#I'm tagging a lot of y'all because I have some new mutuals i guess?
bluestockingbaby · 1 year
15 Questions, 15+ mutuals
Thanks for the tag @mariacallous
Were you named after anyone?
Saint Mary Magdalene herself
When was the last time you cried?
Listen, I’m not proud of it, but yesterday there was a video of the Wikipedia page for CBT (NOT Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, the other one) vocoded to the US National Anthem and I laughed so hard I cried.
Do you have kids?
No. I’d like to eventually someday, but I’d also be fine if it never ends up happening for me.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I use it sometimes, but I’m way less defensive than I was as a teenager.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
How they’re acting. I’m not very good at putting names to faces, but I wish I was!
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Any special talents?
Speed-reading? I have many good qualities, but they’re not really the kind of talents that would be fun to show off at a party— unless we’re having a trivia night, and then I do pretty well in everything except the sports category. I can do decent impressions. Many people say that, but I actually can.
Where were you born?
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, editing, cooking, hiking, tabletop rpgs, being silly on tumblr and discord. I try to have a balance of many different things!
Have any pets?
No— my apartment is too small right now.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I am not a sporty person, but I did small-circle jujitsu for a year and a half before I moved, and I loved it! I would like to find another dojo, but I also can’t really commit to anything right now. I was forced to do Scottish Highland dance for a few years as a child, which I was not particularly good at. I also was involved in shooting sports through 4-H for over a decade, first as a safety thing, then branching out into other disciplines.
How tall are you?
5’ 11
Favorite subject in school?
Dream job?
Forensic Psychologist with a particular focus on policy advocacy, developing community-based solutions, and making services accessible to under-served and isolated areas— with a side of fiction writing under a pseudonym for fun.
tagging @theboarsbride @atomic-two-sheds @mad-prophet-of-the-airwaves @crocodilenotes @sarahchagalls @meme-streets @knifebucket @palis-delon @thatsonebigoof @greetings-from-mordor @curly-cottage-girl @tybaltsjuliet @mllecosettefauchelevent @forthegothicheroine @gorevidalscaligula @hunterbiden @stripesysheaven @gracefullysaint @tanaudel @pendraegon @cithaerons @lovelyamneris @hotcassavetessummer @changelinq @sweetfluffernuts @mifhortunach @emiliosandozsequence  @laurabeatrix
25 notes · View notes
nobodysdaydreams · 8 months
(Or my reaction to Episode 61 of Wolf359: Brave New World).
Well gang, we did it. We've reach the end. Sorry for how my reactions went from super spaced out to speed running the finale in a number of days, but I did warn you that I'm just sporadic like that. Though I have been semi-putting Brave New World off, because as much as I want to know how Wolf359 ends, I don't want it to end. I love these characters. I want good things for them. As much as I hate what they did, I wish that Hilbert and Maxwell had gotten the chance to get the redemption arc that Jacobi got. Hilbert had plenty of opportunities, but Maxwell was young and its not fair. I don't know how much more sadness they are gonna throw at me, but I'm guessing its a lot and I can't listen to it all in one sitting, so I'm just mentally preparing myself.
I also don't want this to end because I've loved giving you guys these reactions. Thank you all for reading my rambles and enjoying them. It means a lot to me, and I hope you were entertained. Thanks for coming on this journey with me, and please know that the second this is over, I am gonna figure out how to unblock the wolf359 tags (I did it so long ago I forgot how I did it, oopsie-daisy), and I am am gonna be reblogging and going crazy over all your posts and fanart and stuff so I hope you're ready for that.
Plus finishing the podcast also means it's time for me to deliver on those fics I promised y'all, which have been very carefully written (in my head). I will write them out eventually, but if there is anything my tmbs mutuals will tell you, my wolf359 mutuals, it's that my ideas tend to lead to other ideas, which means my fics do tend to be a little long, but (based on the reviews I've gotten) worth the read. So it might take a while to get them on AO3, but when I do, I hope you enjoy them!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom @lovelyladylavie
Episode 61: Brave New World
The fact that Brave New World was written in 1932 and Cutter and Pryce are old and the fact that the message of Brave New World is about humans losing their humanity...already we're setting the stage.
And based on Kepler's earlier declaration, why do I suspect that this is the part where Doug's daughter's life and Minkowski's husband's life are finally on the line. I know Cutter and Pryce won't hesitate to aim their guns at them (and probably the rest of the planet too).
That moment when you can't tell if Wolf359 starts with sad piano music, or if this is just an ad for another podcast.
Oh it's the intro. Hi Hera! Or Miranda...oh wait I genuinely can't tell if this is Miranda talking about herself or Hera talking about her.
Clouded eyes, weak heart, child genius, orphan, no friends...I see. Obsessed with making things stronger and better. Yeah, except for herself I bet. Oh. She made her friends. Because she could control them. "Never left her behind, never talked back, never were afraid of her...except when she wanted them to be." "The one thing she couldn't fix was herself" see I called it!
Until? Oh no. Marcus.
And Old Man? Almost as clever as her? "Hello little girl. I want you to make a doll for me. You're very best doll. It must look like a real person, and sound like a real person, and be a real person." "And if I can?" "Then you and I will fix the world. I will be young and you will be whole and the world will finally be everything it could be. Everything it should be."
Okay. Thoughts.
When I made my jokes about Pryce being Cutter's evil science girlfriend, I was not assuming a romantic relationship, I was trying to use that language to insult Pryce and Cutter by making them sound like the kids they hate so much in a frivolous, juvenile and toxic relationship. Then, I was told by a few of you that given this assumption, it’s important that I know that I shouldn't assume that Pryce met Cutter when she was young based on this story and it was meant to be "fairytale language", which does make sense given that Cutter being willing to call Miranda his "work wife" when he's known her since she was young enough to be his granddaughter is incredibly creepy.
I appreciate the clarification, but also, I really don't think it matters whether this is hyperbole or not. If it is, then okay. Pryce and Cutter's relationship is still weird. If it's not, then Cutter's a creep, what a surprise. Tell me something I don't know.
"And so they did. And everyone lived happily ever after. The end."
The fact that it's Cutter that interrupts Miranda's story to give that closing line and declare this the end adds to the creepiness. Miranda says what Marcus's promise to her was, but never says whether she agreed before Marcus jumps in with "and so they did". Also, if Miranda was dying, Cutter was her only chance at survival. It also sounds like she was a kid with a pretty messed up view of the world. Doesn't excuse anything she did, but see Cutter? THAT is how you give a good sad backstory, and she did it in five minutes. You spent a whole hour with Nash just so you could cry that the government took your precious telescope.
"THAT'S the evil plan?" Care to fill us in Doug?
"That's THE plan, yes." Shut it Rachel. It's evil and you know it.
It's...so evil. And so...planned. Doug's words might be simple, Rachel, but sometimes simple is better. It gets to the point and cuts through the BS.
"It's real and it's happening" And ARE you happy about this Kepler? And why tell them?
Good question Kepler, why are you here? Please tell me you're going to take Rachel away.
"You're going to help" "of course I am" Are you Kepler? Oh please tell me he gets a redemption arc and betrays Cutter.
Does anyone want to fill ME in on the plan? No one? Okay. :(
"Where's the trust?" That's not for you, Rachel.
"I really don't like her" I don't either, Doug.
We can't stop them, so let's see our families again. No, Minkowski, you can do this! I believe in you! You can't just go home, we have two hours left! That's plenty of time to stop them.
It's been a long...years.
I forget how long they've been up there. And that everyone on Earth believes they're dead.
And not do anything about WHAT? WHAT IS THE PLAN PLEASE FILL ME IN.
What was that sound?
Oh Doug is in the comms room. Oh yikes. It's okay, Doug. We've all broken very expensive lab equipment before.
"Living in a cuckoo clock" you have no idea, Doug.
"I wouldn't do that." Is that Pryce or Hera? And yeah why is there gas?
"Good boy" oh good it's Hera. Hera calls him good boy, Pryce just calls him boy.
"Who are you?" OH THIS IS DOUG MEETING HERA FOR THE FIRST TIME. At first I thought that Doug...forgot her? Or something? I was confused.
Ultraviolet halo? Contraband cigarettes. 😂
"Just ask. I'm here to help." Aw that was sweet.
Ew Rachel. I'm gonna start using "----" breaks to cut off sections.
"Actually he's in quite a lot of pain. Back to work." Always charming, Rachel.
"Thanks for saving our lives-" Kepler, that's a great question. What IS this? Where was the concern for brainwashed Jacobi or better still, WHERE WAS YOU CONCERN FOR MAXWELL? Or Jacobi dealing with her death?
"And do what? Get myself shot? Get you shot? No. I played the game." Was it worth it, Kepler?
"That's the lie you tell yourself. The truth? The truth is that you were afraid. And the only thing YOU did was try to save YOUR hide?"
Dang this dialogue is amazing.
"You're not wrong." "Which one?" "Both of you." This isn't YOUR conversation Rachel.
Momentary weakness?
Oh my gosh, the good food too? Why does Cutter hit so many show Curtain parallels? He might torture, enslave, and kill people, but he's gonna get them a good meal first.
Good for you Doug, turning down the wine. I'm proud of him.
This is a sweet moment between Doug and Lovelace. I gotta say, since I'll be reacting to this section by section, it's nice that they have it broken up a little like this so I can reach a section and then get to a stopping point if I need to.
I'm just worried about who is going to die. These conversations feel like goodbyes.
Minkowski. I know you miss your husband. But...yeah, ARE you ready to go back?
YEAH WE'RE DOING THIS! To borrow from Eris's words: "Let's beat the bad guys 🥳"
Quiet Rachel.
Wait. Destroy a whole species?
Are they talking about humans?
...are they ecofascists? Eugenicists? Pryce is literally disabled, how the heck...
"Only stay if you have to." Well, it sounds like you all have to.
"Hera what did you say to her" "Something a friend once said to me" 🥰🥰🥰
"I'm starting to think these guys are my kind of stupid" GO JACOBI!
"Adorable corpses 🥰" Rachel you suck!
"Come with us. You're still people, you're still on our side, even if you don't think you are." Very true. What do you think Pryce and Cutter will do to YOU when they have what they want? They'll dispose of you too.
"You're allowed to make mistakes as long as at some point you admit that they're mistakes!" "I was wrong and people died. All I can do is not be wrong again" "You knew what you were getting into" "No I didn't. I didn't know I was getting into mind control and reducing people to nothing. There's a line. And you're almost out of chances to get on the right side of it." PREACH!
"There is no line. Forwards. Always forwards." FORWARDS TO WHAT RACHEL? WHY HAS NO ONE SHOT HER YET?
"Thank you, Daniel, and goodbye." Oh so that's how it is. Goodbye Kepler. I look forward to your last minute sacrifice.
Character arcs woven like a quilt.
"We're going to crush them" Yeah, let's do it!
A full reboot? Worth the risk? That kind of stuff always worries me.
Is this Maxwell's notes? It's hard to recognize the voice on the recording. "She really was something special" Oh it is Maxwell.
Ah. Another flashback! Jacobi meeting Maxwell.
Looks like Kepler got an important text.
"Cool stuff with robots" good work Maxwell. The best scientists can always dumb it down.
"The Whiskey speech" 😂
"You're one of the best. You're gonna do great things. It's the last nice thing you'll ever hear from me. Except: you need anything I got you're back. No matter what happens, I've got your back. I'll take you up on that." 😭💔
Oh it's okay. Take my heart. I didn't need it.
"Are they going to do the smart thing?" "Well who are we to deny them an agonizing death?" Shut it Cutter.
They put a tracker on Jacobi? See I knew Rachel was a snake. So is Kepler, but at least he's gonna take a bullet for someone or something. My money's on Jacobi, but I could be wrong.
Yep. Eiffel logs everything.
"I never got the chance to say I'm sorry. YOUR DAD LOVES YOU, YOUR DAD LOVES YOU SO MUCH." 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
"Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. You can go so far. I wish I could be there to see it. I love you Ann. Always and forever."
Time to go? Oh. The comms room? Oh, right. Poor Doug.
"One more day, and then we're done." This is so sad.
"Go home Eiffel, hug your daughter" OH HE CALLED HER RENEE!
This leaves me with so much feeling.
Eiffel can't leave he's the main character. Who will make pop culture references? Who will save the day through the power of random associations, luck, and good intentions?😭😭😭
I hate that they the bad guys know exactly what happened too.
"I'm so sick of this happening!" Use too Doug.
Oh "For god's sake just let me change the flight plan!" So that's what the F stands for. The lore I've been waiting for.
"People need to know what's coming?" Minkowski...I get why you did what you did, but HERA DIDN'T GET TO SAY GOODBYE.
Is this Minkowski's flashback?
Oh when Minkowski met Hera.
"I heard units prefer to go by their serial numbers..." "I don't" Good for you Hera!
I love this. I love these flashbacks, but they just make everything so much more sad!
Ah. More piano music. Does this mean we're back to the bad guys, or...?
Is this Cutter playing the piano?
"The Tempest. Do read a book sometime. Is this the best use of our time?" Pryce and Cutter are really the most toxic people.
"A storm is coming. And on the other side..." "Oh Brave New World." "That has such people in it."
Yes, Pryce and Cutter. People. As in humans. As in: NOT YOU.
"How have they decided to throw their lives away?" "By destroying the device"
WHAT DEVICE? What are you talking about?
Heck yeah a harpoon! I hope Cutter gets it.
"This is Minkowski. I love schedules and musicals and that man who I married." 😂 1-2-3-4-5? It was a good guess Doug. Would have worked in my fanfic.
Okay here comes Victor...
...um what is happening? What is this?
...a surprise party? Sounds fun! 🪩🥳
Oh right, the bio tracker. I'm happy to see Jacobi pulled one over on him. Now shoot him! Please tell me that was Victor that got shot.
They...they trapped him in the room. "Tell me this before I kick your ass" Why on Earth would he ever tell you anything Victor?
Okay, so they are blowing up Pryce and Cutter's evil device, but...what is the device? What ARE they doing? Did I miss it? I'm sure they're doing something to enslave or kill all of humanity, but I'd like the specifics.
"The Hephaestus has almost fallen out of the sky so many times, it's hard to believe it's happening." Well...the show isn't over until it's over.
Is this a Lovelace flashback? A date? A date with who? Oh, Hilbert. Not that kind of date then. Oh, this is her introducing Hilbert to the crew he's going to betray.
"Prudent to keep things formal" to avoid the guilt.
Selburg. Once again with the constant fake names. Dmitri. Matthew.
Though I think Miranda has always had hers.
Yeah Doug. You've listened to her say it so many times. This is like me trying to drive in my hometown. No, I wasn't paying attention in the car as a kid, I was not the one doing the driving. I just zoned out and we got from point A to point B by magic.
Oh, Minkowski. "Get up and do it already. You can do it."
Yes you can Doug. You are the main character. You are the guy that's gonna swoop in at the last second when Cutter pulls one over one them. So you CAN do it. I believe in you, Eiffel.
"Victor Uniform Lemma Charlie Alpha November VULCAN" I knew it must stand for something! Good work Doug!
Oh dear. More of Pryce and Cutter's marriage falling apart.
"Time to change the world." Or you could not. Maybe you could just not.
Please explain this? Oh of course he has a speech.
Oh he's talking to the dear listeners, not the Hephaestus crew.
Ah. The Decima virus. Thanks a lot Hilbert. DEPLOY THROUGHOUT THE EARTH? He wants to cause a pandemic????
Automatic, can't be stopped, destruction of human race? But why would the aliens care? Oh because Cutter wants them to talk to HIM? But the aliens prefer Doug.
As do most others it would seem. Hurts, doesn't it, Cutter? All those years of experience and work, and yet, you still just can't have what he has, can you?
Ah. It's Bob. Did he just shock Bob? No temporal jumps, no disintegration?
"Remarkable and cold" No Bob, you saw Doug! It's just them. They don't need to be cold.
Willing to disrupt species survival??? What piece of tech do they want? Surrogates?
They want to fill the world with people they can control?
"You can't make duplicates of our species." Bob, they are worst than you can ever imagine.
"We're going to make better humans." "That is not the way that-" "Random part out of the equation" That's a bad idea. Do you know how evolution works? Do you know the negative side effects that have come out of selective breeding of animals? The unintended consequences? To quote Miranda from earlier in the episode: READ. A. BOOK.
"Our Humanity" Gross.
Oh here is comes. Betraying Rachel and Warren.
"Your brains can't handle it without modification. I cannot with my limitations. Do you have Doug Eiffel?"
Oh boy...oh Cutter is gonna snap. If only Doug had just kept going...
Oh wow okay Cutter has lost it. What happened to emotionally playing the piano and giving speeches about how the time had come?
oh geez no, Doug is back. Doug, no, they need you for the evil plans. This is a good idea, but very bad timing.
"He wouldn't" Oh he WOULD. He really really would.
Show 'em how it's done Dougie Boy!
"I'll get it" No you will NOT Miranda.
Kepler, now is a great time to betray Cutter and Rachel. A really good time.
Also is Victor dead? I'm trying to keep track of how many bad guys are gone.
"You're the only person who can receive the data Pryce and Cutter want" Oh dear.
"With my life darling, with my life" 🥹💕
So what is Hera going to do?
"Lets make sure at least someone makes it through this" YOU ALL NEED TO MAKE IT.
"Let's go get our idiot back" That's the spirit baby!
Oh dear. Jacobi. "Terrific for an SI-5." Wow.
"I'm gonna win!" I hope so Jacobi. But it sounds very not good.
Oh and here's Doug. And um...other Doug. Aka Bob.
Bob. Do not do this.
That was it? "You shall not call me again" "No Bob. I shall not."
"I hate loose ends"
I mean, I saw that coming, but dumb idea. I'm SURE Bob's family will be cool with that! Oh right, he just...recreates himself. But this has got to be trippy for Doug because Bob takes his form. Imagine watching a clone of yourself die.
"Let's make a deal 🥰" Wow Pryce is the worst. Again, very trippy how much she sounds like Doug.
Wait. GOING IN? What does. What does "going in" mean? Don't go in, I don't like going in?
Ah yes. Going into someone's mind. I've done that in my fics before too. Fun stuff. And um...it's because you're disorganized Doug, I hate to tell you.
"That was...that was...that was..." OH SHE DESTROYED THE MEMORY. OH SHE TOOK THE MEMORY?
This is...horrifying. She could take his daughter away. She could take Hera, Minkowski, and everyone and everything away.
Oh my gosh is she actually here? Like as a person?
This is everything.
Ah yes, confrontation with Cutter.
Cutter has modified his body or he has a magic shield.
He can catch bullets? Of course he can.
I wouldn't try hand to hand combat either. I bet he gave himself super strength.
There has to be a weak spot. He has to have a weakness. But what could it be...
...what is the opposite of a chai latte?
Ah. Back to Jacobi.
Kepler this would be a GREAT TIME to come in and get your arc. "I'm not a good guy" oh Jacobi. What's happening now? Oh has he been pretending to lose this fight to buy them time? What is happening? It's hard to tell.
She's always been interesting, Pryce! You’re just noticing now.
"You don't look like me." Disappointed, Pryce? Sad that she’s better than you?
And the fact that all these AI want human forms...this is so sad. They structured them based on human consciousness so of course they want human bodies and experiences, that's just cruel.
Wait Doug got beat up in the 2nd grade? The Star Wars Prequels? "I might be okay without that one" No one tell him about the sequels 😂😂😂
"Of course you can. You can do anything." 💕
"You and what army, 214?" The sounds in this really makes the fight sound super epic. One of my favorite parts of the whole thing.
Oh gross not Rachel again. Why is she still here?
And Kepler. Dude, you wanna hurry it up? Grab your arc or go, the clock is a-ticking.
"We're changing what humanity can be." you suck Rachel.
Pulse beacon, half power? What does that mean? The signal wouldn't have made it back to Earth?
"We have tell Mr. Cutter." "Do we?" KEPLER THIS IS IT!
He gave you a chance, Rachel. He gave you a chance. "After all, I am still a person. I'm on Jacobi and Minkowski's side. Even if they don't think I am"
And even if they never know you were.
Is she gonna blast him out the airlock? Rachel, you're dying, it's over! You were wrong! The best thing to do is let him live!
He's literally drinking as he goes out the airlock. My...my wish came true. But this isn't how I wanted it to... why now? Why like this? 💔
It's a true sacrifice though. Because even though no one will ever know, he still did the right thing.
You became more than just a Whiskey Boy in the end Kepler. You became so much more.
Rachel, no so much. You were never anything. It doesn't matter if Warren was not as good as you. Because now you're both dead. And your life, well...you were never anyone. Or at least, you haven't been anything or anyone for a long, long, time. So be quiet now.
Silence at last.
Well this isn't good.
Ah yes. Back to Jacobi. Looks like Kepler's not coming to save him. But at least he took care of Rachel.
Explosives? Fireworks? Oh this is a party! 🎆🎇🧨
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Well that was a grand surprise party! But um...does this mean Victor and Jacobi are dead now?
Ah back to Lovelace and Minkowski!
"It's...side wave radiation!" Okay, thank you Cutter, now we know what we need to shut down.
"Humans who do exactly what we tell them to do" "You're crazy"
Yeah. He is literally crazy.
OH SHE SHOT HER??? Oh no....Oh no please tell me SOMEONE makes it out of this.
What really did happen the night of Doug's junior prom? Sounds interesting.
Fishing with Dad? Okay these memories are getting personal.
Wait, what did Doug do?
What are they going to do? Oh they could delete the memories Bob put in there. But they need to find them before Pryce.
Shut up about the stomach wound Cutter. No one cares. This isn't rewriting a person. And THAT'S NOT WHY PEOPLE CARED ABOUT HER YOU IDIOT. And without your intelligence and tech, who. are. YOU, CUTTER?
Renee Minkowski! YES! Tell him!
Lovelace you can fight this. I know you can.
Shut it Cutter. No one cares.
"Sooner or later, you're gonna do as your told" And sooner or later, you are gonna lose everything, Cutter.
"You really think I'm afraid of you?" "THE BEAUTIFUL THING IS I DON'T NEED YOU TO BE"
Please tell me they have the harpoon gun.
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"That's...not...how...this is suppose to..."
Yes, it is Cutter. Like you said. You know how these stories end. The good guys win. They might lose a lot in the process, but, they win.
Is he dead now, like, for real dead? I don't want to celebrate too early but MAN what a way to go.
He and Rachel even died in similar ways to. It's like they short circuited when they realized they didn't win.
Ah Pryce. "I don't need to beat you. No matter how much I want to, no matter how much you deserve it, it wouldn't change anything. What I need to do is make sure you're not going to hurt anyone else again ever." That's right!
"Clip your wings a little. Goodbye Dr. Pryce."
So...Hera's gone now. So what is about to happen?
Oh no. Is she...is she gonna delete both their memories?
"Bye bye to my memories?" Oh Doug, oh poor Doug. His daughter, everything...oh Doug this sacrifice will not be forgotten. 🫡 This is so Milligan coded of him (@/tmbs mutuals).
"You can't. Don't do this." "Oooo...sorry buddy, we gotta" YEAH THROW IT BACK AT HER EIFFEL!
And goodbye. I hope you have a second chance with your daughter. I hope you never remember the trauma. All a bad dream. All a bad dream.
"Do you have any idea what you've...I'm sorry...what was I saying...where...where am I?" Oh my gosh the way her voice changed...and she apologized. Oh my gosh. She's literally a new person.
So...memories gone? Where does this leave her? Oh this will be fun in fanfics. Imagine having no memories, and people are weird about it, and then finding out that before you were basically the worst person to ever exist. How would you even mentally cope with that?
"Yeah commander, it's going." No, Doug! Doug!
"It was an honor, sir" Oh this is so sad.
"Hera...Hera I...I..." You know Hera. You were in his mind. Please tell me you know.
Oh. He's gone. 💔
Oh it's her and Eiffel meeting, okay.
"Are you just asking if I'm the commander? Yes." I love Minkowski and Doug's friendship.
"Never use one word when ten will do" oh Doug...never change. Even if your memories are gone, I hope you find yourself again.
He didn't know you couldn't smoke in space? Oh Doug...at least now you can quit.
"Do I know you?" Yes Doug. Yes you do.
She's briefing him. He...he doesn't remember Star Wars???
Well. At least he gets to watch it all again!
Wait. What's happening to the station? Are they...are they going into the star?
Oh no. So it's up to the dear listeners to save them, or...they just die here. Heroes. Heroes that everyone on Earth thought were dead already.
Oh she's rebooting now.
"Should we be doing something?" Oh did Renee pass out?
So...is Doug on the ship alone without his memories? What's happening?
Where is Renee now? Lovelace? Where? What? The Urania? How?
Did they leave Pryce on board? Did Jacobi get out?
Oh good Hera, Minkowksi, and Lovelace made it. Jacobi did it! Nice work, Jacobi. Oh gosh he's so dramatic 😂
So I assume Doug made it too?
"What about Kepler" "No." Oh so, they must have found Rachel and discovered what he did. "You can't save everyone I suppose"
But you did save him, Jacobi. You did save Whiskey Boy.
And then where is Doug?
Oh he's listening to himself.
"I was a jerk" There's a lot worse things you can be, Doug.
It does make you wonder. If you looked at your life with a blank slate, what would you think? How would you be kinder to yourself? How would you be more critical?
"Am I still that same person?" If you want to be, Doug. If you want to be.
And what happened to Pryce? Please tell me you did not give her to the dear listeners.
Oh Hera and Pryce. "Your voice is like mine, isn't it?" "Nice to meet you, Hera." Oh. Oh my gosh. Pryce calling her Hera.
"And I'm...I'm going to tell you a very, very long story about the two of us, okay?"
I hope this ends well...
...please be a good guy, Pryce.
Hey guys. Guys. Quick question.
Why are there 10 minutes left?
I um...I like this ending. They're going back to Earth, all is well. Please tell me nothing bad happens.
What happened with Pryce? Hera hasn't glitched at all? She did it. She conquered her fear. GO HERA! But um...what about Pryce? Is she...is she good?
Minkowski needs to find her husband. And yeah...you guys have a lot to figure out.
Lovelace...yep. Take Goddard down. Good idea. Explain to your friends you're an alien with extended lifespan...might want to break that gently.
Take who out?
Oh the ship. Is this it? They're going home? Please tell me they're actually going home. Don't tease me like this.
Oh right, what will Hera do now? I'm sure you'll find something.
And yeah. Doug might not know who he is, but he knows there are people he should see. And then...he'll figure it out. They'll all figure it out. "Am I still Doug Eiffel? I'm not sure. Want to find out together?"
Yes. I love this. 🥰
I also love how it connects to "will I miss you, when you go away forever Doug?" Yes, but he's not gone Hera. He's not gone.
Five minutes left. So...what is that for? Do we finally get to meet Doug's daughter and Minkowski's husband...or…
That was wolf359! Oh it’s just the credits!
Great ending. But...wait. No wait. I'm confused hang on.
How did Jacobi escape from Victor to get the Urania? How is Hera going to survive on Earth? How did they fix those wounds? If the Hephaestus went into the star...
Wait. These aren't more alien copies are they? Oh wait, no Hera's here, sorry y'all I panicked for a moment. They duplicate human lives, but as far as I know, not AI. Also, if this was a happy dream sequence, why would Pryce be there? Okay, phew, we're good. We're...finally good.
And even if they are alien copies...the process will take 14,000 years. So. For the rest of their lives, at least. Especially since...they're still using Lovelace to spy on Earth. For the next 14,000 years. But I guess that’s a problem for future generations.
Okay. Great ending. Thoughts:
Cutter got what he deserved. So did Rachel, but I feel a bit sadder that she never realized the pointlessness of her life until it was too late (and really not even then). Also love that Cutter's original last name was "Newman" since he keeps making himself into "new men".
Kepler's sacrifice was great no notes. I hope he enjoyed the Whiskey.
Blessie should have come back, and in fanfic, I will find a way to make this happen.
Eris should have come back, and in fanfic, I will find a way to make this happen.
Are the Dear Listeners just going to leave Earth alone now? If the Hephaestus went into the star...does that mean they can make Rachel and Cutter copies? Because I don't like that...
I love that the aliens weren't the biggest threat in the end and Cutter was always the real monster.
Is Pryce cool now? She doesn't want revenge, does she? Like what do you even do with her at that point? (I have plans for this, don't worry).
How do they dismantle or repurpose Goddard? Cutter probably has guys still loyal to him on Earth or people who are gonna try to be the next Cutter now that he's out of the picture. How do you deal with them?
Okay...so the decima virus can be used for great good and great evil. Cutter apparently had stations with it set up all over the Earth. I hope no one stumble across one of those anytime soon. What exactly are they going to do about decima? It's still swimming about in Eiffel's blood.
Is Minkowski's journalist husband going to blow this case wide open? I hope that after her brief phone call with his secretary, Cutter didn't kill him to keep the rumors from spreading.
Will the families of all the other astronauts that died ever get closure? I know we don't want this getting out and causing panic, but they deserve answers too.
When. Is. The. Empty. Man. Going. To. Show. Up???? /j /It was Cutter the whole time because he has no humanity
Well that was fun. Again, the fanfic will probably take a good long while (I put off a lot in order to listen to this ending), but I look forward to mapping it out.
Once again, thank you all for listening along with me. This has been fun.
Now, to figure out how to unblock those pesky tags...
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bug-decal-kissing · 11 months
Hey friends!
Lots of works today :] ! I had to split up the post because Tumblr hates links - the rest of the works will be in a reblog.
A new work, A Chance For Adventure by phoenixash234flames, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of General Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with no additional tags :]!
You can read it here:
A Promise, A proposal by favouritesacrificiallamb, was updated today, with 2/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, with additional tags "pickling, yeah..., Alternate Universe, Possessive Behavior, Violence, Injury"
You can read it here:
This work is based off of Shuueep's AU here on Tumblr, which you can find here. :]
All the Leaves are Brown (And the Sky is Grey), by Oswalish, was updated today, with 3/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Office, Office AU, Wow tagging is hard, Enemies to Lovers, Kinda, Bitter Exes, Pining, Mutual Pining, Chronic Pain, Scarab has Chronic Pain, Walking Canes, Alternate Universe - Human"
You can read it here:
A new work, Along For The Ride by WaokeVale, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of General Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Vague Threats, what did you expect from scrabby, Some angst, More to Follow - Freeform, fionna and cake spoilers, i guess"
You can find it here:
A new work, Come Earn a Place in My Heart by biteof22, was published today, with 2/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Slow Burn, this. is THE Slow Burn i have ever written, Unresolved Tension, Denial of Feelings, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Office, less office au and more Auditor!Prismo but human tomfooleries, Involuntary Teamwork"
You can read it here:
A new work, Electric Purple by Mitch_D_Punk, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Pre-Relationship, Post-Canon, Fluff, past violence is quickly referenced, No Smut"
You can read it here:
A new work, Everything Is Fine by TJade, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of General Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Communication, not at first but they get there"
You can read it here:
NSFW works are below the cut :].
Aeidae in a Waterbound Planet, by TheAutismGoblin, was updated today, with 2/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Mature and Graphic Depictions of Violence, and Major Character Death, with additional tags "So much character death, as per usual in Subnautica, Big boys, Ocean, Mute Ryley Robinson, Sign Language, Leviathans, Alterra Corporation is Terrible (Subnautica), Emperor leviathan babies are adorable, Survival, Survival Horror, Correct anatomy, I DID TOO MUCH RESEARCH, Octopus, Ox beetle, Aliens, Alternate Universe - Subnautica Fusion, Animal Traits, Bugs & Insects, I'm serious y'all I did too much research, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance"
You can read it here:
A new work, Cicada's Last Song by othersin, was published today, with 1/2 Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, with additional tags "reverse, Role Swap, scarab is a version of the wishmaster, prismo is a version of the god auditor, Rough Sex, Accidental Voyeurism. Voyeurism, is is weird to watch your alt selves doing the nasty, probably, ProhibitedWish, Relationship(s), Romance"
You can read it here:
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
WIP Intro but make it AITA
tagged by @jezifster <3 this seemed like a very silly tag game and i am very excited to take part!
with no pressure to any of y'all, i'll go ahead and tag: @albatris @wherearetheplants @funky-writer-man @nicola-writes @skitzo-kero @from-midnight-with-love aaaaand anybody who wants to give this a shot (mind is going a lil blank on who to tag sdfjkl)! if you do, please feel free to tag me b/c i wanna see :D
anyway this is based on CUDAAS, but uhhh i won't say who is who <3
AITA for getting my ex fired?
Okay, so I (1500, NB) got my ex (2500 NB) fired last week, and I didn't think it would be as big a deal as it is and I'm starting to feel really bad about it.
For some backstory, my ex and I broke up 250 years ago, so it's not a big deal at all. We broke up on completely mutual terms and there's no hard feelings either way. I mean, I'll admit I was a little jealous when they started seeing this new person (??? NB), but that's NOT why I got them fired.
The problem is that their new partner is clouding their judgment. He's someone we're supposed to work together to kill to protect the world, but ever since they started dating him they've started talking about working together and that all this fighting is pointless. Clearly, there's a conflict of interest here. I tried talking to them about my concerns and they said that I don't know what I'm talking about!
I decided to talk to our boss (??? M) about it, because I thought that maybe if they were demoted or something then they'd understand that they can't just do whatever they want. We were created for ONE purpose and one purpose only, and we can't just stop because of some stupid romance.
But I guess our boss was a lot more mad about it than I thought he'd be because he COMPLETELY fired them in a really fucked up way and now they've been completely exiled from our community. And he said that since I reported them, I can have their job, so I guess I got a promotion out of it.
I'm just really worried because I haven't seen them or their new partner and apparently if I DO see them I'm supposed to kill them, and I didn't want THAT to happen. I was just doing what I was supposed to, but I feel like I might've ruined their life and I feel really, really bad. But they were the one going against orders, so if I hadn't done it then someone else probably would've.
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candyskiez · 11 months
20 questions for fic authors
thank you to my lovely mutual @zyrafowe-sny for the tag! for my no pressure tagging, only if you wanna, @phantasmaltrain @thousand-winters @kolapon @msbadatnamingthings @violet-prism-creatively @sir-ballister-boldheart @bleezebrew and anyone else who wants to join in!
how many fics do you have on ao3?
18! most are shoved to pseuds because I do not want them associated w me anymore but I don't want to make it so people who like the fics can't find more by me because that shit drives me insane.
what's your total ao3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
the owl house, mostly. I'm planning on expanding to more, writing for several more fandoms now in fact. but I mean if you've seen one of my fics somewhere, it's probably from owl house.
what are your top five fics by kudos?
an open book (with a torn out page) is very much in the lead still, stubborn is in second, loyal is in third, eggwart salad in fourth, and identity in fifth. I do think most of that is the toh fics being that popular because hunter + they were made during the show being super !!!!!, so when I post more fics the rating will probably change more. one day I'll actually finish more lmao I'm sorry guys I'm busy as shit.
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I try to! because when I'm commenting I'm always worried I'm being annoying andbtoo much about the fic and bugging the author so me replying is me trying to say "hey!!! I really appreciate this!!!!", although sometimes I just don't know what to say and ghost (sorry!!!!)
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ohhh god I gotta talk about my old fics great /lh, cold probably. I think it's the only FULLY hurt no comfort I've ever written? it and settle for a ghost. I'm leaning towards cold because
A. I hate settle for a ghost /lh
B. cold is literally about Pure Pain. there is no silver lining there is no "this character in canon gets a happy ending", it's just "this character is gonna die horribly in a few days, here's some angst"
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, eggwart salad is entirely father son fluff. it's just darius loving his weird son for several thousand words. but if we're talking fics with some sadder parts with a happier ending, probably happy new year, dear, or maybbbeeeee roses and lilies? I used to write a lot of that shit. man I need to write more of it.
do you get hate on fics?
not yet
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
none published no. that is all I'm gonna say and y'all can mind your business on everything else /lh
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
nope! never been my forte besides shit like in the setting of another media. ex, what if [x] character was a pokemon trainer and that shit.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge but they've probably been gobbled up by an ai at least once 😔
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever cowriten a fic before?
that depends on your definition! I've done a lot of things where me and a group will brainstorm an idea together, make into a fully fledged thing and we'll all suggest dialogue. some of those conversations have become fics, sometimes even with my dialogue and a lot of my ideas. so I guess...yeah, I've cowriten fics! if that's your definition.
what's your all-time favorite ship?
hmmm, I'm not as much of a shipper anymore. but I did love twohina back in 2020-2021-2022 (ifykyk) and I do have a soft spot for raeda. goldenheart is currently blorboing though and I do love huntlow. and oh I love zukka! I don't know if I really have a favorite ship, though.
what's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I really really really REALLY wanna finish dadrius week and am trying so hard. but ohhh my god my life is on fucking fire lately July just kind of exploded and it's been downhill from there lmao. but I'm slowly getting back up again so hopefully I do finish it. sorry gang my life's been on fire. as y'all have probably noticed lmao.
what's your writing strengths?
INTROSPECTION!!!! ohhh my god. character studies I like to think I can do pretty well! character analysis is my special interest. give me a character and I will find a way to give them depth so help me god.
what's your writing weaknesses?
ohhhh god. describing actions. like hand motions, fight motions, movements, expressions, visual shit, or anything descriptive, or just! shit like that! it's insane!! I don't fuckin know how!!!!
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have no fucking clue how and considering I want to write more luz stuff I really should learn. the problem is I Have No Fucking Clue How. do you see the issue.
first fandom you wrote for?
warriors, not on ao3. first fandom bb.
favorite fic you've ever written?
open book! I think it holds up pretty well, although I do wish I focused more on how the secret effects gus. one day I really want to sit down and write something with him , I just need to get in his head more. I do think my hunter characterization was pretty good there? I think? I hope so. I need to work on him again, he's tough to nail down.
thanks for the tag, and I hope you enjoyed seeing my thoughts :D
for anyone curious, my ao3 is here! mind the spoilers!
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I am not going to tell grown folks DNI. I don't even read other people's DNI myself. If they block me, they block me. That's what I believe.
BUT. I will tell you the things that I block you for when I notice you interacting with this blog...
If you don't have no profile pic and no content on the blog, if the only likes in your likes are from this blog, if you have no posts and no likes, if you only have a few posts and none of them show the presence of a Black femme, if you have a full page that I can't find the presence of a Black femme, if you have adult content without the presence of a Black femme, if you have one fandom that I have never seen or heard of in my life - unless it puts me on to a new Black femme, and ONLY IF you also have that character on the blog. If you have a fandom that I'm familiar with, but your blog don't have the Black femme that I know of from the fandom.
Because this somehow KEEPS happening to me, here, of all myblogs - If you have a Taylor Swift blog... girl, how did you find me? Get the fuck. ASAP.
I may also block you if you have her as a pfp or in your url. BFCD doesn't need that in its orbit.
If you have a KPop blog, Kpop pfp, or name with kpop in it... I probably won't block you, but we won't be mutuals. I don't want that in my radar either and I won't have anything for you to even be following me for, because I do not enjoy that or any proximity to it. But I do know that some of y'all is in fact negresses, so I might let you rock with the space if you not out of pocket.
If you have a fandom blog of a fandom that I hate. It's not personal. But, we too different. I hate your fandom for a reason.
If your avatar is a white woman that looks like she would call the cops on me, or one that looks like she "acts Black," or one that looks like a stock photo, or one that looks like a hookup account. Actually, if your profile is a white person, it is almost guaranteed that I'ma block the blog. The content would have to really appeal to my negro interests.
A lot of tongue and mouth things, kissing, licking, eating, chewing, I can't. I won't. Unless its tagged and my blacklist can catch it. But most of you Tumblr bitches don't tag and you goddamn know it.
Raceplay - please go to hell. No white porn or white sex blogs need to show up here. The white mistress/sissy blogs... I'm certain you're bots, but if you aren't, get away from me. I'll be damned if I'm calling a white "mistress." That could be on the birth certificate and guess who won't be callin you that? This nigga.
If the blog is all text posts and not in English - idk what you have on there, so idk if we vibe. I'm a lowly American. All I speak and read is AAVE and American English. We can't even connect/communicate.
If the blog is about diets, or just inspirational quotes (unless it's visibly Black lady things), hustle culture, some type of "business" or marketing blog, No. And also no.
And if somebody I trust ever tells me something foul about you that I don't wanna fuck with, I do also block on principles.
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myfirstisthefourth · 2 years
Getting to Know Your BL Mutuals:
I was tagged by @piningbisexuals Thank you for the tag. It took some thought and effort because I've watched So Many BLs this year and Not Nearly All of the same ones others got to. I'm also not as eloquent describing things as @absolutebl or @piningbisexuals so y'all bear with me. 😁🙄👍❤️
rules: answer the questions and @ some people. include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answer.
BLs That Took You by Surprise this year:
1) DNA Says Love You: Produced by Taiwan this one turned out quite different from what I expected based on the trailer and I mean that in a good way. It was a Beautiful story, well crafted and terrifically acted.
2) Color Rush 2: Korea picked up a new habit this year and started giving us sequels. Now, I know everyone was disappointed not to have the original couple back, but the way they continued the story was what I loved the most. They built on the first and got into more of the backgrounds and societies response to those who are different. A third installment is planned and I hope it gets made if only because I want to know what happens. 😁
3) On Cloud Nine: A Thai BL that almost no one watched I think. Another one that was not what you expected based on the trailer. I enjoyed it for it's unique storytelling, beautiful cinematography, and the twist you may or may not deduce along the way.
4) Blueming: Though produced by South Korea it was unlike the bulk of their BLs. There was more depth to the story, the actors were lovely, and it was shot Beautifully.
BLs that You Were Disappointed With:
I guess I'm lowbrow because I don't get disappointed a lot. I take it for what it is. That being said, there were a couple.
1) Check Out: I watched the entire series and it didn't help. They managed to take the great chemistry and UST of Ep 00 and turn it into a self indulgent whine-fest. It could have been so much better if they hadn't tried so hard shooting for depth and coming up far short imo.
2) Cupid's Last Wish: It pains me to put this one here because I Love EarthMix together. I also watched this entire series and at least they did get together in the end. They made Mix's character So Unlikeable...the Entire Time. And then the whole body swap business. It just didn't work well, all of it. A disappointing follow-up to 1000 Stars. I honestly hope their next series is better.
Favorite BLs of the Year:
1) Not Me: A Stellar series all around! I Love OffGun and I was so excited to see them in something so very different from their usual sort of roles. The fact that the series was truly risky for the amount of social commentary and impact it had only added to the enjoyment. The actors ALL Killed these roles and I was just left in awe watching them week after week. Seeing the awards piling up for this series here at the end of the year is also So Gratifying because They Deserve It!!
2) Kinneporsche: I didn't Just like it for the high heat. I truly enjoyed seeing a Different kind of story being done by Thailand. The relationships and the story were solid and enjoyable with plenty of twists and turns to keep us engaged. The acting was Marvelous, the Chemistry Insane, and I look forward to season 2...if it ever gets produced.
3) Semantic Error: Another South Korea BL that seemed to break the standard mold. Gorgeous Chemistry between the leads and an Unlikely love story made it a winner for me.
Favorite BL Couples:
I have Years of Favs but I'll stick to This year. LOL
1) OffGun is Always gonna be on this list. They just keep getting better and better.
2) OhmFluke have Had Me since UWMA and I am So Happy we're getting More of them this year.
3) EarthMix I Love their chemistry in general and I Know they have the acting chops to pull off great work. Just hoping for some better stories for them
4) BossNouel A Totally new pair this year, they Ate their roles Up with Tantalizing chemistry. I hope we see More from them.
5) MileApo and BibleBuild They crafted relationships that made an impact with Superb acting and Unreal chemistry. Give them More to do because they are up to it.
6) Kim Ji Woong & Yoon Seo Bin They have been Marvelous together this year. So Enjoyable! Korea gave us two very different series with them and we can only hope they'll give us more.
7) BounPrem got my attention in UWMA and I am Thrilled to finally be seeing them in their own series to follow-up on UWMA. I have loved seeing them all over this year, in Brilliant cameos and short series alike.
Non BL Favorites This Year
Some of these are gonna be Bromance we Wish Were BL but I enjoyed them all the same. Also, some may have been produced in 2021 but I just got to watch them this year.
1) Devil Judge: Just Wow! A Dystopian drama from Korea with an Insane story and Brilliant acting, it kept me on the edge of my seat until the end.
2) Remember You: A Thai drama with Tay Tawan, Petch, and Aun. Another one that kept me on the edge of my seat. An intense murder mystery series with family drama and the unexpected thrown in.
3) Kei & Yaku: Abunei Aibou: Japan gave us a Great show with this one. A cop and a Yakuza boss have to join forces and Wow! This is one I Wish they would give us a sequel for just to have More of them together
4) Under the Skin: A Chinese drama that very much gave me Sherlock vibes. A cop and a Forensic artist are forced to work together despite a rocky history but the unique skill of the artist makes all the difference to their cases. Loved it!
Tagging @negrowhat @meglaroque @heretherebedork @earthpodd @mysticmerc-awesome and @skaryneko
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princemick-archive · 2 years
Tumblr media
uh??? okay so, 1k???? so fucking rad man god that's cool, it's been like 7 months and already being at 1k is just rad as hell so thank you all sm for the love and support!!
now I'm gonna be cheesy and give a big s/o to some amazing moots I've met if u don't care for that don't go under the cut.
then it's just a big thank you and I'm gonna do a celebration gif request thing so look out for that post later!!!
so okay so you know it, your mom knows it, we all know who I'm doing first, my two favorite people on this godforsaken website
@antogioamoremio Fran, baby, I love you so much ur the glue that keeps our lil insane throuple together you're so kind and so caring and I can always talk to you about anything and it's so incredible to call you a friend. Your creativity and love and the way you always just get me is so fucking important to me. the calls we've had are forever burned into my brain as core memories and you are just so fucking important to me I can't express it in the right words.
@gruaigruaa Niamh, the third to our trouple my wife, you're incredible and so creative and good and the braindumps we've had w the three of us about insane aus and ships and it's so wonderful to have you in my life and I'm so fucking thankful for that. I can't imagine my life without you two rn. I can always talk, rant, scream to you two and I know you'll understand, react, respond in the way i need you two and I'm so happy i have that.
@spygate Luna, ur insane in the most affectionate way possible, everytime I get that notif that just goes 'kyle' I know I'm in for at least another hour of laughing at your texts and I love having that with you and you're so fun and easy to talk to and I love having you around so much.
@oscar-piastri Cassy, I'm pretty sure I've tagged u in every single milestone celebration I've ever done on this website. we've been mutuals for I'm guessing 4 to 5 years now which is insane and we just started talking bc of F1 and it's so fun to have u around and you're so insanely creative and I can always talk to you about ideas and edit shit and that's so incredibly amazing.
@acrosstobear amanda dude, we havent even been moots for to long but U deserve a special s/o for being the mick blog and giving me updates about him on the tl and feeding me so so well you're one of the the reasons I'm insane over mick so u deserve extra love
and then I'm just gonna talk about the two GCs because that's like a lot of people and they're like a lil heap.
watchpartygc: y'all, because of them I really got into F1, I learned so much and found out the coolest shit and I was so scared and intimidated when I first got into the GC bc I was so new but I was welcomed so quickly and I'm so happy to have y'all, you're the easiest group of people to talk to and I'm so happy to call y'all friends.
chircusgc: u lot are insane, haven't been in this GC for long but the time I have has been amazing and so funny and y'all are such a funny and creative group of people who bring out the best and worst in eachother, y'all are so easy to talk to and I'm so happy to have joined yall
and then the tags of all he amazing moots who I wanna thank for being here the last months who have been amazing and kind and supportive and just wonderful most of y'all are like heaped into those GCs (if I forgeot a gc member im so sorry aksjdb) so ajdbdkd anyway ya thank u all are wonderful, those that are in here and not in the gc's so many smootches to you thank you for all the love and support
@multi-2-1 @ivettel @gnmick @estiebestieban @gewistruther @mickstart @meova101 @vettelsbitch @andysrobertson @teamgreenheart @c2stan @gncharles @albertparkgp @balaclavalines @balaclavacharles @ferrariprince @brixworthbrackley @andreagrimes
if I forgot any of ya'll I'm so sorry all my moots are so amazing and wonderful and all the gc members especially ya'll make this lil fandom worth it
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maudus1 · 2 years
Fic Authors Self-Rec!
Rules: When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass it on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
Thanks for the tag @poeti-kat! 💙 Passing this on to @charlatron @sagegarnish @jacklyn-flynn @andordean @some27-url
Troubled Water
Rating: E
Fandom: Star Wars Prequels / The Clone Wars
Relationship: Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi
About: Sort of a character/relationship study that takes place over several years. Started as a cracky 5+1 things idea and... exploded into something much more expansive. The original premise: "Five times Obi-Wan kept Anakin warm, and one time Anakin returned the favor." It's still following this format, for the most part, as it's given me an outline to adhere to and an end goal.
Comment: This is still a work in progress, but I think it's already my favorite. Star Wars was one of my childhood obsessions and I'm enjoying reliving that nostalgia as an adult. Character-driven stories featuring personal growth and development have always fascinated me, and I love doing deep POV dives, so I'm having a ton of fun with it. It's given me back the motivation I'd been sorely lacking this year, and the response has honestly blown me away.
Beg Pretty for Me
Rating: E
Fandom: Supernatural
Relationship: Castiel/Dean Winchester
About: A smutty Dom/sub post-canon fix-it with lots of feelings. Dean saved Cas from the empty, they admitted their love for each other, and now everyone is one big happy family. Cue some raunchy "I'm on a mission and I miss you" phone sex!
Comment: I started this before the series finale both for personal reasons and for the fandom at large, because we can never have too many happy endings for these boys. It's what they deserved. And maybe I just wanted Cas to live and Dean to feel pretty and cherished and loved.
Fixing a Hole, Building a Bridge
Rating: M
Fandom: Dragon Age Origins
Relationship: Alistair/Morrigan
About: This is a short hurt/comfort piece wherein Alistair is injured and Morrigan takes care of him. And then repressed feelings spill out.
Comment: I originally wrote this for a Valentine's day prompt challenge, though it's been edited and added to since then because upon rereading I got inspired. Their banter is some of my favorite in the game and I love complex relationship dynamics, so this was a blast to write. Over time it's become one of my favs.
One September Morning
Rating: T
Fandom: Supernatural
Relationship: Castiel/Dean Winchester
About: Modern (No Monsters) AU where mechanic Dean falls in love with the new cashier working the counter at the gas station next to his auto shop. Alas, in true Dean fashion, it takes a full-on personal crisis for him to finally realize it.
Comment: This was my first exchange fic in the SPN fandom so I was nervous as fuck about it. But it ended up being a ton of fun. Super fluffy and sweet, despite some mild Dean-angst. And again, a happy ending, like they deserve. @dustyl turned it into a fantastic podfic too! Check it out here.💙💚
Private Sessions
Rating: E
Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition
Relationship: Cullen Rutherford/f!Reader
About: Another Modern AU. You (the reader) have the hots for your new spin instructor. Guess what? The feeling is mutual! From sex to love and romance, with family fluff and mabari pups along the way, it's super adorable (and incredibly steamy).
Comment: What started as a reblog chain of my mutuals and I goofing off here on tumblr turned into a summer writing circle that got us through the first lockdown. Because of this project, I met some of the most awesome people. It brought us closer as friends and I will forever be grateful for that. And the responses we got to it were astounding and so heart-warming. Shout out to my beautiful co-authors and sister witches @charlatron @kemvee @jacklyn-flynn I love y'all! 😘
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