#I'm kind of just burned out with creating stuff due to wanting to create so much before January due to my final exams coming up
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originallymarysue · 1 month ago
Random oc post let's go
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sombra-conlangs · 3 months ago
I just had a thought I want to share: I don't think the conlang community is great at helping beginners to get into conlanging, and while the art form is kind of esoteric and requires lots of knowledge I also think there's probably better approaches for tackling the huge task of learning how to create an entire language.
I can't figure out a way to say it concisely, I'll just spew out all my thoughts on this so hopefully others can see where I'm coming from and share their thoughts, I'm curious to hear what y'all have to say.
First let's look at something that I've noticed is pretty common in other artistic hobbies and communities:
When people decide to learn a new skill there can be a lot of excitement that builds up initially, they may have never touched an instrument in their life but they have this burning desire to jump right into writing and recording an awesome guitar solo, just like the ones they hear in their favorite songs, or they may not have any drawing and writing experience at all but the first thing they wanna do is start working on an entire webcomic series drawn in a highly detailed art style because they came up with an idea for a story that would be amazing. Whatever the skill is, it happens often that someone sees a work of art that is so inspiring that they want to make something just like it themselves.
Of course, when people try a new art form for the first time the results don't tend to be very good, when you've never done a thing before it's unrealistic to expect yourself to be able to replicate the stuff that people with a few years of experience and practice can make.
And that can be a pretty frustrating experience because if someone tries their hardest to create that dream project of theirs with no experience it'll inevitably end up taking a huge amount of effort (due to the person not knowing how to do things in a more efficient way) and then it won't even be as good as they envisioned anyway, and some can walk away from these experiences with the impression that music is simply too hard or they're just not made to be artists or writers or game designers or whatever the craft is.
I think this is why when you take a class on the subject or you hear advice online people often try to get you to lower the scope of your first projects, they emphasize the importance of practicing your fundamentals first, because you may be super excited to jump right into painting hyper-realistic portraits, but if you don't build any familiarity with your tools and you don't train those basic skills you're never going to be able to turn the awesome idea in your head into a reality, and your expectations are going to be too high for you to enjoy the process because you just won't be able to meet those expectations.
Starting with a scope that is far too big ends up just being a frustrating experience that doesn't actually teach you a whole lot, you gotta work on a bunch of smaller, simpler stuff first before you move on to making more advanced things. In other words, you gotta build up to the higher levels, you don't start at level 100, you start at level 1 and then you slowly go up from there.
You may see where I'm going with this: we don't tend to do that in the conlang community.
People who become interested in making languages may be familiar with the concept of conlangs from hearing about Klingon, High Valyrian, Sindarin or similar works, and so they get excited to jump right into making a naturalistic artlang as their first conlang, or they may not even know what the term "naturalistic artlang" even means but they try to make a detailed, fully speakable language for a fictional setting, which is kind of the same thing, or at least it's in the same spirit.
I think tons of conlangers start that way (myself included), it's super common, but I had the realization earlier that starting with a naturalistic artlang is actually kind of crazy, that's a project with a huge scope, it requires you to have so much knowledge beforehand that I'd argue it's the equivalent of trying to play a Paganini piece live in front of an audience on your first time playing the violin ever, of course it's gonna be seen as an impossibly difficult or complex hobby, you're jumping into level 100 right off the bat, no wonder lots of conlangers end up hating their first conlang.
I legit had a moment earlier today when I was thinking "conlanging is not that hard, you just gotta learn the basics of IPA, then learn about syllable structure and phonotactics, then become acquainted with the different mechanisms of how sounds can change over time, then learn what a romanization is and how to make one based on your phonology, then learn how words get grammaticalized.. then learn about all the different types of writing systems... then... huh wait a minute..."
I had this realization that the amount of knowledge you're expected to learn on your first conlang project is kind of ridiculous, it's easy to lose track of how advanced the stuff you're doing is when you've grown so used to it, it's like that xkcd comic.
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Yeah this one. Like, the diachronic method of conlanging might not seem that complicated if you're using it for the 47th time, but for a newcomer there are a ton of things they need to learn first in order to even start using the diachronic method.
And even if you don't evolve your conlang from a proto-language there's still a ton of details and moving parts in a naturalistic language: the syntax, the morphology, the phonology, the different levels of formality and social aspects, writing systems, etc.
I feel like trying to capture all of the different nuances of a natural language on your first attempt at a conlang is just too big of a scope in the same way that making your first videogame an open-world RPG with multiple endings tends to result in people quitting game development because they get overwhelmed with the amount of new information that they need to learn and so they lose all their motivation.
All of this came to my mind because I was having a conversation with someone who doesn't have a background in linguistics and I was trying to help them figure out how to make their first conlang, and as the conversation went on I realized that even the posts aimed at beginners I write on my wordpress site are actually way too detailed and complex, like, my post that teaches you to read IPA- let me stop right there, the fact that I have a single post where I expect people to be able to learn IPA just so that they can start conlanging says it all.
And ok, you may be thinking that's just a me issue, but honestly I started to re-watch various youtube videos on how to conlang aimed at beginners and I feel like if I had zero knowledge of linguistics I'd struggle to follow along with the majority of them, in each video there's usually multiple new concepts being introduced at a very rapid pace and a number of things that you're already assumed to be familiar with.
No shade at people like biblaridion and artifexian, I personally find their content helpful, my point is that most learning resources for beginner conlangers (including the stuff I make on my website) do this thing where they infodump a ton of technical information and introduce a lot of new jargon fairly quickly and while that can work for some people I'm starting to think that that's not the best way to go about things.
This may seem kind of random, but I remember this very old video by extra credits where they explained how a good tutorial in a videogame doesn't front-load all of the information you'll ever need, they segment it into smaller chunks so you only learn the few bits of information that are immediately relevant, you get to immediately apply that knowledge, familiarize yourself with the concept at your own pace, and then once you've had some time to play with it you are introduced to a new small bit of information. I know learning an artistic skill is not identical to learning how to play a game, but I find that I learn better this way in general, the knowledge just sticks more, I think that introducing concepts in more bite-size, applicable chunks would probably go a long way to make this hobby more accessible to more people.
Maybe we should be recommending newcomers to practice with naming langs, minimal conlangs, personal conlangs, relexes, ciphers, codes, or idk something else to let people become acquainted with the dozens of concepts that show up in languages in a way that doesn't immediately become overwhelming.
Like, maybe this is a hot take, but I feel like in order to make your first conlang you probably shouldn't even worry about what a place or manner of articulation is, you probably don't need to evolve it or add any irregularity or allophones or any of the stuff we're so used to including as conlangers, you can slowly learn those later.
Think about it, in order to learn how to draw realism you practice the most basic fundamentals first; drawing circles and cubes in perspective over and over again, trying to break down complex images into simple abstract shapes, etc. I think we could do the same in conlanging and teach the necessary skills with projects of a smaller scope.
I just remembered about quothalinguist's choose your own adventure type book for teaching beginner conlangers and I think that's awesome, I haven't read it but I definitely will, we should probably get more introductory material like that, stuff that's more manageable and doesn't require a huge time investment in order to teach you a lot, I think that's a really good approach.
And for that matter I've been curious about the conlang year thing, maybe that'd also be a more manageable way to introduce someone to conlanging.
Just spitballing a few ideas here but imagine teaching about basic morphology by encouraging people to make a sketchlang where they only use sounds present in their native language. Without needing them to know any IPA or anything about phonology you can get them started on experimenting with certain things, like putting words together, compounding, affixing, etc. Remember that the results don't have to be naturalistic, that's not the point, the point is to avoid the situation where people need to learn a thousand concepts before they can even set pen to paper, they get to start experimenting and playing with different concepts in a more manageable way.
Maybe as a way to slowly introduce people to the idea of phonological evolution someone could make a small set of proto-words using a very basic inventory like /p t k m n s j w a i u/ and then you give people a set of pre-designed sound changes to pick from, and they can mix and match which changes to apply and in what order, so this could be an exercise to get acquainted with the way that sound changes work and the way the order in which they happen matters.
Y'all can let me know if I'm not making any sense or if my ideas sound weird or bad, the main point that I want to make is that the way we approach teaching beginner conlangers seems to require a lot of front-loading of information, which is not great.
I honestly forgot how long it took me to learn everything that I currently know about conlanging, I only stuck with it because I had actually consumed a lot of pop-linguistics content before getting into conlanging, so I already had a lot of the knowledge you're expected to learn as a beginner, meaning that the infodumps weren't as much of a brickwall for me as they can be for other people.
I feel like with the way things currently are there's probably a subset of people who have tried to get into conlanging at some point but then gave up and left with the impression that it's simply too complicated and nerdy for them when that may not be the case, I don't think making a naturalistic conlang is that much harder than learning how to draw realistic portraits of people; sure it's hard and time-consuming but it's definitely doable if you practice all the fundamentals first.
In the art community there's people who try to keep their sketchbooks all pristine and perfect looking, but that's not actually super helpful for learning, sketchbooks are meant to be where you practice and get to experiment, it's ok if it's messy or ugly or disorganized, it's not meant to be where your masterpieces come from, it's generally understood within the art community that in order to make drawings that are very well made you have to go through a loooot of crappy, low quality drawings first.
I think that essentially what I'm saying is that there should be a way to encourage beginner conlangers to do the same, make the equivalent of little sketches and practice basic doodles instead of jumping into a highly detailed complex naturalistic artlang right off the bat, that could demystify the wonderful art that is language creation for newcomers.
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balkanradfem · 5 months ago
About your experience with that other woman, I'm sorry and that is heartbreaking. But, if that is of any consolation, I had similar. I used to have that personality type, typical slavic woman, I could not speak about myself, and was only giving and giving to others, and I was extra serious about relationships, wanting to make it as in legends, with greatest honesty. And I also would apologize forever, if someone was slightly unhappy with me or not responsive, I would forever think what did I say wrong, why did it change, they focused so much on me, and now not. I burned many times so that personality of mine naturally changed though pain haha but I still do not like it when someone pays too much attention on me either.
But, about that woman, I had similar friend. Whenever I approached her, to invite her somewhere, she would always be happy and very excitedly agree and be proactive. But then the day before meeting or on the day of meeting, she would write something akin to 'something came up, I can't' . And also would tell me the details of what came up, usually list of family issues or sickness, so I would instead of being frustrated, of course, empathic towards her, sorry for her, and write her words of support. Well that continued for some time, but I noticed a pattern after a while, and then asked her why is that happening. And got reply along the lines that she is absolutely fed up with me, cutting me out of her life forever, bc I bring only negativity and she's tired and wants to clean her life of me for fresh positive energy, all that guru stuff you know. Personally I think it was often backwards, I empathically listened to many of her scary family stories, but it's also true I was then massive walking trauma after abuse. But I was never figure out, why, if she disliked me, she never said 'no, i dont want to go' or gone though that mysterious ritual of wasting my time. I put it on some of her unability to say no, masking due to trauma or similar, but I was still quite hurt by that. And that last time was the only time she ever showed me anything that was not excitement and support, so I gained many trust issues that someone might act that way and it would be all fake and she secretely hates me, bc from her last email it seemed like she hated me whole time. And I always felt that something is wrong, but she always had excuses that lulled my feeling of wrong. So currently I also feel that she wasted my time majorly. I had some few similar experience where other woman just kept feeling me few kind words or few promises, just like men do, to keep me foggy enough and to keep up my hopes enough that , despite never getting reciprocation to resources I invest, I would still keep investing. And then the cutting me out always was sudden, sometimes with raging email like that, sometimes with just sudden cutting off without any explation, sometimes with mutual friends whispering reasons. I have no idea why women do that, I feel that if you have any respect for other woman, you do not do that. I had experiences where I was cutting off others from my life, or explaining we can't connect or talk, but I always explain it clearly as I can (unless they scare me) and without ranting in something that would hurt them, and I do not accept anything from other person in such case either.
So, if that is any consolation, here is my story. since my habit is just giving others similar stories of mine, to show that is it common social issue, or in hopes it gives insights from similar type of experience. personal is political and all that.
Yes I can see the exact same pattern in your story, you are so right about this! It's not that mysterious.
She first created fake expectations 'I will go with you to an event and we'll have a great time', so you'd have something to look forward to together with her, and then when she'd fail you, she looked for empathy from you. I think a big part of why she was your friend was this exact empathy, and cancelling the event gave her a convenient excuse to go on and on about the stuff that was bothering her, so it didn't feel like she was 'unloading all that on you for no reason', she 'needed to explain to you why she failed your expectations'.
The pattern was working perfectly for her while she had your attention, empathy, and eagerness to invite her, enabling her to go on with this, but once you caught on, she realized she could no longer do it, and the scam was ruined. It's insidious how some people can do that, I do not understand, and her behaviour is gross to me.
There's an alternative route of being someone's friend, offering and giving empathy naturally, sharing your struggles without some weird fake expectations or excuse for failing them, this is just such dishonest and weird behaviour. I'm so sorry anon that you were put trough this, and good on you for noticing and pointing it out! I believe those people don't want to be accountable for anything they do, so when you even point it out, they just lash out in rage and try to hurt you as much as possible so you'd never call them out again, or just completely cut you off, when you've done nothing wrong, only caught onto them.
I'm sorry also that you had that slavic woman experience, I didn't know it was a common one! I thought I talked about myself a lot since I have a whole blog where I share my little stories and adventures, but I guess in private with people I'm much more reserved and assume that nobody wants to know all that hahaha. So sad our personalities have to change just for self preservation, I do believe there's nothing inherently wrong with us, we are just too conscious of everyone's needs and people exploit it.
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umemiyan · 1 year ago
Hiii robin! If you're cool with it, I wanted to ask, is there a certain moment with your selfships when you realize you ship with them, or is it a slow process that just kinda happens?
hi romy!!!! ❤️
tbh it kinda depends and i'm not always totally sure LMAO i'm a little all over the place with it. like a lot of the time i have a hard time deciding and i'm trying to create a classification system in my head akfjofijwe tho it probably shouldn't be that deep my brain just loves to cling to systematization and gets frustrated when it can't properly execute it lmfao. but anyways i shall try my best collect my thoughts and describe how i perceive my tendencies!!
i'll put it below the cut bc i always ramble lolol
there are definitely some ships where it was more of a slow progression and i had to eventually be like "yeah okay this is what it is" because it was getting to the point where they weren't going to leave. i could easily envision more in-depth scenarios between them and myself and/or lore that just seemed to naturally spring up and i just kept thinking about them all the time.
i'd say megumi is a good example of the slow-burn. he honestly wasn't the kind of character that heavily struck me when i first watched the anime and started reading the manga; in fact, i recall being like "oh great, another little hateful emo boy" LOL (historically they're not usually the type i'm drawn to). but i got to know his character better over time and realized that like. damn. i have rather intense feelings about this guy adjewoijfwof
toji and jean were a bit more on the "slower" side of development as well i suppose. and not "slow" in the sense it took several months or years or anything (i've only been self-shipping for about a year) but it was something i had to ease into a bit more i guess.
i actually hated toji at first but then the daddy issues kicked into overdrive and i eventually started catching feelings LMFAO and jean was my first self-ship ever. he's the first one where i felt comfortable enough to imagine myself with someone like that <3 i hadn't really truly done anything like that in years, but i loved his character so much that i was starting to actually insert myself in reader stuff rather than completely detaching like i used to. i could see myself with him.
suga, on the other hand, was the kind that hit me like a freight train. maybe it's because i'm more comfortable with self-shipping now, but it was easier for me to realize it and take it to self-ship level pretty quickly. not only was i obsessed with him from pretty much the first fucking moment, but the subsequent relationship daydreams have been insane LOL i mean i gave it a little bit of time because i hate the idea of being overly impulsive and irrational due to infatuation but uh. i fucking love him lmao
katsuki is..... *sigh* idk. he also kind of hit me like a freight train, at least with the daydream scenarios and whatnot, and i was hoping and praying it was just a phase (still kind of am) but i guess i've sort of accepted that it's not. or it's at least a longer-lasting phase than most lol idk. but i can't stop thinking about him and i'd rather just go ahead and call it a self-ship instead of continuing to try and wait it out or deny it. the brainrot is bad
ANYWAYS sorry for being unable to shut the fuck up as per usual lmfao but yeah!!! i tried to give some examples of how this shit works in my mind. right now i guess i'm sort of organizing things by how regularly/consistently i think about a character over time and with what degree of ease i imagine myself with them in several scenarios, but this is by no means the sort of parameters i think everyone should use when it comes to this. people should do whatever the fuck they want i just take shit too seriously sometimes and wish i could be more chill actually instead of trying to create a classification system for everything in my brain 😃 but here we are
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misc-obeyme · 1 year ago
random obey me lore idea
so like. we know mc's magic went wild and was causing weird shit to happen to the environment and making weird magic fluctuations throughout the realms. but what if it also had an effect on magical creatures (demons, sirens, fairies, vampires, etc). i like to think that the bursts of wild magic essentially caused mutations in them (either already grown ones that were near the sites when the incidents occurred or those born or 'turned' in the cases of vampires/werewolves/ what have you). they could be major mutations that drastically change appearances or les visible ones that effect traits. like making vampires so sensitive to sunlight that they cant even go out at night bc the reflection from the moon burns them or making them more resistant and letting them survive semi prolonged exposure to daylight. making creatures more powerful or significantly weaker. giving them abilities before unseen in the race that can then get passed on to offspring or those that the afflicted individual turns and as time goes on it becomes more common in the species. others looking down on the afflicted or outcasting them bc theyre "not a True [creature type]" and it greatly affects sociopolitical interactions amongst them all. the amount of work the sorcerers society would have to do to document everything lmao
in my mc's story they get turned into a vampire (i really like vampires and also tend to pick and choose the various vampire lores i like bc if i ever became allergic to garlic whats the point of trying anymore lmao) but when they turn a combination of their magic going haywire and the ring light causes the vampirism to mutate as it takes its hold
just some Thoughts <3
Oh my little baker friend, I LOVE this idea!!
I too am a fan of vampires. I do the same thing when it comes to vampire lore whenever I write vampire stories. Just because I find most vampire lore to be ridiculous in a lot of ways. I think a vampire that can go out in daylight, appears in mirrors, has no aversion to garlic, isn't super pale, etc is far more terrifying because they can blend in with regular people to the point where they're indistinguishable. And I think that's just a more compelling premise all around personally! (And I have written quite a few vampire stories in my time... it's a concept that has never truly released me lol.)
But anyway, it's fascinating to think about how mythical creatures existing in the world would react to increased magical surges. I love the idea of this having some kind of lasting impact, too. Like it ripples through the generations of creatures because some of those things are passed on. It's cool because in the actual story, once that stuff was resolved, we never really heard about it again. So it's interesting to think that MC's magic going crazy actually impacted something long lasting.
Now I'm just imagining the Sorcerer's Society hating Solomon even more because it was his apprentice that caused all this extra work for them lol.
I also really like thinking about how an MC that already has some magical properties would react to such things. It would make sense for an MC being turned into a vampire to have drastic effects due to the strength of the magic created by the ring.
I have an AU where my MC is half fae, leannán sídhe specifically, and I didn't even consider how something like that might change them. Now my mind is going crazy with ideas about fae that have mutated due to the magic and end up more monstrous than beautiful or the other way around. The unaffected fae are like, okay get out you guys are messing things up lol.
There is so much space for interesting interpretations of things like this. Because there's definitely an implication of such mythical creatures and such existing, but we don't get a whole lot of context on them. So you can pretty much come up with whatever you want, which is truly fun. I mean I think they did mention vampires briefly and I like to think that since vampires aren't really humans they can kind of move between the human world and the Devildom. I wonder if the ones in the Devildom would react more strongly to MC's magic while MC is in the Devildom, too? Maybe there becomes a more obvious distinction between vampires that live in one world vs the other.
Though you also mentioned demons and if demons started to mutate too that'd be a whole problem for Diavolo I would think. You could really expand on that idea. Like maybe members of the House of Lords get mutated. Then you get to decide if that means they get kicked out or if the other House of Lords demons see them as beneficial to their overall cause. Of course I don't know how important the House of Lords is in OG season two since we didn't even hear about them until Nightbringer, but it's still interesting to think about!
Yeah I could speculate about this idea all day! I quite like this idea, 🥐 anon! Feel free to tell me more about your vampire MC (or anything else really) if you'd like! I love to hear about such things!
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arty-ffxiv · 7 months ago
💖Just a gentle nudge to remind you that you're not just existing—you're thriving, even on days when it doesn't feel that way. You're a one-of-a-kind force in this world, bringing light and love in ways you might not even realize. You've overcome so much, and you should be proud of every step you've taken, no matter how small. The world is better with you in it, and you've already made such a difference just by being you. Keep going, keep growing, and never forget how important you are💖
Thank you, who ever you are. This message warmed my heart and has been a well needed reminder ♥
I've not advertised it much, but I've been on a FFXIV/ Tumblr hiatus for the past ~5ish weeks; this blog has been running on old, queued content since then. I'm feeling quite drained and burned out, and frustrated as I'd just gotten back into my creative outlets again.
It's the longest time I've taken away from the game, and I didn't want to step away so soon from the FFXIV Tumblr community again after returning from another long hiatus.
Putting more under the cut, for those interested in IRL stuff. Otherwise, please know that I'm ok, just taking a break.
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I've been in a bit of a strange place mentally, since before Dawntrail dropped.
In the week leading up to the expac's early access release, I was made redundant from a job role that I really loved. I'd been in limbo regarding my role for a number of months, and hadn't anticipated any movement or news for at least another few months- things move slowly in the community services world.
I had a week of annual leave booked for the expansion release- I was keen for the break, and excited to be going into the new adventure with the new friends I'd made within the Tumblr FFXIV community.
2 days before I was due to go on leave, I was told I was having a meeting with HR and my line manager. I was advised to bring a support person.
My anxiety sky rocketed, and the next day I was given the news of my redundancy. I was given some options to mull over for the next few days- redeployment to another site, putting in an application for a more senior role with no guarantee I'd be successful, or to leave the organization.
As you can imagine, this put a big dampener on my excitement for Dawntrail. I'm grateful that the news came when it did, so at least my leave was spent with something to focus on instead of just moping about, but it just fucking sucked.
I was spending most of my time on leave in game, trying to keep my mind off work and the mess of emotions and confusion I knew I'd be coming back to. I enjoyed the expac- at least the first half. I wasn't emotionally prepared, or ready, for the second half.
I won't be going into details for those who have yet to finish the MSQ, nor to upset myself further.
The second half of the story was just too much; I spent my time in the last zone consumed with the thoughts of I'm not having fun anymore, I'm not enjoying this, let's just rip this fucking bandaid off and get through it, we can process all the feelings this is dredging up for us later.
Since finishing the MSQ, I've not really done much else in-game or really logged in again. I've been reflecting on it, and I think the ending of the expac triggered some deep-seated traumas for me. This, coupled with the grief and mixed emotions of moving into a new work environment, has really exhausted me.
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I'm 5 weeks into my new workplace, and I'm enjoying it but am just so exhausted. While I'm still in the same organization, my workload is more than it was previously and I've lost the motivation I'd only recently gotten back for FFXIV and creating.
Hopefully now that I've gone through the motions of resettling and learning the ropes in this new space, my creativity will begin to come back. I can only hope.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year ago
//slightly unneeded post in that i know im being at best dramtic and dumb and hey theres a good chance the things im worrying about even happen. its just...I really do need to voice how I am feeling or im worried imma just get hung up on it you know?
as stated in previous posts. Due to some changes in my job my work schedule is going to change and my worry is I won't be able to write due to said change, And that got me feeling sad. This is a hobby I generally enjoy doing and I feel lucky that those of you who write with me constantly continue to do so. Thing is I am sadly someone who tries a lot of my self into my creative outlets and when something gets in the way of me creating? it dose effect me. I'm feeling like im failing you if im not gonna be able to keep stuff on the blog which yes i see thats not ture just feels like im giving something up that i generally love and its got me in my feelings for like no reason what so ever.
I was hopefully for stuff to keep as gap filler but ehh I dunno as stated the previous head cannon like stuff didnt seem well received and I was asked about having things sent in but ehh it's not meant to be taken in any negative way just I really do mean it when I said it wasn't a big deal. Because it's not I understand why no one sent anything in im not holding anything against anyone this is me being that way and I would hope people know that isn't the kind of person I am in the first place. So why take those posts down? eh I dunno just maybe they weren't interesting and ya fair. And I dont want people to feel like they own me anything. Ya know cause you don't why I say its not a big deal. Why I spent some free time looking for hopefully fun things that I can through in if I do run into a day where I couldn't type. Cause eh i wouldn't wanna give a half assed reply just for the sake of it you know? I dunno I feel that be an insult to the person who sent in the ask I guess.
Over all i'm just kind of fighting my brain at the moment feeling guilty when i don't gotta cause I know if anyone else was feeling how I feel? I wouldn't be telling them the things i'm thinking of myself. Just I dunno its the one creative outlet I take part in daily so i think thats why I am feeling how I am I am actively learning how to work with my brain currently and I guess this is just a good stepping stone for that. Still..I hate feeling how I am currently. I just dont wanna burn myself out on it either but yeah I am genuinely sorry for any days I may not have anything to post.
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the-firebird69 · 10 months ago
Zorba the Greek - The Final Dance
He's finally getting to teach his son to dance he has before but he sort of gets it you're in Greece it's hard here it's hard to look like this and he's doing it a little and then he says here and then I have to concentrate on my dancing and says that's one of the biggest points and he's having a ball he knows it's aren't a lot of trouble and he can't seem to get out of it it's kind of always been a big schmuck but now that they're just jamming them to me like nobody's business and these Max are blinded by it thank God
They want me to wait and have my size 13 Blue suede shoes and it's a bad thing these people like it but really it's a sign to start treating me better
Haha lol I laughed a lot more than that this is a funny joke and we needed to happen we're just swamped with a****** comments and they don't know what it's like no there are people reporting it's way overdue as a kid and he's saying f*** off I'm going to do what I want and it's bad the same for years but okay LOL hahaha hehe
Is there a place of origin of their namesake and their father and mother said it and we adore it it is very tough there if you look like them and we mean the clans and they're not hard on them they Revere them but in the way you don't want it is fascinating under those it here it is he is under a lot of pressure like when we go there. We heard his father and mother's favorite place for a different reason it's about life and about what women do and create life they were way out of line we get pushed on the line and we kind of tend to stay there thinking we're doing the right thing and it's a breakdown of the system then you were damn wrong doing that yesterday Dan and we're going to have to do something to stop you from doing it it's wrong
I can see he's very angry and we're probably trying to tear my head off and it'll be over for me they won't let my character around any of them I see what he's saying it's a death threat and it's getting stuff and he's going to keep doing it as long as I am and it's not real hard so probably lose
Dan AKA dave
That's the spirit showing your stuff I mean for Christ's sacred loser and he needs it too it's a threat and we don't take it that way doesn't mean it doesn't work that way there's a lot of stuff like that everybody's in our face telling us to leave and we probably will soon
And it's really not good they want to go and try and be the clan it's not a good time to do that it's hard now but it's hard then but now it's ridiculous and people go after them and it's why and then he's kind of missing it it's because of Saturn and Max left you and everybody and boy do you get cream there and grease if you're ready to go and you want to see what it does that's the place to go you're out pretty quick and people are after eggs and we can see them trying so what the movie deep Blue is about and that's why it's called deep Blue and Hera figured it out and went down to interview them and got going on it and we started raising our army more. This movie is coming up these people cannot resist the challenge tons of them will burn. The minority warlock will be cleared out of there after only a week or so because of the nasty number of idiots going and we're going to have to call for an evacuation and people to prepare and a lot of Greeks are getting ready to leave of any kind and they know that it's coming and armies are going to be there fighting in their country their places for them to go Lithuania and places like that even Pakistan and turkey it's going to happen in Italy and other European nations except them readily there smart and they can make wonderful food and they're smart with engineering and architecture this is going to happen shortly it is a humongous event gigantic in large part it is due to zorba being below and he's a Mac and these idiots are attracted because they see the max getting clobbered we have more to announce but we're going to post
Thor Freya
It's a wonderful place of love and creation and I feel bad because this is happening there but it will make it possible for all of ours to live in freedom from this oppression
Well said
We have something to say it's one of the greatness for us it's a moment of greatness for us and we love it we have to stick to it and it's not hard we don't want to end up like these people at all and he checks and we can upset and stuff but that's it goes and he's doing it because he cares about us this is a terrible situation to be in and a horrible place to wake up and if you're a young person but what we're doing works and we're going to free our people and live in harmony forever and God bless you all of ours
Savage opress
We should probably print
0 notes
winterburnwriting · 1 year ago
Been a Minute! Still Working on it!
Hello! Sorry for the delay. It has been two weeks since I last posted anything here. I am sorry for that. I have been very busy, and frankly a little down. Not so much due to not being productive enough - Though I am working on that. It's a few things. My money situation was looking a little rougher than I wanted it too after a disappointing tax return, all that jazz. But it's going better now. Nothing too crazy.
The work has been tedious, thanks in no part to videogames. And my third or fourth Supernatural rewatch. But that isn't all that has been hindering me. I am a chunk of the way into act two now, though the steam train is only just starting to roll. The onslaught of violence and obstacles hasn't quite gotten started just yet. Only a page to go before it does! Then onto another chapter where I will try to include more action and worldbuilding.
The second act is something I thought would come more naturally, but working on a story with no real idea of where the plot is going to go... It's a lot harder than I thought. I thought it would be easier and messier. Like sketching instead of illustrating, if that makes sense. But instead I just have a lot more time to second-guess my every little decision, and I can't build a bridge if I don't know one of the two things I'm bridging.
I have some loose ideas for where and what I want to see from the next chapter or two, but I need a lot more than that to make this story feel substantial. I know I have a word count goal of around 45,000-50,000, but I feel like I want to spend more time in this world, and give more of a window into this story. If I force myself to cut it short before I've gotten enough creative energy from the ideas, I won't be happy with the work and I won't have learned as much as I could have from the project.
Maybe I won't even make it to 45,000, at the rate things are going, however. Or maybe I just need more inspiration. If I could set aside more time for writing, maybe I could dedicate more of it to researching the subject matter and getting inspiration from that. Part of the story's travelogue format is to make it feel like a monster-of-the-week story for vampires, with every chapter giving the characters glimpses at new types of vampires. The focus is on where the vampires are from, to make it simple.
For example, the main antagonist is a Dutch vampire, as I may or may not have mentioned previously. This means he can turn into mist, like Dracula. He can't fly (though he can float as mist). He can't burn in the sun. Stuff like that. I haven't set out ideas for every kind of vampire just yet, but the idea is that American and English vampires are sort of the "vanilla" of the bunch, with the only real abilities to their names usually being strength or speed.
I think maybe I want the vampires in my world to gain more power and identity the older they are. And if you are bitten by someone like the Dutch vampire, the Duke, maybe you are more inclined to get that vampire's traits and power. But it would still have to develop. So where you are from isn't necessarily the main player, if you're bitten by an old and powerful vampire from somewhere else. A vampire of a certain bloodline will create more vampires of that bloodline. AT least, generally.
So the first vampires that the two main characters meet are going to be American vampires. They were turned by some other minor American vampire, who was turned by another and so on and so forth back a long ways. Little remains of whatever original power the progenitor of their line had, so it's up to them to try and survive long enough to get their own power. Though they have the usual vampire tricks, and they are not to be taken lightly.
Most American vampires come from English bloodlines, but a lot of them are mixed, too. Vampires can still mate, and produce vampire offspring. This is looked down upon by a lot of vampires though. And my vampires don't organize under one banner, really, but I do think I want some of them to have systems of vampiric worship. I think I'll get into it a bit later, but maybe I'll tease it in this story or make it a minor element. It is only a short novel, after all.
A lot of this I wish I had worked out sooner, as it's going to come up in future stories I tell, but for now I have to try and figure out just what I must as I write this story. I'm going to try and keep the curtains pretty tightly closed, and only give the reader what is necessary to keep intrigue and prove I have unique ideas about my world as far as vampires go.
In other news - I just got to introduce a character I have been excited about for a while now. It is my very own vampire hunter - Wark. He's half-Australian, and gets introduced with a major misunderstanding of sorts. He seems friendly, like the only hope the protagonists have, and then he tries to kill one of them. What happens from there? Who knows. Here is this weeks teaser excerpt. All names and content subject to change.
Headlights bore down on the both of them, still down on the road recovering, and turned sharply to the trees next to them as the 1987 Chevy Caprice’s tires slid over the road and into the dirt. Bram waved at this car more frantically than the last several. The silhouette within’s eyes seemed filled with alarm underneath an exceptionally wide-brimmed hat.
Lucy got herself to something of a half-standing position, and Bram helped her into a full standing as he did the same. They waited for the driver to step out of the vehicle and address them. His dark, dirty boots appeared first as the door swung to the side and the engine fell silent. The width of his hat barely fit through the doorway. Dozens and dozens of long, sharp teeth hung from it and swung from side to side and the man stood up and closed the car door with a kthud.
Bram expected him to rush over and voice his concern, perhaps even ask if he and Lucy were alright. He strode slowly, a long, dark, and stain-ridden coat dragging in the grass behind him. It was cast from him as though it were his own shadow, only further. Dark pouches hung below his eucalyptus-colored eyes, and messy brown hair flew loosely from his head, unlike the moderate goatee on his face, which was groomed but voluminous."
That's all for this blog post. Have to cut myself off at some point! I hope you all enjoyed and I will be back as soon as I can with more updates. The writing has definitely been slow but I am going to speed up again very soon, I promise! At least 4,000 or 5,000 words a week! And more if I can help it. Nothing stopping me from doing 1,000 words a day, really. Take care, everybody!
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akuma-homura · 1 year ago
the funny thing is realizing I need to and should slow down if I don't want to burn myself out of my love of creating, and actually following through for that, has been good for my mental (and general) health, and, well. love of creating.
but I also realize that is like........... literally the opposite of how things work now if you wanna like. Grow. The algorithms and all of that and the need to Churn Out Content if you want even a slight chance of getting lucky to get Known and Seen and Grow an Audience as an Artist this ended up long so uh, cut
and I am a bit conflicted on that-- I am happy to just do stuff for myself and my friends. I am also happy to not force myself to push beyond my actual, literal limits and hurt myself as such. Trying to find the medium to still do the projects I want to within those limits is like-- hard, but I've been managing. Like, I've HAD to manage to find how to do that because of how Genuinely Shitty this year has been for me, which has been a great detriment to my overall health and like. Ability.
But like. It is nice to have my art seen and people react. It is nice getting reblogs or retweets or stuff shared, rare as it is. The thought of people liking my stuff and looking forward to it is a nice one, I must admit.
It isn't a HUGE need-- I've been doing niche stuff even within fandoms pretty much my entire life. Vocaloid especially-- it's always been with my muses that might as well be OC's due to its blank slate nature, and I literally did turn them into OC's for my main projects. And as such, them being so different-- leads to it being its own little niche thing, lol.
Plus when it comes to Vocaloid covers, I don't jump to what's the current popular songs people might look forward to, I do whatever song I like and have muse-thoughts for, essentially. ...not to mention videos being hard as is, so my videos for them are like. Rare.
I am not the type of person able to churn out content on a frequent basis, and as such. I am not one that can live in the current internet Content Creator Environment
and I have generally accepted that, and I kind of hate the whole Content Creator Creating Content To Consume thing / implication anyhow. But yeah.
also admitting, it would be nice too bc if I could get a little bit of money off of stuff I do or create, it'd help my jobless butt a lot, and the household a lot, but like. I can't have that be the focus of my creation, and also again: my health doesn't really. let me be constant enough for that.
I don't really have a tidy conclusion to this post I'm just thinking and rambling about this stuff, since it kind of came to mind with me going about my current small pv for a vocaloid cover slower than I usually do (since usually I feel a slight anxiety about I Have To Get This Out As Soon As Possible) and feeling better about it-- then realizing it's kind of. the antithesis of current internet creation stuff.
0 notes
hostess-of-horror · 3 years ago
Can we possibly get something where saltbaker was making some kind of love pastry he was planing on using but ended up with it back firing onto him, resulting in him becoming obsessive/ super clingy???👀💘 (love ur saltbaker stuff btw 10/10😍)
Oooh, I like the way you think, anon!
Love potions are actually one of my favorite plot devices, and the only story I have ever made that involves something similar is "The Elixir".
And thank you so much! I'm really, really glad that so many people are enjoying my stuff! Actually, I'm just overwhelmed by the amount of attention, Jesus Christ...!
Alrighty, with all that out of the way, on to the prompt!
However... before we get to Chef Saltbaker, let's go over my rendition of love potions. This is so we can get a clear idea as to what they are, how they're used, and overall their place in the world of Cuphead.
Love potions within Inkwell Isles are actually somewhat common, but they aren't found in just your average local shop. They are small apothecaries that sell them and other special potions located a bit farther away from towns and cities. But sometimes, there are rare occasions where a shopkeeper would have a "private" stash of love potions for customers, after they've proved themselves old enough to buy them.
Unlike most depictions, love potions do not cause people to fall in love instantly with whoever they first see. It can only work effectively if a couple, or at least one of the two, drank the potion while being in the relationship they're in. In fact, stories of people using love potions to fulfill their unrequited love for another are just propaganda.
Speaking of which, love potions are relatively uncommon knowledge to a lot of people, hence the propaganda. This is usually because of pure ignorance due to the fear of the unknown. Luckily, there are licensed professionals that can educate first-timers and ask any questions they have.
Although a love potion mostly works for couples, single people can and do use it. However, this won't be as powerful as it would if they have a partner they love. The potion would, instead, work as a positive mood changer and thus create self love, which makes for a good medicine.
If someone were to take too much, then they will go into a temporary condition called "Lovesickness." Lovesickness is where the user literally goes blind with love. The symptoms include: uncontrollable giddiness, heart palpitations, shivering, hallucinations involving Cupid, romantic proses and ramblings, extreme cases of clinginess and other acts of love. These symptoms are completely non-fatal and will wear out after 12 hours.
Love potions are often used by couples to enhance their attraction for each other and set the mood for their time together. They can be used by itself or be incorporated into recipes for consumption.
Whew...! Okay, NOW onto Chef Saltbaker!
Content Includes: Lots of Flirting and Suggestiveness (not explicit NSFW)
He could feel his glass body quiver as a strange surge of energy rushes through his chest.
The two Danishes he had baked for himself and his beloved were meant as an anniversary gift, and so, he wanted to make them special by adding a few teaspoons from a love potion.
He had took small sips (or so he thought) to test the flavor, unknowingly creating a whirlwind of firsthand lovesickness.
His chest and stomach began to flutter, his face contorting uncontrollably into a sweet smile, his face flushing until it burned like fire, his mind becoming set on one thing and one thing alone: you.
You were just coming back from the farmer's market to pick up more ingredients. Once you went downstairs into the kitchen, you were met with a rather unexpected display of affection.
Chef Saltbaker was certainly very affectionate; he absolutely loves you very much and wanted to show it whenever he can. But on this particular day, he was rather... Lovey-dovey.
As you were putting away the ingredients, you felt hands softly course their up from your hips to your waist. You jolted straight up from the touch, and immediately felt lips grazing up against the crook of your neck, peppering kisses all over your skin.
You turned around to an intoxicated, infatuated Chef Saltbaker, who wasted no time pinning you against the wall, holding you captive as he traced his finger up underneath your chin to kiss you.
At first you had no idea what had gotten into him. But once he began to graze your neck again, you looked over towards the counter where a nicely decorated dish with two Cherry Danishes are places. Right next to them was a half-empty love potion.
Immediately you knew exactly what had happened. But before you could mention anything, Chef Saltbaker swept you off your feet, bridal style, and went over to his living quarters.
He wanted you all to himself. If his actions while cuddling on a lounging chair weren't giving you any clues, then his words of passion and desire certainly did.
The things he whispered into your ear! The flowery prose-like confirmations he spoke of you! The many, many ways he longed to do with you - right now, in the future, and so on! The intoxication had spilled out your lover's most sober thoughts, and by Golly, were you immensely flattered!
But eventually, you asked about the love potion, which made him stop. In a moment of sheer embarrassment, Chef Saltbaker sheepishly covered his face as he gently placed you down. How could he be so... so...!
Ah, but you were okay. He was okay. You knew what he was trying to do for your anniversary, and you reassured him that, despite his mistake, you were absolutely happy to be with him. With or without those sweet little pastries.
Although this had not cured his lovesickness, Chef Saltbaker rested his head on your lap, exhausted from his experience. You smiled as you lovingly rubbed your thumb against his cheek. It would be another six or so hours until Chef Saltbaker finally goes back to being himself again.
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give-soup-please · 3 years ago
Is there a way we'll be able to keep updated on how you are after the blog closes? I've seen things like this happen before and I always wonder if the person that ran the blog is happy or even ok! If you want to leave it at this that is also fine. Either way, safe travels and a happy life to you.
(warning, long personal post ahead)
(I'm sorry. You probably wanted a simple answer, but I don't have one.)
I've had this in my inbox for a while, and I still don't have an answer, despite the fact that we've got less than a week to go. I'm honestly feeling very conflicted about what to do next. A lot of my wants and needs are clashing, and I don't know what to do. I want to keep in contact with people I've made as friends, I really do. There are definitely some users who come into my notes and make me happy to see. I love chatting with people in this format, and people actually care about what I have to say. It's remarkable.
I need a break from writing and social media. I started getting caught up in obsessing over notes and follower count, which ugh- There are so many other ways I could use my time. I need to write for myself again, but posting about myself and my snippets feels like crafting something for an audience.
I've been debating a few different things. I have a PO box now, if someone wants to send me something. I'm debating whether to make it public so everyone can join the fun, or to DM it just to the people who specifically asked for it. I don't know how connected I want to be to other people right now. I'm debating creating a second blog as a personal one, and leaving this one as an archive. I want to digitally hang out with people, but I'm a naturally anxious person and hanging out with people stresses me out.
The narrator is still in my head, and I have so many ideas that I want to explore with him. Not as headcanons, not as requests, but longer fic ideas. A friend and I were chatting about this earlier. I want to do a longfic slow burn about the narrator coming to our world and getting a chance to explore. This would be slow character development and have him go from his gameself to his more mellow and kind version that I created. Something long and fulfilling, more than 50K words if I could manage it. And that's just one idea of about five that I have. He has so much potential as a character. There are so many aspects of him that I'd love to play with.
There's so much I still want to do. I want to stay connected to you guys, but only if I can find a way that's healthy for me. Don't even get me started on the issues that come with being a full time student at a university. Competition is tough here. I'm already tired from the move in, and I've gotta be mostly recovered by the time school starts or else my grades are going to suck. Something far worse could happen if I'm not gentle with myself. And I have personal issues that I don't talk about often. I don't want the sight of my personal stuff to be a stressor for anyone. There are a few people who I used to follow, who constantly posted about their problems and their mental health, and I couldn't find a way to detach from them except to unfollow.
There's an active and angry part of my brain that wants to purposely self sabotage and burn out in my first quarter, because I really don't want to be in college at all. But there's nowhere else for me to go. Housing and food are covered for me due to scholarships and a hell of a lot of luck.
I don't like myself very much, for a variety of reasons. Resisting this part of my brain that wants to destroy myself is taking a huge amount of concentration and willpower. There's a reason that when I write personal stuff, it's always characters telling me that I deserve good things. "A story is not always for the listener, sometimes it's for the one who tells it." (paraphrased, welcome to night vale)
I usually keep my political beliefs out of my blog, but I so wish we had some sort of help for people who don't want to follow a preset career path. Universal income, or something similar. If I had the ability to have housing and food taken care of, I'd keep writing all the time. If there wasn't so much stress and pressure to be a student, to be productive, I'd be so much happier.
I guess I'm asking the crowd for advice. I don't want to leave, but I can't seem to stay either. That's the thing, I've always wanted segmented, clean breaks. But life is complicated, and my emotions keep getting in the way.
Many of you are very sweet, and I couldn't keep myself detached forever. You all collectively wore me down, and got access to my heart.
I can't tell if it's rude or charming that you guys got to me. (half-joke)
And the narrator- Don't get me started (or do, my inbox is still open) on this guy. If he was real, I'd be shaking him by the shoulders in frustration. I accidentally made him too real in my head, and now he's a constant companion. I'm working on getting my computer repaired so I can play the demo, which I haven't yet. It involves a three hour round trip to get the components fixed. I could watch a video, but I'd rather play the game myself so there's less of a barrier between us. There are no other characters I would go to these lengths for. I love him so much, and I want to write dialogue for him until the stars burn out. To put it another way-
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The absolute bastard. If I ever find a way to crossover to his place, I'm going to have strong words with him because he had no right to capture my heart like this. He didn't even have to try. I'm furious about it. (but not really)
Hey, we got way off track in this ramble. Call that narrator-core.
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pastelracha · 4 years ago
Pregnancy with Changbin
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☾ Title : Pregnancy with Changbin
☾ Pairing: Changbin x fem!reader
☾ Genre: fluff, established relationship, pregnangcy
☾ Prompt: just a head canon of pregnancy with YAAAWWW boy Binnie.
☾ A/N: request : i love your pregnancy series so much!! can you make one with changbin? ❤️. first thanks you so much for loving this series (I'm trying my best and my soft heart loves it too much), and I'm back for holidays, requests are still on loves xox
☾ Other : Chan’s version : ☾ Felix’s version : ☾ Hyunjin’s version : ☾ Jisung’s version : ☾
☾ Word Count: 0.565K
masterlist | ask or request
Changbin turned into a life sized teddy bear when you told him you were pregnant. 
Never leaving your side, always next to you, ready to do anything for you. You want tacos and guacamole at 3 a.m ? He is a man on a mission! 
Imagine Binnie shopping for newborn clothes ? The cutest future dad ever. 
Is jealous of your pregnancy pillow thing, cause he is here cuddle him at night not that pillow (he secretly wish to burn it)
Has the biggest smile stuck on his face at every ultrasounds, cried and laughed at the same when he first heard the heartbeat. But also almost passed out once he found out it’s twins, a girl and a boy.
Bought matching sneakers for you, the babies and him. (Imagine how cute ?)
Created lullabies in 3racha studio, and ask the rest of skz to sing on it. 
Announced it like ‘ Mini 3RACHA going to be complete in a few months, Seo twins are coming’ 
Ordered customs Dwaekki onesie for babies. 
Once said to Chan’s, Felix’s, Hyunjin’s and Jisung’s kids “Uncle Binnie is gonna be a daddy now too’’. 
Imagine Changbin decorating the nursery for his two children, a neutral color and a lot of toys and plushies. Everything is like in a gray and beige. 
Is the most hyper future dad ever, your hospital bag is ready like 4 months before your due date. 
Buy you a lot of presents, like flowers, chocolates and stuffs cause you are the mother of his twins. 
Is a precious bean, cuddle your bump everyday, talk to his kids every mornings and nights.
Kind of panic when he realized he is having two babies at the same time, the rest of the guys looked tired with only one but he is having two, ran to Chan to talk about it. 
After the talk is more than ready to protect his twins, and fight for them and love them like a madman. 
Looking at you like you are made of gold during the whole journey of your pregnancy. 
And calls you ‘Mama Dwaekki’ cause he is ‘Papa Dwaekki’. 
Also have mini skz merch and the all skzoo collection but twice cause twins. 
Changed his home screen to a photo of you in one of his shirt, holding your belly and laughing at one of his bad joke. Cause you just look ethereal on this. 
Put heart shaped post it on your belly with sweet messages on it. 
Says ‘I love you’ like 99987 times a day to your belly and to you. 
Massage your feet cause he want to feel good and comfortable. 
Write 2 long letters to give your kids on their 18th bday. 
Overall Changbin would be like Faster of the mother fluffing century. 
Skz are back as the extra uncles as always, can’t wait to see the Seo twins. Even the mini skz are excited to meet their new friends/ cousins. 
“Bin come help me, I can’t get up’’
He would laugh, but run to you in like 2 seconds to help the love of his life. 
“Babies I know you take a lot of place but please let mama Dwaekki get up’’ 
Give your bump a lot of attention, tw of his babies are in here. 
He just can’t believe to two of you created life. 
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cheekygreenty · 4 years ago
Little Witch - Part 10
The Darkling x Reader
*I’ve changed this part like 5 times so if there’s any inconsistencies I do apologize 😝
In a perfect world, you and Aleksander would have spent the day in his luxurious bed surrounded by his soft silk sheets. You felt an overwhelming feeling to open up to him, to tell him everything that happened to you since you saw him last, nearly a century ago, but life has a way to ruin perfect opportunities.
Wars didn't take breaks or vacations, they got more deadly as time went on and each side got more nervous as more people gave their lives to the cause. A solution was necessary and from your understanding, Aleksander still had the same plan as he did all those years ago he just had a different way to go about them. No doubt Alina was at the center of them.
You had business to attend to too. The first on the list was a meeting with the council. The King and his advisors were to be there to 'greet' you with open arms, but you were sure you'd have to put on a quick performance of your abilities to satisfy their curious minds.
Maybe that's why he gave me the shadows, to ensure my position. You quickly brushed off the thought. It didn't really matter to you why he did what he did. You had your shadows back. He claimed protection, but you knew there was a different reason behind it as well. It seemed too quick and too easy in your opinion but who were you to judge what kind of trust he truly had in you. You felt comfort that you always had piece of him wherever you went.
On a lighter note, you could finally wear a black kefta. The thought itself had you quickly leaping out of his bed and skipping to your chambers in a mere robe through the secret passages of the Palace. You didn't want anybody to see you leaving his quarters, not in the state you were in. You needed to grab a Healer and get rid of those very visible marks on your neck that Aleksander took his time creating. He intended to mark you as his own but jokes on him, you never wanted to belong to anybody but yourself.
Time passed and servents scurried in and out of your chambers, carrying information from here there and everywhere. You were already overwhelmed with tasks and your position wasn't even announced to the Palace yet. You were still the mysterious Grisha that served with the Darkling, not for.
Your vanity was covered in papers and reports in handwriting you had trouble reading and your bed had maps strung across it. Aleksander truly meant it when he said he would get you started right away and share his responsibilities as soon as he got the chance.
When the time finally came, you were escorted to the Grand Palace with Aleksander walking right next to you. The conversation was devoted to work and nothing else, Fjerdan intel, rumors of West Ravka and Zlatan, and upcoming skiff journeys but you didn't mind. You were damn good at your job, having started out in the First Army and then joining the Second Army had given you experience not even the General had, it's what made you the first pick when dealing with plans involving otkazat'sya soldiers, they respected you. I wonder if they will now.
You had spent 3 years in the First Army once upon a time. You came from a wealthy merchant family, a family full of drunks and abusers and cowards. You gave up the feeling of a full stomach and duck-feathered beds for the rations of the army once your mother admitted to you being a bastard and not worthy of the family name. What a shame. Look at me now.
You never knew what you could do, but a slip-up with a Tidemaker had you served to the Darkling on a silver platter. He was meaner then, more unforgiving. Your years spent with him after that had changed him, made him better in your eyes. You fell for him, hard, even though there was so much death and destruction in his wake. When you love somebody, it’s easy to see past all of the nasty stuff and focus on whatever is left of the good and Aleksander still had an abundance of if.
You could still remember his cold stare as he asked you what the hell you were. After pleading with him that you didn't know and his Heartrenderer confirming it, he whisked you away to the Little Palace where soon enough you had become his equal, if not his superior.
'I actually wanted to ask you something about one of the Grisha in the Palace. I seen her with Alina, red-hair, big blue eyes... she wore a white kefta?' You said as you wlaked down a mirrored hallway in the Royal building.
'Oh, that's Genya Saffin. She works for the King and Queen.' He said with an underlying tone of irritation.
'What does she do? She wears a white kefta so I'm just curious'
'She's a tailor. Member of the Corporalki. She should be wearing red, I know. But trust me the time will come' He ushered us both into a guarded room of glitering gold and pearly white walls. So tacky. I could make out the king slumped in an overdone throne-like chair.
'Moi tsar' you and Aleksander bowed much to your distastes. You hoped nobody had seen the brief look of disgust wash over your face as the Lanstov King rose and gave his advisors a raised eyebrow, signalling to you. A man wearing a navy uniform looked at you like a piece of meat ready to be devoured. I'm gonna throw up.
'Deputy General Y/L/N is it?' He took your hand in his own sweaty one gave it a wet kiss. 'You Grisha are always easy on the eyes aren't you?'
You took a step back and cleared your throat. 'Yes, Moi Tsar, it is an honour to make your acquantance' You tried so hard to keep your fists at your sides.
'And what can you bring to the war table, apart from the newest fashion' He let out an obnoxious laugh and his advisors followed. They all looked smug and spoiled. None of them had any idea what the real world looked like and yet had the audacity to sit this council. I'll show them what it means to be powerful.
Aleksander stepped away to the side and gave you a nod. You slowly unravlled your fist and plunged the room into darkness while simultanseoly blowing a strong wind throughout the space, letting papers fly in all directions and the fire go out. You relit it, and every candle in the room. The man in the navy unifrom got the runt of your powers, as you slowly medled with his heart until he breathed a worried laugh 'Stop it Girl'.
But you didn't stop, you carefully stared at the chair the man sat in and pushed it just enough for him to let out a yell. You accidently let out a chuckle that was meant to be in your head. You felt Aleksander move toward you 'All right, that should be enough' He said visibly amused too. You let it all drop.
'It's Deputy General to you' You looked at his fearful face that tried to cover by fixing his jacket and whiping away invisible dust off of his shoulder.
'I must say I am impressed. With the Sun-Summoner and... you, we will have West Ravka and the surroundings begging for our alliances.' He sat down on his chair once again and pointed to an empty one across from him and to the right of Aleksander, who unbeknownst to you had already seated himself.
'Please, Deputy General, do take a seat, we have business to tend to'
A painful 2 hours later you and Aleksander walked out of the Grand Palace. You had a headache and your hands hurt from clentching them so hard.
'I'm assuming you sitting the King's meetings for me is off the table now?' Aleksander mused and all you could do was give him a side-eye.
'I think I want to kill him'
'In due time'
You weren't even surprised. If he didn't do it himself you definitely would have taken one for the team. That man is unbearable; like a child in a grown man's body.
As you wallked into your home, Aleksander gently took hold of your wrist and pulled you in the direction of his quarters.
Your head was pounding too much to say no so you obliged. The hallways were bare of people, not a Grisha in sight.
You reached his war room doors and walked in after him. He pulled out a map and laid it down.
'I've sent out a First-Army search for the Stag.'
You paused. The headache suddenly gone. Morozova’s Stag. He had tried once before and failed. The weeks following his failure sent him into a frenzy, he questioned Morazovas journals and almost burned them all, but you had gotten to him last-minute. You never doubted the stag to be real. You just never believed he would use it. He's powerful on his own unless- it's for Alina.
You audibly sighed and leaned your back against the table. Alina.
'Does she want it?'
'Does that matter?'
‘Of course it matters!’ You scorned but he stayed silent.
You turned to look at him and whispered 'What are you planning this time?' He had been dropping hints here and there, but so far there was no plan you knew of. 'I can't help you if I don't know the plan'
'No. You're better of not knowing anything. I can't lose you again' you turned you head and looked at his side profile.
'But you need me. I'm powerful, I can lead an army'
'If anything happens you can take over for me then, Deputy.' He cocked a sad smile and left a lingering kiss on your forhead before he left you standing in the war room alone and confused.
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Part 11
@theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @0-artemis @lostysworld @xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @patdsinner33 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @wizardwheezes @aleksanderwh0r3 @tomhollandisabae @hotleaf-juice @justmesadgirl @exo-1204 @houseofdupree @oberonpascal
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bloededhoine · 4 years ago
world building cause twn doesn't part 8: nonhumans
this is easily the geekiest part of the series. and it's a Very geeky series. because sapkowski's worldbuilding is waaay more extensive than i have the time, ability, or desire to convey, i'm sticking with races both sentient and important
colour code cause i fucking love colour codes - already happened/introduced, probably s2, important background info, stuff that might be in the prequel, extras
series masterpost
dopplers, also known as vexlings, shifters, mimics, doubles, imitators, or pavrats, are a nonhuman race that can take on the appearance of nearly anyone they encounter
before mass migrations of humans, dopplers primarily inhabited the forests and plateaus around the city of novigrad, where they would transform into wolves and pack animals to hunt
their abilities are pretty impressive, dopplers can not only mimic appearance but also voice, personality, skills, behaviours, and knowledge. dopplers can even turn parts of their bodies into pieces of clothing or other objects
however, there are some limitations
dopplers can't transform into someone/thing with dramatically more mass than they have, are burned by silver, and can't drop anything they created (if they did it would kind of turn into a fleshy goop)
we've already met a doppler in twn, this sexy sexy man
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it is important to note that this doppler is a huge deviation from sapkowski's lore. dopplers are pretty much always exceptionally kind and gentle. a lot of times they use their abilities to appear threatening (big teeth, sharp claws etc) because they really don't want to hurt anyone.
when dopplers aren't mimicking another form, they aren't exactly pretty. they're bald, short, have beady yellow eyes, and kinda look like they're made from soft clay
here's the hexer doppler
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the most notable doppler is dudu biberveldt, who i mentioned as the halfling dainty biberveldt's fake cousin. dudu's actual name is tellico lunngrevink letorte, but dainty decided to help dudu live in novigrad by adopting him as his fake cousin.
dragons are fucking awesome. you know it, i know it, and zerrikanians know it. witcher dragons are especially awesome
they are the only being, other than cats, that can naturally harness and absorb the force of chaos
there are multiple subtypes, but most dragons fall into one of four: black dragons, green dragons, red dragons, and white dragons.
black dragons are the largest, and primarily live in swamps and wetlands where they bathe in mud. they have extremely hard scales and don't breathe fire, but an acid that causes burns similar to those from mustard gas.
green dragons (right there) are the most prominent yet smallest species of dragon, mainly living in forested areas and breathe highly flammable chlorine gas.
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red dragons mainly live in hills and mountain caves and can breathe fire hot enough to melt metal
white dragons are one of the rarest species and live in the far north, and can breathe frost
however, if you watched the witcher netflix as i assume you did, you may remember golden dragons. these dragons are so rare and exceptional that they are not usually included with other species. they breathe steam and fire and can shapeshift into any living being
all dragons communicate through telepathy, although golden dragons can speak when they are in the form of a species that can speak
humans are pretty divided on the topic of dragons, with zerrikanians worshiping them and nordlings hating them.
because they are incredibly intelligent and emotional, witchers (generally) refuse to hunt them
borkh three jackdaws, also known as villentrenmerth, is the only golden dragon we know. there he is right there.
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the other dragon from twn was a green dragon named myrgtabrakke, borkh's mate. their daughter is named saesenthessis, also known as saskia the dragonslayer (an alias she took to explain her extensive knowledge of dragons) and the virgin of aedirn
because saskia is part golden dragon, she can shapeshift, although is much more limited than her father. she can basically only be a human looking woman with blonde hair or a huge dragon.
cut because this part is getting REALLY long
ah godlings. i love them so much. they're adorable and precious. they usually look somewhat like a human child, but with blue skin and large amber or green eyes. they don't wear much clothes, their focus is in accessories like jewelry, flowers, or tattoos
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that's johnny, a holding in wild hunt.
godlings are incredibly rare, and are easily confused with young goblins. they primarily live in swamps near drowners, but aren't afraid of them.
they're quite mischievous but kind hearted, many have happy go lucky personalities and love just having fun. i adore godlings. i've said it once and i'll say it again.
higher vampires
definitely the most important group on this list, higher vampires are incredibly powerful and intelligent. they can shapeshift within certain limits, generally either looking like a human or a large terrifying bat. they also have some telepathic abilities - they can basically make you fall asleep and forget stuff
scary wooo
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higher vampires do not need to drink blood to survive. some don't drink blood at all. when they do, it's like a human drinking alcohol. on full moons, groups of higher vampires go out partying and get white girl wasted
although all higher vampires have the same basic abilities, each individual has one skill they are exceptional in.
most find humans harmless but annoying, like mosquitos. they don't really like interacting with humans, which works out pretty well as higher vampires can blend in very well, even a witcher's medallion can't detect one
higher vampires also have three distinct cultures, the tdet in the far east, the ammurun across the great sea, and the gharasham in the northern realms
they are really really hard (or impossible, depending on canon) to kill. based on the books, you basically need to disintegrate them. based on the games, only higher vampires can kill other higher vampires, but humans can get close
we only meet one in the books, emiel regis rohellec terzieff-godefroy. he goes by regis for short. regis was an "alcoholic" in his youth, and has since abstained from blood or any other substance. he's incredibly old, by the end of twn season 1 he'd be 425 years old. as for regis' "special ability", he's just kind. he's an incredibly gentle and loving person. that's it. i love him.
probably one you're already familiar with! merpeople are intelligent humanoids that inhabit the great sea. mermaids are notably gorgeous, having green hair and tails, and their scales are prized alchemy ingredients
sapkowski's mermaids can breathe above water, but the sun burns their skin so they don't stay at the surface for very long.
merpeople are incredibly powerful, they can summon krakens and the sea-dragon like race of vodyanoy respect their authority
they use their own language that's quite similar to hen llinge, but more lyrical sounding.
nymphs are a humanoid race primarily based around nature. they have 5 subspecies, dryads (including hamadryads), leimoniad, naiad, nereid, and oread.
dryads, called eerie wives by humans and aen woedbeanna by elves, are the most prevalent, primarily living in the brokilon forest. some have human skin with olive undertones, but others are green. they usually have dark brown or green hair which is usually worn in dreadlocks (breaking my promise of not being overtly and annoyingly political in this series yet again - the dryads, especially in the netflix adaptation, are classic magical n*gress stereotypes. but more on that later.)
this is a lore-accurate one that i LOVE
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dryads have incredibly strong connections with nature and magic, although it is really rare for a dryad to be a source. dryads are able to draw energy from trees, but rarely do because they don't want to hurt the trees. support dryads and take the bus.
all dryads are women. all of them. they make babies by basically luring men into the forest and doing the adult hokey pokey. also why dryads aren't really a fan of witchers, who don't make the baby butter (i am so sorry)
however, dryads can also turn a girl of another race into one of their own through the use of magic. the water of brokilon has some mutating quality that makes young girls forget their human past and physically turn into dryads, although it is less effective as the girls are older. the dryads tried to do this to ciri, but given that she's a source, nothing happened. generally, this process is done to girls who wander into brokilon, but some dryads will abduct peasants from outside the forest if they need more dryads.
here's twn dryads... yikes
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this is where i think the whole racism thing becomes a bit too obvious. "uncivilized" women who live in the forest and have dreadlocks and abduct young girls from "civilized" areas?? in twn they leaned even further into this, having one of the two black women they cast be a dryad and replacing the usual bows and arrows with spears, a less sophisticated weapon. again, this series is about the lore, not the political implications of it, but it is important to keep in mind
dryads are excellent at archery, shooting anyone who comes within 80 metres of the forest. through their connection with nature, they have highly advanced medicine and use glowing fungi as a source of light.
hamadryads are a specific type of dryad that is incredibly connected with her tree. because of this connection they have exceptionally strong magical and healing capabilities, but will also go insane and die if their tree dies.
like merpeople, dryads use a more melodic dialect of hen llinge
leimoniads are a type of nymph that lived exclusively in meadows, but are practically extinct due to wars with humans
naiads, also called rusalki, are nymphs that live in lakes and rivers, although a few live with the dryads in brokilon. naiads are very similar to dryads, although they tend to have very light skin with very dark hair, webbed hands, and can dry out on land
naiads rarely speak common, live in small groups, and have highly developed telepathic abilities
nereids are nymphs that inhabit the great sea, often living closely with merpeople. they usually have blueish skin with either blue or white hair and have some telepathic abilities, though not to the extent of naiads.
oreads are nymphs of the mountains, which, like leimoniads, are nearly extinct due to human conquests.
succubi (female) and incubi (male) are creatures which look like incredibly attractive humans but with horns and goat legs. they seduce humans, first in dreams and then physically, using their prey's energy to sustain themselves, often to the point of the human's exhaustion or death
our man eskel has a soft spot for them...
sylvans, another race we already met, are exceptionally rare. like, practically extinct. they live mainly in the woodlands of the northern realms and have goat-like faces with yellow eyes, horns, cloven hooves, and tails
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my man torque is quite possibly one of the last sylvans on the continent
they are distantly related to elves, and the two races tend to coexist quite well
generally quite mischievous and merry, highly enjoying pranks and parties. they can use simple spells and are mainly herbivores
sylvans live around 100 years and are highly sought after by dryads for their... ahem... reproductive capabilities
yep, we got unicorns! i fucking love unicorns and still kinda think they're real. camels are real and those lumpy fuckers are way weirder than a horse with a spike on its head.
unicorns are highly advanced beings, they can travel between worlds and use telepathy. they don't really like the "less advanced" races, mostly staying around to observe them. they have distinct societies led by a council of elders and tend to avoid evil
these unicorns are badasses
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unicorns strongly despise the use of the force but encourage the power of destiny. in the context of pavetta's betrothal feast, a unicorn would not be happy with pavetta's little source hurricane thing, but would encourage geralt to follow the law of surprise
in of the witcher, unicorns are very important because of their world-hopping capabilities. the aen elle, unfortunately, realized this and began enslaving unicorns to help them plunder other worlds. this turned into a massive conflict between the unicorns and elves.
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the-firebird69 · 10 months ago
You cannot afford to have these people here and I was saying every day because we mean it we know we're working on it we know that we're making progress and we're alerting people we do need it done again it's a mess here a disaster come on everybody let's help him and our people it has a direct effect. He's taking over businesses today and they're taking over area and a lot of it and it should be mentioned has to be
*several businesses. Morrison Knutson went well we are at 51%, we have controlling share and we shall utilize it and very very soon as in we started already and we're going to start during the weekend on projects that are permitted and stalled out it's only like 120th of the projects that we plan to start out now but we will get going and it's going to help get the kinks out
*fluor Daniels we are at 45% that we tried like heck that's a 48% around 2:45 p.m. in New York City and we are purchasing other branches but most of it goes through there and someone said to buy the other ones and we would have the 50% and we made it to 52% and we are almost at 50% in New York City but no but with the other branches we made it through in their different exchanges but we do combine them as any company would. So we begin that technique and we started on it like gangbusters and we collected what companies we can get and it was fast started continuously at New York and we started hammering away on the ones we were targeting and we came up pretty good turn to construction Turner we ended at 48% and perini at 47% both were at about 30% and we will pick up on Monday where we left off. Additionally to the construction companies
*we did purchase several HVAC manufacturers that make the equipment and a lot of duct hardware and controls and some BMS I'm mostly they it's great integrate. You're created up at 49%. That's york. Carrier at 38%. If that's up from 20% and both of them. Train we're still at 30%. Lenox 58% and it is not due to the estimating company well not completely it is due to Brad's attitude yeah and he's aware that somebody purchase it and thinks it's Max and it's been going after them a little and they're aware of it and we are going to consume the company and they will sell their stock because they won't control the damn thing or having influence or even workers and right now we have 70% of it in our control soon we'll have 80% and he is actually going to war and they're abandoning more of the company and we infiltrated because he was going to try and harm it and they are very stupid trying to get there to screw around it her son said those who stay of yours will have air conditioning and Brad looks around and said I sort of get something where we see a lot of people doing nothing and he noticed that we look different so they left and he said try some of this and surprise we're going to blow up your areas if you don't f*** off so you said okay so he brought it with him and stuff to fight you guys are always into the influence it's been a long long thousands of years and sometimes I get really messed up so I understand it he felt appreciative and he pulled his guys out and he's saying you should sell the stock he probably says he probably should and you should trying to make agreements if you sell private part of it could have motors for the fly stuff in the tunnels it says yeah I really just put it in here and then they try and go after it so you go after them he thought it was smart and he wants to do that so it's kind of helps it's tough it's tough it cut the crap in half and we it was like Trump doing a lot of it yes why don't you go to freaking Comic-Con now I'm trying to find the DNA I guess it's the Sun 😎 in burning Man and it might be those two guys who figured it out so John rebelard let out of the yell and said you really were there and the two guys laughing it's just a stupid f****** a****** this is I like to see you get sucked in the muck and like a vortex form where you were and second douchebag bags in a douchebags I think we can make it a new word that would make up for all the harramging they said that to Brad and it is douchefags mostly applicable to Trump's elite clones and he said it too and it went around cuz you saw him post people off and he's doing better and we're not pursuing and things like that so it all in all it works out okay and there are more companies I see you give me a job and then a lot and he tried and then John reillard came and messed it up and that's who it was as a black guy
-oh now I'm mad and it's Brad and he sees it and the guy is a jerk this is too much work and he says it doesn't do any is this idiot following me and staying around anybody can sit there picking his people off and yeah I guess we've been doing that other people too you have to so I guess it's very tired that you have other people so I'm going to sign more and he says that's good he says thanks for having me so no problem give me helping out and I'll tell you what my help is not great either you know what I mean he agrees. That was Brad and his mom says it's a good boy there's not bad at you make a great Mr Incredible. Forget the comic Con I can get an autograph cuz he can go up to the actual franchise and he knows it too that's pretty fun. And other people will start doing it and usually you have to relax and then the actor can come out of makeup partially or fully talk to Dumas yes the turtleneck is Dr Doom and then he can have his armor on for a while and I try and grab me with the switch up and mix up and if you want to smile again saying that's true.
*an additional to Lenux there are two other HVAC manufacturers the smaller whatever we almost got we mentioned it before at beacham at 68% wow and we are making a lot of changes to the process and we are making a lot of units and they're big for hospitals and they need them desperately all over the world and he says we should do an exchange program and take the old ones off cuz these guys always replace them before they're spent an estimated how long the work for would bring them to third world places and we're going to go ahead and do that and help them set up like maybe alter energy to run it and we are helping with that kind of thing too that's a good idea we have a program to do it and we're going to recycle parts of the good but he's right you just repair it and go and oya are thankful and some will go to South America and they're thankful too
*and I would like to thank our son and daughter and he says that's fine I just seen some spending money to get the Comic-Con and Frank Castle hardcastle give me the test bed that's good for me I need to sit back a little he actually needs to go forward a little that's true so I can do that and I thank you you're welcome and she's saying it too our perfect that's good we will have more where that came from used cars and stuff it says give me what you got he says we should talk about it have a meeting and start splitting up stuff we don't use and if you have a sitting around out here we should ship it so we're looking at that now and really we're not really here so and we want them to come in and say what they want and that would work good chassis too if they want to assemble even kit cars you prefer factory it can make factory out of something they have them and he says that's a good idea he likes the portion of you and that is goo and oh yeah to and they have a whole bunch of them so our son and daughter says really easy again a bunch of people together and you find a kit car he says oh I see yeah it's Stevie and they should be into it and they're going to be he says so good
*and according to us there's one more and I really does not one more yet. And control systems we are working on and they're slow we have a few other items what is a company roper it's a subsidiary of Maytag and we have 48% control Maytag and 68% control of roper even though it's a subsidiary we make our own decisions more or less unless it's against a guidelines and we can't make those so we're making a ton of them right now I don't see an uptick maybe not as much as we're doing this is great it's terrific when we receive an old washing machine or dryer there's certain year is a cutoff point cuz usually they're worn out otherwise but now I see what you're saying they can use them for parts or even for the metal to build houses no but they build things out of the metal coolers and stuff and goo and oh yeah and Gu and Oya and you know it's work. And we're moving out and we'll get back to have those meetings it's going to be a series of them and Frank Castle hardcastle to do some Blockbuster Duke Nukem or sending it up right now and Hera too. There's other things
-there's a couple of things that they leave behind that are very useful one of them are cranes in a ton of them we did greatness here we need the cranes but they're needed overseas more I hear they can build new houses fast enough and we're going to send out a huge cruise get them through Texas too so we have cranes we have a lot of them and we know where the need is and we know they can build concrete walls on slabs and make a castle place concrete homes and the walls are not too thick and put stuff in them to make them lighter weight and the roof lots of times they don't even put roofing on they just steal the crack up top and paint it a different color and it looks fine we have seen neighborhoods where they draw lines and leave me to look like shingles it looks pretty decent we are going to get those cranes there that's great is a good idea and more equipment too and a lot of them will be for parts they'll be parting out and they do it pretty quick and they're sharp a lot of them have a lot of that stuff going on already and like 50% would be parts and they pull it all apart and they catalog and categorize the price and different buildings have different manufacturers and different complete blocks of the different tractors it's very simple they run out of room we would be amazed and they're really hauling these things work and we're going to have to build new plants and our son and daughter say they should take a portion of the tractors that they rejuvenate and build plants for the people party out to help run to enter start so that they have a place to advance to in the park places will be able to hire new people and do an oil of it and go and oh yeah love it and Shaquille O'Neal's on the line and saying he loves it too and God he does that stuff Garth does that stuff and our son and daughter say what do you want garth John Deere and he's laughing no he wants case lol and there's a lot of laughter because of Georgia so we're going to get going on this there's other stuff like that and we are shipping a lot of it but these are major programs he's talking about doing we have a couple more companies and then it's announcements and then it's sleep time for our son and us
*along with these companies we are looking at Big oil we had one success as Arco and we think that's what the movies are going from and there's a ship that has Jason and the Argonauts and they go nuts about Arco it really was just getting fuel to regular people that's what they're Staple is. And we're at 58% and we are going to revamp and start remodeling he says don't forget the electrics and he wants the pumps just like the other pumps like another Island people think that's a great idea and you can put it in from either side and there's four so you have two on one side two in the other and they say boy that's cool and it is make it just like gas and Arco can produce its own electricity is not true but they have a way of doing it that they would be making some money by doing that and switching it's a nice idea and we have other companies
*Staples we have 52% and we are revamping and getting it going again all over the place and opening stores and more is a huge company and they're slowing and closing now businesses are coming back and people need it private businesses too small business
*office Depot at 48% and Monday we're going to try and get the rest in
*and additionally airliners and we bought a lot of stock like 10 to 50% of everything else the other type of companies but this type of company airliners and their commercial layer liners we were working and focusing on one company to get one under the belt it's his idea and we'll see how it goes and with know what to do on others and Delta airlines was at 42% at 3:00 p.m. they called everybody and said to get the subsidiaries in and they got around 17% and we just made it yes so he's saying thisu
Marshalls or shortly more shortly Thor Freya Olympus
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