#I'm not doing it for the sillygoofy right now
Part of me wants to "save" Getaway and see what the consequences are
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nightshadeowl · 10 months
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intertexts · 6 months
OK OK SINCE U ARE PRETTY FAR INTO PD NOW. I NEED TO ASK. DO U HAVE A FAVORITE CHARACTER. do u have a favorite moment. whos backstory are u the most interested in seeing. what are u excited to learn about the world . I AM PUTTING UR BRAIN UNDER A MICROSCOPE AND DISSECTING IT IVE GOTTA KNOW. what villains are u most afraid of. write me an essay on ur feelings about mark winters. etc etc etc etc WHATEVER U WANNA TALK ABT RN im standing in the middle of a field like a scarecrow and just SCREAMING at the sky
ok putting all of this under a cut because its so fucking long???
ok ok ok. lets see. they r all so so so good it's impossible 2 choose but also iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii really fucking like dakota dude..... i like him so much. so much. i will admit. i am a massive fucking fan of a character who stays silly. massive fucking fan of the emotional king dedede hammer that comes down when the silly guy drops the silliness. i love it when characters literally r incapable of processing their emotions. gebuinely i don't know what he put in that guy but it is cartoonish the way my neurons light up at him its not quite akechi from p5 levels of FUCKKK YEAH THIS GUY MY FUCKED UP LITTLE GUY!! but it is Getting Close!!!
whose backstory.... fuck. okay. Most interested in wiwi's backstory. of course. i AM really interested in vyncent's whole deal but i feel like his fucked up knife that possesses him (?????????) is slightly more of a specific thing than backstory. and i DO wanna know howww the jrpg protag isekai'd here but also like. consider... wiwi. also i wanna know if im right & ashe/ashes fucked up demon grimoire r responsible for his mom's death. ALSO I WANNA KNOW WHY MARK'S A LIZARD GUY.
FAVORITE MOMENTS SO FAR.... i LOVED the spirit world shit it was all so cinematic it was so lovely. usually im dogshit at like, visualizing descriptions in my head? but all of that was very much oh, yeah for sure, ive seen this cartoon! i know whats happening! that whole episode went hard as fuck. can't believe we got vyncent with a gun ashe going holy shit why am i fucking doing this imgonnadie william having a horrifying crisis over eating a fucking soul & dakota getting murked in one episode. & mal is just. on just. such a different level such a different world from Anything else they've experienced. its so good.
also i still really love the winding-down end of that amalgam island ep (5?) where they r exhausted & coming off so many huge emotions & stress & stuff & tide arrives.... that's really the scene that fucking hooked me i think. going ohhh yeah theyre just fucking kids and everyone at this table Knows theyre kids in a world where people will just fucking kill you. like,, yeah, it WOULD be fucked up if you were seventeen and ran into an island full of horrifying human and animal experimentation & abuse!! and theyre not playing it as a motw adventure where its just sillygoofy? ok. ok!! maybe these guys know where theyre taking it. like i can count on one hand maybe the amount of times ive been like "yeah im sure whatever the creators do will be good they've always done good & thoughtful work. i don't have to continually be delegating brain space to how im dissatisfied with this story." so i guess. i just like the show a lot!!
what am i most interested in about the world... ohhh man i love cape worldbuilding it's maybe like one of my favorite things. so i guess i'm interested in All of It?? in an overall probably-wont-be-answered-because-its-not-that-genre way i'd love 2 know what religion looks like in a world where JESUS IS A TRADEMARKED SUPERHERO & kids can come back from the dead. id love 2 know more ab the dynamic btwn politics & the cape world here thats always interesting? i really enjoy the approach they took 2 the kid heroes in the beginning, as in: these guys are literally still students they are not Supposed to be doing big hero shit. theyre not supposed to be doing teen titans or x-men shit & it is in fact a massive massive fuckup on their guardian's part when they Are in those positions. i'm a big fan of that i like it a lot more than the alternative. (unless yr like in a world like parahumans where there Is a narrative & in-universe reason why child & teen cape teams exist)
what villains am i most afraid of....... ok i kind of feel like being afraid of mal is like, being afraid of hurricanes or something. like sure i can be nervous about him but i can't fucking do anything if he's coming this way. so it's better i think to not think about it until it comes up & then pray. so i guess i AM really concerned about the overlord stuff. i dont know where it's gonna go but i know it'll be nowhere good & i know it'll end up getting people hurt. so.!!!!!!
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theneighborhoodwatch · 6 months
starflower (Julie and Sally) ? They’re one of my favorites !! 🌸 ☀️
(send me a character/ship to hear my thoughts)
when or if I started shipping it: in a universe two doors down from this one i could see myself getting into it - but alas, we do not live in that universe.
my thoughts: it's certainly cute! i just wish i had more thoughts about it than that :,D a slightly saltier part of me grumbles that the only reason this ship is so popular is bc sally and julie are the only two femme-presenting characters who are Relatively humanoid in terms of design and poppy gets brushed off bc she's "supposed to be the mom friend" even though sally interacts with her Just as often if not even moreso -- but i would be a fool to truly turn against another yuri soldier. TL;DR: i think starflower shippers should be allowed to do whatever they want forever, but alas, my enthusiasm lies elsewhere for now.
What makes me happy about them: despite what i said in the last paragraph, i do think this ship comes the closest to capturing a very specific euphoric experience that a lot of sapphics i know (myself included) experienced when they were like 10-12: roleplaying a super intense dramatic storyline with your friend who you kinda had a crush on using OCs that you made up that same day. i do think this pairing in particular would make for a KILLER princess bride au. "oh because julie and buttercup are both iconic blondes-" no, no. listen. sally is buttercup. julie is the goofier westley who gets a butchy makeover when she comes back as the dread pirate roberts. you can't change my mind.
What makes me sad about them: the fact that they're so sillygoofy now makes me SCAREDDDDD for how things will fare between them when shit gets real. i feel like i've said that for every ship but like, every pairing i've gotten so far has a specific Dynamic that is just as threatened by this as any other, and sally and julie's dynamic in particular is "boke and boke-who's-convinced-that-she's-a-tsukkomi." can such an iconic comedic duo survive such trials? only time will tell....
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: not much! fics that center around this pairing tend to be pretty well-written, i just don't have much thoughts on the ship itself.
Things I look for in fanfic: see above.
My kinks: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i mean, you know i'm a popstar gal right now. as for julie... hmm.... i've read some pretty cute julie/howdy fic, but i don't know if i'd say that means i Ship them? like starflower, i think it's just a ship that attracts skilled writers lol.
My happily ever after for them: i will leave this to someone more invested in the ship than myself to write.
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stellerssong · 9 months
WKFJSA your WIP Wednesday post is an absolute delight to read, thank you 😂😂😂 can I hear a bit more about #6 and perhaps persuade you to share a snippet if I ask very very nicely?
i'm glad to hear it! the thing i have really missed about being on tumblr is being fucking sillygoofy about my own fic. you have to be an adult in the comments, y'know, and there's only so much room in an author's note for Japes and Goofs when you have to make time to outline non-tag warnings and link song attributions and thank your prompter and/or beta and flash an In Tonight's Performance The Role Of X Will Be Played By card as necessary and—
#6 was indeed begun in my evernote drafts while waiting for the Fall Out Boy concert to begin and slowly sinking under a dose of unprescribed downers. i think maybe Pat Stump and Pete Wentz are not good at writing, like, "music"—many of those melodic lines are 100% reliant on "i have the range, stamina, and lack of understanding of what constitutes healthful singing of 23-year-old Patrick Stump" in order to function—but some of their word salad lyrics do make great titles, and except to dream sweet of me was kind of a banger from first principles. but then i was like "oh maybe this is my chance to drop while you're orbiting, might i? a potential fic title i've been holding in reserve for a few years now." but THEN i was like "in the spirit of continuing to tick boxes on my nonexistent List Of Languages I've Used For A Fic Title, and also in the spirit of what actually happens in the fic, why not trína chéile, le chéile, claochlaithe?" vote now on your phones!
okay but what is the fic actually ABOUT. right. what the fic is actually ABOUT is, i believe @tickldpnk8 commented on suffer that hurt that they wanted to see Lucienne tell Dream about her "pleasant" "conversation" with Desire, and to know how that would go. for my part, i didn't want to end revisionsverse without at least one more tender moment between Dream and Luce, because as much as i joke about this being the "Dream talks to all the women in his life au," the Danny/Luce relationship is really the heart of the thing. i also wanted there to be some reciprocity for Luce's courage in suffer that hurt (and during the years of Morpheus' captivity).
something that i think is not super important to fandom at large, but which is very important to ME, is the acknowledgement of female characters of color's emotional labor—not just "wow! you are so girlboss and yass kween and Greta Gerwig Barbie, just like we always knew you were!" but like, "you were brave and strong and i know you didn't really have a choice, but it matters that you endured, let me help you hold that for a while. i see you and i love you." it's the seeing that matters the most to me. not the assumption that She's Always Got It In Her, not the unbroken fortitude, but the acknowledgement of the person underneath. and like, Luce has seen the person underneath all of Dream's competing positionalities so much in this series—has helped shape that person for the reader in a lot of very real ways—so i wanted to get Dream looking back at her, through his own eyes, and showing us the person he loves.
“Where are you now, love?” You are drifting weightless and silent through the soft-edged dreams of a floating cnidarian, the constant pulse-pulse-pulse of your meandering path through space the only defining line between your body, your mind, and the vast careless collective of the open ocean— —and you are stalking along at the side of one of the lesser nightmares as it pursues a child through an alien, twilit forest, tasting fear-sweat smeared over the flat violet plane of a teardrop-shaped leaf, marking the depth of footprints in the leaf-litter, listening for panting breath and for the impact of a small body against the ground as your quarry stumbles for the final time— —and you are stone, molten and white-hot, the burning heart at the core of a newly formed planet which dreams of cooling rains and columns of cloud and the first trembling breath of a living thing that might one day tread the ground of you, the world of you— “I am here with you.” “Well, I know that’s not true,” Lucienne says with a sleepy chuckle. “Or not entirely, anyway.”
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rontra · 1 year
I had never even heard of this magician woman before you started making art of her but I am oddly invested in your art of this funky little woman, she seems silly and goofy
no i know right. i had the same experience i was like "who the hell is this magician woman theyve got standing next to the justice league" and my partner was like oh Zatanna Zatara? everybody knows her (and she's IN the justice league)
shook me to my core. there was a sillygoofy magician the whole time i had never once heard of... now i'm so invested in her goofy shit. i'm glad my art is becoming a secondary source of infection ❤
optional: here's some things ive learned over the past 3 months
she was introduced as a weirdo in 1964. she's been weird and strange for 59 years and counting! next year will be her 60th anniversary #Hag
her whole gimmick is that she's a famous stage magician who also happens to be a real magician, which i think is very good
i think she joined the justice league in like 1978 or smthg shes Been Around
before i had the magician disease: no matter how much someone tried to explain her character to me, i couldn't grasp her. and now that i have first-hand magician disease: no matter how much i try to explain her to my partner, they can't grasp her. i think there's something aberrant about her. like she demands hands-on interaction to be truly perceived. but watch out for the spores
for a while she used to drag her Normal Manager around for magic adventures. his name was Jeff and i suppose he just took the constant near-death peril as part of the "managing a stage magician" job
some website once ranked her among the top 5 sexiest comic women, making her the highest-ranking DC character on the list #LetsGo #MagicianSweep
she's quite beloved and a pretty consistent feature but she doesn't get a ton of solo stuff 😔✌ but theyre reprinting her comic from 2010 next year woohoo happy 60th bitch
they forgot to really give her a power ceiling and her magic can pretty much do anything she can think of, so she's a consistent pain in DC's neck whenever she has to intersect with other characters and Big Serious Plots—but it's not like they can just leave her on the shelf entirely either
(i think powerscaling is fake & that "who would win a fight between x and y" is a fake question that depends on so much more than hard numbers, especially in a medium like comics. but i also think DC itself quite visibly feels a pressure to manage her + i think this quirk about her is extremely funny and i LOVE to see them try so hard to nerf their pesky magician)
in 2004 they made her part of a The Gang Commits Atrocities plot without really justifying Why she would do all that, and her next several years are Fascinating to watch as writers try to come up with various ways to make new sense of her character in light of it. until the whole dc comics continuity was wiped and relaunched in 2011, solving the problem by erasing the whole thing from canon (along with everything else)
the real crime of that whole incident? the '04 comic that started it wasn't even very good
she's listed on the DC Wiki category page for "Eldritch Blast"
currently serving time in the Justice League Dark branch department, which is where we keep all the weird grimy magic stuff so it doesn't get all over everything
for a second and not too long ago, the big leaguers exploded and died for a bit (long story also they got better) including zee. and they put a gigantic scary moving painting of her in the basement as a memorial. i think this is exactly what she would have wanted to be honest
this post
they should put her in the rwby crossovers more. she was in dc/rwby for a second but i want her in the damn movies. i think it'd be funny
i love her. that's what i've learned in the past 3 months
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puckpocketed · 6 months
Van I just want to say how much I am enjoying following your journey into hockey
I’m like in the reality show of The Narrative, who’s gonna get a rose this week? Who’s gonna make it to hometown dates? Will one take it all or is the only possible outcome polyamory?
I felt like the Sharks were an early favorite to take it all for me, just instant chemistry from the first episode of the season, but there’s a lot of intriguing new candidates. And then new arrivals like the Brave challenging it all! The local team, the paramour from next door. The others are looking askance. Talking to the producer. Are they here for the right reasons? Can anyone compete with Devin Cooley? I am tuned in.
Love, Jules(-in-deep)
This is kinda long so I'm gonna add a cut to it <3
Jules!! If any team could get me to compromise my oaths about not taking ice hockey too seriously, it may be my home team. I've never had a home team before (in ANY sport) and I am feeling so many new feelings. I desperately want to write about them. Access has been miserable since they're on the road and, well, I don't have a press pass. I DO however haunt our home rink, and am writing a very long article about it which I may seek to get published. A sort-of preview of it can be found here. I am not pretending to be normal about ANY of this. Thank you for coming along on this journey!
Going to break my sillygoofy character to be sappyserious now <3 I think you might have been one of the first Krakenblr blogs I followed. To this day I think of you fondly and look up to you as the kind of blogger I'd like to be. Kind, fair, welcoming, and positive, and dedicated to putting out incredible primers about your blorbos!! Thanks for always making me feel so welcome, for cheering me on, for reading my silly writing, and for everything you've contributed to Krakenblr + beyond!
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 10 months
Hello again! Thank you for your response! I absolutely love the alternate concepts!! We really could have had it all
I just finished your Job episode and as an aspiring Aziraphale understander I have some thoughts about why he's still doing the exact same things in the apocalypse era. My take on him is that he has to function under layers of denial and repression at all times to live with the cognitive dissonance of his own existence. It's like:
1) I'm an angel therefore I am good and everything I do is good, if I wasn't doing good I would be cast out and become a demon (which is also interesting because I don't think Aziraphale or anyone really knows what makes angels fall)
2) He heard what god wanted during the Job and Eden incidents but he was never punished for doing the right thing so since god is omniscient etc they must secretly approve and he did the right thing and it's all part of the Ineffable Plan™.
3) As long as I'm an angel everything I do is in accordance with god's plan and everything I do is good because I'm an angel. 
And he has to live under these insane layers of denial and justifications because the alternative is that god simply dgaf and his existence has no inherent purpose and he has no identity/community and there is no easy way to differentiate between good and evil which means that he isn't inherently good which he associates with being an angel and on and on in circles till he drives himself insane. There's also the fact that he repeatedly draws a distinction between god and heaven in a way that no else does. This also lets him do good things that go against heaven without having to confront any systemic issues (much like his rent forgiveness plan). To conclude he's so fucked in the head <3. I have more thoughts on how Crowley factors into all of this but this is already so long. Anyways, what do you guys think about this?
YOOO this is so so so Aziraphale Understander of you PLEASE follow up with an ask on how crowley factors into this or just make a post and tag us or whatevs
no this truly makes so much sense and rlly magnet-iron-filings aligns some of the thoughts bouncing around in my head + adds some new ones. aziraphale's very first moment of disobedience adjacency - giving away the sword - is resolved for him by crowley sarcastically going "you're an angel, i don't think you can do the wrong thing" so of course that would become a cornerstone of how he reassures himself when he experiences doubt!
and i love your second point! did not even consider that! bc s2e2 does end with crowley saying that aziraphale won't fall bc she won't tell anyone that he went against god, but that would definitely weigh on aziraphale for a long time (what if crowley tells, demons lie, etc etc), so it'd be so aziraphale of him to eventually switch to a "of course god knows what i did. and she supports it." crowley themself encourages aziraphale to take on a similar idea in s1e6 by saying that god always planned armageddon to not go through - then surely she must have also wanted aziraphale to stop it (not that he did anything lmao, but his "how nice to have our part recognized" comment indicates that he thinks he did). and i'm not sure how much you know about s2e6, but (as we will talk about in the recording) i feel like part of why aziraphale says yes to the metatron is bc he just assumes the job offer means god and the metatron both think that aziraphale was right about armageddon, and maybe the archangels haven't changed their tune but they're not god understanders like he is and now he'll be in charge of them so all will be well
he's sooo sillygoofy and by sillygoofy i mean twisted into the most irrational thought paths ever in order to live with himself I WUV YOU AZIRAPHALE!
- Crystal :)
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tulpafcker · 1 year
you’re writing a novel?
yea :) im writing multiple but the one im working on right now is actually a trilogy of like. ok stay w me on this one
there's this 15 year old kid named vincent who gets told by his psychologist that he Might have some mental illness but shes not sure and itll be a few years before he gets diagnosed with it
so vincent vows to fix his Entire personality before his 18th birthday, and each novel is a new series of events that follows this pattern: vincent gets bored, fucks around, finds out. bcause when you live in a tiny tiny town with nothing around it, fucking around and finding out is ur only source of entertainment
spoilers but at the begining of the third novel its revealed that vincent was unsuccesful and even though he improved, he's not cured... not by a longshot
double spoilers but the whole series is me writing an aspd protagonist who gets to be sillygoofy and have friends, but marketning him as an "antihero" and not revealing he has aspd until the third book. in the first 2 books there are hints as to what this diagnosis hes trying to avoid is but its not gonna be confirmed till book 3
besides vince's mental problems there are some other things going on including his relationship with his crappy parents and not-crappy twin brother, his friendships with the other kids in town, one of the kids trying to figure out What is wrong with him in book 2, and yk... the ramifications of whatever "i'm bored im gonna do some weird thing" vince did this fucking time
so ya. novel :)
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grannycharles · 1 year
Hi, so ive seen you post about this minceraft roleplay thingy (?) (I actually have no idea if it is soley that there was some talk about acting being good in the last video and it confused me even more) and was wondering what the hell is the plot? Like what is it about? Ive skimmed some posts and they are always very wild and now the curiosity got the better of me. Also I think it ended? At least some posts sounded like it did ^^;
So take this as your free pass to rant about it and tell someone who has no idea what the whole thing is about :3
I hope you are having a wonderful day!
oooooooooh hehehehehehe you are enabling the demons >:)
i assume you mean generation loss, because that's basically been all i've been reblogging the last few days.
it is not minecraft roleplay (but i can see where the confusion is coming from bc the creator, ranboo was first known for his mcrp on the dream smp)
generation loss is a livestreamed horror series created by twitch streamer ranboo "ranboolive" the beloved. they're really cool, funny as fuck and stream a lot of different indie horror and story games! (and minecraft, when it's time for him to lose another mincraft championship lmao. L)
anyway, the first part of genloss aired in three shows last week: on wednesday, friday and sunday. really messed up my sleep schedule due to time zones, but oh god it was worth it. of course the vods would've waited for me, but there was ✨audience participation✨ during the streams and i was not going to miss that. and also ranboo had been talking about this project and hyping it up for almost 2 years. so yeah.
and holy shit they delivered. tbf i was really perplexed when it started out all sillygoofy, but the slow descent into horror, the realization of what was truly going on, hit like a ton of bricks. that tone shift was pulled off So well omg.
the plot / premise / whatever is as follows: (fictional) media corporation showfall media is premiering a new type of liveshow with audience participation! there is a Hero, who the audience has to guide through different rooms and puzzles that pay hommage to old point-and-click escape room games and the saw movies among other things. and it is hilarious! however, something seems to be wrong with the transmission, it glitches out at times and the characters act strange. the fourth wall seems more fragile with each passing minute of the show.
ranboo and their crew made a really cool meta commentary on what it is like to be a "content creator" (god i hate that word sm). if you share your life online, where exatly is the line between "show" and "reality"? are your decisions really your own? what happens to you when the show ends?
he got quite a few of his fellow streamers and friends to star on the show, and even though i'm only tangentially familiar w most of them, the points genloss was making came across. everything that "ruined the immersion" was very much intentional. like, ranboo was 16/17ish when they started on yt and twitch, and they're 19 now. that is BONKERS to me. i'm so fucking proud of this guy, he made a really cool, impactful thing and i hope there'll be more of this series.
okay i rambled a Lot. hopefully that clears up some stuff! if you want to watch the show, the vods of all three shows are available on twitch.tv/ranboolive and also on yt on the ranboovods channel. it's about 6 hours total :D triggerwarnings include gore, unreality, probably some more i cant remember right now, just a lot of psychological horror fuckery.
and if you want me to ramble more, feel free to poke me again! because god do i have Thoughts tm about genloss. and yeah the entirety of episode 3 left me shook and rewatching the beginning with the knowledge you gain makes it so much worse :) in conclusion i am Very Normal about this thanks for enabling me
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