#I'm not sure this is ACTUALLY Tom's account- but it is on an official The Sandman channel
auressea · 2 years
hullo... anatomical study of a back..
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
do you really want to get into a full accounting of all the pain in our marriage? because if you do i can do that how's mondale? mondale's fine don't worry about mondale i guess he doesn't recognize your scent any longer huh well things have become complicated i wonder if there's even a way through this right yeah you know i i wonder if we might've run out of road i mean we were going going to have a big talk well i wonder if you might want to make it official you know? but do you want to talk? there's some things i wouldn't mind saying and explaining i don't want to rake up a whole lot of bullshit for no profit tom but i feel i do feel no just stop i don't think it's good for me to hear all that i think it might be time for you and i to move on uh huh uh huh that makes me sad huh sure and you don't want to talk about what happened? tom i think we could talk things to death but actually we both just made some mistakes and i think a whole lot of crying and bullshit is not going to help that so if you're good we can just walk away with our heads held high and say good luck yeah? well okay i could see if i if i can make love to you would you like to? i don't think so tom should i go? or are you gonna go? um i'm tired so but you can you can stay there if you like okay so this is it huh? hm yeah i guess we gave it a go yeah we gave it a go
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
Hello! Hope you don't mind me asking, but do you think Mrs. Norris would be very different if she had children? I don't mean to imply that be a parent make someone a better person... But do you think she would be happier?
I don't mind you asking at all, I love answering what ifs.
I do think that not having children is a key part of what made Mrs. Norris the person. We are even specifically told that her frugality began as a way to prepare for her children, but then those children never came and she just kept going. The narrator also says Mrs. Norris could manage her children on a small income very well, though I'm not sure I'd actually want her as a mother!
Also, while being child-free is a choice today and while some couples were probably pleasantly surprised by not having children, the cultural expectation was pretty strong at the time. While it's never discussed, I am certain that Mrs. Norris felt on some level like a failure as a wife/woman. It is also probably a source of jealousy, Lady Bertram is rich and has four beautiful children.
Something that I think is innate to Mrs. Norris that she is very energetic, like when William is telling his stories:
though Mrs. Norris could fidget about the room, and disturb everybody in quest of two needlefuls of thread or a second-hand shirt button, in the midst of her nephew’s account of a shipwreck or an engagement, everybody else was attentive (Ch 23)
I don't think this is just showing off her helpfulness to the Bertrams, she is that type of person who needs to be doing. Once Mr. Norris dies and she doesn't really have to be a housekeeper anymore, almost all of her energy is directed towards the Bertrams.
Now I do think she'd still be an officious mooch, but how? Would she be educating her children at home herself to spare the expense or would she foist her daughters on poor overworked Miss Lee? Would Sir Thomas sponsor the education of her boys so they could go to school with Edmund and Tom? I could see her going either way.
The real problem is this, if she had children there is no way she'd want Fanny to come to Mansfield. She'd want the child charity for her own kids. A Mrs. Norris with kids would probably be far more comfortable for Fanny, but she wouldn't get to be there. It's a real catch-22.
Lastly, I doubt Mrs. Norris would be so VERY interested in the distinction of rank between a Miss Norris and a Miss Bertram as she is with a Miss Price. So Maria and Julia probably wouldn't be as spoiled and praised by their aunt. She would probably be trying to show off her children so Sir Thomas would do favours for them. She might tell them to lose a game or quiz on purpose to make Maria feel better, but I doubt she'd be shoving her children below her on a regular basis. So the entire dynamic between Mrs. Norris and the Bertrams would probably be much healthier and Maria wouldn't be such a brat.
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wsthproduction · 1 year
Weird Stuff That Happens statement of boundaries
Hello everyone. This is Sky, and I have something important to address. There's been a recent trend of independent creators setting standards for the fandom behavior they are comfortable with. While Weird Stuff That Happens doesn't have an "active Fanbase" at the time of writing, if you are interested in creating fanworks or other unofficial stuff for the series, this is a guide for how to appropriately approach the series. This post may be updated or changed as necessary.
First and foremost: Make sure to read the Site FAQ for the content rules before leaving a message on WSTH.
The best ways to interact with WSTH are:
-Leave a comment on an article. You will need a Wix site login for moderation purposes, but you can comment on the site's articles. This is the most reliable way to hear from anyone other than Tom.
-Send a message over site chat. The fictional webmaster Tomtab is online at least once a day, and even if you don't hear from him immediately, it's a good idea to check back to see if he responded to you. Wix may ask for your email but you don't have to use one to use this feature.
-Email. Tom has a working email and if you message him with a question or longer comment he will reply to you.
-Tumblr. The WSTH in-charter account isn't super active, but Tom's ask box is open.
-Any artwork credited in universe to Tom Benedetto or Dr Susan Finch may be reused with credit as long as you are not monetizing or plagiarizing it. Feel free to make edits if you want as long as you credit back to Weird Stuff That Happens.
-Feel free to screenshot anything from correspondence with Tomtab, as long as you properly credit it back to Weird Stuff That Happens.
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First and foremost, be respectful of all of the site's crew. Don't spam them, send inappropriate messages, or impersonate them. All of Weird Stuff That Happens social Media accounts are linked to under other websites. WSTH will not be joining Tik-Tok or Facebook at any point. If you find a WSTH account on either site that is not clearly labeled as a fan-page, notify me so they can be taken down.
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With the exception of Davespid, the rest of the linked websites on WSTH belong to crew members and associates of the site. Be respectful on these websites and don't hound any of their webmasters.
WSTH is an elaborate role play game with a lot of pre-planning. Any deliberate attempt to derail the series plot, lore, or characters will not be tolerated.
Fanart is very encouraged and, as long as it's SFW, Feel free to tag the main series accounts on Tumblr and Instagram with your work.
I'm fine with written fanfiction as long as you follow the rest of the rules and don't try to pass it off as official. That being said, please do not try to send any of the crew fanfiction. I hate to be so blunt, but we just aren't going to read it.
This is awkward, but it needs to be addressed. The complete cast of WSTH is over 18, both the Fictional Characters and Actual Crew, but the work itself is intended for a PG-13 audience. NSFW fanworks are ok as long as you don't send it to us. We don't want to see it or hear about it. For the most part, we don't care if it's out there otherwise, but the fandom courtesy that you don't put it in the main tag is encouraged. That being said, there are exceptions to this that we all ask you to respect.
1. Pim. His performer isn't comfortable with NSFW fanworks of him being made so I will ask that you just don't. (Plus it's way OOC anyway, he's aro-ace.)
2. Keep it off the site. The site itself has a no NSFW rule to keep it closer to a general audience and anything NSFW will be taken down.
3. Don't make anything creepy or illegal. No NSFL fan stuff. No dead dove, grapefruit, extreme stuff. Keep it SSC please. None of that Pr0$hip bs, keep it away from my work.
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Fan Merchandise:
If you try to create your own WSTH merchandise I will do everything in my power to get it taken down. In general, an exception is given to specifically one-of-a-kind commission works, but otherwise, wait till I'm ready to make my own.
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navree · 2 years
Honestly, what even was the point of having Criston kill beesbury? Why are they using ever bad thing Mushroom said about the greens when he wasn't even there. Honestly, I hope they do the brothel queens then, because it goes to show the Blacks cruelty (although they probably won't lol)
I think in the books it's to show how deadly serious the entire thing was, what with everyone swearing blood oaths and shit, but at least they provided a lot of ambiguity in how Beesbury died (personally I like the idea that he was arrested and then, because he's an eighty year old man, died due to poor conditions in the cells). It's especially weird because the two accounts of people who say that Criston specifically killed Beesbury right away aren't even people who were present, while Orwyle, who was, is the one who said that he was just arrested but then caught a chill and died.
Given how much they've softened the circumstances surrounding taking the crown for Aegon, I'm not entirely sure what killing Beesbury serves in the show, except to show that Criston has.......idk, anger issues??? Roid rage???? I appreciate that they tried to make it an accident but the whole thing was really weird and it does come off as "well the book said this happened so we gotta make it happen we just don't know how". It's really weird, especially when we know they start rounding people up and shoving them in cells anyway in order to keep things secret, so why not just do the same with Beesbury and then have him die due to mistreatment, or Larys killing him or something?
What I've found odd about the writing of the Greens, and I do stand by this, is that they've clearly put a lot of effort into developing these characters and giving them much more layers than they ever had in the book, and it's clearly come at the expense of the Blacks, which immediately became a problem in episode 10 when I cared far more about the stakes in Otto's one scene than I ever did for Lucerys who was literally going to die. But at the same time, they've paired that development writing with consistently choosing the worst option when it comes to canon things, especially for Aegon (it's OK honey, Tom Glynn-Carey and I share a hivemind and we understand you), so you've got good characterization on the one hand, and demonization on the other, which is especially galling when you remember that they don't even HAVE Mushroom in the show, so they're willing to take the worst things as objective proof without showing where those stories even came from. It's weird, they want the Greens to be more sympathetic so they put a lot of work into that, but they still want the Blacks to be the most sympathetic and in the objective right, so when they're not developing, they're taking every horrible story and treating it as fact even when it's stupid.
(I think this is emblematic of an issue I noted in an earlier ask, which is that this show has a much larger writers' room than GOT did and nearly every episode was written by a different person, who all clearly had different agendas, and it's made the writing a bit wonky).
Though I will say, I really hope they won't go with the brothel queens story. For one, I just really don't want to see it, especially since Alicent's already endured enough rape as it is, and Helaena's still going to be shattered, and the whole thing is just nauseating to even think about. I think there are other ways of showing the Blacks' cruelty, like if they go all out with Blood and Cheese, and maybe making the story about Mysaria's role in Helaena's death official. Having Mysaria also suggest the brothel queens idea wouldn't be beyond the pale, but I wouldn't want it to actually happen. I think there are ways to show how dark Rhaenyra and her side have become over the course of the war without resorting to gang rape.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (Official Video)" on YouTube
Each and every clone practically site for sergeants I'll have one personal Jesus and more this tons of these guys have programs and each of them in two of them they entombed them then there's just trillions and trillions and everybody is fighting all these clones trying to find out who it's a bloodbath all over the place whoever these sites are and it's moving fast now. Fairly soon Forrest Gump will find his way to Italy and starts with Tom Cruise with flying America or American drug dealer not sure and he gets in trouble and it goes from there and we think one time Guantanamo Bay is after The DaVinci code series this is an intense time I am so pleased with what's happening this is great and these two are helping this is amazing he says way way over the top and they're going to try blaming him and they won't and I make them bigger and that's going to come up pretty soon we think it won't be sometime until they come out and start hitting and taking the. After they have huge wars is the giant giant time for us
Thor Freya
It's an awesome time and we are very grateful and he said it earlier you can't believe it it is very huge and it probably take stress off and put it on but it won't be like it was before with every Tom Dick Harry every teeny retard saying stupid crap and have absolutely no idea what they're talking about just formidable and they're going to discover that they are very wrong and if I need Max and they don't get it it's horrible. There's so many of them that were bothering us and still are they need somewhere to go this afternoon was horrible that they chose to make fights with people at Comic-Con cuz they thought they had the power they got their asses handed to them each time and kept doing it and each time and then they finally stopped and said we don't want to fight anymore and people are too pissed off so they have to leave that's not really a way to go through things it's no fun and they did it they felt that way because they're putting them down they're putting him down and they're putting him down cuz the story is so huge and they're not and he says I tried to have a normal life when I was younger and it was impossible and now it's impossible at all until I'm free from every single Satanist you have a life it's much more fun and you have freedom and you should relish it you should treat each other better because something I won't have and they didn't laugh about it and they went off and talked so you know what you're right about some we can come up here and go there do what we want and we're all taking advantage of it it's dangerous we could be more careful but he has to sit there and do practically nothing and take abuse after abuse and it felt bad then he said I actually have warts and all this stuff but so they started feeling bad again so we're trying to heal it and I said well did these guys that want me to be big and they have absolutely no idea what they're doing they want to be big cuz they're evil and so they're looking around in there trying to figure it out and said you need to have control group and like others who are going to be accounted to them and all this it's like making a computer game up you can actually make a computer game like that there is one kind of so I figured out what you're saying second system they would do it and try to figure out why they didn't say this he wants to be a little bigger so he has an immune system so they're going to try it and they're going ahead with it shortly but wow this is an amazing night so many people are silent about what's going on and they are not giving people so much crap it's amazing and things are changing.
Can't wait until these guys will beat up really need them to get beat up but today we realize that the magnitude of it is finally there and we need troops so we need people to sign on and we need it now can I put the order out I said now is the time tons cuz they're all going to be involved and it started rolling on it this is amazing time and sickening too
It's very gross and they're going to be blamed for doing everything and then Tommy f and back and forth and it probably won't settle on us hopefully because of race and Tommy F will be blamed
She hopes so too then we really think it's true and there's a lot going on okay tons of tons of cars are out there and they're Bradley GT millions okay they came out this weekend and got ready we weren't ready last weekend or the weekend before and start getting ready millions are driving around town they are challenging people to races all over the world. And they're winning a lot of them and people want to know why and the design is becoming scrutinized and people want to copy it and we're going to stop them we're hiring like madness. I can't wait until tomorrow and there's going to be a huge number of them out there was a giant number tonight about 20 million globally and each City you can see like a few thousand that's enough for everyone to see it and then hard knock it over 5150 came out all over the city and it kept happening and kept happening and there are more and more motorcycles and tonight I guess probably thousands of city but it's a lot of fun everyone's having fun they love the bike and they want to buy one and they're going to start making them probably in China and we know what to do
And she was helping the whole time you need the stuff and she's pretty silent but he knows what she does is amazing things he was thinking 10 years ago just a little bit and she's right on it and she says I can't believe how well this works Texas brain is wired to succeed and people want to help him he says it's partially that is faith but I have a way of thinking of things it helps out and it's critical thinking and she's saying part of that yes but I'm very helpful persons and she is very helpful and we're going to get this done the bikes are amazing there's so many of them but I'll colorful and so funny and they're slower and lighter so people aren't like real afraid and they're waving it's good it's much better it's going to go on for a while this weekend and we hope they get it down here there was one driving around
Thor Freya
There is an amazing number of people on the line talking about how well it went today and we said it's really not that great we need people and they said what are you talking about you said we don't have enough troops and we've been screaming it and they said you're you're not manned up enough and it was a lot of people asking and a lot of them hurt it cuz he said it to everybody that's what needed to happen it was amazing cuz we kept saying it and saying it and saying it then we said you're not listening we need teammates we need you on board we need everybody who's asking these questions on board we need you to go to your families and friends and get them to sign up after you do and right now and along with shots all the time it was almost everything we got and we're tired and they ran out and and signed up tons of people and we really need it and we need a lot more what's going on now and your programs are helping it's simply have to keep them going and get them bigger
Zig Zag
These are huge huge ideas and concepts but we really need people and I signed up a ton today and that said you go get your neighbors and friends who aren't signed up and you tell them to we need them now and you know why now and so they're renting out there and grabbing them huge numbers and everybody should be doing that everyday
Nuada Ariana
We're actually in trouble globally still we're going to have a meeting and get the recruiting going much more really is way behind
I'm going to implement those ideas in their system right now all over too
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a-little-revolution · 2 years
hi! I'm trying to figure out where the line is between "this is children's animation, side characters being weirdly proportioned is just part of the fun of the genre" and "no, these characters actually are little people". at least in terms of things I should bear in mind when writing fanfic involving these characters.
specifically, I'm pretty sure the creators of Miraculous Ladybug were only intending to do the weird proportions for fun. comparing Tom's proportions to those of any other character he's ever seen with illustrates this. and while the show depicts disability issues already, stuff like Rose's unspecified chronic illness and Marinette's memory problems is stuff we know the creators intended because it's in the scripts. where stuff like character birthdates and other stuff where what exactly the numbers are doesn't affect plot or characterization, we know for a fact (because the showrunner tweets this every time someone asks him about it) that the creators actively don't care about those details.
but they still made Marinette 150 cm (or 135 cm if we believe a different official source that I trust less) and then made Sabine and Fu both rather shorter than she is:
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[image 1: Sabine, Chat Noir, Marinette, and Tom, all standing in Marinette's room. Sabine comes about up to Chat Noir's chin or Marinette's ear; Tom is at least a full head taller than anyone else in the room. image 2: Marinette and Fu, both standing in an improvised alchemy lab. Marinette is leaning over a bit while gesturing, which just about brings her shoulder down to level with the top of Fu's head.]
thoughts? thank you!
Hello! When it comes to the vast world of animation, there are two things I keep in mind when determining whether a character could be deemed a little person:
I note the rules of the world; whether the characters are based off of real life proportions, or whether the artist plays with scale for dramatic affect.
I take into account the character's specific characteristics - is it simply that they are small, or do they have other characteristics of dwarfism? (I.e. for achondroplasia: a button nose, a prominent forehead, shorter limbs, etc.)
In the case of Miraculous Ladybug, they seem to be pulling off of real life when proportioning the human characters, and these two don't strike me as little people. Though the height difference is noticeable, it's not enough to indicate a height of around four feet - and they share the same proportions as the other characters. Additionally, it is common for artists to fall into stereotypes when designing Asian and elderly characters, which may be the reason for their height difference in this case!
-Elliot (they/them)
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mxttellion · 2 years
Your recent post has made me curious about your experience. I was an onlooker/lurker to Eddsworld until late March/Early April.
Man. Where do I even begin, genuinely
guess you can call this The Not So Extensive Neb Eddsworld Lore because. I have a LOT to talk about. It's been almost a decade I've seen pretty much everything despite having joined in like. Late 2013
I discovered Eddsworld back in 2012 via Flipnote Hatena (fly high sweet angel), and I never actually actively cared about the series until September 2013, when I decided to give the series a shot after snobbing it for so long: and lol I'm obsessed
Also since I'm funny as all hell I'm gonna address to different eras of my experience with the characters I was obsessed with at the moment
This is what I call my Tom Era: I wasn't on any actual social media yet, except for Sudomemo and DeviantArt, where I had multiple rps with people and got scolded by someone's sister over roleplaying (ya that happened and it's still funny as hell)
Jump to uh. Late 2014 - 2015 when I actually join Tumblr with my main (the ogs will know <3) and that's when I actually started being active in the fanbase and produce content, this is the uh. Matt and Eduardo era? Sure why not. I made a lot of content of them and I don't like talking about this moment bc of personal trauma sorry lol <3
The sasquatch drama happened in this fragment of time, and some might even remember that I've talked about it in this blog at some point
Anyway it's the pre The End - Legacy era, the fandom was really small and everyone pretty much knew the other for better or for worse
Oh I had a Matt ask blog. Don't look for it or I'll get you and I'll bite you
I got a Flipnote I made in 2015 reblogged by Tomska and I felt like my life was complete, and a fanart liked by Kreid (poweredd animator in case u forgot)
Shit happens and now we're in 2016, the fandom explodes, i have no FUCKING idea was was going on at first but man. Man if it wasn't kind of funny to watch
Anyway it's important to also note that I uh. Don't. Really remember a lot from 2016-2017, no idea why, maybe it's just my brain going full on traumatic amnesia mode and deleting everything. But also this post is wayy too long on its own so I'll cut it short
I made that one magical au? I was an emotionally charged undiagnosed teenager so maybe being so active on the internet wasn't a great idea, I got teased by a "cringe art" account for my au who got BLASTED within an hour of existing, I made the Salty AU in 2018 with the ask blog, joined Amino which was just. The worst idea I had in that year alone, joined the official server in 2019 only to leave everything related to eddsworld behind in 2020 because holy shit what was that ... Also there's an high change that Matt has seen my au but I talked about this already.
Then came back in 2021 and the rest is history. Matt Mod, Patryck hyperfixation, yeah you know it
I cut it VERY short bc there's. A lot I don't wanna talk about (just. Personal unpleasant experiences) but man. Man if I don't sound like a mad man talking about this, like dude I've spend sooo much time in the fanbase and I've seen sooo much shit going on, it's like as if I'm talking to a therapist about this or something
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discoscoob · 3 years
Another thing Lokius shippers are now using for deluding themselves: Sylki has no merch!1! Sylki has no merch... like let's just completely ignore the Loki and Sylvie horns tiaras sold together as a matching pairing (for couples cosplaying), the T-shirts with "Love is a dagger" and Loki and Sylvie together as a couple as "God and Goddess of Mischief" (Mr and Mrs Smith, anyone?), let's ignore the Lego minifigures with Loki and Sylvie as a couple (like Wanda and Vision...) with their pets Throg and Croki, let's ignore the "Love is dagger" art poster after ep 3 (btw, they are really pissed that the phrase is a Sylki love moment, and not a Lokius one), let's ignore official Marvel and Disney accounts calling them soulmates, let's ignore a whole 1 hour documentary where everyone says that Loki and Sylvie love story is vital to the series!
But hey, there is one, literally one, T-shirt with Loki and Mobius, and that is proof that Marvel wants Lokius endgame. Oh, and also the merch with the "For all time. Always" catchphrase. Because, don't you know, that is not the TVA motto, no no, is a secret love declaration between Loki and Mobius. Tom Hiddleston himself told them that (no really, they truly believe that. Btw, considering that the catchphrase is in all the Miss Minutes merch, following their reasoning, it means that Loki and Mobius are in a threesome with Miss Minutes. Sneaky guys!)
But hey, it's the Sylki shippers who are the deluded ones!
On a serious note, I'm really starting to worrying about how they start to sound more and more like j/ohnlockers. Between the ones convinced that Tom is sending them secret messages about Lokius being canon in S2, and the ones convinced that Tom and Owen are in a honeymoon right now, writing S2
I know they aren’t all like that but it is getting weird how some of them are convinced that Tom and Owen purposely played Loki and Mobius like love interests because they were rooting for l0kius, I don’t see it.
People often compare them to Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens but if you see that and compare them to Crowley and Aziraphale you will see how much more lacking l0kius is when it comes to “romantic chemistry” and “sexual tension.” It’s just not the same at all. I don’t know how people can compare them and ignore the stark difference.
Then I have actually seen l0kius shippers suggested that we are jealous because they got everything and sylki shippers got nothing, but let’s not pretend if it was Loki and Mobius sharing the moments Loki and Sylvie shared they wouldn’t be delighted.
Imagine the scene where Sylvie tries to enchant Loki but instead it is Mobius and he has his hands gently rested on Loki’s neck and their silhouettes form a love heart with soft romantic lighting.
Imagine Loki fondly talking about his mother to Mobius, then Mobius tells Loki that it sounds like she believes in him, then Loki shows him some fireworks and Mobius watches them with tears in his eyes before they have a conversation about what love is.
Imagine Mobius wakes up to Loki serenading him with a song in Asgardian, before Loki gives him the love is a dagger speech.
Imagine Mobius gently resting his hand on Loki’s arm and Loki responding by carefully sliding his hand into his without breaking physical contact and them emotionally staring into each other’s eyes as the world falls apart around them.
Imagine when they get arrested by the TVA, there is a slow mo shot of Loki and Mobius never taking their eyes off each other as they are dragged away in different directions.
Imagine after watching Loki get pruned, Mobius takes a leap of faith and prunes himself too with no way of knowing if he will survive or not, in the hope he will find Loki.
Imagine Loki sharing a blanket with Mobius and talking about potentially sharing his future together with him and telling him he won’t let him down.
Imagine Loki telling Mobius “you go, I go.”
Imagine Loki telling Mobius that he just wants him to be okay and then Mobius crashes his lips into Loki’s and they share a kiss while a score that sounds like it was ripped straight from an old timey Hollywood romance plays over the top.
But yeah sure we got absolutely nothing and if all these things happened between Loki and Mobius instead of what actually happened between Loki and Mobius, l0kius shippers would be throwing tantrums because they got nothing, right?
I’m not anti l0kius, I am anti l0kius shippers.
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A brief rant on DC's Infinite Frontier
Ah yes, another day, another DC reboot. DC has officially announced it's upcoming titles for April 2021, which will be the official beginning of Infinite Frontier, aka DC's 3rd major reboot in the last 10 years. And I have Feelings. Here's my personal version of the good, the bad, and the ugly:
The Good
Damian has his own solo book! I'm happy that he's Robin again (even though how he stopped being Robin was ridiculous) and I'm happy it exists (even though how it got here was super messy and made up of dumb ass decisions and a heaping pile of racism). It also looks like they may finally be repairing Talia al Ghul's character after over a decade of slander. That makes me happy; Talia was a major source of positive Arabic representation when she was allowed to be an anti hero.
Keli Quintela finally has a new writer! And will be teaming up with John Stewart! Bendis's characters always fair so much better when someone else is writing them so I hope Keli's character is fleshed out and Bendis steps on a lego!
More Far Sector! Still haven't read it but I've heard it's really good and I'm happy it's still on-going!
Maps Miziguchi is back! And she's Robin (for a short sidestory but still)! It may not be much, but I'm happy to see her!
Tom Taylor is taking over some batbooks! I really like his writing in DCeased so I'm interested to see where he'll take Batman and Nightwing!
Supersons is back! My babies!
Gene Luem Yang's officially joining DC! I loved his work with American Born Chinese and Superman Smashes the Klan (which is a great read for those of you who haven't read it yet) so I'm interested to see what he'll do with Superman/Batman.
The Bad
A crossover???? With RWBY????? I know DC's trying to appeal to younger fans but RWBY???? Well, they can't write it worse than CRWBY already has so....
Still unsure on how I feel about Tim Fox as Batman. I'm aware that it's being written by a Black man but I have my reservations.
Red X is officially a part of the DCU. Not sure how I feel about that. Kinda feels like they're trying to lure in nostalgic 20 somethings.
I'm a bit hesitant on the whole "become the best fighter in the DCU thing" with Damian since a. He's 13 and b. That title goes to Lady Shiva and/or Cassandra Cain. If they aren't present then it's not valid. If this ends with him being "the best fighter in the DCU" when Cass, Lady Shiva, Dinah Lance,  and freaking Diana of Themyscira exist, I'm calling bullshit. And misogyny.
Speaking of Cass....
The Ugly
Where is she? Where is Cass and Steph? And Babs? Where's my Batgirl book, DC??????
Putting Kon on the Suicide Squad is a dumb ass decision. He's far too preppy jock for them.
So I guess Jon's still an adult 🙃
Giving Damian a solo book doesn't erase making one of your only positive Arabic characters a fucking terrorist and suicide bomber, DC! This doesn't change the disgusting racism that went into the entire Teen Titans run! Like how the fuck do you have one of the most diverse TT teams and do fuck all with them other than be racist asshats????
They really don't know what to do with the Young Justice US generation, do they? Go the Young Avengers route and let them grow up so that there are new stories with them to tell and they can stop butting heads with newer young heroes.
Of course most of the stuff from Future State isn't making it into Infinite Frontier. Of course.
There's far too much Batman.
Actually, there's also a lot of characters not accounted for. I get that because of the layoffs last year DC's trying to stick with stuff they think will sell but it really sucks that so many characters are getting the short end of the stick. This likely won't get better until DC (and WarnerMedia) are more financially stable. Thanks, capitalism.
Overall I'd say: eh. I see some stuff as interesting, some stuff as meh, and some stuff as a trainwreck waiting to happen. I'll probably read (definitely 100% legally, that's totally not a peg leg you see) some of it (like Damian's solo book, Supersons, and maybe Nightwing) but I'll check my usual DC blogs on Tumblr for tl;drs of the rest. As always with DC, this can get messy really fast but I'll save my final judgment for when it actually comes out.
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