#I'm so happy he's performing again (I wanna see him live too!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ)
wordswhisperinthedark ยท 4 months
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starstruckmoony ยท 1 year
pairing - sirius black x fem!reader
summary - you and sirius start dating after accidentally running into each other at a concert but confirm nothing, just to watch everyone lose their shit online.
trope/tags - band/celeb!au, instagram/social media!au, modern!au, fluff, terrible humour
word count - 1k
warnings - language
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
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โค liked by starmanblack, cissy_blck, r.a.black and 804,337 others
yourusername mirror's dirty but i felt pretty
starmanblack damn smash
yourusername thirsty mf
starmanblack you're not wrong
cissy_blck i promise i'm cooler than your boyfriend
luciusssy i love you too bae
cissy_blck ๐Ÿฅฐ
bartyyy can you sign my house?
yourusername i'll see what i can do
lily_evans UMMMMMM MOTHER?
mmmckinnon mommy.
prongsyboy mama?
starmanblack PRONGS
user128836 i don't know the colour of anything
user702655 YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND????
user358991 sirius said smash and i agree
user073823 the only man we trust
user662627 i'm gonna clown so hard but why did half of sirius family like this post?
user491175 i almost sent a thirst tweet
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โค liked by yourusername, ev.rosier, marymacdonald and 799,853 others
starmanblack boyfriend vibes ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
yourusername very real
starmanblack i'm flattered
yourusername you better be
yourusername you still smell like horse tho
starmanblack go away
prongsyboy did you tell him i said hi?
starmanblack i got you his autograph
mmmckinnon you didn't even tag the photographer smh
starmanblack why are you offended in the name of the photographer?
mmmckinnon i'm just defending my wifey
casmeadowes i wasn't there???
user075764 DATE ME
user246766 you single?
user113388 he's dating y/n l/n
user300722 i volunteer to take your bf photos ๐Ÿคš
user855465 y/n has a boyfriend and you just put boyfriend in the caption so i'll live in delusion from now on
user464646 i wanna be a horse
prongsyboy added to their story
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โค liked by starmanblack, pandorasbox, rjlupin and 844,008 others
yourusername london, i'm speechless. i had the most amazing time with all of you last night and i can't wait to perform for you again ๐Ÿ’ž hearing you guys sing your hearts out with me was truly magical, thank you sooo much and i love love love every single one of you ๐Ÿ’• also! a special thanks that friend group from the first row who gave me a bunch of plushies, my heart is extra happy ๐Ÿ˜š
tagged ev.rosier
starmanblack i was there, i can confirm
starmanblack lol i love you sm
starmanblack my guitar fits your aesthetic nicely
yourusername i know right?!? me and her were meant to be
marymacdonald when i say best concert of my life i mean it
yourusername i don't deserve you
bartyyy first row seats hmghnhm ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
yourusername perks of dating the photographer
ev.rosier you're welcome bartemius
user201010 i cried ugly tears
user927161 i formally apologise to the people who were near me ๐Ÿ’€
user446286 one of those plushies was from meeeee
user018381 lost my voice but it feels so right
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โค liked by yourusername, marymacdonald, lily_evans and 810,777 others
starmanblack ok.
yourusername he loves you
starmanblack he bit my converse
yourusername it was an act of love
yourusername IT. WAS. AN. ACT. OF. LOVE.
yourusername bet you deserved that
starmanblack you were just saying he loves me?
yourusername was i though?
vance_emm what in the gaslighting hell is going on above me?
r.a.black wdym? i'm loving it
user242539 i've yet to see a normal picture of this little guy
user857433 he's in his reputation era
user302770 THIS DOG PLS
yourusername added to their story
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โ™ก 37,022 likes
celeb_gossip a scandal is on its way! ๐Ÿ‘€ there's been word on the street that sirius black and y/n l/n have had a little something going on since the beginning of the year, and we are almost certain that this isn't just another case of senseless rumours. ๐Ÿ™ˆ other than constantly interacting with one another on social media, the two have been pictured entering l/n's apartment after what seemed like a romantic night out. ๐Ÿ˜Œ several sources can prove that the couple has been caught in ways that scream everything BUT platonic, and we deem them quite credible. ๐Ÿ˜‰ but in the light of all of this, the two singers haven't said anything. what do you think? ๐Ÿค” are they secretly together? ๐Ÿคญ or are they secretly laughing at all of us? ๐Ÿ˜ถ leave your opinion in the comments! ๐Ÿ˜˜
user438185 oH
user837999 i hope they sue you lol
user262626 they're defo laughing at us
user137753 get a life wtf
user020191 pretty sure they're together
user647275 this is out of line
user244411 nah cause paps should be illegal
user522727 dunno but i want whatever they have going on
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โค liked by bellatrixieb, cissy_blck, r.a.black and 855,006 others
yourusername tea pages are saying that i'm dating this weirdo ๐Ÿคช
tagged starmanblack
starmanblack people just love being funny
yourusername making me shed tears
starmanblack you could have found a better picture at least ๐Ÿ™„
yourusername fym? this is top tier stuff
starmanblack you're not getting your shades back
yourusername funny ๐Ÿคฃ i'll steal them back today ๐Ÿ˜
vance_emm yeah and i'm a hamster
marymacdonald you kind of look like one though ๐Ÿฅบ
mmmckinnon LMAOOOOO
starmanblack not you talking
mmmckinnon lmaoing โ‰  talking
user283800 guess this confirms it โ˜น
user758234 does this mean you're free to date me?
user021725 double meaning? (pls say sike i'm desperate)
user024477 calling sirius up rn
user828295 okay but does it actually matter ๐Ÿ’€
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โค liked by lily_evans, pandorasbox, casmeadowes and 873,253 others
starmanblack feeding the paps
yourusername bet they're still starving
starmanblack we should make out and post it
yourusername twitter will go CRAZYYY
yourusername we look dead tho
starmanblack i reckon it's the cheap wine
yourusername you calling me poor?
starmanblack ๐Ÿ˜‡
prongsyboy i still don't get how or why you had my glasses
starmanblack aesthetic purposes
xeno_lovegood that's cute ๐Ÿคฉ
starmanblack facts ong fr fr
cissy_blck reggie's sil
bellatrixieb i'm so jealous
user472721 I WANT
user482972 OH MY GOD?????????
user362613 narcissa's comments making me all hopeful
user924474 I'M SO STRESSED
starmanblack added to their story
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himbo-in-limbo ยท 10 months
[a random head canon thingy idk cuz my I pad is charging n I can't draw rn ๐Ÿ˜ž] Glamrock Bonnie/Glamrock Freddy
I like to think Bonnie often goes off on his guitar during live performances (leaning towards it sounding like heavy metal) n often forgets he's playing for children LMAO
The kids love it regardless but the gangs like "dude again?" His longest solo was like a good 3 minutes...
He craves to have artistic freedom, I'm assuming the rest do as well tbh
Imagine hearing Freddy practicing his vocals, since we see chica shredding her guitar in her spare time I wonder if he dose the same?
I bet Freddy also likes to help whichever staff member is doing heavy lifting n he sees them struggling with the cargo n just goes "Oh please it's the least I can do! You all do so much for us, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourselves."
Also likes to help because Freddy has trouble just doing nothing...he needs to be doing something!
Or else he gets a bit antsy
Which is why he loves conversing n little tasks!
Bonnie calls the people closest to him "Carrot cake" bc he loves it sm and he loves them sm
In terms of the OG Trio I see chica being the one they protect the most like that's their baby sister to them ๐Ÿฅบโ™ฅ๏ธ
Side note that it's a shame we don't have enough interactions between chica n Freddy in the game...
Like I wanna know if their just as close to each other as Freddy and Bonnie were
Bonnie gets excited hearing stories that the staff members tell him (if he's friends with em) about the outside world...
He LOVE'S it when they share their favorite music with him! He likes to analyze the guitar solos n usually that sneaks into the next concert hehe
He wants to go outside so bad...he often looks outside any windows and wishes he could just step outside for a bit...
This is also something I think the rest have in common.
They are happy working with the kids! They love their job! They would just like to feel the sun n quite literally touch grass...at least once!
Going back to Bonnie loving carrot cake he dose actually have a slight problem with it similar to chica...just don't leave your slice unattended with him, like a magic trick it'll disappear โœจ
I like to think Bonnie originally didn't have eye liner but he saw one of the staff members have some on and he just told them "I want that! Can you put that on me?!" And ever since then it's been a part of his iconic look
Freddy laughs to hard at simple jokes like dad jokes kill him, which is why when he tells them sometimes he can't finish the joke ๐Ÿ’€
His laugh is so cute n contagious ๐Ÿ˜ญโ™ฅ๏ธ
Everyone groans but they laugh at Freddy's reaction anyways
Bonnie's laugh is dorky, he snorts on occasion and the others call him out n he gets embarrassed
All in good fun of course!
If Bonnie were to blush I like to imagine that his whole face goes red like you can always tell when he's flustered hehe
Honestly I believe Freddy has that classy rizz, like he's such a gentleman, he'd court you properly is all I'm saying
As for Bonnie he's flirty, if he likes you he'll be teasing you a lot
He likes to bully his crush a tiny bit by making em all flustered, and yes he challenges you to bowling quite often!
It's his favorite bonding activity what can you do
He's such a good teacher for bowling too! Has to be for the kiddos of course!
All in all these boys have a heart of gold
They'll inspire you in some way n leave you feeling happy! And you do the same for them! Their still learning how to modify their hugging power tho!
It's strong! ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™
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2btheanswertothequestion ยท 1 year
hi i've never done this before so idk if i'm doing this right or if you even take suggestions ๐Ÿ˜ญ i just saw this tiktok and instantly thought of your paramedic steve story and felt like you could probably execute some sort of oneshot/series based on it
like i really just wanna see steve being a groupie that's all.
I've never said I don't take suggestions ๐Ÿ‘€
Anon, I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting. I wanted to finish the main story before doing this. It's been in the back of my mind since you sent it, though.
It's kinda filthy; not sure if that's what you wanted, but considering the connotations the word "groupie" has... I hope you like this.
If Eddie were to make a list of things that make him happy, performing would be near the top. Any kind of performing would do โ€“ anything that has him at the center, an audience eating out of his hand โ€“ but music is the one he keeps returning to. He could probably do this for real, for a living.
It's just a shame about the fuckery connected to it.
Like, the performance? The thrashing around on stage, the screaming until it hurts, the bone-rattling volume of the music and the crowd? Perfect. Beautiful. Spectacular.
But the business side of it? Makes him want to puke.
He wants to create without capitalism. Entertain without exploitation. Touring sounds fun; stress does not. Interacting with fans could be great if he didn't know how crazy some people got around their idols. They're not even famous now, but sometimes he'll notice repeat visitors in the crowd and wonder if their awestruck expression is innocent or if they're plotting how to kidnap him, skin him alive, and wear him as a bathrobe.
He's not actually worried, okay? He's just wondering. All of the 'fans' he's talked to after shows are nice and normal (well, normal for his standards); he wouldn't mind speaking with most of them again.
Eddie especially wouldn't mind a post-show convo with the front-row hottie to his left. He looks out of place, hair too short to headbang with and dressed in a sleeveless navy button-up rather than a band shirt, but that's how Eddie likes 'em.
When the bass solo hits, he falls to his knees in front of the hottie. Sends him a winning smile that's returned ten times over. Don't tell anyone, but the kneeling was a strategic decision โ€“ no way could Eddie meet those gorgeous, hazel eyes directly without swooning. At least not when he's already incensed, dick half-hard from the adrenaline rush.
Some kids who aren't old enough to be in a bar shriek at the proximity to him, but Eddie ignores them. Right now, until the bass solo is over, the only ones who matter are him and Steve.
Steve puts his hands on the stage and pushes, heaving himself off the ground. Not enough to get on the stage, just to bring him another inch into Eddie's space. Eddie closes the distance, leaning in so their foreheads touch. His hair falls forward, curtaining them from the noise and the lights. Their breaths mingle, Eddie's as heavy pants and Steve's as calm puffs. Steve tilts his head, and Eddie prepares for a kiss. He gets no lips, only tongue; Steve licks his mouth, from one corner to the other. Eddie's own tongue darts out, flicking his tip at Steve's. Steve chuckles, throaty and full, and Eddie goes from half-hard to aching.
The solo finishes. Eddie throws himself backward, back hitting the grimy floor, and shreds while thrusting his hips into his Sweetheart.
When he looks back up, the crowd is wild, his band is killing, and Steve is resting his elbows on the stage, staring at Eddie with a grin and a wanton gleam in his eyes.
After the gig, and after packing their shit in the car, they head back inside. One step past the threshold and someone tries trapping him in a conversation. Always dependable, Gareth slips between and takes the hit, allowing Eddie to make a beeline for the bar where Steve is waiting.
He sides up beside Steve, who doesn't acknowledge him. No, he stays cool, casually leaning against the counter, fingers wrapped around a sweating beer bottle, the length of his neck on display as he drinks. His shirt is juuuuuust verging on too small, the fabric taut across his chest and the buttons begging for mercy when he squares his shoulders.
Eddie orders his own beer, downs half in preparation, and says, "So."
Steve glances at him, brow raising as he licks stray droplets from his bottom lip. Eddie's by-now-calmed cock twitches. What a fucking tease.
"Did you like the show?"
"Yeah, man, you were great," Steve says, turning his body toward Eddie, wearing a coquettish smile.
"Not sure I've seen you here before. I think I'd remember you." Eddie runs a finger over the frayed edge of the button-up's armhole. He resists touching Steve's bicep โ€“ he can show restraint, too! "You stand out."
"I'm new to the scene. Think I need someone to show me the ropes." Steve slides nearer, enough to murmur and still be heard. "Do you know anyone willing?"
Eddie takes a quick scan of the place, thoughtful hum included. He shrugs. "Me?"
"You'd do that?"
"Sure. I'm at your service," he says with a little bow. "Tell me what you're most curious about and we'll start from there."
"I want to knowโ€ฆ how do I get closer to the hot, local musicians?"
There are mere inches between them. On top of the bar's stuffiness, heat radiates off Steve's body. His warmth and the spicy scent of his cologne hit Eddie like a train. His head spins with hazy sensations.
"How close do you want to get?" he asks, breathless.
"As close as you let me. I mean," Steve tucks a lock behind Eddie's ear, leaning in to whisper, "isn't the rockstar lifestyle all about taking the prettiest groupie to the backroom and making them suck you off?"
Eddie swallows half his tongue. When Steve said he was going to proposition him after the show, Eddie expected flirting followed by a 'let's get out of here, your place or mine?'. He didn't see the offer of semi-public sex coming. It's one of those things he's fantasized about but never had the chance to do. Steve must've done it before, though. Probably dozens of times. Fuck, that's so hot.
"Well, I'm not really a rockstar yet-" he says quickly, matching the pace his brain goes at the image of Steve's lips wrapping around him with the buzz of a crowd just a room over.
Steve sighs fondly. "Eddie..."
"-and this place doesn't exactly have a backroom, so-"
"They have a restroom, don't they?" Steve interrupts.
"Oh, uh, yep. They sure do."
Steve smiles, and then he's gone. Eddie finishes his beer and takes a couple of deep breaths before following.
The Behemoth's restroom is actually two small, single-occupancy rooms. Room number one has its door wide open and is empty. Room number two's door is ajar; when Eddie nudges it, Steve yanks him inside and crowds him against the sink.
"Oh, babe, your awkward ramblings and weird behavior really turn me on," he says with zero inflection as he locks the door.
Eddie frowns. "Don't be rude. I won't teach you anything unless I'm shown my due respect."
"I'm sorry, sir," Steve says, using his 'paramedic voice', and smirks at Eddie sucking a sharp breath between his teeth. It's cheating. He knows what that voice does to Eddie. "Let me prove how much I respect you."
He drops to his knees and unbuckles Eddie's belt with smooth, quick hands, eyes focused on the task. Eddie grips the sink behind him for support.
"Have you done this before? In public, I mean."
"Yeah. Have you?"
"Nope. That's a 'no' on that one, chief."
"Nice. I love being people's first," Steve says, tugging Eddie's jeans and boxers down in one go.
Eddie would shoot back with something clever, if his brain hadn't whited out by Steve unceremoniously taking Eddie's whole cock into his mouth, just like that. The only sound he manages is a squeak that morphs into a moan as Steve slowly deepthroats him.
He should be used to the maddening pace by now โ€“ Steve always goes slow at the start โ€“ yet here he is, fingers cramping and hips trembling as he stops himself from thrusting. It's just so fucking good, the best he's ever had. Part of it is technique, but an equally huge part is enthusiasm โ€“ Steve likes this so much. He loves making Eddie fall apart no matter the place or position. Happy to please and smug about being so good at it. It could be infuriating, if Eddie had enough solid brain cells left to feel anything other than bliss.
The tip of Steve's nose touches his pubes now, his cockhead all the way down in Steve's throat. Steve sighs, his breath tickling, and swallows around Eddie. His eyelashes cast long shadows on his cheeks in the dim light. From this angle, his eyes look bigger, deeper, prettier when he looks up at Eddie. His tongue, pressed flat against the underside of the shaft, sweeps playfully as he pulls back. Like a French kiss on his cock, fuck.
Heat prickles across Eddie's face and neck; his breaths stutter and his jaw hangs slack. Steve puts his large hands on Eddie's thighs and starts bobbing his head, cheeks hollowing. Whimpering, Eddie grabs Steve by the back of his head, just to feel the silky hair. Oh, to be allowed to fuck into that perfect mouthโ€ฆ but he's not. No thrusting unless given explicit permission, and never any pushing. Steve hates being 'trapped' and 'having his airways obstructed'. The way he said it hints at a story, but he hasn't told and Eddie won't ask. Steve will let him know when it's time. As of now, Eddie is simply grateful he gets to know Steve doesnโ€™t want to choke when sucking his cock.
Steps clomp outside the restroom โ€“ someone is walking down the corridor. Shit, did they lock the door? Yes. Yes, Steve did. And the first room is unoccupied, so there's no reason for anyone to try entering here. Well, no reason for a rational person, but humans can be surprisingly irrational. Maybe they'll decide they want this restroom, closed door be damned.
Steve bobs faster, hand squeezing the base where his mouth doesn't quite reach. He's relaxed, eyes shut and moaning with contentment. The vibrations of his voice would be enough to have Eddie fighting to last, if he wasn't currently tearing in half.
On the one hand, he has an Adonis kneeling in front of him, eagerly giving him head. On the other hand, someone one thin door away might soon be interrupting said head. Or worse: discover it. He and Steve would be the ones in trouble then, wouldn't they? Even though they're only semi-publicly indecent. Eddie's been arrested and charged once, for a bullshit reason by malevolent cops. The hours in jail were bad, but the aftermath was worse since the bail money put a serious dent in their budget. The point is that Eddie doesn't want a repeat. Shit, what's the penalty for public indecency in Indiana?
"D'you know what's the penalty for public indecency?" he asks. Steve's eyes snap open; his head stills. "Is it jail, is it a fine, or is it jail and a fine?"
Steve pulls off, and, oh, air on spit-damp cock is always an interesting feeling. He frowns at Eddie, wiping drool off his chin.
"Why are you asking me this now?"
Eddie gestures between them. Steve rolls his eyes.
"No, yeah, I know, but why are you asking me this now?"
Outside, the door to the first restroom closes. Crisis averted, then. Steve doesnโ€™t seem to have noticed there was a potential crisis. Best not to tell him โ€“ why should both worry about nothing?
Eddie shrugs. "I'm curious. Maybe risk assessment is a kink of mine."
Steve blinks at him. He inhales deeply, his face starting to contort before he hides it in his hands. Shit, did Eddie piss him off? Pretty typical ofโ€ฆ wait, no. That's not angry-trembling.
It's laughter.
"Steve," Eddie says, smiling at Steve doubling over with mirth. "Stevie. Darling love."
The peals of laughter continue, echoing in the tiny room. It's adorable, but also audible. They'll definitely be found out like this.
"Steve, my dick's getting cold."
Steve brays out the next one. He slaps a hand over his mouth and thumps his head against Eddie's bare thigh. Happy snorts spill past his fingers, his body convulsing.
"Maybe we should continue this later," Eddie says.
"No!" Steve shoots upright, holding out his hands. "Just gimme a minuteโ€ฆ"
Giggling, he wipes tears from his eyes. Gradually, his breathing evens out. He nods.
"Okay, I'm good," he says and grabs Eddie's softening cock, lapping up the drying precome with a swirl of his tongue.
Eddie groans, slumping against the sink. "Dude, unfair. How can you go from sounding like a donkey to this in seconds?"
"Don't complain," Steve says, pinching Eddie's leg.
"I'm no- oooooh!"
Eddie shouts. He's back to full mast, because Steve just took one of his testes in mouth and is sucking on it like it's a jawbreaker. Screw the penalty โ€“ this is worth a life sentence.
Letting go with a wet pop, Steve returns his attention to Eddieโ€™s cock. Ember eyes pin Eddie in place as Steve sucks on the cockhead, tongue playing with the slit, pushing and pulling at the foreskin, caressing the vein on the underside. His hand cups Eddie's balls, gently rolling them between calloused fingers. Eddie's knees are buckling, the sink his only support, and he throws his head back, mewling and panting. Steve rubs a knuckle against Eddie's taint, and that's it โ€“ he comes with a whine, spilling onto Steve's tongue. He swallows, of course. Holy fucking Christ, Eddie loves him.
As he recovers, Steve tucks him in and zips him up. Steve is still hard, but he makes no indication he'll deal with it yet. Eddie has a feeling they'll sneak out and take care of him at Eddie's place.
"Fun, wasn't it?" Steve asks, standing up and wrapping his arms around Eddie's waist.
"Yeah." Eddie rests against his solid frame. "M'sorry."
"For what?"
"I'm sorry you have to put up with me."
Grinning, Eddie tilts his head up, lips puckered. Steve kisses him, smiling into it.
"I don't have to put up with anything."
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eviesaurusrex ยท 2 years
Harry Styles x fem!reader
Faceclaim: Dakota Johnson
authorโ€™s note: this is pt. 2 to this little social media au blurb, but you can read it without reading pt. 1 (even though you should bcโ€ฆ I said so? lol nevermind) Enjoy!
pt. 3 is here
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harrystyles I am immensely grateful for each and everyone who came to my shows, and I canโ€™t express my love for you and your never-ending support, especially in troubling times like these. But I am happy to finally be back home and see this wonderful woman every day again. To all the couples for whom long distance is their normality: You have my utmost respect.
x H.
[tagged yourinstagram]
Liked by yourinstagram, annetwist, hsfan1, imsebastianstan, pillowpersonpp and 9,671,013 others | 189,546 comments
annetwist Enjoy your togetherness, my loves!
liked by harrystyles and yourinstagram
โ†ณ hsfan1 Anne loves yn so much ๐Ÿฅบ
โ†ณ gemmastyles She basically adopted her during their first encounter
pillowpersonpp Bring her to the studio, pleeeeeeaseeee! I need her energy and my favorite boy wants to see his auntie again ๐Ÿ‘€
liked by harrystyles
โ†ณ yourinstagram ๐Ÿšจ AUNTIE IS COMING THROUGH๐Ÿšจ
โ†ณ yourfan1 you gotta love her ๐Ÿ˜‚
yourinstagram I love to see you perform and do the thing you love the most, but I just love it more to have you home. Btw: dinner is almost ready ๐Ÿ˜˜
โ†ณ harrystyles My home is wherever you are, sunflower x
โ†ณ yourinstagram Stop making me blush like a foolish schoolgirl and come down for dinner โค๏ธ Plus, Dot demands cuddles (and me too)
liked by harrystyles
โ†ณ ynandharry Relationship goals.
โ†ณ hsfan2 he named Sunflower, Vol. 6 definitely after her, canโ€™t change my mind.
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yourinstagram Best view to wake up to (i am seriously blessed bye)
Liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, ynandharry, gemmastyles, paulrudd and 8,701,223 others | 101,576 comments
hsfan1 yn is living the life
hsfan2 Wish I was her
ynandharry Not sure if I wanna be her or him. Tough decision.
jefezoff Please drag him to his computer later. Some important mails are waiting ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
โ†ณ yourinstagram It's 6.30am, Jeff. WHY DO YOU THINK ABOUT WORK
โ†ณ jefezoff Thinking about the time of day: Why are you even awake?
โ†ณ yourinstagram Reasons. I'm a grown woman.
โ†ณ yourfan1 ๐Ÿค”
โ†ณ yourfan2 Jeff has a point tho.
paulrudd And I thought my face was your favorite thing in the morning.
โ†ณ yourinstagram youโ€™re my favorite when you bring me coffee during early mornings on set, yes. But other than then? Nope, sorry, bestie.
โ†ณ imsebastianstan HEY. I'm your bestie!
โ†ณ yourinstagram I'm gonna sleep again. It's too early for this shit.
โ†ณ yourfan3 mood, yn.
gemmastyles ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
โ†ณ hsfan3 Why do i have the feeling that Gemma and Mama Styles know something nobody else knows?
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yourinstagram ๐ŸŽถIโ€™m having your baby๐ŸŽถ - and itโ€™s totally your business harrystyles โค๏ธ
Liked by harrystyles, annetwist, gemmastyles, imsebastianstan, gemmachan and 15,688,993 others | 379,241 comments
harrystyles You made me the bloody happiest man on planet earth, darling x H.
liked by annetwist, jefezoff, yourinstagram and 2,003 others
โ†ณ yourinstagram โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
โ†ณ gemmastyles I finally can say: Iโ€™M GONNA BE AN AUNTIE
โ†ณ annetwist My loves, Iโ€™m so happy for you ๐Ÿฅนโค๏ธ
hsfan2 happiest day of my life ๐Ÿ˜ญ
imsebastianstan โค๏ธ
paulrudd I demand godfather โค๏ธ
gemmachan Congratulations, lovely!
chrishemsworth โค๏ธ
chrisevans โค๏ธ
anthonymackie ๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ
lizolsen โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ is the spot for godmother still vacant? ๐Ÿ˜
robertdowneyjr Baby basket - on its way!
marvelbunch the entire cast is absolutely thrilled ๐Ÿ˜ฉ a mini avenger!
sophieturner FINALLY โค๏ธ Congrats, soon-to-be-mommy! If you need any baby clothes: You have my number ๐Ÿ‘€
hsfan3 I knew Gemma and Anne knew something! ๐Ÿฅบ
โ†ณ yourfan1 itโ€™s finally out!!!
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harrystyles Baby Styles. July 2022.
[tagged yourinstagram]
Liked by gemmastyles, mitchrowland, jefezoff, pillowpersonpp, niallhoran and 24,680,192 others | 345,279 comments
pillowpersonpp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
โ†ณ mitchrowland She is screaming into a pillow. Weโ€™re so happy for you two!!!
jefezoff Congratulations ๐Ÿ˜ญ
niallhoran congrats man! So happy for you and your missus โค๏ธ
โ†ณ yourinstagram One Direction reunion when?
liked by sophieturner and 324 others
โ†ณ yourinstagram + not the missus
โ†ณ harrystyles Yet x
liked by yourinstagram, annetwist and 3,970 others
โ†ณ hsfan1 did heโ€ฆ
โ†ณ yourfan1 He did
โ†ณ 1d4ever She is a 1D Stan ๐Ÿซ โค๏ธ
gemmastyles My little brother is so grown up ๐Ÿซ 
harrystylesforever CONGRATULATIONS HARRY
hsfan2 Canโ€™t wait for the dadrry content help my poor soul
yourfan2 What an exciting time to be alive! Baby Styles on the way, massive projects, and new Marvel stuff coming up for our queen, all the love and the support she getsโ€ฆ Iโ€™m freaking here for it ๐Ÿฅฒโค๏ธ
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whoisharry Now those odd combinations and late-night cravings make sense.
Liked by pillowpersonpp, jefezoff, yourinstagram, gemmastyles and 16 others | 9 comments
yourinstagram Hey. Donโ€™t call me out like that, Iโ€™m carrying your baby ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅฒ
โ†ณ whoisharry Iโ€™m not calling you out, darling. I just had a moment of realization, โ€˜s all โค๏ธ
โ†ณ mitchrowland You shouldโ€™ve seen Sโ€™ cravings on some days. It was like watching a rubbish bin.
โ†ณ pillowpersonpp Hey, YNN. You have a vacant guest room?
โ†ณ yourinstagram Sure, lovely! Always for you and my favorite little boy โค๏ธ
โ†ณ mitchrowland You know how I meant it, sweets ๐Ÿฅฒ
โ†ณ pillowpersonpp Pffff.
gemmastyles I told you she had an interesting appetite. Itโ€™s a wonder you never thought about the possibility of a pregnancy. I mean, come one. The morning sickness??? Are you sleeping like a bloody stone???
โ†ณ yourinstagram In his defense: He wasnโ€™t there when it hit me like a freaking truck. And then it was almost manageable in Denver, and when I had to share my food with the world, I always snuck out like a damn stealth ninja and used the bathroom across the hallway of the suite ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ
โ†ณ whoisharry Excuse me, you did what?! You need to fucking tell me if youโ€™re not feeling well, love ๐Ÿฅบ
โ†ณ gemmastyles Okay, he is excused - for now. Take care of my favorite mommy.
โ†ณ yourinstagram Iโ€™m sorry, H. Didnโ€™t want to ruin the surprise, yโ€™know? ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป
liked by whoisharry and gemmastyles
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vanityfair Actress, Golden Globe winner, and Academy Award nominee YN LN (Westworld, Marvel, Pieces of a Woman) and British singer-songwriter and Grammy Award winner Harry Styles surprised the world with happy news on their respective Instagram accounts! The couple of four years happily announced LNโ€™s pregnancy via posting shots of them holding a series of ultrasound prints of their little bundle of joy. Due to Styleโ€™s caption, Baby Styles will make their appearance somewhere in July next year. We wish the couple the utmost best and a smooth pregnancy for YN!
Click on the link in our bio to read the whole article about Styleโ€™s and LNโ€™s relationship so far and an interview with the couple, talking about managing life during a worldwide pandemic and mental health issues!
Liked by hsfan1, yourfan1, harrystylesforever, hsfan2 and 4,221,683 others | 98,472 comments
hsfan1 Still canโ€™t wrap my mind around it ๐Ÿ˜ญ
hsfan2 Soon, we donโ€™t have to imagine Dadrry content because there will be actual dadrry content because Harry is Dadrry!
yourfan1 She will be such a good mom ๐Ÿฅน
yourfan2 adopt me, please! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ
harrystylesforever Tearing up every time I read this ever since yesterday ๐Ÿฅน
Thanks for reading, lovely humans! Comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated!
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onlyjaeyun ยท 8 months
Honestly, I'm not even a damn singer, and if Enhypen was all you wanna feature on our song, my ass would have came up with a verse, like maybe it's just praise kink coming out, but I would want to impress who I'm working with since you think you would want your feature to add something to a song, not just sing over the original song, like this ain't karaoke babes. I feel like the perfect song length is like 3:40, not too short, not too long, but all Hybe is making lately is like 2:20, like I think they are allergic to making long good songs, the longest song on both &Team's album and Enhypen's together is 3:48, and it's not even a real song, it's the prologue Mortal. Like War Cry is even shorter than Sweet Venom, like you don't have time to jam or get into the song, you get the vibe and just boom over, give us longer songs, like it's ridiculous, not every song needs to be short so it's easier to stream. I saw a Sweet Venom line distribution video, and it was probably the worst one I've personally seen for Enhypen; like Sunghoon got like 8 seconds, Jungwon got 10, Jake got 14, Niki got 15, Sunoo got 16, Jay got 18, and Heeseung got 46. Like I get it Heeseung main vocal, but you telling me the others couldn't have each hit one of those swee-hee-hee-t venom-nom-nom. Like War Cry is somehow better distributed with 9 members, despite Fuma getting only 4 seconds, Jo who has the most only got 22. Honestly, it do seem like that, like Enhypen with Bella, TXT with Anitta, and BTS with Sia. I honestly just want one question for Hybe regarding the next comeback, Chamber 5 studio version when, since it was just a cute song, and I think we need it, like Chamber 5 mv and all, I know Sunghoon would probably hate it seeing how he hated when Sunoo picked him to perform it, but that Chamber 5 dance practice with them dressed like fruits lives rent free in my mind, and we need a studio version. Also you listening to 10 Months while writing angst reminds me how I wrote this sad fic while listening to this song called Heartbeat by Carrie Underwood on repeat the whole time. Like the song is all 'I love the way you look in a firefly glow', 'dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat' meanwhile I'm writing "No matter how long it took, even if he never found his way back to you again, you would never love another, and your heart would always ache for him, the one you believe is genuinely your one true love."
i wholeheartedly agree with the first part! i feel like ever since not only enha's but also new jeans' debut they've been making their new groups' songs shorter and shorter but i just dont get why? there was still so much potential in sweet venom as well as bite me so why not add another verse and make the song just thirty seconds longer??? i honestly dislike this wave of short songs like let me have at least 3 minutes to enjoy ???? i cant even get into the groove bc by the time i do it's already finished?๐Ÿ’€ but yeah, genuinely wishing for their future tt's to bw a tad bit lobger to make the line distribution a little fairer ๐Ÿ’” i love love love jungwon's and hoonie's voices and would have loved to hear them more but we got them in still monster so i'm super happy (plus jay got to shine a lot this time and it makes me so ๐Ÿฅบ bc his voice is kind of my fave? but yeah)
also personally i just know those features are nothing but a way to promote bc she wasnt bad or anything but she also didnt add anything to the song imo ๐Ÿ˜ญ i liked their harmony but that's it? she didnt even get a verse (which makes sense as the so g is so short already) but looking at proper collabs from their seniors like bts x nicki minaj it's just kinda disappointing but expected atp
and omg i love listening to happy songs when i write angst bc it kinda makes me write it even sadder than it is LMAO
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finexbright ยท 2 years
hii!! โ„๏ธ iโ€™m so sorry iโ€™m not being more regular with my asks, i know i want to get back to you as soon as possible but i just keep procrastinating it ๐Ÿ˜ญ ooo since youโ€™re an indian living in the uk, how hard was the adjustments for you? like culture wise, food wise etc? only if you wanna answer of course! tired tired sea is an absolute masterpiece, iโ€™ve got such fond memories attached to it, and itโ€™s really made me wanna visit scotland one day ๐Ÿค maybe itโ€™s time to reread it ๐Ÿ‘€ iโ€™m so happy that you got to see hl!!! oh my god that must have been so amazing, iโ€™d kill to have that chance, manifesting louis india tour 2023 ๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ iโ€™ve literally already started saving up ๐Ÿ’€ as for my bucket list, i had always wanted a dog and we adopted one last year!! do you like dogs? do you have a pet/want one? funny thing about hot chocolate - my city has a tradition every winter that whenever it gets cold, everyone steps out to get ice cream and then hot chocolate in that order ๐Ÿ˜ญ weโ€™re just built different sorry ๐Ÿ˜Œโœจ does your hometown have any such winter traditions? qotd - what is your favourite lyric off walls and fitf? like one that hits you hard every time you hear it?
i wonโ€™t freak out about louis again but iโ€™ll just say - THE WAY HIS EYES CHANGE COLOUR!! HE IS UNREAL!! THESE SIGNINGS ARE A GODSEND!! i hope you have a good day darling ๐Ÿ’•
i feel you so much bby about not being able to get back soon because life is just getting really hectic ๐Ÿ˜ญ i barely get time for myself these days i need to have some free days where i can just sleep ๐Ÿ˜ญ
so, i did my undergrad away from too, but still in india and i sort of had that experience of living by myself which helped me a lot when i moved here. i made some really good friends at my accomodation on day one of moving that helped a lot. as for the culture, it's such a big contrast to the lifestyle that i'm used to and i had to learn a lot of things about stuff that happened on a day to day basis, but it wasn't very hard. as for food, i think that's what i miss most about home because the food culture here is so different. especially i'm uses to eating extremely spicy food and the food here is always so bland. luckily we have a couple stores that sell indian spices and stuff like that which helps a lot (they even have parle g ๐Ÿ’€)
god i am manifesting louis coming to india so bad honestly he deserves to feel the love that desis have for him and vice versa. it'll be such an amazing feeling to see him perform there ๐Ÿฅน bonus if he says namaste ๐Ÿ˜‚
oh my god that is so cute!! what did you name your dog ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ ooh about that tradition, i do that with my family too! every winter, we drive up to india gate and take a walk there while having ice cream because ice cream in winters means it doesn't melt and you can actually enjoy it longer!
i've always moved around a lot that at this point i don't even know what my hometown is ๐Ÿ˜ญ but i suppose that family traditions counts in this case ๐Ÿซฃ
favourite lyric from walls is definitely without a doubt - i hope that i'm not asking too much, just wanna be loved by you; i'm too tired to be tough just wanna be loved by you
faith in the future (as of now) - the friends we make, the love it takes, it's worth, it's worth, it's worth the pain, the friends we make, the love it takes, it's worth, it's worth, it's worth it all this time ๐Ÿซถ
what about you? ๐Ÿ‘€ also, absolutely freaking about louis and how beautiful he is, is always welcome ๐Ÿค
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hwiyoungies ยท 7 months
Iโ€™m still suffering but Iโ€™m backโœŒ๐Ÿฝ Have you seen that meme that says โ€œCuando vea ____ no dirรฉ nada, pero habrรกn seรฑalesโ€ (when I start watching ____ I wonโ€™t say anything, but thereโ€™ll be signs)?, that will be both of us with OP when we get that third piercing on our left ear LOL
And boy, yes, they have been in that dessert for way too long LMAO like I donโ€™t wanna miss everything so Iโ€™m not skipping any parts, but Iโ€™m definitely watching at x1.25 speed bc Iโ€™ve just realized this arc lasts until 130 and Iโ€™m not even on the 20s๐Ÿ˜ญ
Iรฑakiโ€™s and Taz friendship definitely cured some of the sadness in my soul, but same I would to get more sneak peeks behind the work. I have watched some videos about the make-up and wig work, the staging and props, I saw some performance proposals for Zoroโ€™s introduction and I love how despite changing many things, they never gave up on including the middle finger LOL I just find very interesting the process of discerning which ideas make it into the final product, Iโ€™m a nerd what can I say๐Ÿ˜”โœŒ๐Ÿฝ
SANJI AND CHOPPER CARRIED THE CREW IN THIS ARC they were very impressive๐Ÿ˜Œโœจ but okay mini rant that you might find funny since youโ€™re clearly far ahead LOL 1) the heck no one d*es HAHAHA LIKE everyone. somehow. miraculously. comes back alive and Iโ€™m glad for the good guys, but damn people it feels like only Arlong and people from the backstories d*ed 2) again, glad no one from the crew d*es (for now?๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿฝ) but boy does it hurt to see them getting thrashed :c </3
I did enjoy Aceโ€™s appearance respectfully<3 LOL but seeing Zoro smiling and laughing more frequently definitely does something to my brain<3 Also!! Saw you got your wisdom teeth removed: congratulations!!๐Ÿฅณโœจ and since Spotify wrapped just happened, whatโ€™s your song #12?? Was going to ask based on the episode of OP Iโ€™m at but itโ€™s already the 100s so the last two digits will do LOL
LMFAOOO if that ain't me. also wait do you speak spanish or this is like, the meme you know LSDKHGKL it's very important to me as a spanish speaker because i have one stupid ass op video i can't show anyone because it's in spanish and i've been going insane because it made me cackle (but also would have to ask what's your stance on shipping (not like hardcore i will fight others if they don't like what i like but like hehe their dynamic is fun))
honestly i respect you so much for not skipping anything because i just skimmed through over 10 episodes worth of someone's backstory (they've been dead for a long time so i'm like ๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธ we didn't learn anything new with this but the lore is great i guess)
had no idea about that LMAO honestly it fits zoro so much that no matter what he was going to be flipping someone, actually that's something that i love about the live action like yeah let him and sanji curse we know these two idiots are the worst when it comes to cursing LMAO part of me is hoping that we'll get like a documentary kinda thing with the behind the scenes or maybe more behind content for the second season
NO BUT THAT'S SOMETHING I'VE BEEN COMPLAINING ABOUT AS WELL, like yay for the main crew not dying i won't have psychological damage because of it, but what do you MEAN not a single bad guy dies either some of them should've had their heads chop off give me a break
pre time skip zoro was so goofy and beloved truly a gift, god i can't wait for you to get to a certain part and lose your mind about him tho LMAO and i diiiiid! finally have all of them out, this last one is not bothering me as much so i'll take that as a win as well and i'm just happy to be done with the whole thing LMAO and my #12 song is titรญ me preguntรณ by bad bunny which honestly, a bit shocked by because i didn't think i listened to it that much. what's your 81 song i gotta know ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
0 notes
baekhvuns ยท 1 year
I was dreading to open your blog and read your reply, cause I knew the slander would be too much ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ I'm simply closing my eyes. Blocking the haters (aka user baekhvuns). I actually stayed up late to watch the match and it was not worth it, thankfully Sanhwa went live and their Lego shenanigans were more exciting ๐Ÿ’€ I kept yelling "wake up, Madrid, Ancelotti use your fucking brain and Gavi get off the pitch!". Benzema in his salty era, yikes, I know he's mad that his goal was offside and so am I, but come on.
Moving on........
I just hope that if the allegations against Gr**nw**d are true, the girl won't go through the same shit again. ๐Ÿ™ƒ
Yeah the Atiny I met has been following Atz around since last year, that's why I blocked her and stopped interacting with her recently. She's not dangerous, but how manu times do you have to see them? That Judy girl is so fucked, she thinks she's doing something??? And is besties with NCT???
Fucking LSM destroying his own company, ffs I've always said he'd be the downfall of SM. Chris Lee what a dumb greedy bitch, no wonder these two are related. But speaking of dumb people. The delusion and saviour complex is huuuuuge. And did you see that "SM with Hybe" Twitter account???
Avocados don't like snow so I'm not shocked your uni closed ajshaisshhajahwkkaa. Pls stay inside it's safer and cosier ๐Ÿ˜ญ. Omfg knife crime typical London behaviour, sigh. Paris is bad too lol, not the safest place, Berlin is better, but the city is also on my shitlist, too privileged. Kai you don't need to go there
"Your guys's hierarchy" hey, don't group me with them Brits, I'm just an outsider who has been studying the UK behaviour for years ๐Ÿ˜ญ Brummie accent was once voted the least appealing, but foreigners are obsessed with it cause of PB, so hilarious. I like beans on toast, I'm afraid... BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE ME BRITISH OKAY.
I remember when Hwa apologised he couldn't dye his hair black yet, because of Imitation?!?!? Some people had the audacity to comment on the grey hair ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ
Cornish accent is sometimes called "the most American of UK's accents" but they're not like deep South, Cornwall is nice and fun! I guess the difference between most Southern English accents and Cornish is that they roll their "Rs". I have some friends from there, one got into performing school as a child and they asked her mother if she could "get rid of the village accent" huh?! She wasn't even from a village
Breaking Wommys hearts kusuahsjsjauaah but I'm not complaining ๐Ÿฅฐ yes to fencer or racer Hwa
WHAT did you just say about the nose ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ my feelings are soft, I just wanna perform some cannibalism ok. let me bite Seonghwa's nose in peace!
Finally some Atz x fashion interaction! Seonghwa next pls ๐Ÿค—
Liking anything when you're over 25 is illegal Baek, so have fun while it lasts. Later it's just taxes, mortgage, 2 shifts etc. no happy days in sight ๐Ÿค—
Everyone's screaming shaking and crying trying to find Seonghwa's winter MD, but ever since I saw the blurred previews I knew I had to have him, so I'm safe! I'M GONNA EAT HIM I REALLY WILL!!!! THE HEART BLUSH?!?!?!? I'M UNWELL
This is bad for me, a cat boys enthusiast ๐Ÿ™„
Pls look away OP, you don't need to perceive him. In constant battle with myself, because I wanna gatekeep Seonghwa, but also want everyone to know and praise him ๐Ÿคง
My rockstar gf! and Mingi toooooo
I'm on the floor actually. The 2nd photo ๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿฅด
๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ but girlie was stressed msjsjdjsjabsnswjsh
Hwa is watching The Alchemy of Souls, I won. Also TAoS Hwa AU...... ๐Ÿ˜Š
And can we talk about KQF2 name... it's pronounced"SAIKERS"?! Say XIKE lmaoooo - DV ๐Ÿ’–
I was dreading to open your blog and read your reply, cause I knew the slander would be too much ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ I'm simply closing my eyes. Blocking the haters (aka user baekhvuns). I actually stayed up late to watch the match and it was not worth it, thankfully Sanhwa went live and their Lego shenanigans were more exciting ๐Ÿ’€ I kept yelling "wake up, Madrid, Ancelotti use your fucking brain and Gavi get off the pitch!". Benzema in his salty era, yikes, I know he's mad that his goal was offside and so am I, but come on. Moving onโ€ฆโ€ฆ..
anonโ€ฆ ur in for a ride,,, both ur teams LMFAOOO ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ BARCA COOKED!!!! HUMILIATION? HUMILIATION !!!!! AND WITHOUT OUR MAJOR PLAYERS???? GETFOOO AGAINST THE SAME REAL MADRID??? HELP RHQKDHQKDHKW TAKE GAVI OUT???? TAKE VINI OUT BRO WAS WWE-ING ON THE GROUND AND DIDNโ€™T GET A RED AND DISRESPECTING THE REF???? ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ and now the second leg with pedri, dembele, lewa ???? cOOKING !!!! forever rmโ€™s owners <;3 no wonder they got bodied
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and man united ??? 7-0??? LMFAOOOO?????? WHAT THE FUCK??? ย THIS IS TERRIBLE FHWNHDK
I just hope that if the allegations against Grnwd are true, the girl won't go through the same shit again. ๐Ÿ™ƒ /// Yeah the Atiny I met has been following Atz around since last year, that's why I blocked her and stopped interacting with her recently. She's not dangerous, but how manu times do you have to see them? That Judy girl is so fucked, she thinks she's doing something??? And is besties with NCT???
tbh i hope someone finds a loophole in the case and gets him to be held accountable, his careers def gone & heโ€™s def not playing for the england national team ๐Ÿคš๐Ÿป theyโ€™re already shit wouldnโ€™t want them to become even more,,,
anon ur friends are ๐Ÿ‘questionable๐Ÿ‘ NOOO SRS THE NCT JUDY GIRLIE WHAT IN THE WORLD ???? hoping sm sues her bc what tf?? their bodyguards need to bodyslam her some sense
????? heโ€™s nicer than me fr
Fucking LSM destroying his own company, ffs I've always said he'd be the downfall of SM. Chris Lee what a dumb greedy bitch, no wonder these two are related. But speaking of dumb people. The delusion and saviour complex is huuuuuge. And did you see that "SM with Hybe" Twitter account???
THEYRE SO ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ WHAT EVEN IS THIS โ€œkpop is slowing downโ€ it never was that famous to begin with!!!ย its really mostly on twt which for some = worldwide,,, but i have to say even those not remotely into kpop know solder sm groups,, i wonder why kpop slowed down,,, maybe bc everything is about achievements now ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ the saviour complex of this company and man needs to be studied,, the music quality deteriorated and now mr hybe will come to save it with itโ€™s auto tune <3 one thing i liked about sm was the insane music quality they had,,, doing this shitshow online is so tragic to see,,, I DID AND WHAT THE ABSOLUTE SHIT IS THAT ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ the artists coming on their bubble to say โ€œi donโ€™t know whatโ€™s happening but im with uโ€ bro ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Avocados don't like snow so I'm not shocked your uni closed ajshaisshhajahwkkaa. Pls stay inside it's safer and cosier ๐Ÿ˜ญ. Omfg knife crime typical London behaviour, sigh. Paris is bad too lol, not the safest place, Berlin is better, but the city is also on my shitlist, too privileged. Kai you don't need to go there
WILL DO ๐Ÿซก no bc wth is this knife problem in uk ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ thereโ€™s so many true crime cases on it like??? kINVES BELONG IN THE KITCHEN KEEP THEM THERE! i feel like france and ny is the same thing,, the pickpocketing ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคš๐Ÿป speaking of berlin,,, is this an accurate representation FBKWHDKW
"Your guys's hierarchy" hey, don't group me with them Brits, I'm just an outsider who has been studying the UK behaviour for years ๐Ÿ˜ญ Brummie accent was once voted the least appealing, but foreigners are obsessed with it cause of PB, so hilarious. I like beans on toast, I'm afraidโ€ฆ BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE ME BRITISH OKAY.
YEAH SO TECHNICALLY UR A BRIT ๐Ÿ”ซ u become what u eat and live in ๐Ÿคš๐Ÿป no bc the brummie accent, and the nottingham accent how DO U EVEN UNDERSTAND THEM one of my cousins is from nottingham and she spoke to me and i ???? went pass my head,, so fast i just stared at her nodded <3 STOPPPPP THATS SO NASTY MY FATHER HAS AN OBSESSION WITH THE BEANS ON TOAST WHY DO U ALL EAT LIKE ITS STILL WW1 COME ON ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ UR BRITISH RBWMDHWK PEAK BRITISH
sorry what is thisย ย 
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I remember when Hwa apologised he couldn't dye his hair black yet, because of Imitation?!?!? Some people had the audacity to comment on the grey hair ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ
some people should have their rights taken away
Cornish accent is sometimes called "the most American of UK's accents" but they're not like deep South, Cornwall is nice and fun! I guess the difference between most Southern English accents and Cornish is that they roll their "Rs". I have some friends from there, one got into performing school as a child and they asked her mother if she could "get rid of the village accent" huh?! She wasn't even from a village
AHHHHHHH hopefully theyโ€™re not just exactly like how americans are personality wise,, NOT THE VILLAGE ACCENT NOOOO ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญyOU GUYS ARE BRUTAL CALLING THEM OUT ON EVERYTHING ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Breaking Wommys hearts kusuahsjsjauaah but I'm not complaining ๐Ÿฅฐ yes to fencer or racer Hwa /// WHAT did you just say about the nose ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ my feelings are soft, I just wanna perform some cannibalism ok. let me bite Seonghwa's nose in peace!
wommyโ€™s need to be shown their place ๐Ÿคš๐Ÿป not but thereโ€™s seriously like no woo fics in atiny writing community now ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ fencer hwa and a racer hwa,, but what about a hockey player hwa <33 I SAID NOTHING ???? WHAT DID U READ ๐Ÿ“ธ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ“ธ๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐Ÿ“ธ i saw this video the other day that explained ur liking for vampires i WILL find it by the next time i answer this HOPEFULLY why bite when u can take a seat
Finally some Atz x fashion interaction! Seonghwa next pls ๐Ÿค— /// Liking anything when you're over 25 is illegal Baek, so have fun while it lasts. Later it's just taxes, mortgage, 2 shifts etc. no happy days in sight ๐Ÿค—
FINALLY!!!!!! BALMAIN AMBASSADOR SOON ๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿป seonghwa and of mingi for versace ?? would pass out,, LMFAOOOO will use my 20โ€™s as a excuse to travel and live my yn moment <3 anon howโ€™d ur mortgage going, howโ€™s the job? HOWS KR BEEN
Everyone's screaming shaking and crying trying to find Seonghwa's winter MD, but ever since I saw the blurred previews I knew I had to have him, so I'm safe! I'M GONNA EAT HIM I REALLY WILL!!!! THE HEART BLUSH?!?!?!? I'M UNWELL
U ORDERED IT RIGHT???? GOD BLESS U IM ON MY WAY HIDE UR DOOR UR KIDS UR CATS UR PCโ€™S IM ON MY WAY he looks like heโ€™s about to join a furry con / star in a red velvet mv
This is bad for me, a cat boys enthusiast ๐Ÿ™„//// Pls look away OP, you don't need to perceive him. In constant battle with myself, because I wanna gatekeep Seonghwa, but also want everyone to know and praise him ๐Ÿคง
My rockstar gf!ย ย and Mingi toooooo /// I'm on the floor actually. The 2nd photo ๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿฅด //// ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ but girlie was stressed msjsjdjsjabsnswjsh
no bc how dare they do this photoshoot for japanese albums and not for korean ones! WHY ARE THEY SO EXPENSIVE AND THIS???? ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ seonghwa for calvin klein when
Hwa is watching The Alchemy of Souls, I won. Also TAoS Hwa AUโ€ฆโ€ฆ๐Ÿ˜Š //// And can we talk about KQF2 nameโ€ฆ it's pronounced"SAIKERS"?! Say XIKE lmaoooo - DV ๐Ÿ’–
anon weโ€™re finally getting the return of shoujo with stunning animation ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
hot take, but theyโ€™re kinda right
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sketchguk ยท 1 year
Hi this is prev anon! Thanks for answering ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ Soonyoung not having anything serious to be annoyed with mc is so endearing ..... Everything that upsets him is just endearing or petty or because he cares about her . :(((((((((
I love the scrunchies around his wrist omg ๐Ÿ˜ญ why is he so in love ๐Ÿ˜ญ he just keeps it as a reminder of her !!!!! He really adores her so much ahhh these two are my OTP !!!!
About the request, it doesn't have to be a fleshed out drabble or anything, although i do miss your writing so much and it would be so great to read some dialogue between my two favorites. I'll be happy with headcanons like you've been doing too ! Whatever you feel like ! even if you don't wanna write it it's fine, because I know what they fight about and stuff! I was thinking about something really serious, or something that starts out small and ends up in a serious argument, because even the best couples have arguments and fights and that just helps them get stronger in their relationship! It would be so refreshing and different to see how that get through a major argument!! Becouse soonyoung is so open , and mc not so much, so that might be an issue when fighting right?!?!
In the end , I'm happy with whatever you choose! Thanks for listening to me ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ’œ
hey hey I reread your answer and realized there is much more i want to say uoyipuouop sorry for the spam! what you said about the cold hand things .... i cannot deal with how adorable they are ahhh !!!!! I want to protect these two so much LOLL soonyoung immediately reaching for her hands please thats is SO CUTE !!!! And about mc spreading herself too thin .. that makes sense !! Soonyoung just wants her to let go a little bit. But it could be reverse too! Maybe soonyoung takes lots of stress about being the best at quidditch , just like how he is stressed to perform the best as performance leader! and he can be scary too the members say right??? so maybe he gets snappy and annoyed when he's in the zone, and if mc tries to joke around at that time, he may react badly .... Then one more thing i thought of was , you mentioned soonyooung is insecure before. especially since there was so much push and pull form mc before! If the smallest thing happens , he might need reassurance from mc! but he may not say it out loud , and that an lead to misunderstandings too. Like you said , maybe she brings up mingyu in passing and he would react way too serioulsy ... or she may say no to hanging out with him and his friends a couple times , and he would get worried thinking HOW she can stay away like that? if she liked him she wouldnt spend time apart right???? this goes with what you about soonyoung being more clingy and mc wanting more space ! ahhh okay i think this is all i wanted to say! ehhheee sorry for spamming again !
When you're in love, you're in love !!! What more can I say?!! We all need someone who can adore us the way gryffindor soonyoung adores ravenclaw mc ๐Ÿ˜” I love them dearly, and they just live rent free in my head !!! Unfair !!
Ehehe I'll see what I can come up with for the argument (hopefully this weekend!!). I definitely would love to see them interact considering I've been talking about this universe for over a year, and nothing has really rcome to fruition (in terms of a drabble or even a smidgen of a chapter - oops)
Girlies with cold hands ๐Ÿค (And me who refuses to wear gloves because it's an inconvenience T_T). Soonyoung is literally the embodiment of the guy I want :-( I'm projecting everything onto his character because I will never craft a slowburn fic that is as extensive as this universe lol. If I can't find or believe in true love irl, I'll just have to make my own otp ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Omg yes yes Soonyoung is definitely hard on himself when it comes to quidditch because he's their star player. Everyone looks up to him, so exceeding their expectations puts a huge burden on him. That's exactly how he is irl !!
DID YOU WATCH THE SUCHWITA EPISODE?? He told yoongi that the tannies always put on such grand performances, and he felt as though he had to push himself just so he could be as good as his idols :-( He's a perfectionist for sure, and he would definitely be the type to overwork himself
If he snapped at mc during a stressful time, she would distance herself and reflect a lot !!! She would have been super pouty because Soonyoung was being unreasonable !!! Why did he have to be so mean? :-( Surely, his words weren't cruel because that's not the kind of guy Soonyoung is. His tone sounded aggravated, and it was unusual because it's very rare that he does that. Besides, it doesn't feel nice when you can sense someone is annoyed with you, right? So mc ends up a little hurt over this
But she still gave him the space he needed. After a day or two, she probably notices that something's missing in her life. She's not used to it being so quiet !! And she doesn't like it !!! She finds herself looking at his empty desk during class or the empty space across her from her at the lunch table
Soonyoung will eventually apologize of course, and he would feel great remorse. He didn't mean to snap at her. She'll give him a piece of her mind because she's never been one to shy away from that. But next time, Soonyoung will think twice before acting the way he did!!
Ahh yeah I did mention that Soonyoung gets insecure because of how their friendship even began!! Besides, unrequited love is a BITCH !!! It really messes with your self esteem for a while. Soonyoung is certainly an overthinker because he has so much time to himself aha. It's the way he lives his life. He's not necessarily concerned with school or his career. It's just him, his closest friends, and the girl of his dreams. (Oh and of course quidditch because Soonyoung is the definition of himbo <3)
He needs a ton of reassurance from mc!!! But at the same time, he doesn't want to seem like the pathetic guy who constantly needs comfort (that sounds harsh, sorry). He wants to present himself as the confident guy that he is. So, Soonyoung would tend to keep quiet, or at least he won't verbalize his insecurities much. You can definitely see the hurt in his demeanor, especially the pout on his lips. His words always sound like he's second guessing himself, and he's hesitant with what he wants to say. But mc is the fiery type, so she has to coax him for a bit
I think their relationship would have been rocky in the beginning because mc isn't the most vocal about her feelings, and she doesn't reassure him that she loves him often. It's typically shown through her actions, but Soonyoung would still really appreciate the verbal validation. So it takes a bit of talking and a bit of practice before they can build it up to a healthier relationship
Of course that's all okay because couples do fight ! And each party will always have their insecurities ! It takes communication to make sure everyone is at the same level. Plus, since they've only ever been friends, they have to learn how to be lovers as well. It's not a quick or easy process. There are always bumps in the road when it comes to these two, but what's important is that they will continue to fight for their relationship at the end of the day
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woozi ยท 3 years
henlo non anonymous ๐ŸŒธ.anon jdjdjd. also before i forget, you can call me cherie if you wanna. (it's my nickname dhdjdj i realised i never told you my name ๐Ÿ’€)
naur djdjjekeke that ooh part always gets me ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ he's so jdjdjdkk. now that you mentioned it i feel like mentioning how the first thing which comes to my mind after thinking about rocket line is the moment during interview they thought they were gonna get hit w bricks ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ they're so djdjsk
THE HIGHLIGHT MEDLEY WAS SO GOOOD THE MV TEASERS WERE ABSOLUTELY BANGER im so impressed honestly! after bambam's svt's medley comes at 2nd, as my most favorite medley this year fr! </3 SONGS TOO ๐Ÿ˜ญ my ranking for now is crush, rock w you and pang/i can't run away are tied djjdjd I can't not choose pang it sounds so cute??? i hope dino is in there tho, i don't understand why he was not included. AND I CAN'T RUN AWAY?? WE'RE GETTING SINGER CHEOL??$+(#( IM SO EXCITED FOR IT ๐Ÿ˜ญ what about you?
the way i had to search for good 4 u because i didn't know which song you were talking about i have 0 knowledge abt olivia rodrigo's songs djjddkdk also not hannah montana ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
vocal unit's lyrics tho </3 these are some very sentimental mermans. i saw some tweets of the music show schedules idk how accurate it is but only title track is listed for now :< im really hoping they perform one bside at least. also speaking about performance, svt really gonna rock the big stages with this choreo. the bits only look so so good already ahhh
poor little woof woof hdjejejddk nooo. it's 1 a.m here rn djdj cannot wait to wake up to new era. usually it comes around at noon next day but tomorrow, it's probably gonna be out before i wake up hdjddjkd.
HELLOO??#?# the way i never ever connected these dots. like hao liking tea is not a new info but i didn't think about mbti at all djdjkkd thank you for this enlightening me <3 what would i do without you? mbtis(real) djdjdkdk
HAPPY CB DAY! (missing junhao so much <///3) hope you have the sexiest day tomorrow๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŽธ, yza :3 - ๐Ÿช‚
from now on i'm gonna end these with ๐ŸŒธ anon KJFDJKFDKJDFKJFD
it's always the first thing i think of when i get reminded of rocket ๐Ÿ˜ญ ALSO WHAT IS THAT AND WHY HAVE I NEVER HEARD OF IT?????????????????
OH MY GOD YOU DONT KNOW HOW I FEEL ABT U BRINGING UP BAM'S MEDLEY BC OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. that was the first time i've seen a kpop act do THAT MUCH for a medley and im so sad people slept on it ๐Ÿ˜ญ i love it SO so much it was so well produced and the tracks were also so good </3 OK BUT ONTO THE SVTEENIES!!!!!!!!!!1 they literally cannot flop huh <3 AND UR CHOICES <3 <3 <3 ur literally so sexy wtf <3 i actually can't rank the songs i love them all sm ๐Ÿ˜ญ ok but i thought i would like icra more and although ITS V GOOD dont get me wrong, it didnt quite live up to my expectations </3 PANG OH MY GODDDDD ON THE FUCKING OTHER HAND!!!!!!!!!!!1 is unexpectedly the track i've been listening to the most. i didn't think it'd slap as hard as it does. the FUCKING PRICKLY RAIN LINE TOOK ME OUT!!!!!!!!!! and since then i couldnt stop listening to it. AND IT'S A WIN FOR US DINO'S V E R Y THERE OH MY GODDDDDDDDDD. i feel like he's grown so much with this album </3 im SO SO SO psyched about him in pang though i hope they perform it </3 ur RIGHT ITS THE PUSSY PART!!! cant wait to see some balloon boys
the way u know absolutely NOTHING about olivia is so sexie to me <3 remain that way <3 JFDJKDFKJDJK (not that she's a bad artist, i just love how u don't feel the need to keep up w media <3)
THE SENTIMENTAL MERMEN ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ that made me laugh irl and it's already 1 am my parents are gonna scold me again fdjkdfjkfdj AND U ARE ONCE AGAIN SOOO RIGHT. rmb when boo and mg danced to it before it was released and people were like.... its so easy anyone can do it... IM SO GLAD COUPS CLAPPED BACK BC LOOK AT THIS SHIT??????????/ i'm just watching and i already feel TIRED as fuck how are they even singing. AND YEAH OMG that's one thing i'm anticipating too!! i hope they perform the other songs as well not just in the cb show :((
i just like making shit up and sometimes they make sense ngl <3 KJDFKJFDKJFDJK AND THE MBTI (REAL) SCREAMMMMMMMMMMM why are u lich rally so funny i love u sm ๐Ÿ˜ญ
HAPPY CB WEEK LOVE <3 <3 <3 sorry i got to this so late i felt like dying with uni work and i still am (only up til this fri tho bc after that i wont have classes for a week straight) <3 maybe that's why they're trying to kill us now JFDJKDFJK thank u for always wishing me well <3 i lov u, i want us both to eat well (idk why im quoting shit now but these tender lines remind me of u and ur vibe and also i just lov u <3)
- ๐ŸŒธ anon
0 notes
baekhvuns ยท 2 years
The most common avo types are Lula and Hass, the latter is better also depends on how ripe it is. It definitely taste grassy, but if you spice it up then ut can be good. Why am I giving you avo 101 lol
I'm kinda a hag, but I don't understand "fans" like this, they're embarrassing. Everyone can be a fan regardless of age and they should always be respectful. But if you're 25+ you should definitely know better. Also the younger ones, no school? Can just fly everywhere and show up at ass crack of dawn to take some photos???
Alright alright spoilers incoming. I don't know everything, but the first kid (a daughter) is with... Ranamun lol. But Latil didn't bond with her. Now she's pregnant again and people are like, is it Sonnaught's, is it Tasir's? Soooo essentially Mr Knight continued to be emotionally constipated then got broody and something happened to him once he killed some Angel that changed his demeanour? But then Latil told him she'd have sex with him if he promised to join the Harem, he agreed, they did the deed, but during the consort ceremony he was like "sorry, no" so he pretty much betrayed her, I hope the kid isn't his. ๐Ÿ”ช Tasir on the other hand, bestie if you wanna read something about him and Latil then I reccomend this excerpt ๐Ÿ‘€ and they're so cuuuute. I hate that they changed Flounder to Halibut in the eng webtoon. Also some new guys have joined the gang, but idc
RM x Mbappe saga felt never-ending, but oh well... I wonder who's winning 3rd place, I'll be busy though cause it's an early match
Omfg that's so cool, the mini disc?! You're right, Orbits are boycotting by not buying many albums, but I bet most will turn up to listen to the songs. Yikes? The girls look great in suits though ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Girl I work from home and basically have no neighbours at least not that I know of ahsgajsgajsgsb also don't want any bitches. The only neighbour I care about is a black cat who lives on the ground floor, I love him ๐Ÿ’– But I can be in an ETL with fictional Seonghwa, no problem. So the cousin is both ETL and workplace romance ๐Ÿ™‰
Hongjoong revisited his red hair, so blue Hong next plsssss.
Unfortunately people need to realise that the line distribution can't really be equal most of the time, it should be fair though. Or members should at least shine in other areas. Kpop stans lack common sense, what's new ๐Ÿ”ซ
When people say Seonghwa is the normal one, they clearly didn't see THAT edit lmao. There are so many song parallels between ATZ and DC, Deja Vu, Wonderland... both have interesting lore ๐Ÿ˜ญ and shared producers too. So sad Leez left Edenary though, he's good
The autotune in Paradigm killed me, once I heard Hwa I was like??? I saw a tweet that said "omfg, Hwa's range I never heard him sing like that!!!" bestie... that's Robo-Hwa lmao. The chorus is very messy, the instrumental is too loud. Yunho and San got good parts, it's a shame the whole song is weird as hell, but most people love it so ๐Ÿค hopefully the new one isn't such a mess...
Good question ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Personally bandaged Seonghwa awakened something in me, oiling sounds good even though I don't like the feeling of oil very much. I think I'll go with the bandage wrapper. I can oil his arms afterwards though
Lmao the red carpet looks are always boring black. But Ateez covering Shinhwa??? That wasn't on my bingo card :o DEMON KING HWA OPENING
SM is freeing EXO, finally! So happy for you and my Exo-l flatmate!
Vampire prince Seonghwa back at ittttttt. Baeks it's a sign, boxer Hwa actually needs to happen...... hear me out, their make up! And if we see it on Seonghwa then whatttt. Come on blue + gemstones would match so well with his icy hair. And the vooooooiceeeeeee. Also his fit reminds me of this white outfits PK performance - DV ๐Ÿ’–
The most common avo types are Lula and Hass, the latter is better also depends on how ripe it is. It definitely taste grassy, but if you spice it up then ut can be good. Why am I giving you avo 101 lol
AVO 101 GRKWHDKW LMFAOOO ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I would actually sign for this class <3 im assuming the midterm is on the nutritional benefits of avocados?? 25% of the grade? u bet ๐Ÿซก
I'm kinda a hag, but I don't understand "fans" like this, they're embarrassing. Everyone can be a fan regardless of age and they should always be respectful. But if you're 25+ you should definitely know better. Also the younger ones, no school? Can just fly everywhere and show up at ass crack of dawn to take some photos???
no yeah, like bro u donโ€™t got anything else to do? id be working and getting money not going on twt to go constantly shit on someone come on ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ exactly! be a respectful person regardless of ur age bc how hard is that, tbh whyโ€™s everyone so bitter after the rona ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคš๐Ÿผ NO SERIOUSLY GIRLIES UR 17YO FOLLOWING WHOLE ASS ADULT MEN LIKE UR GRADES??? EXAMS??? HELLO???
Alright alright spoilers incoming. I don't know everything, but the first kid (a daughter) is with... Ranamun lol. But Latil didn't bond with her. Now she's pregnant again and people are like, is it Sonnaught's, is it Tasir's? Soooo essentially Mr Knight continued to be emotionally constipated then got broody and something happened to him once he killed some Angel that changed his demeanour? But then Latil told him she'd have sex with him if he promised to join the Harem, he agreed, they did the deed, but during the consort ceremony he was like "sorry, no" so he pretty much betrayed her, I hope the kid isn't his. ๐Ÿ”ช Tasir on the other hand, bestie if you wanna read something about him and Latil then I reccomend this excerpt ๐Ÿ‘€ and they're so cuuuute. I hate that they changed Flounder to Halibut in the eng webtoon. Also some new guys have joined the gang, but idc
lookโ€ฆranamun was a underrated etl, idc he was just constantly jealous to the point their โ€˜smallโ€™ banter was >> im sorry a daughter w him.
when is sonnaughtโ€™s turn to be a dad. i need him to go at it NOT FUCK EVERYTHING UP WHAT IS HE DOING ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ why did he betray her, does he give a reasonable reason. bc then I will forgive him.
TASIR AND LATIL GETTING IT ONNNNN FUCK IT UP THQKDBQLDHQL new guys?? come on we couldnโ€™t get enough of these ones ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ does klein get a chance ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคš๐Ÿผ
RM x Mbappe saga felt never-ending, but oh well... I wonder who's winning 3rd place, I'll be busy though cause it's an early match //// Omfg that's so cool, the mini disc?! You're right, Orbits are boycotting by not buying many albums, but I bet most will turn up to listen to the songs. Yikes? The girls look great in suits though ๐Ÿ˜ญ
i do wonder too! moroccoโ€™s defense sent french to the hospital, what are they gonna do to croatia ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ modriฤ‡ vs hakimi phewww also brkwhd I think i cried laughing at this but richarlison got pele and neymar and his face tattooed on his back and ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ neymar sent him like 26k to get his face removed bc he didnโ€™t like it ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคš๐Ÿผ
THE MINI DISK IS GENIUS??? SMโ€™S ON ANOTHER LEVEL ??? no yeah ppl will def turn up for the videos bc they wanna see what their company did for sure, WOMEN IN SUITS >>>>
Girl I work from home and basically have no neighbours at least not that I know of ahsgajsgajsgsb also don't want any bitches. The only neighbour I care about is a black cat who lives on the ground floor, I love him ๐Ÿ’– But I can be in an ETL with fictional Seonghwa, no problem. So the cousin is both ETL and workplace romance ๐Ÿ™‰
see u work from home, and u donโ€™t go out often right how would u know if u donโ€™t have a very hot neighbour on ur floor ๐Ÿง๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ<3 bitchless for life anon ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ OMG NO WAY STOP IT CHECK WHOโ€™S PET THAT IS U NEVER KNOW FJWKVD. how we will live life atp with no one to experience this with
now, etl workplace with a mix of rivalry are u saying, ur cousin is really living the yn life, i bet they both attractive as hell too ๐Ÿ˜ญ STOP IT THIS IS MAKING ME SCREAM !!!!! EMQHDKQJCHAK
Tumblr media
Hongjoong revisited his red hair, so blue Hong next plsssss. //// Unfortunately people need to realise that the line distribution can't really be equal most of the time, it should be fair though. Or members should at least shine in other areas. Kpop stans lack common sense, what's new ๐Ÿ”ซ
IF HONGJOONG A MOOT HE NEEDS TO SEE THIS, the cerulean blue on him wowzie. yeah! a personโ€™s not only contributing just to the lyrics, thereโ€™s sets to the adlibs, harmonies and yeosangโ€™s deeper voice is def mixed and used for underlying harmonies! the contribution is equally done ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ like come on we donโ€™t know whatโ€™s happening back there + heโ€™s getting more lines now! AND I NEED IT TO STOP BC THAT DEEP VOICE OF HIS RHAKHEQKDJKWH I WILL PERISH
When people say Seonghwa is the normal one, they clearly didn't see THAT edit lmao. There are so many song parallels between ATZ and DC, Deja Vu, Wonderland... both have interesting lore ๐Ÿ˜ญ and shared producers too. So sad Leez left Edenary though, he's good
The autotune in Paradigm killed me, once I heard Hwa I was like??? I saw a tweet that said "omfg, Hwa's range I never heard him sing like that!!!" bestie... that's Robo-Hwa lmao. The chorus is very messy, the instrumental is too loud. Yunho and San got good parts, it's a shame the whole song is weird as hell, but most people love it so ๐Ÿค hopefully the new one isn't such a mess...
Good question ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Personally bandaged Seonghwa awakened something in me, oiling sounds good even though I don't like the feeling of oil very much. I think I'll go with the bandage wrapper. I can oil his arms afterwards though
this entire passage i agree with, unfortunately this one didnโ€™t hit, the autotune excuse getโ€™s overshadowed by โ€œthey sing it live and they sound better like this!โ€ idc ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ if i donโ€™t like the song i donโ€™t think itโ€™ll make a different if itโ€™s live or not bc the background instrumental is still the same! just didnโ€™t hit as much for me for the points u mentioned above, the beat drop is messy- bc their vocals harmonize so prettily but the drop is just going ๐Ÿ“‰๐Ÿ“‰๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“‰๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“‰๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“‰๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“‰ i think ateez need to bring back some dazzling light type of songs, it was pretty and the beat HIT along with the vocals,, BANDAGING SOUNDS BETTER NGL THE OIL WOULD JUST FEEL WEIRD TO PUT ON BC ITS STICKY ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ and then the smell stays on the entire day fhwkdh
Lmao the red carpet looks are always boring black. But Ateez covering Shinhwa??? That wasn't on my bingo card :o DEMON KING HWA OPENING ////// SM is freeing EXO, finally! So happy for you and my Exo-l flatmate!
THEIR LOOKS. SEONGHWAS HAIR. SEONGHWA CULLEN. this is the king hwa anon, im about to start writing
sm letting exo breathe ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ THE WAY WE BEEN THRU SO MUCH AND THEY SAY THAT FUCKASS WE ARE ONE SLOGAN ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญCOMEBACK COMING ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคš๐Ÿผ BAEKHYUN RETURNING IN 49 DAYS IM GEQKHDWK READY TO FIGHT FOR THE TICKETS a very slutty santa for the good return of baekhyun bc that means taeminโ€™s coming too
Vampire prince Seonghwa back at ittttttt. Baeks it's a sign, boxer Hwa actually needs to happen...... hear me out, their make up! And if we see it on Seonghwa then whatttt. Come on blue + gemstones would match so well with his icy hair. And the vooooooiceeeeeee. Also his fit reminds me of this white outfits PK performance - DV ๐Ÿ’–
hear me out. if i writer boxer hwa next instead of the series what do u prefer fbwndb bc a ballerina reader x a boxer ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ pretty promising if u ask me <33 STOP THEY LOOK SO GOOD, THE WHOLE ICE PRINCE THING WOULD FIT HWA WITH THE HAIRSTYLE HE HAD AT THE SBS WITH BLUR RHINESTONES ON HIS FACE STOP IT, WE NEED A PHOTOSHOOT RIGHT NOW
omg he was actually so fire here i canโ€™t believe i never looked at him twice ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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