#i go shopping with my mom and the little daughter of the store attendant proceeds to start showing me all her toys
streets-in-paradise · 9 months
I feel Andy is the kind of person who doesn't seek to interact with children, but they go to him spontaneously.
Like, he has no idea of how to talk with a kid, but they like him and he has no explanation for that.
And then Kyle mocks him like " You are good with children! " and he is like ". No i'm not! They just follow me and tell me stuff I never asked and try to invite me into their games."
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canaryatlaw · 5 years
okay, so today was pretty good. I was having issues falling asleep last night, partially because I didn’t really feel tired but also because my back was killing me and I couldn’t really get comfortable, so it took me a while to fall asleep. I could’ve taken a benadryl but I knew if I did there was zero chance I would actually drag my ass out of bed at 7:45 am to go to church, so I toughed it out and eventually fell asleep. When my alarm did go off at 7:45 I did get out of bed, got ready, and headed to church. Since it’s summer things have been a lot slower than usual, so we had a pretty light load for the babies room for the middle service, which is typically the busiest one but was pretty sparse today. We had 3 babies for most of it with 2 helpers, it’s a good thing we had a low ratio though because there was unfortunately a LOT of crying going on, we did eventually have to call the mom of one of them to come get him because he just wouldn’t stop crying. I was holding a little guy who was just crying away and nothing I could do would help, but I thought maybe one of the rockers we have might calm him down if he was getting tired? so I strapped him into the one we have that is like electronic and moves side to side and up and down in different kind of rocking motions you can program it to do. so I got him in there and turned it on, and probably about 1 minute afterwards he stopped crying entirely, so I was fairly happy with that because I always take it personally when I can’t get a baby to stop crying even though I know how dumb that is lol. so I was proud of my instincts being right here. The rest of the service was okay, some tears here and there but we managed. The service was running late so I had to run from there to the last service I actually planned on attending. Worship was good as always, we had our female lead pastor speaking for the first time in a few weeks, and before starting the actual message she spent a while talking about her life circumstances lately. Sadly, her younger brother passed away unexpectedly at the beginning of the month. He was only 44 and had two kids, the youngest being only 8 months (both of them were in the kids classes last week, and we were very carefully instructed not to greet families with “happy father’s day” unless we knew their personal circumstances. I can’t imagine having to deal with father’s day so soon after losing your father). So obviously there was a great deal of shock and grief that she had been dealing with. Years back her father had also passed unexpectedly at a young-ish age so it was a lot of calling back to that for her. But she wanted to express her thanks to the church for all the support they had been giving her, saying they had so much food sent to the house haha and many other ways people were reaching out and helping. She was talking about her kids stepping up and how their daughter (she’s 9 or 10 I think) basically saying the baby “wasn’t her cousin anymore, he was her brother” and she had practically adopted him, and I had in fact seen her taking care of him for the past two weeks. It was very sweet. So that was a lot of course, but we eventually moved on to the message, regarding how when we feel like we “should” do something, not that we are choosing to, it becomes an obligation, which ends up breeding resentment and entitlement- but we always have a choice to do something from a good point of view. so that was good. It had been raining on and off by the time I got out and I didn’t want to deal with public transit in the rain since it’s been awful the past few weeks, so I ended up getting an uber pool home. It was pretty lively, two other girls and I were in it with our driver and we were all making lively conversation for the whole ride, so that was nice. Once I got home it had stopped raining up here, apparently it had been downpouring for like 30-45 minutes but had now stopped, so we could proceed with our plans (Jess doesn’t like thunderstorms and she especially hates driving in thunderstorms). So I got changed and walked to her place, and we drove up to one of the malls in the suburbs that we like to go to, specifically because it had this one store that was featuring shirts from the “BT21″ brand that makes the BTS related merch, but we went to other stores too of course. We ended up at hot topic first I think, and they had a ton of funko pops on sale for like, $2, and I mean that’s a great deal, so I ended up grabbing a DC Bombshells Hawkgirl because why not? I also grabbed an RM BTS funko pop since he’s been my designated favorite in the group (mostly just because he was an easy choice and I can appreciate that we have the same initials, even if his stand for a pretty absurd nickname) and got the two of them. From there we ended up finding the one store we were looking for, they didn’t have the exact shirt Jess was looking for but she still ended up buying two of the other ones. From there we went to a few other stores (including what we nicknamed “the gay store” and grabbed a few things, I ended up getting a piece of Captain Marvel “wall art” from FYE that has some sort of like wood backing so it was kinda heavy lol but I like it, and then two t-shirts from Aeropostale which I hadn’t shopped from in like 12 years, but they were doing a buy one get two free t-shirt sale so I mean, can’t pass that up. Once we had gotten to all the shops we wanted to hit up we headed over to where they have their Cheesecake Factory because that’s always a must. Once we got there we were at the edge of the mall and looked out the windows to see that it was now downpouring here. Great. So we ate our dinner, and by the time we finished up it was still raining so we split a piece of cheesecake and kinda killed some more time until it let up. It was definitely all like flash thunderstorms, going super intense for a short period of time and then gone in a second. So we headed out from there and back to the car, and headed home. We did pass through some downpours on the way home but thankfully they were fairly short-lived and the other rain was very minimal. Once I got home I spent a while on my computer trying to figure out the design I wanted for my business cards since I figured I should be getting some of those if I’m still somewhat running my own practice, so that was frustrating for a while lol but I ultimately came up with something I was pleased with so that was good. From there I just watched more Anthony Bourdain (I considered starting season 3 of Jessica Jones but didn’t want to pay too much attention to the tv and I knew I’d have to pay attention to follow JJ) and just went on my computer for the rest of the night, then showering and starting to get ready for bed, and now I’m here. Tomorrow is gonna be interesting, I need attempt to get back to Target and retrieve my other prescription if they’ve actually filled it yet because they were having issues with it today, and then I have an allergist appointment that’s gonna take fucking forever and I’ll probably feel stressed about getting work done but oh well, not much I can do about it now. I’m pretty tired so I’m gonna go to bed now. Goodnight friends. Hope your Monday doesn’t suck.
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