#I'm trans and I want you to know that so you can better understand who I am as a person
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wisteria-lodge · 2 days ago
If you're wondering about what the Snake/Badger/Lion/Bird stuff is all about ~
My favorite character analysis system of all time is called Sorting Hat Chats (SHC) It started (obviously) as a more complicated version of the Sorting Hat matrix. Everyone gets two main houses, their Primary and their Secondary (so - someone will be a Bird Lion, or a Double Lion.) It was my first tumblr community, it's got a discord, it pops up on reddit.
My first posts use the original Harry Potter Hogwarts House terminology. I stopped doing that in 2020 - I stopped writing about Harry Potter, at all, for about five years. But I changed up the words I use because:
I wanted people to look at the new terminology and go hm, that's strange. What does that mean? Then check out my pinned explanation of the system, and see that it is my mini protest against JKR.
I wanted people to go hm, that's strange - and then check out the explanation of the system, period. Because the original Sorting Hat system... isn't very robust, and by that point the SHC categories were different enough from the Hogwarts Houses that it was confusing people.
If I ever wanted to set up a thing so people could commission me for sortings, I would feel much better if I was just using my own terminology.
And sure, I got some people saying that the change was performatively woke, or hypocritical that I'm still playing with something that's got it's roots in HP at all (got one of those today, which is what prompted writing this.) I also got thank you notes from people who had been burned by JKR, and especially trans people. What feels comforting/empowering to person A can feel annoying/not enough to person B, I get that.
At this point... occasionally I'll see someone using a hybrid version of the terms, 'Hufflepuff/Badger primary.' But most people who write about this have switched over to the animals, the quiz, which is FANTASTIC, uses the animals. Some people even abbreviate it down to 'badgerpri' or 'snakesec' which I think is fun.
Also I will say - since the terminology change, I get WAY LESS "I like books, so am I a Ravenclaw?" type asks. I don't know it that's because people have more neutral associations surrounding the word "Bird," or because more people were reading the system, instead of laying their original understandings of these words across a character sorting post. I also like the animals, because it lets me know if people are using this system, instead of talking about 'hybrid houses' more generally.
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slyandthefamilybook · 9 months ago
can we talk about "clocking" discourse because I feel like way too many people went from "I don't want transphobes to think I am my AGAB because it would cause me dysphoria and possibly put me in danger" to "I don't want anyone, not even other trans people, to think I'm trans" as if that's a natural progression
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vktrjyce · 3 months ago
tell me that i'm what you need
a jayvik college au
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length: 6.8k
author's note: them in a college au has been rotting in my brain since I finished act 3, and i had to write it. it's completely self-indulgent and i understand that and i do not apologize. i have TONS more ideas for this so if it gets enough traction maybe i'll write more LMAOOO. jayvik has their hooks in me good you guys. anyways, thanks so much for reading!! i hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to leave likes and comments! i'd love to hear any feedback or thoughts :) have a great day!!
there is also a playlist that goes along with this fic!
tags: college party ; weed smoking ; trans viktor ; sub jayce talis ; dom viktor ; college au ; shotgunning ; making out ; sexuality crisis ; first meeting ; viktor is hot and confident and jayce loves it ; they're both idiots
warnings: sexual content, weed smoking
summary: Jayce goes to a party with Caitlyn and gets more than he bargained for when he meets a handsome stranger in the basement.
originally posted by vktrjyce
Jayce followed Caitlyn into the overflowing house, wincing at the music pounding against his skull. Three different people bumped into him in the foyer alone, the third spilling an obscene amount of beer on his shoes. He grimaced, waved away the guy’s half-assed apology, and attempted to adjust to the stickiness. It felt a little like he’d surpassed his age of enjoying parties like this. Or maybe he simply needed to be with the right crowd. 
This did not feel like his crowd. 
“Cait!” He shouted over the music, grabbing his companion’s arm. She turned to him with a raised eyebrow, “This is really how you want to spend your Friday night?” 
She pressed her lips into a thin line and leaned towards him, “Vi invited me! I couldn’t exactly say no.” 
He overdramatically rolled his eyes, a knowing smile on his face, “So your girlfriend’s the partying type?” 
Caitlyn’s own eyes widened, her cheeks going slightly pink, “She’s not my girlfriend! Yet…” She shook her head, dark blue strands swaying back and forth, “And her sister threw this party. She’s just along for the ride.” 
“Mmhmm.” Jayce scanned the crowd, looking for a head of hot-pink hair he’d only heard about in stories, “So, where is she?” 
“I don’t know. I can’t see her from he-” 
“Cupcake!” A muscled arm landed on Caitlyn’s shoulders, simultaneously knocking her into Jayce’s side. The owner of said arm had the exact hair he’d been on the lookout for. Also, the ‘Vi’ tattooed on her face was sort of a dead giveaway, “I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.” 
Caitlyn looked over at Vi, a pleasant smile sliding across her face. She leaned into the woman, “What, and leave you to your own devices? I can only imagine the chaos that would ensue.” 
“You think so low of me. I’m hurt.” Vi teased, before her eyes landed on Jayce, “Who’s this?” 
Caitlyn answered before he had a chance to, “This is Jayce Talis. I’ve told you about him.” 
Jayce, in turn, offered a polite smile and a small wave. 
“So, this is the brainiac?” Vi gave him a once-over, pursing her lips, “Quite the pretty boy, isn’t he?” 
He choked out a slightly embarrassed chuckle, resisting the urge to rub at the back of his neck. His Mother always scolded him for having such an obvious nervous tick. 
“Don’t say that, it’ll go right to his head.” Cait retorted, giving her friend a knowing look, “And it’s big enough already.” 
The man barked out a laugh, “There’s better ways to show off than making fun of me, you know.” 
Once again, her eyes widened, “I wasn’t-” 
“Aww, are you trying to seduce me with your stuck-upness?” Vi cooed, pinching Caitlyn’s cheek. Though she scrunched up her nose, she didn’t pull away from the touch, “If you are, it’s working.” 
“You’re an idiot.” She deadpanned, and then looked back at Jayce, “You both are.” 
“I guess you attract them.” He winked at her. 
“I like this guy. He’s not all prude and stiff like most of the people you introduce me to.” Vi commented, grinning, “We could have some fun together, pretty boy.” 
“The feeling’s mutual, Vi.” 
“I don’t know, the thought of you two together doesn’t sit well with me.” Caitlyn piped up, “And I absolutely do not want to be demoted to third-wheel.” 
“I don’t think you’ll need to worry about that.” Jayce gave her a knowing look, sending her gaze to the floor. So he turned it on Vi. She smirked in response. 
“You guys want a drink? The kitchen’s stocked with all kinds of stuff.” She offered, pulling Caitlyn closer to her.
“I wouldn’t mind a drink.” His friend responded. She looked at Jayce with a warning on her face. He was no longer welcome in the group. 
He heard her loud and clear. 
“You guys go ahead, I’m gonna go mingle for a bit.” He told them, taking a step back, “We’ll meet back up later.” 
Caitlyn’s look turned grateful, eyes sparkling in the strobe lights. Vi nodded at his declaration. 
“Alright, see you later, then.” She bid him adieu, turning Caitlyn (presumably) towards the kitchen. 
As they walked away, he heard his friend ask, “Where’s Jinx?” 
“Somewhere causing problems, probably. I think she was trying to make fireworks or something.” Vi’s response came, and then they were out of earshot. And Jayce was all alone. 
He shifted his weight, patted his hands against his pants, and then decided he should do something. Something other than standing in the middle of this room. Watching the party go on without him. Like a loser. 
He sucked in a deep breath and moved further into the house. 
People were dancing, mingling, playing games, and making out on practically every available surface. He could only imagine what others were getting up to in the non-public spaces. He’d had his own fair share of trysts in his younger days. Now, though, he much preferred a quiet night in or hyperfocusing on a new project. Cait always teased him for ‘turning into an old man.’ 
Maybe she had a point. Just a little bit. 
It took Jayce a 10-minute conversation with Salo and another 15 minutes of standing against a wall before the noise and the lights became too much. He was uncomfortable, on his way to overstimulated, and in desperate need of a small respite. So he went looking for one. 
All the bedrooms were… occupied. The bathroom, when not occupied, was more of a cesspool of untoward activity than a sanctuary. The backyard was just as loud as anywhere else. All that left him with was the closed basement door. Which had an eccentric, bright pink ‘Stay Out!!!’ spray-painted on it. 
He did feel bad about ignoring the warning, but desperate times called for desperate measures. 
Jayce opened the door, stepped inside, and shut it behind him. The immediate quiet, even with the muffled music through the wall, sent relief through his body. He sighed and walked down the stairs. About halfway down, a familiar skunk-like smell wafted its way up to him. But since he’d already committed, he simply wrinkled his nose and kept going. 
He stepped off the final stair, turned the corner, and took a look around the room. 
It was a typical basement- a couple of couches, a TV, a coffee table, and various movie and show posters on the walls. The lights were off, save for a warm-colored lamp on the table. None of it was out of the ordinary. Nothing particularly caught his eye. 
What did gain his attention, though, was the man on the couch. 
Pale and lanky, long brown hair with strands of blonde pulled into a low bun, clad in a burgundy cardigan and black sweats with a leg brace on the right knee. Only his side profile was visible from here, showing off a long nose and sharp cheekbones. A beauty mark sat above his thin, pink lips, which were currently wrapped around a half-smoked joint. His long lashes fluttered closed as he inhaled, pulled the joint from his mouth, and laid his head back against the couch. One long finger tapped against it. 
Jayce was, for one moment, very taken aback. If this guy was a girl, he’d be stunning.
“Uh-” He grunted out, like an idiot. 
The man’s eye opened, iris sliding in his direction. No other part of him moved. He exhaled the smoke and closed his eye again, “The bathroom is upstairs, on the second level. At the end of the hall.” 
As if this stranger’s looks weren’t enough of a shock, his words came out accented. It sounded Russian, or maybe Czech. It made him sound melodic, like voicing an elegant song instead of speaking. Jayce found himself wanting to hear more. 
“Oh, no, I, uh-” Jayce cleared his throat, then tried again, “Sorry, I was actually just trying to find a quiet place for a minute. All the noise was… it was a little much.” 
The man’s eyes opened again, and this time he turned his head towards Jayce. The latter discovered two distinct things at that moment. 
One, he had another beauty mark. Under his right eye, lighter than the one above his mouth. 
Two, the attractiveness increased tenfold when he saw his whole face. A few strands of his hair had fallen out of the bun and framed his face. Seriously, he could be a model or something.
The stranger raised a thick, dark eyebrow, “Why come to a party if the party is going to be ‘a little much’?” 
“Well, that’s not-” He scoffed, rubbing a hand over his jaw, “I didn’t- I came with a friend, so.” 
Piercing golden eyes watched him with mild curiosity, “And where is your friend now?” 
“She’s with her- you know what? It doesn’t matter.” Jayce shook his head, feeling a little disgruntled, “You’re the one hiding down here all by yourself.” 
“Well, I live here. I can’t exactly escape the party.” He explained, tilting his head from side to side, “This was supposed to be my safe haven.” 
Jayce ignored the last part, partly out of stubbornness, and responded with a question, “You live here? I thought Vi’s sister was the host.” 
“Jinx.” The man explained, looking away. It gave Jayce a chance to take a deep breath. He felt like a bug under a magnifying glass with those eyes on him, “And she is. She’s my roommate. One of them.” 
“Jinx? What kind of a name is that?” He chuckled. 
There was no response. Only a noncommittal shrug as he lifted the joint to his lips once again. A motion by which Jayce found himself hypnotized. The slender fingers holding it, the way his lips pursed as he inhaled, the twitching of his eyelids. It looked so natural- as simple as breathing. He was so caught up in it that he didn’t realize the man’s gaze was on him again. 
“Do you want some?” He asked, jolting Jayce out of his trance and offering the weed up. 
He could feel his face heating up, both from being caught staring and from the offer. He’d had weed a couple of times in the past, but it never ended well. Whether it be not knowing his own limits or peer pressure, he always went too far and got too anxious to enjoy it. He was open to it, but that didn’t stop him from feeling nervous. A familiar emotion right now. 
“Oh, I uh- I wouldn’t want to intrude.” 
The man smiled, just a small thing, but it made a certain softness take over his face, “A little late for that, no?” 
His cheeks were sure to be bright red now. He laughed nervously. 
The good-looking stranger shook his head, gesturing for Jayce to come closer, “I’m joking. Come. The company might be nice.” 
“Are you sure?” The question came out hesitant, but he was already moving over to the couch. Something about the way this guy spoke made him feel compelled to listen.
However, that could be the sleep deprivation talking. Or he’d finally lost it. Both were possibilities. 
“I find you… intriguing.” His new acquaintance told him, watching as he sat on the opposite side of the couch, “Besides, you said you needed a moment of quiet.” 
“I guess that’s true.” He shrugged, “Thanks. I appreciate it.” 
“Mm.” Humming, he offered the joint to Jayce once again. This time, he took it. 
It was only then that he realized there was a cane resting next to the man. Silver with a red and gold handle, decorated with graffiti that matched the ‘keep out’ sign on the door. He wondered if it was the stranger’s doing, but that felt unlikely. It didn’t seem like his style. 
Jayce took a drag, forcing himself not to cough as the marijuana burned all the way down. He really was not used to this sensation. The only thing worse than the burn, though, would be looking like a fool in front of this interesting guy he’d just met. He had to play it cool. 
God, he was such a loser. 
“You’re supposed to exhale it, you know.” The man spoke up, amusement lacing that magnetizing accent. It was just shy of patronizing, which strangely made his stomach coil.
This entire interaction was making Jayce’s head spin a little bit. 
He let the smoke out in one quick breath, which immediately sent him into a coughing fit. He hunched over himself, hitting a fist against his chest in an attempt to clear the pipe. He didn’t think this could get any worse. Either the humiliation or the coughing would kill him. A death that he’d happily embrace. 
“There, there. Easy.” A hand rested on his back, lithe fingers rubbing into the muscles, “You haven’t smoked much, I see.” 
Jayce barely noticed the hand on him, too preoccupied with trying not to die. He shook his head, letting out a hoarse, “Not really.” 
“Here.” The joint was taken from his hand and replaced with a glass of water, “Drink.” 
He didn’t hesitate to chug half of it. Then he slumped back against the couch, eyes closed as he took a few deep breaths. The burn had subsided, leaving only a bit of irritation in his throat. At the very least, he’d stopped coughing. Small victories. 
“Are you alright?” 
Jayce looked over at the stranger- his savior, in a way- and froze. Those amber eyes were locked on him, rimmed with red, and hungry. That feeling in his chest tightened, making him feel on edge. 
He swallowed, “Yeah. Yeah, uh, sorry. I don’t- I’m sorta new to this.” 
The man tucked some hair behind his ear and laid his arm over the back of the couch. His hand was only a few inches away from Jayce’s face. 
“Was this your first time?” 
“No.” He shook his head, “I’ve done it a couple times before. Just… not in a while.” 
“I see.” He picked at a loose thread sticking out of the cushion, “Did you enjoy it? In the past?” 
Jayce’s mind was starting to feel foggy. He pursed his lips, “It wasn’t bad. I think I just… I did too much too fast. Got in over my head.” 
“Mm, you seem like the type.” The man’s fingernails were painted black, the polish chipped, “To get in over your head, that is.” 
“Yeah?” He smiled lazily at his new friend, “What about you?” 
The man shook his head immediately, “Definitely not. I am always calm and collected. Just don’t ask anyone close to me for a second opinion on that.” 
That made him laugh. He laid a hand over his stomach, head tilted back. When he looked back at the stranger, still chuckling, there was something close to admiration on the guy’s face. Again, his stomach did a flip. What a strange way this night was going. 
“What’s your name?” He asked, voice deeper and accent more prominent. 
“Jayce.” He responded, “Jayce Talis. You?” 
“Viktor.” The man told him, and it was perfect. He couldn’t think of a better-fitting name. 
“It’s nice to meet you. Even if I made a complete fool of myself with the weed.” 
Viktor snorted out a laugh, taking another hit from the joint. He made it look effortless, “Not at all. You’re new to it. I’ve been doing it for a long time.” 
“You never get sick of it?” 
“Never. It helps too much. With the, eh, pain. And, you know, it quiets the mind.” 
“Right.” He gestured to the leg brace, “I don’t wanna pry, but I assume that’s what you’re talking about.” 
“Well, there are worse ways to be nosy.” He responded, screwing up his lips, “You’d be right, though. It’s my bad leg. I was born with it.” 
“I’m sorry.” Jayce blurted, because he felt like an idiot. The weed definitely wasn’t helping with his stupidness, “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” 
“If I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t.” 
He held his hands up in surrender, “Alright, that’s fair. I just don’t want you to feel pressured.” 
“My hero.” Viktor deadpanned, rolling his pretty eyes, “Can you feel it yet?” 
Jayce furrowed his brows, “Feel- oh, the weed?” 
The other man nodded in confirmation. 
“A little. I don’t think I had much, honestly.” 
“Do you want more?” 
“And have another coughing fit? I can’t take more embarrassment, Viktor.” 
He chuckled, “You’ll survive. And we can try another way to get it down for you.” 
“Another way? Like what?” 
Something mischievous had crossed over his face, which was slightly scary, “I believe most people call it, uh… shotgunning. Have you heard of it?” 
Jayce most definitely had. And the prospect was simultaneously intriguing and panic-inducing to him. 
Viktor was nice and funny, and he was good-looking. But shotgunning was sort of… an intimate thing? In a way? The kind of thing you did when you wanted to get up close and personal with someone? 
Was that what Viktor wanted? Was he coming onto Jayce? 
If he was, well, that was flattering. But Jayce wasn’t really… he’d done stuff with men before. The typical college, experimenting stuff. And it was fine- wasn’t terrible. But he didn’t think that was really… him. 
But he was also a little high. And spiraling. And he was having a good time with Viktor and he didn’t want it to end. 
So what the hell? Why not? What’s the worst that could happen?
“Yeah, I- I think I have.” He spoke, finally giving in and rubbing at the back of his neck, “We could give it a shot. If you want.” 
“Excellent.” Viktor patted the empty spot next to him, “Come.” 
Jayce followed the order with no hesitation. Like a dog obeying the commands of his master. Something about it made the other man’s eyes light up, much to his confusion. 
“So, how are we-” 
He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence. The words were cut off as Viktor slid onto his legs, seating himself right on Jayce’s lap. It sent his brain, his heart, his whole body into overdrive. It didn’t even occur to him to move him, though. He was too busy trying to remember how to breathe. Not necessarily in a bad way, but definitely slightly unnerving.
Friends could do stuff like this, right? 
Did Jayce even want to just be friends? Was there something more here? 
Viktor smelled like weed, cinnamon, and old paper. It drew him in with every breath.
Jayce, even with his sluggish mind, was coming to a semi-realization. While he couldn’t be sure how true it would feel in the light of day, it felt true now. Which could mean tons of things, honestly. 
Jayce was realizing that he liked this feeling. He liked the buzzing under his skin, the fogginess behind his eyes. He liked the weight of Viktor on him, liked the smell of Viktor, liked Viktor. Something about him was just so magnetizing. It made him nervous. This whole thing did. But he found that he didn’t really mind it. 
This was surely a crisis in the making. Something to be dealt with and reflected on in the sober light of day. He could analyze every move, second-guess every word and every reaction. He could take the time to nitpick his feelings until everything was clear. But right now, that didn’t matter. 
Right now, he felt good. And he wanted to keep doing what felt good. That should be simple enough. 
He nodded to himself. Literally. He probably looked like a freak to his companion. If he did, he garnered no reaction. 
“Open your mouth,” Viktor told him, raising the joint to his lips. 
Fuck. A cacophony of not-appropriate things flitted through his mind in reaction to the words. Not on purpose.
“Wait-” He heard himself saying, which was the opposite of what his heart (and his dick) wanted him to do. Apparently, his head still had the wheel. 
Jayce rested his hands on Viktor’s hips to stop him. Even through the thick cardigan, the latter’s hip bones were prominent. It made something twist unhappily in Jayce’s chest. 
Viktor did wait, pausing with a raised eyebrow and the weed an inch or two from his mouth. 
“A-are you okay like this?” Jayce stuttered out, looking up at the star of his current dilemma, “Your leg-” 
The questioning look on Viktor’s face turned to amusement, and he tilted his head, “That’s what you’re worried about? You idiot.” 
The word didn’t even sting like it would’ve from anyone else. It sounded like an endearment more than anything. 
“My leg is fine.” He hummed, resting a hand on Jayce’s shoulder. The weight was nice, soothing, “I’ve lived with it all my life. I know what I can handle.” 
Did weed have some sort of magical attraction properties? The sensation in his chest certainly felt like something out of a fairytale. 
“Okay.” Jayce exhaled shakily- again, not on purpose, “Okay. I just wanted to check.” 
“How kind of you.” That hand left his arm, coming back a moment later as Viktor grabbed his chin. He squeezed lightly, causing Jayce’s lips to pucker, “Are you ready?” 
Jayce nodded eagerly, giggling. Any harder and his head probably would’ve snapped off. 
Viktor gave him a look of approval that made his lungs ache, “Inhale when I exhale. Yes?” 
He swallowed, “Yes.” 
The man half-smiled, gave him a little nod, and took a long drag. It looked so easy, so beautiful, when he did it. Which was a strange thing to think. A strange action to find beautiful. But it was, nevertheless. 
Jayce parted his lips when Viktor lowered his hand, watching with expectant eyes as the man leaned toward him. Their noses brushed, sending a tingle through his skin. His breath hitched, and then the smoke was blown into his mouth. He closed his eyes and inhaled. 
It burned again, but he loved it this time. It filled his chest, his brain, left him feeling a little weightless. 
There was no coughing when he exhaled. Only the relief of subsided stinging, the warmth of Viktor against him. His nerves began to hum from his head to his toes. 
He was pretty sure he understood what all the hype was about now. Why the drug was so popular. 
But then again, that could all be because of Viktor. 
Viktor, Viktor, Viktor.
“So beautiful.” He heard his companion say, and there was a thumb brushing over his bottom lip. 
Jayce blinked his eyes open. It was harder than usual. Everything felt a little sluggish. 
Viktor was watching him. The whites of his starlight eyes were red, his gaze half-lidded, and that hunger was back. He looked like a cat on the prowl. Stalking its prey. 
Jayce had never been so pleased to feel like a cornered mouse. 
“Do you like men, Jayce?” 
“Do I-?” The question echoed his own thoughts bouncing around his mind. It sent a strike of panic through him, slightly dampened by the drug in his veins. He didn’t really have an answer for him. This night had brought up a lot of feelings on that exact topic, and most of them were muddy. It was terrifying, “I don’t… I’m not really sure, Viktor.” 
“Allow me to rephrase my question, then.” He hummed, and he was back to brushing his fingers over Jayce’s face. His lips, cheeks, nose, the space between his eyebrows, “Do you want to kiss me?” 
This question was much simpler. But it wasn’t much easier to answer.
He really liked Viktor. He was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Viktor was funny and he had a nice accent and his face was- honestly, the only word that came to mind was beautiful. He’d never found a man beautiful before. 
Jayce wanted the answer to be easy. He wanted it to come to him like a reflex. But he was scared. The fear was holding him back. 
He tried to remind himself of the vow he’d made only a bit ago. Analyze emotions later, do what feels good now. 
If Viktor was a woman, Jayce knew what his answer would be. And that should be enough for now. He met Viktor’s gaze once more.
“Yes.” He whispered. It felt a little like signing his death sentence. 
“Go on, then.” Their noses were touching again. Viktor’s skin was cold on his. Or maybe Jayce’s was just unusually hot. 
“You want me to?” Jayce was over-thinking. As he, clearly, had a tendency to do. But some part of him felt like this was all a prank, or a dream. Surely, the moment he leaned forward it would all go up in a cloud of smoke. 
“Take what you want, Jayce.” His voice was lower, deeper. The words curled with his accent, like music notes drifting through the air, “Hesitate, and the opportunity will slip through your fingers.”
That was all the push he needed. 
He kissed Viktor. Slowly at first, awkwardly. He was giggling again, mostly out of nervousness. Jayce had experience in kissing- 95% of it was with women. And this was different. 
He’d lean forward and end up squishing their noses together. Let out a chuckle, re-adjust, try again. Their teeth clacked together on the next kiss, a jarring sensation that made them both flinch. Still, they were smiling and touching and going for more. Jayce tried to kiss him and missed, planting a smooch right on his chin. 
“Shit-” He snickered, pulling away. His cheeks were red-hot, “Sorry, sorry.” 
“Don’t be. And don’t be nervous.” Viktor’s eyes crinkled a little as he smiled, “We’re in no rush.” 
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. Okay.” He took a stabilizing breath, half-grinning, “Can I try again?” 
“I’d be offended if you didn’t.” 
Jayce laughed and kissed him again. A little more sure this time, but just as sloppy. He leaned up off the couch, pressing his hand into the small of Viktor’s lower back. Needing him closer, closer, closer. His lips tasted like raspberries. 
Viktor’s fingers tangled into Jayce’s hair, keeping his head right where he wanted. He kissed him like he was a master at it, like it was something he’d done a million times. It made Jayce feel very, very inadequate. 
He nipped at Jayce’s bottom lip, pulled back enough that Jayce had to chase him for more, then plunged right back in. A gentle tug on the locks in Viktor’s hands had Jayce’s mouth falling open. Viktor’s tongue slipped inside a moment later. One of his hands came to rest on Viktor’s face, thumb brushing over that sharp cheekbone. He allowed himself to be manhandled- let Viktor use his mouth as he pleased. He couldn’t stop fucking smiling. 
“There we go, you’re getting the hang of it,” Viktor murmured against his lips. His kisses moved to Jayce’s chin, mouthing along his jawline, “So eager, too. Like a puppy. Will you wag your tail if I call you a good boy?” 
He wanted to be embarrassed about the comparison. Wanted to not like the insinuation as much as he did. Mostly, though, he just wanted more Viktor. 
“Fuck.” He breathed, tilting his head back to give the other man more access. His pants were starting to strain a little bit. 
“I think that’s a yes.” He whispered, his breath sending goosebumps across Jayce’s skin. 
Viktor’s kisses moved up, up, up, until he was nibbling on Jayce’s earlobe. He gave it one sharp tug. 
And Jayce fucking whimpered. 
He’d never made that noise before. He didn’t even know he could make that noise. It definitely didn’t sound like something that would’ve come out of him. But it had. His face was on fire. 
“Oh, you like that?” Viktor practically purred. He pulled away to look at Jayce, and his hazy eyes widened a bit, “You didn’t know you liked that.” 
“No, I-” He swallowed, shifting a little in his seat, “I didn’t mean to make that… noise.” 
As if his inexperience wasn’t bad enough, now he was making sounds that could only be labeled as pathetic. Viktor must have thought he was such an idiot. 
The man frowned, pink lips forming an adorable pout, “I put work into getting that noise from you. I’d appreciate if you didn’t try to downplay it.” 
Jayce blinked up at him, “You liked it?” 
Viktor stared at him like he was an idiot. Jayce could only focus on how pretty he was like that. 
“Kiss me again?” He pleaded, because the way his head was already spinning wasn’t enough. He needed more. 
His companion was happy to oblige. 
The kiss was back to passionate and sloppy, all tongue and teeth and wandering hands. Jayce’s shirt got halfway unbuttoned, Viktor’s hair was let down, and the forgotten cup of water was kicked onto the carpet. Neither of them noticed, or maybe they didn’t care. Too caught up in each other to remember there was a whole world around them. 
They’d fallen into a rhythm, moving together like partners in a dance. It was euphoric.
“Shit-” Jayce moaned, eyes rolled back as the other man sucked at his neck. 
Viktor ran his tongue down Jayce’s pulse point, kissed the spot right above his collarbone, and then bit down. Hard. 
Jayce hissed at the sting, then grunted as it immediately turned into pleasure. All of his blood had gone South. His head was blissfully empty. Had he ever felt so needy in his life? If he had, he definitely couldn’t remember it. 
Viktor slid his hands down Jayce’s arms, interlocking them with the ones still on his waist. His fingers were slender against Jayce’s, bony and long while the other’s were thick and strong. They fit together perfectly.
Viktor kissed him again, then again. Little pecks that left him desperate for more. 
“Had enough yet?” He asked through the kisses, his lips swollen and red, “Perhaps you should return to the- mm- party. If you’ve had your moment of quiet.”
“Trying to get rid of me?” Jayce asked, his breathing ragged. The question was asked jokingly, but it made his chest ache. Maybe he was doing terribly- maybe this wasn’t as good for Viktor as it was for him. He squeezed Viktor’s hands, still clasped in his own, “And here I thought we were having such a good time.”
“Whatever gave you that idea?” He shot back, attempting to hide the amused smile on his lips. He certainly thought himself funny. It made Jayce’s fear die down, just a little, “Be a good boy and lay me down. I need to rest my leg.”
The nickname went straight to his dick. It also made him sit there for a solid five seconds like an idiot as his mind tried to process the words. Then he did, and it immediately had his heart lunging with worry. 
“Does it hurt?” Jayce asked earnestly, hooking his hands under Viktor’s thighs to lay him down on the couch. He knelt in between the man’s legs, the right one stretched out and relaxed. 
Viktor let out a relieved sigh as he settled into the couch, “It was starting to pinch. Nothing too bad, don’t worry.” 
“Are you sure?” Jayce asked softly, one hand holding him up while the other held Viktor’s hip. He watched the man closely, worriedly, “We can stop if-” 
“Do you want to stop?” 
“No!” He choked out, dark strands falling over his forehead. The answer came out faster than his mind could keep up. Complete instinct. He furrowed his brows, “No, I don’t. I just am… worried.” 
“Jayce, I am high out of my mind, having my way with a beautiful boy. I am fine.” 
He grinned at the sentiment, even as it made his face heat up, “Beautiful? Really?” 
Viktor rolled his red-tinged eyes, “You know you’re beautiful. I won’t feed your ego. Come and kiss me more, yes?” 
Jayce giggled. He leaned down, “Yes.” 
It was easier to kiss Viktor like this- more familiar. He still wasn’t the one leading, but it did feel like he had more control. Not that he’d minded being at the mercy of his companion. 
Jayce’s hand slid down the other man’s hip, grasping his thigh and pulling the leg against his waist. He could nearly wrap his hand entirely around the limb, fingertips almost touching. It made something primal, maybe territorial, bloom in his chest. Viktor was so fucking skinny.
“Mm-” Viktor gasped as their groins slotted together, fingers digging into Jayce’s shoulders. He looked up with those pretty sunset eyes, lips parted, “Jayce.” 
If he was sober, Jayce would’ve realized that his name sounded a little like a warning. But he was high, he was horny, and he had never been much of a good listener. And Viktor smelled so good and his skin was soft and Jayce was kissing up and down his throat. Really, it wasn’t his fault. He had too much he was preoccupied with. 
He rolled his hips again, desperate for friction, and paused. Something about that was… off. It didn’t feel how it should. 
“Hold on,” Viktor spoke up again, another warning. Jayce couldn’t hear him- he was too busy thinking. 
The cogs in his head were turning, and he was realizing, and- Shit. He pulled away like he’d been burned. He watched with wide eyes as Viktor sat up, the latter’s expression nearing resignation. 
“Jayce-” He began, and it sounded like the beginning of an explanation. 
Once again, Jayce was not listening. How the hell was Viktor so calm? This was serious!
“Oh my God.” He breathed out, running a hand through his already messy hair. He sat back on his heels, “Oh my God, Viktor, where’s your dick? What happened to it?” 
The other man watched him in stunned silence. It was totally unnerving. Really, why wasn’t he freaking out?!
“Did I crush it? Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that was possible. My Mom always told me I had more strength than I knew what to do with, I just didn’t think it could do this-” 
Viktor snorted. Loud and sharp enough that it shut Jayce up, quieted his mind. The two stared at each other for three long seconds. 
Then Viktor started laughing. 
The sound was light, a little wheezy, and beautiful. Despite the strangeness of the situation, it made Jayce smile. He’d never heard a laugh quite like it. 
Still, that didn’t take away from the very real panic coursing through him. 
“Jayce, you are- oh, God.” He chuckled, covering his mouth with a hand, “It is a good thing you have your looks.” 
He furrowed his brows. His brain was very slow right now and he was very, very confused. Shaking his head, he rested a hand on Viktor’s knee, “I don’t understand.” 
The smile the man gave Jayce was equal parts fondness and patronization, “I don’t have a, eh, dick, as you so eloquently put it. I never have.” 
Jayce tilted his head to the side as if things would make more sense at a 45-degree angle. He blinked once, twice, three times, “What?”
Viktor rolled his eyes, more for theatrics than anything else, “To put it technically, I was born a female. Which took me very little time to realize was not the case. Thus, here I am now. Not a female. My body simply… is a little behind in the process.” 
Jayce was the dumbest fucking idiot in the world. His face was absolutely on fire, embarrassment burning through him. Part of him hoped death would just take him now, or that this was all a dream he’d wake up from. If only to save himself from the humiliation. Viktor must have been kicking himself for spending time with such an imbecile. 
“Is that a problem for you?” Viktor asked when Jayce stayed silent, an incredulous eyebrow raised. The warmth was gone from him, defenses raised as he waited for an answer. 
Jayce lurched forward, desperate to fix the situation, to stop being so damn stupid. A large hand cupped Viktor’s cheek, “No! No, not at all. I’m sorry, I just- I feel so stupid.” He laughed, more self-deprecating than anything, “You’re great, Viktor- wonderful. And I’m an idiot. I didn’t- I’m sorry, my brain is not working. It’s not a problem. I like you how you are.” 
The word vomit spewing from him was grating on his nerves, making him cringe. He wanted to curl into a ball and die. This was the worst. 
He expected Viktor to pull away. To tell him to leave, that they were done and Jayce was unwelcome. He expected to be shunned for his idiocy. He would’ve deserved it, too. 
Instead, the man huffed out a laugh. He shook his head, “I’m not sure I’d go so far as to call you an idiot, Jayce. But it certainly was not one of your finest moments.” 
“Definitely not.” He grinned, running his thumb over the sharp cheekbone, “Try not to hold it against me? I don’t care that you’re a guy without a dick. I like you. I’m just very high.” 
“Oh, you like me?” Viktor wrapped a hand around Jayce’s forearm, “You just met me.” 
He gave a half-assed shrug, getting a little caught up in how starkly contrasting their skin tones were, “It doesn’t take much.” 
“Just weed and some kissing, huh?” 
“You also happen to be very cool.” Jayce argued, a teasing lilt to his voice, “Though the weed and the kissing don’t hurt.” 
Viktor chuckled. He looked so lovely with his hair down and a smile on his face. Jayce wanted to commit it to a canvas and look at it forever. 
“Can we do some more of it? The kissing?” He asked before he could stop himself. This longing in his chest was more than he could bear. 
The man’s eyes shimmered like starlight, something akin to pride flaring in him. He liked that Jayce wanted him. Jayce liked it too- he liked that look on Viktor’s face a lot. 
Just as Jayce’s companion opened his mouth to respond, though, they were interrupted. 
The door to the basement was flung open, letting in a flurry of pounding music and strobe lights. Jayce jumped a foot in the air, heart rate skyrocketing, while Viktor didn’t move a muscle.
“Vik, you down there?” A voice that could only be described as cackly called. From here, Jayce couldn’t see any part of the intruder besides black scuffed boots and two ankle-length blue braids, “Ekko says I can’t set off my fireworks unless you’re there to supervise!” 
Viktor laid his head against the back of the couch and looked up toward the doorway, “I’m assuming you won’t be taking no for an answer?” 
“Nope!” Came her enthusiastic reply as she rocked back and forth on her heels, “I told you I was gonna make you participate in the party. You’ve had your time.” 
The man let out a long sigh before responding, “I’ll be right there.” 
“Don’t take too long! I’ll be on the roof!” 
Then the door slammed shut, and they were in the quiet again. 
Viktor looked at Jayce with an expression bordering on apologetic, “It seems we’ll have to rain-check our kissing, unfortunately.” 
“You have to go?” He didn’t mean to sound as pathetic and whiny as he did. The thought of parting with him right now made him very sad. 
“Jinx is not one for patience.” Viktor got to his feet, stretching his arms above his head until his spine popped. His shirt rode up, giving Jayce a peek of smooth skin over a prominent hip bone, “And I’d prefer if my house didn’t get burned down by her antics. I like having a place to live.” 
Viktor was reaching for his cane and Jayce was panicking, panicking, panicking. He didn’t want to say goodbye, not yet. His mind was a haze but he knew that much. 
“Well, can I see you again? Sometime soon?” Desperate. He must’ve looked so desperate. He didn’t care. 
Viktor paused and looked down at him, half-smirking. His fingers tapped against the head of his cane, “I’m sure you’ll see me again, Jayce. Some time.” 
“You can stay down here as long as you’d like.” Viktor walked towards the stairs, favoring the weight of his bad leg a little, “Enjoy the quiet, get some rest, take care of your… predicament. No one will bother you.” 
It didn’t take a genius to know that the ‘predicament’ was Jayce’s not-so-subtle erection. His cheeks were heating up again. All he could do was watch with resignation as the man moved away from him. He was like water Jayce was trying to hold in his hands. 
Just as he was about to ascend the stairs, Viktor stopped again. He looked at Jayce over his shoulder, gazing through strands of brown hair. His eyes shone with warmth, “Thank you for keeping me company. I hope it was as… enjoyable for you as it was for me.” 
He left after that. Deserting Jayce in the basement with kiss-swollen lips, too-tight pants, and a whole lot of questions. 
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eva-does-its-best · 6 months ago
Going from "I'm not one of those trans people who do x or y" to "I am so one of those and I should have not judged them and I am glad that I got rid of the normative judgemental attitude I used to have".
Going from "I'm just a lesbian so liking trans men is wrong i don't want to deny their manhood" to "My sexuality is weird and that is fine, I like who I like despite the theoretical implications of it and I am not denying anyone's identity because I like them for who they are and respect them no matter what".
Going from "I'm just a regular binary she/her woman" to "I'm a girl and a woman but my dissociation and life experiences also make me feel impersonal so I can use it/its and I'm not weird for it, i wouldn't even be weird if I had no justification either, I can even use doll pronouns because I like them and they make me feel warm and happy and that is what matters".
Going from "Ok so these are all the labels with their very clear definitions and meanings and everything else is internet quirky stuff" to "I literally would not know how to explain what you are and I won't force you to explain it if you don't want, I don't need to understand it to accept you, you are valid and loved. If you instead want to explain it to me I'll do my best to learn and defend it whenever I can".
Going from "I am so sad, frustrated, angry and in pain because I will never be or look cis" to "I actually don't like the cis normative look, I don't want to cispass, I like trans beauty but specifically I like me beauty, the one where I am still myself but a more me version of myself. The world constantly told me what I should aspire to be and look like and like and I was brainwashed for so long but now I've broken free and am free to fully love myself and everyone else in this world who ever thought they were weird or ugly because my eyes find so much beauty in everything and everyone!"
Going from "Ew furries" to "I don't want to make fun of people who deviate from the norm because that is exactly what happens to me and we should all be together or else we are treating ourselves as exceptions and exceptions are easily revoked, I will learn to love everyone against a brain poisoned with conservativism and "normality". I like rats I should make a rat fursona or smth it would be so cute it'd so represent me :3".
Going from "I am useless, lazy, falling behind, a disappointment" to "I am physically and mentally disabled, there have never been accomodations for me in any aspect of my life and the intersectionalities of gender, sexuality, economical situation, etc. have made my life extremely difficult, I forgive myself for both failing and for blaming myself, I will seek help and advocate for myself to the best of my abilities and I will respect my limits in this world that was not made for people like me".
Learning is hard, changing is scary, but it's mostly just your brain being a conservative for the sake of commodity, safety and self-preservation, sometimes you need to fight your brain in a war of attrition but when you finally win you'll be so much happier.
I am so much happier now, my world is bigger and brighter and I see everyone and everything with a new, beautiful light. I look back on how I was and how I thought and how the world works and it all looks so much worse and grey, I am not going back there, this new mind is my home now.
And the best part is that I know I will keep learning more and changing more and the world and this life will keep getting better and better🥰.
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foone · 5 months ago
Tumblr crashed and killed my post and I'm too lazy to go find what I was reblogging, but:
You need to understand that there is a type of right-wing person who is (relatively) sex positive.
You need to understand this because it explains some "contradictions" but more importantly so that you won't assume someone isn't wildly right wing just because they're sex-positive. These people still have horribly opinions on a lot of things, including sexual ones. They just don't think it's Inherently Wrong to do "weird stuff" in the bedroom.
I always describe this viewpoint as "it's okay to get freaky, but don't be a freak".
They're making a distinction between things you DO and things you ARE. They hate the latter, and think the former is fine.
This is a big part of why you get "confusing" things like right-wingers who are against trans people but those same people might enjoy crossdressing during sex. They're fine with wearing girls clothes while they get pegged, but don't think you should be allowed to go by she/her in the workplace if you're AMAB. Crossdressing is a thing you do. Being trans is something you are.
And the post I was trying to reply to was about swingers disliking polyamorous people: it's the same thing. Swinging is a thing you do: they're having freaky sex. What's wrong with that?
But polyamory? Having multiple partners at the same time, even when you're not fucking at the moment? That sounds like something you are.
Basically it seems to be the worldview of people who are sex-positive (to an extent! I don't want to overstate their positivity) in their personal life, but are against "the decay of society".
They're basically conservatives nostalgic for an imagined world where everyone has 1950s social roles in public, but can get up to whatever weird sex stuff they want behind closed doors.
I don't know how much this kind of few point is due to libertarian influence on these kinds of right wingers (where they've internalized the "the government shouldn't tell me what to do" part of the ideology, but still think "the government should tell those weirdos to get cut it out" is fine), or how much this is because of the rise of 4chan as an alt-right meeting spot, and that site was (and still is) partially a porn site.
It's slightly hard to argue that all sex besides married missionary for procreation is immoral when you're one click away from threads full of anal-toy-howtos and pregnant "dickgirl" hentai. (Not that they don't try, sometimes)
Just keep the fact that these people exist in mind: it'll better explain some of the strange opinions you sometimes see online.
It's probably also a major driving force behind Bidoof's law. They can easily argue against something innocuous like polyamory or trans people while filling their own timeline to with images of trans orgies, because they think Doing Sex Stuff is morally neutral, but Being Stuff is inherently wrong. You can cross dress or swing, that's fine, whatever gets your rocks off. But you can't be trans or be poly. That's wrong, apparently.
(This is probably also South Park's fault but I'm not an expert on that show so I'll not try to explain)
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noxitsnox · 2 months ago
if we get too closе, would it be okay?
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hyun-ju x gn!reader - highschool au
summery: hyun-ju came out to her- now ex- girlfriend who spread the rumor around the whole school.
tags: trans/homophobia (the word tr**ny is used one (1) time), bullying, hurt/comfort, lots of fluff i promise, let me know if i missed anything!
a/n: i am obsessed it's not fair. this is pre-t but i'm still going to use she/her pronouns for hyun-ju <3 also english is not my first language and this isn't proof read, so i apologize for any mistake. @exactlyinfp
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hyun-ju didn't want to go to school that day. her girlfriend, ex girlfriend now, broke up with her just because she trusted her, because she didn't want to hide anymore and she believed that her girlfriend of almost two years would understand. but she didn't. she called her all kind of names and blocked her everywhere.
she hoped this was where it ended. that they could just ignore each other and keep living life as it is. it would have been so much easier that way. but the moment she entered the school hallway she knew something happened. the looks she was getting were strange, full of hate. definitely not the looks you receive when you just broke up. she tried to ignore it and walked to her class with her head down.
it was early. a lot of time passed before some of her classmates entered the room. maybe it was better if they stayed outside. their chatter died down as soon as they saw her. one of them, who was seated next to her, took his desk and dragged it as far away from her as possible. “you're sick”, he said under his breath. “stay away from me.”
she stayed silent as the realization hit her. if he knew, everyone else did too. fighting tears, she forced herself to keep cool.
slowly people filled the room. everyone ignored her, even her so called friends looked at her with disgust. only y/n seemed to be acting as if nothing happened. maybe they didn't know about it yet. they’ll turn their back to you like everyone else, she thought.
“oh hyun-ju, how are you?”
y/n waited for an answer that never arrived. so, with a sad smile, they spoke again. “it's fine. you don't have to talk with me. you have my number in case you change your mind.”
for the rest of the week she ignored everyone. she was barely alive.
every morning she entered school feeling like a criminal. her locker in the changing rooms was filled with insults. some guys even tried to push her on the ground. that was the only moment she reacted. she could ignore words, but physical aggression was were she drew the line.
every night she cried herself to sleep, wishing she had someone on her side, someone to talk to. her family didn't know about what was happening in school and she hoped for it to stay that way or she wouldn't even have a home anymore.
it was on saturday afternoon that she lost it. she was out, getting some groceries for her mother at the local market, and she saw her ex with her friends. she tried to hide before they could notice her, but she wasn't fast enough.
"oh god, isn't that that tranny you used to date?", one said pointing at her.
"don't say that out loud, please. what will people think of me?"
hyun-ju ran away without even taking food from the market stall. she kept running until their voice became indistinguishable echoes.
she sat on the side walk and took out her phone, looking for y/n contact. she started crying, the tears blurring her vision.
their words came back to her. you have my number in case you change your mind. were they serious? she hesitantly called them, hoping for the best.
y/n didn't take long to answer and for that she was grateful.
"hey, you called!"
"i- yes... listen can you, can you come here?"
"oh hyun-ju, you're crying? is everything okay?"
"i don't even know anymore. please, just come here." and with that she hung up the phone, quickly shared the position with them.
she hugged her knees as she waited.
y/n was happy that hyun-ju called, even if the situation wasn't ideal. even though they weren't intimate, they cared about her and it made them sad to see her suffer. especially if she was being ridiculed for something beyond her control.
y/n tried to get to her as fast as possible. they went out in their sweats without bothering to put on something nicer. they didn't like the idea of hyun-ju seeing them in that state, but they also realized that they had to put vanity aside at the moment.
as soon as she saw y/n she got up and hugged. they remained in that position for a while. hyun-ju cried and cried while y/n rubbed her back, doing what they could to comfort her.
"sorry... i don't know why i did that", she said as she let go of them.
"you don't have to apologize. do you feel better now?"
"i do, thanks."
an awkward silence fell until y/n suggested they start walking with a wave of their hand, "do you wanna talk about what's happening?"
"i just want to forget about it. can we talk about something else?"
"oh sure", y/n looked at her and smiled. "do you wanna hear about this manga i'm reading?"
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a/n: i realize that for an xreader the reader is barely there 😬 sorry. let me now if you liked it!!
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isuggestforcefem · 4 months ago
started dating a cute twink, who ive known for about three years prior to this. he currently uses he him so thats what im going for for now... i'm a trans woman, having had socially transitioned since 2020 and being on estrogen since april. anyway i didnt have feelings for him until this summer, when i started, like, sensing something. i wasn't sure what it was, but now i'm completely certain that it's the feelings he has for me, his totally being an egg that hasn't cracked yet, some latent undiscovered potential of spirit, or a mixture of the three. we've been getting closer and closer to each other over time, moving into a massive grey area that I decided to turn into a completely certain, yes-we-are-a-thing. I'm bisexual leaning heavily toward women, you see, but i thought i'd make an allowance this time. today we went on a fantastic date, and i gave him what i suspect was his first kiss. the energy is still electric now that he's gone.
not what this is about, though. you see, as i've got closer to this person i've gradually understood that there's something extremely transgender going on with him- at least, as far as i can intuit. Over a year ago, I brought up the days when i was just questioning to another transgender friend, and he just sorta piped up, said "i've thought about it," and completely refused to elaborate. i still remembered that and i thought that our first date would be a nice time to discuss it- that flustered him real good, but he did mention that he perchance probably maybe might be transfem, but he's got school, so...
of course, the thing about girls like her is it's *never* the right time.
but whatever. i laid off, but intermittently i did what i do best and joked about him being transgender, and you know what? he never denied it, or confirmed it. he just stayed in that space between acceptance and denial, blushed and laughing. we're a relationship of comfort, you know? it's *comfortable* being around each other. it's *comfortable* not choosing trans or cis, just letting time pass. but god, i don't know, i want more for her! he's a sweet, adorable person now, but i know there's something inside him that's just so much more than this. i want it to get out. i want her to get out.
but the more i think about it the murkier it gets. he's so into me- do i hold the power here? is it better to wait for him to walk into womanhood, or should i be more active in encouraging him? i know i'm right, but what if i'm not, am i going to cause him dysphoria down the line? am i afraid of being a predator here because of internalized transmisogyny? am i overthinking this, should i just let it happen? for the record, he *does* seem to totally enjoy being a femboy- granted, that could go either way.
i've penned you an entire novel here, i recognize that and if you don't want to read this through or advise me that's just fine. if you'd like, you can leave this message out for your follower base or just save it in your inbox forever. but- i would LOVE your advice, ms forcefem. i do believe you're the one person to ask who would understand my position the best. thank you!
You should gently push her, help her down that path, make sure she feels safe to explore it! Girls like that will invent all sort of excuses to stay in denial, and you have to show her what she could have, the joy!
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landososcar · 3 months ago
packing it up ; LN4
— pairing(s) ; college hockey player!lando x figure skater!reader
— summary; in which lando's transfer to a new school not only brings him a new team, classes, and friends, but a girl who will change his life forever.
— warnings; not edited, i'm not american, im also not a figure skater so there's probs plenty of inaccuracies lolll
chapter one — prev … next
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⸝⸝ ʚ 𖥔❆ ! ⌗ °•˚❆ ˖⋆*ೃ ༄
“did you hear about the new hockey guy getting transferred? oscar was saying he’s like the best college player in the country” lily and i never really talked about hockey unless her boyfriend and his friends were around, yet here we are. the mention of the sport easily piqued my interest and my eyebrows raised as i wiped down the bench-top that separated my best friend and i.
“why would the best in the country get transferred here… of all places?” my question sounded like a dig at our schools team, and whilst that may have been my underlying intention, it was true. our school hadn’t won anything to do with team sports in decades, and we weren’t about to start winning again anytime soon.
she pulled her phone out of her pocket whilst muttering something about showing me the new guy because he’s starting when break finishes. “i don’t understand — why’s this so last minute? school goes back in three days?”.
she shook her head at my question before explaining that “it’s not actually last minute, they’ve been planning the transfer for a couple months but oscar forgets to tell me important things like this”. it made sense but now i didn’t understand why this was considered important to lily.
the confused look on my face must have prompted her to continue talking because she gasped and squealed “oh! i didn’t tell you - he’s gonna be oscar’s new roommate! the two boys have already planned to go out for dinner the first night after his transfer so they can get to know each other a little better” as the words were leaving her mouth she turned her phone towards me.
the screen was lit up by an instagram account and before i got a proper look, lily stated: “his name is lando! he’s cute isn’t he?”. my hands grabbed her phone to focus more on the photos he’s posted — many hockey related, but more importantly, a couple of shirtless ones.
lily calling him cute was an understatement; i’m pretty sure that he’s the most beautiful man i’ve ever seen in my life. i shook myself out of the trans i was in — yes he’s adorable, but lily would never let me live this down. lily can’t know how cute i think this man i’ve never met is. lily can’t know that i want to steal her boyfriend’s new room mate.
but i either overestimated my ability to hide the growing crush or i underestimated my best friend’s ability to see straight through me. she squealed! she actually squealed and gasped and pointed her manicured finger at me — simultaneously! “oh i am so setting you two up, you think he’s fine- oh my god i need to tell oscar he will definitely help me set yo-“.
“you are not telling oscar a thing!!” i whisper shouted, although it seemed pointless as the few left over people in the cafe had already given us harsh looks due to lily’s squealing after her ‘groundbreaking discovery’. if oscar knew, he’d tell lando, and i would never be able to come face-to-face with the new boy if he knew.
lily scoffed at my objection but i kept talking before she was able to try and make up a story about why telling her boyfriend would be a good idea, “as if lando would even car. he doesn’t know who i am and he’s the best college hockey player in the country so he definitely wouldn’t care about me when there’s probably thousands of girls begging for his attention.”
the eyes staring into my soul narrowed and i could tell she wasn’t happy with something that i said. “okay, but you’re different,” she continued before i could argue about how insane she sounded, “firstly, you’re the hottest girl in the countr— do not shake your head at me, i will slap you— secondly, i don’t care if he’s got hundreds of girls begging for him because he obviously doesn’t care about them-“
“so why would he care about me?-“
“thirdly, i have something those girls do not— my boyfriend, aka, an in!”
“you’re insane”
“and you’re coming to dinner with us tomorrow night after he has moved his stuff into oscar’s room!” the legs of her chair were scraping against the floor and before i could protest, the girl was flying out the door of my workplace, “i love you!”
she had to be kidding. i couldn’t go to dinner with him, i can already see me making an absolute fool out of myself.
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⸝⸝ ʚ 𖥔❆ ! ⌗ °•˚❆ ˖⋆*ೃ ༄
it was hard to focus on the way my skates slid along the ice when all i could think about was this dinner i was being dragged to. i don’t know where we’re going and therefore, don’t know what to wear, not to mention i have to face oscar when i was absolutely certain lily had told him every detail of our conversation from yesterday. normally, skating helps distract me but it wasn’t helping at all today.
my attention was grabbed however, when the bulky doors to the school’s skating arena clicked open. i spun and turned to look at who walked in but heard his voice before i could see him.
“i figured i’d find you in here” jax, my skating partner’s voice echoed around the mostly empty building.
jax and i have been skating together since we started middle school. eventually, he got a scholarship for silverbrook university and we decided i had to do everything i could to join him at our now shared school. if i hadn’t gotten into silverbrook, jax and i would have had to find new skating partners, which would have basically resulted in us starting from scratch with new people.
skating in pairs takes an awful lot of trust and chemistry — i need to be able to completely rely on jax’s ability to fling me in the air and catch me before i go crashing to the slippery surface beneath us. and i do, which is why jax and i are such a good skating duo.
and while i’d trust him to throw me ten feet into the air, i wouldn’t trust him with my lactose intolerance. that probably sounds stupid but jax and i know each other on the ice — if someone asked me what his middle name was, i wouldn’t be able to tell them.
i consider jax my friend but i don’t think i’d go out for dinner with him. “hey jax! are you coming for a skate?”
i noticed jax’s usual smile slightly falter and i could tell something was off. the boy was known around campus for the smile that practically never left his face — well, that and the fact he’s the best figure skater in the state. before i could ask him if something was wrong, he blurted out words that almost sent me ass up from where i was standing on the ice.
“i’m going solo — maria and i thought it would be good for me to step away from duo skating for the next season”.
saying i was upset that my skating partner and our coach was ditching me would be an understatement. but the worst part is that i heard the words ‘next season’ come out of his mouth. next season, as in the season that started with the school year. next season, as in the season that had competitions beginning in three weeks.
“you’re fucking with me, jax,” the thoughts racing through my mind made it impossible to say coherent sentences to the man in front of me. “jax, you’re ditching me and taking our coach! what the fuck am i supposed to do? am i supposed to just find a spare figure skating coach and partner off the street? you guys have completely fucked me over! i can’t believe this.”
the words poured out of my mouth before i could stop them and i couldn’t find it in myself to regret them. there was nothing i could do to save myself from the predicament that two of the people i trusted the most in this world had put me in.
i got off of the ice and put my blade guards on as quickly as possible before storming directly past him. i had to regulate my breathing so i didn’t have a panic attack right there in the locker rooms. i grabbed my phone out of my bag and went to message lily but stopped myself.
i couldn’t tell her how much of a hole i had been pushed into. especially not when she was probably at oscar’s house, helping the new star skater move in.
⸝⸝ ʚ 𖥔❆ ! ⌗ °•˚❆ ˖⋆*ೃ ༄
it should be made known that i have the tendency to be late to things, no matter their importance. so, when i texted lily that i was going to be a couple minutes late to dinner, her quick response of ‘okie dokie x’, showed that she expected nothing more from me.
as i stepped into the restaurant, my nerves tangled with the lingering emotions of the day. it felt like my confidence had been shattered on the ice earlier, but i plastered on a smile, determined not to let it show. my focus was on getting through dinner before begging lily to spend the night at our dorm rather than her boyfriend’s so we could debrief.
“look who’s finally here!” lily's voice rang out as her eyes found me, her smile as bright as ever. i smiled at her apologetically but her face didn’t show anything but a smile for even a split second.
i walked over, exchanging quick hugs with lily and oscar before turning to face lando. up close, he was even more attractive—his bright smile and confident posture radiated an easy charm. when he pulled me into a hug, his warmth caught me off guard.
“it’s so nice to meet you,” i said, my voice betraying a little of my nervousness.
as an overthinker, i’d spent all day worrying about how awkward this dinner was going to be but as his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me into a hug, i’d never felt more comfortable meeting someone.
“yeah, you too!” he replied with a grin that seemed to light up his entire face. he smelled faintly of fresh cologne, and i scolded myself for noticing.
as we all sat down, the conversation flowed easily. lando fit seamlessly into the dynamic, his easy banter with oscar balancing out lily’s usual exuberance. i tried to relax, though my mind still wandered to the mess jax and maria had left me with.
“so, y/n,” oscar said as he passed me a menu, “lily and i were telling lando about your figure skating.”
at the mention of skating, i felt lily’s eyes snap toward me. my stomach twisted, but i forced a smile. “yeah, i’ve been skating for a while now.”
“she’s amazing,” lily cut in enthusiastically. “you should see her perform; she’s unreal.”
“wow,” lando said, looking genuinely interested. “what kind of skating do you do? like competitions?”
“pairs skating,” i replied, trying to keep my voice even. “competitions mostly. it’s... a lot of work.” i let out a breathy chuckle, trying to stop my voice from breaking – doing anything to stop myself from breaking down in front of my friends and the new boy i’ve just met. there was a pause as i took a sip of water, and i saw lily’s brows furrow slightly, sensing something was off.
oscar, oblivious to the uneasiness in my voice, nodded appreciatively. “lando you should come watch her next comp; lily and i go to as many as we can – you can join us!” lando nodded eagerly but stopped when lily cut her boyfriend off.
“–is everything okay, y/n/n?” she could tell something was off at the moment, and as much as i didn’t want to burden oscar and lando with my new skating drama, the way she asked made it impossible to brush off.
i hesitated, but under the weight of their collective stares, the words tumbled out. “jax decided to go solo. and maria’s going with him. he only just told me this morning.” i let out a heavy sigh and it was clear that neither of the boys knew what to say in the moment.
lily, however, refused to stay silent and gasped. “what? that’s insane! with the season starting so soon? what are you supposed to do?”
i shrugged, my gaze fixed on the table. “i don’t know. figure it out, i guess.”
“that’s a jerk move,” lando said, his voice tinged with anger. “to leave you hanging like that? who does that? especially with the season so close.” i sent him a grateful smile and he continued talking, “i’m assuming the season starts at the same time as the hockey season, yeah? that’s like three weeks away�� what a dick move!”
i glanced at him, surprised by the intensity in his tone. his expression was sincere, his brows furrowed as if he genuinely cared. “thank you, lando,” i murmured, “it’s fine though, i’ll just have to make it work”.
“you’ll figure it out, y/n,” lily said, her voice firm. “you’re too good not to.”
i nodded, appreciative of her faith in me, though i couldn’t quite share it. the rest of the dinner passed in lighter conversation, but i couldn’t shake the warmth of lando’s defense or the nagging question of what i was supposed to do next.
lilyzneimer added to their story!
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⸝⸝ ʚ 𖥔❆ ! ⌗ °•˚❆ ˖⋆*ೃ ༄
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sweetfictionalworld · 2 months ago
Im not sure if you accept request but...can you make rick flag with a male reader? (Or trans male reader) 👉👈
Thanks for the request! I hope I don't screw this one up 🙈 I haven't written a male reader insert before.
"Yes, Sir" (Rick Flag SR x Male Reader Smut)
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Summary: Rick invites you to his home.
Warnings: Smut, smut, smut. PWP!
"You wanted to see me, Sir."
General Flag turned around where he stood in his office, looking out the window, giving you a smile that always made you weak in the knees.
"For how long have you been assigned here now, y/n?"
"Almost two years, Sir."
"And for how long have you wanted me to fuck you?"
Your face turned hot and your heart started hammering against your ribcage. "S-Sir, I-I don't know what you're talking about," you managed to blubber out.
General Flag smirked. "Well, if you do happen to know what I'm talking about, come to my apartment at 8 o'clock tonight. You're dismissed. For now."
Your face was still hot and flustered when you left Flag's office. What the hell had just happened? Yeah, of course you had wanted to fuck him since the first day you laid eyes on him. Who the hell in their right mind wouldn't?
You didn't know how you got the courage to go home to him. But here you were, naked on your knees with Flag's cock in your mouth. His hand was gripping the back of your head as he slowly bucked his hips, matching the pace of your sucking.
"Fuck, your mouth feels so wet and warm," he mumbled between grunts. "Such a good boy, taking my cock like a champ."
His praise did something with your body you didn't expect, those few words going straight to your core and making your cock twitch and harden. Flag noticed it and smirked as he thrust deep down into your throat, making you choke and drool around his thick girth.
You tried your best to take all of him, wanting him to feel proud of you. You looked up at him as you continued to take all of him, watching the pleasured expression on his face and admiring his well-toned, muscular chest and the abs on his stomach. Damn, how could a man in his late fifties look better than the guys your own age?
"Fuck, come here. I want to taste you too," Flag grumbled and and pulled you up, positioning the two of you in the 69 position with him on top of you.
You stared up at his cock bobbing above you, opened your mouth as he lowered himself down onto you. Then you felt his hand around your length and the tip of his tongue flick across the head of your cock, and you lost it. You gasped around his cock, greedily bucked your hips as he stroke your cock in his hand and gently sucked on the head. Then, he went deeper and you cried out when you felt the back of his throat against your cock. It only took a few thrusts and then you came with a gasp, shooting your load into Flag's mouth. Flag swallowed it all and chuckled as he licked you clean before he stood up.
"I believe it's my turn," he said with a grin and positioned himself at the end of his bed where your head was. You stared up at him, understanding what he wanted. You slid yourself further down, so your head hung down the edge of the bed. Flag smirked and grabbed your head as he pushed into your open mouth.
He clenched his jaw as he held your head in a tight grip, thrusting into your mouth faster and faster.
"Such. A. Good. Fucking. Boy!" he growled with each thrust until he came, filling your mouth with his cum.
You swallowed every drop he had to offer with a satisfied smirk on your lips.
"How about we rest for a while, then we'll make that ass ready for my cock," Rick said mischievously and gave your ass a slap. You grinned up at him and gave him a playful look.
"Yes, Sir."
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skythealmighty · 6 months ago
man. there are so many object shows out there. I NEED TO CATCH UP ON SO MANY why are the4e so many anyway Exclamation Mark (NOT AB) im killing you. he would get bullied off tumblr
#rocket talk #roc save #NOT THE ANIMATIC BATTLE ONE that ones fine #i mean the one in my header #hes an asshole #why do i keep accidentally hitting the number keys lately
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📉 storyboard-but-better Follow
i cant believe my contestants are so pissy over the second challenge still!!!! it was a coherent challenge i think "survive me killing you" is pretty straightforward!!! besides theyre fine now >:/
⏰ timeisatool Follow
Maybe it's becausw you killed them?
📉 storyboard-but-better Follow
well thats stupid
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
I KNOW RIGHT!! my old contestants got SO pissy when i killed th3m!! just because theres no recovery... 😒
⏰ timeisatool Follow
You dont have recovery????
⭐ everybody-smile-smile-smile Follow
arent u supposed to be dead
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
well im NOT so
❗ black-and-red Follow
Ugh, I haven't even killed anyone that much and they're still pissy! Honestly... just do the challenges and you'll be fine! I only threatened them..
⭐ everybody-smile-smile-smile Follow
well i thought i killed circle but ig not! and square but nobody else died idk why everuones so afraid of me... whats so wrong w wanting to make a perfect object show?
⏰ timeisatool Follow
🔥 betterheatsflamesman Follow
yeah theres nothing wrong with that! you gotta do what you gotta do for your object show
⏰ timeisatool Follow
⏰ timeisatool Follow
I want to leave this group...
#i thought we were all just supposed to be wacky and weird 😰😰 #mom come pick me up im scared...
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🔥🔃 betterheatsflamesman Follow reblogged 🪔 slay-style-queen
��� slay-style-queen Follow
Hey guys, just managed to get sponsored with my object show idea!!! (No thanks to you Lip Stick lol) wish me luck!! Also go keep an eye out on Village of Objects Official :D
🪔 slay-style-queen Follow
what the FUCK
🪔 slay-style-queen Follow
oh my god how do you all stay sane actually
4️⃣ four-therecord Follow
we don't! welcome to the club
🪔 slay-style-queen Follow
im never doing this again
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📻 annie-annie-ooh Follow
Who's Animatic?
#It's Your Fridge DJ! #I appreciate all the lovemail and the concern! ❤ #I don't understand some of the asks but thank you anyway!
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🧪🔃 test-tubular Follow reblogged 💥 fans-fantastic-features
🫵 have-you-heard-of-this-os Follow
Have YOU heard of:
🫵 have-you-heard-of-this-os Follow
Please stop debating on whether or not this "counts" as an object show, this was requested by an anon. If you want to do that on your own time on your own blog, feel free!
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
SORRY ABOUT THAT SJEHSKEB will move i promise 🙏
anyWAY on another note i miss this showww 😭 i was so intrigued about it but i guess i understand its cancellation... if anyone wants to come up with a rewrite w me hmu my ao3 is in my desc!!!!
⭐ everybody-smile-smile-smile Follow
just as long as you clarify its unofficial!! (:
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
its on ao3 ofc its unofficial
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
#Fan we were /on/ an object show and technically famous I'm not sure why you're surprised at this point #Also get off your phone we're at Purgatory Mansion
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anonymous asked: hey greeny can you say trans rights for everyone out there
🟢 greenyguy Follow
trans rights AND trans wrongs. even if you like burger king i still support you <3
#burger king sucks ass tho dont do that to urself
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💥 fans-fantastic-features asked: im SO sorry for the sudden reply earlier, up until your post i thought hfjone was just some weird wild experimental show?? then again i shouldnt be surprised if happy star themselves is on this goddamn site (also sorry in advance for my friend TT sending you asks about alternate universes. shes a science nerd of all types and needs data or sm) if you want i can tell you what i know about your situation in a private chat, ive done a lot of deep dive analysis posts on my blog too and trust me when i say a LOT of the internet wants to help free you and everyone else you have plenty of help available spotty replies tho im investigating smth
🎒 liam-plecak Follow
I... yeah, I'd like that. Thanks.
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anonymous asked: battery ui is kind of already jailed but still
🔒 your-fav-would-be-jailed Follow
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Battery from Ultimate Insanity would be jailed!
🔋 theft-and-battery Follow
#Why did someone earlier send in that Walkie Talkie person? #I approve of the Blender submission though #Hate that guy
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🎒🔃 liam-plecak Follow reblogged 💥 fans-fantastic-features
🕹 fire-cartoon-schtick Follow
cant have shit in this fuckass hotel 😒😒😒 lens just died 😔😔
🕹 fire-cartoon-schtick Follow
hi! rhanks for the concern! 😁 i am unfortunately not talking about a game lens is actually dead please help me (dms r open 🙏🙏)
#Since I've gotten a lot of followers recently I feel like I should boost this #I'm busy with my own issues but maybe someone else can help?
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⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
i want my SHOW BACK i want my CO HOSTS BACK i want calculatory DEAD i only MILDLY HATE happy star i dont KNOW WHAT ELSE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT
🥝 gela-not-jelly Follow
🫵 Fanny kinnie
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
who the FUCK is fanny
#im CIRCLE not a goddamn FAN #who even names themselves fanny anyway
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⚪battleforcircle asked: oml spiderman pointing meme
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
you sent me this FIFTEEN TIMES get OUT of my ASKBOX!!!!
📉 storyboard-but-better Follow
why are there two of you...
⚪ fuckingcircles Follow
theres only ONE of me i dont know who this IS!!
⚪battleforcircle Follow
theres three of us just three of us
#idk why either tbh #tumblr just recommended his acc to me one day #he seems fun to annoy tho so ive taken it upon myself to do so #tee hee
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📶 she-walkie-on-my-talkie-till Follow
Hey so why is a known criminal on Tumblr?
📶 she-walkie-on-my-talkie-till Follow
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syscest · 3 months ago
hi im assuming the us vs them post is about a specific term, which one would that be?
so the sysmed out-group term being referenced in the joke post was (as the reblogs guessed) "endogenic", and I'll lay our thoughts out straight just once to avoid being potentially taken the wrong way
I've got two angles here, existential theological linguistic bullshit, and harm-reduction. stay with me here because even if you're not on board with the first thing you'll want to see the second.
so "traumagenic vs endogenic" is a false dichotomy, and I don't just mean "there's a secret third thing", I mean both classifications are fundamentally not real.
personally? we haven't the foggiest idea why we're a system. but the thing is, I don't think anybody else does either - I think it's genuinely impossible to know why your own consciousness is behind your own eyes and controlling your own body, why you *experience* existing in first-person at all. Like shit, lots of singlets believe it's because a soul has been created or introduced to their flesh, and a bunch of others think that's a load of crap and the chemicals just *do this* on their own. Singlets get this unalienable right to believe whatever the hell they want about why they're experiencing being themselves all the damn time, and I refuse to believe that systems are uniquely special in a way that singlets are not such that anyone can fucking flawlessly divine the cause of our consciousness all of a sudden. These are existential-tier questions and to deny their impossible complexity and the right to self-belief over them is, in my eyes, to deny systems something many singlets feel is part of what makes them human.
You can believe all sorts of stuff about the nature of your own systemhood just like how you can believe all sorts of stuff about the nature of your own existence - that doesn't make you definitively right, it's just a meaningful mechanism through which you understand your own experiences that other people should respect - it's like any faith, go figure.
Frustratingly, these words - traumagenic, endogenic - they're not talking about belief, they're objective buckets actively being used for exclusion. So every time we use the term "traumagenic systems", in saying "systems that objectively exist because of trauma" we are saying, loudly, "it is possible to know why a system exists". and frankly? no the fuck it isn't.
Anyway that's airy bullshit and reflects very idealised interactions so - practical, realist opinions, and harm reduction:
Saying "I'm pro-endo" is a net good, though I think "I support all systems" is probably marginally better because it doesn't perpetuate categories pushed by sysmeds for exclusionary reasons as being essential to defining systemhood - as we joked about.
Contrastingly, self-declaring "traumagenic" or "endogenic" in a bio is a net bad. Saying "I'm a traumagenic system" also says "Hello sysmeds, I believe in your dichotomy and I'm one of the good ones" (great way to get sysmed followers), and that factor doesn't go away if you go on to say that you support all systems - you've already thrown away your opportunity to shield more vulnerable systems from harassment through making who sysmeds need to target more obscure.
In fact, regardless of whether your bio says to sysmeds "I am a target" or "I'm not a target", by saying it explicitly, you're pressuring other, more vulnerable systems to similarly self-declare. It's like cis people putting pronouns in their bio to shield trans people from harassment through obscurity and embarrassment, but in reverse - if you shut up about it, and *just* call yourself a plural system, even if you do believe in their categorisations, you stop the propogation of the self-labelling and exclusionists are forced to make themselves look like idiots because most of their harassment would have to be done at random. It's basically herd immunity - nobody talks, everybody walks.
anyway yeah there's context for future, though honestly the section in plural respect is a lot more succinct lmao
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rosesrotofficial · 5 months ago
hi, i just wanted to ask why did ronin and angel break up? also, love your game, i think ive replayed it around 5 times now. thanks for answering, if you do <3
i have lots of thoughts about this... i feel like to explain why they broke up u need to know why they got together:
ronin and angel got together partly out of proximity: feeling like they were the only ones that understood each other. they were also the only people in the server at that point which meant for about 2 weeks it was just them flirting.
angel felt safe with ronin bc unlike the men she's been with before, he actually respects her boundaries and genuinely cares about her (the bar is in hell). the fact that ronin's a trans guy helps, too: angel felt a sense of safety in his transness cause like he's dealt with everything that comes with growing up afab; he understands in a way that her past relationships don't, or don't care to understand. and ronin is quite the devilish gentleman. like angel says in game, being with ronin is the first time she truly felt safe with anyone.
as an additional point, i think angel feels guilty about "using" ronin in this sense and fears invalidating his masculinity; "does ronin think that i think he's not 'really a man' which is why i'm with him and feel safe with him?? because i don't think that" but i feel like that's a whole other ask haha. angel has a lot to unpack i'm ngl. anyway ronins answer to that is stop worrying your pretty little head.
ronin felt safe with angel because he was subconsciously projecting ther, his first love (who he still has a lot of unprocessed feelings about) onto angel. angel gives him the push-pull of ther, but without the heartbreak that came with them. angel is "his girl", now, someone he can focus on and care about, someone that he can be with, who acts similar enough to ther that he can almost pretend it's them. (as for a fun fact, angel's VA is ther's VA from gluttony gods!) even though angel's not and will never be.
angel and ronin's relationship was more out of necessity: it helped angel process her feelings about men (to an extent) and helped ronin get closure too. after realising this though, they realised they worked better as friends - because they were mutually using the other to cope and process feelings, even if it was mutually beneficial.
thank you for your ask! <3 i'm glad you enjoyed the game so much :3
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indie-ttrpg-of-the-week · 1 year ago
Trans made TTRPGs
Due to… recent events that I would rather not talk about, today's post is a highlight of different tabletop games made by trans peeps! These games are fantastic in their own right, of course, but you can also know that they were made by incredibly cool and attractive people
(Also, these are flyover descs of the game, they'll get more in-depth singular posts later, this is because I am lazy)
Perfect Draw is a phenomenal card game TTRPG that was funded in less than a day on backerkit, it's incredibly fun and has simple to learn hard to master rules for creating custom cards, go check it out!
Songs for the dusk is fucking good, pardon my language, but it's a damn good post apocalyptic game about building community in a post-capitalist-post-apocalypse-post-whatever world. do yourself a favor and if you only check out one game in this list, check this one out, its a beautiful game.
Flying Circus is set in a WW1 inspired fantasy setting full of witches, weird eldritch fish people (who are chill as hell), cults, dead nobility, and other such things. It's inspired by Porco Rosso primarily but it has other touchstones.
Wanderhome is a game about being cute little guys going on a silly adventure and growing as the seasons change, its GMless and very fun
https://weregazelle.itch.io/armour-astir Armour Astir has been featured in here before but its so damn good I had to post it twice. AA demonstrates a fundamental knowledge of the themes of mech shows in a way that very few other games show, its awesome
Kitchen Knightmares is… more of a LARP but its still really dang cool, its about being a knight serving people in a restaurant, its played using discord so its incredibly accessible
https://grimogre.itch.io/michtim Michtim is a game about being small critters protecting their forest from nasty people who wish to harm it, not via brutal violence (sadly) but via friendship and understanding (which is a good substitute to violence)
ok this technically doesn't count but I'm putting it here anyways cuz its like one of my favorite ttrpgs of all time TSL is a game about baring your heart and dueling away with people who you'll probably kiss 10 minutes later, its very very fanfic-ey and inspired by queer narratives. I put it here because its made by a team, and the expansion has a setting specifically meant to be a trans "allegory", so I'll say it counts, honestly just go check it out its good shit
Mystic Lillies is a game inspired by ZUN's Touhou Project about witches dueling powerful foes, each other, and themselves. Mystic Lillies features rapid character creation and a unique diceless form of rolling which instead uses a standard playing card deck.
https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/141424/nobilis-the-game-of-sovereign-powers-2002-edition I… want to do a more general overview on Jenna K as an important figure in indie RPG design, but for now just know that Nobilis is good
https://temporalhiccup.itch.io/apocalypse-keys Apocalypse Keys is a game inspired by Doom Patrol, Hellboy, X-men, and other comics about monstrousness being an allegory for disenfranchisement. Apocalypse Keys is also here because its published by Evilhat so its very cleaned up and fancy but I love how the second you check out the dev's other stuff you can tell they are a lot more experimental with their stuff, this is not a critique, it is in fact a compliment
Fellowship! I've posted about this game before, but it is again here. Fellowship has a fun concept that it uses very well mostly, its a game about defining your character's culture, and I think that's really really cool
Voidheart Symphony is a really cool game about psychic rebellion in a city that really does not like you, the more you discover for yourself the better
Panic at the Dojo is a phenomenal ttrpg based on what the Brazilian would call "Pancadaria", which basically means, fucking other's people shit up. Character Creation is incredibly open and free, meaning that many character concepts are available
Legacy 2e is a game about controlling an entire faction's choices across time, its very fun
remember to be kind to a trans person today! oh also don't even try to be transphobic in the reblogs or replies, you will be blocked so fast your head will spin
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redgoldsparks · 1 month ago
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I went all out for Hourly Comics Day 2025! These took between 6-7 hours to draw across three days, and then another at least hour to scan and edit which I wasn't in the mood to do which is why they are a week late lol. Had a wonderful time at Lumacon though and I'm glad I was able to document it! Transcript below the cut :)
insta / patreon / portfolio / etsy / my books / print store / bluesky
Page 1
7:50am: Alarm goes off
Morning phone: check eSIMs, insta, discord, Spanish vocab 
El tiene pelo largo 
Jonathan Van Ness, is that you…?
Drops App 
8am: My friends gave me a delicious new black tea that’s very easy to over steep 
3 minutes seemed too long, but 2:30 was a bit weak… I’ll try 2:45… 
Honestly, I prefer a tea where I can leave the bag in the whole time I drink the cup… 
For the first time in many years I’m actually doing something cool on hourly comics day! Today is Lumacon! This is the show’s 11th year- I think I’ve only missed 1. For the first time, it’s raining on con day!
Page 2
I’m so glad we had another avocado!
This bagel was so chunky I cut it into perfect thirds. Perfection
It’s so rare that I’m awake before my parents… SIP
Should I write about Larrupin sauce? My friend Alina buys this for me up in Humboldt since it’s hard to find… 
Every object/moment suggests a story when I’m paying attention! 
8 to 9am
Page 3 
Pick up Martina! Very cute raincoat (@martinamonster-art )
Chatting and Ateez on the drive 9 to 9:30
OMG why am I drawing cars :( 
My newest zine is a recruitment zine for Authors Against Book Bans (AABB). 
I zero in on folks I know to be authors–
Maia: I want you– 
Author: Me? 
Maia: To join AABB! (info zine)
Author: Oh thanks! I will! 
Maia: This zine is so fun to hand out!
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Teen: Thank you so much for writing Gender Queen. I gave it to my mom and she credits it for a lot of her understanding. I came out as gender queer a year ago and she said “I love you.” I don’t know if that would have been possible without the book! 
Maia: Thank you for saying that! 
Different teen: I want to buy a copy of your book but I need to make more sales first. 
Maia: Where’s your table? 
Teen: Behind you 
I spot some of the cutest round crochet bois I’ve ever seen including a nonbinary bee
Maia: Can I please trade you a book for that bee?! 
Teen: OMG yes! 
You know it’s a good trade when both parties think they got the better deal! 
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I check in with Anna (@thebeanbaguette) 1pm 
Maia: How’s the con so far? 
Anna: Really good! I love how many furries are here! 
Maia: Oh yeah it’s fun
Maia: I had never seen the skull fursuit head before this show… for the size event it’s impressive furry turn out 
Cute goth/pastel couple 
Anna: To be honest, I’d love to get a fursuit head one day… and the hands! 
Anna: But I don’t know what animal…
(Table is covered in cute rats)
Later, another friend comments 
Cynthia: So many furries here! 
Maia: Yes, the per capita is very high… sign of a healthy ecosystem! 
(we all wore masks all day I just forgot to draw them) 
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My friend Nic comes to visit & cover my table during my lunch break- 2pm
Nic: Don’t worry I’ll do my best impersonation of you! I’ll even sign books with your name!
Maia: Okay, great, thanks!
Maia: (Has not had water, snack or bathroom break in 6 hours)
Later we chat with Gio, another friend about knowing when a story is done
Maia: I had a publisher reject a pitch basically saying “this isn’t fully baked yet” which… was true. 
Nic: Unfortunately I’m doing that to myself! I’m on the 4th draft of this short story that just needs to be done. 
Gio: But when it’s a personal project how do you know? 
Gio: When it’s my own work, no deadline, no editor, it’s tempting to just keep putting it back in the oven. But at what point are you like, I’m making crackers. I thought it was bread but it turned into crackers! 
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3-4pm last hour of the con
My parents came! My Taekwondo teacher came! A trans teen who came to my first Gender Queer event in 2019 came! I saw so many friends & my heart is full! Thank you Luma! 
Maia: I think I’m ready to go…
Table: EMPTY
Martina: Me too! 
Maia & Martina: LOOK 
Anna- nothing packed, stuff fully out
Anna: Haha, you go! I pack slowly! 
In the parking lot & rain 
Maia: I’m really glad you came! 
Martina: Thanks for talking me into it! 
Martina: You’ve been manifesting this since September! 
Maia: Haha yes, 
(I talked both Martina & Anna into applying for this show; Martina’s first zinefest table! 
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5pm I drive home 
after all the rain, the ditches & fields are flooded 
Maia (texting): I just got home
Anna (texting): I haven’t left the venue yet
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6pm I should be unpacking but I’m lying in bed looking at my phone! 
Maia: Wow so many hourlies! I haven’t even started! I’d rather read them on tumblr & patreon later. How is my finch doing? 
Nic incepted our entire friend group into the finch app back in January. I’m pretty hooked. In the finch app you make a little bird persona who travels the world & gains experiences. You give it energy & earn points by crossing items off your to do list & completing self care tasks like stretching or drinking water. 
Maia: To be honest, I don’t really need an app to help me do tasks. But look how cute my bird is!!! Also! You can get pets for your bird! I have five! Owl, seal, caribou, ball of fluff, cow
Later, I pet my real cat. 
Maia: Don’t worry you are my actual favorite pet. 
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7pm: Dinner with my parents. Big salad, fried tofu. We talk about clay deposits in odd places. 
My dad: There’s that Bentonite clay at Shell Beach! That’s the kind you want for poison oak rashes. 
My mom: And the deposit at school by the office, some teachers have kids use that for crafts. 
8pm: Formatting my January book reviews
I really like the monthly wrap-ups that Storygraph generates. 
Books: 11 Pages: 2855 Average Rating: 3.91
LGBTQIA: 5 Fantasy: 4 Comic: 4 Contemporary: 3 Romance: 3
9pm: I fall into the trap of looking at the news which I’ve avoided all day. Escape to tumblr where I discover some amazing Ranma ½ fanart. Should I reread it? 
10-12am: I draw the first 4 pages of these comics then go to bed! 
In total, drawing these takes 6 or 7 hours across 3 days. -Maia Kobabe 2025 
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 4 months ago
I interpreted the "adaptation from the manga" thing to imply that they'll animate the 3 Yuus (like you said) but my partner proposed smth to me that raised my concerns... what if they only animate Yuuka? or like- default to a female Yuu? I could see that bc it would be probably easier for them to have only one protagonist.
don't get me wrong I like Yuuka and I know a lot of TWST fans are women but since the studio involved is apparently known for shojos I'm scared they'll make it seem like the story is romantic/the game is an otome... Which I mean- we do have SOME fanservice stuff but it's definitely not a romance story. That's why I'm scared 😭 if they do go that path... I much rather prefer the disconnection (?) of having 3 different Yuus than the possibility of this...
Also I'm just 🥲 I'm scared ppl will see that and say ahhh So Yuu has always been a woman!! Because as a trans guy, one thing that rlly made me feel valid in a way was seeing that in the game Yuu has no gender at all... I don't go by they/them but I'd much rather be referred as that than to be misgendered. It's a small thing but it's such an important detail for me (the fact that Yuu is gender neutral/can be whatever u want them to be) that it being erased in the anime would make me pretty sad... even more if ppl take the anime as "confirmation" of Yuu's gender, which it wouldn't be regardless if they end up giving us a girl OR guy Yuu- it would just be another Yuu interpretation different from the game.
But yeah, personal stuff aside, I'm more scared by the possibility of them making it seem like it's a romance story 😭 or ppl calling TWST an otome... which I mean... some people already have that misconception, even some fans...
[Referencing this post and this news!]
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I definitely think they're probably leaning towards a new Yuu every season; otherwise, there would be a very uneven distribution of screen time for one Yuu over the others, and that leads into the problem of one Yuu being "more" canon than the rest. Yes, it will probably be easier logistically speaking to keep the same Yuu for the entire anime--but I also said the same thing when we only had the Episode of Heartslabyul manga, and look what happened with that. We ended up getting Yuuka and Yuuta following Yuuken, regardless of the logistical inconvenience of it all. I think if the anime intended to have a singular Yuu to follow for the main story, they would have chosen to adapt the light novel (which has Yuuya across multiple volumes) instead of the manga. The conscious decision to adapt the manga (with changing Yuus) says something to me. So really, I don't think we have to worry about one "kind" of Yuu dominating the anime. I took a look at the portfolios of the two studios collaborating for the Twst anime and didn't see a ton of shoujo myself. There was definitely a handful of them, but overall there was a spread of genres. I think Yumeta Company (one of the studios) has Tokyo Mew Mew New under its belt, which is probably one of its better-known works and maybe that's where the "they're known for doing shoujo" allegations are coming from? Don't quote me on that, though. I'm not someone who closely follows anime studios.
I would, however, like to point out that we shouldn't put all our stock into the studios behind the anime. Yes, they are obviously animating the project and thus have an influence on how the final product is. However, there are tons of other people involved (like the script writer) that will dictate how the anime looks and feels. (In fact, the script writer for the Twst anime, Kato Yoichi, is not known for writing shoujo.) I highly doubt all the staff involved at every possible level of production are conspiring to make Twst a genre it's not. (Related: I blame socialization for this, but it's a little sad that most of us by default think one woman + a bunch of men in a cast must be romantic.)
Now, to your main point. I understand the initial fear of people misunderstanding Twst as a dating sim/otome from how it is presented. Really, I do. I also understand the frustration that comes with people claiming Yuu's identity or gender or what have you is "confirmed". But to that, I ask you: so what? And I don't mean that in a "your feelings aren't valid" way (because your feelings are very valid!) I mean in like... Do these misconceptions others have truly impact your own enjoyment? Do the people believing in these falsehoods erase what you know is the truth? I would wager it doesn't. There has been and always will be those who see Twst or interpret Yuu as something they are not. Lots of us (myself included) thought Twst was an otome game when they first heard of its concept. People claimed Yuuken was the definitive Yuu when the first chapter of the manga dropped. That's fandom, especially the larger they get. If we fixate on those sore spots, it will ultimately make us unhappy because there will never be an end to misunderstandings. I would advise that you try and detach from those worries and just focus on having your own fun in the fandom rather than worrying about how others are consuming or reacting to Twst. Yes, we want Twst, a franchise we've seriously been invested in and love, to be seen a certain way--but I don't think that should come at the cost of your enjoyment. Fandom is meant to be fun, and we don't want to make ourselves miserable by stressing over the "what ifs", you know? Please focus on yourself!!
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denderfyr · 10 months ago
How the Undersiders would react to you coming out as trans
Rachel: does not care. To the point where you might wonder if she even understands. If you press her on it, she'll get annoyed. Her behaviour won't change towards you, but she'll respect your pronouns
Brian: dudes a man perpetuating and suffering under patriarchy. He'll be an ally, in the 'i have read a single article about how to talk to LGBTQ+ 'people'. Corporate an insincere. But you might be able to tell that he's trying. That's not the worst part. He'll hold you to societal standards of masculinity. Be manly, or be feminine. If you're a trans man, he'll hold you to that. *You* decided to be a Man, so he'll help you be a Man. If you're a trans woman, he'll hold you to feminine standards. "No you shouldn't lift the couch, that's a man's job." And "I'll let you do the shopping and cooking, you know how to do that, right?".
He'll also slip up, and then make a big deal out of it. "Her pronouns are he/him"
Aisha: she's gonna be a little shit about it. A couple of bad taste jokes, but you can tell that she's doing it in jest. She has a bit of her brother's idea of gender identity. But she'll follow your lead on how you want to be treated, unless she has decided to make you the butt of her joke.
Alec: bad. He'll make trans jokes that he saw on the internet, not knowing that they're Nazi dog whistles. Will try to respect your pronouns, fuck up, and then double down on it, because it's better to intentionally be hurtful than to make a mistake. He's trying to do the same stuff that Aisha is doing, by making light of the situation, but fucking it up.
Taylor: She'd either completely ignore you in favour of her current Mission. Or she'd make ' respecting you' into a task she's working on. It would show how she has made you a task. Reading up on how to respect trans people, and then follow the book like it's a recipe. And no, your input on this is *not* appreciated. Depending on who you are, you could either appreciate it, or feel strangled by it.
Lisa: you will not come out to her. She knew. When you met, she knew. She knew before you knew, and did not respect the prime directive. Constantly calling you by your preferred pronouns, before you knew what an egg was. If you're trans female, she'd have done stuff like: "girl talk, come on. I'm talking to you too." Or if you're a trans man, she'd be doing stuff like "I'll let the men handle that" and lump you in with Brian. She'd be super smug about it too.
The rest of the undersiders, I don't know enough about to make an accurate depiction of.
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