#I'm very tired of cleaning up after horrible people
fayrobertsuk · 2 months
Carpe Caput, not Kaput...
... or something.
The other evening, a new acquaintance was asking advice in a group about how to make a solid go of it in a creative field I'm only just starting to peer into, so I felt I had nothing to offer, but actually, in hindsight? I'm pretty sure a lot of the same advice applies to pretty much most creative fields (and possibly broader), so here goes:
Show up. I'm serious. Practise, try new methods, work hard at your craft. Put in the hours. Turn up to events, reliably. If you're booked for something, turn up on time. Check what the producer/ host means by "on time" - too early can be as stressful for them as too late. If you need to cancel, postpone, or let them know you're running late, do your best to tell them that well in advance of the event starting. They probably won't be able to take messages otherwise. This goes whether you're an open mic attendee or a headliner, and everything else in between. If you do this too much, don't expect people to ignore that, no matter how nice and/ or talented you might be.
Be helpful, polite, and/ or personable. If you struggle with what that looks like, for neurospicy or other social anxiety/ processing reasons, the best, very best thing you can do for a producer is ask what they need and pay attention to what they actually say, especially if you can give a short list of the kind of things you know you're good at doing. Including fetching refreshments for in-venue events. Hell, offering to keep them company while they do a boring-but-fiddly thing it would take too long to explain to other people is great. Do not be offended if they say no at first. They don't know you. You haven't turned up enough for them to form an impression of your utility. The same goes for compliments - work out what actually makes them feel pleased about themselves or their work, which means observing. Fending off meaningless/ unwanted compliments can get really tiring.
Thank people. It's amazing how far properly and sincerely thanking people goes. This applies so far across the board, and not just in the arts. Doesn't have to be elaborate or embarrassingly effusive, but genuine thanks are a wonderful gift.
Take criticism, but don't take shit. I have stolen this phrasing from an excellent producer I know. It's a really succinct way of putting something it took me a long while to learn. Take opportunities to learn from people who know better than you, but don't feel you're supposed to please everyone at every turn, whether they're the producer or you're the producer, especially if it means sacrificing too many bits of your own psyche, let alone any of your own soul. You can leave a situation without sacrificing everything. Which leads us to:
Not everyone is going to like you. They're just not. You're not going to be to everyone's taste. That's fine. I do not mean by this to aim to become some tedious edgelord. There are already far too many of those. I just mean: let go of the grief that comes with incompatibility. Use it to learn how to choose your targets better, but don't let it rule you. RSD is a bastard, but it generally doesn't have all the facts. Be prepared to let go with grace. Talking of which:
Don't be afraid to ask for feedback/ give it if asked. You never know. And see #4.
You are going to fuck up. Own it. Learn from it. Process and communicate the lessons. Don't let it stop you striving (but do let it stop you being a dick about it).
Don't burn your bridges. I can barely believe I'm typing this on the internets in the year 2024, but holy shit - making a life as a creator is hard enough without alienating people. And creators look out for each other so yes: people will talk if you start flinging insults and other harm around when someone doesn't give you what you want. Stop. Think. Outsource your common sense to a proper friend (i.e. one who will tell you that you're overreacting) if necessary. Do not publicly insult other producers and creatives in your field. If someone has done grievous hurt to you, of course talk to other people about it, but please, for the love of all that's holy, if you find all your friends giving up on you, one-by-one or in droves, you need to stop, breathe, find another way, work out how you can (re)construct rather than (self-)destruct in the wake of a disappointment. I do not mean to ignore or play down actual harm done to you. Emphatically not. Just consider whether e.g. not getting an opportunity you really, really wanted is actually a conspiracy, or maybe you didn't learn from some spectacular #7...
Acknowledge your privilege. Probably preaching to choir here on Tumblr, but if you find yourself envying people of less privilege than you, saying "Huh, I don't get booked because I'm not [insert marginalised demographic here]!" you definitely want to stop and consider your motives, and what your brain is actually telling you. Are you missing community? Are you missing cohesion? Are you missing feeling special? You're a fucking artist - you're already special, and there's a great deal of community to be found, even if you think your work/ style/ taste is too niche. Possibly especially if you think your work/ style/ taste is too niche. But if you find yourself putting effort into believing that there's truly a conspiracy to put [insert mainstream demographic(s) here] out of work or out of the limelight, I hate to tell you this, but you're not coming from a place of good faith at all. Work out what the actual problem is, and solve that. But not by joining the fascists. Please. Those people are not your friends.
Don't quit the dayjob. I learned this the hard way. Whatever your Next Great Move is, try it out first in bitesize increments. Unless you're independently wealthy, in which case fucking go for it. And maybe share some of the wealth while you're at it. 😉 Sometimes we don't have much of a choice and we have to make a go of the creative career because of diverse Difficult Times. If that happens, don't be afraid to ask for help. Seriously. Ask for help.
I'm manifestly not the world's most successful poet/ musician/ voice artist/ storyteller/ publisher/ event promoter, and I've definitely screwed up a bunch of times (although I sincerely hope I haven't done an #8 or #9!), but I think these are reasonably sensible things to take into account (and I need to work harder on many of them myself). The thing is: I've seen too many people founder on their own entitlement with too little to back it up. I've witnessed people succumb to the temptation to steal ideas, sometimes word-for-word, because certain measures of success seemed more important than creative integrity and pride in their own work. I've seen people burning their bridges and then complain very loudly about the smoke inhalation. I've seen people surrender to jealousy and untapped depths of bigotry because they felt lonely and out of place. And I've seen people act as though no-one else is real and this means that they can take whatever their ego demands they be fed.
None of these things work for long, and none of them seem to satisfy - there will always be something missing in the attention and stimulation these dark paths cast an artist's way. And I'd feel sorry for all of them, if the more extreme exemplars weren't causing awful damage as they go.
Anyway, if you've more to add, please do so - no matter how slowly, sometimes, I do love to learn!
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indulgentdaydream · 5 months
I don’t know if you’ve done this yet but headcanon for what it’s like when reader and Jason get into arguments! (Fluff and angst please!)
coming right up!
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I feel like it's very divided in the community on how Jason is in an argument
Some say he gets angry and shouts, some say he'll just walk away immediately, some say something completely different
I feel like it depends on the situation really.
If it's something minor, like arguing over how the dishes should be done, then you guys are talking to each other normally again within two minutes (or at least he is)
if it's something a little more major, (example: either you not taking care of yourself properly or jason not taking care of himself properly) it may take a few hours to a day to resolve it
the most severe i think jason would go is maybe three days at most with no contact before he's reaching out to you again
okay I'mma write a blurb on that now
Jason couldn't stand it. He had been in his apartment, trying to clean his guns. It was routine. Disassemble. Organize. Clean. Reassemble. Test. Done. He'd done it a thousand times. But he just couldn't focus.
His mind was circling around your argument.
He had tried to bring up something about one of your bad habits. Something about your work and your schedule that he couldn't even remember the specifics of.
Thinking back on it, he shouldn't have brought it up when he had. You were agitated. Frustrated to begin with. Overwhelmed. It had been because of your schedule. Jason had commented on how you should look into it.
"You should take better care of yourself. I hate seeing you like this."
It was the wrong choice of words.
You had blown up on him, twisting his words back at him.
"I should take better care of myself? Really? Why don't you go take a look in the mirror before you come nitpicking my life, Jason."
He had gotten offended. He had only been trying to help.
"What the hell you yelling at me for?"
You spun around to face him, the two of you on opposite sides of the kitchen, "You tell me to take better care, yet what do you do for yourself? Everyday I feel like I'm asking you to be careful out there and everyday you don't respect my wishes!"
"It's my job!"
"It's not a job!"
Jason doesn't remember that much after that, either.
He shouldn't have yelled back. You were right. You were right and you were tired and frustrated and he hadn't been there for you like he should have.
You had stormed out shortly afterwards, saying more about how he didn't respect you or your wishes.
He hated admitting that you were right about that, too. It wasn't intentional disrespect, he just hadn't acted right.
He left the pieces of his gun on the table and stood up.
I need to apologize to the love of my life.
You were sitting in your apartment, watching TV, when you heard the doorbell ring.
You got up, not caring that you were dressed in your pyjamas still, your regular pyjama shirt replaced with one of Jason's.
In a way, you felt horrible about the argument with Jason, too. You shouldn't have snapped at him. You should've brought up your concerns about his vigilante work a different time in a more polite, adult-like manner. It was eating at you, yet you had no idea if he was ready to talk again yet.
You opened the door without looking through the peep hole first, something that Jason would've chided you for, only to find the man himself standing in your doorway.
He was dressed in his motorcycle gear, a helmet in one hand, a bouquet of flowers in the other.
"I'm sorry."
It's up to you to accept his apology or not i'm sorry but i don't know how to finish this.
add in the notes how y'all would apologize KEEP IT PG PEOPLE
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leggerefiore · 2 months
I've been forced to push myself too much at work and now I'm sick and exhausted 😩 can I request the dead inside trio and submas comforting a sick/overworked s/o??
I struggled a lot with this one so it's probably not my best
cw: stress, comfort, mentions of fainting in some parts
character: Ingo, Emmet, Nanu, Cyrus, Larry
● His immediate thought is to scold you after you basically collapsed from overwork. As your emergency contact, he was naturally the one they called when it occurred. When you declared yourself fine, if not just a bit tired, he helped get you back home to rest. Your work had so kindly given you a few days off work to recuperate, seemingly horrified at the thought they were quite literally working you ragged. So, as you lay in bed at home, Ingo also took opted to take a few days off to help you relax, too. His worrying would have made doing his normal work next to impossible, he knew. Emmet was more than happy to give him the time, anyway, knowing how badly he often overworked himself, too. It may have felt a bit hypocritical when Ingo chided you for letting yourself be worked like that, but it was a sign of his genuine care. He was in an absolute panic when he got the call about your collapse and could not have gotten off the battle line any sooner.
● Ingo will make you rest. There will be no chores or anything done until you had at least a day or two of unwinding. At best, you can convince him to help him as he handles the chores. At worst, he chases you away from even something as simple as folding towels. He does not want you to further exhaust yourself – The image of you suddenly collapsing now burned into his mind. Why your work thought it was okay to treat you like this until the very extremes was beyond him. He certainly would never do that to his employees. That could endanger the lives of so many for little return. He bites his lip as he knows you will not want the offer to work under him. It was wrong for him to consider nepotism there, even when it came from genuine concern for you.
● Instead, he focuses that energy into doting on you. Ingo dutifully makes many dishes that you like simply so you keep up with meals, worries that it may have also been a factor in some way. Any hobbies you have are also brought up and engaged if it suits you. He also spends plenty of time just cuddled up with you and reminding you how much he does truly love you. Part of his behaviour is like an overbearing mother. This has shocked him horribly, and he now completely understands how you feel when he overworks himself. Internally, he makes a promise to never do that to himself again if you feel this horrible concern as he does. In the end, you will feel well rested and stress-free. Ingo works tirelessly to make it so. You both make a promise to not let the other do that to themself any more.
○ The younger twin notices the telltale signs of your behaviour and feels a mild annoyance. Nothing really bad, just a thought that you and Ingo were acting for too similarly for his liking. He is certain to stop you before it becomes bad. A bright smile on his lips as he tells you to demand time off work. He feels you need at least a day to gather yourself, but he knows more would be better here. No matter what, he would panic if you got worse. Emmet is bad at expressing his worry, and he may just actually go into your job, ask for you, pick you up, and carry you away. He is just impossibly worried. Ingo is bad enough… The thought of you in such a state is enough to make him start being more aggressive in his battles. When you finally do get that time off, he finally eases him up on people to a point where it is noticeable and debated among Depot Agents.
○ Emmet instantly takes off time alongside you. He is so worried about you and wants to make sure that you actually relax on your time off. His mind thinks about a time he forced Ingo to take a day off and came home to find him having cleaned their shared apartment. He does not want something similar to occur here. Any household chores and needs can be handled by him. He will not pretend like he enjoys doing them particularly, but making sure that you are resting his highest priority. There is something oddly endearing about the younger twin dutifully washing dishes while you lay out on the couch cuddling with his Galvantula (who he asked to keep you busy). Seeing you unwind makes him feel immense relief, truthfully. The poor man was nearly really about to physically drag you from your work to make you relax.
○ He gets take out from any place you want in an attempt to make sure you are getting proper meals and not having to stress yourself with even minor cooking. He internally knows he is being a bit ridiculous there, but he has scared himself too much. His cooking skills are lacking, and he is a bit terrified of somehow accidentally poisoning you. Joltik cuddle time is assured also. He figures the little bugs have some energy to spare with you, and time spent with some cute things might reinvigorate your exhausted mind. Emmet cuddle time happens as well. He is almost constantly all over you since he is just so worried. There will be no escaping his affection. (Unless you tell him you cannot relax with him clinging to you. In which he will pout but relent.) You have to promise him that you will not let this happen so badly again. You and Ingo will make him “was Emmet” instead at this rate.
🌑 He notices when you start overworking yourself and throws out a helpful remark about not doing that. Nanu knows there is not a lot you can really do – especially if it's work making you like this. At best, he can tell you about standing your ground, but he knows boundaries will not always be respected. He does feel a bit frustrated seeing you like that despite it all. His indifferent facade melts away, especially after you end up having bad exhaustion spells. It is then that he helps you schedule time off since you clearly need it. He has seen some people collapse from exhaustion back in his International Police days, so he refuses to let you get to that point. And, admittedly, he used to be guilty of overworking, too. Obviously, not these days, but he still remembers.
🌑 Your time off is spent strictly away from anything that might be too much. Nanu cannot really stop you, in truth, should you want to, though. Mostly, he just asks that you let yourself relax and forget about any obligations for at least a day if they are not overly important. It is hard to deny the old man such a request. Besides, his Meowths are clearly ready to lounge around with you. How could you say no to some lazy times with the kitties? You really cannot decline when one opts to curl up on your lap and sleeps so peacefully while purring. (Nanu sent them after you, wanting to make sure you had a little time off your feet.) The Kahuna opts to handle a few things around the home to keep them off your mind, too. There is something a little sweet about catching the old man folding laundry and glancing at you reading on the couch.
🌑 He also goes out of his way to subtly do numerous things for you to help you recover. Casually, he will pick up takeout for you to eat or even try to bravely cook you something of edible quality. There is something nice about simply sharing a meal with you and helping you relax. Usually, you end up lounging out on the couch, watching some show half-heartedly. His arm rests around your shoulder as he pulls you close to him. Red eyes drift, to you leaning against him, and a sigh leaves him. He was ready to do everything you wanted, honestly. You could ask him to juggle, and after his initial deadpan, he may just try. You agree to be more careful next time in the end, seeing how genuinely concerned that Kahuna was for you.
☄️ He fails to notice at first – Something that will bother him immensely for far longer than he will ever admit. The blue-haired man usually does keep a close eye on you, as he is distantly aware that he worries about you far too much. Yet here, where he felt it most important, he had failed. You had fainted at work from sheer exhaustion, and he had been called as your emergency contact. Mortification was the only thing he could feel while rushing over to get you. Whatever harsh words that he used to hit your workplace with about being so negligent were swallowed as he instead confirmed that you were otherwise alright. Thankfully, they gave you a few days off in response to such a grievous situation. Or, perhaps, it was due to Cyrus's terrifying expression as he helped you up.
☄️ Whatever hypocritical nature may be present as he scolds you about taking adequate breaks and pacing yourself with work completely goes over his head. Even attempting to bring it up will make him insist that it is different from what he is doing. (In a sense, it is.) He also bars you from doing any housework. Cyrus has no reservations about doing them anyway— It is almost relaxing to him in a way. (Once again, chiding him back for overworking will not lead to realisation.) There is even an offer to book you some kind of spa or massage appointment to help you further relax. He would admit to having gone to a few himself during more light moments of stress. Cyrus would take off the day following you passing out, but not really anymore. Though, he does check in on you throughout the day. If you do take the spa offer, however, he may join you. Free Cyrus date at the cost of your mental and physical health.
☄️ Most of his real effort is far subtler. He is not inexperienced in cooking and will take over that while you recover. Most of the meals are more basic, but there is a surprise attempt at making something he knows that you like. It is not half bad. He also seems to come home more regularly, wanting to make sure that everything is going well and that your condition is not worsening. This means more time to spend with him. While he usually opts to focus on home upkeep, if you ask for some physical affection, he will relent to it. Your comfort matters most to him as it stands. He honestly is willing to do many things he otherwise would refuse normally simply to make you happy. (If he was even in the middle of his plans, he might be willing to drop them if it seems like they would stress you out even more.) In the end, you do make the decision not to overwork yourself because Cyrus obvious worry is a rare thing, and it made it clear that what you were doing was too much.
🍙 He does not notice. There is a large amount of shame in failing to notice this happening, yet his work simply keeps him too tired to really give anything his full attention. Sure, he had seen the signs, but he had thought it was mostly him projecting. Then, you suddenly had intense fatigue at work and had to call him to come pick you up. He was mortified when he recognised you symptoms as so familiar to him. This was a common thing he experienced, admittedly. Walking you home, he asked you to schedule a few days off if possible. He knew it was a lead into a fainting episode or extreme burnout. Both of which he thought were best to avoid. He knew how difficult management could be, but he was far too worried about you. There was some relief that it got approved quickly soon after.
🍙 He struggles to really know what to do to relax. Whenever he gets himself into such a state, he usually sleeps for a few days until he has to return to work. Whether you wanted to do that or not was beyond him, but he does mention it. There is some mention of how to better manage a workload between you both, but it is a struggle for him, too. How you kept going on so long like that was truly not within his range of comprehension. Larry opts to aid you by covering house chores and doing other various things for you. He could not get any time off to join you himself, but he works to avoid overtime, so you have him around more. His Staraptor seems to decide to keep an eye on you, too, when he is home. The bird cawing whenever you tried to do anything more intense than putting dishes in a dishwasher. It seemed that if it could not stop its trainer from stressing himself, it would stop you.
🍙 Larry is not only coming home more often, but he tries to be more engaging with you when at home. Casual check-ins on you become more common since he does not want to fail to notice anything going on with again. Lazy affection is also common. You both often end up lounging on the couch together, forgetting whatever woes had been bothering you. He frequently calls ahead before he comes home, too, to ask about what food you want. He is certainly no cook, but he does know the best restaurants in Medali. You will whatever food you desire. Larry does not care if he ends up having to visit Kofu to get it. He also discusses the situations vaguely a bit with you and gives you more experienced advice on how to handle situations at work to make life more bearable. In the end, you return back to work better equipped to advocate for yourself, and be more mindful of your workload. Larry is relieved.
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gingerparker · 1 year
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Pairing: College!Peter Parker X Reader
Summary: Peter needs a vacation. So, naturally, he goes to Vegas during his summer break. He's thin on cash and finds a job at a water park! The hot girl behind the bikini bar is a great bonus to his biweekly paycheck.
Warning: Fluff, sexual tension, teasing, slight body worship, drinking (both reader and Peter are 21+)
Word Count: 7158
A/N: let's pretend this wasn't a summer writing challenge... life happened HARD for it to be posted now.. but i hope y'all enjoy anyway ajsjjs DISCLAIMER!! i know the hotel i used here doesn't have a water park but i was too lazy to use a real one sooo it's an invented one!
It's too warm as soon as Peter exits the airport. It's a sticky and dry kind of warmth, no wind of any kind can be felt around him. His small luggage feels like it weighs 5 tons more than it did mere seconds ago and he realizes how stupid it is to have worn dark clothes.
Travellers push past him to find a cab of any kind to get out of the intense heat. Families get into larger Ubers and some are crazy enough to be walking out. Peter is not that determined.
He has to shuffle through the crowd to find a free cab, they are being filled much quicker than he would have thought. Thank god for his faster pace.
Inside the car, he's blasted with cool air, the sweat on his forehead seemingly evaporating.
The drive to his hotel is smooth. He chugs the rest of his water bottle minutes into the ride. Queen's weather didn't prepare him for this.
In only a few minutes he's on the strip. Billboards of all kinds flash around the cab. It's day outside yet he feels blinded by the colourful lights. He sees half-naked men posing with tourists for money as well as showgirls doing the same. He doesn't let his eyes linger too long. The sidewalk is full of people; after all, it's tourist season.
A bright pink flamingo catches his eye, his hotel seemingly calling out to him! Come, Peter! There's some air con in me maybe you could go to my bar or even check out my casin-
"Sir!" he's startled by the harsh voice that calls him, the cab driver.
"We're here? I've taken you to your hotel" he gestures to the building they are parked next to.
"Oh! How much do I owe you?"
"Y/N, I need you to do the night shift today! Bebe is stuck in St-George, you know how horrible the construction traffic is" Your boss, Xiomara, pleads over the phone. "And I can't come in I have an appointment with my OB"
"What about Charlize?" you ask.
Your phone is on speaker on your bed and you're already looking through the clean bikinis you have ready.
"I haven't been able to reach her, please please please!" she sounds so desperate that you laugh a little.
"Should I wear the blue holo set or go for the pink and red tie-dye one?" Mars squeals loudly, her voice cracks through the speaker on your phone.
"Tie-dye!! You're a lifesaver Y/N/N, I owe you"
"No worries babes, nothing exciting was happening with me tonight" You'll just have to reschedule your date with your vibrator for another day.
"I'll buy you breakfast on your next opening shift! Wait, that's tomorrow, oh god you're gonna be so tired. I can still try and reach Char-"
"Mars! Don't worry so much, keep it going and the baby will just shoot right out of you" you laugh as you pack your bag for the evening.
"I mean I wouldn't complain. I'm very much over pregnancy" she sighs and you only hum as an answer.
You both say your goodbyes and you're quickly doing a makeup look to match your uniform for the night.
Deep red lipstick, a thick black liner that frames your eyes just the way you like and a light amount of everything else. It heats up like crazy in the small bar so you don't want to be sweating it off in seconds. The finishing touch is some body shimmer, that's for the extra tips.
You live in a resort-like rental near the Vegas Strip. Your university funds top students from other states to live in these apartments. When you'd been accepted and offered to house you; you couldn't turn it down. Leaving New York was easy enough, your parents were always travelling for their jobs and your friends were leaving for other schools so it was an easy decision.
A big bonus was that it was only 10 minutes away by foot from your job in a hotel's adult pool.
You gathered all your things and made your way out.
Tuesday nights are the slowest nights. The restricted pool access you work in usually has a long cue to be let in but currently, there are only 5 people. 7 if you count the obviously underage girls that nervously fiddle with their fake IDS.
You've only made 50$ in tips so far which is pretty disheartening. Did you waste your best body shimmer for this?
After cleaning the bar for the third time in the last 10 minutes you give up pretending to be busy. Maybe you should make yourself a drink... A nice cranberry, vodka and watermelon purée slushy... You could even try the new bubblegum gin you received...
As you're trying to figure out what to mix the new alcohol with you spot a guy. A hot guy to be precise. He looks lost as he enters the area and pockets his wallet. His eyes are wide and they seem to be full of awe. First time in Vegas probably. His abs are what make your eyes follow him. For such a soft face the body he has is a pleasant surprise, muscles that don't look too bulky and that highlight the fact that he probably takes very good care of himself.
He looks like a Long Island ice tea type of guy, who likes alcohol but doesn't like tasting it all that much. You almost want to whistle at him or do anything to catch his eye.
He'd be a better date than your vibrator that's for sure.
It's Peter's fifth day in Las Vegas and he just learned about his hotel's private pool. They only let people 21 years old and older in. All he knew was that there was a small water park, and the kids' screaming could be heard throughout the day.
There are more palm trees to cover up this part of the hotel's grounds, giving more privacy to whatever happens here. There's a large DJ booth elevated at the end of the pool and at least 3 different bars. The DJ obviously pressed shuffle on a Spotify playlist and decided to scroll through his phone. The 3 bartenders he sees look bored out of their minds and are seemingly playing a card game. Only about 20 other guests are enjoying the privacy of this section.
He chooses to go buy himself a drink, there's nothing much to do besides that and swim right now.
Right as he's about to go and disturb the guys playing cards he sees a little hut next to the jacuzzi. It's pure white and only has a sign on the front where it's written "Cheeky Chicks" with a bright pink bikini painted on.
His brows furrow before he steps back to look inside.
His eyes widen and his breath hitches. There stands a girl. A half-naked girl. A very very pretty half-naked girl. A girl that's already looking at him. Peter's knees might just give out under him. A smirk forms on your lips when you realised cute hot chiselled guy noticed you. This is going to be so much fun.
"Hi," you say while leaning forward on your bar a little. The guy's face heats up instantly. Red creeps up his chest and onto his face. Peter is incredibly weak for pretty girls.
"Hi," he manages to breathe out.
"Come over here," you say with a wink. No one can tell you that you aren't good at your job.
Peter nods and makes his way over to her. His steps are quicker than he initially wanted, he did want to look cool and nonchalant. Too late now!
"What's your name?" you ask when he reaches your hut.
"Um... I'm not sure" his brain is screaming the answer at him but all he can hear is "her eyes are up there, her eyes are up there, her eyes ar-"
"Mh that's unfortunate, guess I'll have to stick with sexy stranger" your smirk grows when his tongue comes out to lick his lips.
"Right, um, I'm Peter?"
"You sure about that babes?" his eyes get as wide as saucers, nicknames are appreciated... You make a mental note of this.
"Peter Parker," he says "That's my name" he nods to himself. Probably feeling very proud that he's remembered it. God, he's adorable your practically melting.
"Hi Peter Parker, I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you hot stuff" You lean back to your normal position, he's been working very hard to keep his eyes in respectful eye contact.
"What can I get you, Pete?"
"You walked up to my bar, don't you want a drink?" you gesture to all the alcohol you have around you.
"Oh! Um what's your favourite?" he looks at the numerous bottles around you.
"Anything turned into a slush" you answer honestly.
"Ok... Something with cherry?" he suggests with a tilt of his head. You nod and get to work.
If you mix your shaker more than usual who could fault you? It keeps his eyes on you as silence settles over. After adding a cherry and coconut slush to the alcohol mix you top it off with maraschino cherries and a bright pink swirly straw.
You hand it over to him, purposefully making contact with his hand. He takes a big sip and your stare falls to his neck. Thick but lean, muscular and so soft looking. He'd look so good with hickeys littered all over it. You could even trail some down, down, down... just under where his swimming trucks start. God, you really need to get off.
"So what do you think, babes?" you ask him as he brings his straw away from his lips. He nods excitedly as a smile spreads on his face. How can you want him to rearrange your insides and bake him a cake all at once?
"It's delicious! I can't even taste the alcohol you put in here" he nods seemingly approvingly and you smile smugly.
"That's how you know it's a dangerous drink" you wink, turning around to quickly put away the things you used to prepare Peter's drink.
"So how much do I owe you?" he takes his wallet out and opens it up with one hand.
Maybe this is your chance to be bold. Get a date out of this incredibly slow day?
"Mh it'll only cost you your phone number" you shrug with a smirk on your face. Peter sputters on the sip he'd taken and flushes from head to toe. He shakes his head quickly and puts down his cup.
"I have to pay you" he goes through the bills he has in his wallet, instantly paling. He counts them again to then meet your eyes anxiously. "Um, any luck this cost under 6$?" he laughs awkwardly taking out the six 1$ bill he had. You cringe and shake your head. Why must you go for the broke cutie? He sighs and shoves the bills into your tip jar.
"I'm sorry, my aunt always tells me to budget better but this trip has got me much shorter on cash than usual..." Peter puts his wallet away, already knowing it's best if leaves as fast as he can.
"How long are you staying in Vegas for?" your question surprises even yourself. You both expect to have him just walk away and forget this interaction happened... but alas you're incredibly weak.
"I don't know really... I bought a one-way ticket so... I'll probably try and get a ticket to leave at the end of summer" which is currently two and a half months away.
"And you already have no cash left??" you gasp. How is that even possible? "Do you have a job? Or a sugar daddy?" you add in a rushed tone, shocked at his quite reckless planning.
"Think I'd look good in a bikini?" he teases. Joking at a time like this? He might just be your soulmate.
"You'd look amazing in a bikini but this is a woman owed and woman run" You sigh dreamily at the thought of Peter in a bikini. New kink unlocked? Or are you just incredibly horny... "Although... one of the lifeguards at the water park quit! Maybe I could get a good word in for you" You start shutting off the lights in your little hut and locking up the coolers and stands around you.
"Now?" Peter exclaims. You ignore his shock and turn back to him. You spot his unfinished slushy and hand it back to him.
"Drink it at least, I'm not doing charity for you not to enjoy it" you tease him before making your way out, locking the side door and hanging up the "Closed" sign.
"Oh and I'm still expecting your phone number"
That's how Peter Parker got himself a job at his hotel's water park. The man running it barely asked him what his name was before he was hired. They made sure that he had the right certification for a lifeguard job and the next day he was on the schedule. Well, they wrote him in with a Sharpie and they spelt his name wrong but he had a job!
The kids were... tolerable, the pay was ok and the conditions were bearable. His favourite part, however, is the hottie that always put extra cherries on his alcoholic slushes.
It's been three weeks now since he was able to pay back the first one, and it's also been three weeks since you've exchanged numbers.
You've been texting back and forth like crazy. Just facts about your days when you aren't working at the same time or you even like to have him pick out your bikini. He gets exceptionally shy and takes forever to answer but, surprisingly, he's got impeccable taste. Peter knows it's because of how attracted to you he is. Getting to know you has only deepened how doomed he is, how quickly his feelings have shifted from plain lust.
"So you haven't fucked yet?" Ned's voice is loud out of his phone speaker and it scares the shit out of Peter. He's on his lunch break and it's his weekly bro date with Ned. They have lately been full of your name.
"No, women and men can be friends. You know this" Peter knows full well that he'd ditch the friendship in a heartbeat for something more. He'll keep this act up tho, more gentlemanly... right?
"Not when they obviously wanna bone Pete... You're telling me not even a steamy make-out session?" Peter is glad they decided not to FaceTime because he knows what face Ned would be making right now and he doesn't want to see it.
"No" He wishes. He wishes so badly. Like it's actually starting to concern him how much he just wants you to sit on his lap, put your hands in his hair, maybe pull a little, definitely call him babes like you alw- See? He's going insane.
"That's sad Petey, get a move on! If Y/N is as hot as you say then you can't waste any time!" Ned's voice is so diplomatic it's weird but comforting.
"Oh. My. God. Babes you talk about me?" your chipper voice almost startles Peter off his seat and onto the suspiciously green floors.
Peter looks at you with a terrified expression on his face, like you've caught him mid-murder. Damn, his Peter Tingle for not warning him of your arrival!
"Is that her? Y/N! PETER WANTS TO FU-"
His phone is thrown across the room at record-breaking speed, destroying it. You barely seem surprised.
The silence that takes over the room gives Peter time to look you over. What you're wearing today has to be lingerie... just enough is left to the imagination and it's hypnotising. The way the slightest movement makes you look, the up and down of your chest as you breathe, how you look walking closer to him. Wait, walking closer??
His eyes snap up to meet yours as you walk over to him.
"Take me out tonight" You lean down to his eye level. The eye contact you hold is intense. So much is communicated through facial expressions. Peter's mind repeats your statement over and over, making sure he actually heard the right thing.
"Anywhere near an Apple Store so we can get you a new phone" you wink.
Smoking hot date, check.
Carefully picked out outfit, check.
Cute but comfortable makeup, check.
Get Peter a new phone before the date actually starts, check.
You and Peter are now slowly making your way down the Vegas Strip. With the ending goal in mind to find someplace interesting to eat. You walked past many many different restaurants but nothing that made you stop walking.
Peter's hand holds yours loosely, the hot weather unsuitable for real hand-holding. He's wearing a light pink shirt with flamingos and flowers patterned around it, obviously, he hadn't packed a "date shirt" before leaving New York and bought it at his hotel. His legs are barely hidden away by his short jeans short that have numerous rips in them... God you want to bite his thighs.
"You're staring at my legs again" You can hear him smirking through the tone of his voice.
"Oh shut up!" you knock your shoulder onto his arm with a laugh.
"It's fine this most likely compensates for the number of times I've at your boobs... or your ass... or anything really when you have a bikini on" he gestures with his free hand to you. Most likely visualising a bikini on you now.
"Mh, that's true... I'll keep staring then!" you smile proudly winking at him. His face and neck flush pink as he ducks his head. He's so fun to tease always so responsive.
Conversation is easy. It always is. Your personalities mesh together perfectly which makes hanging out with him so fun.
This being more officially a date has put weight on both of your shoulders. Somehow, it's made a sliver of anxiety surround the both of you. It must mean you both want this date to go well; to have many more after.
"Oh! How about hot dogs?" Peter points to a small restaurant to his left.
"Those are probably, like funky hot dogs... I'm down, let's go!" you tug him towards Haute Doggery.
You're both greeted by a woman behind the counter when you walk in. The place is small, with four two-person tables and a high counter along one of the only bare walls. That said it's cosy and inviting so you're immediately excited.
"Wow! A foot-long hog dog??" Peter gasps as he reads the menu. You giggle at his reaction now reading the menu yourself. So many options to choose from... "Want to share two regular-sized speciality ones?"
"Only if we get fries" you nod seriously, now choosing a hot dog to share with him.
"I definitely want to try the mac and cheese one" Peter looks away from the menu to meet your eyes.
"Good choice! I saw we get that one and the breakfast one, I can never say no to hash browns"
Once you receive your order you make your way to one of the tables, ready to absolutely dig in. Peter takes the time to precisely cut in half both hot dogs and gives you your pieces.
"Cheers!" you say knocking your half with his before taking a generous bite of the breakfast delight.
"So this is my room!" Peter shuffles inside his hotel room before holding the door open for you.
The room is nothing crazy. One queen bed in. the middle, a dresser with a tv on top of it, grey carpet flooring, pinkish walls, a bathroom and a balcony overlooking the pools and the waterpark.
You make your way over to his freshly made bed: thank you housekeeping. You sit down on it beckoning Peter over to you. He toes off his shoes in a hurry before practically lunging at the spot next to you. Cute.
"Had fun, cutie?" you look at him with seductive eyes and a warm smile. You want him to be putty in your hands.
Peter reacts immediately to the name you call him, blushing and wide-eyed.
"Yeah, you're easy to talk to and really sex- I mean smart. Really smart." his words seem to be tumbling out of his mouth in a panic.
"Babes, calm down!! You can compliment me. Physically too" you smack his chest feeling the firm muscle of his peck.
He only nods as an answer but keeps his eyes locked with yours. You're the one to break the eye contact to glance at his lips. You want to kiss him so bad...
"Can I kiss you?" Peter might be a mind reader.
"Please" is what you answer.
Kissing Peter is immediately addicting. He's so enthusiastic, kisses like his life depends on it. His left hand goes to your back and his right cradles your jaw. Your own move around his body. Gripping his muscles, tangling in his hair, slipping under his shirt. You're having a great time exploring his body.
You bite his bottom lip playfully, tugging it towards you and it makes Peter moan in delight.
"You're so hot, I'm going insane" he mumbles between desperate kisses.
You only hum in answer wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down above you. His body is so warm against yours like he's on fire. You tug off his shirt, to help him cool down is what you tell yourself.
"I know I see you without a shirt more than with one but this is so much sexier" you trail your fingers all. over. him.
Peter turns you onto your side to unzip your romper. His lips never leave yours, the contact staying feverish and fast. It's like he wants to eat you whole. Maybe he does, you'd let him.
The shrill sound of your ringtone startles you, causing you to knock your chin into Peter's nose as you look up.
He groans as you reach to silence the (incredibly rude) device. Unfortunately, your index has other plans and presses the accept call button.
"Y/N?" Xiomara... This can only mean bad news.
"I know you're on a date and I'm so incredibly sorry to be doing this. I just went into labour and you're literally in the hotel somewhere..." Her voice is strained and you breathe out in exasperation.
Peter's head drops into the crook of your neck. His hands don't start roaming, they travel, map your body out. Every single inch of skin he can reach. Inside the romper, your face, legs, arms... Anything and everything.
"I... I don't have a bikini" you manage to say.
"I really don't care what you wear. Actually, you know what I don't care about the bar right now never mind" She hangs up immediately.
"Thank fuck for that" Peter exclaims dragging the rest of your romper off.
You laugh as he readily gets back to what he was doing. His lips on yours, guided your hands into his hair and hips bucking into yours.
Yeah, this is so much better than taking over "Cheeky Chicks" for the evening.
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footballerimaginess · 10 months
Twins | Part 2
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Here is my second part of my Twins fic, hope you like it! Part 1 Word Count: 733 Trigger warnings: Mentions pregnancy throughout The last 12 weeks were awful, your first trimester was horrible.
All you felt like you did was sleep, throw up and cry. There was way too many emotions in your body for you to handle. You were exhausted all the time and the hormones were crazy, Kylian never admitted that they were too much but you just knew that's what he was thinking. The sickness was horrendous too, nothing you could do was stopping it. All you could do was lay in bed, Kylian was absolutely perfect the whole time. With his games and media commitments he was away quite often, but he was so caring and you knew he would make the greatest father. "I have some water for you, try and have some crackers or something. I am so sorry that you're feeling like this, I wish I could do something for you or just to take it away" Kylian cooed at you as he softly ran his hands through your messy hair. "It's ok. I will be fine, you best go. I don't want you to be late or get fined" you told him as he nodded and placed a small kiss on your forehead as you tried to snuggle down in the bed whilst he went to training. - As 12 weeks were over, you were told that you would start to feel better. That wasn't happening. The tiredness had slowly disappeared and were starting to feel a little bit better in that way but still had a tired feeling about you. "Hi" you smiled as you were up already and making breakfast. "You seem very happy this morning?" you grinned. "Well we get to see baby Mbappe and I am very excited. I am pretty hungry too" you smiled as you embraced him in a cuddle. "I love you, I am glad you are starting to feel a little better. I know the last few weeks have been seriously tough on you. But seeing you smile and feel yourself again is amazing. Carrying our baby is so special and feels crazy to see" you felt the tears fill up as you stopped yourself from crying. "Oh KyKy, that was emotional. I love you, are you ready for our scan tomorrow?" you asked him as his face lit up. "Of course, I can't wait" he kissed your lips gently as you carried on making the breakfast for the both of you. - Scan day was here, you felt so nervous. "Are you ready?" Kylian smiled as he pulled up to the hospital as you were ready for your 12 week scan as you made your way in. "Hello" you smiled as your midwife ushered you in as you laid on the bed. "How have you been feeling?" the midwife asked as you got ready to scan your stomach. "I'm okay now, feeling tons better. Tiredness was awful too" she nodded as she squeezed the cold gel on your stomach as she scanned your stomach. Kylian looked at the screen with eagle eyes. The midwife put the doppler down as she moved the screen further towards you. "Is everything okay?" You asked as you looked with scared eyes as you could see the screen more clearly now. "Yes, everything is fine. You are having not one baby, two. Twins" the midwife replied with the biggest smile on her face. "TWO?" Kylian remarked as you stared straight at the screen. "Yes sir, twins. Congratulations, I will print some scans out for you" the midwife smiled as she printed lots of scans off for you both. She cleaned her stomach as she handed you the scans as you headed back to the car. "Ky, we are having twins. Two of them" you nervously laughed as you felt like reality was setting in knowing how daunting it was that you were having not one but two babies. "We really are, this is insane. I cannot believe it at all, my mind is going crazy" Kylian laughed as you got in the car. "We need to tell people now" you nodded as you put your hand on your belly. "Two baby Mbappe's are in there" he laughed. "I need a rest after all that news if I'm honest" you laughed as you yawned. "Of course darling, anything you want" he smiled as you headed home before deciding how you were planning to announce the baby.
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
28 Asks! Wahoo! :DDD
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(Post in question)
XD I'm glad you like him! This makes me want to make some lore for the little critter. Some of the other imps and cats have lore, so Armpit should too!.... Starting with giving him a proper name <XDD
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(Video in ask)
Oooo pretty song! Though I'm not sure what they'd think.. :0 They might just enjoy it in general and not have much thought afterwards <XD
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Google seems to say that that's a scary game, I'm sure they'd be too scared to play <XD
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I feel like what it would take for Bonnie to yell at someone is if they were yelling at him. But even so.. I just don't know if that's how Bonnie is..
Like if say, Monty was really barking at Bonnie for how he's behaving and just shoving everything in his face. I'd like to think that Bonnie would eventually blow and yell back something like "I DON'T CARE" or "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM GOING THROUGH".. Buuuutt at the same time.. Bonnie is mellow and kind by nature.
Seeing Monty yelling.. he might just shut down even more. He's so tired. He's tired of everything. And now Monty's yelling about something and its all just.. so exhausting. It might be easier for Bonnie to just stand there and not say anything and wait for Monty to get it all out of his system and then leave. Fighting back is just gonna make Monty yell more and cause more drama. Bonnie would give up in an argument pretty quickly and just stand there until the other person is done yelling.
And what's Monty gonna do? Push Bonnie around? Bonnie is way heavier and stronger than him. Pushing him/encouraging Bonnie to get physical is just gonna result in Monty flailing about and Bonnie standing stiff as brick.
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I've never seen that movie(..?) before so I cant really say.. But judging by Google images, it looks really cool! And it has a lot of cats in it XD
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I remember them! What a whacky cast of characters :00 My favorite is probably the Monkey XDD
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I've never watched any of the Ghibli movies although I really should 💔
Now considering all the stuff I've heard/seen about those movies.. the food looks delicious, and the lands seem peaceful..?? They all might camp out for a while in one of those worlds and just bask in the peace and quiet.. 😌
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XDD Hey I see that digital circus reference!
Although they didn't have any rides like that fortunately, and STAFF bots didn't exist when Foxy was still in service. If a kid had an accident of some kind, whether it be an injury or a uh. "Spill".. It was probably Foxy's job to alert an employee and they'd come in and clean up the mess and/or whisk the injured child away so Foxy could go back to work.
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If you go to my blogs post search and type in "super mario bros", you should find 99% of all my Mario artwork!
If you have any trouble finding it don't be afraid to send another ask- idk if ur on mobile or PC it might be different <XD
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Seam could have known how to do that perhaps..? But his powers were never meant to hurt people. Seam was the court Magician. He would just use his powers to put on these beautiful displays and show off these bizarre tricks and shows. (Usually along side Jevil to add extra flare and humor to his performances)
Although... technically you could say that he did use his magic to harm once. I don't know if it counts as a hex.? But he did lock Jevil away in a magical cell made of his own magic... does that count? :0
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Yeah that was the intention. Seam, that Older imp and the two cat ladies worked under the King directly. So they wore these beautiful robes and headdress things to show their status. Jevil was the court jester so he just wore a jester outfit.
If Jevil had any other role he'd probably be dressed all fancy just like them. :0
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Yeah <:( for a lot of reasons.
For many years talking has hurt Seams mouth and face, obviously- So he's resorted to mumbling and talking very quietly. After years and years of doing that his voice cant be great. When the stiches were removed I can imagine him raising his voice and it just sends him into a horrible coughing fit. Plus those holes in his mouth are still there, and they cant feel great to be stretched around..
I can see him struggling to make certain sounds. Like the word "cheese". He'd probably cut off half way cuz the holes were stretched and it felt like a punch to the lip. :'(
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That's a good question... I think at least for now, Seam just wants to cover it up.
Underneath that wrap.. his face is pretty messed up. Its not just his eye.. I imagine that the eye hole also didn't heal great so I don't know if they could even put in an artificial eye. It might hurt Seam or make his face really sore.. Plus after the eye was in, he'd just want to cover it up with a bandage anyways..
So for now, he just covers his face and doesn't touch the wound. And I don't think he'll have the courage to mess with it anytime soon... :((
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I have not :/ But I have seen ads for it EVERYWHERE. So I am aware of its existence. XDD
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I've never heard of that game no.. but Googling it, I can say that I love the art style! :D
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Awe,, Thank you so much!! :DD
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Possibly! :000
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Aww.... nah that would destroy anybody.
I mean if they absolutely had to for some reason, like they could never return to the surface because if they did they would die.. They would survive underwater for a while. But then eventually they'd run out of supplies and they'd starve or the octopod would stop functioning after a while..
Also MAN they would all be ruined mentally. Never being able to see their families again. Never being able to feel the sun on your skin or breathe in fresh air. Being stuck underwater for the rest of their lives would destroy all of the Octonauts. Save for possibly Inkling, but even then being trapped down there and all your friends are miserable would wear on Inkling too..
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Maybe not the whole playground. But I can easily see Christmas/holiday themed decorations being hung up around the Daycare :)
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Hmm.. I hadn't planned/thought about something like that... But that's a really cool idea! Perhaps at one point they were pursued through dimensions :0 Terrifying!
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Which "Wapeach" are you referring to? If you're talking about the ship of them, Mmmm nahh,, I don't think they'll ever be a thing..
Are you referring to "Wapeach" as in the peach wearing that purple outfit with the long purple boots? If so I don't know what to make of that <XD
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Judging by Google images.. they'd see the desert wasteland, turn right around and jump through another mirror. <XD They need to find food man!
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(Post in question)
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Bad Endogeny! No! Don't stab people's legs! >:(
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Never heard the song before, but I'm sure Jangles would be up for it! XD
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XDD 1 Jangles is powerful enough, the world cant handle 2-
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Jangles would be in awe of his idols. Sans and Papyrus would probably be wondering why this 3ft(??) tall plastic Halloween skeleton decoration is alive and talking XDD
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@octonauts16 (Post in question)
Oh! No no, Cici is Bibi's little sister. I don't think I'll be making him a girlfriend any time soon <XD
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I'm cautiously excited. I always love to see more FNAF but I'm worried that they might twist the lore even further and make things even more confusing... <XDD
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not-goldy · 9 months
More and more sources reporting Jikook will both exclusively stay together at 5th division for the entire 18 months confirmed. They will be deployed to a unit together on the 5th week, cause they enlisted as companions in the buddy system & won't separate, but likely not Jin's area & won't be made public, but at least they will for sure be together until they release. Not that there was any doubt, but its nice to see it in writing. They chose the buddy system together for this reason. They could have just went to 5th division as individuals or anywhere else with anyone else, for that matter, but they wanted to do it as companions to stay together and everything is working out for them. They didn't want to be separated and they are not gonna be. Also, can we take a minute to think about this, cause Like holy shit. Jikook worked so hard behind the scenes in silence and set this up for themselves, while they were being mocked, ridiculed, their bond trashed, horrible rumors about not being close or even friends who have each other's numbers and really pulled off the biggest FU ever. They didn't let anything or anyone get in the way of their goal of staying together. Good for them. I didn't think Jikook could surprise me more, but damnit, They did.
Hopefully some who were still trying to convince their followers they were gonna split after 5 weeks and Jk go to where other members are cause he's dating them, gets their asses handed to them by their followers for continuing to purposely gaslight them and lie to them. I would be in their face screaming right now, making sure they don't get a good night sleep. Some of these tkk really been thinking Jk was gonna leave and this was just temporary. These idiots with their 'My boyfriend's, girlfriend's, mailman, who has this 1/4 korean friend told a friend of a friend who knows korean" bullshit, need to be gone. This fandom needs to start weeding out these manipulators and liars, starting right now and clean house for the next 18 months.
I always say, we can sit here and talk and tear their relationship apart and put it back together, doesn't matter. They are doing the relationship.
Seems people don't understand at this point what a relationship actually is. They are there making PLANS together in ways that COUPLES WOULD.
It's not about the oh they went out to drink with this person or that person, or they went to see a concert, or they wore the same jewelry or bracelet or jacket.
I like to see these two actually get sick and tired of eachother cos right now it seems we have to pull them apart kicking and screaming.
I said years and years and every year their attachment to eachother is borderline unhealthy and that they could use a bit of independence- then covid hit and they pretended to live independently only for them to pack their bags to hell together. As their therapist I'm sick of them🤣
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datesinredink · 3 months
Heyyy so maybe I'm insane but. Do NOT Take This Cat Home (which I'll shorten to Dnttch) yandere rottmnt au. Hmmm. I havent slept in 24 hours so I don't know how you would meet them but I do know that it would be very fun to think about how the weird eldritch horror/"OH NO THEY EAT PEOPLE" part would come into play.
Oh wait actually IDEA you could start off meeting one of the turtles (probably Mikey, he'd be most likely to stick around instead of eating you and convince you to take him home because he's so lost and hungry in this new place, couldn't you pleeaaase take pity on this poor turtle?) and then over time, since we know in the Dnttch universe, the cat multiplies in at least two ways (I, in fact have not seen all the endings yet), so the first turtle could gather the other three over time. One could be from a plushie in the pet shop or won at the carnival (prob Raph), the second could be from the movie theater (Leo, I think the hypnosis is weirdly fitting for him), and the final one... Wait. I'm not sure. THERES A LITTLE LIVE PETS TURTLE???? YEAH OK THATS FUNNY I'LL PUT IT IN.
Buuuuuuttttt after the four are all gathered and living in your house (despite your insistence that you couldn't possibly afford to support them. luckily, despite occasionally waking up and seeing one of them in the corner of your room drooling, they've never shown any need to eat) they've gotten a bit attached. They saw you as a possible meal, at first, then a convenient hiding place, but they seem to have found themselves getting attached. They decide that since you've helped them soo much, that they should at least return the favor before they decide to eat you(something you're frighteningly aware they've almost done- the still healing scar from the last time the red one visited your room) or leave.
Now, you feel constant eyes staring holes into your back, and your rude coworkers now either show up on the news with their bones picked almost clean or don't turn up at all. Now, sometimes they'll bring back one of their kills to share with you (after all, aren't you hungry? They've seen you eat, but surely it isn't filling enough to really sustain you- to them, that's why you seem so tired all the time). Since you always turn them down, maybe instead they'll just have you help them store the leftovers!
Raph, as they've taken to calling the biggest of them, eats more frequently than the others to sustain his growth, so there can sometimes be extras that the other three don't particularly want at the time. He even goes out of his way to help you with tearing and cutting apart the meat! It's almost sweet, if only for the weight of what exactly you're putting in Tupperware right now.
Leo gets more aggressive about your attention now, always begging you to play games or watch TV with him. Sometimes he's even fine with just reading comics in the same place, as long as he gets to hold onto you in some way. It's annoying at best in the morning when you have to go to work, but downright terrifying when his marks flare up late at night after you've just insisted for the 10th time that you're tired and don't want to deal with him. Usually, the threat of flickering blue light vaguely forming some kind of sword is enough to convince you otherwise.
Mikey tries his best to help you adjust to your new roommates! He knows how stressed out you are about work, you should tell him about it! He'll even take notes about how they can all brighten your day, so feel free to speak your mind about that horrible lady who yelled at you today. Was she your boss? A coworker? Maybe a customer who asked for the manager? He'll give you a warm hug and reassure you that everything will be ok, and that maybe you should teach him a new recipe from granny's cookbook tonight to take your mind off things! The scene you wake up to the next morning is Mikey humming to himself while the girl's flesh sizzles in the pan you let him borrow last night, Raph drooling over said slab of meat, as well as Donnie and Leo playing the most intense game of rock paper scissors (a game they're glad you taught them- how else would they make decisions) to decide who gets the first plate of food.
Donnie's always useful to have around, his fascination with human technology quickly being honed into electronic mastery. Despite his more reclusive nature, he's still gotten you out of many a pinch with malfunctioning devices, like when you sorrowfully cradled your old toaster in your arms on your way to trash it, only for him to take it from you and return it a couple days later fixed up like new. You appreciate his contributions, and though you're the beta tester for a multitude of his dangerous inventions, with the amount he does for you, it's hard to not feel like you owe him, especially when he himself openly agrees with that point. You just wish he'd give you a break from the explosions...
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popquizhot-shot · 1 year
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Chapter One- Partnership Deed.
Summary: the very beginning. how he came to be in the same house as you.
Author's notes: it's a small chapter, i'm sorry but more to come!
Fic playlist
Chapter One|Chapter Two|Masterlist
No one tells you about how horrible this feeling is. This aloneness that consumes you. That empty that comes after everyone has left and you’re sitting there in the living room all alone. A hurried dinner you’re too tired to eat left on the table.
You’re jolted out of your depressive pity party at the sound of your phone ringing. Muting David Attenborough’s soothing voice and looking at your phone.
Unknown Number.
You pick it up and put it on speaker, sitting up straight, “Hello?”
The man who responds asks if you’re the one who put that advertisement for a roommate. You say yes, and he asks if he can come by to check the apartment out and you nod to no one, replying that yes, of course can, whenever he’s free.
“You mind if I come by now? I’m returning from the campus library actually.”
Because the only calls you’ve gotten till now were sleazy asshole who weren’t students, you’re surprised that guy is actually in your university.
“Yeah! Sorry!” you know you should say no, it’s nine in the night, you have work to do, a chapter to write, a business model to research, you should tell him to boot and that yes, you did mind if he came now, “Sure, you can stop by, I’ve got nothing to do. Can I get your name though, wouldn’t want a total stranger to enter my house, y’know.” you awkwardly chuckle and introduce yourself.
“Miguel. Miguel O’Hara.”
It’s a miracle you don’t drop the phone.
After what you can only describe as a painfully awkward goodbye, you rush to clean your apartment. Cursing the post-it’s scattered all around the house. They’re plot ideas, written in blue, purple, pink, all over the kitchen. The stray black ink used for definitions for costs and tendency curves and fuck if you remember what they mean and another fuck because this is Miguel O’Hara. The lead guitarist of that one band that always plays during uni fests. The tall fucking literal bull of a guy who captures everyone attention without meaning to. You both haven’t ever spoken to each other, never crossed paths because he’s a STEM student and though technically business is considered STEM for..whatever reason, it’s not the same and it’s in a different building. But you know who he is.  You’ve seen him from a distance, your friends teasing you for looking at someone like a blushing little girl, but you’re playing safe. 
You’ve just managed to make the place presentable when the intercom buzzes. In your haste to reach it, your toe catches on one of the dining chairs and you resist the urge to just say screw this and curl up in a ball and cry, instead hobbling over to the machine, cursing under your breath as you press the button, “Come on in!” you muster the cheeriest voice you can imagine. Granting him access into the building and immediately letting out a not so cheery expletive once your finger leaves the contraption. If this is all for naught you swear you’ll stay single till college is over, you can just live in fantasy, because god this guy is an idiot who thinks he can come up whenever he thinks he can. He’s probably one of those asshole dudes who thinks they’re better than everyone else.
But your dumbass is to blame. Your stupid constant to please people gee thanks for that mom
You rush to open the door as soon as you hear the knock, bracing yourself for an arrogant dude smirking at you-
Yes, that is Miguel O’Hara at your doorstep, but he’s shyly? Scratching the back of his neck, looking almost apologetic.
“I am so sorry for just barging in this late.” is the first thing he says,wincing as your eyebrows raise, “it’s just-
“No, it’s okay, you don’t have to say anything. It’s alright.” you smile and open the door wider, inviting him in.
Jesus, what was in the water he drank as a child? He towers over you as he steps in. You look up to his face as he scans the living room, almost smiling at the organized chaos around the house.
“Uh, over here is the bedroom you’ll be taking, if you’re moving in that is.” you walk past him, sleeve brushing his, pointing to the open bedroom he walks into, nodding approvingly. It’s decent for the money he’d pay as rent, there’s actually no reason for him to refuse. He can stay here-
“It’s a beautiful place.” he finally looks down at you, “Yeah, I think, if there’s no one else at the moment, I’ll be happy to accomodate the room.”
And that’s the story of how Miguel O’Hara became your roommate.
You wish you could say you lived happily ever after.
“Miguel!” you bang on his door, “Wash the fucking dishes, today’s your turn!”
You get a hum in return, and you know the dishes will get done really late or he’ll probably fall asleep at his desk. You wish you could ignore it, you really do. But again, thank the instilled doctrine that if you’re lazy to do anything you’re pathetic and don’t deserve to breathe air. With a swear on your breath, you storm to the kitchen, making sure to bang the dinner dishes as loud as you can. It’s been a week since he moved in. A week.
He had helped with dinner. Vegetable Gravy with turmeric and chillies and roti’s. Guy liked trying different cuisines and your penchant for cooking came in handy. One thing your mother taught you that helped. And he said he’d wash, that you worked too hard and he didn’t like seeing you all stressed out like a little mouse.
“You’re like a little mouse, always moving here and there.” He chuckles, his fingers wiggling to mimic a scampering rodent and sticks it in front of your face. 
You slap it away, “Oye, watch the gravy.” you point at the curry with your rolling pin.
 He dips a finger and brings it to his mouth to taste, looking at you as he licks it.
“Hmm, muy delicioso .”
In a partnership, to specify the deals of the relationship, a partnership deed is drawn up for specifics. Percentage of profit, ratio of distribution, shit like that. Roles for each partner. That’s precisely what this asshole needs, a real live list for him to see. You wonder if he needs sock puppets and Cheerios as well.
It takes ten minutes to draw up a good contract, with clear rules laid out for the both of you, he’ll probably come out in a few minutes.
You wake up in a start, the lights are off, and there’s a blanket on top of you. The tv that was switched on was now switched off. 
That ass had finally come out, and he’d covered your sleeping form and switched the TV off. The metal glint of a pen catches your attention. Blinking, you scramble for the deed, looking over it, and on the bottom, right where you’d written out his name was his signature. And a little drawing of a flower with a sad face saying sorry in bubble speech.
Idiot. You smile, clicking the pen and signing above your name. 
He better make breakfast tomorrow.
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sailor-aviator · 11 months
Til the Summer Comes Again Teaser
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Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Reader
"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, 'Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.'" — Lewis Carrol
Summary: Bob was a winter spirit who loved what he did. He loved making individual snowflakes. He loved the way the snow sparkled in the winter sun. He loved the laughter his creations brought to people around the world. What he didn't expect, was to fall in love with a human girl from a small town. He has until the summer comes again for her to reciprocate his feelings if he wants to remain on earth, but will the shadows that haunt her get in the way of happily ever after? (JackFrost! AU)
Series CW: Magic, Winter Sprites, Past Trauma, Talks of Death, Winter Themes, Demon-like Entities, Violence, Torture, Sacrifice, Angst, Fluff, Romance, Eventual Smut, Age Gap (Bob is centuries old). Think that about covers it. Chapters will have individual warnings.
A/N: Here is the project I'm most excited for!! As always with the teasers, this scene and subject matter may change once I actually get around to writing it. As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are encouraged and appreciated! 18+ ONLY!! Find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator where I will be updating my fics as well!
Masterlist || Robert "Bob" Floyd Tag List
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"It's going to sound dumb," you mumbled, a blush creeping its way onto your cheeks. Bob didn't think he'd ever get tired of the site. Warmth was such a new concept to him, and he was addicted to the way it radiated off of you.
"Humor me," he murmured, reaching his hand out to brush the hair out of your face. You smiled sheepishly at him, shifting in your spot on the couch.
"Well," you began, fingers fidgeting in your lap, "The nightmares started a few years ago. They weren't anything horrible at first, but recently they've just been getting worse and worse."
"Worse how?"
"Like," you hesitated, "like they seem so real now. Like the shadows that chase me might actually hurt me."
"Shadows?" Bob questioned, a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
You nodded. "Yeah. They were just flashes in the beginning, but now there's a man who seems like he's made of shadows himself. He watches me, always appearing no matter how far I run."
You paused, chewing on your bottom lip.
"He scares me," you admitted quietly. Bob felt anger swell up from the very depths of his being. He had a pretty good idea of who or what it was that tormented you, and he swore to himself that he wouldn't rest until you were safe.
"I don't know what this means," you continued. "I'm not even sure it means anything, but..."
You pulled back the sleeve of your sweater to reveal a large, dark bruise in the shape of a handprint. Bob saw red, the lid on his temper barely holding. Your fingertips ran lightly over the mark.
"This appeared the morning after you left," you frowned. "He was so angry in my dream, and he just grabbed me."
The hold snapped, and a gust of frigid wind raced through the room, the glass on the coffee table freezing before shattering. You jumped with a yelp, staring at what was left of the glass. You scrambled to clean it up, and Bob felt the unforgiving power of ice flow through him as he tried desperately to control his breathing. How dare he lay a hand on you.
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hispieceofcake · 2 months
🍕Headcanons about Steve Raglan/William Afton that in my head make sense —🔪⊹₊ ⋆. ₊˚ .⊹
Hello hello people, I was at school at 6 am, dying of sleep, while some people in the class were recovering from a test (but not me) and so I thought about writing some headcanons that in my opinion would make sense or maybe just in my head. It's those types of thoughts where you think about what the character would be like in a daily domestic routine and such.
Warning: I should have posted this a few days ago but I forgot and I'm posting it now, I'm so forgetful.
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•He likes strong coffee or black coffee
It's just a thought that came to me when I was watching that scene with him offering coffee to Mike. There is no information that proves this, it is just my thought because it seems to make sense. I also think he likes whiskey or drinks with a strong taste.
•He likes rabbits
I think this is a little obvious given the Animatronic costume he wears and chooses to wear. I think it makes sense given the idea that he made the animatronic. Some might say he just used the animatronic suit to kill without being seen and have his identity cleared, but like, he could have made the animatronic suit for any other animal, but he did of a yellow rabbit, so to me it kind of makes sense that he likes the animal.
• He called Vanessa his bunny when she was a child
I know he probably didn't even like Vanessa and only raised her out of obligation as a father, but I don't know, it's a cute thought I had, even if it's a little hard to think of him being affectionate with her. Since he practically tried to kill her the first opportunity he had when she refused to kill Mike and shot him.
• He didn’t have a good sleep routine (at least in the timeline where Mike was working at the pizzeria)
I think that after he found out that Mike was the brother of a child he had killed years ago and that his older brother was now after him, it made him a little worried and cautious. Well, he was close to being discovered if Mike managed to discover more of the past, and then I think he watched Mike through cameras at the pizzeria in his own house and sent Vanessa to go watch Mike. And obviously, he would lose a good few hours of sleep with this, since Mike's shift was from 6 in the afternoon until 6 in the morning.
• He divorced his ex-wife
This is because a lot of people have that question of whether he "killed her or divorced her", and I think he just gets divorced and that's it, because otherwise I think Vanessa would tell Mike more just when she reveals to him that Steve Raglan, who was actually William Afton, was her father and the children's killer. I don't think it makes sense for him to have killed her since if that were the case Vanessa would say or she just suffered such a strong trauma with the discovery of her mother's death that she forgot about it, how sometimes the brain has a mechanism to try to forget traumatic memories as a form of self-protection.
• He smokes
I'm not so sure about this one, I saw some art and drawings online of him smoking and in my head it makes sense that he smokes, it's not information about the character, but I don't know, in my head It makes sense that he smokes like those tired fathers and men, I would say he was both types if he wasn't such a horrible father to Vanessa.
• He forced Vanessa to join the police
I thought of this headcanon because I think it would make sense that he forced Vanessa to join the police when she grew up because then he would have connections in the police, which would keep him safe and out of sight to continue committing his crimes without anyone suspecting him. And if they did, he would have his own police daughter to use and keep his record clean. And well, he would have no difficulty in forcing Vanessa to do this and having him protect her from the police, since as we see, Vanessa is very traumatized and is extremely afraid of her father.
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Anyway guys, that's what I have for now, I plan to write more in a next post, I'm posting this now because I'm out of ideas and I should have posted this a few days ago, but I forgot.
Thank you for reading, bunny kisses. 💗🐰
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ssirenaamae · 6 months
HER| Park Jimin 박 지민
Based on the song “HER” by Chase Atlantic
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Chapter one
"Sometimes, I wish you were a man, Kyung-Mi," Chung-Ae sighed.
"I'm not even going to question what goes on in your mind at this point, Chung-Ae," I laughed as I continued to wipe one of the tables of the diner.
She tends to say the most random things ever. Her mind sure is something. Not going to lie, I'm kind of jealous.
"I'm serious! Men these days are just pure trash. Sure, there might be good guys out here somewhere—but so far all the ones I've met are just horrible. You have all the great qualities one looks for in a partner!" She whined.
I mean, she does have a point about it being tough to find some good partners these days. I've only been in like two relationships, but they weren't anything memorable or serious. At the same time, I wouldn't even count them as a relationship if they were in middle school though.
I was about to date a few guys back in high school, but they all either were messing with me, or it just didn't work out.
I guess I have terrible luck when it comes to men. Maybe I even have terrible qualities which leads me to still be single today, but Chung-Ae says other ways.
"You do have a point," I huffed.
After cleaning the final table in the diner, I take off my apron and smile in satisfaction. Today sure was a long day at the diner.
"Do you underestand, though?! Kyung-Mi, I don't want to end up alone and miserable. I need a man, and fast!" Chung-Ae complained.
"Honestly speaking—I feel the same way," I finally gave in and threw myself at one of the couches and groaned.
We both looked at each other and frowned. We can't stay in this depressing mood forever.
Who am I kidding, though? We're very pessimistic, so we'll probably keep on torturing ourselves about it.
"We have got to do something about this," Chung-Ae said.
"I think we should just let ourselves go with the flow," I replied.
"What? And leave ourselves single with 30 cats? No, thanks," she scoffed.
God, is she tiring sometimes...
If we keep on speaking about this topic, we'll probably ball our eyes out at this point. To be honest, I'm not really in the mood to wipe Chung-Ae's snot off her face—or listen to a sad playlist together.
"If I buy us dinner, will you shut up about this?"
"No way! I'm not that cheap, love," she huffed proudly.
I rolled my eyes, "Okay, I'm buying us dinner for a whole week. How about that?"
It grew silent for a moment.
"You have got yourself a deal."
"So then I looked this girl in the eye and told her to piss off and—you are not even listening to me!" Chung-Ae screeched.
"Well, you know I zone out a lot. So, technically, it isn't my fault. It's genetics!" I justified.
"What does genetics have to—I can't even believe you're in medical school at this point," she facepalmed.
"I couldn't believe it either at first—trust me," I said.
I remember quite vividly how I had imposter syndrome. I was terribly convinced that they must've had a mix-up with me and another student. It was so stressful. Luckily enough, I managed to do well over the past few years at school.
Medical school is not for the faint-hearted. I probably should've known that before entering. Then again, some people think it's not that bad. I don't know if they're too smart or if I'm just stupid.
Chung-Ae, on the other hand, already graduated and is now working as an interior designer. I, on the other hand, am in my last year in medical school.
"Anyway, how many months do you have left before you officially graduate?" Chung-Ae asked as she munched on her bruschetta.
"3 months. Our graduation ceremony will be done after it in 2 months, "I answered as I was cutting the steak into bite-sized pieces for Chung-ae. She doesn't know how to use a knife that well, so I try to help at times.
"And you wonder why I said I wish you were a man," Chung-Ae mumbled as she watched me cut her steak for her.
"Anyway, you just have five months left?! God, I can't wait for you to work too so we both complain about our coworkers or—"
Chung-Ae started coughing and banged on her chest in an attempt to stop coughing. As I was about to go and help her, same thing with the waiter, she gestured for us a thumbs up. Unknowingly, we both exhaled a huge breath we'd been holding in.
"Miss, are you alright? Was there something in the food?" The waiter nervously asked.
She shook her head, "No, there's nothing with the food. It's all good, thank you."
After the waiter left, I looked at her with my brows raised. She gestured for me to wait a minute as she was drinking water.
"Isn't that your professor right there? Park Mijin was it?" She whisper-shouted.
As I looked in the direction she pointed at, my breath hitched as I saw professor Park with a woman, conversing over something.
Was he on a date?
I gulped, "Yeah, um that's him yeah."
I couldn't help but stare at them as my heart was beating so hard. The way he was smiling at her made my lips twitch.
"Kyung-Mi..." Chung-Ae wiped my face, which confused me as I didn't know that I was crying.
I thanked her and took the tissues from her, attempting to stop the tears from running down my face.
"God, what's wrong with me? Why am I even crying," I laughed, attempting to lighten the mood.
That didn't work though as Chung-Ae held my hands and rubbed them, looking at me sympathetically. We sit in silence like this for a few minutes as the restaurant's atmosphere filled in the quietness.
I can't believe I cried in public. I mean, I know people didn't notice, nor do they care; however, I'm still embarrassed.
If I cry, I usually cry at home or at Chung-Ae's house. I always try to restrain myself in public—though I guess this doesn't apply to what happened right now.
I wish I wasn't so sensitive sometimes.
"I'm sorry. I know you like him a lot," Chung-Ae broke the silence.
"Yeah, well—he's my professor, so it's not like something was going to happen anyway," I sniffled, still looking at the table rather than at her.
"It's his loss anyway," she tried to cheer me up.
I smiled slightly, mouthing a small thank you as I tried to recollect myself.
I know it's so inappropriate to like my teacher, but he has been an important figure in my life since last year. He treated me so well too. I've never been treated with this much care and respect.
He never crossed any boundaries, though. I'm just the idiot who falls for any guy who gives her the slightest attention. Even more of an idiot to fall for my professor.
But can you blame me though? He's smart, sophisticated, mature, gorgeous, kind, sweet, and caring. It's like he's flawless.
If only things were different, then maybe...
"Kyung-Mi, come on, let's go," Chung-As called out to me.
I furrowed my brows, "But, aren't I supposed to pay for dinner?"
"I did, so no worries. You can treat me to dinner later," She smiled.
This girl.
I picked up my bag and began to head out. Before leaving, I couldn't help but stare at them momentarily before I left.
Unbeknownst to me, he managed to catch a glimpse of me before I left.
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missamyrisa2 · 10 months
I'm about to confess one of my earliest tickle fantasies, so I'm a little embarrassed, but I wonder if you've ever fantasized about anything similar? (I also kinda want to see if I can fluster you the way you fluster me haha) Anyway, I've always wished there existed something like a spa, but instead of massages and facials and stuff you just get tickled. The goal is to coax all the negative feelings out by making the client laugh as hard as possible for as long as possible. The pro ticklers are all in scrubs, and before the actual treatment starts they have to do an initial consultation where one of them tickles you in different spots in front of all their coworkers, who rank how ticklish you are on different sections of your body, and which tools and techniques work best, so they can tailor your session to maximize your experience.
In my fantasies there's always several people "working on" me at once. They start by stripping me naked and gently restraining me on a table, then tickle me all over until I'm incoherent and literally sobbing from bliss. Oh, and throughout the session they keep calling to their fellow professional ticklers as "backup" ("I think we need more sets of fingers on that tummy, and maybe a few more feathers under the toes. Can we get 3-5 more lers in here?") By the end of it, I don't even know how many people are cramming in to tickle me at once, just that it tickles so, so SOOO bad, and it's the best thing my body has ever felt. It's not just all the fingers and feathers and other contraptions being used to tickle all my worst spots, but it's the countless voices cooing at me and babying me, making me feel horribly embarrassed but somehow happy and safe at the same time. Then they give me a bath using all kinds of ticklish cleaning tools as well as their many many fingers, talking and joking to each other about how cute my laugh is and all the funny things I said and did while being tickled into hysterics. 8-10 gigglegasms, minimum, guaranteed.
They also offer week-long retreats, which I highly, HIGHLY recommend :) If you read all this Amy, thanks for indulging me. I love your delicious teases ;)
Ohhh my gosssh I'm loving the stories you're all sending in latelyyy~ just sooo cute and alsooo this gets me sooo bad!! Consider me highly flustered~ because you know, I have my tickle therapist I see every once in a while anddd the whole thing of that is she's a healer and is alll about putting me into what she calls the "giggle zone" where I'm so coated in those sensations that all my negative energy is flowing out of the room~ and it works and also teases me into oblivion. Like in our last session one of the things she did was use two q-tips and was lightly poking them allll over my tummy and navel and it just put me into deep tickly fuzziesss (chuckling and teasing "tiiickled by a q-tip...")
Sooo yesss indeed~ multiply that by say four or five, and surround yourself in the medical environment and my gooosssh the ticklehots are through the roof~ silly, but I also think of it like very procedural with that many pros working away, like at those races where you see all those techs removing and replacing tires in seconds. Except it's a bunch of sassy pros in scrubs rapidly working their finely honed skills to hotwire your body into ticklish perfection. And just imagineee all those faces changing out, some of them peeking through the melee to watch and see your giggly reactions as they wait for their turn. They all have those smirking eyes, where even if they're masked you can seeee the smirk. The cascade of voices is almost too much to discern but the individual teases can't not be heard, every comment about your body and reactions like fluttering brushes in the inner ears~
And of course yesss the cleansing bathing probably before and after the session ~ because they have to keep you happy & healthy ~ a big sudsy tub with tingly bubbles, their gloved hands reaching in to pull your feet up for brisk scrubbing as those equipped with longer brushes grab and arm and work your pits and ribs ~ while a highly skilled tech kneels to minister to your royal area with the softest of cloths, working slowly and methodically as the scrubby teasy tools work rapidly ~ and the sweetest of the techs makes sure your face stays rosy blushy~ not to mention~~ you'll need to be flipped with poking tickles so they can grasp your legs and hold your arms while that lead tech ensures your cute peach is polished to perfection~
Naturally ~ you'll gigglegasm, and good thing you're already in a cleaning facility~<3
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okay you know what. i joked about it before, but i'm actually kind of tired of the automatic response to maxwell's actions in encore being "he has a plan" or "he's playing double agent" or something along those lines. he might be, he might not be- currently we don't know. but the point of the matter is in the grand scheme of things that doesn't really matter.
it feels as though people aren't really paying attention to the fact that charlie is. you know. manipulating him? that she's playing max like a god damned fiddle? that the entirety of encore was seemingly planned from the very start?
lets go through the short again piece by piece:
maxwell starts off alone. considering that- at the end of the short, the others eventually found him- they couldn't have been too far away from him. this implies that charlie was waiting for a proper moment to strike, rather than simply coming in at any random time.
not only did the rose vines actively trip him, and not ONLY did he fall directly in front of a newly overgrown statue of him, but he ALSO fell in the direct line of sight of a rook. this is not only a presumable act of emotional manipulation (she pretty much picked him up and dropped him right in front of a big sign with "Fuck You Idiot" written on it), but she also purposefully endangered him! do you really think its just coincidence that this animation completely dominated by chess metaphors begins with an attack from a rook? if it was just there from happenstance, it would have gored maxwell alive after he fell unconscious. its presence was entirely pre-planned. she wounded him completely on purpose.
i really don't even NEED to talk about all the flashback scenes. if you don't understand how that's manipulation i'm sorry but you're a little bit too far gone. seeing charlie as he knew her before- seeing the good memories he had with her, seeing the success he had, and seeing how he ruined it all with his obsession over the codex. pre-encore update he couldn't even LOOK at the codex without thinking about her. she could be about to kill him and he STILL tried reaching out to her. he's been waiting his entire LIFE for this conversation- to apologize, to speak with her. and when he finally gets it, it's charlie who dominates the conversation. who twists it so he can't even get the words out.
"if only you had let me in". accompanied with the previous flashbacks, that line alone is horribly insidious. and the worst part is, it isn't incorrect. he should have done that- back when he had a chance to fix his mistakes. but that isn't what charlie is referring to. the past can't be altered- they both know that. the only reason charlie is saying this at all is to goad him into siding with her. to picking the choice she's pointing him in the direction of. "you didn't let me in before. it ruined your life- my life. our life. obviously you're going to make the same mistake now."
whether its a hallucination or dream or not, being haunted by and in the clutches of shadow creatures is bound to take a toll on his sanity. even with the benefits from his suit. the terrorbeaks, the watchers, the flashbacks, the presence of the woman he hasn't seen in decades. if you don't think that's taking a toll on his mind you're lying to yourself. when charlie phantoms up the chess board, you can see it squeezing him, and him wincing in response. even after it lets him go, he can't do anything but pant on the floor. vision or not, it is having a tangible effect on him
after everything charlie does, she cleans him up. but the thing is, everything wrong with him (aside from his hair, pretty much) was her fault. tripping down the hill, the bruises from the rook, his mental disarray from her shadow creatures. she's undoing what she willingly plagued him with- but in a way that gains his favor, despite the fact she was the catalyst
the use of the rose- the same thing that linked the two of them when times were less troublesome- again plays into that insidiousness of linking the past and the present. if it was the correct course of action back then, it must be now, right? she's using not only his emotional attachment to her, but his remorse for the wrong course of action to make him think this one is the right one.
in conclusion, if the nightmare conglomerate that used to be your ex waited until you were alone, jumped you on the street (which hurts), sicked one of her goons on you (which hurts), uses her nightmare creatures to psychically and physically torment you, brought up the parts of your past that you- to this day- are horribly scarred by, tells you that she'll forgive you "but only if you make the right decision this time", cleans you up and fixes your wounds from the jumping and the gooner attack and the psychic torment (all her fault), then "gives [you] a chance to right [your] wrongs", AND she's also god? sorry. you're not going to say no.
sure, he could feel regretful about it. he could be planning to go against her. he could have figured out her game from the very beginning. but everyone who's clutching their pearls over maxwell's 'betrayal' is acting like charlie just shot him a business card or something. i would NOT blame him if he thought- in that moment- he was doing the right thing.
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long-distance-love · 1 year
Hey first I wanted to say my gf and I love you alls tumblr very much! It’s helped us a lot so far in our LDR, we just had our first in person meeting (two full weeks) cause I’m from the US and she’s from Italy. I was curious if you all had any tips for post time together blues? If this has been asked before I’m super sorry, I just know it’s hitting me and my girl hard even after one day back in our respective homes and I’d adore some advice at least.
Hey there lovely,
Thanks very much for your ask. 💕 We appreciate that you're here, and that you're making our little community all the more colourful!
Post time together blues is the worst. It will always suck, no matter what. It's a testament to the fact that life is worse without them next to you, and it hits very hard after some quality time spent together in person. But chin up, you'll get used to it and although it will always be horrible, you'll understand your reaction better in the next few times this happens, and you'll be able to deal with it better too.
For now, here's a few things that have helped us feel a little better:
Videocalling: Self-explanatory, but it's the best cure, period. Even if you both cry, seeing each other is better. It will be hard, but at least you'll see and hear each other, and eventually you'll laugh too, I promise.
Planning the next meeting: Also self-explanatory, but when you make plans for the future, it shifts your focus from the past to the future. It helps even if you just look at the calendar and figure out when it would be a good time to meet again.
Crying it out: Because let's face it, it's fucking depressing. And it's okay to let it out. Don't bottle it up, let yourself feel it until you adjust to your routine once more.
Keep busy: It might be a good time to make yourself busy with something, even if it's mundane. Just give yourself something to do, tire yourself out so you can sleep better. Go through your wardrobe and sort out clothes, clean, go out and meet friends, spend time with family.
Make art: It worked for me, so hey, maybe it'll work for you too? I used to write poems, but the possibilities are endless. Knit a scarf for them. Write a short story about you two. Or a poem. Draw them a picture. Whatever you do, just make sure you share it with your partner.
Game together: This might not be everyone's cup of tea, but my husband and I often played SWTOR together while being on a call on Discord. It's entertainment, distraction, connection over a shared hobby and overall, time spent together. An alternative to gaming could be watching YouTube or Netflix/Disney+ together.
Keep an eye on your mental health: This particular period can really make your mental health decline if you don't keep it in check. Any conditions you have will probably worsen for a time, so ride it out if possible, but seek help if it isn't. There is no shame in asking for help, even just for support from the people around you. The amount of times I asked my mom for a hug or cried while holding my dog was, well, a lot. But it helped, it really did.
You'll get the hang of it eventually, and they'll get easier in time. But for now, I know what you're going through, I feel your pain, and I'm here to tell you that it's all going to be worth it in the end.
Stay very strong, the both of you. 💕
- Danny
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dollsonmain · 1 year
So, thinking lately about how disappointing That Guy is as a partner. I mean, he always has been, but things like me being sick this week always drive it home again.
In the past week while watching me struggle with a fever he's asked me how I'm feeling one time. That was immediately followed by a demand that I do paperwork for him even though the answer was that I was still very bad off.
I asked to go to the ER and he insisted on not only going to Urgent Care instead, but to the really shitty one we stopped taking Son to because it's really shitty. We've been mostly using the other one down the road that's tied to a medical university nearby, and that one not only has their own lab, but has had excellent care so far other than one doctor saying I wasn't in enough pain for the fact I was peeing blood to be kidney stones, and it was kidney stones.
We go to that one, I have antibiotics within an hour, and results on my MyChart.
Both Urgent Cares have lovely people, other than Dr. Sean at the shitty one not listening to me at all.
To be fair, after the Urgent Care did fuckall, he asked if I wanted to go to the other one or the ER and I said no. I'm not trying again until symptoms are more obvious. Being blown off like that twice in one day while exhausted and sick was enough.
I've said repeatedly to him that I'm having a very hard time with solid food and asked him to get me some liquid food. The past week I've eaten maybe 2 days worth of food total. I'm living off of gatorade, basically.
He just decided not to get any liquid food. Didn't even give an excuse. I asked for meal replacement shakes and gelatin cups because those are easy to eat and I need nutrients to have an effective fever, and to not die.
Randos on the internet care more. My ex-now-dear-friend from 20+ years ago cares more.
But it's not like this negligence is anything new. When Son was born by cesarean, my mom had to say to him "You know she can't shower by herself right now. It's been a week, I bet a shower would feel really nice. Why don't you go help her with that."
He stood there awkwardly while I washed myself.
It's just bizarre living with someone who doesn't care about anyone.
I'm feeling pretty good right now!
I haven't felt absolutely horrible, really, other than the first two days which were indeed absolutely horrible, or when the fever gets higher that feels pretty bad. I felt Wrong. Now I'm just very tired, been sleeping most of the past week, and waiting to see if I'm going to pop a fever again today. The wobbliness has improved but I'm still not 100%. Like I'm not getting up on a ladder to change a light bulb any time soon and it sounds like the washing machine is trying to take a walk and I might let it.... I'm also starting to get some muscle aches which are just as likely from sepsis as from being majority bed ridden for a week.
I did go lie down after starting the cleaning cloths in the wash, then got up around 10:30 and felt well enough to shower and start my laundry which, again, no one else has been doing. I may or may not wash the sheets, we'll see how I'm feeling here in a little while. Might try to snack on some dry cereal, though it's cold liquids that seem to go down easiest. I just slammed that kefir. My temp is rising, again.
And obviously I'm feeling more energetic if I'm this rambly.
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