#I'm just a fanfic writer okay
ponderingmoonlight · 3 months
just learn how to draw your demon slayer covers. it's not that hard loser
Omg you're so right, that's exactly what I'm doing from now on. Thank you so much for helping me out anon!
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Doesn't she look just like in the anime?
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kettlefire · 2 months
Nothing quite like banging out 3 new chapter drafts for a single story overnight, while sobbing to yourself through it because even you put yourself in the feels
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Shameless fic plug here
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intotheseas · 3 months
I began writing on a whim about four months ago. In that span of time, I've written just under ~250,000 words.
Were they all good words? Lol fuck no. Have they been improving? I hope so. Have I learned anything? So goddamn much. Do I have more to learn? So so so much lmao I am baby.
If you're wondering, "Could I write? Could I start a new hobby?" This is your sign. You're gonna suck at first but you'll suck a little less every time you practice. Do it bad, you. will. get. better.
It's one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. Even if I never publish anything, or make any money off of it, it's kept me going in what's objectively been the hardest time of my life. That's got to count for something, right?
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queerweewoo · 4 months
When there's now this thing in your life, a new thing between you and another person, a thing you can't quite put your finger on to be able to try and describe it.
When you start to become so comfortable with this person that they start to become your person, and before you're really aware that anything has changed between you, you've just suddenly become one hundred percent theirs.
When you then get so close to that person that you don't really realise that things have shifted so significantly between you, because it's so infinitesimally and yet so dramatically all at once, and because everything just feels so damn right all the time and exactly the way you feel things are supposed to feel, so why would you ever think about changing it?
When it dawns on both you and that person—maybe one of you gets there before the other, maybe both at the same time?—that the two of you have moved on from being just friends and are morphing into something else, so seamlessly and with such ease that you don't have to question it, because it is just a thing that sort of is now.
When your touches become lighter, lingering things, softer and warmer and more frequent than before, and occurring much, much more and in a very different way than with anybody else in your life.
When you and your person and this thing that you now share become more wanting and more needy, and yet somehow so unerringly steady, and also so wonderfully and assuredly grounding and immovable, all as one, all at the very same time.
When together, you become more.
When you find you have found your way to your person, and to this thing, the thing that you now mold and nurture and that molds and nurtures you, slowly; unwaveringly; absolutely; discovering that it's helps you to move in new ways and to unfold as a person, to breathe, to settle into yourself.
When you have this thing (all of these things) in your life and realise that this is it, this is the thing they've been writing about throughout the ages.
When you realise that this thing—your thing—is a thing called love.
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ejunkiet · 6 months
okay I need to leave, but I've been poking at wips, and after a month in the trenches trying to find romance authors I like, it's crazy to return back to fanfic and just be like oh. shit. this is good. why can't I find stuff like this published??
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if i loved you like i'm capable of
Chuuya stared at him, eyes wide before bursting into laughter. “Phah! Dazai was right—you are high-strung!” they cackled, slapping their knee with their hand.
“I am not high-strung!” Kunikida argued. “Unlike you, I actually have a set of ideals and morals that I strive to live by. If that makes me high-strung to the world, then so be it. At least I have those to fall back on.”
“Hm,” Chuuya hummed, all traces of laughter vanishing within seconds. Although their chests were practically touching, they somehow managed to stalk even closer. They hooked a finger around Kunikida’s collar and pulled him down, ignoring his indignant squawk and red skin.
“You seem pretty high-strung to me, even without all your ideals. Looks like you could use a break, pretty boy.”
[or, kenji, chuuya, & kunikida have a sleepover & bad flirting ensues]
🛏 7,045 words | kunichuu & kenji 🛏
a gift for my beloved @zukkaoru because they had to listen to me complain about writer's bock for two months straight, they wanted more kunicuu, their kunichuu spam yesterday inspired this, & bc i'm biased & love them <333
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vietbluecoeur · 7 months
onglet a l'échalote
Rated: M
Relationship: Rody/Vince
Word Count: 5.1k
“I know what you did.” The words scrape on their way out. He feels raw all over. “I’m hungry.”
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yolowritter · 6 months
My return to ACOLL posting!
Hello there everyone, and welcome back to...well, it says so on the tin! For those unaware, I've been off Tumblr for a little while now, mostly to focus on writing and updating my biggest Miraculous fic to date! A Case of Ladybug Luck! Now, now, I know what you're gonna say. "I have no idea what you're talking about", so allow me to enlighten you! Have you ever wanted a fake death AU inspired by Nine Lives and Cut My Life to Pieces? Welp you've got it here! And yes I am shamelessly self-promoting instead of ranting, but I genuinely love how this AU is turning out and want to share with everybody! So...do you guys like angst? Becuse I do! And I like character drama too! So please, follow me to the fic where Marinette f*cking dies (allegedly), Adrien is a bigger furry than half of canon, Chloe gets a more realistic character arc, Lila is a psychopath, and everybody needs a therapist!
It is...uh, worth mentioning that this AU is...over 283,000 words long and...we're only half done. And yes, the reason I'm posting is because I want to rant about it! Expect snippets, discussions (anon asks are open btw) and also ranting about characters! Seriously the amount of psychoanalisis Gabriel has been through in this fic is downright criminal. For me. Because I have research to do! Listen the point is that I have twenty seven pages of character analysis notes in my drafts and those have to go *somewhere!*
In conclusion, I plan to rant about this AU. A lot. So if you could do me a favor and check it out at least to see if it's your cup of tea, I'd be really happy! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and frantically look for my most recent notes on Eminath! For- unrelated reasons! I'll see you all soon, but until then, Stay Miraculous!
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torchickentacos · 1 year
I made a friend today! A polyphemus moth
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loser-brain · 1 year
If you have not seen this post goin' around about not giving permission to allow people to take your work and put it into an ai against your wishes. There's the post.
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Let's talk about this user's close-minded brain that they left in the replies.
The fact that they believed they are saying "Facts" is pathetic. They even answer a question from anon who believes they are saying facts.
Hey come here, have you ever heard of... plagiarism? It's a fancy word for theft. Especially in a creative field mostly used in writing.
My fellow lovelies, it's that time again.
Ai aka Artificial intelligence, what the hell is that? Glad you ask, I don't know, but in simpler terms, it's code that replicates and learns. The more you interact with it and correct its errors the more it will realize and perfect its code. IT'S NOT ALIVE. It's simply following a code that involves something along the line like us which is growth.
Using ChatGPT for fun is alright. Using ChatGPT or OpenAi to finish a story that is not yours... is not alright. That is where a line has been crossed. A line that violates Fair Use.
And since the majority of AO3 users are not putting their work behind a paywall, it still falls under fair use.
OH but it's a fanfic, we can do whatever we like with it!
WRONG. Fan-fictions falls under copyright laws. So in other words. Y'all are violating our rights by putting them into an Ai. get fuck.
BOOM! BANG! AND HERE'S ANOTHER THING! Ai, in the US, have to have the permission of the original author to have their work used in the testing to improve the Ai ability.
Okay now that the facts are done. Like I'm serious, it's done, got any questions, shoot me an inbox. Now we dissect this person's close mind dumb reply.
FYI, everyone is like, destroying this person. I'm serious, oof I do not want to be this person. I still kinda remember the last person that spoke dumbness, but about art. Remember that person, damn, they really got my blood boiling at like... oh hey, it's 3 in the morning... This must be fate.
"I mean alright but at the same time, Maybe it's a sign you should finish your fanfictions 🙃"
Damn, someone has a lot of time on their hand. And as someone who does has a lot of time on my own hands, I still can't fully finish a fic. Wanna know why, because I'm tired. Like there would be days where my brain goes somewhere and I'm left with trash. I'm feelin' trashy, I'm feelin' moody, I'm even feelin' lost. It's normal to feel empty and want to fill it but don't have the energy for it. So maybe instead of being an ass to people and forcing them to finish something they can't at the moment. How about, maybe, you should stop being an ass and let people take their time 🙃.
"Like, if a fic has been abandoned for at least over a year, I feel like it's ok"
Everyone, repeat after me, fan fiction is protected under the copyright laws.
"Cause like, you clearly aren’t gonna finish it, why should it be left unfinished?"
Who's gonna tell em'? Anyone? *sees you raising your hand in the back, ignores you* Alright, I will! So like, do you not have imagination? Like do you not just, lay there in the grass under a big tree, letting the wind touch upon your cheekbone, and just... dream about the story. Like, don't you just read a volume of a book and just, imagine what happens next. Once you are done reading that volume of the book, don't you just anticipate what happens next in the story? Don't you have those moments where you thought about whether a character was going to die or live? Whether they save the day or not? Cause if you don't then damn, that's sad. You're sad. Like shit man, I'm sad but oof, that's even sadder than me.
"Now I don't think anyone has the right to post that work anywhere cause it's not yours."
"But getting an AI to finish a work that *you have no intention of finishing* isn't really wrong in my opinion."
I WAS SO PROUD OF YOU AND NOW LOOK AT YOU. YOU IDIOT. Once again, say it with me now, fan fiction is protected under the copyright laws. So in other words, THEY CANNOT PUT YOUR WORK INTO AI WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT/PERMISSION. god fuckin' damn it. So close, you were so fuckin' close.
"If you are gonna finish it, make that clear"
HOW!? No, tell me how. How the fuck is someone who is using their free time to write a fic is gonna make it clear for you to understand that is their work and they get to choose whether they can work on it or not. Huh? It's fanfic, it's one thing when a users ask the author to continue the story because that is a thing that writers do. There is a group of people that would take over the fic and finish it for the author if the author just does not have time to finish it.
It's another when a user just blatantly takes it and shoves it into an Ai because AHAHAHA IT'S A FANFIC IT'S NOT PROTECT UNDER ANYTHING. WRONG BITCH IT COUNTS AS A FANWORK. Therefore it falls under fair use and copyright.
Writing is more complex to tell whether plagiarism exists in it. But we're no longer talking about plagiarism if you are just shoving it into an ai machine. You see, that is a violation of OUR copyright. OUR fair use. OUR work.
Oh but what about intellectual property? Are y'all putting your work behind a paywall? no, then it's fine. You still have the power to protect your work. So instead of believing this person thinking they are spilling facts... do a simple Google search. Is fanfiction protected by copyright law?
It's fanwork. Therefore, yes. Yes, it is.
Just gonna casually edit this: The commentators have learned what they did/said was wrong.
This is not a debate post. I'm stating facts that your work is protected and in the US you got to have the author's permission to put their work into Ai tech/machines. If you don't have their permission then it's a violation of their right.
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etherealbelphie · 2 years
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butterflysonnets · 5 months
it's about being sad your fic has more hits than kudos/reviews but then remembering yourself reading other people's fics, enjoying them immensely, and forgetting to give kudos/review
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Our Rings Mean Death
Chapter 4: the compass
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RoP x PotC x OFMD | C4/? | 4k
Galadriel and Halbrand both learn more half-truths about each other.
^ Halbrand's theme.
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enstarsurbanfantasy · 10 months
Mikagura - POV Hiiro
[Mikagura: a ritual dance performed at the imperial court and various important Shinto shrines. It consists of welcoming, entertaining and greeting the deities with humorous or poetic syllabic songs.]
Hiiro hears the singing before he sees the source.
He's strolling through one of the side gardens, thinking over one of his homework questions, when he's alerted to the distant sound of instruments. Music isn't uncommon in Ensemble Square, but it's mostly the music that the idol units are making. The music now vaguely resembles Akatsuki's songs, but it's slower and doesn't have modern instruments.
Hiiro turns a corner, curious about what's going on.
Water floats around Aira, ribbons swirling around his arms and legs as he steps back and forth with a string of bells in hand. He's dancing to the music, chanting with his eyes closed and moving as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Hiiro can see the kamuy dancing with him, water, storm, and war caressing his cheek like a mother to her child.
The music ends. With a sweep of his hand, the water surrounding Aira comes together in one long stream, and it funnels into the water bottle by the door. The spirits settle around Aira's shoulders like a winter cloak. Finished, Aira bows (to the kamuy?), opens his eyes and--
He is surprised, but the realization is... slow. His unitmate is settled, possibly in that floaty feeling Hiiro gets after finishing prayers, when his mind is more in the spritual realm than the human one. There is also something... other. Something playful and tricky and entirely inhuman.
Hiiro's throat is bone dry, and he swallows, opening his mouth to say... something.
But nothing comes out, because Aira places a finger to his mouth in a gesture for quiet. In fact, he seems to be physically unable to say anything. Aira gives a high pitched laugh, beams at him uncharacteristically, and blinks.
Aira shakes his head, and he's suddenly back to his usual countenance.
"Sorry," he says. "Ame-no-Uzume is a bit of a trickster."
"Ame... no Uzume?"
"You don't know a lot about Shinto gods, do you?" Aira remarks drily.
"Nope!" He'd like to learn more, if possible. The part of him that was trained to protect Nii-san rises, seeing all the possibilities of danger from such casual possession.
Aira takes a breath, exhales, and recites a story like he's heard it a thousand times before. "The sun goddess, Amaterasu, once quarreled with her brother, Susanoo, the god of sea and storms. After coming together to produce children, Susanoo vandalized her rice fields, flayed a horse and threw it at her loom, and brutally killed one of her maidservants. Amaterasu, furious, forfeited her divinity and retreated to a cave. As a result, the world was plunged into eternal night.
"The other gods came together to confer on the situation. In a bid to draw her out, Ame no Uzume placed a mirror by the cave's entrance, leapt upon an upturned tub, and proceeded to dance while tearing off her clothes. The other gods, stunned, started to laugh.
"Amaterasu heard the laughter and wondered how they could be happy in a world of eternal night. She looked out, and upon seeing her beautiful face in the mirror, went to take a closer look. As Amaterasu left the cave, the other gods threw a sacred rope across the cave entrance, preventing her from returning. Amaterasu agreed to rejoin the divine, and light was restored to the world.
And thus Ame no Uzume became known as the Heavenly Alarming Female."
Aira smiles, expression showing that he's still bit out of it. "Ame no Uzume is the goddess of revelry and the arts. I was praying for a good result in the MDM." he considers, and continues, "A sacred dance opens up your heart and mind to outside forces. Usually the gods have better things to do than to possess a random human, but Ame no Uzume likes to have a little fun."
"So it's like a send-off ritual," Hiiro murmurs.
Aira shrugs. "I... guess? I don't know much about your traditions."
Hiiro glances at Aira, just in time to see him sway concerningly. Hiiro slings an arm over Aira's shoulder to steady him, and Aira rests his head on his shoulder. "How long have you been praying?"
" 's the shorter ritual.. six hours?" Aira slurs.
Hiiro presses his lips together and declares, "I'm going to carry you back to the dorm."
Aira, already half asleep, doesn't do more than hum an assent.
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suddenly feeling very passionate about sandra wilkinson
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silverduckie · 7 months
....okay so I dmed someone to remove a gif of mine because they reposted it from a watermarked set that explictly said in the body of the post that those gifs are not allowed to be resposted, right? (and the watermark was still in the gif even 😂) And like they did it, and in the time it took me to type a thank you message, they just deleted their account????
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