#I'm kinda sad that I couldn't think of a role for everyone...
sunsburns · 5 months
kiss of life (iii.)
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pairing: luke castellan x aphrodite!daughter reader
summary: you have never doubted aphrodite when it comes to soulmates, she's the goddess of love, she knows what she's doing and you're getting pretty sick of people telling you she's made a mistake with your soulmate, specifically. you refuse to believe that she could be wrong, but luke castellan is making it really hard for you to have hope.
—or: you and luke are off on your quest you're totally not having second thoughts about choosing him, he's your soulmate after all... right?
word count: 3.2k
warnings: filler chapter (sorry gang), reader's pov, reader is lowkey unreliable and is hiding something, pre-tlt, luke's character is kinda inconsistent but whatever, angsty fight with luke and reader, low-key happy ending
a/n: everyone might've moved on but i'm still here 😔… gang i think i’m coming back to my active era (no one cheered) anyways there’s so much i wanna write for this series so enjoy this little filler!
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You'd always been a fan of bad ideas, but choosing Luke Castellan as your companion for the duration of your quest had to be your worst one yet. You felt a pang of doubt, questioning your choice, especially after witnessing the outcome of his quest—a failure that seemed impossible to shake off from the whispers of other campers. A failure your siblings wouldn't let you forget.
"I was there when he came back. I know what happened," you muttered, frustration creeping into your voice as you stuffed clothes into your bag.
Your siblings meant the world to you. You cherished the bond you shared—the familial camaraderie that bound your cabin together. As the eldest, you revelled in guiding and nurturing them, relishing the role of guardian and friend within your cabin's close-knit circle. Yet, like any family, they can sometimes be suffocatingly overbearing.
Alexis, your brother, ever ready to smack a reality check, had been the first to warn you against choosing Luke Castellan, and now he spearheaded a group of your siblings, all urging you to reconsider with reason.
"But that's just it. You don't know. Not really. None of us do." Alexis told you, reclining against the shared vanity in your cabin. The absence of the younger kids, off with Chiron for a lesson on constellations, offered you some peace of mind, sparing them from witnessing the escalating intervention.
As Silena sifted through the clothes strewn across your bed, her soft humming filled the room, a stark contrast to the weighty silence that hung over the conversation. "No one but Chiron and Mr. D knows what happened on that quest. He refuses to talk about it." she mused.
"There's not a lot of glory in that." Alexis shrugged, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
"He's been so weird and different since he returned," Silena added, "I remember he used to smile. It was such an attractive smile. And he used to talk... He barely ever talks anymore."
Alexis snorted, "That's called depression, Silena."
"It's just so sad." She frowned and sat on your bed, her gaze distant, "Pretty people don't deserve to be depressed."
"Amen to that."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at their melodramatic exchange, a fleeting smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you focused on folding another pair of pants. 
"He still talks." You said.
"But it's not the same," Alexis countered, his expression grave. Deep down, you knew he was right.
"And the way he's treated you," Silena scoffed, "constantly icing you out..."
"Avoiding you for months..." Alexis added, stepping closer to you with a solemn expression. "Refusing to even talk to you."
When he tried to put his hand on your shoulder, you couldn't help but shrug it off, not wanting his sympathy.
Their reminders, well-intentioned though they may be, served only to deepen the wound already festering within you. Like a knife twisted in your back, the memories of Luke's avoidance and unanswered questions pierced your thoughts with relentless precision. You vividly recalled the disappointment etched across his face in the infirmary, a silent testament to his dismay upon discovering your role in his fate. The weight of his unspoken words hung heavily in the air, a haunting reminder of the rift that had formed between you before it even started.
Your siblings were very careful with their next words: "Do you think that maybe... just this once... Aphrodite got it wrong?"
With a heavy heart, you stormed out of the cabin, your mind reeling with conflicting emotions. You swore up and down to Alexis and Silena that you were fine, that you only needed air. The need for clarity drove you to seek solace in the quiet embrace of nature, the gentle flicker of a breeze offering a touch of comfort amidst the turmoil raging within.
Throughout your life, your unwavering loyalty to your mother, Aphrodite, and the Gods has been a source of solace and guidance. You found comfort in the subtle manifestations of them, from the celestial dance of stars to the gentle caress of sunlight filtering through the trees. Even in the casual interactions of everyday life, you sought traces of your mother's hand guiding your path.
As you gazed into the dancing flames, the remnants of fruit smouldering in their fiery embrace in a tin can, you found yourself caught between hope and despair during your offering for your mother. Silena's words echoed in your mind, a harsh truth you were reluctant to confront. Maybe you didn't have a soulmate. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe you're unlovable.
Yet, amidst the cloud of doubt, a flicker of defiance ignited within you. The mere thought that Aphrodite could be mistaken in matters of love seemed impossible to you. You had witnessed firsthand the intricate tapestry of fate woven by her hand, guiding souls to their destined counterparts with unfailing precision. 
The yearning for that connection, that soul-deep bond, burned within you like a beacon in the darkness of uncertainty. It was a desire as old as time itself, the longing to find solace and belonging in the embrace of another.
As the flames dwindled to embers, their dying glow casting flickering shadows upon the ground, your prayers went unanswered. 
The weight of your impending quest pressed upon you like a heavy cloak. Questions tumbled over one another in a relentless cascade, each one a dagger aimed at the heart of your resolve. Where would you need to go? Would you need to defend yourself? Would monsters come after you? Should you choose someone else? Could it be that Luke was nothing to you but a mistaken thread tethered into your life?
Your shoes stepped over twigs and dry leaves on the ground until you stepped out of the forest. Passing by the armoury, you forced a smile upon your lips. You forced yourself to be excited for your first quest rather than dread it. It was a rare privilege bestowed upon a child of Aphrodite, you should honour it.
As you approached the heart of camp again, the familiar clang of sword meeting dummy rumbled through the night air. The rhythmic sound, though commonplace in the realm of demigod training, carried an ominous weight under the cover of darkness. You would have assumed that all campers were asleep.
Luke Castellan, a boy who had become synonymous with the darker days since his return from his quest, stood amidst the training grounds, his silhouette illuminated by the pale moonlight. The sight of him, bathed in the ghostly shine, was haunting. With each precise strike of his sword, a muted testament to the rage that plagued his restless spirit, he seemed to exude an aura of both determination and despair.
No wonder you were so exhausted.  
You dared not meet his gaze, instead keeping your head bowed as you navigated the familiar path through the training grounds. Every fibre of your being screamed for you to move faster, yet the pull of his presence was undeniable. Despite your best efforts to remain unseen, Luke's voice cut through the night, calling out your name with a sense of urgency that sent a shiver down your spine.
With a sinking heart, you felt his hand land on your shoulder, stopping your escape. You couldn't avoid him now. Turning to face him, you were met with a sight that mirrored the restlessness within your own soul. His features, etched with lines of weariness and frustration, betrayed the weight of the burdens he carried.
You were distracted by the way he was looking at you. Brows furrowed, his lips turned and pulled into that permanent frown that had you wondering if he had ever smiled since he came back. Yet, despite the weight of his solemn expression, there was a flicker of something in his eyes – a glint of warmth, of familiarity, that almost stirred a faint glimmer of hope within you.
"You're making a mistake." He insisted. "You need to choose someone else for your quest."
You tried not to seem too disappointed. "I can't pick anyone else." You protested, and he raised his brows at you, doubtful. "The Oracle told me to choose you."
"She told you to-?" A scoff escaped him, "The Oracle doesn't tell you who to choose. She doesn't say anything about who you should bring-"
"The Oracle tells you what your quest is, then a weird riddle about something that will happen on your quest that will put you on edge the entire time."
Luke had stepped closer to you as he spoke as if his words would've sunk into your head clearer if you could hear them better. He spoke to you a lot that way, hoping you'd cling to every word he had to say; good and bad. Mostly bad.
The Oracle's cryptic words lingered in your mind. She had not revealed much about your quest, offering no subtle hints or insights into Eros' whereabouts to make your life easier. Instead, her assurance that success hinged on bringing Luke Castellan along had left you grappling with uncertainty. "He has all the answers you seek," she had urged, her words echoing with a weight that you struggled to comprehend.
"It has to be you."
"What else did she say?"
You hesitated. "That's it," you replied, your words falling short.
"That's it?" He didn't believe you.
"Just a few hints of where Eros might be, I guess." The lie slipped from your lips effortlessly. 
He caught it quickly but never urged you to admit it. Luke remained silent, his expression unreadable as he mulled over your words. 
You sort of wished he fought you over it.
You wished he'd do anything with you. At least try to.
"If you don't want to come with me, that's fine," you conceded, "I'm leaving tomorrow morning, with or without you."
"Really? You'll just leave?"
The bitterness in his tone was unmistakable. Yet, despite the resentment that coloured his words, there was a flicker of something in his eyes – a glimmer of regret, perhaps, or maybe resignation. It only annoyed you further.
Luke Castellan was possibly the most confusing person you've ever met. He didn't want to join you on your quest, but you couldn't leave without him either? What's his fucking deal?
He intrigued and frustrated you, like some curse had been placed upon you, and you wanted to understand every part of him while he wanted nothing to do with you. Perhaps Aphrodite was being cruel when she chose him as your soulmate, but you weren't any better when you put him in the position of joining you on your quest.
"I don't know you." You admitted the words hanging heavy in the air between you. "You've made a really good effort to make sure that I don't know anything about you. I did my part. I picked you. If you don't want to come, that's... fine."
It pained you to say it. You did not want to go alone, but you weren't going to force someone to accompany you who clearly didn't want to be there. However, the uncertainty of what lay beyond the safety of the camp walls loomed large in your mind. You haven't left the protection of the camp in years, you weren't sure of what was out there other than the stories the summer campers would tell you, of their close calls and near misses. 
Luke Castellan was the perfect example of what leaving camp does to someone.
Despite the weight of your decision, you held your head high as you turned on your heels. You doubted Luke had anything more to say; he was a man of few words, after all.
You left him there, just as he left you by the docks for months. And then you lied to yourself, clung to the belief that your mother, Aphrodite, would safeguard your journey and that your brother, Eros, awaited your rescue.
And so, the next morning, after bidding your tearful goodbyes to your siblings and friends and earning a proud pat on the back from Chiron, you swallowed your pride and left.
The Oracle's words were etched into the very fabric of your being, a relentless mantra that monopolized your thoughts as you trudged toward the top of the hill and left the safety of campgrounds. Each step forward was a testament to your determination, each footfall a declaration of your unwavering commitment to the quest ahead.
As you climbed, you couldn't help but imagine the faces of campers upon your return. You pictured the awe in their eyes, the pride in their voices, and most of all, the look on Luke's face when he realized the extent of your lone success, his disbelief mingling with a begrudging respect.
The sound of your name startled you out of your thoughts. You were trudging through the grass when you spotted a body sitting under a pine tree, shaded from the sun by its leaves.
Luke looked up at you, frowning, "Took you long enough."
His dishevelled dark curls fell over his eyes, a stark contrast against the vibrant greenery surrounding him. With a resigned sigh, he rose to his feet, his movements fluid yet tinged with an air of impatience Luke picked up a bag by his side, tossing it over his shoulder. It wasn't until he emerged from the tree's shade that you noticed the subtle changes in his attire. Gone was the signature orange camp shirt, replaced instead by a more subdued navy tee that hugged his frame. His old cargo pants remained the same, but different nonetheless.
Eyeing his bag, you could spot smaller daggers strapped to the sides, prepared for anything. It took you a few seconds to process why he was there. You squint at the sun as he steps out from under the tree. "You came."
He huffed, "Obviously."
You let out a breathless chuckle, maybe one of relief since honestly, despite everything you'd been trying to convince yourself of, you were terrified to leave on your own. 
"Why?" you asked, your voice betraying a hint of uncertainty as you adjusted the straps of your own bag. The question hung in the air, unanswered. Of course. You almost rolled your eyes as Luke began to descend the other side of the hill. With a fleeting glance over his shoulder, he wordlessly beckoned you to join him by tilting his head to the side impatiently.
You grinned then, wide and bright. "I know I said I didn't care if you came or not, but I'm glad you're here."
He showed no sign of acknowledgment of your sentiment, his gaze fixed ahead as he continued to walk once you joined his side.
As the minutes stretched on in silence, broken only by the rhythmic crunch of leaves underfoot, you found yourself lost in thought. It was only when the distant hum of passing cars reached your ears, their blurred forms darting through the forest's fringe, that you were jolted back to the present.
Drawing to a halt near the forest's edge, you felt the weight of uncertainty settle upon you. With a hesitant pause, you turned to face Luke, the question that had been gnawing at your mind poised on the tip of your tongue.
"Why'd you stop?" He asked.
"I just..." Your voice wavered, uncertainty lacing your words as you struggled to articulate your thoughts. You worried that if you said the wrong thing he'd leave you stranded right there and return to camp while the two of you were still walking distance from it. It annoyed you a little; how much you had to walk on eggshells with him.
You couldn't help but wonder how different things might have been if you hadn't chosen him. You were being stupid when you picked him, you decided. You already regret it. Maybe Luke was right, the Oracle was just trying to get into your head.
"What made you change your mind? About coming on the quest?" you finally managed to voice, your eyes meeting his in search of answers.
He looked at you, brown eyes flitting over your expression, before licking his lips and simply stating: "If you break an arm, so do I."
That had been the closest Luke Castellan had ever been to admitting he had a soulmate.
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taglist🏷️ : @pleasingregulus , @weasleylovers , @telliette , @jarofshells , @jess-fae , @s0urw00lf , @srvbryn , @justanotherkpopstanlol , @coryoskywalker , @simplyjake , @girlyp-0-p , @aquangxl , @lovebug0 , @number-onekidqueen , @mxtokko , @patitotodd , @gloryekaterina , @simpforsunwoo , @ladyslytherin7 , @criesinlies , @mashiromochi , @quackitysdrugdealer , @jadahxx , @maraschinocherry3 , @trovailleangel , @daliscrim , @wicca-void , @girljakeperalta , @kurtcobaingirlie , @yourlocaldelusional , @elisa20beth , @lifeonawhim , @ivyy-covered-walls , @star-flecked-soul , @maxinehufflepuffprincess , @flower-lise , @coc0lepigeon , @bitterspoons , @bigolidioot, @honeynicoole , @y0urm0m12 , @iammightsadyall , @cherr-y-eji , @riaaavm (lmk if you wanna be added or removed <3 pls make sure ur tags on on! )
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todorroki · 2 months
i can't believe it's over wtf (Love Sea final ep thoughts)
its joever yall... it's not even hitting me that it's over because we still have the special ep to go but omg.... it's the end.
hats off to fortpeat. i love them so much i'm so sad that love sea is done (at least, the main story is). i had my gripes with parts of this story but in the end i was mainly here to see these two do what they love.
i believe mut mostly knew how tongrak would react to his confession. his dialogue to mook last episode proved deep down, he already knew the answer. the first few minutes of this episode showed his hesitation and reluctance, but his courage pushed through in the end. i think fort did amazing here. his pain from experiencing a rough rejection was so clearly on display. (and peat does that eye shifting thing with tongrak to show the beginning of panic.)
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it's terrible yall. it was hard to watch. i do not like couple fights.
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peat's hair here is good tho. omg i was focusing so hard on visuals because i didn't want the pain
big shoutout to vie in this ep. while she didn't spell out what rak should do, she basically held rak's hand through the whole ordeal.
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mahasamut's last meeting with meena and kwan omg.. when he started crying realizing tongrak's meaning by the number 8.. how much more can my heart shatter lmao
and big ouch at palm's dialogue here. he meant it in a light way, but mahasamut really DID come back without his heart.
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yo tongrak was so heartbroken he started dressing like his face twin from the other mame series.
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AND ok like when tongrak chased after the trash car, at first i was feeling the pain and then i remembered how twitter clowned that running shot yesterday and i started LAUGHING oh my god!!!!! like i'm so sorry BUT I DON'T CLAIM THE FAULT FOR THIS everyone was saying he was running after the ice cream truck in the episode poster and i saw it in that moment!!!!!!!
back to regular business, this hits painfully hard actually.
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tongrak's main fear being their "end" if they start a real relationship despite not even knowing if it'll come true. it's a very real fear people have (not just for romantic relationships), the mindset that "if it can end badly or if i can't succeed, why try anyways"
i love rak and vie's friendship in this show. dare i say it's way more fleshed out than the GL side plot they have going on. on that note, what even happened with the girls mame... how come they're just together. what HAPPENED.
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but vie is The driving factor to pushing tongrak to follow mahasamut. she's so important to tongrak and i love it!
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now, idk what was the call here for filming this part at night. it was kinda dark, but mut's pain was clear as day anyways. tongrak, in his own way, wanted to return mut's feelings, but because he couldn't SAY IT, mahasamut ends up misunderstanding his motives.
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i really did tear up at rak's recorded confession though. my god i was kinda worried how that would come out, but peat's recording was well done. their confession on the beach was so cathartic to watch. LIKE FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!
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and everything after was sooo sweet. fortpeat has the fluff DOWN as always.
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but also omg the last scene with rak buying the house. absolutely love how at first he was excited, but then seeing mut's serious expression and realizing he should've said something omg.. the way he shrunk himself. and fort's face here oouughghg HELLO PEOPLE!!! GIVE HIM HIS SERIOUS ROLES ALREADY. I THINK THIS ENTIRE EP IS PROOF ENOUGH.
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please i'm so serious he looked so hot in this scene.
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MY MUTRAK!!!!!!!!!! i know we have the special ep still but NOOO
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i need fortpeat on screen... oh my god. please......... im at a loss. they love acting and i love watching them act.
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pain-is-too-tired · 11 months
One thing that will always kill me about Michael Yew's death and how Rick just... kinda dropped it?
Like yeah he brought it up recently... like twice in one book.
But we get NO closure. After Percy leaves that bridge you have nothing but context clues to piece together how him and others might feel after.
Yes,he was brought in just to die, but unlike with Lee the book prior (who doesn't even get a description) he's semi fleshed out. As much as you can a minor character in half a book.
Him being known for his attitude and his fighting with Clarisse. Yet he's the one who truly gets that things were about to get serious (with little info BTW. Annabeth mentions he hardly explained a thing so all I can think of is Percy just told them where to meet and what to bring.) He stepped back and gave the chariot, and got rightfully upset when she still refused. Yet when he explains it to Percy he doesn't sound angry anymore, the way he talks gives a more "ey, what can we do now" tone.
We see how he is in battle, he's much calmer then he was at camp. He's still got attitude but he's not picking fights with anyone. He's grinning when he runs up, and given their odds in that fight he likely was doing it to not show his siblings or the enemy he was frightened in any way. His siblings were dieing, I always assume this where they took their biggest hit. So Michael, who's been rushed into a leadership role in the middle of war, is in the biggest battle yet and losing his siblings left and right. And he keeps his head.
He's the one who tells Percy they need to retreat. Yet he doesn't question him when Percy tells them they need to hold their ground there. And Percy LITERALLY tells Annabeth she's the only one who can gather MICHAEL'S cabin in a defensive line why Percy fights the minotaur.
And Michael, known for telling Clarisse to kiss his ass in the most ages 10+ book way he can, just does a sarcastic "gee thanks" and doesn't argue.
Boy had to watch Percy flirting with Annabeth that whole first bit in middle of battle gods bless him 😭 I just know he teased Annabeth once Percy left.
But yeah, he's such a good leader for just being there a year. And when they're retreating, and Annabeth gets hurt and whisked away, he definitely saw Percy was the only one standing between Kronos' Army and his siblings + all of Manhattan. If it weren't for his idea to break the bridge (which is brilliant btw we don't see many other campers mentioning Percy's powers.) Then they would've been screwed. Reinforcements didn't come until the next day, and say Silena leaves around the same time for Clarisse,she doesn't return until the day AFTER.
Michael made a calculated decision, and why it's argued whether he could've pieced Percy have dipped in the styx or not(Hestia out right says it in front of everyone. And just watching him fight they had to have tell that he wasn't harmed as he should be) he still knew Percy couldn't hold all of them on his own.
And the reaction when Percy finds out is emotional. Him desperately searching over the bridge,his frustrated scream(which I hope is heart breaking in the show). It's emotional. Then it's intrupted by Annabeth needing help,not say that scene wasn't needed btw, just I find it very unrealistic no one even ASKED Percy about Michael. Even if they saw the end of the fight through the shield, there had to be someone going "is it true about Michael?"
I know they were more established characters, but it's just sad that Michael is kinda...forgotten.
And the thing was, his odds were purposely stacked against him.
In a rp server I'm on we were talking about how in a battle usually people take out the strongest and the healers.
Ares cabin is likely the strongest in just brute strength and determination in a fight. He didn't have to do anything for that.
The Apollo cabin ARE the healers(so are hunters but not as good considering none of them could help Annabeth.)
Jake outright states that Kronos went for their weak points, but I don't think he just means by size(after all the Apollo cabin had one the highest amount of members second to Hermes)
The Hunters were the biggest by size, but they were also at their strongest. Kronos attacked by night, Hunters took oath to the goddess of the MOON.
And very few other cabins had limitations based off day and night cycle.
Except for Apollo kids. They were weaker at night with the lack of the sun(not Will in tsats weak, just not at their highest point).
Not only that, but it would take care of the best healers. By the time Percy has to grab a Apollo kid,Will's likely the oldest(and considering Michael personally trained him Percy probably knew him in some way before hand as he likely took up as semi-head medic when Michael was too busy in battle stuff, assuming he was always the second oldest before that battle that is.) And best medic.
Kayla and Austin don't specialize in healing like Will does. We don't even really know what powers they have different to Will's. That and they were like 11, Kayla was maybe 12 but we're not sure. They likely joined camp THAT year and had hardly any medical training. And we don't know the skills of who(if any) were left after that first night.
I stand by the fact that Kronos' decision to push his focus on Williamsburg Bridge was strategically planned,that it makes Michael's death even more tragic.
I hope in the show we 1. See more of him in at least the background. 2. Get shown people actually mourning him. Obviously I'm biased to Jake cause Jake x Michael. But Katie, Silena,Annabeth??
Heck the Stolls? I can see them being close to him.
Show Clarisse(and maybe even Chris too) finding out about his death. Show how it effects Percy and the Apollo cabin. Percy looks at the Apollo cabin a good amount of times throughout the book, Show him looking over at Will rushing about and having a pained look on his face.
Also,I find it completely impossible that there was no kid at that camp who tried to bring up Michael when Percy went missing. Like "oh there goes another missing head counselor."
Then just immediately gets clonked on the head for it fjdydf
Like there was a way to bring him up in tlh, considering he went missing, and then Percy(who was the last one with him) goes missing after the war. Like you're telling me no one was comparing that? In a camp filled with gossiping teens? Mhm sure.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my Ted-Talk
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dotthings · 10 days
Started my spn S6 rewatch. Couple of thoughts on 6.01
While soulless Sam was a huge nope to me--I wanted actual Sam back and couldn't enjoy soulless Sam--the S6 gestalt overall interests me. The noir feel. The horror intruding into suburbia, which is very core to spn.
Dean's in a classic Hollywood archetype role, the one honest guy who finds himself caught up in a noir plot. No one he can trust, everyone hiding something.
Soulless Sam isn't a reliable narrator. But he is an observer and he has all of Sam's memories and he seems to believe Dean has a yearning for a family, a home, something other than just hunting, and he's not wrong. spn has played on that theme for Dean over and over. It swings back and forth. He yearns for it, he yearns for hunting. It's not simple.
Bobby's reasons for not telling Dean that Sam returned are pure and completely out of love, a dad protecting his son, wanting to give his son a chance at a life outside of the brutal world of hunting.
The show's series-long theme on addressing the brutality of hunting and the exploration on what else there is gets passed over a whole lot in fandom commentaries. I don't think the show idealized hunting. While there has to be hunting for there to be a plot, for there to be a show, this rumination about the toll hunting takes and what else is there is canon, those are ideas canon planted and explores, so it's weird that sometimes gets treated as going against canon somehow.
While Soulless Sam still gives me the heebie jeebies, rewatching him is interesting to see how Soulless Sam functions. He performs. Trying to be Sam, to act and feel how Sam would, and he can't. When Soulless Sam confesses he wouldn't even try, that's flatly untrue, we know Sam would. We've seen Sam race in to save people. But Soulless Sam is hollow, and the caring and the willingness to race in is embodied in Dean. And Soulless Sam may be empty yet he feels the pull toward Dean's warmth. He has Sam's memories after all, even if he doesn't directly feel it.
We know Dean doesn't fit in this new life and he's not going to stay, but Dean also is genuinely drawn to this life with Lisa and Ben and he isn't completely miserable. He also tries make it work, he doesn't ditch the Braedens the moment Sam returns, first he tries to find a balance. Moving back into hunting, while keeping a home base. And it doesn't work out, the point is he wanted that. Not an all or nothing.
While I don't think Dean and Lisa is some big epic love story, they do get along well and he cares for her and for Ben. Lisa's meant to represent a certain kind of life, she's a symbol and cipher, but for all that, he does also care for her for herself. I'm not ever going to be sorry Dean went to Lisa, after the horror he went through in S5 and the crushing grief. He had someone who cared for him, who was there when he had nightmares, who kept him from falling into the abyss, and he's doing better than he must have been those first few months. He's a carpenter. He's made a friend. And he likes being around Lisa and Ben.
I don't buy the "wasting away in the back of a pool hall" idea for several reasons, and there's one right there present in 6.01, because Dean loses Sam and he manages to function--he can't do it alone but that's kinda the point. He forms connections, he cares for people, he carries a sadness in him always but he doesn't just curl up and give up and waste away. He keeps going and finds comfort. Of course it turns out he tried to save Sam. But he didn't break the world and spiral either.
Dean's brain on djinn-poison hallucinations cooks up the YED referring to Cas as sugar to counteract all the spice of demons. In Dean's brain, Cas is one of the good guys, and he associates Cas with sweetness. (Which just makes the S6 story even more heartwrenching, but Cas's motives are good, Dean isn't wrong, exactly.)
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lemotmo · 1 month
😞 this sounds pretty accurate in terms of what the reason would probably actually be, but I'm sad if it's true.
Q. Our boy Ravi! Noooo!
A. Yeah I saw that. I don't know what to think for sure yet. I mean this kind of sounds like a joke that Kenny and probably even Oliver would think was funny. Oliver was joke hinting about Peter leaving at the end of last season. Including posting and deleting a twitter comment. So I'm not entirely certain it's not their idea of hype. Don't get me wrong it's absolutely not funny but I just don't know that they wouldn't find it hilarious. However ABC cut everyone's budgets. Every cast had to make cuts. Grey's cut several with significantly bigger roles than Ravi has on 911. And several shows got axed all together. 911 is not a cheap show to produce because of the effects and size of their main cast. Angela's salary alone is probably significant. It's entirely possible they just couldn't afford the extras anymore, and they are not going to cut Karen or Josh. They've both been around longer and feature in more episodes. So he sadly might have been a victim of the budget cuts. As I said in an earlier post we just don't really know anything. We're all speculating ourselves into oblivion. We're a little over a month away and I just think people are going to have to take a pause and just wait and see on everything. I know that's hard but even the filming seems all over the place so we're clearly not meant to be able to actually tell what's happening. They're either close to finishing or just finished filming episode 2 and look at how many locations they've already shown us. A ton. Which seems excessive for only 2 episodes so we're re just going to have to wait. Which always sucks.
Thank you Nonny! Much appreciated!
I'm going to be honest here. I don't know what to think about all of this. It still kinda feels like he might be trolling us? You know? It doesn't feel real somehow. I don't know. I kinda still expect him to pop up in some bts video this week where he gleefully informs us he was only kidding or something.
However, I didn't know about the budget cuts, so that does possibly paint a very different picture. I agree.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see if he pops up in any bts or in any of the episodes. 🫤
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Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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Day 25: Saptiya? (Did you eat?)
Vilasini came running and opened the door to the terrace sighing, a plate filled with food in her hand, thinking she'd finally get a little respite, leaving behind the humdrum of the wedding downstairs for a while at least and be able to eat out in the open. She was tired of pretending to be the perfect girl as desi atmosphere usually pressurizes one to be.
"Your name means cheerful and brilliant, so act like it, beta" some distant relative had told her smiling at her house when she was very small and introverted. Even though her parents had just laughed and agreed with her then, they had later told her not to take it to the heart but still subtly reaffirm what the relative had said every now and then through their actions even though mostly they were very supportive and flexible even for brown parents.
"I should be grateful" she thought, but that incident and similar ones engraved themselves on her and she became The Vibrant Vilasini - smiling and laughing along even when she didn't want to and eventually it naturally birthed into the role to overshadow all her other flaws that came out when she was just Villu (the nickname only her close friends and family called her).
Even right now, she was just being The Vibrant Vilasini with everyone in the wedding, joking around and asking everyone if they wanted anything. Honestly, she started kinda enjoying it. Being lively wasn't so bad at all and it had gave her a lot of nice experiences when she was with people she actually enjoyed being around with. But after a while, she always felt like she needed an escape.
Like she had needed right now.
It was moments like these she'd run and find peace under the moonlight or something.
But right now, she suddenly froze upon seeing the back of someone leaning on the handrail, quietly watching the baarat from above. "Ugh I wasn't expecting anyone to be here at this time. God, WHY me?"
That was the first thought even right now so she turned to leave when she heard a notification from the person's phone and then a thud on the railing. She looked back again as she saw the person had hit the railing or something and put their hands on their head in frustration. Vilasini closed the distance between them and saw it was a beautiful girl in a yellow sari with soft eyes turned slightly red in anger and long, lustrous hair like that of a goddess. Vilasini couldn't hold herself back from clearing her throat and whistling,
"Oo someone is really angry."
There. The Vibrant Vilasini was back. Vilasini could kick herself in the stomach right now but something wanted her to stay here with this girl and talk to her for a bit.
"Who the heck are you? And what do you want?" She looked around at her and snapped.
Oof, not the best start. But damn? She looked lovely even while furious, Vilasini stared for a second and then peeped a glance at the girl's phone at whose notification had seemed to trigger her earlier. She clicked her tongue.
"Ah, your friend didn't show up. I'm so sorry.. but I can keep you company in their place." Vilasini winked and braced herself for another blow. But it never came.
Instead, tears silently rolled down the girl's cheeks. Vilasini then noticed that her eyes had shifted to the procession below, which was now at its peak extravaganza. The groom was dancing heartily on the horseback.
"I loved him.. so much" the girl finally whispered.
Vilasini took a step back and started singing "Accha chalta hoon-" but the girl wasn't even looking at her anymore, not even acknowledging her presence as if she was invisible. That attacked right into the careful armour of her vibrant persona, which cracked open and now she felt more sad and connected to this girl than ever, it reminded her of herself when she was her true self. Maybe the energy reached the girl too so she looked at Vilasini now and asked quietly, "Did I love him too much, or too less.. that this happened?"
Vilasini had never wanted to hug someone so much her entire life but she withheld herself because she wasn't sure of this girl's comfort space. So, she just smiled. A genuine warm smile and whispered,
"You loved him enough to let him go."
That made the girl finally smile back. And God. If Vilasini thought she was gorgeous in anger, she was heavenly when smiling.
"You're red in the face, are you fine.. umm"
"Vilasini is the name. But Villu or Villaa or Villy or whatever you like, gorgeous." she said in a sing song voice. "And well, I'm red coz I'm ANGRY. THAT dude was your one true love?! Are you kidding me?? Coz well, he's my jiju now so ya know I stole his jooti but how much I got in RETURN? 2 RUPEES?!! WHO DOES THAT-" Vilasini handed the coin aggressively to her.
The girl burst out laughing, wiping away her tears and said, nodding and laughing in between again, "He's always been a miser."
Vilasini grinned back, and refused when she gave it back to her, "You can keep it. Consider it the last sign of his from the universe that Thank God You Didn't End Up With Him. My sister may have been an idiot in love to marry him, and I couldn't save her, so now I have a jijjaji that won't even give me TREATS. UGH. But don't worry coz I bet you're gonna find someone a million times better than him now."
The girl raised her eyebrows in amusement and tilted her head, saying "Thank you. I wish the same to you."
Suddenly, her stomach started rumbling.
"Oh, RIGHT I TOTALLY FORGOT." Vilasini exclaimed and brought out her plate. "Did you eat?"
"I haven't since yesterday." She replied and looked over the pheras taking place now, a numb sort of sorrow quietly settling itself on her eyes and smile.
"Not again." Vilasini whispered
"I really don't feel like having anything, and this is yours so-"
"Oh, please. There's more than enough food for both of us, and for some reason I've felt oddly full since the morning so even I have not eaten anything all day. But if you're not having, I won't either now."
"AHA!" Vilasini quickly placed a morsel of a piece of roti and dal in her mouth as she had just opened it, and smiled. "There's no turning back now, you're trapped into indulging into this delicious shaadi ka khaana."
On the rooftop of a small makaan nearby, and elsewhere all over the city, there were brides breaking the fast by their spouses feeding while seeing the moon together.
It was Karva Chauth 🌙
Later that night,
"Shlokaa bro, I'm SOO sorry. This bloody fever and cold last minute so I couldn't come to the wedding. I'm a terrible best friend." a voice apologized tensely on call.
"Don't be silly, Aditi. It's alright. I would've been more mad if you had come and fallen more ill because of me. How are you feeling now?" Shlokaa put her phone on speaker and absentmindedly fidgeted with her pen.
"Much better now after the kaadha and stuff mummy made me." Aditi paused, "You know you didn't have to go through all of that all on your own by going to the wedding and seeing him, right?"
Shlokaa put the pen down and thought for a moment, somehow being able to smile at last and say "Nah, I had to. One sided shit barely ever benefited anyone. It was my thing and I needed my heart and eyes to see that it was actually over for good. And besides.. I loved him enough to let him go."
"Proud of you, girlie. Accha listen, you'll have to excuse and forgive your bestie one last time because I've gotta sleep now. Villu leaves from the first train tomorrow early morning so I have to see her off."
"Vi- who?" Shlokaa's heart skipped a beat.
"Arey, Villu.. Vilasini!! She's my cousin. You must have met her at the shaadi yesterday. She is impossible to miss because she's the life of every party. I absolutely have NO clue how she does it but she interacts and brightens literally everyone up in the room. Funny how mummy says Vilasini wasn't always like this but now compares me to her all the damn time, yaaaar. She says if Vilasini can learn then why can't I? Like bro what??Anyway, you'd meet her and think she's the most obedient and charming one you've ever met but trust me, I've known that girl since childhood and in the end, she wouldn't listen to anyone but herself and still manage to do what's best for everyone, and I respect her so much for that. Hello? Shlo bro, are you even listening?"
Shlokaa wasn't. Her mind had been stuck on one name ever since her friend had mentioned it: Vilasini. In no time, she whirled back into yesterday night on the terrace where she first saw her. Adorned in a pink lehenga wearing golden jhumke, she had looked more dazzling than the stars above. Dark eyes, and a faint smile on her cherry lips made her face even resemble the moon amidst the night of her messy hair. Shlokaa remembered feeling even a pang of jealousy on seeing her for the first time because she was also fair skinned, and no matter how hard Shlokaa would try, she believed that effortlessly pretty girls like these would always have an unfair advantage in society over her. But that wasn't the only reason she had first snapped at her. Vilasini had reminded her of the mean, popular girls that had been at her school in the beginning because of her seemingly insensitive and jesting attitude, and she just couldn't stand them. Nor could she stand just being helpess and not doing anything about it. She was a no nonsense girl who revolted against such injustice and people were a little intimidated of her because of that. They would say bad things behind her back to convince themselves that they weren't scared of her, it was she who was weird instead. But Shlokaa couldn't care less. One thing her mother had taught her was to be grounded. Shlokaa may not be a lot of things but she was strong. Her mother lovingly used to tell her how she was so dedicated to reading Bhagavad Gita when she was pregnant with Shlokaa so she had absorbed all the wisdom and values like Abhimanyu had about the chakravyun when his mother had him in the womb.
Coming back - Shlokaa was wrong about Vilasini. She had helped her that night and made her feel something no one ever had, even though she didn't even know her. She could feel her easy yet striking gaze on her even now as she imagined Vilasini in her head, and without thinking what she was saying, she snapped back into reality and suddenly blurted out to Aditi,
"Can you take me along with you tomorrow?"
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retrobr · 5 months
Lazytown Shenanigans Pt. 4
This time I've watched "The Blue Knight," and I don't really know why but I didn't find this episode interesting. Maybe that's because I want to sleep, but whatever 🥱
"The Blue Knight"
I want to start with the scene in the very beginning: I'm not completely sure why, but the fact that Sportacus had to play chess all by himself made me feel somewhat... sad? Not completely sad, but I hope you know what I mean. He seemed very happy, but that scene kinda gave me a feeling of loneliness. But enough of the sad things out of nothing..
Thanks to this episode I was convinced that Ziggy is literally the best kid in the gang. He treats everyone very kindly, no matter if someone is bad or good; he even suggested Robbie listen to the story about the Blue Knight together. Isn't that sweet?? 🥺 Also kinda felt bad for Ziggy when kids left him (accidentally, I should point out, but still), and he was sad that he couldn't join them. Why do they keep upsetting my boy :(
Oh and well. Meanswell's Scottish accent killed me; the way he read the story about the Blue Knight made me feel kinda odd. That was something fr 😭
And speaking of the Blue Knight, this is literally the very first episode in which I've seen Sportacus wearing something different from his usual outfit. It was kinda refreshing to see him like that; even though his face was shown only at the end of the episode, I was happy to see him in other clothing even despite the fact that it was only the knight's armor and it was difficult for him to move in it (it was quite a sad sight to me.) My bbg-
And since we're talking about the outfits in this episode, Robbie's disguise as a Purple Knight WAS A FIRE. LIKE OMG HELLO HANDSOME?? His outfit kinda reminded me of Crowley (probably because of the hair and its color, idk). I think from now on it's one of my favorite disguises of his :]
And the fact that he made a GODDAMN DRAGON ALL BY HIMSELF. Guys I mean isn't he a genius?? He makes such wonderful things using only what he has – in other words his knowledge, various pieces of metal and other stuff
Oh and also, a small thing that made me feel somewhat confused: I heard that Robbie called Sportacus a "sports elf" or something like that. So is it a canon fact that Sportacus is an actual elf? I mean I thought that it was just a fanon thing, but now I'm not really sure about it 😭
Some "nice" words about my "beloved" Stingy :]]]. I didn't expect to hear something nice from him, but him calling his friends "peasants" made me choke on the air. And yes, I know that was a part of his role as a king and the game in general, but confidence in his voice made it sound pretty... legit. As if he had a good opportunity to call them that and not get any words of objection in return. Damn I hate this kid indeed-
And finally, a paragraph about some ship stuff (my favorite part 😏). Not that I noticed too many things, but the fact that Stephanie called Pixel a "young and handsome prince" made me smile warmly. Idk they seem pretty cute to me, I think it's a shame that there are no more hints at their relationship. And I quite liked Robbie's and Sportacus' "fighting" scene. They are just goofing around, god bless them 🥺💜
In general, the episode was pretty good, I like the theme of the Middle Ages and the outfits based on this historical era. But still, unfortunately, I can't say that it's my favorite; I felt like there was something missing, u know...
As always, thank you for your guys attention. Please know that it makes me genuinely happy that some of you actually read and even like it, it means a whole lot to me 💜
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laney-rockin · 1 year
I know I haven't made a whole "my thoughts on -insert star trek episode here- for a while [I've been so busy and surprisingly to me doing a sport for two weeks straight will murder any energy I have]
FIRSTLY. Chapel, babes. GET THE FUCK OVER SPOCK HOLY FUCK. Spock, babygirl, GET THE FUCK OVER CHAPEL. You two are not soulmates, you will never be soulmates. I am tired of watching you two hold hands and look in each other's eyes while you could be GOING BACK TO THE SHIP HOLY FUCK MOVE.
SECONDLY. WHAT THE FUCK?!?! The Gorn are shown to be a highly advanced society capable of fucking WARP. What the actual fuck is SNW doing trying to push a "they're monsters that eat humans and babies" narrative. YOU MURDERED A CHILD. NO FUCKING WONDER THE GORN HATE YOU.
THIRDLY. Batel and Pike are kinda cute together I can see how they're meant to be together. Kinda weak making Batel get bitten by a Gorn but go off SNW- make some decisions. Would've been way fucking cooler to have Batel get into more action without getting bitten just so Pike can have some sad man moments. But what do I know? I'm not even out of high school, I cannot possibly fathom what is going on in these people's minds.
Also Chapel uselessly looking out the window to stare at the Enterprise was so fucking stupid. I get her flashlight didn't work but also like- she had an HOUR until she ran out of oxygen/life support. Where is the hustle? Personally I would be having an actual legit panic attack as I searched for a spacesuit and extra flashlight instead of just staring at the Enterprise and calling Spock's name.
ALSO [In my opinion that means nothing] THE "TO BE CONTINUED" SCREEN FUCKING SUCKED. The ending was not satisfying at all in an "I wanna see more!" kinda way. It was more of a "LET THIS "ADVENTURE" FUCKING END" kinda way.
In my opinion the only thing that saved this episode was Scotty, my role model and the biggest reason why I wanna do aerospace engineering. That man was amazing and stole the show for me, every single time we had to cut away to see Spock and Chapel be annoying I just wished I could see Scotty again. He was so fucking cool and so fucking nerdy and just the coolest man ever.
Speaking of introducing legacy characters: next season they have to bring in Bones McCoy. And I guarantee it's gonna be top-tier because SNW seems hellbent on just ruining Spock and Chapel atm. But if they touch the grumpy country doctor and don't give him and Spock the stupidest yet so in character reason for them to just start bickering like two old woman at the bazaar I will riot.
All in all- a "what the fuck was that" episode. Loved Uhura, Pelia, Scotty and everyone else but Spock and Chapel. Their actors I have no ill will towards [I think they're both super cool and I'd love to meet them someday] but I just cannot actually stand their characters in scenes together. That's just me tho!!
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
to elaborate on the actor au- sorry-
like small snippet of the owl house characters + y/n behind the scenes? as if they were shooting the entire show, and doing interviews and such about the owl house??
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Requested on Tumblr
A/n: Eugh I'm not that happy with this but this is the best it's going to be. Also, I didn't change the character's names. Everyone is human but it would be odd to have them refer to themselves in the 3rd person
Recently you and your friend, Luz had been selected to play in a new show "The Owl House." Which was pretty exciting for both of you. You meant while working on a project around a year ago. But neither of you have been in any of the same projects since.
The first day of filming was surely an experience. It was the first highly fantasy-themed show you were on. But it was honestly a lot of fun! Amity was A LOT nicer off set. Honestly you tell this was going to be one of the best shows to act in.
------------------------------------Time skip to after (filming) the final---------------------------------------------
Listen, you've heard of actors getting attached to their characters. Hell, You've become attached to a few of yours! But never to this degree. You just got done filming the final. You knew a lot of what was going to happen. You were a secondary main character! But god did it hit so much harder to have it acted out! Kinda...
It hit so much harder post editing. You, Luz, Eda, and The Collector, couldn't help during Luz's death. It's kinda hard to be taken seriously when you're in the air wearing a green full bodysuit. Luz didn't really seem to be in the know for much of the final. She seemed really shocked when she learned of her death. Once the hilarity of the situation wore off Luz's performance was tear jerking.
Also the rest of the hex squad had very different opinions being somewhat whatcast to the side for the episode. Amity was upset despite being the main character's girlfriend having a minor role. Hunter on the other hand seemed relieved to just have a break. After around a week you and your fellow actors got an interview. But we'll be focusing on your friends here.
What were the hardest scenes to act in? Luz: Scenes with Hooty aren't hard in the traditional sense. But have you ever had to talk to people holding up a giant paper mache bird and keep a straight face?
Eda: Having to do magic in earlier seasons wasn't fun. You think it's going to be easy to just move your hands in a big circle! But no, the circle was too big! Listen as sad as it was, I'm happy I lost my magic.
Collector: That stupid star. Flying on what I think was weirdly strong cardboard was not comforting. Also any scenes that I had to "Fly" in were weird.
Amity: The puppet scene Staying completely still sounds easy. But you move a lot more than you realize.
Hunter: The possessed scene, do I need to say more?
For Eda, Collector and Hunter, how long does getting ready to look like the character take?
Eda: Wasn't that hard early on just throw on some white body paint and contacts. By the end it wasn't much different, just one different contact and special effects on my arm.
Collector: Face paint doesn't take that long. Though making the freckles can be a bit of a chore.
Hunter: The one scar was already annoying having to make sure it was in the same spot and all. But having six more? Eugh.
And lastly how do you feel about how the fandom feels about your character?
Luz: It's nice she's so well liked. But I wish people would stop making her oblivious and stupid! She's honestly really smart! But once you don't realize your past rival has a crush on you, you're suddenly the dumbest person alive.
Eda: You are all weird but not wrong and that's all I'm saying.
Collector: It was cool to become a fan favorite even when I was only speaking and not on screen. It is kinda funny seeing how many people thought I was actually evil-evil though.
Amity: Not much to say, the fans are cool, and the people who aren't seem to be pretty civil.
Hunter: A lot of you are cool! You also seem to reduce me to my trauma, but still cool.
A/n: I made this at 2am. I hope this was okay at least.
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More Isaac, cause I'm thinking too much about him lately (maybe a little sad):
While Merrick is Isaac's main father figure, Elias is also a pretty big one, also Isaac basically owes everything to Elias, with Elias being the one to fight to put him into this team and keep him outta jail, so when he died it also hit Isaac really hard. After the burial, he snuck away back to the site, sitting there crying. Because a, he ain't good at comforting people, so he thought he wouldn't be of good help with Hesh (eventhough they were already kinda dating, not that they talked about it, but they basically were), but also because the death hit him so hard he didn't want Hesh to feel like he'd have to comfort Isaac about Elias's death, so he tried to deal with it on his own, like he usually does if he can't get Merrick (who also had to deal with it on his own+his "new" role as now full on leader of the Ghosts). Though with his disappearance Hesh got concerned (not wanting to lose him too and also craving the comfort of his bf next to Logan's) so he went looking. Finding him crying over Elias. He might've tried to deny it, but it was clear what happened, this let to them then actually comforting eachother (after Hesh managed to pull the truth out of Isaac). This is also where Hesh learned about how Isaac became a Ghost, that it was his dad's good will, that Isaac ain't rotting in jail for being a Fed and breaking into a military base. Also where they officially got together funnily enough. "You know, your dad actually gave me his blessing" "what?" "For you" "me?" "Yeah, told me he'd be happy to have me as an actual part of the family and then just patted me on the shoulder, i mean he also threatened to kill me if I'm shit to you, but overall he was ... good with... with us" gave them both a bit of peace if they were honest
There is also an au death of Isaac, after which Hesh left the Ghosts because he lost his trust in Merrick and he couldn't deal that he now lost really everyone he's loved. Lost the trust, because Merrick let Isaac run into his certain death, not trying to stop him (due to a promise he'smade years ago) but holding back Hesh from running after him.
If it weren't for everyone being a shithead to Isaac, he would've been a little ray of sunshine. Tho Hesh does start to bring it out the more he weasles his way under his skin. The first big stupid jokes and full body laughters did catch everyone of guard, but they were more happy about the fact that Isaac finally warmed up
-🐑(also working on a list with all relationships from Isaac to the others)
TWO dads for the price of one!
Elias juggling every piece of bullshit sent Issacs way while already dealing with Logan+Hesh's daily bullfuckery is magic. No wonder they made him captain!
Awww, Issasc assumes that he's being selfish but Hesh sees him vulnerable like he is and instead they connect better over it. Sweet.
Hesh got the Delux Fullcover Traumatic backstory for his bf AND his hand in marriage in one fell swoop. Hate to say it but maybe Elias's death was a good thing. /J!!!
Elias still threatens to kill his ass pls. Man dedicated a good portion of his total lifes effort towards Issacs well being, but god so help him if David ever cries over him that isn't for a damn good reason. Dead or not Elias will get his ass. Stairs are precarious places.
Hesh leaving the Ghosts au are so intriguing to me I need someone to either write it or for me to write one myself OR if there is one already (like a fic) SOMEONE TELL ME!!!
Hesh starts calling Issac "Sunshine" ironically but he starts to mean it as Issac's overall mood improves. He's never seen a smile so face-melting. (In a good way!!)
(Relationship chart pog.)
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thecluelessdoctor · 1 year
So uhm
I made another WH AU.
While watching the Scooby Doo movies.
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May I offer WH x Scooby Doo? Imagine all the cartoony shenanigans lmao. I think this is gonna be more of a joke AU, don't take it too srsly lmao. I pretty much grew up on Scooby Doo, spefically Mystery Incorporated. ANYWAY ROLES ✨ also their designs are more based on their old cartoons lol.
Wally is Fred. Cmon. It's the best choice
Julie is Daphne. *Shrugs* like I said not to be taken too srsly
Frank is Velma. Smart people.
Now here is where I struggled a bit lol. Eddie is Shaggy. Ur probably like "what". Now here me out :') or dont. I sorta was just like "...yeah it works enough." Now that I think about it, their sorta similar (at least in my HC) so ye. Besides shaggy being obsessed with food and best friend being a dog.
And Barns is Scooby. This was more of me being lazy lol. and, instead of him like only being Wally's best friend, or in Scooby do context, Eddie's best friend, he's kinda just- with everyone lol.
And I think that's it for the main gang. I'm still figuring out Poppy, Howdy, and Sally, but I think I'll make them these wannabe villains lmao (especially Sally) anyway have some doodles
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I couldn't help but make a silly chase lmao. It's like- one of the most iconic things about Scooby Doo lmao.
Anyway, in Sally's case, I think she's like the main 'monster', being the greatest actor and all lmao. I think Poppy would be the costume maker, and Howdy would probably be their planner lol.
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Ignore the fact another doodle is coming in but like- :D iconic moment in Scooby Doo as WH.
Do not take this out of context fuckers. I know someone out there will >:/
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Oh no Frank agreed to be Julie's Fashion test subject lmao
Ur honor no matter what AU they are still besties (other than in the SAS AU >:'( I'm still sad about that btw)
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
🔥Azula and makeup
Oooh what an interesting topic! I switched to my laptop for this one I was like "I have too much to say I can't be on my phone" LOL
I have two categories of thought here & I do think there's value in separating those categories
Canon & character design
Let's start with the obvious. Azula is an anime - I'm sorry, it's western media someone will yell at me for saying that - a cartoon villain. It's just part of her trope/design that she's conventionally attractive / has red lipstick/eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man etc. If you've ever seen any piece of media ever, you HAVE to get that. So, to an extent, the conventionally attractive design is just kinda...there for obvious reasons.
However, because Azula is a PRINCESS & we do see how choices like hair & clothing are symbolically important - this doesn't mean it's entirely a waste of time to analyze the importance of makeup for Azula's character.
Azula has to look presentable at all times as part of her political role. We see her with lipstick & makeup even at a very young age in flashbacks (& YES the flashbacks are canon please don't start that discourse on my posts again omg) & that's sad in a way but it makes perfect sense considering her important role in the court.
In fact, the only time (IIRC) that we see Azula without makeup is when Zuko interrupts her at night when she is trying to sleep! Oh, & maybe in the scene where she is visiting the spa (& Zuko interrupts her! - lol damn, Zuzu leave her alone (jk). These are domestic scenes when she is alone / sleeping / getting ready to become more presentable. In general, Azula treats appearance with the utmost importance.
It's highly relevant that Azula's appearance begins to fall apart during her breakdown. Her lipstick is sloppy. She cuts her bangs. Her outward character design reflects her inner turmoil.
Okay that's all I have for now
2. My personal subjective headcanons & thoughts
It's been a while but I remember seeing a post about how Fire Nation military personnel were rare & Azula, Mai, & Ty Lee were going against FN gender roles. IDK the post was a whole meta but I couldn't find it now, so sorry. The point is - Azula is canonically a freaking military general/diplomatic mastermind AS WELL as a proper princess!
I personally love the idea that Azula has a masculine side - not trans per se, but I guess it could be if that's your HC but it's not mine - that enjoys boy clothes, suits, no makeup, etc. She likes to embrace that side of her gender. But, she's never felt comfortable or had the room to do so under Ozai's reign & expectations. I personally headcanon Azula as queer/sapphic whatever & I like the idea that as well as sexuality, once she gets away from Ozai she could start to explore gender a bit!
At the same time, I think that Azula does love her feminine side. In my stories, I tend to focus on her exploring different types of fashion. I feel as if in a modern AU she would have strong opinions on different high-end brands. I just know that she would have a huge collection of amazing dresses.
I feel that Azula going without makeup or with less makeup would be a huge step for her (in any universe) because she is SO used to everyone seeing her all put together. Azula starting to become more relaxed about her appearance would be - in my opinion - a HUGE step for her in healing & beginning to become more comfortable with herself.
sorry, this literally went beyond "Azula & makeup." I REALLY started to ramble lmao sorry I am just sitting in bed drinking my lil glass of cabernet sauvignon watching How I Met Your Mother & getting way too passionate about Azula & gender -- I'm done rambling for now tho LOL xD
TYSM for asking <3
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royallygray · 4 months
Royalllll I have more questions!! I'm currently on a car ride cause I just went to the best store EVER (there's only one so I'm not gonna say the name cause I don't wanna dox where I live) but they have the best stuff. It's so like creepy-vintage-cottagecore
Anyways. Questions. Feel free to answer all or some of none of them :]
What's your favorite crystal?
Favorite place to write? (like a place irl, in your bedroom, outside, library, etc)
Role model?
Time zone (if your comfortable of course)?
For some reason I decided to wear these really baggy black pants today cause they got SIX POCKETS but it's like 75 F here and I'm warm but POCKETS
Do you have a favorite pair of pants?
Weirdest thing that ever happened at your school?
Favorite baked good?
Are you left or right handed? (JOIN THE LEFT HANDED CULT. CONVERT NOW. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS CHOP OFF YOUR RIGHT HAND /J -from a left handed person)
A random memory that sticks out from when you were like 4-10?
The name of one of your playlists?
Aaaaand favorite dog breed??
Hey- hey- you wanna see my dog
No? Too bad.
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Her name is Rosie and I love her so much. She is my baby. She's a beagle/Australian shepherd/who knows what but she's the best lol- she just turned two last month!!
Do you have any pets? If yeah what are they, what are their names, and DO YOU HAVE PICTURES CAN I SEE?
Did YOU know that you are loved? Cause you are. A lot. I promise. You're so incredibly awesome. I hope you're doing well :]
Okay I think that's it for now
I'll be back don't worry hehe
Mysteriously disappearing into orbit (look at me I came up with something)
Mm. Those nice stores. Those stores are so cool.
(sorry this has taken so long it's been sitting in my drafts with just this first sentence LMAO)
(read more cuz this is long)
[fav crystal] amethyst. I actually have an amethyst necklace and we went to Canada and mined for amethyst and it was super buggy 0/10 but we did get cool shiny rocks so
[fav place to write] uh. either the floor. like anywhere. or my bed. floor is great
[role model] idk. I don't fucking know because like it might've been my mom but eh. so it's probably Taylor Swift since she's so many things I want to be. (⏃⌰⌇⍜ ⍙⟟⌰⏚⎍⍀ ⍙⏃⌇ ⌇⍜⋔⟒⍜⋏⟒ ⟟ ⍙⏃⋏⏁⟒⎅ ⏁⍜ ⎎⎍☊☍⟟⋏☌ ⏚⟒ ⏚⎍⏁ ⊬'☍⋏⍜⍙. ⏁⊑⏃⏁'⌇ ⏚⟒⟒⋏ ⌇⊑⏃⏁⏁⟒⍀⟒⎅.)
[do u have a fav pair of pants] yes. they're these "leggings" that are actually pants but they have pockets and they're just warm enough that they work for the winter and just lightweight enough that they're working for the summer. so far. fuck the summer I hate it it's too fucking hot
[weirdest thing that happened at ur school] okay so this was in elementary but there was a fire drill during lunch and it was pasta day but I'd packed a lunch so I was fine but the fire alarm went off during lunch so we all filed out and my friend shoved her pasta in her face and then we waited outside in the chilly winter/spring I don't remember but eventually we went back inside and everyone's pasta was cold
turns out it wasn't a drill. someone was smoking?? in the boiler room?? or smth?? so the school wasn't actually cruel for making our pasta cold there were just some assholes smoking. or smth. that was the rumor I don't fucking know
actually yeah I do know. there was a dragon. that wanted the pasta. so it breathed fire except it didn't know where the cafeteria was and so it was sad and couldn't get the pasta. so true mhm
[fav baked good] ooh I like making cookies. cookies are good. but so are these specific gas station donuts. and also cake. OMG CHEESECAKE FINAL ANSWER ESPECIALLY THE OREO CHEESECAKE AT CHEESECAKE FACTORY
right handed, but my IRL bsf is a leftie. and during 7th grade we both tried to become ambidextrous. it didn't work so well. especially for me. I think she can kinda write with her right hand.
random memory??? fuck if I know. bro wtf happened in elementary school. oh I left the classroom without telling the teacher once since I was pissed at her and then like the social worker and half the security team needed to help find me. bro I just went to the bathroom they did not need. as many people I don't actually remember but it was rly weird. first time I disobeyed shit tho! and also prolly last.
[name of a playlist of mine] uhhhh. #110: Depression Incarnate. before the matter #101. #113: You clearly need... something. #102: of another lifetime. I number my playlists so I know like when they were made and see how my music evolved over time.
fav dog breed. I am not well educated on dog breeds, but German shepherd. fluffy and loveable.
I love your dog. I love Rosie. GekatwkaSHJA she's so cute. precious bean
I've got Sirius Wolfgang and Tidae. this is Sirius :)
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[did u know that you are loved?] :( thanks. that. um. thanks. <3
I'm doing. y'know. I'm very stressed. actually I should sleep. also my phone charger isn't working rn and I have assignments. and I had an anxiety attack today, but thanks for checking in im
~still a piece of garbage~
but thanks for the reminder that you care <3 :(
woah you've joined me in orbit :D
ty for the ask :)
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
Tbh, I'm someone who hasn't explored chapter 4 much (despite how much I love Gonta) and even avoided thinking about it and even skipped it on replay. The main reason is that it was just too painful. Literally made me sick to my stomach, more than any other Danganronpa trial I think. I don't know if maybe that plays a part in other people's avoidance of it too—that it's just too raw of a wound. I really really liked Miu Gonta and Kokichi, so seeing the roles all of them in this case broke my heart. It just hurt so badly, I hated even contemplating it, tbh.
Anon I couldn't empathize with you more. I'm currently going through all the DR games with a friend, and although we're halfway through dr2 and I'm very excited to start v3 with her, I'm feeling a lot of dread about playing 3-4 again. I've talked to her a few times how there is a part of the third game that I might not play with her because It might just be too much for me. I haven't touched it with someone else since I first played it. Certain parts of trial 4 STILL give me heart palpitations from the anxiety and it took me a long time after I finished it to be able to face it again. I honestly still don't get how some people take certain parts of it so lighthearted, but also I know not everyone took it so viscerally as I and it sounds like you did anon. (ie: people using "Killing Game Busters" casually to refer to gonta and kokichi as if the phrase doesn't manifest deep dread in my soul)
Its a brutal trial, no one is having a good time, there is no feeling of gentle sadness of an almost heroic act like in the previous ch4s. Gonta dies with a determined look on his face but his last words were self deprecating. Kaito is more angry than we've ever seen him, and Kokichi alienates himself from everyone as the villain. There's no win. Its just viscerally, deeply upsetting and it feels like you're constantly getting salt ground into your wounds.
But weirdly, I found that after I finished that trial, cried my eyes out, and woke up the next morning, rather than never wanting to think about it again I found that I couldn't *stop* thinking about it. I kinda leaned all the way in and am simultaneously constantly replaying it in my head and wincing away from certain parts that still trigger the fight or flight response in me. I really was a more casual DR fan until this trial. Finishing it rewired my brain chemistry and I haven't been the same since.
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tuiyla · 1 year
Okay so, thoughts on the return of Amy Madison and how much of an enabler she is to Willow's magic addiction? (Btw, I love Amy, I used to be obsessed with her. I support all her little junkie shenanigans.)
Couldn't have told you that her last name's Madison lol
So first off I think it was hilarious when they briefly brought Amy back as a gag in season 4 lol. And I've been expecting when Willow would get powerful enough to actually make her human again. Amy's been an interesting character, in that she was part of the very first monster of the week story (kinda) and her appearances since have been giving off lowkey sinister vibes. It makes sense to me that she'd return, 3 years later, and go a little hedonistic. And from a storytelling point of view a ch like that is perfect to not only enable Willow but make her worse.
I have to be honest with you, as much as I see what her narrative role is and appreciate aspects of her character, I'm not like, a huge fan of Amy? Sorry, everyone knows I love a bit of a bad girl but Amy brought Willow to her lowest addict point (bar the finale) and it was so sad to see. No, actually, where I drew the line for her women's wrongs was when she "gifted" Willow some magic. I enjoy Willow's story this season and even like that she went to such dark places but that was such an asshole move that I like that Willow told Amy off.
But yeah, in general Willow's lowest point is a train wreck I can enjoy watching. I think the whole 1) Larry's gay 2) Larry's dead thing was funny, tho girl Amy did you seriously wanna go with Larry? Oookay. And it was kinda heartwarming to see Amy defend Willow when the two guys at the Bronze reared their homophobic heads. And it's not like Willow wasn't also enabling Amy. I just think the analogy got a little too on the nose with her and the "gift" thing was so wrong.
I'm curious to see whether she'll return in season 7 because she could be a great foil to Willow and I kinda dig that the first girl Buffy saved at Sunnydale High (again kinda) turned out like this. Because not all stories have happy endings and boy was season 6 about harsh truths like that.
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
I dont see Helaena cheating. I see her having feelings for Aemond both romantic and sexual in nature but I don't see her cheating. And IK people bring up the "so you don't want female characters to have agency and sexually fulfilled lives? So you think only men are allowed to cheat? So you think all people with autism are aroace robots with no interest in sex?" arguments and I believe some anti-helaemonds genuinely smack of that kind of thinking, but something it's simply: I just don't think Heleana is that kind of character from what we have gotten. Helaena not cheating doesn't mean all real woman cant ever cheat or all female characters cant ever cheat, its just in Helaena's case she does not. There are female characters who cheat, not as many as men, but they're there. I don't see why Helaena specifically not cheating would be such a big blow? Is it because of the autism? In that case the scarcity of autistic characters should be criticised IMO; we shouldn't need to make one autistic fill a niche by herself. Thats just sad tbh.
It's the only reason I don't believe anything happened between Helaemond on the show and will be very surprised if it has or will unless helaena does a 180, which IG could be a kinda fun angle - her becoming more like Aegon/a Dragon. But there's so much gonna be going on I don't know if we need this. I'm just a little sick of Aemond I guess.
Just to maybe drop a different perspective.
hey there, i want to take this opportunity to assure everyone that, with all my ranting, i'm not really a prescriptivist person, bent on shaping the way people interact with their chosen piece of media :)
so, if that's your interpretation of helaena's character, that's completely fine in my book, and you are entitled to your headcanons. don't get me wrong here, i'm not trying to police the way people consume fiction or how they like to play in their own sandboxes, lord knows there is enough room for all of us under the sun. so, if you think that she wouldn't cheat for various reasons, i'm not here to contradict your view specifically and tell you you're wrong. our opposing opinions can co-exist just fine in the space-time continuum. :))
personally speaking, i interpret their social & familial roles breaking down so much within this cycle of generational inbreeding that whatever this is doesn't even register as cheating anymore since the regular boundaries start bleeding into one another. but that's bc that's what i find a really cool idea to explore, others can and should come up with their own takes
i only take issue with a certain type of moral framework that excludes all other possible interpretations bc it doesn't fall within whatever the circulated papal bull stipulates at the moment. especially when it's over really silly stuff like this. meaning to say that other people are not stupid or badly-intentioned or sinister or secret team black sleeper agents :)) for enjoying alternative possibilities. and, i have to say, it does feel really kind of rotten when you hear how other greens talk about helaemonds like they carry the plague, bc i think there are some really lovely people in this little internet niche that could contribute in a lot of positive ways to the fandom.
i, for one, can't control how people choose to judge me for not shutting up about this (lmao this really unintentionally feels like coming out, which is absolutely ridiculous, touch-grass-levels), but i'd think it rather childish if 1. i felt force to go underground and lie about it so people wouldn't blacklist me for this dumb reason and 2. i couldn't really engage in other ways bc people formed this unfair opinion that i'm some tainted radioactive waste. i write a lot of meta on a lot on topics and i enjoy talking to a wide range of people, which is why i rarely even block, so, that's just a personal disappointment i would have as a fandom navigator.
at the end of the day, it's.... you know, whatever, as far as i'm concerned, because i have a big mouth anyway and i don't really shut up IRL either, so, in that regard i had to already teflonize myself. but i feel like a lot of users are held back from participating and being more active for fear of judgment, which is just a damn shame, as the toxic voices always tend to drown out the ones who would really help turn this place into a more pleasant experience for everyone
so, what can i say, i'm a big softie, y'all
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