#I'm still making tetora
crunchy-criss-1 · 1 month
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my ass attempt at making my own enstars stuff
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rubys-domain · 11 months
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yuta's really giving "seems lyney is saying some strange things again" here lmao
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purple8cat · 11 months
So if you've seen Niki's relationship chart that came out earlier this month (I think, might've been earlier??) you would've seen that most of his relationships only have one arrow. The only ones that don't are his relationships with the rest of Crazy:B, Mayoi, and Nazuna. But Tetora, Ritsu, Ibara, Midori and Adonis all only have one. And I think it's because Niki isn't very good at making friends, or at least making close ones because of his upbringing. I have three main reasons for this.
One is that Niki's parents left him to his own devices at a young age, either at fourteen or before that. It's not clear yet how often Niki's parents visit, but either way the kid was still left alone. It's also not clear on what Niki's relationship with his parents is, but I do think there the root of his self-esteem issues, or at least when it comes to him believing he's a burden to others. This is based off of something that fourteen-year-old Niki thinks in Hot Limit (in the monologue episodes) : "I don't want to be a burden like my dad was". I really wanna emphasize the "my dad was" part. This implies that his dad has either done something or said something that I think made Niki think this and that he internalized and projected onto himself. I would even say he's been doing it for a long time since Niki's self-esteem issues are so ingrained into his brain.
Another major reason I think Niki isn't very good at forming close bonds is that I don't think he had many friends in middle school. In the monologue episodes in Hot Limit, when Niki talks to Rinne for the first time, he says that other kids had called him weird because of how much he talks about food and cooking. He says it didn't bother him in primary school, but did in middle school, which means that it's been happening for a long time. Now I'm not saying Niki didn't have any friends, he does say he has some, but I don't think it's that many and because of him keeping everything to himself I doubt he was that close to them. Not to mention he probably spent a lot of time looking for food so he didn't starve to death because of his condition. Niki also didn't go to high school, which took away a lot of chances for Niki to make friends or practice social skills.
One last reason is because of his dad's scandal. Niki's dad was (presumably) accused of being a cannibal, and when one person is seen as bad the rest of the family tends to be seen that way as well. It's clear this has effected Niki, as another thing he says to Rinne when he first meets him is that for a little while him and his family couldn't eat because they couldn't pay for food after his dad lost his cooking show. But it's especially effected him socially because at the end of Hot Limit, when he's joining the cooking competition, he wears a mask and calls himself "Cinnamon's representative" because he's afraid to be recognized as a Shiina. He even says that everyone's probably forgotten about his dad already, but he's so used to hiding who his dad is that he really doesn't know how to stop. So even if no one recognizes him, he's still afraid they will.
Or I'm just overanalyzing Niki's chart because he's my favorite character.
TL;DR : I think the reason Niki's relationship chart doesn't have much on it is because he doesn't know how to make friends due to his upbringing. Including his parents leaving the country, his classmates thinking he's weird, and the rumors revolving around his dad.
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Ensemble - 95: Comeback
Subaru: I don't know what kind of circumstances led to the transfer student appearing in an idol outfit but… Well, that surprised me.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Soundproof Lesson Room
Subaru: I don't know what kind of circumstances led to the transfer student appearing in an idol outfit but… Well, that surprised me.
(Come to think of it, the president was talking about me and the others… about idols very passionately, but…)
(The transfer student didn't become a topic, almost as if he wasn't looking at her.)
(That's only natural. She only transferred in very recently and is still a beginner as a producer.)
(She knows almost nothing about idols. Until just a few days ago she lived in a different world from us. She had nothing to do with us.)
(To the president, she might have been insignificant. That's why they didn't keep an eye on her. The transfer student is the blind spot of the student council.)
(She holds a small possibility, one that that 'Emperor' overlooked.)
(But the transfer student isn't insignificant.)
(She looked over us as we fell apart, she looked at me as I was getting depressed.)
(And she must have thought that she had to do something.)
(That's probably why she went to ask advice from all kinds of people, Kiryu-senpai for example…)
(She had him make an outfit for her, and even though she looks embarrassed, she still properly changed into it.)
(She came up with an idea no one else would be able to to think of and decided to participate as the masked idol. She came running to help me.)
(I'm happy that she feels that way. No, I respect her.)
(While I was getting depressed and looking down, the transfer student was running around without giving up.)
(She looked at the future, she looked forward and advanced.)
(This isn't the time for me to sit still while holding my knees.)
(The star of hope is still shining!)
Hahaha, I wonder, why was I even depressed? Isn't that just stupid?
That's right, I'm not alone.
I just got depressed on my own and deluded myself into thinking I was all alone.
But there was still the transfer student.
Thank you. You reaaally moved me! I'm so happy that tears just came out!
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Chiaki: Fuhaha ☆ You don't have the time to be crying, Akehoshi!
We don't have any time to waste until the DDD—from now on, we will be having intense training!
I want it to be a joint practice of RYUSEITAI and Trickstar. The more people you can practice with, the more ways you can practice, right?
Under the name of thanking you for letting us use this soundproof lesson room. It's too much of a waste to use such a wide room with only so few people.
I want you to let me meddle at least this much, Akehoshi.
I am your senpai, your club president and an ally of justice. Whenever you're troubled, I want you to rely on me without any restraint!
Tetora: Ahaha, though it's a nuisance to us who are being forced to go along with you, but Trickstar is the hero that defeated the hateful student council!
Well, you also defeated Taishou's AKATSUKI, so I have complicated feelings. Even so, I received hope from Trickstar!
I'm cheering you on. No, I want to fight with you! I won't let Trickstar disappear in a place like this!
Let's defeat the student council together and return justice to this school ♪
Midori: These guys are way too intense…
Why did I even become part of a unit like this…
Haaa, I'm depressed, I want to die…
Chiaki: Hey hey, what's wrong? You're not lively at all, Green. Raise your voice, light the fire of your soul!
Hard work, friendship, victory! A great victory and a great explosion! Hahahaha…☆
Subaru: Hahaha ☆
Even though I was depressed just a moment ago… I somehow just became really excited, it feels fun!
Thank you! I'm going to do my best ☆
[ ☆ ]
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unmeipowerenergy · 5 months
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tetora x self insert (mihir), 0.9k words 💤
actually using this blog for the purpose i made it for- archiving! this is a repost of a lil drabble i posted on twitter earlier. you can find it on twitter here. my apologies if i tagged stuff wrong or something ahahaha
to be honest, a part of mihir had genuinely hoped the first part of the predicament sun had found sunself in, the singular bed with just enough space for two people, would somehow split into two while sun took a long, comforting post-rehearsal shower. which clearly did not happen, leaving mihir with the second part of the problem: suns boyfriend. tetora was sprawled on that very bed tapping at some game on his phone in earnest, oblivious to the thoughts swirling in mihir’s head. 
stupid company always trying to cut corners. the least they could've done is give us a single room with separate beds!, the blond grumbled to bunself before returning suns gaze to sols boyfriend/unitmate/problem. 
sharing a bed… there's always a time for firsts like that in a relationship, especially one as new as theirs, but something held mihir back. although tetora had been quite touchy-feely as a friend, he had become more closed off since they had gotten together, rarely initiating physical affection. was it nervousness? or was mihir doing something wrong? either way, sun had a feeling to not press about it. 
after a lengthy mental debate, mihir finally walked up to the bed in the living area of the suite they were given. “i’ll be taking the couch”, mihir declared, hoping to sound steadfast. tetora sat up immediately, insisting that he should be on the couch instead, just as mihir had anticipated. sun hadn't missed the look of relief– or maybe disappointment?– that flashed across his face. 
“you've clearly made yourself comfortable here. besides, it's not like i'm giving the bed up forever. we're so swapping tomorrow”, sun grumbled, throwing one of the smaller pillows that had fallen of the bed at some point right at tetora's face. bullseye! 
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mihir was already cursing sunself at suns stupidity. sol made suns way under the covers that adorned the bed, snaking sols way to tetora’s sleeping form. bun hadn't accounted for sols own sensitivity to the cold that made it unbearable to sleep on the couch and how much warmer sol felt around a certain boy before making sols proclamation to valiantly take the uncomfy option.
sun pressed up against the taller boy’s back, almost spooning him. despite suns efforts to not wake him up, sol felt tetora tense up. “ ‘s just me,” sun said, voice muffled as sol pressed sols face to the back of tetora’s neck. the older boy relaxed almost immediately with a soft exhale.
“it got too cold out on the couch”, mihir said, scrunching up sols nose, “you're always running hot, so i figured– i'm sorry–” tetora flipped over to face sol, face barely visible in the darkness of the bedroom to anyone who hadn't spent too long studying his features. “why are you apologizin’? i wouldn't have minded if ya just stayed here from the get-go, you know. we're dating, so, this kinda thing, ah, it's probably fine, right?”, he responded, voice still a little raspy and rough around the edges from sleep. being this close, mihir could almost feel the heat rushing to his face.
“don't blame me– you've been acting all weird and cagey about skinship lately. i thought you hated it! i didn't want to push you into something you didn't like– there's barely enough space for two people here. i thought you'd dislike being in such close quarters, so–”
“don't go thinking of everything by yourself! it's not that i hate it.. that's a total misunderstanding! i just,” tetora paused, one hand coming to awkwardly scratch at the back of his hair. “cus, well, it feels different with you. when i hold hands with hinata-kun or link arms with hiiro-kun, my heart doesn't start beating like crazy and my mind doesn't go blank– even now, with you so close, it's like the air’s knocked outta my lungs. it's seriously so uncool, it's not manly at all to get that bothered just by a tiny touch from your partner, to wanna be oh so close to them all the time! i don't wanna show you my embarrassing, childish sides, i wanna be cool in front of you! isn't that what every guy would wan- oi?!”
his rant was cut short but mihir leaning in to press a soft kiss to his lips mid-sentence. pulling away shortly after, mihir smiled at him in an impossibly fond way that made tetora’s stomach do acrobatics. yeah, this is definitely bad…
mihir cupped his cheek, squishing the stubborn bit of baby fat there a little. “stupid kotora~ the cute parts, the cool parts, the ugly parts, all of them make up my beloved tetora and i adore all of them, alright?”, sol shifted slightly to allowed sun to pepper soft kisses all over tetora’s face– the tip of his nose, his lips, the part of his forehead hidden behind still-damp bangs– “you don't ever have to hide anything from me. no matter what cheesy thing you say, or how clingy you act–”, this earned a whine from tetora– “you're definitely the coolest to me. you don't ever have to worry about that.” 
tetora took this as a cue to snuggle closer, nuzzling his head into the crook of mihir’s next. sun adjusted sols arms to cradle him even closer, dropping another small kiss on top of his head as the response to a soft, muffled “i love you” leaving tetora’s mouth as they both drifted off to sleep.
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enstarriedownbad · 1 year
Kanata Shinkai x F!reader fanfiction
‼️Minors don't interact
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Genre: smut
Tw: public intercourse
Tags: established relationship, switch!Kanata
Plot: While you are on a summer trip with Ryuseitai, your group settles in a sightseeing river for a swim. You and your boyfriend Kanata have another plan in mind.
Word count: 2,158
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By clicking on "show more", you acknowledge that you are 18+ and consent to read this fiction.
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"As expected of Kanata!", Chiaki laughs, "already inside the water!".
"I wanted to puka puka in the river...☆~", Kanata replies while still wearing a shirt on top of his board shorts.
"Come on join me guys it's "fun"... You too, Y/N...~".
"Sure thing Shinkai-donno", Shinobu says while the rest of you quicky remove your outdoor clothes to reveal your respective swimwear.
You made sure to wear your favorite swimsuit. After all, you wanted your Kanata to look at you in a different light today.
"Okay now time to freshen up everyone!", Chiaki declares in his usual loud tone.
"Ossu!", Tetora replies while running toward the river.
"Can you guys get any louder already?... We're not the only ones here", Midori complains.
Following Chiaki and Tetora, you hesitantly get your feet in the river.
"It's cold..!", you let out.
After a long stare, Kanata swims closer toward you.
"I can 'help' you get used to the water, Y/N...", he tells you.
"Yes please, but how?", you ask.
Kanata extends his hand for you to hold it.
You take his hand.
But, he suddenly pulls you towards himself, making your chest and stomach get in contact with the fresh water.
"Aah! This is cold!!", you shout, surprised to say the least, while the rest of Ryuseitai giggles.
"I bet you didn't 'expect' that from me~", he laughs.
"Yeah... But it is really cold, even after getting my full body immersed in the water thanks to a certain somebody," you reply.
"Oh really..?~ Then I can help you get warmer with my 'body temperature'~," he says as he embraces you halfway underwater.
You rest your arms on his shoulders while he holds you close to him by holding your waist.
True lovebirds.
"Ugh why did I agree to come along, the water is freezing, this is so depressing", Midori sighs.
"I read somewhere that taking cold baths reduces anxiety", Shinobu replies to Midori.
"Exactly!", Chiaki agrees. "Now, I hope you guys are warm enough because it's time for a fun challenge! Do you see this big tree over there? The last one who gets there first gets free ice cream".
Shinobu and Tetora accept his challenge.
"I'll pass", Midori says unenthusiastically.
"Come on Midori-kun it will be fun", Tetora tells him. "Please!☆"
He reluctantly agrees.
"What about you Shinkai-senpai, Y/N?", Midori asks.
"No thanks", you reply.
"I'll 'pass' too, I'll stay here to keep my Y/N warm~", your boyfriend says while still hugging you.
"We'll be watching over you guys! There are lifeguards around if needed. Have fun!", you tell the boys as they are about to race.
Meanwhile, Kanata doesn't let go of his embrace.
You feel something poking at your bare skin though.
As you look down through the clear water, you realize that Kanata has a boner.
You exchange intense eye contact with him while your two wet bodies are still pressing against each other.
"You look so 'beautiful' with this outfit Y/N, I can't help but 'want' you...~," he blushes. "Can we ... do it?"
"You mean right now? But we're in public and there are other people around us... Plus who knows when Chiaki and the others are coming back", you reply flustered.
"Then let's do a 'challenge' on our side too, the one who brings the attention towards us 'loses' ".
He's subtly telling you that the one who moans the loudest loses.
As his girlfriend, you are the only one who knows that beneath his angelic face actually, Kanata is a very horny man.
"Oh you want to play this game? I'm in!", you reply as you take a deep breath before getting on your knees underwater.
"Mh?", Kanata seems confused.
While in the water, you lower Kanata's swimsuit, allowing you to see his erect cock.
Without a second to waste since you are holding your breath, you kiss the tip of his cock before taking half of his length inside of your mouth.
"Aah~", he softly moans.
You lick his dick and slowly twist your tongue around it. Your saliva, his fluids, and the river's water are mixing inside of your mouth.
"This is 'nice'," your boyfriend moans while you are giving him head.
Despite the sounds of the other visitors and the sound of the water flow, you and Kanata can very much hear all the wet noises coming out of you both.
To his dismay, you stop sucking on his dick to get some oxygen.
"Can you go faster please...?~", he asks all embarrassed while blushing.
"I'll try~", you reply in-between your breath.
You get back in the water, set his cock back in your mouth, and continue sucking on his length.
You try to be a bit rougher than earlier like he asked but, it seems like it isn't enough for Kanata.
He grabs the back of your head with his hands and pushes his dick even further inside.
You're deepthroating him at this point.
Even though he let you be in the lead at first, he's now started moving his hips to thrust your mouth even deeper.
Knowing you don't have much air left, your man starts pounding your mouth like crazy while still griping onto your hair.
"Aah~ More~...", he moans, reaching his climax.
He finally gives in one last thrust and cums inside your mouth while releasing on his grip.
"AaaAh Y/N...~", your lover softly lets out, while still trying to keep his volume down since you two are in public.
As you resurface out of the water once again, you catch a glimpse of the rest of Ryuseitai swimming back in the distance.
"Ah. Looks like we'll have have to stop here for today", you tell Kanata.
He suddenly lifts you by the thighs and wraps your legs around his waist.
You rest your arms on his shoulders for support.
Kanata places his tip at your entrance.
"Are you 'ready'?", he asks you.
"Yes, but they're coming ba-"
Your boyfriend slides his length inside of you without letting you finish your sentence.
The bottom of your swimsuit wasn't even an issue for him, he just moved it a bit to the side.
"Ah Kanata!", you let out.
Looks like he couldn't wait any longer.
The rest of Ryuseitai catches up to you two.
"Oi Kanata, Y/N, guess who won?!", Chiaki says while getting closer to you.
"Mmh... I'd say Tetora~?", Kanata replies while his dick is penetrating you.
"Yup, I got to beat Taichō, though it was a close tie."
"You've become stronger Tetora, as expected from Ryusei Black!"
Kanata starts to slowly thrust your walls, in the middle of the conversation.
"ah- Are you serious?", you whisper to him, all red.
"You guys are still hugging...?", Midori sighs.
"I was wondering," Shinobu asks, "Y/N-dono, have you ever watched tokusatsu shows?"
Kanata thrusts harder while looking at you with a mischievous look.
"Ah uh, just a bit during my-"
He hits a nice spot.
"mh... c-childhood", you reply while trying not to moan.
Your partner looks proud of his job.
"Don't forget, the one who brings attention 'loses' ", he whispers jokingly in your ear while pounding your cunt.
"Really?!", Chiaki exclamates.
"Y-yea, back then, one season was airing on TV or... so," you reply while trying to maintain a stable tone.
Your man thrusts deeper.
"Which color was your favorite?", Tetora asks, curious.
"Hmm... I-I'd say Blue?-", you answer as you have your own Blue fucking you perfectly at this very moment.
Kanata squishes your ass cheeks harder, while finally fitting his entire cock inside of you.
He hits your cervix.
"Ahh...~", you accidentally let out.
"Didn't Tetora win 'ice cream'? Are you gonna buy it soon ?", Kanata says, trying to cover your moaning.
"Ah true, I didn't realize I changed the subject for a second," Shinobu replies.
"Okay let's go buy some guys", Chiaki says while heading out of the river. "Are you two coming as well?"
"N-no thank you I'm good", you reply shakily while your boyfriend keeps moving his hips.
"Me too~ 🎵", Kanata replies happily.
"See you guys later", the boys tell you while following Chiaki.
As they are leaving, you set back your gaze on Kanata's green eyes.
"Say... Why did you cover for me?", you ask him.
He slows down his pace.
"That's because...," Kanata stops himself while looking at you with a lustful expression.
"Because now I'm sure that I'll make you 'lose' and you won't have to make a 'fool' of yourself in front of them~"
"?", you look at him, confused.
Your lover suddenly holds you closer to him, rests his chin on your shoulder, and starts thrusting way faster than before.
"Now try not to 'lose', Y/N~", he says while pounding your cunt at an impressive speed.
"AaAh Kanata", you moan outloud.
The people around you look at you two, trying to understand why you let out a scream.
Little do they know, your boyfriend is currently fucking you at the best angle.
Him holding you close to him, and you with no choice but to rest your arms on his shoulders for support, Kanata definitely knows what he's doing.
"Aaa Kanata... I-It's not fair," you whine.
He continues to thrust your pussy in the river.
Your man begins kissing your neck.
You can feel his dick getting even hotter than before.
He's not the only one getting hotter, you can tell your climax is approaching as well.
"Aa Kanata...~"
"Can we... k-kiss?~," you ask your lover.
"Wouldn't that be 'cheating'?~, he teases you.
Desperate, you open your mouth and raise your chin.
Kanata pulls you in for a kiss while still moving his dick inside of you.
As you are close, you start twisting your tongue around his, in an effort to gain a bit of control.
Kanata notices, and he lets you make out with him as if you were in heat. After all, he's still the one in the lead, thrusting your insides.
"I'm... 'close', Y/N...~," your man moans in the middle of two breaths as you are kissing.
"Me... too," you reply while getting some air.
"Can I 'finish' inside..?~"
After your reply, Kanata goes harder, his dick pressing against your cervix once again.
"AaAh!~, you let out.
Thankfully, the family that were swimming around you two seemed to have gone away.
Now you don't have any obstacles restricting your moans.
"T-together!," you moan out loud to your lover.
" 'Together'~ "
He thrusts one last time and presses his cock as hard as possible against your walls.
"I'm cumming..!~", you say at the same time.
Kanata squishes your ass, locking your body close to him as he cums inside of you.
"Aah Y/N~ I love you~"
"Kanata~ I love you so much"
You feel his hot semen filling you up, warming up your entire body, in contrast to the cold water you're in.
Kanata doesn't let go of his firm grip.
He shoots more cum inside of your womb while blushing like crazy.
"Y/N~," he moans, still pushing against your walls.
You feel weak after this intense session, and fall into Kanata's embrace while he's still lifting you by the thighs.
You two stay in this intimate position for a while.
The flow of the river, your two wet bodies against one another, the fear of getting caught, it's all so atypical yet alluring.
"You were a 'good girl' ", he reassures you while patting your head.
You kiss him on the cheek.
"And you were amazing too, Kanata," you reply.
He finally pulls out and puts you down.
"Should we join the others then?," Kanata asks while holding out to you.
"I'm not gonna pull you in the water this time haha~," he adds.
You take his hand.
"Sure, let's join them," you answer.
The two of you begin walking out of the water, hand in hand.
After about 5 min, you get back to the rest of Ryuseitai.
"Hey guys~ You know, I won a 'challenge' against Y/N as well~," he says all proudly.
He smiles at you while slightly blushing.
You had forgotten about that silly bet for a while. Out of you two, you definitely made the most noises.
"Oh really?", Tetora asks with his ice cream in his hands. "What was it about?"
"Um. Nothing really," you reply without being able to look into Tetora's eyes.
"Hmmm... What do I get for 'winning'? ☆," he asks you.
"I'll prepare something for you tonight~," you whisper into his ears.
"But for now, I'll guess I'll treat you to something since we're here," you add enthusiastically. "Tell me if there's anything you want Kanata~".
"Could you buy me a 'stuffed' turtle then? I saw one in a 'stand'," he asks.
"Of course, lead us there", you reply.
Your group begins walking around the different stands near the lake, surrounded by laughter and enjoyment.
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Hey so I'm gonna participate in the ES x reader NSFW May 2023 so you can expect me to post a bit more!
I'll try do Niki, Madara, Ritsu, Yuzuru, and Mayoi (in this order)
Also, I saw someone requesting a similar setting to another enstars tumblr page earlier today, I hope they won't think I'm copying 😭
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sucantslay · 7 months
Little Kanata analysis! Puka Pukaaa
HAHihOhUHI, i'm back at it again!!!
Just kidding, I read like, the first half of the Meteor Impact and am mentally on the edge of insane.
But...ignore it for now...
I wanna talk about our little god Kanata today!!!
Is our boy Kanata silly? Yes!
Is he also smart as hell? Yes!
Is he strong? YES 👏 HE 👏 IS 👏
I think a-lot of people misunderstood Kanata characteristics.
He's not just a happy, friendly-looking, puka puka water god! He's more than that!
I know you're all thinking that, because he has been seen as a god for all his childhood and still slowly making progress about learning the world around him, that means he must be just one kind and cute little fish right?
Clearly, that was never the case...
He's smart from the very beginning, and the things he doesn't know or can't understand don't mean he's completely stupid at it.
Kanata can sense things, and sense people's emotions, he's not a god who brought wishes to his people in all though years for nothing!
When Kanata meets Chiaki for the first time, he can sense something wrong with him.
And the next time they meet, Kanata also able to sense it very well!
Chiaki in the old time, once wish Kuro ( who was being beat up badly most of the time when they got a chance to face each other ) to be better. He wish all the one that bullied Kuro to be "serve by justice".
It didn't take Kanata long to find out about it. Heck! He doesn't even need a word from Chiaki to understand Chiaki's wishes.
Did I mention that Kanata at that time was really bad at communicating? He did not know much and only when you speak slowly and use easy words will he be able to talk back.
And yet! He was able to detect Chiaki wishes and did it in under one day!
Chiaki was dumbfounded when Kuro tell him that all the one that hate him is now being beat up so badly, they get scared and apologizes Kuro. ( boy did predict that on time... )
Also, Kanata is really smart, he didn't understand much but that didn't mean he couldn't do a thing with the knowledge he already had in hand.
There were many time when Kanata use the word "God" to describe other things.
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And just like Kanata, we'll do the same!
People's brains tend to use the old things, the stuff they already knew to help make up meaning for new things.
With that being said, Kanata is not used to the outside world, so it is normal for him to keep using the word "God" as a base/standard of view.
Later on, his view of mind is a little more open, going as far as taking advantage of his position as a "God" to help Chiaki track down Rinne and Niki.
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Rinne is also a smart-ass, but he himself has to admit that Kanata would use a move that he never be able to predicted.
Also, Kanata is really strong:
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If you already read the main story, then you'll have to remember the part when Kanata carried both Rinne and Niki in his arms, getting from some ramen shop a far whatsoever place to the DreamFes! WITH JUST HIS TWO ARMS!
Chiaki was with Kanata, yes, but he's busy with driving them from the shop to DreamFes.
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In both "Intersecting MotorShow" and "Leap into the Future"
We can see how Kanata was successful capture our Hero Chiaki and corner him right away.
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Kanata knew Chiaki well, and by that, he was helping the RYUSEITAI to grow.
Kanata wasn't just a little fish god, he was Chiaki biggest emotional support and the helping hand of RYUSEITAI.
If not for him, Chiaki wouldn't have a chance to dance with RYUSEITAI in the "Intersecting MotorShow"
If not for him, we didn't be able to have the 5* Chiaki card in the "Leap into the Future" event
Because when Chiaki decided to leave Tetora and hoped that Tetora would be able to grow as how he did.
Kanata said that this is not that of a "dark era" anymore, the kids need you.
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So Chiaki got on with that advice, joining Tetora and the others to play game, helping Tetora to get some time to relax.
Ah...I think that all is for today.
I'm tired, but I hope that this analysis will help you to understand Kanata more.
I love Kanata a lot, and so does the love for Chiaki, and RYUSEITAI !
Thank you for take for time to read this, hope you'll have a good day.
Send a thank you to @collectorcookie for giving me the inspiration to make this whole-ass post.
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Also I want to request cuddles hc with Tetora and Koga!
And... can I be 🔮 anon :D?
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Cuddle Headcanons!
w/ Tetora Nagumo & Koga Oogami x GN! Reader
omg my first anon that makes me happy ofc u can be 🔮anon!
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Warnings: Nothing in particular, it gets a bit sad at Koga's part but nothing major!
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Tetora Nagumo
✩ Tetora would absolutely LOVE cuddles. But there is one key problem, this man would not know how to ask for it, he wants to be a man among men after all! And cuddles aren't exactly... the manliest.
✩ The first time you two cuddled was after one especially tiring RYUSEITAI practice for Tetora, he basically jumped into your arms and was begging to be spoiled.
✩ Poor boy didn't realize he'd get hooked on it. Feeling your body so close to his, intimate yet still innocent and sweet. Your hearts being right against each other, the feeling of slotting his head right against your neck, all of it was just too perfect!
✩ If he could, he'd love to cuddle everyday! Being Ryusei Red was no easy task after all! But just jumping into your arms and acting like a baby isn't very manly, is it?
✩ His inner turmoil over something so simple was INTENSE, let me tell you. As much as he wanted to just squeeze you as tight as he could, never letting you go and just admiring how (literally and metaphorically) close you two are. It certainly goes against the code of manliness he's been trying to uphold all this time.
✩ Then, he realized just how he could get his cuddle fix without ruining his image of being a manly man.
Classes just ended at Yumenosaki High, and Tetora was so amazed by what he thought that 'rushing to you' couldn't describe just how fast he made his way towards you.
Tetora slammed his hands against your desk, "(Y/N)! I just had the greatest idea!" Certainly, your curiosity was piqued with such words. You egged him on, wondering where he was going with this. "If it's just the two of us, we can cuddle all we want!"
You stifled a laugh, wondering if that was seriously the great idea he came up with. "So, why's it such a good idea? I didn't even know you liked cuddling THAT much." You could only think of how adorable he was as his face flushed a light pink.
"W-well you know... If it's just the two of us... Then it's like... I don't have to worry about how others would see me? Yeah?" He sounded unsure towards the end, but he continued before you could press him on it. "So that means, I get to show you a side that only you can see. Or something? Haha?"
Tetora himself did not understand what on earth he was going on about, panicking at the thought that you might not appreciate his word soup either.
"Hmm, we're all alone in the classroom right now." You state, giving a cursory look just to make sure. You reached out your hands to him, inviting him in for a hug.
Before you knew it, Tetora practically jumped into your arms. Wrapping his arms around your body too. Ah, it was at this moment that Tetora understood why he liked these cuddles so much.
"Hey, (Y/N), I really love you. I feel like... I don't have to be tough when I'm with you." He started, your warmth making him feel so comfortable to be this vulnerable.
✩ Don't get me wrong, Tetora is still plenty manly. But after realizing that he loves you so much, that he can just, show his truest self to you without fear of rejection?
✩ He's become a REAL cuddlebug. Even if for just a few seconds of solitude, he'll wrap his arms around you, taking in your warmth and just being so grateful for how lucky he is to have you.
✩ Little does he know that he's not actually that good at hiding this affectionate side of him. Pretty much everyone knows that Tetora loves nothing more than cuddling with his S/O, but telling him that would probably make his brain short circuit.
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Koga Oogami
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✩ Koga does not cuddle. He's a self proclaimed lone wolf after all! He'd never do something so... like that!
✩ Don't even try it with him, a sneak attack won't work no matter how hard you try! Then he'd probably tease you about it real bad.
✩ Sure you might be his S/O, and he loves you almost as much as he does Leon and Rock, (okay maybe you're on the same tier) but no way would he be caught dead cuddling.
✩ He can already hear everyone getting on his case for it, and he does not want to bother with that.
✩ Absolutely no cuddles! This wolf doesn't need that kind of affection! He's the strong and independent alpha of the pack!
✩ But see, even lone wolves have their off days, and Koga is no exception. Everyone has their moments where they mess up.
✩ Koga messed up pretty bad this time though, getting way too absorbed into a performance and disrupting the balance that UNDEAD usually have in their lives. UNDEAD might seem like a chaotic and wild group, but it's not like any of them can just go crazy and try to outshine the other members in a live.
✩ Being scolded by the likes of Rei was definitely not a good feeling either. In moments like these Koga would really like nothing more than to be alone, playing his guitar or messing around with Leon in hopes of alleviating his stress.
✩ Sadly, both of those weren't available to him right now, seeing as he was all alone in a practice room. Koga was a diligent boy after all, he always wanted to make sure he wouldn't make the same mistakes twice, so he was out here practicing by himself.
"Hi, Koga!" He almost jumped at the sudden intrusion, seeing you just bust into the room without so much as a knock on the door. "You've been at this for quite a while now, don't you think you should take a break?"
Koga realizes that he did in fact lose track of time, seeing as it was already dark out. "... This aint' your business." Sure he was happy to see you, but he didn't think he could face you the way he is. Still immature and brash.
You definitely picked up on that, taking a more serious tone as you sat close to where he was practicing. You didn't say a word, just sitting down with your arms stretched out.
It didn't take long before Koga was inbetween them, burying his face into your shoulder. Neither of you were saying anything, but it was as if you truly understood each other at moments like these.
Koga was frustrated, how could he not be? He works so hard everyday but he's still no match for Rei, and as much as he'd hate to admit it, even Kaoru has a leg up on him in some stuff. He loves them both, but he oh so wants to show them how much he's grown.
He understands full well too that his personality isn't the most palatable one. But that's really just how he is, and he's truly grateful that you still decide to stick with him despite that.
Koga didn't even flinch when he felt your hands start patting the back of his head in a soothing rhythm. The distinct feeling of hot tears staining your shirt.
And just as quick as it started, he practically leapt off of you. Turning the music back on as he psyches himself up to practice some more. His golden eyes held a fiery determination that sent a message that didn't need words to be conveyed.
"I'll make sure you never regret falling in love with me."
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toujokaname · 1 year
Just As I Am / Episode 2
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Author: Kanata Haruka
Characters: Tetora, HiMERU
"Whew… I'm coming back to life! The cold water feels so good~!"
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Season: Winter
Location: Seisoukan Dorm Room
A few days later.
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Tetora: (This isn't good... I still can't come up with a good idea even though it's just before the deadline~!)
U~myu... What am I gonna do—
HiMERU: —Exactly how many times does HiMERU have to hear that strange groaning sound?
Tetora: Uwaah?! I'm sorry, HiMERU-san!
If I'm bothering you, I'll go outside right away...
HiMERU: Go outside? But it's already quite late for you to be out.
Tetora: Eh, is it already that late? It looks like Narukami-senpai hasn't come home yet, though...
HiMERU: Narukami-san mentioned working overnight this morning.
Tetora: Come to think of it, I think I heard something like that... Ahaha.
HiMERU: Well, you seemed to be lost in thought since the morning.
Narukami-san said she would wait to hear it from you, but HiMERU has reached his limit.
If you have any worries, please talk about them. HiMERU will help you.
Tetora: ...That's unexpected. That HiMERU-san would try to interrogate me on my troubles.
HiMERU: HiMERU will be unable to sleep if this continues. And it would feel unpleasant to kick you out.
Tetora: Uu... Well, you're right.
But this time, I want to come up with a definite answer all on my own...
HiMERU: So nothing is progressing in the current situation.
HiMERU believes that wasting time without being able to resolve it is pointless, though.
Tetora: Ugh... HiMERU-san's words are like a stab in the heart...
HiMERU: HiMERU has no desire to force you into anything, but you should calmly judge whether your situation allows you such a luxury.
Tetora: ...You're right, HiMERU-san. The deadline is just around the corner, and I still haven't come up with a proposal at all.
I'm just being stubborn. It's not good for Anzu-anego either.
I understand... HiMERU-san, can I ask you for some advice?
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HiMERU: —Very well. HiMERU understands the details.
However, are you unable to determine the direction of the "Feature Live" you would like to have?
Tetora: When I had Anego make the personalized outfit for me, I asked for something slightly more mature and adult-like, reaching a bit beyond my usual style.
I wanted it to be a reflection of my feelings of "I want to work hard and grow," and "I want to grow into a person who is worthy of this outfit."
Those feelings haven't changed. I want my fans to see me continue to work hard and grow.
But I don't think I can say I've "grown" if my answer is the same this time...
HiMERU: —Isn't it already good? Just as you are.
Tetora: Eh? Are you seriously saying that?!
HiMERU: You should thoroughly express that instead. If that is indeed your ideal.
Tetora: To express it thoroughly... But how do I do it?
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HiMERU: You don't need to think too hard. Just show them your true, honest self.
Even if it's reckless, keep moving forward anyway. Strive relentlessly to reach your ideals.
That's the stylish, cool image you want to show to your fans, isn't it?
If that's the case, then it's fine to not try too hard. If you can "charm" your fans as your true self, that's enough.
Especially for this "Feature Live", they will be taking candids for the pamphlet.
Doesn't it align well with the project's concept?
Tetora: I see. I admit that I hadn't thought of that...
HiMERU: —HiMERU will say this beforehand, please don't think that you're being coddled by his proposal.
If it weren't someone who consistently strives for self-improvement, HiMERU wouldn't make this kind of suggestion.
Tetora: ...HiMERU-san, does that mean you think that way about me?
HiMERU: Although it's been a short period of time, we have lived together in the same room.
HiMERU sees your daily efforts, even when he wouldn't like to witness them.
Tetora: "Even when he wouldn't like to", that's a strange way of putting it...
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HiMERU: You'll occasionally grasp a hand grip while getting under the covers.
Have you noticed that it makes a surprisingly loud clinking sound?
Tetora: Ah, ahaha... I'll be careful from now on.
HiMERU: It's fine. HiMERU is also impressed by your attitude toward improving yourself as an idol.
Now then, HiMERU is going to bed soon. Nagumo, make sure not to overexert yourself either.
Tetora: Roger that! Thank you very much for your help!
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Tetora: (Just as I am... The real me... huh.)
Alright! I'll put together a proposal and call Anego!
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Grounds
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Tetora: Ah! He~ey, over here! Anzu-anego! You made it~!
Hold on a sec! I'm heading over right now~!
Haah... Huff... I kept you waiting, Anego. Sorry for calling you out so early in the morning.
...Sorry, Anego, can I have some water first?
Tetora: Thanks a bunch. I ran as fast as I could this morning and got thirsty...
Whew... I'm coming back to life! The cold water feels so good~!
Ahaha. I was in a bit of a good mood, so I overdid my morning practice!
Also, Anego, are you taking in enough water?
Don't hesitate to grab a drink if you're feeling thirsty!
I've properly hydrated, so I'm full of energy now! With this, I can keep up with my training and keep running!
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Tetora: Oops. Before I run, I have to explain why I called you, Anego.
"Have you decided what kind of live you want to do?" Ahaha, Anego can see through anything, huh.
In this "Feature Live", I want to show my fans the real me.
I usually try hard to be a man among men.
In this pamphlet, I'm thinking of focusing on my everyday efforts as the main theme.
No... I want to be the kind of idol that makes all my fans feel that way.
That's my proposal... Is it a bad idea?
"Well then, let me take a picture right away."? Did you already have your camera with you, Anego?!
I called you in the morning 'cause I wanted to share the image of the pamphlet ASAP, yet I didn't wanna shoot it right after!
But, something this sudden might be a good way to show my usual self, I guess ♪
Understood! If I don't show my manliness here, it'll only be a distant dream to be a man among men, right?
But still, being on the training grounds with Anego reminds me a little of the sports festival.
I kinda miss the time when I did the Two-Legged Race thing with you.
Hehe... Will you run with me from now on like you did then, Anego?
What, I'm just kidding. I mean, it's more like a metaphor.
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Tetora: Anzu-anego, I have yet to reach my ideal self.
I still don't think I'm confident enough to say that I'm a man among men.
That's why I hope to have that confidence someday. I'll keep working hard from now on.
I just wanted to say that I want you to watch me as much as possible.
"I'm always going to do that." Haha, Anego's so encouraging. Really, thank you so much.
Well then, Anzu-anego. We're about to start shooting, I'll be in your care!
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sagie-artzz · 1 month
Been thinking about underland cheshire cat ryuseitai again, but it's now a tetora event
Tetora's ryuseitai would be something cool and "manly", I think. Also it would be something that deviates from ryuseitai's hero image that they're known for. Supervillain showed that they can be edgy. They can also be a little dark, and I really want tetora's ryuseitai to show that. They can be a little edgy, as a treat!
I think the song would be more of a rock n roll style with a lot of electric guitars like in colors arise. Idk where the mv would be set, but maybe somewhere like a dark forest. Also would feature a lot of karate moves, maybe even a backflip or two and definitely a handstand from Midori (I'm still salty that they never did anything with mido's handstand specialty back in his es year 1 profile). And more tetora growls!!
Oh and the mv outfits definitely have cat ears and tail, maybe even painted nails. Make it a little cunty. Ryuseitai can be a little cunty too
Maybe I'll draw that someday
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
Scout! Polka Dots — Summer-Colored Youths — Chapter 8
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Writer: Umeda Chitose || Season: Summer Character appearances: Tetora, Hinata, Hokuto
Tetora helps Hinata take care of the fields at school. As thanks, Hinata invites him to go to a summer festival together, and along the way, they meet lots of people…
Proofread by @mankaissengen
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
"This is the sign that I've grown enough to make my own summer festival memories...♪"
Translation under the cut
[A while later. At the original summer festival venue]
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Tetora, Hinata: —And, goal!
Hinata: Huff...I was a little faster, wasn't I?
Tetora: The tips of both of our shoes got through the torii gate at the same time, I saw it happen. Phew...
Tetora: ...That said. I meant to get back sooner, but it's gotten pretty late, huh.
Tetora: Even after guiding that old lady, we ended up helping that lost child and finding and returning people's lost items to them. I feel like...today really was a day full of helping others.
Hinata: It was. You really helped me out, too.
Hinata: ...I wonder if everyone went home after all. I did send them messages every now and then, but I couldn't really give them the details of the situation, could I?
Tetora: So you said things like "You guys can look around without us" and "It looks like we're gonna be late, so it's okay if you go home."
Tetora: You were the only one sending any messages, so the others must have been worried. They couldn't even get any replies in.
Hinata: I hope Yuuta-kun isn't mad at me~. Your big brother was helping people out; it's true, y'know~?
Tetora: I'll explain everything with you, so don't worry. Besides, everyone is kind, so I don't think they'll be angry?
Tetora: ...Mm~♪ That said, something smells great! I've been moving around so much, I'm starving!
Tetora: I could've accepted the kind offer from the old lady and her family and had something to eat at the other shrine, but...
Tetora: In the end, I wanted to enjoy the summer festival I had originally decided to come to~. Hinata-kun, what do you wanna eat first?
Hinata: ...Heeey. Tetsu-kun, it's like you're not even bothered that you got here late, too.
Hinata: If anything, you kinda look refreshed.
Tetora: Hmm~? If I look refreshed, it's because I'm feeling a sense of accomplishment, I guess?
Tetora: If we hadn't decided to come to this summer festival, I wouldn't have been able to help the people who needed it or make those people smile.
Tetora: I want this summer festival to be nothing but fun memories. I was just thinking about how until we finally got here, I fulfilled all my duties ♪
Tetora: ...But, I gotta admit...
Hinata: ?
Tetora: I really can't help but feel bad that you ended up being so late because of me...
Hinata: HUH~? You're still on that?
Tetora: You wanted to enjoy the summer festival with Yuuta-kun, didn't you? But in the end, you couldn't spend a single second together, right?
Hinata: It was my own decision to join you, and I told you I couldn't have fun unless you were with me, right?
Hinata: It's not your fault we got back late, either. If anything, don't you think it's because we were together that we were able to get back here now?
Tetora: Even if you say that, I can't just shake the feeling~...At least let me do something for you.
Hinata: You're a stubborn one, huh. Well, you're the guy who wouldn't even let me treat him to shaved ice...
Tetora: Ugh. Hinata-kun, you're not holding a grudge against me for that, are you?
Hinata: I'm used to doing things "for" people~. But with you, you're usually the one doing things "for me".
Hinata: Hmm~, what's something I want you to do for me...
Hinata: I know. I had trouble thinking of something, but how about "that"?
Tetora: By "that," do you mean the yo-yo fishing stall? Do you want a water balloon?
Hinata: Yup. Catching yo-yo balloons with a "koyori" string made of twisted paper is surprisingly hard. Do your best until you catch one, and show me how cool you are ♪
Tetora: Ossu, that's no problem!
Tetora: ...Speaking of which, yo-yo fishing is so nostalgic~. The multicolored water balloons floating in the pool look just as pretty now as they did back then.
Hinata: Back then?
Tetora: Back when I was a kid. My parents both work, so back in those days, they were always super busy, but...
Tetora: They took me to a summer festival once.
Tetora: We walked through the crowd, holding hands...They got me yakisoba from a stall, and bought me a mask, too.
Tetora: As we walked through the light from the other stalls, I saw a yo-yo fishing pool. I begged my parents for one of those balloons.
Tetora: ...But back then, I couldn't catch one for myself. I kept recklessly plunging the koyori into the pool, and it ripped pretty fast.
Tetora: I don't remember clearly whether the man running the stall gave me one for free or my parents caught it for me, but...
Tetora: The only thing that's still clear in my heart is the memory of walking home bouncing that water balloon. I just remembered how much fun it was to spend the summer festival with my family.
Hinata: I see. So that's why you—
Tetora: Ahaha. I don't know if that's why or not myself, either.
Tetora: I just want everyone to have fun and smile, too...
Tetora: I wonder if that feeling was born from my childhood self, with more happy memories of that summer festival than he could carry.
Hinata: ...
Tetora: Okay, what color should I aim for~? Red, blue, green, yellow...The black ones look elegant and cool, too!
Tetora: (...I'm clumsy, so unlike someone who's more skilled at things, it's hard for me to get everything I want.)
Tetora: (But still. I'm not the kid who charged into things with brute force alone and failed anymore.)
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Tetora: —I can think hard about things one at a time.
Tetora: This way, I can start to take hold of things!
Tetora: Look, Hinata-kun. It's the prettiest water balloon of them all.
Tetora: This is the sign that I've grown enough to make my own summer festival memories...♪
Tetora: Just listening to the splish-splash of the water makes me feel refreshed~. Nom, nom.
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Hinata: The man running the stall was so kind, too~. He said you looked so cool fishing out the water balloon, he decided to give me one for free. Nom, nom.
Tetora: We've had cotton candy, crepes, and candy apples. Hinata-kun, how's the choco-banana?
Hinata: It's super delicious. Bananas and chocolate go together extremely well...♪
Hinata: I should've bought a strawberry one, too. Maybe I'll get another one later...
Tetora: That'd be fine, wouldn't it? You should enjoy the food from the stalls as much as your pocket money will allow you to today ☆
Hokuto: —You two, you came?
Hinata: Hidaka-senpai? Good work todaaay ♪
Tetora: We just met earlier, but hey again. I took that old lady safely to where she needed to go with Hinata-kun ♪
Hokuto: With Hinata-kun...I see, so you really did meet up outside the shrine.
Hokuto: By the way, did you meet up with Yuuta-kun and the others?
Tetora: Yuuta-kun and the others? You mean Midori-kun and Shinobu-kun are still at the shrine, too?
Hokuto: Yeah. All three of them are in the grounds. You were originally going to meet up with them, weren't you?
Hinata: Dammit! Then we gotta go right away!
Tetora: Yeah! Hidaka-senpai, thank you for telling us!
Hokuto: You too, Nagumo-kun and Hinata-kun. I see you're safely enjoying the summer festival.
Hinata: Hehe, the fun has just begun, though!
Tetora: We plan to enjoy this as much as we can until the last second! From now on, we're gonna make more of the best memories with everyone...♪
Finally finished! Thank you so much for being with me as I've translated this (my first full gacha story!) and I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I have. See you next time!
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enswap · 8 months
I'm considering making a few changes to the lore, which will make some of the stuff mentioned in previous ask answers not true anymore
Those being Swap!Double Face going from Kaoru/Tetora -> Kaoru/Natsume and swapping Anzu with Hitsugi (I'll figure out the confusion with their siblings another time)
Dunno,, How do y'all feel about this? (I might still go against poll results; this is just to see what y'all think)
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Ensemble - 94: Hot-blooded
Chiaki: Come, my companions! My fellow allies of justice…!
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Soundproof Lesson Room
Chiaki: Come, my companions! My fellow allies of justice…!
The allies of justice always introduce themselves without any hesitation! Introducing themselves like that will give the 'weak ones' peace of mind and will make them smile!
First I will start by introducing myself!
I am the leader of RYUSEITAI, I'm Chiaki Morisawa with the burning heart! Ryusei Red…!
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Tetora: Ah, can we enter the room already? I just can't get the timing right!
At any rate… Black flames are the proof of diligence! A fighting spirit that burns away those stained with filth!
Ryusei Black, Tetora Nagumo…!
Come on, Midori-kun, you should hurry up and introduce yourself too! If you don't properly introduce yourself, our leader will get noisy about it later!
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Midori: Hmmm…?
My name is Midori, so I'm Green…
Ryusei Green, Midori Takamine…
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Chiaki: The five of us all together! We are RYUSEITAI…☆
Subaru: What's with you guys, popping up one after the other! And you're saying 'the five of us all together', but there are only three of you!?
Chiaki: Huh? That's strange. Hey Black, what happened to the other two?
Tetora: Eh? Ah, so you mean me when you say Black, I want you to properly call me by my name! I don't get it!
Hmmm, let's see, Sengoku-kun… Yellow is in the middle of gathering information!
It seems he's thoroughly investigating what direction other units are taking, as well as about the DDD.
Blue… Shinkai-senpai was for some reason swimming in the fountain with his uniform on, so I ignored him because I didn't want anyone to think I know him! Ossu!
Midori: Hey, just what are we gathered here for…?
If there isn't anything in particular to do, then can't I go home…?
Chiaki: Wait Green, from today onwards we will be training in this soundproof lesson room.
There aren't many days left until the start of the DDD after all. In the worst case we'll even sleep here so that we can concentrate and practice ♪
Midori: Ehh, but I really hate hot-blooded stuff like that…
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Subaru: W-wait up! I told you that this soundproof lesson room is being rented by us of Trickstar. I'll be troubled if you just decide to practice here!
Chiaki: I didn't 'just decide', I properly went to get permission, from 'her' that is.
Come on in. You don't have to be embarrassed, that outfit also fits you well.
Subaru: Oh, the transfer student… What happened, what's with that strange outfit?
Tetora: You can't say something like 'strange' about how she looks, you have to properly compliment a girl about her clothes. Taishou told me that!
It is handmade by our Taishou after all, as expected it fits you well. You look very cute, transfer student-san!
It just still feels a bit like it was sewn only for the time being, that idol outfit.
It'd be better if you don't move around too fiercely. Taishou also isn't that used to making outfits for girls, so it's faulty in some places.
Subaru: Idol outfit…?
Eh, the transfer student is a producer, right? Why are you wearing an idol outfit…?
Chiaki: That's right, she is a producer.
Producers support, cheer up, and let idols shine. If you're troubled by something they will lend you a hand and will give you a push in the back to see you off to the stage, that's the kind of existence they are.
You have to be a unit in order to participate in the DDD, which is why you alone can't participate in it.
That is why she will temporarily become an idol.
Of course she has no knowledge as an idol, she'll be like a doll that can't do anything.
To be precise, she is not a student of the idol course so she doesn't have the qualifications to participate in a DreamFes.
That is why in order for her to participate, we came up with a scheme where she has to wear a mask and act like a 'mysterious idol'.
However thanks to that, Trickstar, who had to lose DDD by default due to the fact that they didn't meet the entry requirements, will now be able to participate.
The chance that didn't exist before has now come into existence, however small.
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Chiaki: As long as you have a chance, you can fight, there is hope, you can move forward. Aren't I right, Akehoshi?
That's why she is here. To support you and drive away the dark clouds surrounding you.
She is here as a producer.
I will say it however many times it takes, you are not alone.
[ ☆ ]
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twotwinks · 8 months
Hinata and Yuta!!!
my babies......i have been thinking about them So Hard today........rotating them in my mind forever
Sexuality headcanon: i mean. everyone is enstars is gay right sdfkjhsd. i don't think it's something he gives much thought to though he is far too busy overworking himself and then staying up too late playing video games (he's just like me fr.....wait does that mean i can make him aro too)
Gender headcanon: cis boy (man? he's still a Baby to me i simply cannot handle the thought of him being 18 and a third year oh my god i'm gonna explode) but he's down for a little genderfuckery when the opportunity presents itself. i feel like he'd put "cis, any pronouns" in his bio but also i don't want to give the people who love misgendering characters when talking about their canon versions any more ammunition
A ship I have with said character: i will be honest, none! i just haven't seen much chemistry between him and any other guys. i know tetsuhina is pretty popular but i just don't really like tetora enough for that dkjdkj. i also like his relationship with sora as friendship only. so yeah, i'm not really interested in pairing him off with anybody! (wait is this more evidence for the aro take)
A notp I have with said character: again, i am simply not invested enough in shipping him to really care sklhdfljk. i've already talked about tetsuhina and hinasora, i think the only other ship i really see consistently is hinahiiro which. i am too into hiiai for that too :laugh:
A random headcanon: he smells like a vanilla sugar cookie candle
General opinion over said character: MY SPECIALEST BABY BOY I'M CRY ABOUT HIM ALL THE TIME he never does anything right and he will never learn his lesson but he's trying so fucking hard and that's so important to me. god i want him to rest he's been going going going for almost his entire life he doesn't know how to stop any more he doesn't know how not to be a self-sacrificing big brother he doesn't know who he is anymore. i want to give him a hot chocolate and wrap him in a warm blankie and just let him sit and decompress for a while. and then i'm forcibly dragging him to therapy
Sexuality headcanon: bi grayace! he's the biggest romantic ever but that's probably all he's interested in. give him a candlelight dinner and then go the fuck home
Gender headcanon: this may surprise people given how i'm talking in the rest of this list but TRANS GIRL. my trans yuta universe (yuuniverse?) lives rent free in my head she's so important to me i love her so much. i think it would just be a very cool conclusion to her search for identity arc and finally create a strong enough division between who is yuta and who is hinata that they'd both finally be able to fully realize themselves as individuals. however, as noted above in hinata's section, i also really can't stand misgendering the canon versions of characters, so you won't see me referring to yuta as a girl unless i am specifically talking about my trans headcanon.
A ship I have with said character: still nothing.....i think i am simply too invested in the twins' relationship with each other to have the headspace to think about shipping them with people. yuushino's pretty cute though!
A brotp I have with said character: i constantly wanna see more yuta and himeru interactions they both have the same similar sort of gentle polite vibe and also there's all the lovely Identity Issues
A notp I have with said character: again i simply Do Not Care dkdklsd. also i've really only seen him shipped consistently with shinobu which i'm fine with. i'm sure there are sora and tori and tsukasa shippers too but i'm very neutral on all of it.
A random headcanon: very strong. i think he could pick me up easy
General opinion over said character: ALSO MY PRECIOUS BABY OK HINATA MAY BE MY FAVORITE ON PAPER BUT THAT'S JUST A TECHNICALITY THEY ARE EQUAL IN MY HEART i think he's such a fascinating character because if you're on his good side he's one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. it's easy to forget sometimes though because there are a lot of people on his bad side and if you're on his bad side then He Wants You Dead. he will never forgive he will never forget it's just Violence all the time. He Contains Multitudes!!! he also needs therapy except unlike his brother i think he would willingly go so i don't need to drag him instead i will prepare a nice little treat for when he gets back and then he's getting blanketed too babey. i can poorly braid his hair while we talk it'll be great
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Since you've mentioned Anzu a couple times I did go back and reread Hospital Visit & a few other Anzu-centric stories from the first game, & just became more frustrated with HappyEle, not gonna lie ajdnsnfnd
Hospital Visit legit points out that everyone would be sad if she treated everyone distantly & that even if she was a producer — producers barred from being too familiar with idols — she was still a highschool student & allowed to be friendly with them. The thing that kind of makes me frustrated is even in !! she's STILL a highschool student yet the writing in !! has forced her into a character who's enforcing business-like relationships on-and-off even with her schoolmates such that it feels almost ooc compared to the first game. And like all the meaningful connections/messages which were supposed to he passed onto her in Hospital Visit meant nothing. I think a similar event happens in the future in !! with Subaru & Tetora but like...it's still so deeply unsatisfying. I understand if HappyEle wants to angle towards the idols & gratifying ships, but they can do all that while still writing more for Anzu, her existence literally doesn't have to get in the way if you write it with some thought and care.
Sorry it's a bit of a rant I'm just big 🙃 mood rn
Don't apologize for ranting a bit, I completely agree actually! I just read hospital visit last week and it was a really sweet story. I was so happy to read an Anzu-centric story and it shows how everyone truly cares about her and her well-being! It just makes me sad that now in!! we are kind of forced into a more professional role where we correct the idols when they call us by our name and to instead refer to us as "producer" when we're literally friends with most of them 😭
Like Anzu is still only a student, why does she have to keep that kind of professional distance from everyone? It's really sad and it gets even worse when you consider how little of a role she gets in the never event stories. I wish happyele gave her more screen time again :/
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otakusparkle · 2 years
> Ensemble Stars <
Short Profile
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Age : 17 - 18
School : Yumenosaki Academy (Current)
Starlight Academy (Former)
Class : Special class
Club : -
Circle : -
Heights : 168Cm
Weight : [REDACTED]
Date of Birth : 23 April (Taurus)
Handedness : Dexterous
Blood type : O
Likes : Sweets, Cute things, Magical girls
Dislikes : Crowded place, Dark place, Insects
Favorite food : Sweets and Desserts
Family : Older sisters
Hobby : Otaku and Weeb's hobbies
Speciality : Anything AI can do
Color code : #ff10f0
Unit : Streaming Rhythm
Other Unit : RocKEY!!!!!
Producer : Ryuseitai (流星隊)
About her
> Yumenosaki Arc <
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Os was a famous diva to be. She's the top and #1 students of Starlight academy (Aikatsu reference). One day, due to something, she was asked by her older sister to come back to Japan. And of course, many school and institution wanted her to be part of them. Kuroya auditioned and selected them all. But her eyes was focused on one school. Yumenosaki Academy. And that's how Os now was in Yumenosaki. Due to her experienced, she was sended to special class, and only her was in it. She was always alone in class, except when there's teacher. Some months past, and now Os was chosen as one of unit there, Ryuseitai.
Os soon was known to the entire Yumenosaki that she's like an AI, a robot that was make for the human life. But, Chiaki always thought Os as his companion. And so far, she's the only one who didn't annoyed when Chiaki hugged. Who knows that, a spark of feeling called love was appeared on Chiaki's heart. And it's soon, Os was being Chiaki crush, especially when she always make lunch for him (and his other team member to be honest).
And then, the story of evolution happened. The big moment that changed everything.
It was night at Yumenosaki but Os was just done from her assistance in school committee office, helping Eichi, Keito and Mao. Didn't want Os to get sick and whatnot, they forced Os to go home, Eichi even asked to be her escort but she didn't want. Because, her tingling feeling said something. She walked on the dimmed light, auditorium sits area. She sits there, looking around. She looking down, and she knows that there's a small party there. Who knows, a crying, sobbing voice was heard through the auditorium. Os looked closely, it's Chiaki. He's a crying while hugged his ball. Os wanted to helped him, but, she didn't know why, she can't moved her body. It's like she was being chained. Then, the door opened, it was Midori. Os heard a little amount of their conversation.
"I'm okay." Chiaki said. Os then walked away as she whispered to herself, "What a liar." and then she was disappeared out of thin air.
One day, when Os was about to give Chiaki and Kanata a file, she heard Shinobu was crying for help in their room. Os heard that Tetora and Midori was about to fight. She immediately run to the location. At there, she hides behind a building, seeing Midori who was weeping and sitting on the ground while Tetora was standing in front of him. Os wanted to help, but again, her body can't moved, at all. It's like being chained and pulled away from them.
Turns out, she really was 'programmed' by her older sister. She can't do anything except if someone ordered her. She's sobbing behind the building, wanted to help them, but she can't. She then looked that the other Ryuseitai member was there. But then, after awhile, Tetora walked away, leaving Midori who was still crying, as well as Os. She wanted to do something, wishing that her older sister was here and ordered her to help them.
"Please. Let me help them. Please."
Before the Baton pass stage, Os was stressed, thinking of a way to helped the other member. But a few days later, she saw that all Ryuseitai member was being one again, they didn't fight. Midori was laughing alongside Tetora. Chiaki and Shinobu seeing Os as they smiled.
"Neko-san! You're here! I'm so glad!"
They said. Os only can only frozen in place and tears started to flow from her eyes to her cheeks. Ryuseitai was panicking that Os suddenly crying. But she wipe her tears as she smiles brightly at them, one of her smile that they never see before.
"Thank you."
She said. The call was heard. Os then said good luck to Ryuseitai as she saw their performance behind the curtains. Eichi and Subaru was there, said that she did a great job, even though, Os felt a deep guilty and sorrow.
After their performance done, Os was being with Ryuseitai. She said that their performance was splendid and perfect. They was so happy, especially Chiaki. She immediately swooped Os and carry her around like she was a cat. Tetora and Shinobu need to stopped Chiaki eventually.
Os swear, one day, she wanted to be free and walking on her own, instead of being 'programmed'. She wants to be self aware, as to live like a normal human being. She also wanted to say her pure apology to Chiaki.
Year passes, and it's 3rd year graduation. Os, seeing Ryuseitai hugged each other from afar. She smiles as she walked away. But then, she was pulled by someone; it was Chiaki!
Chiaki then asked her to come with him to a place. They walked together. Who knows that, Chiaki trying his best to hide his blush. In Yumenosaki garden, Chiaki finally bravely asked her out. Os didn't budge and keep looking at Chiaki who was bowing at her. She thinks. Maybe, this is one of a way to atone for her sins. She said yes, that making Chiaki shocked. He never know that Os will immediately sayed yes. Chiaki was so happy and in joy he hugged her and said that he liked her so much.
Behind Chiaki, was his friends and other Ryuseitai member who supported him to let out his feelings for Os. And from that day, Chiaki and Os was dating. Even though, truth to be told, it was one-sided. Chiaki loved her purely while Os was still trying to loved him, even though all she wants was to asked him for forgiveness. Who knows that she actually got herself a boyfriend.
> Ensemble Squad Arc <
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Late at night, when Os was working on one of Ryuseitai project. She got an email from her former school that she can go back and continue her study as top diva. Then, her older sister called her, said she was so proud of her. She said that her 'job' at Yumenosaki is done and she can continue to persue her dream. But then, she remember about Chiaki. She didn't want to leave him, to be honest. But she thought again, maybe long distance relationship wasn't so bad.
The next day, she immediately called all Ryuseitai member and making a small party out of nowhere. Then suddenly, when they was happily eating the dish that Os made, Os told them the reason she make a party. It was a farewell party. And of course Chiaki is the one who was more shocked. Os talked everything that happens, as well as her dream. Ryuseitai member then supported her and Chiaki even let her go, but, she needs to always called him. Even if he's busy, he will accepted the call.
A weel later, Os finally ready to go to her former school. But, Kuroya called her out of nowhere. Asked her to cancelled her plane, and ordered her to come to her office. Os was shocked. If Kuroya called her like this, which mean there was an urgent matter. She immediately went to Kuroya's office.
There, she told Os about why she let Os being an idol, instead of the next generation of her business. She also told her that, she had many sins and wanted to atone for it. Then, she told her about Trickstars and Eden duel and about the incident that happened that day. She wanted to dispelled of the destroyer of entertainment industry; the one that spreading hoax and gossips. Then, she ordered Os to come back to Yumenosaki, not just as a student, but also an Intel. Os then accepted her missions.
The next day, she come back to Ensemble Square, making all Ryuseitai and of course Chiaki shocked. She told them that something that she can describe happened and now she's back in Yumenosaki and being Ryuseitai producers. All then was happy of course, but, Kanata cma felt that something does happened. He was actually suspicious of Os but he let it slide. On the other hand, Chiaki was so happy that he can meet her girlfriend everyday.
And now, Os's mission of Intel to 'killed' the destroyer of happiness in entertainment industry begin.
- Os didn't afraid of ghost and whatnot, she just uncomfortable with darkness because of trauma
- Even though she's an idol, she hate crowds
- In Ensquare, she was given a small house by Eichi and Ibara, she lived there alone and sometimes Ryuseitai member was visiting and even having a sleepover
But, they didn't know that Os was building an underground office to spying, even Eichi and Ibara didn't know about this
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