#I've been awake for like 53 hours
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naralanis · 8 months ago
It's almost 1AM and I need to finish a project by 8; why am I dancing to AURORA's new album in my boxers with a half-empty diet coke?
Insanity. That's why.
I mean also not sleeping but we don't talk about that
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olderthannetfic · 1 month ago
Stumbled upon a post where people were completely baffled by fast readers (many were sure that someone couldn't have possibly have read 4 ~70k fics in a day as they claimed). The screenshot fast readers were being maybe a little rude about fic length, sure, doesn't mean they were lying or "probably skimming and only reading the dialogue".
Got me wondering since I've been reading a looong fic this last week. Last night I kept track of when I finished a chapter, and at some point noticed that I was done at something like 25 past, 53 past, 27 past... So ~30min per chapter and two chapters per hour. If every chapter was that same length, I would've been reading ~47k per hour. It about tracks with the ~20k / half an hour that I've noticed some time before.
Choosing the lower of those, 4×70k=280k, 280k÷40k/h=7h. Very much doable for e.g. a teenager (...slacking on homework), or someone else who's capable of setting aside half their awake-time for reading.
Someone in the notes of that post did calculations too, but annoyingly stopped right before a conclusion when they decided that people (whose main hobby is obviously reading) couldn't possibly read significantly faster than average.
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chiiyuuvv · 1 year ago
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• PAIRING — xikers!bestfriend x reader
• GENRE — basically xikers late hours but I wanted to change the name, clingy, cuddly, fluffy, cute, soft, delulu, single.. you get the point
• WORD COUNT — 927
• AUTHORS NOTE — wanted to take a small break of requests because I've been doing them back to back and it's starting to get a little tiring.. </3 this is actually going to be 'xikers when they think you've fallen asleep' but after writing minjaes I realized it was nowhere near that but I didnt want to start over so yeah, basically xikers late hours pt. 2 but I wanted to change the name, so xikers latestamps ✨ get it? Anyways sorry for rambling but I'm gonna write a imagine that I've been thinking about for a while and then get back to requests.. thank you for request btw!! ♡
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Minjae ☆
You and minjae were watching a movie when he heard you snoring
He looks over at you with a small chuckle before turning off the tv and tossing a blanket over your body
His heart would flutter like crazy has he watches you sleep peacefully, when a strand of hair falls in your face
Would tuck it behind your ear as he let's out a sigh "I dont know what I'd do without you.. I love you so so much."
You could hear him slightly through your dreams as a small smile forms, minjae taking the opportunity to cup your cheeks and lay a soft kiss on it ♡
Junmin ☆
You and junmin were scrolling through your phones when you fell asleep
Junmin didnt notice at first until he heard the thud of your phone dropping
Picking it up and scooting closer to you, he would take your phone and take a bunch of embarrassing photos of you sleeping
Until he got an idea
"Poppy poppy poppy pop" he'd bounce the camera on your face ♡
Sumin ☆
Would let out the cutest giggle as he watches you close your eyes 🥺🥺
Makes conversation with you, even though you were asleep
"I think.. I'm in love with you." "You're so pretty and my heart always flutters when you smile."
"Wow.. I'm really in love." He would rest on his arms, looking over at you with the softest smile
Hes scared that you wouldnt like him back, but it didnt matter to him. As long as he had you, he was fine ♡
Jinsik ☆
"Oh. Did you fall asleep?" Jinsik would smile as he crouches down to your level, a small on his face as he rubs your hair
He would notice that you were shivering, so he got up to find you a blanket
He would also notice how you'd smile ever so slightly, and the smile on his face would get even bigger
Plays with your hair as he watches you sleep, until you start moving
"What's wrong..?" He'd whisper as you slowly open your eyes. "Come sleep with me.." you'd whisper back, holding out your arms to hug you tightly
Which he does, a goofy smile and blush covering his face
Hyunwoo ☆
Hyunwoo was talking about something and so you decided to prank him
You'd lay down all nice and comfortable before shutting your eyes, pretending like you were sleep
A very pouty baby when he finally notices you "come on.. wake up!!" He'd shake you awake, patting your arms
Would let out a whine when you ignore him, turning his back on you as he crosses his arms "meanie"
But you'd 'wake up', and wrap your hands around his waist, resting your chin on his shoulder as you hug him tightly ♡
Junghoon ☆
He would get clueless on how you were so energetic one second, then fully knocked out the next second.. but would shrug it off
Lays down next to you as he takes time to admire your sleeping figure, tracing your face with his eyes
Really really wants to touch you, but would get too scared, thinking you would magically wake up and would get angry
That was until he heard you mumbling his name
And would intertwine his hand with yours, falling asleep ♡
Seeun ☆
You were laying on seeuns lap when you closed your eyes for a little too long
And of course seeun noticed and decided to mess with you
"Paboooo!!" He'd whisper into your ear, lightly blowing on it as he let's out a giggle
Would laugh even more when he sees you frown, before leaving you alone
Leans back on the bed frame as he cards his fingers through your hair, tucking you in more
"I love you!!" He would quickly whisper before scrolling through his phone ♡
Yujun ☆
You and yujun were laying down face to face. It was 2 in the morning and you were up chatting and laughing
Yujun tells another joke as you laugh tiredly, your eyes closing as you can feel the sleepiness wash over you
Yujun takes notice as he inches towards you "so pretty.." he'd whisper as he'd stare at you
And his gaze would fall to your lips and he feels this type of gravity pushing him to it, softly laying his lips on yours
As he'd pull away your eyes would shoot open as you stare at each other, redder than a strawberry ♡
Hunter ☆
You were about to pull an all-nighter when you suddenly feel someone wrap their arms around you and pick you up
"Y-yah hunter what are you doing??!" You'd shout as hunter quickly turns off your computer, throwing you onto your bed before hitting you with a pillow
Repeatedly, until you tell him to stop
Would trap you with his body with the goofiest smile on his face, wrapping his arms around you as he buries his head into your neck
But after a few minutes he would toss over and pull you into a big hug, kissing your forehead and rubbing your back as he whispers "goodnight~~" ♡
Yechan ☆
"Yechan.. yechan-ahh..!!" You'd poke his cheek tiredly, as the two of you are not trying to fall asleep
But it fails as yechan rests his head on your shoulder
"Shh.. j-just do to sleep.." he'd lazily bring his finger to your lips, making you lay your head on his
In which you do, wrapping each others arms around the other for warmth
When you wake up, you would be so blushy and shy ♡
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magicalqueennightmare · 2 years ago
Sins & Amends Chapter 53
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Billy Russo x Female Reader (60 part story)
This follows pre- the punisher into the storyline of daredevil, punisher season 1 and beyond
This is NOT Canon Billy. This is decent human being Billy left with bad options over worse decisions
This was also posted to A03 under: WaywardGaPeach. That account and this one is the only place you'll see me post this. If you see it on any other platform/account know it's not me.
Chapter Summary/Warnings: Frank comes to your side when you call him to tell him what happened to Billy
Frank hadn't been asleep but about an hour or two when his phone started ringing. "Get it before it wakes Adi up!" He heard from Karen's side of the bed in a whisper. He grabbed the phone as he sat up not bothering to look at the number "Hello?" He was met with silence on the other end and started to hang up before he heard someone take a shuddering breath "Frank?" At the sound of your voice he was fully awake. Something was wrong. You sounded like you were in shock.
"Y/N?" He called your name and saw Karen sit up out the corner of his eye and look at him curiously but at the moment his attention was on you. "Can you please come to me? I need you" "Yeah of course. Where are you at? What's going on?" 
He was already up and pulling boots onto his feet before you told him what hospital you were at "Alex Moore got out Frank. He found me. He..he tried to kill me. He would've killed me but Billy protected me. Now he's in surgery and.. I don't know if he's gonna make it" 
"God dammit how the hell did that asshole even get out? I'll be there as soon as I can. Just hold tight and call me if there's any changes" "Frank I can't do this" he closed his eyes at how broken you sounded.
Fuck, in all the time he'd known you even at the worst moments you always tried to hold it together for everyone around you and he hadn't heard you sound so defeated since the two of you got into that argument when you first found out you were pregnant and he found you at Maria's grave. "Sweetheart I will be there in a few minutes" "Ok" was the last thing you said before the line went dead.
He stared at the phone for a minute before glancing back at Karen then tilting his head towards the living room. She nodded then climbed out the bed, careful not to wake Adi as she walked past the toddler bed.
He followed her out and pulled the bedroom door almost shut before saying "I've got to go to the emergency room. Y/N needs me" "What happened? Is she ok?" The concern and worry were plain in Karen's voice when she spoke. 
He nodded then said "She's ok but you remember Moore?" "The asshole that attacked her and Alice? How could I forget?" Karen's jaw had tightened at the mere mention. 
He could feel the tension in his shoulders and realized his trigger finger was absentmindedly tapping his thigh while he talked. He knew flashes of that night were going through both of their heads. "Yeah well he got out. Apparently came looking to finish the job but didn't exactly take Bill into account. He got shot protecting her. She said he's in surgery and she doesn't know if he's gonna make it"
Karen glanced back towards the bedroom and he could see her worrying her bottom lip between her teeth before she ran a hand through her hair to push it back from her face "What do I tell Adi? She's gonna ask for one or both of them after she gets up" 
Frank let out a breath trying to think of what to tell his niece. She was still so young and now facing this "Tell her bare minimum. Her dad got hurt so her mom took him to the hospital. I went to be with them both" 
Karen nodded then pulled him into a hug "Let me know if you need me. Take care of her Frank" "I will. I love you Kare. Take care of little bit" he leaned his forehead against hers for a moment trying to get his head on straight. She nodded then closed the space between them to press a gentle kiss to his lips "I love you too"
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Working together you and Riley had managed to get Billy's heart back beating before you made it to the hospital but he was still losing a lot of blood internally. 
You were stopped at the entrance to the operating room by a couple of the nurses who'd known you for years "Y/N you know you can't go back" you snatched away from them and Riley alike. You knew they were trying to offer comfort but you didn't want it. You didn't deserve it.
Someone else you loved had once again caught a bullet that had your name on it. You were fucking poison. How the hell could you protect your child from the world when it seemed as if merely being around you would be the biggest threat to her?
You paced the hallway outside the double doors until the adrenaline started to leave your body and the crash that came along with that forced you to collapse into a chair. Your clothes, hands and face had blood smeared across them. Around your nails the blood had started to dry and was flaking off in red chunks.
You couldn't stop hearing the gunshot, seeing the way Billy had crumpled but only after he'd made sure you were ok. You closed your eyes to stop the flow of tears but that only made more images flash across through your mind. 
Maria and the kids in their caskets, Frank bloody and half dead after that fight alongside Gunner. Curtis bloody and beaten from Lewis, Karen terrorised by Wilson Fisk. It was too much. You'd lost half your family in one day and had fought like hell to keep the rest of them in one piece and now the man you loved, the man who'd put so much on the line to keep you safe might very well end up dying.
What the hell were you gonna tell Adi? It seemed like she'd just met him and now to lose him? You bought your hands up to your face trying to will the images out your mind. You couldn't even cry and you knew that was worse than if you were sobbing. 
You didn't know how long you'd been sitting there digging through your jacket pockets before you finally found your phone. Your hands were shaking as you hit Frank's number. You weren't sure what to say but you needed him. You couldn't do this alone.
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You were still staring blankly at your phone when Frank found you. You hadn't noticed his presence so he took a moment to take stock of whether or not you had any injuries.
Although you were covered in blood it didn't appear to be yours. He knew that look anywhere though. You were so lost in your own mind you needed someone to pull you out. He'd been there before and you had been the one to pull him out so he owed you.
He walked up trying to make as much noise as he could so he wouldn't startle you but when he touched your shoulder you jumped defensively until you realized it was him then the facade crumpled as you stepped into his arms "Frank it's bad. It's all my fault" 
He froze and held you out at arm's length so he could lean down enough to look you in the eye. There was blood smeared on the side of your face and your eyes were red from crying but he could see that stubbornness you'd always had under it all. 
You were going to try to blame yourself for this and he'd be damned before he let you "You didn't shoot him so it's not your fault. It's that damn junkie's fault. I should've killed him instead of letting them lock him up" 
You sniffled twice and he knew you were holding back tears when you shook your head "Frank don't you see? Maria, the kids. Those bullets had my name on them. Rawlins lied to Billy but I still should've been the one to die that day. Now this. he didn't even know who Billy was. He shot him because he was protecting me. I'm fucking poison. Who else is gonna be next? You? Karen? God forbid if something happened to Adi. I can't do this Frank. I can't keep hurting people I love"
God dammit he'd never wanted to shake you as bad as he did right then. His grip tightened on your arms just enough to get your attention and once he was sure he had it he said "Listen to me and listen to me good Y/N. Maria and the kids died because Rawlins was an evil son of a bitch who got what he deserved. Bill got shot because he fucking loves you and when you love someone it's instinct to protect them. None of this is your fault. You're not poison or any other bullshit you believe. Hell you've patched a lot of us up. You put us back together. I know this is hard but I also know you've got that damn stubborn streak a mile wide and can put your mind to anything right?"
You nodded after a moment so he loosened his grip but stayed where he could look you in the eyes "He's a stubborn asshole. I've known him for even longer than you have. Me and him have been through hell together and have put each other through our fair share. One thing I know? He loves you and Adi and this isn't enough to keep him from you. Now put it in your mind he's gonna pull through ok?"
"Ok" your voice sounded a little steadier so he nodded and moved his hand to your lower back "Now let's see if I can get you some scrubs or something so you can get cleaned up and out these bloody clothes"
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One of the nurses had gotten you a pair of scrubs and even offered to let you use the nurse's shower after she checked your vitals at Frank's insistence.
Frank told you he'd hang around the operating room so if anyone did come out while you were getting cleaned up. You'd hesitantly agreed because while you desperately wanted to check on Billy you couldn't stand knowing it was his blood drying all over you.
After standing under the hot water long enough you felt like you'd taken a layer of skin off you climbed out and dried off then deposited the towel into the bin that was in the corner of the room. 
Once you were dressed in the scrubs you pulled your shoes back on complete with the hospital socks you'd been given along with the scrubs then gathered your bloody clothes in the personal belonging bag you'd been given and went in search of Frank.
When you walked out into the hall you ran smack into Frank's chest with a grunt from him and a gasp of surprise from you but luckily he managed to grab you before you fell.
"Frank what's going on?" You asked feeling your stomach knot up worse than it already was but he shook his head "Nothing bad sweetheart. I found a doctor that apparently isn't sure if he's a fan of me or just scared shitless. Either way I got him to check on Bill. Surgery is going good. The bullet missed his organs but nicked an artery. They're closing up and should have him a room in ICU in about an hour" 
You let out a breath "Are they hopeful for recovery?" He nodded "Yup sounds like he was pretty damn lucky he had a paramedic right there the moment he hit the ground" you let out a watery laugh "You're saying that to make me feel better" 
Frank shook his head and motioned back down the hall "I can find him again if you don't believe me. Doc said the reason he's gonna make it is because of you. So wanna talk again about you being poison? Looks to me like you once again saved one of the men in your life" you threw your arms around Frank's neck in a hug he gently returned.
When you pulled away he glanced at his watch "I'm gonna text Karen. When Adi wakes up what do you want her told?" You ran a hand down your face before agreeing with what Frank had already said "bare minimum. He's hurt. Me and you are here to check on him. I can't let her see him post surgery. He's got to be alert before she sees him" 
Frank nodded then said "Who knows by the time little bit gets to going good he might already be awake" "That's got to be the first bit of optimism I've ever heard from you Frank" you said with a half laugh and he shrugged "For Adi? I'll be a bit optimistic" then started to text Karen.
You and Frank were sitting together right outside the doors of the operating rooms fending calls and texts from everyone from Alice to Sam and everyone in between.
They'd heard one way or another and wanted to see what was going on. Alex had died in surgery. Billy tore his jugular beyond repair when he'd stabbed him and that little piece of information had given you a little peace knowing he was finally dead. He couldn't hurt no one else.
You'd just hung up with Matt and Frank with Curtis when Doctor Morales the surgeon who worked on Billy came walking out and headed towards where the two of you sat. "Are you Mr Russo's family?" 
"Yes sir. This is his fiance and I'm basically her brother" Frank answered before you had a chance so Doctor Morales nodded then went into explanation of what they'd done to Billy. "He'll be healing for a few weeks but all in all he should count his lucky stars you were there. Had you not reacted so quickly with your training he wouldn't have made it. As soon as we get him settled in a room I'll send a nurse to escort the two of you" 
You and Frank both thanked him then after he walked away Frank patted your shoulder "He's gonna be fine" you nodded then nearly whispered "I'll believe it when he wakes up" you'd seen too many cases where the doctors thought everything was fine then some unforeseen complication would occur. He had to wake up for you to feel better.
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treyhand · 17 days ago
Screw it, this could be really funny. 1: Mostly
2: Someone who deserved to hear it
3: Yes, but luckily I've been able to forgive myself for most of them
4: Only sometimes, and recent experiences have continued to make me more secure in who I am.
5: Currently single, though recently a very funny blood pact was discussed.
6: One of a few ways. In my sleep / slumped over the corpse of one who would do my loved ones harm / knowing I did the best I could
7: Soup. I made the soup myself
8: Rock climbing/cycling
9:No. I do bite my lip though.
10: Play fighting? Belegarth last week. Actual fight? I can't remember
11: I like many people, be more specific ;)
12: Nope. Longest I've stayed awake was 28 hours.
13: Not currently, only because hate seems to require a more personal connection.
14: There are people I think I should miss... I don't though.
15: A dog who should've died years ago.
16: Cold by choice. Comfortable in spirit.
17: No
18: No
19: Only to document historical events
20: In a car?
21: Sleep before the week takes me again
22: Honestly I don't know. No more than 2 though if I do.
23: Nope
24: History, coding, and cybersecurity
25: Again I probably should, but nope
26: Ice water... I'm actually going to go get some (this is taking time)
27: I've rejected a crush, yes.
28: Not to my knowledge
29: I think so but I couldn't pinpoint it
30: The current US executive branch
31: I'm pretty sure yes
32: Blue. Electric/royal blue if I'm being picky
33: Absolutely. I am getting better at trust though (its been a while since I've been betrayed)
34: I think it was about me moving out
35: Given that I usually hide to cry, I don't think I've cried in front of anyone for over a decade now.
36: Likely, though I live with a "forgive but be wary" model of it.
37: It is far easier to forgive. Doesn't mean I won't expect the worst.
38: Nope, but maybe...
39: Just over a month before my 19th birthday.
40: No, but I would like to someday.
51: (where'd the other 10 go?) Peta bread, mayonnaise, and bacon.
52: Sadly no, though it might be better if this were a written story.
53: Read a book (Wind and Truth)
54: No. It's not unforgivable, but relationship boundaries should be respected.
55: I do my damnedest not to be.
56: Just my brother, and I'm not 100% sure if that was play fighting or not.
57: Not really? Certainly not "love at first sight." That being said, a deep, burning passion and care that is kindled over months or years of truly knowing someone's ins and outs... absolutely.
58: 60-70 degrees F overcast with a 7-10 mph headwind from the West.
59: Yes but not for long periods of time.
60: Mmm... hopefully, but an oath like that would be taxing should it be made too hastily.
61: No, not really. "Dear," "darling," or "sweet" are better.
62: Passion. History. Historical wargaming. People who really, really care and want to know and experience the world with me.
63: Maybe. I don't really like my birth name but it seems like a lot of effort to legally change it.
64: Yeah... I broke off our dating for a reason.
65: I explore my feelings towards them. We go on a date or two. Things might progress. It really depends on who they are.
66: Yes
67: Someone who needed an ear.
68: A friend similar to me
69: That probably implies believing in souls... I do not.
70: I suspect I would die for at least one, but my mind rebells at the thought of anyone I know requiring such a sacrifice.
70 horrible questions ... Fuck it
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? 02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? 03: Do you regret anything? 04: Are you insecure? 05: What is your relationship status? 06: How do you want to die? 07: What did you last eat? 08: Played any sports? 09: Do you bite your nails? 10: When was your last physical fight? 11: Do you like someone? 12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? 13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? 14: Do you miss someone? 15: Have any pets? 16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? 17: Ever made out in the bathroom? 18: Are you scared of spiders? 19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? 20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? 21: What are your plans for this weekend? 22: Do you want to have kids? How many? 23: Do you have piercings? How many? 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? 25: Do you miss anyone from your past? 26: What are you craving right now? 27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? 28: Have you ever been cheated on? 29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? 30: What’s irritating you right now? 31: Does somebody love you? 32: What is your favourite color? 33: Do you have trust issues? 34: Who/what was your last dream about? 35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? 36: Do you give out second chances too easily? 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? 38: Is this year the best year of your life? 39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? 51: Favourite food? 52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? 53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 54: Is cheating ever okay? 55: Are you mean? 56: How many people have you fist fought? 57: Do you believe in true love? 58: Favourite weather? 59: Do you like the snow? 60: Do you wanna get married? 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? 62: What makes you happy? 63: Would you change your name? 64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? 65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? 67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? 68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? 69: Do you believe in soulmates? 70: Is there anyone you would die for?
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bookofkatherine · 4 months ago
Jesus Arrived Like a Thief in the Knight
Jesus arrived on my land unannounced exactly four weeks ago tonight! And my, oh, my, how He celebrated. I'm still sweating.
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Saturday November 16, 2024 1:53 a.m.
Dear Journal,
Holy shit, the epic shit that went down with Jesus tonight!!! Today! All the prophecies fulfilled! All the battles being fought! The healing! The sex!!!!
Sigh. Let's start from the top, ok, dear journal?
Yes. Let's.
“Keep watch! I come unannounced, like a thief. You’re blessed if, awake and dressed, you’re ready for me. Too bad if you’re found running through the streets, naked and ashamed.” Book of Revelation 16:15
A Thief in the Night
If you didn't know, one month ago tonight my guards found Jesus walking along my hill as if it was no big deal. There are no sidewalks or street corners that lead to my hill. And none of our protection alarms went off.
And He sure as fuck didn't tell any of us that He was coming.
He just made all of my Knights on duty jump as He casually walked past them, barefoot in the grass, up towards my home. The Knights at the bottom of my land stared up. The Knights at the top of my house stared down. And they just kept staring.
Jesus strolled up to the house, then disappeared.
Then suddenly, they saw Him approaching my home from a different direction, walking up my hill towards my home. And then, as before, He'd get to one of my doors and then disappear - only to reappear further down the hill, walking up towards us again.
By the next morning, Clive Owen - our magic gardener, a prince of The Grove who tends the land I live on - was asking if he should go out onto my hill and rope off all the places that Jesus walked. I tried not to, but I burst out laughing at the thought. If they only knew! Ha!
Anyhow, it took a while to calm everyone down and set things right over the next few days. Jesus never left. And it wasn't long until He was in the house with the rest of the Knights, spinning some tunes and DJ'ing.
Me? I was happy. But I couldn't see Him. And I couldn't touch Him. So I was happy for everyone, but holding off my freak-out for the moment I got to lay eyes on Him finally.
And then it hit me.
It hit me a full week later. I couldn't believe it. And I only realized it because I was describing His arrival to a new recruit. And bam! I realized I was describing a cat burgalar!
"Oh my God, you guys," I began.
"What?" They know my tone of voice. Everyone shut up and listened.
"Did - did Jesus just arrive last Friday in the middle of the night!?"
They didn't even answer. They just looked at me like I was dumb. Of course He did. Who didn't know He had done that by now?
But that was the thing. It took a while for everyone to know. Only one-third of the Knights could see Him when He first arrived. No one inside the house could see Him that first night. Only my guards outside.
He slowly revealed Himself as the hours and days went by. Viggo has been sitting on the porch with Jesus looking out over our spectacular view of the valley for weeks now. But hell, I don't know if Stefan has even seen Jesus yet. He's too busy giving Queenie babies to be heirs for Borax. (I'm not kidding!)
"Guys!!!" I said sharply. "Did - I - I think Jesus just, just..."
"What!?" they said. "Out with it!" said Stefan. So I just spit it out:
That shut everyone up.
Because He had.
He fucking had.
The Bride
And now it's been four weeks. I didn't realize it. I've been busy. Satan's minions have stolen Baby Katherine Elizabeth, Claire, Omaha and even Pence - not to mention the Tesseract. I've been fucking busy, ok?
Last night I was tortured for I don't know how many hours. I don't really want to talk about it, if I'm honest.
But I will say this: I know it now. I know that it's been exactly 28 days since Jesus arrived. And oh my God. Let me tell you.
*deep breath*
You know how the Knights use Nick as a link to kiss me, touch me and even make love to me? For more than a decade the Lord has been using Nick (once known as Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods) to connect me to the outside world, much like Galadriel.
Some wizards use a staff. I don't. I am far too powerful. I use Nick instead.
So when the Knights began arriving, as you saw in Book of Katherine: Summer of Love, the Lord began connecting me through Nick in other ways. Fast forward ten years, and I have 36 different Knights who will kiss me goodnight in a variety of ways through Nick. Sometimes, to preserve my health, they simply kiss me all at once.
That's actually what happened the night Jesus arrived. The Covenant of 33 Knights decided to come together and make love to me all at once. And I mean make love - not just hands and mouths. No, we had sex. And that took so much love on all 33 Knights' parts.
But then Jesus showed up.
I think they opened the portal or fulfilled a prophecy or something.
And then...
Four weeks later...
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Jesus moved the Knights, who were in a line to kiss me before Nick left for the night, out of the way. I thought Jesus wanted to talk with me. But Nick freaked out.
"Why?" I asked.
"I don't know! I don't know if I can let - let JESUS through!!!" Nick said, eyes wide.
"What the hell are you talking about? You let Jesus through every single day! Why can't I talk to Him now!?"
And then Nick grew quiet. There was a beat. And then I caught it-
"Wait- unless Jesus wants to do something OTHER than talk!?!?!" I asked, incredulously.
And Nick just kept freaking out and said, "I don't know! I think so?"
And then I started laughing. "You let 36 other men kiss me through you but you won't let JESUS kiss me!?" And I just cracked up and grabbed him.
And as I saw Nick see the humor in it, and as he began to laugh too, his lips were suddenly on my lips and I knew - it wasn't Nick.
Jesus had arrived.
In my motherfucking mouth.
And then on my mouth. And then around my mouth. And it was like nothing else.
I felt heaven opening wide above us. I felt Jesus holding back, but also yearning - so deeply yearning...
And so much happened you guys.
I kissed his stomach. He drew his fingers through my hair. I put my breast in his mouth. He proceeded to give clear and convincing evidence that He had - in fact - knit me together in my mother's womb by making me move to full orgasm by touching that one breast in ways I didn't know it could be touched.
I told Him that I would do anything for Him. He told me that He'd been waiting "since the beginning" for me. I thanked Him for making flowers for me. He told me, "anything for you."
I said, "what do you want to touch on me before you have to go?" And He rolled me onto my back. And I found my hand in his pants and his hand between my legs. And there was no pain. I gasped. "There's no pain!" I said to Him in wonder. "I am healing you..." He said.
And I played with Him. And He played with me. We smiled. We giggled. We gasped. We sighed. We were quiet. And we were blessed - holy - in love.
"My bride," he whispered into my mouth.
"My bridesgroom," I whispered into His.
And later, as we fell back into bed when Nick was running late, and Jesus reached up to give me the last and final kiss (there are six Knights who always kiss me before Nick leaves the home - it's an important protection) I dared to say, "Oh! Do you want something?" and I scooted away from him, smiling as I did so. He looked so surprised, as if He'd forgotten or that no one dared delight in teasing Him, too obsessed with fearing Him... but He schooched up and chased my lips anyway.
And I laughed into HIs mouth with joy and wrapped my legs around Him as He wrapped his legs around me
I thanked Him for the Knights. I took HIs face in my hands and said, "that was a sacrifice." And He looked into my eyes and said, "anything."
And I could believe Him, for His Knights had trained me ahead of time. They had loved me, no matter how hard I fought it. They didn't care what I did, how I hurt, how I fell or how I - Jesus - went to the urologist the day before and had to get my bladder measured because it wasn't working right. It's due to the dark magic, but still... it's embarassing as hell. NOT sexy.
But the Knights never flinch. They just hold my hand, or hold my knee, or - as Cap did today - slide their hands up my knee and under my skirt - despite everything. And then they have the audacity to drop their mouths open as they touch me all the way up, to my heat.
I have learned. I have learned that I am loved, even when I don't feel it.
So when Jesus came, I was ready. I had been waiting. And I don't want to forget a thing. And so I am writing this down, so I don't forget.
As He left, He healed more of me, so that I wouldn't be tortured like I was the night before. I was scared. I told Him I was scared. I cried into HIs shoulder and said that I was sorry for suffering ungracefully. And He told me, "You suffer so much. And you do do it gracefully...."
Then He told me He was the Great Physician, and used Nick to hold each leg, hold my spine, hold my head - and the healing hasn't stopped.
You see, the dark has pieces of Nick's soul, Alex's soul and Krasinski's soul - and since I am married to all three - the dark is torturing those piece so that I may be tortured and weakened too.
But every time the dark's torturing flows in, I can feel the healing magic that Jesus pushed into me fighting back. So a wave of pain hits. And then, all of a sudden, a wave of healing rolls in from the opposite direction.
And even though Jesus kept telling me, "I am always with you," I have never felt it more than tonight.
In fact, those were the first words we said to each other when Jesus pushed through the link and touched me. I mean, we kissed for a while at first. And it felt like the very wind of heaven was kissing me. I can't describe it.
It was like kissing ringing cymbals of glorious music. Everything moved around us, and yet all was still around us. I never truly knew heaven until that moment He pressed His lips hard into mine.
But finally, I couldn't stand it, and I whispered into His mouth as we kissed:
Katherine: "I've missed you."
Jesus: "I've always been with you."
Katherine: "And yet I want so - much - more."
And it struck me, in that moment, that everything would be okay now. Because I flirted with Jesus in our first 30 seconds of contact. And He didn't get angry. He wasn't even disappointed. In fact, I think He wanted to hear me say those very words - that I wanted so much more - because so did He.
So did He.
Later that night, after Nick left, He called me. I'd had a few moments to sit on the bed and realize what had just happened.
In the end, we threw a big feast.
What did I serve? Well, I called it our rehearsal dinner. And at my rehearsal dinner with Nick, we rented a huge house, everyone stayed there and we ordered in pizza. A lot of pizza.
And so that's what we did: pizza.
And I slipped away and met Jesus in the Dreamworld just as He'd asked me to do.
And for more than an hour, we made love until I couldn't move another muscle, collapsing from my hands and knees onto the bed.
And then I fought the urge not to miss Him terribly.
You might be wondering how Nick took being a link for Jesus. I checked with him immediately afterwards. "Are you okay?" He looked dazed, and sad even, as if he'd lost me.
But that wasn't what he was feeling at all. "It's hard to have Him gone," Nick said.
My God. Nick is a fucking warrior of God, man. I married him because he loved Jesus more than he loved me. And that bedrock, despite all we have weathered, still stood.
And if possible, I fell in love with my husband Nick all over again.
And the people said, "He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!"
(Awww Jesus!!! You've ruined that for me! I'm thinking of a different rising that you did today!!!! Fuck, I'm blushing!!! AAAAAAAaaaahh!!!)
Oh - and the Knights did freak out. They thought I would leave them. But I explained that the Lord gave me to them, and them to me. He married us all, and the Lord honors the covenant of marriage.
Praise the Lord.
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mollypaup · 5 years ago
Do you eat raw bugs or cooked bugs? Cooked bugs are really good but personally, while I’ve eaten some ants alive before just to try, it just doesn’t taste good
tl;dr Both!
The jokes I make are mostly about the fact that I can and have looked at a bug on the ground and went "I think I will put this in my mouth". I'm prone to do that with pieces of plastic and river rocks too. You're right though, Bugs do not taste very good. They're crunchy.
Bugs-prepared-as-food is a different sort of thing? I have eaten bugs intended for consumption, but that's not really a common practice here, so mostly it's just a novelty thing. Seasoned crickets are way better than the beetle I picked up off the sidewalk.
5 notes · View notes
fandomdaydreamer · 2 years ago
The Lighthouse and The Ocean
Pt 22 - Goodnight Angel
Pairing: Pedro Pascal/OFC
Warnings: angst, mentions of poverty, pregnancy scares, phone sex (we have two different phone calls here, hello), dirrrty talk, cam show, f/m masturbation. ARREST ME FOR THIS FILTH happy Kinktober!
Summary: Nini knows something had changed her life, like she was now living it instead of waiting for it. Though more change could come with Pedro's reaction to the pregnancy test.
Notes: Also find this fic on Ao3 -here- or the series' Masterlist and Playlist -here-
Lots of music here. If you would like to imagine what Nini's rock song could sound like, I suggest you listen to 'My Poor Brain' by The Foofighters. Furthermore, the striptease soundtracks are in the playlists.
Length: 8.6k
Goodnight Angel
In my eyes, Pedro and I were happy and in love. At least... as long as the next couple of minutes wouldn't arise any unforeseen conflict and blow our future to smithereens. Multiple horror scenarios ghosted around my head and I simply ceased to allow myself to let them unfurl any longer once I understood I had lost every ounce of control over the result anyway.
It was almost three o'clock when I finished my nighttime routine but I never stopped stalling, brooding and panicking. Technically... It was morning. I started to feel the urge to pee and very soon but I was too scared to face this pregnancy test alone and too scared to call Pedro. I briefly considered calling Tom but immediately realised I'd rather have the potential father freak out with me.
Seemed like I had a habit of speaking to his portrait when Pedro wasn't here to dodge my anger. "You and your dick did this to me!" I scolded our picture and ended up betraying myself as a quivering smile threatened my lips. Was this funny to me? My whole life could be turned upside down.
Dropping onto the covers, I unlocked my phone and texted Pedro with my head in my hand, checking if he was even awake. A ping alerted an incoming message, barely a minute later.
2:53 - Hey, still up? Wyd?
"On a mission with Shrek and Donkey." I texted a dry comeback he regarded with a laughing emoji.
2:54 - Can't sleep?
"Miss my hubby"
2:54 - Call me
"Hey, songbird." Pedro picked up on the first ring and no matter in how much stress I was, knowing he was there always remedied most of it. "Hello, angel, how are you? I hope I didn't wake you."
"No, you didn't." He treated me to a pitiful sigh. "Because sleeping without you is weird. But I'm better now I hear your voice." He complained, sounding tired and resistant to my cooes at his wanton reply. Maybe he had thought I wouldn't call anymore and I felt ever so sorry about keeping him waiting.
"I miss you too." I suppressed a sniffle and hid behind my hand to conceal my anxiety, even though he couldn't see me. I would have liked to hold him near as November retaliated but for the next couple of weeks, this would have to do. "I'm sorry I couldn't call earlier, I was getting to know the band and settling into this ranch with them."
"That's alright, I was hoping you were enjoying yourself You have to tell me everything!" I could hear the excitement in his voice despite this early hour.
The memory of everything that happened today sparked up a flood of short-lived passion. "Jack's invited me to go on stage with him tomorrow!" I pressed through the phone and giggled at Pedro's response cheer. "We talked music for hours and hours today. He is so great..." I lost some of my enthusiasm the more I thought about how exciting all of this was and how much I wanted it to continue. "The band is great, they're all so cool. Everything's been... great."
"Great?" Pedro asked sceptically at my flavourless description, spying through an underlying tremble I didn't hide well enough. "How are you, really?" He inquired.
I put on a brave act. "Cold but at least I've got your jumper." I joked on a lighter note, cradling the warm laugh he let out to my ear.
"Yeah, I noticed after you were gone. Now, what am I gonna do without that one 'and' the sweater I sneaked into your suitcase? I'm defenceless against the cold now." He teased me and I promptly clutched at his second, warm white sweater he miraculously managed to keep stain-free and hummed at the comforting softness of it underneath my cheek.
"Have you noticed I also left stuff for you?" I grinned at his bashful reaction. I had purposefully put my soap and honey lip balm on his bathroom counter before I went, never mind the pineapple.
There was a sound of him smacking his lips as an answer that he was already wearing it. "By the way, I went online to check you out because I missed you and I dead-ass thought 'wow, I have a huge crush on this woman' and then I remembered that we're a couple and I was like 'aw fuck yeah!" He managed to make me laugh properly this time. "But... there's a scandal already," Pedro mentioned and his delight practically sounded a song.
I didn't have to guess. "About the hickey." What lay underneath the piece of clothing that famously belonged to him couldn't have gone unnoticed. I flopped back onto the duvet and pouted as my cold fingertips traced the stain of bruising kisses he had inflicted on my skin.
Most would say to never listen to your critics but it was like watching yourself and the one you loved through different pairs of eyes once you came out to the public. Out of habit, I couldn't help but worry about some of the nastier comments.
Pedro on the other hand, seemed less than even a little bit self-conscious. In fact, he was having way too much fun with this. "Hey, I'm proud of my work! But... apparently, you have rug burns on your knees too."
I gasped, partly scandalised and thrilled at a fascinating lie that made me feel like I was looking at a car crash by the side of the road. And that accident was me. "They're not rug b-" I swallowed my outraged protest, pulling up my knees and rubbing at the still pink and irritated spots. "I got them from climbing hotel walls!"
"An adventure which we aren't gonna tell a soul about. So... no comment." Pedro insisted before letting out an adorable evil laugh.
I tutted at him, curious at how fast he'd made my mood turn so much lighter. "Well then. I'm not ashamed to let the world take one wild guess about who's fucking me." I proclaimed, stubbornly.
"Is that so?" Pedro's voice had dropped several octaves. "One day apart and we're already halfway into phone sex."
My eyes drifted away. The fear of disappointing him tasted bitter. I would have gladly given in but there were other things on my mind tonight, more urgent things. "I promise I'll try to behave... at least until next month." I dodged him but the suggestion made me smile anyway.
"I know, baby. This is torture for me." We sighed together before Pedro continued to ramble sweet nonsense. "But wait until you're filling music halls and your groupie, that's me, is gonna be there, in the first row telling people 'that's my wife up there!" He still used our inside joke, our non-married, married status and possible future together to pull a laugh from me.
I willed away the tears threatening my water line. My voice sounded thick when I finally managed to answer. "You're too adorable, Pedro." I cleared my throat, braving myself with an alluring voice and a grain of humour. "Why don't you just come here and kiss me?" "Soon, mi amor. Soon." He promised.
I got up, spying on the pregnancy test that taunted me while it sat in the pale light of the bathroom counter. I really had to pee and this also meant the time for a moment of truth had come.
"And what have you been up to?" I asked innocently as I walked over, pinching my phone between chin and shoulder as I turned the test and flew through the instructions.
"I made a new friend too." He answered in a playful, happy tone.
"Oh?" I hummed intrigued, knowing he was still fully busy shooting with the same crew until the end of November.
"Did you know Starlings are so fucking very scary and interesting birds?" Pedro cleared up. "They whistle along with your song and they're nice when they sing but then it's like a static kind of electronic radio voice is talking to you. They taught the bird to say a line of yours. 'So long, cowboy." Pedro tried to imitate it and I replied with half-assed sounds of attention. "She was quite beautiful and had freckles too." He added, a smile evident in his voice.
I breathed out an amused huff at his good-humoured description but I was still hung up on the package instructions and what two little marks would mean.
"Baby, are you okay?" He asked after I had stayed silent for too long.
"Yeah, of course." I mustered all my courage, spinning the stripped pregnancy test between my fingers. One moment I was fearing a sign of life, the next I began thinking about what could be. A tiny baby to dote on, something Pedro and I would have made. "I uh... I just... I wanted to tell you something." I didn't know how to put my feelings into words as so many of them spilt over.
"Tell me what?" Pedro urged, sounding worried too now.
I gathered my breath, just to chicken out last second. I wanted to tell him everything at once, how much I loved him, how much I valued him, how scared I was and how impossible this seemed to pass through the phone.
My voice thinned out as I became close to tearing up. "I need you to know how much I admire you and everything you've done." I didn't know why I said it but I suddenly realised these thoughts had been preoccupying me all day, waiting to vent.
"Sweetheart... I- thank you? Where is this coming from?" Pedro spoke gently through the phone. "Please, don't cry."
"Sorry, I'm a bit emotional." "That's okay, why don't you tell me what's this all about, hm? I can listen."
I took a deep breath. "I know, I know, angel." I laughed and wiped away a single escaped tear. I gathered myself and used some toilet paper as tissues, deciding to lead with something else that bothered me instead of the pregnancy that could be. "It's because they were a bit cautious about my intentions here at Third Man... at first. I know I got here because of networking and Jack didn't say it but it was clear he wanted to see if I'm serious about making music or if I'm just dabbling." I knew I was being unjust and this wasn't at all what Jack was like but my own insecurities and experience remained. "Most people complimenting me on my accomplishments start with 'actually you're pretty smart, nice and talented for someone with a face and body like that. That's what they're really saying subconsciously."
"I'm so sorry. I know this isn't the first time you've been underestimated." Pedro gave me nothing but sympathy, as always.
He let me sniffle on for a while, patiently whispering encouragement into my ear while possibly everything became too much. "No, I get where they're coming from," I said anyway. "I got my spot in the club of Hollywood because I have rich grandparents who could support my career."
"Nini-" he tried to interrupt me, almost angrily but I didn't let him.
"Which is why I realised something important today... about prejudice and privilege. I met this super nice but very poor person today. They play the cello-" I told Pedro about the person who was already my favourite band member. "Olivia flew them in literally this morning and... I realised I'm so out of touch with reality about artists being out there, struggling to even pay for their next dinner." I rambled through tears. "I don't think I could admire you more, Pedro. I know how hard it's been for you sometimes before you got where you are today. You're the best human being I've met in my entire life and you deserve... everything. You did all of this by yourself and I can't even grasp how much this means because I can't relate. I haven't struggled a single day of my life."
Pedro took several beats to digest my fast string of words, but when he did, he sounded so soft. "It means a lot to me that you're saying this but-" He promised, taking another pause before he spoke next, his voice had thickened as well. "I owe so much to kind people and pure luck." "And hard work."
"And hard work, okay." He parroted with an amused exhale. "Honey, you've struggled differently. You know that." He spoke gently and I imagined a look on his face I knew would unfurl my world all over again.
"It's not the same." I toughed through with a dismissing smile but Pedro wouldn't hear it.
"And you 'do' deserve everything- and more. You say you owe your place because of existing money? You earned it through talent, not through nepotism, not through what you think is cheating by being rich. I know about privilege too, you know. Talking about... ethnically ambiguous male privilege." Pedro laughed into the phone, loosening a bit of my tension as well. "I'm sure you stood your ground and showed them how unique you are today and you'll surprise the world again, you'll see. I'm so fucking proud of you, baby."
Slowly, my sense of guilt subsided and I no longer felt a sense of mourning for the life we froze. He gave me hope. "God, I miss you. I feel like I'm going through a lot." I gulped heavily and sighed at the pregnancy test, concluding that the next part was rather self-explanatory. Finally, I couldn't hold it any longer, pulled my shorts down and sat on the toilet.
"Something else you wanna tell me?" Pedro gently tried to coax out of me.
"Not yet." I confused him and after a while of silence over the phone, I summoned my courage. "Actually, yes there is. I'm peeing." I began and heard a snort on the other end.
"Alright," Pedro replied in an amused tone, muffled around a bite of something to eat.
"Promise me not to get mad about what I'm going to tell you? I guess I'm making progress since I am telling you what I'm about to tell you." I rambled nervously, still checking if I was doing this right.
"It's okay." He obviously continued eating, unfazed. "What's this about, you're making me nervous." Pedro stopped chewing on his food.
"Nothing. I- first... swallow." I told him and provoked a sputter on his end. "Hey, that's my line." That cheeky bastard gave back and I barked out a laugh before falling silent again.
"I'm taking a pregnancy test." I finally admitted and scrambled for words after a silence that felt like infinity. "I mean... I'm- I'm doing it right now. Just because I didn't get my period doesn't mean... so maybe it's stupid but... I just needed you to be here with me-"
More silence.
"Yes, I- I'm here. I think- fuck, I think my heart just stopped." He stuttered, breathlessly, gathering his ability to comprehend. "Are you okay? Holy shit, really?" He almost yelled. "How did you not lead with this? Are you sure?"
"I'm- no! Why do you think I have to take a test?" I snapped back and bit my tongue afterwards. I lowered my tone as I washed my hands. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm just... a little on edge."
"Nini," Pedro simply cooed, hoping for any sign of clarification from me.
We didn't say anything for a while as I sat on icky naked tiles on the floor with my knees tucked up beneath my chin and the test face down next to me. "Three minutes and we'll know."
"Oh fuck." Pedro cursed, letting out a huge exhale on the other side while I talked him through it.
"I forgot to take contraceptives during my little breakdown... and our holiday. I thought we were safe. Oh god-" I sniffled pathetically, regretting my breakdown even though I knew nothing could have reversed it. "I'm sorry."
"Hey, don't, please. This would be- " "-bad timing." "-wonderful."
"What?" We asked at the same time. There was no way he'd say that so easily, no way I'd just contradicted him so bluntly.
"I said... I think it would be... wonderful?" Pedro hesitated to repeat himself.
While I sat here, staring at the wall with my mouth open, I tried to digest if Pedro had really meant it. Oh, how much of a disappointment would it be now, if the test was negative? "Then, what if it's nothing?" My voice strangled my throat when I realised it could be worse. If I was indeed pregnant and didn't want it. "What if I can't do this?" My nose clogged up the more I tried not to cry.
"Honey, then nothing will have changed. I'm glad you told me and... if you are... pregnant, I would support you with every decision you'd make." He tried to find the right words but he was saying the most compassionate thing he could have said in my situation while he sounded like his heart was breaking at the thought. "Did you know there'd be no Fleetwood Mac if Stevie Nicks hadn't gotten an abortion? I'd understand if obviously... you're taking a big leap in your career right now."
I tried to stop the tremble in my bottom lip. "Your halo must weigh rather heavy, doesn't it?" I felt my eyes burn, just when I heard him sniff out a laugh.
Pedro willed himself to cheer me up and I grinned, glad about having such a feminist boyfriend who would support my choice. "It's the bare minimum." He disagreed.
"And I'm just sitting here, bawling my eyes out because I'd want both." My own laughter died all of a sudden when I realised what I'd said. "Uh-"
I felt like his silence had become unbearably loud. "You'd... want... you want a baby?" Pedro finally hushed out and I wished I could see his face, for his voice was unreadable.
I scoffed in what I hoped was still a friendly manner. "Pedro, okay, I realise we've been together for such a short time but even a blind person can see that you're practically born to be a dad." "That's not what I asked."
"I... yes," I confessed, almost feeling embarrassed. "At least... someday, I'd love to have all of this with you."
To my surprise, I heard a little sniff over the phone. "Someday." He repeated my words, sounding hopeful and heartbroken in equal measure.
"What about you?" I needed to hear anything from him at this point, really.
"I'm almost too afraid to hope," Pedro confessed, relieving my heart. "Seems too good to be true."
A tear rolled down my cheek, as I finally felt at peace with whatever the test would tell us. A glance at the clock indicated that it was time. "Three minutes are over." I introduced the idea of possibly the last seconds of life as we'd known it.
Shaky hands turned the pregnancy test while Pedro was holding his breath.
Glimpses of our future passed through my head like lightning. A pram in a sunlit room, my lips touching a baby's forehead, messy breakfasts and simply being together as a happy and... healthy family the way I'd never known one.
I felt hot and cold at the same time, as the result struck me. "It's negative." I interpreted the single line and concealed a huge exhale while Pedro didn't hide his.
After a short moment of silence, a smile turned into a loud grin, which turned into full chuckles until we were both laughing in relief of our nerves and also, love for one another.
The corners of my mouth turned downwards in disappointment before I could pull myself together and tell myself that we were better off that way for now. "Shame." I finally choked out and meant it but I also felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders.
"Yeah, shame." Pedro agreed with slowly dying chuckles.
I groaned, shaking with my head between my knees, still holding the pregnancy test with numb fingers. "Are you alright?" I asked immediately, feeling incredibly sorry I had put him through this.
Pedro's voice came out quiet. "Can you promise me something?"
"Anything, of course." "Always know that, if the test ever turns out to be positive, you can tell me without being afraid of how I'd react... because of course, if that's what you want too, I'd be over the moon happy. I'll be there-" his voice broke and it shattered my heart. "-no matter what happens, alright?" His vow of being this committed to our bond was everything I had needed to stop being afraid of the future. I just couldn't say anything to articulate how much it meant to me until I heard a little sob over the phone. Was he crying?
"Oh, Pedro." Now I was crying too. "Yes, I promise."
"I think I need a hug." He choked out, voice quivering and I cooed, drying my fresh tears with my sleeve.
"When will I see you?"
Pedro took a moment to gather himself. "Soon as I land. You'll be back in New York by the time I'm done with the promo shoots... come December."
"I should pick you up." "No, baby, I'll be there as quick as I can. I have to get things sorted out first." "But-" "Can you let me do what I need to do, woman?" He asked, strictly before we laughed together again.
I closed my eyes, a real smile beaming on my face, reflecting happiness from the depths of my heart. "We'll be back together in no time."
"And in between, another hotel room without you."
"We'll manage." More silence followed as I extinguished the bathroom light and tapped toward my window on bare feet. "I'm looking up at the sky. It's so clear... and so dark."
"I'm looking up now too. We're looking at the same moon." He described and I gazed upon the pale source of light, feeling so small compared to the grandeur of the universe while he was down here with me, but still so far away.
"It feels like you're here." He said and I wished I could kiss him with all the love I felt for him at this moment.
"I am," I promised before I settled into bed and buried my face into his hoodie, waiting there for me to revive my bittersweet homesickness.
"Do you want me to keep talking until you fall asleep?"
"Yes, I'd love that, angel."
Dawn broke, finally. After the band and I had finished another obsessive all-nighter in the studio, I yearned for a moment of peace and quiet.
That's how I found myself antsy to get some coffee and feel a little worse until I couldn't bear to be inside any longer. I had to take myself and my designer boots outside into the muddy grass fields and still couldn't believe I was doing this. Meanwhile, I was quartered at a studio in the middle of nowhere with cows and crows for early neighbours.
A little off-town, at a country ranch just across Cumberland River, I soaked up the bleak winter sunrise, watching the crows multiply as they blacked out the view. An imposing sight of delicately crafted clouds stretched above the wide farmland with autumn branches colouring the greys. The occasional cow mooed and I smiled wistfully at the peace surrounding me as I simply stood here, deprived of sleep and freeze crawling into my toes.
I had attempted to pour unpleasant black coffee into my soul until I was struck with the electrical charge of an epiphany. "Yes!" It burst out of me and birds flew up the trees when I leapt for the house. Coffee sloshed over the rim and my hand when I slammed through the door, burst into the studio and directed all eyes on me.
"I got it!" I yelled and repeated my statement in a calmer voice when all I got were shocked expressions. "Wah wah wah, bap bada wah wah wah." I mimicked the guitar line and then sipped my already empty cup. "You mean-" my guy at rhythm guitar played exactly what I meant. "Yes!" I pointed at him, satisfied.
'Blue Eyes' turned out to be the perfect blend of soft vocals and hard new-wave rock. The abrupt changes within the song blew Jack away several times when he came in to visit us during rehearsal one of these days. I waved him off but it was still nice to hear that multiple people agreed that my ode to Ewan had the potential to become a number-one chart hit.
This button addressed that unit and produced a dirty sound and a double baseline with the keyboard made you wanna dance. We all played differently and that was where our personalities flared up. Yet, I felt like the band had become a unit and I immensely enjoyed pushing ourselves to the best result.
I wiped underneath my eyes to get rid of the smear of excess eyeliner. "You've got one more in you?" I asked the exhausted band, then turned around to speak to the sound engineer behind the soundproof glass. "Try more echo on the guitar part and maybe throw it left and right in the intro?"
"Right, gang." I picked up the electric again and made it hum in anticipation. "One, two, three, four-"
Dear Nini,
I hope you're glad to know that everything is alright here and I'm keeping myself busy but I miss you so. I smell the roses, I eat the sweetest peaches and I think of kissing you.
Sending you a new friend and all my love, so you'll hardly feel my absence, mi pajárita.
"I should go away more often if that means I get to receive such beautiful love letters from you." I mused, thriving off Pedro's responding non-verbal sound of amusement. "Thank you so much for this. It's a great comfort." I rolled to the side and cuddled with the fluffiest stuffed animal my beloved boyfriend had send me. It had been delivered along with the most romantic, lyrical note that could let my heart pound in my chest whenever I read its lines. "I think she looks like a Stevie." I stroked the cloud-like donkey stuffie's ears.
"That seems appropriate, I know you'll take good care of her." He chuckled back and I was briefly saddened and nervous about the fact that he wouldn't receive my record postcard to his New York address for several weeks to come. I felt like I had been neglecting our daily chats and calls for a few days while my name was being teared up in the news and my upcoming music career was no longer the stuff of rumours. "How have you been holding up?" He asked.
I let out a sound of pity at his slightly sceptical tone and immediately wished to soothe this poor abandoned man. "Oh, I don't know what to do, where to put my hands without you here. The only thing I know is that every day, I feel jealous of the sun that's kissing your face instead of me." I sighed and yearned for his skin after it had soaked in all warmth of the day.
Pedro seemed satisfied at that. "I miss you too, little songbird. Still counting the days til I'm on my way to you." "I miss you more. Not long now, and I'm all yours. I'll wait at my place when you'll get back and I'm already planning what I want to make us for dinner. Wait for it- Italian."
Pedro gasped. "Feeling a bit bold, are we?"
"I want to broaden my horizon. Maybe I can learn how to cook Mexican food too."
"I'd thought we'd cook together? I mean, I love a home-cooked meal but I don't expect you to do all the work. I can pick up some wine too." "Babe, I just want you to bring yourself and an antithes-tamintamine, antistethamine. God, what a word."
Pedro snickered. "Wine and dessert then?" He insisted. "Or... we could make ice cream like promised. I can dig that but you know I'm into the idea of tasting something much sweeter." He purred, his voice dropping into a seductive tone.
I giggled at his flirtation, blushing and twirling the donkey's ear in a bashful way, even though he couldn't see my flustered state. "Pedro?"
The tone of his questioning hum suggested he could read my mind from miles away. "What is it, mi amor?"
"Where are you?" "In my room, sitting at my desk." "You could be more comfortable, you mean." I pouted, manipulating him without any fruition. He wouldn't fall for my subtle cue.
Pedro was already intrigued. "Is now the time where you're going to tell me you're wearing my sweater again, you little minx?
I laughed. "Oh, I am indeed. Do you like the idea of your girlfriend wearing your clothes with nothing underneath?"
"Fuck." He cursed. "Yeah, I like that. Combined with one of your barely existent panties. Now take a wild guess what I found today." He rasped out but cleared up the mystery shortly after. "I'm holding the light pink ones in my hand right now, the pair you wore the very first time we slept together." I gasped, having completely forgotten I had never found them again afterwards. "Found them behind the dresser and I've been turned on since.
"Well, doesn't that make a nice souvenir, papi?" I asked, bravely close to saying what wasn't allowed and using the term of endearment in a sexual context. I smirked at the tortured groan he failed to hide anyway. He liked it as much as I did but never permitted us to indulge for the sake of my mental health. What a waste of opportunity.
I got up with a sensual swish of air and looked for a pretty pair of underwear and a short skirt, zipping it up and pretending like I had been wearing it all along because I knew he'd soon ask for more details. "Do you wanna know a secret?" I hushed out, only receiving an intrigued hum from him in return. "I touched myself in them, thinking about you before we met that night."
"Fuck, you did?"
I intended to drive him nuts with intention and anticipation and I savoured his laboured breaths like the sound of cacophony before the orchestra would begin to play. "It was so easy to make myself come back then. Now though? You touch me so right, spoiled me. I need you." I whined, pathetically.
"You're so adorable. Can't wait to kiss you again, little songbird." "Kiss me when you catch me and we'll see how much cooking we can get done." I lured him into sexy future promises as I put on some plumping lipstick.
"So, what else are you wearing, baby?" He asked in a sinfully suggestive tone. "Only my clothes? Don't tease me now, not when I want you so much."
I hummed innocently, congratulating myself for my foresight. "My hair is loose." I began, running my hand through it and floofing it up. "And I'm wearing a skirt that stops just above my thigh-high socks." There was a bang audible on the other end of the phone that made me jump as well as purse my lips in amusement. "Damn. Is there anything more sensual than a girl in high socks and a skirt?" Pedro gritted out.
"What, you wouldn't rather see me naked?" I teased him further.
"In my bed here with me, sprawled out, sweet and needy for me to go down on you. I miss your taste."
I giggled, blushing at his spurge of filthy words. "I honestly have to admit that I have 'never' met anyone who's as eager about eating a girl out." "I fucking love it, that's why. You're my girl and I love the sounds you make when I've got you under my tongue."
I hissed at the unbearable spiciness our call was flavoured with. "Is this- are we having phone sex?" I chirped out and he chuckled. "If you want to."
"I mean, I just hope you can take it." I concerned and I knew the 'bitch please' kind of face he was making at me right now before he was forced to let me carry on. "Come, feel me, you sweet man. I wanna know how good it is for you. You know I'd let you do anything to me, don't you?" I let out breathy words into the speaker like I was telling him a villainous open secret. "I get off on it, giving you anything you want, whatever you need and how you'll have me. What does that make me, you think?" I waited for his answer.
"Mine," Pedro replied correctly and I cried softly in triumph, bringing the speaker as close to my lips as possible.
"How about your good little slut?" I suggested confidently, doing my surprised but eager partner one better.
Pedro exhaled violently. "You have no idea how good you are at this." He breathed carefully, preparing to order me around. "Get on the bed."
"Yes... sir." I purred and bit my lip when I let my body drop onto the plush bed. "What now? Are you gonna join me or do you only want me to keep it wet for you until you get home?" I giggled at his deep, tortured growl.
"Do whatever it takes while I'm figuring out how you can have the audacity to walk around with your own spit in your mouth instead of mine." He sounded dangerous and these absolute filthiest words made me speechless, staring with wide eyes at the ceiling while he took advantage of my shocked state. "Go on. Tell me what else you think about when you pleasure yourself and come on your pretty little hand."
My face was beet red. I thought I had a plan but Pedro had quickly taken over. Who knew he was so good at phone sex as well? I hesitated, drawing out the moment before I admitted. "All of you... your tongue, your hands." I whispered, my heart still pounding in my chest. "I can feel myself getting so wet, just thinking about what we could do. Imagine it."
He hummed, satisfied at my eagerness to explore this part of our sexual experience. "Why don't we check, let my hands spread those soft thighs? Fuck, baby, prettiest little thing I ever laid my eyes on. I just wanna bury my face into your pussy. So... sweet and soft and wet for me."
I bit my lip, almost painfully. "And it's all yours when you come home."
Pedro rumbled out a promise. "When I see you, it's on sight." He warned me, just when a moan trembled from my lips at the excitement buzzing within me. "Are you touching yourself right now?" He asked, breathlessly.
I swallowed, thickly. My fingers were shaking but already slipping past the hem of my skirt to find suddenly hot skin. "Can I?" "Fuck, listen to yourself asking for permission. Do it."
I held my phone next to my ear as I settled back comfortably. "I am- I am touching myself but my skin feels too dry without your tongue." Slowly, my fingers began to descend down my body, dancing over perk and sensitive nipples before they slipped beneath my skirt and applied pressure where I most needed it. Another mewl spilt into my phone at the sweet relief. "But I'm wet for you here, dripping. You're doing this to me."
"Good. You know how much I love to prepare you for me, slowly. Tease yourself the way I would."
I could only whimper while I worked myself, imagining his fingers instead of this poor substitute as I slipped deeper into soft, dewy flesh.
"Words, honey. What are you doing?" "Feels good, Pedro. Feels- s' good. Want to push inside me but... it can't compare to anything you give me." "What do you want?" "Give me more, more dirty words!" I ordered him. To hell with all these pleasantries when I just wanted him to fuck me.
"Ah, ah. You know what to do. Indulge me, sweetheart." He corrected me.
I would, in my greed, beg him as I threw my head to the side and gasped into my pillow. "Please, give me more. Please." I hushed out, swallowing my pride.
"Good. Very good. That's it. Don't worry, I got you. I always take good care of you, don't I?" His praises were hot and sticky whispers in my ear, flowing into my veins and running down my throat in heavy gulps like slow petit mort.
"I'll always be there for you, baby girl. Fuck, you're so perfect when you rub your little clit like this, doing such a good job pleasing me." His soothing words poured tears into my eyes and caused a violent shudder to run from the nape of my neck down to my toes. "Can you imagine me holding onto your hips, kissing your neck when I push my fingers into you?"
"Mmh, yes." I moaned out, gulping before I remembered I had my equal part to play in this. "Will they stay inside? I'll let you stare at us when your fingers drip from me, in and out. Know this tight cunt is yours to play with." My voice dropped alluringly.
"Filthy, filthy girl."
"All those marks you leave on my body? Wouldn't be enough, hm? You need to fill me up soon. Baby, touch yourself for me." "Way ahead of you."
The image he projected into my head was a sight for sore eyes, him on the bed we had shared, stroking himself with blissfully parted lips. "You look simply devine like this, my angel. Tell me how hard you are." "Rock h-" Pedro groaned.
"What would you do if you saw me like this, finger stuffed, trying so hard to come without you?" "I'd watch." He let out a huff of breath. "You wouldn't be allowed to stop until you'd make yourself come."
Every ounce of my being begged my body to let me come or let me die. "I'm- holding off, I could... right now." I chocked on air when he interrupted the exquisite approach of my climax.
"Easy, go slower." He commanded, gently but with no room for argument.
I had felt my peak building up, then subsiding into frustration when I listened to him and stopped. "But-" I began but Pedro was always keen to remind me of our most sweet and sinister ways. "You do as I say, remember?"
I swallowed. "Yes, sir."
"Good girl. Let's say you did come-" "You're being cruel." I protested but he simply chuckled.
"I'd take you right there when you haven't even come down yet." Fuck, oh, I wished he would. I wouldn't be prepared and it would make all the difference. If I listened closely, I could even hear him emitting the wet sounds of bringing himself pleasure. "You're an entity, maybe that's why it feels so holy when I finally push into you... when you break open for me and let me in. I can't stop looking at your face when I do, like it's too much every time. Fuck, when I think about that first moan you give me." His rumoured whispers had me breathless. His dirty words were poetry. I heaved an involuntary high and choked out sound, overwhelmed at how good he was at this and he simply scoffed at it.
"There it is." He purred further. "How does it feel for you?"
"You fill me up so good, you're so big and I want you to make it fit." I had tears in my eyes when I bit into the back of my hand.
His panting made out a faint whisper. "And you're taking it like a big girl. My sweet thing, so wet for me. You can relax for me now. I always got you, don't I? I'll make you come soon, hm? You'd scream my name when I fuck you hard, just the way you like to take me. Ask me to go so much harder when you take it from behind this time."
I whined at the image he envisioned. "Yes! Fuck me harder, yes! Oh god, harder!"
"Love seeing you tremble underneath me when I do, when I break you apart and you can't think about anything else than being fucked on my cock, baby."
"Love it when you hit me just right, I can't think- I..." I let out theatrical girlish moans. "I'm so cockdumb."
"I make it so you can't move underneath me, pinned down and you just have to take it like this but you're too far gone anyway-"
I shook in pleasure as I panted sharply into the phone. "Please, make me cry for it. Fill me up, I want it!"
Pedro gave out a villainous hum. "Are you really so needy for me? Would you beg for it properly or do I have to reconsider and pull out and paint you? You're such a pretty little thing when you beg." He panted and I pictured the sinful baptism, pictured him towering over me as he held me in submission. "Do you want me to give you my fingerprints on your hips? Fuck, you look so tiny between my hands, taking my cock so well. You're doing so good."
Pedro let out a string of Spanish curses and praises and we both got lost in our fantasy for a moment. My eyes were violently screwed shut and I simply let go, rubbing and rubbing, never staying silent and moaning directly into my phone.
"Baby there's-"
"Pedro, shit, I'm almost there!" "-no better place than deep inside your body." I rose higher and higher, building up my climax until I could feel myself balancing on the edge.
"I want you to fucking come. Now." He ordered. His voice prolonged the high I had already reached and it spilt over when he grunted, oh so perfectly. I obliged, coming so hard I couldn't believe it had been from my own fingers.
I let out a shuddering breath as my mind transcended towards the ceiling, circling so perfectly. Moany breaths left my lips in the aftershock and I pressed my phone to my forehead as the bliss ebbed away.
Pedro chuckled, he actually chuckled at my defeat. He knew how good he was with his words and voice alone.
I panted out, trying to swallow from my dry mouth. "I came so hard, that was incredibly hot." Pedro keened at my words while he listened to me come down from my orgasm. I was buzzing and trembling, energised and full of wonder.
"Such a good girl, I knew you could do it. My perfect, kinky little plaything," He said through gritted teeth, the praise more for his pleasure now. Even though I had already climaxed, his words made my muscles clench and my heart beat uncontrollably wild. "Do you have any idea how hard you got me?" He asked, a painful hiss in his voice. I could tell from the sounds that he was still pumping his cock but a thought made me interrupt him. "Stop!" I commanded and a breathy exhale proved his frustration.
"I was so close, why-"
"Switch to video chat with me. Now." The demand was uncharacteristically authoritative of me but it took Pedro only a second to oblige. I smirked deviously when I finally saw his face which seemed to ask me where that attitude suddenly came from. I placed my phone onto the low headboard and crawled up close so he could only see my plump lips, swollen from biting them. "Save the image for the real thing, honey. I've got something even better for you. Let me make it up to you."
His chest was heaving. "Turn around beautiful girl, show me how wet your panties are."
I set my phone square onto the headboard of my bed against the wall, so he could see the entire play area. "I can do more than that, angel," I promised cryptically, paired with a sweet smile.
Pedro smiled beautifully in return, dark obsidian eyes impossible to distinguish from his pupils. "What is this, hm?"
I leaned to the side for a moment, dimmed the lights and found just the right song on my old iPod. Afterwards, I sat up and made a show of messing my hair up. "Relax and enjoy the show," I told him with a wink and turned on the song I had in mind for this special occasion.
"No, you didn't!" Pedro hollered and cheered in amazement, it made me break character for a brief second as I laughed at his adorableness.
A second later, I blinked at him with the most sultry look I could muster. The song had the distinguished erotic character of Prince expressing his feelings for this absolutely horniest, sexually liberated woman he once met. It was perfect for the occasional strip tease I would have in store for him in the future.
I had seen it play out in my head before and had planned a loose concept of a choreography. It all went according to plan when I turned around during the intro and showed him enough of my ass underneath my skirt to let him see a glimpse of my ruined knickers. I looked back from this kneeling position and could barely hold back a moan. The screen was a little small from this distance but Pedro's mouth was momentarily hidden by his hand as he seemed to spit into it and went back to stroking himself off-camera.
I smirked at his eagerness. Pride and confidence washed over me at the sight of his pleasure even though I had barely done anything yet. I introduced sensual swirls of my hips back and forth to the slow rhythm and flicked my hair when I arched my back and gathered it back in my hands.
I knew a girl named Nikki, I guess you could say she was a sex fiend,
Prince moaned out his song while I bit my lip and teased Pedro when I revealed more skin underneath his clothes. My hand following the plane of my belly until it cupped my sex.
Met her in a hotel lobby masturbating with a magazine.
I would make this good enough for him to develop a Pavlovian reaction to this particular song.
The first thing I peeled off my body was his oversized sweater and I squeezed my tits for him underneath the confinement of my bra. Pedro watched me pretend to grind down on him from this angle, picking up my hips and sinking down again like he was here with me and not just his hoodie. I swirled my hips in hypnotic circles and began grinding just like Nikki would.
When the instrumental part hit, I was in only my bra, skirt and thigh-high socks, flipping my hair dramatically. I was slowly tugging them off my skin the way I remembered from my dance class for the Burlesque sequel I had starred in. Everything I had learned back then came in handy now. Even three years later, I knew how to properly fling my clothes across the room and make sure he could see barely enough. It was all part of the tease, to unhook my bra artistically and with such faked innocence in my eyes. I concealed my nipples from him with my hands until I dropped them and went from showgirl to stripper.
I was almost sure Pedro had whispered something but the music was turned up loud enough to drown every other sound. Greedy eyes stared back at me through a slightly shaking video chat. My chest and legs were bare to him now and my hair got wilder and wilder as the song got more intense and my confidence peaked.
She said sign your name on the dotted line, the lights went out and Nikki started to grind
Another instrumental part made me throw myself back and lift my hips into the air rhythmically. Slowly, I rose my legs and peeled my thin panties off without letting him look underneath my skirt.
The music overlapped his curses when I rolled onto my knees and elbows and dipped down onto the mattress. My hooded eyes were staring at my boyfriend through the lit screen of my phone until I started the pantomime. The actress in me enjoyed the play I initiated with the particular erotic passion this song provided.
I dropped my head and whipped my skirt up like it had been an invisible hand, fast and surprising and still not enough because Pedro could only see the front of my body and pushed up curve of my ass. I was naked, out in the room. Granting him a blissful expression with a slap on my thigh. The sting tingled but it felt pathetic compared to a spank from him. It was entirely ludicrous. The skirt made my strip tease so much dirtier than if I had been completely naked. It wasn't just porn, it was art.
I let the thin air make love to me while I pretended he would take me from behind in my skirt, hard and slow to the beat. It looked real, it looked filthy but it was just me, on the bed, making straight eye contact and actually drooling until wiping it away with my hand.
I can't tell what she did to me but my body will never be the same
I stayed mute to not disturb the song's passion but I rose my head in an open-mouthed moan when I shifted my body and angled it just so he could finally view my dripping core and could see I was about to touch myself again.
Oh, she'll show no mercy but she'll sho'nuff, sho'nuff show you how to grind. Darlin' Nikki
Just like that, I decided he could enjoy the sight of both my face and my pussy if I would sit back and spread my legs, lift my hips into my hand and throw my head back with a silent expression of pure bliss.
Grind, grind, grind, grind, grind
I had thought I was satiated, I didn't need another orgasm but my body didn't listen. It made me feel so fucking powerful while the instrumental part went on and on and my movements got wilder and messier. My entire body tensed up in euphoria when I came again but my fingers kept rubbing and clenching my core until my body went limp and I feel forward in exhaustion.
It just felt so damn good to hear those sounds from him when he orgasmed with me but the song had ended and I slowly opened my eyes to grin at Pedro. We were both out of breath and just stared at each other in wonder.
In our newly discovered silence, he made an appreciating sound and wolf whistled. "I think I'm speechless. That was fff- fucking incredible."
I giggled at his praise. "How do you feel?" I asked sounding something between shy and sultry while I crawled up to my phone on wobbly limbs.
"Sweaty... Sticky." Pedro grumbled, raising one eyebrow as he looked down at himself. His gaze spoke volumes from accusation to admiration when his eyes snapped up again. "I made a mess of myself."
A triumphant grin spread across my face. "Next time you choose the song." I invited him.
His eyes closed when he chuckled. "I couldn't have chosen anything better, but here's the deal.... only if you'll let me return the favour." He insisted and I gasped excitedly.
"You'd do that? Holy shit, that's a big fucking yes from me." "I used to be a go-go dancer when I was younger. I can do that." He nodded at himself, determined.
I didn't have to think long. "In that case, 'Bottle Living' by Dave Gahan." "Alright," he grinned at me. "Got to see if I can steal the cowboy hat for that one." My fist hit my pillow. "Oh, oh fuck, oh fucking delicious."
He narrowed his eyes at me. "When you're done, I wanna watch you come to um..." he thought for a bit. "Feelin' Love' by Paula Cole."
"Ooooh." I felt giddy at this excellent soundtrack and clapped my hands, deciding I could lip-sync throughout the entire song. "Next time. I can't wait."
"Next time," he repeated, looking satisfied for one moment longer before he cringed down at himself. "I've got to clean up and get my head together. You're definitely the best thing that's ever happened to me." While I melted on the inside, he let out one last tired groan, though the smile on his lips lingered.
I blew him a kiss. "I'll speak to you soon, I miss you."
He caught it and nearly kissed the camera in return. "I miss you more. Goodnight my little songbird. You're amazing."
"Goodnight, angel." My heart lit up once more. I simply wished I could have seen it in person when the crows feet in the corners of his eyes crinkled with joy.
Part 23
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sw1mmingfoolz · 3 years ago
✨ drabble prompt list ✨
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🌹here you can request drabbles using prompts! there are multiple lists; fluff speech, angst speech, one word and AU. 🌹
- one member! the groups i write for are svt, nct (all units) and skz. I only do singular member x reader scenarios :) poly relationships are cool and all but i am not poly and definitely couldn't write a good, convincing poly relationship!
- five prompts; max 3 from the speech and one word lists and max 2 from the AU list (making a total max of 5 per request!). one speech, one word and one AU is probably a good balance, but hey it's up to you to mix and match as you'd like haha
🌹please also don't send a bunch of messages asking if i got your request; requests can take some time as i do have a life outside of tumblr! asking once is okay :)🌹
🌹if you want to take this list or anything from it go ahead; it's a mix of many different lists i saw around and some of my own prompts mixed in there.🌹
🌹please also read my regular requesting rules in the pinned post as they still apply!🌹
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🌹the prompts:🌹
1. "how have you survived this long on your own?"
2. "your smile really lights up the room."
3. "i've seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice"
4. "do you have a crush on me or something?"
5. "it's 5am, why are you awake on the couch watching an 8 hour video essay on victorious?"
6. "i didn't think it was possible to love someone this much."
7. "do you know how beautiful you are? it's truly distracting."
8. "are you wearing my sweater?"
9. "you're so special, in the best way."
10. "your blush is the cutest thing ever."
11. "i didn't know you could cook!"
12. "your body is perfect just the way it is!"
13. "you better stop insulting the love of my life."
14. "there isn't a thing i'd ever change about you."
15. "you're such a good parent."
16. "sorry i fell asleep on you, you're just a really good pillow. did you know that?"
17. "are you okay? do you wanna cuddle?"
18. "i leave you alone for five minutes and this is what happens?"
19. "we might have been a little too loud last night, huh"
20. "wanna see what kinda trouble we can get up to?"
21. "you've been working so hard, let's just spend a chill night together."
22. "i don't expect you to be perfect, that isn't even possible. i love you exactly as you are; imperfections and all."
23. "you might be an idiot but you're my idiot."
24. "you're safe with me, i'm here to protect you."
25. "we don't have to go out; i have sheet masks and cheap wine."
26. "i have to look out for myself because there isn't a single other person who will. so i'll look out for me and you look out for you, okay?"
27. "they've locked themselves in their room and refuse to come out."
28. "please don't cry. please."
29. "you can yell at me, scream at me, curse me out - just say something. anything."
30. "stop pretending you're okay, 'cause i can see that you're not."
31. "i know you couldn't ever like me the way i am. i'll never be enough for you."
32. "i don't want to hear your excuses anymore."
33. "you don't get to decide what's best for me."
34. "don't ever do that again, you coulda really hurt yourself!"
35. "i just wanna go anywhere else right now."
36. "i don't wanna say goodbye."
37. "you KNOW it's not like that!"
38. "please, just leave."
39. "did you ever actually love me?"
40. "you shouldn't have come here."
41. "this is real life, not a rom com. i would be fine without you."
42. "you've never been properly loved, have you?"
43. "who told you i need fixing and what made you believe them?"
44. "you so obviously still love me."
45. "nothing can justify this."
46. "hate me all you want, we both know i'm right."
47. "please don't look at me with so much hatred."
48. "let's just pretend you didn't break my heart and be civil for a few minutes."
49. "this isn't a quick fix!"
50. "how could you possibly think this wouldn't hurt me?"
51. hug
52. cuddle
53. scent
54. cold
55. dance
56. stargazing
57. picnic
58. beach
59. hurt
60. sick
61. crying
62. laughing
63. angry
64. playful
65. date
66. drunk
67. kisses
68. singing
69. suggestive
70. domestic
71. pets
72. cooking
73. wedding
74. joking (/crack)
75. morning
76. friends to lovers
77. enemies to lovers
78. exes to lovers
79. established relationship
80. established marriage
81. parent!AU
82. single parent!AU
83. roommate!AU
84. college!AU
85. coworkers!AU (non idol)
86. coffee shop!AU
87. pirates!AU
88. royalty!AU
89. soulmate!AU
90. supernatural being!AU (specify which being(s)! can be from any folklore really i'm a folklore nerd)
91. angels/demons!AU
92. time travel!AU
93. mafia/crime!AU
94. historical!AU (specify the period)
95. magical!AU (witch/wizard)
96. hidden relationship!AU
97. both idols!AU
98. mental bond/telepath!AU
99. random AU (my choice)
100. random AU (your choice! please be descriptive or give a specific prompt!)
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🌹this list will be a permanent fixture - it will just open and close as i get requests haha :) if you have any questions go ahead and ask; otherwise, happy requesting! <3🌹
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fighterkimburgess · 4 years ago
You and Sylvie both get into a argument with Kelly and Matt and go on a ambo call which results in the both of you getting kidnapped 53
53: This is the shit that annoys her. And you still keep doing that.
This went under a cut for length, cause there was no way this was going short.
You looked at your ambo partner's boyfriend, sulking in his office chair while filling out reports.
"I heard about the argument," you said as you leaned in the doorway, watching Matt's face darken.
"Don't start, please. I've gotten it from Severide, and Sylvie, and Herrmann. I just need Boden to say it and I'm done."
"Casey, this is the shit that annoys her. And you keep doing that. You took off your mask, inhaled smoke. She's seen you nearly die multiple times, you know how scared she was? If it was Kelly that argument would be the least of his worries."
"He didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?" You stiffened, suddenly worried about what Matt would say.
"He did the same thing. Did you not check him out? I thought because he got out first you already had."
"I need to go--"
Ambulance 61, person in distress, 628 South Pulaski
"Tell him we're not done!"
You ran to the ambulance, sitting in beside Sylvie who was still visibly angry.
"Don't tell me to calm down, he was an idiot."
"You'll hear no complaints from me, Kelly did the exact same thing."
You were nearly at the scene when there was a squeal and a rush of breaks, and you were tipped sideways before blessfully losing consciousness.
When you awoke, your hands were behind your back and your ankle was in agony, the break clear when you saw how your foot was hanging. Tears were streaming down your cheeks, and you realised Sylvie was beside you, blood dripping from a cut on her scalp down her face to the floor. You couldn't do anything, couldn't move, stuck in the middle of the warehouse. You didn't know how much time had passed, focusing on Sylvie's chest rising and falling even though she wasn't awake. She was alive.
The light outside was dimming, and you got worried. Had 51 realised you weren't there? Did they know what had happened? Oh God you'd been about to yell at Kelly the last time you saw him. What if he didn't realise how much you love him? The thoughts spiralled around your mind until you heard a bang in an outer room, followed by a pop. You'd lived in Chicago long enough to know what gunfire sounded like, the realisation thick in your stomach. You were probably about to die.
The noise roused Sylvie, who blinked at you. She'd been out for a couple of hours, but she looked ok apart from what was probably a whopper concussion. The door in front of you burst open, you saw guns, and then relaxed because it was Jay and Adam and they'd found you, you were going to be ok.
It took ten minutes for them to help you hobble outside, unable to put weight on your ankle. Once you were there it was madness, and you were escorted to an ambulance to bring you straight to Med. As the doors were about to close Kelly jumped in, sliding onto the bench and holding your hand as they started driving you.
"Kelly, I'm sorry, I love you."
"I love you too, Baby. You're gonna be fine. We've got you."
And eight weeks later, after you were healed and cleared, you walked back into 51 and took the roll of tape and sharpie, your locker name needing a change to Severide (ambo).
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years ago
𝑀𝑦 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙 (𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎×𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟)
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Part Two / Part Three/ Part Four
Pairing: Bad boy! Park Seonghwa (Ateez)/ Reader (Female)
Genre: Fluff, Angst, School AU.
Summary: Y/N never cared about a lot, her only goal was to get through college as quickly as possible. One day, she makes eye contact with the notorious bad boy class and unintentionally glares at him. Did she just screw up her peaceful school life?
Requested by a very close friend who better appreciate this or else :) ♡
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Only 2 minutes had passed since Y/N had looked at the clock, but it felt like an eternity. She always did hate computer science. Not because she felt it was difficult or kept her up at all hours of the night trying to finish the assigned tasks, that was more of a biochemistry thing. It was because although her professor was really excellent at teaching them and helping them maneuver all the software, he had an awful tendency to leave early, sometimes up to half an hour, and just let them do as they pleased. While some decided to watch stupid cat videos, browse through their social media, others went as far as to play video games or even go onto some questionable websites that more than once made her cringe with disgust.
Y/N often just sat there, either finishing up assignments for her other classes or bored to death, waiting for it to be 1pm so she could go off campus and get something to eat. Having forgotten to eat breakfast, even a simple untoasted bagel cause she accidentally overslept through her alarm, she could really use some fuel in her system. She was tired, hungry and therefore moody, which was never a good combination.
She groaned softly and let her head fall back on the head of the chair. She closed her eyes, not caring about dozing off right then and there in front of the whole class. What would they care? They're too immersed in their narcissistic fake Instagram lives or their sadomasochistic porn desires to pay attention to her. In fact, no one ever really payed attention to her and she didn't care. She liked it that way. Invisible, unseen. It meant no one bothered her and no distractions from her only goal in life. No one seemed to notice or even look at her.
That's what she believed. But for some odd reason she couldn't shake off a weird feeling of someone watching her. She slowly opened her eyes and was indeed met with a pair of dark, glassy eyes staring right at her. Dark eyes sitting on top of a perfectly straight nose, small luscious pink lips accompanying a sharp jawline only complimenting the rest of his heavenly features.
Park Seonghwa.
If someone were to ask Y/N her honest opinion of him, she'd probably respond:
"I don't know. Everyone is afraid of him and everyone tells horror stories though."
Yes, he had a reputation for being the school's bad boy. She's personally never actually seen him be violent towards anyone, but she had heard about fights that often happened at the football field, always ending in his apparent victory. She never payed mind to such stories, frankly she didn't even care. She had even forgotten that he was in the same class as her, up until this very moment.
She somehow expected him to look away, but he didn't. He kept his gaze locked on hers. In any other circumstance, she would have looked away, but something about his stare kept her from looking away. The corners of his lips were slightly curled upward, almost as if they were forming a soft smile. That could just be his lip shape though, after all, she's never actually looked at him closely. His eyes as well had a particular glow to them, and if she wasn't in such a bad mood maybe....just maybe, she would have felt her cheeks heat up and turn a baby pink shade. But she simply looked away after a minute of staring into his eyes. Wait...was it a minute?
Yep. Pretty much around that time. 2 minutes left until her torture ended. Maybe if she looked at it hard enough, maybe time would go faster. Foolish thought but it is often said that the mind works wonders. Although in this case it seemed to be doing the opposite of what she wanted. And she still felt the same pair of eyes staring at her. So turning back she found she was correct.
Only this time instead of curled lips and glowy eyes, she was met with furrowed eyebrows and a clenched jaw. Now she felt a shiver ran down her spine as Seonghwa glared at her, almost as if he was threatening her. And it truly was menacing.
The light twinkling of a bell signaled that it was 1pm and time to leave. Y/N grabbed her books that were out in front of her desktop and quickly shoved them in her book bag as if it was an Olympic sport. She nearly tripped as she scurried out of the classroom, ignoring the throbbing pain on her shin which had collided with the leg of the chair. All she knew is that she didn't want to stay long enough to figure out if all the stories she heard about Park Seonghwa were true or not. So she practically ran out of the campus, completely forgetting about her hunger or tiredness. She was fully awake now and her stomach felt sick that she couldn't possibly even think about taking a bite out of anything.
Meanwhile the man she left behind at the classroom stood there in shock, his mouth letting out a soft scoff at her behavior. He shook his head as he picked up his jacket that was hanging on his chair and a notebook that had fallen out a few feet away from the row of computers in front of him. His mind was already working, planning on how to deal with this.
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I heard he was pissed.
Didn't you hear the way he slammed the door?
She must have done something to piss him off.
I don't know, all I know is that Seonghwa was fuming while muttering something about giving it to her.
Whoever she is, she sounds as good as dead.
That's what Y/N overheard some girls gossiping about while she was in the bathroom. Now half of the school was hell bent on finding out who was the mysterious girl who dared glare at Seonghwa and what he'd do to her. That's practically what the school thrived on: gossip and drama. And frankly, she wanted no part in it.
So for the next week, she completely changed her usual routine. She purposefully used routes that she'd never gone through before to attend her classes, she refused to eat at any nearby cafes around the neighborhood, and she went as far as to not physically attend her computer science course. One of the blessings of a course involving a computer was the fact she could do it right at home and she decided to take full advantage of it. And she most certainly avoided any places where she knew Seonghwa and his group of friends tended to hang around in.
She was scared, she was willing to admit that. Scared of whatever Seonghwa was planning for her, scared of it becoming the new school gossip and overall just terrified. So even if it was a pain and hassle to go to such extremes, she wanted to avoid the confrontation at all times and she thought she was doing a fairly good job.
Apparently not good enough.
Having forgotten a few things in her locker, she went back after almost everyone had cleared out, only the staff stayed behind at this hour, locked in the teacher's lounge no doubt complaining about their day's work. She was so distracted trying to organize the books and journals in her arms that she was only brought back to reality when her locker was slammed shut right in front of her, frightening her so much that she dropped all her things to the ground. She looked back and froze when it was none other than Seonghwa who stood in front of her.
"6 days..."
His deep voice felt like ice, freezing her from moving let alone breathe.
"For 6 whole days, I've been waiting for you in class, only to find out you stayed home. Then, no matter where I searched, you always figured out a way to avoid me...."
Seonghwa leaned down, close to her face, smirking right at her.
"Well I finally caught you little one....and there's been something I wanted to do..."
Oh no! This was exactly what she feared. There was no one around to protect her or even witness what was going to happen. So Y/N closed her eyes and braced herself for whatever was going to come. She only hoped that it would end as quickly as possible.
"I like you."
Wait. What?
She looked up in shock, wondering if she heard what she thought. Seonghwa had leaned back up and stared at her.
"I like you. I've been wanting to tell you that. " He repeated himself.
Y/N didn't even know what face she made, but whatever it was, it made Seonghwa chuckle softly at her reaction. Bending down, he began to pick up her stuff that she dropped.
"I don't expect you to confess your feelings for me nor even answer me at the moment." He continued as he handed her the books and journals.
"I know you're confused right now, I would be too if I was in your place. Besides...."
He looked at her and smiled very faintly.
"There's plenty of time to get to know each other. After all, the weekend starts tomorrow."
He picked up his bookbag that he had previously set down on the floor and slung it over his shoulder. Then he took out a baby pink journal with sparkles on the side from his bag.
"By the way, you left this at class when you ran out the door." He handed her what rightfully belonged to her. She recognized it as her sketching notepad.
"See you soon Y/N. Real soon." He winked and waved goodbye at her before walking away.
Y/N stood there, her mouth wide open and looking around, questioning if this was a dream, a nightmare or reality.
What the hell just happened?!
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"Medium hot white chocolate mocha with Irish cream syrup and whip cream."
The customer went up to the counter and picked up their drink, not even bothering to say a thank you or even acknowledge her presence.
"Thank you. Have a very nice day." Y/N repeated the customary line they all had to say when someone left the shop, making sure to add a warm smile and to use a light tone of voice.
Once the customer had left, Y/N turned back to her coworker, Jinhee, who was already groaning.
"That old geezer was such a pain! You're lucky you didn't take his order. I was about to strangle him." Jinhee complained and made a choking gesture with her hands.
"That bad huh?" Y/N asked as she wiped down the counter around the espresso machine.
"It's Saturday Y/N, and it's almost night. What do you expect? Only Karens and their annoying husbands come by for caffeine at this hour." Jinhee shook her head, tired from dealing with so many demanding and pushy customers.
"Look on the bright side, it's almost 7, meaning we get to go home soon." Y/N tried to remain positive.
"Hell yeah! I can't wait. Me and the girls are heading out to that club I was telling you about. You should seriously come."
Y/N expected Jinhee to ask her to join them, she always did. She loved Jinhee, she really did, but her style of having fun wasn't exactly her cup of tea. Y/N did not want to spend a perfectly good night getting shit faced drunk and waking up the next morning in some stranger's bed.
"Thanks Ji, but no. I have...plans tonight." She quickly said, although both knew that was a total lie.
"Yeah..... let me guess, plans that involve packets of ramen, an order of chicken wings, tub of ice cream while you rewatch some anime about a demon butler or about a people murdering journal?" Y/N hated how Jinhee knew her so well.
"Leave me alone!" Y/N threw the rag in her hand at her friend, who was now laughing at her reaction.
They both went back to their usual task of cleaning and disinfecting what was already clean since there weren't many customers when it was nearing closing time. Jinhee decided to go to the back room to make sure everything would be stocked for the next day, leaving Y/N to attend anyone who came in. Since she wasn't expecting anyone, she took out her notepad and began sketching like she usually did. She didn't know why, but the serene, tranquil atmosphere in the coffee shop, the scent of the freshly brewed coffee mixed with the light hint of cinnamon and other spices always seemed to inspire her to draw to her heart's content. And right now, she knew she wanted to draw a face. What face exactly? She didn't know. But she decided to start drawing the outline to give her a base to work with, while she figured out if she'd draw someone she knew or just an imaginary person that would only live in her mind.
The ringing of the bell signaled that someone had come inside, just when she was about to relax. Getting up, she quickly put her notebook out of sight and straightened her apron.
"Welcome! What can I get for-"
She stopped when she looked up to see Seonghwa himself in the shop. He looked at her and snorted softly.
"Don't you look adorable in that uniform."
Y/N pouted slightly, feeling self conscious about the pink and red apron.
"Aww come on, don't give me that look doll. You do look cute." Seonghwa complimented her, making her blush a little.
"Wha-what can I get for you?" She cleared her throat and went back to being professional.
Seonghwa scanned the menu options before looking back at Y/N. He studied her features closely before asking:
"What's your favorite drink?"
"Huh?" Y/N wasn't expecting him to ask her that.
It always did threw her off whenever people asked her what she liked. She hated answering cause customers would always say how boring her favorite drink was or complain it wasn't their type. Well if it's not your type, then why ask in the first place right?
"I'm still waiting for an answer doll."
Seonghwa's voice brought her out of her trance. She pondered over her choices: either tell him and get it over with or just lie and pick some random drink.
"I like a simple hot chocolate with caramel." Guess the first option was the winner.
Seonghwa looked at her endearingly when she answered.
"Not a fan of actual coffee?" He raised an eyebrow.
She shook her head. Ironic how she worked in a coffee shop yet couldn't even down a simple cafe latte cause the espresso felt too bitter on her tastebuds. Seonghwa chuckled softly, muttering a barely audible 'cute' under his breath.
"Well little lady, I guess I'll take a medium one of those and a small strawberry frappe. No coffee in that one either please."
Y/N looked at him with a questioning gaze.
"What? You're not the only one who doesn't like coffee sweetheart."
He handed her a $20 bill, not even bothering to hear the price and telling her to keep the change. He then sat down at the closest table and watched as she skillfully prepared the drinks.
When she heard the sound of the machines working, Jinhee rushed out to the front, thinking Y/N needed help.
"Do you need help?" Jinhee asked as she looked over, trying to see what Y/N was preparing.
"Relax Ji. It's only a frappe and a hot chocolate, not that difficult. It's for the guy over there." She turned her head and signaled to Seonghwa.
Jinhee had to do a double take when she saw him, her jaw dropping. Then she looked back towards Y/N.
"What?" Y/N asked as she piped the whipped cream on the frappe.
"Did one of your anime boys come to life!?" She exclaimed, making Y/N slap her arm and try to shush her.
"Shut up! That's just a guy in my class." Y/N explained as she put the drinks in a tray and maneuvered herself to put them in the front counter.
"Well now I wanna transfer to your college." Jinhee giggled, making Y/N unconsciously smile at her comment, trying hard not to laugh or she'd end up spilling everything.
"Your order is ready." She composed herself and went back to her usual demeanor.
Seonghwa walked up slowly to the counter and took the frappe and straw in front of him.
"You should smile like that more often. Makes you look even prettier."
Y/N felt her breath get caught at his comment and Jinhee nearly squealing in the back wasn't helping. She just blinked slowly as Seonghwa walked away with his frappe.
"Wait! You forgot the other drink!" She called out to him when she remembered how to use her voice.
Seonghwa shrugged.
"It's for you. You did say it was your favorite right?"
He opened the door and took one last look at her.
"See you later." He winked like he did the last time they saw each other and walked out of the shop.
Y/N stood frozen, replaying everything in her mind. Jinhee's loud voice shook her awake though.
"Holy shit! You're so lucky! He was totally hitting on you! Is he like this in class too?! I'm so jelly! Oh my God! I want one of your lover boys too!" She crossed her arms and huffed slightly.
Y/N got flustered at her comment.
"He's not my lover boy....." She whispered softly and started wiping the counter to try and get her mind off Seonghwa.
"Not yet.....but he might be." Jinhee playfully nudged her on the shoulder before giggling like a dolphin.
Y/N rolled her eyes. She still couldn't wrap the idea that Park Seonghwa actually liked her. It was a concept so foreign to her, it didn't make sense. She stared at the hot chocolate in front of her. She contemplated throwing it away, but it was too tempting. And it was for her.....
She picked up the cup and started taking small sips out of it, trying hard not to burn her tongue like she usually did. She replayed the conversation in her head once more and she found herself replaying his last words:
"See you later."
What on earth did he mean by that?
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*Possible part 2 coming up*
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tinisprout · 4 years ago
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No Doubt in Us
Chapter Seven - They'll Be Fine *written chapter below*
Fiance!Haknyeon x Fem!reader
Masterlist | Prev | Next
Synopsis: Life is great, you have your dream job, you finally got your first big break, and you are now engaged to the love of your life. Happier than you’ve ever been, you live life one day at a time. Then one day a terrible accident happens leaving you in a coma. Where you finally awake, everything is not as you remember. Amnesia takes away 3 years of your memory, forgetting your beloved Fiance. Faced with a reality that seems unreal, as your mind is stuck in a past with uncomfortable memories, your future with him is uncertain.
Send me an ask if you want to be put on the taglist for this series
Taglist:@my-summer-night @deputyjuyeon @juhaktheoneforme @sunqnew
Sorry for the late chapter I've been very busy
Word count: 3.6K
Neither of you knew who fell asleep first, let alone at what time you fell asleep. What you did know is that it wasn't enough sleep. Both of your eyes were red and heavy after waking up by your alarm. Maybe setting it to 9:30 was a mistake. You look at Haknyeon who was sitting up trying to keep his eyes open.
"You know I love you, but I blame you for this." He uses his hands to refer to both of you.
"Excuse me, if I remember correctly we both were tweeting, Diamonds aren't forever lyrics." Bickering like this with him seemed to be so far away before yesterday, but after talking with him last night you felt a lot closer, he felt like a friend.
"Ugh fine, equal blame." He smirked, enjoying this little banter. You get up from the floor hitting your face to wake you up a bit more.
"Better." You reach your hand out to him, and he takes it pulling himself up. "Alright, clean up time." You swipe your phone off the ground checking to see if there was anything new. Just in time, your phone buzzed a new message from your mom.
Mom: Hey Honey, I know we said we'd come over noonish, but your father got very excited to make something for you guys. He already bought everything, so forewarning. We'll be there in an hour give or take. See you soon.
You turn to Haknyeon showing him the message. When he looked back up at you, you asked, "Since when did my dad cook?"
"Hmm, maybe a year now?" He says almost unsure of it himself. "But that's a story for later, your dad will love to tell you. We have about an hour to get this place in order before they come." You text her an, “ok”, back.
"Okay, let's get some speed cleaning done." You both work together to fold the big comforter. "I'll bring everything back upstairs." Haknyeon nods at you.
"I'll take care of the kitchen area," he calls out to you. You felt a little bad, you left a lot of dishes there. I'll just work faster so I can do other things. The sounds of clinking dishes and shuffling feet filled the house, both doing various tasks around their home. When they were finally satisfied with their work they both went to sit down on the couch to rest.
As if cursed preventing you from resting, a knock came from the door, making you both stand up again. You check your phone, 10:53 a.m. a little over an hour from the time your mom said. You both scurry to the door. You could hear the familiar voice of your mother conversing with your father, it brought a smile to your face. It felt like it had been such a long time since you last saw them, and maybe that was the case, you weren’t sure. Still, you opened the door eagerly for them.
“Mom,” you say with a big smile on your face. You see that she is carrying bags in her arms and you take them from her, ushering her inside. “Come in.” Following behind her was your father with bags in his hands as well, “Dad.” You set the bags down and your father does the same.
Everyone except Haknyeon was crowding the entranceway. You looked at your parents, they seemed a little bit older than the image you had of them in your memories, and you felt your throat tighten. When they looked at you, they scanned you from head to toe, touching your face, lifting your arms, making sure you were really okay. Their actions make you chuckle, “I’m okay, I promise,” you say trying to reassure them. Their baby girl was really okay.
“You’re okay,” Your mother wraps you in a hug, “It’s okay, you’ll be okay, honey. I promise.” Your words being thrown back at you like that made tears prick your eyes. You brought one of your arms around your mother and your other hand reached out and tugged your father’s shirt urging him to join you two. Creating this group hug the three of you had a tearful reunion, saying I love and I miss yous to each other.
Despite how close he was to your parents he still felt like it wasn’t his place to be there in your moment, so he waited patiently by the side, smiling at the happy little family reunion. Your father pulled away looking and looked in Haknyeon’s direction while wiping away the tears forming at the corners of his eyes. “Come here, son. You’re part of this family too.” Haknyeon was shocked by your father’s words.
Regardless of how close he was to your family, this moment felt like it was too personal to be a part of, especially with how things are now, so he hesitated to come closer. You and your mother pulled away from each other and she looked to Haknyeon as well. “It’s okay, Dear. Don’t act like a stranger.” As she said that, your mother spread her arms out, welcoming him. Your parents looking at him as one of their own, Haknyeon felt overwhelmed with emotions. They looked so sincere to him and he couldn’t deny them, so he came to them as they wished.
“It must have been hard on you too.” The three embraces and Haknyeon felt a different kind of comfort compared to his friends’ comfort. This parental comforting feeling that he didn’t know he was craving. Since the whole incident, he didn’t tell his mom about a single thing, he knew she already had a lot on her plate, he didn’t want to stress her out. Tears pooled in his eyes, your parents could feel his shoulders tremble and their hearts broke.
Crying the stress away felt so much relief and gratitude for your parents. Haknyeon thanks them and everyone takes a moment to clean themselves up, wiping away the tears, this peaceful calm now over the room. You and Haknyeon both take the bags your parents brought and lead them further into the house, dropping the bags off in the kitchen. “So, Haknyeon said I should ask you guys about Dad cooking. Why is that suddenly your thing?” You ask, bringing in a topic that should be a happy conversation.
Your parents hum at the same time thinking. “It’s definitely because of Haknyeon,” your mother says while nodding her head.
“It was when we came over. You are your mother went to go get something, so you left the task of cooking to Haknyeon,” your father chimes after. You look to Haknyeon and he nods confirming your father’s answer.
“I had your dad help out a little here and there. I think he first got interested in the seasoning process.” Haknyeon smiled as he thought back on the old memory. Your father and Haknyeon recounted their first cooking experience together, many laughs filled the house. Then your mother piped up at the end of the story looking at you.
“Needless to say when we got back home, take-out needed to be ordered. Whatever scaps they salvaged was not enough to feed the four of us.”
“I was lucky your mother let me touch a stove again, let alone walk in the kitchen.” Your father passes a playful smile to your mother.
“That’s right, you’re lucky that the scraps you offered were not that bad. Now that I think about it that was Haknyeon’s doing, wasn’t it?” She teases him and your father feigns sadness.
“It hurts me that you would think that way, Dear.” This familiar banter between your parents brought a smile to your face, they were still as in love with each other as you had always seen them. Your eyes subconsciously moved to Haknyeon, a smile still holding on to your face. You didn’t expect to see Haknyeon's eyes already on you, the corner of his lips lifted, your eyes went wide. Haknyeon, as if caught doing something bad looks aways, but realizing how silly he must look, his eyes found their way back to you.
He gave you a bashful smile and you tittered at the display. The moment is broken up by your mother motions you over to her. "Well you boys can have fun cooking together again, I need to catch up with my daughter."
"Have fun, Ladies. We'll call you if we're done here before you." Your father shooed you away from the kitchen and took your spot by Haknyeon. You and your mom decided to go out to the back porch, taking a seat at the small table set up you had.
"So, honey, how have you been lately?" You sigh.
"I have been better, but I'm working on it."
"And what about you and Haknyeon?"
"It was a little difficult at first, but we decided to try and work it out. He seems really nice and he is fun to talk to, but I don't know if I can fall in love again, it's all feels so sudden.”
“That’s understandable. We love Haknyeon, but if you feel he isn’t right for you anymore, don’t be afraid to say so. We’ll be here for you no matter what.”
“I know, I think falling for someone like him would be nice, but life isn’t that easy.” Knowing how your relationship was with Haknyeon, she thought it was almost impossible that you wouldn’t come to love him again, but she kept her mouth shut. That was something you needed to figure out on your own, she didn’t want you to feel like you had to be with him, even if that’s what she hoped for.
“What about your friends how have they been fairing with this?”
“We’re good, I think. They are understanding about everything even the ones I don’t remember. They seem like good people.”
“You always had good taste in friends, if Chanhee is any indication of that.” You release a deep sigh, feeling your soul shrivel up at the thought of Chanhee. Your mother looks at you with confusion, “What happened?”
“We got into a little argument.”
“Some things just never change do they,” She chuckles. Watching the both of you grow up she witnessed some of your fights and had sometimes been the one to help you two patch things up. “You’ll be fine,” she really wasn’t worried, the two of you always found a way to make up.
“Yeah, I’ll work on it.” The conversation veers off from its current direction. The two of you talked about what you could and couldn’t remember. She told you about stories of yourself she could recall, and then some stuff about her and your father. There didn’t seem to be a big change with them and that brought comfort to you, knowing that some things were still the same as you remembered.
Meanwhile, inside the house, the two men were cooking. Your father was instructing Haknyeon on how they were going to make lunch. When the cutting proceeded, your father spoke up first.
“So, have the two of you made any decisions yet?” it was a sudden question but he could only assume he meant about the status of your relationship.
“Well it was a little complicated at first, but she said she wanted to try dating me again, so we kind of started our relationship over again.”
“You think you can make her love you again?”
“I- I’m trying to be hopeful. What she saw in me before, she can see again.”
“Personally, I don’t think you should worry that much. I’m not saying to not try and win her over, that will still take some work, but I can’t see her not falling in love with you again. Do you know how much happiness you brought her? I think you’re already set up for success, just don’t screw up.” With his last words, the knife he was using slammed into the cutting board with a loud thud, cutting through a carrot and the cut-off piece went flying.
“Please be careful,” Haknyeon says as he picks up the carrot piece and throwing it away.
“That was an accident, I was distracted.” He stops trying to cut and looks a Haknyeon. “But on the off chance that things don’t turn out good and she decides that she can’t love you, through no fault of your own, then just know whoever she picks after, I won’t like them as much as you. You’re like the son I never had.” Nothing like a little dark humor to lighten the mood.
“Thank you, Sir.” Haknyeon felt sheepish at his words, even though it wasn’t the first time he’s said something like that. Light-hearted small talk continued as the two continued prepping, besides the one mistake in the beginning the cooking process goes on without a hitch. Soon enough the house filled with a tantalizing smell. When all is done, your father goes outside to call you can your mother back for food.
When you finally come back inside with your mother you are greeted with the sight of Haknyeon contentedly setting the table for everyone with care. Your eyes lingered on him, looking at the half-smile to yourself, His smile is nice. It gives him a friendly endearing look and you didn’t notice you started smiling looking at him till your mother nudged your arm, dragging you back to reality from the daze you were in, giving you a knowing smile as she looks from you to Haknyeon and back. You turn away from her not saying anything feeling flustered at the realization of what you were doing and walk ahead of her. You could hear your mother snicker, this causes Haknyeon to look up at you then your mother and his smile grow.
“What’s so funny?” You felt your face heat up, Why did he have to look now?
“It’s nothing.” You try and hide your embarrassment with a smile and Haknyeon looks at you suspiciously before letting it go and telling you both to have a seat at the dinner table. Taking up the offer you sat and soon the table was set and everyone was seated. To your delight, the food looked, smelled, and tasted good. “My compliments to the chief,” you nod at your father approving of his cooking, and glance at Haknyeon in acknowledgment of his help.
“Careful, Honey. Don’t inflate your father’s ego too much now or he’ll start to think he’s better than me.” It’s true, it wasn’t as good as your mother’s cooking, but he had potential.
“Just you wait, I will be one day.” Your father shoots a stubborn glare at your mother, causing everyone to laugh. The meal warms you up from the inside and you stuff yourself with your first meal of the day. Thinking about that you realized two things: Haknyeon also didn’t eat before this and this is the first time you’ve had a meal with him, so you glance over at him, catching him mid-bite. If your eyes could they would have gone as big as when he opened his mouth to take a bite.
Haknyeon greedily shovels the food in his mouth and when he notices you staring, he stops mid spoon, mouth still agape. You bite on your top lip to stop yourself from laughing at the silly look he had. Sure, it was shocking to see him open his mouth like he was about to unhinge his jaw, but in its own, weird way, it’s cute and charming. Haknyeon just felt like he was embarrassing himself too much today. You mouth an apology and he pouts his lips a little, your small interaction going unnoticed by your parents as they were currently in their own world.
Lunch with your parents continues with light conversation and when everyone had their fill you started to help clean up, but your mother stops you.
“Thank you, but we got it. You and Haknyeon go take a rest for a bit we’ll be done soon.”
“You sure?” Both you and Haknyeon ask.
“Yeah, go, go.” For the second time today, you are shooed away in your own house. You went going to cross swords in helping since you felt your tiredness hit you again after eating. The two of you decided to take a seat on the couch, leaning back into the cushions and leaning your heads back. You felt this amazing comfort perfect for dozing off, you wonder if Haknyeon is feeling the same.
“It’s not just me, right? I feel so warm and sleepy now.”
“Hmm?” Way ahead of you already he was starting to doze off too and you smile.
“Yeah…” You both can’t help but let sleep take over you despite the noise coming from the kitchen. When your parents finish cleaning up they call out to the two bodies on the couch, but neither answers. So your mother goes up to both of you and holds back a gasp. She waves your father over and the sight he is greeted to is you and Haknyeon leaning on each other.
As if unconsciously drawn to each other’s warmth, your head rests on his shoulder and his head was laying on the top of yours. Both pairs of legs lean towards each other.
“I was planning to stay here a little bit longer, but I think we should leave now.” Your mother whispers to your father. He nods and they get prepared to leave. Your mother left a note on the counter and your father decided to take a picture of the two of you, making sure to send it to Haknyeon. They leave both thinking the two of you will be just fine.
You stirred in your sleep state bringing yourself closer to the heat you felt beside you, but the movement brought pain to your neck and shoulders waking you up. Opening your eyes you lifted your head and felt a terrible stiffness, you realize your head was laying on Hakyneon’s shoulder. Not just that, but you were also in close proximity to each other, almost like you were cuddling. You look at Haknyeon checking if he was awake but all signs led to a no, eyes closed, as his head was leaned back on the couch in an uncomfortable-looking way, his lips parted slightly, chest rising and falling rhythmically. You admittedly feel a little weird being with him like that but it wasn’t bad, besides the pain you felt currently.
You carefully get off the couch so you don’t wake him up. You grab your phone from your pocket, checking the time, 6:48 pm. Surely your parents weren’t here still. You find the note left on the kitchen counter.
I remember you said you mentioning you were tired, so we decided we should just let you two sleep. Don’t feel bad about falling asleep on us, we had a lot of fun see you guys again. Take care.
Love Mom
You go back to Haknyeon on the couch, looking at the position of his head again. Figuring it would be better to wake him up now or else he would end up having a greater pain in his neck. Drawing closer to him you get a better look at his face, his skin was flawless, it looked even better than Chanhee’s skin. You get even closer for a better look and before you realize what you’re doing your fingers slide across his face cupping his cheek, skin just as soft as it looked. You lightly shake his face calling to him, “Haknyeon... Haknyeon, wake up.”
His eyes flutter open, a dazed look on his face, like at any moment he could go back to dreamland. His eyes focused on the visage in front of him, blurry yet he could still see the ever recognizable beauty that was you. His lips moved in an arc and he brought his hand up to your face cupping your cheek in the same way you did his. That is what brought you out of your trance and you were petrified in an instant. You felt your heart shoot up in your throat when you saw the loving gaze he directed at you while rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
This killing blow in it all is when he called you, “Hey, y/n,” with a deep husky voice that you were wholly unfamiliar with. You felt your face and neck heat up, with the intimacy of the situation. Does he realize what he is doing or is he still half asleep? You shot up from the couch not sure if you wanted to know the answer, stepping away quickly, trying to distance yourself from the state of affairs. Startled Haknyeon sits up snapping out of his daze.
“I- uh, sorry.” Haknyeon looked as confused as you were shocked.
“Did I just- I thought I was…. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” He truly thought you were just in his dream, it was such a common occurrence that he didn’t think twice.
“No, I started it. it’s my fault.” He recalled the touch of your hand, that kind of contact made it feel almost as if nothing between the both of you changed. Neither of you knew what to say at the moment, so there was a bout of silence. You opened your mouth again after thinking of something to say, asking a question straight from left field, “Can you help me? I need to apologize to Chanhee.”
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Masterlist | Prev | Next
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years ago
6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 19, 26, 34, 53, 58, 62, 68!
06: How do you want to die?
i do not like this question. um. old age. but not like, too old, because i've seen how that can fuck you up, it looks miserable.
07: What did you last eat?
Chicken bibimbap.
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
yes and it's fucking awful. I do not recommend. you'll end up delirious and might also get sick. you will hate every minute you're awake so much.
15: Have any pets?
sadly no.
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
stressed but not too stressed but also a little hungry even though I just ate dinner and kinda tired and like I don't want to stay up too late tonight even though I have a project due tomorrow.
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
It depends. Would I get to go back just for a certain amount of time and then come back to present day? I am not interested in going back and then having to live through my life all over again.
If the answer is no, then yeah. I would like to go back and not drastically change anything, but do a few things differently. I'd go back to some point in high school and yell at one of my classmates for being a douche. Or I'd change how me and a friend presented an assignment to class. idk. small things.
26: What are you craving right now?
I kinda want to lie down and read or write but no, I got stuff to do.
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
I had one just last night but I can't remember :(
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
I set my timer so I'd wake up on time.
58: Favourite weather?
When it's cloudy and it's obviously going to rain but it's not raining just yet but you can smell it in the air.
62: What makes you happy?
finishing things I've been working on or wanted to finish.
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My friend when we went on a walk together last tuesday.
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redradley · 3 years ago
For the Get To Know Me asks, every number with a 5 in it.
Dayum, this ought to take a bit 😅
5) What do I find most attractive about my crush.
Definitely they eyes, I'm a gigantic sucker for pretty eyes ☺️!
15) Do I have a green thumb or a black thumb?
%100 a black thumb 😅
25) Do I like parties?
I haven't been to many to be honest, but as far as I'm concerned, as long as it's the right crowd, I'm probably going to have a good time regardless ☺️!
35). Top 5 celebrity crushes?
1: Alexandra Daddario (again, those eyes 😍)
2: Hayley Atwell
3: Charlize Theron
4: Emma Stone
5: Margot Robbie
45) Am I a romantic?
BIG time!
50) Do I listen to K-Pop?
51) The longest I have ever stayed awake?
I think it would have been 27 hours the day of my brother's bachelor party 😅.
52) Hot or cold weather?
Probably cold to be honest. There's no escaping heat, but you can always add more layers when it's cold 🙂.
53) Flowers or chocolates? Chocolate for me 😋
54) Can I do any impressions?
I can and I love doing them! I can do Herbert and Cleveland from Family Guy, Bubbles from The Trailer Park Boys, Kermit the Frog, Yoda, passable accents like Scottish, British, East Indian. Those are a few off the top of my head, I'm probably forgetting some 😅. (PLEASE hit me up if you have any requests!)
55) The best prank I have been witness to?
Honestly, it was probably the time I managed to seal a guys ass crack with spray foam insulation 😆! Evil, I know, but the guy earned every bit of it, trust me 😉.
56) Favorite Dessert? Easy, cheesecake.
57) Is there a Vine or TicToc I quote often. I often quote "It is Wednesday my dudes"
58) What Tumblr post always makes me laugh?
Not so much a single post as a mutual of mine @mtichexx , she cracks me up every time she posts 😄!
59) A country that I haven't been to that I want to the most?
Japan! I love the culture, and it looks absolutely stunning to visit!
65) My favorite things to watch on YouTube?
Cooking shows by far! Most of my YouTube history is Binging With Babish, Soux Vide everything, Guga, Gordon Ramsay and so on.
75) Top three cities I want to visit?
Tokyo, London, Venice.
85) Do I consider myself an independent person?
Yes, often to a fault 😅.
95) Worst Tinder or date experience.
Never used Tinder, and thankfully I've never really had a bad date either 🙂.
@miilkycat Thanks for asking, this was fun!
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"This is the last thing I remember," A. said, and I could hear the fear in her voice. I sat up, and for a second there was an awful sense that I had never moved so fast before. I could have been moving for the past year, I realized. The room rotated on its axis.
"This is what happens," I said.
The world went black. The room went dark. The lights cut out. Then they came on again and I was surrounded by A.'s family. I was standing in their living room, facing the couch I had come to sit on. I realized that I had been sitting there talking to them for the past hour and a half. "I was here for quite some time, then I had a nap, and then a strange thing happened and I woke up here," I said. "But this isn't my body."
A. walked to a table in the middle of the room, picked up a book and flipped through it, and then handed it to me. It was the first thing that had come into my hands when I regained consciousness.
"This is The Northern Caves," I said. A. nodded and then sat down next to me.
"What just happened?" I asked.
"You were kind of asleep," A. said.
"A nap?"
I looked around for the clock, which had been right there when I went to sleep. It had stopped at 12:53 AM. I looked around to confirm that my watch was still running, and sure enough it was still counting down the minutes. I had probably gone through nearly an hour and a half of consciousness, and had taken several long naps in between.
It was getting pretty crowded in the room. There was A., who was a nice and comfortable couch; there was A.'s mother, whose face was a blur of features; there was A.'s father, who, when he spoke, sounded like he was trying to get a balloon up from the floor into his mouth. A. and I sat and stared at the blank wall in front of us in silence for a bit, until A. asked me what had just happened. I looked at the book in my hands.
"A long time ago, I spent a summer reading HPMOR," I began, and the others nodded along. "It was the first time I had found something that was really interesting –"
"Is that how you put it?" A. asked.
"It's how I felt, as well as how I put it," I said. "Anyway –"
"Do you want to rest?" A. asked.
"No. That's the last thing I remember, from a very long time ago. It's more than a year, maybe. From the last time I woke up, this is the first time I've been able to come back to the surface."
"It was a long nap, you know," A. said.
"Well, how was I able to do it then?" I asked.
A. was silent. I turned to look at A.'s mother. Her face, I could see now, was almost completely blank. Her eyes were staring ahead of her into the past.
"What was that, A.?" I asked, a bit sharper than I had intended. A.'s father jumped in: "She was asleep the whole time, just sitting there, on the couch! Just the two of us, watching TV, and she fell asleep without warning!"
"It wasn't a lapse or a trance or a sudden breakdown," I said. I could see that this was a new and strange experience to the others. A. and her mother sat quietly, a bit stunned. "I was asleep for much of it. But it was an unusual, and I think novel experience for all of us."
"Why do I feel like I've been here forever?" A. said.
"The last thing you remember before you fell asleep, was that we'd all gotten here. This is our life," I said. "I think you've been here all the time. The last time you were awake, you probably walked down the stairs and looked through the window at the sky, and knew, for once, what it meant to wake up early. It's a very pleasant feeling, is what I'm trying to say."
I looked at the window next to me. It was now dark.
It was time for sleep. I stood and walked toward A.'s mother. I felt like an odd figure, stepping in between her and her husband. The woman smiled. She had pretty features. She seemed more awake than I had last time I saw her.
"Come here," she said. I stepped back, and she hugged me.
"I was reading this book I really liked, and I felt like I had never found anything as interesting before, and it felt like I had something that I really needed to say. Maybe I should be trying to say it right now, I don't know –"
I sat down on the couch next to A. A. was gazing off into space. "Don't worry about it," she said to me. "We can talk about this when we're awake."
My body went to sleep at 1:04 AM. I woke up to the sound of my mother calling me. I stepped out of bed, put some clothes on, and walked to the door.
There were lights in the stairwell, and when I stepped outside, I could see my mother looking up from the phone. "A, it's 8 AM," she said, and I walked back into my apartment. I had not slept for 14 hours. My body was now feeling the physical sensations of being awake again: my mind was working, my body was moving, my mouth was chewing food. I felt like I had spent a week in a dream. My thoughts were clear and my eyes were working normally.
When I had finished eating, I was going through my phone, looking for A.'s number. When I found it, I thought about calling her, and then realized that I still hadn't really talked to her since I had woke up.
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eddiemxnsons · 5 years ago
If interested, you can select one or more of these following prompts/situations to integrate into your Band of Brothers request!
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1. "I'm the captain of the girls Track and Field team and Cross Country team, but I can also be fast and dominating in other departments."
2. "Bite me", "If you insist"
3. "You're not very intimidating"
4. "Drop the attitude"
5. "We're just friends", "Friends don't nonchalantly do this sort of shit"
6. "Really? You want to have sex here...now?"
7. "Do you like that? Me being in control?"
8. "You wanted me to walk in on you"
9. "I dare you"
10. "Watch me"
11. "Don't test me"
12. "Don't be a smartass"
13. "Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?"
14. "Is that the best you can do?"
15. "Wanna bet?"
16. "Do not tempt me"
17. "We're in public, you know"
18. "Do you think they could hear us", "Yes we can"
19. "Quick, fucking hide in that closet"
20. "You're so fucking hot when you're mad"
21. "Hurry up"
22. "Wow, I didn't know your were that flexible"
1. Good morning kiss
2. In secret kiss
3. Against a wall kiss
4. Standing outside in the rain
5. Injury/death of character or reader
6. Going to meet his family/taking him to meet yours
7. Rainy morning spent in bed
8. Back hugs
9. Long embraces
10. Stroking their thumbs over the back of the other’s hand whilst holding hands
11. Softly stroking their cheek with their thumb
12. Jealous kisses
13. Distracting kisses
1. "Fuck you"
2. "What's the point?"
3. "You're family, I could never
leave you behind"
4. "I've got you"
5. "I need you"
6. "I care about you"
7. "I'm just looking out for you"
8. "You make me feel alive. For the first time in awhile, it feels like I can truly breathe"
9. "I'd feel a lot better if you just let me walk you home"
10. "If I asked you to stay, would you?"
11. "I'm not a damsel in distress. I'm a damsel at doing damage"
12. "You couldn't handle me even if I came with instructions"
13. "It wasn't your fault"
14. "You're wrong and I'll prove it"
15. "There's so much blood"
16. "I actually found it in the
recycling bin behind the building"
17. "I can't do anything right"
18. "Don't tell me to relax!"
19. "Quit touching me, your feet are cold!"
20. "You aren't the boss of me"
21. "What gives you the right?"
22. "How is this my fault?"
23. "I don't care"
24. "Control your anger or you'll have me to worry about"
25. "I can't see anything"
26. "Don't look"
27. "All I want is a happy ending"
28. "__! Open the door"
29. "You lied to me"
30. "Marry me"
31. "I'm not going anywhere"
32. "Take my hand"
33. "Let me help you"
34. "It's okay, I'm here"
35. "Hear that? I'm alive, I'm right here with you"
36. "Have you lost your damn mind?"
37. "What the fuck were you thinking? You could have been killed"
38. "You need to rest"
39. "I can't feel my legs"
40. "Lucky shot"
41. "You're not going to die on me"
42. "__! Take my hand!"
43. "Take me instead"
44. "Don't touch her/him"
45. "Let her/him go"
46. "You're jealous"
47. "Watch me"
48. "You're dead"
49. "Am I going to die?"
50. "We found you crying. What happened?"
51. "Nothing ever goes right"
52. "Where is he/she?"
53. "This is all your fault"
54. "Wake up"
55. "I would rather die"
56. "I feel so sick"
57. "It burns/hurts"
58. "God must hate me"
59. "You shouldn't have gone by yourself"
60. "Get out of my way"
61. "You don't need to worry about me"
62. "Is that blood?"
63. "I can't say I'm surprised"
64. "Isn't that illegal?"
65. "I'll be with you the whole time"
66. "I don't wanna hurt you"
67. "I keep seeing his/her face"
68. "I didn't want to make you do this"
69. "Did you do this to yourself?"
70. "You have the emotional capacity of a brick"
71. "Shut up for a second, would you?"
72. "Are you wearing my shirt?"
73. "I want to marry you"
74. "I saw that. You just checked me out"
75. "You look awful"
76. "What happened last night?"
77. "I want you to be happy"
78. "If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?"
79. "Do me a favor and break my nose"
80. "She/he is the star athlete"
81. "You owe me a drink"
82. "Please tell me you feel the same way"
83. "I'm in love with my best friend"
84. "You look stunning"
85. "You're so fucking amazing"
86. "You're burning up"
87. "I've got your back"
88. "I don't like the way they look at you"
89. "I took NyQuil instead of DayQuil on accident and am about to pass out"
90. "I totally let you win, I mean, look at who you're up against"
91. "Shit, that's a lot of blood"
92. "Don't give me that look"
93. "Am I scaring you?"
94. "Hey, you demon fuck"
95. "My thing is, I don't give a shit"
96. "You've always been trouble"
97. "God, you're pretty"
98. "Does it hurt?"
99. "I love it when you laugh"
100. "You shouldn't have done that"
101. "I'm here, baby"
102. "I'm seriously not that drunk"
103. "What the fuck were you thinking?"
104. "So I just realized...that I was shot"
105. "I don't necessarily hate you, but if you were on fire and I had a glass of water, I'd drink it instead"
106. "You love him/her don't you?" "Was is that obvious?"
107. "Are you okay?"
108. "Don't just stand there"
109. "Stop it, you're bleeding"
110. "I waited for you for hours"
111. "Dance with me"
112. "You little shit"
113. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry"
114. "Put the gun down"
115. "The blood says otherwise"
116. "I'd kiss you but it presently seems inappropriate to do so"
117. "Then marry me"
118. "Let's be honest, we/you got lucky"
119. "You having fun down/up there?"
120. "You're safe"
121. "You don't have half a chance, bitch"
122. "I have a hole in my side", "Pardon?", "I got shot"
123. "Stay quiet and don't fucking move"
124. "You look good today"
125. "Stop being difficult"
126. "Yeah, yeah, you're cute, now stop with that with shit-eating grin"
127. "Tell me I'm wrong"
128. "I'm only here to establish an alibi"
129. "I need a favor — not the sexual kind"
130. "Why can't I see you?"
131. "Help is on the way. You just have to stay awake a little bit longer"
132. "Do you want to die?"
133. "I'm fully capable of kicking your ass"
134. “Can you shut up for once in your life?”
135. “You’re jealous”
136. “I’m telling you. I’m haunted”
137. “Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion”
138. “It’s six o’ clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka”
139. “Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming”
140. “Excuse me?”
141. “Can I kiss you?”
142. “You really thought I was dead?”
143. “God, I love your face.”
144. “I love it when you’re a mess!”
145. “I just want you to be happy.”
146. “I can’t imagine my life without you”
147. “Stop being a fucking dick”
148. “You weren’t there...why weren’t you there”
149. “Do you think?”
150. “Now it’s over....I don’t really know what to do”
151. “Don’t look”
152. “I can’t see anything”
153. “What’s happening?”
154. “Get away from me!”
155. “Whatever you do, don’t open your eyes”
156. “Somebody help me/us, please”
157. “Thank you for staying with me”
158. “Your eyes are so pretty”
159. “Get over here, you doof”
160. “You’re so needy”
161. “Kiss me again”
162. “I don’t care”
163. “That isn’t an option”
164. “What did you just say to me?”
165. “Let go of me”
166. “You aren’t the boss of me”
167. “Do I make myself clear?”
168. “Excuse me?”
169. “How is this my fault?”
170. “Why are your eyes so red?”
171. “Are you afraid to die?”
172. “Want some company?”
173. “Are you warm enough?”
174. “What’s the point?”
175. “I’m not afraid to die, just wish I could live a little first”
176. “I trust you with my life”
177. “I need you to live”
178. “You make me want to live”
179. “You’re worth more than this”
180. “You’re bleeding”
181. “You’re allowed to be upset about what happened to you”
182. “Please, let me help you”
183. “You have me”
184. “Just rest”
185. “I’ve got you, you’re safe”
186. “Why kill them with kindness when you can kill them with fire?”
187. “I bet you can’t jump high enough to reach the ceiling”, “try me”
188. “__, wake up!” “I’m not asleep. I’m dead. Leave flowers and get out”
189. “You’ll have to forgive __, she/he has a heart condition. He doesn’t have one”
190. “But if you’re here, who’s guarding Hades?”
191. “It’s freezing, come here”
192. “Say it again”
193. “Kiss me again”
194. “You were always sure of yourself”
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