#I'm just tired of seeing the one character I love get dragged to the mud multiple times
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iamespecter · 6 months ago
I have no idea which art of mine you found from pinterest but based on what you're implying I lowkey think it's this screenshot redraw I made for the FNAF movie lmao (which I hope I'm right)
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Unfortunately you won't get much FNAF art from me nowadays anon, ever since Ruin disappointed me immensely I've just lost most of the hope I've been clinging onto for the franchise, now I'm just here... reminiscing, watching from the sidelines, and making a once-in-a-blue-moon art for it if I'm feeling extra
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itsgrimeytime · 1 year ago
Magnolia in May (Part Seventeen) || Rick Grimes (TWD) x Greene!f!reader Regency AU
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16...
Taglist: @loliakeoghan23 @belaballs @curlycarley @queenie32 @mgparker
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax
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Inspiration (in honor of Speak Now Taylor's Version): Enchanted by Taylor Swift.
Summary: Your town was small, not the smallest you knew, but anyone of high fortune was the gossip of the week. Predictably, Richard Grimes was a thing of whispers -rumors of a search for marriage among the grassy hills. You weren't one to buy into town gossip, but something about him... just seemed a little too intriguing.
TWS: none.
[[A/N: Fluff, more fluff! Fluff for everyone. Get ready for a date, my lovelies. Thanks for reading!!! ]]
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You swore she would run herself out, pacing back and forth and back and forth. Headmistress was a rather disheveled character that morning -wonderous sort of frustration radiating off her body, you merely watched.
She seemed focused on the rug, eyes downcast as you stood by the hallway -eagerly following her movements. Headmistress stayed at such a pace, before pausing to herself (speaking words you couldn't quite catch but could hear the faint echo of). Her scream from moments ago stayed locked into your head, shaking along your skin -creeping there at that moment. It was one you'd heard before, honestly a bit astonished, shocked even. It was the same as when you were young and came home covered in mud.
And now, she stayed pacing -a few paces away from Mr. Grimes himself. He still seemed a touch ruffled from his startled sleep -tired eyes and hair just a touch off as if he'd tried to fix it but was unsuccessful.
Upon seeing Mr. Grimes, she had -rather, ungracefully- dragged you out of your bed. You were sure you looked much worse than him, you hadn't quite had time to fix anything.
"You..." she spoke, eyes pointed at him, "-Why are you here, Mr. Grimes? I can only see impropriety, and I'd love for you to clear my mind."
"Ms. Elisa," he responded, suddenly much more awake than before, "-Dr. Greene tended-"
Headmistress jumped in place, "Where is Hershel, in fact, I'm fairly certain he should be here for such things-"
"Ms. Elisa, it is not-"
"You would not admit to such a thing," Headmistress stiffened, "-even the best men would not wish to be in scandal. Despite being scandal already, I doubt you wish to-"
"Headmistress!" You shouted, suddenly, breaking the rather sickly thick tension in the air.
And then, two sets of eyes were upon you and suddenly you felt rather ill-equipped. But, instead of thinking such a way, you just navigated Headmistress's meltdown as you often did.
"Please, sit down."
Headmistress stilled, brown eyes flickering across your face -perhaps in search of some sort of guilt. One she would not find.
"I should sit," she echoed, voice slightly broken as you guided her to a chair, "-thank you, darling. I..."
Her eyes dipped to your nightgown, a bit in surprise -interrupting her current calming, "What are you doing in your nightgown?! That is entirely-"
"Ms. Elisa," you leveled, "-you dragged me out of my bed this morning. I believe you picked what I wore."
"Oh," she relaxed, almost a bit in shame.
"If you do not mind, I wish to get changed, but-" you started, "-I would appreciate it if you spoke with Mr. Grimes-"
"-and actually listen to him. Please?" You continued, not missing a beat, "-I believe he's got much to talk about, yes?"
You turned to the man, then, he merely seemed to be frozen for a moment -blue eyes focused on your silhouette. You didn't believe him to blink, actually, "Mr. Grimes?"
Aimless, he suddenly straightened -eyes looking at you in a bit of bewilderment. As if your direct behavior had rather shocked him? It was a bit unladylike but necessary with Headmistress, she needed a grounded force. It was the only thing that broke through her franticness.
"Are you alright?" you asked, tilting your head toward him.
"Me?" he chuckled lightly, hand reaching up to scratch the back of his neck -nervous, "-I'm wonderful, truly."
"Right," you pursed your lips, "-well, I shall go get dressed. Fetch me when you've spoken."
The following few hours, Headmistress had nearly burst into tears any time she looked at you -refusing to tell you why. You already knew, of course, but it didn't stop you from asking. She asked you to go 'dress shopping' and 'pick out some new ribbons for your hair' for no reason other than her wish to "spend time with you".
You knew better.
The next few days were much of the same, but luckily, you found that a few days was enough to stick Beth back onto activities. Headmistress had favored her well, it was only a matter of time, really. And you just wished to be left alone after so much socializing. That, however, was never really the case.
You'd been left at home, Father off to work, and Headmistress had dragged both Beth and Maggie out for the day -not without requesting you to run to the grocers for the week. Which, in retrospect, did feel rather familiar to you -welcome, instead of the extra trips Headmistress often ran you off on.
Just as you were slipping on your shoes and adjusting the ribbon in your hair, there was a knock on the door. An intent force clear behind such a knock, you wondered briefly just who could be at the door -with such intent of all things.
Straightening yourself, brushing your skirt out of creases, and adjusting your basket in the crook of your arm -the woodwork was smooth on your skin. Unlike your previous one.
With a flourishing movement, you swung the door open. Your eyes immediately matched with brown ones, familiar brown ones.
"Mr. Dixon?"
The man stood rather straight, pristine, and well-trained -at least seemingly, "Mornin', Ms. Greene."
"Good morning," you responded, politely, as his eyes dipped to your basket, "-I'm just off to the shops for the week, do you have a delivery?"
Wordlessly, he held out a match of letters -the tinged brown and the ivory. You startled for a moment, simply forgetting such an exchange and your eyes smoothed across the letters. You on instinct collected them, holding them close to your chest -protective.
"And to extend an invitation," he spoke, further holding out his other hand -the tiny invitation enveloped in his hand. You carefully pulled it out of his hand, ink clean along the page -you stared at it in wonder.
Skimming along, you remarked, "Dinner?"
"Dinner," he confirmed, "-It's Mr. Grimes's intention to have you meet his family. Or rather the ones you haven't yet."
"Just me?"
"It's at your leisure, but he only invited you, particularly, yes."
"If he only asked for me, I shall respect as such," you remarked, clearing your throat and trying to cool your cheeks, "-Am I to be escorted?"
"Naturally," Mr. Dixon spoke, "-should I extend your acceptance to Mr. Grimes?"
"Yes, yes-" you rushed out, ungracefully, "-I will certainly be attending. Extend my acceptance and gratitude as soon as you see him next."
"You said you're off to do som' shoppin'?"
"Yes," you urged, "-Headmistress has often given me such trips for myself, why do you ask?"
"If you'd wish it," Mr. Dixon remarked, "-I could provide Mr. Grimes with such details, I'm sure he would accompany ya."
"Well," you responded, slowly, "-no such thing is necessary. But, if he wishes to join me, I will not be opposed."
"That," he stated, "-is 'at shall be said. Enjoy your morning, Ms. Greene."
And then, the door was shut once again. With a heavy sigh, you slumped against the door a moment -throwing the letters upon the table as if they had burned you. You were excited to see he remembered such things truly, but such a sight brought you back to receiving the first letter -the anguish, confusion...
It had been exhausting.
So, you set down your basket and stared at the paper. Now askew on top of each other because of your toss, they were blocked, and even then, it still felt quite intimidating.
"C'mon, Y/N," you mumbled, "-you're a lady, not a child. A lady."
With a forward motion, you pulled the chair to the table.
"A lady with a letter," you hummed.
Flipping open your own letter, tinged with brown -skimming along to read.
'Mr. Grimes,' you read -words smeared slightly by tears, you traced your fingers along his name.
'I fear rather that such affection will be limitless. That perhaps I may see you at the shops, and look at you a second too long. That the papers would recite 'Mistress looks longingly at recently reunited Groom', and that you may see it and pity me.
Please don't pity me.
I'm strong but the man I've begun to fall for pitying me? It's a pain I wish to never know. Please. I cannot ask for much now. '
You remembered writing this now, you had still been sick -sniffling and bedridden, but you begged for a paper and pen. Maggie was the one who had caved, wiping at your eyes so tenderly, and caring for you when Headmistress could not. It was a particularly desperate time.
'I wish often I could marry you. An embarrassing admission, by fault of my grace but I... hope you to know such a thing. It may change your mind. Your... decision in spite of how it affects me will be honored.
I will not harm your life just because mine is crumbling.
Y/N Greene'
You took a deep breath in, sinking into your chair -the feelings tumbling over your chest like a wave. So desperately heartbroken. So confused. So hurt-
"No longer," you cleared your throat, wiping gently at your eyes, "-he loves me. Beyond belief."
Something in you settled. You opened the ivory paper without a spare moment, carefully honoring the folds as if such a thing could rip.
'Ms. Greene,' he wrote, and you simply traced his lettering -smiling lightly.
'I know we are much past these letters, but this one... I felt an urge to respond. I cannot imagine you in such a state without feeling sick. So, I've conjured up this letter for you.
It's to stop such feelings of heartbreak, as I state my own feelings -clearly in writing.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
You will certainly see me in the shops, tight by your side, and frankly, I am certain I will marry you. If such an admission is embarrassing for you, it must be mortifying for me.
I love you,
Mr. Grimes.'
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transsexualhamlet · 2 years ago
gr. gurrrrn g. hrrr gurne, i ask. gurn
since you have not specified I will answer the first ten and if you desire different ones/more go ahead and specify that lmao
character ask game
My first impression of them- I'll be honest, guren was just some guy to me when I first read vampire reign at the tender age of 13. I literally just didn't really care about him that much until one of my old friends who I dragged forcibly into ons with me started reading catastrophe and went NO REALLY THESE GUYS ARE SO GAY and I had to see the light.
When I think I truly started to like them- see above.
A song that reminds me of them- you know and have known for a very long time that I have a playlist for Guren and it's all the most 2000s emo amv music. A very selective few of them would be
-Violet Hill by Coldplay (lamenting what the world has become over the years with hints of war, catholicism, and political turmoil) plus a Hefty dose of "lover that may be dead or not dead and remains out of reach and yearned after"
-The Calendar by P!ATD . This is a real bittersweet one because said old friend was insane about it and was the first one to point to its. Gureshin-y-ness. You know who I'm talking about I don't need to fill you in on this but it is genuinely the most Gureshin song I know, especially one cognizant of catastrophe and resurrection. Interpreted figuratively it's a Guren song, interpreted literally, it's a Shinya song. It makes me fucking Ill every time I think about it. Like come on "they said if you don't let it out, you're gonna let it eat you away, I'd rather be a cannibal baby, animals like me don't talk anyway" tell me guren and shinya would not say that exact fucking sentence "put another x on the calendar, summer's on its deathbed, there is simply nothing worse than knowing how it ends" slash catastrophe slas h vampire reign slash im Ill. "I will come back to life but only for you, only for you- the world may call it another chance, but when I came back it was more of a relapse" HI SHINYA . HELLO hi sorry.
also. Fake Your Death by MCR. This is more of a me-specific one and the ending I had planned for chains of fate all those fateful years ago. But this is really how I see him it's just. God he has been through the wringer for so long and he is disillusioned and tired and ready for someone to just fucking kill him like he deserves and still he has so much love for the people he has dragged through the mud with him and just. it's never going to get back to the way it was before and it's just. god. me an mcr fan when the fandom implications of the lore around this fucking song. if you didnt know luna this was the last song mcr released before breaking up like. about them breaking up and its just for ghe love of fUcking god
How many people I ship them with- really just Shinya. Sorry I'm a purist. There's arguments for a sort of qpr polycule type situation but I'm truly a Gureshin purist
My favorite ship of them- YOU DONT NEED TO ASK THIS OBVIOUSLY
Least favorite ship of them- People who ship Guren and Yuu make me want to kill something that is his son. But aside from the obvious, I just. People who ship Guren and Kureto are just mystifying to me. Like I guess there's nothing wrong with it but they just do not like each other at all and Kureto is such a pathetic creature yknow. I simply cannot bring myself to like him I have Tried
A quote of them that you remember-
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This one <3
Your favorite outfit of them- He has like. What ok. Um. Catastrophe school uniform catastrophe/resurrection military uniform vampire reign military uniform. and then there's the ubiquitous white button up and slacks. I have to say I liked the catastrophe military uniform the best.
Your least favorite outfit of them- They're all so fucking basic????? There's seriously so little difference between them all
Describe the character in one sentence- Stubborn atheist in the face of christian armageddon, self-determined martyr, failed revolutionary, washed up pretty boy, and absent adoptive father with terminally repressed homosexuality who god refuses to let die.
That's the first ten, I'm not spending my entire evening on this. hi luna
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den-of-evil · 1 year ago
Yk there's all this hype about Arcane now that season two is on the horizon, but all that it's done for me is remind me that, I Don't Like Arcane.
And that fucking sucks, because it has gorgeous animation, amazing storytelling, great acting and music and pacing. Objectively, Arcane is great.
But I still don't like it.
It probably started a few months ago, I was sad that despite the fact that almost every one of my favorite characters were from Piltover or Zaun, only one of them was in Arcane, and he was no more than a side character.
And then I lamented the loss of Ekko's signature mohawk, Cait's stupid hat, Vi's goggles and dumb little corset, Jinx's basically bikini, and a lot of other stuff. If you look at it from an objective standpoint, that's probably all very good design choices, but I still missed them.
And then it got bigger. The character choices, the world building, Ekko in his entirety. Maybe it was just bias because I grew to love the base game and its mess of a lore, but I stopped looking at Arcane as this great masterpiece and starting looking at it as this warped version of the stuff I actually liked.
I think the fandom is partially to blame. They take Arcane as gospel and ignore anything that isn't in it. They belittle characters for the crime of not existing when the writers' room was going on. And I know, I know, it's just a vocal minority, but they're very vocal and very annoying and I just wish they'd stop because Arcane isn't even that fucking good.
Or maybe it is, and I'm just jaded. Maybe I'm just so tired of trying to talk about League with people and them knowing nothing about actual League of Legends. Maybe I'm just tired of opening up fics and seeing my favorite character get bashed for no reason. I'm tired of seeing my characters and ships dragged through the mud, and I'm tired of acting like Arcane is the second coming of christ.
I don't like Arcane. I don't like how it messes with the lore in unnecessary ways. I don't like how it treats Ekko. And I don't like how it's created a wave of elitist fans who think they're better than everyone else in the fandom. And I'm really fucking tired of being told to "just ignore them".
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Okey the season ended so we can talk about it now.
I think they handled the angst between Raelle and Scylla beautifully. I loved them finding each other and forgiveness. It's not just Realle forgiving Scylla. I feel like Scylla found her own redemption too. And their love stand againts everything.
Orphan Black handled Cosima x Delphine's story pretty poorly. I was worried about something like that but I'm happily surprised that Elliot come through.
Their relationship started pretty fast. So we never had time to actually see them building things with time. For me their love wasn't as strong looking or deep in season 1. But this season they took their time. We see them loving the other fiercely, kindly and of course distantly. We are sure of their love now, as Realle is sure too. 1x9 is long time ago now. The question marks are gone.
Also one of the thing that i loved about their storyline is that we never see any unreasonable drama. No cheating, nothing toxic. Most shows feed from these storylines, not even caring what they are doing to their characters arc. But there was none of that in MFS. They respected their love and made sure they didn't destroy that for the sake of drama.
Anyway,I love reading your takeaway. So what do you think about their storyline this season? Did you like it? Was there something you would change? And if you compare Seaoson 1 Raylla to Season 2, what is your takeaways.
(I'm not a native english speaker so forgive me for my poor writing. )
"Also one of the thing that i loved about their storyline is that we never see any unreasonable drama. No cheating, nothing toxic."
YES! THIS! EXACTLY! I swear I get so tired of all the drama these shows throw into a relationship for no reason. Some people were legit hoping for a "love triangle" where Raelle uses M to make Scylla jealous and I'm just over here like why the fck would you even want some dumb shit like that??? Raelle and Scylla obviously love each other even tho they're not together, like it couldn't have been more obvious that they both needed to work on themselves, but people wanna throw in a whole third person just to cause more trouble smh I'm so glad Eliot didn't go down that shitty road, even Taylor mentioned in an interview that Raelle wouldn't hook up with someone else out of spite because her love for Scylla is so strong.
I LOVE the way they handled their relationship this season as well as how they handled each character's individual growth. I'm glad they gave adequate time before the Raylla reunion, they didn't have them makeup quickly, they also didn't drag out their separation longer than it needed to be. I think the entire 8th episode was exactly what they needed to go thru before they could get back together. Scylla was respectful of Raelle's boundaries, she handled Abigail's contempt towards her so well... she went in with no expectations other than to help and protect Raelle and her sisters. Raelle not only acknowledged the fact that Scylla has changed, but she defended Scylla even when they were all under Nicte's spell in the cabin... in a moment where they're all slinging mud at each other she still points out that they wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Scylla. Everything was perfect. Scylla only offered, she never pushed. Raelle kept an open mind, she didn't shut Scylla out. Their reunion couldn't have been handled any better.
I liked Raelle's storyline with Mother Mushroom, I'm glad some things fell into place by the finale but I still have questions. I really wish they would've explained how Scylla knew the seed for Mother Mushroom and how Mother Mushroom knew Raelle had that graveyard memory. I know they didn't have time to get to this in the finale but I can't help wondering if Raelle tells Scylla that Mother Mushroom is made up of dead witches... which includes Scylla's parents... that'd be interesting.
I fcking loved Scylla's storyline with adoptive mom Anacostia, then with mother-in-law Willa, and they even squeezed in a bit with foster daughter Breanna and father-in-law Edwin. Scylla's S1 storyline was completely about Raelle, so I'm happy we got to see her bonding with other people because building those relationships helped her grow. I mean it when I say "I came for Raylla, I stayed for Scyllacostia"... two women, on opposite sides, so different yet so much alike. Beautiful!
Comparing S1 Raylla to S2 Raylla... the first thing that comes to mind is while I believe their love for each other in S1 was real, by the end of that season, neither of them believed the others love was real. Raelle found out she was Scylla's mark & understandably doubted Scylla's feelings for her. Then Scylla begs for her forgiveness, making a point that she chose Raelle over the Spree, but the last thing Raelle says to her is "I'm sorry we ever met". Then you have S2 where by the end of this season, both of them know 100% that the other's love for them runs so deeply it can't be denied. We saw the love they still had for each other from the beginning, when Edwin asks Raelle about Scylla, when Willa talks about Raelle's childhood, it's written across Raelle & Scylla's faces every time they thought about the other. The difference this season was they had time to build a strong foundation for their relationship, whereas in the first season they just dove in head first.
Let me stop before I end up writing a whole novel on here 😂 I could legit go on and on about Raylla.
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autumn-foxfire · 3 years ago
please for all he knew- childe was using zhongli for info and didn’t think twice abt drowning him and his city. he absolutely got no right blaming anyone for being “used”. Zhongli literally did NOTHING!! didn’t tell tarta man to summon a god to kill everyone, he just didn’t disclose his identity!! Why is childe entitled to know zhongli’s name and past anyway? zl didn’t even tell madam ping.. anyway that’s why they got over it in canon and continued to dine and drink like the good friends they’re, helps that tarta doesn’t hold grudges (see: traveler)
Fandom loves to gloss over the fact that 1. Childe got the Sigil of Permission before Zhongli faked his death telling us that it was his plan since the BEGINNING and 2. He used Zhongli just as much as Zhongli ended up using him. Just because he was honest about his intentions doesn't mean that he no less used him. Or well, he didn't hide them because I doubt he went up to Zhongli "hey I'm here to steal your god's heart, tell me everything about him and then show me-I mean the traveler where his exuvia is being kept!"
And NO ONE ever brings up that Childe didn't warn the person he so-called cared about in these fics to get to safety before he tried to drown Liyue, he just went ahead and did it. He could have killed Zhongli (if he had been human), Hu Tao, Xiangling who's restaurant he dined at a lot with Zhongli, Qiqi who he went out of his way for to get her coconut milk apparently, or his own goddamn underlings now that I think about it considering Northland Bank would have been caught in the crossfire too.
All because his mission, the Tsaritsa's goals, came before anything else.
I'm not even upset with Childe about this by the way, I find it a really interesting part of his character and find his loyalty to the Tsaritsa to be really disturbing (the same with the Fatui members really). I'm just tired of his part of the Liyue quest being ignored in favour of him being the one "hurt".
I want to see the nuance of the situation! People can explore Childe feeling used by Zhongli and being upset/angry about that WITHOUT ignoring his own role in the events. Stop making Zhongli the bad guy in this situation, just like how the Tsaritsa came before any of the relationships Childe had forged in Liyue, the same applies to Zhongli and Liyue.
I also find it a little ironic that Childe as a character hates people who deceive others but then does the exact same thing to his little brother because he wants to protect him. When Childe does it, the fandom loves it and understands but when Zhongli does it to protect the one thing important to him, he's a monster who dared to hurt poor Childe's feelings!!!!!
Sorry I'm getting so frustrated but it's hard to find people who actually feel the same way I do.
As you said, in canon Childe asks how Zhongli has been since his retirement and Zhongli has voicelines where they plan to meet up again. So I don't know why fandom loves to drag Zhongli through the mud constantly when it comes to the "betrayal" (which is wasn't but the fandom loves to put it in fics which always makes me roll my eyes).
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lee-scribbles-and-doodles · 3 years ago
The death of Mark Bradley, a background student whom we know little of aside from that he's mlm, is further proof that Titans Academy is garbage.
So what we have is
The Bury Your Gays Trope. Why are they mindlessly using it in the year 2021.
Introducing an absolute flood of new characters that are not being utilized aside from being set pieces. The students barely do anything and when they do it's almost never actually interesting. (Except for Alinta/Bolt. She's cool).
The art making it look like the girls have lego-brick hair in a lot of scenes
Copious amounts a boob socks that seem to pinch the girls' breasts in four different directions.
Wally West being treated like crap by various former teammates because of Heroes In Crisis even though it's been well established that the massacre wasn't his fault and instead was Savitar's, and also established that this is now well known throughout the hero community.
Also Red X spreading misinformation and NOT getting called out at all.
Like Wally is literally standing there having his name dragged in the mud and no one, not even one of his best friends Donna Troy, lifts a finger to explain to the misinformed crowd what actually happened. Cyborg is also there and he ALSO doesn't say anything to support Wally, even though he's also fairly close with him.
Portraying Wally as forgetting his wife, literally one of the top three most important people in his life, when he sees Raven even though that goes against nearly aspect of his characterization.
The above having the side effect of implying that the creepy love spell Raven put him under in NTT is still in effect.
Oh and the whole mystery of "who is Red X?" Yeah, it's badly written, whoever is under the mask is pretentious, and I literally could not be any less invested in this plot line.
Like, out of all the ways they could have introduced Red X this is probably the worst way they could've done it.
Oh and it's also very clear pandering to people who are fans of the 2003 cartoon, as it's making clear attempts to morph the continuity of the cartoon into the comics in order to fit Red X into the story, even though this just creates tons of plot holes. This series wishes it had as good writing as 2003 TT did. (I'm saying this as a fan of that series).
Also the 2003 series ended fifteen years ago. Yes, it was popular (I was also a fan), but it's well past the point for it to make sense for DC to try and keep milking it the way that they do. If they aren't going to make a continuation (like they're doing with the dcau), they should just leave the ideas and concepts it brought foward alone.
Literally the only thing this comic has been good at is throwing out some cute BBRae content and the Wally & Roy reunion.
I'm tired
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one-boring-person · 5 years ago
Long Day?
Dwayne (The Lost Boys) x reader
Warnings: very vague mention of death (Very vague, though)
Context: The reader works for a grounds maintenance company and has a particularly tiring day at work, leading to a comfortable night-in with Dwayne.
A/N: This is a bit short, but I've had the idea stuck in my head all week, seeing as I do the same job and know how exhausting it can be. On that note, I guess it's also important to mention that any parts of the job that I've included are based off how I'm supposed to do them, as well as my own experience. I hope it is enjoyable! 😁😅 (This is my first Dwayne fic, so please excuse it if the character is a bit off)💛💛
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My whole body aches as I finally drag myself into the house, my clothes covered in dirt and grass stains, my skin still covered in sweat after a hard day's work, the steel toe-capped boots on my feet tracking mud into the worn carpet in the hall as I slowly make my way further inside. Yawning, I sling my rucksack to the side, choosing to clear it up later as I kick off my shoes and trail upstairs, glad to be home and able to relax, aiming straight for the bathroom, eager to shower off the reek of plants and petrol from myself. Upon entering, I don't waste time in stripping off my uniform shirt (bearing the gaudy logo of the grounds maintenance company I work for) and old jeans, my socks and underwear soon following as I climb into the shower, turning on the cold water initially, my body still heated from spending close to eight hours in the blazing sun and in need of cooling down. Shivering, I close my eyes for a little while and just allow myself to relax, relishing in the sensation of the cool liquid trickling down my flushed skin, until I finally turn the temperature up in order to properly wash myself off.
Ten minutes later, I step out of the bathroom and dry myself, heading into my bedroom to find some comfortable clothes to wear, intending to spend the evening doing nothing but watching television, preferably with my boyfriend. Finding a loose shirt and a pair of old shorts, I pull them on and go back downstairs, glancing out of the window briefly to check the time of day: the sun is already setting, which means I won't have to wait too long. I go into the the kitchen to grab something to eat, picking up whatever comes to hand and a glass of soda, before heading back into the living room, where I situate myself on the sofa, tucking into the food as I go to switch on the old television, not bothering to change the channel that flickers on, my attention elsewhere. Too soon, the food is finished, my stomach craving more, even though my body can't be bothered to get up and move to get some, an irritated groan leaving my lips at this, my head falling back onto the sofa.
"Long day?" A familiar voice inquires from somewhere behind me, relief and joy replacing the brief moment of annoyance as I quickly roll onto my front, eyes finding the tall vampire in the doorway with ease. Grinning, I somehow manage to scramble over the back of the sofa, running to him as soon as my feet touch the ground again, my arms wrapping around his torso in way of greeting, his own, longer, limbs following suit, crushing me into his bare chest.
"You have no idea." I murmur out to him, resting my chin on his collarbone, before he cups it in one hand, pulling my face to his for a soft kiss. Only too happy to reciprocate, I move my hands up to the sides of his neck, brushing away some of the dark strands of hair that float around his face tenderly, the vampire smiling into the kiss as he feels me do so, pressing me tighter against him.
Breaking apart, we remain pressed together for a little while, just looking at each other happily, until my stomach decides it wants to interrupt, growling loudly in the comfortable silence.
"Hungry?" Dwayne questions me, smirking when I give him a light slap on the chest.
"Very, but I'm too lazy to cook anything, and I haven't got the money to order a takeout again." I inform him, referring to the ridiculous amounts of Chinese food I've eaten in recent weeks thanks to my lack of energy when it comes to preparing food for myself.
"Well then, let's cook something together." The brunette proposes, pulling away from me so he can walk into the kitchen, immediately going to the fridge.
"You can cook?" I ask sceptically; there aren't exactly many places to learn cookery skills in the cave he and his friends call home.
Giving me a look of mock offense, Dwayne proceeds to pull out a variety of ingredients from the fridge, raiding the cupboards for spices and other essentials, gesturing to me to help him.
"Of course I can cook! I'm sure you'll find that I'm not too bad, either." He responds confidently, pulling a knife from the block on the counter, starting to chop some vegetables on the island in the centre of the room, his movements fluid and practised.
"I'm holding you to that." I tease him, joining him at the counter, helping him with the food as much as I can, "No garlic?"
At my words, he stops, looking me dead in the eye with a horribly serious expression on his face, my own matching his.
"You wanna kill me?" He finally responds, a glint in his dark brown eyes.
"Oh, come on! Garlic doesn't kill you, so don't act like a victim here." I laugh, returning to the task at hand.
"No, but that doesn't mean the experience is pleasant." He grins, lifting an eyebrow at me as I recall the last time I accidentally put garlic in some food I let him eat; let's just say it didn't end well.
"True." I shrug, finishing up the vegetables as he goes to get a pan, placing it on the stove and lighting the gas, quickly heating some oil in it.
In no time, we've managed to knock up a decent meal for the two of us to eat, both of us only too happy to finally sit down and enjoy it. Our conversation continues on through the meal, both of us laughing and joking with each other as often as we usually do, though I can feel the fatigue from before starting to creep back into me, the long day of work finally beginning to show its side-effects again. Clearly, the tall brunette notices this, as observant as ever, quickly making sure to bring this up.
"Feeling tired?" He comments as we finish up, standing and taking the dishes to the sink, where he leaves them before coming back over to me, smiling at the yawn that suddenly leaves me.
"Yeah, I think work took a lot out of me today." I confirm, getting up from my seat and going to the fridge, where I know there is some chocolate. I grab it and snap off a bar, offering some to Dwayne, who politely declines as he always does.
"What were you doing?" He inquires, leaning back against the island.
"Hedging. All day." I inform him, frowning as I recall the long, strenuous hours of holding up the heavy hedge trimmers, as well as the tediousness of having to go back over the same hedges with a pair of secateurs to make sure everything is neat.
"Sounds painful." The vampire sympathises, casting a look at my exposed arms, as if trying to see the muscular damage that may well have occurred from lifting weighty machinery all day.
"Damn right it is, but you get used to it." I reassure him, leading the way back into the adjoined living room.
"If you say so."
A low chuckle leaves him as he notices me trying to stifle another yawn, my eyelids now fighting to stay open as I collapse onto the sofa, the vampire soon joining me there his arm wrapped around me as he pulls me into his body. Gratefully, I nuzzle into his cool, bare chest, inhaling the familiar scent of cologne, motor oil and dust, smiling as he starts to rub soothing circles into my back, relaxing into the embrace as much as I can. We remain quiet, his movements slowly lulling me into a lethargic state, my eyelids struggling to stay open as I fight to stay conscious, unwilling to let the night end so soon, knowing we haven't been able to spend too long together tonight, on the scale of things, wishing my human body didn't need to rest as frequently as it does.
"You really should get some sleep, (Y/n), you look exhausted." Dwayne advises softly, brushing some hair from my face as I look up at him, barely able to keep myself from drifting off.
"No, I don't want to waste time with you." I argue, tracing a finger over his muscular chest.
"You're not, I like watching you sleep," He reassures me, flicking me gently when I mutter a quiet creep to him, "You can barely stay awake as it is. Just go to sleep."
Once again, I go to protest, only to stop when I catch sight of the look in his eyes, closing my mouth with a smile, finally nodding at him.
"Fine, but only if we can go to the Boardwalk tomorrow night." I negotiate, smirking at him as he rolls his eyes.
"I'm sure the boys will love that, but sure." He accepts, grinning a little at the sarcastic reference to the other three vampires he lives with, knowing that they hate when I come with him because I always take up his attention. I smile at him again, cuddling into his chest as he holds me closer against him, pressing a kiss against my hairline as he continues the movements of his thumbs on my skin, trying to help me fall asleep. Underneath me, his cold body provides a welcome change from the warm air surrounding us, my muscles relaxing against him as I finally give in to the urges I've been ignoring, closing my eyes and falling into the darkness behind their lids.
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universal-kitty · 5 years ago
ok I'll bite. I'm tiny, tsundere, and tend to joke around to make other people feel better if I'm not silently observing everyone, but I care really deeply for people I love. I also tend to be kind of obnoxious when interested in what's going on or talking about my special interests. i love learning new things, fashion, the ocean, really spooky stuff / horror, and shiny things. i focus....a lot on aesthetics and can be kind of overdramatic. drag me through the mud, aki.
   With some thought.... Might I interest you in a Shay?
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   Shay is one of many passerby of the clan, people who pass through, decide the land suits them, and settles into it. Shay is the perfect example of those kinds of people, settling on the outskirts and wandering into town whenever she feels up to it, gladly being amused by those dragons who’re surprised to look into her eyes....and see not normal pupils, but Goat-styled pupils. She’s born with them, rolls with it, and has fun with it. So what if her clan finally got tired of her because of ‘em? Roaming was pretty fun, anyways.
   And now she’s got a new place to hang around and bother. It all works out!
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   Shay is truly the enabler of you, not too energetic herself, but pleased as bunch to watch you pace about in a frenzy of ramblings, not minding what it’s about. You could mistake her for not listening and just watching...but no. She’s listening and will even prove as much later, commenting about, “Hey, don’t you think that’s something [character] would do?”
   She relates to your loyalty, complicated as it can be for her. Not to sound too edgy, but... Trust gets a little difficult when your clan boots you out. And this one can’t kick you out...if you don’t belong to it, right? So everyone wins. But nah, you shouldn’t be like her. Value the friendships, dork.... Oh, and your tsundere attitude? It makes her laugh; you attempting to do your best to deny feelings despite how obvious they are... It makes her like you more.
   Spooky stuff? Horror? Shiny things? Shay’s got you covered. Plus, she knows some other people around the area, just enough to encroach on their territory to have a chat. Maybe you’ll visit Rat and Muse today...or how about Poseidon? That giant sea serpent is bound to have some ocean facts for the both of you, enough to hopefully give you something more to think about later.
   Oh, and Shay’s real into fashion, too..... Her dragonoid form shows that off pretty well...
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   ...but what do you think? :3c
   She’s got patience enough to balance you out and your energy is really enjoyable to her otherwise quiet and lax life. It’s nice to let someone get closer every once and awhile, right...? Besides, maybe if you’re persistent enough, she’ll change into human form for you instead of being a butt about it and teasing you back for asking.
   However, she adds memories of you to her pearl constantly. You could swear the color has been getting brighter and the outside smoother over the time you’ve known her...?
   Outfit plan for her on-site sprite below!
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mysweetkittae · 8 years ago
We’ll Be The Stars
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Characters: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 2,284
Warnings: Implications of suicide. This piece is on the heavier side so if that’s something that might affect you then please keep it in mind
Author’s Note: Sometimes I write, not because I want to tell a story, but because these are the things I wish someone would say to me.
Summary: This life can be a lonely one, wandering from day to day as you fight so hard to stay afloat. There may come a time where you no longer have the strength to keep swimming, and you want nothing more than for the water to take control, pulling you deeper into its embrace as you forget all about the world above. But then a hand reaches out, and suddenly the world doesn’t seem so cold.
It can get hard sometimes.
Life can be so exhausting that it weighs you down, dragging you deeper and deeper into the depths of despair, pulling you further into the cold waters that are full of nothing but bitter ruthlessness. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to escape, limbs fighting with all their might as they try and break free from the clutches of darkness, for you will never be free. The water will hold you tightly in its grasp, watching as it bleeds into your lungs, burning through your body as it makes its way through each and every crevice, marking you, claiming you as its own.
You do not belong to yourself, oh no; you belong to the sea, and it is never letting go.
These were the thoughts that took home in Namjoon's mind, his sole companion to the isolation he had found permanent residence in. It wasn’t always like this – there was once a time where he remembers being happy, a young child frolicking in the fields behind his grandmother’s house, knee deep in mud long before the sun had even peeked its head over the horizon. There was a time where the world was full of light, a kaleidoscope of colours painting the sky in the multitude of hues that only a child that had not yet had its innocence snatched away could see.
He used to be so happy, so what happened?
When did the bright colours turn to a single shade of grey, a monotonous routine so set in his bones that any semblance of life was forgotten?
He tried to fix it, to see the world again through the rose-tinted glasses that had broken a long time ago, but nothing worked. Everywhere he went, all he could see in the people around him was a reminder of everything that he wasn’t, a reminder of everything that he could never have, and a reminder of everything that he could never be.
Nights were endless, with insomnia crawling up his body and clawing its way across every inch of his skin as it left scars all over, a merciless lover that wanted the world to know who he truly belonged to. As if the ever growing bruises beneath his eyes weren’t enough for that. He was just so tired. Breathing hurt, opening his eyes hurt, thinking hurt, walking hurt, doing anything hurt, living hurt.
And he couldn’t take it anymore.
He hated it, feeling like this. He hated how he was nothing but an empty shell, drifting from day to day as he tried his hardest to stay afloat, any memory of the cheerful boy he once was long lost at sea. It had been so long now, that he had felt like this. It had been so long, and Namjoon wasn’t even sure if he remembered how to smile anymore.
Tears blurred his vision as his hands gripped the metal railing, knuckles white with the pressure of a soul that was trying so hard to stay strong, reaching out for someone, anyone, to hold onto.
It was then that a voice called out to him, a melodious tune singing sweetly amongst the metallic whir of the city night life.
“Excuse me, is everything okay?”
“Huh? Oh, y-yeah… I'm… I'm okay.” Namjoon stuttered, eyes hastily moving from the river below to the girl standing beside him.
“Are you sure?” She questioned gently as he rapidly turned away, heart racing from the sudden disruption of his thoughts.
“Y-yeah.” He said as he cleared his throat, hours of endless crying clogging up his vocal cords.
He turned as he made his way to leave, feet only faltering when he heard a hasty “wait!” running after him.
“You can talk to me if you'd like, it might help.” She suddenly announced, teeth nibbling on her lower lip as she shied away from Namjoon's gaze.
“What do you mean?” He replied, swollen eyes squinting at the stranger that could no longer look directly at him.
“I mean…” She hesitated, fingers twisting into the thick material of her jacket as her body trembled in the late winter chill. “Sometimes it’s easier to talk to a stranger. I find that it helps speaking to someone that knows nothing about you and that you know you'll probably never meet again.”
“What’s it to you? Why do you care?” Namjoon spat, anger rising in his mind at the sheer audacity of this girl to come here out of the blue and start trying to get him to talk about what was going on, yet feeling a longing in his heart to reach out and grab hold of the hand that he had been waiting so long for.
“Because… you remind me of someone I used to know.”
“Remind… you?” He replied carefully, seeing her glassy eyes tear away from his sight once more, her light steps walking towards the barrier that overlooked the river beneath.
“You have the same look in your eyes that my friend used to have. He would always come here when he was having a bad day, said it would help to clear his mind or something. He always loved staring at the river, watching the water flow between the banks as the cars raced on above. So much so that one day he decided to become a part of it.”
“What… what happened?” Namjoon cautiously pressed, joining the girl as he folded his arms across the icy bars, intrigue and a flicker of sympathy drawing him nearer.
“He had a lot of demons in his mind, and I guess he was never able to fight them. In a way I feel like it’s my fault – he was my best friend yet I had no idea of the turmoil that he was going through. I should’ve known that something was wrong, I should’ve tried harder to get him to open up to me and tell me how he was feeling.”
“You can't blame yourself for that.”
“I know, but I guess it’s easier to be angry at myself than at him. He had his whole life ahead of him you know? He was such a promising composer and he was going to places that most people couldn’t even dream about, but not even that was enough to get him to stay.”
“I-it might not have been a choice.” Namjoon replied, the need to defend the stranger that was so similar to himself overtaking him. “Sometimes… sometimes you know that it’s wrong, to feel like that and have those kinds of thoughts, but you can't help it. You try so hard to fight it, but it’s hard. After fighting for so long you just get so tired that you no longer have the strength for anything anymore. It’s not that you necessarily want to disappear, it’s just that you want the pain to stop.”
He felt his cheeks burning despite the frosty air, berating himself for indirectly revealing so much about himself, yet hoping deep down that this girl who was sharing such a personal part of her life would understand.
“There's still so much that I want to tell him. I just wish I could speak to him one last time.”
“You still can. I'm sure he's out there, always listening.”
“Do you think?”
“Mmh.” He nodded. “What would you say to him?”
“Hmm…” She started, taking her time to formulate the words that for so long had been waiting on the tip of her tongue. “I think the first thing that I would tell him, is that it’s okay.”
Namjoon cocked his head to the side in confusion, not expecting her answer to be so simple. Noticing his expression, she gave a small smile and continued, only this time making sure that she was directly looking at him.
“I would tell him that it’s okay to be sad, that it’s okay to be hurt and to feel like your world is falling apart – like you're falling apart. I know that sometimes you feel guilty about it, like you have no right to feel that way, but that’s not true. Your thoughts and feelings are just as valid as anyone else’s, and you have every right to feel them. I would tell him that even though he may feel like he has no strength to carry on, he does. You were strong enough to make it this far, and I know that you're strong enough to keep on going too. Everyone deserves a chance to be happy, and that includes you as well. It might not seem like it right now, but one day you will be happy again, I promise you that. Whether that day is tomorrow or years later, I don’t know, but that day will come – but only if you let it. If you give up now, if tomorrow comes and you're aren’t here anymore, then that day will never arrive. You deserve so much happiness, regardless of if you believe it or not, so don’t take that chance away. Don’t find a permanent solution to a temporary problem, because you deserve so much better than that.”
“But how do you find that strength? If you're already at the point where you want to give up, how do you keep going?”
“You take it step by step. Tell yourself to take it a day at a time, surviving one more day, one more day, until that day finally arrives where you can smile again. And if one whole day is too much, then that’s okay. Take it hour by hour, or even minute by minute if that’s what you need. Whatever it is, whatever it is that you need; it’s okay. Just live for yourself, because you owe yourself at least that much.”
“What if I- what if you can't? What if living for yourself is too difficult?” Namjoon quickly corrected, biting his tongue for the mistake he almost let slip.
“Then live for something else. Find something that makes you happy, even if it’s for a fleeting moment, and live for that. It might be so that you can continue eating your favourite food, or so you can listen to the new music of your favourite singer, or maybe even a movie that you’ve always wanted to see. Perhaps for your pet that wouldn’t be able to survive without you, or to see all the beauty this world has to offer, or just for being able to wake up and feel the sun on your skin. It’s okay to not be able to live for yourself just yet, but until you get to that stage, live for something else.”
“It’s hard though, trying to do all that alone.”
“You're never alone though, not really. I know that at times it can feel like you're the only person in the world and that you are all alone, but this world is full of life, all you have to do is look. There is life in the billions of people all around us, in all the animals that surround us and in the trees and the flowers that adorn our Earth. There is life in the way the cars hum as they race across the tarmac, in the way the streetlights flicker along the pavement, in the way the sea crashes upon the shore, in the way the wind blows through our hair and the sun kisses our skin as it breathes life into our very being. When it gets too hard, look up at the sky. Look up at the stars and remember that there is a whole world out there that you have yet to explore. It may feel like there is no one that understands, but just remember that there are seven billion other people in this world, all of them just as lonely and confused as you are. Whilst we may be separated by borders and the oceans, we all live under the same sky. No matter how isolated you may feel, remember that you never walk alone, for we are all children of the moon.”
Namjoon let her words sink in, for the first time in God knows how long not feeling as though the weight of the world was on his shoulders, for the first time in God knows how long not feeling as though anchors were chained to his ankles, dragging him down into the depths of despair.
“I think he’s very lucky to have a friend like you.” Namjoon whispered after what felt like an eternity of silence, the beginnings of a faint smile painting the corner of his lips.
“And I think the world is very lucky to have you.” She smiled back, moonlight reflecting off the river to form an angel-like glow behind her.
“How would you know? You know nothing about me.”
“Well we’ll have to change that then won't we? How about we meet here for coffee tomorrow afternoon?”
Namjoon chuckled at that, lips wrung back to bare perfect pearls.
“Fine. Let’s meet tomorrow.” The girl beamed at his answer, genuinely happy to see the boy that had only recently been at his end so willingly accept her offer.
“Great! I’ll see you tomorrow then!” She giggled as she skipped away, only pausing at the “wait!” cried out after her.
“What’s your name?” She smirked at his question, eyes twinkling with the mischief of a child that had seen the cruelties of the world, yet had somehow managed to stay afloat and become a beacon of hope for those who were still drowning.
“I guess you’ll have to come back tomorrow to find out.”
One more day
         One more day
                   One more day.
-The Beginning-
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cgmayra · 8 years ago
Prompt were Sonic's in trouble this time and Amy is going to save him. I know this is going to be hard to keep it in character, but if you can, that'd be nice. Sorry if I'm bothering you
You never bother me, sweetie~ ;)
With the storm beating heavily upon him, Sonic was slammed to the ground once more.
His vision blurry, he tried to lean his head up, but the robot shocked the ends of it’s metallic, blender like hands, and slammed them into the wet ground.
The rain water was so heavily piled up on the land, that the electricity flowed straight through the puddles and electrocuted Sonic.
“AHH!!” He cried out, as the robot lifted his hands up in a quick, cocked jerk from the ground. He spun them around, as Eggman, having a dome over his eggpod, came up alongside the robot and snickered a greedy laugh.
“Looks like nature’s on my side this time, Sonic! Isn’t it sad? The very thing you try and save is against you. WHOHOHO! Now you know how I feel!” Eggman slammed his fist on his control panel, but the water was so fierce, the cold so bitterly chilled, that Eggman rubbed his arms, seeing the breath on the dome make it foggy.
He ‘haa’d into his hands, trying for warmth, before his teeth clattered and he rubbed his elbow on the dome to try and see better.
“Blast this fall rain! Why does it have to be so c-cold!”
“What was that?”
Eggman turned his pod around, as the robot also was looking about before being slammed from behind, a hammer striking it’s back before Amy leaped up to Eggman, freaking him out as she knocked him away.
Eggman was hit off out of orbit, but came shooting back to try and slam his eggpod into her.
She grabbed the robot, soaking wet and her bangs hanging down just lightly over her eyes, giving her a very edgy look before she swung and threw the entire robot with one hand up at Eggman.
“Oh cripes!” Eggman pulled back, but it was too late.
The robot slammed into him, it’s blender hands spun out of control and electric shocks suddenly bunched up and electrocuted Eggman from within his pod.
Black steam and a burnt face blinked from within the eggpod, as he coughed and scowled.
“I won’t forget this, HEDGEHOG!!” he flew off, sneezing as he now felt the wrong kind of ‘warmth’… and felt the fried skin hit with the cold to make it even more stinging and excruciating.
Amy huffed in the large downpour of rain, before turning to see Sonic motionless, and quickly rushing to his aid.
“Sonic!” She hesitated a moment, looking him over, before seeing his face down in the water and gasping, turning him over as he coughed.
His muscles had tightened from the electricity, and because of the cold, had locked in place.
Amy didn’t know this though, but just tried to get him up.
When she noticed how stiff he was, his groans and winces at being moved, she knew she could only do one thing.
She refused to drag him, so she plopped him up on her back, carrying him the best she could, wobbling a little to a nearby cave.
She couldn’t get a fire going because of the wetness all around her, so she held him close, breaking the ‘no touchy’ rule as she knew that with two bodies, the warmth would be enough to keep them alive during the night.
What was he doing way out here? Battling Eggman under such conditions?
She wondered this, before feeling his breath on her neck.
His head was over hers, straight as his muzzle lay at the crook of her neck, breathing silently as she tried to rub his back and get him some warmth.
She had followed the cries of pain all the way to him, her heart and running keeping her warm during the cold rain storm, and having been worried about him that whole time.
Was her instincts that told her that he was unwell? Probably hurt or lost?
She didn’t know, Sonic didn’t usually get lost, but she felt the need to find him.
It was stronger than ever now that she was beside him, holding him intimately as she was, but she knew it was more to warm him then anything else.
Still… she had never been this close before.
She found herself falling asleep, but shook her head, refusing too.
If she fell asleep, they could both die of cold.
she moved him away a moment, straining as she did some sit-ups, getting warmth at her core to make sure she could keep him going too.
After a few hours, she was growing sick.
Her back was towards the cave’s entrance, and everything windy and wet was splashing out on her back, keeping her freezing but she knew Sonic would be alright.
He trembled in his sleep, but this made her all the more persistent in keeping where she was.
He had to be okay… he just had too…
Sonic slowly opened his eyes, seeing the morning due before he noticed the hail outside.
Hailing? In the morning?
The weather was super trippy, but was shocked him even more was what was beside him, breathing faintly, looking exhausted and chilled to the bone; like stone…
“Wha!!” He flinched, leaning up and away as he felt fine, a little cold, but alright.
Amy was shivering, her eyes squinting and her muzzle looking red with fever.
Something was wrong… what had happened again?
He raised an eyebrow, wondering how he even got into this predicament.
He squinted his eyes to her, trying to remember the night…
The thought immediately triggered other memories, and suddenly, Sonic was swarmed with an anxious feeling of helping Amy.
With his muscles back to normal, he quickly moved to examine her, reaching a hand to her forehead.
He hesitated… uncertain… but then concern moved passed that as he realized with a slight uncomfortable relief that he had spent the night in her arms.
Touch shouldn’t exactly be an issue right now.
He lightly put the back of his fingers to her forehead, and flinched back, wincing with a harsh, breathy sound.
She was like ice!
“Hang on,… Amy!” He whispered, bending down to say it before darting out.
Getting pelted with hail, he held a hand up and flinched at the hits that made it through, gathering what little dry wood he could find and slipping time and again on the heavy amounts of puddles all around his feet.
The landscape had turned into a marsh overnight.
He ran back to the cave, slipping and sliding but trying to keep the few sticks he could fine dry…
Rushing into the cave, he quickly lit a fire, using his own sneakers to rapidly up some friction to do so.
A trick he had learned a long time ago on his own. Which,.. he was very proud of.
He put his shoes back on, since they were fully dry from all the rubbing and scooted Amy closer to the fire, turning her back to it.
She smiled in her sleep, as if she knew.
He smiled too, sighing in relief, before deciding body-warmth was best right now.
He was worried about all the things that could go wrong…. ammonia for example.
How long had he been out?
He slid close to Amy’s side, and then cautiously… trying to figure out what to do, he moved his arms through her hair and over her body, pulling her into a close hug and then rubbing his hands at light-speeds to try and get warmth back into her.
He wasn’t worrying about her reaction to all this.
This was survival.
She did it for him.
He was meant to do it for her.
“Come on, Amy. Come on.” he softly chanted, looking to her face, seeing her condition not lighten up, and continuing to try and spread warmth through her.
“That a girl.” he saw her suddenly trembling, a good sign that she was feeling the warmth returning, instead of the numbing he knew the cold was doing.
He began to grow tired again, and after rubbing her boots to give her feet some warmth, he sighed and leaned back, just holding her, feeling his body give way since he did get up in quite the alarm.
Resting a moment, he closed his eyes and put his head to the top of hers, and waited…
It was long before her breathing came back to normal. Some sneezes and some coughs.
She even slowly blinked her eyes a moment, before drifting back to sleep.
She had saved him from a similar fate. It was his job now to keep her from it too.
Her back was warming up and he peeked through the slits of his eyes, feeling the fire with his arms and reaching towards it.
“…Y…Your back…” Amy softly spoke out.
“It’s fine.” Sonic smiled lightly, seeing her revive from the frost.
“B…But.. HA-choo.” she sneezed, sniffing and then turning to pull him over her.
“W-woah!” he stopped her, pushing his arms out. “Amy! You need the heat!”
“You’ll… you’ll catch a cold…” she coughed a moment, and he gave her a stickler’s eye.
“A cold, huh?” he sarcastically stated, seeing her condition.
“Emhmm.” he nodded, seeing her fade in rushed strength as he now held himself over her, no longer fighting her as she seemed to slowly move her head back down, her eyes closing into a restful state again.
He sighed, lowering himself over her, “You’re the one I’m worried about…” he then turned, pushing her closer to the fire before she woke up again, looking around.
“It’s warm…”
“Good. That’s how it’s supposed to feel.” he crawled up beside her and laid down, letting out some air from the effort.
He was still tried too… still a little cold.. but better off than Amy was.
“I… Heh.” she smiled, closing her eyes again. “Almost forgot how that felt.”
He looked up, that comment sending a wave of gratitude and guilt over him.
“…Thank you… Amy.” he stated, eyeing her with a look she hadn’t before seen in him.
Amy turned to try and get a better look, raising her head up towards his gaze, scanning his eyes.
“…I appreciate it.” he had his head straight again, but this time his chin was to the ground, not her neck.
His face looked exhausted, but also, strangely humble in appearance.
His eyes half-opened, looking to her with a sense of, possibly, love in them.
“If you hadn’t of come… I may still be face down in the mud… or worse, heh.” he gave a pity-chuckle, before turning away from her.
“Eggman might have actually gotten his way…”
“Sonic…” she lightly spoke, lifting a hand up to him.
He looked back down, and greeted her hand with a smile.
“You really are stubbornly loyal to me… aren’t you?”
She smiled back.
“Just madly in love. You know.” she lightly shrugged, with the best of her effort, anyway.
“Same diff.”
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hughiecampbelle · 4 years ago
Vanish (Steve Rogers Oneshot)
Character/s: Steve
Word Count: 1,148
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @writerdream22 @brithedemonspawn @lotsoffandomrecs @locke-writes @thedarkqueenofavalon @fangirlsarah16 @randomfandomimagine @amirahiddleston @diana-westmoon
A/N: 1.) I love him 2.) He looks very smexy in that gif 3.) I'm just writing for therapy I guess. It's not my best, but it's as good as its gonna get for the time being. School is killing me and idk, things have been lonely. It's frustrating and I feel stupid for both feeling all this and letting it get to me, y'know? Anyways, I quite like the storyline. I hope you like it too, and if you're feeling the same way, know that I'm always here if you wanna talk or vent or whatever you need :) Feedback is always appreciated 💜💖💜
Summary: No one understands why you did what you did except Steve
Gif Credit: @theavengers :)
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The job, the life, the take with little give, it tore you apart. Limb by limb, piece by piece, until there was nothing left to hold, to stand, to be. Nothing left. The cemeteries of others left for you to hold, to keep, to care. Flowers and rocks atop headstones. Never enough. Always demanding more. The city, the world, a cat stuck in a tree. Watching others wear their uniform with pride, with the ease and awe you could only dream of. A sense of grace, a caution with their words, an effortless way of existing. Why was it so hard for you? When had the Cape become so heavy? The flashing lights so blinding? The right thing so wrong? Slandered, overlooked, dragged through the mud. Your steps too quick, too slow, your decisions that not of a real hero, your motives questioned, your intelligence questioned, your entire fucking existence questioned.
No one could ever be proud. No one could ever say a goddamn thank you.
No wonder you turned out the way you did. Your name a joke in the media, the headlines, between the ones you called family. Up and left. Disappeared. Nothing, not even a note. As if you were never there in the first place. It was better this way. You wouldn't have to drag out your apologies, burden everyone by calling them in, or telling each of them the same story over and over again. You wouldn't be questioned, or guilted, or face any anger. Sometimes it was better to go into shock. Let the adrenaline take over. Numb their wounds, their hurt, their pain. Let them think and say what they wanted, you wouldn't be around to hear it. Abandoning your duties, your teammates, the entire world. You were at your breaking point, drowning demands, in expectations you did your best to live up to. But your best wasn't good enough. It never was. Sometimes it was better to live in ignorance, in bliss. They'd get to you eventually. Word would spread. You'd be turned into a villain. There'd be interviews, and press conferences, and a global search for the one who abandoned their post.
Let them waste their time, their breath, their effort, the same way you did.
He knew. He knew before it happened. The faraway look in your glazed eyes. The hesitation. The second thought. The flinching. He didn't know what it was, though. The tone in your voice unrecognizable, your words of someone else. You hadn't just lost those pieces of yourself, they'd been crushed, absolutely destroyed. You were giving up, caving in, believing what it was everyone was saying. And then, you were gone. A ghost. Expecting to see you as he turned a corner, catching himself wanting to call your name, ask you for advice, for help, for everything. Glancing at an empty doorway, swearing you were standing there, saying something that'd surely make him laugh. Instead there was nothing. The absence of something. The regret, the grief, the frustration at himself for not putting the pieces together. You spoke without words. Always had. A language he was still learning. Complicated, and delicate, the art of saying so much in silences, in unease and avoidance. He tried, he really did.
But he couldn't stop you. And he couldn't stop them.
Civilians like vultures, tearing your image apart. Media stars slandering you because there was no one else to stand up for you. Your good name shattered, bursting at the seams. Inside, and outside. You'd expected the push back. He hadn't. The rage, the annoyance, the name calling. Rash. Impulsive. Stupid. That's when they were being nice. Horrified you'd turn your back on them, never questioning why. This wasn't the easiest way to live, to exist. He'd thought about it a lot, but what else was there for him? Who else could he be if not a super soldier? You, though, you had options, you had wants and needs outside of a catchy alias and a photo opportunity. You were young, you had your life ahead of you. It'd be a damn shame if you let it go to waste. He fought with them as best he dould, hush their disgust, the disgrace, reminding them not too long ago they turned to you, called you one of their own, saved them more times than they were allowed to forget. Bitterness and blood on his tongue, he was tired of biting it all back. Couldn't they see they were part of the problem? They were falling into the same habits that made you want to scream?
He hoped you were happier there than you were here.
And you were. You were at ease now, at peace, choosing a path for yourself instead of following one that'd been laid out. No more secrets, no more lies, no more lives in your hands. You had one life to live, you weren't going to waste it being miserable. Going where you wanted, being who you wanted, nothing to hold you back. The urge to reach out never quite dulled, not even after all these years. You missed them more and more every day that passed. A call, a text, showing up out of nowhere. With ehat, though? An explination, an apology,ban awkward hug? Maybe too much time had passed, maybe you weren't allowed to call them your family anymore. To them, you were a stranger, but you never stopped thinking about them, keeping up with all their triumphs. Across each screen there'd be another report of the man with his shield or an iron suit saving the day. There seemed to be a new member with every report. Eventually, they forgotten all about you. The media, then, you assumed, the team, your name nothing more than a reminder that even if you played the part well, it didn't mean you were a real superhero. Let them think what they want, there was no use in changing their minds.
As far as you were concerned, you were the best of the best.
Sometimes he caught you in the faces of strangers, the acts of others, the smallest of details. He still looked for you, wondering where you were, where you'd gone, who you were now. You'd look different, of course, but maybe nothing had changed after all. Maybe he'd catch you there, like he hoped he would every time, in the doorway looking in, saying something that'd make him laugh. He still expected you next to him, across from him, in his life. If there was a way to contact you, he never pushed it. Let you come back your own way, on your own time, if you decided to ay all. That wasn't his choice to make. He'd never push you the way they did. He couldn't. You'd finally done something for yourself, he'd never do anything to ruin that freedom.
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