scftglows · 2 years
♥️ ♣️ Send a playing card to my ask box! ♦️ ♠️
A♥️ - Who was the first person your muse ever fell in love with? 2♥️ - What’s your muse’s family like? 3♥️ - How would your muse react to a confession of love? 4♥️ - What are your muse’s thoughts on starting/raising a family? 5♥️ - What was your muse’s most heartbreaking separation/divorce/etc? 6♥️ - What sort of charity work has your muse done? 7♥️ - Has your muse ever cheated or been cheated on? 8♥️ - How well does your muse perform in social situations? 9♥️ - Has your muse ever had unrequited feelings for someone? 10♥️ - What was the last party or social event your muse went to? J♥️ - Who does your muse consider their best friend? Q♥️ - Who is someone special that your muse always thinks about? K♥️ - Who does your muse look up to as a role model?
A♣️ - What’s your muse’s strongest talent? 2♣️ - What topics of conversation does your muse enjoy the most? 3♣️ - How creative is your muse? 4♣️ - What does your muse have the most passion for? 5♣️ - What would your muse change about their current lifestyle? 6♣️ - How do your muse’s “gut feelings” usually turn out? 7♣️ - Has your muse ever felt “trapped”, either figuratively or literally? 8♣️ - What is your muse the most stubborn about? 9♣️ - What is your muse’s proudest accomplishment? 10♣️ - When was the last time your muse took a vacation or trip? J♣️ - Who does your muse trust the most? Q♣️ - Do other people consider your muse charming? K♣️ - How important is integrity to your muse?
A♦️ - What is the most important message your muse has ever received? 2♦️ - How important is money to your muse? 3♦️ - How does your muse handle indecision? 4♦️ - Is your muse more of the patient or instant gratification type? 5♦️ - How often does your muse change plans? 6♦️ - Is your muse responsible with their money? 7♦️ - When was your muse the most down on their luck? 8♦️ - Has your muse ever received money or gifts from a mysterious benefactor? 9♦️ - How much money does your muse spend on average? 10♦️ - How financially successful is your muse? J♦️ - Who does your muse do the most business with? Q♦️ - Has your muse ever been gossiped about or participated in gossip? K♦️ - If your muse were to start their own business, what would it be?
A♠️ - What was the most painful loss your muse had to go through? 2♠️ - How often does your muse wish to be left alone? 3♠️ - Does your muse ever let anyone see them cry? 4♠️ - What’s the worst injury your muse has ever recovered from? 5♠️ - Has your muse ever had to change their lifestyle in a major way? 6♠️ - Does your muse believe in fate/destiny? 7♠️ - What’s a hard truth that your muse has to learn/has learned? 8♠️ - What does your muse work the hardest for? 9♠️ - Has your muse ever felt forced to change? 10♠️ - How does your muse cope with grief? J♠️ - Who would your muse most likely end up in jail with? Q♠️ - Does your muse manipulate others easily or are they easily manipulated? K♠️ - What is one thing your muse considers a grave injustice?
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scftglows · 2 years
𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬
please link this post somewhere where people can see the original :-)
—————— ♡
blush— are you single, taken, crushing, or not interested? or is it complicated?
ballet slipper— with only one word, describe how you feel at this moment
rose quartz— what’s your love language (romantic or platonic)?
watermelon— have you ever had to reject anyone romantically? how did it go?
fuchsia— describe your personality in three words!
rose— do you believe in soulmates? why or why not?
coral— what’s something you’re passionate about?
carnation— how important are “looks” to you in a relationship?
blossom— would you get a tattoo? if so, what would it be of?
salmon— would you prefer a partner who is an introvert or an extrovert? why?
pastel pink— do you prefer to dress up and go out or stay in and relax?
bubblegum— how do you feel about your love life right now? are you happy with it?
champagne— what’s your favorite form of physical affection, if any at all?
hibiscus— what’s your favorite pet name, if any? why?
hot pink— what’s your favorite relationship trope?
flamingo— would you say you’re clingy in relationships and friendships?
cherry pink— when it comes to loved ones, are you openly affectionate or are you more reserved?
peach syrup— have you ever had an internet crush on a mutual on this app or another app?
pink magnolia— would you say that you develop crushes quickly?
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scftglows · 2 years
               (   @alcxpark   )
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scftglows · 2 years
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video call with jennie
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scftglows · 2 years
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Jennie Kim - Instagram, 10.04.22
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scftglows · 2 years
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she was way calmer than him. despite the fact that alex knew that this was hurting her as much. how could it not?. yet here she was: as polite and delicate as ever. a few of the many reasons why he had fallen for her in the first place. him on the other hand?, too emotional for his own good when things got stressful. which was also one of the many reasons why they worked so well together: they balanced each other. in any other scenario, this is the part where he’d ask if she’s okay, and when her walls were down: they’d cuddle it out. but things weren’t as easy anymore, and that was the most painful reminder for him. alex really wished there was a way he could tell her that he still cared like he did back then, like he never stopped doing. a constant internal struggle between wanting to end this moment as quickly as possible to save her more pain, and wanting to stay here forever. 
relief washing over him when she confirmed that this was a papparazzi free zone. a warm feeling invading him when she said here it was ‘safe’ with her. because she was right: it was. she still felt like home. and an equally warm smile couldn’t help but creep in the corner of his lips. however: her next sentence made his heart sink. “oh-”, was all that he could let out, smile abruptly fading. his chest hadn’t felt as heavy since the night they said goodbye. so, she knew. she had seen him ‘in love’ again with someone new: seemingly completely moved on from her. the confirmation that his bullshit act had gone as far to be potentially hurting josie was enough to bring the lump in his throat back. tears forming in his eyes again. he kept his head down for a few, fighting them back as he anxiously played with the sand. though one quickly escaped him, but he wiped it so fast that he hoped josie didn’t notice. thankfully, the awkward silence was interrupted when the conversation circled back to her upcoming project. 
“i can’t believe it either… it’s just, wow!”, he couldn’t help but fanboy a little. it’s not everyday that your greatest love ends up involved with your favorite franchise. but it wasn’t his place anymore to brag about it. “but hey, i’m really proud of you. you deserve it more than anyone”, and his voice was as soft as the smile he gave her right after. meaning every word. though heat suddenly invaded his cheeks, a taint of blush taking over him when she talked about his projects now. “y-you heard crying over it all?”, it had been his saddest album to date (for obvious reasons), and if she managed to make it through the whole thing: he knew it was as painful for her to hear it, than it was for him to write it. “but thank you! we landed a travis barker feature and it still feels so surreal, highlight of my career so far. someone let 12 year old me know”, and his smile was wide and bright. alex was probably at the peak of his career right now, and as amazing as that was: a part of him never stopped wishing that josie was still by his side to celebrate all these achievements with her. “but i’m not wearing the right clothes… and i’m drinking from a plastic cup, disappointing the baby turtles”, he kidded as he raised his cup. the first joke he did around her in three years… why didn’t it feel like it had been three years?. “though i bet i still can beat you to get there first” 
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             alex’s   smile   fades,   and   josie   notices.       he’s   struggling   internally,   and   she   sighs   once   again,   gaze   shifting   from   his   to   the   sea.       “   don’t   worry,   alex.       i’m   not   sad   or   angry…       i   want   you   to   be   happy,   and   yeah—it’s   hard   seeing   you   happy   without   me,   but   i   can’t   be   selfish.   ”       a   pause   for   she   squeezes   her   eyes   shut,   feeling   the   sting   of   tears   behind   eyelids   as   a   deep   breath   is   taken.       her   heart   swells   up   with   misery,   and   it   almost   feels   to   large   for   her   chest.          “   i   can’t   expect   you   to   never   find   love   again,   i   mean…       it’s   been   three   years.       i   knew   you’d   eventually   move   on.   ”       she   explains   in   a   low,   dangerously   cracking   tone.       voice   so   shaky   and   fragile,   and   josie   despises   it.       “   you   are—were   the   love   of   my   life,   my   best   friend,   my   family…       so   if   you’re   happy,   don’t   hold   back,   not   because   of   me.   ”       a   genuine   smile   tug   on   the   corners   of   her   lips,   and   eyes   finally   open   to   meet   his,   and   the   little   tears   pooled   in   the   corners   of   her   eyes   are   noticeable.       “   now   onto   happy   things,   shall   we   ?       want   to   tell   me   about   them   ?   ”
               “   thank   you.       i’ll   have   to   dye   my   hair   e-girl   style   at   some   point   in   the   next   few   months,   but   it’s   so   worth   it.       i   mean,   it’s  marvel   !   ”       he   was   the   first   person   who   came   to   mind   after   getting   the   role.       she   went   as   far   as   dialing   his   number,   as   far   as   hitting   the   call   button   and   letting   it   ring   once,   but   she   hit   the   red   button   soon   after.       “   i—yeah.       you   really   outdid   yourself   with   that   album.       the    lyrics   were   just—powerless   and   crying   over   it   all   were   my   favorites.   ”       and   she’ll   leave   out   the   fact   she   cried   when   she   heard   crying   over   it   all   for   the   first   time.       she’ll   leave   out   the   part   that   she   pulled   out   their   memory   box   from   deep   in   her   closet   when   powerless   started   playing.       and   she’ll   pretend   she   never   reminisced   about   their   relationship   over   the   years   while   listening   to   rare;   going   through   every   polaroid,   every   ticket   snippet,   every   love   note.       and   she’ll   never   admit   she   wore   his   old   sweatshirt   to   bed   that   night,   that   his   scent   was   faint,   but   still   there,   still   everywhere.       “   oh,   i’m   sure.       he   was   like,   one   of   your   dream   colabs,   wasn’t   he   ?       right   there   with   avril   lavigne,   i’m   sure.   ”       a   smile   appears   on   rosy   lips   as   he   jokes,   but   she   casts   a   roll   of   eyes   in   his   direction   anyway.       “   just   chug   it,   ”       she   simply   says   with   a   shrug   of   shoulders,   rather   matter-of-factly.       though   soon   there’s   a   bet   involved   and   she’s   smirking.       “   you   know   i   work   out   for   btvs   right   ?       i   really   don’t   think   you   thought   this   through,   but   you’re   so   on—   ”   and   she   wastes   no   time   getting   up   and   running   towards   the   water,   knowing   damn   well   he’d    catch   up   to   her.
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scftglows · 2 years
                out  of  all  the  people  in  the  world  danielle  could’ve  met  up  with  again,  it  had  to  be  josette.  they  used  to  be  friends,  childhood  friends  even.  however,  she  was  the  reason  her  acting  dreams  were  crushed.  bribing  the  staff  member  to  give  her  the  part?  that  was…  disgusting  and  disrespectful  —  it  tainted  their  friendship  and  as  loyal  as  danielle  was,  she  simply  couldn’t  get  over  it.  she  stopped  talking  to  josette.  today,  however,  they  were  both  here  at  republique  and  danielle  was  spotted,  meaning  that,  unfortunately  for  her,  she  couldn’t  leave.  there  was  nothing  she  could  do  except  face  the  music.               “  josie…  ”  what  does  she  even  say  to  someone  like  her?  while  it  destroyed  her  passion  for  acting,  she  had  definitely  seen  the  other  on  television.  “  what  are  you  doing  here?  ”
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          friends   grow   apart,   josie   understands   that—but   her   friendship   with   danielle   ended   so   abruptly   that   they   couldn’t   call   it   growing   apart.       one   day,   danielle   simply   walked   past   josie   in   the   hallway.       she   didn’t   look   at   josie,   she   didn’t   stop   by   josie’s   locker   to   wait   for   her,   she   didn’t   save   josie   a   seat   at   the   cafeteria.       but   danielle   isn’t   the   only   one   to   blame.       josie   should’ve   insisted   in   their   friendship,   should’ve   asked   what   she’s   done   wrong,   what   she   could   do   to   fix   it.       josie   told   herself   she   just   got   busy;   she   got   the   lead   role   of   juliet   in   their   school’s   production   of   romeo   &   juliet   after   all.       and   that’s   where   their   story   ended—with   josie   joining   the   theater   kids   and   blooming   in   an   early   acting   career. but,   that   was   then.       now—now   danielle   looks   a   bit   older,   her   hair’s   gotten   a   little   longer,   and   she   seems   a   lot   more   mature.       josie   simply   can’t   help   herself   and   approaches   the   other,   to   apologize   for   whatever   she’s   done,   and   maybe,   just   maybe,   get   a   friend   out   of   it.       “   dani   !   ”       she   greets,   smile   upon   lips,   with   an   arm   open   as   she   goes   for   a   hug,   but   the   other’s   question   stops   her.       “   uh…       getting   coffee   ?   ”       teeth   bites   down   on   lower   lip,   brows   lift   slightly.       “   is   this   seat   taken   ?       maybe   i   could   buy   you   a   coffee,   and   we   can   catch   up.   ”
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scftglows · 2 years
to say that the evening had been quiet  would be putting it mildly.  usually there was some flow of street traffic,  the odd person popping in to browse or ask if they had this book or that book,  but tonight,  nothing for hours.  she’d set about reorganizing the fiction section,  the one most often left in disarray,  and had an earbud in,  music cranked too-loud.  which would explain how she didn’t hear the cheerful jingle of the bell above the door or the person approaching until she’d accidentally knocked into them,  scattering the novels in her arms all over.
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“ shit, sorry ! ”  she apologized, a hand resting on the shelf to steady herself and another pulling her earbud from her ear.  “ anything i can help you with? ”
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               the   door   jingles   as   josie   pushes   it   open,   a   gust   of   wind   following   her   inside   the   bookstore,   slightly   tousling   dark   brown   hair.       she   pushes   her   sunglasses   up,   leaving   them   to   rest   at   the   top   of   her   head,   as   she  explores   the   aisles,   that   until   she   bumps   into   another   body.      “   oh,   no—that   was   completely   my   fault   !   ”       hand   reaches   up   to   hold   the   other   by   the   shoulder,   to   steady   herself   and   the   stranger.       “   i   should   be   the   one   offering   to   help   !       you   dropped   all   of   these   books...       i’m   really   sorry.   ”       and   josie   hunkers   down   to   collect   them.
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scftglows · 2 years
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of course the thing he’s hoping doesn’t happen… happens. alex should have known better: there was no way out now. at least not an easy way out. as much as he wished he would have just kept walking to his car to try and forget this ever happened, he couldn’t. it had never been easy to walk away from her. he was never able to: he might have physically done so, but his heart never left her. and then the brief feeling of her touch, one he never thought he’d ever feel again, sent shivers down his spine. the final straw to have him almost completely breaking down right there. he let out a big sigh, squeezing eyes shut and clenching teeth as he kept fighting the lump in his throat. a deep breath before turning. he probably should have politely declined and made his way out instead. but her soothing voice was a tender caress to his soul, now that he needed it more than ever. “mhm”, was all that he could hum as he agreed with a light nod before following her, an almost child like innocence in the look he gave her. a silent way of letting her know that she was right and he really needed this moment, a confirmation that she still could perfectly read him. alex knew that josie quickly could tell that he wasn’t okay, and this was the best way she could find to comfort him right now: and that warmed his heart to no end.  
sitting right beside her, yet keeping a reasonable enough distance: alex stood in silence for a moment, simply contemplating the waves crashing. it was so calming… to have her around. she still could comfort him like no one ever could without even saying a single word. as much as he wished he could tell her everything that was really happening, this was enough for now. his anxiety levels decreasing, though it all abruptly came back when the possible consequences of what he was doing right now suddenly hit him. “i-is this a pap free zone?”, he quietly asked, eyes still fixated on the ocean, completely regretting it as soon as that left his mouth. the first proper thing he says to her in three years and it’s a selfish thought like being worried about getting caught with her in public?. oh boy, he really fucked this up, didn’t he?. what concept could she have of him right now?. “i-, just i mean… i, i- had a terrible day and potentially coming back home to the internet making more assumptions about me probably wouldn’t help at all”, he quickly added right after as he scratched his neck: a habit he had when he was nervous. hoping she’d get what he truly meant, that she wouldn’t think he could ever feel ashamed of this, of her. “i’m, i’m sorry, i just-”, he paused, a small sigh. now his anxiety somehow was worse over the thought that he hurt her with such stupid question and he was beginning to ramble. “congrats on landing luna snow… that’s, so sick”, he managed to say before finally glancing at her, offering a small soft smile. that fact was all over the news, so it shouldn’t give away the times he’s felt weak enough to look her up on social media to find out what she’d been up to. 
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               there’s   a   distinct   contradiction   of   emotions   within   her;   how   they   are   felt   and   how   they   are   displayed.       josie’s   heart   got   brutally   ripped   into   pieces   when   their   eyes   met,   when   she   heard   his   voice,   when   she   touched   his   skin.       but   years   of   acting   and   pretending   to   be   perfect   built   a   strong   version   of   her,   one   that   doesn’t   let   emotions   out   until   she’s   locked   inside   her   bathroom,   sobbing   in   the   bathtub   as   water   washes   it   all   away.       thus,   she’ll   comfort   him,   well   aware   that   he’ll   leave,   and   when   he   leaves—when   he   returns   to   his   new   partner,   to   his   skyrocketing   career   and   thousands   of   fans—there   won’t   be   anyone   to   comfort   her.       still,   there   she   stays,   eyes    shut   and   steady   breathing,   as   if   she’s   not   as   delicate   as   she   looks,   as   if   she   doesn’t   need   healing.
               his   words   break   the   comfortable   silence,   makes   it   awkward.       eyes   flutter   open,   lips   part   as   she   fishes   for   an   answer   in   her   mind.       and   he   corrects   himself,   but   it   doesn’t   make   her   feel   any   better.       “   uhm...       kind   of.       i’ve   been   coming   here   every   week   for   the   past   couple   years   or   so,   and   no   paps   so    far.       a   few   fans   ask   for   pictures   every   now   and   then   though,   ”       she   reveals   softly,   resting   her   head   on   her   knees,   her   intense   gaze   meeting   his.       “   don’t   worry,   there   won’t   be   rumors   about   us,   it’s   safe—here,   with   me.       i   know   you   met   someone.   ”       a   quiet   sigh   leave   rosy   lips,   gaze   drifts.       index   finger   draws   tiny   hearts   and   stars   in   the   sand   between   them.       she   assumes   that’s   the   reason   behind   his   concern—his   new   partner   finding   out   they   were   together,   alone,   at   the   beach.       she   gets   it.       “   yeah,   thanks.       i   still   can’t   believe   i’m   gonna   be   a   marvel   superhero   !   ”
               “   and   by   the   way,   congrats   on   your   new   album.       i   haven’t   listened   to   it   yet,   but   if   it’s   half   as   good   as   crying   over   it   all,   i’m   sure   your   fans   are   obsessed   with   it.   ”       and   she   wants   to   say   she’ll   love   it   too,   but   after   their   2020’s   album,   she   simply   can’t   listen   to   his   songs   anymore.       not   when   she’s   aware   some   of   these   songs   were   written   about   her.       it’s   their   story   in   lyric   form;   their   love,   their   heartbreak,   their   pain.       “   is   there   anything   i   can   do   to   make   your   day   less   terrible   ?       wanna   go   for   a   swim   ?   ”       she   suggests   as   eyebrows   lift   in   challenge.       smug,   daring   smile   tugging   at   the   corners   of   her   lips.
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scftglows · 2 years
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the meeting with his label went exactly how alex expected: a complete disaster. the only good thing about its headquarters being located in santa monica, was that he could always run off to the beach when it all got too much: get some fresh air to clear his head. though his visits were usually over being too nervous before releasing something, this was the first time that he was heading here over having his heart broken by the people he never thought would cause such pain to him. a quick stop to his favorite juice shop: and alex soon found himself walking by the shore. getting lost into how good his mango pineapple smoothie was, and the peace that the waves crashing gave him: he ended up tripping over someone who was quietly sitting in the sand. “oh my God… i’m so sorry, i w-”, he couldn’t even finish his sentence before he completely froze, feeling his soul leave his body when noticing who was in front of him now. 
of all places?… it was as if he had manifested her over how much he had been thinking her lately (more than usual) over now being ‘again’ in a very public ‘relationship’. sharing to the world very similar moments he lived with her: but that was genuine, and this other thing felt so wrong. he suddenly began to wonder if josie had heard about it all by now, and that only made his heart sink further. “i… i had no idea you’d be here, i just, i was, i-”, he rambled, his voice trembling. this was the first time he directly addressed her ever since the night they parted ways, and he certainly wasn’t ready for such. let alone feeling at his worst after his pathetic meeting. and this was L.A after all… what if there were cameras around them? what would a ‘is alex park cheating on nadine luna with josie choi?, oh my God Jolex is back!’ type of scandal mean to his little facade?. would it fuck everything up?. he had to get out of here fast. “listen i… i d-didn’t wanna interrupt the moment you were having so i’ll just… yeah imma just… yeah. s-sorry”, he awkwardly motioned behind him, turning now in an attempt to flee the scene as he also fought back the tears threatening to form in his eyes as he began to walk the other way. 
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              santa   monica   beach   has   always   been   josie’s   favorite   place.       she   finds   comfort   in   the   way   waves   crash   along   the   shoreline   and   retreat   back,   in   the   smell   of   salt   water,   in   what   the   ocean   represents   —   gentle   and   smooth   at   times,   rough   and   terrible   at   others.       she   visits   the   beach   at   least   once   a   week,   drinks   her   iced   tea,   watches   the   sun   set.       it’s   almost   a   ritual   to   keep   her   sanity.       and   she’s   there,   sitting   on   the   sand,   bucket   hat   on   her   head   to   avoid   paparazzis,   but   nothing   shields   her   from   the   man   that   got   tangled   in   her   legs.       though   eyes   meet   and   she’s   just   about   now   wishing   he   was   a   paparazzi   instead.       “   it’s   okay,   ”       she   mumbles,   hand   rubbing   her   shin.       
               and   she   curses   herself   when   her   rosy   lips   stretch   into   a   soft   smile.       why   does   she   still   find   all   that   stuttering   endearing   ?       “   alex   !       you   don’t   have   to   go.   ”       she   tells,   and   follows   him   for   good   measure,   fingers   circling   his   wrist   to   stop   him.       “   i   mean—   ”       she   looses   her   grip,   hand   returning   to   her   side.       “   it’s   a   big   beach...       we   can   share   it.       you   look   like   you   could   use   some   soothing   ocean   sounds.   ”       she   reads   him   so   well;   three   years   later   and   she   still   knows   him   like   she   knows   her   own   mind.       something   happened,   she’s   sure   of,   but   she’s   in   no   position   to   ask   about   it,   to   comfort   him.       instead,   she    gestures   to   where   she   previously   had   been   sitting   and   finally   returns   to   her   spot,   hoping,   wishing   he’s   following   behind.
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scftglows · 2 years
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         ⤿          instagram   feed:   @josie   +   @vampslayer13
featuring   @alcxpark   &   some   celeb   follows   !
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scftglows · 2 years
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La La Land (2016) dir. Damien Chazelle
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scftglows · 2 years
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jennie with light brown hair 💙
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scftglows · 2 years
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(   jennie   kim,   cis-woman,   25,   she/her   )       ⎯⎯⎯⎯       welcome   to   sunny   los   angeles,   𝐉𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄   𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈   !       we   heard   you’re   quite   + 𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒,   but   at   the   same   time,   you   can   be   a   little   - 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄.       i   hope   it   doesn’t   impact   your   job   as   an   𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒   too   much.       either   way,   kick   your   feet   up   !       we’ll   see   you   around   town   ―   especially   at   𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀   𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀   𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇.
                                                  introduction.                                       tw:  pregnancy   +   miscarriage.                                 pinterest   ▪︎   spotify  ▪︎   musings   ▪︎   connections
gleam   of   moonlight   on   light   brown  hair;   the   sound   of   une   barque   sur  l'ocean   echoing   from   another   room;   rehearsed   smiles;   scribbles   over   sheet   music;   rolled   up   sleeves   of   oversized   sweaters;   a   spot   of   sunlight;   tear   soaked   pillows;   tangled   knots   of   headphones;   a   collection   of   stashed   away   polaroids;   empty   streets   in   autumn   nights.
full   name:   josette   ann   choi.     nickname(s):   josie.     age:   twenty-five.     birthdate:   december   13th,   1996.     zodiac:   sagittarius   sun,   virgo   moon,   pisces   rising.     gender:   cis-woman.     pronouns:   she/her.     sexual   +   romantic   orientation:   bisexual   +   biromantic.    marital   status:   single.     birth   place:   miami,   fl.     current   residency:   los   angeles,   ca.     occupation:   actor;   buffy   summers   in   hbo’s   hit   reboot   series   ‘buffy   the   vampire   slayer’   +   luna   snow   in   marvel’s   upcoming   film   ‘agents   of   atlas’.
the   choi   family   comes   from   a   line   of   success;       her   father   was   a   renowed   oscar   winner   film   director   whilst   her   mother   was   a   famous   actress.       thus,   when   josie   was   born,   her   whole   life   was   already   mapped   out   for   her.       
they   were   good,   loving   parents.   they   simply   had   high   expectations   for   their   only   daughter.   they   wanted   josie   to   live   up   to   their   name,   and   she   never  disappointed.       a    child   prodigy   in   every   sense   of   the   word;   from   the   grades   she   got,   to   the   natural   gift   for   the   piano,   to   the   scripts   she   could   memorize   within   minutes,   to   the   friends   she  kept   and   the   way   she   presented   herself   in   public.       she   was   perfect   and   she   played   the   part   well.
at   the   age   of   fourteen,   josie   already   knew   what   she   wanted   to   do   for   the   rest   of   her   life   -   acting.   she's   aware   of   her   nepotism   privilege,   that   she   received   far  more   opportunities   than   any   other   teen   actor   at   the   beginning   of   their   career,   but   her   hard   working   and   kind-hearted   nature   shows   she   doesn’t   take   it   for   granted.
josie   starred   in   a   few   short   films   throughout   her   teenage   years,   appeared   in   the   newest   installment   of   the   horror   film   fear   street,   had   a   supporting   role   in   an   oscar   winning   film   directed   by   her   father,   and   currently   plays   buffy   summers   in   hbo's   reboot   series   buffy   the   vampire   slayer   (i’m a huge btvs fan dont @ me).       she   was   recently   cast   to   star   in   marvel's   agents   of   atlas   as   luna   snow.
in   2018,   during   an   after   party   her   best   friend   dragged   her   to,   she   was   introduced   to   a   boy,   whom   she   connected   with   instantly.       he’s   sweet,   and   he’s   kind,   and   he’s   in   a   band   and   that’s   so   hot,   and   he   collects   comic   books   and   that’s   so   endearing,   and   they   spent   the  whole   night   with   one   another,   getting   to   know   each   and   every   little   aspect   of   each   other.
love   happened,   she   fell   for   him   hard   and   fast.       he   was   healing   from   a   broken   heart   and   she   was   experiencing   being   in   love   for   the   first   time.       their   fans   absolutely   loved   them   together;   she’d   go   to   his   concerts   and   blush   furiously   whenever   he   sang   josie   by   blink-182,   he’d   be   her   date   for   every   award   show,   film   festival   and   promotional   event.
they   were   happy   and   in   a   healthy   relationship,   and   near   their   first   aniversary,   they   found   out   she   was   pregnant.       they   only   told   their   parents   and   their   closest   friends.       seeing   as   they   shared   so   much   of   their   life   online   already,   they   wanted   to   go   through   the   beginning   of   the   pregnancy   by   themselves,   without  the   stress   of   paparazzis   or   other   people's   opinions.
but   life   threw   a   curveball   and   she   miscarriaged   during   the   first   trimester.       the   pain   was   too   great   to   bear,   and   as   much   as   they   loved   each   other,   love   wasn't   enough   to   keep   them   together.       they   went   their   separate   ways   and   never   announced   their   breakup,   to   this   day   they're   tagged   in   photos   together   on   instagram   and   in   long   twitter   threads.
more   than   ever,   josie   immersed   herself   in   work,   often   neglecting   friends   and   family   to   prioritize   her   job.       she   still   needs   to   heal,   but   she   doesn’t   give   herself   time   to.
     ✔     courageous,   energetic,   passionate,   ambitious,   versatile.
     ✘     sensitive,   stubborn,   confrontational,   ruthless,   straightforward.
vienna   by   billy   joel   pretty   much   sums   her   up   </3
kinda   has   a   really   soft   voice,   and   if   ppl   say   "can   you   speak  a   little  louder?“  it   makes   her   want   to   die
idk   why   i   always   feel   compelled   to   say   this   but   she’s   5'4’‘   <3
t-swift   stan  !
obsessed   with   animals   +   if   ur   muse’s   got   a   pet   she   inevitably   loves   them   and   their   pet   <3
kinda   dabbles   a   lil   bit   in   writing   lyrics
plays   the   piano  like   a   pro
has   a   finsta   <3
yoga   wh*re   and   will   drag   ur   muse   to   classes   if   u   let   her
she   was   a   guest  to   the   late   late   show   with   james   corden   once   and   played   spill   your   guts  /   fill   your   guts   and   when   james   asked   the   reason   behind   her   and   alex’s   breakup,   she   ate   bull   penis   </3
balenciaga   brand   ambassador   <3
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scftglows · 2 years
tag   dump   !
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