#I'm not allowing myself to open it but you can bet he photo is going in there and i am going wear it
astrofons-highderich · 4 months
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I can finally reveal the boy 😭💕 It's such a cute picture too
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yey56 · 1 month
Villainous x sarcastic and trouble maker dealer.
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Thinks your the rational version of Dementia, at least you can be reasoned with.
Sometimes you feel bored and just start to move things from its place, not very far away but defenetly not where they were and it drives him nuts, he's seriously considering that he might have early Alzheimer.
He still thinks its Dementias fault that his things are disappearing and reapearing in different places. You're just laughing in the corner watching they're discussions unravel. 😜
Tries to ally with you whenever he wants to deal with Dementia because your smartass actitude and sarcasm makes you the perfect match for her.
When he's explaining something in the commercial videos he's already expecting either you or Dementia commenting something. 👀
Even though he doesn't admit it much, he likes your funny nature and you're easygoing self.
When you're feeling kind you tell him jokes and make funny comments so he can have a more relaxed environment.
he always laughs at your jokes and sassy answers, but he will always try to hide it.
You're like a ticking bomb waiting to explode, only that you explode with words, every time you open your mouth he doesn't really know what to expect. 💥
You don't always get along but you are able to have fun together and cooperate 👍
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Three words: ✨Partners in crime✨
When you're bored you team up with her to annoy Flug, or anyone at your reach.
Once you guys stole a bank and run away with a bycicle so while you were scaping you looked back at the police for a second, that single thing made you both fall to a river (Spoiler: Dementia had to drag you out)
Whenever one of you has committed a crime you can bet that the other is either involved or fully aware of it.
Sometimes you're bored and instead of being productive like you boss has many times aggressively kindly suggest you, you think is a better idea to make an absolute mess. Of course Dementia appears and you both really get carried away. So when shit hits the fan, Black hat appears with all the intention to yell at you both, thats before Dementia literally grasps herself around him.
Of course you take advantage of this to make a quick scape before the boss can notice you presence.
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After 2 hours of Black hat trying to get Dementia off of him he called you to deal with her, so after another 30 minutes of bribing her with sugar and energy drinks (probably not your best idea but certainly the quickest one), you finally got her away from your boss.
All of Hat island knows you as the main troublemakers of the place, the almost abandoned police department in the island has a honorary photo of your mug shots in the main entry.
Dem/You: our friendship goes beyond your average kind of bond (🤨🏳️‍🌈)
You: but not because we're gay.
Dem: No, not because we're gay.
Dem/You: were close but not that way, the only one that I love is Blackhat/ Myself 😃.
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He can appreciate witty and mentally quick people, smartness is useful.
Has catch you once or twice slipping some sarcastic comments from time to time, if he's in a good mood he'll ignore them, if not he'll just look at you menacingly.
Sometimes when he doesn't want to go to an event he's been invented to you are send in his place (and if he doesn't like very much the host of said event he allows you to insult other guest, you used the "his words not mine" as an excuse 😈)
You have the bad habit of cursing a lot and you have already been warned that if you keep insulting so much he will tear your tongue away from you mouth.
He wasn't done it yet but instead has put soap in your mouth, and once physically banned you from saying curse words.
You: YOU...
Dem: stupid
Dem: useless fuck
Dem: bitch-smiling
Flug: what the hell are you doing?
You: boss has banned me from saying curse words but I'm unstoppable.
Black hat: I don't think so - turns you tongue into an alive fish. 💀
You basically have no filter, so whenever he wants the truth from an employee you're always the one he asks first because hes certain that you will be honest (sometimes some money is involved but that's another story).
Has catch you sometimes overhearing others conversations in a dark corner, only for you to scare them after .He also enjoys scaring people so thats a hobbie you have in common.
Once for Halloween you proposed the boss to scare the living shit of everyone in the manor for the whole day, he liked that idea so you spent the rest of the day hearing the screams of the others. (+ Points for your malevolence 👍).
One time you were way to honest with him in a day in which he had worst mood than usual (not a good idea) so ONCE AGAIN he punished you taking away you ability to speak (has happened more times that you can count). When you tried to apologise to him, you had to get creative so you got a notebook and wrote this:
You: *writing* ... --- .-. .-. -.-- / -... --- ... ... 😔☹️
Black hat: what the fuck is this?!
You: *writing* remorse code :)
Black hat: now I'm even angrier than before. >:(
505 🐻:
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Every time he sees you doing something shady you always give him a lollipop to bribe him (always works).
You're his favourite story teller, since you have a way with words every story you tell him is really fun.
You spent a whole morning doing sock puppets of yourself and other characters.
When you and Dementia make plans for you crimes outings, the both on you and 505 draw together maps and of course outcomes (with Dementia of course it ends up in really unrealistic outcomes but it's fun to imagine them)
You have tried to teach him how to make jokes and pranks, but his concept of a prank is stopping halfway and hugging the intended victim.
You ask him to make empty cakes so you can put a little bomb inside of it. Every time it explodes, everyone near that cake ends up dirty with sugar.
Your always take it easy with him so the pranks you pull on him all innocent and don't cause any kind of harm.
You're a little soft for that big guy, you will never admit it out loud though.
You: you're to good for this world
505: 😃
You: but that's ok, I'll be shitty enough for the both of us
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stacywaters · 1 year
Hidden Behind a Smile (JIN) CH3 - The Ticket
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It's been three months since I first met J. Almost every day now he'll come into the store and buy something, or just chat at the register. I've noticed he usually comes in at the beginning of my shifts, around 6:00 am. It's pretty quiet in the shop at that time. Most people are still asleep. I wonder what his job is for him to be up that early...
When he comes in today, I was restocking the banana milk while listening to BTS' new album, Love Yourself 'Answer' . Right as I was getting into Epiphany, he barged in.
"Nice singing there" He giggled.
"Hey! Who said you were allowed in." I pouted, "My singing is just fine. Not that you would appreciate good singing anyways."
"What do you mean? Are you calling me a bad singer?" He taunted.
"Yes. I bet you are."
Smirking to myself, I took the empty boxes into the back room. When I came out he was still there, standing around awkwardly.
"So, why are you here today?"
"I just uh, wanted to chat." He replied.
A light pink tints his face as he says it. I grin, "Don't tell me. Are you still embarrassed that you lost to me in Uno last week?"
"No! You probably cheated... It's all about luck anyway." He paused, looking over the shelves, "So... you like BTS?"
"What's it to you?"
"Well, you were listening to their new album. I'm just curious."
"Are you an Army too?" I question.
"Something like that. Who's your bias?"
"Oooohhhh of course Jin. He's my ultimate bias. He's so perfect,.." I gush.
"It sounds like you really like him."
"I do.. I hope I get to meet him one day!"
"You haven't yet?" He asks.
"Well, I mean.. kinda." I thought, "One time he came in here to buy something. He left a large tip too, it was surprising. However I was too embarrassed to get a good look at him"
"Embarrassed?" I asked.
"Well, I was distracted looking through twitter on my phone. I didn't even realize someone was there! He was probably waiting a while before asking if I was open... He was super polite about it I just- .." She sighed, "I just thought my first time meeting him would be more special."
I thought it was cute. I smile sympathetically before she continues, "But I'm not gonna count that! I'm saving up, and hopefully soon I can afford to go to a fan meet! Then I can meet him properly, and talk to him, and OH! Have you seen those photos of them holding their fans' hands? Gosh, I would FAINT!" She rambles.
Even though my mask was covering my face, I felt myself blush bright red. When I first came in here, I noticed her immediately. She seemed so beautiful, but not in a way like magazines or models. It takes you a second. The more I look at her the more I see it, her sparkly eyes, her soft hair, everything about her screams comfort. She seems like the type of person you can really lean on when you're having a hard time. And that is beautiful to me.
"Yeah, well I hope you get to meet him" I gulp.
Before she can respond, I rush out of the store, nervous that she'll notice how flustered I am.
Back at work, I'm distracted by thinking how I can get her in to the fan meet. There's one coming up, but the announcement doesn't go out until tonight.
I stumble through the door to my manager's office, nervous about my ask. He's sitting at his desk and typing something on his computer.
"Um... Manager," I start.
"Yes, Jin?" He replies, eyes still on the screen.
"So, about the fan meet coming up..."
"Mhm?" He says.
"Would it maybe be possible to get tickets for someone?" I ask, looking down at my hands.
"Yeah, why?"
"Do you plan on inviting a family member? We can send them an invite-"
"No no no! I want to invite a friend!" I interrupt.
"Okay, what is their name and email address?"
"Actually, I was thinking I could give it to them.., I just need the ticket."
"Why didn't you just say that?" He laughs.
He stands from the desk and walks out of the office. After talking with some people, he gets the ticket and hands it to me, "Here you go, Jin. I'm happy you're making friends."
"Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!" I take the ticket and bow before rushing back to the practice room.
The next day, I run in to the convenience store. Looking around, I find Y/N stocking the shelves.
"Y/N!! Y/N!!!!!" I yell through the aisles.
"Yeah yeah, I'm here. What do you want, J?"
"I have a gift for you!!" I cheered.
She perked up at that, "What is it?"
I pull the ticket out of my pocket and hold it up, "TA DA!! I got you a ticket to the fan meet!"
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unpaidoscorpintern · 3 years
I'll tell you my sins (you can sharpen your knife)
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pairing: Harry Osborn (Kindred)/Mary Jane Watson; a hint of Harry Osborn (Kindred)/Peter Parker (Spider-man)
rating: 18+
words: 2400
content warning: exhibitionism, voyeurism, creepy crawlies acting like tentacles for a hot minute, teratophilia since Kindred is a demonic entity
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summary: Kindred serves Spider-man his just desserts; or, a p0rn parody of The Amazing Spider-Man #55
disclaimer: The following story was written before the publication of The Amazing Spider-Man #73
Memories are for photo albums. They're impressions on the back of our retinas, polaroids developed in the darkest corners of our minds. Turn on the light and they're forever tainted, a splash of color and a smudge of sentiment. You can't trust memories. Scars, on the other hand? Scars never lie.
I've collected more than a few in my time. That’s why my knees never really looked the same after my first bike ride. Dad was there until he wasn't. You see, he thought that letting go of the bike, letting go of his own son, would break me at first, then thicken my skin. But skin never heals back quite the same way, does it, Pete?
"Did you meet any famous dead people in that hellhole you crawled out of, Har? You know, like Dr. Freud?"
"Easy, Tiger." I can hear Mary Jane hissing beside me, towards you, across the table, through cobweb and candlelight. "Play nice."
"I'm done playing, MJ," you spit, through bloody teeth and dried tears. "There's pieces of my brain still splattered on that far wall over there from our earlier game. I'm done playing his fucking games."
Games? There's no playing at the dinner table, kids. Now, where was I?
"You were just about to let her go." You speak up again, desperation drowning out your ire. "Let them all go. It's me you have unfinished business with, or whatever the dead want outta the living."
Jealous, Pete? I must say, it’s a good look for you. But don't you worry, ol' buddy. I'm not done with you yet. Though Mary Jane and I do have something - what did you call it again? Ah, yes. Unfinished business. I'll get back to you as soon as I-
Is that...is that laughter I hear? Hallow and heaving, it still bounces off these old mausoleum walls, echoing in my ears and scrapping at an old scab. An old scar. What's so funny, huh? You mind sharing with the rest of the table?
"You, ol' buddy. I mean, I shouldn't be surprised since you're one of the only people who made me laugh when I wanted nothing more than to slit my own throat, but, still. Is this about what happened back at ESU? Is this about MJ breaking up with you?"
It's about you, Pete. About the choices you made. Every single one - from coming between Mary Jane and me to hiding my father's issues from his son - were all the wrong ones. If you had chosen otherwise, if you had been any less selfish, Gwen - I can see a blond head bobbing, but I'm talking about my Gwen - well, she wouldn’t be-
"Fuck you, Harry!"
Ah, there it is! Anger looks even better on you, Pete!
"You think I haven't spent every day blaming myself for what happened that night? You think I don't go over my own choices over and over again, questioning every decision I ever made to figure out which domino fell first?"
Yet again, there's nothing that doesn't look good on you, Pete. Why don't you try some responsibility for a change?
"Responsibility? You want to talk about responsibility? You're the one who's dangling the life of the woman I love right in front of me-"
Mary Jane opens her mouth, her sweet breath a summer breeze through the still air. "Peter-"
You're boiling, spilling over. Tears and spit, blood and grime, and you still look good. I bet you could even make maggots look good.
"And you want to act like you're better than me? Look at yourself! You are your father's son! Daddy's little fucking monster-"
If I'm a monster, then it's because that's what you made me.
"Harry," Mary Jane jumps out of her seat, following your lead.
You had help, of course. My help. Every other itsy bitsy gets a hand, too. Well, a centipede. They all get to swing in the air one last time before they-
Dinner's over, Pete. It's time for your just desserts.
"It's m-me you want, Har-"
When you're right, you're right. I want you to confess your sins.
"So let them-AH! Let them go."
Maybe a little knock on the head will jog your memory. How about another? Now? Confess. Confess your sin. The deadliest. Confess.
"He doesn't remember." Mary Jane, I can see your knees barely keeping themselves from bucking. Yet, here you are, standing between the ol' Pumpkin Eater and me. "Whatever it is that he did, whatever sin he has yet to confess to, he doesn't remember."
Oh, don't you worry your pretty little bottom lip! He will remember, if it's the last thing he'll do! I've got tens of legs to crawl all over him and an eternity to spare. Come the end of time, he will repent.
"How many times have you tried torturing a confession out of him? You should know that hurting him won't work."
What're you suggesting? I can hear the tamed tremor in your voice, the slight shudder running down your spine, the booming beating of your heart. Yet, here you are, approaching me, one steady step in front of the other.
"Hurting me, however-"
Are you hearing this, Pete, or is the blood already leaking out of your ears?
"Hurting me, the woman he loves, that should do it, right?"
I’ll take that as a yes. You heard everything, but do you understand what it means? Do you, Mary Jane, understand what this all means? Look at them! It’s hard, I know, but look at them! Look at what I’m doing to them! I’m squeezing the life out of them for now, but centipedes can sting, too. Did you know that? They’re venomous. I could fill them with poison, watch them trash about as it clogs their veins! Is this what you want for them? Is this what you want for yourself? I can see it in your eyes - your beautiful eyes - that you can’t stand the sight of them in pain. So, tell me, Mary Jane, what makes you think that I can stand the sight of you in pain?
“Then you haven’t forgotten-”
That night, on the bridge? Mary Jane, how could I forget?
“I was scared out of my mind, but you said something which calmed me down. Those same words gave me the strength to come here. You remember, don’t you, Harry? Harry, you said that you-”
I loved you, Mary Jane. I said that I loved you, that I’d never hurt you. How could you ask this of me? How could you ask me to take you in his place?
“Because you loved him, too. You loved Peter, and I’m willing to bet my life that you still do.”
It’s true, Pete. I loved you, but I got better. I saw you for who you were after closing my eyes for the last time. And I loved MJ, up until a breath ago. Up until she let out that little surprised gasp she let out. Relax, it’s just an earwig. Oh, but what’s that? Is that an earpiece? And was that Dad on the other line?
“Harry, listen-”
You listen, my dearest friend! I said nothing about you being allowed to bring a plus-one, and, even if I had, Norman Osborn is not welcome here! I won’t allow any party crashers and, just to make sure he won’t be sneaking past the guards, I’ll seal us all in!
“Oh, my God!”
There is no god here! With the only entrance having collapsed in on itself, there is no coming in. But there is no getting out either. Good news, Pete! I’ve decided to lay off you for a while! Take a breather, pal, while I take my time with-
“If you touch her, I swear to God-”
Didn’t you hear me the first time? Here, I’ll loosen up my grip on you, so blood can start rushing back to your ears! There we go! And, since you two insist on bringing up God, Mary Jane offered herself as a sacrificial lamb and I intend to take her up on that offer. Oh, where’s all that fire gone, MJ? Was that all just some bluff, an elaborate scheme, one of Dad’s convoluted plans? Come on, you said you couldn’t wait to play the martyr and we both know how good of an actress you are. Even with your knees knocking against each other, even with your fingers, fidgeting as they reach out to me, you’re still a star.
“You said that you loved me. That you’d never hurt me. So, please, Harry, don’t hurt Peter. It hurts me to see him like this.”
I do love you, and I won’t hurt you. But I don’t love him and made no such promises to him. You did make a promise to me as well, remember? If you recall my love, then you recall me hurting myself with it. And you said it yourself, Mary Jane: he loves you. So you’re going to keep your promise, and you’re going to hurt him. You chose him last time. So, this time, you’re going to choose-
“If you fucking touch her-”
She’s the one touching me, ol’ buddy. Yes, her hands are hesitant as they clasp my coat, but she’s all over me. Oh, Mary Jane, is that the perfume I bought for you while we were dating? Did you get a whiff of it, Pete? You probably did! You probably smelt it on one of the shirts you borrowed from me. I shared everything with you, but you just had to have her, too, didn’t you?
“MJ, what are you doing? MJ?”
What are you doing, MJ? You’re driving him mad! Jealousy looks just as good on him as my Armani shirts! He’s thrashing as if poisoned by the pain of seeing us together. I think I’ll loosen up my hold so that he can lift his head and see what you’re doing to me. You’re struggling with the buttons, every last inch of you shivering, but there’s nothing waiting for you beneath. I’m nothing like I used to be. You, on the other hand, are just as beautiful as I remember. I’d rather see what you’re hiding underneath.
“What are you waiting for?” Are you seeing this? Pete, are you seeing this? She’s kissing me! It’s my maggot-infested, bandage-covered jaw - and she’s kissing it! Look at her, Pete! “Undress me.”
“No, no, no-”
If you feel a pair of legs, or ten, crawling up your own, it’s only because I’m holding you close. If you feel a chill run down your spine, it’s only because I’m squeezing you tight. And if you feel a chill running down your spine -well, that’s a multi-legged friend tearing down your dress.
Did you see that, Pete? That almost looked like a pleasant shiver running through her. She almost looked like she enjoyed the cold-blooded embrace. Do you like it, Mary Jane? Do you like it when I touch you like this? Well, I guess you always had a thing for creepy crawlers. I am sorry about the dress. Black looks good on you, but it looks better on this white mausoleum floor. Do you like it when I touch you like this, scraping at that sensitive spot at the back of your head with my crooked claws, wrapping myself around your thighs with tens and tens of little legs, around your middle, squeezing down on your hips?
Did you hear that-
“MJ, why? Why? Why?”
Did you hear that, MJ?
“W-what?” The heat of your breath hit my senses, what was once my nose, and you smell like freshly brewed coffee. Oh, you taste like life, Mary Jane, and it is sweet. The sweat beading at your forehead - do you mind if I have a taste? And the ones that spilled over, on the side of your face? “Harry.” My tongue is cold, I know. My embrace, the crawlers caressing you across your chest, they’re just as cold. Holding you is like catching a sunbeam: warm and bright. “Harry, aren’t you going to k-kiss me?” I hope you are hearing all of this, Pete, because I see your eyes burning through me, and I feel your body tensing up. Her body is just as tense, nerves knotted tightly from all this teasing. Is there any wonder why she needs my tongue in her mouth right now? She needs something inside her.
It’s working, Mary Jane! He’s gone half-insane! As for the other half - what do you say? I don’t taste all that bad, do I? If I do, then you are the best actress of your generation! Pete, get over here! Stop struggling against the centipedes or they will have no choice but to stick something inside you, too! And, trust me, this is not the pleasant kind of penetration! Now stand up! Open your eyes and look into hers. Do you see that? Do you see those blown-up pupils? She wants this, and, judging by what’s jutting out of your onesie down there, I say you’re enjoying this, too.
Well, Mary Jane, it turns out that shame is the shade that suits our Peter the best! He can barely contain his blush - or his erection, but that’s a skintight suit right there - watching snip away your lingerie with my long, sharp claws so wantonly. Seeing you savor every stroke of my tongue across your gooseflesh, past your perked up nipples and the valley of your breasts, and your newfound fetish for feeling creepy crawlers’ caress. He’d rather keep his eyes closed than witnessing any of this. So, what do you think? Is he ready to confess yet?
“Confess? Confess to what? Being sick to my stomach? Feeling disgusted with myself?”
"Tiger," Mary Jane moaned while pawing at my patchy coat, pushing her chest forward into my face. "I never knew...I never knew you liked watching.”
“Goddamn it, MJ!”
The scar from back when you stabbed in the back is a scab I can't help but claw at. The look on your face though? The way your cheeks burn with shame and your eyes are blown in excitement? Well, that's the ointment I needed, Pete.
"Goddamn it, Harry!"
God isn't here, Pete. It's just me. Confess to me. Confess. Confess.
"Playtime's over, kids!"
Did you hear that? Did any of you hear that? Is that-
"That’s right! Daddy's home!"
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gabrieldrawsstuff · 4 years
Aight fellas, I'm doing a list of canon descriptions of dw characters for future reference, might do a second part with more minor characters
-THE JOURNAL : "Somehow I'm wearing a coat, so I must've changed my clothes on my way here. I don't recognize myself anymore. I can barely hold this pencil. Has my body changed?"
-DOCTOR : "I see you haven't regained your speech. You need to find another doctor."
-SNAIL : "Your face... What happened to you?
The snail's jaw falls so low, it almost detaches itself from the rest of the body.
You scared me... You barely resemble a human... You should cover yourself..."
SNAIL : "You're so ugly, I feel like puking... You barely resemble a human being..."
THE CRIPPLE : "You, lad. You've got your hands and legs. Strong arms. I beg you!"
MAMA ELEPHANT : "Can't you speak? Did someone take away your voice?"
MAMA ELEPHANT : "Your gob looks like that because of this fiendish air, do you know? I bet you can't speak, because you didn't keep your mouth shut when walking through the woods."
MAMA ELEPHANT : "(...) I know you want something, you leper demon."
MUSHROOM GRANNY : "(...) But you're young and strong."
CHICKEN LADY : "Whaddaya need, poor soul? Hungry, eh? I'd give ya some stew, but what good will it do?"
(I think in polish version it was closer to 'how will you eat it' although I can't be sure)
MIRROR : "You are one ugly bastard. I guess you got what you deserved."
MUSICIAN : "This is our doctor, yes? He is just as brave and good as you are!"
MUSICIAN : "You're not af-fraid of anything!"
WOLFMAN : "Even from afar I can smell your putrid stench. Be glad I don't have an appetite for carcasses, Meat"
WOLFMAN : (after the church dream sequence) "Meat, what's with the big eyes? Hehe... Scared?"
WOLFMAN : (when you nod to a question if you're making a joke of him) "You're a brave piece of meat... and what's more important, one with a sense of humor. 
WOLFMAN : "Are you pretending to be human, or are you just cracking jokes?"
WOLFMAN : "You look tired, Meat. Busy night?"
WOLFMAN : "Have fun, Meat... Just remember to hide that disaster of a face or it's no dancing for you"
WOLFMAN : (when you spare the sow) "My heart sings with joy when I see such selfless kindness. Tell me the truth, Meat. It was you, wasn't it?"
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-A man, roughly my size, is standing before me.
I can barely make out his disturbingly familiar features through the matte visor of his helmet...
The massive helmet is covered with an old sack and seems to be an integral part of the unnaturally pale body.
-The man reaches out to me with his black hand. It's covered in charcoal... There's something written on his worn, woolen glove.
-Visibly struggling, the man drops the sack from his back and bends in half, as if out of breath. He shakes the dust off his clothes, then rolls up the sleeve of his, seemingly too small, jacket. 
-The old sack covering his body slides down, revealing his chest, covered in horrid growths. It is fused with a porous helmet, pulsating to the rhythm of his breath.
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THE JOURNAL: "If I'm not delusional, the man whom I met... had the head of a wolf."
FIRST ENCOUNTER: The figure hides its face under the hood. It smells of wet soil and fur.
WOLFMAN: "(...)I barely believe my beautiful eyes... (...) The Wolf smiles, revealing a row of sharp teeth.
AT BARN RUINS: The Wolf makes a quick leap and, bouncing against me with his swollen belly, he puts his paws on my shoulders. He ostentatiously licks his face. (...)
-I notice fresh bloodstains on his fur and feel streaks of his saliva dripping onto my coat. 
-The Wolf takes two steps back. I can only see a row of filthy, sharp teeth underneath his hood.
-The Wolf squeezes my arms and starts licking my face. Once from the left side, once from the right side. (...) His breath stinks of rot.
WOLFMAN: "Thanks to you I feel fulfilled! I got my girl, my sweet little lady back."
-Suddenly the Wolf sends me back with a powerful push and reaches into his coat pocket.
WOLFMAN: "(...) and then nothing wil keep you from getting the fuck out of my part of the woods! Do you get me, Meat? You will pack your bags, dive into that stinking hole of yours and dissa-fucking-pear!"
-Finally he snorts, his thick, yellow spit landing on the photo.
-The Wolf grabs the box and starts sniffing it from every angle. I could swear I've heard his tail moving under his coat.
WOLFMAN: "And what am I supposed to do with it? Bite it until it opens? Your brain must be rotting if you think I will break my fangs for this shit."
WOLFMAN: "An electronic game, eh? About a wolf stealing chicken eggs... hehehe. Good one!I've a soft spot for games, how about you?"
-As I produce the key, the Wolf's pupils widen with excitement.
WOLFMAN: (about villagers) "Those selfish, deceitful wretches! They think they're superior, because they have human gobs. They treat us like lepers! But you know what? Fuck them. We're buddies, aren't we? And them? They deserve to be punished, Meat..."
-The Wolf pierces me with his look and grins. A string of saliva lands on his hole-riddled jacket.
-The Wolf puts his paw on me. I can feel his claws puncturing my skin.
WOLFMAN: (about piotrek) "Meat! Fucking hell, seen that? Hahaha! Seen that? Hahaha! Off he flew, didn't he? OFF HE FUCKED!!! Hahahaha!"
WOLFMAN: "If you wish to spend some more quality time basking in the striking, yet natural beauty of my features before you head off to the Silent Forest, you will find me in my camp in the Dry Meadow."
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THE JOURNAL: "What I do know is that the insane fucker took my key. My only chance to get out of the woods. He also tore out all the pages from my journal."
THE JOURNAL: "The doctor has escaped. So be it. He would only be a hindrance anyway."
CHICKEN LADY: "My sisters! Where did ya find it? It's all that godless quack's fault - devil brought him! All he did was prescribe this and that, scribble this no-good drivel! To hell with them papers!"
-I can feel the doctor's cold hand grab me by the jaw, (...)
-He removes his dirty glasses with a trembling hand and freezes.
DOCTOR: "First they begged for help, now I need to hide from them! I'm just an ordinary doctor! How the fuck was I supposed to help them?! How?!"
-With shaking hands, he reaches for the cigarrete butt between his yellow teeth.
DOCTOR: "I used to come here to treat people. I pulled out kids' milk teeth, delivered babies... (...) Last time I came here was three or four years ago. Then the trees blocked the path."
-The Doctor is visibly pleased with himself and his theory. His hands are no longer trembling. He produces a hand-rolled cigarette and lights it.
DOCTOR: "(...) I have no idea where it leads. I'm a shitty diver. (...)"
-The Doctor stares right into my eyes. Mud drips from his face. He hasn't blinked in over a minute.
- (...)His glasses are so dirty, I barely see the eyes hiding underneath.
-A chunk of mud falls down on his exposed tongue. He chews it slowly and swallows with satisfaction.
-The Doctor puts the muddy hand into his mouth, grimaces and pulls out a yellow tooth. He puts it into the pocket of his torn trousers. The tooth falls through a hole. He does not notice this...
-Slowly he bends down and grabs a thick branch from the ground. He starts biting the bark off of it. He swallows the bark with an effort, but also great satisfaction. He places the stick among other ones sticking out of his mud-covered head.
WOLFMAN: "Well, well. I know this quack. A nonentity, a third-rate witch doctor. Useless fucking clunker... But he still managed to screw you over with that key. Eh, comrade?"
MUSICIAN: "This is our doctor, yes? He is just as brave and good as you are! He helped me. He is helping all of us! He gave me this beautiful mask, so I could be healed of my afllictions. Maybe you could have one too..."
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THE JOURNAL: "I met a boy in the village. He told me that the "Chicken Lady" keeps the "Pretty Lady" locked in her house. The boy really wants to see her, but the old woman won't allow it."
THE JOURNAL: "I decided to give the key to Chicken Lady's room to the little boy. He thanked me and asked me to bring him his mom's violin (it's hidden behind the wardrobe). He's afraid to go himself, as his parents are supposedly angry with him."
THE JOURNAL: "The boy sure was happy to see the new violin. (...)The kid also told me I should visit him in his parent's home someday."
CHICKEN LADY: (after musician's death) "Maybe it's just that me ears are getting worse, but it's been a while since I've heard that monster outside me windows..."
CHICKEN LADY: "Holy Mother, this creep again! May the devil take him and his blasted violin!"
MUSICIAN: "The Pretty Lady? S-she's... the most beautiful lady in the w-world! I w-watch her through the cracks in the window. S-she ch-changes when I watch her... g-gets more beautiful. I p-play for her... I want her to be h-happy..."
MUSICIAN: "I fished out the Pretty Lady's w-wreath from the river! (...)Oh yes, I will become the Pretty L-lady's husband! We w-will walk hand in hand, s-sir. I will play for her, mister s-sir."
-A skinny little hand emerges from beneath the tractor and grabs me by the ankle.
MUSICIAN: "They will not l-listen to me, they w-won't hear how sad I am, sir..."
-One of the strings securing his mask falls off, together with his ear. The boy reattaches it as if nothing happened.
MUSICIAN: "My m-mom has this beautiful violin! I would ask her to b-borrow it to me, but she's too angry with me... Could you p-please c-convince her to b-borrow it to me? I'll g-give you a card with drawings for her. To apologize."
-The boy turns the game in his hand for a while, but he can't find a way to reach the buttons with his overgrown fingers. The game slips out of his hand and drops to the ground. The wannabe musician freezes.
MUSICIAN: "(...) maybe you could take a wee piece of... m-meat for me? I've never eaten a pig and I've h-heard it's very tasty! W-would you take s-some for me?"
-The boy sniffles and rubs the mask with his deformed hand.
-From beneath the mask you can hear a horribly distorted, resounding voice... of a child?
-The figure tries to turn its head, but its enormous neck makes this task impossible to complete.
MUSICIAN: "P-please let me stay. P-please, don't chase me off. I've got nowhere to... go. The villagers don't a-a-allow me to live in the camp. I p-p-promise I won't p-play anymore! I'll be quiet. You can c-cover me with something, if you don't w-want to look at m-me..."
MUSICIAN: (after gifting you a rat) "(...) I mean, she jumped on my hand and s-started nibbling on my f-finger! I quickly clasped my h-hand and b-bit through its neck!"
-The corners of the boy's mouth turn up in a grotesque smile, exposing rows of overgrown teeth, which even his mask couldn't hide.
-The boy clumsily grabs the ball in his hand. He carefully hides it under his legs, so that it doesn't roll away.
MUSICIAN: "S-sorry! I didn't want to! T-this thing is coming out of m-my body. I... I tried to stop it, but I don't think I can... N-now the whole room is covered with... this. I didn't want to make a mess, I s-swear! Please, don't t-throw me a-away!"
-The boy leans over the violin lying next to his overgrown left hand. He plucks one of the strings with his right hand, clumsily trying to keep the rhythm.
MUSICIAN: "Recently, I've grown quite a bit. My mom always used to say that I need to be b-big and s-strong... to help her out in the field..."
The boy tries to hug his frail knees with the disproportionately massive torso.
"But I... I don't want to be big anymore. It's v-very hard being big. You need to be so... so strong! To even walk.Now my v-violin is... too s-small for me!"
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stoopsbookstore · 4 years
When You Understand (Chp. 2)
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"Jay? You good?"
Johnny and Jaehyun walked into the elevator, the doors closing as the younger boy hit his head against the wall, his phone showing a photo of a blonde guy in a cafe.
Stealing the phone from Jaehyun, Johnny whacked him on the head.
"Dude, it's just a date, it's not like they're engaged."
"I know," Jaehyun watched the elevator numbers go down one by one, "but why would she let him post a photo? She's never let me do that."
"If you look at the caption, I don't think she knows. You guys are just friends, right?" Johnny teasingly asked before clearing his throat as he noticed Jaehyun's expression.
The doors to the elevator opened, the parking deck vacant as it always is this time of night. Clicking his unlock button, Johnny threw his bag in the trunk, Jaehyun copying him.
"I mean of course we are! We've been friends since the first grade. I'm just wary about this dude."
"But, friends don't get that mad about a date."
Johnny pointed to the papers Jaehyun still held. They were crumbled, a mashed bundle of his classwork.
"Just," Jaehyun paused, "let's go home."
"You good?"
About 5 minutes into the drive, Johnny reached for the radio, a song he knew well as one of their dormmate, Seulgi, listened to it constantly.
"You should probably listen to this song. You're about to be haunted by country songs for the next few weeks."
Jaehyun was about to speak, only for Johnny to turn up the volume.
"Once you really listen, once you know," Johnny turned to his friend, his head in his hand and his lips pouty, "you'll start to connect memories together with songs."
Jaehyun sighed, watching the street lights, counting the ones that flickered, a game he and Y/N used to play as children.
Friends don't call you in the middle of the night. Couldn't even tell you why, They just felt like saying "hi"
"It's fucking 11:45pm, what are you doing up?"
"I couldn't sleep," A pause. "Were you sleeping?"
Jaehyun cleared his throat, pretending to yawn, "maybe I was."
"You're such an ass," Y/N softly laughed, Jaehyun's heart skipping a beat, "I guess I'll let you go then."
Silence engulfed the pair, neither one of them wanting to hang up. They waited on the phone for 15 minutes until Jaehyun finally spoke up.
"Do you want me to come get you and we can walk around?"
"Yes, please."
They don't talk about the future and put each other in it and get chills with every accidental touch
"Can you believe we're already Juniors? Like we have prom this time next year!"
Y/N jumped up and down the sidewalk, the moon bright enough to illuminate the road as Jaehyun jokingly shushed her a little.
"You're going to get us caught!" Jaehyun sat on a nearby bench, Y/N taking a seat in front of him on the cement, "come up here."
"I'm comfortable right here," Y/N leaned back, staring up at the stars, "dude, we're seniors next year. How the hell did 3 years go by so fucking fast?"
"Because we were too invested in drama, parties, gradea and figuring out what our futures are going to be."
"We'll be in each others' futures, right?"
"Of course, you remember our deal," Jaehyun pointed fingers guns at Y/N, "you're my best woman, I'm your maid of honor, and if we're not married or in committed relationship by the time we get our bachelor's degree, we'll marry each other."
Still watching Y/N watch the stars, Jaehyun let out a lovely sigh. The smile on his face that appeared was unbeknownst to his best friend.
"Of course we will," Jaehyun picked up a rock from the ground, throwing it at Y/N. "It's almost 1am, we should get going."
On the walk home, Y/N's hand tapped Jaehyun's. The blush on Jaehyun's face was covered by the night, but he felt a little hurt at Y/N's dramatic reaction.
"Oh my God, Hyunhyun, give me space!" Y/N lightly shoved her friend, waving her hand in the air, "Cooties! Eww, gross!"
"That was rude!" Jaehyun mimiced Y/N, acting hurt, falling onto the grass, "I can't go on! She killed me with her poisonous touch!"
Y/N ran over to Jaehyun, laying her hands in his chest, his heartbeat speeding up, "Doctor Apple to the rescue!"
"You're a horrible doctor, I died," Jaehyun chopped at her wrists, Y/N falling onto his chest.
"Can we stay here?"
Finding reasons not to leave. Trying to hide the chemistry. Drive a little too slow, take the long way home, Get a little too close
Jaehyun and Y/N laid on the grass, her head on his stomach as they counted stars.
"4,587,312, 4,587,313, 4,58731-"
"Are you just procrastinating because we really should get home before Johnny sees I'm not in my bed."
"He'll know you're with me," Y/N moved her head, turning to Jaehyun, "he's not going to be jealous, he knows you're my best friend and he trusts you not to do anything with me."
"You've neve seen Johnny mad before."
"I have," Y/N stood up, brushing the grass and sand off, pulling Jaehyun up to his feet before darting off, "and we should get going! I have a test tomorrow!"
I keep telling myself this might be nothing. But one look in your eyes and, God, there's something. You can lie to me and say you don't. But I know you do, and I love you too.
"So, you and Johnny are finally official?" Jaehyun sat on the bench outside the dorms, Y/N and him waiting for one of her dormmates to let her in.
"We've talked about it, we both like each other, so we're going on a date this weekend," the smile on Y/N's smile kicked Jaehyun in the chest, a smile that he should cause.
"If he's not nice to you, I'll kick him out of the dorm," a joke to cover his feelings, Jaehyun punched the air, ending with accidentally kicking a rock.
"Thank, Hyun," going in for a hug, Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist, her head resting on Jaehyun's shoulders, "Oh, I love you."
"Me too," pulling away, Jaehyun and Y/N were close, if she could only hear how hard his heart was pounding, "not romantically, of course."
"Of course not," was that a tinge of sadness in her voice?
Before either could lean in any closer, Minkyung opened the door, the hall light spilling out to the small porch.
"You're grounded, missy. Jaehyun, I'll be telling Taeil," Minkyung joked as Jaehyun waved at Y/N's other close friend.
"I'll see you later," Y/N left a kiss on Jaehyun's cheek, another tradition they've had for years, "don't get your ass kicked when you get home."
Jaehyun nodded, the door shutting on him and leaving him alone under the stars, walking to his dorm a few houses down and thinking about the almost moment.
Getting up to their dorm, Jaehyun saw Y/N just arriving, Seonghwa taking back his jacket, the close proximity of their dorms allowing for a perfect view of the aftermath of Y/N's date.
"Don't torture yourself, dude," Johnny patted Jaehyun's back, his house key falling onto the ground, "you just need to talk to her. You two still have that bet going, right?"
"I don't think so. She seems pretty into Seonghwa," shrugging, Jaehyun helped Johnny, unlocking the door with his key. "Even if we did, it wouldn't be true love."
"I don't like that defeatist attitude."
Jaehyun scoffed, turning back to Y/N and her date only to witness a sight he wasn't excepting to see, dropping his book on Seulgi's garden next to the steps.
Y/N had her arms wrapped around Seonghwa's neck, a deep kiss the only thing the three can focus on. Jaehyun bit his lip and clenched his fist to keep his unwarranted feelings under control. As the pair pulls away, Seonghwa seemed to ask Y/N a question to which she shook her head no.
Seeing Y/N open her door and letting Seonghwa in, Jaehyun pushed past Johnny, a hard whack on a wall causing Seulgi and Taeil to poke their heads out.
"What happened?" Seulgi asked as Taeil made sure there wasn't a hole in the wall.
"Jaehyun is just realizing some things."
Johnny held a crash coming from upstairs, dropping his bag at the doorstep.
"Hopefully not too late."
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