#I'm just really disappointed at myself
polarisbibliotheque · 2 years
Little update ^^
Well, well, who'd've known, yours truly is reckless and got Covid "-.-
I blame Mötley Crüe, Def Leppard and my constant love for going to concerts after such a long time in this godforsaken lockdown :)
(my Dante side is showing)
Anyways, I'm isolated in my room now. I'm making this lil' update so I can tell you people: do take care of yourselves - but if you are in a risk group, take care of yourselves in double, please.
A year ago, my sister and my dad got Covid - they felt almost nothing. They just got really grumpy and locked in their rooms, waiting for the day of their sweet, sweet freedom. Apart from that, they felt only like a mild flu, nothing much.
As some of you know, I've an autoimmune liver disease - which puts me in risk group. I could barely get up yesterday - I slept the whole day, got up at 7 p.m, had fever the whole day and through the night, couldn't eat without feeling miserable and slept until 2 p.m today. My whole body hurts, my head also hurts really bad, I couldn't properly work on my artist tasks for the week, and I am so so so tired I think I'm gonna faint sometimes.
But worry not, I'm already feeling a little better today. I think the worst day was yesterday. Hopefully by next week I'll already be ok regarding this.
I'm just writing all this because seriously, we all react differently. I was so scared to get Covid and everyone kept telling me like "oh, it's ok, don't worry, if you get it you'll feel like a flu and in 2 days you're good" - I've been feeling like this for 4 days now. I'm really sick and miserable.
Point being: my reactions to this are VERY different than everyone else's and I'm not being too over the top when I'm still wearing masks and taking care of myself when going out.
Don't let anyone make you feel bad for taking care of your health too. It's better to look like a weirdo than being sick like this, trust me ;)
My mom, in the other hand, is taking relentless care of me and is the one single being in this household to seem not to get sick. I say she's like Highlander, nothing can touch her.
Seriously. The woman ate a dead oyster in her youth and only felt a little sick in a flight home. She is the toughest being I've ever seen in my whole life. She got an Extreme Unction from a priest who thought she was going to die when she was like 12 years old and, lo and behold, the woman persevered.
Greek half-immortal heroes know nothing compared to my mom.
I do think Eva is pretty much like her in that department, no demonic or human disease could touch her
All in all, everything is fine. I'll take this isolation time to draw like a mad-woman, be more serious when studying languages, learning to play the guitar properly and writing more stuff to you guys.
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arttsuka · 16 days
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Based on somewhat real events
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I spent way too much time drawing this...
But yeah, Ford finally saying thank you
A continuation (kinda)
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normasshearer · 4 months
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tag rules: select 13 horror films that at one point in time terrified the hell out of you (gifs optional)
i was tagged by @slayerbuffy thank you so much charlie!! <3
tagging @genes-tierney @stardewsvalley @rachmcadams @anthonysperkins if you want to! also tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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miwa-soumen · 10 months
looking through the koisenu futari tag and bemoaning the lack of new content is a good way to motivate myself to finish my translation of the costuming director's commentary on some of the style choices made in the show
unfortunately, it's also a good way to procrastinate finishing said translation
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s-ephiroth · 2 days
not to start anything mean intended because i'm not that kind of person, but
i can't for the life of me understand people who claim to be sephiroth fans/have sephiroth based ships and go on and slap a capitalized "proship dni" somewhere in their bios/profiles
never understood this and never will, (for reasons i shall elaborate below) though i may get the potential reasons for it and just... it absolutely baffles me how misused the term proship is
that word literally means "in favor of shipping", that's what the "pro" part of the word is for. it doesn't mean you have to necessarily ship every ship that exists ever (that would be 1. insane and 2. not very feasible), just that you understand people will have different ships, you respect that others' preferences exist and mind your lane
it is basic fandom etiquette, it's literally old school "your kink is not my kink and that's ok". it's blocking folks with ships you dislike (notp) instead of trying to regulate what people do with narrative tools (characters) in a fictional space
sometimes other people are eating shrimp and you're allergic to shrimp. it doesn't mean the other people are immoral for eating shrimp
some people use proship to mean "problematic ship" (aka ships with dark thematics that wouldn't be ok irl) when 1. it doesn't mean that, and 2. you can dislike a thing without misusing a word
no, someone who's proshipper won't force you to ship their ship you may dislike, if you're wondering. that's not what the word implies at all
enter sephiroth
oh, you know him. sephiroth who took part in a genocide when young. sephiroth who took part in a war and very likely killed people. sephiroth who got betrayed by humanity so much that he chooses to torch down a small village and choose to become cosmic horror instead and haunt a twink
this is not a wholesome character!
like, i do believe that sephiroth has the potential to be cute/do good/work well as a slice of life protagonist if you frame him just right, but by canon definition, where he goes, someone dies
he's not fully good and not fully evil, he's a morally grey character reacting to the only life he knows and having multiple instances of terrible decisions. he's a victim as much as he's propagating evil
he's a very complex character and loving his character is understanding that not all that does or that happens to him is ideal. and that's ok, his very birth/conception alone is full of dark/taboo themes
and see, here's what i don't get: people who use "proship dni" in their bios, aside from the obvious performative flavor to that, (it's the internet! a sign won't stop people who are particularly mean!!) presumably don't want to interact with one or more of the following:
- people who ship anything in general (if going by the literal definition of the word)
- people who ship anything with dark/"problematic" thematics (by going by the misconception of the word meaning "problematic ship")
- people with a different ship that would be a notp or people who aren't into yumeshipping (oc/self insert x canon) (i'm not gonna get into my horror stories from twitter about this one but it exists, i was attacked once for trying to run a sc event)
if it's for the first reason, fair, but why only list one side of the discourse instead of just putting you're not into shipping? it feels like trying to bait people into a fight
the second is the one that baffles me the most. any ship you put sephiroth in has potential to have dark thematics, because sephiroth, as a shipping component, brings all these dark themes into it. unless you're redoing his whole life from scratch, he'll still have the history of having killed people, having fought a war, having been experimented on from pre-birth, etc. and if you have to redo this character's whole life to avoid dealing with his thematics entirely... do you even like him at all? are people who enjoy dark thematics forbidden from engaging with potentially wholesome thematics as well?
and the third is just hypocritical pettiness, really. you're not morally superior for shipping sephiroth with yourself or your oc or a different character that you prefer over some other character. sephiroth is still sephiroth, regardless of who he's with. he'll still do sephiroth things, whether positive or negative. you can dislike other ships without being morally performative about things. you can have notps!! you can dislike a ship for hitting you with the wrong vibes or because you like that other ship better
but in the end it all just boils down to it having the same vibes as antis using ao3: you're making use of the most proship thing out there is and saying proshippers shouldn't interact with you
i don't get it
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leoremin · 5 months
Im so pissed
I've been obsessed with Jekyll and Hyde for like 2 years and I'm just now finding out through TUMBLR OF ALL PLACES THAT HENRY JEKYLL IS A BITCH ASS LIAR!!!! LIKE NO HE CANNOT JUST-- FFS!!!
I'm just now coming to terms that it's an "unreliable narrator" kind of story and I've read this shit like 8 times...
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nursemimosa · 10 months
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happy anniversary scarlet/violet. I'm so happy that these games exist because they essentially and completely re-invigorated my love for the series!
A while back, on my personal I posted these silly line camera edits of my most favorite characters from SV and was surprised that they were a hit (some characters more than others). Here's a compilation of my most favorite edits (including some I haven't posted here yet), enjoy!
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lunabug2004 · 1 month
You said that according to you there is a way to make Mileven stay together and have all the characters have a good arc at the end of the show. Could you develop that? cause in my opinion if Mike's arc is about falling in love , changing his personality after meeting a girl and at the end being the protective paladin to "fix" his bad behaviour then it's really bad writing (coming from a straight person)
I'm going to be completely honest here, which I hope is what you want lol, I do think I say this (sans the "good arcs" part bc I don't think I've ever said that there's a way to make Mileven happen where all the characters have good arcs) to more-or-less make myself feel better bc I have so much Byler doubt (& Mike love) so yeah, take this as you will, this is just what my brain has come up with as an arc(?) I could mostly cope with. I mean, there's a reason I put "(mostly) happy" but yes, I'll try to expand.
I love Mike and I have a feeling I will continue to love Mike whether Mileven or Byler is endgame. This is purely because I do not believe Mike is a bad person or bad character just bc he's made some bad decisions/said some things he (canonically) regrets. I don't think Mike would be a protective paladin to simply "fix" his "bad behavior". While I do agree that this wouldn't be the best writing choice, I think, in-context, he would be trying his best to keep everyone he loves alive. He is an extremely traumatized teenage boy whose biggest fear is losing those he loves. He has been smack-dab in the middle of the action until s4. Finn Wolfhard himself has said Mike is depressed and pushing everyone away bc of it.
Anyways, all of this to say that I don't think it'd be too farfetched to say all of his "bad behavior" is simply untreated trauma symptoms. And yes, you could say something about other characters being traumatized and them not acting like Mike, but trauma, and this is a fact, effects everyone differently. One person may lean into their life before going through said trauma, like Will in s3, while another may block it out, like it's shown with El in s4, and another may completely change themselves while being stuck in a loop of wanting those he loves close to him but also wanting to keep them at a distance bc he is so terrified of losing them. Dr. Owens even says in s2 that a sign of PTSD is change in personality and lashing out, which we see both in Mike. Plus all the parallels bt him and Max in s4, it's safe to say this boy is struggling mentally.
I do think it would make sense, when we finally get Mike's POV in s5, for a lot of his controversial moments to be fueled by his mental health struggle. Now, do I think this is an excuse? Not necessarily, but it does make sense, and as far as I know, anytime Mike's actively made anyone upset he's apologetic (like I said earlier, lashing out). I believe that if the show solely focuses on Mike's mental health issues, then Mileven wouldn't be out of the question.
I do want to add that this is not how I want the story to go, I would much rather his story go the Byler route, but I've said before that his character is not solely dependent on either Byler or Mileven, and I still stand by that. He should not simply be seen as a 'romantic interest' character bc he is more than that and he has his own problems (that we aren't necessarily shown) that have nothing to do with who he's in a romantic relationship with.
Now, again, this is probably mostly just something I've convinced myself I'd be alright with, but I am aware that this in and of itself would be boring and not very good writing. I also do not know, in this case, what would happen on the Byler side of things, this why I say "(mostly)". I am fully a Byler shipper and would prefer Byler endgame to anything really, but I'm a Mike-stan first and foremost.
Sorry if this wasn't too clear, I feel like I just rambled and repeated myself a lot. Thanks for the ask, though! And pls if you or anyone else has questions about anything I said, pls ask me! Trust me, I know this isn't foolproof and I'm probably just dumb 😂
TLDR: I think it's possible they could go more towards untreated PTSD and trauma/mental health related route for Mike in a way that would make Mileven possible. Doesn't mean I'd think it's necessarily good writing, but I could see it going that way.
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pastelaspirations · 1 month
So, u h.
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I also like. Make really angsty, ungodly long fanfics that I do absolutely nothing to promote on this dumpster fire of a blog, but that's besides the point- ANYWAY. HAVE SOME REALLY SKETCHY DOODLES THAT I DID TO THANK YA MAD LADS ;_;
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Thank ya, thank ya, you absolute mad lads. I will uh... continue to do what I do. Thank you for joining the ride, even though it's less of a ride and more that I found an abandoned theme park ride and decided to ride it as a prolonged death wish and you inexplicably strapped yourself in next to me with the moldy seatbelt-
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remyfire · 4 months
When the writer agonies hit.
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dailydemonspotlight · 3 months
Camazotz - Day 63
Race: Raptor
ATMA Avatar of Bat
Alignment: Dark-Law
July 3rd, 2024
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I've been playing Digital Devil Saga lately, and combined with my erratic mood swings, what else would be more fitting for today's DDS than a blood-draining bat who leaves those in its wake feeling hollow? This also marks the second demon in a row to originate from South American mythology, though this one is its own can of worms- or, maybe, bucket of blood...? No, that's stupid. Regardless, though, today's Demon of the Day is a curious fellow originating from very specific Mayan cults, and a personal favorite of mine- Guatemala's own lord of the night, patron of giant vampire bats, and a terrifying blood-sucking deity, Camazotz!
A lot relating to Camazotz is hard to dig into, let alone digest- purportedly worshipped as a central deity in ancient Mayan culture, this great-winged bat appears scantly, yet its influence cannot go understated. This is made even more confusing by evident conflation between Camazotz and a completely different concept, that of 'The Camazotz,' a race of giant bats found in the underworld in the Polpol Vuh, a chronicle going into the creation myth of humanity itself in Mayan mythology. As is purported in it, the Camazotz weren't actually a single, unified deity, and instead were an entire separate race of giant bats found in the Mayan afterlife, known as Xibalba.
People also often purport that this race may have been a mythological explanation for the extinct, but then-present giant race of vampire bats called Desmodus draculae. This, of course, makes things a mite more complicated- the death bat may have been conflated with recollections regarding a completely separate bat god that is left unnamed, as there is evidence of worship to a single, unified bat deity in ancient Mayan culture. Camazotz itself is also purported as being a single, great bat spirit in the underworld, not quite a god but still immensely powerful in its own right. And, well, let's get into that.
The main appearance of the Camazotz comes in the Polpol Vuh, as is to be expected, and they have quite an interesting role- in one of the trials the two protagonists, Hunahpu and Xbalanque, have to survive during their expedition into Xibalba, they're challenged with staying the night in Zotzilaha- the House of Bats. The legend tells of how they had hid away within their blowguns to last the night, but eventually, perturbed by the lack of the wings flapping from the bats outside, one of the brothers dared to stick his head out. This is when Camazotz, who was watching, striked. In an instant, the brother was decapitated, and his head used as a ball for the deities to use in their next ballgame. As morbidly hilarious as this story is, it does give us some insight into Camazotz's role- as a spirit of the night, he clearly showed both trickery and strength.
Of course, this origin is hard to pinpoint, and I'm honestly unsure as to if there was a single Camazotz or an entire race of them who were attacking the brothers, as a lot of things surrounding this great vampire bat are frustratingly murky. Of course, as it comes down to a lot of the time with these demon spotlights, a lot is left up in the air due to the loss of primary sources through history, but with the connection to the long-dead Desmodus draculae species of vampire bats, it's possible to come to several interesting conclusions. There are even beliefs that the traditional blood sacrifices that the Mayans were known for were partly inspired by Camazotz, but that's a rabbit hole I'll leave you to dig into.
Now, as for how Camazotz is depicted in the series, the design has grown on me a lot. While originally seeming to just be a giant bat with sickles, the strange, wrapping hands, the ornaments, and the skulls all paint it in a uniquely Mayan light that I'm really quite fond of. Of course, it also appears in Digital Devil Saga, but frankly I'm not quite sure what to make of a lot of ATMA avatars, and Camazotz is no real exception. As much as I love DDS, the avatars definitely need to grow on me a bit more for me to really appreciate them.
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Overall, though, the design works wonders, and I really do enjoy it. Too bad the sprite compression in SMT IV makes it almost completely incomprehensible, but... well, alas, that's what happens to games on the 3DS.
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batemanofficial · 2 months
can somebody please convince me that i haven't made a horrible mistake
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disposal-blueeee · 1 year
ah. yes. this guy
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he lives in my mind rent free so i just really had to draw him
i could spend hours just rambling about how much i love him i'm fuckibg tired
idk the thought of him just wearing cool stuff wouldn't leave my mind and one day i was just sketching things this is the result XP
jake by zarla-s
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pardonmydelays · 6 months
ok, so now that my hamilton series is over i am officially taking a little break from tumblr. i've been feeling so emotionally drained for a while now & i know i have to take care of myself because i am in a really bad place at the moment... so let's just call it intermission.
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made the gaang with this picrew cause i have too much time on my hands, enjoy
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#almost didn't make suki#so disappointed in myself fr#it's like if they were normal teenagers but i gave zuko and aang their scar and tattoo because they looked wrong without them#dimpled aang and suki supremacy#i gave zuko a hearing aid in his scarred ear because he canonically can't hear well out of it#(i'm aware that hearing aid probably can't help with damaged eardrums maybe they cam i don't actually know so sorry)#gave sokka glasses cause i'm projecting and i feel like he's strained his eyes so much over the years#freckled aang sokka (on his neck down so you can't really see it) and suki supremacy#gave sokka a bunch of face moles cause i can#gave toph acne cause she's the youngest in my heart (yes i know her and aang are the same age)#i gave the gaang as whole many piercings and i'm not ashamed (aang's the only one without one idk why don't ask)#atla#avatar the last airbender#the gaang#aang#katara#sokka#zuko#toph#suki#picrew#also this is how i had to learn that suki is the only one out of the gaang that has like actual lips at all times#(as in her character design)#OH i also gave aang and toph scars (aang = arms toph = face) because it spoke to me and felt right idk#also if you squint you can see blemishes on zuko's neck cause again it just felt right#i'm actually so proud of these AHHHH#zuko's hair could probably be better but i'm proud REGARDLESS#team avatar#didn't even mean to make a pattern with the backgrounds just worked out that way heheh#EDIT: remade the boys cause i used the wrong sized clothes and it was bothering me SO MUCH (zuko's hair is longer now let's all cheer)
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 months
(´・ᴗ・ ` )
#Alright lil blog update. Running the reblogs queue again tonight (yay!). Been procrastinating it for like? four months now?#I'm not going to fix the order anymore in a crazy pattern that only I can see. And like the point as always been#“it's only for myself‚ because I like seeing the posts all ordinately lined up ☺️”. But it does start being a problem when.#It actually blocks me from reblogging alltogether. Or makes me end up with 978 posts in the queue and 15584 in the drafts#(lol) (yeah)#Anyways had to write it down publicly because last time I said “screw it I'm not going to post in order anymore”#I lasted exactly one (1) day#Mmmmmmmmhhhhhhhh#I need to make space in the queue so I've set 20 posts in the night / morning for the time being.#Probably going to tag less because again. the posts are piling up. Sorry everyone#So like... After this string of disappointing (and possibly irrelevant?) updates. Feel free to unfollow me etc. etc.#(Mututals included? I really hold no bad feeling I know I post a lot. I don't care about mutualism if we're friends we're friends)#Have a nice day / night!!!#random rambles#Btw for anyone wondering my previous queue lineup was 4 fanarts / 2 other category posts / 4 fanarts / 2 other category posts etc.#(other category could be like. gifsets together. analysis together. textposts of approximately the same length together etc. )#And fanarts had to be coherent between each other for characters / composition / oftentimes color palette#Anyways. Winning over ocd today 💪💪#(I say as I didn't pick this month specifically because the second half of the year starts together with it. Anyways)#ManBreakingChainsMeme.png#Edit: Just remembered this all started because I accidentally hit shuffle queue two or three weeks ago#When it happened I had a mental breakdown and cried for two hours but looking back. Maybe it was really godsent
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