#I'm not tagging it with main tags which is explanatory
writhingleviathan · 2 months
You guys have no idea how unwell I am for William Afton.
He has put a hex on me ever sense I laid my eye on him. I want to strangle this man and make love to him. This fucking bastard fills the hole from my shit dad and drives me crazy because of it. HOW THE FUCK DOES MY MIND THINK HE'S A GOOD MAN TO BE THE DILF I WANT TO BE LOVED BY, FUCKED, AND WANT TO KILL HIM. WHY?? I HAVE SO MUCH GUILT FOR LIKING HIM IN ANY WAY. IN MY HEAD WHOLE DIFFERENT FNAF STORY BECAUSE OF HIM AND STILL A MONSTER IN IT, BUT I STILL FIND A WAY TO LOVE HIM?? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME.
I just want the golden rabbit for myself. No one else can have him. Even if he is monstrous, I desire him more than anything in the world. In a fuck up wish, I wish he was real so I feel what would it be to have normal desire a real one and maybe he will eat me up like a hungry wolf that merely pretends to be harmless. I would enjoy every part of it.
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bravevolunteer · 1 year
michael is canonically an arson enthusiast we know this but there's a unique feralness to t.ma michael that i'm obsessed with-
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rubywonu · 1 year
“horanghae.” “what the hell is that?”
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summary: in which you fall in love with a tiger wannabe.
pairing: kwon soonyoung x fem!reader
genre: fluff, established relationship, meet-cute
warnings: the word ‘psychopath’, a swear word.
w/c: 0.6k
nia’s notes: @etherealyoungk this one is for you.
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it was a typical tuesday at the cafe you work at. you started your shift an hour back and things were going slow since it was pretty early in the morning. 
you were setting up for the rest of the day, placing syrups and toppings while listening to your music in your world. you flinched when the door opened, a bunch of guys storming in, all engaged in their own conversations.
you looked at the clock on the wall. 7:46 am. that was pretty early for a group of what you counted to be thirteen men. did that concern you? no. not at all, when you saw their attire. you squinted your eyes, not believing your sight. 
is that a tiger onesie? you stared in shock at the man walking towards you. it was weird enough for a group of men to walk into a cafe at almost eight in the morning, but a grown ass man in a tiger onesie was a rare sight. 
"uh. is everything alright?" the tiger man in front of you asked, concern on his face. you snapped out of your gaze and tried to look presentable but the curiosity didn't leave your face. 
"ah. yes. what can i get you?" you plastered your work smile on your face and walked to the counter, ready to take their order. 
"can i get six americanos, four warm coffees, and two toasted bagels please?" the man in front of you spoke in a cool and sophisticated manner, completely contrasting his outfit choice. "please take your time, no rush at all," he assured you with a small smile of y our face. 
"sure. is that all?" you asked as you typed into the computer. he nodded his head, and you set out to make the order. it took quite a while as you moved from one end of the counter to the other, acquiring different ingredients. 
after 15 minutes, everything was done and you placed it on the main counter, your eyes meeting the man. 
"here's your order. six americanos, four warm coffees, and two toasted bagels." you pointed to each of the mentioned dishes in front of you. "what's your method of payment?" 
"card." the man took out his card and gave it to you and you proceeded with the payment, the sharp orange colors distracting your mind every few seconds. 
you swiped the card, and returned it. "your name, please?"
"kwon soonyoung." 
an interesting name for an interesting man. the ends of your mouth lifted as you slowly said the name, testing each syllable while you typed it out. 
"thank you for visiting, do come here again," you said. you smiled brightly at the man, who you know the name off. he too reciprocated your facial expression. 
and then he did something that rendered you speechless.
"horanghae." soonyoung held up his hand and imitated a tiger's claw, and he sent a goofy smile to you. 
you scrunched up your face in confusion. "what the hell is that?" your curiosity must have come off in a baffled way as soonyoung was laughing, the other men in the cafe staring at the scene in bewilderment. 
"how about i explain it to you over dinner?" soonyoung asked you smoothly, laughing harder at your shocked face.
you scoffed, trying to hide the huge smile coming on your face. you failed miserably. "are you sure you're not a psychopath."
"i'm wearing a tiger onesie at 8:04 am on a tuesday morning. i think that question is self-explanatory." soonyoung gestured his outfit, the tip of his ears turning red in the process. 
"sure," you answered, soonyoung had his mouth open after hearing what you said. 
"really?" you nodded at soonyoung, you wrote your number on a piece of paper and handed it to him. 
it was overall a weird day for you, but the weirdest act out of them all was the fact that a tiger wannabe just asked you on a date. and little did you know, that would be the first encounter with the love of your life. 
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tagging: @kflixnet . @caratsland . @pixieskie . @xomingyu . @fairyhaos . @kyeomyun . @wheeboo . @ylliris-hanniehae . @bangchansbae . @slytherinshua . @blue-jisungs .
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thebramblewood · 2 months
I've been picking up more followers lately so, first of all, thank you! Almost everything I post is related in some way to my story, Helena Zhao Is Dead. When I'm not posting the story itself, I'm usually engaging in gameplay or CAS shenanigans with the characters, which are a mix of originals and TS4 premades! Here's the story page, where you can read a synopsis and find character bios.
I'm coming up on a year and a half of working on it now, which means it's gotten quite long. As much as I'd love you to read the whole thing (and deeply appreciate everyone who does), I know it can be time-consuming. I've mentally organized the story into "arcs" to help me with plotting, and those are usually the best places to come in. Here are some possible entry points for getting started!
From the very beginning. Self-explanatory. You'll get everything!
From the Oasis Springs side quest. You'll miss Helena's freshman year, which is mostly slice of life stuff, but you'll see her relationship with Ulrike and get some juicy foreshadowing for future events.
From the beginning of Helena's senior year. You still get most of Helena and Ulrike's relationship but are a tiny bit closer to the main plot.
From the Vatores' Decennial Vampire Bash. If you start from here, you'll miss a lot of good stuff, but you can still get a sense of the Vatores' relationship dynamic and how Helena comes into it. Plus, this is probably the sequence I'm still most proud of!
From Helena's return home to Copperdale. This serves as a sort of soft reset by changing the setting, reintroducting Helena's younger sister from her own POV, and placing Helena in new and unsettling circumstances.
From Helena moving in with the Vatores. If you're just here for vampire shenanigans and need a quick catch-up, this is the option for you. Another shift in main setting as we establish a new dynamic between Helena, Lilith, and Caleb.
And if you do read everything and somehow still want more, don't forget to check out this tag for extra gameplay, edits, lookbooks, and whatever else happens to pop into my mind!
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yujeong · 29 days
Okk. I don't want to compare or anything but I don't get the people who's getting mad on Korn Tonkla scenes saying they had more screen time? Or shit. I mean tbh, I am understanding the plot of the series better because of the two of them because they are somehow related to all of the events. And Tonkla's situation is...... he somehow senses the other timeline which I think is an important role. And also, Korn! Like what you've said he knows Dome is dead, and at the same time he's with his brother who ’saved’ Dome. Both of the characters are pivotal in the series.
Also, I think that they are more talked about because a Bas and Fuaiz couple was not expected in the series, and at the same time their plot line is really good as well as the build up of their characters. And I've seen more & more people are falling in love with Fuaiz & Bas (as an actor) in this series.
But somehow, I get them because the main couple is GreatTyme but why does it feel like they are becoming more of a side couple. Also saw people saying that their ’plot line’ or how they were introduced to eo /wasn't it./
Thank you for giving me the incentive to speak about this issue, anon. I'm going to do it now because the new episode will come out in a few hours and hopefully I won't have to do this ever again - which I honestly doubt but anyway. Since I haven't seen this type of discourse pop up on Tumblr (thank GOD), I'd like to inform everyone that over on Twitter, there have been massive complaints about Tonkla, aka Fuaiz, getting more screentime than the main characters, aka JesBible, to the point of people tagging BOC in posts and demanding they give them more scenes with TymeGreat - as if BOC can just pull footage they haven't filmed out of their ass or something. It got so bad that Sammon herself saw them and AGREED with these people, further explaining how it was important for some plot elements to be explored now, in order for the rest of the series to make sense. Now, with all due respect to her position as a screenwriter: she's factually wrong here. Someone on Twitter actually sat down and counted the minutes each character is on screen and came out with these results:
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It's not in English, but I believe the results are clear: Tonkla doesn't even come close to Great's screentime. He's a little closer to Tyme's, but the main character is Great, so he's the one we should be looking at. Also, in case it hasn't been fucking obvious, Tonkla is an essential character in 4 Minutes, which is why we're getting many scenes with him. The reason I mentioned the actors is pretty self-explanatory - people are mad their favourite actors are shown a specific amount of time, giving space to other plot lines and characters, instead of being there for the whole episode, as if the point of 4 Minutes is the romance between Tyme and Great and nothing else. Meanwhile, Bible himself was laughing and clapping and enjoying the flashback scene between Korn and Tonkla when they had their first time, because Bible wanted to be part of a good production, which he is and he recognizes it. But no, God forbid we get more context over KornTonkla, which is one of the most important relationships in the show, which guides Tonkla's actions, which moves the fucking PLOT of the SHOW. I could give the benefit of the doubt to people being upset Tonkla was shown for not even half of episode 4, but I won't, and the reason for that is because I'm sick and fucking tired of people getting their panties in a twist because a character who loves getting fucked is actually getting fucked in almost every episode. Good for him honestly, even if it's making him worse. (I've already ranted about this whole thing here, I'm not going to repeat myself) I don't know how your social media feeds are like anon, but mine are flooded with BibleJes + GreatTyme content and I rarely see anything about KornTonkla or Bas and Fuaiz or anything of the sort, so I can't agree with you that they're more talked about than the main actors/characters. (That's not the case on Tumblr though: I have a very varied feed + my lovely anon asks which give me the chance to talk about my boys and I'm thankful for that.) And I'm sorry, anon, but I'm going to have to disagree with you in the end: Great and Tyme do NOT feel like the side couple at all. They are and they feel very much like the main couple and they've had multiple scenes together in every single episode so far (at the hospital, in Great's garage, at the park, at the university, at the arcade, inside Great's car, at the rooftop of the hospital, at the warehouse, inside the tent etc). We've gotten plenty of fucking content for them AND also BOC has made sure to give Bible and Jes the chance to do a million interviews together + magazine photoshoots, with only half of the show being done, so fans have zero fucking reason to complain about anything. That's all. Rant over.
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transformerskinkfest · 3 months
Fic Fest FAQs!
Welcome to the official blog for the first Transformers Kinkfest!
This promptfest will be running for two weeks from 17 - 31 October 2024, with daily prompts (based on your submissions). The list of prompts will be released in August to give you time to write/draw/create - then, once the fest starts, share your creations for each day's prompt!
What kind of prompts will these be?
Each prompt on the main list will be a Transformers-specific kink. There will also be an alternative list with broader prompts (like, say, bondage). Feel free to pick from either list or combine the two, and feel free to make different decisions on different days - up to you!
As for what Transformers-specific kink means: basically, these are kinks that rely on/take advantage of Transformers being Transformers. These can include kinks that depend on Transformer physiology, like fuel-siphoning or alt mode sex, but they can also depend on Transformer culture, like faction roleplay. (Those have all been suggestions to date, btw. :))
What if I have a prompt idea but I don't know what the kink would be called?
Totally okay! We're flying without a star chart here - it's not like even the estimable TF Wiki has a list of Transformers kinks :D. Describe it as best you can, and I will try and sum it up for the list as best I can. There will probably need to be some explanatory notes to the prompt list...
How do I suggest a prompt?
Send an ask with your prompt idea. I can't guarantee that every idea will be included - it will depend on how many we receive, and I'll also use my discretion when it comes to picking prompts.
Just to keep things organised, please send your ideas here to @transformerskinkfest. (However, I will also include any that end up getting sent to the mod's blog at @decepticonsensual.)
Please keep in mind that the prompt is just the kink. Don't bother to include a specific pairing or a specific continuity, as these will not be part of the prompt list. (If you did include these things in an ask you submitted, that's okay, but I'm only going to take the kink idea part of the ask.) Speaking of -
What characters/continuities can I create for?
Anything under the Transformers umbrella! That includes shows, films, comics, games, novels, and that Optimus Prime Potatohead, which is actually canon. We live in an age of marvels.
What if I can't create something for every day?
No worries! Create as much as you want to. If you contribute something for a single day's prompt, that's awesome, and if you do it for every day, that's also awesome.
How do I share my fic, fanart, or other creations?
Post on your own account and tag #transformerskinkfest or #tf kinkfest, please!
Please make sure you TAG/WARN FOR YOUR WORK APPROPRIATELY. (A warning that you aren't going to warn people - like the "Choose Not To Warn" tag on AO3 - is fine, provided that readers have to choose to click through to your creation after seeing that warning.)
That title looks like it says Transformer Skink Fest - is this a festival for fanfic and art about Transformers becoming lizards?
No, but now I wish I'd thought of that.
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the-desert-beast · 2 months
Tagged by @sleidog ! (ty for the tag >:D)
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
ofc im doing this for my main my love of my life Maelgwynnie my bounty hunter with his idiot title of The Desert Beast
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NAME; Maelgwyn (means "Prince of Hounds!")
AGE; In sylvari terms he awoke 1 year after Trahearne. (iirc 33 present time.) Human terms/vibes he is 40s-50s energy.
GENDER; Preferred label: none. Maelgwyn's gender is "I'm maelgwyn. ???" / "what." he doesn't have a label he uses, most people view him as a man and he/him- which he is comfortable with. Present day this hasn't channged but time to time he'll wear dresses/"feminine" things and enjoys being reffered to with she/her pronouns here and there.
PRONOUNS; He/Any. (all through out his life this has been true.)
ORIENTATION; Bisexual! High preference for people with "power" over him, people who are as if not more muscular than him, people who are much much weaker than him. reliable, strong, flirtatious, high sex drive, (doms and tops as well), a list of some of his favorite traits and preferences.
PROFESSION; Ranger. He fights alongside his tiger Paola (her colors are that of a 'golden tiger'!) who is as battlescarred as Maelgwyn himself, and abnormally large for a female tiger like her. Maolmuire his griffon serves as a combat mount and ranger companion.
BUILD; 8 feet and 3 inches tall or 251 cm tall. Shoulders are broad, waist is thin, hips are average (wide in comparison to his waist), thighs are thick. He is very muscular, weighs somewhere in the ballpark of 500lbs. has an 8pack (because im gay and its hot <3) and his body is littered with scars. he also has tattoos across his chest and arms.
OCCUPATION; semi-retired bounty hunter. pact ally. general "hero" around amnoon and the crystal desert. (maintains a positive reputation as a protector/reliable Peoples' Hero.)
EXTREMELY loyal; will always be there for You
protective; he'd do anything to keep his starlight (partner) safe. (this sometimes borders on possessiveness but never anything to demand concern; he just gets a little insecure now and again and needs a little reassurance. gradually into a relationship, this fades to something much more endearing/completely harmless.)
Loves animals; if you have a pet they're part of the family now. he'll easily and efficiently take care of any of their health problems and keep them very happy and dote on them. he loves animals, especially cats.
Affectionate; he is so goddamn physically affectionate, he's not good with words so instead he chooses to touch and kiss and hold and snuggle. its his favorite way to show that he loves his partner.
Maelgwyn suffers from a few things mentally that cause him to believe he is unlovable and cause him to isolate himself, so long term relationships with him can be demanding. he's making progress on these things on his own slowly but surely; a supportive partner helps him close the gaps much faster,
his insecurities can get the better of him now and again; unfortunately he has to be cornered into having some of the important conversations here and there. this too fades with time as he heals, but its taxing to put up with in the first year.
He is, at his core, trying his best to heal and become the best version of himself he can. joining him on that journey can be tiring and taxing but the good parts make up for it and soon enough; only the good parts remain.
(kinda wrote this like a dating sim and not smash or pass so uh onenight stand traits lightning round real quick? pros: experienced, size difference if ur into that, verse and a switch you can do whatever you want with him, cons: BITEY and scratchy if youre not into that im sorry, he can try his best to be gentle but there will be rough moments still he is very bad at holding back no matter how hard he tries, ThatThang is not fitting anywhere comfortably if his partner is not also fuck off huge stature. uhhh yeah 👍 also hes really into being collared and leashed and hurt and called a good boy.)
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silkflovvers-art · 11 days
Hi! I hope you’re doing well. May I ask how you would describe Arknights’ game and story?
Hi hi! I'll do my best but I've unfortunately got Covid (again ;;) so my brain is made of under-cooked scrambled eggs. This is also my art blog, so I don't normally answer these kinds of asks here, but honestly.. I haven't posted here in forever so it's probably fiiiiiine. Probably.
I want to preface by saying I'm incredibly behind on the main story, so I'm not the best person to ask for a summary about it. I can however offer a pretty good explanation that keeps heavy spoilers out of it because I'm so behind, though!
Throwing all of the explanation under a read more-
Arknights Gameplay:
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Long time players, ignore how insane so many of my stats and all that are, I haven't had the braincells to play due to covid and traveling almost an entire month prior to getting it. This year has been.. really bad.
Arknights, at its core, is a mobile game that focuses on strategy and tower defense. You strategically place characters (referred to as Operators) down on a top-down, tile style map, keeping their unique classes, skills and talents in mind to protect your base or whatever counts as your "tower" for the specific stage/storyline.
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You gain new Operators through a gacha/lottery system called Headhunting, or through a tag system called Recruitment.
Headhunting offers you a chance at the Rate Up high rarity Operators as well as a pool of lower rarity characters. The pool varies by banner. Older Operators have actually been moved to a separate Headhunting system called Kernel Headhunting to give newer players a better chance at obtaining the older Operators from a smaller pool of options. It also occasionally gives players the option to choose which Operators are on Rate Up. Recruitment allows players to narrow down what Operators they can get by selecting up to three tags that are randomly generated for each recruitment. Increasing the Recruitment time helps increase the likelihood of an Operator with the chosen tags being Recruited, but not always. The pool of possible operators a player can receive through recruitment is much smaller than that of the regular or Kernel Headhunting.
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You can also get characters for free through events, main story chapters and from purchasing them from the shop using currency you naturally build up by completing daily missions and stages.
I actually consider Arknights to be one of the most F2P friendly live service gacha games I have ever encountered (This is coming from someone with luck so bad their life has been described as an unfortunate Looney Tunes skit by multiple completely unrelated people). In-game currency is also easy to obtain even if you don't have the high rarity "meta" Operators. This is not a game that requires the high rarity characters to play and enjoy. If it was, I wouldn't still be playing after 4 years. I've had to purchase almost all the "meta" characters from the shop just to have the chance at even getting them because they refuse to come home through the gacha system....
The Operator classes include: - Vanguard - Guard - Specialist - Defender - Sniper - Caster - Supporter - Medic
Most of these are pretty self explanatory, but the Arknights Terra Wiki explains them all in really organized simple terms and has clear descriptions of the subclasses!
Unlike another popular gacha game currently out there on the market, Arknights does not forever lock limited events behind their original run duration. Every limited event gets a rerun (roughly taking place between 1-2 years after it's original runtime) and then is later archived and made available forever, whether the player completed it or not. It is also possible to collect materials from stages from the late stages of the main story even if you haven't unlocked them yet thanks to events rewards and shops. Because of this, it's incredibly friendly to new and old players alike.
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Over the years it has expanded its game modes and content to include rogue-likes, multi-player modes, and most recently a game mode that requires base construction, exploration, and high level resource gathering and management. Each new limited event and game mode introduces new game mechanics and gimmicks that keep the game play refreshing and challenging.
The other game modes require you to get through the tutorial of the game, which is pretty long and dialogue heavy, but the story is worth it in my opinion and I don't think it should be skipped. I'll pass on explaining those for now since they're relatively easy to look up, but if you're interested in learning more about them, look up: Contingency Contract, Integrated Strategies, Stationary Security Service, Trials for Navigator, or Reclamation Algorithm. The Arknights Terra Wiki is also a good resource for explanations on these game modes.
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There's also a base you can build within the main game mode to help passively collect currency and character building materials. It's one of the few ways you're able to interact with other players in the early game. You can decorate the dormitories with different furniture sets, which is pretty cute.
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Also the UI is beautiful and I love it and it's easy to understand as long as you DO NOT skip tutorials. Don't do that. For the love of god, you need to pay attention to the tutorials for this game.
Arknights Story:
I'm gonna be so real, I think I used up all my brain power on the game play explanation, so this may sound lackluster ><
You play as an amnesiac scientist known as Doctor. The story begins with a rescue operation to retrieve your comatose body from a medical containment unit called a Sarcophagus. It has kept your body stable as well as healed you after an event unknown to you left you gravely injured. The rescue team consisting of Operators once under your command as well as a little Cautus (rabbit) girl named Amiya, pulls you out of the Sarcophagus in the middle of a civil war in the town of Chernobog in the country known as Ursus (you can think of it as an alternative universe USSR populated by a race of bear people also called Ursus).
Amiya quickly fills you in that you are the head researcher of a pharmaceutical company called Rhodes Island that researches and treats an illness known as Oripathy. Oripathy is caused by exposure to a mysterious mineral known as Originium. This mineral is used to fuel most of the machines and magic that exists in this world.
In order to continue research on this terrible and little understand, yet wide spread disease, the Doctor must face rebels, high ranking officials, corrupt governments, ancient beings, gods, and aquatic hiveminds.
The story is much more complex than that, but saying much more spoils quite a bit, so I hate to say much more. I just know that if world building is something you're really interested in and seeing real world connections and inspirations in a story, Arknights is a rich well of that. Many of the characters are based on real life people, events, and mythology/folklore. There are complex governments systems, well thought out civilizations, and unexpected connections between characters and story lines. Despite it's large cast of playable characters, Arknights tries to give each one a meaningful connection to the story, even if it takes years to get to them. The NPCs are memorable and lovable and often become playable if they have an important place in the story or are well received by fans.
There are a lot of really good story summary videos on youtube, but of course now that I'm looking for them, I'm struggling to find them.
All the characters also have profiles with extra info and cutscenes that tie into the main story, side story, or just give insight to how they tie into the world of Arknights.
My only complaint I have with the story is that certain cultures that are often victim of misrepresentation in games do unfortunately suffer a similar fate in Arknights. Arknights has a large cast, and there IS better representation in the character line up than in other games I will not name, but they aren't perfect and can't really be overlooked when compared to the existing characters that do represent their cultural inspirations well. Sargon is the region impacted the most and despite many of my favorite characters originating from this region due to their story and personalities, it's good to take the designs and story with a grain of salt.
Arknights isn't a game for everyone, even though I do believe the recent additions allow it to be given enough time and effort.
If you're interested in the story and characters but don't want to bother with playing the game, the Arknights Terra Wiki, the Arknights Story Reader (and it's connected github site), Cutscene recordings from the main story and events on Youtube shared by fans, and the Arknights Anime all offer a lot of great info on the story, lore, and characters. I don't think this is a game you actually HAVE to play to properly enjoy the story if you don't want to. There's just A LOT of stuff going on, so it's a lot to keep up with.
Hope all of that made sense, somehow.
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another-clive-blog · 18 days
Actually I'm curious, I hope no one has done this one yet
I tried to put the most obvious ones but if I'm missing some please tell me in the tags !!! Also I wanted to put as many as possible so no "I don't know" button, choose. (If you want to rant in the tags please do, I'm always reading all the tags and loving it !!)
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omg hi can you do janus? he's my absolute favorite and I see you have thoughts
Janus my beloved.
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(size of the circle indicates how much I vibed with it/how confident I was about saying yes)
Ok, ok, I know what you're thinking, "Ace why the fuck would you trust Janus?" Bc I love him, next question. No actually, I have reasons. Number one, he's competent, number two he's a giant dork and I'm annoying enough I'd be able to tell when he's telling the truth.
I feel like "Done dirty by fans" is pretty self explanatory. It used to be a minefield trying to find a fic with Janus in it where he was portrayed in character and not an "unsympathetic" villain.
Also, my dear wife Janus with the long hair is the physically hottest side, I am not taking concrit, you cannot change my mind. (Hey, hi, you walked into trans guy territory, if you can't draw the connection, I can' help you.)
My favorite thing about Janus is that he's a liar about being a liar. Not that he doesn't lie, but calling him 'Deceit' is a lie. Sure, he manages that function, but it doesn't have to be his position, if that makes sense. There are several other things he could be called, most of which don't have a negative connotation. I'm not positive his job is necessarily something else, like how Roman is also passion and the ego, but he's called Creativity, so Janus's main gig could very well be lying, but he could be called something else that denotes the purpose of lying, and considering the other things he's shown to manage, such as trying to get the others to STOP lying (looking mostly at you, Patton), lies don't always serve him and his purpose. Are we picking up what I'm putting down? I'm tired and this paragraph is long.
I wrote a post here about how my boy is tragic. Also here's my post about how much I love unreliable narrators which is supplementary to the previous paragraph. Janus is really primed to be a fav of mine. (Not beating out Logan but he's a close second.)
We don't have to go into why he's just like me fr I think that would be depressing on all counts and uncomfortable for everyone involved. Also we can ignore the "I would let them make me worse" category, he's probably the only side I'll check that off on, psychoanalyze me if you want to.
To finish out, I want to circle back around to Janus being lovable and trying so hard and being a massive dork. He's just a snake boy! He gets so frustrated with everyone being stupid, which, relatable, but he's still trying so hard to help them! He wants good things for Thomas which means helping sort these idiots out. I want to see him doing better. I want to see more of his Shrodinger's union with Patton and his exes energy with Virgil, bc I'm messy and I think it's fun. And can we please get a main line video where he and Remus interact? I need it for sick and evil reasons (kicking my feet while giggling).
As always, anyone and everyone can feel free to tag on with their thoughts!
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ladybugpowermakeup · 5 months
Okay. Okay. Hear me out. Because I'm Greek mythology trash.
An Odyssey AU for Miraculous Ladybug. Think about it. Adrien is the most Odysseus character I've ever seen. Fake piano playing? Hiding in a fountain? I mean, it practically writes itself. And Marinette as Penelope is equally as perfect - she creates, but she's smart enough to pull it all apart at the end of the day.
Now here is where things get a little strange: Telemachus. Being an avid MLB fanfiction reader (and ignoring all of seasons 4 and 5), I'm very well aware that Adrienette's kids are supposedly going to be Louis, Hugo, and Emma. Now tell me, what could Emma be short for? That's right, Telemachus. So hear me out - Adrien was drafted into the war *Before* Emma was born, so he never knew he had a daughter and his last request for his child was to name them Telemachus. But when she was born a girl, she was nicknamed Emma. Hugo and Louis don't exist in this version, obviously.
So we have our main family, what about everyone else? Well, we have Adrian's two crewmates, Polites and Eurilochus. Or in this case, Nino and Felix. Nino is his friend who fought at his side and is tragically killed along the ride back, causing Adrian to go into a spiral of grief, whereas Felix is his somewhat suspicious and angry second in command who can't understand why Adrien is being so reckless with his own life and that of the crew to get back to his wife and child. So eventually he starts straight up sabotaging the trip to try and get through to Adrien, which doesn't ever work because when Adrien is in love, he doesn't notice other people.
As for the people they meet on their travels:
Circe is Lila - this one feels pretty self explanatory, except for the fact that Lila would never care that much about the nymphs around her, so I'm thinking she lives alone on the island and basically functions as a non-water siren - she draws men in with comfort and beauty and then turns them into pigs.
The wind god Aeolus is just Trixx - they're weird and whimsical and would absolutely give someone a bag of wind with the word "gold" written on it.
Calypso is Chloe, left there alone on this island for "protection" from her overbearing father, a minor deity. Again, this just kind of makes sense in my brain. And she gets a little bit of a redemption when she finally willingly lets Adrien go home.
When the crew of the ship go down into the underworld, they meet "Tyresius", who in this case is Master Fu. Weird cryptic old wise guy who's maybe dead? Yeah. That fits.
And finally we have the deities themselves. Like I said, Trixx is already accounted for, so we have three main ones - Posideon, Athena, and Hermes.
Posideon is most definitely ShadowMoth - not really any meaning behind this, we're just making him mysterious and powerful and angry at Adrien for seemingly no reason. But he's doing his best to keep this man from reaching home, possibly because early in the journey, Adrien was instrumental in killing a sentimonster, which canonically is kind of a piece of the creator.
Athena and Hermes are two of a pair - Tikki and Plagg, obviously. Wisdom and trickery, sounds just about right to me.
Anyway, this has been on my brain. Enjoy the weird crossover! If you do anything with it, please tag me!
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bitchy-peachy · 3 months
[mostly queue operated : 15 posts per day]
Tags of stuff you might want to blacklist under cut as well as other things (check before following me. ):
[ #noodity and/or #smutty (if you don't want to see artistic nudes or smutty art reblogs. I have a good reason for not tagging these #nsfw)
#spoilers (I tag anything new for any fandom coming out as #spoilers to keep you all spoiler free.)
#fandom, #fandom discourse (if you don't wanna see me complain about fandoms)
#horror, #tw blood, #body horror and #dark art (if you don't want to see fun splatter or spookiness that may be triggering since some people er... don't like it as much as me.)
#personal, #personal pics #ramblings, #rant, #rant in tags, #!!! (if you don't want to see the most random ramblings ever along with pics, long winded tag rants and me boosting things... although I would want you to boost things in the #!!! tag)
As well as #witchy things (if you don't wanna see me talking my "evil hocus pocus" stuff)]
#politics, #news, #SA mention, #true crime are also recommended to blacklist if you don't like such subjects (and my ranting violence at criminals and hating on the injustice system. I'm a huge pig with badges hater especially since I see 97% bad shit)
#me being blasphemous is pretty self explanatory.
Things That Will Get A Block
Associating with people that have hurt me and my friends
Content thieves. Art, fanfiction etc. Plagiarism and art reposts without credits to get attention on yourself with other people's work is a no.
People that start fights over literally nothing. People that are overly reactive and see "something bad" in anything and start drama about it.
Homophobic, transphobic etc people get blocked.
Right wing conservashits and western commie shits (which are just as bad as conservatives) get blocked. I grew up in a conservative family and I've heard your kind of nonsense repeatedly. None of you are creative and bring nothing new to your "arguments" so I see no point in searing my damned eyes with your uninspiring stale bullshit.
Racist twats get blocked. I ain't gotta see your dumbass. Nobody does.
Porn bots, empty accounts, business accounts, weird content that gives me ick (poop, diaper and piss play, necrophilia, age play, etc... all which I don't want to see and properly filter. Like I've got weird fictional interests and personal but even I've got my limits and people ain't even tagging it to avoid getting banned in random main tags that has nothing to do with it.)
Even at my married grown hag age I've had guys act inappropriately towards me almost immediately after I made the mistake of following them back. Block, reported. I'm too old for that shit.
Don't waste your time sending me asks or DMs asking for money. Some of you spam this shit to the point of becoming overwhelming. Fuck outta my asks and dms with this. You're obnoxious and its too damn much. Tired of having 30 asks begging for money and dms from fake ass accounts asking me for money cos I made the mistake of thinking they were a legimate follower. Sincerely fuck off and away to my block list.
If I block you for any of these things you'll probably stay blocked forever.
Random Things About Me
[Status: Taken 💍 but we share each other with fictional characters]
[🧿🔮Ecletic Bruja. Some of my stuff is closed practice but I do share generalized info. Just not closed ancestral matters..]
[Horror/Gore movie/book obsessed: I also reblog a lot of dismemberment and innards which explains the #body horror or #tw blood tag.]
[A bit of a classical art snob. I love old art, the darker and more tragic the better. You can find pretty things of this nature as well as fandom fanarts in #art]
[I ain't 100% "politically correct". I can drag both left and right and my politics can fluctuate between center-right or center-left depending the issue. Example: I support the death penalty (as long as there's no reasonable doubt) and abortion. I also support guns but not everyone having them and there being some more restrictions/background checks etc. That was just some examples of my stance on some subjects. (Made bold for emphasis)]
[LGBT+ safe space🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈 (if you don't like that gfy]
[I have writer's block on everything sorry]
[Dark Humor galore💀]
[Perverted Humor galore🥵]
[🗡 I will only follow back if I like your content and aren't a shitty p0rn bot or some money begging bullshit. I want actual mutuals to interact with and fangirl with, not a bot or a one post blog that only wants money🗡]
[Hablo Español and can understand spoken/read Deutsch and Portuguese]
[My blog is for me. Don't tell me how to run my shit unless you're a masochist.]
[Account is monitored with statcounter]
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Have you, like me, been submitting your favs to every poll you see only to pretty much never get in because you're, like, the only one to nominate them? If yes, then you've come to the right place!
This tournament is for underrated characters & ships (they will be separate polls within this blog) that you really want to have a chance but they just can't against the Doctor Who's and Critical Roll's of the world, all you need to do is submit them in one of the attached forms which you will choose based on what you want to submit. After that, when we've either reached the week mark or rounded up an appropriately daunting amount of submissions, whichever comes first, we will have prelims which will probably be the longest lasting round. All and I mean all submitted favs will be in the prelims pretty much no exceptions unless they break the rules. Speaking of!
~The Rules~
(sorry they're so long)
• While the media the favs come from doesn't necessarily have to be underrated the fav has to be. For example Ace Attorney in it of itself wouldn't be underrated but characters could be, you could theoretically submit Ron DeLite and have him get in but you couldn't necessarily submit Edgeworth and have him get in.
• That being said I will make some caveats for things from super popular media like Star Wars for example because while a character could be underrated when somethings that popular its bound to have a ton of people know it no matter how underrated or obscure, I may be swayed with some convincing but don't get your hopes up.
• Some things I will inevitably have to ask about, because while some things are super popular I inevitably will not know something, so if I ask about something that should be common knowledge please don't make fun of me.
• Harry Potter isn't allowed here both due to the super popular media clause and also because I'm trans and don't want to worry about that stuff in my silly little tumblr tournament.
• Don't go ham on threats no matter how joking please.
• I am one person and also I've never done a tournament before and therefore know practically nothing about setting up brackets, please take this into account if you want to criticize however I end up doing it.
• Feel free to send propaganda in my asks! Also please tag me in it! Reading propaganda is my favorite part of other tournaments!
Additional notes - Macaque, Sun Wukong, MK, Mei, and Red Son from Lego Monkie Kid are all confirmed entrants as is Sebastian Debeste from Ace Attorney.
Confirmed ships are Shadowpeach, Spicynoodles, and Chimera also from Lego Monkie Kid if you want to submit other characters and ships from Lego Monkie Kid go right ahead!
Mod is @melodemonica
Character Form
Ship Form
Since a lot of other blogs seem to tag other blogs for reach I'm just gonna tag my favorites - @powerpolyculeshowdown @autismswagsummit @angerissuescompeticion @i-need-to-fuck-that-old-man @qpr-competition
tags are in order: underrated adversaries - main tag/for character polls, adversarial relationships - tag for ship polls, olly commentary - pretty self explanatory just olly's (the mod's) commentary, underrated advertisements - propaganda tag, askversaries - ask tag, alternate adversaries - other polls
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shiraishi--kanade · 3 months
✦ New pinned post ✦
The old one got quite outdated, so it's about time I made a new one.
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♪ I'm Jay! I also go by Ollie and Lu.
♪ any pronouns!
♪ My main is @jeiseny! I follow and like from there, but I prefer to interact on this blog.
♪ My back-up blog is @shiraishi-kanade. It was originally my only side-blog before being accidentally terminated by Tumbrl. Now it's just staying there, mostly inactive; however, I still intend to use it for long-form character analysis.
♪ I'm physically disabled. I'm also open to talk about it and my experience with it, specifically rheumatic heart disease and juvenile arthritis, but I am not obligated to prove my diagnosis to anyone.
♪ I'm dyslexic! If I suddenly don't make sense, that's why.
♪ This is a project sekai fan blog, on which I mostly write character analysis, especially focusing on Vivid Bad Squad in general and An Shiraishi specifically.
♪ I am also an occasional fanfic writer. My AO3 username is also Jeiseny!
♪ I'm currently working on two unit shuffle aus (on an indefinite hiatus, but by no means abandoned) and my mini-series Count To Five that is An Shiraishi-centric and takes place after Light Up the Fire. Feel free to check it out!
♪ I also have a side-blog for my pjsk fan unit Kawaakari Orchestra! They're a long standing passion project of mine. You can find them at @kawaakari-orchestra.
♪ I will sometimes post about other media I'm a fan of.
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Additional info:
♪ Any interactions (e.g replies, reblogs, asks, dms) are fine and encouraged regardless of mutual status.
♪ I'm fine with tags and tag games (except picrew chains! I don't do those); however, please refrain from publically asking me to reblog anything pertaining to fan-content and especially character analysis. It makes me really uncomfortable (never thought I'd have to set a boundary like this but here we are).
♪ I visit the tags often and will usually reblog the takes I agree with naturally; being pushy about it because of me being a relatively big character analysis blog will only get you blocked.
♪ I love receiving asks about my opinion on pjsk characters and storylines! By all means, please send them to me. I take a while to answer sometimes because I take my sweet time to think about it.
♪ I am an VBS oshi & main, and I'm caught up with their stories at the moment of writing this. I also follow N25 closely and keep an eye out on WxS. All the favourites & fandom information from the old pinned post is still relevant!
♪ I'm open to discussion and correction on my posts, especially if it's about the characters I don't know well!
♪ On another hand, I'm not open to unsolicited criticism on my fanfiction. I do it for fun only.
♪ I'm touch-averse and neurodivergent. Please keep that in mind.
♪ I complain and vent a lot, especially about my disability and chronic pain. Block #jay rambles about life.txt tag if you're uncomfortable with that.
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#jay rambles.txt - general tag. Mostly about pjsk though
#jay rambles about life.txt - general tag for everything that is not about my interests. Doubles as a vent tag (because there's nothing to smile about in my life /ref)
#jay rambles about ocs.txt - me rambling about pjsk ocs, both my own and other's
#jay's archive.txt - old-ish character analysis posts or otherwise important things from a previously terminated blog; can also be found by similar tags on @shiraishi-kanade.
#jay gets asks - ask answered tag!
#jay's character analysis - self-explanatory
#jay's memes.png - I like to make funny images sometimes!
#jay's ocs & #jay's headcanons - self-explanatory
#rb - general rb tag.
#self rb - adding onto my own posts, mostly for my own self-organisation.
#other's character analysis - pjsk takes I love and agree with
#orher's art <3 - art rbs!
That is all! Nice to meet you!
[dividers by saradika-graphics]
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therealprismcat · 10 months
the people have decided, here's a fanfic rec list of dsaf fanfics that arent focussed on davesport! (in no particular order)
Centipedes by Raccoonsandpossumswritesometimes [incomplete]
Dee centric fic which is a swap between Dee and Jack. Not only is davesport not the main focus, it's also pretty toxic. TWs at the beginning of each chapter, but heed the tags.
Hello, You. by galaticanthem [incomplete]
Another similar premise to Centipedes. If you think davesport is toxic in centipedes though, here it is arguably worse. Plot is a bit confusing as of chapter 7, but as it stands, here are the trigger warnings that I can remember off of the top of my head (but basically, if you're sensitive to disturbing themes, i'd skip this one):
Kidnapping (by the looks of it but ????)
Underage drinking
Body horror (I think??? it's so early into the fic im unsure of half these warnings but as it is rn i think it is important they're there because thats what it looks like at least)
Dave is very objectively NOT a good person in this fic. Like, at all. I don't think any future chapter could change that. If you're a person who cannot read about their favourite character committing absolutely heinous things theres nothing wrong with that and I wouldn't read this. If you can stomach all that though, it's a good story.
Dave and Old Sport Adopt a Kid by Wario_Speedwagon [incomplete]
Davesport is there and it's prevalent and not toxic, but it's not the main focus. It's more of an accidental baby acquisition fic. I can't think of any trigger warnings for this one, but check the tags. always.
Matted Fur by Afval [one-shot]
Evil ending fic with rabbit symbolism for Dave. All TWs are in the tags.
Sharp-Toothed Rabbit by orphan_account [one-shot]
More evil end Dave ft. animal metaphors! what more could you want? All TWs in the tags.
happiest day by grimkid [one-shot]
A fic about Jack's happiest day. Jack x Steven, no TWs iirc but heed the tags.
Octane Rating by dontrollthedice [one-shot]
Canon compliant fic about the good ending, only its harrysport. i dont even like the ship but this fic makes me so unwell /pos. No TWs I think but look at the tags.
NO MIDDLE-CALLING by XYZ_Countoriss [one-shot]
Silly chatfic, what can go wrong? -oh that right. No TWs needed, but look at the tags.
Operation Get Your Brother to Remember You After Years of Thinking He is Dead by Sockth [incomplete]
A fic focussed on Peter and Jack, I think the title is self explanatory. No TWs but look at tags.
Safety Infiltration by themostneontwig [incomplete]
After Jack betrays Dee in the evil route, Dave decides he needs to be stopped. A fic based around the idea of Legacy Jack founding the pizzaplex. No TWs that instantly come to mind other than the fact that it's set almost immediately after Jack kills Dee. Look at the tags though.
Hot Chocolate by Wario_Speedwagon [one-shot]
Ouch, set right after Jack dies the first time round. This fic physically hurt me and I mean that in the best way possible. TWs in tags.
After the Storm by themostneontwig [one-shot]
Christmas fic focussed on Peter and Jack. Read this one after Hot Chocolate, it can save you. No TWs unless you're Ebenezer Scrooge in which case dni
Jack's Squad Has UNO Night by Wario_Speedwagon [one-shot]
The title's a lie they play cluedo /j just some wholesome fun. No TWs.
An Unexpected Connection by End_Transmission [one-shot]
Post good end, but Jack 'lives'. We all know Dave had at least ONE kid. No TWs.
Peter Kennedy and the Worst Place on Earth by biptari [incomplete]
AU where Jack and Peter swap places. Steven x Peter. As for TWs I can't say everything off of the top of my head but I KNOW Henry is homophobic and transphobic in this. I can't remember if he says slurs 100% but I'm pretty sure he does use at least one so like, watch out. Other than that, heed the tags.
That's all I have right now. If you know some more then feel free to reblog to add them. No hate to davesport or anything but if you write dsaf fanfics that aren't focussed on davesport then you are my lifeline /hj
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burnt-to-cynders · 1 year
Alright, time to actually make one of these for real, since this is looooong overdue. Hi! I'm Cynthia! I'm...a lot of things, and I struggle to describe them without it feeling inadequate! I play games, I write software for a living, I write non-software things for fun occasionally, I'm wildly horny, neurodivergent, a massive nerd who constantly wishes she knew more about everything.
Property of: @synthbang and @stalesweetrolls
Let's start with some ID stuff, I'm a pre-HRT(for now!!!) transfem, I go by she/they/it pronouns. My friends call me any fun variation of my name they can come up with, like Cyn, Cyndy, Cyndicate, etc. If we're mutuals, we're friends :3. I'm white, American(New England), poly, t4t, atheist, wildly sapphic, and physically, but not visibly, disabled.
As for interests, I've got literal dozens. Gaming, anime, manga, movies, writing, reading, music, pole dancing, ttrgps, game design, hiking, conservation, activism, fashion, just to name a few, each of which splinters into dozens of little sub-interests. Ask me a dragonball question, I dare you.
Actually, ask me any kind of question. Asks are open all the time and so are anons. Go wild ya horny fools
Seriously, minors, this blog is very horny
Ageless blogs
Sissy kink blogs
Race and ageplayers
I have two sideblogs atm, although in actuality there's just one that's even remotely active.
@den-of-cyn is where I used to do my hornyposting. The big thing that's there now is the pinned post with a list of my kinks, for those of you interested in the horny side of the Cynner. The account got flagged as NSFT and I haven't been able to get that revoked yet, and moreover I decided to stop worrying about it and just started posting horny on main anyway. There's quite a few good ones on there that I haven't reblogged to here, and a few pics I haven't reposted, so if you somehow don't get enough horny nonsense on this page, you can always go there to see some vintage Cyn >:3
@thebookofcyn is my writing sideblog. It's where all my original stuff will one day live, when I get the spoons to put all my old stuff on it. It is SFT FOR NOW, IT WILL NOT BE IN THE FUTURE! Soon there will be a pinned post there explaining my tags and how to find stories. I'm hoping to post more there as time goes on and I actually embrace this hobby more.
I layer my tags and usually don't do content tags, and I don't tag reblogs except to do responses. The tags that mean things on this blog are as follows:
#cynposting - Any post by me that has text outside of tags, including reblog replies. Searching this tag will get you everything I've written in text on this blog.
#cynful thoughts - Any post I think is horny. You can filter for this post if you want to see me being a degenerage, or filter it out if you'd rather not.
#pics of the cynner - Any picture of myself, pretty self explanatory. Most are accompanied by #cynful thoughts
#Cyn fits - pics of myself taken specifically to show off an outfit and explain why I chose it for that day.
#I asked - Reblog of an ask that I sent someone
#ask and ye shall receive - Tag for when I answer an ask
#get tagged idiot - Tag for when the only content of a post is me @ -ing someone in the reblog.
#pinned post - Last one, tag for the previous pinned posts I've made. This should be the last one. In theory.
And that's it!!!! For now. Probably. I'm a wordy bitch, so I expect this'll get longer and longer.
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