#I'm sure it will be very confusing for most of you 😅
tamiisnthere · 3 months
Crossover Universe Family Trees + more Lore!
It's finally done! :3 I decided to also add some backstories about my OCs (especially from TaE Family) bcs I'm sure there will be relationships that would give you questions (and you might have more questions anyway lol).
I apologize for the bad English and grammatical errors as always.
Enjoy! 💕
Explanations of icons and lines:
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Maud and Umar were in non-marital relationship since Al Mualim didn't allow assassins marriages. The only thing the master allowed them is give birth to a child who will become a future assassin. The birth was fatal for Maud and later Umar was executed by the Saracens.
Cyril and RozĂĄlia are in an unknown status since they left their daughter in an orphanage. It's still not known why they did it...
Tami and Jarrod dated for less than two years, then they broke up for losing passion in their love, but still remained as friends.
AltaĂŻr and Adha were in a secret relationship. Once they escaped from the Holy Lands, Adha lost her life due to Templars and AltaĂŻr unknowingly entered the Crossover Universe, that's how they got separated.
AltaĂŻr blamed himself for Adha's death and decided he would never fall in love, but then he fell in love with Tami. Later they got married and had a daughter named Sabina.
Sabina in her teen years falls in love with a blacksmith boy named Pablo who has a shy younger brother named Rafael (yes, they are from Coral Island and I added them into Crossverse bcs why not? 😂).
AltaĂŻr and Desmond are distant relatives (ancestor and descendant), despite both being from different AUs.
Desmond once hooked up with an unknown woman for one night and then she gave birth to Elijah. After the death of Elijah's mother, the boy decided to search for his biological father in an unknown world.
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All of them come from the alternate universe of Azeroth. The exceptions are Tarion, Tanisa and Relante, who were born in the Crossover Universe.
Maiev and Illidan were in a relationship before the War of the Ancients, but broke up when Illidan became more interested in Tyrande, who was actually more loyal to his twin brother Malfurion and also she adopted Shandris. When Illidan betrayed his kind and injured Jarod, Maiev's younger brother, Maiev became enraged and became a Warden since she was not allowed to kill him, but somewhere deep down in her heart she still loved him.
Almost 10, 000 years later Maiev unexpectedly became pregnant and had a daughter named Ellynina. Maiev knew that her daughter was also a Betrayer's, but she decided to keep it a secret from everyone, including her child. 300 years later, Illidan escaped from prison and the Wardens chased him all the way to Outland, while Ellynina remained in Azeroth.
Taino and Talar are twins and the sons of Daria Moonshade and Fehnaal Starfeather. Their parents were proud of Talar as a skilled warrior, while the Taino struggled with mastering druid magic and he studied history of Azeroth instead.
One day, their village was attacked by an orc clan called Warsong and they killed their mother. They managed to escape and survived the Battle of Mount Hyjal conflict, which unfortunately the night elves sacrificed their immortality to save Azeroth and stop the Burning Legion. And for that, Fehnaal fell ill and died (the same fate happened to Shalasyr, Jarod's wife, a few years later). After their father's death, the twins got wrinkles, which indicated that it was time to become independent and go out into the world.
Talidea was actually born as a human named Dea to Trisha and Cooper Snowart, who died during the Second War and Dea ended up in an orphanage. Life in the orphanage was hell for her. Later, she was placed in a foster family, but unfortunately it was the same. At age 20, Dea became an Adventurer and chose the Mage class like her mother.
Soon she met Ellynina for the first time and began to follow her because she had been fascinated by the Night Elves since they had joined the Alliance and started call her Elphina. Ellynina didn't like Dea at first, but as they traveled together they grew closer and became like sisters - the birth of DaE Duo (Dea and Elphina's Duo).
The pair managed to travel to Outland, where they found Maiev imprisoned. She revealed to Elphina that Illidan was her father, which angered Elphina that her mother had kept it a secret all her life and ran away. Dea cheered her up and they preferred to continue their journey. Even though Elphina was angry at Maiev, she hoped that they would meet again.
A few years later, the pair met Taino and Talar for the first time and became friends - renaming to DaE Squad. Dea had a crush on Taino, but she was ashamed of the fact that she was a human and he was a Night Elf, while Elphina was annoyed by Talar. Together they traveled to Northrend to fight the Lich King and his Scourge. In one battle on a snowy mountain against the undead, Taino and Dea were killed by an avalanche, leaving Elphina and Talar devastated, which actually brought them closer together.
The bodies of Taino and Dea were found by the death knights and taken to the Lich King. One necromancer experimented on Dea's body and turned her into a Night Elf and shortly after Taino and Dea (now as Talidea) were revived and became death knights under the Lich King's command. Taino changed his surname to Teron after the first death knight named Teron to forgot his previous life.
Although most death knights are emotionless and memoryless and always obey the Lich King at his word, surprisingly Taino and Talidea gradually regained their emotions and memories and resisted the Lich King's commands, even the two eventually fell in love. The Scourge was about to kill them for this, but luckily the pair managed to escape and were able to rejoin the Alliance. They also reunited with Elphina and Talar and together defeated the Lich King with the other adventurers. They then renamed themselves the TaE Squad (Talidea's and Elphina's Squad) and traveled across Azeroth to fight anything what threatens Azeroth.
But seven years later, Teldrassil, the world tree and main home of the Kaldorei, was set on fire by the Horde, which started the Fourth War. TaE Squad tried to escape from the fire using a boat, which was unfortunately hit by gunfire, they fell into the water and accepted their fate... Until they woke up on the beach of Cheetah's Valley. They decided to stop fighting and start again. Tarion was born first, and Tanisa and Relante three years later. At that time, they eventually renamed themselves TaE Family.
Few years later, Maiev somehow managed to get to the Crossover Universe to find her daughter and finally reunited with her. Even though they still had some misunderstandings from the past, they finally make up with each other.
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Elvan and Anja Nambinga had a daughter Nathalia together, and seven years later Emma was born, but Anja died during childbirth. After this tragedy, Nathalia began to hate her little sister. Elvan tried his best to take care of his daughters despite suffering from cancer which unfortunately after three years he lost the fight against.
Then the girls ended up in Gepardia's orphanage where Nathalia ditched Emma and later she was moved to Ashte'quel where she was adopted into a suitable family. Nevertheless, Nathalia regretted what she had done to her younger sister and hoped that one day they would meet again and she would say sorry.
The Hunter triplets were born at the Harmony Side's Laboratory in Fouria, where experiments were being conducted to find a vaccine against the Green Flu virus. They and their parents, Ranger and Lightear, are mutant Hunters and experiments. They developed immunity against all diseases, resembled closer to a human and even managed to enable human speech. But they were still aggressive and at times ruled by their instincts. Despite this, scientists wanted to create more medicines and vaccines from them. While the Hunters hated humans, on other side Hoody Boy (at the time named Subject GFEXH-27 by scientists) was fascinated by humans and even got along well with the two scientists.
When the triplets were nine years old, there was an accident in the laboratory, which the Infected and mutants took advantage of and escaped from the laboratory, killing hundreds of scientists and guards. The family and some experiments managed to get on the ship without the crew noticing, and it sailed to Havaykia. The ship was beached near Pecker's Hills when the crew eventually discovered the stowaways who had managed to escape into the mountains and after a long journey settled in an abandoned town now called the Infected's Refuge.
The family joined the pack of Hunters, where the triplets grew up. Unfortunately, Hoody Boy was bullied by the others for being the weakest of the group and was always protected by his two older brothers, Southy and Northy since they share a strong bond.
Once Hoody Boy was patrolling the territory and noticed a human woman with a child in her arms, who was surrounded with one Hunter. He pounced on his packmate so that the woman and child ran away. For that, the pack considered him a traitor and banished him from Infected's Refuge. His brothers and mother were devastated, while Ranger was ashamed that he was his father.
Ryland was adopted by Charger since many Hunters ditched him due to having Charger DNA like for example he couldn't pounce high. Charger taught him his abilities, which Ryland easily learned and became stronger than the average Hunter. When Ryland grew up, he left the Infected's Refuge and wandered the savanna. There he met Hoody Boy and both of them grew closer as they were outsiders of their kind, but once they split up when the Survivors attacked.
Hoody Boy ran to hide at the TaE Family's Ranch. Thinking that he would be dead, TaE Family saw him not as a monster, but as an abandoned person who needed help as they found out he can talk. Thanks to his story, the TaE Family changed their opinion about the Hunters to a positive one, that not all of them are evil and allowed him to join the family. Hoody Boy was happy that find his true "pack" and was given the real given name Vincent. Some time he met Ryland again, confessed his feelings for him and became mates.
After a few months Southy and Northy started missing their younger brother and decided to find him. They followed his tracks and scent and after a week managed to reach the TaE Family's Ranch. They were shocked that their brother lived with humans and night elves peacefully. Even though they didn't trust them, they still joined the family for their brother and were given the names Mike and Tyler.
After a while, Mike and Emma had a crush on each other regardless of being human and Hunter and later got married, Mike took the surname Nambinga. Together they had children, Jasmine and Blake, who surprisingly looked like normal humans, despite Hunter's genes.
The Hunter Brothers, the Infected, who regained the ability to speak but still relied on instinct. They used to live in the Infected's Refuge and found it boring there, so they left it and have been terrorizing anyone in their path ever since.
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Gavin was born to Rocco and Elisabeth Fishrod. At the age of four, his father cheated on his mother and the two divorced. Unfortunately, Elisabeth could not cope with the divorce, so she began to take alcohol and drugs and abused her son.
Soon the social workers took Gavin to Gepardia's orphanage and Elisabeth ended up in recovery. Since then, no one knows what happened to her. Meanwhile, Rocco lives in Greentree and is the best fisherman on the island. Maybe one day Gavin will meet him

Takuya was born as the first son to Sugino and Rina Hidarihi. His parents couldn't handle him, because they were still young and inexperienced parents at that time, so they decided to go on a trip without their son, in fact, to abandoning him.
When Takuya got to Gepardia's Orphanage, his parents went to Oakheart City and later had a second son named Takara and loved him very much. Surely, one day, the first child will find them

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Jarrod was born in Fortress of Red and Lennon and Clara were born in Mann Co. City.
Jarrod's parents, Esther and Jasper Fastrunner, divorced when he was six years old and his mother took care of him, but at the age of fourteen, Esther was murdered and his father recruited him into the RED Team, where he trained him to be a perfect mercenary.
Lennon, Jarrod's cousin, was raised by Linda Baseck. His father, Kelvin, was killed in battle before he was born. At the age of fifteen, Jasper came to his sister and convinced her to let Lennon go to the RED Team. With a heavy heart, she agreed and Lennon trained at the Fortress of Red with his cousin. Half a year passed since the start of training, Lennon received a letter that his mother died in a car accident and he was devastated.
Clara lived with her parents, Chloe and Evan Willow, who worked for the BLU Team. Before becoming a mercenary, she used to hang out with Lennon and they were best friends despite being from two opposing factions. But one day, when Clara came home from school, she found both her parents shot dead. Shortly after, Conall, who is her father's younger brother, found her. He took her under his wing and traveled with her to the Fortress of Blue where he began to train her.
Before dating Tami, Jarrod was in a relationship with Bianca McPrice. He met her while training and got so close that they started dating. They both were strong and dangerous duo, but unfortunately few years later she manipulated and mentally abused him, showing her real self.
Six years later, they entered the battle and fought for territories. Lennon and Clara met again on the battlefield and from then on secretly met every night until they fell in love and later would be married. No one knew about their meetings until one evening Jarrod followed Lennon and found him talking to a member of the rival team. He tried to convince his cousin that Clara was manipulating him to gain an advantage for her team. Fortunately, Lennon convinced him that it was not true and that he really loved Clara. Jarrod understood and promised not to tell anyone about their secret meetings.
Jarrod later found out that Conall was his mother's murderer and decided to hunt him down and kill him. But Conall told him the truth: he was actually hired to assassinate his mother by
 his father
 Jarrod fell into depression from the shock and betrayal and wondered what to do.
Clara later found out about this when Conall discovered that she had fallen in love with the enemy. She lost all respect for her uncle saying: "If you say I'm a traitor because I fell in love with an enemy from RED
 So aren't you a traitor as well for cooperating with an enemy from RED and kill innocents?" and then she ran away to find Lennon and Jarrod.
Lennon found Jarrod in his depressed state and found out from him what Jasper had done. This infuriates him and they decide to confront him. Jasper realized he couldn't get away with it and confessed that he had Esther murdered because she wouldn't let Jarrod become a mercenary. But in addition, he said that he saw Lennon meeting Clara and the whole team already knows about it. Jarrod had enough, he shot his father with a scattergun and they both fled the RED base as fast as they could.
They met Clara who was fighting against Bianca. Jarrod yelled at his girlfriend to leave Clara alone, which Bianca realized Jarrod was also a traitor. Thankfully Clara managed to stun her into unconsciousness and the three of them ran away, towards a new beginning...
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The Batter, the "original Purifier", may have been distantly or closely related to King Myron, as the two are almost alike, but this is unknown.
Cleanth is from the royal family of Pure Kingdom. King Myron and his wife queen Priscilla ditched him due to his curse. The only family member who cared about him was his older sister Luise who had an arranged marriage with Nixon and they had a son together named Reign who wanted to be king too soon. Cleanth was taken care of by the castle cleaners. Cleaning and cleanliness calmed him while his parents and others were mean to him.
One evening Cleanth as twenty-six years old was cleaning the fountain. Nixon took advantage of this and tried to drown him there, seeing him as competition for his future throne. To defend himself, Cleanth transformed into his monster form for the first time and accidentally threw Nixon into a rock, hitting his head hard on it and bleeding to death. When the royals found out and thought Cleanth had killed Nixon to claim the throne for himself and that he knew how to transform into a monster now, they exiled him from Pure Kingdom.
Cleanth sailed to the Mann Islands, where he could live in peace, but found that these islands were full of war and chaos. While traveling he met Jarrod, Lennon and Clara. He had never seen any other humanoid in his life, so he thought they were his kind, "colored Purifiers". The Scout Trio accepted him and found out about Havaykia, where there are no wars and all factions are at peace there.
But they were searched for by some RED Team members who knew about their betrayal and chased them. Cleanth turned into a monster again and killed them all. After the battle, Cleanth thought the Scouts would be afraid of him, so he wanted to leave, but they stopped him and thanked him, which warmed Cleanth's heart.
They finally managed to get to Mann Co. City, where they sailed to Havaykia from there. After a two-month voyage, they reached Gepardia and accepted a job at the TaE Family's Ranch, where it eventually became their permanent home.
Zacharie the Merchant is just there, chilling. Anyways, he travels around the island selling goods.
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Beatrice and Monty own a farm where they grow the best crops and raise the best livestock. They are good friends and business partners of TaE Family. The two are happily married and have children Ezekiel and Tilly, who are also friends of the Hoodie Four.
Mayur was once married to a woman who left him and their daughter Naya for another man. So Mayur had to take care of his child alone even though he works as a cook. Fortunately, his daughter appreciates him very much for everything.
Naya, like the Palins siblings, is a friend of the Hoodie Four and loved going to their house. Then she and Ezekiel fell in love and later got engaged.
Programs: Prehistoric Kingdom (just for background), The Sims 4, WoW.Export, Blender, XNALara, Source Filmmaker, Fire Alpaca and LibreOffice
Assassin’s Creed © Ubisoft
Warcraft © Blizzard
Team Fortress 2 & Left 4 Dead © Valve
OFF © Mortis Ghost
The Sims 4 © Electronic Arts Games
Sanchez Brothers © Stairway Games & Humble Games
Other Characters © Me (TamiIsntHere) Note: I don’t own the most TS4 Custom Content, these belong to their creators and most textures and models are modified by me.
Credits for Models/Textures/Meshes (Authors only; I hope I credited them all right):
From DeviantArt: milance941, LorisC93, ItalianUtent, DecanAndersen (deactivated), MyllaDinX, o0Cristian0o, CelestialDarkMatter & JhonyHebert
From Steam: Mailer, zeton, Maxxy, Sync, uberchain, That One Motherfucker (no joking, it's really their profile name xD), Rebbacus, ĐŒŃFunreal, Garlic & KomoBungus
From Other Websites: NassimO & Blaholtzen
11 notes · View notes
sansaorgana · 2 months
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PAIRING — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Reader
SUMMARY — You're a cat lover and Feyd-Rautha reminds you of one. You want him and you believe you can tame him.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — This is not exactly what the request was about but it includes Feyd having to deal with his wife's pet (I chose a cat because I'm a cat person myself). You see, I was a bit tired of my Readers being afraid and scared and I was also tired of the arranged marriage trope, which is one of my favourites, but everyone needs a break, huh? 😅
WARNINGS — harm to animals mentioned, brief mentions of Feyd's traumatic past, Reader being absolutely spoiled
WORD COUNT — 4,230
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“I want him,” you announced as you put your binoculars down and your lips curled into a smirk.
Your parents looked at each other, confused. You were in the stands as the guests invited to watch Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen’s gladiator fight. It was his birthday and his uncle made sure all the leaders of the befriended worlds were watching the display of violence and power. The display that made your parents absolutely terrified but you
 You were amazed and aroused. The way young Feyd-Rautha defeated his enemies was like a brutal dance; a raw ritual. He was a feral feline and you were known to be a cat lover.
“Excuse me?” Your father asked.
“I want him. Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen,” you repeated without even looking at him. Your eyes were focused only on the man in the arena who was raising his knife in a gesture of victory.
“These people are insane,” your mother hissed.
“You keep telling me it’s time for me to find a husband. I want him,” you pouted. You were determined – but not desperate.
“I can talk to Baron Harkonnen. But I am sure he would rather marry his nephew and heir to one of the Imperial Princesses,” your father informed you as your mother gasped at his words. She opposed the idea of this match completely.
“I understand,” you nodded. “Just do whatever it takes so if you fail, I will know you couldn’t possibly do more.”
He reluctantly agreed as he squeezed your cheek as if you were still a little girl. But perhaps it was a good thing that in his eyes you still were one. Because he would do anything to make you happy and fulfil your every whim.
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You spotted your father talking to Baron Harkonnen during his nephew’s birthday party but you didn’t want to just stand in the corner and wait for the men to make decisions in your name. Despite your mother’s protests, you approached Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen and bowed slightly in sign of respect. He tilted his head, reminding you of a curious cat. You giggled and he squinted his eyes.
“Na-Baron, I couldn’t wait to meet you in person after seeing you fight in the arena,” you admitted.
“Lady (Y/N),” he greeted you coldly. “I wouldn’t expect such interests from a lady like you.”
“And I expected you would know more about the female nature,” you teased him and visibly angered him although he was trying to be on his best behaviour around guests. “Don’t you know that ladies love violence? The interesting ones at least,” you shrugged your arms.
“I don’t care what ladies like,” he answered. “I always get what I want either way.”
“I’m sure you do,” your eyes sparkled at a possibility of being one of the things he would want to claim for himself.
Most noble women were scared and disgusted after hearing all the stories about Feyd-Rautha and his sexual appetite, his psychotic nature. They would approach him only when needed and tried to stay away as far as possible. You were the very rare breed of women who would actually take interest in him and that intrigued him as he looked you up and down.
You gave him one last smile and walked back to your worried mother who was about to scold you for your reckless behaviour. However, for the rest of the night you kept glancing at the young na-baron and he was looking back. 
When you left the party, earlier than most people, you made sure to announce loud and clear that you were about to retire to your chambers. Then you looked deep into his eyes and walked out, followed by a servant. You dismissed her when you were in the guest wing and you continued your journey alone and as slow as possible.
You looked around but Feyd-Rautha seemed not to be following you. At least you could not see nor hear him and for a moment you thought you failed. After all, you were not a skilled seductress, you only did what your heart was telling you to do – your heart and your experience with the animals you loved the most. Cats.
And just like a cat and a skilled assassin that he was, Feyd silently emerged from the darkness when you were just about to open the doors leading to your bedroom. He was standing right behind you and his ominous presence sent a shiver down your spine.
“What are you doing, na-baron?” You swallowed thickly and shivered.
“Don’t pretend,” he whispered in his raspy voice. “You’re not the first spoiled noble lady who wants to use me for pleasure,” he told you. “What is it? Are you bored? Or engaged to an awful lord and you ant to find out what it’s like to have fun before you are forced to spend the rest of your life with him? Honestly, I don’t care,” he admitted and turned you around to face him. His touch was rough and for a second you genuinely felt scared when he trapped you between the doors and his muscular body.
The way he was staring down at you felt as if he was penetrating your soul. Only that his eyes were empty. He was gazing into you but you couldn't gaze back because he didn’t have a soul. There was an endless coldness in his pupils. And so much pain.
“It’s a misunderstanding,” you whispered, almost inaudibly, as the tips of your noses brushed against each other. “I am not one of those women. The only man who can take me will be my husband,” you tried to sound convincing and stern but with a small dose of innocence. He blinked slowly, surprised by your confession.
“I thought you wanted me to follow you,” he insisted.
“No,” you lied. “I was only looking at you because I find you interesting,” you looked down. “But it’s sad what you’ve just told me, my Lord,” you added.
“Why?” Feyd was confused as he took a step back.
“I don’t know
 I just think you’re so much more than a toy to use for pleasure,” you looked up again to meet his gaze. “I don’t think you should let those ladies treat you like that. I know you keep telling yourself you like it but it’s not you always getting what you want. It’s them always getting what they want until there is nothing left of you, is it not, na-baron?” You batted your eyelashes and he took another step back, like a predator realising that the prey he had caught was poisonous. “Good night, my Lord
 and happy birthday,” you gave him a soft smile and disappeared behind the doors leading to your bedroom.
You couldn’t sleep all night, clutching on the bedsheets and hoping for the best outcome. In the morning your father told you that The Baron was slowly starting to like the idea of your marriage union with his nephew. Apparently, he changed his mind after a conversation with Feyd-Rautha in the early morning.
“I hope you know what you’re doing,” your father warned you at the sight of your wide smile.
“Oh, papa, I always do,” you assured him, already excited about your new pet kitty.
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You stayed on Giedi Prime for a month for the courting process but Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen had the privilege of being able to call off the engagement at any moment. That, however, did not happen. He was growing more and more fond of you each day. You were watching him train and walking all around the fortress as he was telling you about his family’s history and culture. You were the most fascinated by the war stories and weapons, always eager to learn more. Always eager to let him steal a kiss here and there, let his hands wander but always stepping back when it would get too heated. You didn’t want him to use you and then discard you. No, he had to be patient for the real reward. Just like cats would lose interest if you let them catch the mouse too quickly.
What you noticed about him, though, was how much he avoided the intimate physical touch. He didn’t mind his opponents striking him or choking him, violating his body in any way, really. But the delicacy was making him flinch and startle to the point of aggression. He wouldn’t lash out at you but he would do that often at the servants. When it was you trying to caress him, he was clenching his jaw and shooting you a deadly glance. The more you knew about him, the more convinced you were that he was just a cat in a human form.
When a month passed, you were scared he would send you away. But instead of doing so, he sent a tailor and a bunch of servants to your room. It was time for you to make all the required fittings for your wedding dress. You sent out the invitations, too. And in the letter addressed to your parents, you mentioned all the things you wanted them to bring you to Giedi Prime.
One of them was your favourite kitty Mephisto.
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On the first day of your marriage you were unpacking the boxes from home as Feyd was sitting up in bed and watching you. It was the only day he allowed himself to skip the daily training as the activities between a husband and a wife could count as one, too. However, you required a break and wanted to finally reunite with your favourite items
 and your favourite pet.
Feyd’s eyes widened at the sight of a hairless cat in the arms of the servant girl.
“What is that monstrosity?” He asked you.
“That’s Mephisto! My cat!” You took him from the girl’s arms and cuddled him. “Oh, mummy’s been missing you, baby,” you cooed to him and he started to purr.
“You can’t be serious, wife,” Feyd moved closer to inspect the creature with his eyes. Mephisto hissed and you giggled. “That is a cat?”
“You’ve never seen one?” You asked.
“I have. But not like that. It’s ugly,” Feyd scrunched his nose.
“Why ugly?” You gasped and held Mephisto’s head lovingly as if you were protecting him from your husband’s harsh words.
“Cats have fur. This one is so
“Bald?” You teased and he closed his mouth, realising the irony. “I have plenty of cats back home but I was aware I couldn’t bring them all here. I chose Mephisto because he is my favourite. We had tough beginnings. He didn’t trust me and he was scratching me a lot. He’s a mean-mean baby,” you leaned in to kiss the cat and Feyd winced as he found it disgusting.
“Do whatever but I don’t want this creature in my chambers,” Feyd stated.
“You’re insane! Mephisto will never leave these chambers. I don’t want him to get lost or hurt in the fortress. Also, he always sleeps with me,” you protested.
Feyd took a deep breath in as he closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down.
“If he scratches one thing
 I will throw him out of the balcony door,” he threatened.
“If you do that, I will never speak to you again. And certainly I won’t ever share the bed with you, husband. Mephisto is like a child to me. You can’t threaten me this way. It does nothing but anger me,” you pointed out and cuddled the cat. “Aw, Mephisto, look, daddy’s angry.”
“I am not this thing’s
 father,” Feyd drawled through gritted teeth as he stood up to put a robe on. “After all, I think I will go train today.”
“Then go,” you shrugged your arms. “I will cuddle with Mephisto in the meantime because I haven’t seen him in a month.”
Feyd shot you an angry glance.
“You’re not jealous, are you?” You looked up as that sudden realisation hit you.
“No,” he snorted. “Of this thing? Please,” he sneered at you and left the chambers.
“We have lots of work with your new daddy, Mephisto,” you chuckled to the kitty and kissed its head. He meowed at you.
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Feyd-Rautha absolutely despised your cat. He hated that you allowed that creature to sleep in bed with you and you were always holding him in your arms. When Feyd was working on paperwork – which he hated – Mephisto would often jump on his desk and bother him. Many times when you were out of the room, Feyd had the urge to grab the creature and throw it out of the balcony or even snap its neck but when he actually extended his hands to catch the cat, the urge disappeared.
First of all, he didn’t want to hurt you. And that was a brand new feeling for him because never before had he cared about someone’s feelings like that. And second of all, the moment the cat was in his arms, Mephisto would start to purr and rub his head on Feyd’s hand or chest. Even though at first he found it disgusting, he quickly started to enjoy it. There was something comforting in the cat’s touch. It was not human and yet so pure. As time passed, he was allowing Mephisto to nap on his lap as he worked on the papers. Of course he would quickly put the cat away whenever someone was coming. He didn’t want anyone to see him so weak.
But he was jealous of the cat, too. He was jealous of the kisses and attention he was getting. The belly rubs and scratches behind the ear. The way Mephisto would curl up and sleep on your chest. Feyd craved it from you, too, but he didn’t know how to allow himself to ask for it. It would be humiliating, he thought, but also dangerous. He wanted to trust you but he was not able to. And whenever you tried to touch him gently, he was haunted by the memories he didn’t want to remember. He didn’t cuddle you at night and he didn’t allow you to do the same. While performing the marital duties, he had a feeling they would be even better if he allowed himself a little gentleness but he just couldn’t let his guard down. Not even around you.
For a long time, Mephisto was the only creature that saw the soft side of your husband. When they were alone in your chambers, Feyd would let him not only nap on him but he would also carry him in his arms and pet him. Sometimes he was starting fights for the cat to scratch and bite him and for Feyd it was great fun. They created a bond that you had no idea about. You kept thinking that your husband despised Mephisto and he didn’t mind you thinking this way.
So, when you spotted a scratch on Feyd’s desk one day, you panicked. You quickly covered it with a few papers laying aside and fixed your hair right before your husband walked inside the chambers that afternoon.
“What are you doing here so early?” You asked as he squinted his eyes at you, suspiciously.
“I have to work on the papers, answer some stupid letters,” Feyd sighed and approached you. He put his hands on your waist and inspected your suspicious face. “Is everything alright, wife?” He asked.
“Yes, my dear, perfectly fine,” you faked a smile. “I have to go and work on the preparations for the event next week,” you reminded him and he nodded before leaning in to give you a possessive kiss. He would give you them a few times a day to remind you to whom you belonged. Not that you minded. After all, you had been wanting this from the moment you had seen him in the arena.
“See you later, then, wife,” Feyd sat by the desk and your heart skipped a beat when you spotted him picking up one of the papers you had used to cover the scratch with. However, he didn’t seem to notice the damage done to his desk. You sighed with relief and left the chambers, hoping that Feyd would continue to be blind when it came to that scratch.
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But when you came back to your bedroom two hours later, it was empty. You didn’t expect to see Feyd because he had his other duties to perform on that day. What worried you was the fact you couldn’t find your cat. After crawling all over the floor like a madwoman, trying to see if he was not hiding under any furniture, you just burst into tears in the middle of the carpet. You were sure that Feyd had spotted the scratch and gotten rid of your cat. After all, he had threatened to do so on the very first day of your marriage.
You pulled your knees to your chest and rested your forehead on them as you sobbed, hugging yourself. You could only blame yourself. Your parents had been warning you about the Harkonnens but you still wanted a man like Feyd-Rautha as your husband. Hoping to tame him as it would boost your spoiled ego even further to do that. And now your innocent little kitty was a victim of his fury. Was Mephisto still alive? You hoped so. But even if
 how would he survive on Giedi Prime? He would not. And you would not either without him. He was your anchor.
You didn’t want to complain about your husband’s homeplanet because you chose him to be your husband yourself. And some part of you loved him – even though at the moment you weren’t so sure anymore – but it was not a friendly place. And it was not pleasant. It was cold and scary and colourless. Mephisto was reminding you of home. Of your other kittens, of your parents, of the real sunlight. He was also letting you love him like your husband would never do. And he was loving you back
 unconditionally. And now he was gone. Your little baby.
You couldn’t tell for how long you had been sobbing like this. It could be hours. When Feyd came back to your chambers, he froze at the sight of you in such a position on the carpet.
“What happened, wife?” He asked as he stood above you. You didn’t answer, too angry at him. He sighed and crouched down to be on your level. “Are you hurt?” 
“Yes, I am,” you finally looked at him, furiously. He seemed to be surprised. “I am hurt by what you have done. And now you’re going to pretend that you don’t know what I’m talking about, right? Go to hell. I hate you,” you snapped and hid your face again.
“I don’t understand. Can you explain this to me?” He asked, slowly, trying not to snap back at you.
“Mephisto! You got rid of him!” You sobbed.
“What? I have not
” He stuttered and put his arms on your shoulders to make you look up again. So you did but you were as angry as before.
“Don’t lie to me. You hated that cat and you just threw him away because he scratched your desk. Congratulations, Feyd-Rautha, you got rid of an innocent animal, you won with a sinless little baby; my baby. Are you proud of yourself? Was it a satisfying victory to hurt a little kitty?”
Feyd didn’t answer, he was staring at you as if you were crazy.
“It really feels as if you killed my baby,” you told him. “And I will never forgive you.”
“What are you talking about? I didn’t touch him. What happened?” Feyd shook your arms.
“He’s not here. I don’t know what you’ve done to him but he’s not here,” you sniffled.
“I didn’t do anything!” He protested.
“I don’t believe you!” You moved back, you hated to feel his touch on you. You clumsily stood up and curled on the bed. “I don’t want to see you. Go away. I wanted to love you but you’re rotten to the core. You’re just evil. Unlovable,” you muttered.
You couldn’t know how hurtful your words were. But Feyd didn’t blame you because you couldn’t know his true feelings. And he focused more on Mephisto anyway. He was worried about the kitty, too. So, after a while of staring at you without a word, he put his hand on his hip and looked around, as if he would magically find the cat. He even looked under the bed as your sobs filled the room.
Without a word, Feyd left the bedroom and you hugged your own arms as the pillow under your head was getting wet from your tears. 
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It was dark already and you were half asleep when the doors opened again. It brought you back from the state of slumber but you felt too hopeless to even lift a hand to turn on the light. You recognised Feyd’s silhouette approaching you so you decided to ignore him completely. Nothing could fix this damage. Never.
You felt him sitting on the edge of the bed while turning the bedside lamp on. You squinted your eyes at the sudden brightness.
“I found him,” Feyd’s whisper made your eyes open as you sat up rapidly, utterly shocked at the sight of Mephisto in your husband’s arms.
“Wh-what?” You asked. At first, your sleepy and foggy brain refused to believe that the cat was really your Mephisto.
“He was hiding in the dungeons,” Feyd explained. “I searched through the whole fortress to find him. Hired half of the guards to help me. My uncle found it hilarious,” Feyd handed you the kitty and you sobbed out of relief. Mephisto was stinking but he was alive and healthy. You hugged him tight to your chest. “One of the servants was not cautious enough and left the doors ajar when she was cleaning here.”
“Which one?” You asked, angrily.
“It doesn’t matter. I have dealt with her already,” Feyd assured you and you nodded.
You suddenly began to feel guilty for the way you had treated your husband before. Now, when Mephisto was back in your arms and it was all thanks to Feyd

“I didn’t expect you to care so much,” you admitted, not wanting to look up and meet his gaze. Your hands focused on caressing the cat. “That you didn’t want me to be sad.”
“You’re my wife of free choice. I don’t want my wife to be sad,” Feyd nodded. “And I wanted the cat back,” he added. You eventually looked up at him, surprised by his confession.
“You hate him,” you reminded him.
“Not at all,” Feyd smirked nervously and you didn’t say anything to that. You had no idea that he actually liked the cat. You still had a lot to learn when it came to the ways in which your husband would show his affection.
“I was cruel to you,” you whispered. “I am sorry.”
“You had your reasons to be,” he only said. “And you were not wrong about me.”
“I was,” you moved to the side gently, making a space in bed for him to lay there, too.
So he did, without a word. And one of his hands actually caressed Mephisto’s head. The cat began to purr and you realised they had already had a bond that you had just not noticed before.
Hesitantly, you dared to raise one of your hands, too. You gently brushed Feyd’s forehead and then his cheek. He didn’t startle this time and you happily began to explore every curve of his beautiful face with your fingertips.
“You’re funny,” you giggled and he looked up, curiously. “You’re the scariest Harkonnen but you’re also the prettiest,” you admitted and he blushed a little. You had never expected to see him blush. “And look at you, you allow me to touch you.”
“It feels good when you do that,” Feyd closed his eyes just like Mephisto had his own pair shut close. You swore, if your husband was an actual animal, he would start purring under your touch.
You felt proud of yourself to tame him. You had known from the moment you had seen him that you would succeed. But it was not the pride that made your heart swell. It was love. There was something about Feyd-Rautha that just made you want to treat him like a kitty, too. Scratch him behind his ear and let him sleep on your chest. Most ladies would call you insane for that but you knew him in a way they would never know him. You leaned in to place a kiss upon Mephisto’s forehead and then you did the same to Feyd-Rautha.
“I’m sorry I have doubted you,” you whispered to him. “You would never hurt me, am I right?”
He only hummed in response, moving even closer to your body. You smiled to yourself.
“I have tamed you, husband, have I not?”
But he didn’t reply. He was already asleep, snoring lightly. You had never seen his face so relaxed and carefree before. He didn’t have to say anything for you to know the answer.
And as much as you loved Mephisto like your own little baby
 You had a new favourite pet now.
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ginkgo-phyta · 4 months
I'm back again 😅
Hopefully, I'm not the only person with this opinion, but how do you think Spencer would react if his significant other told him that they thought he looked hot with his bulletproof vest on? 👀
omg is this injured spencer request anon?? I NEED TO KNOW im so sorry if it's not tho, whoever you are thank you so much for coming back!! i love you with all my heart you should use a special emoji as like ur own lil signature! :D
okay so i wanted to try blurb(?) format but mmm okay not really cuz just a wall of text was stressing me out but this is def more informal than my other work (look no capital letters!) and because i love you so much i present two scenarios for you :P... i cant fight this feeling anymore guys he rlly is so hot in his vest im becoming my most feral self grrrrr RAH RAH ALRIGHT hope you enjoy, my love!
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OKAY SO SPENCER REACTING TO YOU TELING HIM HE'S HOT IN HIS FBI VEST gn! reader, fluff, second scenario a little steamy in tone but nothing explicit just h*rny vibes, no other warnings
if you weren't a profiler: you'd never thought about it before- spencer in his bulletproof vest. sure, you knew that his job required him to go into sticky situations where the prospect of gunfire was imminent and he would have to wear proper equipment, but you never put two nd two together. you never even thought of a kevlar vest as something that could be hot...until you saw a picture of him wearing it.
"what the hell is that." you blurt out, voice serious with hints of concern.
"huh?" spencer's as clueless as ever, a little worried about your reaction. he was just showing you random photos his team members had taken over the years, all printed out for easy viewing courtesy of the ever-so-accommodating penolope garcia. someone had taken a pic of a beautiful lake where the bau had saved yet another victim, the sun dipping below the horizon line of pine trees, painting the sky purple and pink. "um...the sunset?" spencer was confused, "i guess maybe it was kinda a weird time to take a photo, but no one was hurt and we caught the unsub and the sky really did look-"
you cut off his rambling with a wave of your hand, eyes never leaving the photo in front of you, "no, no...what's that." you point to what you were talking about, a figure standing off to the side.
spencer takes a minute, becoming even more bewildered "...me?" in that moment your world changed.
"oh my god... "you whispered in a daze, firmly pulling the picture out of spencer's fingers and into your own, "what...what are you wearing?"
"honey what's wrong? it's just my bulletproof vest. i know it might look a little funny, but it, y'know, keeps me alive..." he scratches the back of his neck. a couple seconds of silence pass, but to spencer it feels excruciatingly long.
"spencer," you look at up at him deadpan "you look so fucking hot." to say your boyfriend was shocked would be an understatement.
he was absolutely blown away by your response, so much so that the way his face contorted looked borderline disgusted. "wha-what?? huh? what?" he clamored, eyes flitting over your face to find any sign you were joking.
"seriously, baby, you look so good. oh, my God!!" you almost shriek, gripping the picture tighter, the widest, dumbest grin pulling up your cheeks as you giggle like a schoolgirl.
spencer smiles at your reaction, still a little perplexed "you really think so?" the notion begins to sink into his bones, making him giddy.
you very enthusiastically nod your head, "are there any more pictures of you like this?" you rip the rest of the photos out of spencer's hands, scouring through them at light speed. out of nowhere, spencer laughs out loud, his nose scrunching in delight.
"i...don't know what to say. i'm flattered you think that," a wonderful blush shimmers over his cheeks, "but no i don't think there are. sadly." he playfully adds.
you stop all movements, slowly turning towards him, suspiciously calm. "well then," you grab your phone and suddenly stand up "looks like i'll just have to ask penelope for some!"
"wait! wait, no!" spencer calls after you as you start speed-walking away, your shirt barely escaping his fingertips. he yells out your name, his serious tone interrupted by a giggle of his own as he begins chasing you, "get back here!" he knows: garcia can never ever find out about this...
if you were a profiler: you had seen spencer don his FBI branded bulletproof vest hundreds of times over the years. although you had pined over him for years and were now finally in a relationship with him, seeing him like that didn't make you feel any type of way really. sure, you thought he looked strong and handsome, but most of the time you were too caught up in the case or situation at hand to focus on how he looked. until now. something had shifted in him in the last few months, not just with his ever-changing haircut, but within the way he held himself; more confident, more sure of himself, even more cocky, if you will. whatever it was, it drew your eyes to him in his tight little vest like a lightbulb draws in moths- instantly and continuously. it all came to a head when you caught the unsub responsible for drowning and resuscitating his victims until they couldn't be brought back to life. spencer dove into the lake with emily to apprehend the killer while you had helped the kid he had hostage reunite with his mother. you smiled at the scene in front of you, the teenager running into his mother's shaking arms, her holding him close in a tight embrace. another good ending, you thought to yourself before turning back to watch your fellow profilers make the arrest. suddenly, you mouth goes dry. there spencer reid stood; soaking wet, clothes sticking to his skin, chest rising and falling as he panted to catch his breath, his hand pushing his wet hair out of his face. and that stupid, goddamn kevlar vest. oh, fuck. the others walked away from the dock to situate everyone and themselves in respected vehicles that sat back on the road a few hundred feet away from where you currently were. as spencer moved to follow behind emily, hands trying to flick the water off of him, your gaze stopped him in his tracks. he stood there, a bit confused as to why you were walking towards him, seemingly entranced, instead of beelining behind everyone else.
he spoke out your name, but you remained silent, stopping just a couple feet away from him. you took him in one more time: the way his shirt became translucent, granting you with peeks of his skin; his sleeves rolled up, showing off his delicious forearms; the way his soaked pants choked his thick thighs. you became woozy with desire. spencer watched as your eyes dragged over his figure, drinking in every inch of his dripping body. "oh, baby..." you voice drawled out as soon as your gaze landed on his bulletproof vest, "you're absolutely soaking wet." spencer's eyebrows shot up his forehead at the suggestive twinkle in your timbre. you approached him further, chest just inches away from his. if he wasn't so intrigued by your reaction, he would have been a bit more cautious of lingering teammates. your hands came up to ghost over his vest, "did i ever tell you how good i think you look in this?" you looked up at him through your lashes.
spencer chuckled, "in the bulletproof vest?" you nodded in response, but spencer still couldn't really believe it. "uh, no, actually, you haven't." his eyes glinted at the way you bit your lip, his hands moving on their own accord to rest on your hips. you could feel droplets of water seep into the material and lick your skin, but you didn't give a rat's ass.
"well, you do." you whisper, hands wrapping around the back of his neck as you pull yourself up to press a kiss to his lips, "really, really good." your mouth moves enticingly with his.
"oh? is that so?" he whispers against your lips, diving back in, his fingers digging in your hips. he graciously kisses you for a moment before it dawns on him that you're both still at work- in an active crime scene, at that. "mmh, mmh!" he vocalizes between kisses as he tries to move his head back a smidge. his eyes peak open just enough to see if anyone else was around. your lips are addicting, rendering him unable to fully tell you to stop, unable to fully pull away himself. he's relieved when he spots no one. still, he know this is far from appropriate. spencer's hands move up your body to wrap around your wrists behind him, pulling them away from him and the same time he pulled away from you, "okay, okay!" he breathes out with a chuckle, "i believe you now" he tries to catch his bearings, but your pouting face causes him to laugh again
"spencerrrr," you groan at the loss of your beloved's kisses and he turns you around and pushes you towards the spot where the others vanished, walking behind you with his hands on your shoulders, your body held at an arm's distance.
"let's go, angel." his words brought out a hmph! from you. "we can do more of that later at home" he whispers, leaning in ever-so-slightly.
you turn your head back to get a glimpse of him, your eyes and smile equally wide with excitement, "can you bring the vest with you?!"
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A/N: OKAYYYY lemme stop myself before things get filthy LOL do yall know which episode im referring to in the second scenario? that end scene will always get me my eye are GLUED to spencer the entire time GODDAMN. okay anyway i hope you liked this anon!!! pls tell me yalls thoughts <3
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
I'm not sure if you take CoD requests but I was wondering if maybe you could do headcanons for Alejandro(if you write for him) with a reader who's Cajun, has a Cajun accent, and calls him Sha(its Cajun slang for sweetheart/dear/darling)
If you don't write for Alejandro, maybe Price or Soap
Oh this is so cute!!
Support me on Ko-Fi
Alejandro with Cajun Reader
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PSA - I did a lot of research so I tried 😅
‱ You get stationed out to the main base in Los Vaqueros, tasked to help the people there and work alongside Colonel Alejandro Vargas.
‱ Arriving on a helicopter you smile as you meet Alejandro smiling at you. "Welcome to Las Almas my friend- Heard great things about you"
‱ "Boujour! Comment ça s’plume? Alejandro no?" You say cheerfully clearly throwing off the man at the French being thrown his way- But a French he was incredibly unfamiliar with
‱ "Sargent (Y/L/N)? Correct?" You nod calmly, The Colonel smiking a bit- "We must leave soon then"
‱ "Don't be like that Cher" You say with a laugh and watch the man's face twist in mild confusion still.
‱ "Sha?" He repeated, you realizing quickly your mistake with a hearty laugh. "It's a term of endearment- Like Darlin'- Now, You said we had to leave No? Allons!"
‱ Alejandro nods and leads you off to your station, Still a bit confused over what the fuck you were saying-
‱ After a few weeks on base he starts to understand, realizing you are speaking a form of French mixed with English. The two of you talking quite often now as he shows you around Las Almas and the situation there.
‱ "They told me you are American-" Alejandro questioned as you two drove through the town.
‱ "I am-" You clarified with a smile. "From Louisiana" Alejandro nodded his head like he suddently got it.
‱ "Isn't uh it Creole? Es.. That's the American word right?" Alejandro questions, making you shake your head. "Two differen' peoples Sha-" You say as you try to explain the difference.
‱ This poor man is so confused- Feels like he's in school again and was just given a very hard exam that he didn't study for.
‱ "Creole is more City and Cajun is country" You simplified, which seemed to ease the confusion for the time being.
‱ The two of you become fast friends- You of course a chatter box and always wanting to learn and Alejandro always wanting to teach and see new things.
‱ Alejandro begins to teach you more Spanish while you teach him French-
‱ He likes to tease about how you talk with your hands and your passion behind your speaking. Finds it funny
‱ You two do have arguments at times, like an old couple do at stupid things. However rank is never pulled or acknowledged since it's always fun/personal banter
‱ However what truly soothed over any issues was the food- The two of you becoming quick food buddies as you'd share your guys food with each other.
‱ Alejandro walked straight to you on base early morning after a briefing, staring hard at you as he held a wrapped item in hand-
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"...This is a La Guacamaya torta- It is one of my favorites... I added extra chicharrĂłn" He flexes as he shows off the item. You nodding in agreement that it looked pretty damn good.
‱ "Not bad Not bad-" You smile, Before reaching for your own item with a grin. Pulling out a well worn Tupperware bowl-
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‱ "Now, Had to improvise is bit- since Not many of my ingredients in this neck of the woods so I did so?' Pastalaya and found ya a le Boudin to have later"
‱ You say proudly showing off your lunch. Alejandro nodding also impressed- Before the two of you switch lunches and sit together to eat happily.
‱ It didn't take a genius for others to figure out you were buddy buddy with the Colonel- While some didn't like it, most warmed up to you and stared in your joy and willingness to expand-
‱ While you let anyone else know clearly they could go fuck themselves-
‱ However Alejandro was always your ride or die.
‱ The two of you shit talk for hours while eating... Half the time Not even understanding each other as you share new insults and curse words.
‱ He was your best friend, and you his-
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suzukiblu · 6 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for Lux; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! I, uh, was only supposed to write nine sentences for this, buuuuut I didn't only write nine sentences for this. 😅 LOOK, I HIT A GROOVE, I'M NOT SORRY. Enjoy your read-more, y'all.
“Do you want some ideas for names?” Billy offers. Most kids don’t get to “legally” name themselves quite this way, so he feels like helping Superboy pick a good name is important. He wants him to have one he really likes. “I know a lot of them. Or we could look some up online? Batman got us a desktop and got you a laptop and a tablet, in case you need one for anything. Oh, and there’s phones, so we can keep in contact! I should grab you yours, actually, it’s . . . somewhere in the kitchen, I think.” 
“‘Ideas’?” Superboy repeats, looking a little uncomfortable. “Like . . . what?” 
“I just mean suggestions,” Billy promises, immediately distracted from the phone by Superboy’s apparent discomfort. The phone can wait. “You can pick any name you want, it’s up to you. I’m not gonna, like, veto you or anything.” 
“. . . sure,” Superboy says. He still looks uncomfortable and Billy still can’t be sure he really means it, but . . . well, he just has to do his best, he guesses.
“You don’t have to decide right away, you can think it over for a bit,” he says. “But we at least need something to put on the paperwork. You can always change it later if you decide you don’t like it.” 
“Whatever,” Superboy says, his mouth thinning. Billy thinks Cadmus was sort of terrible for not giving him a name. Actually, no, Cadmus was really terrible for that.
“How about I just list some, and if you like any of them, you can just say?” he suggests. 
“Whatever,” Superboy repeats, looking away. Well . . . it’s not a “no”, at least, so Billy figures they can try, and if Superboy gets annoyed, they’ll just stop and try again later. 
“Okay,” he says. “Um . . . let’s see, what are some good ones . . . David, Asher, Zachary, Parker, Otto, Levi . . . um . . .” 
Superboy’s jaw tightens. Billy stops listing names and bites his tongue. Okay. The name thing is a sore spot, maybe. Or maybe Superboy just doesn’t like any of his suggestions and thinks he’s lame, he guesses. That might also be, like . . . a thing. 
“I’ll try to think of some more later,” Billy says, repressing a guilty wince and grasping desperately for a new topic. “Do you, uh . . . have any questions? Or anything like that?” 
Probably he should’ve asked that sooner, come to think. 
"How often are you gonna be here?" Superboy asks, still looking away. Billy can’t really read what he can see of his face very well, but hopefully once they know each other better he'll get better at that kind of thing. Like, he’ll have to, right? 
"Oh, like–pretty much whenever I'm not doing hero stuff or on any League missions," he says. "I'll make sure and tell you if I'm ever gonna be gone overnight or anything like that, okay?" 
Superboy . . . blinks. Looks back at him. 
"You're going to live here?" he asks in confusion. Billy blinks too, tilting his head.
"Yeah," he says. "I mean, it wouldn't be very nice of me to just ditch you here all by yourself, would it?" 
"I can take care of myself," Superboy says, his expression shuttering. Billy frowns. 
"Well, sure, but that doesn't mean anybody's gonna make you," he says. Just because Superboy’s physically old enough to take care of himself doesn’t mean he’s not technically still a baby. He deserves to get taken care of and have somebody help him figure out, like . . . everything, pretty much. Civilian life and superhero stuff both. 
That’s why Billy’s doing this, so . . . yeah. 
“Why?” Superboy says. 
“Because that’d be really mean,” Billy says. “And we’re the good guys, so we have to be the good guys.” 
Superboy’s jaw tightens again, and then he folds his arms and looks away again too. He looks upset. Billy wishes he knew how to fix it. Like–even just a little bit. He knows sometimes that stuff just doesn’t “fix”, but . . . still. He’s trying to be a good dad here, so he feels like he should fix things like Superboy being upset. 
Well–he guesses just letting him work through being upset is okay too, if it comes to it. For when things aren’t that easy to get distracted from. Billy would also have a lot to be upset about if he’d been made in a lab and told he was supposed to be somebody he’s not and gotten mind-controlled the first time he’d ever woken up for real. Like, that’s a really shit first day. 
Superboy must feel really weird, too. Cadmus probably didn’t really teach him how to be a kid or a teenager, since they were trying to make an adult Superman, so it’s no wonder he thinks they’re gonna make him take care of himself. Billy’s gonna have to help him learn how being a kid works, he’s pretty sure. 
Well, he can do that. And, well, Superboy’s friends can cover the “teenager” stuff, he guesses. Like, probably. 
. . . maybe he could find a couple parenting books or something. A parenting book might be a good idea. 
"I just don't get it," Superboy says after a long moment staring at the wall, tensing his folded arms. "What about when you have to get back to your real life? Like your . . . your job and your house and your . . . family. This is keeping you away from all that." 
"Oh," Billy realizes, blinking at him in surprise. He guesses Superboy probably would expect him to have that kinda stuff, huh. "No, I don't really . . . have any of those, technically? I mean, I am human, I wasn't lying or anything, I just don't have a job or another house or anything like that. Actually the Justice League is paying for all of this, 'cause we were all talking about the best place for you to live and Superman asked if maybe I could take care of you, and I had to tell him I couldn't 'cause I didn't actually have anything to take care of you with, but Batman said the League could set up a stipend to pay for stuff and help me get a place and all that if I wanted to do it, sooooo . . ." 
". . . Superman asked you to take care of me?" Superboy asks hesitantly, shifting in his bean bag and finally glancing back to him again. 
"Yeah," Billy confirms with a nod, a little relieved that Superboy’s looking at him again. Well–close to him, anyway. He’s not quite making eye contact, but that’s fine. "Well, him and Batman. Because my powers are kinda close to yours so I can help you train and stuff, but also Kryptonians are vulnerable to magic so if you've got any mind control triggers in your head that we missed I should be able to stop you without having to hurt you. Like I could restrain you until we could help you or until you could snap out of it on your own, I mean." 
"Oh," Superboy says, blinking slowly. "I just figured somebody had some kryptonite somewhere in case something like that happened." 
"No," Billy says, frowning at the thought. Geez, what kind of an awful dad would he be if he did that? He's seen what kryptonite does to Superman and it totally sucks. "Kryptonite hurts. I'm not gonna let anybody use kryptonite on you. Er–well, probably eventually a bad guy will when you're on a mission, that's kind of how those go, but we're definitely not gonna keep any here.” 
"Why not?" Superboy asks, frowning back at him. "It's more efficient than actually fighting me. And I might injure you if I'm like that." 
"Yeah," Billy says. "But also somebody bad could use it against you if they ever broke in and found it. And this is, um–well. This is your home now, so I don't think there should be things that could hurt you in it anyway." 
Superboy stares blankly at him again. Billy tries not to fidget. 
"There were lots of things that could hurt me in Cadmus," Superboy says, his face staying very, very blank in a way that Billy immediately hates. 
"Well, this isn't Cadmus," Billy says firmly, trying to look as sincere and trustworthy and dad-ly as he knows how to. He had a really, really great dad. He can pay that forward. Superboy deserves a great dad too. "I'm taking care of you now, and I don't want kryptonite or anything like it around you. Ever." 
Superboy stares at him. His expression is really complicated-looking and Billy doesn't understand it, so he just keeps trying to look as dad-ly as possible. Hopefully that'll help, or at least won't hurt. 
". . . what about your family, though?" Superboy asks after a long moment, flicking his eyes away uncomfortably. Billy really hopes he's doing this right. "Or do you, uh, not have one of those either?" 
"Um," Billy says. "Well, I have the worst uncle in the world who I really hope is rotting in prison somewhere by now, but otherwise it's just you."
"What?" Superboy frowns again, looking confused. "What's just me?" 
"Uh . . . my family?" Billy replies, a little embarrassed. He hasn't actually had any family that he could still want to be around in . . . well, a really long time now, so it feels sort of weird to say it, but it is true. Dubiously-legally true, given all the fake paperwork Batman’s been putting together, but still true. 
Superboy gives him the blank stare yet again. Billy feels like a moron, but–well, he's not gonna take it back. Even if Superboy thinks he's presuming too much too quick or something, which admittedly he kinda is, Billy also can't imagine how awful it'd be hearing someone call you their family and then say they weren't really or hadn't actually meant it or just . . . whatever. 
Superboy might not even care if he did, but . . . 
Well. Billy would care. So he's not gonna.
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partyanimal167 · 6 months
A Win-Win Situation- Rayleigh x F!Reader
I had to drop a bag at the mechanic two days ago, and to literally keep myself from not crying, I was coming up with a fic idea to make the situation sexier and not depressing 😅 This popped up, and I was just like, 'At least I can finally write for Rayleigh.' I also told my friend, and he supported doing what you needed to do because damn do autoshops scare me.
CW: modern au, black fem reader, age gap, very light dubcon, smut, praise kink, daddy kink, MDNI
You only expected to get the tires rotated. So when the man started talking about parts and labor costs, you were ready for the earth to swallow you up whole.
You were confident about a lot of things. You could do most adulting tasks like clean, organize your bills, plan a trip, etc. But cars...weren't your area of expertise. But you managed for awhile, so you didn't worry too much! You watched videos and knew that there were things you needed to get done to maintain the vehicle.
So you went to get your tires rotated. Easy. Nothing to worry about....until, the guy pointed out that your check engine light was on. He must have seen the way you stiffened and tried to keep your expression calm.
The man gave you a sweet, flirty smile and waved his hand. "Don't worry too much, sweetheart. I'm actually a bit packed today, but an old friend owns a shop on the next street over. He should be able to check it out. Shouldn't cost you much either."
You bit your lip nervously as you rocked a little. "Really?"
"Of course! Tell 'im Shanks sent you. He'll take really good care of you."
You shyly stepped out of your car in front of the older shop where a radio played throwbacks and a fan blew strongly.
You walked quietly through the open garage door where a person stood under a lifted car with a welder's mask on. "Uh, excuse me" you raised your voice a little since you weren't sure if they'd be able to hear.
The body looked up at you before stepping from under the car and turning to take off the welding hood.
You weren't ready for the kind, sweet older man to beam at you. His glasses were somehow spotless despite the hood. After he wiped his hands on a rag, he pulled his long, gray hair out of its ponytail. "Hi dear, how can I help you today?"
You fidgeted with your hands a little. "Huh, I was just trying to get my tires rotated, but my check engine light is on. The guy, Shanks, said I should come see you." you explained.
The man nodded. "Ah the boy. Yes of course I can help you." he wiped his hairline and sipped his water. "Shame you're out here in this heat. That boyfriend of yours shouldn't be having you out running car errands either."
Your cheeks warmed up, and you scratched one nervously. "I don't have a boyfriend." you softly corrected.
The man handed you a water bottle. "Well that can be fixed--easily." he chuckled. Before you could ask what he met, he held out his hand, and you gave him his keys. "I'm Rayleigh by the way." You nodded and with your own. "Beautiful, what a pleasure."
You stepped to the side as the man drove your car in and took out a little gadget to hook up to your car. You watched a bit confused as he pressed some buttons and frowned at the screen.
The sun continued to beam down, so you were glad you were wearing your short shorts and cropped hoodie, but you weren't expecting to be out alone with just you and the older man. The other shop had a lot of people coming in and out. You wiped your brow and chugged some of your water as you eyed the older man. You didn't feel too nervous though. Rayleigh seemed nice. He was all gentle smiles and had a calm demeanor. Plus, he looked good for his age. You bet he was a real lady killer in his day.
"I'm going to be honest, love. I think one of your catalytic converter is shot. We're going to need to replace it." the man sighed as he closed the door and looked over to you.
You blinked twice. "That's the expensive part, right?"
The man chuckled at your wording and nodded. "I'm afraid so. But don't worry. I won't charge you an arm and a leg." he assured you. You rocked the on your heels a little as you nibbled a little on your lip. "That's what Shanks said..."
"Let's get you out this heat." you entered a small office and sat at the desk. Rayleigh handed you another water bottle before taking off his denim jacket. You nearly choked. This man is jacked. He had on a white tee, but you weren't expecting the way his muscles filled it in. "You okay there?"
You cleared your throat and met a mischievous look. Hopefully, he didn't notice your stares. You nodded. He grinned as he typed away at his computer. "So I need to order the part, but I think including labor we're looking at this amount." he filled out an invoice and circled the total. Rayleigh watched as your body went rigid and he sighed. "I'm sorry sweetheart. I wish it could be less. I-,"
"Oh no, it's fine! You have a business to run of course," you gave a little nervous smile. Rayleigh gave you a once over before that innocent smile was back.
"Come here, princess."
You whipped your head up. "Excuse me?"
Rayleigh pushed away from the desk a little and patted a spot in front of him. "Come sit."
You stood and walked around the desk and sat. You gasped as your hand was taken and a soft kiss was placed on it. "You can't go giving an old man ideas especially with the way you're looking at me." you gasped in response. "We can do a little trade. What do you say? Let's see how many rounds you can last, and I'll make some adjustments." You were surprised by the challenge, but it excited you all the same. The old man seemed experienced. Plus, there was no way he was going to out last you either. It was an easy win-win.
"Fuck daddy, daddy!" your legs were shaking as the man continued to pump his fingers inside as you sat in his lap. You gripped tightly on his shoulders as you bounced up and down.
Rayleigh grinned meanly at you. "What's wrong, dear? It's only been two so far. I'm trying to be nice here. Can't you give me some more?" The man went back to licking and sucking on your nipples as you moaned and sobbed. Your walls started clenching on his fingers once more and you whined as he put more pressure on your clit with the heel of his palm. "Ah there we go. Good girl, I knew you could do it." He sucked a hickey right below your ear. "You flatter this old man with how you sound. Is it good?"
"Yes!" you groaned as you tipped over that mountain again.
It took you a couple moments to catch your breath, and when you were present again, you realized you were on the desk looking up at the man who didn't even have a hair out of place. That sweet smile was there, but with the three orgasms he just gave you, it was so deceiving. Your face was burning, and you let your eyes trail down to see his member out and proud. It was girthy and hard. You could see the veins that ran down and the streams of precum that had been leaking. You whimpered.
"I wanna suck it, daddy." your eyes glossed over, and your cheeks were shiny with tears.
The man groaned at the sight. He'd have to thank Shanks for sending you over. He shook his head. "Ah ah, no sweetheart. You can do that next time. This is your reward for being so good for me, princess." He lifted your hood and spread some of juices around. "Deep breath now," and he sunk in.
You cried out deliriously. He filled you so well and stretched you more than you expected even with prep. You hooked your legs around his waist and pulled him even closer. Rayleigh chuckled before pushing in further. "Fuck, you feel so good, love. Such a naughty girl just for carrying around this good pussy, shit." the man huffed as he started up a slow but strong rhythm.
Skin slapped against another loudly, and you were drowning it. It was too much yet not enough at the same time. Rayleigh grunted deliciously near your ear and cooed about how pretty you were, how good you felt, how he wanted to keep you around and fill you up. You clenched around him more and more, and he sped up. "I'll give it to you, baby. Good girl wants to get pumped full?"
"Yes, yes! Please, let me- uh uh, let me have it please." You cried out. You moaned as you were kissed deeply and felt your tongues twirled around. "Fuck, fuck! I'm gonna cum, daddy. I'm gonna cum. Fuck, yes!" Your orgasm hit you hard; you saw pure white in your eyes as you crashed and rode that wave into pleasure.
"So good. So good! I'll give it to you princess. Just take it," Rayleigh continued on and huffed loudly, glasses finally falling off. He gripped the back of your thighs as he finished and milked himself.
The two of stay silent for a moment before you squeaked as you felt fingers stuff you full. "Can't waste a drop." Rayleigh winked.
You looked at him completely stunned.
This was certainly not how you thought the day would go...
*rereads and blushes* God damn....
I hope I did justice to my mans Rayleigh! I'm just gonna indulge in this fantasy to pretend that I didnt have to drop cash on this damn car...
Thanks for reading!
Part Two
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night-dazai · 4 months
hi i need a ada dazai x reader x beast dazai smut please ;-; or otherwise with the same idea except that it's Chuuya x reader x beast Chuuya smut I'm eager to read and I love what you write I would be happy if you can write it 🙏
I have a feeling both Beast Dazai and Port Mafia Dazai might be similar in some senses here is the link to what I wrote of dazai X Reader X Port Mafia Dazai. I will mostly be writing this in headcanon form and not a storyline. ( cause too many ideas that way and I am already too late in answering this request sorry😭😭 )
I just loved these requests I did not know why I did not do them before !!!đŸ„łđŸ˜…
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Dazai X Reader X Beast Dazai : 
Both looked the same at the same time not the same, the time travel machine which brought both you and your ADA detective lover “Weird never knew there would be a day I would see someone like me with a lover “ Beast Dazai scoffed scanning you from head to toe. 
It was going to take some time for your friends in the other universe to fix the machine and take you two back but that did not matter here. The Dazai were fixated on making sure they stayed at the port mafia headquarters. 
Your lover broke down a little when he first saw his dear friend Oda point a gun at him thinking he was beast Dazai but after escaping from him you were busy comforting your lover by riding him. 
“Osamu~” you moaned hands on his shoulder while he buried his face in the little space on your neck not looking at you and it had been like this for a while “Please look at me “ you would beg. 
Legs giving out and pleasure fading due to your slow moments “Hurry y/n” Dazai said not lifting his face. You thought he was crying but he was feeling a lot more inside “Please I feel scared look at me “ you said and this time losing all patience you grabbed his hair with a harsh tug pulling his face from your neck where red bruises adored your skin. 
Wet eyes, heart-shattering look, mouth quivering and biting his bottom lip Dazai looked at you, your heart squeened very painfully. All thoughts about your pleasure flew out of the window you wanted him to feel safe and loved not like this. 
You have never seen him like this, but now that you have seen him like this you don't like it “Please
 he did not know, Oda would never do that you know right ?” you said rubbing your soft hands on his checks as he nuzzled his face “ mhh
 I do 
.he hated me y/n “ his voice quivered and shook. 
That's it you bounced a harsh one making him hiss and look at you confused “You only see me now, only me “ you said pushing him onto the big black bed and started moving again. Your legs hurt but you did not brother. 
Seeing your determination just made the man choke up more but holding your hips he helped “Harder love “ he mumbled as you both were near the end, the room door opened with a bang “What the hell happened I hea–” Beast Dazai paused capturing the scene in front of him. 
Dazai quickly got up making you lose your balance but his hand held you in place “You
” he said while you scrabbed and hugged your lover tight “Now now 
you sad huh ?” Beast Dazai asked seeing the looking at his other self. 
He knew the feeling, he knew it better than anyone and he would also like to forget it, closing the door he removed his coat “I am sad too..” he pouted in faux affinity. You looked at your lover worried about this new development, it has been 4 days since you both came here and now what is this ?!
Your lover said nothing and moved inside letting his other self climb up behind you naked and rubbing his dick on your soft ass” mhh” you whimpered feeling your lover thrust in while the other clutched your breasts and twisted your nipples. 
Beats Dazai groaned in an animalistic way making you shiver but soon you found yourself mouth stuffed with your lover and the other self pounding into you at a rough pace. 
Your neck hurt and your back arched in the most breathtaking orgasms that they pulled out of you taking trunks to pound your pussy. It was not very different but Beast Dazai had a certain roughness your lover did not possess ( or so you thought ) and that had you feeling very different. 
After hours of helping both of them feel had you pass out in the middle to wake up to both of them on either side of your bed. 
In the next 3 days, your friends fixed the machine and you were back to your universe, but sometimes you would think about that night asking your lover to get rougher with you. 
“You can .. it won't hurt, “ you said shyly while Dazai contemplated your new requests, “ finally I can be
no I can easily hurt her it is not good, “ your lover thought and shook his head “Bella it is easy for me to hurt you and I won't like it “ his voice filled with concern and love. 
But driven by lust and hunger you shouted “Then do it ! For heaven's sake what am I a little kid huh !” you shouted pushing your hair behind annoyed. But before you could open your eyes you were flipped and on your stomach hands held tight on your back and Dazai dangerously close to your ear “Then don't complain later “The soft and sweet warmth was gone, and the cold brutal tone made you shiver with anticipation “ yes sir “ 
“That's a good girl “ Dazai smirked at the new awakening of you which just turned out to be more advantageous for him.
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Chuuya X Reader X Beast chuuya : 
There won't be many differences between both of them in the style of fucking, both are rough but sweet. 
But one thing is for sure if you are dating anyone of them they would be more focused on making sure they did better than the other. 
His dick hitting parts that you had no idea but now painfully going near your cervix you shouted for him to slow down. But a hand held your neck and pulled you up “Who is better ?” Beast chuuya asked in a sexy voice which almost made you feel like you could cum on his voice alone “Feels good 
..good” you mumbled. 
Mind all hazy while the other chuuya using your ass smacked it and kissed you glaring at the Beeast chuuya, it felt so good. 
You did not like the idea of getting shared but here it's chuuya and chuuya and you feel good so it does not matter. 
Unable to breathe due to the intense kiss you squirmed gaining a smack on your clit “Stay still slut “ Chuuya mumbled while Beast chuuya chuckled “Oh yeah, think you are better than me ?” he challenged.
This made the other redhead thrust harder and faster, your whole body shook and jerked with the intense force. Ass and clit red and puff a little painful from the hard thrusts into your ass and cunt while each focused on ripping out as many orgasms as they can give you as your milked their dicks dry “Harder.~~” you mumbled. 
Chest and neck filled with red and purple bites “Pretty “ Beast chuuya said running his hands over your chest and pulling your nipples with a harsh tung getting a whimper “Good doll “
Both of them chuckled seeing your fucked out face and state of mind where nothing other than a dick was all you wanted “Yes doll “ both said at the same time, surprising each other but soon smiled “I think we can find out with the number of marks tomorrow as to who is better “chuuya said. 
“Challenged accepted “ Beast chuuya said smirking, leather-gloved hands held your neck “Heard it doll, you better tell us “ 
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kyokutsu-sama · 5 months
I am sooo glad your requests are back open omg, i missed seeing content from you đŸ„°. May I pleeease request the Bleach men coming to terms that their girlfriend, even tho is really good in fights, the rest of the time is insanely clumsy (yk, burn/cuts herself when cooking, trips, slips, falls, all that)? I'm most interested in Byakuya, Toshiro, Hisagi and Shinji (if it's not too much😅). Sorry for the long ask 😅💗
A/n : Hii!! It's okay 😊 It was an interesting idea and I enjoyed writing it. I hope you like it ❀
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Byakuya :
He initially admired you, all your strength during battle and all that self-confidence that inspired everyone around you. So far, everything was fine
but when he started noticing you do so much nonsense in a short space of time, he questioned several things. First it was when you fell in the hallway, then it was when you dropped the stack of papers on his desk and not to mention when you stuck your finger in the door when leaving his office. He closed his eyes and put his hand to his face, wondering what level of your clumsiness was. "How can she be two things at the same time?" He thought He doesn't directly confront you with that but will always keep an eye on you to see if you don't get hurt or ruin something doing a simple task. He is careful with you and even offers to help when he knows you can't do something or try to do it and it goes wrong.
He is very perfectionist, whether fighting or signing a simple sheet of paper. He had a lot of expectations for you when you showed yourself serious on the battlefield, strong and with your head held high. The worst was when he met you on the other side
 It was all downhill. There was a time when you went to get some papers from his office and before you even got close to the door you fell and dropped everything on the floor. He felt a wave of revolt inside him, because he had already put everything in order and now everything was a mess. It turns out that he started seeing you being clumsy a lot of times and this confused him because you initially used to be responsible and careful. He tries not to leave you aside in these tasks but he has no other alternative if you continue to be clumsy like this.
Hisagi :
Hisagi thinks highly of you, he admires you and sometimes seeks advice from you when something is not going well. However, like Byakuya, he never stops wondering how you manage to do so much nonsense in such a short time. First it was the fall on the stairs, then it was when you let the food burn or spilled the glass of water on the table. All sorts of things started to make him more attentive to you. He offered to help you so you wouldn't have to do everything alone and that way you would avoid being so clumsy, something you sometimes felt sorry for. He always comforted you and said everything was okay, accidents happen, don't they?
Shinji :
Although he always looks silly most of the time, he trusts in you and your strength. But he not only knows this strong side of you, but also your other clumsy and laughing side, which makes him admire you even more. I have the idea that if he had a really clumsy girlfriend it would be total chaos because I'm sure he could be worse than his partner. However, he doesn't stop laughing at your little accidents, especially if you fall in front of him, so get ready to hear his laughter. The kind of friend who laughs and only after stopping does he help lift you off the ground. He has a shred of mercy and kindness in his heart and that's why he will help you with things, even if he sometimes ends up doing worse. He will make fun of you a lot for this.
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daydreamingatnight209 · 3 months
I’m not sure on how I feel about this one, but I’m posting it anways đŸ˜…đŸ€ž
Feedback is welcome - Hate is not ✹💕
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“My Best Friend, My Girlfriend, My Everything”
Colson Baker x Female Reader
Warnings - Slight angst, fluffy ending 💕
Prompts used: Credit goes to all original owners -
1. "How drunk are you?" "V...Very." "Drunk enough not to remember tonight? "Hmm." "Good. I love you. And I'm tired of being just your best friend."
2. "He will never know that I like him." "Why?" "Because I'm just one of the million stars, and he's the moon.
3. I can’t believe it took me all these years to realise how I truly feel about you.
4. "Wow those bloodstained clothes really bring out your eyes... Of course I'm being sarcastic! Get over here and let me stitch you up!"
Most would think that traveling with an international superstar who also happened to be your lifelong best friend, would mean hitting the jackpot in life. But realistically after a month stuck surrounded by testosterone in such close quarters with a bunch of men who often act like overgrown toddlers , you can’t help but begin to feel like a glorified babysitter. You suppose it doesn’t help that you also happen to be ridiculously in love with said best friend.
After one particular show, you found yourself back on the tour bus while the others went out to celebrate another successful show.
Just because you were Colson’s friend, didn’t mean that you didn’t have your part to play. You liked to feel useful so you took up a part time role, sharing managerial duties with Ashley. This time you found yourself working with Sam to provide visual content for the fans and ensure that Colson’s schedule was running smoothly.
When the quietness you’d been experiencing over the last couple of hours suddenly ends, You couldn’t help but internally roll your eyes. climbing out of your bunk you go to see what all the commotion was about.
You enter the main sitting space and your mouth swings open in shock. In front of you Colson’s face was caked in blood and his clothes were stained with the same substance Rook was laughing hysterically at him and Slim had a smirk on his face, which he attempts to cover when he sees the look on your face.
“What in the actual hell happened here?!” You exclaim.
“Y/N helloooooo”
Colson rushes over to try and embrace you but you hold him at arms length, not wanting to get covered in his blood.
“Look at this, how cool does this look!” He says giddily, jumping around like an overgrown puppy, trying to show the jagged cut that seems to run down his forehead.
“Oh yeah really cool, those bloodstained clothes really bring out your eyes.”
Colson looks at you with glassy eyes and a slightly confused expression on his face and a pout on this face.
“Are you being sarcastic?”
“Yes, of course I am being sarcastic! Get in there and let me stitch you up!” You shout out in frustration and worry. You leave him alone for one night and this happens!
Grabbing his hand you force yourself and his tall frame into the tiny bathroom cubicle, with the first aid kit under the sink.
Colson collapses down onto the toilet seat as you begin to clean his face.
He winces softly as you clean around the wound and begin to apply the temporary stitches.
“How did this even happen anyways?” You ask him as he fiddles with the loose threads on your jumper.
“Rook said I couldn’t do parkour over a car, so obviously I had to prove him wrong” he mumbles, the amounts of alcohol he had consumed during the night finally catching up with him.
You couldn’t help but sport a small smile on your face, because of course it was something just so stupid.
Once you were satisfied with your work, you pack away the first aid kit and attempt to pull him up but Colson just pulls you down easily onto his lap and wraps his long arms around your frame.
“You are that best person I know Y/N. I’m so lucky to have you as my friend”
How drunk are you?" You whisper as you lean against his chest.
"Drunk enough not to remember tonight?” You asked curious.
Normally Colson’s memory no matter what he drinks is top tier.
"Hmm yeah, probably” he answers, resting his head on your shoulder.
At that response and the fact that you didn’t want him falling asleep in the tiniest toilet possible you stand up and grab is hand once more. He doesn’t protest when you lead him to the back of the bus to where his bedroom is.
He throws his weight into the bed and watch him crawl under the covers.
“Night Kells” you whisper and go to exit the room to head back to your own bunk.
Before you can make it through the sliding door, your best friend speaks up, his voice raspy and slightly needy.
“Stay with me?”
You hesitate at first, not really knowing If you could handle being that close to him for the entire night. Your heart was already beating twice as fast as it should, but you aren’t really great at denying Colson. You never was. So when a cracked, “please” leaves his mouth, you cave and climb under the covers with him.
It doesn’t take long for sleep to claim him but the same doesn’t happen for you. You’ve lost count of how many times you and Colson have shared a bed over the years but where he sees friendship, recently you’ve been struggling to stop the lines from blurring.
Colson wraps you up in his arms subconsciously, like he’s done so many times before, yet this time you find yourself frozen as you stare softy at his peaceful sleeping face.
“I love you Colson Baker. I love you and I'm tired of being just your best friend."
A tear escapes your eye, letting it fall, you wait for what feels forever for sleep to fall over you.
The next morning you are up and out of Colson’s room before he awakens and do your best to avoid him and any awkward conversations that the day might entail. You weren’t exactly to ready to find out if he remembered his night.
No one really picks up on your behaviour and you think you made it through the day perfectly, before Ashley corners you backstage at soundcheck.
“You like him don’t you? In fact it’s more than that 
 you are in love with him”
Knowing that you can’t hide the truth from your friend, you look her in the eye and give her a sad smile.
“He can never know that I like him."
"Why?" Ash questions you.
"Because I'm just one of million stars, and he's the moon, he deserves so much better that me”
You slightly cruse the tears that begin falling once more and do your best to wipe them without ruining your make up.
Ash gives you a soft smile and shakes her head.
“I’ve seen the say that boy looks at you. You may think he’s the moon but he looks at you like you’re the one holding his entire world. Last night should have been enough evidence! It was you he wanted to patch him up, it was you he wanted attention from and it you he wanted to hold. It’s always you. It’s not about what you can give him or what he can give you, it’s simply about the love that you share and the happiness you provide each other. He doesn’t want to be Mr international superstar with you. He just wants to be Colson, your Colson.”
After her little speech, Ashley leaves you alone as you try and process her words. But you weren’t alone for long as a voice behind you startles you.
“She’s right you know.”
You gasp and turn to fave the voice you knew all too well.
“Colson! What the hell?!”
“She’s right” he repeats.
“Right about what exactly?”
“You might think I’m the moon, but you are my whole world. You are more than just a star, so, so much more.”
” you close your eyes, unsure on if you want to have this conversation, but realistically you knew there was no escape.
Colson stalks forward, invading your personal space and holds your chin in his fingers so that you are holding direct eye contact with each other.
“I heard you last night
 your confession. I wasn’t really asleep and frankly I’m surprised I remembered this morning. In all honesty i was going to pretend until you felt ready to have the conversation but after hearing what you said to Ashley, well I couldn’t pretend anymore. I can’t believe it took me all these years to realise how I truly feel about you. I can’t believe it took stupid dare inflicted injury and a single moment in a tour bus bathroom for everything to fall into place”
With shaky hands, your fingers touched the small wound on his head and caressed it lightly.
Not trusting your voice, you whisper out a quick response, “I’m so happy it did”.
Colson takes that as cue to plant a kiss on you, a moment you felt as if you could live in forever, before he pulls away to look at you.
“I’ll love, protect and cherish you, forever. My best friend, my girlfriend, my everything.”
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l0vergirlatheart · 1 year
Hello! Idk if your requests are open but I just wanted to get this off my head before I forget it😅
I was thinking a sagau with a creator reader who’s secretly a super-genius( iq of a gods level) who sees everything like it’s a hologram?( stuff like math, science, medical, mechanical, strategies, etc
) how do you thing they would react if they got to see from the creators perspective? Who would find it useful? Who would find it more annoying? Who would be impressed about it? How would take advantage of it in battle?
Ah, my requests are indeed open as of right now! when I first read this I thought of that one woman and the random ass math equations meme :sobs: also childe's is short 'cause idk what to do for him...
anyways, this is a cool idea!! chars. used are : Al-Haitham, Childe, and Kaveh. i love Kaveh sm :((<3
start below cut
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Oh, when Al-Haitham first saw you randomly fiddling with seemingly the air, he thought maybe something might be wrong with you. Maybe you were sleep deprived? Sick? Tired? Slightly delusional? You, of course, noticed he was staring at you and sighed.
"Stop staring at me like I'm crazy and just come over here and look." He quickly nodded and obeyed. He would never even think of taking another moment to stop. He quickly approached next to you, and then out of nowhere, suddenly a bunch of light [color] words, symbols, and numbers appeared infront of you two. He looked at them, hen back at you, and then back at them. What were these? So many equations he'd never seen before... You glanced at his confused face and suppressed a laugh.
How cute he is when he is confused, you thought, smiling to yourself. He was trying pretty hard to understand them, though it was all something only you really knew.
He slowly gained the courage to ask, "What... are these..?"
"Well, my lovely little scribe, these are all problems and formulas from which I've learned. I haven't implemented them into Teyvat at all, of course though."
'Lovely little scribe..?' He thought, his face heating up a bit. "I-if you don't mind me asking, why didn't you..?" 'Archons, did I really just stutter.. how embarrassing...'
"Well, there really isn't a reason for anyone here to learn it. I merely use it so could help me control the events of Teyvat easier. There is no need for anyone on Teyvat to learn such a thing, if they do not possess the power I do." You said, smiling at his reaction to his new nickname.
"I.. see.. That is very.. interesting." He said, trying to process it all as he glanced at you, just to see you smiling at him, and quickly looked back at the hologram. He couldn't handle it-- you were just too much for him to handle. [positively, of course. he loved the creator in a lot of ways.]
"Not as interesting as you, love."
Oh archons, you've broke him!
end : 1/3
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you have no idea how down bad I am for this man istg
"I'm surprised you've gotten the hang of this already! N-Not that I doubted you of course, but most people don't learn so quickly! N-No that I mean to say you're most people, you aren't!! B-But I don't mean to try and single you out, nor do I mean to mean to say you're the same--" Kaveh tripped over all his words, trying to make sure they weren't going to offend you at all, but he just kept poking holes in each until he heard you let out a light laugh.
"It's alright Kaveh. I know what you're trying to say, thank you. I've just got a nifty little trick up my sleeve."
...Archons, he loved your laugh. It made him feel so giddy.
"Do you mind telling me? I-I just want to se if I could use it to hurry and finish my work faster, not that I mean to use you or anything, but--"
You could sense he was about to go on another trail of thoughts, so you simply smiled and said, "It is not a trick that can be learned, it's more of a power I possess." He nodded, and internally sighed.
"...Come here, let me show you. I'll let you decided whether it's useful or not." You said, motioning for him to stand next to you.
What an honor it is, to be invited next to the Divine Creator, and how important it is... and how I get too! Ah, happy day! He thought, as he happily sped walked his way next to you. What happened next, made him feel as if he was ascending.
You carefully grabbed Kaveh's hand and guided up into the air, and as he tilted his head in confusion as a blush appeared on his cheeks, suddenly words, numbers, problems, and more appeared on thin air! They all had solutions and such, and he could understand most of them because they were the ones you two were just working on, but others had unfamiliar letters and language, with different numbers and much different ways of solving them.
"So? What do you think?" You inquired, looking at him to see his reaction. He was completely astonished. You did all of this in one day?! Not say he was doubting you or anything, but he'd never seen it before! Such complex things that took him and others so long took you merely a minute or two!
"...woah." Was all he could mutter as he stared up at the hologram.
You chuckled, and said, "There's one more thing I'd like to show you..." And you guided his hand to another part of the hologram, as if you were swiping. Suddenly, a bunch of blueprints and diagrams appeared, and he quickly recognized them. They were his future projects he had planned on! He stared at them, then at you, and then just turned red. Both because he was flustered, and because he was blown away.
You'd been thinking about.. me..? And from the looks of it.. you've been trying to.. help me?!
You smiled and squeezed his hand, and he had to muffle a little 'eep!'
...He did not do very well muffling it. You chuckled and whispered in his ear, "You're so cute Kaveh, you know that?"
God, he loved the way his named rolled off of your tounge.
[i love kaveh to a normal amount i swear..]
end : 2/3
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"What're you doing?"
"Solving formulas to see which artifacts are best for this fight." You answered, continuing to move and use your hologram.
"A fight is a fight! What're artifacts really needed for?" He groaned, dramatically.
"For you? To do more damage. Some others do better support, off-field, healing--"
"Yeah but isn't doing so much math boringgg?" He drawed out, he just wanted to fight this [boss] already!
"Do you want to win this fight?"
"..Well, yeah..!"
"Then let me check these artifacts."
He whined, dramatically. He didn't really see why you needed that stupid hologram, it was quite annoying... taking up all your attention when he's right there! Sure he can't read half of those equations, but he can entertain you more than that 'floating screen' can! That's for sure!
Though, Childe wouldn't push anymore. You're the creator, whatever you say goes.
"Aand... done! Now use these artifacts and--" You handed him the artifacts before he eagerly put them on and grabbed your hand before you could get caught up in those stupid little symbols again.
"Let's go, Your Grace!!! I don't wanna wait any longer!!" He semi-shouted enthusiastically, holding onto you gently. You smiled, and shook your head lightly, but silently laughed.
...maybe you could let it slide this time.
end : 3/3
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kcscribbler · 5 days
Seven Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the ever-early @elodiah.
I'm still fiddling with a few WIPs right now and won't be online a lot of the week, so instead have the scene I cut from a recent chapter. I posted bits of it here before and eventually decided to cut it completely. Hope that's okay. 😅
A warm hand on his brow is what wakes him however long it is later, startling him out of what feels like a remarkably painless sleep, all things considered.
He is not destined for godly or mortal paradise, and this surely cannot be Hel?
Mobius makes a vaguely surprised noise when he realizes Loki’s eyes are open. “Hey, there you are.”
His own eyes are dark-shadowed, pinched at the corners as they always are when he has a headache, but he seems much calmer than Loki remembers last seeing him. And looks utterly exhausted. His hair is sticking up everywhere, as if he’s been dragging his hands through it repeatedly.
“Are you really awake this time?”
Loki blinks for a few seconds, trying to sort through the confused muddle of his last recollection, before nodding somewhat uncertainly.
Mobius chuckles, and reaches somewhere beyond Loki’s vision, bringing back a plastic bottle of water and uncapping it. “Go slow,” he warns, slipping a hand behind Loki’s neck to assist with a better angle.
Cool and refreshing, the water is most welcome. It serves to slowly wash back what Loki now realizes must have been a very near-death experience, if his memories are accurate. The acrid bite of the cursed dagger seems to have vanished, as it should have within these walls and the cast Runes they hold; and while the wound is no longer radiating such agony as he last remembers, it is very much still in existence, that much is clear.
Even the small effort of drinking seems to sap the rest of his energy, however, and it is with great struggle that he forces his eyes open again, not willing to fall back into that darkness without first ascertaining their safety. He appears to be lying semi-sprawled on the ground, like a marionette with its strings cut. A downy pillow rests under his head, and he is covered with what feels like half a dozen coverings – but that is definitely the hard, chilled stone floor under him.
Oh. Yes, good. Mobius had understood Loki’s basically non-existent directions, and had opened a Door directly beneath them to drop them into relative safety in the Citadel. It would have been a bit of a tumble, but certainly better than remaining where they were. Loki spares a brief moment to be impressed that Mobius had figured it out quickly enough to keep him from exsanguination, but that full story will likely need to wait.
Mobius puts a hand on his shoulder, as if reading his confusion on his face. “I assume we’re safe, for now,” he reassures, calm and soothing. “And do I have a load of questions for you about this place! When you’re feeling better, anyway.”
“They can wait. You need rest.”
Loki shifts a bit against the cold floor, and immediately is informed by his own physiology of just how not healed he is. Mobius’ face twists in sympathy. “You’re doing a lot better than you were yesterday, but it’s not gonna be a fun recovery, I'm guessing. ‘Specially without magic."
“If this is a lot better,” Loki rasps, breathing heavily, “then I shudder to think of the previous state.”
Mobius worries at a little string fraying on one of the blankets. “You’re not the only one,” he finally says. “I was sure Valhalla was putting another place setting on that long table.”
Loki reaches up to place an unsteady hand on his, noting the absence of the ring which had done its job perhaps a little too well. “I’m sorry,” he whispers.
“You should be,” Mobius retorts, but he turns his hand to lace their fingers tightly. “Oldest trick in the book, and you fell right for it. Damn it, Loki.”
“Forgive me if I find it rather difficult to focus on myself when there is a lesser variant of me with a blade at your throat.” Mobius snorts, amused despite himself at the designation. Loki exhales in a pained grunt. “Might we adjourn to something softer than the floor?”
“I think so, yeah. If you can make it upright for a few seconds, I can use the momentum to get you settled. I’ll get you something to drink with sugar in it, too. Even if your magic kicks back in, it isn’t gonna fix blood loss. You really need a doctor.”
“I would like to try to heal myself first, if you’d be so kind as to assist.”
Mobius nods and gets to one knee beside what Loki now realizes is a makeshift pallet on the floor; and no wonder, since Mobius could never have gotten him up alone. The runes hidden in the walls were just enough to cancel out the curse from the blade, though it does not feel as if his magic is even close to returning. Perhaps assisting a bit with healing, but nothing more.
Brows drawn with worry, Mobius locks one hand around Loki’s and firmly grasps a bony elbow with the other hand. “Ready?” he asks.
Loki nods, braces himself with opposite hand against the floor, and clenches his jaw to prevent a shout of pain when he pushes off, hauled to his feet and kept there with remarkable strength given that it takes a moment for him to find his footing. It is only a few meters to the bed, but it might well have been light-years, for as much as he is exhausted again, limp and breathing heavily, when they finally reach it.
Mobius fusses for a few minutes with the pillows, carefully arranging them so Loki can sleep on his uninjured side instead of his back, facing the middle of the bed. A glass of some sweet-smelling fruit juice is held to Loki’s lips, and then set on the table after he drinks from it. Mobius then retrieves the blankets from the floor, arranging and rearranging them until Loki, already half-asleep again, finally drags his eyes open and catches his wrist mid-action.
“What is it? What do you need?”
“You,” Loki whispers. “I need you safe, and I need you to rest. Please.”
It is telling that he gets no argument against the latter. Mobius just nods, and then after a moment of hesitation slips off his shoes and settles somewhat awkwardly on the other half of the not-exactly-oversized bed. Loki watches through half-closed lids as he fidgets with the unfamiliar sleeves of the pajamas. Discovered prowling around, no doubt, while Loki slept. He turns up the cuffs of the simple brown top, and then unrolls them again. And again. And again.
His hands are shaking.
“Are you all right?” Loki asks.
Mobius immediately stops and then squirrels under the sheet and quilt, offering what Loki can immediately tell is a forced smile as he settles in, hands folded neatly over his chest. “Don’t you worry about me,” he says quietly.
Loki’s lips curve in a faint smile. “I have done nothing but that, these last months,” he admits. It is, perhaps, a little too honest, a little too fraught with pain, for right now. “With good reason, it would seem. I told you that you were too trusting.”
A faint snort, but Mobius seems to then relax and fall back into old bantering habits, exhaling in a gusty sigh. “Yeah, yeah. Rub it in.” He side-eyes Loki briefly, and despite the weight of these last months seems to silently agree that, and all its unspoken consequences, is a discussion for the morrow. Instead, he simply turns on his side to face Loki, watchful and silent.
Loki manages a shallow, measured exhale and inhale. Another, and then another, until the pain is bearable.
“Please tell me we’re not going to talk about things right now,” he then rasps.
A brief chuckle, even if it’s tinged with sadness. “Not unless you want to.”
“Actually, I do. But not – not until I can think clearly,” he says, a little more candid than he meant. He blinks a few times and allows the pain to settle, to become a Thing of the body, not the mind. He has had far worse, after all.
Mobius huffs what seems to be a sigh of relief. “Sounds like a plan.” He pats Loki’s shoulder and then turns to shut off the light.
Loki’s eyelids droop against his will, but he reaches out across the space, careful not to stretch too far, and settles for leaving his hand there as he loses the fight against sleep.
Tagging @lokimobius @doomed-spectacles @insert-witty-user-name-here @mirilyawrites @loki-is-my-kink-awakening
@in-my-loki-feels @andthekitchensinkao3 @mythical-magik @scifikimmi and @thosegayoldmen
Whatcha workin' on this week?
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deadbydangit · 5 months
i wanted to request something if you dont mind :)
how do you think the killers (of your choice) would react to string tricks? like a survivor that specializes on doing very fun tricks with strings?
if this is very confusing, sorry 😅
I'm not too sure what string tricks are, but I do know of yo-yo tricks. I can write about that. I hope that's an okay substitute. Please enjoy.
With a reader who could do yo-yo tricks: Mastermind, Hillbilly, Huntress
A yo-yo?
"Aren't you a bit old for that?"
"That seems rather childish."
Don't let Wesker's pretentious talking discourage you from doing what you love.
Just because he finds it childish doesn't mean he'll make you stop.
He wishes you would spend time learning something more useful.
Alas, he will not complain about it.
"Well, I suppose it promotes good hand eye coordination."
"Very well dearheart. If it makes you that happy."
People outright tell you to leave him alone, but he isn't too interested in your tricks.
Again, it just isn't something that's practical.
"Why don't you practice something useful. Like using a gun or learning the chemical formulas I'm studying?"
His idea of fun and your idea of fun may be totally different.
However, he does enjoy seeing the look on your face when you're practicing.
You have this child-like innocence that he finds irresistible and adorable.
Like, for that moment, you're able to ignore all the horrible awful things in the world.
Like you're able to focus on only the good and pure things.
He actually finds himself rather jealous.
During times when he feels like everything is hopeless he'll often come and watch you.
It gives him a sense of hope that he had otherwise thought he had lost.
"Dearheart, would you please show me that trick where the yo-yo goes over your head? I enjoy that one."
Even if he finds the talent ridiculous, he loves seeing the joy on your face.
"What's that?"
Max has never seen one before.
Maybe on tv, but never in real life.
He was deprived of all those fun things a normal child would have.
Even doing the most basic thing with the yo-yo Max finds amazing.
So when you show him tricks?
He's in awe.
Like he had seen a unicorn or something.
You'll hear that at least five more times after you've done a trick.
He can't help it.
The person he loves the most doing such amazing things?
"It's magic!"
You'll have to explain to Max that, no, it isn't magic.
He wants to try!
You can try and teach him, but he'll usually end up hitting himself in the face trying to do some elaborate trick.
He's easily discouraged because he has been told his whole life that he was useless.
But don't let him give up. Make sure you show him the basics and do so slowly.
He'll pick it up eventually.
And when he does, you better believe he'll be showing you the trick about 50 times.
Even if it's just making the yo-yo go up and down like normal.
He's really trying hard to impress you, so make sure you praise him a lot.
Like Max, Anna will also be in awe.
However, she knows that it isn't magic.
She does think it's some sort of weapon though.
She had never seen a yo-yo before.
She'll want to try out this new and unique 'weapon' of yours.
You're going to have to explain to her that no, it isn't a weapon.
That it's a hobby; a toy you could learn tricks with.
To her, anything could be used as a weapon. But she won't break your favorite toy by trying to use it as a weapon.
She knows doing something like that would hurt you. It would be like someone breaking her mask.
As someone who has practiced the art of throwing hatchets meticulously, she appreciates the time and effort you've put into learning the yo-yo.
Even if it doesn't do any damage, she's still really impressed by you.
She might want to try it.
Make sure you show her how to hold it properly and the correct strength to use.
We all know how strong Anna is and how unaware she is of that strength.
She might accidentally yank the string so hard the yo-yo part comes off.
If that's happened she'll be devastated and crying, begging for your forgiveness.
Asure her that you aren't upset.
You'll just have to teach her to be a little more careful.
She's a fast learner, she picks up on things very quickly.
And, with her axe throwing skills, she's able to learn the yo-yo even faster.
She claims the wrist flicking motions are very similar.
Once she gets good enough, try and find her own yo-yo.
Because she'll be playing with it all the time.
And, when she has her own, she'll get to play with you.
To her, that's the best part about it.
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silenzahra · 25 days
Hi!!! Figured I'd hop in on the ask by now... so here's a few! 😁
In reference to this ask game ✹
Heyyyy!!! 😁😁😁 AW yay!!! Thank you so much for asking, dear friend! Let's-a go! ❀
đŸ€© - Since I already answered this one here with our man Mario, I'll choose Luigi now! Our baby is so sweet and tender that I always melt whenever I write him đŸ„č And I relate to him a lot! I also have anxiety and get scared veeeery easily, as well as being extremely clumsy, and the social anxiety hits hard... 😅 I think it's actually more or less easy for me to write him because I know firsthand what it's like to have anxiety, and as I said, I share lots of traits from his personality, so really, writing him feels a lot like writing myself most times 😅
🛒 - I also answered this one here, but to add to the hugs and physical ways of the brothers of showing their love, I'll also include: comfort. Whether it's a very brief moment like in my latest fic or the whole story revolving around it, I just LOVE writing the brothers comforting each other, crying in the arms of the other, feeling safe and sound only when the other is hugging them... I swear I'm melting just by thinking of it đŸ„čâ€ïžđŸ’š
👀 - Ooohhh I see... Hm, how about that nightmare fic I owe you and that I intend to post this month at last? đŸ„°
"No, Lu, no!"
Luigi feels a pang in his heart, not only at the fear and sadness that permeate Mario's voice, but also when he notices, under the pale glow of the moon that shines through the window, the tears that slide down his cheeks. What must his brother be dreaming that makes him cry so much? His face is twisted into a grimace of despair and desolation, and his chest heaves up and down between gasps and sobs.
"Mario,” Luigi calls softly, placing both hands on his twin's cheeks in an attempt to get him to wake up, to get him out of the clutches of that horrible dream, to get him to calm down.
But Mario keeps crying and repeating his name over and over again, his voice breaking more and more with each time Luigi's name escapes his lips, his eyelids clenched tightly as tears continue to flow from his eyes.
"Mario,” Luigi insists, raising his tone a little, and wipes his brother's cheeks with his thumbs. "Mario, listen to me: it's not real!"
Mario's crying stops for a while, but the wheezing doesn't stop.
"L-Lu?" he mumbles, hesitating, almost as if he's not sure he heard him.
"I'm here, Mario,” Luigi tells him hopefully, firmly, but also warmly, and caresses his face with extreme gentleness. "I'm with you. You're dreaming, Mario. It's a nightmare! It's not real!"
Mario's gasps continue for a few moments, his eyes still closed, his face showing confusion and uncertainty in equal parts. Luigi can feel that he's about to wake up, so, still cupping his sibling's face, he bends his head until his forehead rests on Mario's.
"I'm here,” he repeats softly. "Open your eyes, Mario."
I swear, the feels that I got just re-reading and translating this... đŸ„ș Hope you liked it, Vee, and perhaps @bberetd @peaches2217 @pepperycar @keakruiser @vulpixfairy1985
@stripetkattelalala54-gf @kelbreyworshipper would also like to read this? No pressure, of course, you're free to ignore this post if you're not interested! đŸ„°
Also, if I may add, this was a quick translation I just made, so perhaps it'll be worded differently whenever I post it! ✹
Thank you again so much for asking, sweetie! How I LOVE sharing snippets from my WIPs 😍😍😍
Again, to anyone reading this, feel free to send me as many asks as you'd like! 😁💖💖 (I'll continue answering tomorrow though, it's already past midnight for me!)
EDIT: Second snippet of this fic here! ✹
If you're curious, you can see all my answers to this game here! ✹
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Okay. So, this is a bit weird. But maybe the Bad Batch (+ Gregor?) when their s/o is VERY protective over their baby when it's born? Even though it's the Batcher's kid too, s/o stares intently at them holding baby to make sure nothing bad happens, won't leave the baby's side, can hardly sleep because they are so on edge about something happening to baby when they aren't around, and is wary and tense about Batcher taking care of them?
I mean, I know the boys would do a good job, but I find myself doing this with my little brother when we was younger, my cousins, and friends kids - I get so overprotective because I'm scared something will happen, and anyone other than me and the Mom, I can get...pissy/snarly/angry when baby and I are separated. I have absolutely no clue why this happens?
But if it's not too much trouble, I would love to know how the boys would react. I am...a spicy, hot mess sometimes 😅
Aloha! 😊
I've heard of this phenomenon before, but I don't know exactly where it comes from. Though, I think it's called 'postpartum maternal separation anxiety' or it is a form of it.
I should utter a warning, I have no idea (experience) about motherhood, or parenthood (and I don't want to 😅 ), at least not first hand!
Nevertheless, I could be able to estimate how the boys react to it. Let me see
 Most of this is not going to be very fluffy though. Sorry, I'm trying 😅
The Bad Batch/ Gregor x Reader HCs - The Overprotective Parent
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Warning: Angsty/Tiny bit of fluff and comfort
He is so confused that he says nothing at first when you carefully but impatiently take the baby out of his arms.
"Is something wrong?" he finally asks alertly.
"Everything's fine."
Hunter frowns, clearly sensing something is wrong, as he approaches you and the child again to touch it, you pull back from him.
"This is my child too," he says calmly but with his brows drawn together critically, "What do you think will happen if I touch it?"
You sigh and finally try to explain to him what is going on inside you. That you're worried and anxious if you don't take care of it yourself.
"We need to work on that" Hunter says seriously "It's our child, I'm the father, you can't keep it from me, it's not right or fair. You know me, I would never harm our baby".
Of course the rational part of your perception knows this, but there is unfortunately also an irrational part that sometimes takes control. You will have to find a way to deal with this together. Hunter is a good partner and father, he will not want to have his time with his child taken away. If you can't find a common ground on your own, it could have a very negative impact on your relationship.
However, Hunter is willing to accommodate you in some way if you are willing to do the same and perhaps allow outside help, possibly in a therapeutic form.
Your reaction surprises him, and he vacillates somewhat between confusion, annoyance, and concern.
"You're acting like you don't trust me all of a sudden. Is it the prosthesis? Are you afraid I'll drop the kid?" he asks, frowning critically.
"Among other things," you reluctantly admit.
Seeing how this statement hurts him, you regret saying something. He looks at you wide-eyed, then lowers his gaze to his scomp-link arm. Echo doesn't quite know if he's disappointed or angry.
"So I never get to hold our child?" he asks, and his voice has taken on a strange tone that you haven't heard from him before, there's something somber about it.
When he looks at you again his expression is bitter, "You can't deny me that, I've never given you a reason to mistrust me, this is my child too".
You try to explain to him how worried and insecure you are about the baby, in general, not just about him. His expression slowly softens a bit, and he seems to understand, at least partially.
"We'll have to do something about that. Maybe we should ask a doctor for advice"
Echo tries to be understanding, even if in this case he actually finds it difficult for once. He is determined to find a solution that you both can be happy with.
He is already overcautious because the baby is so tiny and he is so huge. It feels strange for him to have this small, wonderful but so fragile looking being in his life. Wrecker is overjoyed to be a father but a little insecure at the same time. Your behavior fuels this insecurity.
He withdraws unhappily, observes the child mostly only with some distance, and you can see how deeply sad he is about not being able to approach his baby properly. Your behavior, and his insecurity, mix into a very bitter cocktail for Wrecker.
Eventually, his brothers notice the pattern and intervene, insisting that you give Wrecker a chance to hold his child. When it becomes clear what this is doing to you, Hunter insists that you seek medical as well as therapeutic help. He can no longer stand by and watch Wrecker suffer.
You need to communicate, so he understands you don't feel like this on purpose, that you can't help it. He'll be happy to find a solution with you.
He notices your behavior very quickly and doesn't like it at all.
"You are overreacting. I am perfectly capable of taking care of our baby. What's your issue?"
Your explanation makes him frown worriedly as well as thoughtfully. Tech quickly does some research and concludes, "You have some form of 'postpartum maternal separation anxiety'. We need to do something about that."
He knows it's hard for you, but you both have to go through it now.
"I'm not comfortable knowing how uncomfortable you feel seeing me with the child. Actually, I had hoped that the opposite would be the case, that it would make you happy. But I'm certainly not going to give up our baby. So we have to do something. Therapy seems not only appropriate, but necessary if we're going to get this out of the way."
Tech will not back down on this. He tries to be as considerate as possible, but he has a hard time hiding his disappointment. However, he is hopeful that with professional help, you can both get relief from this situation.
He never wanted to become a father, and he has a hard time getting used to this situation. Pride, happiness and a good portion of fear and insecurity mix. Crosshair keeps his distance at first, observing everything carefully, thoughtfully, but also with a loving eye.
It takes quite a while, but when he finally comes out of his shell and takes the baby in his arms, you react quite strongly, partly because it is unexpected due to his previous behavior. Crosshair carefully puts the baby back down, and you see that he is holding back right now, but is incredibly angry.
He doesn't want to confront you in the presence of the child and initially retreats to let off steam. Crosshair feels patronized, discouraged and incredibly angry. You end up arguing quite heatedly, because he can't really understand what you're trying to explain to him, until you present him with some articles that can explain the whole thing more objectively.
He reluctantly reads what you've presented, wearily rubs his hand over his face with a sigh, and leans back in his chair. Finally, he understands, you can't really help it right now.
"Somehow, nothing is ever normal with us, is it?", he mutters.
You shrug your shoulders in embarrassment and lean back in your chair as well, across from him at the small dining table you're sitting at.
Crosshair finally leans forward again, arms folded on the tabletop, and looks directly at you.
"Kitten, I love you, I hope you know that. But this is a non-tolerable situation for me. We need to find a solution. I'm having a hard enough time adjusting to all this as it is. Maybe we need professional help from the outside."
He raises his brows and looks at you in surprise as you take the child from his arms.
"Is something wrong?"
It doesn't matter what you say, he'll notice that you're avoiding him or trying to cover something up, he has a sense for that kind of thing. Gregor won't let the subject rest until you talk to him openly about it.
"Love, this is my baby too, it's our baby. You trust me, don't you?"
"That's not the point"
"Then what is it about?" he inquires gently but firmly.
Gregor listens attentively, trying to understand you, and he quickly realizes that a lot of work is needed here, and perhaps professional guidance. You are surprised when you see him smile, unperturbed, and he strokes your cheek.
"Okay, so we've discovered a problem. Let's set out to find the solution, together."
He's in good spirits, he won't give up that easily, it's not in Gregor's nature. He is sure that together, with a little willpower and cooperation, you will find a solution that is right for both of you.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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m-jelly · 6 months
Hello! I hv read your Levi Hybrids AU, and the Puppy Eyes was well written too just as your others fics. I very much enjoy them, and thank u for creating this idea to life!
If you don't mind, I would like a certain oneshot hybrid AU for Erwin? Let say Levi and fem!reader are already in a relationship, and then both of them introduce Erwin to reader's friend or cousin (it's up to you) for any reason you can think of.
Just imagine a female ferret hybrid just running around and suddenly attack jump behind Erwin's back - can you imagine him being quite buff due to his hybrid genes(?)
The story can be any kinds of story, as long as it is fluffy (my heart cannot take a lot of angst at the moment). I hope this doesn't confuse you much, I'm not sure how to put it in words with less details😅
Hv a pleasant time and give yourself a break if u must, bcs I know u hv other things to do/other requests. Stay safe and thank you!💐
PS: I am the anon that request the bunny reader - Puppy Eyes - and I hope you don't mind me requesting another hybrid Au😅
So I'm gonna change this a little and not make it linked to puppy eyes as I would have to make an OC in order for them to be related to y/n. This will be a separate story and not linked of y/n and Erwin. Hope that's okay. Also I love hybrid things and the puppy eyes. Please send me as many hybrid requests as you like because I love them.
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Lion tamer
Erwin x fem!reader
Future AU, fluff, romance, becoming a couple, couple moments, hybrids, lion Erwin, ferret reader.
Erwin and you fall hopelessly in love with each other and know right away you're mates. Erwin protects you and you fill his life with brightness and fun.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @mari-zs
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It was like an explosion in your chests as soon as you locked eyes with each other. Erwin was a big lion hybrid who just oozed leadership energy and a protective nature. You projected a fun and cuddly energy that Erwin needed in his life. It was fate.
Erwin swept you off your feet. He took you on the most romantic dates and you just wanted to be his. You were incredibly excited to be around him. You adored his fluffy ears and long tail. Erwin loved your little ears and furry tail. The two of you were just so in love that you couldn't hold back.
You moved in together rather quickly, but that was normal for hybrids when they found their mate. You would nap a lot together, go on long walks and have a few adventures. You cooked a lot of food for the two of you to enjoy as well.
Erwin was the CEO of a large business, which made sense being that he is a lion. He spoiled you a lot and offered to be the supplier of money in the house and for you to relax. You worked for a bit but soon you gave him and stayed at home and loved it.
Often Erwin worked from home and today was one of those days. You made a large collection of snacks and drinks for Erwin and you to share. You paced a little and longingly gazed at Erwin's office door. You had to behave and leave him alone so he could work.
As soon as you heard Erwin's footsteps getting closer to the door you got excited. You felt a warm tingle inside you and you couldn't control yourself, you knew very well you were going to have a hyper moment with him.
Erwin walked out of his office and stretched a bit. He yawned causing his sharp canines to flash a little. He hummed and smelt delicious food you'd made. He paused a moment and looked around for you, but you were nowhere to be seen.
He sniffed the air and smelt you sneaking around. "Where are you, buttercup?"
You ran and jumped onto Erwin's back. "My King!"
He chuckled at you attacking him. "There you are. Did you miss me?"
You bit his shoulder and sucked a mark. "Yes. You were working so long today."
"Forgive me." He smiled at how cute you were. "I missed you too."
You jumped off his back and trotted to the front of him. "Are you spending time with me now?"
"I am."
You grabbed his hand and dragged him to the kitchen. "I made snacks!"
"I can see." He ruffled your hair and then played with one of your ears. "Thank you." He lifted you up with ease before smothering your face with kisses. "I love you so much, little buttercup."
You wrapped yourself around Erwin and whined a bit. "Love you too, my King."
He carried you to the sofa and sat you down. "Be good and wait there, okay?"
You nodded but as soon as Erwin left you, you turned on the sofa and gripped the back of it. You watched Erwin closely as he gathered the snacks and drinks. When he started to return to you, you perked up. You turned in your seat and bounced a little when he joined you.
Erwin fed you a bit of food before giving you a kiss. "Delicious as always."
You licked your lips and ate everything you were given. Once it was all gone, your tiredness consumed you. You hugged Erwin's arm. "Can we nap now?"
Erwin put a few things on the coffee table before wrapping you up in his big arms and flopping onto his back with you on top. He let out a deep chest-rumbling growl as he held you. He kissed your face a few times allowing him to settle. He closed his eyes and felt so lucky that he found his mate, you. You were the perfect dream.
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rose-riot-johnson · 8 months
hii!!! is it alright if i can request a kensei x reader? up to you if you wanna make it sfw or nsfw!
It's definitely alright to request on Kensei x reader😃👍I would be more than happy to write about him😁👍I definitely enjoy writing about him😃👍I wasn't sure, if there was a specific gender you wanted me to write (😅), which is why for the fanfic I'm writing about, I decided to go with female reader, so hopefully that will be fine👍
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đŸ”„đŸ˜ˆHis Desire Is For You To Have What You Want From Him For OnceđŸ˜ˆđŸ”„(Kensei Muguruma x Female Reader)
Genres: NSFW, Smut (and sex), Fluff (Warning +18⚠: Sexual Contact (including nipple play, touching (both Kensei and the reader receiving and giving)) oral ((pussy and cock eating) (both recieving and giving) vaginal penetration, boob play and nipple sucking (reader receiving) Kensei convincing (and trying to teach) reader on the reader being "dom lady", Bondage(?), Praise kink, Hickies, Language)
Kensei Muguruma knew you had alot speaking and coming out of your shell, especially when it comes to your relationship with him, your kinks, and anything else you would enjoy in bed. While he doesn't mind being dominant with you in bed nor taking the lead, however he dislikes that you don't take any control of anything pertaining the relationship and the fact that you let him make all the decisions pertaining what happens between the both of you in the bedroom, even if he is your squad 9 captain...
Kensei thought to himself, "One of these nights, I'm going to make damn sure to have (Female Reader Name) show me what's she's made of... Even, if I have to push her to try push me around in the bedroom for a change..."
Meanwhile, you were afraid to speak up to people in general, as you're one of those people who thought you stay in your shell, especially about your kinks and certain kinks you have, you weren't sure about, until a particular kink happens, pertaining both you and Kensei. You we're also afraid you'd be too pushy with him and worried he would often tell you no anyways.
You thought to yourself, "I hope I don't come close with being pushy with Kensei, again...", as you worry Kensei would dislike you taking any control of the relationship and in bed.
One day, Kensei decided to take you to a private cabin, as one of your surprises.
Once the both of you got to the private cabin, you were surprised that the outside of the private cabin had the most beautiful cherry blossom tree forest you had ever seen. The inside of the cabin looked very nice, as well.
When it was evening time, Kensei cooked you a nice dinner and you enjoyed how he cooks the food, as always. While he knew you always appreciate him, especially when he cooks food for you, he still plans on making sure you take the lead, later on tonight.
After you finished eating the food Kensei cooked for you earlier, you madesure you wore your kimono, while having nothing else underneath it. Once you finished getting dressed in your kimono, you saw a completly naked, Kensei sitting on the edge of the bed only wearing one of the collars around his neck he usually puts on you during your time with him in bed.
"Hey, Kensei? What's going on and why do you have the collar on? Am I supposed to have it on? And aren't you supposed to have me on the edge of the bed?",you asked in a blushingly and confused toned.
Kensei smirked, as he then answered, "Well, (Female Reader Name), isn't it simple? As much as I like doing whatever I want with you with myself being a "dom" in the bed, I'm just tired on you not taking the lead and the fact you don't speak up, wheather it's in bed or just in general! I really would like you to take the lead, tease me up, and push me a little! Don't think I haven't noticed that you're timid about being assertive, especially about what you want to do with me! There's a difference between ordering people around and giving people a little push, you know!", while trying to secretly give you a little push for you to be pushy with him.
You never thought you see the day or night that it would be your turn to be his "dom lady", fir you to tease him up, and to do any other sexual thing you want to do with him. You actually thought it was all a dream.
You then asked, "You mean I can do whatever I want with you and I wouldn't have to feel guilty for anything I do to you?", as you're wanting to makesure, if it's something he actually wants.
Kensei replied, "Ofcourse, (Female Reader)! Why do you think I'm trying to get you to do what you want with me, tonight! It's your night tonight! I'm gonna let you be, as naughty with me as you want, starting now...", as he then layed down on his back, waiting for you to show him what you want to do with him in bed.
You were afraid of being pushy with him, however you also knew he was right that some of the things you haven't done yet nor spoken up to him about, are what you want.
You then stripped out of your kimono, leaving yourself completely naked, as you proceeded to go to the bed and be on top of Kensei.
Once you got on top of him, you began to give him, alot of touches, starting with the biceps of his arms, then his shoulders, and now his chest. You had secretly loved his chest for a long time, so you felt that it was an honor for you to finally feel his chest.
The next thing you did was play with his nipples, as this is one of the things you always wanted to do with him. Kensei groaned from you playing with his nipples, even tough he was relaxed enough, as it is from you to touching his biceps of his arms, his shoulders and his chest, while he became more relaxed from you playing with his nipples.
You kept touching his chest, while you continued to play with his nipples, as you asked him, "Hey, Kensei... If you don't mind... Would you like to give me some touches starting with my thighs?".
Kensei was so relaxed and groaning alot from your touches and you playing with his nipples where he had a hard time verbally answering you, so he proceeded to give you touches, starting with your thighs, then grabbing your ass, as he was able to finally answered, "Does this answer your question? And please don't ask... Just be a little demanding with me... I would like you be pushy with me, as I would like my "dom lady" to be!", before he moved his hands to play with your pussy, to get you to slightly moan.
Once you got done touching his chest and playing with his nipples you turned yourself around to give his cock a nice hand job, as he continued to play with your pussy. He realized after you turned around he had easier access to your pussy, as he fingered the inside of your pussy with one hand and played with your clit with the other hand.
A few minutes went by, Kensei notices you were cumming, however he moved his hands back on your ass, knowing what you would do next...
As Kensei suspected, you sat on his face, as put your pussy in his mouth. You then proceeded to such on his juicy, cock.
All you think of doing at the time is, riding in his mouth, and sucking on his cock, considering sucking on his cock and having Kensei tasting your pussy at the same time, like this was one of the things you wanted to do that you haven't got to do, until that moment you sat on his face. It's really a plus for you that he's grabbing your ass, while his cock was in his mouth and eating you out. This made him glad he managed to talk you into being a "dom lady", even if you did ask him permission to have him touch you.
Once you got done with sucking on his cock, you touched his abs, thighs, and cock, while you wait for him to finish eating your pussy. When you were cumming inside his mouth without realizing it, he got done eating your pussy, as you then turned around to look at his face, as he's really enjoying every moment of this night.
The next thing Kensei did was looked into your eyes, as he praised, "Fuck, (Female Reader Name)... I really enjoyed everything you've been doing with me... That sensation of your touches felt, so relaxing... I even loved how you did such an amazing job with my cock and I liked how you sat on my face, with that nice pussy of yours...". He paused for a second, then continued, "Now, if there's anything you want to do to me or have me do, just let me know before the night ends, otherwise I'm not sure when the next opportunity we will have for you to get anything else you might want, my baby girl...", as he somehow knows there's more you want to do with him and what you want him to do with you and you knew he's right.
You then grabbed his cock and inserted it inside of your hole, as he groaned in delight as he moaned, "So warm and tight, as always... I knew it was a great idea to have you take the lead, my princess...".
Kensei paused to gaze at you, your body, and his cock inside of your pussy, as he touched your face and continued, "If there's anything else you want, don't ask me for permission... Either speak up and be atleast a little demanding, or grab my hands where you want my hands to touch, or give me extra touches, or even touch and/or gently grab the collar I'm wearing... I want to know what you want me to do... It's your night... So, right now, show me who's boss tonight... I would like my lady to dominate me, for once...", as he's giving you the okay for you to do what you want with him and for you to coax him to do what you want him to do with you before you stated to ride on his cock.
Obviously, it's not your first time that you and Kensei were fucking, however this is your first time riding on top of him, as he's enjoying your warm and tight pussy hugging on his cock.
You gently grabbed both of his hands, as you use his hands to rub on your sides, hinting to him to give you sides touches and to play with your tits (nipples included), which he understood your hinting. So, as you were riding him, he was touching your sides, moved his hands on your boobs to play with them, then moved his hands to play with your nipples.
Kensei could easily tell you're enjoying riding him, playing with your breasts, and touching your nipples, which he was happy to see that. You then touched his hands to pull on your nipples, which he decided to do afterwards.
While you were riding him and he was pulling your nipples, through his groans and your moans, he really was happy that you like him pulling on your nipples like that.
You then paused to pet his head with your one hand. With your other hand you touched and gently pull on his collar, insisting that he sits up, as he knew what else you wanted, which he sits up, as you proceeded to continue riding him, while gently grabbing his hair.
Kensei stopped pulling on your nipples, as he moved his hands on your back, then started sucking on your left nipple, while you're still riding him and accidentally tugging his hair.
Once he stopped sucking on your left nipple, you paused on riding him, as you tried apologizing about pulling on his hair. He interrupted your apology, as he cooed, "You don't need to apologize to me about pulling my hair, sweetness... I enjoyed you pulling my hair, even if it's a little rough and by accident and tonight's still your night...", as he then started sucking on your right nipple and you continued riding on his cock and tugging on his hair.
After Kensei got done sucking on your right nipples, both his moans and your moans filled the cabin, while you're still riding his cock.
The next thing that happened was you're extremely cock drunk and Kensei got just as, pussy drunk to the point where your arms were wrapped around close to his neck and Kensei touched your hair, as the both of you stared into eachother's eyes, then proceeded to passionately kiss eachother, while you still were riding on his cock.
Once the both of you stopped kissing, you decided to put hickies around his neck (over and under the collar he's wearing) and chest, as Kensei moans, "Oh fuck... So, this is what your capable of doing... I really love that you're pushing me, like this, (Female Reader Name)... You should definitely be treating me like this more often... You're such a good girl for being, so naughty and a little more dominant for me...", before he filled his cum inside of you, as neither of you were aware of the fact he filled himself inside of you, due to him being drunk from your pussy and you being drunk from his cock.
After your pussy was filled up with his cum, both you and Kensei laid down together, while you're on top of him, as the both of you cuddled with eachother, even after the both of you fell asleep into a deep slumber...
Next morning, you woke up to see Kensei naked in his apron, as he was cooking you some breakfast, then you began to realize you put hickies on his neck, while you were fucking him.
You got out of bed, as you went to Kensei to apologize, as you were pleading, "I'm so sorry, hickied you up like this... I had no idea that I pushed this far... Please forgive..."
Kensei interrupted, "Oh... I wasn't paying attention, to the hickies on me... And don't apologize! It's fine... Last night was your night and I meant every word of it... I'm sure you got cock drunk last night and I was really pussy drunk... Even if you weren't drunk off my cock, there's nothing to forgive... The main thing is you got what you wanted, which was I wanted... And now I can call you my "dom lady"..."
Once breakfast was cooked he continued, "By the way, here's your breakfast and I'm proud of you, beautiful...", as he's hinting for you to not worry and that he still wants to take care of you.
While you are eating breakfast, he decided to massage your neck, shoulders, back, and sides. As he was massaging you, decided to give you hicky on you neck.
After Kensei put a hicky on your neck, then said, "Before you even think of asking about why I put a hicky on your neck, I figured I'd reward you with the hicky on your neck for letting me know what you wanted last night. After I woke up I heard you talk in your sleep about asking for a hicky, so since you were more dominant in bed, than usual and you forgot to ask me to give you any hickies, I might as well reward you with that hicky I just gave you, my princess...", as he proceeded to kiss your forehead to get you to smile and blush.
After that night (and morning), he spent with you in the cabin, Kensei has been looking forward to having steamy nights with you more often, as he hopes you would be his "dom lady" and put him in his place in bed more often, while he comes up with more ways to reward you...
đŸ˜ˆđŸ”„The EndđŸ”„đŸ˜ˆ
I hope you enjoyed this steamy fanfic my Tumblr PeepsđŸ”„đŸ˜ˆ And I hope it's alright for the tag @fubukinorris 😅Anyways I hope you liked this fanfic that I worked on with Kensei in it😃👍I did end up having alot of ideas for this fanfic, so I figured I'd give these ideas for this Kensei fanfic a try😁👍
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