspective, when she's involved in so much of RE's overarching story.
But like.
Death Island is supposed to be about Jill, primarily.
It seems like the main emotional throughline is Jill's survivor's guilt and how it affects her relationships with the people closest to her in her life -- and those people would be Chris, Claire, and Rebecca. And Leon is there because if the main theme is survivor's guilt, he's the poster boy for it. And if Chris, Claire, and Rebecca don't know how to deal with what she's going through, Leon does. It's actually a really great opportunity for Jill and Leon to finally meet in a way that makes sense thematically and has emotional resonance.
I mean look at him, for fuck's sake. If you look up the word "depression" in the dictionary, you just see his render from Death Island. My man is over here looking like hot fucking garbage. Probably hasn't showered in like three days. Still half-drunk from the night before and is still sweating out whiskey. Did that shirt pass the smell test? Dunno, he never ran that test. That's what the tactical vest is for -- to cover that shit up. Leon looks like he lost his job and then his wife took the kids and left him that same night and now it's the next morning and he's just now remembering he never actually had a wife or kids. Leon is the visual personification of every "divorced dad" rock ballad from the 90s and 00s rolled into one song and badly autotuned together. If Leon were to show up at a funeral, the mourners would kick him out for bringing down the mood. Even the dead person would be like "man, get his sad ass the fuck outta here, man."
Sorry. I get really excited about how shitty he looks in Death Island. Got carried away.
Like, don't get me wrong. I don't have very high expectations for Death Island. Let's not pretend that these movies are anything other than excuses for fun, cinematic fight scenes with some fan service sprinkled in. Anyone who expects anything beyond what's promised in the trailers is setting themselves up for massive disappointment.
But there's a reason why the cast is what the cast is.
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alphawave-writes · 5 years
Gavin Reed, the newest member of the DPD race team was excited to finally drive with his idol, Hank Anderson. But when Hank gets into an accident and is replaced with Connor, the world’s first racing android, Gavin begins a bitter rivarly that has begun to affect his driving.
Richard, Gavin’s new race team engineer, gives Gavin an ultimatum: for every position higher that Gavin is after a race, Richard will do a dare, and for every position lower, Gavin has to do Richard’s dares. If, however, Gavin wins a Grand Prix, then Richard will do whatever Gavin says for the rest of the day, no question asked.
It doesn’t take long for the dares to become a way of releasing their untold feelings.
A formula 1 AU! inspired by the works of @16ruedelaverrerie.
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justanotherfanfolks · 2 years
Just got out and OH MY GOSH I LOVED IT SO MUCH!
(Also formal apology to my older sister who had to endure me rapidly jabbing/smacking her whenever I got excited about something)
The opening scene with Robotnik, masterpiece. Dude just trying to make coffee should not have been that enjoyable. Also it's been 200 something days since the first movie, they did a good job
Sonic's first appearance, so him! That's my boy, you should have seen him, he was adorable! Chilli dog and just the way he jumped off the building. Sonic vs Bombs was amazing! Also loved him just being a part of Green Hills, just a natural occurrence.
Child just accidentally stole $300 dollars. And got no sleep.
Father 👏 Son 👏 Fishing 👏 Trip👏
Normal occurrence. I knew he was going to fall off that boat! Sonic doesn't think it's father/son fishing time. It is. He got the generational dad advice, there is no doubt this is a parent child dynamic!
Sonic pretending to be an airline and Tom and Maddie playing along with it, this was the family content I needed!
Sonic's montage, he's out here living his best life.
Agent Stone is a simp, pass it on.
Tails hijacked a police cruiser.
Sonic cleaned up SO FAST. Of course he did, but I am still impressed. Sonic/Tom interactions, my beloved.
Robotnik came like a horror movie character. At that moment I thought "sir, this is a child. A child... this is kind of messed up."
Sonic got low-key demolished in that fight. Also I actually forgot Tails was in the car so when he popped out I was actually surprised. And he's such a little fanboy, I loved Tails so much, he was so cute! Knuckles followed so persistently, a literal force of nature.
Tails kept the fact he could fly until he drove them off a cliff, I find that hilarious.
Wade was a pleasant surprise. The Chaos Emeralds!
Sonic and Tails having their brotherly bond, SO WHOLESOME! Sonic just hyping him up, I experienced so much joy! Their dance, Sonic being an older brother, peak dynamic!
Tails is never safe from being bullied by people.
Kunckles reading out the dot dot dot solidified how much I like him, he's adorable too! Also, we can smell that betrayal from a mile away, it wouldn't be Eggman and Knuckles without it.
Sonic 🤝 Knuckles, childhood trauma.
THE CHILD! Robotnik is on the perish list, how dare! Knuckles just wants to understand friendship.
Tom is such a good dad! Punched so many people for his kid!
Not gonna lie, the Randall reveal got me. I felt so bad for Rachel, that was low.
Sonic cares about Tails so much, I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC!
The Maddie and Rachel team up, my favorite unexpected moment, iconic!
Sonic pulling the flying solo thing heroes do to protect people.
Labyrinth. Eh, who needs to solve mazes when you can punch through walls.
Sonic postponed the betrayal!
Sonic and Knuckles fight while Robotnik gets the Emerald, huh smart. Knuckles thought they were friends, this is sad! He was so betrayed! Sonic vs Water.
Knuckles understands the power of being in debt. Respect. Look at them bond!
Tails hits Knuckles with car. Knuckles will remember that. Ready for this dynamic!
Iconic trio! Power trio! Best trio!
The fight scene was everything!
Tom and Maddie fully embracing their parental status!
Ultimate power, wants a Chilli Dog. I just, love Sonic.
Baseball game! Family baseball game! Knuckles was just adorable. The ending is so wholesome, I could make a whole post about it!
Miles Prower, they name dropped!
...They just had to say file. 50 years mention confirmed it.
I am ready for a well written Shadow!
The movie we needed and deserved! Might be the best one I've seen all year! I feel fed and rejuvenated, I must watch it again! 20/10!
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
I've watched season 11 again, and I have a question if you're willing to answer. In season 5, Cas was very disappointed about learning God was basically a "dead beat dad," as Dean called it. But when Cas had an opportunity to talk to Chuck, he didn't seem all that interested in talking to him or even asking a question or two. Why do you think they never had Cas interact with Chuck as a son talking to his father when it was such a huge deal for Cas in season 5?
Hi there! I’m happy to talk about this, because honestly I was personally GLAD that Cas treated Chuck the way he did in s11.
(A/N: I was halfway through writing this when my power went out last night, so now that everything is back on I’m gonna see if I remember wtf I was even talking about... if this goes sideways halfway through, blame Potomac Edison)
Cas had already realized long before exactly who and what Chuck was. I mean, not that Chuck was actually God, but that God and “His Plan” was always a load of BS.
Chuck left the angels a lot of conflicting information, and not a lot in the Free Will and Critical Thinking arena. I was just thinking about season 6, and this sort of feeds into a lot of the same distinction between Cas and the rest of the angels. My personal line of thinking earlier this evening was this line in 6.20:
CASTIEL I'm doing this for you, Dean. I'm doing this because of you. DEAN Because of me. Yeah. You got to be kidding me. CASTIEL You're the one who taught me that freedom and free will -- DEAN You're a freakin' child, you know that? Just because you can do what you want doesn't mean that you get to do whatever you want!
Major Tangent Warning, because I gotta write out what I was thinking earlier in order to explain why I am So Pleased with Cas and his reaction to Chuck in s11, which I think of as abject disdain. This is key to everything Cas had learned, to all of his growth as a person up to that point.
What Dean tells Cas here is in direct contradiction to what Raphael’s self-stated motive in restarting the apocalypse was. Also from 6.20:
RAPHAEL You rebelled - against God, heaven, and me. Now you will atone. We'll start by freeing Lucifer and Michael from their cage. And then we'll get our show back on the road. CASTIEL Raphael...No. The Apocalypse doesn't have to be fought! RAPHAEL Of course it does. It's God's will. CASTIEL How can you say that?! RAPHAEL Because it's what I want. CASTIEL Well, the other angels won't let you. RAPHAEL Are you sure? You know better than anyone, Castiel. They're soldiers. They weren't built for freedom. They were built to follow.
Raphael is just doing “whatever he wants,” in the way Dean was trying to convince Cas NOT to. Because if Dean learns anything in s6, it is the cosmic cost of his own actions. Think 6.11, and the lessons he learns having to play Death for a day. As much as Dean tries to work around the Bigger Picture of the Universe, he does understand that there is a right and a wrong, and that some things are worth fighting or even dying for, but the cost might sometimes just be too great. And unleashing all the souls in purgatory on the planet seems like just a different sort of apocalyptic level of bad... like putting out a fire with a flamethrower.
Cas had to make a choice here. He’d chosen his path every step of the way, wrestled with each decision he’d had to make over the previous year leading up to that point, but he’d passed the point of no return, and his direct prayer to Chuck went unanswered, and he never got a sign whether he was doing the right thing or not.
I’ve argued in the past that he absolutely DID get a sign, in the form of Dean telling him to stop in 6.20. But Cas dismissed him, out of pride, out of hubris, out  of desperation to do the one thing he believed could give him the power to stop Apocalypse 2.0, save Heaven, and also save Dean in the process, since Dean would be back on the radar to be Michael’s vessel if Raphael succeeded in breaking him out of the Cage.
And here’s the really tangenty part of the tangent: it just made me think of all the nitwits who won’t wear a mask in public, or follow social distancing rules because MAH FREEDUMB, you’re impinging on MAH LIBERTY. BUT THE CONSTITUTION!
Because yes, we can do what we want, but we can’t do WHATEVER we want when our actions are harmful to others!
The framers of the Constitution could never have foreseen a pandemic like this. But any SOCIETY where people must coexist needs to put some constraints on liberty, and the framers absolutely DID understand this.
They also couldn’t have foreseen air travel, but we have established rules about this. They couldn’t have foreseen cars and traffic lights and interstate highways, and yet we have rules that govern our behavior there, as well. Air traffic controllers, stop signs, speed limits-- we don’t just have the right to drive 90 mph through a school zone and run through red lights. And yet nobody yells BUT MAH FREEDUMB! when they get a speeding ticket.
Polite society ALSO must include *MY* right not to be killed because someone else decided that traffic laws didn’t apply to them, see?
Basically, wear your mask and shut up about it, whiny pissbabies. This is what is required of you to live in a functioning society. You do NOT have the right to infect others with a potentially deadly illness. Full stop.
But back to Cas and the Leviathan infection he’s about to infest the entire planet with...
Dean was effectively giving him the “wear a mask, nitwit” speech, but on a cosmic level.
And Cas had to live with the consequences of his choice, with the GUILT and DEPRESSION that resulted. And he spent the next few seasons desperately trying to make up for what he’d done, to atone and do whatever he could to redeem himself-- to Dean. He’d tried to redeem himself to Heaven, but the more he eventually began to learn about Humanity, the less affinity he felt for his fellow angels, and for Chuck’s construct of Heaven.
Because back to another previous point, Chuck effectively left the angels two opposing sets of instructions: orders to watch over the earth and act as shepherds to humanity, and orders to bring on the apocalypse at any cost. Can’t do both, truly. Even Naomi will eventually say, right before Metatron stabs her in the head, that she (and the other angels) forgot that their true mission was to protect and defend humanity, and she didn’t know when or why that ever changed.
FINALLY back to the point! WHEEE!
Basically, Cas has, in the six years between s5 and s11, experienced “god-ness” from every angle, experienced his own guilt over what he now believes were misguided actions, that sometimes Humanity has a better answer, and there are some things that just aren’t worth it in the long run.
Mostly, he’s realized just HOW deadbeat Chuck has always been. And the revelation that Chuck had actually been God all along? Saw their pain and suffering at trying to STOP the apocalypse all those years before? KNEW FULL WELL that Sam, Dean and Cas were doing everything they could to try and save the world from basically the entirety of Heaven and Hell, who were plotting the destruction of humanity and most of creation with it. I mean... Cas spent s5 begging for God’s help, to save the world, to convince Michael and Lucifer that they did not have to destroy humanity, and Chuck... had done LESS than nothing. He’d sat there and ghoulishly watched the entire mess unfold like a bad tv show... oh wait... :’D
By s11, Lucifer had not reached that point that Cas had. Lucifer had many other issues, having been rejected and locked up for most of existence, and even HE had been the one in 5.22 to try and talk Michael out of enacting Chuck’s battle plan. Lucifer never had the experiences Cas did (and despite being given every opportunity to have them over the next few seasons after s11, he continues to reject those experienced at every turn anyway, only serving to highlight the difference between Cas and, honestly, most of the rest of the angels). Lucifer had a personal need for a direct apology from Chuck for everything he’d been put through-- starting with taking on the original Mark and ending with the cage.
Of course Lucifer didn’t get an honest apology, because in the end, it was all just a theoretical production to Chuck. He had never apologized, in any of his universes, to any of the beings he created. And he never would. And on some level, Cas-- via his experiences, what he himself had already come to understand about God and creation-- already understood this about Chuck.
Cas... didn’t care about him anymore. He cared about HUMANITY, about Chuck’s CREATION. The creator might be a worthless jerk, but what came out of his creation is a thing of ultimate beauty. Humanity, love, free will, and the beauty of the universe is what ends up saving the world in 11.23, so I’ve chosen to accept this read of Cas and his relationship and opinions of Chuck. Because it’s perfectly in line with the “moral” of season 11.
Plus it’s just so personally satisfying to me watching each individual character’s reactions to Chuck, and understanding how that aligns with all of their personal arcs.
Dean: brought the “how could your forsake your creation” of a broken-hearted son who has finally seen the truth. something he worked out YEARS ago between himself and his own father, so it didn’t come with that particular personal baggage and didn’t completely break him in the process (as it may have done with Cas had Chuck revealed himself, say, in 7.01...)
Sam: brought his life-long hope that God was real, his faith in God’s inherent “goodness,” did the Chuck Fanboy for a bit before seeing Chuck a lot more clearly. He was able to relinquish his idol worship of Chuck as the Savior of Humanity.
Cas: had brought his experience of Humanity and Godhood, the entire spectrum of Creation that he had experienced for himself and grown through. Cas, for all his mistakes, had never stopped TRYING to do the right thing, never stopped doing everything in his power to save humanity and creation from every cosmic threat, while Chuck himself had only hidden away and watched from the sidelines, when he’d ALWAYS had the power to make everything good and right and allow the Winchesters their peace. Honestly, what BETTER response than to treat Chuck like a bit of gum stuck to his shoe?
Metatron: who had basically spent s9 trying to turn himself into Chuck Lite, literally plagiarizing his Supernatural novels to create his own origin story as the new God, and failed miserably. What other angel could truly confront Chuck, writer to writer, and call him out for His Story? Even fallen as low as he could go, Metatron understood first-hand the responsibility of The Cosmic Author in ways even Cas couldn’t, because narrative symmetry. Metatron was always about the Word, as God’s Scribe. He was a bad copy of the original with the names scratched out. He basically wrote the worst self-insert fanfic of all time. And that gave him the narrative space to confront Chuck about everything that Cas no longer had. Cas had long since rejected that role, sided with Humanity, and smashed Chuck’s Word. The original tablet-breaker.
Crowley: carried on Crowley-ing. Doing the best he could with what he had, and somehow miraculously BS’ing his way through.
Rowena: recognized the Biggest Power in the room and ingratiated herself to it for comfort and protection, and hopefully for a bit of power and security.
Billie: gosh she just stepped in at the 11th hour to annoy Chuck. :’D
But yeah, I’ve always been incredibly pleased that Cas basically ignored Chuck in s11. Good for him.
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kangseungsicc · 6 years
i have yet to listen to the bsides you recommended but i've watched the mvs (plus i'm fine) and you were right, they really are aesthetically pleasing 🌸 actually in time of sorrow the red haired rapper lowkey gave me zico vibes for a second wgdgzf (in a good way tho). can you tell me who was the one with the blue umbrella who started the bridge part in unbelievable? also the one who sang right after him sgdff. looking forward to the profiles!! as long as it isn't too much effort for you tho -🍪
ooooo !!💕💓 how did you like the songs (the ones with mvs)? the red haired rapper is hanse btw!💗😂 oh of course! he’s byungchan, and the one who comes after him is heochan uwu 💝💞
no i actually enjoy making profiles lol 😂💗 gonna go ahead and introduce the members to you! 💞💕💖
they’re under Plan A ent and debuted on november 9, 2016.
Seungwoo (24.12.94): leader, rapper and also a vocalist. a multitalent uwu 💕 he’s the dad of the group 💝 he’s really hardworking and once said that he feels like he needs to stay strong for his member bc he’s the oldest 😭😭💔💝 //  the youngest in his family but the leader so basically a little brother in charge 😂💖 also he’s very annoying  😂he’s always screaming in a very high-pitched voice (someone stop him..). Super Athletic,, like.. the other members are scared of him bc of that…. he needs to chill 😂 also w e i r d (watch the mole story video (put on eng cc))
Seungsik (16.4.95): main vocalist. he’s the mom of the group 💓 also the official potato of the group (i think subin was the one to first call him that)😂💖 a silly dorky baby uwu 💕💝💞 king of smiling (honestly his smile lights my whole universe up) and being weird 💗💗 the Iconic otter face. Just a happy sunshine boy we don’t deserve 😭😭💗
Heochan (14.12.95): Main dancer and a vocalist 💞 he’s the uncle of the group  😂💖 weird boi… he’s always standing at the back looking straight at the camera like he knows something we don’t 😂😂 he has a signature hand gesture that makes him look like either a tour guide or a teacher lol 😂 the #1 subin fanboy 💗💗 A dork like the rest of them uwu 💕 his childhood nickname was dinosaur bc “he looks like one” lol (he does a dinosaur style peace sign in every pic fdhurfjdsgh) 😂 his role models are beast/highlight (he’s a fanboy uwu) 
Sejun (4.5.96): vocalist, visual, face of the group. he’s the oldest son of the group. LOUD AF!! always making weird noises… 😂😂 LOVES eating 😂💗 too extra for this world,,, someone save him pls.. // lowkey cursed highkey an angel uwu💗💓💖 in reality shows seems shy but irl is a big mess 💖💞 
Hanse (25.9.97): Main rapper. he’s the second oldest son of the group.  okay so… we don’t even know.. this bitch is weird af….. usually silent but when he opens his mouth you’ll wish he hadn’t. Like. Why. what’s wrong with him?? also this creepy baby aegyo. he’s like the laziest person ever ( i mean relatable but still.. honey..) always judging the other members even tho he’s as weird as them (if not the weirdest member lol)  💕😂😂 never even tries, he’d just rather be home chilling than doing anything else 😂💖 Also loves subin very much and is now competing for the #1 subin’s fanboy title 💞💞 another boi doing weird noises,,, yikes what’s wrong with victon?? also another Extra boi (we do love those extra ass babies 💕💕) hanse being himself and the other members dying of laughter.
Byungchan(12.11.97): vocalist, visual. he’s the second youngest son of the group. tall skinny legend 💝💝 Also weird af (at this point who in victon isn’t..) kind of uncle-like. The king of gg dances AND sexy dances 💕💕 Honestly by his looks you’d think he’s normal but no. 😂😂Almost never seen in victon videos.. where is he???? Always gets what he wants, like he knows he’s cute and uses it for his own good 💓😂 Super weak, also uses that for his own good lol 😂 needs strong leader seungwoo’s protection uwu 💞💞 a cutie 
Subin (5.4.99): vocalist, maknae. he’s the youngest son of the group. talk about maknae on top,, sigh 💔💔 Like the other members love and adore him So Much and he knows it 💗💗💗 pretty done with the members 24/7 lol 😂 he’s used to their shit but still the most judgemental member 😂 sorry for the viewers in behalf of his older members lol // made the other members kiss for his bday wish UWU!! 💕💕 The pink prince of victon (the other members gave him this nickname during unbelievable era and isn’t that like the cutest thing??)💖💖 THE CUTEST BOY UWUWUWU
and yeah that’s all (well not all but i didn’t want to make this too long)
victon’s official yt channel
their kprofiles profile
some important videos:
victon’s sexy time (put on eng cc)
victon’s dance cover
seungsik’s singing cover
2seung and hanse’s bad boy (by red velvet) remix 
victon ‘그냥 나오면 돼’ Making M/V
subin’s graduation
this mess of a video lol (put on eng cc)
my fav fan youtube channels for victon:
victon subs
nikki jang (they also make videos about other groups)
series to watch:
victon’s born identity // ep 1. (all 16 episodes are available on 1thek’s channel with eng cc!!) ep 1 & 2 actually feature their older sister group apink uwu!!
me7nam // ep 1. their pre-debut reality(all episodes also available on 1thek’s channel with eng cc)
okay so this is A Long Post but i just wanted to say that they have lots of original songs and covers on their official yt channel (such as the bad boy remix) and they’re so talented UGH i’m a proud stan !!!!
and yes they’ve come up with the family positions (mom, dad, uncle, sons) themselves and they’re like one big soft family as they’ve said themselves UWU (okay now i’m making myself cry i love them sm!!!)
sfjhefas i should stop now this is getting too long
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