#I'm on a roll lessgo
stretchyyonko · 11 months
Love @ First Sight 💕
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- I find them cute 😭💗 ( mah babies 🥹 )
- coby owns a big bike lessgo
- luffy here is a 3rd year and coby is a 2nd year
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One Friday Morning in the Grand Line University....
The whole Corridor is filled with freshman and 2nd-3rd year girls who was aiming to see Ace and Sabo the popular brothers and also Coby the student council president of the 2nd year Department
"Ughh here they are all again..."
"Just don't mind them ace keep your walk straight and nevermind their eyes piercing through you"
"Urk you sound like it was hella scary as fuck dude shut up"
Sabo just rolled off his eyes and smiled back at coby who was waiting for an answer with his question
"Ohh luffy? Sadly he was sick today since he got caught up in the rain yesterday"
"Don't worry! He will be just fine by tomorrow...if he didn't throw a fit and just stay put and our personal doctor marco is right there taking care of him so no worries...or so we thought.."
"Sorry haha I'm just overthinking that's all"
"That's crazy to overthink sabo..."
"Ohh okay then thank you for telling me! I'll visit him later after our classes and might as well take care of him in behalf of sir marco"
"Ohh thank you then coby! Luffy might get happy if his friends visited him!"
Ace ruffled coby's hair as he and sabo went to their respective classrooms...
As for coby he waited for helmeppo on the gate since their biology class starts at 9 AM
He was still thinking that it was his fault that luffy got sick because of yesterday.
As he was in his train of thoughts he suddenly heard helmeppo calling his name
"COBY!!" he said while waving and running towards coby who was just a few meters far from him
"Whatever lets get started and divide our parts so we will not take too much time later on"
"Okay then"
After that they both sat on the cafe inside the campus and started dividing the slides they are about to tackle about and even search for fun facts and ideas for add-ons and by 8:40 AM they stood up and took their things and went to their first class
As they both went inside the classroom one of their classmates told them that their prof from their class will be absent because of sudden emrgencies but a substitute teacher from the chemistry department came to take a look for them
"Good Morning class the name's Monette and I'm from the chemistry department and your proffesor told me to be in substitute today and was also told that someone from this class are about to report something today?"
Coby and Helmeppo raised their hands "That's us miss its our turn for todays report"
"Okay then please kindly get here in the front and present your report so the time will be not wasted"
After they both went in front they both presented their slides and had a successful report with their classmates not asking questions and even have high scores on the quiz they gave for them.
"Okay then class since their report and the mini quiz is done it should be my que to leave and Mr. Coby and Mr. Helmeppo please kindly hand me the papers from your quiz so I could put it on your prof's desk okay? Thats all and the class is dismissed" Monette announced as she gave them a sweet smile and took the papers from Coby and Helmeppo.
Their next class will start at 12:30 and will finish at 2PM and it was still early
"How about we just got to the library?"
Coby gave him a coy look as he let out a small laugh "You'll just sleep there you idiot"
"What? I mean rather than spacing out i'd rather sleep on the library instead"
"Go then lets meet at the cafeteria at 11PM so we could go eat and head to our last class for today"
"Okay then see ya"
"Mn see ya"
They parted ways as Coby headed to the student council office and found Sabo there with Koala the Vice President on their department and one of the vice head directors of the school which was also luffy's grandfather garp
"Ohh Good morning ms. Koala and mr. Savo and to you too head director Dragon"
"No need for formalities young lad just call me garp" garp replied as he ate a rice cracker
"You old man why are you slacking off here in the student council room?" He heard Sabo let out a sigh as he signed the papers Koala just handed him as garp was on the sofa happily eating his rice crackers.
"HEH you have the guts to scold your grandfather here boy–"
"Sengoku-san was just scolding him and he doesn't want to hear it so he went to hide here" Koala sighed as she handed the last paper to sign for today
Sabo just scoffed as he signed the papers diligently while listening.
"Oh by the way Coby theres a document handed to you from your secretary tashigi a while ago" sabo said which got coby's attention and took the envelope from him
"Thank you! That's why tashigi texted me a while ago thank you again pres!"
"No worries"
Coby went out from the room as he went to the cafe to check the documents and saw that tashigi has already done the part where he asked for the information of the people who attacked a first year of the grand line university yesterday.
It was 7pm that time and all president of every year level had an urgent meeting for the upcoming sport championship and also upcoming retreat for the freshmen and graduating students and so their meeting lasted for 2 hours since it will tackle about the rules, and also the amount of selection for the place where the said retreat and even the selection of players for the sport champion ship is also tackled hence that's why everyone is busy that night of the meeting...
"Okay everyone let's continue to discuss this tomorrow evening so no more absences tomorrow but if needed please just provide an excuse letter or tell me beforehand of the meeting"
After sabo finished the meeting everyone helped to clean out the said room except for sabo who stayed for a while since he still have papers to finish for that regards about the concerns of the parents and also the students for the upcoming retreat
As they were about to exit the school grounds it started raining and coby being the most prepared one took out his umbrella and bid goodbye to others took out their emergency unbrellas on their lockers.
As he was walking to the main gate he heard someone yelling near the open field of their campus dome and it seemed like someone was hurt so he quickly went to that direction..
And the sight overly made his eyes go wide as no scream let out from his mouth...
There luffy was getting punched as he tries to stand by to protect the two freshman girls who is now crying under the rain...
Coby lost it as he yeeted his umbrella and dashed out to go and gave them and give them a  taste of their own medicine as he gave them a few round house kicks and some uppercuts that badly damaged the ones who hurts luffy
Luffy let out a little laugh as the two girls went to go check on him.
"That's my question to you either..."
"What the hell are you doing in the grandline university punching the hell out the head directors son?"
The students from other school went to look at luffy in horror as luffy menacingly looked at them
"Rule no.35 in the school rules...No other school should be allowed to punch, bully, kill, nor harass students inside nor outside from the Grand Line University campus..."
"Yet here you are...beating the hell out of the only son of the head director..."
Coby grabbed the collar of the now shaking outsider as he whispered on his ear
"Now go and get the hell out of here with your dumbass friends and never go back before the president of the students council sees you" he coldly said as he threw him outside of the 2nd gate of the campus.
After that the five outsiders quickly ran their asses off as he turned around to check for luffy.
"L-Luffy-san are you alright?"
"Y-Yeah thank you for that coby shishi"
Coby and the two girls almost cried at how strong luffy is despite of his hurtful image he still let out a smile.
"YOU-WHY DID YOU JUST STOOD THERE! YOU'RE ALMOST GOT KILLED BECAUSE OF US"  the other girl cried as luffy only smiled and patted her head.
"I know it seems to me that they're just weak and so i just feed the ego and was about to strike after they're done hitting but coby showed up"
"What matters us that its already done okay? And its still raining i'll call our driver vergo so he could drive you two hom–"
"Stop...we are already for your protection luffy-senpai..we will just walk since our home is not far from here...don't worry we will not  meet trouble and you two should go home too thank you again"  the other girl bowed as she took the hand of her friend and there they ran away to go back home
Luffy grunted as he held his left abdomen..
"Uhmm..c-can you please carry me home?"
Coby was stunned at what he heard as he didn't expect luffy to bring him home instead of the clinic...
"U-Uhh suree wait i'll just take out my motorcycle bike and we'll go home okay? Luffy-san?"
Luffy just nodded as he tried not to move too much as Coby sat him on the benches inside the dome
After that Coby ran to where his motorcycle bike was parked and quickly started it and so he droved where luffy was and Luffy stood up as coby messily putted on his helmet and after that coby put his helmet on and luffy rode on the back as he hugged coby and he droved off in the rain..
"Woahhh coby where did you even learned to drive a motorcycle like this??"
"Well zoro-senpai and I took lessons for riding motorcycles like this during summer break last year"
"Ohh so coolll i wanna learn too but I'm not that good in handling big bikes like this"
Coby just smiled as he drove off and tried speeding and as expected luffy got excited as he changed him "faster cobyyy!!!"
"Pfft no more luffy-san I just speed off a little because we are in a highway and since we are on the city there are now speed limits"
Luffy got a little sad but he went in awe of the city lights and even the rain had subdued a little...
After a little ride towards home they finally got into the Monkey D. Residences and there Coby parked his big bike on the outside parking station and took off luffy's helmet
"BWAH Ugh it moisted inside i feel like i couldn't breathe"
Coby just chuckled as he ruffled luffy's hairand there found him a little quite cute and sexy despite of luffy being older than him.
After a minute luffy successfully dried his hair and so as coby, Coby's heart skipped a bit after seeing luffy up close and was stunned by his manly beauty...now he understands why the 4th years like trafalgar, eustass, Boa and even the other proffesors have the toxic love for him too...
And now he's also one of the contenders...
"-oby? Coby? Coby!" He just realized that luffy was calling for him...
"O-Ohh sorry for looking at you for too long"
"No worries hehe by the way thank you for taking me home! Nice meeting you tho"
"No worries luffy-san..pleasure to meet you too"
Now here lies coby's intrusive thoughts whether to kiss him goodbye or not...its like they are having a war on his head but like I said his intrusive thoughts won...
Before luffy can go inside the gate coby pulled his hand and waist and gave him a sweet goodbye kiss as luffy was shocked and was now confused on his spot...
Coby embarrassingly went back to his big bike and drove out of there as fast as possible as luffy who was still confused nodded and went inside of their residence.
After that Coby hard a hard time falling asleep due to what he did to luffy...
Coby got back to reality due to his phone ringing and there the called ID shows helmeppo's name.
He sighed when he exoected for luffy to call him but he remembered he didn't have his number...
He just chuckled and went to answer helmeppo's call
"What now?"
"You stupid you just told me to meet you at the cafeteria yet you are not here and it's already been 11"
"Alright alright calm the fuck down i'll be on my way"
After that he end up the call and stood up as he looked up in the sky
"Wish to see you again Monkey D. Luffy.." he mumbled and went back to meet helmeppo.
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– That's all folks...
( here a hawt coby for ya'll )
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ask-beacons-finest · 6 years
GrimmAge!Yang, sitting on a wooden stool at the Tavern's bar, her face slightly flushed as she wobbles slightly: So, it was you who loosed an arrow through the arm of a member of the Vacuo Council? HAH!
GrimmAge!May, equally woozy, taking another swig from a large tankard: Y-Yes, yes that was me. They called for my branding. For my skill as an archer to be owned, by that horrid group no less. My rage built quickly and my aim was true.
GrimmAge!Yang, laughing, slamming her hand on the bar counter as she does so: Hah! That's too grand, far too grand. Yes yes, not true enough though, for the bastard lived well enough to attempt to employ none other than my Tribe to hunt for your head.
GrimmAge!May, instantly jerking upright, staring at Yang with terror: Wh...What?
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding, taking a heavy swing from her tankard, calling for the bartender to give her another as she slaps a coin from the dead man's purse on the counter: Yes yes, the anger on his face when my mother said no. Hah! Serves the fool right.
GrimmAge!May, letting out a long and relieved sigh: Oh...thank the Gods...
GrimmAge!Yang, raising an eyebrow, grabbing hold of a newly filled tankard with joy: So, that is how you became an outlaw in your home Kingdom, but Vale? How have you angered our Council?
GrimmAge!May, nervously: I...began to search for ways to activate my Light...you see I...I believe the Light exists within all of us, you only need to break it from its binds and-
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding, her face quickly growing solemn: Yes.
GrimmAge!May, in disbelief, nearly speechless: Wha...what did you say?
GrimmAge!Yang, nods again: The Light exists within all of us. It is a dormant power within each and every single human or fau-...ahem, every human you step across. However, it may not always be significantly useful, your gift of power will most likely differ from mine.
GrimmAge!May, folding her hands together on the counter, looking to them adamantly: ...ah...I see...
GrimmAge!May, after a minute or two of silence, speaking up slowly: Say...Yang?
GrimmAge!Yang, in the middle of chugging down the tankard, glancing over: Mmm?
GrimmAge!May, cautiously: Why did you save me?
GrimmAge!Yang, finishes the tankard, placing it down upside down and wipes her mouth with her arm, yawns: Ahhhhh, well. Simple really.
GrimmAge!Yang, turning to face May, a smile on her face: I was bored.
GrimmAge!May, her face contorting through an emotional spectrum of surprise and horror and disgust and humor, ending in disbelief: B-...because you were bored...you killed those men and saved me?
GrimmAge!Yang, shrugs: Well...Yes, I suppose. If who I was waiting for wasn't so late, perhaps I wouldn't have been there, and Gods know what would have happened to you. So I personally think me being there, being bored, was a blessing of fate.
GrimmAge!May, slowly nodding, looking down to her hands again, shifting slightly: Is...the person you're waiting for...?
GrimmAge!Yang, raising an eyebrow, a bit oblivious: Aye. A partner of sorts, her and I are Blood Bonded, so there's truly no excuse for her having not found her way back to me. Though I don't really mind, you see she's a bit of a bit-
GrimmAge!Weiss, smashing her way into the tavern, a blast of bone-chilling wind blowing through the room, snuffing out candles and fireplaces alike, breathing in a seething rage, her breath visible: YANG. XIAO. LONG. EXPLAIN TO ME WHY THERE ARE CORPSES LAYING TO ROT IN THE ROAD!?
GrimmAge!Patron, grumpily raising his head, irritated, snarling out in a drunken stupor: Why in the Gods names is this rancid bitch making so much noi-
GrimmAge!Weiss, angrily throws out her hand, a sheet of ice nearly instantly forming over the patron's mouth, barring him from speaking, breathing heavily in a fit of rage as she storms up to Yang: What. Have. You. Done?
GrimmAge!May, the temperature around her dropping quickly as Weiss approaches, so much so she begins to shiver: W-What sort of power?
GrimmAge!Yang, unfazed, smiling smugly as Weiss glares inches from her face, in a cheerful tune: ...hello Wei-
GrimmAge!Weiss, shouting, the gusts of icy winds exploding in intensity as she does so: DO NOT "HELLO WEISS" ME. RAVEN TOLD US TO COMPLETE THIS TASK INCONSPICUOUSLY.
GrimmAge!Yang, casually looking around the tavern, noticing ice forming all around them, the other patrons all shivering: Ah...Yes, and we're both doing a fantastic job.
GrimmAge!Weiss, seething: How many times...must I clean up your-
GrimmAge!Yang, smiling: Weiss, you're done speaking, and your magic is done as well.
GrimmAge!Weiss, her words immediately stopping, her face burning with an even greater rage as she stays perfectly silent, as though muted, the icy winds dying instantly: ...
GrimmAge!Yang, turning to an amazed May: This, is my Blood Bonded. Weiss Schnee. I'm sure you've heard the name.
GrimmAge!May, still struggling to make sense of all that happened: I-...I believe so...y-yes...
GrimmAge!Yang, standing, stretching and nodding to Weiss, who has only slightly calmed down, tosses May the coin purses she looted from her attackers: Well, we really must be going. Seeing as how not only did I reveal myself a user of the Light, but also a harborer of not only a Witch, but Weiss Schnee. Oh, and the Blood Bond. That's another crime against the Council isn't it?
GrimmAge!Yang, sheepishly laughing as Weiss glares daggers at her: There are so many nonsense crimes and rules...I forget. But yes, it was a pleasure, Miss Zedong, perhaps we shall meet ag-
GrimmAge!May, jumping up, blurting out: May I come with you?
GrimmAge!Yang, her eyes widening in surprise, ignoring Weiss's furious vibrations, stammering for a moment: I...
GrimmAge!Yang, shrugging, agreeing while continuing to ignore Weiss's silent raging protests: Sure. Why not, but uhh...we should move quickly. Using the Light to murder those thugs seemed as though the townsfolk could turn a nervous blind eye,
GrimmAge!Yang, glancing over towards the back of the tavern, a back door wide open and swinging in the wind, knowing full well Council guards are being called for: But nearly destroying a tavern with Magics? Not so much...let's go now.
GrimmAge!May, determined: Right! I have a small stash of things not far from here, let's head there first. I need my bows.
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding with a big smile, nudging Weiss with her elbow who only silently rolls her eyes and crosses her arms unhappily, anxiously attempting to get them to rush from the tavern: Perfect! We'll head there first! Quickly haha!
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sugarwithtea · 2 years
crush hour (m) || jhs
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pairing : hoseok x reader
genre : smut, pwp(lol)
rating : m (18+); minors dni
summary : You need to reward your boyfriend for his latest collab with the best gift. Your mouth.
word count : 987
warnings : ahem. ahem. lessgo. blowjob, handjob, deepthroating, rush hour jhope (basically jhoe), swearing, kissing, a lil bit crying?, v v lil mentions of anal, no penetrative sex cuz reader would like to make him cum once more (not mentioned in the drabble lol), jhope tears the readers top, does he?? lmao his tongue keeps on peeking out tho ;)
author's note : wow right? i mean omg i can't stop listening to this damn bop!! and jhope switching into jhoe !!! this whole drabble was so quick and the main trigger was literally this damned tiktok. anyways unedited and written on a whim, as always ;)
mood : rush hour - jhope & crush
m.list | taglist
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Jung Hoseok never failed to take your breath away.
This time, he was literally doing so.
"Oh my god Y/N."
You hum around his dick and he groans again. With his cock lodged inside your mouth and breathing erratic, Hoseok moans for his life.
He had been working on this collaborative single for a while now. He had never let you listen to even a second of it, giving some reasons like I can't let you listen to it because of the privacy reasons of the label and my collaborator and blah blah blah. He has mumbled something about it being a surprise too and god was he honest. Because the song that filtered out the speaker had your insides churn with an unknown pleasure and your mouth almost screamed to get him inside you. It was indeed, the sluttiest surprise.
And so here you are, in your living room, with his dick in your mouth.
You swipe your tongue over his painfully hard shaft and he jerks forward, stuffing himself deeper inside you. Your tongue tastes his pre-cum dripping down his length inside your mouth and you moan around his dick as you bob your head up and down him.
He moans your name and his hands immediately grab your hair, forming a makeshift ponytail and helping you move even more faster, and deeper.
"You always take me so well baby." his breathy voice sends butterflies to your stomach and you detach yourself from him, using your hands to spread the slick of your saliva and his pre cum all over his shaft.
"I want to give you a gift, hobi. You did so well." you look up at him through your lashes and he sucks in a shaky breath as his hips buck forward.
He slowly fucks himself in your hand and you sing out praises, watching him get impossibly hard, with his tip an angry red and veins wilding.
"Don't, don't do that."
"What?" you kiss his tip teasingly.
"T-that. Don't t-tease me baby. Either take me in or stop. I can't wai-" you take him in your mouth again before he could even finish his sentence.
He grasps your hair harder and you jerk forward, your nose brushing his small tickly hair and he moans so loud, you feel your eyes rolling back and pussy clenching around nothing due to the pleasure of his sounds.
"Yeah, like that. Such a good girl."
You nod eagerly and happily at his words, tears almost spilling out of your eyes as his dick hits the back of your throat and you still move your head with the perfect rhythm, pace, and lust.
His moves turn languid and he caresses your scalp, when his cock twitches in your mouth and the tears fall out for real. You look up at him, your vision blurry and feel your heart skip a beat.
With his tongue peeking out just a little, resting atop his bottom lip, eyes scrunched shut with pleasure adorned by the yellow shades which are a little askew but still oh so fucking hot on him. His chest heaving, breathing quick and cheeks flushed red, you wanted him to fuck you right then and there for hours. Especially with those black, luscious hair of his sticking to the nape of his neck due to the sweat trickling down his form.
"I'm gonna cum."
Heart soaring and ass sticking out for him, you gladly cup his balls and give them a squeeze, all while moving your tongue skillfully like a master. He gives in to your touch in the next few seconds, spilling his load into your mouth.
He moans heavenly, breathily and your pussy gushes with arousal, nipples hardening against the material of your skimpy top. For what feels like hours, he spurts ropes of his cum and you obediently, hornily, swallow it all.
When he finally stops, you remove your mouth from his dick and stick out your tongue for him to see that you have swallowed it all. It's that which spurs him to hastily pull you up by your arms and smash his lips onto yours. He grimaces a little at the taste of his cum but nevertheless sticks his tongue into your mouth fiercely.
The kiss was walking on no tightrope, and you had completely tripped down the rope, into the pits of destruction, crushed by the feeling of Hoseok feeling you through his hands on your ass, groping the flesh and kneading it.
"You will be the death of me one day." he says and kisses your chin, trailing them towards your collarbone.
"I am already crushed by you."
He laughs and grabs your ass tightly.
"This thing was taunting me so much when you were on your knees, baby. I want to fuck that hole of yours so bad."
"Mhm but not before I get you to come again. In my mouth." you grab his hair as he reaches your breastbone and nips at the skin, moaning at your words.
"Maybe next time. But for now-" his words are cut short by his actions as he suddenly grabs the top of your strapless crop top and tears it down, in one quick motion, your boobs spilling out and you gasping loudly.
"Oh my god, Hobi."
He grabs one of your tits in his hands and kneads the boob softly, your nipples erect and hard.
"Yeah, you have rewarded me enough. Now it's my turn."
He flicks his thumb over your nipple and you whimper in his hold, jerking a bit forward and noticing he is semi hard, again.
"For being the perfect crush." he takes that nipple between his lips and you shudder.
"I thought you loved me."
"But I have a crush on you too."
You both laugh in sync as he pulls you inside the bedroom and true to his words, he rewards you all night.
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taglist : @nuniah @kittykooyoongi @highly-functioning-mitochondria @jeonkookiesworld @haliiimede @jjkeverlast @aliimac @gimmethatagustd @btsstan12 @namjoonwhoresworld @apotatomashedbybts @synnfulqt @saweetspoiled @chimchimmarie @sugababylove84 @axigailxo
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feedback, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated so please let me know your thoughts :)))
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© sugarwithtea. all works belong to me. do not repost without permission.
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ask-beacons-finest · 6 years
Pollination!RWBY: Who kills the spider? Who deals with the mice? Who shovels the snow? Who forgets that they started laundry 2.5 days ago and then has to do all of it again. Give me the domestic details. (Sent by anon)
Ruby, lounging in the RWBY home's living room, Weiss laying atop her: Impressively enough, Weiss has gotten quite the hang of domestic stuff.
Blake, sitting with Yang on the other couch, teasing: Mmhhm, if she continues being so good at it she may never need to go back to being a Huntress.
Weiss, laying on her stomach on top of Ruby, one of her eyes splitting open as she glares at Blake: The second I'm cleared to kill Grimm. I. Am. Killing. Grimm.
Yang, nods, slightly terrified: Ha...haha...Yeah that's probably a smart idea, else you might turn that aggression out on your wives...
Weiss, a smug smile forming on her face as she closes her eye again, shifting atop Ruby to face away from Blake and Yang: Mmmmm...MAYBE.
Blake, rolls her eyes with a bit of a laugh: But yes, we all do our parts here. Some of us are better than others and sort of take over jobs though. Like Yang with cooking.
Yang, groans: Why am I always the good chef? God if our lives were a drama the writing would be awful and cheesy.
Ruby, with a chuckle: Well, I'm the one always in charge of maintaining our weapons, as well as various other technical repairs around the house, people like to latch onto one character trait and make it everything.
Blake, shrugs, an amused smile on her face: Guess there's always gotta be a universal constant, huh? Anyways, it is nice that Thyme helps out with doing chores sometimes.
Yang, nods, moving on: Yeah, a little worrisome when Weiss shows them how to use dust to clear snow from our property. Almost like she forgot the whole forest incident.
Weiss, groaning: Oh my Gods would you all just give it up about the forest. I admitted it! It was my fault! What more do you want?!
Ruby, a tad confused: We don't...have Thyme help out they're too young?
Blake, exchanging a concerned look with Yang: Wh...what? No they're not?
Ruby, clearing her throat, shouting out: Thyme!? Hunny can you c'mere for a second?
Thyme, poking their head into the living room: Yuh?
Yang, scratching her head: How...old are you kiddo?
Thyme: Uhhhhhh...
Thyme, reaching into their pocket and pulls out an ornate watch, opening it up and stares at it for a moment: ...thirteen.
Blake, defiantly: Hah! So they are old enough for chores!
Ruby, snaps her fingers: Damn. This couldn't have been a time where you were younger? You couldn't have helped Mommy out?
Thyme, shrugs, slowly inching out of the room: Soooooorrrryyyyyyy, but Mom wins.
Yang, victoriously high fiving Blake: Mom and Momma lessgo!
Weiss, suddenly lunges up into a sitting position, confused: Wha-...Wait a minute...
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