#I'm uploading these for me and beau. and everyone else
dalkyum · 9 months
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backburnerdio · 3 years
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Jail Break
cw: gun mention, shooting, violence, blood, implied attempted suicide Words: 1078 Taglist: @everlastinq, @waysofink, @ashen-crest, @spacetimewraithwrites, @stormharbors, @dustylovelyrun, @jaimistoryteller, @abalonetea (please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed)
"In conclusion, you both know better," Mikki huffed, finishing the patch job right there in the hall and setting Beau's jaw back onto its mechanical track. "Due to the exclusivity of his model, there aren’t many available parts on the market, so I'd advise you be more careful, Lieutenant. Both of you." She made sure to narrow her eyes at Beau.
He tried defending himself, vocals still offline, signing madly with his hands.
"Yeah, no. Ahnno bud, I'm trying to tell her," Garnet nodded with a consoling pat. "Mikki, we were being careful this time. You saw the guy we brought in. He's sleepin' off an entire brewery down in holding. Wasn't our fault he was aggressive."
"–right! It's... true," Beau crackled.
"As his superior, it's your responsibility, Garnet. Just as if he were human."
"What do you think I'm do—?"
"Stop her! Don't let her get out! Xavier, after her!"
They all turned at the rupture of noise from around the corner. Everyone reached for a weapon as a figure turned down the hall, tripping and scrambling sending neon braids spilling out from their hood. Garnet lowered his gun, pressing Beau's away, "Shit, that's the kid from the raid."
Throwing back her hair, she gaped up at them and then past them to the front door. Garnet started to approach when Xavier slid around the corner, ricocheting off the wall in a scrabbling lunge. Chava rolled on her back, lifting a pistol and firing. He was struck in the shoulder and the head, collapsing into a sliding heap.
"Holy shit," Garnet brought his gun up again only for Beau to shove it to the floor.
"She's a kid!"
"She just double-tapped the Etch-a-sketch!" Beau ignored him as Chava scrambled to her feet, tailing it for the stairwell down the hall. He took after her. "Beau?! Beau, get back here! That's an order!"
He pretended not to hear as he started up the steps.
Chava was fast on her feet, beating him to the roof access only to find a dead-end fifteen stories above the street. She peered over the wall, turning back when she heard him approach sending braids fluttering in the wind. Beau slid to a stop, drawing his gun.
"You've got nowhere else to go. We're only trying to understand what GodHead is after –it's not worth anyone getting hurt. But if you don't drop your weapon I'll have no choice but to shoot!" The words alone made him queasy. he'd never had to pull an actual weapon on anyone, nothing deadly, anyway. And she was a child.
"C'mon," she laughed, vibrant and carefree, "you wouldn't do a thing like that, would you, Guppy?" there was an unsettling familiarity to her question. His HUD yanked his attention out from the distraction to the pistol in her grip.
She's a child.
She stepped backward, up onto the ledge, wind more violent now causing her to stagger.
"Come down! You could fall, and GodHead can't be worth your life." Beau lowered his gun, shuffling a step closer. She didn't cooperate, merely smiling as she squinted in the midnight gale. "I won't even take you in if you can just tell me what they want. Why target Ryker? Why do you hate us so badly?"
"Aw, Guppy. It's not you we hate," she winked, shifting her weight back and toppling over the edge.
"NO!" Beau dropped his weapon, hydraulics in his leg faulting as he threw himself after her. He crashed against the wall, fingers brushing the hem of her jacket as she slipped away.
He could jump, catch her, break her fall.
Before he could leap from the ledge, she caught the backside of a traffic drone, whipping it off course and bobbing as it fought to correct itself. Miraculously, she kept hold, feet scrabbling along its underside for a hold.
Beau shifted the speed of its propellers, initiating its landing protocol aiming for an area on the sidewalk. She lost her footing, weight jerking as she dangled by her hands. At a reasonable height, she let go, rolling to the ground. She paused with a quick glance back at him before bolting down the street.
"The fuck are you doing?!" Arms snapped around his middle, yanking him off the wall onto the safety of the roof. "Are you fuckin' crazy?!" Spun about he came face to face with Garnet, hands digging into his shoulders, wide eyes darting about his face. "Huh?! What's gotten into you?"
"I... I was –she jumped," Beau whispered, disconnecting with the drone as it reached the ground. Garnet pulled him a bit farther from the ledge as if it would suddenly give way before peering over himself. "She got away." Garnet took a moment, studying the scene. He wasn't stupid, he could piece it together. "I let her get away."
When Garnet looked back he wasn't glaring, returning with those heavy hands back on Beau's shoulders. "You okay? Everything okay?" He turned Beau one way and then another, checking him over.
"I let her get away... I-I helped her get away."
"You were doing your job," Garnet lowered his voice, taking Beau's face between his hands. "Okay? Your job is to protect people, regardless of their actions. You protected her from getting herself killed on whatever half-brained stunt that was. You did good, Beau. Okay?" He could only nod.
"Where is she?" Khan barked from the roof entrance.
"She got away. Took a leap, caught a traffic drone to the street." Garnet let go, placing himself between Beau and Khan who cursed with a frustrated kick. "How the hell did you let her get loose anyway?"
"I don't want to hear a word from you!" Khan shoved a finger in his face. "I've had it up to here, Garnet."
"Easy there, detective. I'm just doin' my job, unlike some people."
"Sir," from the stairs, Xavier emerged, still as empty-eyed as if the bullet holes in his head and shoulder were nonexistent. "She's booked a cab headed south." It was enough to drag Khan back to the stairs, hurrying to follow him to the parking lot.
Garnet turned, brow furrowed, pointing to the stairs, "Is it just me, or was he not bleeding?"
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I can't watch CR until they upload on Youtube but since i don't care about spoilers, this whole Yussa thing is FASCINATING. I CAN BARELY WAIT. PLease tell me Jester told Allura? Because i'm imagining like a group photo moment with the M9 pointing to Yussa in the middle. 'Look what we found!'. or maybe the 'what's that in your hand' meme with Yussa instead of a knife and Allura screaming nO!
OKAY if you want a quick and dirty rundown of what happened with Yussah, basically at the end of the episode they finally managed to track down his cell in the prison of soot, Jester broke the bars, and they got him out! He was very happy and grateful to be rescued, and they all exited through their original exit point, the dragon’s den. Yussah exited a bit before the rest of them and called Allura on the Nein’s behalf, which is pretty much where his role in the episode ended (since the episode ended soon after).
However, from the way you phrase this question, I suspect that you don’t mean Yussah, the mage from the tower in Nicodranas that they were sent to rescue, but actually Halas, the ancient mage who created the Happy Fun Ball and was suspected to still be alive?
Halas was… interesting. The episode started immediately where the previous one left off, pretty much, with the Nein finding themselves in a mysterious room within the Astral Dreadnaught. In the centre of the room was a, well… body that looked suspiciously like the paintings of Halas the Nein had seen, alive but unresponsive. Nott quickly found a ruby which began talking to her, and surprise! It was Halas! He’d been (according to him) trapped inside the ruby for Quite A While, since he thought it would help him transfer his soul into the clone body, but was in fact (according to him) a gem of imprisonment, meaning his soul is stuck in it. Some people (me) suspect it’s not actually a gem of imprisonment and he’s just WAITING to posses someone.
He was pretty desperate (in a very reserved way) for someone to talk to him so he could convince said person to free him, and Caleb (who never touched it, since direct contact is what Halas needs to talk) Was Not Having It and got very snappy with the Nein in order to keep them away from ruby Halas. Eventually, after being hot-potatoed between Jester and Nott, Beau volunteered to chat to him. They figured out Halas had been in there since before the Calamity, because he didn’t even recognise the “P.D.” (Post-Divergence) year dating format. Basically he’s been in a ruby for at least 800-ish years – again, according to him. He’s also Zemnian, or proto-Zemnian, anyway.
The Nein mirror-called Allura on the matter, yes! She seemed wary and not exactly happy, but she dubiously said it sounded like he was telling the truth. Honestly, unfortunately for your wonderful meme scenario, she took it pretty calmly. In fact, she suggested THEY manipulate HIM! Sneaky, Allura. She did say ABSOLUTELY DO NOT FREE HIM, though.
Halas talked the Nein into bringing him, as a ruby, with them out of the Happy Fun Ball in exchange for his knowledge on the Happy Fun Ball. Which, uh… worked out pretty decently overall? He told them how to get out of the Dreadnaught and into his study, and from there what to expect in the prison of soot. Notably, when they asked if the prison of soot was trapped, he said it wasn’t as far as he remembered. Spoiler alert, it was. Was that him deliberately sabotaging them? Did he genuinely not remember? Who knows! They didn’t talk to him much for the rest of the episode, tbh.
As for what Halas was like… Morally grey, true neutral motherfucker who has a bone to pick with death, like, as a concept as well as a reality. Oh, you don’t like necromancy as a society right now? Sucks for you, not relevant to me. Losers. Caleb looked like he was three seconds away from chucking the ruby down a stairwell at all times, Jester felt bad for Halas, and everyone else was at various points in between. They, uh… did not tell Allura that they brought Halas out of the Fun Ball, as far as I remember. In fact, I don’t think they’d figured out what to do with him by the end of the episode. Won’t that be a fun dilemma for next week!
Anyway, I hope this was, like… in any way helpful or what you wanted anon, lmao. Sorry it was late!
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