#I'm thinking about all the planning and the scheming and the promises of revenge
joonsytip Β· 9 months
Withering for You || Seungcheol- Part 4
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Pairings: Seungcheol x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, CEO! Seungcheol au, Husband! Seungcheol au, Wife! Reader au, Music Teacher! Reader au, Arranged Marriage au, College Sweetheart au, Exes to Lovers au
Synopsis: When you are arranged married to the man, whose heart you had broken years ago, even dreaming about mending things seems next to impossible when he has been holding grudge for all these only to return it to you tenfold.
Warnings (specific to this part): drama, crying, profanities, everyone is hurt and sad, everything is on rocks, mentions of infidelity (doesn't happen to though), mention of alcohol consumption, betrayal, italics represents occurrences in past
Word Count: 6.3k
Banner credits to my baby @hoeforhao <3
[ SVT Masterlist ] [ SVT Flick - Fic Masterlist ]
Teaser | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Epilogue
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They say betrayal is worse than death if you taste it from someone you trust, someone you love. It's stingy, it's sickening, it's scathing.
You have always believed in soulmates, entitled Seungcheol to that word since you've known him, even wanted to make promises of eternity with him. But you should have seen the signs, should have never crossed the lines. Must not have tried to slip into the loopholes.
But you got blinded by greed, a hopeful stance of getting back together. Was it so wrong to wish a happily ever after with the one you have loved selflessly? Apparently it was.
"Sit.", you tell Seungcheol and the later obeys.
And as he does so his eyes fall on a very familiar document kept on the table. Instantly, he goes numb.
You observe him for a moment and play the recordings Jiah had given you. Midway, a panic stricken Seungcheol runs to you and pauses the recording.
He grabs your arms and says in desperation, "I didn't do all this Y/N. I admit I had planned all this because I wanted revenge but please trust me, it wasn't me."
"Unhand me.", you command him coldly, "Your touch disgusts me."
Seungcheol looks at you alarmingly before freeing your arms. He thinks of ways to convince you because in actuality, like he said he had planned it all but something out of scope happened. He fell in love with you again so long gone were all of those thoughts and schemes.
"What goes around, surely comes around.", you let out a chuckle, "Maybe that's why, I'm going through this. I get that you wanted to trample me upon. It's fair, to think about what you've been through because of me, I could have understood.", you look at him, "You could have handed me the divorce papers on our anniversary. Could have had other women and it would have wounded me. But-"
The tears pooling at the corner of your eyes are streaming down, "But how could you stoop so low? Knowing how much this academy matters to me, knowing what music means to me, you went out to attack my soul."
"No Y/N, I was a fool, please please", Seungcheol is crying as well, choking on his words, "It was wrong of me but I would never--"
"They are calling me a thief. Because of this incident those out there are questioning my whole career. The career, I've pursued after fighting the odds, after struggling for years. The one thing that is entirely mine.", your eyes turn darker as you say, "You could have rather killed me, Seungcheol."
Seungcheol gasps and shakes his head frantically.
"Even if I clear my name today, there will be people who'll still doubt my ability. Some out there would assume that I might be guilty and just because I belong to an influential family, I must have pushed everything under the rug with money.", you are hurting yourself with every word you utter at this point, clutching your chest, "My image is tainted, my career is ruined. They will never look at me the same way."
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry Y/N", he gets on his knees and clasps his hands, pleading, "I would do anything to clear your name. I'd do anything to win back your trust just give me one chance--"
You take his hands off you saying, "I have always loved you, Seungcheol. Back then, even now, I have chosen you. But none of that matters now. You have stabbed me in the back but I'll be one to pay the price. I thought you'd be different but these genes run in your family. I can't even blame Jiah. You Choi's are no different from her--", you halt.
"What do you mean?", Seungcheol asks confused.
"As I said none of that matters now. You are so petty that you acted out the whole thing. You don't love me and from today onwards I won't either.", you answer him, taking out the wedding ring from your dress pocket, "Here, I'm giving you what you wanted.", you take his hand and place the ring on his palm, "Congratulations! This marriage didn't get through it's first year. But I have a present for you. I have filed for divorce, the papers will be sent to you as soon as they're ready."
Seungcheol is at loss of words. He's unable to comprehend the situation. He wants to stop you but on what ground? The irreversible damage is already done.
"I have all of my belongings sent over.", you inform him, "And if you're planning to create a fuss about the divorce and what's gonna happen after the conference, head on. I won't be giving up like last time. I'll see through the end of it."
"It's happening again", he tells himself and sounds so broken when he speaks through his wavering voice, "Please don't leave me again."
"I had no choice, I was forced to leave you back then", you mutter under your breath, making it impossible for him to hear, "I was willing to stay this time but I have to leave, this time for my sake."
While you gather the rest of your belongings, Seungcheol stands there helpless. And as you walk out of the house, he watches you take away the life of his adobe with you.
Seungcheol numbly tunes in to watch the press conference. He sees you on the screen, out of his reach, out of his life. He listens to each word you say. How sad you look as you address the matter. Even though your legal team briefs the journalists, his eyes are glued to you. He observes how you don't explicitly mention him or the Choi enterprise but throw sublte hints to catch on.
But you make it obvious at the end of the conference by announcing your divorce to Seungcheol.
"I have filed for divorce against Choi Seungcheol and I would like to refrain you all from associating me with the Choi's in future."
Seungcheol is immediately thrown under the bus. People who were coining you as a thief are now praising you and busy portraying him as the villain.
But mopping won't do him any good. His mind reel backs to every word you have said before leaving. He needs to get answers to some questions. Most importantly, he has to get you back.
The next few days goes by Seungcheol handling the legal charges against him which are minor because he digs out enough evidence to prove that he wasn't involved in the slander and Jiah is the main culprit, adding exceptional charges to the list that would nearly ruin her and damage her company's reputation.
The Choi enterprise faces reputation loss as well which results in their stock plummeting and the board of directors complaining about the situation. But being humungous in business, the impact isn't uncontrollable and since Seungcheol is mentally exhausted his father lets him loose taking matters into his hands for the time being.
Everything is manageable or bearable except for the divorce papers which he has received on your first anniversary, that sits coldly on his office table.
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"The house I bought is an hour drive from here and I'm planning to stay there for some time, just to take my mind off of things." you say fishing out your car keys, "I have saved my new contact number to your phones."
"But are you sure you don't want us to be there with you?", your mother asks worriedly.
"At least let us help you shift--"
"Dad, I have lived alone before as well. Plus Chan and my friends are gonna help me with the unpacking.", you move over to hug both of your parents, "Visit me after it's done. Plus I'm planning to throw a cozy house warming house, not soon though."
"We're proud of you.", your mother says patting your head.
"I'm sorry for all the troubles and stress you've been through for the past year.", you mumble, quickly wiping your tears, "I'll be fine, no looking back promise."
"We have always trusted you, just take care of yourself and call us.", your father says kissing your forehead.
Chan waits for you by the car and he doesn't let you drive throughout the time it takes to reach your new house. As your friends help you settle into your new home, you are grateful to them for keeping you distracted and not bringing up Seungcheol.
"I'm sorry, Kwan. The academy had to face such an incident because of me.", you say hanging your head low in shame because you don't want anyone to see your tears, the can of beer in your hand remains unsipped, "I have decided to take some time off, please handle the academy and it's okay if you want me to backout. I'll transfer my shares to you."
Seungkwan blames the atmosphere for the tears in his eyes. He wipes them and sits beside you, "I couldn't have done it alone. The reason the academy exists is because we both had given it our all. So take all the time you want but you'll have to return."
You lean onto him and it's your brother who comes to wipe your tears.
"I'm so sorry Chan.", you speak through the tears, "I should have listened to you. I never thought that Seu--", you go quiet because it pains you to even say his name.
Everyone in room goes silent. It's not haunting rather comforting. But the successive ringing of the phones cause a mild commotion.
"Wonwoo keeps on calling us.", Eunsoo mutters, switching off her phone.
"Just tell him that I'm fine.", you tell her, "I'll give him a call later. I haven't visited Wonseok lately so I need to talk to him anyways."
It's amusing, how the night changes.
Seungcheol is distressed. He realises you are not the only one he has lost, he has lost Ms. Oh's empathy, he has also lost precious friend Wonwoo as well.
Wonwoo is back to his stoic self, the version he was when Seungcheol met him first. Only talks business with him, leaves as soon as he's done with assigned work. No more late night drinks, no more taking shots, none of the banter.
He watches you laugh as Wonwoo tells you something animatedly. He watches how your eyes are dull even though your lips are stretched.
Seungcheol had overheard Wonwoo talking to someone on the phone about his brother so he decides to visit him seperately just to check on him. He didn't expect to see you there, making him question since when you knew about Wonseok.
Your face falls when you're suddenly interrupted by Seungcheol's presence. He stands in front of you wordless, you don't bother to strike any conversation with him either.
"I'll get going, let me know if you need anything else.", you tell Wonwoo and turn around walk away.
"Y/N", Seungcheol says, "Can I please talk to you?"
You crane your neck to meet his gaze, "I don't think we have any business with each other. Do me a favour and just sign the divorce papers."
"I can't.", Seungcheol speaks out without missing a beat, "I need you Y/N, please give me a chance, let me make things right. I promise I won't let you down anymore."
"Enough with this act, don't assume you could fool me twice. I'm done with you.", you move around so now you're facing him again.
"You've changed your number.", he says meekly, "I don't get to see you anymore. That house haunts me, it's not the same without you."
You step in, closing the gap within you two, "You're facing the consequences of your actions. Stop acting like a fucking victim.", you spat out before walking out.
Wonwoo is torn. He doesn't want to take sides, it's even more difficult to see both of his dear friends grieving and suffering but there's nothing he could do.
"Wonseok is going through a series of surgeries because his condition had worsened and Y/N has been paying for them.", Wonwoo informs Seungcheol and before he could ask, Wonwoo adds, "You're already paying me more than I should be so I didn't want to burden you more. She had accidentally found out about Wonseok one day and decided to help me out even though I wasn't ready to accept it. She was determined and I couldn't stop her."
Seungcheol isn't surprised rather he is confused. This version of yours is what he was habituated to when you were dating until you convinced him it wasn't on the day you broke up. Something isn't adding up. Something about your nature and the way you act to what you had said that day are contradicting. You aren't mean-hearted, you are a giver so why did you years ago do something so bizarre, the thought is unsettling.
"She has been taking some time off from the academy, no one knows when she'll be back. She is so affected by the incident that she was ready to give up on the academy. The one she had built from scratch with her blood, sweat and tears." Wonwoo speaks disappointedly, "Do you realise what you have done?"
Seungcheol is ashamed, there's an unhealing pain in his heart thinking about you, about how he should be the one aiding you in your tough time but he can't because he's the reason you're in agony.
"As you know, I had also hated Y/N for what she had done. And now that you see me being friends with her is not because she's paying for Wonseok.", Wonwoo halts and takes a breath, choosing his words carefully, "It goes far beyond that. You have always been heedful, I think it's time for you to be vigilant as well. The truth might be far from what you've believed it to be."
Wonwoo doesn't spare another second on his watch as he walks away ignoring the desperate calls of his name.
Seungcheol's mind is not in place anymore.
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Your thoughts are everywhere. Peace and happiness are some of the things you haven't gotten to feel lately. Though you've decided to spend time alone at home, the loneliness is caving you in.
Maybe tonight you're feeling a little more lonely than usual. Maybe you shouldn't miss the person who had pushed you to the edge of the cliff. Maybe you shouldn't be good with dates. Maybe you shouldn't trace your thumb on the calendar reminiscing about the day, you both had made it official years ago.
The damned tears aren't stopping, your heart isn't healing.
The bell rings and you are surprised because no one is supposed to visit you today. Quickly wiping your eyes and cheeks you don't bother to check the monitor and open the door.
At the other side of the threshold stands Seungcheol. Your red eyes gape at him as he looks at you shivering from driving all the way here in the snow.
"What are you doing here?"
You know getting your new address and number wouldn't be a big deal to Seungcheol given his network runs deeper.
"Can you let me in atleast, I'm freezing."
You cross over your arms and step aside. He saunters in and wanders off to have a tour of the house. He stops when he senses the glare you're sending him.
"If you realise that this house too plain for your taste you can always contact me. We're best in the business.", Seungcheol says as his lips purse in a line.
"I wonder from where did you get the audacity to come here?", you ask plainly.
"Just wanted to see you", he admits, "I miss you, Y/N."
You scoff at his words.
"Also, there's something you left behind, I found it while going through the drawers.", Seungcheol fishes out a notebook from his inner coat pocket.
You immediately recognise the object, raising your hand flat for him to handover it to you.
"I instantly got reminded of you always carrying it and scribbled down if anything came to your mind. Seems like you had kept this notebook from prior to university days.", he hands over the notebook and touches your hand gently in the process.
His touch turns to strong grip and he doesn't let go.
"Thanks.", you say trying to free your hand, "You should leave now."
The wedding ring on his finger feels cold on your skin.
"I know you remember what day it is today.", he says pulling you closer so that now you're colliding into him, your faces an inch apart. Your eyes are wide and the notebook falls as you're grabbing onto his shoulder out of reflex.
He has an undeniable look of longing in his eyes. You should just push him away, even kick him out but you find yourself frozen.
"I still remember falling in love with you, every moment of it.", he whispers, his gaze switching between your eyes and lips.
"So I do, Cheol.", his nickname slips out of your mouth so casually, there's a pause before you speak, "Why did you have to ruin it all?"
"I regret it all.", he gently holds your face, "But I realised that I never stopped loving you otherwise why would I despise you if I hadn't been in love in the first place."
"You could have broken my heart but you went after my soul."
"You did the same to me years ago. You took my soul away and I became just a shell.", he isn't complaining, just letting you know how difficult it was for him as well, "I planned everything to get back to you but what wasn't planned was my feelings resurfacing, falling in love with you all over again. I had forgotten all the schemes, had forgotten the reason why I hated you in the first place."
When he rests his forehead against yours, you close your eyes basking in the moment. What he did was definitely beyond any excuse but Seungcheol isn't entirely at fault. The fact that he was ready to start again with you after how you had treated him years ago proves the truth behind his words. The difference is you were forced to act out but he wasn't. He chose to destroy you.
So your eyes snap open and you're pushing him away.
"Leave Seungcheol.", you step away, "And never come back again."
Seungcheol sighs, "What should I do for you take me back? If you want I would never show myself in the vicinity of the academy. I wouldn't even ask you anything remotely related to your works or the academy. I'll stay all out of it, I promise."
"Nothing you do would make me go back to you.", your words taste bitter in your mouth, "We are not meant to be, we're not good for each other."
That is basically you firmly rejecting him, letting him aware that he has axed the mended fence.
Seungcheol smiles sadly, "Only if I could show you my heart and mind."
He then leaves with a heavy heart.
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The next few days goes by Seungcheol racking his thoughts to make up his mind. Every time he thinks about you wanting to desperately cut ties with him, he relents. He laments on himself for what he has caused. At nights when he deliberately stays late, he mentally prepares himself to sign those papers because that's the only way to atone for his sins.
But those divorce papers get through every night without getting signed. Because when Seungcheol thinks he's ready that's when the realisation gnaws on him that he's actually not, that he'll never be.
And it gets harder each time he tries.
So one night, he lets his intrusive thoughts get the best of him and he ends up calling you.
"I'm trying but I can't bring myself to sign those papers", he speaks into the phone clutching it hard followed by a shaky breath, "I really want to give you what you want but whenever I think about not having you in my life, my willingness deters."
You stay quiet.
"Sorry to disturb you. Don't know what I was thinking. Please take care of yourself, bye.", he hangs up and collapses back on the chair.
Wonwoo watches through the blinds and he isn't new to this. Years ago Seungcheol had gone into a spiral, had almost given up on living post the breakup and now it hurts Wonwoo to see the history repeating itself.
So this time he promises to intervene for both of your sake, specially Seungcheol.
He has two things on his to-do list and though he isn't sure what the outcome will be, he's going to do them. He gathers everyone and let's them know of his plan.
"Mingyu, Eunsoo, Seungkwan", his gaze sweeps on the three, "You're gonna go and convince Y/N."
"I'll go to uncle and aunt.", Wonwoo says.
Eunsoo looks at him questionably, "We get our part. But are you sure your friend's gonna be okay?"
"Most importantly, I'm not sure how this will end because both of them are unpredictable as fuck.", Mingyu adds.
Seungkwan who was silent the whole time, speaks, "Guys, let's go for it. We will handle the aftermath.", he looks at Wonwoo, "You'll have to take care of Seungcheol because he's gonna hurt the most."
"It's better to be over it, Seungcheol deserves to know."
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"What's wrong with you guys?", You ask absolutely astonished. All of your friends have suddenly busted into your house and are now advocating you on something that is supposed to be out of their box.
"Why are you suddenly siding with Seungcheol?", you say with a frown, "I'm feeling betrayed. I'm gonna call Chan now."
Eunsoo and Mingyu break into cold sweat knowing how scary your brother can be. Seungkwan sighs looking at the other two and gets that he has no other way but to sort down to what he's best at. He says, "Y/N, do you think we'd ever think ill of you? Do you think we'd be at your door because suddenly we felt emphatic towards Seungcheol? That's how lowly you think of us?"
The look on Mingyu and Eunsoo's faces are absolute comedic. They didn't expect Seungkwan would pull out his trump card.
Your gaze is unwavering when you say, "This won't work on me you know right?"
Seungkwan smiles, "Of course I know but we also know that you love Seungcheol and won't be happy without him. So we're saying all this just for your sake, not his, not anyone else's."
"You're wr-"
"You had 7 years but you couldn't get over him, even accepted his family just to marry him.", Seungkwan continues, "You had come across so many good men all these years but no one piqued your interest because you only had Seungcheol in your heart."
"Y/N, I did believe him when he said he fell in love again. I had seen the way he looked at you, the way he was protective around you. The way his eyes were always on you, radiating love. It may have started as an act but at some point it became real.", Eunsoo smiles at you, "He loves you."
"But Soo--"
"If you really loathed him, you wouldn't have waited for him to sign those divorce papers, you would have upsurged everything. You have the power to ruin the Chois wholly but you're just buying yourself some time.", Mingyi adds and immediately shifts to hug you, "What Seungcheol did was incredibly wrong, wait he didn't even do it. It was Jiah."
"Are you not getting Jiah did all just to separate you both again?", Seungkwan ask and you look at him wide eyed.
"She had done the exact thing years back and was successful. Please don't let her win again. If she can't have Seungcheol, she has planned all this for you to not have him as well.", Eunsoo voices out her concerns, "Don't let all these heartbreaks, tears and sacrifices go in vain just because of some misunderstandings. Don't do something you'd regret because you didn't mend it when you had a chance."
Your heart sinks at their words.
"Take your time but choose what you think is the best for you.", Eunsoo rubs your back gently, "Rationality shouldn't always take the stance, sometimes hearts should be listened to."
You take a deep breath and say, "Fine guys, I'll think about it."
The smile on their faces are unmatchable.
Seungcheol is worried when he receives a call from his mother asking him to urgently come to their house. Wonwoo is already waiting by the car and though Seungcheol asks if he knows anything he stays tight lipped throughout the ride.
"I'll be waiting for you right here. Call me if you need me.", Wonwoo says with an intone and for some reason it doesn't resonate well with Seungcheol.
He is led into his father's study where he sees both of his parents waiting. They are heartbroken seeing their only son. Seungcheol has lost weight, accumulated bags under red eyes, appearance unkempt.
"Take a seat.", his father says, "I have something to tell you and it's regarding Y/N."
Seungcheol immediately perks up at your mention. An eerie silence falls upon the room. Seungcheol's anxious gaze searches for his parents'.
"Y/N was forced to break up with you years ago. I had made her do so.", his father admits.
Seungcheol freezes. He thinks he's hearing things that are not supposed to make any sense.
"Ever since I had started the business I had been diligent to it. Dedication and honesty does account for success but so also being money minded and cunning. As years went by that consistency and success made me cling to riches, fame and status that came along with it.", his father says as he takes a seat gesturing him to do the same. "You must be remembering that we were facing financial crisis because one of our major investor had withdrawn. It had affected us greatly."
Seungcheol nods, "We were on the verge of facing bankruptcy."
"Since Jiah's father runs a finance company, we had made small sort of deals previously but that time the amount required was large and no one was willing to help us not even her father. But later Jiah came to me and offered me a deal."
"W-What deal?"
"That she would convince her father to provide us support only if", there's an ominous pause before Mr. Choi looks at him and says, "I remove Y/N out of your life."
A tear falls from his eye, as he hears the tale of betrayal from none other but his father.
"I have never liked Y/N, the reason was basic, she didn't belong to our circle. Initially I thought she was just a fling but so I agreed with Jiah."
Seungcheol is numb at this point, he just sorts to listening.
"One day I had brought in Y/N to let her know that she needs to find her way out of your life.", Mr. Choi's gaze falls, "She instantly refused. No matter what I said she wasn't willing to leave you. One meeting turned to two, two turned to three but she was hellbent on not letting you go."
"With Jiah constantly pressurizing me, threatening to nullify the deal if not taken action soon, I became desperate.", he confesses, "So I resorted to one thing I should have never done. I can never forgive myself for that."
You say in utter disbelief, "Why don't you tell your son to breakup with me instead? Stop pestering me, you know we both love each other and Mr. Choi let me make this clear, this is the last time I'm meeting you."
Mr. Choi gives you a sickening smile. He casually says, "Your brother is currently studying in Australia, if I'm not wrong."
You pale instantly, "W-What about him?"
"You're right, this is gonna be our last meeting. If you don't breakup with my son, I'm not sure what I'll do with your brother. What if you don't get to see your dear little brother anymore?"
"Mr. Choi, you can't do this. Please--"
"I'm not here to negotiate. I think you're smart enough to make the right choice. So tell me Y/N, what did you decide?"
You are crying and begging but there's no mercy reserved to spare for you. How are you supposed to choose between your brother and the love of your life? You will have to so you choose what's best for all, you choose both.
"Fine, I'll breakup with Seungcheol. So stay away from my brother."
Mr. Choi smiles in mirth, "You made the right descision. Rest assured."
With job being done, he is walking out of the hall when your call of his name reaches his ears.
He turns with an incredulous look on his face as he waits for you to speak.
"Promise me that you'll never tell Seungcheol about this incident.", comes your strained voice.
"I wasn't planning to anyways.", Mr. Choi says, "Even better for me, I promise to not tell Seungcheol about any of this."
Seungcheol runs to his father with the intention of doing something unspeakable but he stops right in front of him and collapses on the ground.
"How could you do this?", he sobs uncontrollably, "How could you stoop so low?", he balls his hands into fists and channels the anger on the floor, hitting it again and again that's when his mother steps in to stop him.
He looks at her and say, "How could you not tell me? How could you tolerate your husband even after knowing all this?", he then swats her away.
Getting up, he's gasping for air, unable to comprehend with the pain in his chest and head. Restlessness engulfs him but he doesn't let both of his parents to even touch him.
"I'm ashamed to call you both my parents.", he spats out, "I'll never forgive for ruining our lives. I hope all of this was worth it."
Then he's running out of the house ignoring the calls of his name. Wonwoo is immediately grabbing his friend, making him sit and drink water.
"You also knew but didn't tell me?", Seungcheol asks as fresh tears stream down his face.
"I only came to know recently and Cheol even if I had known, it's not my story to tell.", Wonwoo answers.
It takes Seungcheol over an hour to calm down.
"You don't need to attend me, I'm fine.", Seungcheol says stoicly, "You can go, I have somethings to take care of."
Though Wonwoo refutes but Seungcheol is adamant, leaving no choice for him but to obey his boss.
As soon as Wonwoo gets out of the car, Seungcheol drives off.
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You are extremely tired, mentally and today for some reasons are you feel thinned out physically as well.
Staring at the cello, ominous thoughts fill in your mind. Because no matter how hard you try, you are unable to produce anything. There are no notes or no tunes, it's all blank.
And you're scared, what if music doesn't choose you anymore? What if you can't produce anything for the rest of your life? All these possibilities scares you enough to spend sleepless nights. It has disturbed your appetite as well.
Tossing and turning, as you've been doing for nights with minimal sleep at dawn hours,Β you sit up startled when the doorbell rings.
All the exhaustion is now replaced with concern when you see Seungcheol who continuously weeps at the door.
"What happened? Are you okay?"
Just a shake of head and he keeps on crying.
It's been about twenty minutes since he arrived crying and you're seriously considering about calling Wonwoo.
The way he's visibly hurting, hurts you too and you resort to hug him, patting his back, "If you're hurting because of me, please don't.", you say softly, tears pricking at your eyes subconsciously.
Seungcheol pulls away, looking at you. His sobs stop and the first thing he does is hold your face and kiss you. You're surprised, his lips graze yours but you don't kiss him back. Your hands push his chest and he's detaching himself mumbling a string of apologies.
"It was all for nothing.", he sounds so heartbroken when he speaks, "All those years spent in pain, hatred and resentment towards you, you didn't deserve any of it."
You have an inkling and it doesn't settle well in your bones, "Whatever you're saying is making no sense. Why are you here?"
Seungcheol looks dead in your eyes, "Because I know now. I know what happened all those years ago."
Your soul leaves your body at his words. You never wanted him to find out because you knew it'd tear him apart.
"W-Who told you?"
"Does it matter?"
And your very first instinct is to grab your phone and make a call to his father but Seungcheol doesn't let you. The phone gets snatched from your hands and thrown away somewhere.
"Why did you do it?", he asks and his questions irks you.
You scoff, "Are you seriously asking me why I did it after knowing everything? Seungcheol, I was threatened with my brother's life, what did you expect me to do?"
Seungcheol shakes his head, "No that Y/N. Why did you make dad promise you about not telling me about this?"
"What could I have done Seungcheol?", your voice cracks, "I loved you so much and trust me, I tried everything I could to be with you, to not hurt you but-- it killed me to lie to you. I went through hell and back trying to stop myself from telling you 'no I'm lying, please don't leave, I love you as much as you do'.
"That day I took your heart away.", You exhale sharply, "I didn't want to crush your soul as well, didn't want to make it anymore difficult for you then it already was. I knew how much you looked upto your father, how much you cherished your parents. I didn't want you to fight your family", your heart twinges as you continue, "Though it wasn't possible for me to love again, I prayed that you would move on, meet someone who'd make you forget all the sorrows I gave you. I wished for you to fall in love again and live happily."
You chuckled through your tears, "Won't lie, it would have hurt me but if it assured your happiness I'd have hurt myself all over again, all of the times."
Seungcheol observes you quietly, he absorbs your words to his heart.
"What does that make me, Y/N?", he asks defeated.
"You weren't at fault, Cheol. I chose what it seemed the best for all of us."
"I hated you, married you and plotted revenge. Hurt you and now indirectly lead to something that almost ruined your career.", he speaks as if he's narrating a monologue, "I kept wounding the wounded and siding with the foes."
"Stop blaming yourself. What you did was indeed wrong, you should have never attempted take a blow at my career. But years ago, even after all that you were ready to start again.", you remind him.
Seungcheol completely shuts himself out.
"Till yesterday, I was in a dilemma. They say if you love someone you should let them go. Call me selfish but I couldn't even think of parting ways with you. I wanted to fight for us. I'd have courted you until you got bored of me. I would have waited for a lifetime, even if you'd have moved on.", he avoids eye contact so that his resolution doesn't deter, "But how could I tie you to the people who tried to harm you, harm your family?"
"I won't beg for forgiveness anymore. Honestly, I don't want you to forgive us. If you're having second thoughts about us, discard them. Please just discard me.", he voices out in desperation, "Be selfish and choose yourself this one time."
He takes out a paper from his coat pocket which you recognise very well.
"Till yesterday signing these papers seemed impossible for me but it's surprising, how events turned out to be.", he takes your hand and places the paper saying, "I have signed them. This time I chose what's best for you."
There's a sickening churn in your stomach that makes you realise that there's nothing you can do.
"I love you, Y/N."
The weight of those words fall heavy on you as Seungcheol closes in.
"For one last time, please.", he says holding your face.
You incline towards him and instantly his lips are on yours. One of his hands now settle on your neck firmly as your lips dance on featherly. His other hand is gripping your waist to hold you in place. The saltiness of his tears burn on your tongue, making you suck in a gasp. His kisses you till his heart's content because it's a kiss of goodbye before resting his forehead on yours.
"Don't go", your strained voice whispers, "Please don't go."
Seungcheol whispers back, "I have to. Please don't stop me, I'm not strong enough to refuse you."
The tears stream down your face, "Would nothing I do be enough to stop you?"
"Y/N, please", he pleads, "You were right when you said we're not meant to be because I have only hurt you. I don't deserve you."
He steps back and you're suddenly engulfed by coldness.
"The chapter named Choi Seungcheol in your life ends right now.", he balls his hands, grits his teeth, does everything to not let those tears spill, "Since you might not submit the divorce papers, I have already handed over a copy to your attorney."
He turns back, rubbing his chest, the pain is unbearable.
"Cheol, please..."
"It's snowing so don't follow me outside, you'll catch a cold. Goodbye Y/N."
Then he leaves, from your house, apparently from your life.
And you realised not all stories have a happy ending, there's not always a happily ever after.
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β†’ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, joonsytip. ©️
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amongemeraldclouds Β· 7 months
better than revenge | chapter one: falling for me, dear?
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Lorenzo Berkshire x Slytherin!reader (ft. Ex!Mattheo Riddle)
Series trope: Fake dating
Chapter one summary: While trying to hide from your ex-boyfriend Mattheo, you run into a potential ally and the scheming starts.
Warning: Swearing, allusion to cheating
Author's note: I prefer using I instead of you to refer to the reader. Feel free to comment if you’d like me to tag you when the next one goes live.
Aahh I'm so excited to publish this! It's my first time writing fan fiction and doing a series. I used to write fictional one shots years ago when I was 15. Anyway, enjoy reading! Happy to receive feedback.
main masterlist | series masterlist | chapter two: practice?
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What is Mattheo Riddle doing in the library at this hour? He’s supposed to be in class.
I close my book and grab my bag. Trying to tame my racing heart, I sneak off to the shelves. He can’t see me, nope. He no longer has the privilege to interact with me in any way, not since he broke my heart.
I curse inward, walking back, further down the shelves. My eyes dart from him and the exit, mapping out my escape plan. If I wait for him to pass the next five rows of shelves, I canβ€”
β€œOof,” I drop my book as I hit something behind me. No, not something. Someone.
I nearly fall but then strong arms catch me. β€œFalling for me, dear?” I hear a deep, playful voice. Lorenzo Berkshire, we knew each other casually but he and Mattheo are rivals despite being half brothers so I never had much opportunities to speak to him when we dated.
β€œHa, funny Berkshire. Maybe if you didn’t randomly stand by shelves, then people wouldn’t knock into you,” I say grabbing my things off the floor and composing myself.
He raises an eyebrow, β€œmaybe if you didn’t walk backwards, you’d actually see where you’re walking.”
β€œMaybe if your brother stuck to his schedule and he was where he needed to be then I wouldn’t have to go sneaking around the damn library at my damn school. Like I’m the one who did something wrong,” I reply.
β€œFirst of all, it’s half brother. And secondβ€”what?” His eyebrows knit together.
β€œWhy are you avoiding Mattheo?” His voice softens.
I look away from him and my cheeks burn. β€œI just don’t want to see him,” I whisper, trying to keep my voice steady. It’s been three weeks yet the memories felt fresh in my mind. A night of forbidden kisses and broken promises. I can feel my eyes sting and it takes everything in me to hold it all in.Β 
β€œI don’t know what happened between you two, but knowing Mattheo, it was definitely his fault,” he says. I look at his grinning face and smile back.Β 
β€œListen,” he leans in conspiratorially and holds his arm out to lean on the shelf.
Footsteps grow louder as Mattheo approaches, watching you smiling up at Lorenzo while he stands intimately close to you. β€œGet a room!” He chides.
Lorenzo smirks at you then turns to face his brother, β€œstalk much? If you missed me, brother, you could have just called.”
β€œFuck off, Enzo,” Mattheo bites out. β€œI heard a thud and had to see what is was about.”
β€œAlways looking for trouble,” Lorenzo tsked. β€œYou know what? I’ll take your advice. I’ll fuck off and we’ll get a room.” He turns towards me, β€œwhat do you say?”
β€œI think that’s a great idea,” I take his hand and force a smile, looking at Mattheo for the first time in weeks. God, I missed his brown eyes and those dark curls.
I inwardly slap myself to stay focused. β€œThanks for the advice, Mattheo,” I say sweetly. I hold my head high and leave the library with Enzo, my sadness transformed to anger.
β€œThanks for the save,” I bump my shoulder against Lorenzo’s once we’re far enough away from the library.Β 
He bumps my shoulder back, β€œany chance I can annoy Mattheo is a great opportunity in my book.”
β€œSo listen,” I start, an idea forming in my head. β€œWhat if we continue to annoy him?”
β€œAnd how do you propose we do that?” He asks.
β€œBy continuing this” I point between us. I didn’t expect it but I felt courageous speaking to Mattheo earlier when I was with Enzo. It felt good.
Lorenzo smirks, β€œdarling, if you wanted to date me, all you have to do is ask.”
I hit his shoulder playfully, β€œfake date. Honestly, I’m still getting over Mattheo. It wouldn’t be fair. I’m not yet ready to date for real.”
β€œLet’s do it!” He agrees enthusiastically.
β€œWait,” I stop walking. β€œYou agreed too easily, what’s in it for you?”
β€œAside from the kindness of my own heart?” He smirks. I roll my eyes.
β€œFine. Here’s a tale as old as time: my father wants me to marry a pureblood. Given my dating history, he doesn’t trust me to make the right decision so he’s been setting me up with his friends’ and allies’ daughters this past year. Now normally I don’t mind wining and dining with beautiful ladies, but at this point, I’m exhausted,” he sighs.
I frown, β€œShit, that’s a lot of pressure. But why? We’re still young.”
β€œRight, but he wants to have a strategic marriage that will keep our social status or even elevate it,” Enzo explains.
I catch on, β€œMy father is influential in the political sphere so it would definitely help you.”
β€œWe don’t actually have to date, don’t worry. But it’s enough to keep him off my back just until we graduate and then I’ll have more room to breathe.”
β€œSo that’s why Mattheo was annoyed earlier! If we date, he’ll think you might marry me and then his ex-girlfriend would be his sister in law,” I realize.Β 
β€œExactly, it’s a win-win situation,” Lorenzo grins then looks at his watch. β€œI have class in ten minutes. Meet me at my dorm later so we can go over the details in private?” I nod in agreement.
Lorenzo leans closer, β€œcan I kiss you on the forehead?”
β€œWhy of course, fake boyfriend,” I whisper with a small smile, finding an odd comfort in his proximity as he places a gentle kiss on my forehead. A few students around us whisper, witnessing something new to gossip about.Β 
Fake dating, what could go wrong?
main masterlist | series masterlist | chapter two: practice?
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myechoecho Β· 10 months
Perfect Marriage Revenge, ep 7
It gave me great joy to see Jung Wook and Yoo Ra's little stunt announcement didn't go as planned. Most of them called it out for what it was (adored the "if you go as low as them you are just like them).
Do Guk told the truth: Jung Wook's been using that lame leg as an excuse his entire life. The man has a limp and needs a cane to walk. I don't know what the leg looks like or what other lingering pain/physio it might need, but overall on the horribly disfiguring totem pole, it seems pretty low. Add in the fact that he is the eldest son of a powerful company, surely he could have found someone who accepted (or tolerated) his leg??
Jung Wook really cannot control himself. Do Guk told some truths, in an level tone and Jung Wook is the one that grabbed Do Guk. Grandma really has the power in that family.
Yi Joo probably should have held on to her temper and not said anything about not being the fake one but I love how Do Guk was like Yoo Ra is not worth engaging.
Cheering at Yi Joo turning the tables around on Jung Hye and using the same sort of tactics that Jung Hye used to do on her, forcing her to play along in front of the reporters. I'm not sure what that painting has to do with the secretary or why he wanted it but I'm enjoying what we've seen of them working together. LOL at Yi Joo teasing him how he used to stare at the painting.
I like that Yi Joo has hidden her grandfather away from Jung Hye, but I don't think that some one who supposedly has dementia and is in a home for it can make decisions about his company's shares.
The ex is such a weasel but I also see hints of him eventually breaking with Yoo Ra and maybe siding with Yi Joo. Still the nerve of him going into Do Guk and Yi Joo's home and finding the contract. (also Do Guk do you not have any security??). Grandma is the only one who seems a bit objective because she accurately points out that while the marriage contract is a bit weird, the fact that Yoo Ra and Jung Wook somehow have it and shown it to everyone is worse.
SCREAMING at the domestic scene. Yi Joo ate without a thought! The look on Do Guk's face because he automatically went to test her food and she just ate a huge bite before he could. The trust she has with him. He also tells her he's proud of her, and asks what's changed but she her only answer is to take another bite and a smile. The sex must have been real good.
What's more, she considers Do Guk's place THEIR home. Where it's safe, and she can come to heal if she's hurt. She doesn't even really realize what this means about her feelings for him. But I also love that while she's focused on her revenge, she also doesn't leave out Jung Wook and Teaja group.
Also, they are dressing Yi Joo and Do Guk in similar colours the closer they get to one another:
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I adore that Do Guk laid it all out for his mom. What they did to Yi Joo and what they continue to do to Yi Joo via the staged fight and news article. His mom is so outraged by what is being done by Yi Joo's family. Do Guk begs on his knees for her help which apparently is only the second time he's asked for a favour. She refused the first time so I wonder what that is about.
Still his mom needs to see Jung Hye for herself. Jung Hye showed her through the house when she came to visit, which his mom definitely understood why. She can also tell that Jung Hye is excited for what is happening to Yi Joo. Cackling at how his mom deliberately misunderstood Jung Hye when she their son and daughter should break up. I also think it was a bit of a test which Jung Hye failed. I love how ruthless his mom was in saying that she was not going to just let others get the divorce they want. She has a stake in that marriage - Yi Joo promised to get Do Guk to come back to Teaja. Which blindsides Jung Hye but it's also something that she would understand a mother wanting/scheming about. (though Do Guk's mom is not shady or murdery).
Last thought - good for Yi Joo for doing the paternity test to confirm that she is the leigt bio daughter.
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Since you did the horseman, alright to ask on how Ulthane, Samael, Lilith and an angel charater of your choice would feel to the Nephillim reader? Please.
Oof, quite a bit of conflicting views and beliefs there. Never wrote about these guys before so lemme see what I got
. The Old one has surely been around since the first creation of the Nephilim race, probably present during the war for Eden as well.
. And so to see a young Nephilim survivor centuries after the fact, oh boy.
. Nothing can really surprise this maker, but after being around Humanity, I'm sure he even he is open to the possibility.
. Nonetheless, still quite surprised to come across one that isn't the Horsemen.
. Mind you beside his tussle with War, Ulthane never really had any bones to pick with the Horseman in general. In fact he was more than willing to help Fury so long as she helped him. He was quite welcoming in fact.
. If the Nephilim is not aggressive or shows any intent to do harm, I'd like to think Ulthane would take the same stance as he did when first meeting Fury.
. Except maybe a little less confrontational and would want to show that he means them no harm. He can only imagine what the Survivor had to go through just to be there, and so being antagonistic would do more harm then good.
. Besides, he seems to have a soft spot for wee young ones. Guaranteed he would try to help them if they gave him the chance.
. While he had no direct involvement with the creation of the Nephilim, you bet he is quite invested in seeing what Lilith's experiments would end up evolving to.
. More than likely to see if he could possibly use them as a pawn in his schemes. He was more than willing to recruit Strife and War during Genesis, just to unveil what Lucifer's plans were. And had no qualms with manipulating War so that he could get his power back during his imprisonment.
. While he has no love for the Angel/Demon Abominations, nor for The Horseman initially acting as the charred councils enforcers, even he can respect the potential that is there.
. Encountering a young Nephilim Survivor would be quite amusing to him. So amusing that he would not consider them a threat, they're young and thus pose no danger to his plans.
. So long as the young Nephilim keeps it that way, Samael would leave them alone, unless they prove themselves to be useful, then might take a chance and try to sway them to his side. Better to be safe than sorry after all.
. Samael has lived long enough to know which ones to keep as enemies, and to keep as potential allies if the need arises. He's a demon not a fool. Always one step ahead for the most part, as long as they don't try to play Hero.
. Everybody knows how desperate Lilith was to try and get Death to resurrect the Nephilim, and that Lucifer personally tasked her with manipulating behind the scenes to make it happen. Her failure was met with an excruciating punishment.
. The sheer possibility of another Nephilim surviving that isn't within the fold of the Charred Council is something Lilith would immediately pounce on.
. No matter if the young Survivor holds any animosity towards her or not, she would 100% turn the charm up too 1,000 just to make sure they are on her side.
. The only advice is that no matter the affiliation of the Survivor, proceed with caution. Lilith would do just about anything to secure one of her creations (Bi-product or pure Nephilim)
. An initial first meeting would include all the Temptations and false Promises she can muster. Treating them like her own child to try and get their guard down. Promising them whatever their innermost desire so to keep their invested interest. Perhaps even swearing to help get revenge on those that had wronged them.
. All manipulation of course, but like I said, Lilith is the conniving temptress that will do anything to achieve her master's bidding.
(Angel of my Choosing)
. He most certainly has been there during the war for Eden, and first hand witnessed the execution of the Nephilim race.
. And so to come across a young Nephilim Survivor would make even this Angel shocked.
. The only Nephilim he has had any tense alliances with are the Horsemen, the very ones who carried out the act. And so the Angel is understandably wary of where they came from or how they even survived. Probably would think it's a trap from Lilith.
. But upon closer inspection, might tone it down a bit.
. Azrael is not the type of angel to condemn beings based on the sins of the other members, and quite frankly is one of the more forgiving and understanding.
. In all honesty Azrael is the best angel to ever first come across as a survivor of a war faring race. At least is the more amicable of Heaven's inhabitants.
. Is more than likely to hear them out, and offer an olive branch to show hospitality and build an alliance not based on fear or the misunderstanding of ones origin. They cannot help being the mix of angel and demon, and so Azrael would not persecute them.
Thanks for the ask!
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bmacreadz Β· 2 years
"The Cruel Prince" by Holly Black
"The Cruel Prince" is nothing like I expected, and I have to admit that I was actually disappointed. Not terribly, but I wanted it to be... more.
The story is set in a faerie kingdom that sits "in the shadows" of the modern, mortal world, which can be traversed with special, realm-traveling magic. The reader follows Jude, who is originally from the mortal realm, as she is taken by Madoc, her eldest sister's (Vivi) biological father, and raised the rest of her life in the faerie kingdom. Jude and Taryn, Jude's twin sister, do not belong in Elfhame and they are reminded everyday by all of its Fae inhabitants. Though, no one treats the twins quite as horribly as Prince Cardan and his gaggle of friends.
There are a few reasons why "The Cruel Prince" was not the warm cup of tea that I expected - one of them being that Jude and the people who make her feel the most unwelcome are all schoolmates. Meaning that, yes, she is considered a child in this novel. And this isn't one of those young, inexperienced, child-like explanatives. She is genuinely a child. She goes to school (called "lessons"), asks her "father" for permission to do certain things, is not allowed to drink the wine, and practices sword-fighting with wooden swords. These things combined ultimately ruined the enjoyability of this novel for me. While a lot of the books I read involve protaganists of the teenage variety, this one was just a little too juvenile for me.
My other, rather large, complaint is that there was almost no romance at all between the two characters we are promised romance from. The utter lack of it was baffling to me since I read all the reviews and stories about Jude and Prince Cardan - and the enemies-to-lovers trope, which is what drew me to this book in the first place. There was nothing of the sort in this first installment. Cardan was cruel (expected), but there was no real revelation of any romantic feelings from either of the characters - only pure hatred and revenge against the other. And that was in the moments where the two were actually together. There are probably two chapters' worth, which is a generous estimate, of Jude and Cardan speaking or doing anything together in this entire book. I kept holding out for every new page, for them to finally have the moment. Needless to say, I was left pretty burned.
The fact that this was a fantasy with a modern twist was not all that ruinous for me - surprisingly, since I usually hate when that happens. I didn't mind it here, though, as the majority of the story is set in the medieval-esque Elfhame and the accessibility of the mortal world eventually played a major part towards the end of the novel.
For all the things I didn't love about "The Cruel Prince," the end was magnificent. It delivered on suspense, betrayal, confusion, and shock. Jude's character arc gradually showed her in a more destructive-yet-powerful role, and she confidently ran with whatever power she was given. Being raised in a world where she felt constantly powerless, it was nice to see her gain the strength and determination she needed to turn things around in her favor. She definitely took opportunity by its proverbial horns. I liked that for Jude, and I'm glad the book ended the way it did (though, no happily ever after). It promises an interesting sequel, if nothing else.
However, I still wished to see Prince Cardan in Jude's "romantic" plans for whatever future she's begun dreaming up for herself. I know what you're thinking, but I am a feen for a good romance and I was determined to be satisfied in "The Cruel Prince." Yes, Jude bested those who betrayed her. She was the mastermind behind the grandest scheme her counterparts had probably seen in centuries, and she was courageous, cunning, and devouringly confident. But I needed the romance that I was promised!
All in all, I haven't decided if I will continue the series. Admittedly, I do really want to know in which direction this story will steer. I am also still holding onto some hope for there to be actual romance between Jude and Cardan (and trying to get over my scorn for the lack thereof in the first book). Time will tell if I have enough of that hope to dive into the sequel, "The Wicked King."
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witchmd13 Β· 3 years
the one thing that all the powers of magic and all of Uther and his allies against magic didn’t consider or expect in their war was magic itself falling in love (platonically or romantically) with the person who was supposed to bring peace with him.Β both sides didn’t get what they wanted because the person who was supposed to bring peace back had more love in him than there was in the entire universe, because he loved his friend more than cared about fulfilling destiny or ancient vendettas.Β 
there’s something poetically heartbreaking to be said about that.
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This fucking guy
I've tolerated this man before just because he is Jack's friend but holy shit the more we get to know him, the more we see how fucked up his perceptions are.
I'm going to say this outright because its so obvious: He's in love with Jack, which had eventually warped into an obsession.
All his plan came into fruition out of revenge for his best friend for abandoning him.
Jack wasn't there during his parent's funeral
That's sad of course, I'm not invalidating that. However, it's not really Jack's fault that he missed it. How would he know that Leland's parents would die while he is on a voyage?
And another thing in his flashback, Leelathae.
I think this is eventually what made Leland snap.
Let's think about it this way, Leland and Jack promised each other that they'll be at each other's side.
To Jack, that is a promise between friends. However, to Leland, it seems as if he took it as if Jack should prioritize him above everything.
It seems to me that for Leland, Jack's betrayal was just... him living his own life the way he wanted. Returning artifacts and loving Leelathae and their children.
Blaine is 20 years old. Leland has been scheming this for years now. That's not healthy especially when Jack never actively hurt him. Jack could do better if Leland had communicated but noooo he had to be petty and take revenge.
I'm sorry Leland but abandoning your wife again and again, emotionally abusing your children, and having a revenge that involves your best friend's children is just too much.
Jack trusts you, he was always happy for your achievements, he trust you enough to engage his beloved children that he is extremely protective of to yours. And you chose to break it all.
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gothamsgaygirlgang Β· 2 years
Another Day In Paradise
Set post Arkham Knight, Selina reflects on the events of that night and her relationship with Bruce
AO3 version in comments
I know I'm about 7 years too late for this but I've been replaying Arkham City and thinking about Selina's depiction in the games and her relationship with Bruce. Also me tip-toeing into the batcat waters lol
The cool ocean breeze and her icy cocktail were the only things that made sitting under the scorching African sun bearable. Selina rested her glass on the table next to her, flicking the excess condensation from her fingers. A cabana boy clad in all white took her empty glass and replaced it with a fresh one.
β€œSome shade, madame?” He asked.
β€œPlease,” Selina replied.
Paradise, this was paradise. A well-deserved break from Gotham made all the sweeter knowing she was spending Riddler’s money. Selina decided it was best not to stick around, she had sabotaged what ever scheme Eddie had prepared to bust himself out of jail. However, she knew it wouldn’t be long before he came up with another plan. She was sure that Catwoman was number one on his hit list. So, she decided it was best to keep a low profile for a while. It’s not like there was any reason for her to stick around Gotham.
Especially with Bruce-
Selina’s hands curled into fists in frustration, nails leaving prints in her palms. She had promised herself she wouldn’t think about him. About that night. Grief wasn’t part of her plan but spending most of her time alone on private beaches left her mind to wander. Holly had joined her at first, after Selina picked her up from the evacuee camps. But when Gotham opened again, Holly had the urge to return, to see her friends and pick up the pieces of her life. Without the younger girl there to occupy her time, dragging Selina to go jet skiing or paragliding or scuba diving, her mind would wander. Always winding up in the same place.
When Scarecrow removed Bruce’s mask, Selina wasn’t all that surprised. She had kissed both Bruce Wayne and Batman on several occasions and she noticed the similarities. Though she was probably the only person who could have deduced his identity by those means. She remembered the feeling of dread more than anything, dread at what was to come. And when she saw Wayne Manor go up in flames, she knew it was over.
It was still unclear to her if Bruce was alive or not, but he may as well be dead. Whether those explosives were set by an enemy or by Bruce himself, she knew she would never see him again. Selina understood that he had made his choice, and that choice did not involve her.
It made her stomach twist in knots to think about him, her hands still trembling. After she had her revenge on Eddie, she tried to find out more. Nightwing and Robin refused to speak with her, every lowlife idiot in Gotham was claiming that they planted the bombs in a poor attempt to take credit for killing Batman and any of her other informants were locked up or gone. After weeks of digging, she gave up and in an act of mercy to herself, declared Bruce dead. What ever they had together was with him in his grave.
Although she told herself it was a vacation or to avoid Eddie, it truly was because Gotham reminded her so much of him. The only tie Selina had to the city anymore was Holly who would be set for life, Selina made sure of that. Otherwise, Selina had no one. Ivy was dead and although their relationship was tenuous, she did enjoy Ivy’s company. And she was a powerful ally when needed. Her relationship with Harley was never strong either. From what she had gathered, Harley was on the road to reforming and contacting her would probably do more harm than good.
Selina wondered if she could ever call Gotham City home again. She thought of Robin, wondering if he was going to take up the cowl of his mentor. If he would be capable of filling those boots, if it was even wise decision. Then her thoughts drifted to Nightwing, wondering if he was going to stay in Gotham and help Robin. God, why did she care? It wasn’t her concern, she never wanted to be a hero. Still, it was as if she could hear Bruce’s disapproval. He would think she was wasting her skills, baking under the sun and sipping cocktails. And then she thought of Holly and the other friends she had made in Gotham. How would they fair without a bat or a cat looking out for them. Was this Bruce’s legacy, his parting gift to her? A sense of duty to protect people who cannot protect themselves.
The sun began to set over the waves, sending hues of pink and gold dancing through the sky. Selina wondered what she would do next… What could she do next.
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xxkellsvixen19xx Β· 4 years
Spotlight: A Life Of A Troubled Celebrity Heartthrob Ch 7
Word Count: 3,437
Colson continued to be sick as the night dragged on. Dr Lander had warned of the side effects and advised Colson to keep hydrated. Tired of rushing him to the bathroom, Y/N called room service and requested a bucket filled it with sand and put it at Colson's side of the bed; in case he had another bout of nausea-which he did, for most of the night.
"I'm so sorry baby..sorry for putting you through this," Colson mumbled repeatedly.
"I got you babe. Don't worry... I'm here okay?" she cooed soothingly.
Y/N patiently wiped his face or mouth whenever he dribbled and held up the bucket for him when needed. She constantly made trips to the bathroom to wash the towel; to wipe the sweat off to keep his body cool. Colson was delirious until his fever broke, which was the point they finally got to rest.
Colson's phone kept buzzing on the night-stand until Y/N reached over and answered it; because she couldn't take it anymore. "Hello," she said groggily.
"Good afternoon Y/N," Byron said, "Any chance I can talk to your husband?"
"Hmmm.." Y/N groaned, "No can do By."
"Why? He still asleep or..? It's way after lunch-"
"Rather you come over and see for yourself," she croaked in her sleep deprived voice.
"Is everything okay?" Byron started to panic.
"See you soon By. I need to go back to sleep now so-bye," she hung up and went to the bathroom. Then called room service and ordered breakfast for herself since Colson was still knocked out.
Colson was still sound asleep so she tiptoed around as she cleaned up the bedroom. She flung the windows open and the fresh air that invaded the room was a welcome intrusion. The curtains she kept closed so as not to wake him. Colson's phone rang again and she rolled her eyes before answering.
"Hi Mrs Baker! How are you this fine afternoon?" Jax said with enthusiasm.
"Jax," Y/N groaned.
"Everything okay there? Anything I should know?" he inquired.
"Just get here and you will find the answer to all your questions," she sighed as she cut the call.
"Hey-is Colson around?" Slim asked.
"Hey Slim. Yes but he's still asleep," Y/N said for the umpteenth time.
"We have a sound check at four so was wondering-"
"It's not going to happen," she said flatly.
"I'm coming over," Slim saved her the trouble of hanging up.
The phone wouldn't stop ringing. She was almost tempted to switch it off.
"Hi Mrs Baker this is Dr Lander..from last night at the hospital?"
"Oh hi Doc," Y/N said, "I'm going to get the driver to bring you tickets right away. Take care."
A few minutes later she heard a loud knock on the door; when the door swung open Slim, Jax and Byron were waiting outside. Y/N glanced at them and grunted a greeting before walking back into the bedroom. She had thrown on decent PJs and tied her hair in a messy bun. They trailed behind her quietly and stood at the door waiting for her to allow them to get in.
"Colson is sick," she stated in a flat tone, "I took him to the hospital last night but he seemed better and then he got worse. Fever, nausea-all of it," she leaned against the headboard and rubbed her forehead.
"Why didn't you call us?" Slim asked.
"He insisted that you all needed a day off and he was against the idea of calling any of you," she dug her hands into her luscious long hair as she pushed it back. Slim stared openly and shook himself before anyone else noticed.
"Let's not have this discussion here, we might wake him up. He needs his rest and so does Y/N," Byron led them back into the living room.
"So today is the last day of the tour and Colson seems out of it," Byron rubbed his chin worriedly.
"What do we do?" Jax asked as he sat down.
"We can improvise.." Slim suggested.
"How?" Byron asked in a low voice.
"We can give him a little pick me up.." Slim smiled slyly "it works like a charm.."
"No!" Jax said adamantly as he rose to his feet.
"Look-it's the last concert guys c'mon. We can't be refunding fans that got tickets already. Need I remind you it was a sell out show?" Slim whispered defensively, "Besides everyone in showbiz does it."
"What you're proposing will do more harm than good," Jax whispered fiercely.
"Guys let's take five shall we? Deep breaths everyone.." Byron raised his hands, "That's it.."
"Don't tell me you're in agreement with him??" Jax turned to Byron, shock registering on his face.
"Well..I.." Byron looked around in discomfit.
"You can't-" Jax looked distraught.
"I don't really need anyone's permission besides Col's. So I'm going to ask him what he thinks when he wakes up," Slim challenged.
"Why would you want to put him through that again? He's been clean and it should stay that way...Don't do it Slim," Jax glared at Slim, "Just because you're beyond redemption doesn't mean you should take Colson down with you."
"Well, we will have to see about that the, won't we?" Slim sneered and walked out of the hotel room. It was time to put his plans in motion..with a little help from unsuspecting friends of course.
"Hey Slim," Ashleigh opened the door and let him in.
"Hey Ash, listen..I think you need to take Y/N out of the house or something. She seems like she could use a friend right now you know?" Slim said with concern.
"Oh..is she okay?" Ashleigh asked as she sat on the couch opposite Slim.
"I think you should just go over and suggest lunch or shopping or whatever it is you girls do to de-stress," Slim shrugged as he leaned forward.
"Okay, I will do that..maybe Sommer can join us?" she said brightly.
"Yeah, that would be great. It will give the boys a chance to bond," Slim stood up and made to leave, "I'll go and tell Sommer to get ready, so long."
"She can just come over to Y/N's once she's done," Ashleigh said as she walked him to the door.
"Thanks Ash, you're a great friend," Slim said as a parting shot. He smiled to himself as he walked back to his hotel room. All the pieces were falling in place. He would get his revenge before he left and he wasn't going out without a fight. Colson would pay.
"Hey Byron..have you sorted out the venue for the after party? The Banquet Manager just sent me a text that there was a mix up with the booking," Jax looked at his phone and frowned.
"What? I thought she had sorted out the issue with the double booking??" Byron stood up and raked his hand through his hair in frustration, "this is just what I need! I need to get this thing sorted before Colson finds out," Byron grabbed his coat, "please make sure he's on time for the sound check," he said before he rushed out,
"Checkmate," Jax grinned as he made his way to Colson's bedroom. He knocked softly and Y/N's melodic voice told him to come in.
"Hey Y/N-we need to get Colson out of here. I'll explain later," he hurried over and effortlessly lifted Colson over his shoulder, "please get dressed quickly."
"What's going on? Is everything okay?" Y/N furrowed her brows as she threw the covers aside and grabbed her shoes.
"That's what I'm trying to do-make sure everything is okay..including Colson," Jax made for the door, "Let's go-hurry please!" he implored.
Jax hoped that they didn't bump into anyone as they escaped from the hotel room. There was no way he would allow them to manipulate Colson-they would have to kill him first. Jax had vowed to Colson's father to protect him at all costs and he would; no matter what the cost. He would deal with Byron and Slim later. He was actually disappointed in Byron, he didn't expect him to go along with Slim's pea-brained scheme. Clearly Byron was all about the dollar signs and didn't care about Colson's well-being.
"Please open the door for me?" Jax asked when they got to the car.
"Sure-sorry let me get it," Y/N ran forward; opened the back seat of the SUV and then jumped in from the other side. She cradled his head an her lap and he began to stir. Colson's eyes fluttered open and then he fell asleep again, oblivious to what was going on around him.
"So we're going to hideout at a guest house close to Genval Lake until this whole thing blows over okay?" Jax drove away quickly but cautiously.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on now?" Y/N pursed her lips in a grim line as she stroked Colson's soft platinum hair.
"I will but you're not going to like it..just promise me you won't confront anybody?" Jax stared at her through the rear-view mirror, "promise."
"Fine," she sighed.
Jax filled her in on the whole debacle and Y/N went from shocked to super-pissed. Jax had to tell her again that confronting the perpetrators was not an option. She argued with him until she was red in the face but Jax was adamant.
"Let me handle this," he insisted; then "please?" in a gentle voice.
It was inevitable that Colson would wake up because of the heated discussion that was taking place, while he was half-asleep.
"Stop the car!" Colson shouted as he scrambled to sit up.
Jax didn't hesitate he slammed on the breaks by reflex. Colson threw open the door and barely made it out. He spewed his guts as soon as his knees hit the ground. Y/N grabbed a box of Kleenex and a bottle of water then went after him. Jax was crouched close by rubbing his back with a concerned look on his face.
"I'm sorry sweets. I know you didn't sign up for this," Colson croaked as Y/N dabbed his mouth and wiped the sweat of his face.
"I said I do didn't I?" Y/N jabbed at a joke.
"Guess you did," he gave a lopsided grin and drained the water from the water bottle.
"I feel like a third wheeler," Jax grumbled as he stood and dusted his jeans.
"Nothing new," Colson muttered and Jax punched his shoulder playfully.
"You're ready to go?" Jax asked.
"Yeah..just give me a minute," Colson leaned on the car as another wave of nausea seized him.
"I've got your meds in the car. Should I get them? They kind of helped last night.." Y/N suggested.
"Baby, I can't tell you how sorry I am.." Colson said dejectedly; his face filled with shame and remorse. He pulled her into his arms and leaned his forehead against hers.
"There's no need to apologize..I know you would do the same thing for me," she kissed his forehead then pulled his hand, "Let's get out of here."
"Are you good to go?" Jax started the car.
"Yeah," Colson replied, "what were you two arguing about earlier on? The truth please?" Colson put emphasis as he held Y/N's hand.
"Well..if you really want to know.." Jax sighed deeply; his hands tightened on the steering wheel.
"I do," Colson stated firmly.
Jax told him about the discussion that went on while he was in oblivion and didn't leave anything out. Colson clenched his jaw and didn't say anything until Jax was done talking. They even arrived at the house but Colson remained in the car and told them to go ahead without him, he would follow.
The house was a beautiful cosy villa consisting of an entrance hall, a bright living room with a wood stove and beautiful bay window overlooking the lake, a fully equipped kitchen with a breakfast corner, the floors had a sumptuous studio and its adjoining terrace. It had four large bedrooms, including a master room with a dressing room, two large bathrooms with bath and shower. A haven of peace, in a quiet close with outdoor parking included.
Y/N went straight to the shower and afterwards proceeded to make brunch but Colson had beat her to it. He was busy cooking up a storm with the help of Jax. She stood at the door and just observed for a while before they noticed her.
"We're almost done here. Maybe you can help set the table on the terrace or the garden? You can choose," Colson turned back to the stove and busied himself again.
"He'll be fine. Don't worry okay?" Jax startled her and intruded her thoughts. He set the steaming, delicious food on the garden table, then put his hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Yeah..of course," she gave him a stiff smile and proceeded with him back to the kitchen.
"I think we're all set. I'll take the coffee outside and you kids can bring the toast once it's done," Jax said.
"Have you taken your meds?" Y/N asked Colson as she leaned on the counter.
"Yes mum," he teased, "stop worrying okay?" he kissed her on the cheek and smiled, "can we go and eat now? I'm staving!" he tugged Y/N's hand and pulled her back outside.
They made small talk as they ate and Y/N noticed that Colson seemed to be in a better mood. Either that or he was a very good actor..come to think of it-he was. He even had an Oscar to prove it..
"Sweets-please stop worrying! I'll be fine okay," Colson reassured his wife for the umpteenth time, "beside you will be right with me on the stage-isn't that enough?" he chuckled and cupped her face. She tried to focus on his hypnotic blue eyes instead of his enticing well-toned body. He had just stepped out of the shower with a towel loosely tied around his waist; smelling so fresh and looking too sexy. His golden locks were still dripping with water that slid slowly down his neck and coursed down his chest. She had never been so turned on by him as she was at this moment. He could literally make her do anything right now and she would be more than willing to oblige.
"Alright, alright," she said weakly when she remembered that they were supposed to be having an argument, "but if I feel that you are straining yourself then I will be forced to do something about it," she was bit her bottom lip.
"Gees sweets! You're beginning to sound like a typical nagging wife!" Colson laughed and she broke out of his embrace. Y/N couldn't get over his laugh. He looked so young and carefree. His beautiful features really stood out whenever he was happy; which was very rare.
"Cut it out Baker," she swatted his arm and folded her arms.
"I'm just teasing Bambi," he pulled her closer and kissed her softly. Unable to resist him as usual, her lips melted into his and they became one. The kiss ignited something in them and it went from being a mere spark to an uncontrollable inferno. Without breaking contact, Colson lifted her and gently placed her on the bed. Her hands were deeply buried in his hair; his hands were tracing every contour of her body. Their bodies fit perfectly together and they were lost in each other. Caught up in a world of their own where only two of them existed and their need for each other was the main purpose of their existence.
"I need you Y/N," Colson whispered as he pleaded with his intense arctic eyes that bored into her very soul. She could see the need in them and she needed him almost as much as he needed her. He turned up the music on the iPod when she silently gave her consent with a silent nod. He was sure that things were about to get a bit loud and more heated.
He was bound to lose control once he got a taste of her because he had wanted her from the moment he laid his eyes on her. She pulled him back to possess not only her lips but her mind, her body and her heart.
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(Credit: Devil Within by Digital Daggers)
Jax checked his watch and noticed that Colson would be late if they didn't leave soon. There was no sign of either him or Y/N and by the sound of the extremely loud baby-making music streaming downstairs from their bedroom; he knew they were definitely not playing Karaoke.
Jax sighed as he made his way upstairs. He didn't want to disturb them but he had to. Nonetheless he still felt bad. He raised his hand and pounded on the door and got no response until the third knock. The music was turned down considerably and Jax could hear movement.
"Go away Jax! We're almost ready," Colson called out.
"Don't let me come back again," Jax called, "you have exactly one hour to get ready," he said before turning to leave.
"I wish we didn't have to go," Colson groaned as he brushed his lips on Y/N's neck.
"The show must go on Baker," she pulled the covers over her exposed body and sat up.
"Do you regret it?" Colson asked as he furrowed his brows.
"Never," she said with pure conviction.
"Neither do I," his face broke into a smile, "I just wish I could do you all day.."his skilled hands started to rove again.
"Colson.." Y/N gasped as his lips found her weak spot.
"I love it when you say my name like that..it makes me want to take you over and over again.." he trailed her body with feather-light kisses and once again she was at his mercy.
Jax checked his watch again and shook his head. It's a good thing he told them they had exactly an hour to get ready instead on two hours. He knew they would disregard his warning. He stood outside the door and pounded on it once again. The door flew open and Colson stood there fully dressed but cussing him with his arctic orbs.
"That scowl on your face tells me that you're happy to see me," Jax grinned, "it's a good thing you're ready though..where is that dangerously gorgeous wife of yours?" he peered over Colson's shoulder.
"She's almost done," his face softened, "can we go and talk downstairs?"
"So what's on your mind?" Jax sank onto a nearby couch and stretched out his long legs.
"Did you make doubly sure that security will keep Slim out? I don't want him anywhere near the stadium," Colson stressed.
"Yeah I did. We got everything covered. It's under control okay?" Jax reassured him, "if you can step outside, you will see that we have beefed up the security around you as well."
"Good," Colson nodded and ran back up the stairs.
"I didn't know what to wear so.." Y/N shrugged as Colson gave her a once over. She was dressed in full white- ripped jeans, t-shirt and matching converse sneakers.
"You look good baby..you always do," Colson stepped forward, "except there's one little problem," he undid her messy bun and her beautiful, lush hair came tumbling down her back, "I prefer your hair like this," he kissed her nose and smiled.
"If it pleases the master," Y/N bowed her head and they laughed.
"Let's get out of here before the master throws you back on that bed," Colson jerked his head towards the bed.
"Not if I do it first.." she purred as she traced her finger suggestively down his chest. With that she exited the room without another word.
Colson stood there gulping down his own drool; every fiber of his being on fire...
Tagged: @kellysimagines
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28 notes Β· View notes
theangrypokemaniac Β· 5 years
Ma and Pa James's Second Biggest Fan (we plough a lonely furrow) continues to find Ma Jess's appeal mystifying, since everything about her is negative:
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1. Signing up for Team Rocket suggests someone of a morally dubious character to start with, but the truth lies in the clothing, and she's in black!
It's code for her personality:
β€’ Jessie wears white:
Pure, beautiful, innocent, sweet-natured, not really bad, dealt a severe hand in life but a fighter.
β€’ Cassidy wears black:
Speaking of which:
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2. She was Madame Boss's best agent.
You don't get there being kind.
To reach that standing requires hundreds of successful heists, and we aren't talking nicking gold bars. It's living things.
How many PokΓ©mon do you imagine she stole with merciless efficiency?
How many children did she set upon, pinching every animal they had?
How many innocent lives did she ruin by depriving kids of the pets they loved, never to see them again, eaten away with the not-knowing and the false hope?
The glory of her reign ran on the fuel of blood and tears.
What fate do you envision awaited those PokΓ©mon? It's not exchanging one master for another, it's entering slavery.
Jessie and James aren't the epitome of Team Rocket. They are minnows on the outskirts, despised and mocked by most of their fellow members. The actual group isn't particularly famous for prioritizing PokΓ©mon welfare.
The preferable outcome is being handed out toΒ agents to help catch other victims. Otherwise it's transformation into a war machine, forced to fight on and on to the point of exhaustion and death, no doubt tortured and tested on to boot.
What happens if they don't come up to scratch or are pushed for years until too aged and broken to be of any use? Are Team Rocket ready to pension them off to animal sanctuary?
As if. It's euthanasia or on to the streets to waste away, if not fed to the strongest first.
Ma Jess knew this and worse occurred thanks to her, yet paid it no mind, and felt not a single twinge of guilt in that time of service, then met her end trying to draw another PokΓ©mon into imprisonment.
Some might say it was a case of what goes around, comes around. As her behaviour led to God knows how many PokΓ©mon dying alone, leaving their loved ones to wonder and grieve, so in turn did she die alone in the snow, and Jessie had to carry on without her.
I'm not against Ma Jess, I neither feel like or dislike, but I don't understand how so many fans can happily overlook her murky past of inflicting pain, instead elevating her to a semi-divine tragic heroine, yet apparently Ma and Pa's heinous offences of not stealing and treating PokΓ©mon well are beyond forgiveness.
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3. It's the Red Ribbon Army! Save yourselves!
Jessie joined Team Rocket to follow in Ma's footsteps. James went with her. Both moved (upwardly in scale, downwardly in morals) from Sunny Town's gang of petty thief kids to a complex Mafia organisation stretching its wriggling tentacles around the world to crush the air from its lungs.
Why? Ma Jess's baleful influence led the two down that path.
Of course Jessie wants to copy Ma, how and where else can she feel close to her?
There's not even a grave to visit!
Rising in the ranks and Giovanni's favour is both to strike it rich and take her place, becoming Ma in essence. That would make her proud, which is all Jessie ever wanted.
What alternative is there? Stay with Chopper and Tyra forever, ekeing an existence pickpocketing and shoplifting, until mortality comes calling sooner than is welcome, or get loaded quickly and retire early?
James theoretically could've gone home at this point, but when it came to which angry redhead he preferred to beat him up, he chose Jessie.
He was henceforth obliged to go whenever she led, even if it meant following the ghost of her mother into the jaws of evil.
They have an excuse, but what was Ma's for getting involved?
However much they boast and revel in their wickedness, the motto proves the couple still believe themselves on a noble quest, despite everything to the contrary, and why?
Jessie isn't about to accept that Ma Jess, whom she's probably idolized as one of few people to love her and a role model of how a woman should be, was nasty or unpleasant. If she was in Team Rocket, it must be good, whatever the outer appearance.
Except Jessie and James are bad at being bad. They are not master criminals. All their plans fail, rendering them poor and starving in consequence. The inner circle of Team Rocket will always be barred to them because they lack the inner darkness it requires.
The joke is they flourish in any other occupation, whether that be Salon Rocquet, reporters, or flogging merchandise and food at the League. If employed elsewhere they'd be better off, but they have to stay because Jessie can't let go, or bear the thought she might be a disappointment to her mother's name. A different career looks unworthy by comparison.
What, so Ma and Pa have got no son because of Ma Jess? They just wanted him to be a gentleman!
If she hadn't set such a terrible example to her daughter she might have an increased quality of life, but then had she done so Ma wouldn't be dead in the first place.
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4. Can't pick 'em can she?
What was it that first attracted Ma to Windy Miller? Does she go for the rustic charm, or the promise of a lifetime's supply of bread to feed the abundance of babies planned?
Don't do it, Ma! He's an alky!
Some birds are like that you see. It's the maternal instinct gone haywire. They find a local reprobate and somehow decide he's really a damaged soul crying out for love, the scapegoat of a cruel society.
He's not evil, he's just misunderstood!
This is why you get nutters wanting to marry the Yorkshire Ripper: they put his 'mischief' down to bad women mistreating his gentle heart, but they of course are devoted to his happiness. They can change him.
You don't know him like I do!
In their fantasy, under the influence of a 'proper' woman he'll transform in to a flower-picking hippie, but not too much, they still like him to be dangerously 'manly' (keeps 'em on their toes), then they can feel smugly superior and more truly female than the 'lesser' breed who failed to tame his sexy pashuns.
And if there's one thing Windy has in abundance, it's raw animal magnetism.
Stop it, Ma! You can't help those who don't want helping!
She put up with the boozing, the flour dust and his somewhat limited communication skills, but what really let him down was the company he kept.
Ever after she would insist Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub led him astray. That's firemen for yer.
Cuthbert? That name's died out.
Sure enough, some point after Ma Jess was stuffed up the spout, old Windy legged it back to Camberwick Green, like the rascal he is, and not a sweet penny piece did she receive in maintenance, the bastard.
At least Ma James got pregnant by a man who stood by her.
She wasn't married to Windy Miller!
Oh, you mean they were living over the brush? I see.
It's all in your head!
Do it my way, and we have Pa Jess. Do it yours, and we're back to a cavernous emptiness. Unless you can supply a picture of the 'real' (pffft) Pa Jess, this is the best available.
Anyway, 'Jessie Miller' just sounds right.
Coincidence? I think not.
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5. She went to look for Mew dressed like this.
I could forgive it had she gone in her normal uniform, that's just whimsy, but to have made some effort emphasises that it's not enough!
Some part of her understood a mountain might be a bit parky out, but this was deemed sufficient coverage!
What happened?
She bloody died didn't she?!
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6. Ma Boss points the way to doom.
Ma Jess was at least loyal to the mistress she served, but it was a wasted dedication. She squandered her life obeying a heartless virago who could cast aside apparently valued staff without a qualm, whatever thanks she owed them.
The millions Ma Jess accumulated for Madame are probably uncountable, yet she was so worthless that, when dispatched to the mountain, on her own, expected to catch a Legendary PokΓ©mon, by herself, which many doubted even existed, and wasn't likely to come quietly, or put up with orders, but then didn't come back, Madame Boss allowed her only child to sink into poverty and the infamous 'care' of the State.
Everyone knows what goes on there. Entering a home has replaced the workhouse as the place of dread.
Jessie might have been killed or attacked and it didn't remotely concern Madame Boss, unwilling to spare a meagre fraction of her massive fortune to give the girl she made an orphan any comfort or security.
What did she matter? Her mother failed. Why reward that?
In her turn, Jessie became just as obsequious to an undeserving master, who went further than his mama and actively tried to murder her, and still she suffers to please him.
Team Rocket devoured her mother, and now it's swallowed her.
Oh, and Madame Boss got her way upon discovering Mew's fossil, so Ma Jess died for nothing.
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7. This.
I'm not surprised Mew wouldn't go with Ma. She probably sensed the vivisection awaiting, and didn't give a toss about the avalanche in revenge.
Mew hasn't got where she is today falling for any old shallow promises from a stranger, thank you.
Suppose the mission had worked, with Mew caught and gift wrapped for Madame's delectation: what then?
Perhaps Mew's power, proving so impressive, would've pushed any cloning scheme aside, leaving Mewtwo unborn and Mew as the mightiest weapon. Or in greed Madame Boss demands more, and in arrogance the scientists promise the earth, the seas and the heavens.
Mew I could see subjected to some non-lethal form of dissection, just to understand how she ticked, that is if they could build the cage to hold her.
As they couldn't, and catching Mew was never a possibility, then Ma Jess's sacrificed herself on a fool's errand, which was obviously one from the outset. If Mew was easy to handle she'd have been captured long before now.
Either Ma dies, Mew's safe, but Madame Boss starts the cloning scheme anyway, or Ma's victorious, Mew is a tool of Team Rocket and the scientists have more sample to experiment upon. Mewtwo is still made, alongside short-lived creations and dozens of unseen freakish abominations preceding.
Now Mewtwo isn't what you call at peace with himself, nor has he received a particularly wholesome experience. One could think Ma indirectly caused that. Her branch of the project may have fizzled to cinders but she still played her role.
What would her legacy have been but to help bring forth the being that wiped out mankind? Where's the future for Jessie when there isn't one?
It's not her fault, but she died in the name of cloning a biological disaster, the creation of synthetic life leading to the destruction of it all.
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8. Let's have a gander at Ma in the anime:
β€’ Can afford rent.
β€’ Can afford a tray.
β€’ Can afford crockery.
β€’ Can afford condiments to add flavour to food.
β€’ Can't afford any actual food.
Something's wrong there.
I intended to include affording clothes too, but now I'm not so sure.
I never took Ma to be a brown-all-over kind of woman. At least she gave the fancy stuff to Jessie.
For years I've assumed she wore a brightly coloured jacket, but now I suspect it's a red one heavily patched up, because buying a replacement isn't an option.
Really old clothes are being mended with whatever can be salvaged from even more worn-out clobber.
Best agent Madame Boss has and she's practically living in her own filth.
Team Rocket takes care of its own, eh?
Oh no, let's not get a proper job, one that allows me to provide for my daughter and doesn't ask for my life. Let's stay in this one!
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9. Look at Jessie's face!
By her own admission, being tricked into eating snow is the best thing that ever happened to her during an 'otherwise wretched childhood', to the extent she doesn't know it was wrong!
I don't hear Ma and Pa doing that. The only ice James got was an ice-cream sandwich.
What kind of infancy did Ma Jess give the girl for her to be nostalgic about almost dying of malnutrition?
If we say that's a foster mother as in the sub, it means Jessie's fondest memory is after Ma died, which is too brutal for me.
Yeah, thank goodness she's snuffed it.
You think Ma might have taught her not to eat snow! She left her so ill-prepared!
Consequently the sub version makes Ma Jess an awful creature, although I don't see why that Jessie would so desire to mimic a mom she apparently doesn't care about.
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10. She's not even bloody here!
I have no picture to signify absence, therefore I must show whom she left behind.
Ma Jess is PokΓ©mon's answer to Bobba Fett: background figure, barely involved, no information, dies early, yet became a fan favourite nevertheless.
If nothing really exists, what is there to like? Why are you contented weaving smoke?
When Rocketshippers put forward the manga as proof, the Anti-Ships used to insist that it 'didn't count' for being set in a 'separate universe'.
If that still goes, and only the contents of the anime apply to the anime, well then it's bye-bye to Ma Jess and Madame Boss, because they aren't real either.
I sometimes think that's true. However traumatic, would Jessie not have acknowledged her mother by now otherwise?
We grasp the characters all had two parents in a nebulous fashion, although not being real people means they don't 'technically' need them, but Ma Jess is the only one who vanished to be granted a face. Why is she then ignored?
She's briefly glimpsed in a passing scene of a single episode of the first series and is never seen or referenced again. The sub doesn't even have that. Where was the use in creating her if only to leave that thread of the tale billowing in the breeze?
We may decide her actions affect Jessie's but we're only imprinting assumptions. She might as well have remained unwritten for all that's made of her.
What we can glean doesn't bode well, irrespective of things left unmentioned.
Her one redeeming deed was dying, thus at least she didn't choose to abandon Jessie. We may presume she'd have stayed with her girl given the chance.
By my reckoning that puts her as Fifth-Best Mother Of PokΓ©mon, behind Ma Brock, Ma James, Dame Ketchum and Ma Boss, in that order.
Then they're those who claim she never died, so she just pissed off like everyone else, rendering her devoid of a single positive quality.
This is the woman you sigh and agonise over for decades.
Ma and Pa are right there, man! Show 'em some love!
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messinwitheddie Β· 5 years
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Skoodge *inhales "Woo! That cruiser is SOOO not safe to pilot."
Zim "As long as it gets me out of the solar system, that's all I care about. Good work, Skoodge."
Skoodge "You're welcome. Glad I could help... Hey, I gotta take off and fill my quota. Tell Gir I said good luck at the big cook off. Wish I could stick around to watch it."
Zim "Personally I could do without watching poor Gir get batted around by a crew of behemoth cooks."
"Maybe you'll get lucky and Soo-Garr with have you thrown out of the arena."
Zim "I hope she slips on the kitchen floor and impales herself on a hot skewer; that stupid shmoopquizz on legs--"
Skoodge *chuckes* "That's horrible. You shouldn't call a frylady lady that."
Zim "You should have heard what I called her the other day. Rrrr...I HATE her and her conventionally pretty face and hideous soft lips!"
Skoodge "Soft lips? What are you--? You're acting unusually odd...or the usual amount of odd. I can't tell anymore. What have you been DOING the past 2 hours anyways?"
Zim "I'm looking for someone...and...there...he is!! HA HAAAA!! I'm amazing!"
Skoodge "Who is that?"
Zim "Retired Invader Ziss. Finally! I have a lock on his pitiful biosigniture!"
Skoodge "Wait, that's the conquerer of Canceree! Ziss is a legend."
Zim "He's a loathsome prick with much to answer for! Now that I can track his location, I'm going to find him and MAKE him SUFFER."
Skoodge "What? No, Zim, don't do that. Why would you do that?"
Zim "There's no talking me out if it now, Skoodge. He's already made an enemy of me."
Skoodge "What did he do to you?"
Zim "Nothing; it's what he did to Poki."
Skoodge "Oh no. What did he do to Poki?"
Zim "I don't know! But I'll rip a confession out of him if it's the last thing I do!"
Skoodge "Or-- OR... You could just forget Ziss ever existed and resist the impulse to do something we both know you'll regret. Hu?"
Zim "Oh, I assure you, I won't regret a single moment of tormenting this guy."
Skoodge "Is tormenting an old veteran going to fix anything or change anything?"
Zim "It will make ME feel better! I'm imperially shunned; I have NOTHING left to lose. I'm tired of people like HIM getting away with abusing people like US!! And I'm SICK of no one else being SICK OF IT!"
Skoodge "Shhh!! Bleep it Zim! I'm...I'm gonna head back to work and pretend I never engaged in this conversation. Have fun landing yourself in Mooping 10 for life."
Zim "OK! Have fun with your sad, unfulfilled service drone existence."
Skoodge "Hey, I'm not ashamed of how I earn a living! I......." *sigh* "I'm sick of the abuse and exploitation too. EVERYONE is! But we don't know what to do about it, ok?... Could you please consider NOT going through with this revenge scheme, whatever it is? PLEASE, just think things over tonight while you watch the cook off?"
Zim "...Okay, I'll think it over a little longer."
Skoodge "Neat...See you around, Zim. Take care of yourself..."
...a bottle of cyder later...
Zim "Ok, Skoodge, I've thought about it quite enough. I'm gonna go devistate this squak's whole universe."
***shortly later still***
Zim "Bright Eyes, that you?! You busy?!"
Vroog "--"
Zim "Didn't think so! Hop in!"
(Zim is still dwelling on Poki's war story. Skoodge making one last effort to be a friend to Zim and talk him out of doing...whatever he plans to do. Poor trainee Vroog is about to get dragged into the misadventure.
I've pretty much have the first part of this 18-years-later AU mapped out. (Except for Zim/Vroog's vengeance misadventure)
Gonna set these ideas aside and most likely start converting this mess into actual comic pages after the holidays. Might be starting a second job soon. Fingers crossed for a phone call today or tomorrow.
Meanwhile, my other AUs have been neglected. Gonna clean for a few hours and then see what else I can accomplish at the drawing desk.
Promise to go through my inbox soon.
Questions/ suggestions welcome.)
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