ask-beacons-finest · 3 years
Magnolia, lounging on the couch: Do you feel like things have been less eventful lately?
Thyme, glancing up from their laptop: How do you mean?
Magnolia, shrugging: Nothing incredibly exciting has happened to us recently. No life threatening monsters in any timelines. No weird drama. It's been sort of...
Thyme, raising an eyebrow: Normal?
Magnolia: Boring.
Thyme, sighs, closing the laptop: Well, what do you suggest then?
Magnolia, sitting up, stretching: I think the next time we return my home timeline, we should...I don't know. Go find trouble. Solve it. Be heroes.
Thyme, groans: Ugh...fine...but nothing too crazy okay?
Magnolia, raising a hand: I swear. Nothing crazy.
Thyme, tied to a skewer, hanging over a burning fire: Oh, I swear. I sweaaaar, nothing crazy. Nothing crazy at alllll.
Magnolia, hanging upside down by her ankles off to the side: Will you stop being a baby and just stop time or something.
Thyme, being rotated around the skewer: OH I'M A BABY NOW? I'M BEING COOKED ALIVE AND THAT MAKES ME A BABY?
Magnolia, crossing her arms: Can someone please gag them?
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Cinder, gripping the face of a strangely morphing humanoid, her hand lighting aflame as the screeching horror shrivels and breaks apart to ash: Dear Rose, stay as close to me as you can.
GrimmAge!Ruby, practically clinging onto Cinder's free arm, burying her face into her shoulder to hide away from the screaming and shambling mounds of sludge-like humanoids: Just make it stop. Make it stop please. Make it stop. This horrid screaming.
GrimmAge!Cinder, with a flick of her fingers, a small ball of flame appearing above her hand before she throws it at a fused together mass of several humanoids, scowling as they shriek in agony before burning to death: Yes. Yes I want their cursed screaming to end too. I'm sorry but you must deal with it for a little longer, until we find the others and get out of this damned place.
GrimmAge!Ruby, shaking her head: No. No no no. Not their screams. Not their screams at all. Hers. Her screams.
GrimmAge!Cinder, pausing, glancing over to Ruby for a moment: What on Remnant are you talking about? I hear no other screams than-GODS?!
GrimmAge!Cinder, lunging backwards with Ruby in her hands, a lanky arm with long clawed fingers smashing through the floor where she was only just standing, the shattered floorboards of the previously joyful tavern ripping the flesh of the arm to shreds, despite this it still pulls a horribly disfigured humanoid out from the hole: What...is this place?
GrimmAge!Monster, its face looking as if a human had been tarred to the extreme, pieces of it dripping off and hitting the floor with wet slopping sounds, the mouth of the creature opening much much further than any human being should be capable of before letting out a piercing scream, only to be cut short as two arrows suddenly split through its empty eye sockets, the creature dropping to the ground and begins to lose form: GgreeAeessrhgggh...
GrimmAge!Cinder, panting in horror for a moment as she stares the creature down, its form actually slipping back down into the hole it created in the floor, then looking up to see the culprit of the fired arrows: ...you? Archer?
GrimmAge!May, already having readied another two arrows, her eyes rapidly scanning their surroundings as more humanoid monsters inch ever so closer: Where is Yang? The Schnee? We need to get out of here.
GrimmAge!Cinder, shaking her head: I haven't got a single clue. I've been far too busy protecting my Rose to search for the others. We need to work together if we're going to-
GrimmAge!Cinder, getting cut off my a loud scream from above them, unable to discern whether its horror or anger: By the Light? What was-
GrimmAge!Ruby, glancing upwards and muttering before breaking away from Cinder to sprint up the stairs: ...Yang.
GrimmAge!Cinder, unable to catch Ruby as she runs off: RUBY! NO!!
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Ruby, sitting at a table in the corner of the bustling tavern, her legs pulled up to her chest with her face buried into her knees: P-Please, leave me alone.
GrimmAge!Woman, shifting back and forth over Ruby's shoulders, gripping down onto them: But why? But why, Darling Rose? What's wrong? Don't you wish to relax? To enjoy yourself with all the others? You're here hiding all on your lonesome, enjoying the festivities would be so much more fun!
GrimmAge!Ruby, shifting further into her shell: You...do not look right...there is something terribly wrong with you, and this place. I want to leave.
GrimmAge!Woman, her voice coming out as more of a hiss than anything else: But WHY?! This place is so wonderful! Every single thing you could ever want! Food! Drink! Flesh! What more do you pathetic creatures desire! I demand you tell-
GrimmAge!Cinder, suddenly appearing with blazing eyes, smashing the woman away from Ruby and pinning her against a wall, screaming with flames flickering out from her mouth: WHO ARE YOU TO DARE TOUCH HER?! YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY ROSE OR I WILL BURN YOU TO ASH.
GrimmAge!Woman, despite having been slammed so hard into the wall she's in more of a crater than anything else, a grin on her face: Oh, don't be stupid. You can't provide for her the way we can, and deep down, you know that. Don't you, Cinder? That you can't protect her from everything like you think you can.
GrimmAge!Cinder, her eyes flaring up even more, spinning her head towards Ruby: Did she hurt you? Did you say anything to her?
GrimmAge!Cinder, turning her attention back to the woman: How do you know my NAME!?
GrimmAge!Ruby, lifting her head from her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks: I-I said only to leave me alone, I never mentioned you by name. There is something wrong with the people here, I...I can see it, they ripple like reflections in water. It...is wrong. Something is wrong.
GrimmAge!Cinder, turning her head, surveying the large crowd of tavern goers, who have stopped their revelry and are simply staring at Cinder in complete silence: ...yes...yes, I see it now.
GrimmAge!Cinder, her hand gripping the woman's throat quickly breaks out in flames, which spread to the woman who lets out a blood curdling scream as she burns alive: How could I have been so blind...
GrimmAge!Weiss, sitting in a booth besides Yang, a beer in her hand, speaking with a smile: Yang, may I say something?
GrimmAge!Yang, also with a beer in her hand, turning her attention to Weiss: Hmm? Yes, yes of course.
GrimmAge!Weiss, taking a sip of the beer: Seeing all these people here...everyone having fun. Dancing, drinking, feasting. It just sort of reminds me of the balls my family would have back home.
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding her head in response, but remaining silent: ...
GrimmAge!Weiss, side-eyeing Yang, bringing the tankard to her lips but speaks rather than taking a sip: Do you remember...the promise you made to me, that, umm...aha...first night we laid together?
GrimmAge!Yang, bringing a finger to her cheek and scratches it, giving off a nervous laugh as she raises the tankard with her other hand, sloshing around the beer inside: I-Uhh, you're gonna have to remind me...s-sorry.
GrimmAge!Weiss, sighs, but gives off a smile nonetheless: You fool...about how we would one day return to my home, all the way back in Atlas, and we would attend one of those balls. Together. With you at my side.
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding, smiling bright: Well of course, I wouldn't dream of breaking a promise I made to you. Especially one like that, my darling.
GrimmAge!Weiss, giving off a content sigh, lowering her tankard from her lips and rests her head on Yang's shoulder: Oh, Yang...I should've known this moment was too good to be true. I knew the second you called me anything that wasn't my name.
GrimmAge!Yang, tilting her head: I...don't understand?
GrimmAge!Weiss, quickly splashing her tankard all over Yang's face, the beer instantly freezing, sliding her way out of the booth as Yang's arms flail helplessly against the magical ice, glaring down with contempt: The "promise" confirmed it. But by the Gods, if you're going to do something like this, at least learn everyone's names first.
GrimmAge!Weiss, looking over her shoulder to the tavern floor, the dozens and dozens of once cheerfully celebratory patrons now glaring at her with empty eyes, a large glyph forming beside her: Now then, I suppose it's time for me to find the others. The real Yang, so I can kick her ass.
GrimmAge!May, standing in the private room with the man she met at the bar, casually pulling an arrow from her quiver: ...
GrimmAge!Man, raising an eyebrow: And what's that for?
GrimmAge!May, grinding the tip of the arrow against her pointer finger, drawing the tiniest bit of blood: Y'know. Big groups entering all at the same time...those aren't good for your line of business, are they?
GrimmAge!Man, breaking from his confused stare with an equally confused laugh: O-Oh no, n-no no. I don't run this inn personally, if that's what you're implying. But uhh, I think big groups are important for them, no? More drinks being sold and whatnot.
GrimmAge!May, taking a few steps towards the man, arrow still in hand, laughing a little: Ahhh, hah. Except...the drinks I got at the bar, three to be exact. All free. No charge. Of course, they were shit beer, and quite frankly I should've been paid to drink it. But still, free.
GrimmAge!May, cutting the man off before he can speak by placing the arrowhead against his lips: Ah ah ah, before you come up with some shit excuse. Let me tell you, the beer lacking cost was just icing on the cake. What I mean when I say the big groups, like ours was, being bad for your business is that you're bound to have people with different...tastes.
GrimmAge!Man, clearing his throat, awkwardly: Well, we accommodate for all here, so I-
GrimmAge!May, nodding, a mockingly impressed look on her face: Oh, you most certainly do. Enough so that when those two folks grabbed Yang from the entrance, Princess Bitch saw two women, I saw two men. Really fascinating how that could be possible, that is, unless there was some sort of illusion. So now, you've got me wondering, you've got me wondering-
GrimmAge!May, jabbing the arrow into the stomach of the man, brutally shifting it up and under his ribcage, pushing it further and further until he starts choking up blood: Just what the bloody fuck this whole place really is.
GrimmAge!Yang, sitting in a bathtub, relaxing with closed eyes and a big smile, a littered mess of empty tankards at one side of the room, her arm being washed by the woman that took her from the entrance, the man kneeling behind the bath massaging her shoulders: Ahh, this is the life. A shame it won't last.
GrimmAge!Woman, with a sense of longing to her voice: Ooooh, My Lady...Yang, don't say that. You needn't leave.
GrimmAge!Yang, opening a single eye, her voice deadpan: So...finally learned my name then? Hmph...I must have...mentioned it. Say, you're lovely company. But umm...I can't do this.
GrimmAge!Woman, speaking with a frown: Are you certain? We love having you here, we'd be happy to wait on you day-in and day-out.
GrimmAge!Man, speaking in a whisper: You can stay here forever...
GrimmAge!Yang, sighs, sitting upright, taking herself out of the pair's grasp: Yeah umm...I-I get that. Just. I need to talk to my companions. The both of them. Y'know? The white haired one, and the one with the bow. They both look really bitchy in their own unique ways?
GrimmAge!Woman, standing up from her spot besides the bath, ushering the man to join her: Of course, we understand, we'll go get them for you.
GrimmAge!Yang, watching the pair of them leave, a smile on her face as they get to the door, waving them out: It's been a pleasure, perhaps I'll see you both later tonight?
GrimmAge!Yang, joining the pair in a quick laugh as they leave, her face dropping to an emotionless slate once the door latches, whispering to herself as she raises a leg out of the bath: ...this...isn't water. I bet that shit wasn't beer either. Just what in the Gods' names is this place.
GrimmAge!Yang, lowering her leg back to the water as the door opens again, Weiss and May stepping in, the pair silently making their way to the tub, kneeling each on a side: ...it's good to see you both. I've...missed you...It's, uhm, been a while since I've enjoyed a bath with the pair of you, and since I'm in one now...I just thought, you know.
GrimmAge!Weiss, reaching into the tub and pulling up Yang's arm, caressing it until she interlocks her hand with Yangs, giving the back of Yang's hand a kiss: I was beginning to get jealous, to be completely honest with you. Worried that I'd be replaced.
GrimmAge!May, mimicking Weiss's movements with Yang's other hand, a gentle smile on her face: I wasn't worried in the slightest. I knew you'd not be able to resist your favorites.
GrimmAge!Yang, sliding her hands around her companions, her left to the back of Weiss's head, gently stroking her hair, and her right to May's neck, softly rubbing her thumb along her skin: Well, I'm sorry, Weiss, that you felt that. And I'm glad, May, you helped her anxiety. But unfortunately, there is something I'm going to need to say, and do.
GrimmAge!Weiss, leaning closer and closer to Yang in the tub, her voice practically a moan: Anything~
GrimmAge!May, her eyes resting hungrily on Yang's face, her tongue just slightly wetting her own lips: Anything at all.
GrimmAge!Yang, taking a deep breath, speaking calmly with closed eyes: Weiss...isn't nearly this submissive, especially around me after I do something as stupid as lead us all into some shithole like this. And May? Heh. You really fucked up there.
GrimmAge!Yang, an aura of golden light exploding around her as her hands tighten their grips, pulling hard on Weiss's head and pushing her face under the water, winning easily against the struggling body, her other hand immediately breaking through the skin of May's throat as she crushes it, glaring directly at the bloody mess: May likes men. And I'm going to burn this fucking nightmare to the ground.
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Sun, stepping up towards the bow of a sailing ship, his hands resting on his hips, calling out: Oyy, Lady Belladonna.
GrimmAge!Blake, leaning over the ship's railings watching the ocean below, her head turning at the call from Sun, wearing a cowl to hide her ears: You needn't call me that, Sun. We aren't at home anymore.
GrimmAge!Sun, taking a place besides her: And you needn't wear that cowl, we won't be hitting the mainland in another few days.
GrimmAge!Blake, sighing, pulling the cowl off her head, revealing her cat ears: I'm simply trying to get accustomed to it. The damned thing is a nuisance. I wish I didn't need to wear it at all.
GrimmAge!Sun, placing a hand on Blake's shoulder: Ay. But you know the reason just as well as I. Humans are dangerous, unpredictable. They fear things they don't understand, and their only response to that fear is violence. They're savages, Blake. And we can't risk the Belladonna heir princess to-
GrimmAge!Blake, scowling, slashing out at Sun, who dodges the strike: They aren't all savages. Have you ever even met a human!? I have. She was kind. Lovely.
GrimmAge!Sun, crossing his arms, a stern look on his face: Ah yes. The blonde warrior who left you without even saying goodbye. She sounds like a wonderful example of the good of humanity.
GrimmAge!Blake, glaring at Sun in silence, turning her head away from him: Irrelevant. Besides, I've heard tales of humans partaking in open trade with folk more bestial than the Faunus.
GrimmAge!Sun, nodding: Ah yes. The beast-kin. The mad magic users who graft the skin of the black beasts onto their newborn children, a ritual that kills most of them. What a perfect group of people to trade willingly with. I'm sure they want nothing of too much value. Just the blood of infants or the bones of one you love most.
GrimmAge!Blake, with an irritated sigh: What are you getting at?
GrimmAge!Sun, narrowing his eyes: I'm getting at this. Do not compare our people to those savages, human or beast-kin. Your adoration of that human woman from years past has clouded your judgement. It's unbecoming of the heir princess.
GrimmAge!Blake, turning her attention back to the Sea, speaking with a low growl: Leave me be, Sun. And for the final time, and I am saying this not as your friend but as your ruler to be, they're not all savages.
GrimmAge!Yang, slamming the head of a vaguely humanoid-shaped black creature into a wooden wall, the wood splintering beneath her prey, shouting: WHERE ARE THEY!?
GrimmAge!Yang, stabbing her sword through the creature's chest before it could even hope to answer, a brutal ripping sound of flesh and river of brackish ichor coming from the creature as she cleaves her blade through its side, calling out through the hall of shambling copies: WEISS?! MAY!? SISTER!!?!? WITCH!? WHERE ARE YOU!?
GrimmAge!Yang, her body exploding into burning light, the creatures approaching her stopping in their tracks and begin to cower away from her, a smile spreading on her face as she raises her blade: Fine. I'll find them after I rid the world of you vile things. This will be great fun.
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Yang, speaking up as the group approaches the small village: Hmm. There's something I don't like.
GrimmAge!Weiss, walking beside her, raising an eyebrow: Really? But just a few seconds ago you were ecstatic about the thought of a beer and an actual bed?
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding: Aye, but that was before I noticed the streets were abandoned. Look, no sign of people at all.
GrimmAge!May, catching up to the two of them, taking her place at the other side of Yang: Maybe they're all busy? It's a tad after noon, perhaps they're a logging or mining town?
GrimmAge!Yang, stopping, holding a hand up to signal to Cinder and Ruby to stop too: No. I don't think so. The closest mountain range is a day and a half's journey away, and those woods are protected by the Beast Kin. There's something else.
GrimmAge!Cinder, speaking up from behind them: You feel uneasy too, don't you?
GrimmAge!Ruby, worry on her face, glancing up towards Cinder: Is there something wrong?
GrimmAge!Cinder, placing a hand on Ruby's shoulder, though not taking her eyes off the village: You're safe, Dear Rose, stay with me. Do you understand?
GrimmAge!Yang, turning heel to face the village again, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword: Let's move. We'll investigate.
GrimmAge!Weiss, stepping onto the creaking wooden boards of the entrance to a surprisingly big inn and tavern: Strange, the biggest building here, perhaps this was more of a rest stop for travelers?
GrimmAge!Yang, narrowing her eyes at the door: That would make sense, if this village was along a main road.
GrimmAge!May, a tad nervous: I...don't hear anything inside? Maybe it's empty.
GrimmAge!Yang, taking a deep breath: Let's find out.
GrimmAge!Yang, throwing open the door with her free hand and stepping inside, immediately bombarded with smells of freshly cooked meals and spirits, sounds of music and revelry, staring in confusion at the large amount of folks in this now-bustling tavern: What in the Hells is going o-
GrimmAge!Yang, getting grabbed on each of her arms, one by a beautiful woman, the other by an incredibly handsome man: Who the hell are you!?
GrimmAge!Woman, with a giggle in her voice: Oh come now! Worry not about names, who needs them, focus more on the wonderful ways we'll take all your worries away~
GrimmAge!Man, waving his hand around the tavern as he and the woman drag Yang into it: Food, liquor, men, women! We encourage you, all of you! To have your fill!
GrimmAge!Yang, still being dragged away from the door, still sounding suspicious: I could...go for a beer.
GrimmAge!May, scowling, then muttering to herself a bit: Aaaargh! Why is it that Yang always gets the handsome men's attention!? I wish I caught as many eyes as she does sometimes...
GrimmAge!Weiss, a burning jealousy in her eyes, growling under her breath: If those two whores think they can come in and swoop my Lady away they've another thing coming...I'll freeze this entire village if I need to.
GrimmAge!Cinder, looking from May to Weiss, then bringing a finger to her chin: Hmmm...
GrimmAge!Ruby, looking amazed by the goings on of the tavern, bouncing up and down in the slightest way: Those delicious smells...Cinder! We must go in! We must!
GrimmAge!Cinder, watching as May and Weiss storm into the tavern, then glances around the village to the surrounding buildings, suddenly getting her hand taken and dragged into the tavern by Ruby: They're...all falling apar-Wah? Ruby wait!
GrimmAge!Ruby, laughing as she pulls Cinder into the tavern, the door being shut behind them, spinning around to face Cinder, still clutching her hands: Finally! Cooked food! And beds! And warmth and four walls and a roof! Is this not exciting!?
GrimmAge!Cinder, glancing over her shoulder at the shut door, the worry in her voice melting away as she turns back to face a brightly smiling Ruby: I-...well...yes, yes I suppose it is very nice...come, let's get you something to eat that isn't poorly cooked by your sister.
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Summer, stepping into her home with a basket of herbs in her hands, placing it onto a shelf and begins to sort through them, casually speaking up as she moves on with her task: And who are you, to enter my home uninvited?
GrimmAge!???, sitting at the dining table, picking at their fingers with a knife: I'm here to destroy a plague. I must start at the roots.
GrimmAge!Summer, sighing: You wish to kill my Maiden, don't you?
GrimmAge!Assassin: And your silver eyed connection to her would make that impossible, so you must die first.
GrimmAge!Summer, turning her head slightly, side-eyeing the individual at her table: You seem confident. Do you even know where my Maiden is?
GrimmAge!Assassin: I'll get that information from you, if you tell me, you will die quickly, that I can-...promise...you...
GrimmAge!Assassin, growling as Summer breaks out into laughter, getting to their feet and gripping the knife tight: What humors you, Witch?
GrimmAge!Summer, wiping a tear from her eye, speaking through her laughter: Even I don't know where my Maiden is. I know she lives, that is all. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have medicine to make.
GrimmAge!Assassin, throwing the table off to the side of the room, shouting: DON'T LIE TO ME!
GrimmAge!Summer, having returned to a calm demeanor, her back turned to them: I will politely ask you to not throw my furniture, my husband worked hard to make that.
GrimmAge!Assassin, flipping the knife in their hand running at Summer: I'LL KILL HIM TOO YOU WRETCHED WH-
GrimmAge!Summer, spinning in a flash, gripping onto the wrist of her attacker, her silver eyes flaring to life, still speaking in a calm manor: I suggest you change your mind.
GrimmAge!Summer, snapping the assailant's wrist with ease, continuing to speak through their screaming: No one harms my family. No one harms my home. No one harms my Maiden.
GrimmAge!Summer, narrowing her eyes, her grip tightening on the already broken wrist: In fact. I think I'll take your advice.
GrimmAge!Summer, her voice cold, glaring down at the horrified assassin: I, too, will end a plague.
GrimmAge!Taiyang, stepping up to Summer's side within the forest by their home, joining her in staring at a young tree: Another one?
GrimmAge!Summer, nodding: Yes. I've gotten some information from this one as well. It seems a small group of individuals are scheming to hunt down the Maidens, yet again.
GrimmAge!Taiyang, casually stepping up to the tree, gripping hold of the stiff dead arm sticking out of it: Should we be worried about Ruby?
GrimmAge!Summer, watching with no reaction as Tai rips the arm from the tree, tossing it aside as blood trickles from a stumped wound within the bark: No. Cinder may be young, but she's still a Maiden nonetheless. Not to mention, Ruby is with Yang, and those two Yang is traveling with, the Schnee Witch, and that archer.
GrimmAge!Taiyang, nodding, putting his hands to his hips as Summer walks up to the tree, placing a hand on it, causing the bark to contort and grow over the evidence of the human entombed within: You know I'll still worry, right? Hell, knowing she's with Yang may cause me even more worry.
GrimmAge!Summer, a smile cracking onto her face: I'm well aware, Taiyang. I'll worry, too. Now come home with me, I've salves to make and you're going to help.
GrimmAge!Taiyang, sighing: I suppose there's no excuse that could get me out of it, no?
GrimmAge!Summer, chuckling as she turns and walks off: Not in the slightest, my love.
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Weiss, kneeling besides Yang in their tent, rubbing down Yang's bare shoulders: ...may I speak?
GrimmAge!Yang, laying on her stomach, mumbling: You're speaking now.
GrimmAge!Weiss, her hands pausing: Yang...freely, I mean.
GrimmAge!Yang, letting out a sigh before pushing herself up to a sitting position, turning to face Weiss: Yes? What's troubling you?
GrimmAge!Weiss, hanging her head, her hands on her knees: I...it's been three days, Yang.
GrimmAge!Yang, reaching out to place her hand on Weiss's cheek, shifting her companions face to look eye to eye: Yes, and we're safe, that Beast-Kin's tribe won't bother us. Especially now that we're out of the forest. Besides, you know I wouldn't let anything harm-
GrimmAge!Weiss, pulling her face away from Yang, her voice unsteady but firm: I mean May, Yang. You haven't returned her voice since that encounter.
GrimmAge!Yang, sitting back, with a scoff: Her autonomy is what cause that encounter in the first place. The lack of freedom with her voice is her punishment. It's far less severe than what my mother would-
GrimmAge!Weiss, nearly shouting: YOU AREN'T YOUR MOTHER!
GrimmAge!Weiss, sitting back down, hanging her head again: I'm...sorry, I shouldn't yell at you. Forgive me.
GrimmAge!Yang, taking a deep breath, sadness covering her face: No...you're right. I'm not my mother...I'll go speak to her.
GrimmAge!Weiss, unmoving as Yang stands from her spot and walks out the tent, suddenly perks up: ......wait, did she put a shirt on?
GrimmAge!Weiss, slapping her hand to her face: Gods...please, keep us safe.
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Cinder, guiding an awestruck Ruby through the bustling inn to a small table huddled away in the corner, setting her down at a seat: Please, dear Rose, rest here while I go see if I can't get us something to eat, okay?
GrimmAge!Ruby, half-listening, more focused on the musicians playing a jaunty tune than anything else: Yes, yes thank you Cinder.
GrimmAge!Cinder, standing upright and slowly stepping away, keeping a side eye on the table as she walks off, speaking to herself: I can't believe we were all separated so quickly...I don't trust this place...I only hope the others think the same.
GrimmAge!Yang, sitting at the bar, two empty tankards laying on the bar in front of her, another full one in her hand, a slight blush to her face as she continues speaking to the small crowd of people gathered around her: A special mission my mother said, incredibly important she said. Bah! It's nothing more than a month and a half's walk! There's no danger in it, there's no bloodshed or steel clashing against steel.
GrimmAge!Yang, drinking down the tankard until empty, slamming it to the bar, a flaming aura flashing light around her for a mere second, her eyes darting around the crowd with deadly serious precision in some strange state of bewilderment before lulling back into a semi-drunken state: No-...uhhh, no worthy opponent to test the strength of my Light against...a shame...
GrimmAge!Woman, the same who took Yang from her group at the door, tugging at her arm from the side: Oh! You are gifted by the Light? You must tell us all more of your adventures, more of your journey! What tales could you spare us, please, bless us with more of your wondrous life, Dear Lady.
GrimmAge!Yang, laughing a little, her head rolling a tad: Ahh, I wouldn't dream of boring so many lovely people with such things. I'm sure you've all much better to do...
GrimmAge!Yang, her voice growing a tad serious, her eyes narrowing: Especially outside this tavern, your town seems to be falling into disrepair. Is that how you plan to attract more-
GrimmAge!Man, putting an arm around Yang and calling over for the barkeep: Ah! The Dear Lady's drink has run dry bar keep! We mustn't let our esteemed guests lose their buzz. No?
GrimmAge!Yang, scowling a bit at the sudden contact, suddenly gripping her face a bit before sinking back into her drunken state, her words slurred a tad: Get off me you-!!!! Ah...eerrr...I...yeaaah, yeah I could use another beer...a stronger one! Argh, but hell, as much as I love retelling my exploits, I think I could use a bath as well.
GrimmAge!Woman, nearly tossing two others away from Yang, gripping onto her arm: Please! Please! Let me show you the way, perhaps I could accompany you as well? I'd love to hear more about you, Dear Lady.
GrimmAge!Yang, a sort of stupid smile on her face as she stands, getting support from the woman at her side: Yeah, I think I would very much love some company as well. And what of you, good sir?
GrimmAge!Man, a small bashful laugh: Ah, Dear Lady you flatter me. But, if it is what you request I am happy to oblige. That's what we do here, we oblige all requests. I shall join you, beer in hand.
GrimmAge!Yang, being walked through a small crowd of pouting and jealous faces: How wonderful, how wonderful.
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Weiss, sitting at a nearly empty table in the bustling tavern, her chin resting on her hand, muttering to herself furiously: If Yang thought more with her damned head than her bloody libido we wouldn't be in this fucking mess.
GrimmAge!Weiss, a ping of sadness darting across her face: Why'd she have to just accept getting taken away like that...
GrimmAge!Weiss, scowling, shaking her head and slamming her fists to the table: GRAAAH! I can't fucking think straight here! I need to get outside.
GrimmAge!Woman, a pretty brunette immediately sliding up to Weiss as she tries to stand, putting a heavy arm around her shoulder to force her back to her seat, in a slurred sing-song voice: Hellooooo! Hello! Why has such a beautiful face like yours?
GrimmAge!Weiss, groaning, pushing the woman away from her and stands: Oh please. I'm not like Yang, I won't be distracted and bought with petty compliments. Get out of my way.
GrimmAge!Weiss, pushing her way past the woman, who sits there glaring at her, after getting a few steps away: What a cursed place this is...I need to get out and collect my thoughts...
GrimmAge!Weiss, reaching the entrance, her hand reaching just towards the door before her wrist is tightly grabbed, her eyes darting to her side with a bloodthirsty rage: HOW DARE YOU GRAB ME IN SUCH A MA-...
GrimmAge!Weiss, her form immediately shrinking down, the rage completely gone from her voice: Y-Yang?
GrimmAge!Yang, standing at her side with a smile: Going to freeze me, hmm? Just as you threatened to do so to this welcoming place?
GrimmAge!Weiss, squirming a bit uncomfortably: I just...you...you just let yourself get taken off with, Yang, right in front of me.
GrimmAge!Yang, letting go of Weiss's wrist, letting out a small sigh: I know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let them take me away. But please, my dear, stay.
GrimmAge!Weiss, melting a bit before perking back upright, narrowing her eyes: You've never called me "my dear" before.
GrimmAge!Yang, looking a bit taken aback, then shrugs, rubbing the back of her head with a goofy smile: R-Right, sorry uhhh, the beer here is really good.
GrimmAge!Weiss, scoffing and rolling her eyes, her arms crossed for a few moments before speaking up again: .....well?
GrimmAge!Yang, confused: W-Well?
GrimmAge!Weiss, holding out her hand, her face turned to try and hide it being flushed: Are you going to take me to a table and get me a drink or no?
GrimmAge!Yang, with a happy laugh, taking Weiss by the hand: I thought you'd never ask.
GrimmAge!May, sitting at the bar, muttering to herself with a drink in her hand: I thought following her would be an adventure, but all we've done is walk, and now she's gotten us dragged in here and completely disappeared.
GrimmAge!May, sighing: Of course, I haven't been looking for her much, been at the bar the whole time...this drink is shit.
GrimmAge!Man, a handsome and rugged man, speaking up from his seat next to May, a drink in his hand as well: You think it's shite too, eh?
GrimmAge!May, side-eyeing him, watching in general disinterest as he takes a sip: You say that, and immediately take a drink?
GrimmAge!Man, amused: Hmph, better than nothing. But-
GrimmAge!Man, turning in his seat to face May, speaking with a smile: I hear even the worst of drinks is made better by good company.
GrimmAge!May, looking the man up and down for a second, before shrugging and downing the rest of her drink: Blech. Disgusting. Why waste time like this, let's just go to a private room already.
GrimmAge!Man, a bit surprised, but keeping his cool composure: I've one upstairs, I'll guide the way.
GrimmAge!May, getting up and follows the man to the stairs, turning around and surveying the tavern for a few seconds, mumbling to herself in confusion: I don't see them anywhere...
GrimmAge!Man, a few steps up above her, turning around: Have you changed your mind? No harm to me, if so.
GrimmAge!May, still staring out at the sea of heads before turning around and continuing to follow him: No...no I haven't, sorry.
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Ruby, walking besides Yang through a small path in a deeply wooded forest: So...what have you been doing since your last visit?? Have you slain any frightening beasts? Have you-
GrimmAge!Yang, throwing her hand in front of Ruby, forcing her to stop: Quiet.
GrimmAge!Ruby, looking around, slightly nervous: What...what is wrong? I do not see-
GrimmAge!Cinder, snatching Ruby from behind and protectively spinning herself in front of her, whispering: Silence, my dear Rose. We are not alone...I will keep you safe.
GrimmAge!Yang, placing her hand onto the hilt of her sword, with a side eye to Cinder, snarling: A perfect time to prove yourself I suppose. Don't disappoint witch. Weiss, May, protect our rear.
GrimmAge!Weiss, spinning around, her hands up, glowing glyphs appearing in her palms as cool mist begins to leak from them: Yes.
GrimmAge!May, pulling a short bow from her shoulder, nocking an arrow in place as she too turns around: Understood.
GrimmAge!Yang, a sudden blast of golden aura emanating from her as she glances around with reddened eyes, speaking louder than needed: We continue. If those watching with their Beasts wish to intervene. We destroy them.
GrimmAge!Cinder, a protective flame coming alight around her and Ruby, whispering to her as the group continues forward: Do not worry my Silver Rose, I will not allow any harm to come your way. Stay with me.
GrimmAge!Ruby, clutching to Cinder instinctively, nods: O-Okay...
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Weiss, walking ahead of the group alongside Yang: ...have you talked to her yet.
GrimmAge!Yang, sighing: Weiss, can I do this later please? I don't know what to-
GrimmAge!Weiss, quickening her pace forward: Fine. I'll sleep out of the tent tonight.
GrimmAge!Yang, stopping dead in her track, an outstretched arm towards Weiss: But I-
GrimmAge!Yang, dropping her head: Fuck.
GrimmAge!Ruby, passing by Yang with Cinder: Sister? Are you okay?
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding, standing upright: Y-Yes. Yes, I am. Continue forward. Follow Weiss.
GrimmAge!Cinder, ushering Ruby to follow her: Come, dear Rose, your sister is busy.
GrimmAge!Ruby, visibly confused as she begins to walk away with Cinder: But, she was just standing there? How is that busy?
GrimmAge!Cinder, with a small laugh: Oh, dear Rose, so much to learn about the world.
GrimmAge!Yang, standing still watching them go forward, speaking out over her shoulder: May, no reason hanging back. Come up, walk with me.
GrimmAge!May, who was standing still about 15 feet behind Yang, nervously stepping up besides her, the two of them beginning to walk together: ...
GrimmAge!Yang, after a few awkward moments of silence: You...you may speak, you've your voice back.
GrimmAge!May, nodding slightly, still remaining silent: ...
GrimmAge!Yang, sighing, speaking quickly: I'm...sorry, I did that. It was a quick decision, perhaps too quick. It was my attempt at keeping us all safe. Those Beastkin rarely travel completely alone. If that aggression continued we could have all been killed, I couldn't allow that to-
GrimmAge!May, cutting her off: I've been thinking about it.
GrimmAge!Yang, staring at May for a moment: ...about? What?
GrimmAge!May, keeping her voice stern, despite the shakiness in her hands: That gift you gave them. The "Blood of one who has spoken no words," or whatever it was. That was a false name, wasn't it?
GrimmAge!Yang, letting out an exhausted sigh, her eyes drifting to the earth in front of them: I couldn't allow Ruby to know the truth of what it was. At least not from me.
GrimmAge!May, without missing a beat: So it was, it was the blood of an infant.
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding solemnly: Yes.
GrimmAge!May, with more of a snarl than anything else: How on Remnant do you have such a thing?!
GrimmAge!Yang, taking a deep breath to calm herself, exhaling before she speaks: The Branwen tribe has met these Beastkin before. I suppose one tribe of nomadic people are bound to meet others of the same nature. We fought them, we thought we could win. We've killed Black Beasts and humans alike, we thought a group that turned those two to one in the same would be no different.
GrimmAge!May, looking genuinely surprised at the look of regret on Yang's face: I-
GrimmAge!Yang, shaking her head: It was during these battles that my mother's Silver Eyed bond was killed. A clawed hand straight through my mother's chest made sure of that. With that, however, came good news. They assumed, falsely, my mother was somehow immortal, when in all reality all it would take was another hit like that and she would be gone forever.
GrimmAge!Yang, looking up from the ground to the three companions in front of them: The fighting stopped. We declared a truce, any who has the mark of the Branwen tribe carved upon their skin is not to attack those whose flesh is that of the Black Beasts.
GrimmAge!May, hanging her head: I nearly-
GrimmAge!Yang, placing a hand on May's shoulder, stopping her from speaking: No, you had no way of knowing. You came to me long after this event happened.
GrimmAge!Yang, continuing on: We began trading, both in resources and in tasks. If you think those folk are good for nothing but horror stories to remind children to stay inside at night, let me tell you, they're excellent artisans. Clothes, baskets, tents, anything. And the most valuable form of payment to those people, blood. The purer the better.
GrimmAge!May: Like the legends of vampires?
GrimmAge!Yang, a smirk spreading on her face: Legends are often based in truth, May Zedong.
GrimmAge!Weiss, calling back to the two of them from a hundred or so feet ahead, at the edge of the treeline: AY! A TOWN.
GrimmAge!Yang, a sudden sigh of relief coming from her: Thank fuck, if they don't have beer I may burn it to the ground. Are you coming?
GrimmAge!May, a bit of a laugh, nodding her head: Yes...yes I am.
GrimmAge!May, her face dropping the smile and laughter as Yang runs off to join the others: She still didn't tell me how she came to own a vial of that blood...
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Weiss, her eyes darting around a rustling treeline as she backs her way along the path with the group, speaking up nervously: Yang...
GrimmAge!Yang, walking at the front of the group, her hand still on the hilt of her sword, a burning aura still flaring around her: Yes. I hear them.
GrimmAge!Ruby, hiding further into Cinder's embrace, her voice shaking and hardly audible over the ring of fire surrounding her and Cinder: What...what is it? What is following us?
GrimmAge!Cinder, speaking clearly her eyes narrowing: Do not worry my dear Rose, as I've said, no harm will come your way.
GrimmAge!May, through gritted teeth, breaking the silence by firing an arrow towards a rustling branch: GAH! FUCK THIS, JUST FIGHT US YOU-
GrimmAge!Yang, shouting, spinning round on her heel, her burning red eyes glaring back to May: SILENCE. AND STAY STILL.
GrimmAge!May, her body freezing up instantly as she reaches for an arrow, no words being able to escape her lips: Gkk...
GrimmAge!Yang, snarling: You stupid wretch. You fire upon my command and MY command only. Do you understand?
GrimmAge!Yang, unmoving as a large shadow falls from the canopy above behind her, crashing into the ground: ...and look, you've angered them.
GrimmAge!Ruby, her eyes widening in fear, her voice trembling: Wh-...what is...what is that?
GrimmAge!Yang, turning around to face the Beast, drawing her sword: You. Atop the Black Beast. Let us pass.
????, a cloaked humanoid figure dropping down from the top of the large black beast, slowly standing up straight directly in front of Yang: You trespass on our land.
GrimmAge!Yang, sternly: We mean you no harm. We are seeking passage, your woods were the fastest route to our destination. Let us pass.
????, slowly lowering the cloak, revealing a scarred and damaged face grafted with the flesh of the Black Beast, a disgusting display of humanity twisted and poorly stitched together with the Beasts: Her. The one who dared attempt us harm. Do you lie?
GrimmAge!Ruby, her hands gripping tightly onto Cinder's cloak, staring at the horror of a face the humanoid has, as well as noticing the torn face of the beast: The...the Black Beast it-...the face. The face is torn and scarred.
GrimmAge!Cinder, the fire spinning around her and Ruby slowly coming to a stop, speaking in a low voice: There are small sects of people in this world. Tribes. Who skin the Black Beasts and their children alike, giving the carve of the Beast to the child in a rudimentary manner, mixed with dark magics...those that survive, hold control over the Beasts they've been bonded to. I never thought of them to be anything more than a rumor.
GrimmAge!Yang, reaching into a bag at her waist, holding out a vial of dark liquid: Your folk enjoy rituals. What say we trade. My companions transgression for this.
????, picking up the vial from Yang's hand, a large puff of air from the beast behind them sending their cloak in a flurry, tilting their head as they examine the vial with their mix of human and beastial eyes: .....blood.....we have blood. What makes this valuable to me?
GrimmAge!Yang, her hand still held out: Blood from the tongue of one who has said no words.
????, a look of surprise coming to the remaining human parts of their face, pulling the vial into their cloak: I accept this trade, One of the Light, do control your companions. Many of my people would rather take action than speak diplomacy.
GrimmAge!Yang, sheathing her sword as the humanoid gets gripped by the Black Beast, watching the Beast jump back to the canopy of the trees and begin to dart away: Trust me, she will be punished.
GrimmAge!Yang, turning to her group, the burning aura around her dispersing: Come, we continue onward. Witch, quench your flames. And as for you, May, continue to follow, watch our rear, and keep your damned mouth shut.
GrimmAge!May, breaking free of whatever invisible binds held her, her body heaving with silent breaths, reluctantly nodding in agreement to Yang's command and continues in with the group: .....
GrimmAge!Yang, her eyes meeting Cinder's for a moment, before turning around fully to keep charge of the march: Hmph.
GrimmAge!Weiss, silently as she passes May, a worry in her voice: You mustn't continue to make Yang angry. You know the consequences for that will only worsen.
GrimmAge!May, glaring daggers at Weiss as she passes, taking a deep breath for a moment before readying another arrow as she continues to walk backwards: ...
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Yang, sitting at the head of the Xiao Long home's table: So, that's our mission.
GrimmAge!Taiyang, narrowing his eyes: And you've no idea what the Council will do with this child?
GrimmAge!Yang, shrugging: I assume train her to control her magic, and use it for the betterment of Vale. Or whatever they believe in.
GrimmAge!Cinder, with a snarl: The Council are nothing but slavers, the way they treat their "precious" Huntsmen.
GrimmAge!Yang, looking over to her, casually: Funny, I don't recall asking for your opinion on the matter.
GrimmAge!Summer, snapping, with a quick whack to the back of Yang's head: Yang. We raised you better than to speak to guests in such a way!
GrimmAge!Yang, clearly embarrassed: S-Sorry...
GrimmAge!Taiyang, rubbing his chin: You've supplies for the trip?
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding: Aye, my bonded outside, they have everything we'll need.
GrimmAge!Summer, in a much kinder tone: Who are those girls? You have yet to properly introduce us.
GrimmAge!Yang, sighing: The one with hair white as snow is Weiss-...Weiss Everguard-
GrimmAge!Taiyang, with a growl: Don't you lie to us child, you think we wouldn't recognize a Schnee? You know they're a wanted bunch.
GrimmAge!Cinder, with crossed arms: From the looks of it. The other is just as wanted. Her hand bears the mark of the Anima Council.
GrimmAge!Yang, her teeth gritted: Their prior affiliations mean nothing now, they are my bonded. Weiss is an excellent mage, and May is an astounding archer. Their skills are valued.
GrimmAge!Taiyang, after an uncomfortably long pause in the room: Do you value them in any other way, I wonder...but no, when do you plan on leaving.
GrimmAge!Yang, sternly: After this conversation ends.
GrimmAge!Ruby, who's been silently sitting beside Yang, gasps in horror: NO!
GrimmAge!Yang, averting Ruby's eyes: I'm sorry Ruby, but my Tribe needs-
GrimmAge!Summer: Your Tribe, and your family, are two different things. You know that.
GrimmAge!Yang, thinking for a moment: ...then come with me.
GrimmAge!Ruby, recoiling back a bit, a fearful look in her eyes: But...but I-...but the forge, I-I-I cannot leave it be-
GrimmAge!Taiyang, with a bit of a frown and a sigh: I can care for the flame, child. I think...if you would like to, Ruby, it would be good for you to see more of the world.
GrimmAge!Ruby, still fearful: It...the world is dangerous. The Black Beasts...
GrimmAge!Cinder, immediately swooping behind Ruby, placing a hand on her shoulder: I will protect you, you have nothing to fear, dear Rose.
GrimmAge!Yang, standing from her seat, making her way to the door: I'll stay until tomorrow morning. Decide and be ready by then.
GrimmAge!Ruby, watching as Yang leaves, completely silent: ...
GrimmAge!Summer, coming to Ruby's side, kneeling down and taking her hands: It's a scary concept, I know. But you are a strong child with strong company. The decision is yours, my love.
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Cinder, leaning against a tree in a small forest clearing, staring up to the night sky: You're up late, dear Rose.
GrimmAge!Ruby, stepping out from her hiding place behind a tree, a bit surprised: How did you-?
GrimmAge!Cinder, patting the ground beside her: The very same way you knew how to find me, we are Soul Bonded, we will always know how to find the other. Come, sit.
GrimmAge!Ruby, sitting herself down a foot or two to the side of Cinder: What are you doing?
GrimmAge!Cinder, turning her attention back to the sky: Do you know why our moon is shattered? Why we have stars that shine upon us from the heavens?
GrimmAge!Cinder, after Ruby shakes her head, continuing on: Long ago, we had only two Gods, brothers. One of Light, and life, and one of Darkness, and death. These Gods were indifferent to us humans, granting blessings and boons rarely. Seemingly never having the time to bother with our struggles, leaving us to fend for ourselves against the Black Beasts.
GrimmAge!Cinder, noticing Ruby inching a bit closer, smiles slightly: Humans began to bother less and less with these Brothers. We found the Light within ourselves, granting our own blessings, we found the Dust, giving us that much needed advantage against the Black Beasts. The Mother of magic began teaching those with unruly Light how to harness it into raw power. We became Gods ourselves.
GrimmAge!Ruby, as Cinder takes a pause: What happened?
GrimmAge!Cinder, with a snarl: The Brothers grew angry with us. They despised the fact that we grew so strong, so they decided to leave us to our own completely. No more boons, no more blessings. Nothing. They abandoned us.
GrimmAge!Cinder, continuing on: Well three great heroes had had enough. The Mother of Magic, who would later become the true Maiden. The Father of Man, a warrior who could gather and lead an army in moments. And finally, the First Eyes of Silver, the greatest warrior of their time, personal protector of the Mother and Father.
GrimmAge!Cinder: They fought the God Brothers, and won. Not without losses though. The Mother was trapped within the moon, her Silver Eyed charge sacrificing herself to give the Mother enough power to break free, only to have her power cut into four pieces by the Brothers. The Father cursed to suffer eternal life, doomed to live through every failure of mankind.
GrimmAge!Cinder, her voice growing determined: Yet still, they were victorious. The Brothers driven out by three mere mortals. Soon, other Gods came, each one bringing with them a star, forming dozens, if not hundreds of Pantheons with them.
GrimmAge!Cinder: Gods created anew by strong enough belief, Mortals ascending to Godhood through power and legend, Gods from far off worlds coming to share their blessings with our own. If you look there, the stars forming the shape of a flame, that is my Pantheon.
GrimmAge!Cinder, just now noticing Ruby sleeping against her shoulder, surprised for a moment before settling herself in a comfortable spot, resting her head against the top of Ruby's: I've rambled, I'm sorry dear Rose, please, get your rest.
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!Raven, lounging atop a pile of furs in her tent, blowing a stream of smoke from her mouth before speaking: Do you accept?
GrimmAge!Yang, kneeling down in front of her mother, her head bowed in respect: I do.
GrimmAge!Raven, narrowing her eyes: I usually trust tasks given to the Tribe by the Councils to only myself or Vernal, I am putting much faith in you, girl, I suggest you not prove me a fool.
GrimmAge!Yang, unmoving: I shall do no such thing. I am honored you think me ready to accept such a task.
GrimmAge!Raven, nodding, taking a long drag from a pipe and blowing the smoke from her nose: Excellent. The child is located in a farming settlement in the far east of Vale. It would take you weeks to get there from here in Anima, so I will send you to your father, from there the trip should only take a single week, five or four days if you're faster. You are to collect this child and escort them back to the Valen Council.
GrimmAge!Yang, with a slight tilt of her head upwards: And if the settlement refuses to relinquish the child without violence?
GrimmAge!Raven, shaking her head: Unlikely, while an experienced user of magic can decimate a number of the Black Beasts within seconds, an inexperienced whelp will do nothing more than agitate the monsters, and bring more towards themselves, thus bringing more to their village. The common folk will give the child to you without issue, and should the off chance of resistance arise, violence isn't forbidden, but it is not recommended.
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding: I understand. How will I know when we've located the child?
GrimmAge!Raven, shrugging: Use your best judgement. Now, leave us, gather your bonded and your belongings that you wish to bring along on this journey. I will send you off early tomorrow.
GrimmAge!Yang, standing to her feet, giving a deep bow before turning and walking out of the tent: ...
GrimmAge!Raven, taking another drag from the pipe, holding the smoke in her lungs for a few moments before blowing outward: I am trusting her with the Tribe's safety...
GrimmAge!Willow, who's been kneeling at the side of the pelt throne the whole time, glancing over: I believe you are correct in your decision, Great Red Huntress.
GrimmAge!Raven, turning to look Willow in the eyes, her face softening: Please....we're alone, don't call me that.
GrimmAge!Willow, bowing her head: Of course, Lady Raven.
GrimmAge!Raven, sighing, then repositioning herself on the furs, holding an arm out in an inviting manner: Come, it grows cold on these furs while alone.
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ask-beacons-finest · 4 years
GrimmAge!May, speaking casually as she strings her bow: So, are the rumors true by the way, did the great Schnee family have to result to whoring to survive the wilds?
GrimmAge!Weiss, her voice completely stoic as she packs supplies into three bags: Considering the locale of the tavern we found you in, the only things those pigs used more than you must have been their feeding trough.
GrimmAge!May, continuing to prepare for their journey: I hope you know I'll be remembering this conversation fondly as I slit your throat in the night.
GrimmAge!Weiss, continuing her own chores: You'll be frozen solid the second you try anything you worthless shit heap.
GrimmAge!May: As frozen as the gash between your legs you joyless witch.
GrimmAge!Weiss: You'd be such better company if Yang allowed me to rip your tongue from your throat.
GrimmAge!May: You're the last person who I'd let do that, Gods know what evil concoction you make with human tongue.
GrimmAge!Weiss: Trust me, the tongue of a sour-mouthed harlet is worth nothing to alchemy, let alone to me.
GrimmAge!Yang, stabbing her sword into the dirt, taking deep irritated breaths before speaking: Both of you. Silence. Now.
GrimmAge!Weiss, bowing her head in obedience and continues to pack supplies: ...
GrimmAge!May, goes to snicker and laugh only to panic for a moment as no sound escapes her, grabbing at her throat in confusion: ....???!?
GrimmAge!Yang, removing her sword, plopping back down onto a pile of furs to lounge and sharpen her blade: Gods bless the fucking magic of blood bonds.
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