#I'm just existing nearby and they suddenly want to befriend me )
streets-in-paradise · 9 months
I feel Andy is the kind of person who doesn't seek to interact with children, but they go to him spontaneously.
Like, he has no idea of how to talk with a kid, but they like him and he has no explanation for that.
And then Kyle mocks him like " You are good with children! " and he is like ". No i'm not! They just follow me and tell me stuff I never asked and try to invite me into their games."
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Totally cool if you don't want to share, buuuuut could we get a chapter of your book posted with Aeshma in it? I wanna REEEEEAD him lmao. I'm the one who asked to see more and sent you that DM about buying your book lmao
Lol hello again😂 I'm more than happy to share some of my story. Here's a partial chapter from book four. It was extremely difficult for me to find a chapter with Aeshma in it that didn't contain major spoilers 🥹 but here you go.
Blake is sitting in deafening silence. Freshly bandaged up, but emotionally torn to shreds. The sclera of his eyes have turned black during the heavy conversation. He’s leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees, playing with the silver chain around his neck. He’s been deathly silent for several minutes now, taking in all the information that was given to him. Processing it. Resenting it.
Talon and Spade are standing side by side. Relaying the news to Blake was beyond painful. The air in the room is thick with anger and confusion. Blake has always been a time bomb, so dropping something like this in him is dangerous for everyone in the room.
Zeke is in a chair a little further away. He’s watching Blake closely, trying to read the man’s face. Asmodeus posed as Serpent, befriended Blake, and ultimately used him to get to Talon. Blake was the executioner. The one who put Talon down and set this whole thing in motion. He was a pawn. Just like everyone else.
Talon’s pretty green eyes stare at Blake affectionately. He doesn’t feel a shred of resentment towards him. None. “Blake…” He takes a small, hesitant step forward, but recoils when Blake suddenly stands up. He blinks and gasps when the taller man shoves past him. He won’t take it personally. He understands Blake is just as much a victim as he is.
“I should have fuckin’ known.” Blake growls as he throws on his shirt. “How the fuck did I not see that?” He runs his tattooed fingers through his messy mohawk and scoffs, his eyes glinting. "How could I be so fuckin' stupid!" He kicks a nearby chair, sending it slamming against the wall.
Talon flinches, his heart breaking for the man.
“It’s not very hard for a demon of his caliber to pull a stunt like that.” Aeshma says, walking into the room with a dark look on his face. He dips down so he can fit through the doorway. "He has pulled the wool over the eyes of thousands."
“Holy shit.” Zeke stands up as the demon steps into view. His wide eyes are locked on him. He's still not used to this absolute giant being on their side.
Talon and Spade also can’t help but stare. Blake is looking at Aeshma over his shoulder. He’s seen the demon look like this before, so it’s less if a shock to him. However, it’s no less eye pleasing.
“Is that so?” Blake asks, almost distrustfully.
“It is.” Aeshma stands tall, his head lifted proudly. He has on a large, long coat. It’s black with tan fur lining the inside and the collar is high. Much to contrary belief, the fourth circle of Hell is extremely cold. Spiked metal armlets are around each of Aeshma’s wrists. He has on black tactical boots and black pants. His broad shoulders are adorned with deadly looking spiked pouldrons. Black leather straps with glistening buckles hold his impressive sword in place. Also strapped to him is a massive battle axe, freshly sharpened and stained with blood. Daggers are resting in holders on his belt and chest straps and strapped to each leg. A few other things are hanging from the demon’s belt. Two skulls stand out the most. One that looks human, and the other looks like it came from some strange animal.
“What is that?” Zeke is closer now, pointing to the strange skull. His eyes narrow curiously. “Some kind of deer?” He leans in to get a better look.
Aeshma looks down at his belt and then looks at Zeke. “Wendigo.” His rich voice carries even when he speaks softly.
“Oh, fuck…” Zeke breathes nervously, drawing his hand back. “Those actually exist?” Really, he shouldn’t be surprised. Not after everything that’s happened these past few months.
Blake moves Zeke to the side so he can face Aeshma. “They told me ya brought me here. Said ya gave ‘em what they needed to save me.”
Aeshma’s expression doesn’t change. “I did.” He confirms.
Blake meets the demon’s gaze, not saying anything. He nods gratefully. Years of respect are shared between the two.
Aeshma nods back. “Good to see you’re finally awake, Stahller.” He says lowly.
Zeke steps up again, displaying his lack of boundaries. A glimmer catches his curious eye. “What’s this?” His fingertips brush over what appears to be a bracelet hooked onto Aeshma’s belt. Near the buckle. Rose gold and diamond studded. Some of the diamonds are missing.
Aeshma grabs Zeke’s wrist with enough force to make the blond shout in pain. He leans in, growling deep in his throat. “Don’t. Touch. That.” His razor sharp canines are bared as he squeezes harder.
“AH! AH!” Zeke’s knees buckle and he hisses in pain, trembling slightly. He blinks away agonized tears and gasps. “I- I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
Aeshma doesn’t let go or even loosen his hold. His eyes are trained on Zeke, a dangerous look in them. “It’s rude to touch another man’s things, you know.” He tilts his head to the side, his black hair falling away from his eyes.
“Aeshma.” Talon speaks gently. Seeing Zeke getting hurt is upsetting, however Talon doesn’t want to yell. Whatever or whoever that bracelet is from, it’s obviously something the demon deeply cares about. Maybe it was his sister’s. He thinks, biting his lip subtly. It’s strange to see Aeshma act so sentimental. However, Talon would be lying if he said it wasn’t compelling.
Aeshma’s grip tightens even more, his touch searing Zeke’s skin. He twists the boy’s wrist, bringing Zeke to his knees. He’s ready to break it. He refuses to let Talon’s soft voice weaken him. He can’t. Not again.
Zeke grunts loudly, his eyes widening when he sees the smoke coming off of Aeshma’s large hand. Pain is ripping through his whole arm now. He grits his teeth. “F-fuck..!” He whimpers.
“Aeshma.” Talon says just as gently as before. He decides to test the waters, and he steps over to the large demon, resting his delicate hand on Aeshma’s forearm. “Please.” He lifts his gaze, glimmers of pink revealing themselves to the older man.
Aeshma accidentally meets Talon’s gaze, and he closes his eyes tightly. ‘Dammit.’ He relaxes his muscles and releases Zeke’s wrist with a deep, rumbling sigh. He stands up straight and looks right at Talon. “Do you have an answer for me?” He asks, deciding to move on from Zeke’s behavior.
Talon knows he can relax now. He’s surprised speaking softly actually worked with this brute. “No, but I promise I’ll have an answer when you come back.” He smiles playfully, letting his hand slip from the man’s arm. “So make sure you come back.”
Aeshma pauses for a moment before a smirk plays on his lips. “Very well.” He rolls his shoulders and turns his attention to Blake. “My soldiers are everywhere now. There isn’t a state in his god forsaken country that doesn’t have a warrior of Khadah in it. Nothing will happen that won’t get back to me. I would prefer you all to stay here, where it’s safe.”
Blake nods. “I have no problem wit’ that. I just have to make sure some things are still in order. I was out for two weeks. I also have some shit to set straight.”
“If you’re speaking of Samael, I strongly suggest you hold off, Stahller.” Aeshma says calmly but firmly, adjusting his heavy coat. “Hunting him down right now will only bring unnecessary attention to you and your friends.”
‘Fuck, he’s right.’ Blake thinks with a frustrated scoff. “Fine. I’ll let him live. For now.”
Aeshma chuckles and smiles at the man. “I understand the allure of vengeance. You are more than welcome to join me today.”
Spade adjusts his glasses nervously. “I really don’t think—”
“Where are ya goin’?” Blake leans back against the wall, crossing his arms. He can feel Spade’s disapproving glare burning into him.
“I’m leading an attack on Mammon.” Aeshma notices Mahrem coming into the room. “He has stepped out of the lines of our treaty one too many times. I need to make an example of him.”
“As fun as that sounds, big guy, I’m in no state for war.” Blake declines with a chuckle. Gesturing to the bandages covering most of his torso. “Still recoverin’ from bein’ stabbed by an angel. And I really don’t want to face the wrath of the princess over there.” He cocks his head to a visibly disgruntled Spade.
Aeshma smiles at that, amused. “I understand.” He says simply.
“H-How long will you be gone?” Talon asks, slightly nervous. Isn’t Mammon one of the seven princes? And Aeshma is going to just march on him? Does he have any fear at all? He can feel his heart pounding in his chest, but he doesn’t understand why he’s so concerned. It’s just Aeshma.
“It shouldn’t take long.” Aeshma assures Talon with a subtle nod. He can hear the hybrid’s heartbeat. His eyes narrow and a sly smile forms on his face. “Are you worried about me, bunny?” He crosses his arms and arches one scarred eyebrow.
Talon’s face turns a deep shade of red when suddenly all eyes are on him. “Of course not!” He spits out anxiously, his heart beating faster. “I just don’t want to wait all day. You’ve got so much going on, I don’t really have that many chances to speak with you.” He pushes some of his hair behind his ear and looks down.
Aeshma’s deep chuckle flusters Talon further. “I’ll be sure to make room for you on my agenda.” He uses the knuckle of his index finger to turn Talon’s chin up. “So you don’t feel neglected.” He rumbles smoothly.
Zeke and Spade glance at each other with wide eyes and red cheeks, wondering what the hell they missed.
Talon yanks his face away from the demon’s touch, face burning even redder. “Don’t be ridiculous. I don’t feel neglected. Impatient more than anything.” He mutters dryly.
“Of course.” Aeshma says, his smile remaining for a moment. “Maher.” He looks at his second in command now, expression serious. “Are you ready?”
“Yes, sir.” Mahrem says, fixing his posture as he’s addressed by his commander. “As are the others.”
“Good.” Aeshma says approvingly. “Let’s get going.” He nods to the others before walking out with Mahrem.
“Jesus Christ…” Zeke grumbles, snapping out of his haze and rubbing his wrist. “That psycho almost took my hand off.”
“Let me have a look.” Spade adjusts his glasses again as he steps over to examine Zeke’s wrist. “You really need to stop touching people.” He mutters.
“Nice job calmin’ him down, snowflake.” Blake crosses his arms as he speaks. Part of him still feels the sharp knife of guilt in his chest. The weight of the news about Asmodeus is heavy on him. “Where’d ya learn that trick?”
Talon shrugs and closes his eyes lightly as he pulls his hair up into a ponytail. He feels hot all over and it’s irritating. “Yelling doesn’t solve everything.” He says simply. He smiles a little, proud of himself for calming the demon.
“Talon! Oh, my gosh! You’ll never believe what Rachelle just told me!” Matt comes rushing into the room, his excitement making him momentarily unaware of Blake. “She—” He stops cold, his eyes finally spotting the man over by the wall. “Blake!? Blake! You’re up!” He rushes over and wraps his arms around the man. His eyes are watery and his chest aches with joyful relief. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re awake!” He exclaims emotionally.
Blake hugs Matt briefly, rubbing the boy’s back. “Yeah, so am I, dollface. Didn’t plan on comin’ back, but someone kept buggin’ me.” He glances up at Zeke and winks.
Zeke scoffs and looks away. “Jackass…” The blond grumbles.
“This is fantastic! I’ll go get Zayne!” Matt turns away to walk back out the door, way to excited about Blake to remember what he even came into the room for.
“Matt wait! What did you want to tell me about Rachelle!?” Talon calls after him, taking one step forward. He needs the distraction.
“Oh! I’ll tell you later!” Matt calls back, his voice fading as he disappears up the staircase.
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voidlitmoon · 5 years
I Would Have Waited Forever if You Needed, But I Would Always Be There for You - part one!
OOOOOOOOOOOOH MY GOSH I'm so sorry this took so long! I've been working hard on it but inspiration seems to hate me.
But @sugarglider9603, its here! And once again the longest oneshot/chapter I've ever written at OVER FREAKING 4.3K WORDS
Alright alright I'm calm.. just happy
Now go enjoy that fluff
W-wait theres angst to? WAIT-
Due to the size of this fic, I have to spit it into two post. As soon as the second part is posted (which will be not long after this goes up) i will put links. Dont panic, Tumblr is just being mean with post length :)
Ao3 link
Ao3 series link
Part 3 Part 4.5
Master post
Words: 4,334
Summery: 'Logan understood why everyone was so quiet as dark grey eyes met violet.'
' Patton's eyes widen with joy, smiling as silver eyes met purple.'
'Roman, who was facing that direction, perked up, his chocolate brown tail swishing with joy as a familiar dark brown Eevee poked his head fully out'
'"Roman, what's going on- buddy.."
Thomas has successfully befriended the Eevee, but what about catching him?
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MJ and Thomas watched most of their pokemon play smiling, Logan and Elliott sticking by the trainers sides. Patton leapt around Iris and Issac, playing a small game of tag with the Vulpix and Prinplup as Roman faced Linda in a mock battle, Eevee slipping between the Scyther’s sharp claws.
Logan pawed at the page as he sat in MJ’s lap, staring in awe at the stars. It had become a tradition MJ would show Logan a book on space and assist him on learning how to read when the two groups collided, the trainer borrowing most of them from libraries or his mother. All but the first one he had shown the dark silver Eevee, “A Magnus Quantity of Space” which was currently open as Logan drank up the knowledge for the infinite time. He was happy.
“Logan! Looooooogan! Logan Logan Logan Logay-” “what” Logan snapped, lifting his head as the smug faced Roman grinned back.
“Come on, join us!” Logan rolled his eyes and just wanted to ignore him, but Patton looked over, hope and joy sparkling in his shiny grey eyes. Logan sighed but stood, sending an annoyed stare at Elliott as the shy Absol snickered.
The dark silver pokemon let out a huff, joining the other five as they set up game rules for tag. Logan half listened, half stared at a nearby wind-rustled Pecha bush. The berries were much too sweet for his taste, having always been ‘up Patton’s alley’ as Thomas and Roman would say. Though the berries did hold a memory in his heart from long ago, because-
“Boop, your it!” Logan jolted as Patton tapped his nose before dashing off. The game had begun.
Logan was surprisingly fast for an Eevee, tagging Linda before she even knew he was next to her. They continued their game, the speedy pokemon darting away without getting tagged again.
Logan carefully pawed forward, looking around as to make sure no one was there. He calmed his spiked fur from his last dodge, glancing ahead. There was that Pecha bush once again, shaking as if “tag!”
Roman crashed into him having lept from the bushes, sending both suddenly tumbling forwards. Logan fell right into the Pecha bush, hitting something inside before continuing his roll until both beings were out before Thomas, MJ, and Elliott.
“Ow..” Logan groaned, Roman’s ‘Mysterious One AM Disappearance’ plan already half done as he stood up, looking around to see what had rolled with him-
Logan understood why everyone was so quiet as dark grey eyes met violet.
Virgil scrambled up, fur on end as his eyes darted around. He squeaked when his vision caught MJ, turning to run off when Issac and Roman came out of the Pecha bush, confused by the lack of noise.
The dark furred Eevee looked for a non existent escape as Linda and Iris emerged, Patton squealing with joy as he spotted the wild pokemon. Virgil pressed up against Logan’s chest, fear most likely figuratively ripping his mind apart.
Logan tucked a paw around the smaller Eevee, sitting as he flicked his tail around him protectively. They were thankfully not near the center, though far enough the bushes looked miles away.
Thomas, who had watched the entire scenario, slowly stood up and made his to Logan and Virgil, before settling down about two feet away.
“Hey Virgil” The trainer couldn't help but smile, happy he was seeing the anxious Eevee once again. After leaving the field of flowers, he was scared that fate would not be kind and their paths wouldn't cross again. MJ, recognizing Thomas’ caution from when he himself first approached Elliott, joined a few inches behind the other.
Roman and Patton bounded up “Virgil!” Roman cried happily as Patton nuzzled their cheeks in greeting. He flinched, startled, but calmed with Patton's very soft fur.
"So.." MJ turned away from the chattering pile of Eevees to Thomas, who stared back confused
"You have attracted another Eevee" Thomas ducked his face into his hands, blushing.
Patton watched the sun set, Logan not that farther down the hill watching the rapidly darkening sky with excitement, a few bright stars already shining. The gang was taking a night in rolling open hills, soft grass and flowers lay blowing in a warm wind, one of the few trees around them shadowing Thomas as the trainer set up the tent, Roman some feet away scratching out a wide circle for a fire.
Patton tilted his head as the wind ruffled his fur, purring in the setting sun's warmth. These last few days had been so calm and nice. He approved of taking a break, they had been training hard for so long, a few days off wouldn't set them back.
He flicked his tail in content, listening to the flying types chirp their last goodbyes to the day, a few nocturnal pokemon already waking the night with quiet music of hoots and song-like whistles.
Somewhere near him, soft brushing of grass on fur caused him to open his eyes, glancing around. Logan was back with Roman and Thomas, the trainer  poking at the now lit fire. If it wasn't them, then who..
The light silver furred Eevee turned his head the other direction, his eyes catching another of special fur slightly crouching in the grass some distance away. Patton's eyes widen with joy, smiling as silver eyes met purple.
"Hey kiddo!" he cheered, Virgil hesitantly looked up at the rest of the group before making his way to Patton, flopping down next to, but not touching, the other Eevee.
It had been some time since they found that the dark furred Eevee ended up following them, a few more interactions strung between then and the current moment. Virgil had gotten a bit closer with the others, but was always gone before next sunrise, watching once again from the shadows.
Patton, knowing Vigil's shyness with engaging contact, flipped his over tail over the smaller and pulled him close, nuzzling the other's cheek. The Eevee shuffled in slight embarrassment but in the end cuddled back.
The two laid under the rapidly appearing stars, Patton feeling Virgil shift a bit away at one point but said nothing, just kept their tails intertwined. Logan had joined them at one point, cuddling up to Patton's side as stars reflected off his eyes, making no comment as the sky stole once more his star transfixed gaze.
A shuffle of feet made Patton tiredly blink, slowly turning his head as Roman and a pajama wearing Thomas approached the trio.
The trainer softly chuckled "c'mon guys, time for bed" Logan sent a death glare his was but Thomas just shook his head with more chuckling.
Patton turned his head to the darker Eevee "want to *yawn* join us kiddo?" the shiny Eevee stood, only to realize the other had been asleep as Virgil jolted awake, blinking tiredly at Patton.
Patton barely held in a squeal. Virgil was asleep! Next to him! He trusted Patton! The light silver Eevee frowned as the kiddo started to droop once more, before light grey ears perked up as he whipped around to Thomas, chirping a few times.
It took the trainer only a moment to understand before giggling. He kneeled slightly and picked up the limp Eevee, Virgil only whining a bit and pawing toward the ground. Thomas looked concerned before looking were Virgil was pointing, smiling.
"Hey Patt, I think Virgil was trying to make you a gift" Patton looked and sure enough, a half built blue, pink, and white flower crown lay in the grass, one of the end flowers squished as Virgil fell asleep on top.
Patton grinned with joy and carefully picked the strand up, walking back up to the campsite.
The fire was now extinguished, water and burnt wood mush stood in its place. Patton laid the half finished flower crown near the stick Thomas used to poke at it before following the trainer in the tent.
Thomas held Virgil close as he scooted into his sleeping bag, Eevees flopping on top almost immediately.
Roman curled up next to his left ear, shoulder now his pillow. Logan settled down on Thomas' waist, Patton curling up with him as his tail tip brushed Virgil's, the dark Eevee laying right in the center of Thomas' chest.
Thomas smiled as purrs erupted in his ear from his Eevees (thanks Roman, that's quite LOUD) hugging Virgil a little closer before sleep fell upon the human.
Thomas blinked awake, finding some weight off his chest.. literally.
He sat up, Eevees already fallen to the ground in vibrating puddles that night, and stood, carefully making his way out of the tent.
He emerged in the early dawn light, blinking away the tiredness as the sun rose above the horizon. Early bird pokemon unknowingly chirped a morning greeting, bushes rusted in the not to far off forest as pokemon skittered for food. Though that wasn't what grabbed the trainer's attention.
Virgil lay bathed in morning sunlight, tying the final blue flower into last night's flower crown. The Eevee glanced up startled but hesitant, purple eyes worried as he stood, a paw stepping back. Thomas understood, not yet.
He smiled at the Eevee "I'll make sure Patton gets it" Virgil stood frozen before relaxing, hesitantly letting out a "thank you" and "goodbye" chirp, before dashing off, fur at ease.
Thomas smiled and delicately picked up the small crown, inspecting the colors. Patton would absolutely adore it.
Though as Thomas went back to the tent, he could of sworn somewhere he read Eevee had an evolution with these colors..
Thomas flopped onto the soft grass, staring at the small fire as flicks of flame disappeared off into the night. Roman laid dramatically over the trainers outstretched legs, mumbling tiredly in Eevee. Thomas couldn't blame him though, same going for the two shinies who joined Roman, sprawling across his kneecaps.
They had been training hard all day, exhaustion had been inevitable. From wild pokemon battles, to targets and even between each other, the three Eevees had pushed far into training mode for their next challenge, their next adventure.
The next town was about half a day away, so camping out was the best option. With the low energy though, Thomas could probably lay down right here in the grass and pass out with ease.
A rustle in the bushes made him look up, confused. A smile overtook his face though, as familiar violet eyes poked through. Roman, who was facing that direction, perked up, his chocolate brown tail swishing with joy as a familiar dark brown Eevee poked his head fully out carefully, inspecting the clearing they picked.
"Hey kiddo" Thomas murmured sleepily, failing to stiffen a yawn. "Wanna join the cuddle pile?" he offered.
Virgil looked curiously at their pile as though considering, before ducking back into the bush. Thomas slightly frowned sadly, Roman's tail slowly drooping in disappointment as Patton let out a chirp.
Thomas sighed, about to turn back to the burning wood when the bush shook once more, catching all their attention. 
Virgil's tail came into view first as the Eevee back tracked, pulling something by his teeth. Thomas stared, eyes wide.
The Eevee pulled the huge leaf a couple of feet away from the gang, turning his back to enormous pile of Oran berries.
"Did.. did you pick these for us?" Thomas asked, amazed.
Virgil ducked his head in embarrassment as he nodded, chirping something to the other Eevees. Roman suddenly sprang up and chipped something back, walking up to the darker furred pokemon, placing a small lick on Virgil's head before moving to drag the Oran berry pile closer.
Patton and Logan chirped gratefully as they grabbed two, Thomas smiling as he poked one on a stick to toast over the fire.
Roman watched Virgil shuffle his paws awkwardly, glancing curiously with those wonderful eyes.
"Hey Virgil, you can have one if you want" Roman offered, only for the Eevee's ears to droop.
"I've already eaten" he murmured, only to be betrayed by a quiet gurgle from his stomach. Roman hesitated, not wanting to discomfort the other.
".. I ate a bit earlier myself, we could possibly split and share one?" Roman shyly offered, causing the violet eyes to widen.
"I couldn't, it's your.." he hesitantly looked down for a moment, before lifting his head up a bit, looking right into Roman rich brown eyes "are you sure?"
Roman grinned, picking up the largest Oran berry before carefully draping his tail over the others back, leading him a bit closer to the fire. As they settled Roman used his claws, slicing their berry in half (and perhaps giving Virgil the larger piece).
And if anyone noticed Virgil cuddling Roman as the night wore on, only waking and leaving when the lighter of the pair stirred at sunrise, no one said a thing.
Water droplets sparkled as they dripped off the leaves above, soaking up into the group's hair and fur. The early morning sky drifted blue with scattered clouds, hints of the rain showers from last night only shown by the damp plants around and slightly muddy earth.
Thomas laughed as Roman froze, water once again dripping onto his chocolate fur. The Eevee whined, only for Logan to lean on his back feet, standing up from where he lay on Thomas' messenger bag and slap Roman in the face, effectively shutting the other up with a splutter.
They stayed the night in a cave, setting up the tent inside as it started to show signs of a heavy storm approaching by sunset, the light sprinkle from earlier growing heavier as the clouds darkened.
The cave wasn't the biggest, more of a deep hole as it only fit the tent with two feet of coverage before rain splattered in your face, but it's entrance raised a few inches off the ground, giving them safety from a wet tent. They didn't need to stay that long anyways,only staying the night to escape being wet, the next town merely an hour or two journey.
Thomas smiled, but a dark hint shown through as something bothered him. He had called out several times before bed, informing Virgil he could join the warm cuddles inside, but the Eevee never showed. Worry traced his mind, only hoping he found a sheltered enough spot.
He brushed Patton's fur, the Eevee chirping with a nuzzle to the cheek. The trainer giggled, Logan shifting back to laying down, content. Virgil would be alright, he was wild. The Eevee must have gone through this kind of experience befo-
Roman sat up on Thomas' shoulder, startling him. The Eevee's ears were pricked, nose twitching as he caught something.
"Roman, what- hey!" Thomas spluttered as a tail smacked his face, Roman ignoring the wet grass and mud as he leapt off Thomas without warning, bolting off back in the directions they just came from.
Thomas secured a hand on both remaining Eevee's backs to enforce they didn't fall with the sudden change, before turning and rushing after his starter.
They didn't have to go far before spotting the Eevee anxiously pacing circles, perking up at the sight of Thomas before diving into the bushes, chirping from the other side.
"Roman, what's going on- buddy.." he fought through the bushes, Patton and Logan calling out in distress as Thomas sucked in a harsh breath, kneeling down next to the grounded Eevee's.
Roman licked Virgil's forehead, the smaller barely opening his eyes in pain and exhaustion before closing, letting out a relieved huff and relaxing as if only now feeling safe.
The dark furred Eevee's fur was dirty, his limbs weak and thoroughly soaked to the bone. Scratches were in several places as though he recently fought in a battle, the latest being from yesterday.
Thomas' didn't hesitate to check and sure enough his forehead was warm, to warm. Glazed eyes stared up as raspy breaths labored from his mouth, trust within exhaustion.
"I-I'm sorry Virge, I need to get you straight to a Pokemon Center" he lifted the Eevee, Roman leaping forwards to get scooped up as well, cuddling up to the sick pokemon.
He felt Logan move up to where Roman sat before, nodding in the corner of Thomas' vision. They were ready to set off.
And with that, Thomas ran.
Thomas speed walked through the streets, nearly bumping into others as he kept glancing down at Virgil. The Eevee had curled up against Thomas chest, Roman curling around the other giving occasional comforting licks.
"Hey!" Thomas stumbled as he nearly crashed into someone turning a corner, the other jumping to the side before collision.
"Sorry!" He called back half turning around to the girl, the Fraxure in her arms wide eyed. He only saw her and the pokemon give a started look at the Eevees in his arms before Thomas turned back around and dashed off, Pokecenter now in sight.
The automatic doors nearly caught his arm as he entered, rushing through the mostly empty entrance up to the Nurse Joy.
"Please help" he gasped having not stopped once, carefully setting Virgil down. Joy's eyes widened before calling out a stroller, two Chansey pushing it out.
"Don't worry, we'll take good care of Eevee" the Joy comforted, joining her pokemon by the ER door. "Virgil" Thomas managed, voice a somewhat raspy whisper "his name is Virgil." The Nurse nodded.
"Virgil will be fine" she smiled, turning away and closing the door, a bright neon red "Do Not Enter" lighting up above the doorway. Thomas took in a shuddering breath, the Eevees each nuzzling Thomas' face from their spot.
Thomas gave out a small, strangled laugh "thanks guys."
Part two link here!
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