#I'm making far too many stupid memes these days
vbsvartalf · 2 years
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Sorry, not sorry
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wantonlywindswept · 1 year
@lucdarling replied to your post “so all of the fic where the GAR and Coruscant...”:
pls give me your fic recs, friend. this sounds very relevant to my interests.
​oh heckie yes i got u boo @lucdarling
Fics Being Mean to the Coruscant Guard:
Two Strikes / Crowning Glory A variety of steps Cody takes to ensure the Guard doesn't get abused as horribly -- Fox and his men might not be on the front lines, but they're still Vod'e -- and their consequences.
linking to the first fic in the series, the story starts out mostly with Cody being a slut (affectionate) but then goes on to get into the Tragedy of Darth Plageius the Coruscant Guard and Fixing It and tbh if you read nothing else read this series it is So Good. make sure to follow the links, things are slightly confusing and non-sequential if you don't
it also actually addresses post-trauma stuff too which is AMAZING, yes def read this but be sure to put some time aside for it the series is like 500k and you Will want to read it all in one sitting and then you might get yelled at by your wife for not sleeping for three days or that might just be me, 100/10
Galaxy-Saving Memes You can only access the page if you're GAR. The Coruscant Guard decides to infiltrate it because they are tired of being ignored, and honestly? Their memes are way better. Or, the Guard saves millions of lives through stupid internet posts.
second on the 'if nothing else read this' list, unless you dislike epistolary stories, in which case you can skip. but it is short and it is fucking HILARIOUS which you would think wouldn't be possible given the subject matter but no, it is great, 100/10
The Adoption Wars The only thing stronger than the dark side is Rex's ability to get adopted. Or: the one where Rex would really like everyone to know that he is perfectly capable of taking care of himself. Oh, and Fox finally gets to kill a sith.
only somewhat about Being Mean to the Guard but by god it is cute and adorable but also makes you Feel Emotions, excellent story 10/10
Their Days Are Darker After the death of ARC Trooper Fives, an altercation at 79's leads Wolffe to spend his leave snooping around the Coruscant Guard. Fox assumes he'll drop it and leave the Corries to their fate; it's what everyone else has done. He is very, very wrong.
so this is heartbreaking in the whole 'doesn't understand that what is happening is wrong' kind of way and tbh Cody is a little bit more of a dick than i usually imagine him but it is still Quite Excellent 10/10
exploitation, hesitation The Coruscant Guard makes a mistake while working with the 212th Attack Battalion. Fox prepares to take the heat.
EXCELLENT writing with the whole 'pov character thinks one thing is happening while outside characters Definitely Do Not', fox is so self-sacrificing which is why and how we love him 10/10
learning solitude It's a gradual, insidious thing, Fox's absorption into the Chancellor's office. The Chancellor wants a clone commander of his own, so he gets one. All Fox gets is a position far away from his brothers, a lesson in how to work around natborns who detest his very existence, and a seemingly endless list of monotonous jobs to keep him occupied through all his waking hours and beyond. Fox misses Kamino.
less Guard more Fox, but man what a way to emotionally stab you in the face! lots of gaslighting and manipulation and it is part of a series but the series also gets Extremely Dark at the end before having a recovery/happy ending, so ymmv 10/10
Blood Iron Fox has seen many things seized during raids. Illegal weapons, Spice and other assorted of banned drugs, slaves, carnivorous beasts trained for the fighting rings, the list goes on. Nothing prepared him for finding beskar among the crates of contraband and bad life choices.
so much worldbuilding fuck yeah! semi-the mandalorian crossover, the Guards have it Real Fucking Rough but then they run into some traditional mandos with hearts of gold beskar, v excellent 10/10
i'm sure there are others! well i know there are others, but these are the ones i remember standing out/have read so far. all of these have happy endings, i wouldn't do that to you (and tbh don't really read stuff w/o happy endings myself)
go forth and read whump!
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fancyfade · 10 months
Been reading your posts and saw the meme about how other dc characters act when they are around a Batfamily member and they loose all their critical thinking skills
Has that been a problem in comics for decades? I noticed that with Damian in titans stuff…to the point I became annoyed because it just making him a mini Bruce rather then played with the potentially interesting dynamics he could have.
Do Dick and Tim suffer from the mini Bruce approach in their titans stuff a lot too? It gotten to a point in Damian’s stuff for me, that there should be an editorial mandate saying “Just because they are Batman legacy characters, doesn’t mean they are clones of him.”
for Damian, it's been a long time since I read his teen titans stuff (and I didn't read a ton b/c most of it wasn't good), but I do remember that in the intro arc it did feel very Damian centric, and some of it was like.. the other characters powers were too easily cancelled out by some random gadget. like the gun that shot kory when introducing the capturing the team part of the plotline. that was stupid. (and in general, characters powers get randomly cancelled out by a gadget is a common thing in the batfam characters stuff). I can't remember WRT critical thinking, been literal years since I read the comic, but I do narrative focus was disappointing.... even for being a Damian fan while reading it.
for Tim in YJ I guess it felt like he was the leader for no reason, but I can't remember who had the general critical thinking skills or if none of them did. But he also got randomly super tough in one plotline in a way that made me give up on the series for a bit (where he was treated as like. the only person capable of standing up to Harm for some reason which was 9_9). However, in Titans / Young Justice Graduation Day Tim definitely felt like he was the only YJ character who was allowed to be portrayed as "right" (in which "right" obviously means listening to Dick, the paragon of reason) , because everyone else's recklessness had to be exaggerated to explain why the YJ team is so terrible. But god forbid Tim be slandered with the rest of the team 9_9
Dick it definitely holds so true, he was part of the inspiration for me reblogging it :P like the whole "robin is the default leader" thing doesn't start except with Dick, and it wasn't just because Dick was such a logical choice. It was b/c the writers decided to not let anyone else have ideas besides him in the original teen titans series. I've heard it as "everyone had one character trait and his was leader" but like... many characters didn't even have one character trait. Donna's was "girl". like the writing was clearly not balanced or good. and it's sooooo conspicuous because even in NTT, which is generally a pretty good series, the other characters will come across investigations when doing stuff while Dick is absent and be like ":C :C :C oh no dick our critical thinking person is gone whatever shall we do". Like multiple times! and IIRC that happened in the 1966 Teen Titans comics I read too in 1 issue where Dick was off screen. but like "dick is the smartest teen titan" "dick is the best leader" "dick could take out the other titans with planning but just won't b/c he's nice" - any of these situations existing is basically because he's writer's pet a la bruce. inb4 - I'm not saying any instance in which Dick is a good leader shouldn't count. but like. him being the obvious choice over other people is writer's pet-ism and Marv does not give other characters a chance to shine in the role, yet gives Dick plenty of chance to shine. So there is no fair comparison or way to say "he's best".
Anyway, I'll say Dick is by far the one I have noticed it being most true of. If you want to just read Teen Titans comics and have fun he is fr like the Batman of teen titans comics.
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the most important sabres videos from the 2022-23 season so i can cheer sabresblr up
because it is vital that we remember this year!!!!! this is the team that made us love sabres hockey again, no matter how far they didn't go.
now, in no particular order:
exclusive day with rasmus dahlin
what a GREAT way to start the season, truly!!!!! one of the first embeddeds we got featuring multiple members of the team, and UGH it gave us so many iconic moments. krebsy telling dylan he'll work him all day and that he's a fucker (muted for the children's sake). the chirps from everyone!!!! dylan and peyton literally encouraging each other to cheat just to try to beat ras. gave us some great character moments and really just gave us a good inside look into what the team dynamic is like and how much the guys love each other.
2. what a great day to be mic'd up | best of sabres mic'd up from december 2022 (actually from like february lmao)
lots of good moments from this one!!!!!! maybe not a fave for everyone, but certainly for me. lots of skinny and sammy in this one, and again it's just the daily interactions for me! i love to hear them talking about stupid things like gum and "too strong" is a classic dylan moment. it's just some silly good practice fun that makes me smile :)))
3. between 2 stalls
you all know and love it, i've included the whole playlist because every single one hits in a good and different way. it's absolutely the funniest thing the sabres have done media wise this year. it deserves an emmy and jeff skinner best leading actor or smth. i will pay good good money for more of these next season because they are hilarious. give me owen power squirminng while being questioned by jeff please and thank you.
4. hit the boards | owen power and ukko pekka luukonen
two soft and gentle giants not understanding that this is supposed to be a competitive series!!!!!!! you are not supposed to work together, you are supposed to compete!!!!!!! highlight of this one is owen getting "explosive diarrhea" way too fast and not being able to speak spanish. all with a small little laugh and smile along the way!
5. can't keep the beast in the cage
the fact that this is just a run of the mill presser that ended up creating a nickname, chirps in ANOTHER unrelated presser, just proves how good this video is. i mean what more can you want, it's just an excited kid ready to get out there! and we all need more devon levi in our lives if we are being truly honest.
6. sabres react to meme tweets
an ICONIC piece of media right here, i swear!!!!!!! "can you send me that?" so sammy can use this against them in the gc. jack quinn not knowing how to read allegations. tyson jost being so wholesome and hyping up his buddies. tommy dangles if you know you know. AND OF COURSE "daddy tuch".
7. jack and jj give the sabres holiday gifts
part 1 of this series is also a GEM, but unfortunately due to the 10 video attachment limit, i can only include part 2. highlights from part 1 include them buying owen a million gifts, dylan cozens' anger issues, them breaking a poster display because they don't know how posters work, and deciding to get gifts just to piss people off. part 2 however is this and MORE!!!!!! we get to see mostly EVERYONE get their gift! tage's this is slay moment was memed so many times, owen was overjoyed with his gifts, and let's not forget that "this is what the holidays are all about!" not to mention, sammy being the only one to get a fucked up gift made him so mad he decided he wanted the three pound gym weight
8. at home with casey mittelstadt, rasmus dahlin, dylan cozens, and jacob bryson
i'm honestly just here for dylan trying to hide from the camera and having to show up to "pay his rent" via being on camera. he also brings like a shit ton of water with him?????? AND "juicy lips" is a top 10 dylan cozens quote of all time. "they gave you pimples" too.
very much just. dylan cozens in this.
9. owen succumbs to peer pressure
aka the boys tell owen to take his hat off and let the flow go, and in true ferda fashion he does. of course, OF COURSE, the resounding cheer after is deafening and this is one of the best actual pressers from this season because of it
10. what's in the box
the first truly viral sabres moment from this season !!! ending it kinda where we started tbh. i STILL laugh about this moment, from the "i think it likes me" to the TENDER dylan/tage hand hold to peyton proudly pronouncing he knows his poops...this is just perfect. it set out all the narratives for the season and gives us an amazing glimpse into the boys. sabres socials set the bar high with this one and continued to meet it for the rest of the year
other honourable mentions include: tyson jost + others doing community work (highlights include tyson being wholesome and owen's awful rat photo being called unrecognizable), the la entourage trip (jack quinn speaking. that's it, that's the tweet.), sabres choose owen power's goal song (jack's loud proclamation of fearless and kyle's singing), how well do the sabres know their moms (owen being a momma's boy stands out here), matt savoie mic'd up (this one is self-indulgent and just for me), and owen and ras' podcast interview (shocked owen can speak for an hour straight without literally curling up into a ball and hiding; and also bagged milk)
so there you go!!!! hope this cheered you up like it did me. i love our boys as always and can't wait to see what they do next year!
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poughkeepsies · 6 months
I'm sorry you had to see a take that didn't make sense. I feel like since the epicness of bi buck the fandom has had a rift and is just like a headless chicken that is running into wall. While it's hilarious how many jokes and memes came out of it (the screaming "buck" from eddie still my favorite thing) and also all the love for Buck and Oliver still makes me emotional, we unfortunatly have had people having not so great reactions. Sure it's out of hurt cause some wanted Eddie and never Tommy (I'm a buddie Stan but Tommy is perfect for baby bi buck's first step like I can't think of a better way of to handle this from the show, and here I go being emotional again) some protect themselves from the possible pain that buddie won't happen cause to them that's as far as the show will come to it. But still sucks, and I'm sorry it happened to you cause between your posts and your tags you have been part of the amazing ride that this moment has given us so im sorry you had to wake up at 7 to shitty takes and hope your day gets brighter and brighter!
that's so sweet of you to say and yeah I mean there's certainly been a lot of discourse all over the place but I will say I'm so glad im on tumblr we're all mostly having the absolute most fun on here (I mean there's still discourse bit I feel like it's a lot less than other platforms, unless my dash is just particularly curated). the take I saw was actually from an ofmd fan on twt bragging that they're so glad their show had "natural representation" from the beginning that wasn't "showy" or felt like the creators going "HEY THIS IS GAY!!!". This take is of course so fucking stupid that I would like to take op and shove them into a sewer but I am simply too tired to point out all the reasons why
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amoirsetpacis · 10 months
vash can you talk about everything you love about wolfwood. i wanna hear about how much you loooooove him lol
[ combining with this old meme. ]
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It's not like it's difficult. There are plenty of things he loves about Wolfwood-- it's just that talking about them to someone else makes his face heat up. He can feel it in the tips of his ears, too. There's a quick glance around before he finally answers, fingers toying with one another.
"I mean. Um. Well." Okay, deep breath. "First of all, I guess, is that he's just. He's just good? I know that sounds stupid, but--. Augh. Just. It's easy to see how much he cares about people. No matter how much he throws a fit about it, he's always goin' out of his way to make sure other people are taken care of. Even folks he doesn't know."
There's an endless list; from dropping by at the flower shop to make sure he's eaten to the days when it had been common place for Wolfwood to be the one to patch him up after a shootout, grumbling about it the entire time. Not to mention everything he'd done for the other people in his life-- how far he was willing to go to help them. Even helping those back on the colony, when the only thing he'd even known about them was that they were important to Vash. "It's... really sweet of him. He has a big heart."
Vash can't help the small laugh that escapes his throat.. "And it's cute, catching him in the act. He gets all flustered if you call him out on it. Which, I guess, that's another thing. He's cute! It's fun to pick on him. Does that make me mean?" Wolfwood picks on him plenty too, though-- and eye for an eye, he guesses.
"He's just like that, though. Puts a lot of care into everything he does. It's really admirable, I think."
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"It's easy, too. Just bein' around him. Like it's exactly where I'm supposed to be. Like I can be more comfortable in my own skin." Which, coming from someone who still has so many problems being alright with himself, means a lot. There's a peace in their house that he didn't think he'd ever be able to have. "He makes me laugh and smile and mean it. Lets me be selfish, sometimes. Actually, half the time he wants me to be a bit more selfish."
Never once made Vash feel like a monster, not even when Wolfwood had been scared of him. "Saw everything wrong with me and stayed anyway."
" ... Do you really want me to go on?" he laughs. "It's kinda embarrassing, you know? It's a long list. You'll be stuck here for a while."
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"... For real?"
A few beats of silence, and then Vash's face falls into his palms with a frustrated groan. Somehow, he's gotten even redder. "Fine. He's hot, too! How's that fair!? And he refuses to believe me-- but then he goes and is a menace about it anyway! The man walks around the house shirtless half the time-- how am I supposed to get anything done, huh!?"
"And his hands! They're so nice. And distracting. Oh my god." Don't get him started on how easy it is for Wolfwood to pick him up, either. Vash may be thin but he's not that light. Wolfwood still picks him up like it's nothing.
His face is still in his hands, but it does little to muffle his exasperation. "And he's got the whole tall, dark, and handsome schtick too! His nose is perfect. And his jaw. And eyes. And lips." It's like someone puzzle-pieced a person together specifically to be devastatingly attractive.
"Augh!!! Okay. No more." Or else he'd be here all day, and he's already about half-way sure he's going to start melting into the floor any second now.
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thattimdrakeguy · 1 year
Frankly, I don’t even give a damn about that whole thing with Gunn and his involvement with that certain company
If anything, this will be a cinematic universe equivalent of the time Bryan Singer directed a 2006 film for WB after the success of the first two X Men films. I bet it’ll maybe flop so badly just in the first try before it even has a chance because of the bad behavior and baggage surrounding it
Not something I give a damn enough to pay attention too. I’m only paying attention to when Godzilla Minus One and Godzilla x Kong are coming to theaters but that’s it
First of all, Superman Returns is an underrated classic. So how dare you. It has beautiful set design, music, movie moments, performances, and cinematography (Well, sometimes the movie looks oddly gross, but mostly). It's main flaw is not realizing the importance of trimming a plot down so you can keep things exciting and not lose people just long enough for them to not care.
Also, you don't have to agree with that. I don't actually care that much. It was directed by a pedophile for fucks sake. But y'know, sometimes terrible people make great work.
Even when those terrible people should be put in prison and shunned by society.
'Cause I'm not defending that asshole. Fuck him. I just liked a movie.
Fuck Kevin Spacey too. The way people talk about him, I'm led to believe he might be responsible for murders. But I ayy, that's just a theory. Just...just a theory. Let that meme that probably came to some people's mind die, because no one laughs at it anymore, it's getting sad.
But as far as Superman Legacy goes? Will probably be the best DC movie since The Suicide Squad.
James Gunn is capable of making awesome movies. And his sudden decision to make the Guardians care about killing at the weirdest time they could, will at least work for a Superman story that will presumably not have a bad guy who has killed billions upon billions and billions of people.
So, that's good, I guess.
It's so far everything else I am worried about. Not the quality of Creature Commandos, or the Green Lantern show, or the Booster Gold show. I feel like it'll be fine.
My gripe is absolutely ridiculous decisions with the greater DC Universe he's attempting to create.
For example of his most recent stupid statement, of saying stuff will carry over, but Superman Legacy is the first canon film.
Like what does that mean? If you're going to be carrying stuff over, presumably that means it is also canon. Or are you going to be retconning stuff as it goes along to serve your own desires, while mostly using stuff from past things on some occasions? Because that's confusing as hell.
It's like a kid doodling or day dreaming. They can follow and not follow what they want. They're a kid and their enjoyment is to be theirs's and usually theirs's alone.
Not so much when you're making an expanded cinematic universe, that people will want to comprehend so they can follow and enjoy themselves as it's further expanded.
Then his first slate is this:
Superman Legacy, which again I think will likely be great, if overcrowded.
The Authority (Who I heard will also be in Superman Legacy. So why is that coming up so soon? Seems self-serving and unnecessary, but I'm not judging it that badly. I'm only a little confused, and shrugging there. Not absolutely baffled or anything. They could easily do something to warrant it that makes sense.)
The Brave and the Bold:
Which is a movie directed by the dude that did the Flash, a movie that makes no sense logically, even in its own plot, and has so many bad moments and effects that it's difficult to sit through. That is also (Meaning Brave and The Bold here) ignoring most of the gold given to them from the source material. So they can have a Batman with a full family, that's likely to be too crowded for anyone to give a shit that isn't a pea brain who only needs to see something vaguely representing something they kind of know. When they have a much fresher Superman. Which creates a very similar problem the DCEU id to begin with. And is also bastardizing and missing the whole fucking point of the story it is trying to adapt. And on top of that, even if they adapting it in a way that makes more sense, would still be a TERRIBLE STORY TO ADAPT FOR THE FIRST BATMAN FILM IN THIS UNIVERSE.
Then there's: Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.
Which makes me questioned why the fuck Batman, and later on Swamp Thing are going to be in it, when whatever plot it could possibly have seems to be mostly Superman related.
'Cause if we're having a movie where we have Superman, the entirety of the Authority Team, and the whole Bat-Family, as well as Supergirl, and Swamp Thing...THEN IT'S GONNA BE A MESS. This isn't the damn MCU where we had 10 years of time to make sure things worked.
And if this is not building up to anything that's only them, why waste a chapter (what they're calling phases) on that then? If you're going to take more time, shouldn't the chapters be bigger so people can get a clue what's going on in your messy messy mind? 'Cause that'll also waste people's time.
Also, also, and, and, why Swamp Thing?
That has James Mangold directing, so I trust that to be quite a good movie potentially. Maybe even the best of the whole chapter.
But who the fuck starts off the CINEMATIC UNIVERSE's first phase, with a character that largely only interacts with stuff in a very specific subsection, that I highly doubt will be able to be used in a way that makes that specific movie happening so fast worth it.
If I have to eat my words so be it. Because I don't want to expect things to be bad, nor do I want them to be bad. So eating my words would be a tasty dessert. I just can't imagine what bullshit he's planning, unless he's going about something in an extremely messy way.
Then we got the TV Shows, but whatever. I don't need them to be all connected, and I doubt they will be more heavily connected, since it'd be a bitch decision to expect people to watch the shows to care about the movies. When Marvel has been going on for nearly 15 years, and can't get people to bother with their shows that will explain very imperative stuff that needs to be understood and enjoyed fully.
Lanterns IS supposed to tie in to the greater DCU story.
So he is expecting people to care that much for a universe, that is built on major cracks, and tarp that was put up to cover the collapsing walls of the place.
And I did see someone else also say that James Gunn is making a universe for himself (While I think also making many bullshit statements which made no one care about that part), and the main liked response is "Isn't that most movies?"
No, no it isn't.
Most people that make movies, make movies expected to make sense, and be enjoyed by a larger audience.
So no. And that's very stupid to say. But it sounded like a nice defense, so whatever I guess.
And regardless, that doesn't mean he's making good decisions, and while you can say "Yeah, but making stuff for himself by default isn't bad", I would be telling you in my brain since I'm not that rude in actual conversation to shut the fuck up, because the obvious implication is that he doesn't give a shit in a way that matters for it all to work out and be good in a way that feels properly fulfilling like we may have tapped the potential finally that DC has to offer.
So we're left, instead of that, a cinematic universe that at best is going to have a Batman movie that's going to be okay enough maybe at best, despite the many heinously asinine decisions behind the making of it. And a story that is either going to be super forced, or told in a very unsatisfying manner, or at least a confusing matter.
Should I wait to see? I do not care. I don't want to watch a universe that skipped straight to Damian. Because beyond the fact I don't think he's been a good character since the Dick Grayson led Batman and Robin--and that's ONLY during the time Grant Morrison wrote it. Wasting what might be dozens of good pieces of source material to create an emotionally effective, dazzling, well-woven movie trilogy (possibly behind) for the sake of making a movie, basically because some guy who has no experience actually crafting a cinematic universe (And seems to have issues with the one he did work on when it comes to how his specifically created stuff was intertwined. Maybe not big cry baby ones. But still), wanted to make an adaptation of a story that was only good for a small fragment of time, for specific reasons, and was surrounded by massive piles of dog shit directly because of the decisions that let that series be made in the first place, while also NOT adapting the parts of it that worked--is (One massive sentence later) MOR-ON-IC.
People that write the comics CAN'T EVEN WRITE THE BAT-FAMILY, most of the Bat-Family fandom (As in the vocal parts that are obsessed with the fandom) DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY'RE LIKE.
Am I supposed to trust this movie, given all of that, to get the characters right to begin with? I don't feel like I should. It would seem to be too much to naturally assume they'll get it right given preceding evidence.
Anyways, I think Superman Legacy will be a success. James Gunn carries a lot of weight.
But I don't think Authority will do well. Hardly anyone knows who they are, and they don't have a cool hook like Guardians of the Galaxy.
People act like it's a surprise Guardians of the Galaxy was successful 'cause no one knew the comic.
I think that's also silly. Not dumb, but silly.
A lot of movies have been adapted from things people don't know. It doesn't effect anything one way or another. It just has to seem interesting enough to watch on it's own terms.
At the same time, though, I'm not sure I think people want an ultra cynical super hero team right now. Nor one that is very much of the time it came from.
Unless they're going to have Superman teach them the lesson of optimism. In which case, why the fuck are you doing an Authority movie, where they don't act like what people liked about them to begin with.
Seems lose lose.
I can't help but feel like they're either going to lose the box office, or the soul of the property.
If the Flash, a well-known character can't do it. And Shazam 2, a movie that is a sequel to a successful movie people loved didn't do it. Or Black Adam, a movie starring one of the highest grossing movie stars of the current day couldn't do it.
Then I'm not sure I can see how The Authority is going to do it.
And with competition from a sequel spawning from a critically acclaimed Batman movie, I don't think Brave and the Bold will do extraordinarily well, especially when they got the people working on The Flash behind it. 'Cause unless James Gunn magically knows they actually know how Batman works and for some reason didn't show that before, it's not going to be a great movie, or a movie the greater fan base will like. It's going to be a movie that fandom people like--maaaaybe. The fans that aren't really as vast as people think, but are simply loud, and only cares about the brand names in the end. As shown by how little true successes DC has lately. Their 'successes' are mostly based on the standards of how low they fallen. Which is de-press-ing.
Supergirl likely won't do well, since we just had Superman, and most people don't care about Supergirl that aren't comic people to begin with. Even the television series struggled a bit, and people who watched did like it--I think. Well, sometimes. It has a fandom obsessed with it, but no shit. That's what a fandom is. I can't take anything out of that, general view wise.
Swamp Thing I imagine will be great, but it's so niche I don't think it will make big money. But if they're smart they'll use just enough money to make it look good and leave it at that. So it could make money if they're smart. People like horror flicks, and monster movies. There's natural potential there.
It's a TV series' world out there, with people enjoying serialized storytelling more than ever. So I think the series' will do okay.
If I'm proven wrong, I won't be totally shocked. But I would be surprised.
When James Gunn was announced as head of the DCU, I was happy, quite happy. The Suicide Squad is my favorite DCEU movie by a large margin. I love the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. All of them. Even if I have issues with the 3rd one hardly anyone seems to talk about. Like that movie really wasted Adam Warlock. He might as well have never been built up if he was going to do so little that could easily be switched out with someone or something else.
It so happens, that I am not a man of bias though. As that may sometimes seem. The last time my blog had relevance, and wasn't used as the dark void I scream into, I was actively shitting on one of my favorite comic book writers series' that was starring my favorite DC character.
I've learned over the years of being in a fandom that acts like a cult sometimes, that just accepting what you're brain tells you is closer to reality than the nonsense mental gymnastics you came up with to convince yourself otherwise.
So I'm not letting my love of other James Gunn movies make me ignore all these weird decisions, that are weird, and to an extent awful at least in enough of a way to mean something no matter how you swing it.
Also best of luck with Zilla shenanigans. I have no upcoming movies I'm eagerly awaiting for that's coming out anytime soon. I'm abiding my time 'til Deadpool. A movie that is directed and written by people who make continuously great movies that don't make me scratch my head. Because thankfully they just have to work on one hero's story, not look over all of them, where they'd probably also mess up.
You can't have a guy who treats creative properties like toys run your cinematic universe. He has a great mind for some things, but I don't think he has the sense for this.
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crazyexdirkfriend · 1 year
What's the behind the scenes for shag etc? 👀 (also the icon on your blog theme is so cute...)
ty ty! it's from chapter 2 of two short hours etc. in case anyone didn't see it. okay this might get long so read more time
I have so many behind the scenes for that. Firstly: the playlist. this is what I made because my huge dirkjake playlist isn't thematically consistent. but to elaborate on the Lore of my choices:
dirt-emma blackery is actually the song that gave me the idea for the fic, and then down for the count-bowling for soup played afterwards. the key being snarky bits like "then you came on twitter saying i'm bitter, honey have you looked in the mirror" "how far down will you go on me, ONLINE" "guess things go sour after they pass their sell-by-date"
dead girl walking (reprise) was initially on my playlist for calvariæ and strip away my conscience (FIFTY SHADES OF MORALLY GREEEY) was on my two short hours etc. playlist, but both made the migration over thematically
someone gets hurt is solely on this for POOOOR LITTLE ME ALL TRAPPED IN THIS FABULOUS SHOOOOW. jake in a golden bird cage of his own making.
the bit where jake walks out on stage to endorse karkat with the back light is based on the music video for taylor swift's "i bet you think about me" when she...well comes out with a back light to "the voice is so loud, saying 'why did you let her go?'" it's very revenge dress moment for jake here. rip princess diana, she would have loved my fanfiction where dirk and jake hunt each other for sport.
i'm on it by the cast of nashville is on this because "the only over i'll be is over your shoulder" is why i have jake make those stupid billboards to haunt dirk with.
god is a freak is on this. but dirk is god in this scenario. WEIRD YOU'RE ACTING LIKE MY BOYFRIEND :///
Some other behind the scenes lore, like deleted scenes: I was supposed to rehash the scene where Roxy (and Jake) comes out as NB but it didn't fit in the end. Here's the excerpt I did write
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There was also supposed to be a scene where Jake sent Dirk this meme but I forgot to put it in. I instead complained on Twitter about forgetting to put it in and then my third level lecturer SENT ME MY OWN TWEET and then offered me work. I am still haunted by this fact. I have no idea why this happened. Deep deep lore. Here's the image btw
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This scene was also supposed to be in it but I had no idea where to go with it. Raccoon was supposed to be a series regular.
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This note on the final conflict scene is the only time I used the term "emotionally devastate." The fic was unnamed until literally 3 days before its release bc I couldn't think of anything other than "the blood between us is horrendous but in a vacillating manner as opposed to a xenophobic one- (Troll Taylor's Version)" which was way too long considering no one ever types the full name of shag emotionally devastate etc. anyway lmao
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The billboards and the bloat advertising on the dating apps are things I've had Jake do before in RP, both deliberately and accidentally. I find it so infinitely funny to think about the idea of Jake believing so hard that Dirk would never love anyone other than him that he (hope powers) makes it functionally impossible for Dirk to move on. Dirk looks for him in nothing and finds him there anyway. Buys a drink at a bar and Skaianet sponsors Orange Crush now. Is on a date with some guy who is like "hold on, you're jake english's ex? you broke up with jake english? sorry I could never date anyone stupid enough to let jake english go" (shoving breadsticks in purse). I think Jake would also set up Tinder so he pops up every three swipes but when Dirk swipes right on him eventually he just gets a Skaianet helpdesk bot
Other behind the scenes hmm. I spent the vast majority of 8-10 weeks not writing this and 4 weeks actually writing the bulk of it, but most of the time was spent hand wringing on discord because I was convinced that this fic would not be received well so I'm actually hugely pleasantly surprised that people have liked it!
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for monogatari, top three favorite characters and ops so far? :3
MY FAVORITES SO FAR YOU SAY? Well after thinking on it for a bit. I...put a LOT more thought into it than I thought I would, so for the sake of tags i'm gonna put this under a read more fdkjhfgd.
For the characters i'd say it's...
3 - Tsukihi Araragi. I made a sorta short post about her a few days ago that goes over a lot that I like about her, but to sum it up here...she's just such a fun character to see on screen with all of her varied designs with each arc. It makes for great visuals, and a good indicator of what point in time an arc takes place in when the series gets funny with it's chronology! Her straightforwardness as a character is such a huge strength that helps her stand out too, given how many layers you typically have to observe and peel back for other characters in this series. And her bluntness in conversation serves an amazing double purpose as both a tool for comedy, and for pushing forward other characters around her like Koyomi and Nadeko.
2 - Shinobu Oshino. It was actually really hard to decide this one, if only because there's SO many characters that I love to death. But I think Shinobu fits this spot perfectly. I really wasn't all that impressed with her in Bakemonogatari in the sense that like. I KNEW she was popular but didn't see why watching the series back as a teen. Also her hat was stupid and i'm glad she stopped wearing it. But unlike when I was a teen, Kizumonogatari was out, and my group decided to watch in Book Order...and then it clicked Oh. I see why Shinobu is so popular now. It made me understand just how big of a deal her choosing to speak again in Nisemonogatari was. And with Meme departing from the story, I think having her take his place as the Apparition Encyclopedia was a GREAT decision, not only because of her physical bond to Koyomi allowing her to appear whenever, it also gives us her AMAZING dynamic with him too. I genuinely love what a like....Scooby Doo problem solving duo they've become by the point of the story i'm at now. And as Onimonogatari taught me, there's STILL so much more of her to learn about. Also her laugh is cute. Ka-ka-ka!
1 - Tsubasa Hanekawa. Given my current icon, banner and...I dunno, HALF of my monogatari reblog tag, is this a surprise? I wanna write a whole entire post dedicated to her someday once I finish the whole series and read the novel versions too, but Hanekawa is just...okay, to try and keep it short. She's easily one of the most dynamic characters in the entire cast. As soon as Bake episode 1 starts, you already know that her and Koyomi have a history together, we know something was up with her and the story just, teases it all through Bake until it comes to a head in Tsubasa Cat. Kizu pulls the camera back to see how her friendship with and love for Koyomi began (and they're SO fun and sweet becoming friends with each other the whole arc), Nise shows that she's...SAYING she's changed, even though we know she really hasn't, before NekoBlack helps us establish the Full Picture of who Hanekawa is, and finally showing her FINALLY learning and growing for REAL in NekoWhite. I'd be doing a disservice if I didn't mention Black Hanekawa as well, for being a hilarious charatcter in her own right, and adding in a special degree of personal relatability to me personally in how i've experienced things in my life. She's just...I have so much more to say but she's just REALLY special to me is all.
And i'd like to give special mentions to Kaiki Deishuu and Sengoku Nadeko. I have no doubt that Nadeko is gonna be a top fiver by the end, but I wanna see the Conclusion of her main arc since Otorimonogatari is really only the beginning of it. And Kaiki is just a really fun character to think on with his faker philosophy, and he's a delight whenever he shows up just doing mundane things like eating donuts or being a weird uncle for Kanbaru.
As for my favorite OPs, this should go quicker i'd say...
3 - Platinum Disco. It's...It's Platinum Disco. It and Renai Ciruclation are like THE Monogatari songs right? At least they were when I was a teen. It's peppy, it's upbeat, it's got some fun clashing lyrics, the visuals are so iconic that the series itself memed on it, it's...it's Platinum Disco. You know?
2 - Mousou Express. For a song that I heard for the first time...lemme check...FIVE days ago? It shot up insanely high on my list. I feel kinda bad mentioning Renai Circulation twice in a row without it actually being one of the answers, but the way that Mousou Express just...flips Renai Circulation on it's head, both in the lyrics being far more openly possessive and obsessive than the cutesywootsie lyrics of the original, and the visuals quite literally being made up mostly in part of Renai's visuals in reverse...it sets up the turn Naedko's character is going to be taking AMAZINGLY, even before her spiral fully begins partway through the arc (from Our PoV anyway). Kanahana's singing is also just...top notch.
1 - Chocolate Insomnia. Given my current icon, banner, half of my monogatari reblog tag and...my answer above, is this much of a surprise? Much in the same way that Mousou Express is an amazing indicator of the direction Naedko's character would be going, Chocolate Insomnia is SUCH an amazing indicator of not only where Hanekawa will being going in the arc, but an amazing look back on how far she's COME since the beginning of the story. Opening with a heartfelt apology, before literally singing about the realizations she's come to by this point in the story, set to a FAR more openly hopeful and cheerful sounding song compared to her other two openings it's...it's just a masterpiece of a song. I love it so much.
And special mentions to Marshmallow Justice just being a really fun opening with REALLY good vocals from Eri Kitamura. And to White Lies for just being one of the most GORGEOUS openings visually. Absolute treat for the eyes to go with the more subdued song and vocals.
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tathrin · 1 year
13 (Favourite fic from another author) and 14 (favourite side pairings to put in) for the Cool Asks for Fic Writers <3
[from this ask meme]
13. Favourite fic from another author:
Okay I know that I answer this one pretty much any time somebody asks me anything about somebody else's work right now, but I can't help it I am just inappropriately obsessed with this story it lives in my brain gnawing on my thoughts daily like a hungry little goblin: The Harrowing by @chthonion
Also I am very very excited to finally be home properly for a full day so that I can sit down and re-re-re-read the latest chapter and finally respond to it and by "respond" I mean "go feral" ahhhhhh.
14. Favorite side pairings to put in:
Hmm I'm not sure I really have go-tos there? It depends entirely on the story. (I suppose I could say gimleaf, because I would absolutely work them into e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g except that 99% of the fics I write these days are gimleaf-centric, so that. doesn't work.)
Possibly Éowyn/Faramir because they're lovely and also live in Ithilien (and I really enjoy Éowyn getting to fuck with people shh) which puts them in a geographically convenient position to be referenced; also Aragorn/Arwen because the compare/contrast of their elf-loves-mortal relationship is very rich ground for a Legolas/Gimli shipper to poke at. I've also quite unintentionally become a Maedhros/Fingon shipper due to reading far too many lovely things lately and...
Oh, and I'm stupid. Obviously my favorite side-pairings to slide into a fic are Celebrimbor/Annatar and Celebrimbor/Narvi and, best of all, Celebrimbor/Narvi/Annatar. Duh. I'm sorry, I'm really stupid about shipping and my brain doesn't always work XD
Thank you for asking! And giving me a chance to A: shriek about Your Shadow Rising to Meet You again and B: making me think about stuff I don't usually think about!
Also I'm sorry for being a double dumbass, turns out I just put it in my queue out of habit instead of posting sigh.
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barebcnes · 10 months
@paramounticebound asked: ‘ vengeance is like an open wound. ‘ (( so you know i'm still floating around and iluuuuu )) [Some meme I reblogged | always open] [ILU TOO 5EVER SENDING YOU ALL THE HUGS, waiting patiently for you ♥]
"---It keeps bleedin' and hurtin', keeps botherin' you - unless it, at some point, starts to heal."
Oh, McCoy knows. Vengeance is dangerous, it's eating away at every single one experiencing it, gnawing on tissue and bone from the inside out. An open wound which can appear everywhere on one's body, one's mind, like a parasite drilling through the beating walls of a steady heart to build a nest in the dead center of it.
"The thing is..."
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"...Despite what it makes us think we need to do to get rid of it, to heal said wound, it is not what actually treats it. Perhaps it offers temporary relief, but... in the end, said shitty wound still exists, no matter how many of those gauzes you put onto it, no matter how many of those pills you swallow..."
Responding in kind is not the ultimate answer to get rid of the fire that burns within one - to hurt where one has been hurt, to take what has been taken away from one, to kill what has been killed inside oneself. It's easier said than done, however, Leonard is aware of that; Even he, as a doctor, who swore an oath and promised to never cause any harm, sometimes experiences that strange urge to just... do something stupid.
And Khan? He's special. It's even harder for him to not act on what he feels is necessary; As far as the doctor knows, the genetic engineering that has been performed on him in the past caused some side-effects to occur, including an increased likeliness to react with violence and aggression rather than a calm, steady nature. As much as part of McCoy hates to admit it: It's not entirely the Augment's fault.
Yes, he's actually done some research; Go figure.
That, however, does not mean that Khan cannot let the wound heal that bothers him. He's intelligent, strong, durable, a will made of iron...
A breath is being taken, exhaled - Leonard blinks, then looks up, meeting a gaze that is colder than his own and yet much more emotional than most may expect it to be. It holds a lot of things, some of which he doesn't want to see too often and others he cannot get enough of. Which is... something, definitely. A realization he's had a while ago, coming out of nowhere and settling somewhere inside his chest.
"---However, there's always a way to treat the injury. To finally take away some of the agony... and then, once the bleedin' stops, watch it close for good. A scar might remain, itchin' every now and then... but the pain it causes will become less and less, until, one day, you're ready to cover it up and not think of it so often anymore."
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Dude-I'm the opposite of the last anon. I wouldn't want a shark purely because it's such an asshole move to trap a creature that isn't domesticated-
But dude. Kai Building an Aquarium? Divorce. Divorced. Don't care about the contract divorced. Walking all over what I said and trying to be the "good guy" to the kids (which. You know just personally I don't want kids so already a huge goddamn strike)?? Divorced. Moving out of the White House. Living in another house or a hotel, don't care. Not even the crusty boy can come with
Hmm, I've got a little something for everyone, so... may I offer you (and everyone who does not want to be the First Lady) another route?
Its pretty much the same AU but instead of President Kai marrying someone to gets votes for his campaign, he adopts a girl.
Now, we can always shift between him adopting the reader when they were just a baby, or when they were a teen, but I'm gonna go with the teen route now because things are more interesting this way.
Okay now adopting a teen is already gonna make hearts melt because nobody adopts teens and Kai does that for two reasons: 1. public image and popularity increases. 2. its easier to handle a teen and yknow, make them understand the whole "situation".
Now by situation, I mean that Kai is gonna make it clear to the reader from the beginning that this is a business deal. Kai explains that if reader plays the part of being the perfect child of the President, who was definitely not going to make it if her knight in shining armour dad didn't come through, then Kai would make sure to pay her. Pay her for her lifestyle, her education, her student loans, he'll cover it all. All you need to do is to attract the public, make their hearts warm with your good manners and "soft" nature.
Yeah, Kai decided it would be best if you went with a "docile" and "naive" image, but you were a sharp girl, your intelligence was what attracted him in the first place. You know how to charm people, born with a gift of gab, you're great at interacting with all ages.
So, with the older generation, you were the country's sweetheart. With the younger generation, you were the cool kid who connected with them.
Once Kai got elected President, a whole new world of possibilities opened up for you. You could travel anywhere you wanted, try out so many hobbies and explore different fields of interests now that money is not an issue.
Kai allowed you to do whatever you wanted, he just had 2 rules:
Don't say stupid things.
Don't do stupid things.
By stupid things, he meant not to do anything that would tarnish his image.
Now things were going swimmingly in the beginning, but when Kai's shady business partners tried to use his presidency for their personal gains, that landed Kai in hot waters with the country. With how quickly his reputation was going down, you came up with a plan.
With the help of your and Kai's PR team, you suggested a father-daughter day out. Kai thought it was the stupidest thing ever, but it ended up actually working in his favour.
The media was going crazy as they snapped sweet moments between you and Kai- like taking you to the carnival, glaring down the group of guys that were checking you out, you pretended to laugh when he asked what- you know, just doing things in general that showed the world that Kai is not a cold, frigid bitch like they were saying.
And then daughter reader has such a great sense of humor too, because she's making dad memes by taking candid pictures of Kai and uploading them on Twitter. He thought you were insulting him at first, but his popularity among the younger generation increased with each meme you made.
Then stuff happened and Kai had took his anger out on you, blaming you for the way a deal he made went wrong, going as far to call you "a dumb degenerate that nobody wanted".
Then once Kai had calmed down, he realised he fucked up but he won't admit that. Then the whole assassination attempt on him happened and you ended up taking the bullet and almost dying, that's when his whole yandereness begins, as well the country's obsession with you.
Platonic yandere Kai is super protective of you, more than he is possessive. He's hired the dream team aka TodoBakuDeku as your Secret Service and Miruko as your... nanny/personal assistant. Absolutely no dating and even all your friends are picked by him. Kai wants to be like the best parental figure for you, wants you to look at him as both your mother and father figure. And he's going to make an actual effort to parent you the best way he sees fit.
You on the other hand, think Kai is just doing all of this for the cameras, surprised that he's willing to keep up the act even behind the scenes, but who are you to complain to his crazy ass?
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Hm, so whaddaya think?
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cherrykindness · 3 years
wild tweets |
pairing: Harry Styles x Actress!Reader
summary: as newlyweds, you and harry read thirsty comments for buzzfeed.
warning: it's thirsty tweets, so below there is adult humor 😳
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"It's a bright, sunny morning in Los Angeles, and there's nothing I want more than to be on BuzzFeed and read wild tweets alongside my husband."
"Thirsty tweets, babe." Harry corrected, laughing out loud with the producers behind the cameras.
"Thirsty Tweets." You said quickly, putting your hand over your mouth to stifle a giggle. "I'm terrible at that, I'm sorry. Can we start over?"
"Let's take a break for one to two minutes. You've given us a great introduction, Y/N."
You shook your head, smiling shyly before turning to Harry, who was already watching you with that easy smile at the corner of his lips. You liked how his hand remained firmly on yours, making those circular movements with the thumb that always served as a natural medice for your anxiety.
"You look so fucking beautiful."
The pleated dress with flounce sleeves fit you like a glove. You had made peace with the various shades of white since the wedding and knew that Harry liked to see you in that color too.
"Thank you, you're not too bad either, Styles."
You intimately suspected that Harry would always seem far beyond that "not bad" that came out as a euphemism from your mouth. He wore nothing but a pair of bell-bottom pants in a strong shade of blue and a soft vest printed with fluffy little sheep on a striped American collared shirt - in your opinion, no one could look better in farm animal clothing than Harry Styles and Princess Diana with her red "Black Sheep" sweater in the 1980s. In contrast, you knew your husband well enough to know that he was arrogant and knew exactly how hot he looked - you also made your thoughts clear enough when you kept him backstage beyond ten minutes in a rather heated kissing session.
"Are you anxious?" you asked curiously, remaining with downcast eyes fixed on the strokes that remained assiduous on your warm skin. "To read about how the whole internet dreams of fucking my wife?! Of course." Harry joked, leaning over to leave a small one on your cheek. "We agree on that, don't we? Although I'm a little nervous, I'm really interested to know all the crazy things they say about you. Everyone knows you're mine at the end of the day, that's enough."
At the end of the break, you and Harry made a silent agreement that you should be the first to pick up one of the scattered papers in the red pot. There were quite a significant amount of tweets, and as much as you were used to reading rather sordid things about your husband on the Internet, the excitement was there as if you were wading into uncharted territory.
"I would be a good girl all year round if Santa guaranteed me a threesome with Harry and Y/N Styles on Christmas Eve." You laughed, Harry staring at the camera with an expression close to the meme of the surprised Pikachu. "You guys are incredibly nasty, I love it."
"If that was the first one, I'm really worried about the next ones." Harry commented with a little corner smile, picking the next tweet out of the bucket. "I have an entire folder on Pinterest dedicated to Harry Styles' hands, and let me tell you why: those hands are art, and art needs to be recognized."
"What- Guys, you promised you wouldn't post my anonymous tweets here." You quipped with false reproach, laughing at your own stupid joke while everyone else in the studio did the same. "But I can't blame her, honestly." Shaking your shoulders, you opened another piece of paper. "Harry Styles finally confessed that he wrote Watermelon Sugar for Y/N!!!! Are you guys imagining the same thing as me?!!!!!! 🥵🍆💦"
"Exhausted emoji, eggplant emoji, and water emoji?" Harry frowned, staring at the tweet you held up. "I imagine you're in need of a vacation somewhere refreshing and you're craving a fruit that everyone eats like it's really a vegetable."
"That reminded me of that story-" You laughed, hiding your face on the table as Harry continued to offer a poker face to the camera, struggling not to keep up with you laughter. "I'm sorry, lovie, I have to share this with the rest of the world." You stated, wiping a few tears from the corner of your eyes. "Harry always wears those fancy suits to concerts, right?! Right! Turns out he looks really hot in some, like his ass molds perfectly into those tight pants and everything. I was home that night because I wasn't feeling well enough to face the big crowds, but I was still following everything on twitter. It was a concert in London, not so far from where we lived at the time, so it was obvious that he would come home after it was over. I follow some portals that do really fast updates of pictures, videos, etc; everything that happened at Harry's concert was on my timeline in a matter of seconds. When one of these profiles uploaded a picture of him with his back to the camera in a heavily accentuated black and white suit, I quickly sent him the image along with a peach emoji and then wrote "looks good tonight". He didn't reply to me until a few hours later, of course, but I obviously didn't expect a "ready for a Fifth Avenue peach salad for dinner?" and numerous cutlery emojis."
Harry rolled his eyes comically, indulging in laughter as did everyone else who occupied the backstage area.
"I'm against the eroticization of emojis." He said between uncompensated breaths, shaking his head negatively. "Let's go to the next ones, please, I'm already feeling exposed enough here."
"I like your old-fashioned spirit, baby." You assured him with a smile, laying on the sturdy shoulder hidden under the fluffy fabric.
Harry chuckled low, leaving a little kiss on the top of your head before selecting the next paper. The fans would die when that video aired, everyone was sure. You two easily forgot the cameras when you were side by side, and the public display of affection had never been a problem.
"My life mission is to look at someone the way Harry looks at Y/N and be reciprocated the way Y/N looks at Harry, then I could die happy." Harry read. "That was very good and healthy, thank you!" He smiled. "But don't settle for death in that case, please. Just make sure to keep that person around forever."
"Awn, we got so sweet now." You made a pout. "Thank you for sending us something so cute! I really hope you find the right person soon." Sending a kiss to the camera, you moved on to the next tweet. "I wouldn't want to get a golden ticket to visit Willy Wonka's factory, I would like to get a golden ticket to actively participate in Y/N and Harry Styles' Honeymoon.
"That was creative, so I will disregard the fact that you removed my last name from my wife's name." Harry joked.
"I will always be an Y/L/N." You flashed the tongue. "We had a great Honeymoon, but I know you guys already know all about it because there are pictures all over the internet of outings that I don't even remember existed."
"Even though we chose a rather reserved city, many paparazzi still managed to photograph some of our nights there." Harry agreed. "There was one particular day when we opted to have dinner at a restaurant near the beach. Y/N had found it even before the trip, it was pretty laid back and we could spend the evening at karaoke. I don't really remember what happened, but we woke up the next day with a terrible hangover, still wearing the clothes from the dinner and with several headlines saying that I was cheating on my wife in the middle of our Honeymoon with a blue-haired italian girl."
"That wig made me sexy, man." You blinked, laughing as you remembered the situation. "It's a shame the paparazzi only got low quality images, but I swear I looked really amazing that night. Italy, I miss you."
"We're coming to the end and I haven't had to ask production for a glass of water yet, thank you to whoever selected these tweets." Harry raised his thumb to the camera, smiling before turning his gaze back to the small paper he had chosen. "Y/N could literally punch me in the face and I would just bow down and thank them for it." He laughed. "She has heavy hands, so I would rethink that choice."
"It takes strong hands to be a superheroine." You blinked gracefully, referring to your works as a Marvel actress. "I move around a lot during the night, so I'll take this lovely opportunity to say that twitter can dismiss all the malicious theories about Harry always show up with a new bruise all over his body."
"Please stop making indecent assumptions while Y/N is aggressive with me at night only unconsciously, her father has access to social media."
You laughed, clearing your throat before reading the next obscenity aloud.
"I would sell all my possessions to have Y/N sitting on my lap for ten seconds."
"Oh my God." Harry laughed out loud, throwing his head back. "I should have said that in our wedding vows."
You shook your head, laughing low as you set the tweet aside.
"That was pretty funny and cheeky, I approve."
"Okay, looks like we finally got to the last one." Harry announced, waving the paper in the air dramatically before opening it. "Harry could literally crush me with those boots while fuc- I need that glass of water." He said dumbfounded, hiding his face between his hands after throwing the tweet over his shoulder. You laughed out loud next to the organizers, and meanwhile Harry leaned his head on your bust, staring at you still with wide eyes. "Please promise that we will be careful with our future children on the internet."
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
“Forgive me, for all the things I did but mostly for the ones I did not.” -Donna Tartt
Rafael spent a whole minute without thinking about how much he loves Anjali!! That a new record lmao
He had never knocked on the door. These doors have always been open for him. From the very first day. Now I am having gotsm feeling ahh😭
The domesticity of all this scene got me🥺 I LOVE THE LIGHTWOOD-BANES OK?!?!
Love me some Rafael and Anjali changing the world and making guides and sharing their world to mundanes!!! Power couple 😎
New game: Everytime Rafael thinks of how much he loves Anjali, or casually thinks "My Anjali" let's take a shot!! We'll be dead in 10 minutes but whatever 😂
God, the ring is gorgeous 😍 But also not the proposal being eight pages long omfg jshsjdbdk. Why am I not surprised??
Magnus didn’t know how a person could forget a memory like that. Even an immortal. Malec winning as always 💙💙
Max's clothes are disappearing bc of Mallory right?? Right??? 🔪🔪
People got jobs. People got busy. People had too many priorities. You can’t just be a boy in love forever. Adult life is so stupid 😭
Ragnor speaking facts as always >>>
It’s hard to decide what to do with your life when you have ‘forever’ to live. I'm sensing some inmortality crisis coming....
I am worried about the magic problem, shit is gonna blow up soon... Is this something related to the Devlins????
I relate to Lexi bc I am also a queer disaster and shit at communicating :)
“I can’t believe Rafael almost had a funeral,” Lexi chuckled. “I miss the crazy times.” “Don’t manifest that!” Gigi all but yelled. I think it's kinda late for that....
Me @ Camilla and Max: NO BABES!!! RUN AS FAST AND AS FAR AS YOU CAN!!!
Me @ the demons giving David a hard time: you better watch out🗡️ low-key kinda scared tho...
His parents told him that he was perhaps being paranoid. I'm sorry but I'm just crying at the fact that he thinks "his parents"
Those goosebumps definitely mean something and I am pissed idk what😭 is it Mal??? A prince of hell??? WHAT???
Max's presentation>>>>>>>
“Please?” David whispered. “I promise I’ll make it good for you.”
“Babe. I’ll marry the shit out of you.”
I am going to focus on this and forget all the angst that is coming:))
Wait, didn't Max come up with a nickname in edomai or something?? Anya? Anyang? Something like that??
Fuck Mallory tbh🔪 Chopin doesn't like you and neither do I!!!
Some memes for this chapter:
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Alec and Rafel:
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Abigail supremacy only.
and yassss the quotes are back 😎
also omg im glad you noticed because i was writing and rafe was like 'my anjali/his anjali' every 2.4 seconds and i was like 'dude chill'.
Max's name for David is Ayaan. It means god's gift. It's still there. We'll come to it later x
And yes Mallory is the one stealing his clothes 😐
See you next week, babygirl.
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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I present to you overworked. A comfort one shot I made hella quick for @mindninjax myself and anyone else who needs some bakugou comfort today. Please enjoy and let Bakugou be here for you if no one else can. 😊
Header by me!
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Your phone softly vibrates on your desk as your eyes burn from staring at a screen filled with information that is familiar, information that you should know but just cannot retain. 
Or focus. 
So your phone is a happy distraction as you reach for it, only to be slightly annoyed by to a message from your hot headed friend. 
Grumpyasshole: Oi, haven't heard from you in that stupid ass group chat all week. Dunce face and shitty hair wanna know what's pissed in your cheerios 
Tongue in your cheek you debate on replying. You had ignored a slew of messages from your friends, in the group chat and even your dms sat smiling faces trapped in their little bubbles but you had always turned your phone face down. Too caught up in stress to be able to fulfill any social quota but your friends must have been desperate to convince the token grump of the group to message you. Privately at that. 
In a matter of seconds your thumbs slide across the virtual keyboard, knowing you could be honest with Bakugou, that the Pro hero could handle any sort of emotional load with ease. 
You thought it most likely because he did not care in the first place to store the baggage, at least not anywhere for long. 
You: Just feeling really run down from work. I think I'm over my head but probably too prideful to admit. Lol. Please tell everyone I'm sorry, that I'm just busy and I'll be back on my bullshit hopefully by Friday. 
Before you can even set your phone down you see that Bakugou leaves you on read. Your snort softly as you shake your head, tossing your phone aside for work. 
"Typical." You mutter to yourself. Reaching for your iced coffee only to find it empty. You debate if you should take a trip to get more. On one hand the air, despite the rain would do you good, you're sure your deskmate would gladly take a coffee. On the other, everyone in the office would stuff your hands with bills and credit cards begging you'd bring them some of that sweet nectar back. No one would care that you wouldn't haven't a hand for your umbrella and your hair would get totally fucked. 
So you decide to suffer in silence, as you always do. 
Hours slip through your fingers before your eyes glance at the small clock on the bottom right hand side of your computer. Steadily counting the minutes in the small banner. You sigh. Bringing your head down between your arms as your fingers lightly fist your hair at your nape. You felt as if you accomplished nothing, what with how much was left. 
At least your desk was clean and your shirt was cute, a good view for a few spine numbing minutes. You think you smell caramel wafting through the air, a part of you annoyed that your desk mate would venture the rain for her normal caramel latte without offering 
This is how Bakugou finds you when he approaches your desk, a sneer settled on his handsome features. Dirt and sweat clinging to his skin and the dark fabric of his hero suit. He crosses his arms, long gone are the obnoxious grenade gauntlets as his chest puffs. 
People in the office are staring at the blonde, his jagged domino mask making his garnet eyes that much more intense. Tension rises in the air as you're so oblivious, still collecting yourself silently praying that when you look back up the clock would read closer to five. 
"Oi." His voice is a deep rumble, not belonging in the office. No it belonged in the living room of your crazy packed house to one of your many roommates. It belonged at a bar, nagging that it's time to go when you were too drunk to fend off any prying hands, pestering you about your feet as he dragged you home. This voice belonged in the kitchen fussing at Denki for the stupid memes he puts in the group chat when all of you were 'right fucking here'. 
This voice did not belong in the office and so a part of you thinks you're seriously losing your shit before you glance up at the clock. Time moved like a sloth for you since the last you looked only ten minutes had passed. Kronos laughing at your plea of having time continue to move as light speed only to seemingly stop. 
"OI! Is yer head so far up yer ass ya can't fuckin hear me now, Princess?" Wait, who was using that nickname? 
That nickname thrust upon you by that grumpy asshole roommate once he saw how "high maintenance" you were when clearly you just cared about yourself for yourself. He did it as a jest but it made your whole body heat and go rigid every damn time. 
And he took notice in it. 
Delight even. 
And took notice in the way you hadn't been putting in much effort for yourself. Not taking the time for your hair, or your skincare routine that you forced on the whole house. Everyone dewy in their own right. How you look disheveled and bewildered now as you turned to face him. 
Large eyes going doe like, mouth forming in the smallest O that had him shifting his weight from one foot to the other because of his darker, lingering thoughts. 
How would you sound when he was buried…
He cuts the thought off with a pop of his skin, pulling you to your feet from your desk. 
"What are you doing?" Your voice cracks from shock, worry and a bit of venom leaks through but you make no effort to break free. 
"Wrap this shit up. I told yer boss I need your dumb ass for something." 
"Like what? I-" Bakugou cuts you off by leaning in close, eyes dark as he presses his lips to the shell of your ear. 
"You need a fucking day off. So I told your boss to fuck off and that you're coming home with me." His tone absolute. So you save your last bit of work, clock out before Bakugou passes you your jacket. He glares into the glass of your manager's office and you notice him crumble beneath that infamous burning gaze. 
Part of you wonders what Bakugou had really said, wonders if you'd still had a job. 
The two of you stand under the awning of your office building. The rain coming down in sheets, thick enough it almost blurs the cityscape.  Bakugou sighs, tension leaving his body as he tilts his neck. It cracks from the effort. 
"So what...what are we gonna do?" 
"I'm going to take your stupid ass home. Force you to shower while I order take out, then I'm going to set your overworked ass on the couch and we are going to watch that fucking movie you never shut up about. Got it Princess?" He fixes you a glare and is extra careful to drag out your nickname ever so slightly as he leans towards you. Your faces are close together, your heart in your throat as you try to push down these stupid, fleeting feelings you've had for the hot head since the six of you moved into that almost run down house. 
But you never could shake them. 
You senses fill with spiced caramel, easing the tension of your shoulders. 
"G-got it." 
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acidiluc · 3 years
synopsis: all you know is that the signs never lie. angst. 1774 words.
note: bon appétit, angst lovers. i'm still trying to find my writing style and rhythm,, so please do tell what you think! i was gonna try and avoid cliché themes but i think it still turned out as cliché fkdjfskdfl.
i wanna try writing unique themes so if you have any ideas you wanna share, please do! 😩
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meeting kuroo was probably the best moment of your life. and you’re not even kidding. you fell in love with him the first time you interacted with him—and it was during a volleyball meeting. you were the girls’ volleyball team captain and he was the boys’ vball team captain. his loud, charismatic, handsome, and brainy ass has caught your attention. and unfortunately, you’re now one of his fangirls. lowkey.
when he approached you during the conference, he was complaining about how boring the speaker was (even though he was still listening to what the speaker was saying). meanwhile your heart was already complaining about how handsome he is. he started talking to you during the conference and it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. 
after the interaction with him during the conference, you and kuroo started seeing each other and interacting more— he would greet you whenever you pass by each other in the hallway or the cafeteria, or even buy you a drink during lunch, and start exchanging stories. he’s just... tHE PERFECT IDEAL MAN.
this was your first and last year as a team captain. you developed passion for the sport once you joined the volleyball club; training intensely through the years. during the first few years, it frustrated you whenever other schools would reject joint practices with your team. unlike with nekoma’s boys’ volleyball team, they had connections with other schools and a pretty good reputation that gave them easy access to joint practices. it was the awakening of something in you. you trained harder and got better and better and better, achieving the position of team captain. and you swore that during your reign, you will bring light to your team. you will make your team a remarkable team.
since no school was willing to have joint practices with your team, you personally approached your coaches alone and proposed to have joint trainings with the boys’ volleyball team instead. much to your surprise, they agreed. it was the perfect training you were looking for. the boys’ volleyball team was strong and experienced, it will have a different level of intensity of training. and you were already craving the thrill and pressure of it. and kuroo’s handsome face.
just as you expected, the trainings were really on another level. your team lost countless times but this only pushed you and the others to do better. these training days also brought you and kuroo closer to each other. he often teased you that your team will never win against his, bought you more drinks, and even introduced you to his best friend and teammates. this honestly had you wondering if... he felt the same. so after that, you decided to observe him whenever he interacted with you to take hints! so far, you only had three signs.
prefectural tournaments were near and you were getting confident as days passed by since your team was now starting to win against the boys’ vball team. “i’d never win against your team, huh?” you smirked, approaching kuroo with two drinks from a vending machine. you offered him one of them and kuroo gladly took it from you, smirking back. “you cheated.” he said, making the two of you laugh together. 
once the prefectural tournaments came, it wasn’t easy on you. the stress, the exhaustion, and the pressure were trying to eat you alive during matches but... you didn’t train and work hard to just easily give up. your team started climbing its way to the top, winning every match before getting in the prefectural qualifiers for the nationals— for you, it was a big victory already. 
you successfully shone some light to your team and made it somehow remarkable.
kuroo excitedly made his way to you after the tournament, giving you a big hug with forehead kisses, exchanging congratulatories with you. any stranger would think that you two were a couple at that point. so... sign number four? 
after the prefectural tournaments, everything went back to normal. despite not having joint practices for now, your closeness with kuroo never dissipated. 
once the class bell rang, you immediately stood up from your seat to get yourself a drink from a vending machine, only to be stopped by kuroo by the classroom door. he smiled down at you and booped your nose with the drink he has in hand, “your favorite.” he said, “you didn't have to, tetsu but... thank you” you smiled, but before you could even reach for the drink, kuroo retracted his hand that was holding the drink, making you frown in confusion. 
“give me your number first.” he said, handing you his phone with a smirk. you raised a brow at him and chuckled, “geez, you want to talk to me more, huh? you got a crush on me or something?” you joked as you took his phone and typed in your number, naming the contact: y/n <33.
“so what if i do?” he asked, feeling your heart flutter. damn you, kuroo. you looked up at him and raised a brow while giving his phone back. the taller man only chuckled, “what? it’s just weird we’ve been friends for a while now without having each other’s number.” he said, handing you your drink. he looked behind you as he heard his name being called before looking back down at you and gave you a smile, “i’ll text you, y/n!” he said before jogging down the hall to his friend. uhm, sign number five?
weeks have passed and joint trainings are now a thing again, but not with the boys’ volleyball team anymore! your team’s plays during the prefectural tournament got the attention of other schools, making them reach out to nekoma to have joint trainings with your team.
your days were getting busier now that the nationals is nearing. and the joint trainings were considered the missing puzzle piece for your team— experience. your team lacked experience to be able to come up with new strategies and moves, and it was a great thing to have other schools reach out to train with your team. you and the team’s manager noticed this flaw during the prefectural tournaments. and despite winning most of the joint training matches, your team was still very thankful since there was a lot your team has learned, and new friendships and connections has formed at the same time!
you and kuroo are now closer than ever. now that you have each other’s number— the two of you would often send memes to each other, exchange selfies, send each other things that remind you of each other from the internet, and greet each other good morning and good night texts. there were too many signs to count now. at this point, you were confident that kuroo felt the same.
tomorrow is the day every prefectural qualifiers has been waiting for. the nationals. and you weren’t really that nervous or stressed for it— win or lose, you know you're gonna give it your best either way. instead, you were nervous because... guess what? kuroo offered to walk you home! since he found out that he only lives a few blocks away from you through text.
you were now sure that kuroo felt the same, and you have decided to tell him about your feelings on your walk home. you’re not sure as to how it’s gonna end but you know— you know that kuroo felt the same.
as the last joint training has finished, you excitedly walked towards the school gate to meet with kuroo. “hey, dumbass” you greeted with a lazy smile. kuroo looked up at you from his phone and smiled, “hey, angel.” he greeted back, “how was fukurodani’s girls’ volleyball team?” he asked, taking the backpack you were clutching so he could carry it instead. the two of you exchanged stories as kuroo walked you home, laughing together from time to time. it was nice to walk with him like this. and you wished this could happen everyday.
once you arrived by your street, you stopped walking and sighed softly. kuroo stopped walking as well, turning to you as he sipped on his empty juice box, making loud noises come from the box. “what? what’s wrong?” kuroo asked.
“tetsu, i—" you started, taking a deep breath first before blurting it out. "i’m not really good at confessions but... i’ve been wanting to tell you that i like you for a while now.” you said, face heating up as you gathered all the courage you had in you as you stood in front of the man you were madly crushing on. “i liked you ever since you talked to me in that conference meeting and you just make me feel... really special, you know? with your stupidly cute gestures an— and sweet words. i just feel that there's something special in our connection. i was confident to even tell you this because you seemed like you’ve also been dropping these signs and hints that you felt the same. i— i just... i like you, tetsurou. i like you more than just a friend.” you said, fidgeting with the milk box you were holding as you stared up at him, waiting for his response.
tetsurou held a shocked expression on his face. he stared back down at you with his mouth agape, taking his time to gather his thoughts and words. “i— i uhm...” he started, hand moving to clutch the strap of your backpack. “i— i think you’ve mistaken the ‘signs’, y/n.” he muttered quietly.
and with that, you felt your heart drop. no. you were sure that kuroo felt the same. you wouldn’t confess if you weren’t sure of it. “...mistaken?” you asked quietly, just enough for him to hear. kuroo sighed and scratched the back of his neck, “i like you too, y/n, but only as a friend.” he said, "i— i'm sorry but... i don't see you the way you see me."
you felt stupid. you felt like the dumbest person alive as you stood in front of him. of fucking course he won't feel the same, what the hell were you thinking?!
you looked away from kuroo and breathed a laugh, "how foolish of me... i'm sorry for making you uncomfortable, kuroo." you said, taking your backpack from him. "well, uh—" you started, clearing your throat as you looked around. "we're on my street now." you chuckled awkwardly, feeling tears start to slightly cloud your eyes. "thank you for walking me home. i wish your team a good luck for tomorrow's nationals." you muttered, giving him a small bow before walking off to your house, not even waiting for his response anymore.
stupid fucking signs.
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