#I'm horrendously down bad for him and want to shower him with love
pha55ed · 3 days
Is It Casual Now? || F2 (good ending)
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type :: hurt/comfort tw/cw :: none contains :: ollie, kimi, paul, arthur, summary :: after getting heart broken by the boys, you're shattered. but the space between you two make him realize how dumb he was being - PART 1 HERE
f1 masterlist || f2 masterlist || more here!
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Ollie Bearman | 03
After watching you run into your house with tears streaming down your face - Ollie instantly felt a pang in his heart. But he wasn't sure what it was. He thought it was just empathy, he always hated seeing you upset, so knowing he caused the pain was harsh on his heart. But, he thought it was for the better.
He didn't want to risk ruining your friendship. You were basically part of his family and entire life. Dating you would mean risking a nasty break up which would permanently change everything. His family loves you, if you broke up they would most likely side with you instead of Ollie. You got along with all of his friends, dating would change the entire group's dynamic. And even worse, if you did ever break up on bad terms: Ollie knew he would be shattered.
But his entire thought process was proven to be stupid. Saying no to your confession made all of those fears come true. You needed space from Ollie, to heal from the embarrassment and hurt you felt. While Ollie was dealing with every fear he tried to prevent by rejecting you.
So he did what he knew he needed to do: chase you down and get you to come back into his life. He learned that he needed you more than anyone else, even his own family. Once he finally put together all the dots, he came to your house a week later and knocked on your door.
But you weren't done healing yet, still puffy-eyed and snotty from crying your heart out. Like a true heart broken girl, you ordered some take-out to eat whilst sobbing. You didn't bother to check the cameras outside, assuming it was just the delivery man.
So imagine your shock when you're met with a driver, but not a delivery driver. Instead it was Ollie, looming over you with his height as he was holding a large box filled with gifts of your favorite things. But you couldn't ever get a peak at the box, since you instantly tried to slam the door shut - not wanting to see Ollie whilst looking like a mess.
But you weren't able to shut the door since his large hand pushed against your force. So now you were stuck there, looking up at him in week old pajamas and messy hair while he looked even more handsome than usual. You peaked at the gift bundle he made you - filled with your favorite snacks, flower legos, face masks, and almost every makeup and skincare product that you've ever talked about wanting.
"Please?" Ollie said, his voice soft. "I know I'm a jerk for rejecting you, and I don't expect you to forgive me or accept my confession but - I just want to give you something..." He said, looking at you with no pity in his eyes but instead a look of yearning.
"I don't need the gift," you say, not wanting to give in so easily. You wanted to say something cool, to reject his confession. But in your current state, it was going to impossible to fake confidence and reject him while looking homeless. "But um... thank you?" You said, unsure of how to reply to him.
"No no, please take the gift" Ollie said, pushing the door further as he handed you the gift bundle. And by pushing the door further open, you wanted to go curl up in a ball and hide - you looked horrendous.
And as Ollie looked at you, you could see his face soften even more. "When's the last time you showered? Or cleaned your face? Or gone outfside???"
All of his questions were way too embarrassing to answer. And as if the universe was doing it's best to give you a 13th reason, the delivery man came up to the door. The delivery man stood directly by Ollie and for some fucking reason he began to read out your order.
"Two cheese burgers with extra cheese, large fries, large sundae, side of chicken nuggets, and a soda?" The delivery man said, before putting the food into Ollie's arms and went off on his marry way. The man probably assumed you were sharing the meal... Ouch.
And as Ollie held the food, looking at you in such poor shape, he gave a small smile. "Can I have some?? And maybe help you tidy up?" And who were you to deny him any longer.
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Kimi Antonelli | 04
It's been almost a month since you talked to Kimi. The interaction left you cringing in your head for hours on end, no matter the time or place. Although you loved learning Italian, it was impossible for you to do lately since you couldn't even speak it without feeling your throat close up from the thought of Kimi.
But luckily, you were able to heal with the time. You weren't over him, not quite yet, but you were able to focus on yourself for the time being. So you wanted to treat yourself out, going on a small shopping spree. Getting new clothes, makeup, even cute blind-boxes that you knew was a waste of money.
So when you came home, only to be met with a huge bouquet on your doorsteps, you were shocked. You put all your shopping bags down and picked up the large rose bouquet. And instantly, your eyes widened as you read the small card that was attached to it.
"Please unblock me. I miss you and want to make things right. But I understand if you don't feel comfortable. - lots of love, Kimi"
You completely forgot that you blocked Kimi on instinct! You felt like an idiot. All those nights you spent crying, hoping he would text you back and take it all back weren't able to happen because you blocked him. Without hesitation, you unblocked his number - getting hit with over 500 messages. If someone didn't know what was happening, they would have assumed you had some crazy ex boyfriend.
As you scrolled through the messages, you were met with paragraph after paragraph with apologies, begging to meet up, and more apologies. It made you feel awful to know that you were grieving over Kimi for no reason when he literally was sending the most heartfelt messages ever.
But you were hesitant. How could Kimi be so cruel and laugh in your face at the idea of dating only to spam you and beg for you. It was such a fast 180 that you were hesitant. So you agreed to meet up at your old favorite Italian restaurant in a few days.
As you sat down in front of Kimi, who seemed to arrive an hour early since the drinks and appetizers were already prepared. You felt your heart sting just at the sight at him. It made you feel the urge to cry yet again, even though you worked hard to become more confident without him - he just softened your heart.
And it seemed like he felt the same, he was absolutely star struck at the sight of you. His jaw was left hanging slightly, his eyes were sparkling with either tears or admiration, and his chest didn't move - you literally caught his breathe.
His breathe so stuck in his throat that he couldn't even speak, so you had to break the silence. "Um, hi?" You said awkwardly.
"Hi." He said, finally taking a breathe. "Um,,," He hesitates to dive too fast into the topic. "I got your favorite appetizers,, you should eat it before it's cold."
You simply nod, taking note of his care. He watches as you eat and you feel so awkward. "So uh, what did you want to talk about?"
"Well, I wanted to apologize - not really talk." He started, "I realized that what I did was so so SO stupid. Ever since you've been gone, everything has been so different. I can't eat anywhere we liked, can't go parties without them asking where you are - I can't even see my family without them asking where you are!" His voice got louder slightly at his annoyance at himself.
You just sat there listening, giving him time to say everything he needed. He continued, "And I kept trying to convince myself that I didn't need you and that we weren't serious, but who am I kidding, of course we were dating. I just never asked you to be mine and I feel so stupid for that! And then once you left it made me realize how much I missed you, now much I needed you."
As he spoke, rambling at an extremely fast pace, you realized he's been holding this in for a while. The way that his face and voice were still so angry at himself made it clear that he's not forgiven himself. But you were still wondering if he was trying to get forgiveness or actually date you.
"And then I got kind of depressed... I wasn't going out anymore, not working out, not socializing. And I guess my final breaking point was when my sister," He pauses, thinking back to what happened, "My sister asked where you were, and when you would play with her again, and I just - I just broke then and there" His fast rambling came to a halt as he looked down in shame for being so weak in front of his sister. "And um, as dumb as it sounds, she was the main person to encourage me to get you back."
You were always close with his little sister, playing dolls and dress up with her. She always wished she had a sister, especially since Kimi was only into masculine hobbies. You were that older sister that she's always dreamed of, so it broke her heart to not see you for so long. Now you felt even worse, knowing that she probably just thought you left her for no reason - not even saying good bye to her.
"I'm not trying to use her to guilt you. I'm just being honest. But I realized everything I did wrong. I'm sorry for saying I would never date you, I can't name a single person better than you. I'm sorry for leading you on for ages and never putting a title on us, I was just, scared, I guess. I wasn't confident in myself and just assumed you were too good for him - that my flirting was all one sided." He says, making you realize you didn't ever flirt with him back - it was mainly him.
And that when it clicked in your head, he was slightly right. You never once called him amore back, never reached for his touch in public, never once started anything romantic. He most likely saw this was him pining after you while you were just going with the flow. So now you felt like an even bigger asshole.
"Kimi," You spoke for once, "I'm so sorry that you went through all of that, I felt the same way. I do like you, that's why I asked in the first place."
"I realized that now. And I feel so stupid for what I did." He said, "Please let me make it up to you."
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Paul Aron | 17
Going to the paddock has never been more nerve racking. Not because you were preparing for your home race, but because you would see Paul. You've been able to ignore him and leave him alone thanks to your extreme luck. But now you were forced to be with him for interviews, photos, and race discussions.
Once you arrived, your plan was to just say that you were having a tummy ache or head ache. Some type of pain that was bad enough to excuse you from doing your duties but not bad enough for them to tell you couldn't race. But before you could even speak to anyone - he was right there, in front of you.
You knew you should have come an hour or more early just to avoid him, but you overslept on accident. So now you were stuck standing their awkwardly as you looked up at him. You gave a small head nod, a sign of acknowledgement but also a sign of not wanting to speak to him.
But you knew Paul was stubborn, always the type to fight until he got what he wanted. So he just stood there and shook his head. "Nope," He said, "You can't ignore me forever. It's been 4 WEEKS (Y/N)."
You were avoiding his gaze, not wanting to look at him after how embarrassing it was to get rejected. You knew it was immature but you genuinely weren't sure how to respond to him, giving him a weak shrug as you kept your head turned away from him.
"(Y/N), please." He said, his hand reached forward and he held your chin gently, pulling your face to look at him. And that's when you saw how sincere he looked, as if he was in pain. His voice didn't convey his emotions, but his eyes surely did.
"What?" You say, not wanting to assume too quickly that he actually missed you as a person, "You want to fuck or something?" Trying to seem tough, as if his words from the weeks before didn't shatter you.
"No." He instantly said, his lack of hesitation made you surprised slightly. "I want to talk, tell you everything."
"About what?" You say, still trying your best to hide the fact that your heart was racing. You desperately wanted it to be good news, but that last time you hoped for good news it ended with you both splitting paths.
"You." He stared at you, "You, for fuck sakes, you. It's all I've thought about since, forever. I'm so so sorry, I'm sorry for being such an idiot when it comes to you. I know that we promised to not catch feelings and just be friends with benefits, but if I'm being honest I fell for you a LONG time ago."
His confession was shocking to you. If he fell for you first then why would he reject you? Why didn't he confess to you first? It was nice to hear him say he liked you back, but you were still lost.
"But I didn't think it was possible because - and I know it's so cheesy and embarrassing but - I know I'm not the best guy out there. So I thought that maybe just staying friends with benefits until I became someone I'm proud of would be smart. So I could be the perfect guy that you deserved and so when you confessed I just didn't feel ready and wanted to seem cool but I ended up sounding like a dick head-"
You cut him off by giving him a tight hug. Although you wanted to kiss him to shut up, his fast rambling made it impossible to get a good spot to kiss him. Your hug around him was tight, as tight as you could possibly give him. Telling him that you didn't care, that you wanted him as he was right now. And that even if he wasn't proud of himself yet, you were.
And he understood perfectly, giving you a tight squeeze back. He couldn't help but smile and kiss the top of your head. His large hands then slipped out of the hug and held both sides of your waist.
"I promise, once we're both not busy, I'll take you out on a nice date - one that's honest." He said, looking at you with a new light in his eyes.
Arthur Leclerc | 65
I'm gonna be so fr I don't know how to redeem Arthur... I've been stuck for weeks...... So if you have ideas, send it! But for now uh, you guys are still broken up LOLLL
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yayakoishii · 2 months
I really wanna write a fic for Taiga but I'm drawing blank on ideas... Does anyone have any ideas?
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klbwriting · 7 months
Finally Home - Jason Todd Blurbs
You Have a Bad Day, Jason Makes it Better
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x GN!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: you have the worst work day and when Jason hears about it he knows just how to make it better
Notes: I'm still obsessed with how sweet these are, please if you have any ideas and want to see them written let me know! One person has asked for a Batfamily thing so I'll maybe write that one next!
               Why the universe had decided to make this the worst day of your life you didn’t know.  First was the bus ride into Old Gotham on your way to work.  A random bump and you spilled coffee down the front of the brand-new leather jacket your boyfriend had bought you.  It was hot, it rolled to your pants, and you knew you were going to feel icky all day because of it.  You arrived at work, quickly going to a bathroom to clean up the staining as much as you could, but ran out of paper towels before you could do a decent job and were left letting it dry naturally, probably making these pants permanently damaged.  Then right before you were supposed to leave for lunch your laptop gave you the blue screen of death and you called IT only to be told to come down and wait in their office and they would assist you.  That was a two hour wait and you missed lunch.  The only seeming bright point to that horrendous wait was the texts you were exchanging with Jason. 
What’s wrong sweetthing?
Everything! Got coffee on the jacket you just got me, on my pants, then I couldn’t get them cleaned up so I’ll probably have to toss them, and now I’m just waiting for them to give me a new laptop and they told me not to go anywhere and I’m starving
That is so shitty, don’t worry when you get home I’ll make it all better, love ya babe
Love you too Jaybird
               The ride home wasn’t much better, you were seated next to someone who decided they wanted to shower in their perfume, and you were having trouble breathing.  You got off the bus and in between the block between your bus stop and your apartment you stepped in something you hoped was just dog crap.  You couldn’t wait to get home and see Jason, but when you entered your shared apartment he wasn’t there.  You sighed.  Perfect, bet Bruce or Dick called needing help with something.  You understood, the protection of innocents and all, but today you were just so worn down from the day you wanted your boyfriend to be there, wrap his arms around you, and tell you everything was alright now.  You were home.  You headed to the laundry room, stripping down and putting your work clothes in the wash, scrubbing your shoes in the sink, and throwing them in the dryer before going to your bathroom to take the longest, hottest shower possible. 
               By the time you got out of the shower you were feeling a little better, dressing in comfy sweats and one of Jason’s shirts, inhaling the scent of him and letting that bring you some more comfort.  You heard something in the living room, not sure if Jason was home you did what he said.  ‘If you don’t know who’s in our place you grab one of my guns and then you find out’ he told you.  You grabbed the small gun that was under the bathroom sink and headed into the living room, held ready but finger off the trigger just like Jason taught you. 
               “Hey sweetness, its just me, but nice form,” Jason said, unloading food from a grocery bag on the kitchen table.  You let out a sigh of relief, setting the gun down on the nearby end table and going over to him.  He accepted your hug with a big one of his own, his arms finally making you feel safe and completely at home.  “Go settle on the couch, I already got your show ready to stream, I’m making your favorite for dinner and I even got us some cake for dessert, everything you like to turn this shitty day around right?”
               “You are truly a god among men Jason Todd,” you said, kissing him softly.  He chuckled and patted your rear as you turned to go to the living room.
               “Tell all my other partners that,” he teased, making you stick your tongue out at him as you got comfy and turned on your show.  You half watched, you had seen these episodes dozens of times, mostly watching Jason as he danced around the kitchen, you could hear his phone playing music he liked, volume low so not to disturb you.  You smiled as he worked, every once in awhile he would catch your eye and wink at you, maybe blow a kiss.  You know, for being a lethal killer at night he was an absolute sweetheart at home.  You settled back to watching your show, the smells of his fantastic cooking taking up the room.
               “Hey dinner’s ready, want to eat in there?” he asked.  “Or do you want to rant about your day at the table?”  You thought about it and since right now he had made you forget about all the bad shit that day you patted the couch.
               “I’ve already forgotten, did I have a bad day?” you asked.  He plated up dinner and brought it over, setting in on the coffee table and giving you another kiss.  “You’re here now, in my eyes that makes my day perfect.”
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lunaekalenda · 2 years
Any spare head-canons or scenarios for a needy Ren? 🥺🤲 Like maybe him waiting for you to come home from work dressed in nothing but your shirt and clinging to your pillows because it smells like you? Desperately rutting his hips into your bedsheets because your scent is everywhere and he just found your laundry? Whining out his Angel’s name over and over again because he needs them so bad? I’m down horrendous for him and its honestly embarrassing XD
of course, of course! thanks for asking and sorry for the wait! i'm also down bad don't worry it's normal
nsfw under the line · obsession, stalking, possessiveness, yandere behavior · be aware.
· there isn't a moment he hates more than when you have to leave the nice apartment he got when you both started dating. even when he keeps his old apartment, and you didn't care to sleep on it, as little as it was, probably because Ren has something on that flat you shouldn't see. And also, from where will he spy you whenever you go back home?
· If the case is you leaving to sleep at home and clean the apartment you're still paying and in which you pass some nights, with Ren or without him, it's easy. He still has all those little hidden cams and, with a quick walk to his old flat, he can have you again in front of the cam, changing clothes, after showering, and his favorite: missing him.
· If you're leaving for work, that's a whole new world. He doesn't have cams at your workplace -yet- and still, he finds new and creative ways to keep you clear-cut on his mind. First, he has all the audiovisual content he has been collecting since he discovered your apartment number. Pics, videos and audios from the most diverse types and only one purpose: make him hard.
· If he had to rank all the things he has from you, he would definitely put first your first time together. Just hearing you moan his name while his fingers tickle with the memory of you clenching around them makes his eyes shine with lust and his voice break with desire.
· In any ways, it's also common to find him wearing your clothes, specially, your t-shirts. Some of them are too loose for him, some too little, but he still hugs them and takes them to his nose with his eyes closed, imagining you're already there, with him, and not in that stupid work where he has no way to enter.
· He doesn't know how many co-workers you have, how many of them are attractive, how many of them flirt with you. Maybe some are too touchy and maybe some too flirty, but it isn't anything that can't be fixed. Just tell him, and he'll be more than glad to make those hands useless and cut those tongues off so his angel won't get those problems at work anymore and, hopefully, with an example, everyone in the department, no, in the whole company, will learn what happens when you try to touch his angel.
· But, in anyway, he spends most of the time admiring your pics together, remembering the date you had last week or admiring and kissing the ring you bought each other after a couple months together.
· The first hours are pretty easy: he watches a couple videos, probably touches himself to them, cleans the mess he leaves after and daydreams about you and him, and the perfect future both of you are gonna have if you stay by his side, because there isn't anything he wants to avoid more than killing you. Don't obligate him, angel, it's really easy. Why wouldn't you stay with someone who loves you this deep?
· If you're late, he stalks your social apps profiles and also your GPS location - it's not his fault that you sleep leaving the mobile phone so accesible and with a bunch of easy passwords.- He isn't more than a worried boyfriend. Why are you late? Maybe something happened to you... Maybe you're with someone while he waits for you at home.
· Other times, he makes chores. He helps with everything he can, and you can't agree more on how lucky you are for having such an attentive and helper boyfriend by your side. He insists on doing the laundry almost every day, even when you have warned him a couple times because some of your panties - specially, thongs. - have been missing for a while. Ren promises always to search them harder, thinking the washing machine might probably have a hole that makes your panties and only your panties disappear.
· Even when he washes his own underwear, socks and bras, you don't find suspicious that the only things missing are your panties. Ren likes to keep anything that strongly smells like you, usually, with kinky purposes: Likes to touch himself with your t-shirts on, to put them between his teeth to get the scent closer; to improvise a flesh-light with your pillow, the one you use for your pretty face, and your bedsheets, that still keep the smell of your gel; to wrap your underwear around his cock and to use it for his own pleasure. There are little things he enjoys, solo fun with you in mind.
· Already at night, your absence is unbearable for him. He calls you at the exact hour your turn finishes and sends you messages to know he should go and pick you up. Gets happy as a puppy whenever you text him a selfie for his private collection with the caption "I'm way home!"; but also get irremediably sad whenever you delay because of extra work. Sometimes, that sadness just makes him wait for you on the couch, pouting as your name escapes from his mouth.
· Other times, it makes him a little angry, but nothing that will transcend after putting you against the first surface he finds and remembering you that there's a boyfriend who loves his angel very much and waits for their return everyday to find them being late. Making him wait. But no worry at all, angel. Starting tomorrow, you'll probably keep a mic and a cam on so he can make sure you're being productive and not leaving him, alright?
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mye-chi · 1 year
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So for completely unrelated reasons I've jotted down every character I could think of who's had a romantic moment with Aphmau including each individual scene. Each were chosen because they've either:
canonically have crushed on her at any point in time
regardless of other whether it can be defined as solely romantic, has flirted with her or expressed interest in dating
is given a "ship tease" moment where, even if there's no pay-off, clearly was meant to be romantically charged
overall, their relationship or actions cannot be written off as platonic
Predatory interest shall be excluded (as in its considered creepy within the narrative, for example balto's flirting in pdh or mys garroth/laurance stalking her, as opposed to say gene or travis which is treated as romantic) along most of the non-consensual kissing scenes.
If anyone wants to add onto this then please be my guest! Anyway, in no particular order...
1. Garroth
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Her soulmate who finds her in every universe yet is destined for an unrequited love (its not cute every time but what is an aphverse fan if not delusional?)
Revealed to be the reincarnation of Esmund who was previously inlove with Irene
Gifted her a wedding ring and a wreath of flowers [Water Cats]
Stood on an alter with her and implied he was going to offer he'd like to one day marry her [Wedding On The Docks / Sacrifice Made]
The Catching Scene™ [Fallen Angel]
Immediately took off his helm for Aphmau after previously struggling with it [Guard Upgrades]
Not technically romantic but man Aphmau was going through it trying to get Garroth back from the sleep dimension. Kept trying to sleep to see him and mentioned how much she missed him :(
They hugged. The circumstances were romantic and she was dressed as his dead brother but I needed to archive it [Zane LIVES]
You ever think about how in Rebirth, Garroth swore he'd protect Aphmau and afterward she tells him he "looks familiar" because she's reminded of Esmund doing the same. You ever— [New World]
Blushed while holding her hand [The Village of Pheonix Drop]
Went on a haunted house date with her which ended on Aphmau falling ontop him, implication he would've tried to kiss her if not interrupted [Haunted House and Fall-ing For You]
Fainted after she wore Lucinda's witch dress [Happy Halloween!]
"A-absolutely, I mean like in the way I'm thinking of which is not to say I couldn't protect you and a family NOT THAT I'm thinking about that kind of thing but like in the future when things get better with Zane and all that crazy stuff is over..." [Dinner After Movie]
Tried to marry her [Find Your True Love]
Kissed her multiple times but those were all non-consensual so we're just going to squeeze past that
2. Laurance
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Less of a horrendously down bad loser compared to Garroth but only because he's better at hiding it
His introduction began with confessing his love [The Admirer]
Convinced Zane that he was instead engaged to Aphmau and called her "the love of his life" [The Baby Shower Pt. 2]
The Table Scene™ [Guard Upgrades]
Jokingly asks if Garroth is coming between their marriage [Another Statue?]
Laurance tells Aphmau she looks beautiful in a moonlight and she mistakes him for trying to kiss her [A Magical Showdown]
"I am a Knight of Shadows... I remember that you were my light in the darkness, for that I want to thank you. Even if you don't end up with me... if I lose you to someone else... ..Please don't leave me? I just want you in my life, even if you are a star I'll never be able to help shine." [The Smile of Alexis]
Aphmau waltzed down an aisle in order to kiss Laurance [The Vows We Take] — this was non-consensual and is problematic under scrutiny... but also incredibly iconic for every nine year old who watched it so I'm slotting it in anyway.
This was apparently our casonova's first kiss [My Golden Friend]
Aphmau rushes into him and he falls ontop her, blushing madly [They Travel From Far]
"You can lean on my shoulder :3" [The Wind At Sea]
Pinned her to a tree. Yeah. [Sons of Pheonix Drop]
Waited for her after detention and offered to walk her home which she accepted [Alone With Him]
Went on a park date together [Weekend Friends]
Carved out a heart inside a pumpkin for her and then winks [Happy Halloween!]
3. Zane
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Genuinely funny how Zane went from Jess ironically shipping them to being a contendor for Aphmau's biggest simp
Stood together under the mistletoe and Aphmau kissed him on the cheek [How The Zane Stole Christmas]
Upon seeing her in a maid costume, stuttered while calling her cute [Maid For The Job]
The two of them had to pretend to be a couple [Don't Tell Mom! Pt. 1]
During this time he said she looked like an angel in her new dress [Don't Tell Aaron! Pt. 2]
Upon Travis implying he was also inlove with Aphmau, Zane said he only wanted to be her "one and only friend." Sir a few sentences before this you wanted to fight to the death for her. [Aphmau In Love]
Blushed alongside Aaron when Aphmau wore a revealing cosplay (the other boys were unphased) [A-Con 2016]
Zane has a flashback of being a baby and he remembers being held by Aphmau, then blushes. [Laurance's Baby Brother]
The two of them share a hug, which Zane later declines when Kawaii~Chan asks for one [Aphmau In Trouble]
Technically not romantic but Aphmau's "biggest fear" was marrying him, and thus we have an image of these two kissing at their wedding [Haunted House]
Also not technically romantic but Kawaii~Chan outright asks Aphmau if she'd date Zane if he wasn't evil [Slumber Party!]
4. Dante
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Look at my children I love them so much
Malachi created an illusion inwhich the two of them shared a kiss [Our Fears]
Not romantic but he stated the two of them "could've been something" if he didn't currently see as a sister (and didn't have like an entire family but okay) [Puppy Love]
Jessica wrote smut of them. Which is like, good for her, y'know? She's an adult woman and it's her own characters I genuinely don't see the fuss. Atleast this Aphmau was an adult.
5. Travis
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Revealed to be the reincarnation of Enki who was inlove with Irene. Unlike Garroth it doesn't necessarily mean he's inlove with Aphmau but like... everyone is inlove with Aphmau.
His introduction was immediately flirting with her and trying tricking her into kissing him (considering the inspiration for his last name and the other dialogue options were urging Aphmau to kiss him I'm assuming this was meant to be a "playful" hence its slot) [Cursed At Sea]
*He kneels down and kisses Aphmau's hand.* "Aphmau, I humbly ask to become a loyal guard to the Phoenix Alliance." [The Divine Relic]
Upon Abby proposing it, Travis agreed that Aph and him should date [Mr. and Mrs. Travis]
6. Katelyn
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"The only thing I have love for is punching things... that and Aphmau... I'm her protector afterall." [Spa Day]
Lucinda ask Katelyn if she is jealous she's holding Aphmau, which Katelyn becomes flustered and denies [The Girl's Contest]
An episode later she pretends Aphmau is her girlfriend, agrees to kiss her without hesitation, and tells her to "pucker up, gorgeous" [Aphmau In Love]
Their "compliment fight" which was just shamelessly flirting with eachother [Kai's Angel] 7. Zoey
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She was literally her wife
Awaited at the docks with Levin to greet Aphmau when she came back to Pheonix Drop [Coming Home]
She took care of the children with her
Fellas is it gay for a woman to give up her immortality for another woman? [Welcome To Pheonix Drop]
8. Gene
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Was clearly jealous during the music video [You Will Always Be The One]
Sylvanna introduced him as the "perfect man Aphmau could date" [Mommy's Surprise]
Said it was nice Aphmau wanted his company. She was the first one he felt comfortable enough to talk to about his kitten dying [Zane's Rival]
After her dog transformation was undone, Aphmau fell ontop of him [Barking Up The Wrong Tree]
Went on a movie date in the Upside Down universe which ends in a kiss [Evil Aphmau]
look at every single minigames episode he was in
9. Kai
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This guy speedrun the "Viable love interest to Aphmau" -> "Create a reason he sucks so that he doesn't get in the way of Aarmau" pipeline 😔
Literally every episode he was in was ship bait until its randomly revealed he liked Katelyn, and "he can't take Aphmau romantically because finds her annoying but wants a girlfriend anyway."
Justice for guy
10. Reese
I couldn't find an image of him with Aphmau sob...
Its revealed he's inlove with Aphmau and Polly [The Hot Princes]
Quite sure Modzilla was too but I'm not willing to check
11. Brenden
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Best friends 💕💕💕
Anyway you can imagine how much I started to writhe on the floor having Brendan flirts with Aphmau. Like he's done it before but this particular scene made me wince and therefore I needed to archive it [The Big Move]
13. ...Ein
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I'm not listing anything for this guy
Genuinely nothing against you Ein enjoyers you guys deserved so much better than that "red herring" incest subplot
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m0ssybricks · 2 years
Proposal and Promises
Word Count: 1838
Life could not have become better for Corey Cunnigham. He had finally left the town that caused him so much suffering. Your relationship has been incredibly healing to him and yourself.
The two of you have been a couple for over three years by now and both of you are so happy together. Growing together, exploring each other emotionally, intellectually, and physically. Being able to show each other the love you both deserve. Showering with all sorts of affection. Everyday you both grew closer together.
Lately Corey has been acting somewhat jittery, not completely anxious or excited but more in an anticipatory manner. You chalked it up to problems at work and took a mental note to talk to him about it.
During your lunch break at work your usual scrolling through your phone while eating lunch (today was a strawberry salad and a chocolate milk you stole from Corey) was interrupted by the notification of Corey texting you
sweet boy <3 : Hi love, are you having a good day? Did Jessi steal your lunch again ? I wanted to ask if we could go out tonight to this nice restaurant I've been wanting to try out. It recently opened and looks good.
sweet boy <3 : We could give it a try. I looked at the menu and everything looked good. I'm thinking we could walk around the city after.
You smiled at the sweet message your boy sent you
Me: absolutely that sounds wonderful love. I get out around 4 so schedule reservations about 6 ?
sweet boy <3 : Sounds perfect love, i miss you
Me: Miss you too baby see you tonight
The day seemed to move at a snail's pace as you kept anxiously looking at the clock waiting until you finished your shift so you could just go home and be with your sweet boyfriend. As soon as the wooden electronic clock on your desk flashed 4:00 p.m. you bolted out, nearly knocking a Dollar Tree pen cup over. Swiftly grabbing the black coat from your door hook and locking your office door.
“Why are you in such a rush today? '' Your coworker Jessie asked, her voice was rich with suspicion and humor.
“Going out with Corey at 6!” You called out.
Driving through Chicago's rush hour traffic has never been easy but today it seemed crappier. Despite staying in a stalemate for over half an hour the traffic wouldn't even budge so the first
place for half an hour. 4:56 . Checking the time won't make it go faster. You kept reminding yourself. The second traffic started moving, you exited and took the streets praying for a lack of red lights. The universe worked in your favor and you made it to yours and Corey’s shared apartment. The soft glow of the string light on your balcony shone bright as the sun came down and the sky turned into an orange hue.
Rapidly you climbed up the iron stairs to enter the apartment via the balcony because you needed a quicker way in aka avoiding conversations with neighbors. Finally, after making it up three flights of stairs, you unlock the sliding glass door, careful not to knock over the several plants and Corey’s red bicycle.
When you got inside Corey was in the kitchen, his work clothes still on
“Hey” he said pressing a kiss on your cheek
“Hi hon”
“I just got here a second ago traffic is horrible”
“I know right! I had to take the streets which weren't too bad but the freeway was horrendous!”
“Okay I've got to shower, I smell awful, we were out on a construction site all day” Smiling at Corey's comment you were overwhelmed with a sense of pride in your boyfriend. He had finally become a civil engineer and was in a job he loved.
“Alright baby go do that I'm showering too I smell awful”
He planted a small, chaste kiss on your head and went into one bathroom while you went into the other
While Corey and you were showering the both of you kept anticipating the evening and what you would wear. Corey knew that he would be loved even if he was wearing a potato sack but he wanted to look extra nice today. He felt very indecisive on what to wear- a problem he normally did not face but tonight felt stressed in doing so.
“Hey” a voice interrupted his thoughts. His sweet partner
“Do you need help picking something out?”
Their voice was so soft and caring Corey felt tears almost well into his eyes.
“Uhm yeah I actually do.”
“How about your brown coat, white button up, black slacks, and the navy tie.
He nodded and swallowed thickly. His lover pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“I'm going to get dressed okay?” You said
A few minutes passed and you both trotted to the living room revealing your outfits to each other.
“Shit you look beautiful…” Corey mustered out looking very flustered. Some things never change. He was flustered when he first met you and you will always make him soft.
“You look perfect.” That's all you could get out. He looked handsome, radiant, beautiful. Perfect.
Corey broke the silence. “Hey we should get going, we don't want to be late.”
Huffing out a laugh you replied “Yeah lets get going baby.” The entire car trip Corey had one hand on your left thigh, your hand over his. By the time the two of you arrived it was 6:03 and were immediately seated. The restaurant was beautiful, it looked like it came straight out of a European resort. The walls were beige and had a gold trim, the floor was checkered pattern, and the tables had ivory table cloths and maroon chairs. For the rest of the time at the restaurant the both of you talked about the smallest things, Mr. Logan's new cats making a home on your balcony, old memories, shared funny stories from your day, caught up on work disscusions, the sci fi movie you watched last night, and an upcoming vacation to Canada. The entire time Corey was smiling bigger than he had before. Whenever he smiled his hazel eyes would crinkle.
“Alright that was one of the greatest meals I have ever had” Corey told you as he finished up his food.
“Absolutely we have to go again, everything about this night is so perfect.”
At that comment Corey sweetly and nervously smiled and fiddled with the ring box in his pocket. The two of you have had several discussions about spending your lives together, how you two would work out together, your values and beliefs, what your experiences with families are, etc. But Corey is quite timid and passive and you never thought that you two would actually get married.
The waiter came to place the bill at your table as soon as she placed it down, in typical Corey fashion he rapidly pulled out his wallet.
“Hey I’ll pay! You invited me out!”
“Of course I did you are the best partner, now let me pay so we could get out and walk around before it gets too late”
“Core that's so sweet but-”
Your speech was interpreted by Corey handing his card to the waitress and tossing you a little mint that came with the check. He gave you a toothy grin opening his mouth which revealed the small, green candy.
“I'm covering tips.”
“Okay that will be our deal from now. I pay you cover tip”
As the two of you were packing up you couldn't help but notice Coreys fingers jittering -something he does when he is nervous but you were confused as to why that is.
“Now come on, let's go.”
Chicago nights were beautiful. The city lights and moonlight reflected upon the Chicago River and the night life was somewhat minimal. A street musician playing jazz could be heard in the distance. The two of you lovers walked hand in hand chit chatting softly about how nice the night was and how much you both love each other. All of a sudden Corey stopped walking, letting go of your hand.
“What's the matter babe?”
“ I want to tell you something.” Corey replied, anxiety wavered his voice. He grabbed your hands, you felt his slightly calloused palms rub against your own. You saw tears well up in his eyes
“I have never, ever been happier with a person and in life than right now and every moment I am with you. You saved me. I never thought I would be alive today but when you came into my life I made the choice to live. I felt like a monster, an outcast ever since the accident. I got used to the feeling of being unloved until you came into my life.”
At this point tears were freely falling down his face.
“Honey, you are so incredibly beautiful. I remember our first meeting at the gas station. How you helped defend me, comfort me at the clinic and it wasn't a one time thing. You have always been so caring with me and everyone you encounter. You have a zest for life and are beautiful inside and out. We have grown so much together in all ways: emotionally, intellectually, and socially. I never envisioned leaving that town and going to college, becoming an engineer, making an apartment our home, loving someone, and being at peace. I feel so happy and safe with you and all I want to do is to make sure you feel the same way. I wanna live my life with you. Kiss you, sit on the balcony watching the sunset, read comics, share chocolate milk, vacation with you, cuddle and watch movies every Friday. These past three years have been the highlight of my life.” His voice wavered from the tears.
“Angel, I always tell you are that you are the best person everyday and the reason for that is because you are my person.”
By now you were crying, allowing the tears to fall freely since both hands were holding your boyfriends’.
Corey got down on one knee, pulling a ring box out which revealed a gold band with a small diamond. Your heart just about exploded out of excitement and admiration.
“Would you marry me?” Corey asked, passion dripping from his voice. The world fell quiet.
“Yes” you answered quietly, still in shock.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes” nodding rapidly
Corey placed the ring on your finger and bolted up to hug you. Tears spilled on each other's jackets-but nobody cared, you two were going to spend the rest of your lives together and that is the only thing that mattered at that moment.
Later that night when you two were in bed, legs and arms tangled. Corey was running his fingers on the small of you back. He looked at you, his hazel eyes illuminated by the blurred glow of the string lights hung on your window, filled with love.
“Thank you.” Those two words came out as a breathy whisper.
“For what?”
“For being you, for accepting my proposal, for everything. You are the most beautiful, intelligent, kindest person I have ever met and I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with you.”
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cagethefrenchfuc · 2 years
okok so here me out ,,,
fluffy relationship hcs with crypto bc i am down so horrendously bad 🙏
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Crypto dating a syndicate legend headcanons
Crypto x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of kissing a lot and Thigh touching and Hair pulling (innocently)
A/N: I apologize if this isn't good this is the first apex thing I've written, but I tried to make it good for my favorite crypto simp out there <3
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When you first joined the games crypto was very iffy about you, I mean he is like that about everyone he's super hypercautious, but he still was drawn to you, nevertheless.
He was very scared of his feelings for you especially because you were teamed with caustic, and we all know that caustic and he hate each other (he also lowkey thought you and caustic were together oops)
The first-time you guys got put onto a team together he was so nervous he kept fucking up. which just resulted in you and mirage both mercilessly making fun of him
Let this be known though the only reason him had the balls to end up asking you out is because Wattson was tired of seeing him lose (also she was tired of seeing him use the drone to watch you). When you guys finally got together oh my goodness every be dammed nobody was safe.
Kissing. Everywhere. All the time. Caustic and Wattson constantly pulling you guys apart
Him teaching you how to hack and how to use the drone and him showering you with compliments when you do a single thing good.
him being very overprotective when you guys are in the game even though you are a high trained assassin with the powers of a demon, "No you can't run into that building alone you could get hurt" "I am an assassin and literally the spawn of the devil himself" "yeah but what if you get hurt"
him being overprotective when mirage is around because he is a flirt, and all you can think about is how mirage definitely doesn't want you and totally wants crypto (but I mean hey you'd take them both, IN A PRO WRESTLING MATCH OF COURSE)
every time you guys win a game it's a cuddle party
I mean this man loves to cuddle everywhere, all the time especially if you're doing something
"hey what the hell can't you see I'm cleaning my daggers" "cant you see your boyfriend wants cuddles ??"
you literally doing anything for him though because you love him even though you are somewhat bad at showing it
you making him the hype beast skin for one of mirages parties "don't you think this is a little revealing" "what do you mean you look great honey" "I'm shirtless" "exactly you look great honey"
when he gets drunk that means he gets touchy, kissing you in the hot tub."
Kissing you on the dance floor
Kissing you on the deck of the boat
Wattson and Caustic have to escort you guys out of there and its not very nicely either
touching your thighs
speaking of your thighs Haha he loves them very much
kissing your thighs
You know what else he loves? Your hair he loves running his fingers through it
He loves when you put it up in a bun cause that means its time to have fun,,, training of course and he knows you will kick his ass
He loves pulling your hair as well *wink*
He loves taking you on dates when you guys are on Olympus
Picnics in the grass
Picking you nice flowers
Kissing under the cherry trees
Going for rides in the tridents at night
Crypto surprising you with your own version of the hype beast skin for your guys anniversary
You and Wattson getting along sometimes and then absolutely at each other's throats the next I mean you do work for the syndicate so she doesn't think you guys should be together, But Crypto is happy and that's all she wants.
You wanting to bring up why he's in the games and you wanting to ask about his sister
you don't of course because you already know what happened to her and he doesn't need to know he's happy with you and that's all that matters
Crypto promising you that when he finds his sister you and him can leave the games and get married and just start your own lives
you know that will never happen but not telling him that
talks about getting a cat and a lizard when you finally get your own lives
saying you guys should get married with all the legends on olympus just because thats where you guys met so thats where you guys should end your story, and well you couldnt agree more but your guys story wouldnt be ending in the way he hoped...
All in all, though you are absolutely happy you get to have him for a few more years...
And then Maggie arrives.
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Again, sorry if this is bad and the formatting looks like shit I am trying to get used to Tumblr, Also the end seems like there's going to be a part two to this but there won't unless specifically requested just saying i had no intentions on that i only put the end like that cause when Maggie joined apex that's when the syndicate revolution started happening.
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Request are open !!
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sweettodo · 4 years
best friends dad.
levi ackerman x freader.
includes : dub con - [ age gap ] , smut, swearing, daddy kink, squirting. pretty much porn with no plot.
wc : 2,7k
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a/n, thank you for 600 followers !!! <33 i love every single one of you.
She's your best friend, your closest ally, your soul sister.
She has been there with you through thick and thin, since youth, you two took showers together as children, ate off the same plate, went on countless vacations, share the same clothes. What would your life be without her?
Your behavior prevails to be horrendous.
It catches you when you're alone, or when there's nothing to distract you. Creeping up, lingering around your soul- guilt- quite the foe.
You lay on your bed, shame depleting you the more you remained in silence, left alone with your thoughts. Staring at the soft white ceiling, the sun scarcely pouring through the cracks of the shades, rendering it impossible to fall back asleep.
It was eating you alive, it was driving you nuts, you were so selfish. It was too late to go back on this.
And this isn't even the worst part of it all...
Your fathers are best friends, also close since childhood. Being neighbors, your mothers were close too, you all were practically family.
Hence, it boils down to one thing- one simple, and easy question.
That being, why was your 'second father' mere inches away from you, naked, barely covered by a sheet, and sleeping in your bed?
Yet, as disgusted as you are with yourself, you're turning to face the sleeping man, placing a small kiss below his ear, his arms instantaneously fastening around your frame, pulling you closer to his body, he loves when you wake him up like this, you're both accustomed to this routine.
After all, you did sleep in the same bed more often than you'd like the admit.
Living alone in your apartment made it easier for the both of you to be with each other, though your best friend resided here, she was at college, living in a dorm out of state for extended periods.
He told his wife and other children the ridiculous excuse, 'I'll be back in a week or so, on business' and he'd come straight to you. Always. With take-out dinner, a duffle over his shoulder, and a plethora of condoms in his pocket.
Call it disturbing, but it's almost perverse to give his wife kudos, 'no wonder you tied the knot.' because shit, you wish you could.
No one knows about the infidelity, so it was fun to sneak around; since becoming an adult, that's when family dinners with the neighbors took a turn, your body filled with a mix of excitement and angst almost every Friday.
He always sits next to you, to your right, hand secretly placed on your thigh under the tablecloth. He finds himself unable to resist your body.
The second you turned eighteen he was ready to pounce, he couldn't take his eyes off you.
He's so good at what he does, he knows how to sneak around, he always plays his cards right, he knew you couldn't resist the temptation; the temptation of your best friend's father.
How it started was almost too cliché.
"Hey, is y/f/n home? We're supposed to be getting ready to go out, she's not answering my texts."
"She's not home, likely caught up at work."
You nod, "how about you come in and wait?" he allows you in, "what's the occasion?" he laughs, plopping down on the couch, you sit on the other side, placing your dress, makeup bag, and shoes on the floor beside your feet.
"A friend's birthday dinner, she just turned eighteen." He smiles, looking back at the television, "she's always making us late." You chuckle, your phone going off at the same time, Levi watching your thumbs frantically respond to the disappointing message.
"She won't be off for another few hours." Levi sighs, "I'll just hang out in her room until then."
"You can stay down here, you're not in my way." He quickly replies, you accept his offer and slip off your shoes.
"How's your mom?" he changes the topic, standing and walking out of the room towards the direction of the kitchen, "and your dad."
"Both good, how about you and-"
"Good." he interrupts, returning with a glass in his hands, likely a glass of whiskey, that was his go-to.
Oddly enough, you felt unsettled being alone with him, something inside of you remained nervous, but not necessarily a bad sentiment.
You didn't spend much time with Levi alone, most of the time it was with your father and y/f/n, so you sat quietly, both watching the screen mounted on the wall in front of you.
Little did you know, he was feeling the same way, awkward and nervy.
"Do you need to get ready at any particular time?" he cuts the silence.
"Uhm, I didn't expect to wait, because I have to shower."
He hums in agreement, "you can shower here if you want." You didn't even bat an eye, standing and saying 'okay', trotting upstairs towards your best friend's room, dropping all your belongings on the floor.
Leaving the room, you're opening the linen closet to retrieve a towel and head straight for the bathroom.
This was your second home, why leave the bathroom door locked while you showered?
His leg tapped in anticipation, he knew now was such a perfect time, he had to do something about how he was feeling.
Levi told himself that this feeling would pass, he was disgusted in himself.
The first time he found himself with his hand wrapped around his cock, making himself cum to the thought of his daughter's best friend.
He had never thought about you sexually, it was almost like a switch was flipped when you came home, stumbling drunk with his daughter the night of your birthday to avoid your own parents, you were now an adult, and that's when things changed.
He thought about you in so many twisted ways, and the fetish only grew- it grew day by day, month by month.
Now, you were only a few months shy of nineteen, in college, in your own living space, independent, he loved it; and every day, he prayed to God he'd stop feeling so guilty about his vices.
But he was trapped, stewing on his thoughts before he went to bed at night, on the way to work, waking up in the morning- he only thought about you. He needed to do something.
He found his feet quickly moving up the stairs, entering his bedroom, and pacing, this was sure as hell a tough dilemma, but he knew he could get you to see it too.
"Levi, I- uh, need some help."
Like it was a blessing, a foot in the door, he's now knocking before you allow him in, you stand there only in a towel, hair wet and your body dripping with water, "the thing won't turn off, I'm sorry."
He could barely swallow, "I'll fix it."
The hot steam made him overwhelmed, the fresh smell of the strawberry-scented body wash that you had after your shower was sending him into a frenzy.
You stood there, watching him turn the hot water off, you acknowledged how close you were to him, naked except for the towel, he was so close to your legs, your wet body.
He stood straight after fixing the faucet, wiping his hands on his shirt, "thanks."
You step around him, down the hall, and towards your friend's room, "y/n," turning, Levi's there, in the hallway, a few feet behind you, "I need to talk to you."
He knew now was the only time he could fix this disgusting fixation he has on you.
You pursued him, you followed him straight to his bedroom, you allowed him to close the door behind you; you felt his hands grab your own, pinning them above your head against the wall.
You allowed him to kiss you, you kissed him back, and you savored the taste of him. It was almost like you didn't allow your mind to register what you were doing.
"I've been meaning to do this." He breathes, catching up on his lack of oxygen.
You didn't say anything, your towel was coming loose, his free hand encircling around the small of your back, pulling you against him, "Levi." You uttered, his head dips down, kissing your lips as he's whisking you off your feet and onto his shared bed with his wife.
Your legs wrap around his waist, his elbows propped up beside your head, his tongue swiping across your lip, you do the same, what the fuck were you doing?
You pull away from him, "Levi- this is bad." Hand pressing against his shoulder, pushing him off of you gently, "this is so bad."
He moves his hand through his hair, "no one has to know."
"I gotta' go get dressed," yet your legs don't move, "fuck- fuck this is bad, she's gonna hate me."
"No, no she won't," he objects, pushing you onto your back, "you want it, don't you?"
Your stomach was doing backflips, nauseated almost. You saw his tight body, you've always loved it- like a father.
You felt his cock between your legs instants earlier, you didn't comprehend just how willing you were; how wet you were between your legs.
"Let me show you," throwing off his shirt, "don't worry, no ones gonna know,"
He sees the look on your face, stunned.
"Don't you trust me?" your head was spinning.
"I do."
Your head is pushed onto his pillow, making sure he doesn't strip you of your towel just yet.
The feeling of performing something so bad, so disturbing, so sinful, it was driving you nuts, your stomach twisted, filled with butterflies as you saw the man strip in front of you. This was really happening.
Your legs open, but you hold your towel down, feeling his eyes bore into you, "you can show me."
His hands open your legs, gasping, he's kissing you again, laying between your legs with just his boxers severing the direct touch.
"God, this fucking body."
The towel slipping down your chest, his hands instantly cupping your tits, the now, cold droplets of water from your shower making your nipples twice as hard, he smiles, "you've always been so beautiful- so innocent too, you know that?" his hands trail down your sides, feeling your flesh in his palms, up to your thighs.
You felt so dirty, you wanted more, you wanted him to touch every inch of your body, you wanted to feel secure and full, "you want me to touch you don't you. You want it?" he sees your pleading eyes, he sees how hungry you looked, he brings his hand to your beck, squeezing your jugular, "say it, use your words.”
“I do, but y/f/n, Levi.” Your words meant one thing, but your actions were proving another. You didn't know how much you needed this- how much you longed to be touched by a man who helped raise you.
It made you sick, but fuck, it felt so good, “you want it, just as I do,” he pulls back, taking his hand and forcing open your mouth, “here.”
He wet his fingers with your saliva, ripping the towel that barely covered your lower half. “Look at how pretty, so wet too.”
You hiss, his finger pressing down against your clit, your thigh spasming from the harsh pressure against your nerves, “I’m gonna make you cum, you want that, right?”
“Yes, please make me cum.” You plead, his thumb still pressing hard against your bud, “f-fuck!” your legs slamming around his arm.
“Open those legs, I didn't say you could close them.” He commands, getting a better look at your pussy, his hand moving down the threads of his boxers with his free hand, cock springing from his constraints.
“Spit.” He steals more alive from your tongue, using it to lubricate his cock; he was thick, girthy with few veins decorating up the bottom to right below the tip. His chest heaving, hands pinning up your thighs, your legs wide open for him to see.
You whined, his throbbing tip teasing you by soaking up your slick, he was so painfully hard- the way he knocked against the tight hole in front of him.
“You want my cock? You want your other daddy to fuck you, huh?” You nod, eyes begging with every ounce of your entity.
You nod desperately, “please- fuck me.”
He obeys, gripping your thighs, pressing them upwards as he’s leaning down towards you, slowly sliding past your entrance.
Splitting you open, immense pressure brings you to screams, your eyes screwed shut as you spit out the man's name.
“Can barely fit- fuck.” His shoulders lax, cock seeping deeper into your pussy.
He pushes back and forth into you, the sound of your pussy juicing around his cock filled the room as you two take in the feeling of each other's touch.
“S’big- so big, Levi.” Your tongue lols out, he takes it as a welcome to capture your lips, sucking on your tongue as you mewl against his mouth.
He pulls away from you, “say my name,” he groans, “say it, what's my name?” his cock filling you so well, you could say many things; tears brimming your eyes as he's stabbing your cervix with his tip.
You wail, gasping for air, “daddy- please harder!”
His hips piston into you, slamming against yours as he's speeding up, cock ramming into you senselessly, harder thrusts when he hears you call him by his name, fucking you stupid.
“Go on and cum all over my cock, you're so close- fuck- you keep squeezing me-” he can barely contain himself.
But he keeps pace, the sweet spot in the depths of your pussy being abused, pussy squelching with every rut of his wide hips.
You're so close, inching closer towards release, a mantra of his name rolling out of your mouth, you feel so full, packed to the fucking brim.
The weight of his body on top of yours, cock reaching impossible lengths inside of you, sweat dripping down his forehead, chest glistening with sweat, “so good, creaming all over my dick, yeah? You love it.” He boasts, you whined, mouth agape.
“So close- daddy- so close.”
“Do it, you're so tight- fuck, can't get over it.”
The coil in your stomach tightening, your body going numb as he rips an incredible orgasm out of your weak body, “that's right, squirt all over my cock, God this pussy s’ fuckin’ amazing.”
He slowed down, bearing his high, watching as your cum drips down your pussy, his thighs and stomach soaked with your essence as it drips down his thighs. Amazed at the sight, he continues to steadily fuck into your convulsing walls, you're body shaking from the debilitating orgasm.
You squeeze your eyes shut, your eyes surrounded by a starry white, wet noises driving Levi closer to climax, the sheets below the both of you soaked, “open those eyes.” He commands.
You open your eyes, legs squeezing tighter around his sides, “you’re gonna swallow my cum, right baby?” he sees you nod your head, needy to taste him down your throat.
He provides you with a few strong thrusts, before slowly pulling out of you, your hand quickly wrapping around the base of his cock, rolling out your tongue like a whore.
You take his tip on the pad of your tongue, swirling around, his eyebrows scrunching from the sensitive touch, “fuck, so fuckin’ perfect,” hand coming down to caress your head before dipping his fingers between the- still wet hair from your shower.
He twitches, releasing his load in your mouth, the salty taste tainting your tastebuds, he watches it coat your tongue, catching his breath as he's seeing you swallow every drop of cum, his thumb strokes across your bottom lip, smirking.
“Look at the mess you made, now I have to clean these sheets.” Gripping your hair between his digits, he's pushing your head down to look at the damp sheets, you gnaw on your bottom lip.
He pushes you back down on the bed, sloppily kissing your red and swollen lips once more.
“That cunt is just as good as I thought it was.”
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hyukmoon · 3 years
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Class trip.
Synopsis | you're a teacher going along on a trip for a week with your class and a colleague you despised for a good amount of time now. Things turn around and you don't know what to think about him anymore.
Teacher!Xiaojun x Teacher!gn!Reader
warnings | kissing is the most rated things happening in this, all over awkwardness from you, terrible humor, pretty much just fluff and a there's only one bed situation
word count | 2.2k
things to note | this is the first thing I wrote here, so I'm open to constructive criticism, also [P/A] means prefered form of address bc you're a teacher and all that (not proofread yet)
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Let’s preface this. You never really wanted to go onto this trip. You genuinely loved the children in your class, but to go onto this trip for an entire week seemed to be a compromise in the least. Neither were the other teachers your preferred ones nor was it your say where the class trip was going to take place. To be honest, you even found the colleague you were going with a bit annoying.
“It can’t be this bad, you might even enjoy it there. Our fellow colleague is pretty to look at and the worst that could be happening on that trip is that one of the children puts their finger into a pencil sharpener again.”, your friend Yasmin and also, teacher said. Your tired face was working, she shut up. Of course, your fellow colleague was incredibly handsome.
You would and could never argue against that, yet every time you heard their kind and expressive voice you felt like you were blinded by the sun. He just seemed to exude everything you lacked. It is not that you weren’t a good teacher, every time you were out of breath or already done with everything only half through the day, he almost smiled compassionately at you sometimes even winked for that matter.
Xiao dejun, who also went by Xiaojun was the topic of your discussion, a man that handsome you wouldn’t be able to make up in your dream and smart enough to make up for every “inconvenience” you faced with him.
Well, he was that smart to bring you coffee every morning into teachers lounge, share his chewing gum with you and sometimes write you notes if you seem stressed. “Jeez, what’s your problem in the first place? I’m kinda sure he is into you. Every time he looks at you, he literally has heart eyes and bringing you coffee every morning? Please.”, she rolled her eyes at you.
“I don’t think so, I just subbed some of his classes a few times. You know how nice he is.”, nervously you now shy away from looking into Yasmin’s eyes.
Xiaojun didn’t like you, you would feel terrible if he did. Tweaks of shame overcame you; this trip was not going to work out.
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Fully packed and all over suspiciously you started counting again the fourth graders on the bus while also having a very good view of the chocolate brown hair of the teacher going along on the field trip. This time his hair didn’t fully cover his forehead, his glasses eyeing you as well. Suddenly his hands tapped on the seat next to him. Heat rose up to your cheeks gradually making it harder to move forward to sit next to Xiaojun. “Mila’s parents called me, she’s sick so don’t worry about her. Just sit down [Y/N], I brought some tea.”, he smiled while pointing at his thermos can. “Uh, sure. I have some cookies with me if you want.”, the last sentence closely sounding like a question as you quietly took the seat next to him.
Not only were you now stunned about the fact that there was a possibility for him to view you in a light like this in spite of you being so passive towards him in the past. Yet there is still the lingering feeling far, far up in your head that you were only imagining things and Xiaojun read everything wrong. “Are you feeling well? We can also sit farther in the front if you feel better there- “, he worriedly stroked your shoulder. “No, it’s completely fine. Just fine.”, you interrupted his ramble and put up your mouth into a cramped smile. His eyes returned that favor, crinkling up into a smile as well.
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The bus drive didn’t take as long as you might have thought, your counterpart on the excursion was more than enough to keep you on your toes. Casual glances along a few accidental brushes over your hand kept you in your seat. Now counting again all the children in the lobby of the youth hostel you anxiously eyed Xiaojun again. The amount of children matched up, so your job was done for now, you were most likely only seeing them for dinner. The only thing to do for you now was to go up to your room and contemplate how to not have a physical reaction every time your favorite colleague called your name. Very obvious, you had of course no crush on him or anything like that. He was just blessed with beautifully shaped eyebrows and a voice that could make the worst words you knew sound like a ballade. You moved up from the hotel lobby with some of the grade schoolers to the elevator.
"[P/A] [L/N], do you think when I make Lasagna with my mum it’s the same as cake?”, Xia, a girl from Xiaojun’s music class asked while her classmates giggle about her question. A few loud no’s were to be heard with the occasional high pitched laughs from her friends. “That is a very good question I have never thought about before”, you stopped for a second, what exactly does it mean to be a cake? It is still baked in an oven with layers and contains the tomato sauce as frosting? “I am pretty sure it is. Even though I’ll talk to you about it tomorrow though, I am not a baking expert. I promise I’ll look it up for you, yes?”, you were pretty content with your answer. “Hmmm. Okay. They wanted me to ask.” Xia answered while pointing at the three boys in the back of the elevator which earned her some distraught faces from her classmates. The familiar sound of the elevator bell ringed. “Anyways, if you have as burning questions as these please come to me or …, we’re happy to help. Also, if you feel homesick or sick, I’m always in my room, just knock.” As soon as the last syllable was said stormed the children to their respective rooms and left you there looking at their body shaped dust cloud remembering the cartoons you watched at their age.
You walked down the long corridor towards the light brown lacquered door which showed in golden numerals written the 420. Your shoulders visibly sank down, finally you were able to take a nap. The door opened and closed maybe a millisecond later. Seeing a wide back heaving some shirts on to the rooms ear chair made you catch your breath. His glasses missing and his usually kempt hair was now chaotically drifting across his forehead into separate directions. More importantly though, he was most likely about to put on a fresh shirt, and you stood across the dark brown carpet in the door with a perplexed face.
“Sorry!”, you yelled and closed the door to just sink down with it in your back. Xiaojun packing out his suitcase along his pullover wasn’t what you were expecting to after talking about lasagna and wanting to fall asleep for at least good 30 minutes to then decide if it’s worth it to start to watch a movie. Yet you were barely discussing the fact that he was in your room. Neither did it make sense nor were you able to really comprehend the situation right now.
The door opened and you jumped up onto your feet. “[Y/N]? Why were you in my room?”, Xiaojun quiet voice slid through the gap of the door. “I swear there’s an explanation to this. I think they might have given me the wrong keys or something like that, I didn’t look at you or anything-”, he interrupted your nervous chatter to push the door open and face your confused state. “It’s fine, we’ll figure it out together.”, the usual quirky smile you normally saw when he was trying to cheer up one of his students appeared on his face. Your breath stopped at the together while a comfortable warm feeling churned in your stomach.
“Then let’s go downstairs and work it out with the staff!”, he gifted you another wink which not only gave you the final confidence to grab onto his arm before heading again into the elevator but to for the first time give him a wink back.
“The school only booked one room for the teacher. I can’t really do that much about it, most rooms are already full and other guests will arrive tomorrow, so I’m very sorry for the inconvenience.”, the hotel worker returned to the computer in front of them. “What are we supposed to do now?”, you sighed and gazed at the visibly pondering man. “Honestly, no idea. There isn’t much we can do, so I guess we could talk about it in my room?”
The walk to his room had to be filled with an uncomfortable silence, neither you nor he were able to say something that made the current situation less painfully horrendous. Almost as if the newly gained confidence left your body, you didn’t even dare to make more than an unfunny joke about your nonexistent room or more like transferred room for another alone soul. His room was already coddled with the scent of freshly washed clothes along his close to quiet cologne. “So here we are.You take the bed and I’ll sleep on the ground.”
“This is so inappropriate, dear god.”, you started to sigh again caressing your temples. “Also, no, please take the bed, the school probably forgot to book another room because I said yes to this trip so late.” Even though Xiaojuns throat seemed to struggle a bit with his next proposition, it was still loud and clear what he said. “We can also share the bed... We’re two grown adults.” He laughed awkwardly; you were pretty much speechless.
“Yeah, of course. Two adults. Nothing to worry or think about.”, you tried to brush off any thought you could possibly have about your opposition. No thoughts about his warm breath in your neck while holding you loosely in his sleepy state to waking up to his beautifully messy bed hair in the morning.
“I’ll take a shower if you don’t mind, some of the children were kinda fussy today and I just need a few minutes.” You nodded and unpacked your suitcase, followed by changing into some comfortable shorts and large shirt.
The second you were done; you sank into the still cold sheets of the large bed. He didn’t make you wait for him very long, barely noticeable however his eyes rested on you when he entered the small apartment again.
Neither did it take too long to sit along with you on the bed. “Are you sure you’re comfortable with us doing this?”, his soft voice hit you unexpectedly. “I can also sleep on the floor, or we switch everyday to do it.” You shook your head simply and crawled up the bed to make yourself comfortable under the duvet. “I’m so tired, just don’t steal the blanket, okay?”, barely able to keep your eyes open you sank even more into the mattress.
You really thought it would be easy to sleep next to him, yet the thought of holding his face in your hands didn’t leave your mind. Even asleep he had a stunning presence around him. “[Y/N]? Do you like me?”, Xiaojun turned around to see your surprised expression. “Of course, I do. I just thought that because you were so good at everything, you did all of these things just to spite me.”, you quietly confessed. “[Y/N], I wanted you to like me. You’re a wonderful teacher and I really admire you. You’re so funny with the other colleagues and generally so, so gorgeous.” Xiaojuns eyes lingered on your lips. They stayed there.
“Can I kiss you?” You nodded. His lips brushed softly across your bottom one. You took the opportunity to gain closeness to his warm side before shifting your hands onto his back. Slowly you began to pepper small kisses along his jawline resulting in a small whine from his side. His hands started to wander across your waist to rest on your lower back and pull you in even closer.
Not a lot longer after he started to skim your neck with his teeth. You rested your head now in his freshly scented neck. Again, his lips on yours moving over to just behind your earlobe, nipping on it and breathing into your ear: “Do you want me to continue?” Still resting his soft lips on your ear goosebumps rose up your spine. Waiting for another hint of pressed lips against your skin your arms lethargically crawled up and grazed his cheeks.
“Ah right, the children.”, your voice hitched he was still so close to you. “We could discuss this maybe on a date?”, he looked almost hopeful when his dark and strangely staring eyes met yours in the dim lit room.
“Us kissing and almost doing the deed? Sure. I’m much better at physical presentations though.” You pressed a delicate kiss against his lips. “Since when so provocative?”
“You bring it out in me.” “I’m glad it’s me and no one else then.”, he smiled into the kiss he gave you now. Not long from this you actually found the peace and quiet to fall asleep in his embrace.
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goldenmist · 4 years
𝙸𝚖𝚙𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 – 𝙺𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝙾𝚖𝚊/𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛/𝚂𝚑𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊
I wish to see more of this dynamic, because c'mon It's adorable. Just a reminder that I am open to requesting, but before you do so please read the rules.
Trigger Warning(s): Mature content.
You have never considered your affection as something amoral or lewd. You were taught to follow your heart by many classical movies, no matter how cheesy that sounds, so you did. And It has come to your surprise how many people were against your ideology. Apparently having more than one partner is a crime. Of course being a part of society the thought lingered in your mind, that what you are feeling is abnormal to others. But the hope of being approved by your loved ones was still present.
–Y/N,– your dearest companion Chiaki has stopped midway in her tracks. It was not uncommon for her to be a little slow. So you clutched the steaming coffee cup, anticipating her verdict.
–I can't really tell you anything.– the burning heat from the cup now seemed to dissolve in her tone. You weren't exactly hoping for a party and support, but your friend's blank face was tugging at your heart strings. She was the one you told everything, your initial support and a shoulder to cry into. And now that same shoulder has turned cold and distant. Was she, disgusted by you? You could never tell by her expression.
–It's alright, I understand– You mumbled, swallowing a thick clump. This was something new, you have never felt uncomfortable around her. It made you think how would others react? If someone as laid back as the gamer girl, was not fond of this situation. She stayed silent for a while and then excused herself to the bathroom. You decided to head out as this conversation was clearly not leading anywhere. You have heard enough.
Leaving the money on the Cafe table you exited the building. The pink haired girl didn't seem to mind your absence, and you didn't have the heart to text her. The feeling of suffocation did not leave however, It followed you all the way into your house. And It stayed even after the "warm" welcoming of one of your partners. Being sprayed by water from head-to-toe wasn't in your plans for the evening.
–What's wrong Y/N? Didn't you miss my perfect self?– Kokichi's teasing voice burned your ears as he clinged to you in the doorway. He clearly couldn't read the mood.
–Let me undress.– His smirk grew wider as you realized the double meaning of that sentence.
–Not so fast. I need to take a shower first.– You adored his joking demeanor but not at the moment. So you hurriedly pushed him away and proceeded into the bathroom yourself. You have recently started to share an apartment with Oma and Saihara, and due to their work you could easily afford it. But was it really something you wanted? It was pretty rushed, so were you just desperate? You shook your head and tried to get rid of those thoughts. You can't possibly consider breaking up with them, just after a few disapproving glances, right? Even though they were from the most supporting character in your life.
After taking a shower the pieces of doubt still clung to you like dirt.
You wanted some time alone for now but your plans were ruined in a flash by your little detective. The male has seemed to be in a more uplifting mood than usual, yet his smile turned into a concerned look after spotting you coming out of the washroom.
–Are you feeling alright Y/N?– he approached your figure carefully. Were you really in that bad of a state?
–I am okay, don't worry– A sarcastic laugh rang out from behind the navy haired boy.
–A liar can spot their own kind you know?– Oma swiftly got in between you two, with a malicious grin painting his features. The two were just rubbing the salt in your wound with their sole presence.
–I'm fine really I just need some time,– you were cut off by a hand around your mouth.
–Well that's a lot of bullshit for one round.– Kokichi stated in a more serious manner. The urchin haired sat you down on the couch in the living room with Shuichi trailing behind. They both burned a hole in you with their gaze, and the gnome kept on pinching your cheek, so you were forced to tell of the incident. It felt as If you were a kindergartener confronting your parents.
When you finished It was quite the atmosphere truth be told. You started feeling embarrassed for even thinking about such horrendous thoughts. Leaving them, really Y/N? Saihara attentively grasped your hands and told you words of encouragement. He stuttered and resembled a ripe tomato throughout the monologue, but he's got the spirit. Even after being close to Oma every day, he is not used to physical contact. And detective's adorable state made you smile no less than his words. How you all will encounter that sooner or later, but you have each other to go through it. He sounded awfully like Kaede at the moment.
Kokichi on the other hand was squishing his cheek on your shoulder, while wrapping his tiny hands around your waist. The boy had a deep frown across his features. It was rare for him to express his true emotions. And to say that you felt bad for doubting the two was an understatement. You could never wish for anything more. Well, there was one thing.
–You know,– The panta lover started as you all huddled up on the couch, melting in the moment. Him situated on top of you two in a starfish pose, as TV quietly switched ads in the dimmed room.
–I think I saw a porn start like this.– You and Shumai simultaneously pushed the gremlin onto the floor.
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sophialikesthings · 3 years
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Song-No Body,No Crime-Taylor Swift
Numb. the deprivation of feelings or emotions.
That's what I was standing in that field moments after I witnessed what happened.
"Come on, We should go." JJ rubbed my back.
"We don't have a car, dumbass." Kiara insulted him.
"We can hide out in the hanger." Pope pointed
We carefully scanned the room making sure nobody else was there.
I just went to a corner and curled myself up into a ball and sat there, questioning my sanity for still loving him.
"There goes the gold!" JJ looked up at the plane that just took off.
"Fuck!" Pope yelled, throwing something he found at the wall. He grabbed anything he could carry and threw it all, things were thrown all over, shattered glass carpeting the floor.
"I need to go see him." I got up.
"What? Demi are you insane?" JJ asked.
"I am because I still love him and I don't know how to stop." I broke down again.
"I'm scared that if I leave him, That will happen to me."
"Demi, I don't think it's a good time right now." Rose opened the door.
"Rose, I know what happened, and you and I both know he needs me right now. So please, let me see him."
"He is in the den." She let me inside.
"What are you doing here?" Ward asked as he vigorously washed his hands trying to get her blood off of them.
"I came to see Rafe, I- I know what happened Mr.Cameron, and I promise I won't tell a soul." I put on my fake face.
"So can I see him?"
"Yes, he is in the den." He pointed at the door.
I carefully opened the door and saw a distressed Rafe contemplating on the couch.
"D-Demi." he got up.
"I saw what happened, I wanted to say goodbye to Sarah and when I got there you shot her."
"I was protecting my father, I was protecting our future!" He paced.
"Calm down!" I pulled his arm towards me. "Rafe...you have done some of the most horrendous things to me and somehow I always go back to you, I don't know why? But I do."
"Don't say that. I do what I think will protect you." He hugged me.
"Mind if I come in?" Ward asked.
"I'll go." I was about to get up.
"No, no Demi stay," Rafe asked. "Is she alive?"
Ward shook his head causing Rafe to sink into me.
"What did you tell the cops? Are they coming here?"
"I told them John B did it." Ward walked over to his desk.
"Demi, I need you to take him up to his room, get him all cleaned up." He told me " take a shower change your clothes. If anybody asked you were working all day, doin' maintenance on the druthers."
"No, Rose knows I wasn't here."
"I will talk to Rose, okay?"
"Come on." I got up and took Rafes' hand.
"I was protecting him." Rafe continued to tell me.
"I know, can you take your shirt off, please you need to shower." I turned the water on.
"Will you join me?" He asked.
"Please, I just don't want to be left alone, because If I am, I'm scared I might do something."
"I'm gonna go check in on Wheezie, I'll be back in a minute." I got up
"Hey, wheeze."
"Hey, did you come to ignore me too?" She asked looking up from her phone
"No, but I did come to hang out with you." I got a text.
I am sorry for nagging you about staying
with Rafe, I understand you are just trying to
keep your loved ones safe
Yeah, I was trying to keep you safe.
"Who are you texting?" Wheezie asked piercing over my shoulder.
"Huh? Oh, just Topper."
"Well, I'm tired, you can stay if you'd like, or you can go bang my brother." She nonchalantly said lying down.
"Whoa! What?" She caught me off guard.
"You know what I mean, you and my brother bang, like constantly."
"You know wheeze, sometimes I wish we didn't." I lied down next to her. "I mean, I feel like it adds unneeded pressure to our relationship."
"For what it's worth, you have really nice glute muscles." She made me laugh.
"I love you wheeze." I tossed my arm over her, hugging her.
"I love you too, you are like another cool sibling."
We both drifted to sleep.
"Do you hear that?" I got woken up by Wheezie.
I heard Rafe in the other room muttering to himself. I got up and went to check on him, Wheezie behind me.
"Hey, What are you doin'?" I walked over to him, placing a kiss on his bicep where my face stood due to our height difference of almost afoot.
"Tossin' this crap." He threw a bunched-up pile of shirts into a worn-out backpack.
"Isn't this where John B was staying?" I questioned
"Yeah, well, I don't think he's gonna be by anytime soon to pick it up, so--"
"Why?" Wheezie interrogated.
"Did you say why?" He looked at her, confused.
"Didn't Dad tell you?"
"He doesn't tell me anything, so." She sighed, propping her head up on her hands.
"Um... so, John B... Killed Sheriff Peterkin." He acted sad.
"Yeah." He tried to get her to believe him.
"Are you smiling right now? I'm not joking. Like, this isn't a game. I don't--"
Wheezie looked away as if she was bored of the story Rafe was telling her.
He slapped the bedpost almost hitting her face, causing both of us to wince out of fear.
"Hey, calm down." I pulled him back slightly.
"I don't know why you're smiling, okay? Look at me. I saw it with my own two eyes." He lied.
It hurt me, to know that I would have to lie to Wheezie. It made me sick just how easy Rafe could lie to anyone, doubts now filling my mind with everything he's ever said to me.
"He shot her, and then you know what he did?"
I snapped back into the conversation.
"He tried to shoot dad, but you know what? I stepped in and I stopped him, I saved Dad."
"Why would John B want to kill dad?" She questioned his story.
"Because um... he thinks dad killed his father."
My eyes widened as if Rafe heard the conversation I had with John B.
"Rafe, do you want to come over to my house, Taylor, Kelce, and Top will be there?" I tried to stop the conversation.
"I can't right now, I have to help my dad with the police reports." He kissed me, walking out of the room.
"Okay, well I'm headed home Wheeze, give me a call if you need me." I hugged her goodbye.
That Night
"I hate it. I'm in a toxic cycle I can't break free from." I groaned, dumping all my life issues on Taylor as usual.
"Welcome to being a Kook, Your parents stick you into toxic relationships, ask you to make babies, then dump your ass at a mansion and the cycle repeats." She took a swig of rum.
"Taylor, I love-" I got interrupted by the boys running past my room. I heard the laundry room door shut and Topper and Kelce forcefully holding it closed.
"What's going on? Who's in there?" I walked out into the hallway.
"Please just--just let me out." I heard John B.
"Are you two insane! Let him out!" I demanded, trying to get past them.
"Word on the street bro, you are worth 25k, dead or alive." Kelce shouted.
"Kelce, stop." Taylor asked, pulling him back so I could go up to the door, next to Topper.
"I'm gonna go get the cops, don't let him out." Taylor and Kelce walked away.
"John B, It's Topper." He started.
"Hey Top, It's John B." I could hear him panic.
"You gonna try to talk your way out?" Topper chuckled.
"Let him go, He's innocent." I tried to push him out of my way.
"Just cut the bull shit. Alright?" He ignored me.
"I didn't shoot the Sheriff, All right? Rafe did. Sarah was there. She saw the whole thing, Demi saw it too."
"Oh! It was Rafe! My bad." He rolled his eyes.
"Look Man, I know you don't believe me and honestly, I probably wouldn't believe myself either, but... I-- I get it, you hate me because of Sarah." He tried to talk to him.
"You knew we were boyfriend and girlfriend, right?"
I could hear the sirens in the distance as the tension built up.
"Let him go! Please." I started crying.
"And, um, I -- I got another question." he leaned against the door that was being held shut by a chair. "Did you fuck her."
"Topper!" I hit the back of his head, my strength not enough to make him flinch.
"Yes or no John B."
"Ok-- Uh yes." He said. "We did it...once. Okay? But don't use the f-word. That's kind of gross." He spoke trying to get Topper to understand him.
Suddenly we heard the police sirens from outside.
"Alright John B! It's Sheriff Thornton out here. We got you surrounded. We don't need anymore blood shed." My dad yelled into his megaphone
"Topper, Topper please, I am begging you to let him go." At this point I was hysterical, my eyes burnt from the many tears streaming down my face.
The sound of heavy footsteps got closer as they ran up the porch stairs.
"We're back here dad!" Topper yelled.
"Please!" I whispered.
"No mercy Dad." He took me outside with him.
"Damn it!" He slipped through the vents!" I heard my dad yell, easing my worry.
"Do not put your hands on me!" I screamed as Topper held me in front of him, pushing me outside.
"Demi! He is dangerous! I am protecting you, you are my little sister and I don't want you to get hurt."
"The only thing I need protecting from is this family! You make them out to be the villains when really it's you, and everybody else on this side of the island.
As everyone was spreading out searching for him Sarah rode up to me on her bike.
"I'm having everyone meet at the church. Be there in an hour, I think the others have a plan." She quietly whispered.
The Church Bell went off 3 times before I ran in there.
"What are you doing!" I stopped him.
"Demi, Sarah, I warned you about these pogues!" Topper held his hands up in defence.
"He's innocent." Sarah sobbed.
"Then who did it?" Topper asked.
"Rafe! Rafe shot Sheriff Peterkin, I saw him." I finally spoke up. I could feel my eyes starting to water again.
"What are you talking about?" he didn't believe me
"Sarah, we gotta go!" John B noticed all the police starting to gather outside.
"Sarah, You realize I'm the one that loves you." Topper Repeated, telling Sarah this many times before.
"I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry," She apologized "But this isn't about you."
"Hey we've gotta go." John B broke up their conversation.
"You go, I'll take care of him." I took my helpless blubbering brother into my arms
"Let me make it up to you." Topper laid out his plan, Sarah and I swapped clothes. Quickly,
"Y'all smell smoke?" I asked.
"Holy shit, go." Sarah looked down the ladder to see the bright light from the fire.
Topper and I headed out of the church with our hands in the air acting as if we were John B and Sarah.
"GET DOWN." The cops were yelling at us.
"Hol-Hold shoot, those are my kids." My dad commanded the others to put the guns down.
"Demitria and Topper, What the hell were you two thinking!?" He snarled.
"I- I don't know what happened dad, I'm sorry for causing trouble." Topper apologized "They went that way." I pointed in the opposite direction.
"Are you alright? Do you need a medic?" Topper asked me.
"I'm ok, I just burned my calf, that's all." I hissed as the wind blew causing my leg to sting.
"Demi! Dem, I- I didn't mean for this to happen!" Rafe ran over to me.
"Of course you did this!" I started limping away.
"Demi, I never meant to hurt you."
"How's that turning out?"
=== Ahhhhh late post but... The final chapter of part one is tomorrow and I am actually almost done with part two!
Feedback is appreciated!
Messages are always open!
Thankful for you all
also I need someone to help me pick an ending... so If you want to help me out just message me 😊
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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Abuse Trigger Warning.
Leave An Ask Or Comment To Be Added To A Specific Characters Taglist.
Requested By: Wattpad User
Edited: 11-26-2020
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You felt exhausted as you unlocked your front door. You had a fairly shit day, and you knew it was bound to get worse. Your shit day started with you being late to class, this wasn't the first time it happened and it resulted in detention accompanied by a phone call to your father. You couldn't be mad at the school, not really, they were just enacting the school policy. You had no one to blame but yourself.
You knew your father was fairly pissed at you, he always was. You knew the minute you opened that door he was gonna start the same old pattern. He would yell, he would get angry, he would hit you. You would either stand up for yourself and get beat worse or take it quietly and let it be over with. With a deep breath in and out you opened the door and closed it behind you quietly. You hoped that if you were quiet then you could sneak past your drunken father who spent most of his time wasted on the couch. Your hope was diminished as you saw him standing before you, semi-drunk, sober enough to walk and be cruel. Sober enough to hurt you. 
"You're finally home."
You barely had time to place your bag on the ground before he gripped his hand in your hair and pulled you away from the door and closer to him. 
"Don't 'hey' me, you're in so much trouble."
His hand squeezed your jaw, making him grip your cheeks hard. You knew there was going to be light bruises formed on your face later. 
"Your school called me, they said you received detention. You little shit! I'm paying for that school so you can become a hero, not so you can fool around." 
Before his words registered in your head, his hands were on your body. He slapped you, he punched you and hit you until you were on your side. On your side, he kicked you and kicked you until you begged him to stop. He didn't stop until you heard a crack and you were simply positive he broke something. All he did was grin down at you sadistically, happy he caused you such permanent pain. 
"Go to your room you worthless excuse of a hero. You're lucky I pay for that school."
You weakly pulled yourself up and limped your way upstairs to your bedroom. You closed the door before slumping yourself on the bed. You let the tears escape. A downpour of feelings on your cheeks as you tried to muffle your sobs.
You hated him so much, and you hated him even more for leaving you with this feeling. You wanted to get help, help from your teachers, help from your boyfriends, but you couldn't. He was right, you are a poor excuse of a hero. How could you ask for help when you shouldn't need it? Why didn't you defend yourself? Why didn't you ever fight back? Katsuki and Eijirou we're such strong heroes, they should be ashamed to have you as a girlfriend.
You tried to quell your sobs as your cell phone rang. You picked it up quickly, hoping your dad didn't hear it, and looked at the caller ID. Eijirou <3. You were glad he hadn't face-timed you, you didn't want him to see you in such distress, you didn't want him to see you so weak.
"Baby, what's up?"
"Hey sweetheart, I was just calling to see if you needed a ride to Katsuki's house."
"A ride..."
"Yeah, a ride. He invited us to his house for Thanksgiving, remember?"
You scowled as you pressed a hand to your swelling ribcage. You hadn't remembered, you tried not to remember the holiday as it was. Thanksgiving was a depressing time for you. It was your mother's favorite holiday. She died when you were young but you still had the distant memory of her dancing around the kitchen making a perfect holiday feast. You and your father tried to avoid it, avoid the memory.
"No, no. Of course, I remember. I'm... I don't think I need a ride."
"Are you sure...? You sound upset, are you okay?"
You bit your lip as you let another lie tumble from your lips.
"I'm fine babe, just a little cold from the weather. I'll see you and our other babe when I get there later."
"Okay... We'll be waiting with warm arms and kisses."
"I love you... Bye."
You sighed as you pulled yourself from the bed. You had to cover up these wounds, and find some advil for the pain. Maybe you even had time to take a cold shower to take down the swelling.
"Well... Now I know why you got detention. Of course, my daughter has been working herself out to multiple boys."
"I- I- I-"
"Your mother would be ashamed of you... The only reason I'm not bashing your head in now is that people would notice, but I guarantee you, I'm pulling you from that shitty school and placing you in a conversion institute."
He snatched your phone from you and place it in his pocket before leaving your room and latching the door, leaving you with no means of communication or escape. No one to call. No one to save you. You had enough. You couldn't take another minute of it. You couldn't handle the anxiety of not knowing when he would decide to beat you, the horror of waiting for him to strike you with his fist. You could bear the pain, but everyone had their limits. You wouldn't let him change you. You wouldn't let him take away Eijirou. You wouldn't let him take away Katsuki.
You frantically dove into your closet for some clothes that would cover your entire body. Your jeans dug into your bruised side but you didn't let yourself dwell on it. You found one of Katsuki's hoodies and quickly slipped it on, you needed something to cover your arms, the smell of his sulfur and cinnamon brought comfort to yourself.
You didn't give it a second thought as you slipped one leg out of the window and slowly brought out your other leg. You turned your body so it positioned you with your body facing the window and slowly lowered yourself down as far as you could reach before you jumped. You landed on your side, knocking the wind out of your lungs. You let out a string of coughs before pushing yourself up and running straight to Katsuki's house. You didn't pay attention to the pain in your chest, or the fact that it had begun to rain down on you. You just ran. 
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You left a string of frantic, hard knocks on the door of the Bakugo residence. Although the Bakugou family had been expecting both you, Katsuki's girlfriend, and his boyfriend, Eijirou, that wasn't until much later in the evening. You received no answer to your knocks and as you looked in the driveway you noticed no cars. Nobody was at home.
This day reached its climax and it couldn't possibly get worse. You were all bruised up from your father, he wanted to send you to a conversion camp, you had no phone, you were soaked to the bone and the rain just turned to hail. You slid your back down against the Bakugou's door and you pulled your legs up to your chest in a bent position. You let little sobs out as you formed your body into a ball to try and create heat.
You spotted a car pull into Katsuki's driveway and you tried your best to smile and perk up. You tried your best to make it seem like your father hadn't beat the shit out of you, like your skin wasn't oozing black and green colors. You tried to make it seem like you were happy and normal.
Masaru Bakugo walked up to his front door with an umbrella in one hand and his keys in the other. There was confusion placed on his face when he saw someone balled up against his front door, but that confusion morphed into worry when he saw it was you slumped up against his door.
"[Y/N]...? Is that you? C'mon, Let's get you out of this horrendous weather."
You were quick to stand up and move to the side as Masaru fumbled with his keys and unlocked his front door. Once inside, you felt bad that you were dripping water all over their home floor. Shy and embarrassed, despite being in the Bakugo home many times, you looked at your feet and mumbled out an apology.
"I'm sorry for getting your floor dirty."
"It's fine! Let me go find you some towels and some dry clothes."
A warm feeling spread in your stomach as he walked off. You loved Masaru. Katsuki had been out to his parents for a while now, and they'd known you and Eijirou for a decent amount of that time. Masaru was so nice, so kind, and he never made you feel bad about your sexual orientation. He treated you like an addition to his family, he treated you like a daughter and it made going back to your own father hurt so much more.
Katsuki's father came back shortly with towels and some of Mitsuki's old clothes in hand. He smiled at you as he handed over the items. His smile was warm, it made you think of the small, soft moments you shared with Katsuki. Everyone said he resembled his mother, but you could see the small attributes he got from his father.
"Mitsuki took Katsuki to the store with her. They're probably gonna be there awhile knowing how stubborn they are, they're probably stuck in the stuffing aisle arguing over what brand to get. If you ever come over and we're not here you're welcome to use the spare key. It's under the rock by the azalea bush."
"Thank you, it's very nice of you."
You smiled as you took the clothes from Masaru and headed off to the bathroom. It was a pair of leggings, a tank top, and a couple of towels. As you dried off and put the fresh clothes on, you grew nervous. You could see some bruises peeking out, and there was a handprint on your arm. You just needed to get to Katsuki's room and steal one of his hoodies before Masaru got a chance to notice the bruise.
You walked out of the bathroom with your wet clothes wrapped in a towel, you tried keeping it to your arm to hide the bruises. As Masaru took your clothes it was all for naught.
"I'll put your clothes in the washer so you can take dry clothes home."
You knew he saw it. His eyes lingered for too long, and his tone changed, yet he didn't mention it. Once Masaru left to take your clothes to the washroom you made your way upstairs to Katsuki's room and slipped on one of his hoodies before going back downstairs. Unbeknownst to you, Masaru made a concerned phone call to Mitsuki while you were putting on one of Katsuki's hoodies.
"You're probably cold from being outside so I made some tea."
"Thank you."
You smiled at Masaru as you took a seat on the cream-colored sofa across from him and picked up your cup of tea. You took tiny sips as Masaru tried to word out and voice his concerns to you.
"I noticed a bruise on your forearm, how did you get it?"
The shame and embarrassment of the truth flooded your face – not to mention if you told him, then it would somehow get back to your father. He would hurt you worse. Like you've done to your teachers, and many others, you lie to your boyfriend's father.
"Oh, that? I was sparring with someone from school."
"If hypothetically, someone was hurting you, it would be okay to tell me."
"No one's hurting me."
"[Y/N]... It's not just your arm. You have bruises forming on your face, Katsuki spars and he doesn't get hurt like that. It's okay to tell me... Even if it's someone like Katsuki, I know he can get rough sometimes... I would believe you."
Masaru knew it was wrong to play into your feelings for Katsuki like that. He knew his son would never hurt you, he might have been a handful, but Masaru raised him right. Masaru needed to play into your feelings to get you to fess up on who was hurting you. Masaru reached out and grabbed your cold hands. He looked at you, practically pleading you to tell him the truth. Masaru had a way of talking to you that made you want to be honest about it and hearing him toss out Katsuki's name hurt you. You broke down, tears streaming down your face, as ugly sobs escaped you.
"No, Katsuki would never hurt me. It's--It's my dad. He can get mean sometimes, and he got really mad..."
Masaru took your teacup and placed both yours and his on the table before he pulled you in his arms as you spilled and blabbed about all your father did to you. It was so foreign to you, the feeling of being in a man's arms, a father's arms. To be held and comforted without being hurt. You couldn't remember a moment where your father held you and said everything was gonna be okay.
"He found out about my sexuality. I can't- I can't go back."
"It's okay, it's gonna be okay. You don't have to. What your father does to you is wrong. It's not right. I'm not gonna let you go back there, okay?"
"Thank you."
Your words came out in choked up sobs, but it didn't stop Masaru from keeping a tight hold on your body. It didn't stop him from rubbing comforting circles in your back, something he did for Katsuki when he was sick as a young child. Once your sobs quelled Masaru pulled away and looked at you earnestly.
"Why don't you go rest in Katsuki's bedroom. I'll send him up once Mitsuki gets home."
"Okay... Thank you, Masaru."
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As you laid in Katsuki's bed you felt overwhelmed. Anxiety and dread coursed through every vein, cell, and fiber of your being. You didn't want Katsuki to come home. You didn't want to talk to him. You didn't want any confrontations. You didn't want to see the pity on his face when you told him your dad beat you, you didn't want to see the disgust on his face when he realized what a shitty hero you are.
What kind of a hero can't even protect themselves from their father?
You didn't want to have to tell him, that was if Masaru hadn't already contacted Mitsuki and Katsuki at the store. You didn't want to have the conversation you knew you would need to have once he got home. To top that off, you didn't want to tell Eijirou. How could you face him? How could you tell him that your father hurt you? He was going to beat himself up for it. He was going to be mad that he didn't protect you. You could already envision the teary-faced he'd give you, and it filled you with such dread. You never wanted to fill your partners up with such sadness. You never wanted your partners to feel such hurt due to the expense of your hand.
You weren't sure how long you lied there in Katsuki's bed. The scent of his shampoo lifted from his pillow, and the smell of his nitroglycerin filled your lungs as you laid buried in his blanket. Sometimes you would even get a whiff of Eijirou's shampoo, residue from late-night study dates, and cuddle sessions. It was all very comforting, as you laid there motionlessly. Even as you heard the door creak open, you didn't move from your spot to see who it was. Even when you felt a big, warm hand placed on your hip you didn't lookup.
Once Katsuki's rough voice made contact with your ears you rolled your body over so you were on your back, groaning ever so lightly as your bruised back made contact with the mattress. Gazing up into the red eyes of your rougher lover, you tried to make your smile reach your eyes. 
"Hi, how was the store?" 
"Don't do that."
To anyone else, it would have sounded like Katsuki was being hostile, like he was being rude and gruff. You heard differently. You could hear the pain in his voice, you could hear the worry and fear laced in his rough demeanor. As Katsuki dropped to his knees and grabbed your hand you could see the way this bothered him, you could see the way he was worried and the way this tore him up. 
"My dad called my mom, don't pretend everything is fine when it's not. Don't pretend that your not hurting. Don't pretend with me."
"So he told you everything?"
"Just that my dad saw some bruises on you, said' you should tell me yourself."
You squeezed your eyes shut to prevent the tears from leaking out, to prevent the tears from falling into a downpour. Katsuki moved his other hand up to your face and cupped your cheek in his warm hand making you feel secure.
 "Just tell me. It's gonna be okay, I'll make it okay, I'll make it better."
"My dad hurts me Katsuki. He psychically hurts me, and now he knows about you and he wants to send me away." 
The tears poured out of your eyes, they streamed down your cheeks and dripped down onto your shirt as little sobs clawed their way out of your throat. Katsuki wrapped his arms around you and tugged your body close to his, with his face in the crook of your neck, he buried himself in you. If asked he would have denied it, but Katsuki let his own tears fall. 
"I'm not gonna let anyone take you from me. I won't let anyone take you from me and Eiji."
When Katsuki pulled away you felt a pain in your chest. It was sharp and strong, Katsuki barely noticed as you placed a hand on your chest. He barely noticed until you began coughing. Your little cough turned into a fit, and little bits of blood came out with each burst of air out.
"Katsu, I don't feel so good."
"Fuck, [Y/N]... It's-It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. Just stay awake." 
As Katsuki scrambled to pick you up bridal style, it felt like your lungs were on fire. You were light-headed as your head rolled against his shoulder, and the last thing you registered before your head went dark was the sound of Katsuki begging you to stay awake. 
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All Katsuki could do was pace the white floor in the hospital room. His hands came up and tugged at his blonde roots as angry, volatile thoughts raced through his head. He paced, and stomped around, and tugged to keep his tears at bay. He barely paid attention to the voices in the room telling him to calm down, all he heard was the heart monitor. How could they expect him to just sit? How could they expect him to be okay when you were the one in the hospital bed? 
“Katsuki, you need to sit down. Pacing and getting worked up isn't going to help.”
“I know that! Do you think I don't know that? I know it isn't going to help, I know nothing I do is going to help! I couldn't help her, that's why she's in here!”
His words came out harsh and rough. They were sharp and all Eijirou could do was frown at his hands. He knew all the emotions Katsuki was feeling. He knew them all because he was going through the same thing. You didn't tell them what was going on at home, you didn't tell them and they didn't know. They didn't know and didn't help you. They couldn't help you and now you were in the hospital. 
All Eijirou had in his head was every interaction with you, maybe if he had noticed it, noticed the signs, he could've helped. He had noticed the way you made sure you were home by a certain time. He thought you were a good girl. The way you always asked your dad for permission for things, no matter how small and minuscule. He thought you were a daddy's girl. You always wore hoodies. He assumed you liked wearing what was his. He was so wrong.
“I couldn't help her, and you couldn't help her either. It's not your fault she's in here.”
“But I should've! I should've seen the signs!”
Eijirou pulled himself up from the stiff hospital chair he was sitting on and walked over to Katsuki. He pulled Katsuki against himself and murmured sweet words into Katsuki's ear as he let him pour his heart out. He let him flurry his heart out, he let him cry. 
“I should've helped her, I should've helped her.”
“I know... I should've helped her too, but all we can do is hope she wakes up.”
It was as if a miracle happened at that moment. Amongst their crying, despite the slim chance of survival, your eyes fluttered open. They fluttered open and your hands moved out, reaching for something, for someone. Your head hurt, and the last thing you remembered was being carried away by Katsuki.
You tried pushing yourself up into a sitting position but Katsuki and Eijirou were quick to get to your side. Katsuki gently placed a hand on your shoulder, keeping you down as he had reached out for your hand. 
“Don’t move, it’ll hurt.”
“What happened?”
Eijirou pulled your hand he had gripped up to his mouth and kissed your knuckles. Your heart broke at the sad expression he gave you. It tore you up to see such pain and agony on his face. 
“Your dad... he broke your rib, and it pierced your lung. It caused you to get internal bleeding, had Katsuki not been there when you were coughing, you might not have made it.”
“You know? Who told you.”
“You passed out, you almost died! Was I not supposed to tell him, you dumbass!”
“Don’t yell at me!” 
“[Y/N]... You almost died. The doctor was barely able to fix your lung, you waking up is a miracle in itself, and you're still going to need more surgeries to fix your lung.”
You squeezed your boyfriend's hands in understanding. You had worried them. This incident wasn't like when you were eight and your dad gave you stitches, or when you were ten and he broke your arm. He almost ended your life. 
“I’m sorry... I should've told you.”
“Why didn't you? Did... Did you not trust us? We would never hurt you, we would've helped you.”
“No, I trust you. I do! It's stupid...”
“I don’t care if it's stupid, I've spent the last four hours in this goddamned hospital for you, you could at least tell us why you kept it a secret.”
You closed your eyes and tried to stop the tears from falling. You pulled your hands from theirs and buried your face in your palms. 
“I’m so fucking pathetic! That's why I hid it... I didn't want your help, because I should've been able to handle it myself. I'm supposed to be a hero, but I can't even stop my father from hurting me, it's so pathetic. I'm pathetic.”
Katsuki pulled your hand against his lips and his other hand wiped away your tears. Eijirou was quick to follow suit. They desperately wanted to pull you against themselves, to hug you tightly as if you'd disappear, but they knew it would hurt you, they knew you were still too fragile 
“You're not pathetic. You're strong, you're so strong.”
“Fuck, you're strong. You handled him by yourself for so long on your own, but you're not on your own anymore. The cops got your X-rays, between your broken ribs, and old healed bone fractures, it's enough evidence to put your father in jail for a long time.”
A smile spread across your face as Katsuki spoke his words to you. You dreamed of the words for such a long time. You dreamed of the day you no longer had to endure him. You dreamed of it, you yearned for it, and now it was here. 
“My mom and dad want you to live with us. You'll, come, right? You have to, my parents love you. I’m gonna smother you with my love, and Eiji's gonna be over every day. We're gonna take good care of you.”
“I will, I'll be over every day, and we'll watch your favorite movies, and eat your favorite food. We’ll take care of you.”
“I’ll come. I’ll come live with you Katsuki.”
“Fucking good, I need you to be close. I need you to be close and safe.”
As Katsuki kissed your forehead, Eijirou left kisses up your arm. Your fears of telling them about the abuse were far from your mind, as was your father. You were ready to start your life with your boyfriends, you were ready to move in with the Bakugo’s, a couple who would love you like a daughter, the right way. You were ready to start this peaceful chapter of your life.
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despisydraws · 4 years
Part 3/3
7. Neil Ward (he/him)
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Neil is not a child!! That's the mistake people make a lot when they see his childlike face and his rather small figure. He's seventeen, but people treat him as if he was twelve. He can't count the times he's been asked where his mama was anymore and in fact he doesn't know where his mom is or his dad or the entire rest of his family. But he's living his best life out there.
He loves vintage things, like old planes and maps and all and he collects basically everything he finds. He lives for his rock collection and the vintage motorcycle he found himself and has made himself a home inside a rusty plane that's been abandoned at its hangar. He'd do about anything to fly something some time but since he's from a rather poor planet there is pretty much nothing around that can fly. That's why he joins the group in the first place, because he hopes he'll get to fly a spaceship. But Ace and Cassiopeia wont let him touch anything on the control boards because "this is better left to the adults" (they are scared for the safety of their ship which is basically their baby. Also, about the ship, it's called 'the Egg'. It has literally nothing in common with an egg but they call it that. The dream vision said so. Also its orange and I hate that but I won't dare change it)
Anyways most of his life he was just wandering around (he's a true nature child) collecting stuff and selling tools he found and all. Also he may not seem like it but he heavily believes in the occult and likes doing his own little rituals. And he's gay. People tell him he's too young to already know things like that about himself. He rolls their eyes at them and remembers all the flings he's had before
One last thing: this dude is a total king and no one dare say anything else. His humor is on another level. Everything about him is on another level.
8. Sigrid Eichenlaub (she/her)
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Sigrid is... something. She's explosive, chatty, has a temper almost as vibrant as her fiery red hair which she mostly wears up in a ponytail. She's been in the military, but she got bored and decided she'd rather serve against the law instead of for it. She spends a horrendous amount of time in Berengers bar and became his best friend over time, gossiping with him every free second (they silently make fun of the other guests)
She likes the thrill of doing illegal stuff, and she's probably got quite a bit of experience in money laundry and theres a fair chance shes assassinated someone before. She knows how to scan people and who might have a bounty on their head. Also she's a pickpocket but that's like the least of her problems. The only one who's capable of stopping the things she initially wants to do is Berenger, who often just ends up being pulled into the situations as well. The two really do make quite the duo.
She (and Berenger) join the crew because she recognized Virgo at the bar without security around him, which made her suspicious. Berenger was able to talk her out of the most bad stuff, but got dragged along when Sigrid followed him to the ship, promising not to harm anyone, just wanting to 'take a look around for anything valuable'. The two idiots manage to get themselves locked up in some room so theres that. I'm telling you there is not one intelligent person among these OCs.
All in all a very feral aroace queen
9. Virgo Di Marcelli (he/they)
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There he is. The most dramatic of the dramatic. The queen himself. Pink, flashy, extra, super rich, super idiot. Born not with a silver spoon in his mouth but with multiple platinum spoons jammed down his throat.
Where do I start.
He's... a lot to take. He's dramatic, attention seeking, easily disgusted and will for nothing in the world get his hands dirty. Theres people to do that for him. He knows people love him and he bathes in the feeling of all eyes laying on him.
His wardrobe is big enough to dance in it and 3/4 of it are pink sparkly dresses or plastic jackets in holographic style. He never goes anywhere without stockings, stockings are his life. His hair needs to be protected at any cost. He probably spends two hours in the shower and another two hours to get ready afterwards. He's a total trend chaser as well as a total trend setter, yet he remains his steady aesthetic in holo-pastels and golden jewelry, all in the star theme.
And he's so damn annoying. His cousin Cassiopeia knows that way too well and she's so done with him but deep in her heart she loves him. They are best friends as well as the worst enemies. They would do anything for each other but all they do is fight about stuff. They both love the drama. He's got kind of the love-hate relationship with the rest of the crew as well. He keeps fighting with Ace and Berenger is more... silently rolling his eyes at the shit Virgo talks. He gets along greatly with Sigrid for some reason?
Another thing about him is that he doesn't understand how the world works. He understands even less that some people aren't venal, he's used to let money get him everywhere, so this adventure he finds himself on shows him quite a few interesting facts about how people live.
He has a few issues, apart from the already mentioned ones. He has quite the... party problem. He loves parties. And he loves expensive beverages. Many of those. He has a new relationship every week, only two of his have ever lasted for longer, the one with Indigo and the one with Echo. He's been on meds ever since he was a child and not even he knows why exactly he has to take those... he will find that out later tho and it will be hella fun to write :)
Also he was born under the name Uranus (because his dad thought it was pretty) but he got bullied a lot for that because hell it has such good joke potential. He goes with Virgo as his nickname now. Theres still some joking about that but its... subtler.
I could go on for an eternity about these but I think you, whoever made it to the bottom of this post, get the picture. Thank you for reading all of this, I wanted to gush about these OCs for an eternity now!!
Part 1 (Ace, Berenger, Cassiopeia)
Part 2 (Echo, Indigo, Lorelei)
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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 I have a pretty wicked migraine right now.. tonight has been really hard. I discovered some mold in the basement. And I've had to take pretty much everything out of there. I didn't get as much done As I had hoped. But it looks like I was able to save most of my stuff. So now I don't know if I'm going to need to file a claim with my insurance company the same way I was going to before. Honestly now I'm kind of considering asking them how to help me break this lease because this feels like an unsafe environment. 
Besides that today was pretty good. I mean it was a little bit up and down. I couldn't fall asleep. And then when I did fall asleep I woke up because my arm and my ear hurt around 4 a.m. And I couldn't fall back asleep. At 6 I decided I needed to eat something because I barely ate any real food yesterday. And I thought that would help me sleep. And it did I made an omelet. And was able to sleep until a little after 8. I got up and felt sore but fine. I packed my lunch and I like to work.
Work was fun. I was supposed to be with two groups today doing the Cannery.. But then the first group never showed up. So poor Joel felt like he was cursed because this is the 5th time it's happened. And that's the most it's ever happened to anyone with groups not showing up  or canceling. I spent most of the morning sitting outside waiting for the group. And since they never came it was just a chill morning.
The group I ended up having for the afternoon was wonderful. They were English as a second language students and it was a very small group. And I just had a blast with them. I kept dropping papers on the ground for my apprentices to pick up and they all thought that was very funny. And they just worked really hard and they did a really good job. And I did the company store and I got great compliments afterwards from the teachers. It felt really cool being able to share this kind of information with these kids and for them to really understand it. And they were also the oldest group ever dealt with because some of them were 17 and 18. It was just like a really awesome afternoon.
I was starving though and it was free French fry Friday at McDonald's. So I ordered that and decided to get a sandwich. I discovered on the McDonald's app that I can get cheeseburger without the meat on it. I didn't know that was an option. And it was really good. Cuz I like the bread from McDonald's a lot and it was basically just a cheese sandwich pickles. It was great.
The McDonald's was way too loud though so I ate quickly I'm headed home. I got a shower and got changed and soon enough James was coming to see me. We sort of rested and talked. Watch some videos. And then we went over to get dinner at the marketplace. My headache was starting around then I have sort of had a had a cough all day. And I didn't really want to eat anything. But the burger place had this new mac and cheese. And I ended up getting that it was very good. It was really just nice sitting with James. He woke me up to the grocery store afterwards so I can get quarters. And then he went to work and I went home. I want to start doing laundry and the basement was gross. And then I went to go work in my studio and that's when I realized that there was mold.
At first I just took pictures of it and sent them to my maintenance department like hey this is a problem please come help. And then I realize that my art had mold on it. And then I realize that all of my stuff had mold on it. And I was just getting more and more upset. So I'm starting to move things and I realized oh you know that you need to be taking pictures of this. I used to work for art restoration for insurance companies and I need to be photographing these things and I should really contact my insurance company. So I called them to make sure that they cover mold. And they do.
I'm not making a claim yet because I want to give my apartment complex a chance to make this right. And then I call my dad because I'm sad. And I'm alone. Because James is at work and Sabrina not answering her phone. And he made me feel a little bit better but while I was talking to him I realized I should call 311. Because when Sabrina had her problem she called the city and inspector came out and force them to fix it. So as soon as I got off the phone with him I called at 311 and I made a report. The woman was a little goofy on the phone but she totally understood the situation and help me get everything sorted. So hopefully someone will come out soon. Once I got off the phone with her I went back to starting to try to get things upstairs. And as I'm doing that I'm pulling out more pieces and seeing more mole.
Sabrina finally text me back and said she comes downstairs and she's as horrified I am. If not more. We go down to the laundry room and we videotaped all of the weird crevices and all the mold. And all the problems that are pretty apparent down there. We even went back into the weird hallway to see the back of my wall. We're at the mold is coming in from. Then we went back to my studio and look around a little bit more. We talked for awhile and that help me calm down. And then she went back home and I went back to cleaning out my studio.
I'm honestly horrified by the whole thing. Like my chest hurts and I just feel very congested. And the mold was worse than I originally anticipated. it was honestly worse than I originally thought. The mold is the entire bottom of the wall behind my desk. About a foot-and-a-half off the ground. Thankfully it looks like most things are fine because they were in boxes. But a few of the things are just horrendously covered in mold. And they're not going to be salvageable. I'm honestly just horrified by the whole thing. It makes me really not want to live here anymore. And honestly after all the disrespect that has happened from the maintenance department of this place this entire summer. I really would love to have my insurance company pay out so that I can leave this lease. And move somewhere else. Because this is starting to feel like an unsafe situation for my health. And it's very very frustrating. Because I love this apartment. And the people who run it just don't seem to care. Sabrina thinks that the inspector is going to come in and say that everyone can have to leave the apartment because it's going to be a health hazard. I don't think it's going to get that far but we can hope. This building needs so much help that it's just not getting.
I have a pretty bad headache and I'm very tired. James is on his way here after his shift. And he's going to help me bring more stuff up. But really I just want to go to sleep. I work all day tomorrow. And I'm already stressed out about that. but we'll see how everything shakes out. Send me some good vibes friends. Good night
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ladyoftheshrimp · 7 years
Percival is hit by a spell that turns off his brain to mouth filter. Suddenly he's babbling on about Seraphina's horrendous haircut, how his time with Grindelwald wasn't all that bad because at least the man can play chess and professing his undying love for one Newton Scamander because have you seen his hair? It's so soft, I love it so much, I wish he'd just kiss me but I'm too old for him.
The spell was something the fizzled out of a letter Percival’s secretary opened. Like the world’s most boring firework is fizzled and popped a slow meandering path to Percival where it gave a shower of sparks with a squeaky pop. As far as offensive spells went it was laughable. Of course there was an investigation into it, the origins of the letter and the spell were untraceable but so was the effect of the spell. Other than leaving the viewers feeling terribly disappointed there was no visible or detectable evidence left behind. The day continued on and the attempted spell was all but forgotten.
It wasn’t until lunchtime that things became a little more evident. Seraphina had graved the department with her presence and Percival was helping a junior auror with their report when she arrived. People greeted her and Percival rose, turning to say hello.
“Morgana’s tits you look like shit. Did a vulture make a nest of your hair this morning?” The shocked silence that filled the room was cold. Percival’s eyes went wide. “I mean. Even if Merlin had shaved half his ballsack with the aid of a geriatric goat’s nibbled it would have looked better than what has happened to you. Please put your headdress lower so we don’t have to keep staring at such a disaster.”
After gaping like a fish Percival turned away, cheeks red on a pale face.
“I’ll be in my office. Hopefully Newt will have left the lethifold there for my untimely demise. Not that he has a lethifold that is. Not at all. He has two.” A hand over his mouth Percival hurried into his office with as much dignity as he could muster. Everyone else stared in silence, looks were exchanged and nobody dared look at the president as she adjusted her headdress. Percival’s office door opened.
“I’m so sorry. But if anybody cares I’m okay. But I doubt you do. I’m not bitter at all. Just realistic. And could someone please bring me a shovel so I can dig this hole deep enough to qualify as a grave. Huh. Graves’ grave. Funny. People never appreciate my humour. Well, Grindelwald did. ” Percival shut the door while he muttered to himself. The few steps to his door and the sharp rap of Seraphina’s knuckles echoes through the silence. Nobody dared move as the door swung open.
“What do you want now, you bothersome pest? Don’t you have a country to run?” Someone let out a hysterical giggle even as Seraphina glowered. The door shut behind her with a certain amount of ominous finality. Immediately the mutters that had been held back erupted in a low murmur. It was only five minutes later that the door opened and their President and Director stood in the doorway.
“Please listen up, your Director has a few words to say.”
“My apologies to everyone for the little outburst, it would seem that we’ve found the effect of the miserable light show that dribbled out of the envelope much like sperm from a dick after a rubbish orgasm.” Seraphina elbowed him in the side. “What I mean is, if you are of a delicate nature and cannot stand brutal honesty you may go home and weep into your blanket because I am here to stay. I refuse to go home in case you forget that I exist and take in another maniac wearing my face because any direction is better than being left to your own pitiful existence.”
“Percival.” Seraphina’s voice was sharp.
“I am but your humble servant Madam Pussydent. Allow me to grovel at your feet while you bask in your untouchable elated station and let us plebs do your dirty work. Perhaps I might go down to the dungeons to relax. I did enjoy the isolation of my own damp basement to be honest. It was much more mentally stimulating than signing forms here all day. At least then when I had company it was of the vaguely intelligent kind. Nobody here knows how to play chess. Perhaps that will be the next skill to develop during training.”
The titters that went up around the room seemed to bring Percival back to himself and he stared at the floor. Even Seraphina looked torn between outrage and entertainment. She patted Percival on the arm and turned to the room.
“What your director means to say is, he will be in his office for the rest of the day. Please do no disturbed him unless it is absolutely vital and try to communicate with him in writing rather than verbally until the spell has run its effect.”
Everyone nodded but a few of the braver ones were already planning ways to exploit the amusement they could have at their boss’ expense. Just before people could return to their jobs the door opened again.
“Now there’s a fine specimen I wouldn’t mind examining up close and personal.” Percival’s comment slipped by almost unnoticed as people watched Newt amble in. He greeted a few of the aurors as he walked past. “I was born in the wrong decade.” Percival continued with a sigh. Seraphina looked at him and lost her battle against a light snort.
“Hello Percival.” Newt reached them finally.
“I wish you’d kiss me to say hello instead.” Percival’s mouth was running away again. Newt looked taken aback but a pleased flush spread across his cheeks. People watched with great interest at the latest developments in the disaster that their boss had become.
“Yeah?” Newt asked softy.
“Yes. Because then I could run my hands through your hair. It looks so soft, doesn’t it Sera? But I would get really jealous if you touched it. So don’t. Can I pet you?” Percival’s eyes were back on Newt. The room collectively held its breath as Newt reached forward and grabbed Percival’s hand, he guided it up towards his hair as he leaned in for a light kiss on a cheek.
“Perhaps I’d let you do more in your office.” Newt murmured with a sly grin. Without hesitation Percival grabbed his hand and pulled him back into his office. Before the door had a chance to close Percival stuck his head out. His tie was loose around his neck.
“In case you’re all too dumb to figure out. Do not disturb, I’m about to get laid. And nobody judge that I put out before a first date.”
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danie1-sava9e · 3 years
Corner Creatures
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"The shadows and the damned, they lurk in the corner of existence, your vision, your eyes. A cold presence with the formation of an endless skein slowly wrapping around your heart, tightening as you crumble." These are the words a man once told me, a man who is no longer a part of this world. A man who was found mutilated in his home 3 years ago today.
The colossal slam as the letterbox closed almost sent me through the roof. "Bloody ridiculous" I muttered to myself as I ventured down the hall towards my front door. I'm not sure why, but I can't explain the feeling I felt when his letter came through the letterbox. No matter how hard I try. Sadness? No that's not it, I don't think there is a way to describe how I felt in words. I just stood there staring at the decayed and putrid envelope as I was engulfed by its horrific nature.
"Shit," I said to myself. "These fucking kids."
I had fully convinced myself that this was some sick animals idea of a joke, I could not have been farther from the truth. After a long day at work, I arrived home, drenched from the unforgiving "Mother Nature" as they say, but that's life I suppose, yeah, life. Settling down with a bottle of beer and my favourite T.V show I heard something fall off of the table behind me, it was the letter, it lay there still and damp yet I felt it call out to me, pulling me towards it. As I bent down to pick it up after my long journey from the couch I felt as if I would vomit, it had only been 9 hours since this morning yet the smell had grown thicker and the touch had become grimier. Opening the envelope without ripping it was a mission but I eventually got there, God I wish I hadn't. The letter lay on the table in front of me, it was just as damaged and wrinkled as the envelope was, a lot of the writing was smudged but one word that stuck out to me was "Branch" A name I had earned after falling from a tree back when I was deployed in Afghanistan. My heart sunk at the site of this, to you it may seem like a funny joke or a game, but my squadmates were the only ones to use that name, the same squadmates that were slaughtered by enemy forces leaving 2 alive, me and. Him. I stood there for a while, thinking back to all the horrible memories I wish I could erase, but it is in the past. Terrified, I finally decided to read the letter after a long silence, as I said though, a lot of the words were smudged and incomprehensible but this is what I got from it.
"To Branch.
Hey, it has been a while, how are you doing? I know the last time we spoke it ended rather bad, but I just want you to know that I really do care about you. Look, something is happening and I don't know if I am losing my mind or this is some joke but, they won't go away. I see them in the corner of my eye, sometimes standing still and sometimes sprinting towards me, but when I turn towards them, they are gone. They look like shadows but there is something about their eyes, red, glowing. Shit, I think I may have even seen Fergus and Bubbles earlier, just standing there in the very edge of my provisional vision, whispering. Hell, maybe I am going crazy, it really is like being back in those bunkers, you think you see someone but when you look, no one. I don't know what is going on but the police won't do anything and I can't do very much in this old wheelchair of mine, come see an old man will ya kid? Even if it is just for a couple of hours, I would truly appreciate it. I have several lifetimes worth of beer and I'm sure Milly and the new pup would love to see you too. Thank you for sticking with me this long kid, after everything that's happened, you have no idea how much it means to me.
Thanks, Darryn"
The first time I read this my eyes had already swelled up and I was in tears, one of my best friends was calling for help and I never knew, he was played with, then murdered by thugs. I never even thought to ask myself how it took 3 years to travel a 3 hours trip and that was the biggest mistake of my life. Once I had washed my face and calmed down a little bit, I heard footsteps. quiet, but audible, right behind me.
An overwhelming sense of dread filled the air, the room still and silent. A distant voice in my head protested every thought that came into my mind and so I stood there, entirely mute until, they froze. At that moment, my head acknowledged my urge to see who stood beyond and well, you probably guessed it, it was no one, not a soul, the only thing remaining being the never-ending hallway leading downstairs.
After reluctantly jotting it up to stress and my mind playing tricks on me I headed to bed, that was one of the most regretful decisions of my life. Those nightmares, flashes of lights, visions of dead relatives, even myself. But that sound, god that fucking sound, an ear-piercing low yet high pitched moan, it filled my ears, my head, it was unbearable. I started to sense wetness on my arms and legs, it was, blood, my skin seemed to peel back, splitting at the seams slowly transitioning from my body to a foundationless heap of flesh on the ground. I could not move nor speak, all I could do is merely watch as finally, my face ripped. What used to be covered by the surface of skin began to boil, a horrendous sensation of what felt like I was being showered with acid, corrosive liquid digging through me, seeping through every crevice, melting bone and destroying everything within reach. With all of this, paralyzed I remained.
I have never sat up so fast in my life, I basically fell out of my bed before sprinting to the nearest mirror.  I was trickling with sweat and shaking like a mad man, I wasn't sure what to make of everything I just witnessed, but at least I still had my skin. I stared into the mirror for a long while, my skin didn't feel like my own and my body felt hollow, simply a shell for a perpetual void of endless capacity. Continuing my morning I reached work and I could feel myself remaining on edge, I felt like I was being watched from every possible direction and I hated it. Paranoia inflamed my thorax like a matchstick and I could barely take it, I searched my desk for anything to distract myself but when I looked down, I was holding the letter. I began to feel dizzy and fell. My body slammed onto the carpet and groups of muffled voices surrounded me, I looked around dazed, confused and before I could even think, I lost my consciousness.
When I woke up I was in the Medical Room of where I work and after about 30 minutes of a back and forth with the Nurse, I was sent home for the day and told to take it easy. I accepted defeat and took a slow drive home, I don't know what it was, but something didn't feel right at all when I opened my front door, everything was in place, but something just felt off. That night I lay there, unable to sleep, deep in my own thoughts about the past few days, I was soon dragged out of my head by an ungodly scream of a man, it bounced off of every wall and rang throughout the house, I sat in fear, that fear then became terror when I heard footsteps from my staircase. They were wet, hard footsteps and they were coming my way, very, very slowly. I began to hear moaning outside of my door, a groan of a person who was in an inconceivable state of mind. It kept going and going, what was once a moan was now an agonizing scream, it began banging on the door with more strength than a bull and eventually, the door opened.
The door opened slowly with a sound that I cannot describe and then it was quiet once more, I looked around and just before my eyes reached the left corner of my room, I froze. In the corner of my room stood a tall black figure, a shadow, with big red eyes, it's neck twisted and torn in unimaginable ways. It started twitching and soon it was approaching me, fast, but when I looked, it vanished. Just like that, it was gone, whatever demon stood before me was exactly what Darryn described word for word.
The air fell cold, far colder than anything I had felt before, whispers from every direction filled my head with excruciating pain and that's when I saw him, or, them. Darryn, Fergus and Bubbles stood at the bottom of my bed, they stared at me with blank faces, emotionless entirely. They all resembled the same friends I had grown up with, but their eyes, they had no goddamn eyes, there was nothing inside, an endless tunnel of sin and misery. I wanted to call out to them but before I could even get a word out, their mouths began to move, fast, jumbled, the only catch, no sound came out. The room remained silent as Bubbles jaw cracked, skin tearing, Fergus had a sick smile on his face, an ear to ear grin, blood dripped from his toothless mouth, but Darryn? Darryn stood there motionless, crying tears of blood, they trickled down his face and onto the floor.
Darryn spoke, this time with an audible yet sickening tone. He said but one word.
He smiled at me and then all 3 of them looked in different directions around me. During all of this, I failed to realise, I was completely surrounded, my peripheral vision filled with the same red eyes I knew so well. I was being closed in on, no matter where I looked, only one would vanish, then reappear when I looked at another, they were playing with me all along, toying with my fear. I started to panic and tried to get away with every bit of strength in me, but it was no use, they grabbed me and slammed me down onto my bed with my head on its side, I could see them staring down at me, dozens of them with their sick fucking eyes.
They had no facial features besides their eyes yet they exhaled an awful sound of a dying animal. This went on for what I perceived as an eternity before it finally happened, I watched in horror as one of them held my head still and another brought what appeared to be 2 fingers over my eyes and pressed in on them. A pressure unlike any other permeated my eye sockets, I felt as my eyeballs turned to mush in my own head, blood rushing to the now exposed holes in my skull, I screamed in pain that I cannot describe, I just kept screaming, the remains of my eyes dripping from my skull in a thick mushy mess, the entities let me go but I knew for a fact that those fuckers were still there, smiling.
I could sense a hand over my stomach, it was rubbing it, I hated it.
"Get the fuck off of me!" I screamed, lashing out, I tried to kick or punch any of them, but no contact was made. I felt another wave of agony as my stomach was cut, a sharp, never-ending feeling of nausea came over me and I vomited, all of my limbs were being cut now and then it all came to an end when what felt like a sledgehammer thrashed through my belly.
A thick coppery liquid filled my mouth, I knew what it was, I was no alien to blood. I could feel all of their eyes on me, many, many more than before, a gentle cold slowly came over me as crimson fluid entered my lungs pumping them full. I thought about Darryn, Bubbles, Fergus and all of my fallen comrades, the pain they had gone through was now my own. tears slipped down my blood-soaked face and into my mouth, I knew this was the end, I'm coming my friends.
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