#I'm not trying to be fake deep I'm just realising how obsessed I am with this thing and for why??? I can do all these things myself
plushri · 2 months
My phone broke and I don't feel like reinstalling all my apps on my temporary one while I wait for it to get fixed and maybe,.... I do not need the fitbit app to log my water in and check my daily sleep and steps and active minutes and...
#many thoughts....#I think I'll still wear it because I paid for it so I *will* be getting the most out of it#but once it's gone it's gone I won't get another#I tried to cut back a lot of my phone use like I have a modded instagram which only lets me access dms and don't have tumblr app#but just because a habit isn't “bad” (like mindless scrolling cat reels) doesn't mean it is “necessary”#like I truly do not need to reach for my phone and log my water everytime I finish my glass of water#why do I need to know how many steps I did or how many active minutes I got can I not#simply do my best to be active and healthy ? I wouldn't be any less active without it or care about my sleep less etc#why do I need an app to tell me I didn't get 8 hours sleep to allow myself to rest if I feel tired#can I not just take a rest when I feel I need it#I'm not trying to be fake deep I'm just realising how obsessed I am with this thing and for why??? I can do all these things myself#I actually might stop wearing it I mean it was £50 and I got 2 years out of it so that's pretty good#I don't know how long it would take to properly die#okay I just looked it up and it says 1-2 years?? what is everyone doing to their fitbits WHAT???#mine is perfectly fine I haven't noticed any decline it's got one scratch on the screen (I fell over)#hm not sure what to do#I might take it off for a week and see how we feel#I could probably give it to my sister#but then again I don't really want to explain all this to her and my mum lol#it would be easier to quietly stop wearing it...#nattering
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daceydeath · 2 years
Paring: Minho x reader Word count: 728 Genre/warnings: Angst, idol x reader, mentions of sex but nothing graphic
You somehow always knew it would end like this he is an idol and you are well just normal
It was never going to work and you both knew it but pretended otherwise. He was a successful idol in a successful group with legions of fans around the world who hung on his every step, his every breath. You however were just a normal woman with a normal job who could disappear into a crowd the moment you wanted to which up until this point came in useful. You had never been noticed before if a photographer or fan saw him they easily glossed over you, you were just another person in the street at the time and thanks to face masks and hats you were still totally anonymous. But you knew deep down it wouldn't stay that way.
A love scandal the new called it. They treated it as though the love you shared was shameful and somehow wrong. Minho's fans felt betrayed and although you understood infatuation and obsession were incredibly powerful you could never understand how someone who had never met Minho somehow thought they owned him, that he was there only for them to love and no one else.
Rolling over to your side your fingers gently carded through his hair as you tried your best not to wake him trying to somehow imprint the softness in your mind forever. He had been so stressed and upset when he arrived the night before stepping into your apartment and pulling you into a bone crushing embrace before attaching his lips to yours so desperately as though he was a man drowning and you were his air. Hands grasping any and every part of you he could reach he carried you to your bedroom and made love to you again and again through the night. You realised that he too must have felt what was coming for you when the next day broke.
Minho had always done his best to hide you to begin with it was from everyone but after a few months you were caught sneaking around when Han had seen a message notification pop up on his screen. The boys supported you but it too wasn't going to be enough. As the rain poured down outside pattering against the pains of glass of your bedroom windows you realised you always knew it was going to end this way. You would walk away to protect his job, his dream, his brothers everything he had given of himself to get where he was it was sacred to you, and even though it was tearing you apart you knew you had to leave. Walk away and let fate decide if you would ever see him again.
Slowly his eyes opened taking in your face as you smiled sadly at him unshed tears adorning your eyelashes like jewels. You knew what he was going to tell you this morning Chan had forewarned you from the beginning that as long as it stayed a secret you would be able to be together but once the cat was out of the bag and the company got involved it would probably end in tears he had seen it too many times.
"I'm so sorry kitten" Minho whispered his voice hoarse with sleep
"I know baby. I am too" you almost sobbed trying to keep it together as best you could.
"We will only need to be apart until it all calms down a few months at most" he sounded so sad as though wishing for a miracle that would never happen. Kissing him softly you again smiled playing along with his hopes.
"Ok, we can try that if that is what you want" you didn't recognise your own voice from the fake optimism that laced it. Untangling yourselves from one another you got up both of you washed up in an almost crushing silence before he got ready to leave for what you knew would be the last time. His kiss lingered as long as he could before he stepped out of your front door
"I'll miss you kitten but I will see you soon I promise" His words as sincere as he could make them.
"I'll miss you to Minho" you smiled before shutting the door and sliding down the otherside of it to the floor. Wrapping your arms around your knees as tears finally poured from your eyes as your heart shattered completely. "I'll miss you always".
A/N: Please let me know what you think
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hoshiwhxre · 4 years
I’ll Look After You. (kjk)
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Kim Junkyu : I’ll Look After You
description : junkyu becomes worried for you when he witnesses one of your dad’s angry outbursts and offers you a place to stay for a while at his - soon you both recognise and give in to your fast developing feelings for each other and things quickly become...hot.
typ : smut / bit of fluff
pairing : softdom!junkyu x female!reader
rated : NSFW
warnings : praise!kink , slight size!kink , unprotected sex , smut smut smut smut
word count : 3.5k
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    "Y/N, would you get the door? I'm busy," your father's abrupt yell brought your fingers straight to your headphones, tearing them off with a sigh. You rose to your feet and with a rushed stumble padded down the stairs towards your front door. Upon a second knock, you twisted the key to tug the heavy plastic open - revealing a tall young man stood patiently before you.
    "Junkyu?" you blinked, slight surprise in your tone.
He laughed, rubbing his neck with a shy grin.
    "Sorry to be annoying, but I left my phone here earlier."
    "Oh? Come on in, I'll see if I can find it," you offered him a polite smile as you stepped to the side, allowing him through, "wait here, do you remember where you left it?"
    "The living room," Junkyu pushed his hands into his pockets, his eyes flickering down to hover momentarily over your material shorts. Mouth dry, he swallowed, watching you move away with a nod, leaving him to stand alone in the small hallway. For a few minutes he gazed around at the picture cladded walls, dragging his gaze over your smiling face from a baby up until now. His lips twitched, one particular picture of your friends huddled together catching his attention. He could practically hear the screaming laughter, remembering how you'd pushed each other into the pool, how you'd warmed up around a fire pit, how you'd all cuddled together long into the night. It was the first and only time you two had been so intimate, just the two of you, sharing a blanket and dozing beside each other while your friends spoke softly between themselves. Out of the group, you'd never been that close - there were so many of you, after all.
    His thoughts were interrupted by the angry yell of an older man's voice, forcing Junkyu's body to jump in shock. Head shooting up, he stared at the slightly ajar living room door, flinching with every frustrated grunt of what could only be your father. You emerged a few moments later looking drained and weary, but holding out Junkyu's phone in your hand.
    "Sorry about that," you said quietly.
Brow furrowing, Junkyu shook his head.
    "It's fine---"
    "I'm so fucking sick of this," again, your father's shout made Junkyu's limbs tense, and his teeth sank anxiously into his lower lip.
    "What's happened? Is it because I'm here?" Junkyu asked, carefully.
    "No, no," you sighed, "he's just like that. Nothing new."
You spoke quietly, as if desperately trying not to be heard, and it left Junkyu with a worried, messy feeling.
    "It doesn't bother you?" he murmured.
Glancing up, you met his eyes, hovering over his soft gaze for a few seconds before forcing a small smile.
    "You get used to it," you paused, "I'll see you tomorrow? At Mia's?"
Junkyu's head inclined slightly, his response dithering as his mind twisted with nerves. He didn't like the idea of you being on your own like this.
    "Will you be okay?" his voice was low, "he doesn't...hurt you...does me?"
    "Junkyu, please, it's nothing," you insisted, weakly.
    "It doesn't seem like nothing," he spoke sharply, "tell me, y/n, he doesn't does he?"
Taking a deep breath, you allowed yourself to internalise his concerned features, his taller figure standing protectively close. You didn't realise he cared so much.
    "Not any more," you said softly.
Junkyu's muscles twitched, his fingers tapping impatiently against his thighs.
    "Where's your mum?"
    "Away with my brother."
    "I'm not letting you stay here alone, y/n."
    "You're making a big deal out of nothing---"
    "If he hurts you, and I didn't do anything to stop it, I couldn't live with myself. Look, I'll call Mia---"
You suddenly snatched up his wrist, holding it close to prevent him from reaching towards his back pocket.
    "No," you said quickly, "she'll tell her parents and make it into something it's not - this just happens every now and then, he gets frustrated, he's coming down from a high..." breaking off, you avoided his eyes.
    "Drugs?" he choked, "you can't seriously think I'm letting you stay here."
    "Letting me?" your eyebrow cocked, "you're not letting me do anything, I don't belong to you."
You attempted to release his wrist, but instead his fingers curled through yours, holding onto them tightly.
    "If you won't tell Mia, or the others, then stay at mine. Even if it's just for a few nights until he calms down, it's better than you having to deal with this atmosphere."
Your cheeks went warm, heart stammering in shocked response to his kindness. The way he gazed at you so intently made your stomach twist with butterflies, completely overwhelmed by his insistence to keep you safe.
    "Please," tone softening, he squeezed your hand, "if not for yourself, then for me - to put my mind at ease."
Chewing your lip, you could feel yourself drawing closer to him, suddenly wanting nothing else but his arms around you. You didn't think before you were slowly nodding your head, fingertips sinking into the back of his hand. He was right - it would be better than living in that atmosphere. Used to it or not, it was getting to you more and more every day.
    "Let me just go get some things," you whispered.
    Junkyu threw his set of keys into a pot positioned to the right of his front door, nodding towards the living room and then gesturing to the house.
    "It's just me and you for a while," he said, "my parents are in America."
Looking around, you took in the attractive decor, getting used to the new surroundings. After 2 years of knowing each other, you'd never once been to his home.
    "It's nice," you breathed, "it's got this feel about it, kind of..."
    "Calming?" Junkyu finished for you.
Your eyes met, his grin sending shivers down your spine.
    "Calming," you repeated with a murmur, "like you."
He laughed, approaching the living room and falling down into the heavily pillowed sofa. Following suit, you lowered down beside him, bowing your head in sudden silence.
    "Thank you," you said quietly, "it's nice to be out of there."
Junkyu gazed at you, before scooching close to lightly nudge your arm. Even sat down, his figure was taller than yours, and it allowed for you to feel comforted in his presence.
    "Why didn't you tell any of us?" he asked, gently, "we care about you."
With a quiet, sad laugh, your head turned towards him.
    "What am I supposed to say? The stress I struggle with every day is worsened by my dad's rollercoaster emotions? He smokes weed so often his paranoia sends him into fits of anger, screaming accusations fueled by absolutely insane thought patterns? I'm constantly on edge, unsure how he'll behave today - the outbursts make me feel anxious, and they make me depressed but there's nothing I can do to..." you broke off, your voice gradually increasing in pitch until it finally cracked with a breathless gasp.
    As soon as the tears filled your eyes, your throat closing far enough to make your words strained and quiet, Junkyu wrapped an arm around your shaking shoulders. He tugged you close, guiding your head against your chest before meeting his hands behind your back. Murmuring gentle soothings down your ear, he rose one hand to begin running his fingers comfortingly through your hair. For a few moments they remained in that embrace, your tears soaking his t-shirt, your grasp tight around the white material, before Junkyu began to slowly lower both of you down against the sofa. He tugged his legs up, resting your body between them so he could wind his arms further around your waist. While your cheek pressed into the crook of his neck, he ran his fingers in delicate circles along the small of your back, and within moments your breath was steadying and limbs were relaxing into him.
    "Stay here for a bit," Junkyu breathed, "it's okay."
    "I'm sorry," you whispered, "for this. It's so embarrassing I---"
    "Don't be stupid," he nuzzled his cheek into your soft hair, "we're friends, aren't we?"
Slowly, you head tilted up, gazing up into his dark eyes.
    "We've never been that close," you murmured, aware of his firm hands resting against your lower back, confused by the butterflies it was sending through your body.
With a gentle smile, Junkyu reached up to brush the remininsce of tears from your cheeks. He bowed his head slightly, your lips hovering close - and he swallowed.
    "We can be close now," he purred, the sensation of your warm breath tickling his skin and keeping his body tensed. For a few moments you held each other's gaze, only centimetres away from deepening the intimate moment. A flustered rush overcame his body, and Junkyu swallowed, "do you want to do something? To take your mind off it?"
Your palms against his chest, you nodded, allowing both yourself and him to rise. As he slipped from the sofa, you felt a wave of emptiness rush through your veins.
    "You like dancing, right? I know you and Doyoung spend a lot of time together," Junkyu spoke, turning on the TV screen, "want to play Just Dance? I bet I'll beat you."
You laughed, drawing a rose brow from the other boy.
    "What?" he faked indignance, "you don't believe me?"
    "Whatever you say," you smiled, eyes suddenly sparkling, "but I have a little brother who's obsessed with this game, I'm telling you right now I've had more practice than you."
Throwing a remote to you, Junkyu motioned for you to step out onto the floor.
    "It's cute how confident you are," he drawled, "but I'm better than you."
His cockiness was sending waves of weakness through your body, and you could feel your heart stammering each time your eyes met.
    "Game on."
For the next 20 minutes your laughter echoed loud throughout the house, squeals and shouts merging with teasing remarks. Your breath was heavy and sweat dripped from your foreheads, snatching at each other's arms to tug them to match the positions of the on-screen dancers.
    "I need a drink," you panted, pushing hair from your face. With a grin, Junkyu nodded, breathlessly leading you into his kitchen. He filled up two glasses of water, passing one into your smaller hand and gulping down his own drink.
    "I'm winning," you teased, laughing, "I told you."
    "We've still got round 2 yet," Junkyu winked, "don't get too cocky."
You reached out, plucking at his shirt lightly.
    "Let's get back to it, then."
As if entranced by you, Junkyu's head lowered, allowing you to guide him slowly back to the living room. The song that flooded the room next was a warm up, slow-paced and sensual, allowing Junkyu's eyes to study your careful body. Copying the moves, your hands clasped, pulling close to press your chests together. For a few seconds you remained still, heart pumping, your gaze on his lips, his eyes on your neck - before coming to the embarrassed realisation that the song had finished. The next dances were a lot faster, drawing more laughter and playful giggles from your throats. It wasn't long before you both collapsed weakly down onto the sofa, again panting breathlessly. You'd fallen close to each other, pressed together as you caught your breath before turning your heads with a smile. Breath heavy on the other's face, your noses were so close to touching.
    "Okay, I admit," Junkyu murmured, "you're better than me."
You gazed up at him through long lashes, releasing a tired giggle at your success.
    "I told you."
Within seconds, Junkyu's expression had grown serious, stopping your fast beating heart in an instant. You could feel his fingers twitch against yours, his eyes flickering to your lips.
    "I know one thing I can do better than you," he whispered.
And suddenly his hand was shooting up, taking your jawline in his palm with a thumb pressed to your cheek and fingers curling around the back of your neck. In one smooth movement he pressed his lips to yours, lids fluttering shut to taste the delicate cherry dawning your tongue. Without hesitation you pushed into the kiss with just as much passion, your tongue slipping between his lips as your fingers curled around his arm. As the seconds passed, both yours and his hands began to wander, Junkyu pushing you back to the leather so his firm palms could guide your thighs against his waist. Your body was growing hot, his tall, broad figure dominating you so easily you gave in to him without resistance. Slowly, his lips dropped to press open-mouthed kisses against the sensitive skin of your neck, every now and then sinking his teeth in deep to leave dark marks in his place. A soft whimper fluttered from your mouth, fingers entwining through his hair as you felt a hot pool begin to grow at you core.
    "You're so beautiful," he mumbled, his mouth reaching the low hem of your t-shirt. As his hands strayed to the thin material, he glanced up, asking silent permission to take it off. Upon your nod, your desperate "y-yes", he slowly tugged the t-shirt over your head, throwing it to the floor. With surprising ease he unclipped your bra next, allowing it to join your top before attaching his lips once again to your skin. His tongue swirled in a light circle against your breast, teeth leaving another dark purple mark. Head rolling back, you watched through hooded eyes as one hand squeezed your left breast, while his mouth remained concentrated on the right. Once he finally sat up, his tongue sliding across his lip as he gazed down at you lay helpless beneath him, he smiled - a small, slight smile that erupted your chest in excited butterflies. Chest heaving, you watched him pull of his shirt, dropping it to the floor before lowering himself to mould his lips once more against yours. While you kissed, his large hands strayed to your shorts, fingers curling beneath the hem to guide them slowly down your legs. You kicked them off, carefully, before your back arched with a high moan in response to his middle finger dragging lightly against your soaked panties.
    "You're already so wet," he murmured in your ear, "for me?"
Your nod made his eyes roll up in pleasure, beginning to tease your clit through the lace in a desperate attempt to drawn more moans from your lips. Becoming slightly impatient, he dragged your panties past your hips to your ankles - again urging you to kick them to the floor. You obliged immediately, desperate for him to go further. Reaching up to cup his cheeks in your palms, you willed him to go on - just as you felt him unzip his jeans, fumbling with the denim. Lips pressing together, he reached down to guide his tip to your entrance. Slowly, steadily, he pushed a few inches in, stilling for a moment to allow you to adjust to his size. You hummed against his mouth, a soft gasp creating smooth vibrations, not expecting him to be that hard or that thick. Pushing all the way in, causing you to catch your breath as you felt his cock seem to press against your guts, Junkyu stilled once again. As you pressed your lips harder against his, your palms against the back of his neck, he drove his hips into you with one slow, hard movement. He continued with that pace, enjoying the taste of your tongue against his, his hips offering you deep, steady thrusts. Your bodies pushed and pulled against the leather, already so sensitive your lips were growing weaker and messier against each other.
    "You're doing so well," Junkyu praised, softly.
His words made your body shiver with pleasure, nodding with a light whimper to your praise. Recognising your enjoyment to his words, he continued with low, gentle phrases of praise, "you're such a good girl", "you're taking it so well", "you're doing great, princess", "so pretty, seeing you so weak for me", "I'm so proud of you, angel".
    Soon, his words, mixed with his deep thrusts, were making your core knot up completely. You were becoming desperate, your breath catching, and your nails sinking into his hair until he could feel you tighten around his cock.
    "Are you going to cum for me?" he mumbled against your lips, "let me hear you say it, baby."
    "I-I'm going to cum," you whimpered.
    "Say my name," his dark eyes met yours, "say my name while I make you cum."
His soft demands were making you come undone, finding yourself putty in his hands. Your moans were loud, unable to stop your eyes from closing in ecstasy.
    "Look at me," he breathed.
You obliged, and almost immediately your limbs tensed against him, your body shaking as you came undone - a rush of pleasure shooting through your veins. Collapsing back, breathless, you gazed into his satisfied smirk, before reaching up to begin weakly peppering light kisses against his jaw, trailing to his neck, to his ear. Your soft touch against his skin erupted him in goosebumps, swallowing as you began to push at his chest. He rose, back pressing against the sofa, and you rose one leg over his - straddling him delicately. His calm eyes watched as you reached down, sliding your fingers along his hard shaft before beginning to lower yourself - slowly - onto it. Lips twitching, he rested his hands firmly against your waist, guiding you as your teeth sank into your lip with a light gasp.
    "Good girl," he murmured.
Allowing his head to roll back, Junkyu's throat released low grunts as you began to slide up and down his cock carefully. You were still so wet, the warmth almost seemed to make him bigger inside of you.
    "Slowly," he urged, "take it easy, I don't want you to be sore...not just yet."
His words made you whimper, your arms winding around his neck to feather kisses against his ear. Teeth sinking into his lobe, you bounced a little faster, drawing deep moans from his mouth just as he had done to you.
    It wasn't long against before you could feel his cock twitch slightly inside of you, his grip on your waist tightening with every ride. His head turned, pushing his lips to yours to muffle his groans, before his limbs began to abruptly tense. Thighs flexing beneath you, fingers sinking into your skin, his teeth suddenly sank into your lip - drawing enough blood for it to drip once onto his tongue.
    He grunted, one last time, before stilling your body against his chest as he felt himself collapsing undone. Breathless, you fell forward, resting your head in the crook of his neck, while his warm hands began to slide along your back. His pants were heavy against you, quietening himself by lightly kissing shoulder.
    "Are you hungry?" Junkyu mumbled.
Upon your nod, he guided you from his lap and tugged his underpants up to his hips before rising from the sofa. He glanced down at you, smiling slightly at the sight of you lying contently on his sofa - lids closed, cheeks pink.
    Sensing he'd left for the kitchen, you forced yourself up, plucking his t-shirt from the floor and tugging it's large frame over your body. You slipped your panties on and rose to your feet, entire body tingling from the minutes before. Quietly, you began to pad in Junkyu's direction, sneaking up on his taller figure to wind your arms around his waist while he cooked.
    "Eggs?" he breathed, tapping at the pan of boiling noodles. He felt you nod against his back, laughing at your clingy embrace, "come here, sit here..."
Turning, he bent down to haul your body up onto the side next to him, pressing his lips to your cheek before addressing his concentration back on the food.
   "Was it okay?" Junkyu asked, softly.
Tilting your head, you surpressed a smile.
    "More than," you murmured.
    "Really?" Junkyu grinned, eyes sparkling with a renewed cockiness, "how so?"
    "I felt taken care of,” you admitted, blushing at the mere memory.
Glancing up, Junkyu carefully studied your features.
    "I've always thought you were beautiful," he breathed, resting his palms either side of you, slightly leaning in, "especially that night after the pool."
    "I think about that every now and then," you reached up to brush your fingers through his hair, "cuddled up with such a handsome guy, I was surprised you couldn't hear my heart."
    "I can hear it now," Junkyu teased, pulling off to stir the pan, "you think I'm handsome?"
His voice was careful, as if he didn't quite believe you.
    "Of course I do," you murmured.
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confusedinfj · 6 years
Infj VS Infp
I'm always disowning a lot of so-called infj features and saying they're actually mistyped infp and isfp features, so here's a summary for you. You can mainly tell an infj and an Infp apart by how they are when they're stressed or angry.
I am NOT saying infjs are perfect. They just have different faults than the ones commonly ascribed to them.
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An example of an angry infp. Tom Hiddleston hearing misquotes of Shakespeare 😂
The Fi DOOR SLAM. Yes, you heard me: the Fi DOOR SLAM. This occurs when Fi takes offence and has to cut a person off or ruin its image of self. It looks like a silent tantrum, and it is not a noble thing, no matter how hard fake infjs try to make it sound.
Passive aggression. Wait, is the Infp angry at me, or are they just tired? No, I think that comment was a dig at me. I can't tell....
Silent tantrums. When your infp doesn't speak to you, and manages to cut you out and make you feel excluded while including you just enough that no one else notices. Mad skillz.
Weird thinking. Like the modern Sherlock. Weird positions, weird rituals - just a bit weird really.
Incomplete ideas. Infps are likely to change their mind five times in a debate. Inferior Te can't help it.
Certain about feelings. Fi users will say they don't know what they're feeling, but they can usually have a pretty good guess. They'll usually be able to work it out without too much help, and if they can't it will be evident in their behaviour. If your i*fp cries over spilt milk, it's okay. They probably feel better now.
Short term feelings. Similar to above. Fi users say things they don't mean when they're upset, because, in that moment, they do mean them. Fe users can really struggle with these 'shallow emotions', which are powerful but short lived. I used to think Fi users were lying about not meaning things they'd say while angry, but then I heard of mbti and I was like - oh. They're just not me. Let's just say Fi emotions are like oceans. Deep and intense, but they swimming all over them, so they kinda know what's going on.
Turbulent. Infps lead with feeling, and - particularly when they're younger - feelings can change. That's why infps are on a quest to find their inner selves. They want to understand how they really feel about things.
A need to be misunderstood. Yes, contrary to everything they indicate, infps don't want to be understood. They want you to understood that they're a mysterious soul - that's about it. Fi makes an Infp feel special, and if you crack their Fi code they will instantly feel worthless. (btw infps, it doesn't work that way. You're still special.).
Play the victim to tell you off for hurting them. Aw, poor little infp is upset because I didn't want to do exactly what she wanted. Poor little infp is brooding quietly in a corner. Awww. TOO BAD INFPS. Ignore and they might actually tell you what's wrong 😎 This is the Infp's second shadow function (critical parent) at play here - Ni. It lets them know most people will pity them if the use the victim act, because they feel bad. Critical parent Ni SHOWS YOU WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO THEM. And yes, intps do this too.
Zero Se. They're not even sure if Se is real. What is it? If an Infp is showing signs of Se you should probably take them home, give them a book and a hot drink, and just watch them like a baby. Se in infps is unnatural. They will become even more quickly overwhelmed by stimuli than an infj because of this. But they're more likely to be in touch with their body because of Si.
Snappy control freaks when stressed or down. If you have an inf* friend and you can't call the last letter, think about what they do when stressed or sad. Do they snap at you? Say things they don't mean later? Obsessively try to control your behaviour and their environment? That's inferior Te.
Liked in spite of everything. If you can't type someone and people say they love them in spite of everything, they're almost definitely an i*fp. After all, they're still cupcakes 🎂
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The face of an angry infj... Pewdiepie talking defending how much money he earns 😂 look, it's all in the eyes tbh.
The Infj door ajar. When you make it clear to the infj that they're not wanted, so they go home and close their door. But if you come back and say sorry they open it ever so slightly so you can prove yourself before you come back in.
Sudden aggression. Yes, you heard me. SUDDEN AGGRESSION. Fi mistypes have made it seem like infjs are the most subtle, passive aggressive people ever. Well they're not. Infjs will try to resolve their issues before telling you, so the depth of their grievance may overwhelm you. You might not get it the first time they tell you. So they get frustrated and appear to suddenly get very angry. Am I saying this is a good thing? No, but IMHO it's better than not telling anyone what you're upset about. Anyway, infjs only yell at people they really care about, to finally get their point across, so bear that in mind. If an infj is yelling at you they are 2000% done.
Silent anger. Ever so slightly different from a silent tantrum, because... It's anger. Every one who has ever seen an infj in their rare angry state has reported it to be scary (it's rare because an INFJ'S default reaction is sad). If an infj is telling you what's wrong you can fix the problem. If an infj is silent, you probably can't fix that.
No perceivable thinking, until weird questions. This is why infjs can be mistyped as Ne users or Te users. Occasionally they will need to think through an idea aloud (weak Ti), and thanks to the Ni-Ti loop it's probably some weird stuff. Infjs are also perceived as arrogant and thoughtless thanks to Ni- Ti, since it means they've probably thought about most things already and can just ANSWER when you ask them.
Complete ideas. Most of the time when an infj shares a thought it will be complete, which is why infjs often win arguments. Their Ni-Ti hasn't just considered their position, it's also considered your position, and your position on their position.
What R feelingz? Not all F types are the same. Some are Fe users, and let me be clear: they don't have Fi. They don't know why they feel tense - they probably didn't even realise they did feel tense. If your infj displays any form of emotion it is much deeper than it probably appears. Infj crying over spilt milk? Something is very wrong. You have to make them talk about themselves in the third person so they can work it out, because you probably can't. (*applies to Enfjs too, and all Fe users*).
Deep feelings. No, I'm not saying Fi users don't have deep feelings. I'm saying if an infj is crying about one thing, that's probably just the surface. People often complain that infjs and Enfjs in particular are emotionally mean for not sharing the full depth of their feelings, but in reality they don't know it's there. *nfjs are just sailing on the ocean of their emotions, they don't know what's what. So if they do mention something to you, take it seriously and times it by about 1000% in your head for full impact. *nfjs don't say things they don't mean when they're angry, but they may say things they've been keeping to themselves in a way they later regret. So if an *nfj is saying horrible things to you about you, don't assume they don't mean them: they do. Just try and filter the anger out and pretend they said them nicely 😂 Note: saying things in a way they regret means they may imply things they didn't mean. *nfjs don't always hear the full implications of things until they're said aloud, so try to hear the gist of what they're saying rather than taking it literally. It's why *nfjs often accidentally say things that sound dirty. They just don't realise until Fe filters it through people's reactions. 😂
Assertive. Infjs aren't as mysterious as Fi mistypes have led you to believe. In fact, infjs often tell you exactly who they are and how they work, only to be disappointed that most people don't lead with Ni and aren't trying to construct a picture of how they work. So next time your infj is upset because you don't understand them, realise they probably explained it to you already.
A need to be understood. Infjs want you to understand them. They only kind of understand themselves, and they could use some help. Don't accuse an infj of deliberately being mysterious, cos it's not true. They legit don't have a clue, k?
Tell you off for hurting them by keeping you accountable. INFJ'S critical parent is Fi, so prepare to take a good look at yourself in the mirror. If an infj feels the need to tell you off for hurting them, it's going to be calm, it's going to be rational, and it's going to hurt. You will feel guilty, because Ni-Fe will tell you exactly why you did it and why it hurt the infj. For example, maybe you lied to an infj. An infj would tell you it hurt them and go on to say something like, 'why lie about it? You know what that tells me? That tells me you knew you were doing something wrong. Because otherwise you wouldn't have felt the need to keep it from me.' And suddenly you will feel worse than them, as the infj realises the problem is yours, not theirs.
Zero Si. I don't even really know what Si is, that's how much I have it. If your infj is exhibiting signs of Si they're in a crippling state of anxiety/depression where they're trying to micromanage their world in an attempt to survive. It won't work, make them party. Zero Si also means you should take your infj seriously if they say they're sick. Idk why, but infjs NEVER look sick. Even when they're dying, they never look sick. And because of zero Si Infjs don't often feel a sickness coming on. It just hits them, and they wallow in misery, trapped in the prison that is their body 😭
Reckless when stressed or a little down. If you're in doubt about your inf* friend, think about what they do when they're stressed or sad. Do they want to go out with you? Party with you? Just do anything but stay home? That's inferior Se.
Disliked for no reason. If you can't type someone and everyone dislikes them, but no one really knows why, they're an infj. After all, they're just so... Not normal🐔
Edit: here are some pictures that symbolise for me what an infp-infj relationship of any kind is like. This is an over-idealised relationship, because fake infjs (infps) often talk about being friends with the real infps, and it's really just infp-infp 😂
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And here are two which way seem contradictory. The infj is on the right in both pictures 😋
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