#I'm so fucking tired of never being good enough for people for FUCK SAKE I'M TRYING AND I'M BURNING MYSELF OUT DOING SO
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amischiefofmuses · 3 months ago
#rant cw#mental health cw#negativity cw#I literally just need to scream somewhere so please feel free to ignore this - I'll be fine#I'm so tired of working my ass off so my family don't get angry at me while I'm staying with them (I'm still sofa surfing unfortunately)#All while I'm dealing with all my mental illnesses RAW because I'm still waiting on a therapist#only to have family members act like I'M the lazy one or imply I only do half jobs#got back home 20 minutes before they arrived back and I'd already:#moved the sofa beds - put the bedsheets away - moved their chairs back to their desks - made some tea and my sisters hot water bottle#got my nephews drink and his tablet - empty my sister's ashtray - I HADN'T EVEN EATEN ANYTHING YET AND IT WAS LIKE 4PM#and what I get is my sister using the phrase 'don't pull a mags' when my mum only half-did a job after dinner#keep in mind this is the same woman (my sister) who refuses to do washing up 'because of her nails'#but at the same time god forbid I freak out WHILE STILL DOING THE JOBS I'M ASKED TO because of sensory issues - then I'm overreacting#GOD FORBID I STRUGGLE AND STILL DO THE THING#I'm so fucking tired of never being good enough for people for FUCK SAKE I'M TRYING AND I'M BURNING MYSELF OUT DOING SO#I need to get out of this fucking situation this year I s2g#I'm so fucking tired -#I know it was a small comment from her this time but it felt like a punch to the chest because I'm TRYING SO HARD#maybe I'm being stupid and overreacting but feelings are stupid sometimes ig- idk man#ooc || the birb speaks
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berryz-writes · 10 months ago
Perfectly serious
Summary: Matheo's jealousy and want for you increases after seeing you with Theo to the point where he finally/kind of confesses
Matheo Riddle x reader
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His arm wrapped around my waist, bringing me even closer to him. "Come on, let's get you to bed" Theo murmured. I looked up at him confused "I'm not drunk". My head might feel light and I might feel extremely happy and sad at the same time but I was most definitely not drunk.
"Yes you are" He took my hand and led me away from the groups of people dancing together, taking his time to weave us in and around the drinks being passed around. Everyone gave me a smile as I left, Pansy giving me a wink as we passed "I bet he fucks good. Have fun babe!" She said, her words slurring slightly, her voice loud enough for Theo to hear. Maybe if he heard it he would act on it. I wouldn't mind getting in bed with him.
We soon reached my room, the music faded to a low sound coming from below us and the lights softer than the harsh party lights of before.
"Well...night y/n" Theo said.
"You know" I started, my voice low and sultry. "I wouldn't mind if you joined me, made things more interesting. Hm?" I tilted my head waiting for his answer, his eyes searching my face. For what I didn't know.
He gave me a soft smile "Your drunk. And when drunk, your ideas aren't really your own. So as much as I'd like to follow through with your idea, it's best you get some sleep"
I rolled my eyes at him being who he always was. I wished for once he would push the boundaries. "Fine. Night Theo"
"Sweet dreams" He dropped my hand and waited for me to close the door. I could hear his receding footsteps, probably to go up to his own dorm. I was relieved in a way. Maybe I wasn't actually ready to fuck him and it was just the alcohol making me want something more. We were good friends. I didn't want to ruin that for something that I didn't really want. Chocolate brown eyes crossed my mind. Curly hair that would feel so nice running my hands through-. Something that would never happen.
*Potions the next day*
"I didn't see you yesterday" I said to Matheo referring to the party yesterday. Stirring in the crushed up leaves into the steaming potion, I turned to look at him, his eyes were icy and cold as if I had done some personal wrong against him.
"Of course you didn't. You were too busy trying to estimate your chances with Theo. Heads up, princess. He has higher standards"
I ignored the nickname that would usually make me swoon and instead my mouth opened in shock. How fucking rude of him. Was he ok?
"Are you being serious right now?" I stopped stirring the potion and crossed my arms. I could take a joke but come on. He had taken it too far.
"Perfectly serious. Why? Did you think I was nice?" He stood up to tower over me, his minty scent washing over me. His chocolate brown eyes were like daggers into my soul. It hurt knowing someone I was good friends with could switch up so fast.
"No actually, I didn't. Your just like everyone says you are. You get with a girl for your own pleasure, lead her on and then leave her with a broken heart. Your a rude fucking asshole and nothing more"
His jaw clenched at what I said, waiting for me to say anything else. I didn't actually mean it but I would never let anyone disrespect me and not expect anything back.
I realised soon how close we were. If only he were to move slightly closer, I could have tipped my head upwards and kissed him. The fact that I was thinking about that even though he had insulted me was annoying for me. I shouldn't still like him. Not anymore.
"You really mean that?" His voice came out soft, his jaw no longer clenched. As if he understood what I had said. I hesitated. Of course I didn't. How could I? I liked him for fucks sake.
I sighed "I don't know"
He sat back down as if he were tired of our argument. As if he didn't want to argue with me.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said-"
"Let's just forget about it. Ok?" I didn't want to argue either. Maybe he was angry and took it out on me. Fine. I would give him a pass just this once seen as though we were such good friends. (If only we were more than that)
He nodded his head and we worked in silence for the next few minutes. Until he cleared his throat and looked toward me again "Listen y/n. I don't want us to ruin our...friendship for something I've said so let me treat you. Will you be free to come to the diner at eight?"
I paused and raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly "Are you asking me on a date or just as friends?" Confident of me to ask but I wanted to know where we stood.
After a pause he replied with "I'd be happy with either, as long as it's with you"
I thought about my next question "And if I want it to be a date?" I asked quietly.
He smiled "I was hoping you'd say that, princess"
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magicalqueennightmare · 1 year ago
The Originals
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(Eventual) Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Rebekah takes you to meet her brothers
This was insane, you were actively avoiding going to the place you could call your own. You were back to crashing in hotels and the nearest couch or your nova. Why, one may ask? You weren't trying to avoid Rebekah, technically.
You'd answer her calls and even her texts. If you were being honest the two of you had actually developed a pretty good friendship since you met. She wasn't the problem. The problem was your vampiric friend wanted you to meet her family. Rebekah was one thing, while you knew she was dangerous she'd never made a move against you and had never even asked to be invited into your home. 
Her brothers on the other hand? She'd told you stories about them. Klaus was a hybrid, vampire and werewolf. He had also daggered her numerous times for going against his wishes. What if he decided to simply kill you then dagger her until she got over it? Against any other vamp you'd bet on yourself but an original? And a hybrid at that? Yeah you were scared. As for Elijah she'd said he was calmer than Klaus on most things but that his beast was just better hidden beneath tailored suits and a charming smile. Kol was a wild card, Rebekah had said even she had a hard time reading his temperament at any given moment. 
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So your plan was to stay away from New Orleans for a few weeks. Who knows, maybe you were just a new shiny toy and she'd get tired of you? Unfortunately you hadn't planned on Garth calling you to take care of a ghoul problem in Chalmette which was about twenty minutes outside of New Orleans. 
Which meant you were now heading on the road to Chalmette in hopes to take care of the problem before Rebekah realized you were nearby again. 
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You walked slowly into the door of your apartment. You were sore as hell and your torso was bruised but all in all you'd fared well going against a pack of ghouls solo. You'd never heard Garth curse before you called to tell him that it had indeed been a pack, not a couple of ghouls. He'd apologized profusely but you'd told him it wasn't a big deal, you'd made it through just fine. Kyle was now black listed from hunting for failure to give accurate information but that was well deserved.
Being hurt meant you had no choice but to go home. No hotel would be comfortable enough. You dropped your bags next to the door and locked it. A hot shower was due then you wanted to crash for a few hours.
You had just laid across your bed when your phone rang. You snatched it off the nightstand and glanced at the screen, Rebekah. “Hello?” You laid back amongst the pillows as her voice hit your ears “Are you back in town yet?” You nodded and then said “Yeah, just got back but I'm crashing for the next however many hours I can manage” “What was it?” She asked “Pack of ghouls” “Savage little creatures aren't they? I'll leave you to rest but I'm coming by tomorrow. We're going shopping then you're coming by my place with me” 
“Rebekah..” you tried but she cut you off “They'll be on their best behavior, I promise. Bring weapons if you need to feel safer” you let out a breath then said “Ok. Just make it later tomorrow so I can sleep in?” “Of course” with that she hung up so you plugged your phone in and was asleep almost time your head hit the pillow.
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You walked behind Rebekah feeling the nerves roll through your stomach as you looked around at the house. It was in the center of the french quarter and nothing short of elegant. It had a fucking courtyard for Christ's sake. Now you were feeling twice as out of place as you did before. Not only were you a human and a hunter walking into the home of the Original vampires but you were poor too. Hunting wasn't exactly lucrative, you got by on a card that was attached to a bank account in Sweden that a friend had set up by removing money from some very bad people. 
She looked back at you and smiled “Come on now, don't lurk in the doorways. Klaus enjoys doing that enough for all of us” you plastered a small smile onto your face all the time wondering what the hell were you doing.
She led the way into the sitting room. You swallowed down the nerves in your stomach to see only one man inside. At least it was just one of her brothers? 
He glanced up when the two of you walked in but did a double take when he noticed you “Sister, what have you dragged home?” You spun towards him at that comment “Excuse me?” 
You saw the hint of a smile pulling at his lips “Oh I like this one” Rebekah laughed lightly “Easy Kol. She may hurt you human or not” he eyed you for a moment then nodded and offered his hand  “Nice to meet you”  you shook his hand “I'd like to say the same but we'll see won't we?” a laugh escaped him at that “I see why you like her. Klaus and Elijah should be back anytime. Let's see how they like your little hunter” 
He left the room after that something about having a date so you turned to look at Rebekah “If your brothers kill me I'm going to find a way to haunt you the rest of your life and considering you're a vampire that's a very long time” she laughed lightly “I promise I'll make sure you have a way to haunt me” “Not very promising there Rebekah”
You heard a man's voice calling her name and felt the tattoo on your shoulder twitch. The two men that walked into the room were nothing short of gorgeous. 
One had lighter colored hair, cut short that was almost curly in places. He was wearing jeans and a henley with blue eyes watching your every movement. You'd be willing to bet money on that one being Klaus. 
That meant the other was one Elijah. He had darker hair, styled perfectly. He was wearing a suit that was obviously made for him and hugged his shoulders deliciously. Brown eyes held your gaze. 
“Rebekah?” You spoke after a moment looking over at her. She smiled then did the introductions between all of you. 
“So this is the hunter you've been spending time with” Klaus acknowledged walking over to where you stood. Your mind was screaming to step back, give room between yourself and this man. The hybrid. You knew though that space wouldn't do any good if he meant you harm and besides if he chose to kill you, the last thing you did would not be to cower. He stared you down for a moment and you felt the urge to drop your gaze, to show some kind of submission but you refused to give in to it. Even if it caused a throbbing just behind your eyes. 
After a moment a smile split his face “Oh she is something indeed isn't she?” He looked amused and that was when it hit you, the urge to submit. He'd been trying to compel you and you hadn't given in. The surprising part was his amusement at that fact. 
He stepped aside and that was when you realized Elijah's eyes were now focused on you. You fought the urge to squirm under his attention. He was absolutely gorgeous, a sculpted jawline and a smile that flickered to his lips with a capability to make the strongest knees go weak. Damn, were you attracted to a vampire? To Rebekah's oldest brother at that? 
He studied you much the same way Kol and Klaus had. “Must be strong magic infused in that tattoo of yours if Niklaus failed to compel you” you shrugged “My line of work I can't exactly leave my neck open as an appetizer. I have an anti possession tattoo as well along with a few others that give me some protection from different odds and ends of the supernatural world” 
He nodded slowly “I must say my sister has the strangest taste in companions” without much thought process you did the thing you always did which was to allow yourself to be as surprised at what came out of your mouth as everyone else around you was “Well I mean with brothers like the lot of you she needs a different flavor of crazy every now and then as a break” 
Klaus and Rebekah exchanged a look out of the corner of your eye as all three vampires went still before laughter broke out of them all “She does fit in well doesn't she?” Elijah asked Rebekah then turned to you “You're welcome in our home and you have my word no harm will fall to you inside these walls” you smiled “Thank you” he nodded then looked at Klaus “Come Niklaus we still have business to attend to” 
Before he left Elijah shook your hand “Pleasure to meet you” you watched him walk out along with Klaus and felt Rebekah at your side before she whispered “Please tell me you're not checking my brother out” You cut your eyes at her “I wasn't” she raised an eyebrow “For a hunter you're a terrible liar at times” you shook your head then motioned around “Well show me around the place!” 
Governor's Ball
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mins-fins · 8 months ago
feel like a fool
&&. na jaemin hates strawberries, but maybe he'll deal with them for the sake of a cute guy.
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pairing: na jaemin x m!reader
genre: fluffffffff
warnings: na jaemin vs strawberries
word count: 0.8k
notes: hiiiii.. i didnt mean to not update in a while its just the summer depression is HITTING and now im sort of kind of becoming a workaholic.. also im finalizing moving out… and getting ready for classes starting in a few weeks, life is in shambles, illuminati is confirmed 😭😭 anyway, this was for an idea for an smau, but i'm never making another one of those until im in a good mental headspace for it!! so take… jaemin 😇
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na jaemin's eye couldn't have twitched enough in these past few minutes.
someone is baking.
and usually that wouldn't be a problem, jaemin doesn't care about what his neighbors do. he usually doesn't mind if people bake, or party, or blast loud music in the wee hours of the night.
but he's pissed right now.
because wafting through the walls is the smell of artificial strawberry flavoring. strawberries. good fucking lord. the smell wouldn't be that irritating if jaemin wasn't already pissed enough because of donghyuck's natural sense of.. well, being annoying.
he tried to keep himself calm, spend time playing with the babies and cleaning things which don't need cleaning before plopping onto his bed to stare at the ceiling for hours on end.
oh fuck this cheap apartment for having thin walls, because not only does jaemin have to lay here and take the flavoring of strawberries assaulting his ears, no! he also has to listen to the inhabitants of the other apartment get it on. lord they seem to do that a lot, are they never tired?
maybe the strawberries are the least of his problems tonight, but they still are a problem.
"who even bakes with strawberries at.." he feels around his bedside table for his phone, listening to the silent meows of his babies as he tries to figure out the time. "three in the morning?"
a frown tugs at his lips, it's so early and he can't sleep. lucy is the only one of the babies that is asleep, luna and luke are attempting to wrestle each other.
he chuckles at the display before almost startling when his doorbell rings, falling backward. oh he really needs to work on that.
jaemin rises from his place on his bed to shuffle over to his door, still irritated by the smell of artificial strawberries. he's ready to give the person who rang his doorbell a piece of his mind, mustering up a scolding for the inevitable culprit, the smell of strawberries simply getting stronger as he nears his door.
he swings open the door with a rough vigor he definitely plans to use when giving the person a piece of his mind; "do you usually ring people's doorbells at three am—"
but then he pauses when he sees whose at his door.
it's his neighbor. jaemin doesn't know your name, but that doesn't really matter in the current situation. jaemin can't help but think you're adorable, there's an insanely cute guy at his doorstep, he's pretty much won the lottery.
except then he grimaces.
the smell of strawberries fill the air, you're holding a container with strawberry shortcake in it. "oh, hi.. you".
you clear your throat, glancing down at the cake you baked. "hi i um— i baked all of this but i made too much so now i'm going around to see if anyone wants it but the last guy opened the door with a gun soooooo i didn't want take my chances with him.."
jaemin blinks, then laughs at the amusing display. you stare for a moment, still waiting for an answer to your question. "the guy in 164 pulled a gun out on you?"
"i'm pretty sure he was asleep".
you frown, and jaemin laughs again, not at your misery, but simply the delivery. who knew you could look so sad while presenting such humor?
"do you want some strawberry shortcake?" you mutter, extending the container forward, and jaemin steps backward, grimacing.
he glances at you, and you patiently wait for his response, smile stuck to your face. there's no reason for you to look so cute while doing literally nothing!
but jaemin guesses that sometimes things just happen in that way.
"if you don't want any it's okay i can just go ask the old couple down the hall—"
"it's okay".
"oh really?"
"yeah yeah it's fine" jaemin takes the container from you, noise again scrunching at the smell of strawberries in the air. "you always bake early in the morning?"
"i never sleep, but it always tires me out enough so it became a little routine of mine.."
jaemin lets a small 'ah' escape his lips. "well thank you for the strawberry shortcake.. uh.."
so that's your name. "y/n, thank you".
"no problem, please don't tell me if it's awful though because i'll cry".
you laugh at your own choice of words, which amuses jaemin again, because he has to stifle his own laughter. "i'll only leave good reviews, swear".
"you better" you raise an eyebrow as a way to appear threatening. "sorry for interrupting your night, also your cat is super cute".
jaemin looks to where your pointing, catching sight of luna hiding behind his legs. "oh.. thank you, good night".
you coo at the sight of the cat, but not for long, you also bid your own good night and go back to your unit.
now jaemin doesn't exactly know why he decided to agree to taking the cake in the first place. he went an hour long mental tirade on why he couldn't stand the irritating smell of strawberries in the apartment.
well.. maybe they're not so much of an issue now. the baker is cute, he can let the strawberries stick around.
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glowingbadger · 9 months ago
YES A FELLOW GALE LOVER! i can't resist those big brown eyes.
F, K, W for Mr. Gale bg3?
I love our beautiful dork of a mage!!! Also I got another request for Gale but the only difference in letters was that they requested D as well, so I'll just put all of those in this post.
Also, writing for BG3 characters is so weird because there's like... actual, canon information about their sex lives? Like, I'm so used to taking what's in canon and extrapolating what sex with a character might be like in a purely hypothetical sense, but with BG3 it's like... I have actually fucked Gale. I was there, it was awesome.
Alphabet prompts - Gale (BG3)
D (dirty secret), F (favorite position), K (kink), W (wild card)
NSFW 18+
Dirty secret: Over the years, Gale has maintained something of a preoccupation with envisioning all of the erotic potential in magic, to the point that he has a mental (maybe physical too) list of spells he wants to experiment with sexually. From the more obvious, like utilizing illusions to create more stimulating visuals, or Mage Hand to add to how he's able to touch you, to the somewhat creative, like the myriad uses of Alter Self, all the way to more eclectic options, like utilizing Web or Shape Stone for bondage purposes, or... with a HUGE amount of focus applied to doing so safely without harming you... some experimentation with Evard's Black Tentacles. With time and trust, he may even be willing to delve into mind affects like Dominate Person, if you request it. Needless to say, he's imagined it all.
Favorite position: Leaving aside whatever position one would consider "melding consciousnesses in the weave," to be- even while being intimate in a more traditionally "physical" way, Gale prefers to feel as much of your body against his as possible. He wants to be positively tangled in you, immersed in your touch, your scent, every amount of you he can feel and cherish. This means he's happy with missionary, with spooning you, with fucking you deep and steady from behind while pressing his body against yours on the bed- anything so long as he can hold you close and feel as intimately connected to you as possible.
Kink: I suppose we've already discussed extensively what might be considered a "magic kink" of sorts- but other than this, it absolutely has to be a praise kink. Telling Gale in no uncertain terms exactly how good he makes you feel and how dearly you adore him will have his cock throbbing hard and his pulse pounding, desperate to truly earn such praise and show you how eager he is to live up to it. That said, he will absolutely give as much as he receives; Gale can't tell you enough how breathtaking you are and how he'd give anything to hear you cry out his name each and every night. His silver tongue will never get tired- no matter how it's put to use.
Wild card: Listen. Maybe this isn't much of a headcanon, since his "flirting by asking you if you've ever read books where the heat of battle makes people horny" moment in act 2 basically implies this as canon- but Gale is a regular smut connoisseur. He's the type to get extremely invested and rather snobbish about it as well- my guy has got some hot takes. He's picky about the tone, quality and realism (for the sake of immersion, of course, he's not so boorish as to insist on realism at the detriment of artistry), but when it lands, he'll read with rapt attention, finding himself incredibly attached to the characters, their dynamic, the romance of it all. It only makes him long for you more desperately; yours is a love that would shame any prose or poetry, after all.
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azurlily · 1 year ago
Dont ask where this came from, but I was tired and came across a tumblr post abt means lesbians. My first thought was, mean lesbian gf smut???." So now you get: Mean Lesbian NSFW!
She's a bit of a yandere, but that's okay we love her anyways.
TW: The three G's. Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss!
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Mean Lesbian
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[ML stands for Mean Lesbian, I dont have a name for this character yet.]
The whole Mean lesbian stereotype never fit in my eyes, I mean becoming nice for the sake of your girlfriend? Yeah no, how about making your girlfriend worse than you, for the sake of yourself? That's right up my alley, but when you like a girl that's as sweet as apple pie...it takes time to get her to your pace.
"All I'm saying is that she deserved it, I don't care if people think I'm doing it because I like her. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. She was flirting with you."
Very recently a bunch of nude pictures of some random girl had gotten out around school. The culprit being none other than ML, she'd been out snd proud about it. Knowing damn well no one could, nor would do shit. Her daddy has money, her moms a lawyer, how are you meant to fight someone like that?
You aren't, and that's the point. No on is meant to be able to fight someone with power like that. So no one does, and ML likes it that way. No matter how much her sweetheart disagrees.
Quiet whimpers and soft sighs bang around the room, while ML was having her little monologue her girlfriend was in a sticky situation.
On her knees, head laying against ML's thighs, a thick ball gag in her mouth, and pink silk adorning her skin. Soft cries attempt to leave the girls mouth, although it's all in vain. ML runs her hand through the girls hair, and dark smirk on her face.
"Oh pretty girl, my baby girl. You look beautiful you know, you look like a piece of art. Ready to be torn in two, just for me..."
Fake innocence runs thickly in her voice, she wants you to think she pitys you. She wants your dumb brain to think she cares,(which she does) think she loves your weak, useless body.
ML's hand grab at your body, slowly pulling you up on the bed. She's picked up heavier girls than you, she used to be a cheerleader and then she didn't even enjoy picking them up. She gently sets you up, just on her lap. Soft hands running up and down your back, up and down your ass.
Her face is bright red, while ML has had plenty of girls in her bed before, you're her favorite. Which is exactly why she made you her public girlfriend a while ago. Well, you don't know you're her girlfriend, but everyone else does. That's good enough for her!
You feel two long fingers press against your entrance, her long slender fingers scoop up some of your slick. She puts the two fingers in her mouth and sucks on them. She continues this activity by rubbing you with her fingers, giving you just the tiniest sparks of pleasure. Then taking it all away as she tastes you.
You whine louder and louder, you like foreplay but this was too much. You'd pass out before even getting to actually cum as this rate! You whine and attempt to move around, quickly remembering how she has you tied up.
Your arms tied behind your back, your feet tied but not your legs. She wants easy access, one of the rops running down your back onto your ass. And tightly around your chest. ML mentally praises herself for such amazing work.
ML hears your whines and sees your breaking point arising.
"Oh, I know baby, you wanna cum so badly! So let's make a game out of this, I'm going to take that pretty gag off and ask you a few questions. For everyone you get right; I fuck you more. For every wrong answer; I spank you. Seem fair?"
ML didn't wait for you to nod your head, she took the gag off and asked the first question:
"Am I better at fucking you than your exes?"
You feel two long finger slide inside of you, while her other hand is on your ass. She's just waiting for a wrong answer, or maybe she's waiting to reward you...
"Y-yes you're better than them!"
You answered as honestly as possible, and you were greatly rewarded for it. You feel her fingers pump in and out of you, you whine loudly as moves them through you at a painstaking slow pace. She slows even more as she asks the second question:
"Good answer. Second question is easy: would you ever cheat on me...or have you?"
Cheat? You two aren't even dating, right? Right? You ponder for a second too long and a sharp hand slams down on your ass. Your cry out, but it doesn't matter and she does it once more. After the second time she stops, you don't dare move or speak for that matter. Her fingers stop and you almost cry at the loss, you dont though because you know what would happen.
"You took too long to answer, I'm talking it as a yes. And because of that I'll be asking something different for my third question. Were you actually flirting with that girl, hm? Or did I just take it the wrong way and...accidentally ruin her reputation?"
There wasn't any anger in her voice, quote the opposite, she was happy and you knew damn why. You've seen how obsessed she gets over someone, you're the example after all. The worst part is that you hated that girl, that's exactly why you were in fact flirting with her. You knew exactly what she would do, and you loved it.
"I- I was flirting with her, why are you jealous? Green isn't a good color on you-"
She gently flicks you on the back of your head, you don't need to look up to know the look on her face. Angry with a hint if pride.
"Hm, wrong answer."
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bnuuwitch · 1 month ago
it just so happens that today, I was feeling angry and upset at myself, at life, at mom for not giving me an ounce of freedom, not even letting me do a summer research program, and when I got home and was still angry, (I still am; full of rage and poison and ugly cruelty like strings and snakes coiled around my gut and ribcage and heart like a vice, restricting my breathing, making me nauseous) I got yelled at over and over for being angry. Told that I was an ungrateful child and I have no right to be angry, to be upset.
Says who? Says fucking who? Will I be morally upstanding, mother, by putting my heart in a box? Will I be on the right side of history, mother, by keeping my anger and sadness in check simply because other people have it worse?
It's not fair. Fuck, it's not fair.
I obey your every command, mother. Like a machine, albeit a little slow. I grew up, busting my ass since I was 10 to be your perfect little girl - pretty, smart and sociable. Always at the top of my class, with a fervor to be a doctor, how funny is that?
When you displayed scorn to my friends, demanded that I stay home, I obeyed. When all my friends went to [REDACTED]'s basketball games to show support, I stayed home and studied, or tended to housework as you saw fit. When my friends went to Burger King or to Starbucks or that one local pizza place that I haven't even tried yet, insisting that I go with them, I stayed in the cafeteria, all alone and trying my best not to cry, because you told me to. Because you put your trust in me to obey, and I honored that.
Mother, it seems that all I do is obey. Through obedience I learned my life skills, how incompetent I seem to be otherwise. You left me under Father's care for two weeks, and I tended to the household in your absence. You're a housewife, so it's easy for you to yell at me when my cooking and cleaning and laundry isn't done first, when it's a bit subpar, but I am a student. I'm building my career, but you've lived your life.
I have all the responsibilities of a young adult woman, yet none of the freedom. In all honesty, mom, what the fuck do you think I'm going to do if, GOD FORBID, I go out with my friends, huh? Do drugs? Do something forbidden? Do you not trust your own parenting?
For fuck's sake, for GOD'S FUCKING SAKE, "rebellion" for me was going to a goddamn Panera. Fucking. Panera. A cafe, a restaurant at best, to have soup with my friends and relax. That's "rebelling" to me.
I went to Panera in secret and started hyperventilating at the table because of the worry that you were going to call. I went home on my own promptly after - good thing I did. You video called immediately. Never doing that shit again. Breaking your trust felt like a tapeworm in my gut. Never again.
I'm so tired of this, mom. I've done everything right but bending over backwards isn't even enough for you. Do you think so little of me? Why do you feel the need to do this?
Then again, I'm making a big deal out of nothing. Plenty of people have strict parents. You were worse with my sisters. They went through the same, if not worse. I've no right to complain.
I don't deserve the things I have in life. I'm not owed anything. All that I have, from the food that I eat to the clothes on my back to the fact that I can go to school in peace are priviledges, granted by the fortunate circumstances of my birth.
But something a little nicer, a little kinder than this would be nice, y'know?
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ask-postcrash-curly · 2 months ago
Oh, my dear... Kind Words.
I know you're tired. I know.
It's okay. Everything will be okay. And I am not going anywhere, anytime soon. I'm right here, and I will always be right here if ever you should need me. I promise you. Every step of the way. So do not apologize to me for speaking your mind - I am grateful you feel able to share your truths with me the way you have.
But I am... sorry. For how you feel about yourself. For everyone that has misguided you, and made you feel that you did not have a right to your boundaries or your emotions. You do. Being successful or well liked... it doesn't negate that. A promise to a friend does not negate that. In fact, a good friend would encourage it - not demand that you flatten yourself out for their sake. But I digress. I know you are tired.
Truthfully, I have tired myself out... trying to convince you. Watching everyone else try to convince you, too. It hurts to see you tear yourself apart so. But I am all too familiar with how deeply embedded... I can only hope to love you enough to try and make up for a lifetime of lack.
You think you are not capable of helping anyone, my darling, but that could not be further from the truth. You have helped me, every time you speak to me. That counts for something, doesn't it? Don't I matter as well? To you? I have been... alone. Very much so, for the first time in my life, recently. At times it is peaceful. Just me and the sweet birds and rye breads. But other times it can be... very lonely. My home. My cup of tea. Both so achingly empty.
... Until I heard your voice. In my head, too. Mutual balms for loneliness. Perhaps that is selfish of me? I am sure there must be others who feel the same way, though.
Whatever this odd, circumstancial "connection" here is between us - between all of us - I could not be more grateful that it was you that the universe chose. My Grant Curly. I could not have asked to want to know anyone else. If I could hold you in my arms without pain, without fear, I would never let you go. How I wish I could...
Everything will be okay, sweet pea. Regardless of whether or not you feel you are a bad man. Or a lost cause. Or small, and weak, and helpless. (You are none of these things.) Regardless. Regardless. I am here. And I love you, my dear. I do.
And... you can still call me "Mum." If you'd like to. I would be... very happy to hear that again.
[ https://open.spotify.com/track/2KfXijP1BSLYFh00Q7uVuv?si=8kMQSPVSThyWttYvgfFOaQ ]
Hey again. Good to hear from you.
Thank you. That— that means a lot. I really am grateful for you.
I don't... I don't understand how it can be fair for me to do that. I can't let my own issues get in the way of what I have to do. That's how I ended up here, yeah? ...I am, yeah. You don't know what I'd give for a few uninterrupted hours of sleep.
Oh. Hey, hey, you don't have to keep trying to convince me if I'm tiring you out. You're doing enough. I... I wouldn't say I've had a life lacking love. Got a loving family, loving friends. Though—to tell you the truth, sometimes I think that maybe the person they said they loved didn't really exist. Just who they thought I was. I don't know. I keep thinking. If Jim really was— you know— to me— if it really has been that obvious, then— Then why didn't anyone tell me? If they knew me, really knew me, why didn't anyone ever notice me falling apart or notice how he talked to me and—? That's— I'm... I'm starting to believe it was bad. Not as much as some of you have said, but... bad. But that means no one cared enough to do anything about it— or no one cared about me enough to notice. Fuck, I'm sorry, I don't mean to get all depressing.
Have I? Really? Wow. I didn't know... Of course you matter. I— I'm glad I could help somehow.
No. Not selfish. Like you said, it's... mutual. Comfort and be comforted. It's a nice arrangement. Being alone all the time is awful, but if there are so many lonely people in the world, no reason why we shouldn't find solace in each other, yeah?
And I'm grateful to have you. I— I wish for that too. Just the thought of being held and safe... Hah. Makes you want to forget you're a grown man. Touch that's nice. A real hug— being held. That sounds pretty brilliant. Thank you.
I'd really like to believe that. I really, really would. I'll try to. God, I wish I could have you here in person, as awful as that is. Thank you so much for being here for me. Love you too.
Hah. Okay. You do know I have a mother on Earth? Heheh. I think she'd like you... Mum.
I like the song. Thank you again.
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avelera · 2 years ago
I'm genuinely curious why a Lucifer!Crowley fan theory drove you up the wall? I mostly want him to be a nobody just bc I'm tired of "oOoOh the nobody is actually Somebody!!" twists, but I saw a meta yesterday that had me at least considering Crowley might be Lucifer 🤔😆
That particular theory drove me up the wall because it proliferated despite both Word of God evidence AND in-story evidence that was flat out against it. I’m all for fun headcanons but I’m just enough of a pedant that it sets my teeth on edge when a headcanon is contradicted by both the text AND the author.
- Neil flat out said that Lucifer and Satan are not separate people in the Good Omens universe. So the theory was already dead before he killed it again with this new ask.
- Crowley refers to Lucifer as a separate person. He’s not referring to himself or as being one of the “guys”, in context he’s clearly talking about a separate group and it’s needless conspiracy mongering to try to twist those words. The context was incredibly clear and it required willful blindness or perhaps unfamiliarity with English as a native language and its accompany tone to think Crowley was including himself in the group or referring to another person calling HIM Lucifer. He was clearly saying Lucifer is over THERE with the guys and I’m walking by them and then joining their table because I’m bored. Ergo he’s not Lucifer.
- Satan is a character in Good Omens! He was Adam’s father! He appeared on screen! He was voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch! I’d understand the theory if we never saw Satan or Satan’s identity and whereabouts were a mystery but they’re NOT. Crowley is not Satan! We’d know if he was Satan! We saw Satan! It was a whole big thing, the climax of Season 1! I get it if most GO fans care more about Crowley than Adam but it definitely happened in the text and on screen!
- And since Satan and Lucifer are THE SAME PERSON as is the case in the MOST popular perceptions of Satan and Lucifer if you don’t delve into truly obscure angelic and religious apocrypha, that means he’s a separate character from Crowley!
Like I get it, it’s a fun theory and a great premise for a fanfic that’s focused on Crowley but my god, this theory COULD NOT be more contradicted in the text in every which way. The conspiracy mongering to make it work is truly mind boggling. I promise you in no religious comedy intended for a broad audience is ANY author going to make Lucifer and Satan separate characters in a story based on Christian mythology with an assumption that readers will expect it. That is something you clearly lay out in the story if it’s true and people should be theory mongering around it, the fact that Pratchett and Gaiman didn’t is because it’s not true and because 99% of laymen ie, their audience, thinks of Satan and Lucifer as the same entity. It would be BAFFLING for most audiences not steeped in obscure Christian religious apocrypha to make them separate and if you did it would be clearly stated at SOME POINT, ANY POINT, IN THE TEXT.
For fuck’s sake, Crowley isn’t Lucifer! And I’m glad Neil murdered this theory dead!
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oliveoil422 · 3 months ago
Burns Hurt
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(not my art^)
Dabi x Hawks/ Touya x Keigo
Summary-After the war Touya has become reformed into a pro hero. He and Hawks are now in a relationship, Touya has a lot of doubts about himself, but Hawks is always there to pick him up sometimes literally. All in Touya's point of view.
Warnings- mention of blood, Touya hates his dad (what's new), mentions of killing nothing graphic, angst, language, Hawks takes care of Touya, eventual fluff
1,213 words!
Being a pro-hero was definitely more difficult than being a villain. I don't know how Keigo did it. I mean when I was a villain, I didn't get hurt half as much as I do now. Well, I guess other people didn't hurt me as much as people hurt me now. I was always hurt as a villain but that was mainly my fault. I forgot how much the burns hurt. I haven't felt them in a while, not since I got the support gear to cool me off. Who would have thought a former league member could be reformed into a pro hero? It's funny just thinking about it, I mean I used to kill people for fun, but now I’m saving them. 
Hawks is going to kill me. If my support gear breaks, I'm supposed to stop fighting, but that's just not my style, I had to get the job done. There is only one job I have never finished and I'm still not entirely sure what's stopping me from completing it. Maybe it’s because pro heroes typically don't kill their dads. But villains do and I used to be a villain, that's all in the past now. I'm a goody-two-shoes hero with a boyfriend who is probably going to kill me when I get home. Maybe he is already asleep and won't even realize that all of this happened. Who am I kidding? This is Keigo I'm talking about. He’ll definitely know and he’ll certainly have something to say about it. 
I try to walk through the door to the apartment that Keigo and I share, I attempt to sound as quiet as a mouse but I guess I am loud enough for Birdbrain to hear me because as soon as I make one step in the door I hear Keigo’s voice,
“Touuuuya, that you?” Of course I don't answer him. I have to try to sneak past him without him realizing that I'm hurt, “Touya?” He asks again I can hear the padding of his feet against the floor. Shit, shit, shit! “What the hell happened? You’re bleeding!” He rushed over to me immediately checking my arms that had burns. “Where’s your support gear? They are supposed to protect you from this happening!” He kept flipping my arms over inspecting every inch of my arms 
“They broke” I shrug leaning into him. I didn't realize how tired I was until just now. Keigo was so gentle it felt strange but good.
“Touya we talk about this if they-” Keigo started to ramble on about what I was supposed to do in this situation but I interrupted him.
“Yeah yeah I know I was supposed to stop fighting or whatever but you really just want me to walk off the battlefield because of a few burns?” I scoff when I look at Keigo’s face, it says yes that's exactly what he wanted.
“Touya you can't just keep getting hurt. Your old stitches are bleeding, you were certainly crying because there are blood streaks down your face, and to top it all off your arms are covered in brand new burns.” He explained, gesturing to my body that is burned.
“When have I not been covered in burns?! That's just who I am! My body is so fucked up it destroys itself every time I use the one thing I was created for” I cry out. “Why do you even care it took you like a year to be okay with me even using my fire in front of you! For fuck’s sake I'm the reason your back is covered in burns. You shouldn’t care about me, and the fact that you do probably makes you more fucked than I am.” I unravel, my bloody tears spewing down my face
“Touya-” he reached out to grab me again which I reacted to right away.
“No don’t fucking touch me! Can’t, you see how fucked up I am? How fucked up this is? I’ve tried to kill you! I can’t even count how many people I have killed. I tried to kill my whole family and you all just ignore that? Who does that? What is wrong with you people that you can just forgive someone like me? I shouldn't be fucking alive I should have died at Sekoto Peak!” I cry so hard that I can't even stand anymore but of course, Keigo catches me. Times like these are the times when I miss being a villain, I miss being able to burn until I can’t feel a damn thing.
“Touya… We all forgave you because we know that's not who you are anymore.” He’s now running his fingers through my hair, rocking me back and forth like I'm a child.
“How do you know that, though? I still feel like Dabi. Sometimes, when I see how my family is I still think about killing my dad, making him suffer. How am I any different?” I’m crying pathetically into his arms
He runs one of his hands down my arm on a particular spot where I had to get stitches last week, “Would a villain run through a collapsing building to save a little girl even though he knows he might get hurt in the process?” He asks me looking into my eyes which just made me cry harder. I didn't even know he read my case reports. Not like that matters but it makes me feel warm inside.
“Of course, I would save her, I'm not a monster.” He gives me knowing eyes like I'm just proving his point, “Oh” I mutter when I come to the realization that maybe Keigo is right, maybe I'm not as bad as I feel. 
“Tou, you’re still new to this hero stuff and I want to make sure that you’re safe while you’re doing what you do. I need you to be safe because I love you” Keigo stated while still running his hand through my hair, it pissed me off that he said that it’s not that I don't love him, I just don't like how he says it so casually.
“Don’t say that. That's not something you can just say so casually” I say roughly, I violently smear the bloody tears that were running down my face.
“Touya, I don’t say it casually either, I say it because I really fucking mean it.” Both of his hands are on both sides of my scarred face, his thumb rubbing gently at the old stitches where I used to have big ugly staples holding my skin together. “I’ll never not care about you Touya and as much as you think you’re unlovable I think the exact opposite because I see you for who you actually are not for who you were.”
“I uhm love you more than I care to admit, if it wasn’t for you, I would probably still be Dabi or dead so there is that” I admit shyly, this time Keigo leans down and presses his lips to my forehead, the kiss was soft and tender like he had been waiting to do that all night.
“Come on Hot Stuff, let's get you cleaned up” Keigo takes my hand pulling up off the floor and leading me into the bathroom.
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kooki914 · 3 months ago
Which part of the Undertale/Deltarune fandom do you just hate?
Part of me doesn't want to spread hate in an already divisive community, and a different part of me loves complaining. So, readmore added for the sake of a "warning" aka if you don't want to read my entitled whining just scroll past this.
TL;DR: petty bullshit that's hardly even relevant anymore.
I kinda see the Undertale and Deltarune fandoms as two separate entities at this point. From the original Undertale fandom, what it was all the way back when the game first came out and before Deltarune was a thing, god I hated the moral policing. "You can't do this" or "you have to do that" and the fact that something as small as Drawing A Character In A Dress caused an artist to nearly get chased off of tumblr? Fucking insanity. And the constant character assassinations? What they did to Asgore? What they did to SANS? If I ever get started talking about all my gripes with that old fandom I'd never stop.
For the Deltarune fandom though, at least what it is now, god I hate the hype. I'm not subscribed to the newsletters because I hate the general culture around waiting with baited breath for new breadcrumbs, as that just manifests as Dread for me rather than positivity. Like if I start thinking too hard about Deltarune's potential release dates I start biting people's heads off. (No offense Salt lmao) It sucks because even when I DO get somewhat excited (like I did with the latest newsletter) it's immediately followed by the fandom running everything from the newsletter down into the ground, which... on the one hand is understandable because we're all starved for UT/DR content but on the OTHER hand it really feels like we all need a new hobby, like collectively. I'm happy for you if this brings YOU joy but personally I'm a little tired of seeing the 1000th artist interpretation of yet another scene that's literally best conveyed through text.
Also if I can be EXTRA petty, I dislike a lot of "making my own tenna" or "my own deltaswap" things rattling around in the fandom right now. This is entirely Being A Whiny Little Baby™ syndrome from me because I do the EXACT same shit, I just don't have anything good enough to post don't follow fandom trends when it comes to that sort of thing. You know that meme about two wolves inside a person? One of my wolves is like "cringe is dead and this is a harmless creative activity that gets people together and talking about things they love therefore its Good™" and the other wolf is like snarling and barking like "but it doesn't appeal to MEEEE" Like if I see one more TVhead Tenna I'm actually blacklisting his tag. If I see one more deltaswap that entirely misses the mark on what I like in role-swaps I'm gonna start killing.
So, yeah, I guess I just hate things that feel like they're outside of my control/don't appeal to my extremely hipster contrarian tastes. Aka petty bullshit no one cares about go figure
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punkcornzero · 2 years ago
Please stop making us aces feeling guilty for feeling representated
CW - strong language because I'm pissed Honestly all these people telling that "you can headcanon Aziraphale and Crowley as you wish, dear, sure they can be asexual in your mind :)" but then they think that Aziraphale and Crowley have to fuck because they need to shock some bigots otherwise the representation is flawed are depressing me.
Like, fucking with some bigot heads is more important than telling a complex and nice story? And why would I, an asexual who takes so much confort watching them being in love and identified with them before even realising I was ace, why would I care if some people will only be half shocked because there's no gay sex? Why is my headcanon in my head while you speak like your headcanon is gonna be canon or definetly shoud be? And why do you want to make a point saying that I can't be representated because it would appeal bigots, forgetting that the ace community is always left behind and speaking like this you are telling us that we are not worthy of any representation. Sometimes representation is for the sake of it rather than for making people angry. Sometimes having a good time is enough. (And trust me people are still getting angry at GO even without the gay sex)
Fuck off bigots and everything. No representation should be a thick off of a list. If they fuck or don't needs to have sense in the story. And if they don't, don't be pissed like it was owed to you, because it wasn't. And if they do, good for them. Honestly this is so tiring, this is like a year ago when people told Neil Gaiman that the (second) series was queerbaiting before the series was even out.
It is simple, really: is it canon that they're ace? No. Is it canon that they're allo? No.
So you can headcanon them as you wish without making other people feeling guilty for their own headcanons.
(And tbh even if they had sex with each other I would still see them as aces because I never noticed them showing interest in other people or angels or demons. But still I can't see them having sex with each other either. I can be proven wrong in the next season obviously, as long as the story is legit and well-written and coherent, as it should be.)
Please if you comment or reblog be nice I'm a weak person
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skaruresonic · 19 days ago
it's not like our friendship didn't have positive moments - those are what I miss most. but over time, it became hard to ignore the myriad ways they made me feel small.
I swing back and forth between being angry and thinking I'm being unreasonable. my health has been in the shitter since last year, and basically having one of my closest friends basically act like our friendship meant nothing to them all because I wasn't there for them enough is just like having sand kicked in my face.
I didn't even do anything bad. I just became less useful to them. I wasn't as there for them as unconditionally as I used to be... when all they would ever want to talk about was their projects, and barring that, how I wasn't doing enough to help them maintain their enthusiasm for them. one time they told me that one of the reasons they were considering quitting their passion project was because I wasn't keeping up with it enough.
bro? you're the one who started the project? finish it or not, but why are you pinning that on me?
sorry for having a job? and life responsibilities? and being in pain almost 24/7? and being a little put-off by the constant pressure to keep up with your project that you started so that you didn't feel like a failure, while you don't hold yourself to the same standard? I get told I'm not doing enough irl by a variety of sources. it was exhausting to have to reassure you every time I saw you that the world still liked you. I'm just one person.
...but no, yeah, let's rip the Band-Aid off, since you seem to think my only reason for our split is my fragility. you did hurt my feelings when you ignored my request to not tear into my work.
that would have been bad enough on its own. but then you played victim like three days later, while my father was in the hospital no less, forcing me to comfort you that your criticisms were valid compared to others' praise, all because your anons - who you never ignore because you never turn off your inbox, because Attention(tm) is Attention(tm) no matter the source, ig - said your criticisms didn't matter.
you said you were considering quitting your work because of my lack of response? yeah, well, one of the main reasons I took my pinned post down for the better part of a year was because of your criticisms. not the fact that you had them, but the fact that you felt them so important that you ignored my request to keep it to just one. because if even a friend whose opinion and work I respected thought my work was dogshit, clearly I must have my metaphorical fly open for the rest of the internet to point and laugh at. because surely my friend wouldn't say those things if they weren't protecting me from embarrassment. surely.
do you know how fucked-up that is? "yeah, my project sucks and you're well within your rights to say it. it's okay that you came to me about feeling insecure over it, instead of having the decorum to realize that maybe now is not a good time, or that this is not the appropriate person to be having this conversation with." how would you have felt if I had done the same thing to you?
time and again, you've proven you're willing to trust the words of strangers who hurt you over those of your friend. how can I take that as anything but an insult?
I get it. we're all tired, all scared, we all want validation and to feel like a single thing we do here matters. but your insecurities are eating you alive, to the point where you don't even realize you're winding up insulting your friends in the process.
I can't trust you because you say one thing to my face but another behind my back. you apologize for your behavior, only to never change, or worse, decide that you weren't in the wrong.
I can't change your mind, but for your sake I sincerely hope you begin to consider others' feelings once in a while, and remember that people don't exist just to give your ego a boost.
I wasn't lying when I said I loved you, but seriously, you need to make some kind of change and prove that you stick by your word.
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hekateinhell · 1 year ago
sending this well after you've probably gone to bed HOWEVER i am always ready to report for louis/armand/lestat duty so HERE GOES:
Every time they get in a petty fight, someone rearranges the vinyl collection at Trinity Gate. Louis organizes alphabetically by artist, Armand organizes by genre, and Lestat organizes chronologically. The music room is a goddamn war zone.
When Lestat is an Extra Extra Good Boy (or just in need of some tlc in general) Louis and Armand make the best mani-pedi team. Louis takes a foot and Armand takes a hand, then they switch for the opposite side. 
Somehow Armand gets ahold of the tattered old TVL band shirt that Louis used to sleep in. He lounges around the house in it and has both Lestat and Louis drooling in SECONDS (bonus smut points if Louis and Lestat both take turns fucking him in it)
Also this is just Louis/Armand but listen i've been thinking a lot lately of how strong Armand is!!! Like I know the fun thing about his character is that he's got the craziest mental tenacity for someone trapped in a small/young body, but I do think people sleep on how physically strong he is as well. Anyway, all I'm saying is: I want to see him hoist Louis up against a wall and fuck him <3 I want Louis to get overpowered and dicked down by someone half a foot shorter than him LOL it would be good for him!!!!!!
i love thinking about what their domestic life would look like LMAO canon or human AU because all three of them complement and contrast each other so fucking well, i'm all over that all day every day!!!! asksfkdsgj rip the music room 💀 i hope to god nobody gets petty enough to fuck with the library and louis's meticulously thought out system of displaying his books that only he knows (lestat gets petty enough, armand knows better -- tbh idk if he actually ever gets mad at louis? as easily as lestat sets him off, louis has the opposite effect. but for argument's sake, i think if louis did piss armand off, armand would react by pretending he's fine but he would immediately start being infantilizing and weird. really, really emphasizing the "sweet, dusty louis" every other sentence like he's marius talking to a wain victorian orphan).
NO BUT THIS IS SO SWEET!!! not to get too serious but for canon fic i think about court era!lestat a lot and like how he comes right out and says to marius "you don't want a prince in me, you want a figurehead, you would be the ruler here" and really just all the times he sounds so Tired & Done™️ in general with everything. lestat getting some TLC from his consort and madame de pompadour on the regular is harm reduction at its finest lbr. i wanna see armand and louis giving him a perfumed bath a la QotD but without the trauma (and like in Air Catcher too now that i've triggered the memory, i love your brain so much DO YOU KNOW HOW OFTEN I REREAD THAT FIC 🥹)
OH MY GOD STOP PLEASE!!! i wanna know like was armand intentional about wearing louis's lestat shirt? in his mind, is this The Next Logical Step in their threesome relationship? was he expecting a reaction or was he just looking to self-soothe and instead of going for one of louis's baggy sweaters that would hit the thigh on armand, he just grabbed the shirt? regardless, i hope they dped him 🫶🏼 (i totally need this to happen both in canon verse and in teen au future verse)
NO ASHLEY YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND LMAO NOBODY KNOWS BECAUSE I HAVE TOO MUCH GOING ON TO ACTUALLY WRITE BUT THE SMUT MACHINE NEVER STOPS AND LATELY I JUST WANT ARMAND TO TOP EVERYONE!!!! i wanna see the short king bend back those long legs and go to town on these catholic boys! 🤧 armand is the ultimate switch and he is, in his own words, NOT A WAIF. he can lift that bag of bones easily!!! ❤️ and i remember we talked about like top/bottom dynamics with lestat and louis--either physically or just energy wise--and how it would probably take a considerable amount of time and effort for louis to heal enough to relinquish that control to lestat again following the RR years and all that went down... i'm thinking like if i wanted squish armand in there and I DO, it would be a good step in that direction for louis to practice being open (get it? i'll see myself out) with armand first (literally expanding on PL canon here just adding the sex LMAO). tl;dr: it would be good for both of them if armand fucked that sad, wet man (as a treat) ALSO ALSO SEE MY FAVE "ARMAND FUCKS LOUIS" FICLET THAT IS WAY TOO FUCKING SHORT
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drowninginblox · 1 year ago
Part 2
Part of him hoped that the last few days were a dream, that at any moment he'll wake up in that damn chair or even from his corner in the basement of the shit shack. But the bread in his pocket served as a guarantee that's not gonna happen anytime soon. Combined with the lakes of sweat keeping him awake in this living nightmare, Fit can only pace in frustration. “If you want, I can give you some time to ponder this. Although I am an immortal being, the concept of thinking on such large decisions is one I'm not lost on.” Fit sighed. Will you be gone? He didn’t mean to sound as harsh or vulnerable as he did, but it felt wrong for him to be guarded in his own mind. It was probably the emotional exhaustion getting to him. “I won’t be far warrior. Just call for me and I will come.” A moment passes before a shiver runs up Fit’s spine. A body-wide shake follows. And then silence.
So soft. The infamous FitMC has gone so, so soft. A lump in his throat closes his throat. He takes a breath and lets his shoulders roll. The muted pop and click of bones act as a good grounder in this otherwise devastating scene. Remember yourself. What did you do back then? His eyes close. For a moment, the humidity mutes. The cold air subsides. And rather than the stale air he’s been breathing in for a year, the smell of gunpowder and the taste of flesh linger on his tongue while a younger, lost soul, takes a daring step into the unknown.
Explosions, first vibrant in sound as they were in action, slowly mute as the souls of Fit's feet felt the ware of running for hours on end. From what, he didn't know. Anything though. There was always a reason to keep moving in the wastes, whether it be from the monsters that came out in the night or the people that just so happened to spot you out of your periphery. It's always something. Rest was a pipe dream. Always brief when there was some time for it, but it was always greeted with another reason to get off your ass. The howls in the night, the crunch of the ground sounding too close for comfort, the sizzle of TNT, or an offshoot explosion on the horizon. Sometimes you wouldn't know what's outside the cave until the preditor makes itself known. If you're lucky, you could see the obsidian being placed before the end crystal. You barely have enough time to block yourself up or dig away, but a chance is always worth fighting for. That's something he can't live without; chances.
Fit' likes to think he's grown since his time away but there's only so much calculation you can do before something makes itself known. It's ugly. Messy too if shit really hits the fan. Maybe that's why Fit was a janitor. When shit gets messy, someone has to note and take care of the problem. Speaking of- Maybe it was a few minutes? Could’ve been a few hours. Either way, his arm weighed heavier on his shoulder. A scowl was the only thing to meet him as he blinked away the aches. "What would Pac do?"
The words tumbled onto the cavern, making Fit's stomach twist at the cruel reminder. He could've sworn the weight in his chest didn't weigh this heavy. Last time it felt like a baseball. Now it's gotta be a bomb. I never asked for this, He screws his eyes shut. I know I agreed to this. I know I can't back out even if I wanted to, but- He couldn't help but choke out a chuckle. "Am I selfish by patching myself up with the people I care about?" He blinks a few times at the haziness only to feel the wetness of tears. "Fuck, really?" A groan rises from his stomach, intermixed with venom and the heat of untapped rage. An animal clawing at its cage to be released, the keeper, tired of the constant severance relinquished the beast of its cage, gilded with the pretenses of civility for station's sake. For everyone's sake. The noise progresses into a scream. One that even Fit could hear. Guttural and raw and for every sake of the word, it wasn't just the beast that was freed from captivity, it was the whole goddamn zoo.
The emotions can't take him away again. Not further than this. The stampede can kick his damn ass he will remain. Securing himself in a ball, that was all he can do against the impending release. Months of not knowing whether or not his friends and family were truly safe, years of stress built up and hardened only to be broken by people who thought they knew better than him how to live his life, days where the terrors crawled up his back to the point of mind-numbing exhaustion. All that was left of him ran away or dried up after the flood.
This was a long time coming. "For such a prolific warrior amongst your kind, you are very weak." A scratch of a cough was all Fit could do as a rebuttal. Does it look like I give a fuck right now? A warm laugh resembling the cackle of a campfire. For some reason, fit could feel the warmth of it. If the damp and cold of this cave was December in Alaska, then this feeling is the inside of a cabin. Right beside the fireplace. He almost smiles. Are you here to taunt me? "Oh no. I'm just here to make sure you're okay, warrior." Fit forces himself to stand. He wobbles slightly on the way up but he manages to steady himself with a deep breath. I don't think I deserve to be called that. It shouldn't have surprised him that the sun was gone. The night should follow the day after all. What was a surprise though was the lack of a moon to light up the sky. Things were illuminated as if there was one. And yet, there is none. Of course. "Oh?" Nonetheless, he eyes up the wall. "So tell me then, FitMC, the so-called legend of 2B2T, what are you?" Fit sighs. The scarf's coming off. "What I am is tired la-" he coughs out, swishing some saliva around to get the horseness out of his throat. "Emperess. My bad, It's Emperess right?" All the while wrapping the scarf around his only human hand. "This is gonna do a number..."
A hum mimicking shock meets him. "I'm impressed, here I thought respect was foreign to you. It appears the brute can show some." "Hey now," he rubs his hands together. the grime from the cave will have to do. "I may be from hell, but that doesn't mean we don't know the concept of authority." Snuffing it out united us them. He hops in place for a minute. It's been more than a minute since he's done this. "Then you should learn this lesson quickly, I am more than above your station FitMC. I am millennia worth of energy and intellect and wisdom, collected all into a flame that grows and develops as time progresses. You are but a spark compared to me." He smirks. "Degradation isn't my thing you're majesty. Nice try though,"
Fit leaps, holding onto a sturdy ledge before securing his feet. "Know your place, little warrior." Ma'am, yes Ma'am! He mimics with a little salute. This is gonna be a long climb.
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untitledvik · 5 months ago
I'm going to be dead honest for a second, please feel free to ignore this. It's a little heavy and venty. I'll probably delete this, this is just risky posting. I don't know what the hell is happening with me, please for fuck sakes just ignore this.
Genuinely what the fuck is the point of living? Nothing is getting better and it's being proven time and time again that things will only get worse. Sure, one good sprinkle of a good thing will happen and then an avalanche of worse and worse shit happens in this stupid fucking world. Humanity will never fail to disappoint. I genuinely rather commit a party in my tummy with my medication than see how every year things will just keep getting worse. No. I'm not continuing to just going to watch people die, get abused, neglected. Watch the world have natural disaster after natural disaster because big factories wanna keep making shit worse while saying WE have to be the ones changing our lives. Watch poor animals and children suffer through no fault of their own. And I'm going to sound selfish here, but this hurts, this stupid fucking chronic pain and illness hurts. I want to do something graphic that I'm not putting here to my limbs just to get it to stop hurting. I need a new body. Scrap my entire being and make someone who isn't such a pathetic waste of resources. Someone valuable enough to change this damn world even though that's impossible because humanity is stupid and selfish and won't ever change. Because we're flawed. That's both an okay and not an okay thing. God this so fucking stupid. Everything is. Most days I'd rather not be here at all, but dying scares me, but fuck do I just want this shit over with. I'm fucking tired. Tired of seeing people die or get hurt, feeling pain myself, being completely alone and isolated, drawing for just a sliver of acceptance from people that don't even know me or would notice if im gone. My existence means nothing, nothing will get better, so why the hell am I still alive? Jdjenxgixgiidgidgiffxigxxigixgigxxigxigigxixgixgixgixgigxixgixgixgxigixgigxixgixgxigixgixgxigixgigxixgixixyixyxigxigxigigxxigixgixgigx
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