#I'm so bad in describing or talking about my OCs past lol
avpdvoidspace · 8 months
you mentioned in another post that you tend to get obsessive/possessive-ish with safe people and tbh !! I go through a very similar experience. while I AM a total shut-in and rarely interact with others I have also gotten really really codependent with certain "safe people", I read a book excerpt once that said the possessive/codependent tendencies are a part of avpd but haven't seen it discussed anywhere else :(
I haven't had a REAL safe person in years (last one took advantage of that and gave me some nasty ptsd yeowch. I just can't connect with real people like that anymore), but sometimes I develop similar feelings about comfort characters. other people call it a hyperfixation but I'm not autistic/adhd and it definitely feels nothing like how hyperfixations are described. same business tho- I get weirdly possessive with a single character at a time for several years and I do the whole "fantasizing about acceptance and intimacy with them" too. it feels safer in a way but at the same time I block people who like the same character because it makes me insecure LOL. maybe I'll go back to real people someday.
back to the main point tho. I'm not necessarily needy for attention and as you've also said before, when I feel I like a (real) person TOO much I will get scared to be around them and push them away. I am very good at keeping people at an arm's length so the incoming rejection doesn't hurt as bad 💔💔 ahah. BUT I have experienced those feelings of obsession and possessiveness when I've gotten close to people in the past, they can sometimes manifest in a weird aggression but for the most part they just make me anxious and self-conscious (doesn't everything tho?). fun times! it's kinda comforting hearing that other people go through something similar.
Take into consideration that I also do have ocpd (although I think this isn't uncommon for people with avpd) but yeah. The obsession when it comes to a real person can be terrifying because it gives them the power to absolutely shatter you with very little effort, so it gets scary and you can really get the impulse to push them away in case. Real people aside, fictional characters... yeah. I think people with cluster C PDs have our own unique 'type' of hyperfixation that doesn't function exactly like an autistic or adhd person (not that you can't have one or both of these AND be cluster C). It's not something I've seen professionals talk about, but anecdotally, it seems to be true of us. I have a fictional character I've been obsessed with for decades and sometimes when I'm alone, I kind of fantasize that I either am or am with said character just going about my daily tasks and whatnot. Also do this with OCs to a lesser degree... Even before this character, I had others I did this with, going all the way back to early childhood. It was always somewhere between maladaptive daydreaming and actually acting out conversations/activities. It's kind of mortifying to admit, but that's how deep the obsessed/similar thing to hyperfixation goes. I don't know if this is close to what you're talking about but yeah. This level of obsession extends to other areas of my life too, like interests, hobbies, and skillbuilding. It's akin to hyperfixation but imo has its own unique cluster C vibe. Thanks for the ask!
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gifti3 · 1 year
asmo x reader x priest AU rough outline
I had a nightmare I was being chased by a monster in a church and ended up coming up with this au because of the priest i saw in it! So I just wrote an outline cause I wanted to get it down I'm calling reader mc here (i use these two interchangeably in relation to obey me)
mentioning religion, i also mention sex like once or twice
i wanna say it's more of a modern setting cause it's easier to write but that lowkey doesn't make any sense so we are gonna just glaze over setting the time period (so its whatever makes sense in ur head)
asmo is asmo (so kinda unhinged at times especially in this AU)
mc i feel is one of those people who have had a lot of supernatural experiences their whole life
since they were young they would see and sense things other people usually wouldn't and i feel that's part of the reason asmo was attracted to them in the first place
one time mc offhandedly said that asmo isn't the first demon they've talked too but he is one of the nicer ones
this ability is an aspect of themselves they've accepted and even embraced at this point
but because of this, some people might be put off by them since they give off a "unique" vibe
i wanna describe the priest a little: -- he's an oc (i guess lol) cause he appeared in my nightmare for a moment -- he's probably in his 40s and could be considered a dilf to some people -- pale with dark hair and clothes (you know stereotypical broody, reclusive character) -- takes his position very seriously but lacks that warmth and approachability i feel a priest should have -- tldr: priest you would see in a horror game taking place in a church/cathedral
the story starts off with mc needing somewhere to reside for a few weeks until they can find a permanent place to stay -- they probably got kicked out of their home for various reasons related to their "gift"
i don't think the priest himself had the actual idea to bring in mc
instead it was one of the other cathedral hands who suggested it to help them out and whoever is in charge agreed to it (so i'm guessing the bishop??)
the thing about mc though is that they have a special friend no one else can see who likes to pop up time to time to spend time with them
(sometimes this friend can be sensed by people who are more sensitive to the environment which can freak them out)
this friend is Asmodeus, a demon who decided to keep coming back after meeting mc and ended up befriending them over time
they've known each other for 2-3 years at this point and would consider each other good friends
sometimes they toe the line of more than friends though -- they're interested in each other and there was no denying it since asmo could literally feel the moment when mc began feeling attracted to him (and of course he's attracted to them too, that aspect was there from the start for him)
however mc is worried to get intimately involved with asmo cause they think they have actual feelings for him and don't want become more emotionally attached to someone who doesn't like them just as much as they do (they are assuming this)
so sometimes they're kinda flirty but don't do anything past that
when asmo pops up to visit mc he's a bit shocked that they're just hanging out in a cathedral
i feel this demon has a bad rep with priests in general
its our boy asmo, i know he has been up to some nonsense in the past (and recently too)
he's probably been exorcised out of several facilities over the years for stuff that could have easily been avoided
and according to asmo, MAYBE he was trying to corrupt some religious figure's son or something but they didn't need to be so harsh~ -- we aren't gonna get too detailed we just know he has had bad experiences with religious folk
and even if he didn't have bad experiences, demons are usually code red level threats to humans involved in religion
anyways mc tells asmo they literally have nowhere else to go and they get a free room and food staying here as long as they help with chores, so he needs to just hold on tight until they find somewhere else to go
mc and the priest surprisingly kind of get along
I think mc themselves being somewhat (unwillingly) isolated from others and being used to putting people off made them kind of gravitate towards the priest
They aren't put off by his demeanor at all and treats him like any other person
asmo is whatever about it and is actively trying to stay away from the priest UNTIL he releases that the priest is starting to actively gain an interest in MC
And not in the ahah i have a small crush way
Like this is a I WANT you physically, mentally and emotionally type deal
I feel like the priest is so lame too trying to convert the mc behind the guise of him being a priest and that's what he does--save people's souls from possible damnation. when it's actually for very personal feelings
And mc is like nah its not really my thing (their current lifestyle would literally clash with this)
now asmo is a little worried
but he shouldn't be because hes asmo right?
he's beautiful and gets pretty much anyone he wants. mc is already interested in him too!
but part of him fears mc might fall for someone else one day
especially since mc always cuts things off before things get too spicy
also him being a demon and mc a human makes things kinda complicated for multiple reasons that i wont go into -- just know mc preferring a human partner is one of the things he worries about
So now he's like….i'm sabotaging and makes sure to actively monopolize mc's time so they won't seek out the priests company
no way is he losing his precious lamb to a PRIEST of all people
the priest has started expecting mc to show up like they always do to talk to him but they haven't in awhile so he goes looking for them
when he goes to their room mc is talking normally to asmo and the priest can hear them through the door
he knocks and mc is like oh shit and motions for asmo to get gone for a moment but asmo's being a brat and doesn't actually leave
so when MC opens the door, the priest is immediately like something is wrong
there's definitely something not of god in here
and mc is like huh what are you talking about but the priest is insistent and comes in to investigate
but there's not really anything obviously amiss since he can't see asmo and he fortunately leaves after
but after that he's paying more attention and starting notice weird things are happening around mc
sometimes for a split moment he'll see a shadow near them and sometimes even in mirrors (yes asmo is probably just moving casually about the building even though mc told him to be careful)
i'm thinking later on, he's passing by mc's room and thinks they're in there cause he hears humming and sees the shadow of feet passing by the door
but when he knocks and enters no one is there
and i feel that's when he does some shit to like purge evil spirits out of mc's room, cause he there's definitely something wrong and he's worried something has latched onto mc
so when asmo is like Okay time to go visit mc~! Nothing happens
he can't teleport like he usually does to them
and he's bitching and whining about it later after mc undoes whatever the hell the priest did
now i'm jumping to the last few days of mc staying in the cathedral
at some point, asmo and mc have a heart to heart and end up doing the devil's tango (out of all the places they can have sex it happens here SO cool of them lol. the priest may or may have not heard something going down. why is he always near mc's room hmmm 🤔)
the story is coming to a climax once mc is like yay i have found a new place to live and will be leaving soon and the priest is a bit surprised when he hears the news
he's gotten used to mc being in this place with him and he doesn't want them to leave (what will he do oooo~ i think he would suggests to the mc for them to stay and like join the church or something but mc is just like...no thanks)
asmo on the other hand is like I AM READY TO HIT THE BRICKS 🏃‍♂
he literally doesn't even have to be here, like go home dude but nah he wants to be with mc A LOT
he doesn't like the vibes of the place and honestly the priest is starting to annoy him with how he's always lurking around mc
i think this is around the time asmo and the priest have a proper confrontation
i don't exactly know what happened to make it get to this point but for some reason asmo shows himself to the priest
i'm not sure who even initiates it but asmo is just taunting the shit outta him for wanting mc in a worse way than asmo himself
in my head, the priest doesn't exactly see mc as a person with their own agency
they're more of someone he can hopefully mold into a more "god honoring person" (something like that)
someone he could be with long term without feeling like he's going against his own values
So it's ironic in a way having a demon being the better option of the two
and i bet asmo has like so much unresolved anger from past interactions he's had with religion, and then all of his feelings for mc and being in this place too often
just all these emotions mixed together just has him REALLY reckless
and he's projecting everything on to mr priest (regardless if all of it is his fault or not): "God you're so annoying! I wanna splatter your innards across the walls…" (Can demons use the lords name in vain idk lol)
So yea idk how this would end but I think at least one person should die fr AND i've decided i'm gonna talk about asmo dying cause of the angst:
He's already gone by the time they arrive. They quietly call out Asmo’s name, hoping he's just passed out or maybe even messing around. But the way he was laid upon the dirty floor wasn't right at all.
They kneel on the bloody ground. "S-Stop joking around Asmo." They gently shake the demon's rapidly cooling body. Realizing they will receive no response. They wouldn't hear his voice ever again.
A step sounds nearby and they sharply look up into an apathetic pale face. "Why?"
"Demons don't deserve mercy. It doesn't deserve your sorrow or tears."
"But he was my…" They trail off knowing it wouldn't be smart to finish.
"Even though you were…intimate with a demon. God is benevolent with his children." The priest reaches a hand out to them. "Repent and you shall be forgiven."
Mc would run away in this ending but i think its so sad they lost someone very important because they got too close to someone they thought was safe…
There can be other endings too tho! My favorite being mc and asmo leaving the church and being all happily ever after (well as happy as u can be after running off with a demon who attacked a priest in a cathedral and now you can never return to this town cause it's suspicious that you disappeared the day the priest was found dead/half-dead in the building)
Okay that's all! Thanks if you read this far. Hopefully some people liked it Heres a shoddy edit of asmo blocking someone's reflection in the mirror:
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imtrashraccoon · 4 months
Thanks for the tag @snowcoffeee ! I'm all too happy to talk about my favourite hobby!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
At the moment, I have six.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
281,816. Yikes, I didn't even know this was a statistic until now.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Undertale right now.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Have Some Empathy, Dear - the series I did for Bad Sansuary.
The Hand We've Been Dealt - the first fic I posted on AO3.
Swarmed By Sirens - the most recent fic I'm working on.
The Nightmare of Apathy - my pet project.
Raccoon's Undertale Related Oneshots - this one shouldn't really count as it's just a collection of my works.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Every single one! I really enjoy engaging with the people who like my work and it gives me ideas.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof, I don't like angsty endings so I can't say that I have any. In the past, I wrote a oneshot with one of my OC's in Horrortale though. That was...angsty. It's also really bad compared to what I write now lol. I don't think I'll ever post it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
At the moment, Have Some Empathy, Dear is the only complete fic. So that one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, at least I haven't yet. I did get one comment ages ago where someone was annoyed that Korinna (MC from The Hand We've Been Dealt) just went to live with the Fell brothers after they killed her when she was a human. She didn't know that it was them though, so the comment didn't make sense? Admittedly, the plot for that fic is a bit weak...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nah, I've been tempted to, but I'm not comfortable making that sort of thing. I allow minors to follow me anyways, so if I did, that would have to change.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
AU's don't count as a crossover I suppose. So, no, I don't write crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'd be honoured if anyone wanted to!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Again, no. I have chatted with friends about fic plots but never for the purpose of creating something together. That could be fun!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I'm more of a self-shipper and pretty much always have been OC x Canon as well. I do like Soriel. The way some people write their dynamic is adorable and even if they aren't in a relationship, I love seeing their friendship. I don't really ship anything else though.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Pretty much everything with my old Undertale OC's and my old Star Wars OC. My reasons are that I've changed my interests and created better characters now. I'm not entirely opposed to ever posting these online but the state that they're in at the moment makes me cringe.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Definitely describing environments and worldbuilding. I have a strong imagination and so whenever I write a scene I try to put myself in the character's position and describe what they see. Worldbuilding is also enjoyable since it gets my brain working.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. I struggle to make characters sound natural at times and my earlier writing suffers lot from stiff dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love this! I don't really know any other languages myself so my own attempts are limited, however I love seeing it in other people's works. I do like to include ASL where I can since it's a language I have some familiarity with.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars actually. I had a Jedi turned Sith character in a years long message board roleplay and multiple times I attempted to write down a backstory for her but I never finished. After being convinced to join the Sith, she was an Inquisitor for a bit before being promoted to Sith Lady and training a few apprentices. She briefly became Sith Empress but stepped down when the war with a faction of Mandalorians turned ugly. She hasn't been seen or heard from since... Yeah, no, I just lost interest in the character and SW in general with Disney's takeover.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I love pretty much all of them! I think my favourite is Have Some Empathy, Dear but I do wish I had more time to flesh parts of it out at the time. Otherwise, it's The Nightmare of Apathy.
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the-sky-queen · 10 months
I'm actually curious
29 for ALL YOUR OCS >:)
(Except Blake bc I already asked that lol)
29. How would you describe their personality?
Nexus: Before his amnesia, he was cold and calculating. He hardly let any emotion slip past his impenetrable mask except for fiery anger. After Amy broke his heart, Nexus couldn't hold in any of his emotions anymore, leading to them escaping his body and leaving him empty and a bit insane. When he could hold onto his rage, it was intense. Nowadays, he has a much better handle on his temper and his emotions. He's pretty chill and up beat for the most part, but he's hiding a lot. He knows he can still lose his grasp on his emotions, so he keeps the negative ones buried deep inside of him.
Aurora: She's very much the leader of the Sanctuary Trio. She's organized and gets stuff done. She's pretty no nonsense and tends to jump to conclusions. She can get worked up on occasion, but her temper isn't anywhere near as bad as Nexus. She's got a real soft spot for her friends, so she can be sentimental. She always wants to help people and she will put her all into protecting her friends.
Shade: He so sweet! He's my sweet little cinnamon roll boy. :) He's a book and theater nerd and is in constant awe of the world around him. He loves animals and gardening. Shade is very easy to talk to, so his friends often come to him for advice. He's secretly very protective of people he cares about. He'll always step in to help out. When his combat programs are active, Shade's emotions shoot through the roof and there's no telling what he might do. He tries to avoid using those programs whenever possible.
Umbra: He keeps to himself mostly. He gets jobs done quickly and efficiently, but when he gets an idea in his head, there's no stopping him. He holds quite a grudge, but he's also really empathetic and forgives easily once hearing the other side of the story. He's mostly just a chill dude.
Aela/Melody: Loyal to a fault. She always follows the orders of her superiors, even if she doesn't agree with them. At the end of the day, she just wants to be useful. When she's not working, Aela is pretty playful and fun to be around.
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ourlittleforever · 2 years
OC F/O asks for Thali and Rozic, with 2, 6, 13, 23, 31 and 36 please! - @limey-self-inserts
thank you so much for the ask dear!! <3 sorry in advance if Rozic's answers are a little shorter, I'm still getting a feel for him, haha.
2. "Made from the same stardust." - Are you and your OC F/O alike, and if so, in what ways?
Me and Thali have some similarities. We're both people who love medicine and healing others -- her through the Force, and me through science and the like. We're both super curious about how things work, and we also have similarities in our Tragic Backstories(tm) and our relationships w/ our parents.
Rozic and I are both pretty duty-bound people. His sense of honor manifests differently, but he does care for those around him, and he hates people who try and punch below their weight. I, too, hate when people throw their power around and hurt others.
6. "You shine so brightly." Describe what your OC F/O looks like with words only. Feel free to get poetic and spice it up with metaphors / similes!
Oh, my blueberries <3 Both of them remind me of sapphires, with eyes like rubies.
Thali's hair is black as night and she keeps it up in (what I headcanon to be) a traditional Chiss style, two buns with a third bun in the back that's kind of a Dutch braid? It's hard to put into words lol. She has these sweet freckles dotting her face like little stars, and the cutest gap tooth imaginable. Her lips are so soft, her nose so dainty and cute, gah! I just wanna kiss her all day. She's 5'6" and curvy, on the chubbier side. Perfect for cuddlin!
And Rozic, handsome, lovely Rozic. He keeps his hair short and swept back. He's got some burn-mark pockmarks on his face, and while he's a bit self conscious about them, I think they're just part of him, no big deal. And he's big and buff, about 6'5", very muscular from his work as a hunter. He loves how small I am compared to him, hehe.
13. "Let's match today." How would you describe your OC F/O's fashion taste? Send pictures if you'd like!
They're both quite stylish. Thali is very posh -- she was raised a rich girl, and appreciates the finer things in life. Rozic is more rugged, with a rougish handsomeness.
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23. "How about an encore?" Does your OC F/O have any talents? If so, what are they? Are they shy about sharing it or are they confident? When did they develop these talents and have they tried to teach you?
Thali is a supremely talented healer and telekenetic, and before being a Jedi, she was a navigator for the Ascendancy. On her spaceship, she never, ever gets lost. She tries to show me the Force as best as she can, as I'm not Force-sensitive, and is a confident young lady. Thali secretly quite loathes her past as a navigator because she found the work unbearable and boring. If you bring up how good she is, she'll just shrug it off. "Eh, it's not, like, that great..."
Rozic obviously has a lot of bounty hunting prowess, but he's also very good with children, to everyone's surprise. He seems to always know what to say. He's also surprisingly good at diffusing situations and can talk most people out of their bad ideas if need be.
31. "Love in every language, straight from the heart." Which love languages is your OC F/O most receptive to and which do they use to show others they care?
Thali is big on physical affection. She always wants to be holding me, and she wants to be cuddled, kissed, and praised in turn. She also loves giving me gifts. She's still got the rich girl flair, and wants to show me the fancy things I never got to have.
Rozic is very stoic but he also enjoys physical affection. He also gives words of affirmation frequently, and he is also big on acts of service. If I comment that something is broken? It's fixed within a day or tow. "What? It's not a big deal. Barely took me anytime at all."
36. "Just take one step at a time." What are some of your OC F/O's goals in life? Do they get discouraged easily, or are they generally optimistic? If they get discouraged, how do you like to help them have hope for the future?
Thali wishes for her father's approval. Realistically, she knows she won't get it, but she still tries, and holds onto her hope. She's generally a pretty optimistic person.
Rozic, by comparison, is pretty pessimistic by nature. I try to show him the beauty in life, and because of me, he can appreciate little bits of hope. His outlook on most things is pretty harsh; however, he sees me and thinks I'm everything good in the galaxy. <3
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Ooh, ask game! :D *checks tags 5+ times to make sure* *because lessons were learned* Yup, it's an ask game. I'll do 2 and 44 for Jyn-Si, 15 and 30 for Elmer, 8 and 46 for Blanket, 57 and 58 for Fiddle, 24 and 56 for Alaber! Feel free to pick a few for my OCs as well if you'd like and I'll gladly answer! 😁 ~Pinestripe
Awww, no worries XD
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
Very loosely, but she means it every time! She makes friends almost instantly with pretty much everyone, even if she’s only known them for a few minutes 😊
What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
I’m not an expert on different languages, so I’m pretty limited in my response to this, but I’d say French. She’d enjoy the eloquent-but-fun-ness of it, and she’d be great at pronunciation! She’d also learn quickly, and would love to randomly speak French to Elmer and watch him try to figure out what she’s saying XD
What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
Around everyone, Elmer puts on an act—he has to, or else he runs the risk of being found out as a spy. He appears to be enjoying himself, but inside, he’s nervous and stressed and scared.
When he’s alone, he can let that act go. He feels less nervous, but he’s often still stressed out.
I guess the biggest difference is that when he’s alone, he allows his brokenness to show; he can cry, or scream into a pillow, or curl up in his bed, or stare at his reflection in the mirror and pay attention to the bags under his eyes and the few hairs on his head that have turned grey because of the stress of everything and the tiny scars that remind him of dark times in the past and his dry lips that are chapped and his eyes may be filling with tears because he hates this and he wants it to end.
But of course, when he’s with people, he puts on an act. He doesn’t let anyone see how miserable he is. And it’s hard.
When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
When it’s a professional mistake (that sounds weird lol) he mostly feels scared. He’s scared that his boss will react badly, because she has reacted badly before.
When it’s a personal mistake, he’s scared that he’s hurt people, and that they’ll get mad at him too.
So in short: when it’s professional, he’s worried about himself. When it’s personal, he’s worried about others.
Blanket (oh my gosh I'm so happy you asked about him bhshabjdvasvj)
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Not loose at all—if he says those words to someone, he absolutely, 100%, perfectly and completely means it.
He also doesn’t say it to just anyone, even people he cares about. In order for him to truly mean those words, he needs lots of time to bond with someone; it definitely doesn’t happen overnight.
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Listener. He’s naturally quiet, and hardly ever speaks around people he doesn’t know.
He’ll talk if he’s…
A) In a private setting with people he’s close to. He feels very comfortable around his friends/brothers.
B) Very uncomfortable/uneasy/unsure of something. If he doesn’t want to do something, he’ll make that known, describing why with easy to understand terms.
What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
Not sure if this counts, but getting into a healthy sleep schedule. He loves to wake up early and play his violin, and he often stays up late to… play his violin lol. He loves the instrument so much that he’ll gladly forgo sleep in order to play it XD
How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
He hasn’t attempted too many, mostly because as a kid, he was unsure of what he truly was passionate about/enjoyed.
And then of course, he discovered music, and that’s been a constant ever since.
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
C’mon, this is an easy one.
*stares at Alaber, who’s plucking cookie crumbs out of his feathers*
He quite enjoys cookies with nuts in them, but he’ll eat just about any type. Looks like he got into the Oreos this time :0
If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
ELMER!!! He consistently goes to Elmer, no matter what the fear is :’)
As for your OCs, I’ll do… Light, with any questions you want!
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db-irathindur · 5 years
Your art is great - and Ilegir seems to be a very interesting character. Mind telling us/me more about him? I looked at him and wondered how my own character would react to him.
I once wrote something about him, and I think you just have to search for Ilegir on my page but tbh Ilegir is like the prime example of an Altmer: arrogant, snobby, full of himself and with a natural gift for necromancy.
Of course he ends up in the worm cult as a loyal follower and thanks to his talents he quickly moves up the ladder. He becomes like the right hand of Mannimarco and commits many atrocities all over Tamriel in his name (mainly in Valenwood, but he has also been to Cyrodiil and in the Alki'r Desert). Back in his dark years (aka wormcult years) he was absolutely cold hearted, an overall bad and horrible person. But after many years in Mannimarcos service he slowly realizes that there's something wrong, like... He actually finds something within himself that could be called remorse.
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allwaswell16 · 3 years
Thanks for the tags @kingsofeverything @boosbabycakes28 @wabadabadaba @disgruntledkittenface @quelsentiment @ladyaj-13 @haztobegood @solvetheminourdreams @whatevertearsyou @lt2soon @uhoh-but-yeah-alright !
1. Number of stories posted to AO3:
6 (one is anon sooo it's not listed)
Fakes (Streaming Live)
2. Word count posted for the year: 64228 (trying not to be too sad about this, but it's the least fic I've written since 2016. blah.)
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction
4. Pairings: Louis/Harry
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: Only
Bookmarks: Only
Comments: Only
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
Probably Unraveled. My favorite thing to do in writing is write something new to me. I've always been like this by the way in like everything I've ever done in my life. lol. If it's not a challenge, I'm not that proud of it. Also, I can't even believe that fic got written when my life was/is such a dumpster fire. Anyway, I really impressed my beta and I live/write for her approval.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
This is the first year ever where I'm truly proud of every fic I wrote...in the year I wrote the least. Oof. What does that say about me? Let's pretend it means nothing.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
This was for Unraveled :
this was so entertaining! i really like action in fics and i think you did a wonderful work with this one. i’m sure it took a lot of research but feel proud because the result was amazing. the only thing missing was popcorn but maybe when i reread it. i remember when you told me about this prompt and i’m very happy that you could work with it in the way you did. i admit that i don’t always go for older louis/older harry fics, but to be honest your characterisation was so on point that i forgot about my preferences for a second and i just let myself enjoy. and the sex scenes were so hot. reading this felt like those first times that i read smut, when i would blush instantly because everything felt so new. that’s how this felt, very fresh for me. also! you got me there with the two bad guys. i, for a moment, thought that ****took out the spoiler lol**** had something to do with it too. the way everything developed was so intriguing, and i wanted to know more and more. i think that’s fantastic in a fic. anyway, i feel like i’m just saying obvious things at this point. thanks for sharing your story with us! and thank you because today was particularly hard for me, mentally, but your story put me back into my safe place that is fan fiction.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Um, this entire year? I think what's most depressing about it for me is that I am full of ideas and inspiration and motivation to write. But I don't have time to do it. I just don't. Fucking Covid.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
Irene, an OC for Only. I had an entirely different character planned even with a different name. And I started writing the first scene of this fic and Irene showed up out of nowhere and started talking. I always know when that happens to just go with it, and of course, she ended up being the perfect character for the fic.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
Basically anything from Unraveled, maybe in particular the action/violence scenes. I kind of surprised myself when I was writing them because they turned out just how I wanted.
And here's something from Rapture which published today...
The snow fell softly around Harry as he trudged through the muck and slush on the London streets. If he had turned his face to the sky, perhaps he would have admired the way the snowflakes fell past the gas lit street lamps, but his eyes saw only the sludge at his feet. Misery rather than cold hunched his shoulders, keeping his eyes trained to the mud under his boots.
If Harry had been human, even the expensive leather boots on his feet and heavy coat would not have been able to keep out the chill. However, that was not an issue for him any longer and hadn’t been for many a year. He wore them now only so as not to draw unnecessary and unwanted attention to himself.
As he passed pubs and churches, music filtered out into the streets. Festive music, the worst sort to his mind, reminded him only of that which he would never have again. Christmas had come and gone and the new year was nearly here, and he would spend it in lonely solitude yet again. Instead of dwelling on that kind of remembrance, he focused on the sound of his boots as they squelched through the filth.
Later in the night Harry would roam through dark alleys to feed where the foul stench of the miserable gathered. Only one reason, one person, drew Harry from his home at this particular time of the evening, when the grey day gave way to darkness.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I always have some personal goals in my writing that generally have to do with trying to write something new or in a new way. So this year I worked on writing better descriptions. Not necessarily more description, but just better. I tend to rely heavily on visual description, so I tried to incorporate more sound and touch and feel into my descriptions. For Unraveled I changed up my natural pacing to fit the themes of the fic, and that worked out better than I expected really.
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
One thing that I'd like to do next year (that I did this year) is to only write things that feel like the right kind of challenge for me. I might publish a few more anonymous fics as well. It felt very freeing for me to publish a fic anonymously this year.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
Always @taggiecb. Her feedback is what keeps me writing. Her input is truly invaluable to everything that I write. She knows my writing better than I know it myself, and she's my biggest cheerleader in basically all areas of my life not just writing.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
It always does to some extent, but I think this year I really veered away from it more than I ever have before. I was more interested in writing anything but reality this year lol.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
I always say the same crap. And I've got nothing new this year either, I'm afraid. Keep writing and keep reading. That's all I've got.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I may or may not write a wip. Maybe more than one??? I'm thinking of writing a wip based on a drabble I wrote years ago for @becomeawendybird that I still think about, The Duke's Diamond. Also, I'm now an admin on @hlficlibrary so I've been working on some ideas for that blog! I want to do monthly fic recs and monthly moodboards/fic trailers. Be sure to tag us for reblogs on your Larry fics! I'll probably continue to do a lot of fic fandom stuff because it's fun for me and I want to be as supportive as possible to the fic writers in our fandom!
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
I'll tag: @zanniscaramouche @mercurial-madhouse @absoloutenonsense @becomeawendybird @jacaranda-bloom @skipperxao3 @cyantific @loulovehome @sun-tomato @2tiedships2 @princelyharry if you haven't already and want to!
Also here are some of mine from past years that I found! 2016 2017 2019 2020
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spaceydragons · 3 years
OC personality sheet / tag game
Rules: Copy and paste these questions and make your own post, please do not add onto this one, it’ll get too long too fast. Mahalo. Then tag some of your friends to let them know you’d like to hear more about their ocs!
Tagged by @purgetrooperfox and man I've been waiting to be tagged into this for AGES so I'm doing TWO ocs!!! Not gonna tag anyone to do it but u can do this if u see it! Also tagging @ollovae3 bc I've talked to u about these two a lot and I thought you'd like to see it lol
Name: Ara Shysa (formerly "Lucky")
Pronouns: he/him
Nickname(s): "Kamin'ad" (by his adoptive buir) "bubu" (by his adopted daughter)
One word to sum them up: protective
Noun to describe them: supportive
Temperament: very patient
MBTI type: idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Enneagram type: huh?
Others' first impression of them: friendly but reserved
General likes: quietness, being surrounded by people he trusts
General dislikes: being alone, being away from his daughter
Romantic status: currently single
Love interest(s): the first Mandalorian he ever met pointed a blaster at him and threatened to kill him and he's been attracted to them ever since, but boy is SHY
Good friend(s): the Mandalorian mentioned above, his adoptive father
Enemy(s): The Empire and the Coruscant Guard (that he was a former member of)
Hobbies: tinkering, learning anything he can
Song(s) they relate to:
Fictional character(s) similar to their personality: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fun fact: is INCREDIBLY lucky (hence his old name)
Free space/ramble: his inhibitor chip became defective through a head injury, while he felt the urges to carry out o66 and almost kill the Jedi youngling who he eventually adopted, he ultimately didn't
Name: Jaig Tweyd
Pronouns: they/them
Nickname: Mando, kid, ruduur'ika (by Boba and Din)
One word to sum them up: loyal
Noun to describe them: ambitious
Temperament: often quick to act/doesn't think things through
MBTI type: they're my mandosona sooo mine which is infj
Enneagram type: huh 2.0
Others' first impression of them: that they do a bad attempt if the "lone wolf" type
General likes: watching Boba and Fennec scare people, spending time in the Palace's kitchen's
General dislikes: crowded places, rich people
Romantic status: in a relationship (low-key Mando married)
Love interest(s): Boba Fett and Din Djarin
Good friend(s): Boba, Din, Fennec, Peli, The Mod's, Krrsantan (tho Santo hates them bc they can beat him in a spar)
Enemy(s): various? Idk they're a bounty hunter
Hobbies: cooking, exploring
Song(s) they relate to:
Fictional character(s) similar to their personality: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2.0
Fun fact: they weren't raised as a Mandalorian but took the Creed after their grandmother passed and left them her armor
Free space/ramble: their grandmother her family were kinda like Din's covert, except for they showed their faces to immediate family members
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jimlingss · 7 years
Ah i keep starting His Name and then 'get distracted' after like 100 words but in reality i'm just afraid of the pain 😂😭 tbh after reading a groundhog day AU w/ hoseok where he keeps reliving something dreadful... I've just been scarred. I'm now extremely afraid and nervous about reading angst because after i feel empty and depressed 😂 BUT,,, A bed of roses gave me hope so i'll GIVE IT A SHOT. (1/2)
I’ll try to get distracted in the beautiful art that is your writing and think “wow the emotion was conveyed so well” “wow that scene was described so vividly” instead of “wow there’s a gaping hole in my chest.” I’LL ENDURE ANYTHING FOR YOU. Here we go!!! (2/2)
If you’re really uncomfortable with reading a certain fic of mine, it’s okay if you don’t! It’s perfectly understandable since His Name can be pretty intense *cough next chapter *cough but I’m also really happy that you’re deciding to give it a shot. It’s a concept that I’m pretty proud of writing. 
Also, I think I have an idea of the fic you’re talking about. The Hoseok groundhog fic, if we’re thinking about the same one then yeah that broke my heart, I was hysterically sobbing. To be completely honest, I actually don’t like to read angst that much. I prefer to write it though lol I’m a creator of evil, not a receiver of one. 
(*tear drips* I’ll also endure anything for you. LET’S GO~ WRITING!)
And i’m back. I already noticed so many things that are GOLD in the 1st chapter of his name. How did you get into writing? What makes you want to write? I personally don’t write, though i’ve thought about it, but i do adore reading. I’d probably read your writing even if it wasn’t a fanfic. Have you thought about writing professionally? I would definitely buy your novel, or whatever else you’d publish. Do you think you’re always gonna want to write? Like when you’re old & wrinkly? Or have kids?
GOLD? :D like what? (specifically) but oh man, I love getting to talk about who I am as a writer. *cracks knuckles* So basically as a child, since I can barely remember, I’ve always had story ideas. There came a time where I would literally just outline stories, bullet point the plots and save them in a folder but I never wrote them - just because I felt like the ideas turned to crap when I started writing. I was pretty bad in elementary (once I even remember writing about some stupid puppet master in a haunted mansion). 
I had started reading fanfics from BTS after doing BTS personality quizzes. I did a lot of quizzes and ran into ‘BTS as Boyfriends’ which I quite enjoyed, went back a few times to re-read cause it sounded accurate and was cool. Somewhere along the way, I started to read fanfics and first I was weirded out like ‘what the heck does angst mean?’, ‘what is a Y/N??’, ‘WTF IS SMUT?!’. 
Anyways after reading fanfics straight, every single night, for like 3 months, one night I was bored at home, so I looked out my window and an idea of an assassin OC and Jin as a doctor came into my head (cause I had recently read a realllly cool Jin Doctor!Au that is still one of my favourite fics to this day). I wrote the drabble, decided to spontaneously post it and it got 1 note. As I went on with my life, I started to develop more ideas for the drabble and then Ocean Swallow, my first series was born. (it’s still on my blog, taken off my masterlist though since it’s so poorly written). 
What makes me want to write? I once answered this question and I feel like I can never answer it as greatly as I did. So you can read that: here. 
I’ve thought about writing professionally. Unfortunately the university I’m looking to attend doesn’t offer a Creative Writing major (classes though which I really want to take). I thought about being an author but I’m too money driven lol. I feel like I would have to be financial unstable for a lot of years. And in a way I feel like I’ll lose my passion for it if it turns into a full-time job. I like writing to remain as my hobby, part-time thing, whenever I feel like it - I have the full control and there will be no repercussion if I decide not to write in a certain day. 
It is however one of my life goals, a bucket list thing, to write a book. I did draft an idea of one a few months back but I might scrap it :/ I feel like it’s too angst to be in a book - it’s about self image, inner beauty and such. We’ll see. Probably in the far future, 3-5 years from now (hopefully).
And writing in the far future? I can’t say. Part of me thinks ‘yes’ and the other part of me thinks no. I used to be really passionate about music. That was my thing and I swore that I’d be playing forever. But after Junior High, I stopped…kind of. I still LOVE playing music but I don’t get many opportunities to do so. It’ll always be in my heart but actually picking up my instrument is far in between.
I really really love writing. It’s probably one of my biggest passions since I started living on this Earth and I’d love to write forever. but realistically speaking, writing is extremely taxing and time consuming. It’s crazy. It takes me about 2 hours to edit a piece, about 3 hours to write a simple 2k (and that’s on good days). My life for the past year has been….writing. I’m the type of person that goes HARDCORE until I burn out completely. I’m trying to take it easy so I can write in the long run. 
Also//// WHAT?! We have the same birthday?!!!! I was born on the same day as such a talented human being?! I’m shocked and so honored 😵 i struck the birthday lottery 💥💥 (& i’m sorry i’ll stop sending so many asks LOL peace)
Woah, crazy coincidence. That means we have the same birthday as IU and Megan Fox lol. I don’t find many Taurus in the world. And it’s okay! I love receiving messages. I just feel like my responses are soooo long hahahhahaa
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