#I've been thinking about these for a couple days and it's got me all like. huh!.
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luthorwarriorprincess · 2 days ago
Ok I feel this so hard. A couple years ago I moved and had to go see a psychiatrist because for some stupid reason my PCP couldn't prescribe me my ADD meds because they "don't do that" there (???).
Anyway, this trained and licensed psychiatrist asked me why I was seeing her that day and I said for continuation of care on my medicine. I had done all of the testing that took hours, I had been working with my previous PCP to get the correct dosage down, I was doing everything right and just needed a new script.
She then went on for an hour about how my ADD test results must have been incorrect because I wasn't diagnosed when I was a kid. She said "most adults don't just get ADD". Like, no shit Sherlock, my parents just weren't in a place or in mindset to get me tested so I suffered through school. She then told me there was no way that could be because I have a master's degree and "most people with ADD can't even finish college".
Now, I'm the type of person who instead of holding in my anger, I just cry the angrier I get, I dislike this about myself but it is what happens. Therefore, when this bitch continued to berate me about it, then ask me why I was so upset, then laughed (yes, laughed) and said "you're addicted to the meds, why else would you be crying and this upset right now? I'm not going to give you anything, we don't do that here."
*Side note: I have never been addicted to anything, I've never even had a sip of alcohol my entire 32 years of existence*
BITCH, WHAT?! Then why did I have to pay $130 to see you when all you knew you were going to do is laugh at me, tell me I'm a drug addict, then turn me away??
So, according to this trained and licensed psychiatrist, adults can't be diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, they are just drug seeking and emotionally unstable. This entire situation shook me to my core, it actually made my mental health plummet more than ever before. I was in shock at what happened and had never in my life experienced such horrible medical care.
My fiance (who is a remarkably calm person compared to me and is a Nurse Practitioner) was absolutely livid. I don't remember what she did (I think called the office to bitch them out) because I was nearly fucking comatose after that.
Shout out to this bitch whose name I don't ever care to try and remember from the Community Mental Health Clinic on the North side of Indianapolis. FUCK YOU.
We moved back home and I got my old PCP back and now we manage my very real condition together as a team. Because you must be an advocate for yourself and have a say in your own medical care.
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pokemonshelterstories · 14 hours ago
Hiya, Pokémon Trainer here. I've got a question about a bizarre series of events that happened a couple nights ago involving my Marill. I'd consider myself pretty knowledgeable about Pokémon, but this has left me genuinely baffled to the point where I think my Marill might have some kind of condition, and I'm a bit concerned for his health.
Ever since I caught him, he's always seemed to have horrible self-preservation skills, specifically around grass types. Most Pokémon, when trained even the slightest, will gain some sense regarding type matchups (my Noibat wouldn't go into the same room as an icecube for all the apples in the world lmao) But for some reason, Maril has always been completely, stubbornly fearless around grass types specifically, no matter how hard I try to teach him that that's a horrible idea. I didn't think much of this for a while, I just made sure to keep an eye on him while he was out and about, and ALWAYS put him back in his ball whenever grass types were around, just in case.
Recently, though, I was exploring the desert near my house. By the time I was heading home for the day, the sun had set. Of course, being alone, at night, in the desert, means Cacturne WILL be following you... I wasn't too concerned, I knew I could scare them off pretty easily, but you might be able to see where this is going. As I'm about to send something out to spook them away, Marill JUMPS out of its Pokéball, and my heart almost IMMEDIATELY sank as I saw him take about 20 rounds of bullet seed to the face. But here's the thing. He just - I don't know, absorbed them?? Somehow??? It looked like the Cacturne were just as shocked and scared as I was, because seconds later, he fired off a disarming voice, messed up one of the Cacturne pretty bad, and made them all run away screaming. I kid you not when I say he suffered NO damage, no matter how much I inspected him.
I'm basically at a loss for words for what to think of this. he seems completely fine, I took him to a Pokémon center, and they said he was entirely OK, but I'm still a little shaken up by the whole thing, got any idea what happened?
fairly simple answer to this one: your marill has a specialized ability (often called a hidden ability) known as sap sipper. he absorbs grass type energy. this is a fairly rare mutation in marill and is thought to have developed in areas where water sometimes dries up, forcing the marill to become temporarily more terrestrial.
this is why it's really important to make sure you know what ability your pokemon has! aside from having affects in battles, your pokemon's ability can cause behavioral changes. you can have your pokemon's ability analyzed at any pokemon center, and that should be one of the first things you check about a new partner.
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askqueenmoon · 8 hours ago
A summary of the rest of the story:
This is late, but better late than never I suppose. I've been asked a couple of times over the years to post the rest of the story, but I never knew how to go about writing it up, so here we go Chapter 3
This was the last one I had a proper script for. I guess partially 4? There was a snippet with Twilight and Spike figuring out how to find element bearers but I dunno if it made much sense. The script here is a bit rough and probably needed some refinement, but it gets the point across. The following are the last pages I worked on, two of which were never posted.
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[START SCRIPT] He gives a short laugh. “Sorry about that! Nice to meet’cha. Name’s Nox. I hope those restraints aren’t too tight. You might be a prisoner, but there’s no need for you to be uncomfortable here.”
“…” Fluttershy glares at him.
Wow that’s actually a really great impression of my boss… You���re not related to Brass are you?
I guess you’re not the talkative type huh? That's alright, I can do it for you. How’s about we start with a name?
"Says here you’re Fluttershy. Only child of Cloud Cover and Posey who were prominent figures of the Velvet Carnation Movement until their untimely deaths ten years ago during the Ponyville fire, leading to you dropping out of Cloudsdale flight school. Currently you live in a cottage on the outskirts of New Ponyville and run an animal caretaking service.” Fluttershy is shocked, and he’s grinning “Pretty spooky, huh? The crown’s got eyes and ears everywhere… But it looks like few places are escaping us… saaay… the hiding places of your Red Sun friends?”
Fluttershy raises an eyebrow.
“Look, I get it. You don’t trust me or anypony in the castle for that matter, but you’re here on charges of attempted regicide and that means you’re on a fast track to a short rope. But I know you’re just another pony that’s been twisted by the Red Sun. If you work with us-
“I’ll never work for Nightmare Moon!” She blurts out angrily.
“But you’ll follow the Red Sun? Do you even know what kind of things they do? Because they certainly aren’t the heroes some ponies make them out to be.
“All they want is an Equestria where ponies can live in peace-” “Peace?”He places several photos on the table. ”Blood rituals, bombings of public gathering places, foalnapping and ransoming ponies to fund their activities.” Fluttershy's face is concerned. “Remember the wild weather that destroyed the harvest in Tall Tale last fall? Well the Red Sun’s goons stole the relief supplies our Queen sent. They were alright with leaving thousands to starve.
“Even if that were the case, I didn’t want to do what I did, but someone had to stand up to her. She’s nothing more than a big bully and I couldn’t sit around anymore and watch her hurt more innocent ponies. I had to try, and If that means this is my last day on Gaia, then so be it. New Fluttershy isn’t a coward!” “That’s quite noble of you. Ponies that selfless are hard to come by… which is why I don’t want to see you go down for this. Tell me who helped plan the attack and the Crown won’t press charges. I’ll make it so you never stepped hoof in Canterlot. You could go on with your life… Go back to your cottage… back to your pet.” Slides forward picture of angel. [PAGE BREAK] Fluttershy is thinking of Angel and other animals from back home. "I can’t do that. They helped put my life back together. I won’t let you hurt them. “Would they do the same for you though? I mean… they didn’t come for you when you got captured. They don’t care about YOU, they cared about what you could do FOR them.” “What and you care?” “Fluttershy, I just want to give you your life back. The way I see it, a cult took advantage of a young troubled mare and made you do things you'd never think to do otherwise. If the Red Sun was willing to sacrifice someone as kind as you, who else would they be willing to throw away for their selfish goals?” “They’re not like that…” She looks a bit more unsure this time. [PAGE BREAK] All I ask in return for your freedom is a name. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for the ones that care for you and would like to see you again. Take some time to think about it. He gets up and leaves. Fluttershy looks down pensively. [PAGE BREAK]
Nox exits. “That went well! Wanna grab a bite, Sabre? I’m thinking sandwiches-- Something with peanut butter. Crunchy, obviously. Crystal Sabre is there, looking at Nox, exasperated. She points at him accusingly. “I told you that wasn’t going to go anywhere. You should have let me interrogate her. “Look, until Brass gets back, I have to fill in for her, and that means I’m stuck with a mountain of paperwork. I even had to get up for that emergency meeting this morning! Let me have a little fun! Besides, I have a feeling it wasn’t all for nothing. “The Red Sun’s never been this bold before…What do you think changed?” Fluttershy says through the intercom window thingy “I want to talk to Rainbow Dash!” “…Who?”
In the end, I got too scared of the idea of backlash from one of my OCs being mean to Fluttershy ^^;; I recognize that it may not have been the case, but after how much hate I got for killing off a random guard, younger me got too scared to stick to this script and I flip flopped between redoing it or leaving it. I came to love the characters I had originally made for the sole purpose of filling cabinet roles. I struggled bring myself to make one of them the antagonist in an interaction with someone as beloved as Fluttershy. I ended up putting off the decision long enough that I lost interest in continuing the story though. This script was not the main reason I lost interest in the story, but it was a factor. My original points stand, and I don't regret deciding to let this comic go so I could branch out.
A chunk I wrote with Twilight: Sunset shimmer was a failed magician that was previously in Night's employ Twilight actually would have talked about here in this chunk: [START SCRIPT] “We know the elements are all part of a system. If they’re inactive, the bond is still there, it’s just faint, like how on a map you might not see a road between a town and Canterlot, but there has to be one because duh, all roads lead to Canterlot. We have pieces of the system and if we can isolate that link between the pieces, we could follow the link from one element back to the others. All we need to do is fine tune Rarity’s gem finding spell so instead of the beacon being any old gem, it’s whatever is on the other side of the link. Spike: “Wouldn’t the mages before you already have tried something like that? Twi: “Well the last one, Sunset or something, (Frowny scrunchy face), destroyed all of the notes from previous experiments so we’re pretty much starting from scratch, but even if they did, we have something they didn’t! A working element!” [END SCRIPT]
Night burned through so many young and eager mages trying to get what she wanted. Once they weren't useful, they got dumped.
Rest of it:
The big bad evil was going to be the guard Fenix who is actually a body hopping spirit of an alicorn from the ancient alicorn empire before it got decimated in the Alicorn-Draconequus wars. The alicorns had purged themselves of their "darkness" and went on a crusade to bring greatness and order to the rest of Gaia. The last of the Draconequus sacrificed themselves to break the alicorns into the three/four pony tribes--essentially exterminating both races. One of the newly minted unicorns had been in the Empress's inner council and refused to die quietly like the others. Since then, he's been taking over other unicorns' bodies as a way of living forever because he's scared of death (Unicorns because he wasn't sure if non-unicorns could do the necessary magic to prolong his life). That's why Fenix's personality changed when his buddy died in the flashback told by his cousin (The hopping usually kills original person. The original Fenix is gone, there's just the rogue soul now. The previous body was going to die, so he jumped ship before it did). The changeling comment by his cousin was meant to be a diversion.
The entity in Fenix's body had been around for thousands of years, just living a regular life. Ever since the rise of the two sisters, he attached himself to their leadership, usually hanging around as a soldier/guard of some kind, because he still believes in the Alicorns' right to rule and wants to help with bringing glory to Equestria and serve the greater good--the Alicorns and the ideals they choose to rule by.
Fenix had been fine living as just a guard, even under Nightmare Moon. Witnessing her uncertainty and paranoia--how the country was being divided by Night's poor leadership in recent years (especially after the whole assassin and Quake dying)--he became disillusioned by Night's rule and would go on to lead a rebellion against her by plotting to take the Elements of Harmony for himself, hopping into the body of the Red Sun Rebellion's Leader- Sunset Shimmer, then eventually hopping into Celestia to become Solar Flare/Daybreaker or Evil Celestia or whatever. The Elements of Harmony were actually ancient alicorn weapons of mass destruction. The enchantment that made them had mutated over the millennia, becoming something completely new, but contact with the soul of an alicorn of old would have ignited something. Not exactly a reset, but they would have recognized one of their original users and their original purpose.
Night is actually the darkness (a shade) that had been purged from the Alicorn Empress in the old days. It gained a will of it's own over years and forged a pact with Luna to help her take over the kingdom. She didn't remember who she was, only fragments because she was all the parts of the Empress that were deemed impure/bad. They were fine being partner rulers for a while, but then an offhanded comment led to Ponyville being burned to the ground by zealots in the Queen's name 15 or so years ago --this had been to destroy the Velvet Carnation Movement which had been a peaceful group advocating for democracy instead of monarchies--and they'd been feuding ever since and only recently made up in the comic.
Night would have freed Celestia from the Sun of her own volition to try to appease the population and show that she is a good ruler and stop all the talk of rebellion. She wanted to use her as a political puppet. Celestia would have been on a short leash.
Night would have died at the end of the comic, sacrificing herself to put an end to the old empire once and for all by holding down evil Celestia as they both get blasted by the Friendship Elements beam. The old ways were wrong, it was time to stop clinging onto the past--Celestia and Luna are left to make up and rebuild Equestria.
There was definitely a lot of middle stuff that I never figured out, but I did like the story. It just grew increasingly clear that it wasn't something I could ever finish.
Here are some of the alicorn designs I never got around to showing:
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I feels quite nice to finally have it all out there.
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bloo-the-dragon · 1 day ago
Roleswap mer eclipse and ruin could have adopted baby mers?
They're could have their own baby later on?
The roleswap versions would also have a baby Loon too yes :3 Eclipse would be the one who'd bear the egg in this version.
In fact i've talked about it with friends before and even made a joke about Eclipse sort of accidentely triggering the egg making process because when he's having sleepy cuddles with Ruin, he has a moment of thinking what if they had a child together? And in his sleep adled state he thinks it could be nice. He'd like that.
Then he wakes up later feeling funny before he realises and he's just oh shit i'm making a kid. Cue a very embarressed mer having to tell his robot mate that uh. Yeah they're having an unexpected kid and the brief panic in both as they try to prepare for this lol.
I havn't decided if this is how it would happen officially for the swap au yet, but it does make me laugh thinking about it and it's absurd/silly enough to fit their dynamic lmao.
(Btw i'm gonna add the rest of my reply under a cut because i got carried away sharing some sadder lore stuff regarding Loon in the swap au gfjkgh prepare thineselves)
On a slightly sadder note though, Loon would be born without a withered arm (he'd still have a weak jaw/vocals though that's just something he was born with naturally. The withered arm was a result of his egg nearly dying after creation) but he would end up losing that same arm only a couple weeks after hatching during an accident where he gets it trapped/crushed by some old machinery he happens across while playing outside after escaping Eclipse and Ruin who are asleep in the lighthouse.
They'd be awoken by the shrill shrieks and when they find him, it's clear the arm is far to mangled to save. Ruin would have to amputate it, and Eclipse - who would be utterly devastated at the sight of his kid being this badly hurt, of allowing this to happen again not protecting a pup, his pup and letting them get badly hurt. He would leave and head to the beach cave where he would stay for a number of days, sulking and stricken with sadness and anger at himself.
Ruin meanwhile after completing the amputation and calming down tiny Loon after cleaning up and sewing the stump, would need a moment to himself to just. Calm down. He's used to working under high stress given his job, but this would have shaken him quite a lot. It would pain him deeply to see a child hurt so badly, especially his own. Ruin would then have to check on the other pups too, Sols and the Peas just to make sure they're all ok too before going to check on Eclipse.
However when he finds Eclipse in the cave, Eclipse would be so upset he'd hiss at Ruin and even swipe and flare at him. But doing that would have only made Eclipse feel worse about the situation, especially with how hurt Ruin looks. But the robot would allow Eclipse his alone time, telling him he'll be back at the lighthouse with the pups when he's ready to come back.
Eclipse doesn't return for over a week. But every day, Ruin would continue to visit him. Eclipse wouldn't swipe or flare at him again, he'd be a depressed lump on the cave floor facing away from the entryway, only hissing at Ruin whenever he showed up prompting the animatronic to leave each time.
Until Ruin, who had been doing his best to look after and provide for the pups by himself in Eclipse's absence, having to reassure them Eclipse just needed some alone time when they kept asking after him and overall just missing his partner would finally have enough.
Because Ruin was also dealing with the guilt of having allowed their child to get badly hurt and while he knew Eclipse was also hurting for the same reason he was starting to believe maybe Eclipse hated him too, blamed him for the accident.
So he goes into the cave, ignores the hissing and instead sits by Eclipse and apologises for what happened to Loon, for allowing it to happen. How he's sorry for causing Eclipse so much grief and that the children miss him. He misses him. And Eclipse, realising how Ruin felt about it, the guilt he had and thinking it was his fault combined with his own crippling lonliness from his self exile/isolation that had been growing since then would just. He'd flip around and coil around Ruin, pressing his face into his chest and holding him close.
Because in truth he never blamed Ruin, only himself. Isolated himself away because the last time he harmed a pup he was kicked from his pod and he feared the same happening again here, even if he felt he deserved it. But as it turns out, he was missed and wanted still, by the pups and his mate. They still wanted him around. They wern't mad, and they wern't blaming him.
After the two hold each other for a while, Eclipse would tell him he's not mad at Ruin, he never was. Only at himself. And Ruin would tell him he was the same way. In the end it was an accident, neither of their faults. And little Loon despite it all, is still as fiesty and energetic as ever. Misses his dad, misses Eclipse. So do the other pups. And Ruin is finally able to convince Eclipse to return back to the lighthouse with him. And he does, and ends up getting tackled by four pups very happy to see him again!
Overall a very sad and stressful week for everyone, Ruin and Eclipse especially but they manage to get through it in the end and the two would have a stronger bond than ever before as a result of it. And Loon would mostly forget about the entire ordeal eventually, though he'd not play around any dangerous looking machinery again!
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morgana-larkin · 4 hours ago
Ok I had this idea for a little awhile as it's from the Halloween episode and finally wrote it! Might make a part 2 with smut. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
Summary: You visit a bar after you finish your shift and a certain guinea pig makes a comment about your outfit.
Sexy Nurse
Warnings: Dirty talk
Words: 1.9k
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You get in your car after finishing your shift at the hospital and like every halloween, it was starting to pile up as the night was coming. You then get a text from one of your friends as they invite you to a bar for Halloween and you think it over before you accept and drive there. You find parking before you go in and find your friend. You're chatting with your friend when a group of about 6 people enter and you see one of them is dressed up as a guinea pig and you tilt your head. You have to give her credit for going with something original. You and your friend finish your drinks and then you go and order some more for the two of you.
“Hi, 2 beers please.” You tell the bartender.
“Oh, boo!” You hear and turn your head to the right and see the woman dressed as a guinea pig. The bartender then gives you the beers and you take them. “Are we still doing nurse’s costumes?” She asks and you roll your eyes as you walk back to your table. “C’mon it’s not even a sexy one.” She adds as you put the drinks on the table and then you flip her off as you sit done.
About 10 minutes later the costume contest starts and you watch in fascination at all the different costumes. You then see a couple there and you don’t recognise their outfits even though they say they’re from Jurassic park. 
“It’s not even recognisable ones from the movie, that’s kinda boring.” You tell your friend, not realising that one guinea pig overheard you from the table next to you.
“That’s what we told them all day.” You hear and turn to see the woman dressed up as the guinea pig from earlier.
“Hey, you’re the guinea pig I flipped off earlier.” You say and she laughs.
“I do tend to have that effect on people.” She tells you and you snort.
“You have people flipping you off all the time?” You ask and she shrugs.
“They either love me or flip me off, there’s no in between. You don’t notice but underneath this costume I've been told I’m a Philly 11.” She tells you and winks at you. You blush at that before you clear your throat.
“Is that so?” You ask her and she smiles and nods. 
You then hear a bunch of “ooohs.” From everyone and look to see someone on stage dressed as Blade. 
“Are you an actual nurse?” The Guinea pig woman asks and you nod.
“I just came from work.” You tell her and she hums as she walks over to you. 
“I may have said what I said as I might have been hoping to check out someone in a sexy costume. Didn’t mean to insult you and what you do.” She says to you. 
“So you’re a good Guinea pig.” You tell her and she chuckles.
“Just for you right now, hon.” She tells you. “I’m Melissa by the way.” She adds and holds out a hand to shake.
“Y/n.” You say and shake her hand. You then look and see her hairline and see her hair colour. “Are you ginger?” You ask her and she nods.
“Yep, hope you don’t have anything against them or else you and me are gonna have problems.” She says sternly.
“No, I have nothing against them, I’m actually highly attracted to them.” You tell her and she smirks.
“Is that so?” She asks you and you nod. “What would you say if I wanted to buy you a drink?” She asks and your brain freezes.
“Then I’d say yes.” You tell her and she smiles before you go to the bar with her and tell her your drink order. “So what made you decide on guinea pig?” You ask her.
“Our school got money for class pets and my class got a guinea pig named Sweet Cheeks.” She explains.
“You’re a teacher?” You ask her and she nods. “Oh my god, that’s one of my fantasies.” You say and then your brain catches up with you. “I don’t even know why I told you that.” You add but you see her trying not to laugh.
“One of your fantasies? Like sexual fantasies?” She asks and you nod shyly. “Like wanted a teacher to discipline you after acting like a brat?” She asks casually and you feel your mouth get dry and just stare at her. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She says after a few seconds.
“So you got a guinea pig?” You ask, trying to change the subject. Melissa smiles at your attempt to escape the topic but complies anyway.
“Yep.” She says and shows you a picture of him on her phone.
“He’s adorable.” You tell her.
“He is, I never had a pet growing up, so he’s like my first one and I’ve grown to love the stinker. Plus I’m the only one he doesn’t bite.” She tells you and you smile.
“Well you fiery redheads have to stick together.” You say and she chuckles.
“Exactly. I actually dressed him up as me.” She tells you and shows you a picture of him in a red wig and a tiny pleather jacket.
“Oh my god, where did you get a tiny leather jacket?” You ask her.
“I sewed it, took me 14 hours.” She tells you and you widen your eyes.
“Wow, that’s commitment.” You tell her.
“What can I say? When I make up my mind about something then I do everything I can to make that happen.” She says with a lower voice and you open your mouth slightly. “Like right now I really want to kiss you.” She adds and you swallow all the saliva in your mouth.
“You-you do?” You ask and she nods.
“Can I?” She asks you and you nod. She then leans forward and gently places her lips on yours. You had no idea that she’d be so gentle when kissing but she’s just full of surprises. She pulls back after a few seconds with a smile. “Wow, that was a really good kiss, hon.” She tells you and you blush. “Do you usually kiss women you just met after they buy you a drink?” She asks you and you shake your head.
“You’re the first.”
“Oh, I’m special. I like that.” She says.
“Well what can I say, you make an adorable guinea pig.” You say and she chuckles before you both lean in to kiss again.
“Did Melissa actually meet a woman and is now kissing her, while dressed up as a guinea pig?” Janine asks Barb and Barb turns around to see Melissa kissing the nurse from earlier.
“Looks like it.” Barb says with a smile.
“That’s quite impressive.” Jacob says as they all stare at you and Melissa kissing. 
You then pull away and you turn your head as you feel like you’re being watched and everyone looks away as soon as they see you looking at them.
“Are those your friends?” You ask her and she looks to see them and Janine waves at her.
“Friends depends on the day but ya, they’re also my coworkers.” She tells you. “Want me to introduce you to them?” She asks and you nod.
“Sure.” You tell her and you grab your drink before she takes your hand and brings you over to the table. 
“Hey all of youse, this is Y/n.” She says to them. “Y/n this is Barb, Jacob, Ava, Janine, Gregory and Mr. Johnson.” She introduces you to everyone.
“Hi.” You tell them all before you lean in to Melissa. “Does Mr. Johnson not have a first name?” You ask her.
“We don’t actually know.” She tells you.
“So you’re the one that we just saw locking lips with Melissa.” Ava says and you freeze.
“Ya, that’s me.” You tell them a bit nervously.
“Melissa, props to you for meeting someone dressed as a guinea pig.” Jacob tells her.
“Do you usually meet and kiss people?” You ask her.
“No… least not recently.” She says and you arch your eyebrows. “Just men I have casual sex with.” She explains.
“You choose to constantly have sex with men? That’s something I will never understand from women who do that.” You say and she snorts.
“Well I’ll never see the appeal in having sex with women.” Jacob says.
“Is he gay?” You ask Melissa and she nods.
“Everyone else is straight though.” Melissa says and you look at them.
“Even the one dressed as Blade?” You ask and she nods.
“Even that one.” She tells you and you nod.
“Ok.” You say.
“So Melissa, how’d you bag this cutie?” Ava asks.
“You sure she’s straight when she makes comments like that?” You ask Melissa.
“That’s just how Ava is.” She tells you. “And she said that Janine and Gregory’s costumes were boring and then I said that we already told them that and she remembered that she flipped me off earlier. Then we started talking.” Melissa explains.
“Heyy, our costumes aren’t boring!” Janine exclaims.
“I’ve seen Jurassic park, you could have chosen better ones.” You tell her and Melissa snorts. “Well I think I’m gonna go home, just did a 12 hour shift and I’m exhausted.” You say.
“12 hours? What do you do?” Janine asks.
“I’m a nurse, this outfit isn’t a costume.” You tell her. “I’m gonna go say goodbye to my friend.” You add and go to the other table and say bye to your friend before coming back. “I guess I’ll see you around Melissa?” You ask her.
“I’ll walk you out hon.” She says and you nod before she follows you outside.
“Ya, she ain’t coming back.” Ava says.
“Why do you say that?” Barb asks.
“She took her purse.” Mr. Johnson says and Ava nods as Barb looks and sees he’s right.
“So I had a pretty fun time tonight.” You tell her and she smiles.
“I did as well.” She tells you.
“And you’re just adorable.” You say as you pet the top of the costume and she lightly smacks your hand away.
“Watch the fur.” She says and you giggle.
“Or what?” You challenge.
“Or I might have to discipline you for the brat you are.” She tells you and your mouth becomes as dry as a desert.
You lick your lips a few times before you’re able to speak again. “And what if I want you to discipline me?” You ask and she trails a finger down the side of your body before bringing it under your chin and keeps your head lifted so you look into her eyes.
“Have you been a bad girl?” She asks and you’re surprised your knees don’t give out right there.
“Oh I definitely have miss.”
“And are you sorry?” She asks.
“No.” You tell her and she quirks an eyebrow.
“I guess you need to be taught a lesson.” She tells you. “Do you have a car? I got driven here.” She asks and you nod. “Lead the way, sexy nurse.” She says.
“Oh, now I’m sexy?” You ask her as you walk to your car.
“You always were, just thought your costume wasn’t.” She tells you as you both get to your car.
“Get in the car.” You say after you unlock it and roll your eyes at her.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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salacious-star · 2 days ago
Thinking abt having a pervy werewolf gf......
{TW: Non-con, non-consensual breeding, non-explicit descriptions of sex}
She's been in a rut for a few days now and it's starting to take a toll on her. I told her she didn't need to lock herself away because I would satisfy her without her breeding me. We've had sex a few times now but... the handjobs and sloppy blowjobs aren't enough. No matter what I give her it's not enough. She needs to put her seed somewhere with the knowledge that it's going to breed.
She approaches me, sheepishly admitting that her instinct sare getting to her.
I remind her how unsure I am about taking her knot, after all I've only ever been fucked with two fingers. She insists that she'll take her time stretching me out, making sure I can take her.
I tell her I'm worried she'll leave marks on me; I know how possessive she gets when she gives in to her instincts and I got a lot of flack the last time I let her leave bite marks all over me. She insists that she'll keep herself in check, and won't even leave any hickeys.
Then I tell her how unsure I am about getting pregnant from her, because I'm not exactly ready to have a child.
And here's where things get problematic...
She's already worked up by this entire conversation. She's done so much to convince me and yet I saved that bomb for last? That's not very fair... She's deserves this. After all this begging and pleading she deserves to have me however she wants me.
So she tells me that since we're both female she can't get me pregnant; a full-on lie.
I tell her I've read the stories before, I practically know the omegaverse tag on ao3 like the back of my hand. But she insists that those are just stories, not of it is true. I'm skeptical but I falter the more she explains it. It makes sense doesn't it? People are wrong about things all the time.
So I say yes.
By the time she's finished it's been hours. She really meant to keep on her other two promises. But she tore into me after fitting two fingers in me; not nearly enough to take her cock, much less her knot. Not to mention that she practically chewed on my skin while she did it. I'll be wearing scarves and pants for months before they heal.
She collapsed on top of me, basking in the afterglow. She knows she bred me nice and deep, and she's not pulling out because she wants to make sure none if it leaks out. But the best part of it is... I have no idea.
In the days that pass I start to notice something's up. She's smiling at me way more than usual, and occasionally I notice her staring at... my stomach? Maybe I've gain some weight... that wouldn't be a surprise.
I only manage to find out a couple weeks later, when I wake up with morning sickness. At first I have no idea what's happening. I assume I have the flu because there's no way it's anything else... right?
But when I'm at the drug store I can't help but wonder... so I grab a pregnancy test.
I confront her about it when it comes back positive.
For a second she almost looks remorseful, but then she just smiles.
"You wanted to satisfy me, didn't you?"
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askthehcc · 2 days ago
Joel, what did you think when Jimmy and Scott broke up? Did you talk about it with any of them?
Joel: Well, it wasn't a lot of fun for me, I'll tell you that much.
Joel: Like, obviously Jimmy and Lizzie are closer than me and him, but he's still my bad boy, isn't he?
Joel: And like, yeah, obviously Scott hadn't been doing super great for a while, but like that's just kinda what Scott is like sometimes?
Joel: He's bloody moody at the best of times, so like, it's not my fault I didn't realise he was having a blimmin mental breakdown, is it?
Joel: And that's the thing, isn't it?
Joel: He's bloody stubborn, isn't he?
Joel: So like he'll get this thing in his head about being independent and shit and he won't say anything to anyone about needing help or whatever, like...
Joel: frankly the fact that I've finally got him to finally send me an SOS me is a bloomin miracle as is
Joel: So like obviously back then Jimmy turns up on our doorstep at like 9pm and I'm thinking like oh jesus this is a bit of a throw back, isn't it?
Joel: But instead of whatever shit happened with Grian, suddenly him and Scott are broken up and the bastard is ignoring my calls - Scott, I mean.
Joel: And so Jimmy's all there being a mess about things and Lizzie's doing her best to fix him and I'm like
Joel: What a bloody nightmare
Joel: What a bloody shitting nightmare
Joel: So yeah, that pretty much sucked to shit
Joel: ...
Joel: And then the next day, Jim went home and Scott had fully just moved out
Joel: He went to his dad's a couple days, but even his dad didn't actually know why
Joel: just thought they'd had an argument, didn't realise he was going off to see rooms to move into
Joel: ...
Joel: I don't know.
Joel: I guess it's not actually about me, but it was bloody miserable.
Joel: And I don't know, Scott would come over for dinner and stuff, but he'd not like, actually open up about stuff with Jim or anything like that.
Joel: So basically, I guess until they were able to be in the same room together again, me and Lizzie basically just had to balance things between them.
Joel: ...
Joel: It was rubbish, it was.
Joel: Real proper rubbish.
Joel: Just... I'm glad they're mates again.
Joel: Even if they're never like they were before, this is a thousand times better than whatever the hell happened after they broke up, isn't it?
Joel: ...
Joel: Anyway, I think I got quite worked up there so I think I'm going to go have a tea and calm down now.
Joel: So, yeah.
Joel: Bye.
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wilanserulia · 2 days ago
I have some considerations about shipping, if you'd entertain me.
I usually stick to my OCs, but lately I've been trying to lean more into drawing fanart. But when a friend asked me if I was going to draw something for FF7, since I've been playing Rebirth this last month, I said no. Final Fantasy VII is an incredibly popular game, I didn't feel like I needed to add my own little fanart to the thousands of thousands already out there.
But then, about 120 hours deep into the game, I got to this scene, and I changed my mind.
I'd like to ramble about it under the cut. Spoilers, of course.
Having played the original Final Fantasy VII back on PlayStation 1 means I've been able to witness the shipping wars for over 25 years. Countless fans facing off in online battlefields, fighting over whether Tifa or Aerith was the "correct" choice for Cloud.
My feelings on the matter are... complicated.
I usually avoid weighing in, because the whole discourse feels flawed in its premise. Granted, maybe my mindset is probably why I could never quite get behind the idea of shipping in general. The conversation is always so... narrow, so close-minded. Human beings are complex individuals, they're complicated and illogical on the best of days, let alone on matters as complex as affection and feelings.
But the way you hear people talk online, you'd think there is only one moment in time, only one true love, only one singular experience, and everything else is invalid, a red herring, a mistake.
Case in point, I believe that for many reasons Aerith and Cloud make a pretty cute couple. And Tifa and Cloud also make a pretty nice couple. Aerith and Zack? Lovely couple. And I believe the breath of FFVII's story is wide enough to allow for all of these to be true, for neither of these to contradict the others.
Because the world is complicated and life is short, and we all bumble through it trying to set aside as much happiness as we can for ourselves, trying to find love in a world where no one is specifically made for another.
Cloud and Tifa have history together. They eventually end up with one another and I think they're a good couple, they complement each other, they look out for each other, they understand each other on a level that others can't.
But dear god, not for a lot of the story they aren't.
They each have their own problems, their own troubles, their own ghosts, neither of them is in the right headspace to commit to a relationship. If we consider the events covered by Remake and Rebirth, they have as much trouble approaching one another as they find it easy to feel familiarity. Had they tried anything at this point it would have been a mess.
I never played Crisis Core so I never had a chance to see their dynamic firsthand, but from everything I've seen of Zack and Aerith in the main game they'd probably look adorable together. They're both very optimistic and energetic and they'd likely easily bounce off each other. They look like they have a similar and very compatible love language. The relationship clearly meant a lot to Aerith, and it's easy to tell from the way she reminisces about it during the game.
And yet she hasn't seen him in... what? Over five years?
At this point of the story, no matter what chemistry they might have had, whether Zack has died or is just ghosting her for whatever reason, Aerith is probably just trying to move on.
Granted it's a bit unbalanced, Aerith is taking the most of the burden to make this relationship work, but once she gets things going Cloud is a surprisingly caring and affectionate person. He has severe trouble displaying it, but he looks after her in many understated ways and he always finds himself humoring Aerith's many requests, allowing himself to be pushed way outside his comfort zone to a degree that he doesn't reserve for anybody else, letting her drag him onto date after date, making a show to be too cool for it all but nonetheless enjoying the warmth of her company.
While a vague resemblance is what sparks Aerith's interest for Cloud, what she really latches on is her intuition that there's another Cloud, a "real" Cloud, hidden somewhere deep down. Whether it's due to her connection to the Lifestream or by virtue of being a very empathetic person, Aerith has made it her mission to pull out this more innocent, more genuine, easygoing, caring, and even goofier Cloud out of the depth of his psyche where he's been locked away.
She is relentless and doesn't take no for an answer.
And even though Cloud keeps up his tough boy charade with everyone (with the occasional hiccup), Aerith is the only one who succeeds in pulling him out of his shell.
Of course it won't last between them. It can't. Maybe in another life, maybe at another time, but in this it was never meant to work.
Their final moments together are melancholic, and the consequences will be scarring, but their time together is precious, for the both of them. And Rebirth captures it all in such a beautiful way. After playing through that one last date, in that surreal dreamscape, I was so touched that I felt like I simply had to draw it.
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One Last Date
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tortilla-of-courage · 4 months ago
isnt it fun that demise's fight and dark link's fight in oot both take place in a seemingly infinite plane of existence where the ground is water and practically a perfect mirror and you fight a being of darkness that copies your moves (demise copying the skyward strike in his own way) with a dark version of your weapon. isnt it fun
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badgopher · 2 months ago
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"Does table salt go bad" and "first amendment text" and "richmond virginia suburbs" and other things I've asked the Internet this week.
It was almost warm enough a couple days this week to make park days a thing. I tried. My toes got cold.
I think banning TikTok as it exists today is probably a good idea, but the law to effect that change seems to be in conflict with the first bullet point in the bill of rights. If we lived in a time where precedent mattered, I might be more bothered about how this all plays out. Will the government give TikTok assurances they wont enforce the law that the government enacted to oust them? Who knows. Does it matter? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ At the end of the day, I think I'm mostly just sad about my TikTok (maybe?) going away.
Booked a trip to (the suburbs of) Richmond, VA for the middle of February. A couple nights in Tuckahoe and a couple in Chester. Mostly just a vibe check. I'm hoping to settle on a plan by early March.
[work stuff.]
Rachel Platten is coming to town in March and it took me all of about 12 seconds to buy a ticket this morning, even though I haven't listened to her music in ages.
I have so many pictures to sort through and scan. And a bunch of laundry to fold.
Maybe this weekend.
It could happen.
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marclef · 1 year ago
THE EYHM COLLECTION GROWS!!!! managed to make some space without having to move too much so they can all be together!!
(i made the smaller ones into stickers bc i'm running out of picture frames!! hope that's ok!)
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*sharp inhale* @eskariolis-con-salsa @oddpizza @woobab @the-little-knight @moon9931 @misdreavusplush @noodletime @witch-tower-au !!!!!!!
hope you all have a good holiday season!! love you all! *MWAH*
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supercantaloupe · 26 days ago
wish i could give you a hug about your migraines and medication struggles. you deserve to be cared about accommodated
thank you <3 to be clear so far i haven't encountered anyone who's been uncaring or unaccommodating about it. i'm mostly just frustrated at...not necessarily myself, i guess, but at the mere fact of experiencing new existential challenges in my daily life. it's hard and scary to admit that i'm struggling, it's hard to ask for help, and it's hard to do so with the knowledge that most people have very little real way to help other than going "that's rough, buddy"
#sasha answers#anon#'existential challenges' ie namely coming to realize that my migraines are a bigger problem for me than i thought#and that my most recent medication adjustment in the effort of preventing migraines is causing different (arguably more pressing) problems#by making me. just. so tired. like not the usual 'in grad school and working 2 jobs and playing oboe' tired that i'm used to#but 'slept in til almost noon; got groceries; and felt like i needed to take a nap immediately after' tired.#'weeks behind on assigned readings' tired. 'turned in an assignment days late' tired#and beyond just being drowsy and physically exhausted i'm not thinking as quick as i usual am.#i don't think i've understood what brain fog really felt like til now but i really feel like i'm just. out of focus now#like realizing you need to wear glasses suddenly. although i've been wearing literal glasses for a decade and a half by now lol#anyway. i appreciate your care#this is all quite new to me. and i suspect a product of my most recent medication adjustment#since my symptoms line up with the common side effects and reported anecdotal experiences of other users of this particular med#i messaged my doctor about it for advice. so hopefully i can do something about it soon#and re: 'most people can't help' i mean to say that i live alone and have to like cook and clean and take care of myself alone#and the world outside of my brain is also experiencing some crazy bull shit that's just added stressors for myself and everyone else#from my university going through. some stuff. and the country. Also Going Through Some Stuff Right Now#it's a lot. and even if a professor says 'this assignment doesn't have a hard deadline' or a coworker offers to cover a couple hours for me#well it's appreciated surely but there's a lot more going on that they can't control y'know#anyway. tmi again#i'm going to heat up some more food for myself and try to get to bed early#i probably won't get to the assignments i wanted to work on tonight. but so it goes
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fortes-fortuna-iogurtum · 1 year ago
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sapsolais · 2 months ago
sometimes you have a shitty day but there are things that make it easier to keep going like:
- being silly with basically strangers
- hugs when you really need them
- quiet 3 am phone calls with people you really love
#idk. it's been such a hard couple weeks for me honestly#i've had to adjust to back 2 back changes over and over again. and i also feel guilty for a couple different reasons all at the same time#couple that with 0 free time and no money? and bills? woooff#today in particular was really hard because i went to bed so late (it was worth it) but in turn i got up later#had to hurry to my appointment which meant i didn't eat anything besides a yogurt. which is better than nothing#but then i had to get my blood drawn. twice. and was sooooo worried about the time bc i had work after. i almost fell asleep in the lobby bc#i was so tired. also i almost couldn't afford my appointment and almost had a heart attack. then i rushed to work and my boss made me drive#30 minutes back to my house to change my pants (pants i'd worn like 5 times before) because they had a TINY rip in them. i mean like 2 inch#there was 1 rip. girl. anyways i had to leave in front of all my coworkers AFTER JUST RUSHING THERE and i felt even MORE guilty bc i alr#leave and hour early for school WHICH ALSO doesn't help. me financially.#anyways then i had to email my prof that i'll be late bc work Needed me longer today. n just#christ. i was so fucking stressed#SO stressed#but i'm in bed now and#i was thinking about all the kids at work who gave me a hug today. like i always get hugs but today i Needed one. so it felt different#and in my lab today me and these total strangers were laughing like a pack of sleep deprived hyenas bc we kept makin silly jokes while#diagnosing a car and doing circuit work.#and i thought about how i talked with myself today even though i was in a rush i still made the time to journal for a bit#how my best friend sounded last night. how they'd drop everything no questions asked#how even though it feels like you've got no one in the moment you turn and suddenly someone's there#sometimes it's hard to see. it's blurry in our peripherals while we move through our days but. you sit at the end of it all#i like remembering all that.#sap says#txt#feel free to add in the tags btw
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alexjcrowley · 5 months ago
#guys can I be real for a sec#was texting my friend today and I casually mentioned I had probably developed a peach allergy#which is so depressing because I love peaches#but luckily I seemed to only be allergic to the fuzz on the outside#and my friend texted me 'I'll peel them for you'#and I think I died a thousand deaths at that#I told him that was one of the sweetest thing someone had ever told me and not to mind if I was getting emotional#and like it was chill after that we were havin a conversation on a completely different topic#but I don't think my friend really got how show-stopping jaw-dropping what he said to me was#and he's a chill guy so again I did tell him that was incredibly sweet because it's true and then we moved on#but I feel like I still need to scream at him in the face because my poor beating heart who is not casual at all about friendships#is going mad#these days especially I am rethinking a lot about my friendships and in general baout my human relationships#saw a friend I didn't see in a while a couple of days ago on a better night that I could have hoped for#spent yesterday night thinking about the words another friend told me#and now this guy it has relatively recently hit me how close we have grown. Like I recently realized I misremembered our relationship#and that we have been closer than I thought for longer than I thought#and today he hit me with this and he's chill but I am not and I kinda wanna send him that fucking post 'would you peel an orange for me'#I've had squishes more intense than your favourite romance books#I need to be hospitalised now because people care about me and like me and trust me. By people I mean my friends. Who'd have thought.
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arcane-vagabond · 1 year ago
#y'all my anxiety has me spiraling as of late because it just feels like my whole life is falling apart at this point#i got fired from my job a couple of months ago and i've been scrambling to try and find a new one#i work part time at a store i really love but it pays shit#and i've had all of these interviews and no one wants to hire me and i just feel unhireable at this point and it's hard not to despair#and on top of that i'm struggling with my self esteem again#i know i'm not ugly per se but i'm struggling with feeling confident in the way i look as a big girl#and all of my old insecurities are rearing their ugly heads and i want to cry just thinking about it#and i feel like such a failure right now even though i know that life has its ups and downs but my stupid brain just won't chill#and i don't really have any friends in the area because they all either moved away or didn't live here to begin with#and i'm tired of living at home because of my stupid student loans and not being able to afford to live on my own#i have one person i hang out with and we just met and i don't want to scare them off because they're a great friend and person#and i just feel like i'm never going to meet anybody who's going to love me the way i want to be loved because of my looks#also because it's me. and i feel like i'm so flawed as a person that no one will ever fall in love with me#and i've just been feeling really alone lately and i'm trying to do things to make me feel better but it's just so HARD right now#and i love writing because it gives me a chance to explore some of my feelings and it's something i genuinely love to do#and i'm sitting here waiting for the day things start to get better. and i know we all joke and i'm gonna sounds so dumb for saying this#but i feel like i was meant to be famous? or do something great idk and it's something everyone has always told me#and idk if my feelings of inadequacy are because of that or what but i'm scared that my life is going to mean nothing in the end#anyway this was a lot and you can pretend like you didn't read it. i just wanted to write some of my feelings down
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