#I'm totally willing to accept good-bro Nightwing sometimes
kay-enemy Β· 7 months
There's a lot of talk about Dick being a bad sibling in Red Robin (true) and when Jason was Robin (less true), but today I want to focus on how he treated Cass after her villain arc:
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As though Dick has never done anything wrong and been forgiven?? Like bruh, you beat a man to death (Joker, so hardly undeserved) and still get to be "family" (a dubious honor, tbh).
And just to be clear, he was fully aware Cass was only "evil" because she was drugged and manipulated:
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He's a real piece of work in this scene:
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And hey, for once Bruce isn't being awful! (If only he would take his own advice about fighting (read: abusing) family...)
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Yeah, definitely not a great big brother if he doesn't even think his sister deserves a second chance. Is this the kind of person who should be trusted with beating up criminals?
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All screenshots from Batgirl vol 2 #1 (2008)
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