#I'm not saying I'd never move into another situation like this again- though I'm NOT loving Landlord In Unit -but. it's Weird to me
marzipanandminutiae · 4 months
so, I'm hunting for an apartment-share for the first time...ever, really. when I moved to Boston, it was with a group of friends intent on renting together, and the apartment where the fire happened was a Friend At Dance Class Had A Room Open In Her Place situation. and I'm noticing a distressing trend
is anyone else just...perturbed by the idea of a landlord renting out individual rooms in an apartment?
not like a houseshare in general. I mean a situation where everything is done through the landlord, with minimal contact with the other actual tenants. landlord lists the place, landlord vets new tenants, lease is signed potentially without meeting the other people you're going to share a not-overly-large living space with, at all
obviously rooming-houses- where individual rooms are rented in just that way -have existed for ages. but that's a house. I'm lucky to live in a city where larger, two-floor apartments are extremely common, but you're still sharing Less Than A Full House of space with total strangers. the landlord's concerns are pretty bare-bones here- basically just Will They Pay Rent On Time? and Are They Not An Axe Murderer, Probably (Because That Would Lower Property Values)?
I've lived in such a situation for a year now, and it's been fine, but in many ways I don't feel empowered to decide anything with my housemates in the very space we all pay to inhabit. I didn't know them when I moved in- had never even SEEN any of them before, when you come down to it. it's a very weird way to live; I'm not fond of it
and why are the landlords taking over what, it seems to me, should be the housemates' job? do they insist on doing it themselves? in what other ways do they usurp the creation of a functioning household in the unit? landlords can't exactly decide chore-dividing or facilitate a conversation about that bare-assed painting in the living room that only one person likes. do the housemates not know each other well enough to have these conversations, even after they move in?
to be sure, I'm not much of a We Must All Be Besties, Mandatory Weekly House Dinners type. I let housemate relationships develop organically, and if we're only ever polite acquaintances, so be it
but I like my community just a bit more intentional than "this person making money off of us threw us together and we've never met," personally
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harleywarley18 · 20 days
God of prophecy, music, and plague 𖤓°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・𖤓°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・𖤓°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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I was supposed to post this Sunday but got caught up with stuff so here's a midnight rundown on my relationship to Apollo ;-;
Apollo began showing up around a month after I began my worship to Aphrodite. I was afraid at first. Not of him, but of the idea of worshipping another deity. In the past, I had only ever worshipped one at a time. As a neurodivergent person I was also afraid that my relationship to Aphrodite was just a hyperfixation since I had been playing Hades a lot.
The thought of worshipping Apollo only further worried me. I wanted to assure Aphrodite that she wasn't;t a mere hyperfixation and that she would not be forgotten. The first time I tried to communicate with Apollo via tarot cards, Aphrodite showed up instead and voiced her concerns.
She was afraid that I'd abandon her and forget about her. I knew where this was coming from because I had told her about Hades. Early 2023 I had begun worshipping Hades but after about a month and a half it became too much for me to continue and I kind of just stopped my worship and never went back. I had felt so bad but worship can be so draining sometimes.
Anyways, after reassuring Aphrodite many times I believed I had the okay to begin doing proper research on Apollo before reaching out to him. What interested me about him is his Lo'xias epithet, meaning god of prophecy or messenger of Zeus. I was so drawn to it because throughout my entire life I have always had crazy intuition and predictions.
At first I chalked up to the fact that I'm autistic and can recognize patterns really well. Specifically, I take "data" I've collected about a situation or people and use it to make predictions about what will happen or what they'll do. But, too often did I predict something and it actually happened in a scarily accurate manner. There have been multiple times that it's felt as though I've actually spoken things into existence. For example, while I was ranting to my sister about someone who had talked major shit about me and I said that (for the sake of privacy I will not describe what I said) this specific scenario was going to happen to them. I said it out of anger and in passing but that very weekend exactly the thing that I said would happen to them HAPPENED.
With tarot cards, especially, my readings are always insanely accurate. Even my sister, who is not a believer in anything that I do, is wary about my readings because she knows that whatever the cards say will happen will actually happen. Furthermore, when I first moved to college I had visited a metaphysical store with my cousin and there the owner overheard me say that it had been so long since I had really done tarot that I probably couldn't ever do it again. And she said to me "tarot reading is like riding a bike, you learn once and never forget. She then brought out her own personal oracle cards and had me do a reading on her and her husband. She wanted me to use the cards to tell them who they are. According to them, everything I had said was more than true.
With Apollo, I thought I could use his help to groom and cultivate this proclivity of mine.
After having properly reached out to him, I've come to the realization that I love more than just his prophetic aspect. I stated in my previous post that I had been struggling due to a situation that occurred earlier in the school semester. Even when I was back home, I was struggling with panic attacks and bouts of major anxiety. What always helped, however, was taking my dogs out on their walk and feeling Apollo's rays of sunshine beaming down on me.
Every single time I stepped out of the house-heart racing, hands shaking, ears ringing-suddenly it would all melt away into nothingness the second I felt the sun on my face, enveloping my person, weaving its heat through my curls and over my ears. Even if it had been storming, when the time came to walk the dogs, the sky would magically become clear enough to allow the sun to shine through.
Eventually, I started keeping the tarot cards I dedicated to Apollo under my pillow and asking him to visit me in my dreams. The first night I saw a beautiful, swirling ball of light above my bed, with orange and yellow flares coming out of it. The second night, however, I woke up in a dream. I was in the back of this van sitting next to this man. He looked young with beautiful, black curls. He had his arm wrapped around me and my head rested on his shoulder.
I remember him feeling so warm. He felt like home. He felt like snuggling up under the covers in a cold room. And I just lay there, hands holding his, watching the scenery of the drive we were on. I woke up that morning with the sun shining on my face, clearly attempting to wake me up.
I've heard a lot of people say that Apollo feels like a golden retriever boyfriend of nice frat boy. And while I respect that everyone's experiences with deities is different, Apollo to me feels like some guardian. Maybe an older brother or a father or an uncle. I think people expect Apollo to be boyish and naive because he's always been described as a young thing. We forget that he is just as wise, if not more, as his cousins and aunts and uncles.
Praise Apollo, averter of evil, dark-haired, messenger of zeus!
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madl-y · 1 month
✧. ┊— asking all the time (about what I should do)
3 times you and Togame ask another person for advice on what to do with your feelings (oblivious to the fact that said feelings are reciprocated), and the 1 time you asked each other instead.
sypnosis - You and Togame struggled on what to do with the realization that the both of you have feelings for each other. In result, some members of Furin and Shishitoren end up having to give advice. (Even though most of them suck at it.)
> this is f! reader, sorry for the gn readers out there.. also, beware of spelling and grammar mistakes :"D I am weak in vocab and just started writing again so I tend to repeat the same words and phrases and expressions so.. yeah :"c
> so uhh,, guess who got into windbreaker??!! (if you couldn't tell by the amount of reblogs of togame...)
> fluffy fluff! and some crack? hopefully not too ooc! :"D pls enjoy hihi :DD (sparkle banners were made by me.. they kinda suck)
> not proofread !!
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"Haaah..?! W-Why would you think I'd–!"
If Togame wasn't feeling a dillema at the moment, he'd be teasing Sakura with the way he reacted so flustered by asking a simple advice on what he should do.
"Y-You crazy or something?! Do I look like I'm the type to..!" Sakura grumbled in irritation and helplessness as he flushed in embarrassment immensely at the way Togame mentioned how he wanted to date you.
For some reason, Togame decided Sakura was one of the people he should ask advice on how to ask you out.
"Hmm..? Have you never experienced having a crush?" Togame curiously stared at Sakura, tilting his head. Speaking and moving with his usual slowed tempo.
If Togame thought Sakura couldn't be more red in the face—
"H-HUH?! AND IF I HAVEN'T?!" Sakura banged his hands on the metal rail on the rooftop. Yelping and cursing in pain while the heat spread until his neck.
—clearly, Togame was wrong.
He chuckled at Sakura, "Aww, how pure." His grin turning to a slight smirk and dodged the incoming plastic wrapper aimed to his head.
"You wanna take this outside, bastard?!" The youngest growled in annoyance while pointing down to the open area of Shishitoren's base. While Sakura's threat was usually lighthearted, (even though he is ready to brawl), it wouldn't fool anybody with how embarrassed he is.
Togame brought a hand up to his neck as he thought of his situation with you. "Well, I've never felt this way before." He started, glancing away while staring at the sun that was slowly setting. An orange hue covered the sky which made the scenery much more beautiful.
You always love the view of the sky from the rooftops of Shishitoren.
Togame loves it too. But he prefers it if he's with you.
"Even the sky from here reminds me of her too. It feels so unfamiliar, but..." The marble of the ramune bottle clinks softly against the glass. Sakura felt another heat rise to his cheeks but kept quiet.
Togame smiled in thought, "I don't think I dislike it." He continued. Inhaling deeply before a frown slowly formed. Showing his usual nonchalant look that everyone is so familiar with but Sakura could see the emotions hidden in his eyes.
Togame's shoulder slumped in defeat, "I'm afraid I might say the wrong things again." His mind briefly flash to when Choji's eyes loose that sparkle.
He didn't want a repeat of that from Choji. They're getting better, Choji and him.
But he doesn't think he'll handle losing you unintentionally.
He heard Sakura click his tongue. "...I think you're just overthinking it."
Togame blinked slowly, his mouth parted slightly in surprise. Sakura, despite the flaming heat on his cheeks, shoved his hands in his pocket and continued. "If you really... l-like.. her.." Sakura cleared his throat, "t-then I don't you should have much of a problem in.. you know."
Togame watched in amusement as Sakura's hands flailed helplessly.
"You know..! Saying what you really wanna say or somethin'. You'd give your all in thinking about it, and the fact that you're worried.. I mean.." Sakura found it really hard to compose the proper words that he wanted to convey in his mind. He's doesn't have that flowery language like Suo does, or the straight forward but kind advice like Nirei.
He groaned in annoyance as he shaked his head and pointed at Togame. "You know what I mean!"
Sakura could feel steam blowing out of his ear from sheer want to crawl in a tunnel and never want to have this kind of conversation again.
"Plus, from what I know, she's a pretty understanding person. So.." Sakura sighed and gave Togame a shaky thumbs up while looking away.
"...Y-You got this.." Togame could see the redness in Sakura's ears. He smiled in appreciation.
"You really suck at giving advice, you know."
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Out of all people you didn't expect to find out who you like—
"So it is Kame-chan! You like Kame-chan!! You're so obvious!" Choji grinned delightfully as he finally managed to make you indirectly confess who you have feelings for.
"You like Kame-chan! You like Kame-chan!" He bounced around you with his arms up in the air while giggling.
—you really, really, did not expect for Choji to actually be the first one to bring it up.
"Choji.." You sighed in exasperation.
Thankfully, Choji stopped going around in circles (literally) before sending you a sheepish smile. "I'm glad to know you're one of the people who really cares about him."
You thought the sun was bright, but damn Choji's smile is brighter that you couldn't help but smile back embarrassedly.
"I mean.. I do.." You scratched the back of your neck.
"Then you're gonna confess?!"
You dropped your water bottle in surprise. Choji watching as you jump in pain as the bottle hit your toes.
"I-! I don't know?!" You grimaced at the confusion in Choji's face. "Why not?" He tilt his head. A small pout forming on his lips.
"Because!" You flailed.
"Because?" Choji parroted.
"BECAUSE!" You stomp your foot in stubborness. Choji couldn't help but flinch at the sudden outburst, yet that grin of his stayed.
Silence ensued the two of you. You, looking off to the side as you crossed your arms, brows pinched together while your heart kept pounding loudly at the idea of merely confessing to Togame.
Choji, who still has that grin, yet displays a confused expression, a drop of sweat forming on back of his head.
He thinks that when it comes to you confessing, its no doubt that it's hopeless.
For now.
Choji sighed, deciding to take pity in you, and pat your back in condolences. He smiled reassuringly after meeting your eyes.
"I don't think you should be worrying too much." He says with full confidence, and usually that alone gets you to either calm down or feel better.
Instead, you felt your chest getting heavier, feeling dejected as your body seemed to subtly slumped over.
Of course, Choji still has that confusing smile.
"Easy for you to say.." You whined softly.
You heard a snicker beside you, whipping your head to his direction offendedly.
"Sorry, sorry!" The shorter one couldn't help but laugh, "It's just that, it is easy for me to say. I know Kame-chan well!"
You blinked at the sudden sparkles in his eyes as he grabbed you shoulders, "And I know you too! You're a wonderful person." He said sincerely.
Choji gave you one last pat in the shoulder and turned to go ahead where the members of Shishitoren were calling for him. He looked over his shoulder, giving you that smile that you always appreciated.
"Besides, knowing Kame-chan, everything will be alright!"
You watched dazedly as he hopped off joyfully to join his members.
"...That doesn't help!" You thought.
You prayed to whatever god out there, that Choji keeps his mouth shut and doesn't screw everything up.
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Again, you wondered how in the hell is it that you ended up being found out just from your emotions alone.
"SO IT IS LIKE THAT! Ha! You're such an open book, you know?"
The spoon in your hand that's filled with omurice starts to shake, some if the rice and eggs slightly splatter on the counter.
"HEY! I just cleaned that." Kotoha complained while you still had to process how Kotoha just knew from your expression alone.
"How did you even know?!" I whined while slamming the spoon on the plate.
Kotoha rolled her eyes, "Duh, who else, aside from Sakura, always wears their heart on their sleeves? Plus, you weren't subtle at all with all the 'what ifs' and, I quote 'just a hypothetical situation that relates to my friend' bullshit." She said, creating quotation marks in the air.
You've never felt this called out in your life.
You had to clench your chest with your hand as you felt like arrows just pierced right through them. Kotoha smirking at you as she placed a cup of water on the counter.
"Well, back on the matter at hand. You're asking if you should confess, right?" She sighed, bringing her hands up in her hair while removing her hairtie and leaned on the counter.
You felt her calculating gaze (she does that more often than you realize) while you felt so exposed and flustered.
"I mean, I really did not expect that someone, especially an outsider, managed to befriend Shishitoren's leader and second in command." You watch as Kotoha smiled before patting your head. "But again, it is you. I guess I was worried for nothing when you said who had a part time job in Shishitoren's turf."
"For the most part, I didn't expect it either." You sighed while midlessly picking around the plate. Ignoring the scolding from Kotoha as she noticed the way you put aside the carrots.
"But here's the real question, do you want to confess?"
You paused, the spoon in your hand went still as submerged in the omurice further. The question really got you thinking.
...It's only recently that you realized you like Togame.
You recalled breifly the way, right at the time you recently got a part-time job in Shishitoren's turf. Right when you were serving as a waiter, one of the customers acted so rudely in fron of you, yet you had to be professional.
It was then when Togame stepped in and settle things down. Well.. he did it rather threateningly.
Once you spotted him again on your way to your job, you thanked him by providing a huge discount, yet he declined it.
You were mesmerized with his smile as he assured you and was quick to decline. He was so much different than when he practically slammed the asshole on the table.
Just then, you got acquainted with Choji who soon frequented the restaurant you served in. He was surprised, yet delighted to know that Togame has "made a new friend!".
The three of you started hanging out.
The grip of your spoon tightened as you tried to calm yourself down. Feeling another wave of heat spread across your cheeks while also pondering on the question Kotoha asked.
Do you really...
You met Kotoha's eyes as she patiently waited for your answer.
You tried to imagine it, you confessing.
Togame and you talking about random things, the wind and the bright hues of the sunset you two were fascinated to look at settled over you two like a comfortable blanket at the rooftop of Shishitoren.
Togame handing over a bottle of ramune, opening it for you like always does.
And finally, you confess.
Your bring up how you appreciated him, and its not just a simple 'I appreciate you', no.
The way you tell him how you find joy whenever he remembers the little things that you brought up in past conversations. How you find yourself being calm whenever you look into his eyes, despite the chaos ringing in the battlefield he and Choji are in, because some guys can't handle the word no.
He is like a blanket, despite his big build and packed muscle. Like a blanket, not because its soft and fluffy, but he fills you with warmth with how much he cares and how gentle he is.
And his smile.
You tell him, you appreciate his smile. It looks good on him, of course, but also because its the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of him. Of Togame Jo, the second in command of Shishitoren.
Togame Jo, the first person you've fallen for.
Despite all that, the reality of rejection weighed on you like a boulder that's hanging over your head.
You finally speak, "...Maybe not, afterall."
Kotoha pursed her lips, just by seeing the sad look on your face, she knows already what you're thinking.
She knows that if she pushes the subject further, you'll be more inclined to either stick with what you said or change the subject.
The door to the entrance rang, making you snap back to reality as customers enter.
"Finish your omurice." Kotoha reminded, before going off to handle the new customers.
She subtly glances at your direction and sighs, "Really, why is she so dense?"
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Togame couldn't help the slight raise on the corner of his mouth as Sako sputtered in his drink.
"W-What? That's what you want to ask me about..?!"
This is really reminding him of his last conversation with Sakura. Are all the people he knows are just bad with romance advice?
"What? What did you expect me to talk to you about?" Togame leaned back on the wall as he glanced at the side where other Shishitoren members were talking and having fun with each other out in the sun.
He and Sako were under roofed building, where he called Sako over to talk about something important.
"When you said 'something important', I thought it meant something related to Shishitoren or something.." Sako sighed while fanning himself as the heat of the sun became hotter than usual.
("You're wearing a turtleneck in this heat?" Togame pointed out.
"It's thin." Sako glared the ground.)
"But I am part of Shishitoren." Togame grinned.
"You know what I mean..!" Sako grumbled in reply.
Sako seethed in irritation (although lighthearted) while Togame just grinned and chuckled.
"Why are you even asking me this? Isn't Tomiyama-san better to ask about..." Sako waved his hand uncertainly, "..you know, you and her?"
"Ah well, I believe you're one of the closest members that she's interacted with. And Choji..." Togame drifted off, watching Tomiyama saying something enthusiastically to the other members.
Very enthusiastic, seeing as how he's jumping everywhere.
"I don't think Choji's really good to ask these kinds of stuff. Plus, I think you're a cool guy."
"That doesn't make any sense!" Sako bit his tongue to refrain from retorting, his forehead and eyebrows are twitching.
He huffed and looked away, crossing his arms. "We just talk sometimes, that's all." Sako recalled the times you had talked to him energetically while treating the minor wounds after a scuffle.
Afterwards, you realized how much he liked visiting cafes, and that the both of you had similar tastes. Every chance you get, you recommended him some good cafes that you know about and he'd give his feedback later on.
Later on, the group jokes about how Sako is being pampered with sweets.
(The teasing continues despite the attempted murders from Sako.)
"Why are you concerned though? Doesn't look to me that if you confess it's going downhill." Sako raised a brow in curiousity.
And honestly speaking, he actually thought at least one of you had confessed already.
But color him surprise that their second in command is asking for advice related to crushes.
"There's a possibility though, especially when she doesn't feel the same."
...He's got to be kidding.
Sako scrunched his face trying to see if Togame is joking or not.
Said man looks down slightly dejected.
...Oh boy.
If someone were to tell Sako that you're dense as a rock, he wouldn't be surprised. (The amount of times some Shishitoren members tried to flirt with you ended up being a laughing stock with the way you misinterpreted it.)
"Especially.. you know, if I might say the wrong things. Wouldn't wanna scare her or somethin'." Togame continued finally looking at Sako–
He blinked at the way the younger member stared at him like he grew multiple heads.
Sako didn't actually think Togame was dense as well, seeing how he's able to easily tease a lot of people.
"Hm? Sako?" Togame waved a hand in front of Sako.
The younger blinked and grit his teeth, "YOU'RE HOPELESS!"
Togame stared in surprise as he watched Sako stomp away with his arms crossed. Its rare that Sako raises his voice like that.
He sighed, slowly sliding down the wall as he sat on the ground. "At least Sakura gave some form of encouragement.."
Togame sat there for a while.
Maybe Sako's not wrong afterall.
He thought of the way your hands fits his whenever he guides you around.
Or when you cup his cheek so endearingly that if he tried so hard to not blush at the contact, yet the act of you worrying about him gets him flustered anyways. (He's just good at composing himself.)
Or that time he wanted you all by himself just because other members in Shishitoren were delighted by your presence as you started hanging around them more often.
He thinks about you. Your smile, your patience, the way you're so easy to tease which gets him the most satisfying and adorable expressions from you.
And of course, he thinks about the idea of you being his.
...Yeah, Sako's definitely right in calling him hopeless.
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"KAME-CHAN! UME-CHAN IS HEEERE!" Choji's loud voice rang throughout the building that even people inside the abandoned theater could hear.
Togame sat up in intrigue. What's the top of Furin doing here again?
He scratched his head while yawning. Fortunately, he got a good amount of rest from the short nap he took.
Togame wanted to isolate himself for a while just to think about what he's gonna do with his feelings for you. Let alone the idea of wanting to be yours.
He realized he dozed off, it was still a good nap though.
Standing up while patting his pants from the dust, he walked and looked over the metal rail trying to see Choji and Umemiya.
He blinked when they're not there—
—He nearly stumbled right into the metal bars as ghe door to the rooftop slammed open. Revealing an excited Choji holding take out bentos on each hand, with Umemiya also holding takeout inside plastic bags.
The two were practically sparkling.
"Choji, don't be too loud." Togame lightly scolded. Rubbing his temples while trying to ease the incoming headache that he felt starting from his neck.
He should really be much more aware of his sleeping positions.
"Now, now," Umemiya chuckled, walking right towards Togame and brought his arm around Togame's shoulders. Choji followed right after and tugged on the left arm of Togame's. "Let's get this party started!" Umemiya cheered excitingly, as he and Choji pulled the 'just-awoke-from-a-nap-Togame' towards the floor.
Man, maybe he should've continued sleeping.
The three continued to set up their spontaneous low-budget picnic area. Dragging used cardboards and setting up the foods before they sat down. Choji and Umemiya talking and having fun while Togame stood quiet yet smiling at the atmosphere.
Finally, they were ready to eat.
"Thank you for the meal!" Umemiya yelled, the three of them clapped their hands together while giving thanks.
"Ah, it's been a while since we've had this!" Umemiya hummed while munching on the fried tonkatsu.
"You bet! At least the weather isn't too hot this time around." The leader of Shishitoren munched on the bread that Umemiya brought, eyes sparkling at the taste.
"Why do you guys have the best breads?!"
"Well, we just do!" Choji and Umemiya grinned while stuffing their mouths full. Talking about whatever that came to their minds. Togame, who's more on the introverted side, continued to listen. Talking whenever Choji or Umemiya ask for his opinion.
"See! I told you lemon juice is better drinking in the heat!" Argued Choji, glaring half-heartedly at Umemiya who is quick to counter. Saying something like "apple juice is much better and is the classic!"
Honestly, Togame wasnt really listening.
Instead, he was focused on his phone. Staring at the cute picture of you petting a stray cat that you found.
You weren't in the picture, but still.
The cat is cute too.
"This cat kinda looks like you. Very fluffy fur with green eyes." seen.
Togame chuckled, deciding whether to reply or not (he is lazy like that) until another message was sent.
"And looks very sleepy and lazy." seen. reacted with a thumbs down
He refrained from smiling, not wanting to get caught and to distract the other two from their "fun" debate. Togame wouldn't know what to do if Choji, much less Umemiya, ask why did he look so giddy all of a sudden.
He did that mistake more times than he can count with Choji. Smiling whenever you're there. Even if it was something that's stupid, he finds it adorably stupid. Then out of nowhere, Choji would point out that Togame's smiling more than usual, and Togame didn't notice he was doing it afar like a love-struck idiot.
It was a good thing Choji's easy to convince.
Togame huffs while putting the phone in his pocket. He usually doesn't reply to messages (he never does) but he'll be sure to give you a light scolding for your message the next time you visit Shishitoren.
It was then that Togame was once again reminded of his feelings for you. He's still undecided on what he should do.
One would think that they should confess just to get over it. If the person you like returns the same feelings, then good for them. If not, then they'll either move on and try to remain friends.
Togame knows you're an understanding person. A trait that he likes about you, which made him spill some of his worries from time to time. When you're the one who's having troubles, he's there to listen as well.
Still, deep down he knows he'll get hurt at the chance of you rejecting him.
He also doesn't know what to do if there's someone else that manages to capture your heart. You, someone he wants to be with every moment. He wants to be the only one that can receive your never ending kindness and love.
However, is there someone that you like?
Togame felt his appetite loosing.
"AH! I forgot to give the rest of the bottled drinks to the other members!" Togame slightly flinched at the sudden outburst from Choji. Who hurriedly grabbed the cooler set aside and picked up it above his head. Running towards the door while yelling out a 'I'll be right back! Don't finish the food...!"
Umemiya and Togame's eyes meet. The Bofurin leader giving a shrugged smile to Togame.
"So Togame... I've been meaning to ask this but.."
Togame's shoulders slightly tense. Did Umemiya notice something? He wouldn't be surprised.
A container with half-eaten omurice suddenly filled Togame's vision.
"Oh, uh- yeah.." Relieved yet bewildered, Togame nodded along to whatever Umemiya is spewing out right now. Shoulders relaxing as for a moment he thought he was found out.
Umemiya shouldn't know, obviously. Togame thinks he's getting more restless as he if reminded of his feelings time and time again.
He takes a sip from his ramune bottle.
"Oh by the way, I saw you smiling at your phone earlier."
Togame choked. The drink went down the wrong pipe.
"Oh? Perhaps its from that girl you like?"
The exit looks really appealing right now. Maybe he should help Choji, the guy is taking way too long to serve drinks to the other members.
He sighed in defeat, "Am I really that obvious?"
Umemiya laughed, scooting closer to Togame as he generously placed some side dishes onto his plate.
"Well, at first it didn't seem like anything. You two were interacting as usual, being pretty close and all." Umemiya swallowed the omurice before continuing, "But then, Sakura started to become more flustered and embarrassed than usual."
The Shishitoren member groaned, already having an idea where this is going.
"Don't blame Sakura though, he did kept it a secret. Although his classmates are too nosy, and somehow it spread to the rest of Furin. Well, not everyone, but most."
Great, Togame is estatic to know he's being gossiped as someone with pining problems.
...It's true, but still-
"It was easy to piece everything together." Togame felt a comforting pat on the back, which didn't really felt reassuring.
For god's sake, instead of being known as the second-in-command of the ruling gang Shishitoren, he'll be known as a love-struck idiot!
"Before you ask," Togame grumbled, "I'm not sure if I should confess or not."
"Ehh? I think you should."
The raven jerked his head up in surprise, not expecting a straight-forward answer. From all the advice he's gotten, (if he could call it advice from someone who is not used to open affection, or being called hopeless by a younger member) none of them really convinced on what Togame should do.
"Wait- why?"
"'Why?'" Umemiya asked, as if he himself is confused at Togame's question.
"I mean, you don't seem that opposed to the idea." That's true... after all, the idea of being yours always resonated in his mind.
The idea of you two together, it doesn't seem bad at all.
"And what if she rejects me?"
"Nah, she won't." The taller said certainly. A smile gracing his features, Togame wonders if Umemiya's an expert in relationships.
Umemiya did help Choji and Shishitoren.
"How are you sure?" His brow furrows, a heavy feeling in his gut just imagining the different ways a confession from him to you could go wrong.
One, the most obvious, and probably the most gut-wrenching, is that you'll reject him. Saying that you either have a different type of your ideal-boyfriend, and that he doesn't fit that category, or that you have someone else in mind. Then afterwards, your friendship will be so awkward, which makes you distance yourself and Togame will regret everything for the rest of his life.
Two, you reject him, but want to remain friends. However, there's still that slim chance that the both of you won't be as close as you guys are right now as friends.
And three-
"Woah, woah, woah, hold that overthinking right there, buddy!" A hand on his shoulder brought Togame back to reality. He forgot for a moment the person beside him is Umemiya.
Oh, did he say that out loud?
"Kind of.. you were quite scary for a moment." A shiver went down Umemiya's spine, beads of sweat forming on his head. "You were there mumbling with an empty expression, and your eyes man!" Umemiya dramatically clutched his heart, trying to lighten Togame's mood even just a little bit.
Togame cleared his throat, a bit embarrassed. "Sorry."
"Never knew you were one for overthinking." Concern was written all over Umemiya's face. He let out a sigh while trying to figure out what he could offer words of comfort.
Umemiya knew you, although the two of you never interacted closely. He's just glad that Kotoha has a new friend. Much to his surprise, you were also closely affiliated to Shishitoren. Imagine that.
Yet, when Shishitoren is sometimes brought up in a discussion, Umemiya could clearly see the sparkles and affection you have for a certain member.
The stories you share whenever Togame teases you.
Or that one time you shared how Togame tried so hard on that vending machine where a very cute miniature plushie (which you bring everywhere) while you and Choji try to pull him away despite his stubbornness. Which caused him to spend a lot of yen.
Or that one specific moment Umemiya saw you messaging Togame (he didn't mean to peek, he was just too tall that he could lean over) with a giddy smile on your face.
Togame this, Togame that.
Umemiya sighed, giving a comforting smile to Togame. "She won't." Just from that, Togame somehow felt a tiny bit of confidence.
"I won't say anything else, but I've seen her around. From what I could tell, and from what Kotoha-chan tells me, she's a wonderful person."
A small smile appeared, Togame's glad you have a lot of people who care for you. "Plus, I don't think you have anything to worry about."
Umemiya gave one last pat to Togame's shoulder. However, he couldn't help but think about what Umemiya said.
"What do you mean by you won't say anything else-"
Choji appeared from the door, holding a plastic container which seemed to contain barbeque sticks.
Dumbfounded by the sudden entrance of Choji, he couldn't bring himself to ask Umemiya again.
He watched as Choji and Umemiya scarf down every food possible.
Togame looked at his food in thought.
At least he got a better answer.
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"I see! So it's like that!" Suo smiled as he let out a small laugh.
"I'm having a serious case of deja vu right now.." You said dryly while wondering, again, how'd you end up in this situation.
Seriously, might as well inform the whole Furin boys at this point!
"Now, now, don't be so down hearted." You pouted as Suo poured tea in your cup. The sweet aroma of honey wafted through the air, nodding gratefully at Suo.
As much as you hated to be reminded of your feelings, and that horrid conversation you had with Kotoha, you still have to decide if you want to suffer and keep it a secret, or suffer with a 50/50 percent chance of your confession going 'yay!' or 'nay..'
So, what better option than to ask the most elegant person in all of Furin?
"Did you know, bees like to read?"
"Excuse me, what."
Yup, elegance is Suo's forte.
You watched as Suo gently sat down opposite of you, bringing his own cup to his lips. "Their favorite novel is the Great Gatsby." He let out a proud smile with his eye closed, before taking a sip.
The Great Gatsby. Gats-'bee.'
...Elegant my ass.
You slapped your palm onto your forehead. "...So you're not doing this seriously. Thanks, got the memo." The chair you sat on scratched against the floor, the sound echoing throughout the cafe. Some bystanders noticed the noise, which made Suo give a polite smile.
He quickly tugged you back in the chair. You sat down with an unamused expression, contrasting Suo's lighthearted one.
"I'm joking!"
"Well, I'm not."
"I know. From the amount of times you joined in the conversation whenever Shishitoren is brought up." Suo placed a finger on his chin, letting out a hum before continuing, "Oh! And that one time where you had to brag about that cute plushie you got from a vending machine, also brought by Togame."
"Okay, stop- I get it!" You waved your hands frantically, as if that mere gesture would make Suo shut up.
"And of course—" Suo brought his phone up as you watch him scroll for a bit before pressing the screen to your face.
"—we couldn't forget that moment where you sat there blushing and all giddy."
It was a selfie of Kotoha, her finger pointing towards the counter-
Wait a minute.
It was you, in the background, leaning on the counter with Kotoha's omurice. Something normal.
Yet clearly you can see yourself smiling widely with your hand propped on your chin while staring at your phone.
"Kotoha said you got a text message from Togame."
You banged your head on the table.
"Was I really that obvious?" You asked yourself. Purely rhetorical.
"Mhm!" Suo nodded anyway. Very enthusiastically.
"I would like to crawl into a deep hole now, thanks."
"You can do that once you've decided to confess to Togame."
You groaned, the mere idea already making you suffer. Maybe you should've just stopped asking advice right at Kotoha.
As much as you adore Suo as your friend, you keep on forgetting he's also a little piece of–
"Now, now, let's try this again." You raised your head deciding to finally listen to Suo. Seems like he's actually being serious this time.
"So you said you're not sure if you're going to confess." You nod.
"What's making you worried?" Suo tilted his head in wonder. Because really, he thinks you shouldn't be worried.
With the way you talk about Togame, Suo can already guess from that the guy also reciprocates what you feel.
"Well, you see." You brought your hands together while looking seriously, which reminded of Suo of how detectives or villains would act in a tv show.
"There are three things."
"Three..?" He asked confusedly.
"One, he rejects me. That's it, and then its the end of our good going friendship." Suo continued to smile, despite wanting to protest and tell you directly that yes, you should confess.
However, what kind of gentleman is he if decided not to listen to a fellow friend's worries?
"It starts like this," You start off, leaning slightly forwards to Suo with a glare that could rival Sakura's. "I might not be his friend anymore."
Suo opened his mouth to retort. He thought that it might be a tad... rude to ignore someone just because they harbor feelings for you-
You raise your palm to stop him, "I know what you're going to say. However..."
There was a moment of anticipation. Suo would usually be lighthearted from time to time in talks like this...
You banged your fist lightly on the table, "What am I gonna do if I lose a friend like Togame?!" You whined.
Suo sighed in relief, thinking you were going to ignore Togame.
You let out a (quite dramatic) cry as you scratch your hair in frustration. "Our friendship could end the moment I open my mouth and say 'Oh by the way, I like you, let's go out.' and you know what would hit me in the gut?!"
Your hands gripped the sides of table so tightly. Suo just watched with concern and intrigue.
"It's the chance he likes someone else!" You cried in defeat and slumped in your chair.
"I think you should-"
"No, it doesn't end there!"
Suo sighed.
"Secondly, what if our friendship deteriorates from there?!" These are the thoughts that kept you up right after talking to Kotoha.
At first it started with the reassurance that Togame is a chill person. Sure he can be violent here and there (not against you, never against you. you would be lying if you sometimes forgot that he is the same guy who's a member of a gang) but in the end, its Togame.
But then as the night went on and the more you developed feelings for him, you felt yourself overthinking way too much.
"Imagine, we casually hang out. With Choji too, wouldn't be akward right?" If you were in animated right now, Suo could see the steam blowing from your ears. "But then, Togame would be reminded of my confession, and then everything would be akward!"
"From there on, he would slowly distance himself. Probably even Choji if I'm that unlucky, and then I would forever suffer in my bed at night thinking how much I regret everything!"
"How about we toss a coin?" Suo intervened the moment you were about to move on to point number three.
You stopped midway into your rant. Suo just maintained a smile and placed a simple 100 yen on the table.
"Let's toss a coin!" Suo repeated.
Your eyes went back and forth at Suo and the coin. You wondered if this is Suo's attempt to make a joke once more.
"I'm not joking." Suo laughed, placing the coin on top of his thumb. You stared confusedly, still not knowing what to say.
"I mean, it's just a simple solution. You have these thoughts with you for a while, both negative and positive." Suo raised a finger, "While you aren't wrong, most of your concerns do happen to some people."
You deflated at that
"But I'm pretty sure you also have that side of you that wants to be in a relationship that brought the idea of you even confessing." You nodded.
Just thinking about Togame overall has brought you joy. He's mostly quiet, yet never fails to bring entertainment whenever the two of you bicker against one another. He's also kind, the plushie he gave you is probably your favorite. Sometimes can be provoking to others he's not familiar with, but only when there are guys who are disturbing you.
You also can't deny the fact that he's good-looking.
"If we want to get this over with, then let's just toss a coin."
Suo paused at the bewildered look on your face. "What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing." You chuckle hesitantly, "I was just expecting a more.. straight to the point answer."
"You are going to get an answer regardless." He argued, stabilizing the coin on his thumb.
Well, he's not wrong.
"Heads is 'you will confess', and tails is 'you won't confess'."
"Then.. here I go!" Suo flickered his thumb upwards.
Your eyes follow the quick movement of the coin in the air before it landed on Suo's palm. He then placed the coin on the back of his other hand to flip it.
Your breath hitched as you watched intently on the result.
Suo removed his palm, "Tails it is!"
"Oh.." So you won't be confessing after all. You did want a straight to the point answer.
Suo noticed your mood slightly dampened. "What's wrong?"
You shrugged. "Nothing, didn't expect this to be somewhat anti-climatic." Honestly, you weren't sure as well. You asked Suo for help, and he provided it.
Maybe you felt a bit unsatisfied with the results.
"'Anti-climatic' you say?" Suo gave a knowing smile, before placing down the coin. "Or perhaps, you don't like the result?"
You blinked, were you really that obvious?
"You see, there's a trick here."
"There is?"
"Yes." You didn't expect that. So there was an actual reason that Suo wanted to flip coins instead?
"You see, when people are indecisive they flip a coin right?" You watch in curiosity as Suo started to hold the coin in his fingers. "But here's the thing, when you're either unsatisfied with the result, or you internally wish for a specific decision, that's when you know what you truly want."
He slides the coin in front of you before turning it around revealing the 'heads'.
That.. That does make sense.
By then, you started to feel satisfied. A smile unknowingly appearing.
A light clap brought back your attention. Seeing Suo's smile slightly reassured you despite the negative thoughts that were threatening to take over once more. "So, I'm guessing a confession is happening?" He teased.
You huffed, "Yeah.." You looked down at your hands in thought. The idea of confessing, albeit scares you, at least you can say you tried.
"I just hope you nothing goes wrong."
"Oh don't worry." Suo brought his cup up, "I'm sure it'll go well."
You smiled, bringing your own cup against his as the two of you slightly cheered before savoring the tea.
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It's been a while since the three of you hang out again.
"Come on, you can do it! You can beat Kame-chan!" Choji cheered in the background while you and Togame were playing against one another in a sniper arcade game.
"Ehh? I think her machine's gun is smoother." Complained Togame, who quickly looked at your score being close to his.
"I think you're scared to be beaten." You grinned as you continued to shoot the targets that appeared on the screen.
"You? Beating me? Psh, you can't even close the ten point gap."
"I'm about to!"
"The game is ending in one minute, chibi." You groaned at the nickname before recklessly pointing your gun at any target.
"Go go! You're almost there!" Oh to have a supporter like Choji.
Still, the game ended as Togame grins triumphantly while you sulked. Choji patting your shoulders in comfort while he also says 'good job!' to Togame.
"I want a rematch!"
"We're out of money."
You banged your head against the machine, causing for both Choji and Togame to wince.
"Come on, chibi." Togame lightky tugged on your arm. The unexpected closeness making you blush lightly.
Meanwhile, Togame feels like he can't get enough of how cute you are.
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The three of you sat on a bench in front of a convenience store while eating ice-cream that you paid because, well, you simply lost the bet.
At least it wasn't too expensive.
You sat in the middle of the two Shishitoren members. Too busy eating their ice cream to strike up a conversation.
You quietly counted the change in your hand, before letting out a surprised sound.
"What's wrong?" Togame questioned.
"They gave me an excess change." You recounted to make sure before excusing yourself to go back to the counter.
You and the cashier worker exchanged greetings. You look back to simply glance at Togame and Choji, but to your surprise, Choji can't be found.
Where did he-
You jumped at the sudden notification in your phone. At the same time, Togame also brought his phone up from afar.
With new profound curiosity, the notification came from a group chat that Choji has created with just the three of you. Your brows furrow in concern, a slight uncertain smile as you felt a sense of dread incoming.
"Hiiii!! So I'll be going ahead~ Something came up so, enjoy having a fun date!" seen by togame and you
A wave of heat spread across your cheeks, staring in shock at the message. Similarly, from afar, Togame felt his ears burning.
You would have appreciated the heads up from Choji- just, without the date part.
Especially the date part.
Gulping nervously, you walk back to wear Togame is seated, neither of you chose to look at each other for obvious reasons.
The two of you continued to sit in silence for a few minutes. The simple idea of 'having a date' weighed heavily on each person's minds.
Togame's thoughts were filled, followed by the soft crunch from the chocolated coated ice cream. "Did Choji finally figure out? He knew that I harbor feelings for her? But why say it in the group chat..?" His brows furrows in thought.
"Ain't no way did Choji just outed me. Why did he say in the group chat? Was it a joke? But he's bever the type to joke that way..." Nervously swallowing, you can't help but glance sideways at Togame beside you.
Similarly, he's been looking at you from his peripheral vision. More thoughts swirling in his head.
Before the both of you could initiate any kind of conversation, another notification sound could be heard, you two quickly check out what Choji could possibly say this time.
You freeze, a red flush spreading, while Togame drops his ice cream popsicle in disbelief.
This time, the message made you want to crush your phone and never appear under the sunlight.
"Use this time to confess properly okay? It's kind of tiring to see the both of you pining against one another. I'm counting on the two of you! :DD" seen by togame and you
...Well, isn't this the greatest?
In an absolutely shocking turn of events, no one has expected that their friend Choji would...
Choji, who Togame dearly loves as his friend, someone who introduced him to Shishitoren, and a person who he thinks shines the brightest at his best, just made Togame want to crawl in a hole and never come out.
He cleared his throat, quietly pressing the off button on his cellphone and placing it on the table, looking away as he nervously scratches the back of his neck. The tip of his ears burning while he feels his heart beating out of his ribcage.
You, who is trying to comprehend the message Choji sent, gripping on your phone like there is no tomorrow. Eyes wide and jaw dropping nearly to the floor, a deep scarlet covering your cheeks and neck. Not once have you moved your eyes from your screen.
"What the fuck?!"
The both of you thought simultaneously.
Silence ensues, the air filled with a lot of tension, neither of you know how to start the conversation.
Togame's mind reels, he doesn't know what to say— he doesn't even know what to feel. All he knows that one way or another, he's screwed. (No thanks to his leader!)
You on the other hand, felt like you were about to burst from the embarassment.
It felt like the air was so suffocating, that the two felt the need to say something.
With one last glance at the message, you nod in resolution.
"..I'm sorry I haven't been honest, but I like-"
"Can I take you out-"
Both of your eyes met, mouths snapping shut in unison. Embarrassment and hesitation filling the two of you— acting like a couple on their first date (...well, if things go smoothly..)
Togame shakes his head before coughing. "You go first?" He offered to you, because did he actually hear you right?
"Oh no, you can go first.." You protested.
"No, you." Togame huffs in slight amusement.
"How about... together?" He compromised, which makes you agree to the idea. Your heart pounding in nervousness– even if you heard somewhat of what he said a while ago.
"Like usual?" You chuckled nervously.
"Sure." Togame smiled.
"I like you, please go out with me."
"I'd like to take you out on a date."
The two of you stared at each other in silence.
Togame is the first to look away, covering his mouth in shock— clearly flustered as the tip of his ears turn red.
You, on the other hand, can't help but look down to hide the growing smile on your face.
In the end, maybe Choji did something goof after all.
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Choji giggles as while he opens the bag of chips he managed to buy before sneaking off ahead. Umemiya returns the grin before patting the Shishitoren leader on the back.
"I thought you wanted to wait for them to earn their courage?" Umemiya— who was staring at the two new lovebirds from afar— raises his brow amusingly at Choji.
"They were taking way too long!" The smaller huffed, before taking a quick zoomed in pic of you and Togame walking ahead. Hands linked together, while shy smiles and laughs were exchanged in the distance.
notes ! :
...this took me so long to write it help the ending was badly rushed but... anyways ! :))
guess who flunked their math portion of the college entrance test! (me hahahshhshah..)
175 notes · View notes
tsams-and-co-memes · 6 months
Frank is Pisces
I made a thread for this theory on TSBS Discord server and it blew up (it blew up so much more than I ever thought it would, like Jesus Christ. I'm super happy about it though). I figured that since I moved all my canon info stuff over here from the server, I might as well move my theory stuff over too
Long post warning, since there's a lot here. A lot of this exists because I was possessed by my adhd demon one night, noticed something about Frank, and then ran wild with it
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(Last two pictures are part of a chart that SqarletGecko made for this theory. If Sqarlet sees this at any point, hi, hello! I appreciate you for feeding into this, Sqarlet)
There will be more images tacked on later. I'd add them now, but unfortunately, there's a 10 picture limit to posts. As stupid as that is. ANYWAY
Frank’s strong enough to kill two different witherstorms. Although him outright killing them was never verified, it was one of the only ways he could’ve come back so soon. The only other way would’ve been to wait by the portal, but assuming Moon would’ve closed it off due to the dimensions that Frank was in housing witherstorms, Frank would’ve had to find another way out
His name is neither Frank nor Forkface, so it’s entirely possible that it could be Pisces
Sqarlet pointed out that Castor said “Pisces is probably off doing his own thing”, which could be anything, and it certainly doesn’t preclude Pisces being on earth as Frank, doing whatever he’s been doing
In the “Lunar Gets Friendzoned” vrchat episode, Castor mentions Pisces again, this time saying (in reference to how Lunar’s “final test” would go, and how someone would be sent to judge his ability to control his powers) “Could be Nebula, could be Libra. Could be Pisces, but I doubt that. Hell, it could even be Taurus.” This is the second time Castor’s mentioned Pisces, as if he doesn’t have a whopping 10 other signs he could pull names from (minus Gemini and Pisces, obviously). This could be a case of simply sticking to a smaller pool out of the 12 names, but still
Castor has mentioned Pisces offhandedly two different times. Yeah, there could be a really simple explanation for that, but it sticks out to me, and I can't pinpoint why
During an Uno video, they did a “one breath for yes, two for no” thing with Frank, and he confirmed that he had a bad past. Given some of the things that Castor has said about Taurus, it’s a possibility that Frank/Pisces was trying to get away from him. Some other Pisces traits are that they’re supposed to be super empathetic and deeply emotional. If Taurus said or did something that impacted Frank/Pisces enough, he could’ve chosen to leave
For a while, Frank didn’t seem to react much when people acted scared of him, but as he’s spent more time with the channels, he’s developing more emotionally, which would make sense if he was younger. According to a google search I ran, “Pisces emotional sensitivity is high, helping them to remain in tune with others also leaving them vulnerable to criticism, worrying about about the effects that their actions might have on others,” which could explain why he acted so sad when he briefly appeared in the lobby in an FFFS episode and everyone acted scared of him
Pisces has a heightened emotional sensitivity, they're very in tune with the emotions of those around them, and this in turn makes them worry about how others might react to them
In another Uno video, Foxy made a lighthearted comment to Frank about how he reminded him of his son, since he has a habit of inserting himself into situations and things. There are other characters who do this too, meaning that Foxy could’ve compared Frank to literally anyone, and yet, he chose a character that’s a child. If Frank is Pisces, he’d be the youngest of the astral bodies
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If you watch him, Frank does have some childlike mannerisms and behaviors. The first thing is the way he sometimes wants to show someone something, but then gets upset when they touch it. It’s like when a kid gets a new toy and shows their friend, but then gets upset when their friends tries playing with it because it’s theirs. The second thing is him apparently drawing on the wall underneath Earth’s bed. Drawing on walls is something that kids do. The third thing is him trying to feed Earth a piece of pizza. Kids will sometimes try to feed people too, though it’s typically only with people they’re close with, that they know pretty well
If Frank is Pisces and therefore the youngest of the astral bodies, there’s a chance that he chose to show up in the daycare because he knows it’s a safe place for kids, and that there are good caretakers there (Sun, Moon, Earth, and Lunar). He could’ve chosen a daycare attendant-esque form to blend in better with the daycare environment, or he could’ve copied what he saw of the caretakers there, much like how kids copy the adults they see
Pisces is the youngest of the astral bodies, so everything that Frank does that seems like something a kid might do,, could sort of tie in with that. Frank has seemed to somewhat mature and "grow up" in a sense as of recently though, so these childlike habits and behaviors have begun to become rarer and rarer
Pisces has ties to illusions, dreams, and the subconscious. This could explain the times when Frank appeared in both Monty and Earth’s dreams, and then dragged the Stitchwraith into his own mind. In the case of Monty’s dream, Frank knew that they’d had problems with their dad and he’d even offered to be their listening ear, so seeing the shape Monty was in emotionally and mentally after their dad died, Frank may have guided them to an image of their dad to try to promote a form of closure and emotional healing and recovery before Monty woke up (did I mention that being a healer is also a Pisces trait?). He was silent in the dream, so Monty’s mind couldn't have heard his signature heavy breathing and did something funky with that. In Earth’s case, Frank somehow knew that she was having a nightmare and he came to wake her up, repeatedly saying “no fear”, as if he was telling her not to be afraid. With the Stitchwraith, the Stitchwraith wasn’t aware that he’d been pulled into his own mind. Frank didn’t confirm that he was until he told the Stitchwraith that “It’s just a bad dream, a nightmare”, and told him to wake up
More Pisces traits are wanting to help people and being a healer. Adding in the ties to illusions, dreams, and the subconscious, I feel like creating dreams to help people recover from things wouldn't be too farfetched. In the case of Earth, Frank knew she was having a nightmare and wanted to wake her up so that she wouldn't be scared anymore. To this day, I have no way to explain how he could've possibly known about her having a nightmare, aside from sensing her distress and/or having some kind of connection to her subconscious
I found a snippet of an article that said “When we meet Pisces, we are taken aback by their remote coldness; they often act like confused geniuses or oddballs who have trouble interacting with others.” It’s confirmed that Frank is highly intelligent; he somehow knew how to get into Moon’s computer and registered himself as the primary user, and he somehow swiped Foxy’s voicebox and installed it in himself, then took it back out and reinstalled it in Foxy. Frank is also an oddball, but I don’t really need to explain that one
Frank has made it abundantly clear that he doesn’t like Ruin. He’s had many opportunities to take him out or even just attack him, but he hasn’t. Castor has stated that astral bodies typically don’t get involved with things or associate with people unless they really need to. If Frank is Pisces, he may have avoided going after Ruin because it’d go against the rules
There are some mixed messages on whether or not Pisces is a rule follower, but a couple things I found that stuck out to me implied that sometimes they follow the rules, and sometimes they do whatever they want as long as they’re satisfied. We were given a glimpse of this with Frank when Lunar tried to run him over with a car in a vrchat episode. Frank didn’t seem to care as much about the fact that he was nearly run over, and instead, became agitated with Lunar for parking incorrectly. He also made Lunar get in his car, and then proceeded to move it out of the alley and to the drive thru, where Lunar was supposed to be anyways. He might’ve also reacted poorly to Monty and Earth bringing a goose into the restaurant they were in, since animals don’t belong there. Beyond that, Frank’s also gotten upset with Sun and tried to menacingly follow him around the room when Sun cheated during a game of Uno, showing that he doesn’t like cheaters
Frank seems to have a knack for interrupting people’s dates. Most of the time, he’s trying to help but doesn’t seem to grasp that his behavior might be making people uncomfortable, BUT according to google, the Pisces sign is known for being jealous of other people’s love lives. After the death of Ruined Monty, Frank may have started to feel a little jealous of others
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According to google, “most Pisceans are very good at earning a stable living,” and “they are usually very effective in any career that needs collaboration with others or inventiveness.” It’s been stated before that Frank works in at least three different restaurants, and a restaurant type environment would require collaboration with others to keep everything running smoothly. He’d be earning good money from those three restaurant jobs, and another Pisces trait is wanting to help people, so working in a restaurant would be a way for him to do that
Strengths of Pisces would include being selfless and thoughtful, passionate and creative, gratitude and self-sacrifice, tolerance and a keen understanding, and being kind and sympathetic. Weaknesses of Pisces include being influenced by their surroundings, being careless, rash, and ill-disciplined, having an inability to confront reality due to an absence of confidence, being insecure, sentimentalism, indecisiveness, and a lack of foresight. These are all from a chart I found, and although I don’t think we’ve seen too many of these weaknesses in Frank yet, we’ve definitely seen a lot of the strengths
We have no idea where Frank was before he first showed up at the daycare. Fazbear apparently had him shipped in to replace Moon, but with how easily he got into Moon’s computer, it wouldn’t be too farfetched to assume that he could’ve possibly also hopped onto a different device and sent a fake email, posing as Fazbears to keep people from asking too many questions about why he’s there
Like Sqarlet has said, we’ve noticed a pattern of astral signs following the usual astrological descriptions, but it’s not necessarily a rule, nor is it to a T. It’s very possible that Frank mostly follows the general tendencies of Pisces, but still has individual quirks and such that are different. It could be a case where perfectionism or a preference for rule-following/organization is just a lil personal thing of his, unrelated to astrology
Another thing suggested by Sqarlet is that the Pisces dealio might explain why Frank’s general choice of appearance is generally uncanny/unsettling. Astral bodies don’t necessarily have a spectacular grasp on how to Aesthetic effectively, at least from an earthling’s perspective
Eclipse once used star power to get into Puppet’s dreamscape, when Puppet was on his way to get Lunar. If star power is what makes dreamscape stuff possible, then Frank would need access to it in order to do the same (see: all the dream stuff he did with Monty and him showing up in Stitchwraith’s dreamscape)
Whenever Frank appears, whoever he appears around is usually experiencing a negative emotion of some sort. Some instances of this can be seen when he showed up and tried to talk to Monty after Monty had a fight with their dad and was frustrated, when Earth and Sun were worrying about Lunar when Lunar lost his voice, when Sun got turned into a dragon and was panicking, and when Earth had a nightmare and was freaking out over it
Foxy’s implied that Frank was probably trying his best to be helpful, during all the dates that he unintentionally ruined. Which… means that although Frank is trying his best to be helpful, he might not understand what “normal” behavior looks like, then he messes up, and then he gets upset when people misunderstand him and his intentions, or when whatever he’s doing ends up backfiring in some way. Pisces’ loves to help others and can’t stand being misunderstood, so this lines up beautifully
During a podcast episode, Frank breathed heavier when Castor and Pollux were mentioned, implying that he may know them. Given how he even attempted to speak again, he likely had some kind of thoughts or feelings toward them, too
The astral bodies are typically aware of almost everything that happens. This might explain how Frank (if he’s Pisces) knew that Foxy would be alone on Christmas. It was only Foxy, Freddy, and Francine present when the Stitchwraith took FC, so unless Frank was spying on everyone or has taken to watching the channels like Ruin apparently does, he shouldn’t know what happened
If the Foxy’s Intervention episode is anything to go by, no one ever knows where Frank is, and yet, he still knows where he’s needed and goes there to help
With the way that Pisces deals with illusions just as much as dreams and the subconscious, it’s possible that the Frank that the Stitchwaith saw was just an illusion. This could explain why Frank wasn’t hit by Stitchwraith’s weird chest laser thing (unless he quickly teleported out of the way), and why we never saw him go up to the Stithwraith and try pushing him around or anything, despite how Frank was acting toward him. We’ve seen Frank physically interact with people before, so we know he can, but if he was an illusion, that wouldn’t be possible
Something else to consider that I haven't shared with the theory thread yet (that I can remember) is that when Pisces feels hurt or betrayed in any way, they can be incredibly vengeful. Their vengeance, according to a search I ran, could be intense enough to break trust and damage relationships, if they're not careful. In killing ruined Monty, Bloodmoon may have unknowingly made Frank feel so deeply hurt that Frank has now decided that he needs to get revenge on him. He kept saying things during their encounter that made it feel like he may be entertaining the idea of getting rid of one of the twins, which... follows a very "you took away someone who meant the world to me, let's see what happens when I do it to you" sort of logic
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spideyhexx · 9 months
what do we think about a situation with Snowjanus x Reader where maybe there are rumours about how Reader is involved with both of them and Festus or Felix or someone tries to make advances towards Reader and when she declines they get somewhat salty and tell her that if she's enough of a slut to jump back and forth betweem Sejanus and Coryo then she should be thankful that someone else still wanted them as well. maybe Sejanus and/or Coryo overhear? whatever happens then is up to you, but I'd love it if it ends with the three having sex or similar again where they praise her for being only theirs💗💗💗
omg okay
The night after you and Sej officially ask Coryo to be a part of the relationship, the question about public perception would come up of course. But at this point, people had already begun to suspect something was happening. Why would Coriolanus always sit next to you and Sejanus? Why was Coriolanus always going home with either you or Sej? Why was Sej's girlfriend getting all cute and cuddly next to Coryo in the library?
I think Sej becomes the clear voice for you three, saying something about focusing on one another and not letting any possible comments get to you.
Festus teasing or even asking to "join," would be enough to piss off you or either of the boys, but it would also be expected, especially from him. The moment is worse if you aren't around either of your boyfriends, just you and Festus, talking until he teases you about being with both of the men. At first, it feels playful, like he's just gonna make a small jab and then move on, but then he moves in close, "you got room for a fourth? I wouldn't mind sharing you," he whispers with a disgusting smirk as his eyes rake over your body.
You deny him, hoping to just walk away from the conversation once you get your words out, but he mutters, "I know you'd actually want it," and it's got you turning back on your heel to face him, asking what he means.
Festus' smirk would only grow wider, "You're fucking the Plinth and Snow boy. Sounds like something a whore would do. You're lucky I'm even interested in someone like you." And you can never really tell if Festus is being genuine or if he's just trying to hurt you, but it wouldn't really matter. You'd want to go off of on him, but you're still at the Academy and you don't want to cause any sort of scene so you just end up rolling your eyes and leaving.
Sej would notice first that something is wrong, but you brush it off. He'd share a look with Coryo and soon Sej's hand is holding yours as Coryo's eyes pierce into yours. You wouldn't tell them what happened until you're in the safety of your bedroom, tears threatening to prick. You'd find it in yourself to joke a little though, saying, "I think I win in the end. Even if I do get called a slut or whore or whatever name they can come up with cause I have two very caring boyfriends," and you let out a breathy chuckle as they both give you small smiles. "I'll just tell them I'm a slut too," Sej would chime in, making you giggle for the first time this night and it would bring a blush to his cheeks.
"And you're our girlfriend. Ours. No one else's, especially not Festus'," Coryo says, tugging you into his side as Sej rubs his hand on your other thigh.
The progression of the night feels too obvious, but you end up being surprised when both Sej and Coryo deny you getting on your knees for them, instead opting to please you and you only. They'd take turns between your legs, while the other is letting their tongue soak in your juices, the other is at your chest, neck, or ear with his mouth.
"our girl, you're so pretty," Coryo would mumble against you, kissing your shoulder while Sej's head is buried against your cunt. "make us feel so lucky, did you know that?"
Sej's words are a little sweeter given the fact you've been in a relationship with him longer. Coryo doesn't seem to mind at the moment as he brings you closer to another orgasm. "I love you, baby. You're so good for us, Coryo's gonna fall in love with you, I know it." And it makes all three of you smile when that's what sends you over the edge.
let's chat about sej, coryo, or both, here :)
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lichenes · 6 months
Omg i alove your Swann Arlaud fics!!You literally make my day better!Can you write a fic how Vincent and the reader are forced by their friends to play a silly game like 9 minutes in Heaven and they finally confess to each other and make out <3
Blushin'... lowkey... Thank you anon :*** CW: mentions of a boner (nothing happens), SFW wc: 628
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You and Vincent could barely keep your hands off of eachother when you got the chance to be alone. It got to the point where you'd text him a lips emoji and he'd reply back with a running emoji and show up at your door, ready.
Vincent understood you wanted to take things slow but it was getting to the point where your relationship was, rather than moving forward, staying in one place.
Not many people knew about your little love affair. You knew you weren't exclusive and you didn't expect faithfullness from him but you could feel the heart pangs pricking at you when you saw him pick up yet another person, strangely resembling you.
The ones closest to you encouraged you both to confess already but you were too shy to do it and Vincent was slowly losing the confidence if you truly liked him back. His little distractions weren't working anymore and he wished you would just give him a sign.
To say you looked ravishing that evening would be an understatement. Vincent couldn't keep his eyes off of you and he was due to pop a boner if he didn't excuse himself from the situation. You weren't making it easy as you tugged at the sleeve of his sweater for him to follow you to the circle of your mutual friends.
"C'mon Vincent, it'll be fun." You said reassuring him. "I'm not 17 anymore. It's childish." He groaned. You were both invited to a game of 'spin the bottle'. In reality he didn't really like the idea of some other person stealing you away and basically being free to do whatever they wanted with you. If it were to be his turn he could at least imagine it was you as earlier the host informed him that the lightbulb has blown out.
He was jealous, he could admit that to himself. Not to you though, never to you. You sat down cross-legged and he situated himself next to you, your knees touching. "Okay it's Vincent's turn." Someone said. He leaned forward and spun the bottle. It was spinning quickly, everyone curious on who it would land on.
To everyone's suprise it landed on you. 'Ooh's could be heard throughout the room as you stood up, pretending to be embarrassed by effectively everyone knowing what you two would be doing.
When you entered the closet you put your elbows on his shoulders and got close to his face. "Fancy seeing you here, pretty boy." You said in an undertone. "Hm.... likewise, sweetness" He mumbled out, your lips were almost touching. An inch more and...
"Vincent." You said firmly. "...yes chérie?" You groaned quietly as he tilted your head and started nipping at your neck. "Oh- Vincent..." you felt him smile and you put your hand on his chest. "Wait."
You assumed he looked at you puzzled, as aforementioned, it was dark and you couldn't tell. "I hate to do this but... do you like me?" You paused. "Honestly and truly, do you?" His voice seemed to be stuck in his throat. He cleared his throat and you felt him shuffle around into what seemed to be a kneel as his voice came from lower than before.
"I give up a thousand job offers, every opportunity to work in Paris and even living on my own to spend my life with you ma douce." You felt a surge of emotions running through you. "I'd let you ruin me, untill there was nothing left. Just so you could build me up again."
You leaned down and held his face in between your palms. You placed a delicate kiss on his lips, more tender than anything you were used to in your fervent make-out sessions.
"You're my everything." _____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿_____ masterlist
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michverdun · 21 days
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"Y'know, I never thought I'd give up the bandit life either. Hell, back in my day I was infamous, although it was under a different name. I mean there was nobody on earth that could stop me, until I met him."
"It was a fairly regular stickup, I just needed some money after a string of bad luck, but as soon as I left that bank there he was. The sheriff was staring me down, wearing nothing but a hat and the shiniest pair of underwear, and I mean it was sparkling in the sunlight. The sight of him made me think that I lost my damn mind!"
"He started flexing those muscles of his, and now I'm guessing he was tryin' to intimidate me so that I'd surrender. I wouldn't say I was intimidated, but I did freeze. I don't think I've ever seen someone so massive in my damn life. He was flexin' muscles I didn't even know existed, like how the hell was I supposed to know some guys could spread out their back muscles like they're wings? I thought he was tryin' to fly off!"
"So, in my shock the sheriff came over and scooped me up over his shoulder and shipped me off to a jail cell. Only jail cell in the entire damn town in fact. First time I ever been caught and it was by one sherrif in a ghost town! Ooh I was pissed. I spent a good while thinkin' up a way to get out of that cell and get my revenge, when he came back."
"I definitely wasn't the nicest man to talk to at that time, but he took every ounce of venom I spit with the patience of a saint, and soon enough I'd calmed down again. I couldn't help hit he had a way of distractin' me, although anyone who could see the crotch of my jeans could easily see why. I don't know what it was but just watching that man move made my heart beat as fast as when I was runnin' for my damn life. Without even tryin' he hit my one weakness: all of those complicated feelins' I had for the men around me."
"He had to have known at that point, but he didn't say a word about it as we talked at first. He told me about his situation, where the townsfolk pushed him into being sheriff even though he didn't have to disposition for it and could barely shoot a gun, and he was just trying to do the best he could. I started feelin sorry for him, among other things."
"It was then that he tried to get me to give up my life of crime, try to make a more honest living. Even as I was runnin' on pure instinct at that point I still refused. How could he tell me to give it all up after everything I'd been through. But he kept pushin', kept treating me like a worried friend than a stern sheriff, and... Well, do you know that saying? 'All cowboys are secretly fond of each other'? Well, turns out I wasn't the only one hiding secret affections. He showed me one night too, and his... 'affection' was pretty fuckin' big too!"
"After that, it was over. If you're the sappy type you'd probably say I did it for love or something like that, but the heart of an outlaw still beats in this chest, and he sees it as simple economics. there ain't another man like him out here, and having him is worth more than anything I could ever steal. He's priceless."
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sgojoenthusiast · 2 years
post breakup sex with jjk characters
toji - part 3
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‘but you know i’m always on demon time, baby, and you’ll never get me out of your mind, baby’
CW: smut, toxicity, nicknames (princess, sweetheart, darling), rough sex, dirty talk, blowjob, fingering, degrading, toji’s a dickhead, very slight hair pulling, spanking, praise, marking slightly, unprotected sex, creampie
word count: 2.9k
likes, comments and reposts are deeply appreciated! <3 enjoy.
You: I need to come and get my things.
Toji: Come get 'em them, princess.
You: Don't call me that and no. I'm sending Satoru to come and pick them up. When he gets there, let him in and be nice.
Toji: Not givin’ your shit to anyone who ain't you sweetheart.
You: Unlucky because I don't trust you'll keep your dick in your pants.
Well if you're as over me as you say you are, there won't be a problem, will there? See ya in 10 princess.
This was exactly the reason you ended things with him. He was cocky, rude, and thought he owned you and everything you did. So why the fuck did you get in your car and do exactly as you said instead of sending Satoru?
Every moment with him felt like you were intoxicated and like you were compelled to do as he said, which naturally he decided to take advantage of, until eventually (though it took long enough), you had realised your own self worth and broke up with him. All it took was nights of arguing, you threatening to leave, and his dick convincing you to stay.
You knocked harshly on his door, pleading yourself to stay broken up with him as you impatiently waited for him to open the door, and when he did, he was wearing that shirt he knew you loved. fuck.
"Well? My stuff?" he smirked at you. Asshole. You were undecided as to whether you wanted to punch that smirk off his face or make out with him where you stood. He'd always made things so much more difficult for you and honestly, you wouldn't have been shocked had he opened the door completely shirtless just to mess with you.
"Sure princess, right this way." he nodded his head behind him, but instead of moving out the way for you to get past, he just stood there, smirking. Honestly, Toji had no idea what he felt for you. In the beginning, you were just another girl willing to share a bed with him, though he thinks your unwillingness to do it again was what compelled him to ask you on a date followed by many more because he was shocked that there was a girl out there who wasn't on her knees begging for a second night. Eventually, he'd got you to come around. Though when he did, he realised how in love you were and quickly decided to use it to his advantage.
He'd ask you for money daily, even when he had enough, and he would trick you into making you think you did something wrong so that you'd do anything in your power to make it right again, he'd only show affection on his terms, and flipped the blame when you'd be upset about it. Even when you soon caught on and the feelings you had for him began to fade, he couldn't shake the need that came with wanting to be near you. You were the only woman who'd ever made him crave something and he couldn't just let that go.
You stood glaring at him in disbelief. "Real mature, Toji. Now move."
"Why don't we just talk about things, princess? Aren't ya willin' to sort this shit out with me?"
You rolled your eyes at him, shaking your head. "See, this is exactly why I should have sent Satoru. You only want to sort shit out with me so you can use me. I'm done with you, Toji, now let me get my things."
Reluctantly, Toji moved out the way, forming a plan b in his head. "Y'know, I'm shocked 'ya don't see what'cha doin' to me. I was never usin' you. Hell, i'd get on both knees right now and beg 'ya to take me back if I thought it'd work.``
You turned around. Bingo. He knew all he had to do was try and get you into a situation you couldn't refuse, and here you were, soon ready to watch him beg, and soon ready to take him back.
"Oh yeah? Do it then, Toji. Show me how much you miss me, and maybe I'll think about taking you back. Because, right now, I'm not all that convinced you want me, but maybe I've been misled, hm?" you walked over to where he was standing, prepared to watch him back down, but to your disbelief, Toji got down on both knees, staring you directly in the eyes as he did so.
He grabbed onto the material of your skirt, begging. "Please. Please take me back. 'M nothin' without 'ya. You're all I think about and you're all I crave, day and night princess. Can't stop fuckin' thinkin' about 'ya and it's insane.Iinsane what 'ya doing to me so i'm beggin' 'ya just please, please, please take me back."
Your eyes were wide as you realised this was exactly what he had wanted. His hand on the hem of your skirt slowly reached down your bare thigh, smoothly gliding underneath your skirt as he gripped onto your skin whilst he never once looked away from you. "C'mon princess, I need an answer."
The hand under your skirt moved to lift some of the material up, not enough to expose you, but just enough he could kiss your thigh gently and repeatedly. he peppered kisses all over your thigh as you stood above him in complete silence and shock, not knowing how to react to his submissive state, though you knew it was only a matter of time before he'd have you underneath him. Should you surrender? Definitely not. Was it tempting? absolutely yes.
Toji looked up at your shocked features and smiled that same cocky smile that made you clench your thighs together, yet the action doesn't go unnoticed as his hand remains between them.
"You likin' this, darlin'? You like seein' me on my knees?" his hands wandered further up, one of his fingers teasing the lace of your panties before he reached up and began pulling them down. "d'ya wear these knowin' I'd be takin' 'em off 'ya?" he asked, looking at the lace material.
You turned your head away, ashamed you'd let him get his way with you even after your many mental pep talks and the previous ego boost of seeing him on his knees.
"Fucking look at me when I'm talkin' to 'ya, sweetheart." he snarled, lifting himself to stand up and above you. He grabbed your chin, forcing your head in his direction as you kept your face as stoic as possible, refusing to show any sign of pleasure, sadness, anger or whatever the fuck you were feeling in this moment because whilst you were struggling not to capture his lips in a kiss. You were also struggling not to punch him in the face for even trying to fuck you tonight, depsite your lack of an attempt to stop him.
Toji pushed you towards his sofa, pushing you to sit on it whilst you complied. He began unbuckling his belt as you looked up at him with regret. This only seemed to turn him on more as his cock grew harder with each second that passed by. You bit your lip in both anticipation and unsureness. One last time wouldn't hurt, right?
Wrong. You knew this, yet you ignored it. You knew 'only once more couldn't hurt' would hurt as you had been there many times before with Toji. It was only the beginning of a self loathing and damaging cycle yet the sight of Toji pulling his lengthy cock out his boxers made every negative and doubtful thought about this leave your mind with haste.
"Make me cum and I'll treat 'ya nicely in return, deal?" you nodded vigorously. "and no hands, wanna see it all in your mouth, alright, princess?"
You began licking at his tip as he caressed your cheek. Those small licks soon transitioned into his whole tip in your mouth as you began questioning how you'd do this without your hands.
You skillfully moved your tongue around his cock, sucking and licking at his tip as his hand moved to pull your hair back into a makeshift ponytail. "Fuckin' love this mouth. C'mon sweetheart, you can take a bit more. Know 'ya can." he groaned, eyes shut loosely as he pushed your head gently forward, encouraging you to take more of him in your mouth.
Soon, you were gagging and choking on his dick, hands grabbing at his thighs whilst he fucked your mouth mercilessly. You tried to move your tongue in ways to pleasure him yet it all proved difficult by the way he shoved your head onto him without consideration for whether or not you could breath.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck- takin' me so well, yeah? Knew you could do it, just needed my help didn't 'ya princess? So fucking incompetent. Can't do shit without me yet 'ya tryna fucking leave me? Stupid slut- fuckk!"
His grip on your hair tightened and his hips began to stutter as he slowed down slightly. You took this as an opportunity to shift your tongue around his dick to pleasure him. All you could ever think about was his pleasure, and that thought was what pushed him closer to the edge before he came heavily in your mouth. A string of muttered curse words fell from his lips as he threw his head back and closed his eyes tightly.
You removed your mouth, swallowing deeply. "Fuck- good fucking girl, making me cum like that. You ready for your reward, princess?"
He picked you up off the seat , sitting himself down in your place.
"Want you to kiss me, Toji."
He'd realised he'd gone this past week without you, craving just a brush of your lips, and he hadn't even kissed you yet. So when you asked him so kindly with such sweet and innocent eyes, it didn't even take him a second for your tongues to be caught up as he kissed you so needily as you sat on his lap.
His mouth trailed down your jaw and down your neck, leaving marks for you to stare at regretfully in the morning, before he took off your shirt and bra and marked his way down and across your tits. He slowly took one in his mouth as his eyes pierced yours whilst you rubbed yourself up and down across his leg.
Getting the hint, he pushed you down, bending you over his lap causing your skirt to hitch up. he moved the clothing out the way as much as possible, yet kept it on as all he could think about when he first opened the door was fucking you in it.
"Next time 'ya try to leave me, remember what I do for you. Could've just let you suck my dick and called it a day but no. Unlike you I'm not a shameless whore who'd do anything just to fuckin’ come."
He pushed one of his fingers inside your pussy before you could reply, earning a slow whine from your lips. His pace was leisurely though his attitude made him look as though he thought he was giving you the world, which was undeniably true as he sat there wondering what else you could possibly ask of him.
"Please go faster, Toji. I need it-" you blabbered mindlessly as another finger slid past your pussy. His pace quickened only very slightly as he stared down at your shaking form begging for more.
Toji began to laugh. "Fuck! It really didn't take me that long to get 'ya like this, princess. You sure you're over me? You sure you want nothin' to do with me? Cause it don't seem that way to me, 'ya know. C'mon sweetheart, 'ya over me or not?"
You nodded profusely as your hands clawed at the sofa and your mouth let out screams of pleasure. Your body betrayed you yet you still hung onto whatever shred of self respect was left because despite the truth being incredibly evident by the scene in front of him, you'd still rather die than admit you were still in love with him.
Toji rolled his eyes at you and pulled his fingers out from you, earning a whine at the feeling of being empty. "Don't you fuckin' lie to me, princess." he snapped, hitting the fat of your ass as hard as he could. You mewled in pain yet you still muttered words of how much you loathed him and wanted to leave him.
"'M not lying, Toji. I'd fucking leave you in a heartbeat if I could." you sniffled. another sharp yet harsh laugh from Toji as he slapped your ass again, just as hard as previously, before he leaned back with his arms stretched out on the sofa.
"Go on then, princess. Leave. Don't forget, your panties are still by the door." he smirked down at you.
This was it. It was either you leave now, block him from your existence to spare you the embarrassment of what you had already done but also spare you from ever trying to contact him again, and finally have whatever respect you still had for yourself within you left to hold onto.
However, if you stayed, all that would be gone, and you'd wake up in his arms and begin the day by making his breakfast before your own before putting every other one of his needs throughout the day above your own as well.
You tried. You tried to get up and leave but the feeling of one of his hands sliding up your leg and grazing your clit made you give up the remaining strength you had, falling back down onto the sofa and pushing your body against his.
"Good girl, knew you'd make the right choice." he cooed before inserting his fingers inside you again with a much quicker and much more satisfying pace than before.
His fingers moved rapidly inside you, hitting that spot inside you over and over again as you gradually tightened around him as you got closer to your release.
Though Toji was not a nice man. Not nice enough to promise you a reward and then proceed to grant it to you.
So, as you clenched around his thick fingers, warning him of your oncoming orgasm, his fingers came to an abrupt stop as the knot in your stomach began to fade.
"What? I was so good for you- I did everything you asked- I stayed." you sputtered out cries of confusion. You wailed at his cruelty, eyes glossed and tears staining your cheeks, searching his fixed face for an answer yet he showed you none as his only reason for denying you was for the hell of it.
"Stop your whining. What, you'd rather come on my fingers than my cock?" he asked annoyedly, thought it caught your attention as you shook your head. "That's what I thought, now get off and get ready to take my dick, slut."
Hurridley, you removed yourself from his lap and waited, facing him, on the edge of the sofa.
Toji, however, took his sweet time in removing his shirt, taking off your skirt and then finally moving to, once again, free his dick and spread your legs wide as your head lay on the arm rest.
The tip of his cock ran smoothly through your folds, teasing you maliciously as you bucked your hips against him.
He leaned down, capturing your lips in another kiss before nibbling at the bottom lip and pushing his dick in. You winced at the intrusion, yet did everything in your power to stay strong and make sure he felt good so he would tease you by pulling out.
Your arms hooked underneath his, clawing at his back as your eyes were screwed tightly shut. Toji whispered praises in your ear about how well you were taking him.
He groaned lowly in your ear as he pushed more of his dick in, stuffing you full. "You see that? You see my dick inside you? See how your pussy was made for me?" Toji asked as he pressed on the bulge on your belly, earning a moan from you.
The more desperate Toji became, the less regard he had for how much pain you were in as he started moving inside of you.
Soon, he was pummeling his cock in and out of your pussy as his hair clung to his face. "Can't fuckin' resist you, princess. This pussy's too good, I'll never get enough of it."
The pain began to subside as it washed away into please, his cock bullying you into a submissive, whining mess.
Your hands grabbed onto his back as his clung onto your thighs, both of you moaning and panting profusely, not being able to get enough of each other's bodies. His dick hit the perfect angle as your pussy sucked him in possessively, refusing to let him fully go.
"Fuck, yes- gonna cum inside 'ya, stuff you full of my cum, bet you'd love that, huh? C'mon sweetheart, come with me please, I need to feel you cum around me."
"Shit- Toji, 'm gonna cum! Can't take it any longer-"
The knot finally snapped, causing you to tighten around Toji as he followed shortly after, fulfilling his promise of stuffing you full.
Your bodies were hot and sweaty and you panted against one another excessively. You stayed like that for a while, foreheads resting against each other as you occasionally peppered a few kisses against one another.
"Shits so good and you wanna leave me? Don't make me laugh, princess, and don't make this shit harder by being dramatic. Just fucking stay." Toji muttered against your lips.
Despite your mind screaming ‘no’, you whispered back a meek "Okay."
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gunilslaugh · 6 months
Hello! I'm sure you get this a lot but I really love and enjoy your writing and I'd love to see how you'd write a reaction with 0t6 betraying the reader. Like a member leaving the reader over a friend or another member during an important event for the reader. Can the reader be a bit stubborn and not easy to win over but a fluff ending overall? I hope this makes sense I'm willing to explain more if needed.☺️ Hope you're having a great day.
All members << * ~ * >>
Summary:The aftermath of Xdinary Heroes leaving you during an important event. (idol/non-idol au)
Warning: angst I guess
I'm aware the endings aren't that fluffy, but they do show that their relation is gonna be ok, so I hope that's enough.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
You searched around for Gunil in the crowd, but you couldn’t find him. Pulling out your phone you went to text him only to discover that he already sent you a text. “Sorry Jooyeon called from the hospital he’s fine but I had to go.” “I’m sure you did great though!” His first text felt like a stab to the gut and the second was a twist of the knife. Gunil left you. When he knew how important today was for you, he still left you.
“Hey darling, I'm back.” Gunil approached you trying to kiss your cheek, but you moved away. “What’s wrong?” he asked. You scoffed and rolled your eyes, walking away from him. “Ok look I’m sorry I left I know-”
“You knew how important today was for me and you still left,” you cut him off harshly. 
“It’s not like I wanted to. Believe me, but Jooyeon called me in a panic about how he had to go to the hospital and asked me to meet him there so-” 
“You couldn’t have told someone else to go meet him? Jungsu, Seungmin, Hyeongjun? Why did it have to be you?” Gunil sighs at your sharp words. He tried to approach you, again you kept your distance. 
“Ok, you’re right. I should have asked if someone else could go meet him, but he sounded like he was pretty hurt and I was worried. What would you do if your friend called you all panicked about needing to go to the hospital?” Gunil flipped his situation on you. You sighed, you do understand why he left, but it still hurt. 
“I understand Gunil, but it still hurts that you weren’t there for me,” you told him. Gunil tries to approach you again and this time you let him. 
“I am truly deeply sorry y/n. Trust me I felt horrible for leaving you. I’ll do whatever you want to make it up to you ok?” he said. 
“Ok…I’m still mad though.” Gunil smiled and kissed your cheek, feeling relieved that you didn’t shy away this time.
This wasn’t good. You were furious. Jungsu had left you alone at a family event that you specifically told him how much you needed him to be there. To make matters worse he left you to go help her. His friend that he always told you to not worry about, yet you just couldn’t help it. Today certainly didn’t help with that.
“I’m sorry y/n, but she called me crying and all upset. What was I supposed to do?” Jungsu says.
“I was crying and upset after you left! Plus you know how I feel about her and I told you how much I needed you!” you yelled back.
“Y/n I am really sorry. You really don’t have to worry about her.”
“Don’t I? You literally picked her over me. How am I supposed to not worry about that?” Tears filled your eyes. 
“I swear you're the one I love y/n,” he pleaded with you. 
“I’m not sure about that. I don’t know if I can do this anymore.” The tears slid from your eyes. 
“Don’t say that.” Tears welled up in Jungsu’s eyes. 
“I need someone who can be there for me when I need them. Someone who would pick me. I’m not sure if that’s you.” You looked down at your feet.
“It’s me. It’s me alright. I’ll never contact her again if that’s what you need me to do. I promise you’re the only one I want.”
“That would make me look like a villain,” you sighed. 
“No it wouldn’t. I shouldn’t have gone to her today. It was a mistake and I regret it. I didn’t think it would upset you this much, but I should’ve known better.”
“You won’t pick her over me ever again?” You had to be sure before you thought about forgiving him. 
“Swear on my life,” he stated. 
“Ok, I think I still need some time though,” you say. 
“That’s fine, but can I hug you at least?” he asks. You thought for a moment before nodding. He holds you like you're made of glass. 
“You promised you would come.” You sounded so dejected as the words fell from your mouth. Jiseok promised that he would come to support you at an important event, but he never showed. It made you feel like you weren’t important to him. Not important enough at least. 
“I know. I’m sorry, but the guys needed me,” he tried to explain. 
“And what they wouldn’t have understood that I needed you?” you scoffed. 
“Y/n please I know I made you upset, but-”
“But what? Now I know that you’ll pick your friends over me? You showed me where I stand with you?” Your voice grew louder. 
“Y/n I love you so much.” You scoff again. 
“You think saying you love me is gonna magically make me forgive you? Not this time Kwak Jiseok. I’m really pissed at you.” You stood up to walk away, but Jiseok desperately grabbed your arm. 
“Y/n please don’t leave. I know I messed up bad, but please don’t leave me.” You could hear the desperation in his voice. 
“I need some space, Jiseok. I don’t want to be around you right now.” You tried to pull your arm free, but Jiseok held it tighter. Not too tight though. He didn’t want to hurt you anymore than he already has. 
“I’ll give you all the space you want, but can you please promise that you won’t break up with me because of this? I really can’t lose you y/n. I love you with my whole heart and I’m not saying that to try and gain your sympathy. I just want you to know that I do.” You took a breath, taking the time to process his words. 
“I’m not gonna break up with you. I love you too, but I really need space right now, so can you please?” You looked at where his hand was wrapped around your arm. Jiseok slowly let go, like he was still scared of losing you, but he had to trust you. It was his only option. “I’ll let you know when I’m ready to talk.” Jiseok nodded. All he could do now was wait.
“I really needed you today, you know?” Seungmin left you right in the middle of an event. One that you really needed him at for moral support. You needed someone to lean on. He knew that, yet he still left you alone.
“I know. Jungsu really needed me too he-”
“More than me? He didn’t have anyone else that could help him?” you cut Seungmin off. 
“It was something only I could help him with,” Seungmin explained. 
“I really needed you too though. I guess it really is bros before hoes huh?” You were very clearly upset. 
“Y/n please don’t be like that. I understand that you're angry with me. You have the right to be, but you know I wouldn’t have left if I didn’t need to.” Yes, you did know that. Logically you did know that Seungmin wouldn’t have left if he didn’t need to. That since he left, Jungsu evidently did need him more than you did, but still sucks that you weren’t the one he chose. It still hurts. 
“I know, I know, but it still really hurts me that you left,” you tell him.
“I’m sorry. I know that doesn’t fix what happened, but for the record it wasn’t easy for me to leave you. I felt guilty about it- I still do. I wanna make it up to you whatever way I can.”
“I don’t know how you can,” you expressed. 
“Whatever you think about I’ll do it ok? Whether you figure it out now for five years from now I’ll do it,” he promises. You nodded. 
“Is Jungsu alright?” You could finally ask now that you were feeling more calmed down. 
“He will be. He feels bad for making me leave you too. He wants to apologize, but he figured you would be upset and need some time,” he tells you. 
“Why is Jungsu so sweet? Can’t even stay mad at him,” you grumbled. 
“I’m sorry again,” Seungmon conveys one last time.
“I get it.” Your head fell to rest on his shoulder.
You knew Hyeongjun wasn’t the type of person to just not show up. Especially when you talked about how important today was, so your initial reaction to him not showing up was that something must have happened to him. When you found out that something did happen only it wasn’t to him, it was a friend of his. You felt relieved that Hyeongjun was ok, but then anger quickly set in over that fact he picked them over you. You couldn’t keep the thoughts away that this person meant more to him than you did. That he would pick this person over you again.
“Am I not important to you Hyeongjun?” You couldn’t help but ask. 
“What? Y/n you are so important to me. What are you talking about?” Hyeongjun responded. 
“Not important enough for you to pick me that’s why,” you mumbled. 
“Y/n I’m deeply sorry about that, but I thought that you were strong enough to handle it on your own and-”
“Your friend wasn’t. Yeah I get it, but if I wasn’t strong enough. What if I felt like I was having an anxiety attack the entire time? I kept looking for you because if I saw you I knew that I would be ok, but you never showed,” you tell him. Hyeongjun feels bad, horrible, but he can’t take back what he did. If he had a time machine he doesn’t know what he would do. He was in a really tight spot today and he’s fully aware that whatever he chose would be wrong for someone. However now maybe he thinks he should’ve wronged his friend instead of you. 
“I wronged you and I’m sorry, but whatever I did I would have wronged someone. Can you try to understand that at least? Not saying that it should’ve been you. It was a lose-lose situation for me and I had to try and pick which one would be a bigger loss.”
“So your friend is a bigger loss than losing me?” Your anger flared. 
“No! No! Y/n that’s not what I meant. I thought you would be more understanding about the situation or I don’t know. I did a really bad job at explaining. I would much rather lose my friend than you. You’re the most important person to me please trust me on that. I-I-I really messed things up for us didn’t I?” Hyeongjun began to anxiously ramble.
“I am really mad at you, but I’ll be able to forgive you with time. It's just what you did today. Made me feel like I wasn’t important to you.” 
“You are so important to me, I promise. I’ll never pick someone else over you again alright? I was stupid today,” he says
“You were in a hard situation. I understand, but you also understand that what you did hurt me right?” 
“I do and I’m deeply, truly, sorry.” He looked you in the eyes and you can tell he meant it.
 “Jooyeon, how could you leave me alone today! I told you how serious this event was!” Jooyeon flinched at your words. He knew that you would be upset with him for leaving, but he didn’t anticipate you being this upset. 
“I’m sorry y/n, but she really needed me. You know I wouldn’t have left if she didn’t.”
“Did she need you more than me? I really needed you!” You didn’t even want to hear about her. You know that she was just Jooyeon’s friend. You didn’t have any worries about her being more than that, but the fact that you now had confirmation that he would pick her over you hurt like a slap to the face, multiple slaps.
“Y/n please don’t do this to me. It was a hard, impossible even, decision to make,” he tried to plead. 
“Yet, you still picked her in the end and if you picked her once you’ll probably pick her again. She comes before me,” you stated. 
“No she doesn-” he began. 
“She did this time, so why not other times?” you cut him off. 
“She didn’t have anybody else,” he tired to explain. 
“And I did?” you said sarcastically. Feeling like your anger was at a max. If you were a cartoon you’d have smoke coming out of your ears. Jooyeon sighs. 
“No, you didn’t. Look, all I can do is apologize. In that moment I felt like-”
“She needed you more than I did. Yeah I get that,” you rolled your eyes.
“I may have made a mistake-”
“May?” You arched your brow. 
“I did make a mistake,” he restates his words. “Friends are supposed to be there for one another, but I get that I should've explained to her that you really needed me and I shouldn’t have gone. Looking back at the situation I see that now. I can only hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me,” he says. 
“I don’t want to feel like I’m in a competition with her,” you express. 
“You’re not. I promise you’re not. I’ll set more clear boundaries,” Jooyeon declares. 
“You can’t leave me again. I really did need you today,” you say. 
“I won’t, I won’t. I promise. I’m sorry for today.” He hugs you, rubbing your back to try and soothe your tension.
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver
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joelswritingmistress · 9 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 24
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible.
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader
“He asked me to move in with him.” I couldn't keep the word vomit from leaving my mouth as I settled into a little booth across from Tori with a coffee between my hands.
Her eyebrows seemed to raise about three inches and she didn't say anything at first.
“It's crazy, I know.” I shook my head.
“How long have you been with him?”
“A month.” I made a face.
“Does he, like, ejaculate gold coins or something?” Tori asked, laughing as she spoke.
I laughed with her and shook my head, looking down. “I don't know. I've never been like this. He's just got this way about him.”
“What's his house like?”
A small smile crept onto my face and she cut in before I could answer.
“He's rich, isn't he?”
“He lives in this, like, mini castle.”
“A castle?”
“Well, that's what it looks like. It's really cool.”
“Okay, so my suspicions are correct.”
I swallowed hard, eager to hear her theories. “What suspicions?”
“He ejacs gold coins.”
I laughed again, actually pleased she hadn't said something serious. I wasn't in the mood for sinister scenarios that would only heighten my internal anxiety over the situation.
“I don't even care about the house or whatever. I just.. I'm falling way too fast for this guy.” My eyes met here across the table. “Do you think I'm crazy?”
Tori gave a half smile and a shrug. “A little.” She smiled fully and sipped her coffee. “It is a little fast.”
“It's very fast.”
“Okay, it's very fast,” she agreed. “But, it's your call. What's your gut telling you? I'd ask what your heart’s telling you but I'm pretty sure I already know that. And the heart can be misleading.” Tori motioned to me with her drink as she emphasized the last part.
“Yeah.” I sighed and reached into a small paper bag for the muffin I’d ordered with my coffee.
“Well, how about this?” Tori went on when I broke off a piece of the muffin top. “If things work out with Mr. “Joel Gold Coins”,” she used her fingers to do the air quotes and I snickered, “Then I better be the maid of honor. And if it ends up not being what you thought, then there's always a room for you at 355 Ellie Drive.”
I looked toward my friend and let out another exhale through my nose. She was so understanding and not judgmental. I had disappeared off the face of the earth for a month since meeting Dr. Miller and she never questioned a thing.
“I'm sorry if I've been a bad friend,” I started but she reached for my hand and wagged a finger.
“You haven't been a bad friend,” she disagreed. “We’re at pivotal points in our lives. And I guess the lucky part is that we've kind of both found the same thing in the same time frame.” Tori shrugged, “It happens. We’re.. growing up.”
I smiled, “Adulting?”
“Ugh, you know I hate that word.”
I laughed and then sighed again with a more serious expression. “Thank you, Tori.”
“You're welcome.”
“I mean it. Thank you.” I sipped my coffee again. “Now, I'm done making this all about me. Tell me about Derek.”
My friend bit her bottom lip and spilled all the recent tea about her beau. I knew Derek. I liked him. The fact that he would be there with her full time took away some of the guilt I was experiencing. Tori appeared excited and happy and light as air. Getting a chance to sit and talk was rejuvenating. As much as I enjoyed the intensity of my time with Dr. Miller, I appreciated the lighthearted feeling I had being in Tori’s company.
“Once a week,” my friend pointed at me as we finally left the little coffee shop, “And that's nonnegotiable.”
“Once a week. And I'll be back soon to get my clothes and stuff.” I nodded and we exchanged a hug. “I'm going to head into LL Bean,” I said motioning to the store a few doors down on the little street.
“I have to go to work or I'd gladly spend a good hundred bucks in there with you.”
“Okay, be safe. I miss you.”
Tori blew a kiss. “See you soon.”
I waved goodbye and headed into the store, mostly in search of a good pair of winter boots.
If I happen to walk out with a sweater or two, so be it, I thought internally with a smile. Or maybe a hat for our ski wedding weekend.
An older man greeted me with a friendly, “Hello,” from behind a cash register off to the left. I smiled and waved before making the trek up a flight of stairs to the second floor where I knew the women's shoe section was.
A rack of on-sale sweaters and shirts conveniently greeted me near the top of the stairs and I gave it a lengthy browse. A knee length blue and white sweater dress caught my eye and I draped it over my arm before moving on toward the shoes.
“(Y/N)?” A female voiced my name quietly and I turned my attention away from the wall of boots in front of me.
When I glanced over my left shoulder I froze. Christine, Dr. Miller’s ex-wife, had just exited the dressing room. She was dressed more casually than our first meeting, sporting jeans and a sweater with a winter hat.
“Hi,” I said awkwardly.
“How are you doing?” She asked, as if we were friends or acquaintances that hadn't seen one another for awhile.
“I'm fine.” I forced a smile. “How are you?”
“Good.” Christine smiled back and bluntly asked, “Are you still seeing Joel?”
I gave a little nod, hoping that would be the end of that. Of course it wasn't.
“Look, woman to woman,” she said, beginning to pace in my direction. “I don't want to see you get hurt the way I did. Just.. be careful. Joel has this charisma that can really be..” She took a few seconds as she searched for the correct word, “Blinding.”
“I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by that.” I didn't want to have this conversation. People broke up all the time and could easily list off the reasons why their former partner was terrible. It didn't mean those two people couldn't move on and find someone more compatible for them. Everyone has flaws.
“I fell for him,” Christine nodded and stared at me, “Fast. Hard.” She shook her head and maintained eye contact, “He has secrets, (Y/N).”
“Don't we all?” I tried to sound casual and glanced down at the sweater on my arm.
“Not these kind of secrets.”
“Well, what are these kind of secrets?” I asked.
Christine sighed, looking around as she did before finding my eyes again. “That's something I'll take to my grave.. but also something I couldn't live with.”
I wasn't typically one to speak up, but I couldn't help myself now. “So, woman to woman you came here to warn me, but you can't tell me about what? You just want me to be careful because of Joel's secrets but you won't tell me what those secrets are?” I shook my head, “If you were actually looking out for me, you'd tell me.” I wandered away from the boots section back toward the staircase.
“It's the least I can do,” Christine called out.
I took the stairs back to the bottom floor. All the life that Tori had breathed into me, Christine had sucked out. I was so taken aback that I almost walked out with the sweater without paying for it. Hell, I hadn't even tried it on.
I stopped myself before closing in on the door and made a hard right toward the register.
“Find everything you were looking for?” The old man asked with a friendly grin.
I wanted to match his cheeriness but I just couldn't. Still, I managed a smile. “Yes, thank you.” He scanned the tag, I swiped my card and then headed back out onto the street.
I was going to tell Dr. Miller about bumping into Christine. I wasn't about to accuse him of anything but I needed to at least ask what she was referring to. Of course he had secrets - or at least some unknowns he promised to tell in due time. As much as I needed to know, I wasn't going to bombard him simply because his ex-wife bombarded me.
She hated me, Dr. Miller had claimed. I was sure at least part of her approaching me had something to do with sabotaging him.
I shook my head and hurried across the street to an ATM. Having a little cash on me at all times was something my parents had always advised me to do, and it was a habit I'd carried into adulthood.
I looked around the immediate area and then back to the doors of LL Bean to see if Christine had come out. I wanted to get out of the area as soon as possible and cozy up by a warm fire, as Dr. Miller had promised.
As I slipped my card into the machine, I envisioned it for a moment, trying to push away the negative thoughts that had been bestowed upon me. It worked - sort of.
I punched in my four digit code and selected to remove sixty dollars. Again, I looked over my shoulder as the ATM worked its magic. When the screen instructed me to remove my card, I did just that and then tucked it away back into my purse.
The money dispensed and upon collecting it, I looked at the screen again. If it had been a cartoon I swear my eyes would have popped right out of my head.
This has to be a mistake. I looked at the balance. It was all wrong.
“What the hell?”
The receipt shot out next as the screen switched to a simple, THANK YOU, in bold letters. I ripped the receipt from its place and studied the numbers. The balance on the thin piece of white paper matched that of the balance on the screen.
This has to be a mistake.
As I stood in disbelief, staring at the fifty-seven thousand dollars that was now said to be in my account, my eyes glanced up and I saw Christine staring at me from across the street. I felt like she knew exactly what I was staring at on that money slip.
When she shook her head, I crumpled the paper and forced it into my coat pocket before rushing to my car and driving away from that quaint, little street in the center of town.
@untamedheart81 @suttonspuds @cesspitoflove @michilandcof @grogusmum @morallyinept @akah565 @brittmb115 @magpiepills @poodlebae @gobaaby-blog-blog @mermaidgirl30 @mandijo17 @jiminstinypinky @shotgun-shelby @itscatrodriguez-thepearl @macaroni676 @acciowolfstar1
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cheeseceli · 1 year
Falling in Love [deeper than I've felt before]
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Pairing: Hyunjin × gn!Reader
Genre: fluff, slowburn
Warnings: reader drinks alcohol at some point, not proofread.
Request: part 2 of Moving On but can be read individually
a/n: it took a while to go to the plot but i promise y/n moves on lmao; the ending is a bit rushed? But creativity had left me sadly. Also this was posted accidentally so I'm so sorry if there is something which seems off
The day has come. And you still can't believe how dumb you were from accepting the invitation to go to your ex's wedding.
You were going straight to the biggest heartbreak you'd ever have, but there was no turning back now. You said you would be in the damn party so you will be there.
"Seriously Y/n, I think you shouldn't go." Yeji, a friend of yours, said while helping you figure out something to wear "Just tell him that you were sick or something. I can lie to him if you want"
"I said I'd be there and I'm not one to break a promise."
"It's barely a promise. He admitted himself that it would be awkward, it's better if you skip it. You're just torturing yourself at this point"
"I'm going. Besides, maybe that's what I need to finally move on. It's been 3 years already. I need that."
Yeji sighed. She openly disagreed with your point of view, there should be another way of moving on without shattering your heart into pieces, but she wouldn't insist anymore.
"We have some hours until the wedding. Let's go to the mall, we need something good for you to wear" she got up from the edge of your bed "unless you wanna go in pajamas."
And that's how, four hours later, you were fully prepared to the wedding. Even though you looked great, you still felt a pain in your chest because of the price you spent. The situation was starting to become a little ridiculous, you couldn't believe you wasted so much money on an outfit you'd never wear again because it'd probably bring a lot of bad memories.
This better have a good outcome.
But deep inside you were happy that Yeji made you put some effort in how you'd look because the place was beautiful. The decoration was really enchanting, with a lot of white and green flowers and you could even hear the sound of a piano. It looked like the wedding was designed to fit a disney princess' movie.
The guests were also gorgeous. Some of them were still your friends while some were "ex-friends", as you lost contact with them after the break up. There were a lot of people you didn't know there, friends and family of Changbin's partner you assumed. It looked like you could actually enjoy the night if it wasn't for the current scenario.
You ended up sitting in the table with all the other Itzy girls and for some moments you were able to forget the bad feeling in your chest. That was until the ceremony started.
Needless to say that you cried during the vows. They were so happy, Changbin was happy. At the same time that your heart was aching, you felt a a weight out of your shoulders. It was like you were finally given the chance to set free from your past and not be attached to it anymore.
Changbin wouldn't come back. You shouldn't wait for him.
It was less painful than what you originally thought. Seeing how he cried after seeing his partner and how he didn't hesitate to kiss them, you could even feel happiness. I'm happy you're happy at last. That's how you were able to clap and celebrate for the now married couple, along the rest of the guests.
Now, of course, you needed to drink. Realisation was still sinking in and you couldn't say congratulations to the couple while being sober. That's why you went straight up to the bar once people started to dance and sat down in the first free chair you could find.
You looked to the side and saw Hyunjin. The fact that sooner or later one of the stray kids members would show up slipped of your mind and you were actually surprised for seeing the boy in front of you. Even though you were still friends with Changbin, you barely talked to the kids. The last time you saw Hyunjin was two years ago, you think. He got even prettier, you noticed.
"Hey" you finally reply "it's been a while."
"I know right? Wasn't expecting to see you here though."
"I wasn't supposed to be here I guess... I might be leaving soon"
It seemed that Hyunjin understood the circumstances, it was reasonable your urge to leave. But at the same time, the night had just started and it's been a pretty long time since you last talked to everyone. They missed you. He missed you.
"At least have a drink with me" he proposes, already calling the bartender "I wanna know what you've been into." How could you say no?
So you and Hyunjin drank together while catching up with each other and God, you did miss a lot. Hyunjin was talking about every show they attended to while you gossiped about a drama that was happening in your work place. He showed pictures of his paintings while you showed pictures of your pets. He even gave you a minor spoiler of their next comeback. You laughed a lot during some hours.
While you were telling him about the last trip you did with some of your friends, a different song started playing and everyone got out of the center of the room. You looked at the commotion to find out it was when the just married couple begun their dance. You were observing them, so you failed to notice Hyunjin's gaze on you and his little smile. He truly missed you.
"Are you guys okay?"
You looked at him, taking a while to understand what he meant. By the time you comprehended it, he regretted and tried saying "I'm sorry, shouldn't have asked".
"We're okay" you answered "we should be at least."
"No hard feelings? Were you able to, you know, move on?"
"I'm moving on as we speak. I think this is my last chapter with him."
He was looking at you with curiosity. Like he actually wanted to understand your feelings, like he actually wanted to listen without judgements. So you kept explaining:
"Maybe I was ready for a while, I just didn't want to let go. I've never been good with changes. I just didn't want to lose the possibility of everything being fine without any change." you grew consciously of the man's attention on you, so you tried to brush it off by laughing "Sorry for the therapy session all of the sudden."
He giggled "Don't worry, I don't mind. I'm happy for you, to be able to keep going. Happy for both of you."
The dance was close to an end and everyone was cheering, but Changbin and his partner looked like they were in their own world, lost in each others embrace and smile. You could see their love in their eyes. That's what they deserved.
"I am happy too."
You were being genuine. Its like another weight was lifted off you. You were slowly collecting the pieces of your heart and putting them together. You were healing.
When the newlyweds finished their first dance as a married couple, the guests applauded in joy and went back to the dance floor when another song started playing. Hyunjin drank the last sip of the drink he ordered and stood up. You didn't want to admit but you were kinda disappointed that he was already going. You started to wonder if you had said anything wrong or said too much, that was until he offered his hand to you with a smile.
He saw your confused expression and explained it clearly“Let's dance. You're not planning on staying in this bar for the whole night, are you? ”
“I am, actually. Besides I'm going home soon, there's no need to-”
“C'mon Y/n. ” he interrupted you while moving forward to hold your hand “You cannot come to a wedding party and not dance to at least one song. I promise I'll stop bothering you after this.”
Hesitantly, you held his hand back and got up.
“Was my offer to stop bothering you so tempting? You're even smiling” he said, making you laugh.
“Shut up.”
The room was filled with couples and friends. You didn't notice that the song that was playing, falling in love by cigarettes after sex, required a slow dancing. You just noticed it after Hyunjin was really close to you, holding your waist with both hands and smiling dearly for you. You soon placed your hands in his shoulder.
“You weren't so bold before, you know.”
“What do you mean?”
“Normally you wouldn't invite someone to dance, you were always kinda shy. I remember I begged you to dance with me in my own birthday party and still you denied.”
“That was when I was a trainee, how do you even remember that?”
“Oh it made me cry for weeks”
He laughed, bringing you closer to him. You guys were barely dancing, you were just hugging each other and swinging from side to side.
“Were you always this dramatic?”
“You're one to talk.”
“Well...” Hyunjin said before sighing, like he was wondering what words to use for what he was about to say.“we can say that I regret not accepting your invite to dance back then. And who knows when I'll have another opportunity.”
You were the shy one now. You really didn't expect to Hyunjin to be so bold, even though he didn't say nothing considered too much and you probably were analysing to deeply. Trying to not blush, you decided to light the situation: "I say it was the alcohol that made you so straightforward."
"Oh that helped of course" he laughed. And you kept talking the most random things while being on each other's arms, dancing to a love song like it was something casual. When the first song came to an end, he was ready to say goodbye to you, even though that was the last thing he wanted in the moment.
"I don't mind dancing for another song" you said. You don't know what made you change your mind so quickly, but then you saw his smile and understood the change of heart. That smile was worth a lot of dances.
You probably danced for more than two hours. In slow songs you'd just hug each other while talking about your life, in happy songs you would dance like crazy and proceed to judge those who were better than you and sometimes you'd just follow hyunjin's lead to try to follow a dance routine. You just stopped when Hyunjin was covered in sweat and your feet couldn't handle anymore. Then you both went to the bar, laughing like that was the funniest thing to ever happen on your life.
Looking to the side, you were met with Yeji. You noticed that her breath wasn't even, which meant that she was probably looking for you for a while now.
“You're still friends with Yeji?”
“Yeah, we still go out sometimes. Why?”
“Just wanted to know.”
“I was looking for you everywhere” Yeji was now right in front of you, breathing heavily “Me and the girls are going back to the dorms, we need to be up early tomorrow. Do you want to go with us?”
You searched for your cell phone, wondering what time it was. It was a little bit past midnight. You wanted to be there for more time, you felt like the night was just starting, but sadly the Itzy girls were your only ride back home. That meant you needed to go now.
You glanced at Hyunjin, who was looking at with expectation. For a second you thought that he was trying to convince you to stay for a bit longer, to enjoy the night with him. But it couldn't be this, right? So you just brushed it off.
“Well, I'll be going then” he gave you a small smile, but he was averting his eyes, trying to not look directly at you, but still he got closer to hug you goodbye “I hope to see you around.”
“Don't go missing this time.”
You laughed at his little joke and he giggled back. You believe it would've been easier to go away if he kept looking at somewhere else, but now his eyes were on you and you felt like you couldn't move. You truly wished the night could be longer.
You had your thoughts interrupted when Yeji faked a cough by your side, making you and Hyunjin both come back to reality and making you get away from his arms. Only then you started to walk away, trying to not look as much as you could.
“Bye Hyunjin.”
He just nodded his head, trying to not say bye. You and Yeji started to walk away, saying goodbye to the ones you'd find in your way.
"Oh wait" you remembered your friend "I still have to congratulate Changbin and his partner, I didn't get the chance to do that earlier."
"They were talking to his parents last time I saw them. Do you feel better?"
"Kinda? I mean, it will take a while to be 100% over this but I already feel a weight off my shoulders."
Yeji smiled and, even though she didn't say anything else, you could see she was happy for your growth. Now you could only wish you would heal and find yourself in a better situation from now on. Maybe you could fall in love again, deeper than you've felt before.
Feedbacks and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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AITA for keeping a huge secret from my mom?
so i (26ftm) moved back in with my parents a little over a year ago due to the housing market. shakes fist at sky. you know how it is. anyways, uh, while i may be a broke zillennial, my parents are fairly financially well off, and it's in part due to my father's job. my mom recently retired and my father keeps saying he's going to retire, but still keeps pushing it off (and has been pushing it off for about a decade now).
now uh, shortly before i moved in, my mom was telling me that she was having problems with my father. that this was "the third time this had happened" and "this is his last chance" - i think you may see where i'm going with this. he was cheating. for the third time. and she'd caught him, got them to go to couples therapy, and told him there would be no fourth chance. she was willing to move out of the house and start anew somewhere else if she needed to.
um. enter me, the apple of my dad's eye. i move in. one night my mom is off at a book club so it's just me and him for dinner. he opens his phone (up til this point i've noticed he looks at his phone A Lot.) and opens up wechat. he's calling someone "babe" and sending them red heart emojis. i instantly feel kind of sick. i ask him, "are you texting mom?" and he gets SO confused for a second and says no (i don't think he knew i'd seen his phone screen).
that was almost a year ago today. since then i have seen him text this other woman nonstop, has talked about starting a family with her, has talked about taking her with him on his "work trips," and - for some reason - i've seen him google straight-up escort websites on his phone. uh, that one was while my mom and i were in the middle of showing him old family videos.
i feel so fucking guilty. every time i see him i want to [REDACTED DUE TO TUMBLR GUIDELINES]. i lost my therapist that i had known for five years in the move, i lost my entire support network, and i still haven't found anything like that up here. i am completely isolated, and while i have my own job right now, i am in no way financially stable enough to find my own place to live. if i tell my mom, i don't know what's going to happen to me. i don't know if she will kick him out or if she will move. i am trying to move back to where i was living, but i just can't afford it. i feel completely trapped in this situation, and i know what the right thing to do is, but i am terrified that on top of losing my entire life a year ago, i'm about to lose everything else, too.
a large part of me wants to confront my father first, but i am also terrified of him. i know i'm his favorite, but i am well aware of his temper, and while he's never physically harmed me, i feel like the situation might be a bit different if i'm the person that might get him divorced and ostracized from the entire family. i don't know. i honestly have no idea. everything is so confusing and i just have felt frozen for an entire year.
but the other night i saw him texting her again. she's mentioned she had been feeling sick lately and he told her that she might be pregnant. i was so close to losing it. i almost ripped his phone out of his hand and smashed it on the ground. i couldn't look him in the eye. i could barely even speak to him. maybe the funniest part about this is that he doesn't realize anything is wrong. he's a fucking narcissist and doesn't pay the slightest bit of attention to how other people act around him.
the next day, he was gone for another "work trip".
i am run completely ragged and i don't know how much longer i can take this. i find myself wishing someone else could take it out of my hands so that i don't have to be responsible for destroying our whole family.
anyways. am i the asshole for being a coward?
a bit of extra INFO as well though: as far as i'm aware, my parents are in a bit of a dead bedroom situation (frankly. my mom likes to oversshare.) so uh. at the very least i know she's not getting whatever diseases my dad surely must have by now.
What are these acronyms?
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tuffmallowinteractive · 5 months
Tuff Mallow Update 4/18/24
Let's talk about all the things.
I've always been a "tell you like it is" person to a fault. I have never had a problem being direct, even if it has been awkward sometimes communicating.
So if I haven't had anything to say, you can be sure something serious is up.
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Most recently I moved. And it was necessary. I was in a previous living situation that made game dev nearly impossible. I'd kept trying though, even as the world was crashing around me, while trying to keep up a front that everything was good. My dev friends were like "JmB, things are not okay."
It was a hard pill to swallow. So I doubled my efforts, took on more work and finally moved and wow have things been moving fast since then!
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I went to GDC 2024!!
Having peace of mind in my own home was already awesome, but then the opportunity to go to GDC arose and I couldn't turn it down! I traveled to San Francisco and attended the week long event for people of the gaming industry, via a scholarship initiative by Black Voices in Gaming! I learned so much and made so many connections with talented phenomenal game industry professionals. But most importantly, I came to understand that this little Mallow has a place in the gaming industry. That the way I am is valid. That I don't need to be perfect, and that other game professionals want to see other creatives succeed and are also actively working towards that goal. It was inspiring and humbling and I never felt more a part of a community. It just reminds me to try harder to build up the creatives around me because if we all come up together, we come up strong!
Well Now We Are Back in Action!
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I am back home. Finally stabilizing a workable schedule. And finally able to finish the things I promised! I owe people content!
- The Closet Door main release
- Background art to clients
- Chibi art to a supporter
- Some art for upcoming jam releases (shhhh)
There's so much going on this month!
I want so desperately to promise that TCD will be out next month- I mean all I have to do is finish coding the game in!
But for now...
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I'm just taking it one step at a time.
You'll definitely know when I release this game (as well as announce the other projects I've been fortunate to be a part of, as well as the solo projects I've been working on behind the scenes. Because I am SO READY!!
As soon as I can officially make a beta version of The Closet Door (late April or Early May), things will move pretty fast! So at that time I hope you will still be with me on this journey, as it's been hell for us all getting here. I'll most likely announce it on all media channels.
Professionals Do... Their Best
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I'm thankful. Always thankful. I would never have made it this far without the kindness people have shown me.
I am not perfect.
Professionals are not perfect. And I refuse to attempt perfection anymore, as I've learned just how toxic that can be to anyone's physical and mental health.
Best believe at any point that I am striving to do the best I can. I will always give the best of what I've got to my work and to others if I can help in any way.
And I will continue to strive towards being genuine and expressing those beliefs in everything I do and make.
I probably won't post another very personal dev post like this again. But it needed to be said.
For those of you who don't know me, I'm AlwaysJmB.
And I am doing my best. 💗
Until next time~
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cybertroniannugget · 9 months
Balancing on the ice❄️
I'm here for you pt.2 (Fluff ending because pt.1 was kinda dark and this is CHRISTMAS TIME)
Dec 13
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After the not so great encounter earlier, Optimus takes it upon himself to cheer you up.
The sound of your phone ringing catches your attention and as you lift it up you see, that it's Optimus calling you.
Pulse rising you pick up with the usual 'hello' as a greeting.
"My sincerest apologies for contacting you this late but would you mind walking over to the main hangar?"
"Eh, sure no problem. Why though?"
Fidgeting with a pen you listen to his answer.
"After today I wish to drive somewhere with you."
"Just you an I?", you ask, letting the pen fall onto the floor.
"As long as the idea does not arise negative feelings in you."
You nod, realizing he couldn't see you.
"Of course!", you answer a little too excited.
"I'll be there in a minute."
"I will meet you there then."
He hangs up the call and you could hear your fast pulse in your ears.
Quickly getting into your winter clothing, you walk outside to where the Prime was already waiting in his truck form.
The driver's door opens, inviting you to get in.
Carefully you do so, unsure whether to close the door yourself.
It closes on it's own, the warmth of the cabin welcoming you.
"It will be a 20 minute drive. If you wish to remove your winter coat you can place it next to you onto the passenger's seat.", Optimus's voice echoes over the radio.
You remove your coat, keeping it in your kap though.
"Now please fasten the seatbelt.", he says and you do as you're told.
The engine starts with a loud rumble, the vehicle setting in motion, leaving the base.
The first few minutes of the drive are silent.
Desperate to break the silence you speak up.
"If I may ask, where are we going exactly?"
"I wish to keep it a surprise."
You nod, again realizing that he CANNOT SEE YOU.
"That's fine."
Another moment of silence before he turns to speak.
"How are you feeling?"
"After what happened today?"
The Prime hums.
"Pretty awful to be honest. It was scary. But you saved me. I wanna thank you for that."
"I deemed it necessary to take action."
You chuckle. "Never thought I'd see you hit someone square in the face like that."
"I deemed it necessary.", he repeats.
"If negotiation cannot get me far..."
"You'll throw hands.", you finish his sentence after noticing he couldn't find the words to do so himself.
Ten minutes later he stops and you get into your wanr coat again.
The door opens and you get out, careful not to slip.
Before you stretched an entirely frozen lake. Tge light of the setting sun colored the ice in purple and orange. Mesmerized by the sight you don't notice the shifting behind you. Only when Optimus stands beside you in his mass displaced form you connect the dots.
He was still a head taller than you in this form.
"Now, what's your plan, Prime?", you ask, hands on your hips.
"Teaching you in how to keep your balance on the ice."
Eyes widening you look up at him.
"Wh-now?! Why?"
"Because you deserve to enjoy yourself, which you were not able to do today. I am here to change that if you allow me to."
He extends his servo, which you grab hesitantly.
He nods, slowly guiding you down onto the ice
"I don't think this is a good idea.", you mumble doubting the whole situation.
"I am here with you. Holding no ill intentions."
"I know.", you respond, holding onto his arms for dear life.
"Let's do this then.", you try to convince yourself that this not end in a total desaster.
After a few initial rounds of tumbling and falling once, you got quite the hang of it.
Certainly you couldn't move across the ice as gracefully as Prime, but it could be worse.
"You are improving."
"Because you are patient with me Optimus.", you admit.
"Pressuring you would not prove to be of advantage. I let you take all the time you need and be patient."
Taking a deep breath, you brace yourself for what you were saying next.
"And that's why I love you Optimus.", you blurt out.
"There I said it."
His eyes widen for a mere moment, before his gaze relaxes, looking at you with nothing but love.
"Wait, don't tell me you feel the same?!"
"How could I not feel love for you? From the few people on earth accepting us, you are the most welcoming. Every aspect of you is something I admire greatly, and I wish to learn more about who you are."
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wildissylupus · 1 year
The unfair Villainization of Deadlock and the Romanticism of Blackwatch
I've posted about this before but I thought I'd go more in depth since I have expanded my analysis since.
A trend I've seen when it comes to Cassidy and Blackwatch fans is that they often demonize Deadlock while also acting like Blackwatch was the best thing to ever happen to Cassidy (spoiler: It wasn't). The fact is that in lore, Cassidy misses Deadlock, while he regrets the things he did in Blackwatch. Ana actively stated that joining Blackwatch was Cassidy going from one desperate situation to another. Not only that but Cassidy was left in a worse state after his experience with Blackwatch.
Say what you will about Deadlock being a criminal gang, but none of them have joined a TERROIST ORGANISATION. Not only that but after Deadlock took down the Diamondbacks, they didn't just...leave shit as it was. Ashe actively brought order the the criminal underground of Texas, before that it's implied that gangs would just attack random people with Cassidy saying that he, a 15 year old, with nothing to his name, needed to travel with a gun. Meanwhile Blackwatch, specifically Reyes, caused a power-vacuum that cause several innocent lives to be lost.
Not only that but it's shown that Deadlock treats it's members better than Blackwatch did. Ashe, though harsh, shows the members of her gang nothing but respect. Meanwhile Reyes is commenting to a very mentally unstable Genji that they should have hired his brother, reminder this was a Genji that was still very pissed at Hanzo. Also want to point out that after Blackwatch disbanded and Genji was moved to a Overwatch Strike team, he seemed happier, healthier.
There is also the fact that Cassidy was more loyal to people outside of Blackwatch then to those within, there are no reports of Overwatch or Blackwatch going after Deadlock again, Cassidy didn't tell Reyes about Echo, Cassidy told Jack everything that happened at Rialto despite it being obvious Reyes was trying to down play the situation. Another fact is that after Blackwatch was sidelined Genji didn't talk to anyone who was a part of Blackwatch, Cassidy being a possible exception but even then it's implied that Cassidy was also allowed to be placed on Overwatch Strike Teams.
All this being said, we see how loyal and how close everyone in Deadlock is, and the fact that we don't have anything saying Blackwatch went after Deadlock again after they got Cassidy, it kind of implies that he never said anything. Never gave anything away.
I honestly don't care how people view Blackwatch but the amount of times I see Deadlock villainized is not ok. I understand it if it's posts from before Ashe was introduced but after...
I'm just glad Ashe herself isn't that villainized that much, from what I've seen the only people who villainize her are toxic Yeehan shippers, which I only see on tictok nowadays.
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ravenbrooks · 28 days
Living room chat
Summary: Principle Abanante has a chat with Nicky's parents
‌ "Mr and Mrs Roth," Principal Abanante began, "I'm sure all of this has been hard on your family. Especially on Nicky, hm?"
Jay and Luanne Roth didn't respond. They sat across from her in their living room, sitting in the plush orange sofa. Jay held a Ho-Ho candy and Luanne had a cup of coffee in hand.
"How has his recovery been?"
"He's...been recovering fine," Luanne finally said, though it was easy to tell from her expression that even she didn't believe it. "He's been getting better," she repeated herself as if trying to convince herself and her husband rather than convince the principal.
She didn't believe it at all, with how jumpy he was at school, and how he'd leave school early so often. However she went along with it for the sake of the family. "What...is there anything that happened during...the incident that the school should know? To make his time easier on him."
Jay responded this time, sighing first, "He hasn't told us anything just yet. He hasn't told anyone anything yet."
Just as the principal was about to open her mouth to say something, Jay spoke again. "He's really...he's really adamant that Mr Peterson didn't do anything."
"I'm sorry, this...whole situation is just so..." Luanne started, putting her coffee down and covering her face with her hands.
"It's not your fault," Principle Abanante said, in the same tone she had always used to tell parents about Nicky in the past. How he used to have a reputation for being a bad student and talking about Mr Peterson being a horrible person. She cringed a little, remembering it. She regrets saying that to so many students, maybe if she didn't then this wouldn't have happened. "He's just a very determined boy."
"..." Luanne stayed silent for a moment, before sitting up. "About what we called for. Do you really think it'd be better if we homeschool him, Miss Abanante?"
"It might help. Of course, it depends on Nicky, but it seems like I'd be a good fit for him after all that happened."
‌ Nicky sat in the closet under the stairs, straining his ears to listen in on them. His parents would probably get upset at him for hiding down there again, cry about him "wanting to go back into the basement," even though that's not even true. He just liked how cramped it was sometimes.
Homeschooling. He never considered he'd get homeschooled. He expected his family would pack up again, and move states away to a house with another colour, like they did over and over before Raven Brooks. He never finished unpacking here, so it wouldn't be hard. He's been expecting that they'll just move away ever since the second they got here. The second Aaron went missing...
He wanted to burst out of the closet and beg them to let him keep going to school. He know he wasn't a good fit to stay in person, but if he had to be stuck in a house...at home again, he'd probably loose his mind. But he just had to wait.
Authors Note: this is my first time writing fan fiction like ever. I hope it's not that bad (*^◯^*) I do want to try again another time. I fear I may have mischaracterized Jay and Luanne if so I am so sorry (^-^;
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