#I'm gonna title this one 'I don't know what to draw in the background of my art and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.'
shimmershy · 9 months
Hey there!
I was going to ask if you could show us a kind of "Tutorial" or Speed drawing of Chara?
I've been trying to draw a desing for them but I can't find the correct one.
If you could, I'd appreciate it :)
And if you can't or just don't want to, it's alright, I'd get 'ya.
Hi! I don't think I'd be very good at creating a tutorial of any sort because I'm really bad at explaining things, especially art things, but I did a quick drawing of them and had Clip Studio record a timelapse, so. Here you go I guess!
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As asked by @cynicallyoptomisticdaydreamer - another 5 songs playlist breakdown!
In line with the last 2, today I'm doing my Tim Drake playlist, which you can listen to here. Again, the rest of my playlists are all public on my spotify account.
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Our first song is Out of Touch by Addison Grace! I think this one just oozes Tim Drake vibes. The lines about isolating yourself so as not to draw attention to yoruself but simultaneously worrying what your worth is to others if you can't provide for them just hits me in the feels.
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Next wong is Mid 20s Skateboarder by Pkew Pkew Pkew. I like the vibe this song has and the unpolished roughness of the vocals. The feeling of grasping onto something that doesn't belong to you anymore- drowning your feelings and praying you don't ruin yourself in the process. Yeah.
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This one followed by Ain't No Rest For The Wicked by Cage the Elephant. I think it is reflective of all the Batfamily, but Tim especially, who comes from a place of not quite understanding why people do what they do, because he was born into a background that's so far removed from the streets of Gotham. The song's a goodun and I reccommend it!
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Next up we have Imposter Syndrome by Sydney Gish, which solely by the title is definitely a Tim Drake song. My boy has struggled with identity his whole life and it's shown in the comics- the constant switching from hero name to hero name and back, his struggles with sexuality, and his feelings about being Robin and part of the batfamily speak volumes. I especially like the lines in this song that goes "Nobody even knows my name and/No one suspects that I'm not fine, and/Nobody outs behavioural Frankenstein" like that is HUGELY autism-coded and man...man.
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Finally, we have Family Line by Conan Gray. I'm not gonna lie- I think this song is in most of my batkids playlists, and I definitely feel it applies more to Jason and Damian than Tim, but I still out it there for a reason. I think it really shows the dysfunctionality and breakdown of communication we have been getting in modern DC comics in the batfamily. For Tim's case, I especially feel the lines "All of my pain and all your excuses/I was a kid but I wasn't clueless/(Someone who loves you wouldn't do this)" hit home hard not just in terms of the absence of Jack and Janet in his life, but also of Bruce's apathy and how reluctant he was warm up to Tim. He was harsher on Tim during his term as Robin than he was to most others except maybe Steph, and it took him a long time to view Tim as a son, and even then Bruce fell short as he does so often on that front.
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genericpuff · 2 years
This isn't meant to be a hateful ask, but you should probably stop saying you've 'fixed' Rachel's art whenever you redraw comic frames. At first, I could see why your posts were titled that, considering they were just edits made onto a frame, trying to keep in mind the style of the comic alongside it (and let me say, you absolutely nail colors when it comes to your gLOw series, I use your notes for my own art all the time). But it seems like for your more recent posts, you're redrawing panels in your own style and saying that you've 'fixed' the frames. I'm not saying that you can't do that, redraws are a core part of the LO community. But it feels as if you're putting Rachel's art style down in favor of your own. For example, your recent post. Smaller necks and 'googly eyes' (big eyes with small pupils) are usually apart of LOs more cartooney style, they aren't something as bad as LOs men's shoulder to head width, or awkward hand and feet positions, etc. The point I'm trying to make is that you should probably start titling frames you redraw in your own style as that, a redraw, not 'fixing' someone else's art style
EDIT: oh god I totally went off with this, BIG apologies for the essay dump in response to a very simple ask, it's just a topic I'm very passionate about and am willing to talk about at really extreme lengths. I appreciate your takes on this even if I do disagree with them, I just don't make shit easy and I apologize for that 😖 😂
Oookay, so I'm gonna try and answer this as best I can, with as little curtness as possible, because I know you're asking it genuinely, but please understand that this is a topic that comes up a LOT in artist/LO spaces and I'm sorta exhausted with having to talk about it. Often times because it's approaching the argument with a very misconstrued idea of what 'style' is.
Ironically enough, before I get into this, I actually do have a post queued up for tomorrow already that's called a 'redraw' because unlike the panels I'm assuming you're calling out, I actually painted the upcoming ones for tomorrow entirely from scratch. I'm still trying to replicate the LO style, of course, but it's not trying to remain quite as faithful as my edits tend to be because it's meant to be a redraw in the true sense of the word like you're referencing. My edits are often just a normal layer on top of the original that I paint over, which is what the last few posts have been. My redraws are drawn from the ground up, backgrounds, faces, poses, etc. often times with the goal of re-compositing the scene entirely. The ones from the last couple days were not drawn from the ground up, simply altered over the originals - but the unfortunate reality is that some of them simply can't be accurately edited entirely due to the original composition being such a visual mess. That includes this one which was a struggle to edit faithfully without my own anatomical stylizations bleeding into it due to how janky the original was (IMO). Like, the original panel didn't even "look like LO", it's godawful, and it's a stretch to say I'm dissing Rachel's "style" when I'm fairly certain Rachel didn't even draw any part of that original panel, it's INCREDIBLY obvious two different people from her team drew it and there's no way of knowing whether or not Rachel was one of them. I did not touch Hades because he's not the problem with the panel. Hades as you see him in that panel is exactly how he was in the original, I merely tried my best to edit Persephone to look more consistent with Hades and less creepy.
Disclaimers over, let's get on with this.
So here's the thing - if it were a simple matter of "style", I'd agree wholeheartedly with you. I'm not about pitting artists against one another, we're all different people with different takes and inspirations making our own thing.
However, there's a difference between style and execution.
With full disclosure, I do not accept the argument that because LO has a more "cartoony style", then it's "fine" for it to very blatantly lower its quality in technical execution or turn into a cheap copy of what it once was. LO was never 'cartoony', it was more akin to storybook art, like something you'd find in old Disney concept art pieces or in children's illustration books. 'Cartoony' as in 'not realistic', sure, but definitely not cartoony in the way most people envision it or market it (like what you'd see in legitimate cartoon shows). The use of color was vibrant and had thought put into it, compositions were dynamic, lineart was only used where needed to create depth, and overall, there was a vibe to it that many of you can still recognize, it's what a lot of my blog talks about.
When I do these panel "fixes", my goal isn't to go "hey, my style is superior to Rachel's! Fuck Rachel!" Far from it. My goal is to analyze what made the original LO art so special and unique, and help preserve those elements in newer panels through key elements such as color choice, glow layers, composition, texturing, etc. many of which are elements that are outright missing from S2 of LO onwards.
Because, full bluntness, LO has zero effort being put into it anymore.
LO never had perfect anatomy and it's always struggled with creating a cohesive visual narrative, but it hid its issues well with a good balance of color choice, mood/tone, and lineart-less rendering. It wasn't meant to be some hyper-realistic comic, what set it apart were the colorful panels and vignettes and use of 'cutout' style backgrounds and foreground elements.
Stuff like this:
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I have spent literally hours dissecting LO's art style, researching and hunting down its brushes, crawling the best and most recognizable color palettes, drawing and redrawing old panels in attempts to replicate Rachel's style and techniques as best I can. I'm not doing all that just to try and be like "I can do it better", more so to preserve what once was and could have been. Because I genuinely miss how old LO looked and so do many others. It's my own way of participating in a fandom that's being torn apart each week by the new episodes that only seem to further degrade the comic's original presentation and why people liked it.
Trust me, if I wanted to just draw LO in 'my style' as some sort of self-gratifying flex (because everyone in the art world nowadays thinks the only point in creating art is to have a "style" that they can pit against other "styles" as if styles are collectables like fucking Pokemon lmao), you wouldn't even recognize it.
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THIS is my "style", y'all. The only elements that I've purely taken from LO is the background and how I did the lighting effects along the side but everything else is my standard 'style' when I draw anything that's NOT LO, especially with my own comics and my day job.
"Style" is not a tangible thing, at least not in the way people nowadays tend to define it. Style is an accumulation of everything that's influenced an artist over years of practice, learning, refinement, and mastery. It is not something any one person can 'own' nor is it something that can or should be 'fixed' in and of itself. Just like how Rachel has adopted elements of her style from inspirations such as Glen Keane and Mary Blair, I've gotten my stylistic inspirations from anime, manga, video games, and other webcomics. Our styles and why we create art and who we create art for are completely different.
I have zero issue with Rachel's 'style'. At its core it's actually freaking gorgeous, when she puts in the effort. Not even just LO, take a look at her even OLDER art that's still available to sift through on her DA:
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The issues I'm bringing up have to do with the execution of said style, how it's blatantly obvious Rachel doesn't put any effort into the art anymore and often has her assistants picking up the slack in a very disorganized manner that leads to disjointed, bland, weird ass art that often can't even maintain consistency between SINGLE PANELS, like this:
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The magic is gone. These are not reflections of Rachel's capabilities in the slightest. She is far capable of so much more, this is beyond being a 'stylistic choice' and falls more under the implication of laziness or lack of care.
What's wild is that she's outright stated that she's "streamlined" the LO creation process to make it easier for new assistants to acclimate - which would be fine, if it weren't for the fact that 'streamlining' shouldn't mean 'downgrade'. There are plenty of ways to streamline the LO art style that can still retain the original charm of LO that drew people to it in the first place without cheapening it. It's not like LO is the only webtoon under strict deadlines, Rachel has more assistants than most working for WT and yet everyone else on the platform seems to only improve in their comic's production workflow and its presentation whereas LO has only declined.
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(The Kiss Bet, 2019-Present)
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(Tower of God, 2014-Present)
Not every comic needs to make improvements this drastically, and technically LO didn't even have to make improvements in its original execution - but it's so far gone in the other direction that it begs the question, "Why do other creators and comics with less prestige and as many or less assistants compared to LO seem to make such bigger strides in the technical execution of their work?" Regardless of whether the style is erring more towards anime or cartoon or realism, 'style' doesn't make up for poor technical execution and lack of consistency. That's the same energy we get all the time from newcomers to the craft who reject any form of criticism towards their technique and understanding of the fundamentals with "THAT'S JUST MY STYYYYLE". Even many animators who predominantly work on cartoon productions still understand their fundamentals and utilize them in the creation of stylized pieces of work. This isn't even me questioning how much of the fundamentals Rachel knows because, again, she clearly has understanding of it in her older work, she just seems to have stopped caring or isn't doing a proper job directing her team.
I criticize the stick necks and googly eyes the same way I do the inconsistent body types, refrigerator shoulders and same-face syndrome because they're all things that are detracting from and lowering the quality of LO's art as a whole. They didn't always shade whites in the old episodes of LO, but they did often tint them to make them less jarring against the more vibrant colors. They didn't always color in the irises back in 2018/2019, but at least when they were just solid black pupils, they were actually drawn EQUALLY, vs. the solid pupils nowadays which feel like they're each on their own schedule and are never the same size or facing the same direction. They didn't always draw perfect necks and faces, but nowadays it feels like the heads are being stuck on sticks and attached to separate bodies that aren't even consistent with the characters' body types. All of these things are issues, there's no 'hierarchy' of problems, they're each a part of a much bigger lackluster whole.
When it comes to my own panel fixes/redraws/whatever you wanna call them, if they don't look enough like Rachel's 'style', that's either because we're failing to recognize what makes Rachel's art unique due to it being so watered down over the years, or because I'm just not doing a good enough job replicating it. Undoubtedly a little bit of both. I'm still 'adjusting' to a workflow that accommodates the LO style and how it looks. It's not exactly easy to just jump from one style (my style) to another without my own usual biases bleeding in (trust me, I'm not happy that there are people who know my usual art style who can still 'see' it in my LO art, because that completely defeats the purpose of what I'm trying to do lmao)
All that aside, we can't pretend that S1 LO's signature style is still being executed to its fullest potential in S3.
If I can be really brash here, there are WAY more egregious panel 'editors' out there who straight up are drawing stuff legitimately just in their own style. And they're still all great in their own right and get to the point of what they're trying to say even if they don't fit what you would define as a "fix". Don't bug me about mine.
Rachel's style in and of itself is gorgeous and unique. It's the lack of effort in the execution as time goes on that is the topic here. I can never hope to fully achieve that 'vibe' that so many people miss about 'old' LO because that was all Rachel and I can never fully capture the spirit of her work because it's hers, it's the accumulation of everything that's inspired and influenced her in her artistic journey.
What I can do is point out and design alternatives to the many errors, inconsistencies, and technical issues that tries to get it closer to that original look and feel of S1 LO that better reflected Rachel's original efforts. It's what it could potentially look like if modern LO art wasn't so disjointed among its scattered assistants and rushed with as little visible effort possible. It's what could have been if it didn't feel like Rachel has essentially given up.
Does it really matter how I specifically word my posts between 'edit' and 'redraw' in this context when both things are attempting to accomplish the same goal?
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saysike-skedoodles · 2 months
Corruption Coyote
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[BTW- if you're an account that does NSFW/ Fetish content, I kindly ask for you to not interact with my work. Please don't take this the wrong way, I respect your interests, but I'm uncomfortable with that content and wish to not engage with it :] ]
You thought I forgot about the other 2? NAH- I'M BACK WITH MORE! Continuing with the MLP:FiM nostalgia, I got to drawing Silly as an MLP villain, that being King Sombra! I actually found Bex to be more difficult to think up of an option for than Silly and Stacy, I think it's cuz though that Bex wouldn't exactly be the type to like villains a majority of the time. ANYWAYS- this was actually more fun than I thought it was going to be which was nice :]. I found doing the eye glowing magic effect things (I dunno the names) was a lot of fun to draw, but I like drawing stuff like that as it is so it's not surprise. I was gonna try and not go too into the effects and whatnot cuz then it would just be "TMM AU no. 870681348619386583164", but this is me making these drawings soooooooooo. It's an AU. I'M SORRY I HAD TO IF I WANTED TO INCLUDE THE COOL EFFECTS- anyways. So now an AU exists of Bex as Discord and Silly as King Sombra (I'll get to revealing who Stacy will be soon don't worry), this is fine.... totally fine....
I kinda did my own thing with this while still trying to keep it Sombra esc if you get me, cuz Silly wouldn't wear much royalty stuff so I kinda mixed the vibes of a "spooky shadow pony capable of showing people their worst nightmares" into her main style being alt/punk style. Also don't worry this AU isn't meant to be directly what happens in MLP, just a fun little "what if" kinda idea where it's the 3 as MLP villains. Nothing too serious or deep hehe. Honestly I just KNOW if Silly was introduced to MLP when she was probably 12 or so she'd DEFINITELY love the more edgy and spooky aspects to the show like Sombra, Tirek and all them. That probably would've been her edgy awakening if it weren't for emo and pop-punk music. I know this art isn't as I guess chaotic as Bex's one but that was the point of Bex's one was to be chaotic. Silly's is more simplistic cuz I wanted to emphasise the corrupted crystals and all that, I tried to do a background effect with spikes and crystals but it made everything look cluttered
also the amount of edginess on this coyote when it came to thinking up of this outfit is something else. I feel I might accidentally cut myself from the amount of edge she has.
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This was supposed to be Earthspark Thunderhowl headcanons, but whatever.
I decided to post an essay I wrote about Thunderhowl(yes, I wrote a whole essay about him) that I S L I G H T L Y Modified
Warning that you will see a lot of crushing/gushing about him.
I wrote this for a video I was gonna post.
So I'm gonna start with a basic introduction to the character for people who have watched Cyberverse, but for some reason don't know who he is.Thunderhowl was introduced in the S3 Episode Of the Same Name (Season 3 ep 19 to be exact), he has a very..erm..basic.. backstory.
He was sent to Crystal City by a "Liege Prime," which was revealed to be Onyx Prime later. But he stared too long at his own reflection,and It came to life pretty much, and Imprisoned him. It is unknown how long he was Imprisoned, but regarding a comment about Iaconus, we can assume it was during the Age Of Expansion when he got Imprisoned. He was freed by Bumblebee and Chromia, when they were looking for one of Windblade's physic shards, which was lodged inside an entity, person, whatever The Crystalline King is..And He was the first of many to help Bumblebee get Windblade's Physic Shards Back. After Returning to Iacon with them, he pretty much Pledged his Loyalty to Optimus Prime.
he wasn't in any episodes until the end of the season.He was then present at the Silent Strike and The Arrival Of Megatron X. He was present at the Signing of The Peace Treaty as well. He didn't become a major point until the final S4 Special. This is when it was revealed that his former liege was Onyx Prime.
in summary, his former liege had a powerful artifact called The Cortex Helm, which, at first Thunderhowl refused to help Bumblebee, Optimus, Soundwave, Shadowstriker and Tarn Acquire, but after Optimus ensured it would be use wisely, he agreed.and then the next scene Thunderhowl is Pretty Much messing with them for a solid 2 minutes.
after he reveals the Isle of Onyx Prime, where the cortex helm is, he mentions the fact that Onyx prime "created many such hidden Places around Cybertron'' to quote him directly.and then, after.. the whole thing with Tarn. Watch the show. I'm not getting into that. He pretty much went back to being a background character.he had a few scenes, but they were very minor.
Thunderhowl's design has all the aspects of A Knight. He has a Cape, which is Grey on the outside and Red on the inside, a kinda raven blue color scheme with teal accents, which Actually makes drawing fanart of him a lot harder, because his main color is not a specific color. He also has a lot, lot, Lot of armor plating. His Alt mode is a wolf, which I bet was obvious because of his name and his Liege Prime.
Like Cheetor and Hammerbyte, Thunderhowl has a title that he says is "Knight Of The Primes."
Fun facts:
There is an animation error in S4 in which he doesn't have his cape on. There is actually more than one instance of this.
He only has two toy figures.. They don't even look like him. His deluxe class is Teal and Yellow, and then His Ultra Class Design is pretty much Army Green.but if you want the full Maccadam, build a figure.. you kinda need His Deluxe Class. From what I've seen, most people get him last of the deluxe class, as he has Maccadams Head(I'm serious. The piece that comes with him is his head)
He is played By The Same actor who played Wild Wheel and Meteorfire. Those are the main other ones anyway.
He has the most screen time of all the one-off characters introduced in Cyberverse. I always like to joke that he was probably someone's favorite on the Cyberverse Crew because of how much he shows up compared to others like Wild Wheel or Meteorfire.
I have a TON of Opinions and Headcanons and regarding Thunderhowl
Thunderhowl Dramatically Flips His Cape Before He Is About to Start Talking. I got this from a fanfic.
The Autobots can usually tell how long he is going to be talking with His Typical Chivalrous Manner,just by How Enthusiastic he Looks.i got this from the same fanfic as the last one.
He Hardly Ever Calls Optimus "Optimus Prime." Normally It is just Liege Prime and Only Liege Prime.
He is British. A certain relative of Mine came up with that And It Stuck.
Thunderhowl Has Intense Spectrophobia, or Fear of Mirrors/his own reflection. Spectrophobia is a specific phobia and fits more under fear of His own reflection. Result of BEING IMPRISONED BY IT.
Due to His Relatively Small Screen Time (to Me,13 minutes and 24 seconds isn't small but anyway), Thunderhowl is really not recognized by the Fandom. Or even most Cyberverse Fans Themselves. Small Disclaimer: I said most fans, i'm not saying every Cyberverse fan doesn't know who he is. 90 percent of the #Thunderhowl Tag is Him (that Tag is FRAGGING crazy by the way geez- but kind of in a good way I guess-) it's actually kinda my goal as a TF Content Creator who works mostly only with the Cyberverse Continuity, to Bring More Attention To Him. He is really underrated, and I wish he had developed more.
I am gonna be truthful here. I hated how Cyberverse did Him in the Finale. WHAT I MEAN IS, he was really just a plot device who became a background character during s4ep2 when they could have been developing him a little more. We got a little more depth to his Personality (he slightly Laughed, HE SLIGHTLY FRAGGING LAUGHED AND IT WAS SO CUTE-ahem anyway-) one scene in particular is a scene, actually Two Scenes With Soundwave, which live rent free in My head. he was just pissed with Soundwave. He was Fragging done. And then we get into Tarn's Betrayal(which was done okay, i was not that big a fan of tarn in general) and then that's when he really became more of A Background Character Again. BUT ONE LINE IN PARTICULAR HAS HAD A HOLD ON ME. After Tarn takes the helm and laughs, Thunderhowl Responds with a "How.Dare.You." THE LINE DELIVERY OF IT. HE SOUNDED MOSTLY PISSED BUT THERE WAS A KIND OF HURT UNDERTONE TO IT. THAT ARTIFACT BELONGED TO HIS FORMER PRIME. HE HAS EVERY SINGLE LITTLE RIGHT TO BE HURT AND ANGRY ABOUT IT.
And after being held with his arms on his back and being put on his Knees For real, though,can this man get on his knees for me- he's so- you know what I'm gonna stop. I'm a fragging Simp and I'm not ashamed of it.And there is one little tiny background scene which you have to watch and pay attention to see, is when tarn is walking to Soundwave and Shadowstriker, HE FRAGGING FOLLOWS TARNS STEPS WITH HIS HEAD AND HAS THIS LOOK OF "I AM GOING TO BREAK YOU INTO A THOUSAND LITTLE PIECES." He is Fragging Pissed Throughout This Ep, except for a few Scenes.
THUNDERHOWL AND OPTIMUS/ONYX. So, as mentioned before, we didn't even know Onyx Was The Former "Liege Prime " Of Thunderhowl, though, it was a common theory of Commenters on reviews of His Debut Ep With some others, like Mac and Trion. I feel like this should have Been Revealed Sooner, because if you look at Thunderhowl Fanfics From Before S4 Ep 2 Released, (Ex:Thunderhowl, Story Of The Knight of The Primes On fanfiction.net, read it its really good ) you see that it's not Onyx Prime. The Example Listed, It's Maccadam. This should have been revealed in that line "I swore to my Liege Prime, that I would destroy this evil place,.." So I think it should have been something like this, "I swore to my Liege Prime,ONYX PRIME,that I would destroy this evil place."
And then there's Thunderhowl and Optimus. As I stated before, Thunderhowl Pretty Much Pledged his Loyalty to Optimus at the end of his Debut Episode. But after that we don't see anything between them. All we got was a little hint That Thunderhowl Trusted Him, but why wouldn't he? This scene here shows that he trusts him in a hinted way. But in this same scene, Thunderhowl looks like he's contemplating for a minute. Like he doesn't want to do this,but he doesn't want to go against his Liege Prime Either. This defined their relationship a bit, but it was not enough for me.
Generally, I Liked The Knight Personality, and how confused he was 90% percent of his debut Episode.Like-man woke up after being Imprisoned for Probably Millions of Years. Man was confused as All Hell as to What the Frag was going on. But there were some things and lines I just didn't like.
A good example is the scene when he says, "i have engaged in battle against multitudes of vile creatures,we can, and we will prevail."Don't like this quote at all. IN FACT, It's the only quote I don't like. It makes him sound like he is saying he is better and more experienced than them, and that's why they will succeed. THIS MAN HAS AN EGO, YES, I LOVE THAT ABOUT HIM, BUT SCENES LIKE THIS IT DOESN'T WORK OR FIT. Another thing I didn't like is the main part of His Backstory, how he quoted "stared too long at his own reflection."Like..yes, it's important to his backstory, but I highly want to doubt he actually stared at his reflection that long. I like to think it's like what happened with Bee and Chromia.
Here are the good parts about him.
HES ODDLY COMFORTING TO WATCH. Thunderhowl is Everything To me. Including my comfort character. Anytime I think about him, I smile. When I'm upset, what character do I turn to? Thunderhowl. When I'm just having a shit day and I need a mental break? What should I do? Rewatch Scenes of Thunderhowl. This bot came into my heart in 2021 when the s4 special came out and has not left since. He takes up 75% percent of my love. He is precious to me, and I wish he was more recognized in the Fandom. Hopefully, this will bring more attention to him.
PERSONALITY.One thing that really makes my love for Thunderhowl Skyrocket is his personality and how it developed in the background from season3 ep 19 to s4 episode 2. In his debut episode (S3 Episode 19), his personality was.. well.. what you would expect from a Knight Errant. Very dedicated to his "quest," to say the least. But also probably one of the rare Autobots who are undyingly loyal to Optimus and The Autobot Cause.
To quote a Fanfic “The code of an Autobot carries forth the code of the Primes. Indeed, carrying such code is to carry nobility and passion forth. I am a mere servant of valourous ideals.”this is from a fanfic called Once and Future By Only_Elsewhere on Ao3, Def. Recommend it if you want a more Mostly-Light-Hearted SoundRod Fanfic It also has Thunderhowl as one of the main bots, so that's a bonus.
But then we get to "Silent Strike/The Other One," and it's a little more developed, the what-3 times? He talks, his voice is still very, very British- cough- but it's more.. I can't really describe it, but it's more.
Then there's S4. In his first scene, he called the Perfect Decepticons "extremely Annoying" . This is the episode, to me, that developed his personality fully. He is very annoyed and his normal self Most of the episode except for when they are going to the Isle of Onyx Prime, where you can just straight up see How Happy he is, he's just too cute when he's Happy. He was so glad to go to the Isle of Onyx Prime.
So I hope this encourages you to check out Him As A Character, someone did make a compilation of all his scenes, so if you want to rewatch those scenes if you have watched Cyberverse and just didn't realize he existed for some reason. But I also hope, for the people who haven't watched the show, but don't mind spoilers, this will encourage you to watch the show. It's really a Great Show after Season 1, Season 1 is sorta bland, but you will get through it. I'd say Season 2 is when it gets good. And S3 is funny and iconic, YES, but it's also a Fragging dark. Cyberverse is well renowned for its high death count and sorta dark story. I truly honestly recommend you watch Cyberverse if you haven't,I don't think you will regret it.
You need an account, but this is the link to Once and Future
This is the compilation of scenes that were posted by " characters scenes and others. "They also have the other one-off characters too.
This is the other fanfic I mentioned, which actually has served as a heavy influence on Thunderhowl in my own AU for Cyberverse.
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t00nyah · 1 month
What's one of your favorite songs right now?
so. so. im a big fan of BLACK DRESSES. they are my favourite band forever. and i love devi mccallion's and ada rook's own music as well!!!!!!!
SHORT ANSWER: every black dresses songs and most of devi mccallion's and ada rook's discography + the ones i mentioned riiight in the end of this post
LONG ANSWER: i CAN'T pick ONE of my favourite songs bc im INSANE about music so im just gonna drop a small list of songs that are literally playing in my head as i type this bc background music is always in my head
i do have to say quite a lot of their songs have explicit language in 'em and are usually very loud if you decide to give them a listen, like i don't doubt that it's not for everyone but just giving a heads up...i love them for making me feel like im not alone in the struggle of not fitting in with this world...plus i love the weird noises and screaming in songs lol!!!
so here's some songs from albums that are in my head rn!!!! (if you want to skip my brainrot i added non-black-dresses-or-rookor-devi music that i enjoy in the end!!!)
TRU U (I WANT TO SAY. in this song. the chorus makes me think of artificer because i have a rain world brainrot but i literally dont know how and what to do with this i just love this song)
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COWARD 2 COWARD (honestly PROBABLY one of my MOST favourite songs.....ironically enough) VANISH/DOOM
also i have already mentioned on my blog but Rook's separated from her twin, a dying android arrives on a mysterious island. has a special place in my heart too and also smh vibes rain world to me idk why.... also i have another favourite in Rookie's Bustle - 920LONDON (i love this song and it made me very curious about the comic with the same name i wish i could get it...)
- Devi McCallion . lately been relistening to Fun Fun Fun, an MLP based album she released under aliases of Cats Millionaire! i love her pony songs!!! all of them!!!!!!!!
my FAVOURITE song from this one is def Exclusive Royal Canterlot Wedding Playset bc...thats how i found out about this album and it was the fact that its a chrysalis song made it 100% more special bc its such a fun song i love the allegory
but generally all the songs in this album are rn looping in my head...
also been thinking about I'm So Sorry and the song with same title from it.....it just makes me feel and i can't describe what it makes me feel but i just feel this song
also i really live Receiver!!
anyways sorry this post is so long i just wanted to brainrot about my favourite music bc I'M NOT NORMAL!!!
in addition: if you want to give something i like a listen but dont vibe with what i listed i also listen to Descend by Toby Fox (from Homestuck) on loop (this ost consists of leitmotifs only(im pretty sure???) and im not normal about that), i remember the entirety of June by American Murder Song by heart, i've been drawing an answer for my latest moon clinic ask yesterday with Ocean Breathes Salty by Modest Mouse ON LOOP. it just had THE VIBE of what it has hehe. i also recently found out that i really enjoy electro swing???? ALSO as a bonus: my favourite rain world ost is.............Grumblebum! another one would be The Coast...love the melancholic feeling of it.
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minthe-lover · 2 years
Chapter 221 Anaylsis
I'd admit that most of my problems with this chapter are art related, so I'm gonna just skip over like 80% of my critics of that so It doesn't get repetitive. It's mainly just creepy hades faces, and awkward proportions that make him look like a lego figure in stop motion. Like look at this guy... he looks so awkward and... god his ass is really tiny.
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Now the big art thing that I am going to talk about is how the simplified one colour and one note backgrounds has caused rs to basically shoot herself in the foot. Cause in the first few chapters the backgrounds where detailed enough that we could really visuals all the important areas. Artemis's house, Hades house and the underworld corp while we aren't given like maps of them but we have a good idea of the layout and space...
with persephone new apartment.. we don't get that. It's all this dark blue, we get one shot of the outside and then a few undetailed shots of the inside. How many rooms does this have, is it big or small? hades says it looks rundown... but why aren't we shown that? They leave the apartment to eat on the roof almost immediately, is that cause persephone doesn't have a dining space in her apartment.. it just reallys annoy me.
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Then the next shot in what I thought was the apartment... was actually hades, I think this chapter would really really benefit from a few shot focusing on persephones apartment. If needed remove the whole 'joke' of the billboard and instead show up persephone apartment and have them eat inside to better show Persephones kitchen. Side note with how last chapter went... how is she gonna treat her neighbors...
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Now I've said this before that I'll say it again I do like persephone getting her own apartment. It's a good idea not to have hades and persephone immediately be a married couple.. but I really wish rs did more with this. Persephone has missed out on far more then just owning her own apartment.. she only did at most a month of collage it would really help to show more that persephone is trying to be independent.
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Now I just want to draw attention to this line.. and just the massive amount of disrespect it levels at hecate, while yes she was not technically queen.. but like come on hades. She's been helping you since you stared at king, she did most of the research and work in the last few chapters. She may not have shared the title but it's clear she was doing a fuck ton of work.
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Lets talk about the most annoying line in this whole chapter! Just to make one thing clear persephone you where not coddled, you where a CHILD. Demeter was making sure you had an education and a safe place to grow up first before making you work! that is a completely understandable thing.. and the moment you were over 18 demeter let you go... she was worried for your safety in a world that has repeatedly abuse her and you've proven yourself in the past that you put your trust in the wrong individualizes.
You then had one conversation in ten years where demter outwardly praised out about how great you were doing… You didn't even talk about what you could do in the mortal realm. Before then you didn't have any experience and again were a collage student .. not exactly someone fit to step up to a important job like that… Like from the few flashback to the punishment.. it's clear you were struggling.
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Also this line and how much it annoys me in relationship to demeter, because it's constantly brought up terrible demeter is for hiding stuff like the fertility goddess power from persephone as how she is bad and irredeemable... and when I was first read it I thought that is what it was referring to. I read it as people hid stuff from persephone to protect her... but persephone admiting that she understands it's a struggle, and that hades isn't a bad guy for hiding shit from her but you know her own mother doing stuff to protect her is a terrible person.
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Now I want to get these analysis out before the next chapter does... so yeah this isn't as detailed or longer but.. eh.
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memberment · 2 months
I have spent multiple hours trying to figure out custom typable fonts. I cannot anymore. I'm doing this the difficult way. ANYWAYS. I'm off to work. Updates will be later. Also, you guys might wanna start writing shit down LMAOOOOO
10:12 Hi guys I'm inside and so sad I had to reconcept half of my cypher to make it typeable. SO FUCKING UPSET!!!
Anyways yap session soon, stay tuned.
11:26 Chapter 12 is done (and is titled Coincidences Do Not Exist., whatever that means.) and I have fixed my art. Also new trin post is up. Y'ALL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?????
Chapter. Tomorrow. Swear. I would absolutely love it if one of y'all could beta it though bc am nerves. With that being said, I'm off to concept an TWO ANGELS for everyone to fight together in chapter thirteen. I LIED ACTUALLY THAT'S GONNA BE CHAPTER FOURTEEN. BC I NEED TO INTRODUCE TWEEK AND CRAIGS MAGICAL GIRL FITS PROPERLY AND IT WOULD BE WEIRD IF I DID IT IN A CHAPTER THAT'S LIKE AROUND EVERYONE. OKAY BUT I STILL GOTTA DO THAT GOOD BYE.
12:22 have done nothing actually productive yet but now the trin tumblr has music. well one song. in specific. that was chosen for a specific reason. ANYWAYS. back to NOT DOING ANYTHING IM SUPPOSED TO BE DOING LFMAOOO
2:04 I am officially 40.2k deep and halfway through chapter 13. I am not mad that I had to do a slight re-order, because this actually works better. But. ALL OF THE SWEETNESS AND WHOLESOMENESS GOING ON IS SO BORING. NO ONE TOLD ME THAT WHEN I WOULD FINALLY START WRITING ANGST FLUFF WOULD ACTUALLY BECOME DIFFICULT TO WRITE. LIKE HELLO??????
anyways. I'm jumping off keyboard for a bit bc it is TIME! TO! DRAW! TAMMY! (and then I get to draw the boys and all I feel is fear.)
Its 7:26. Tammy is almost done I just need to shade her and fix her face and do her background.
Also I spent two fucking hours fucking with css for chapter 13. Guys when I tell you that was the most garbage shit ever like I don't hate ao3, I love ao3, but I HATE AO3 OH MY GOD. I did not concept the double angels but I DID concept the angel that is being fought in chapter thirteen. Hint. This chapter is called Water World. Spooky. Anyways I'm at 40.4 and chapter 13 is now slightly more halfway done LMAOOOO
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rahleeyah · 2 years
I laughed when you said you regret reading the opinions on Twitter. I did too. I was wondering if we all watched the same show. So many people saying we got no EO. Like huh? Yes SVU was about Amanda but the EO was there.
Mirror Effect. Olivia was watching Amanda deal with PTSD. She wasn’t only seeing things from an ‘I’ve been through that too’ point of view. But she also saw how it was affecting Carisi and her kids. Amanda wasn’t taking therapy seriously and her actions was scaring the people in her life who love her. You can’t convince me that she wasn’t seeing Elliot in Amanda’s behavior.
And the being alone and learning to love yourself line that has people upset. That wasn’t just about her. That was about Elliot too. And Olivia saying that doesn’t mean the writers won’t flip things and have them move a bit faster. We just don’t know.
Then on OC. The show has often taken their titles from movies. Catch Me If You Can. A movie about a man who is always on the run. Taking on different personalities. That has been Elliot since Kathy was killed. In the bar, he saw the news story about the death of the cop with a wife and 5 kids. It hit too close to home. He looked in the mirror and finally saw Elliot Stabler. (Mirror Effect!) With so much pent up negative emotions, he did what he does when he can’t deal. He uses his fist. Hopefully this will lead to him going to therapy.
I feel like we are going to get EO but it’s not always going to be so in our face. We may get it in a more subtle ways until they can put Chris and Mariska together. This weeks episodes felt like progress to me. David is doing a great job working with the OC writers. People just need to be patient. The season just started! Lol
i've been thinking about this a lot, bc it's been three episodes, and i have seen people say they're disappointed in the lack of eo, when i've been living bc it already feels like so much more than what we were getting in the non-crossover episodes last season.
and the thing is, i wrote a post about this and then deleted it but i'm gonna say it here - it does feel like we're watching different shows, bc we are. everybody is going to bring different expectations and different backgrounds to the show, and those different perspectives will result in wildly different interpretations. a line i think is a positive for eo is seen as a negative by others; which one of us is right? ultimately, i think it doesn't matter. i don't think capital R Right is something we can be. i may disagree with people, but isn't a lot of this subjective? to paraphrase the dude, it's just, like, my opinion, man. so i do try to pull myself back. i'm don't manage it every time bc i'm not perfect but i do try to just. live and let live.
NOW that being said you raised some really interesting points about the epis i wanna talk about lmao
i find it really interesting bc i was so focused on the ways amanda's behavior reminded me of olivia - down to the scene of carisi disarming her at home just like cassidy had to do, to the point where i had to gif it - that i didn't make the connection between amanda's behavior and elliot's until you mentioned it. and what's really interesting to me about this is that both of those things are true - that you can draw a parallel between amanda and liv and amanda and elliot - and bc a=b and b=c, a also equals c. i wrote a lot right after elliot came back about the parallels between his ptsd and olivia's. and there's no way olivia hasn't noticed that connection, both to elliot and amanda. so it's a connective thread that's really fun to spin around in my head like a marble.
i wrote a post about the learning to love yourself line so i won't rehash my thoughts but - yes. exactly. AND we have no idea how fast the writers are planning to move things. we are getting episode four this week like this baby is just getting started we have such a long way to go and 2/3 of this shit isn't even filmed yet lmao
AND anon your mind!!! the mirror effect/elliot seeing his face in the mirror, what a connection! i am honeslty super excited about this season bc the shows are actually being written as if they exist in the same universe for once! the svu ME turning up on oc! nods to eo on both svu and oc! benson and stabler both getting mini mes to train! it feels so cohesive and that is so exciting to me.
i absolutely think we are getting progress. and subtle is how l&o has ALWAYS done relationships. no one knows when liv and tucker officially got together. liv fucked cassidy in the s13 finale/s14 opener and it was such a tease, we only saw her naked in a bed with two wine glasses on the table and someone in the shower, only got a little tiny nod from cassidy to reveal that something was going on. kurt moss appears out of thin air and vanishes just as quickly. a possible romantic something with bayard ellis was teased but never outright explained. this is not a show that hands us things. we have to pick apart the nuances. and the nuances say eo is full steam ahead, so i'm not mad at it.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
Get to know me
I've been tagged in three separate memes with that title by @timaeusterrored and @katsigian, thanks a lot for thinking of me! :D For brevity's and simplicity's sake I'm just gonna throw all of them together in one post ~ Won't be tagging anyone in particular, but if you read this and feel inclined to share some stuff about yourself, pick and choose from the questions listed here and feel free to tag me in your posts! :D
Favorite color: Purple, Turquoise, and Black
Relationship: single
Currently reading: when I'm not re-reading my own stuff for editing purposes, I currently just really enjoy reading everyone's Cyberpunk drabbles and OC lore posts because I live for that stuff! for having been a very bookish kid I don't really read much anymore admittedly D:
Last song Played: "A Dialogue In B Flat Minor" by In Flames (it's on my V playlist and a very Vince and Johnny song to me XD)
Song Stuck in my Head: "Gloves" by Saint Punk (I'm obsessed with it because it fits Vince so much and I'm working on something inspired by it)
Last Movie: oooof... I think it was "The Shawshank Redemption", I was recently in the mood of rewatching some 90s classics while drawing!
Last series: If youtube series count, I'm currently rewatching Buzzfeed Unsolved: True Crime for the 11th or so time XD I've loved true crime stuff for as long as I can remember and BFU is also just really nice as background noise for when I'm working on something for a few hours at a time. Looking forward to diving into Mystery Files xD (the last "actual" series I watched before that was "Better Call Saul", rewatched it from start to finish in English for the first time xD)
Sweet, spicy, or savory: ooohhh hmmm.... dammit, I guess I'm too much of a sweet-tooth to not pick sweet xD
Favourite Food: Pizza with lots of different cheeses
Craving: to quit my dayjob, because objectively, it would just be really fucking funny to do. We're chronically understaffed and simultaneously also being forbidden overtime to catch up on the backlog, so it's just extremely exhausting at the moment.
Tea or coffee: Coffee, but tea is nice too :3
Dream Trip: everywhere... but my top 3 are Japan, Iceland, and Canada. I'd love to go to Japan during cherry blossom season, spend one week in all the big cities and another more on the countryside, going hiking, looking at temples, forests, and spending a day or two at a ryokan with onsen. Iceland I'd also like to see as much of as possible, I'd actually love to do a guided tour on horseback across the country xD And honestly, same for Canada (without the horses though), also a trip across the country visiting all kinds of sights and cities along the way would be awesome.
Last Thing I Googled: 2023 Conventions Germany
Currently working on: the final stages of my new Kerry x V drawing, editing some VP shoots, writing Vince's background lore fic (6 chapters done, about 6 more to go!), started writing a post-canon fic (but only have a few paragraphs), and my ongoing Cyberpunk 2077 Let's Play videos XD cause I always wanted to make a full Let's Play like that and given my current obsession it works. Looming on the horizon are also some short comics and ideas for mods and even more VP!
Are you named after Anyone?
After an OC of mine, if we go with Elven as the name I'm predominantly using atm XD Long story short, but "Elvenbeard" was an elf OC I once cosplayed as and who got his name from a friend of mine during a very long and funny train ride to the convention we were headed to. Good times XD
2. When was the last time you cried?
A couple of days ago. I think it was a mix of stress and having too many feels about Kerry xD
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, and don't want any. Unless pets count.
4. Do you use Sarcasm a lot?
I would never do such a thing.
5. What Sports do you play/ have you played?
None xD I was the short fat kid that got relentlessly bullied by my PE teacher for years which completed ruined any interest in sports I might have ever developed.
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
Honestly... I think I've gotten quite good at picking up people's vibes first. Picked up a very bad "stay-far-away-from-them" vibe from someone a couple of days ago, and when I met them again a little while later one of the first things out of their mouth is transphobic bullshit. I (sadly) felt rather validated with my first impression.
7. Eye Colour?
8. Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
Both can be good! I don't like overly gory movies or stuff that relies heavily on jump scares, but a scary film with a good story and some unexpected twists I really like (some of my faves being "Hush" and "The Conjuring"). I'm also a sucker for Happy Endings though. Best thing overall? Angst with a Happy Ending.
9. Any Special Talents?
Does hyperfocus count as a special talent these days? XD
10. Where were you born?
Somewhere in rural Germany.
11. What are your hobbies?
Yes... Drawing, writing, sewing, crafting, cosplay, gaming... and the newest addition: virtual photography!
12. Do you have any pets?
Yess, a cat!
13. How tall are you?
160cm/ 5'2 - smol and full of rage
14. Fave Subject in School?
Art, History, and English as a secondary language
15. Dream Job?
Creating things that make people happy and being able to live off of it ooooor anything that allows me to finance that kinda "maker of all kinds of things" lifestyle I'm dreaming of. Ideally, if I have to keep a dayjob, I'd like one that only takes place in the timespan of Monday to Thursday, or Tuesday to Friday, and doesn't start at 5.30 in the morning, but at 9 or 10. Or just generally the option of home office would be nice. I don't wanna be rich, but I'd like to have financial security for myself and my cat, enough time to do my silly little arts and crafts, and travel somewhere cool once a year or so.
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kifu · 2 years
I feel like I need a long-term list of projects I wanted completed. My manic drive from January/February has died down, but my will to create is NOT gone. That's ... a feat.
Limbo - this project requires research by way of rewatching some if not all of 2k3 (and my definition of this is seasons 1 through 4 only, as I do not include the Tribunal, FF, or BttS as part of my cannon). As I write this, I'm halfway through season 2 and I'm outlining the points that will help me structure Limbo physically. The more I watch, the more I'm pissed about my creative choices for Limbo draft 1. That might turn out in my favor.
◦ outline 2k3 and figure out WHEN Limbo takes place to ground it in cannon
◦ outline major plot points in Limbo
◦ detail major characters' growth throughout entire story
◦ fucking write the damn story
Horse Comic - okay, another one that has tickled me since my childhood. I wanna get it done. I swore to myself that I wouldn't start this project until I had the skill to draw horses unaided by references. Well, mostly. The point is drawing a comic - and I think this comic will be five issues/chapters long from what I figured out last night - depicting a rundown of a modified story that I remember from my breyer horse herd as a little kid. Well, now adult storytelling, years of stacked ideas that go well with the og story, color genetics, and actually having the drive to put a comic together (by myself) come into play. This ain't gonna be a light project.
◦ break the story down into five chapters and detail everything that needs to happen within each chapter
◦ break each chapter down into pages so that I don't have to worry about page pacing when I start putting it all together
◦ "pencil" the ENTIRE first chapter before I even think about "inking" or laying down color/background
◦ work on one chapter at a time, but don't expect more than one chapter per year if I can even keep up my drive for this
◦ come up with an intriguing title because I'm stumped
HARPG - so I even started a blog for this and have a few chapters uploaded already, but when I got caught up in that commission I fell a couple weeks behind already. I am NOT feeling this so much, but I still would like to crank out a couple years of story this year. I NEED TO DRAW RAMSEY RIGHT FUCKING NOW. And then continue to come up with a chapter and chapter art every other week. Like, c'mon, me.
New Nation - another story that haunts me every time I think about my stories. Maybe I'll love Kurt again through Limbo. Probably not. I think I'm falling out of love with the character that got me through ... everything ... the past decade. Is it the Catholicism? I've been at war with Catholicism since my job at the pig farm. It's gotta be more than that. But anyway, I really ... really ... I don't know if I can ever come back to this story anymore, tbh. But it would be cool if I could. I might just say that I need to animate the unpublished scene of the future, because why not add another large ass project to the list. But that fight scene? Is AMAZING.
The Tribes - let's be serious. This needs to be written. Though it would be cool if I could actually write down my plan of action so that I have something physical to fall back on when my brain farts again. As it do. I remember that my goal for this story is to end at around 150-175k words. I believe I have the first 25k words written, though a lot needs to be done to those words to make things better. Even so, this is the best iteration of the Tribes yet. And my crack fic? Is actually really, really helping. I did not expect that.
◦ first 25k words are Kifu finding Taya and Jiogi and getting brought to the Tribe
◦ next 25k words are Kifu fitting into the Tribe, and getting to know the other Tribeslings. Need to figure out Mai's predecessor's name
◦ next 75k words are Kifu training under Kumji, first learning what every Tribesperson knows: hunting, gathering, basic body training; and later he introduces her to his group, where she secretly learns how to fight and kill - more details about this to be figured out later
◦ last 25k words are Kifu's struggle with the group's goals and eventual loss of control
I dunno. The story is my pet and I actually do have the entire series vaguely outlined somewhere with names all of the fucking place in the margins. I *do* want to come up with back stories for each and every person of the Air Tribe so it's not just the Kifu show, but a cohesive land where people are more than welcome to hate the main character because she be a stupid ho, but come around for everyone else. idk Things get better after the first book anyway.
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dashawfrostart · 11 months
This Week In "Time & Again" #2: Gettin' Technical Here! 😁
Now, since all the vector prep is done, it's finally time for me to start actually drawing every single frame for Chapter 5!.. Just like that! 👇😁
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Oddly, as I started drawing the frames for Chapter 5, I feel extra hyper but also very relaxed and blissful at the same time. Maybe it's nostalgia, for as far as I remember, in winter days I liked to enjoy drawing at home, in the warmth, watching the snow outside. Seems like the work on the artworks is going exceptionally well - much better than when I worked on Chapter 4. I'm excited to go forward with my crazy undertaking; but on the side, I have a lot of non-"Time & Again" ideas, and I revisit my old writings, hoping to find extra spark for the other universes and timelines I have in mind, and all of that powers me up. I feel very active and positive. Aaaah, dis is the season, innit?.. Here, on this side of the globe, winter is halfway on. In the end of the last week it snowed in neatly and almost evenly, and the birds on our balcony look all fluffed up and fidgety, waddling from one little foot to another to keep themselves warm while trying to unbury the birdy omnomnommies from under the not-so-giant-yet heaps of snow. The snow has melted a bit by now; I watch them through the balcony window, sipping on my Earl Grey tea every morning and throughout the day, and it makes me feel at peace, and yet a little sad at the same time. For if I had knitting skills, I would've supplied all those cute little sparrows and the peanut-hungry blue jay family with some nice sets of hand-made sweaters, hats, scarves, and socks. But alas, I can only do that in the form of artworks for now. But I digress. Back to my graphic novel now.
For those who don't know how I usually work on "Time & Again" - and I presume, that's what I'll keep doing for the rest of my comic-type projects, that is, if there's ever gonna be any more - I do everything consecutively, starting from the lineart (including the backgrounds, especially if the frame requires very specific placement of the character on the background, or they interact with it in any way), then I do the flat colouring, and then I go for the shading. And by that, I mean that I do all the lineart for all the pages first, then, once that is done, I switch to colouring of all the pages, and then, once that is done as well, I finally get to do the shading on all the pages. Told you, there's definitely a certain system in the way I work on my stories. This is also a reason why I never ever post updates page by page: because there's simply nothing to post, since they're all incomplete. Deal with it 😎 It seems that this manner of work suits me best. I'm not certain why, but I've never been keen on sharing the works that are half-done or something - although lately I'm going through a certain metamorphosis in this respect. Moreover, it is important to me to keep the same steady, precise, and classy art style throughout the chapter. Consistency is what I highly value in my creations. People, who also draw, have probably noticed that, at times, their art style might wiggle and be, let's say, all over the place - and sometimes this just happens on its own. I can't really explain this. This must be some sort of hidden mysterious consciousness of our pen/pencil that simply does things on its own 🤪. Sometimes our mood contributes to how the art style changes in tiny little details - at times to better, at times to worse comparing to what we strive to achieve. Through executing everything consecutively and finishing up the "chunks" of different types of work one after another, my goal is to avoid unnecessary and unwanted art style inconsistencies that might occur otherwise.
But enough of this lengthy preamble! Let's finally get technical, just as the post title announced it! I see you're getting bored... (no, wait, what do you mean it's just my neighbours snoring?.. I don't know what you're talking about)
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This time, since I decided on making a regular page-by-page PDF version of the chapter as well as its scrollable webcomic doppelgänger, I needed to figure out how exactly to simplify my work in order to avoid accidental complications (here, almost a quote from a character's line from the current chapter, lol!). Of course there's no way I want to do the same amount of work twice just because I didn't anticipate the outcome correctly. Not to brag about it, but I must admit, as far as I remember myself - I've always been good at this. There's always a place for being extra technical when it comes down to the artworks. It's not as simple as it might seem to you. Deciding on the technical aspects of creating artworks is kind of a puzzle, in a sense. It's almost mathematical 😁
So, as you can see on the screenshot just a little above, that's a layout of a comic page (in the regular format for now). To make everything work out in a simple way in the end, I decided to create layer groups for every each separate frame (red markings) that will include everything I need for the frame: the lineart, the colouring, and the background. That will help me to just copy-paste a certain frame on the new canvas optimized for the webcomic format - and that is all! All done in a few clicks. Automation 100% 😁 (having Minecraft flashbacks now for some reason...)
All the text-related material (speech bubbles, the text lines themselves, and all the possible written sound effects such as "Swoosh!", etc.; the green markings on the screenshot) is currently included into one group above everything else. I've been importing these layers straight from Inkscape in PNG. But I started to think now that I need to separate those elements in the end, too, for further convenience and simplicity of arrangement on the webcomic format canvas. But that will be work for another day in the future.
In terms of memory usage, I'm not certain yet how it will go for me, for sometimes Krita would randomly crash on me without anything in the error log, and every additional layer adds to the memory usage even if it's near empty - finally, considering fairly large size of the artworks pixelwise, it all adds up pretty quickly. But I'm not exactly running Krita on a potato either (mmm, potaties 🥔🤤), so I think I should be fine.
Previously, perhaps counterintuitively - but again, it worked just fine for me back in the day - I used to create a giant layer with all the lineart for the current page, and then the flat colours for the entire page were stored on a separate "flats" layer, and all the shading for the entirety of the page was stored on its own separate "shading" layer, too. The same went for the backgrounds: depending on the pictures overlapping or not, I would've drawn all the backgrounds on a single layer called "BGs".
This approach would've not worked this time though.
In the lineart work, I'm currently finishing up page 9 already. ALREADY! 🥳🥳🥳 Which indeed sounds pretty awesome, because it just goes ahead steadily. That is, however, keeping in mind that there are frames that I just left out and skipped for now, for they require extra consideration. You see... Chapter 5 is going to have a peculiar scene - something that I've never ever tried drawing before just yet, and it's gonna be pretty long. It's fairly stretched out across a few pages and it's almost represented in a slower-than-real-life pace (surprise, surprise, isn't it what I usually do anyway tho?..). As I work on it, I wonder if it's going to be too boring for the readers. But I think the time will tell, for, once everything is done properly and in colour, it's gonna be much more of an eye-candy than it is now. I sometimes have difficulties approximating the end result in my head. But often it just turns out a little nicer than expected, which is a bonus. Because screw perfectionism; that's in the past for me 🤣 (true story! did NOT enjoy it! got out with minimal losses!)
... Since this post seems to be stretching out in time and space as well, just as the certain scenes I'm working on, I think it might be time to wrap it up for today.
Happy Halloween everybody! And I foresee significantly more sketches and screenshots in the upcoming posts! Take care! See ya sometime next week! 👋
P.S. And, of course, for a nice holiday treat, I made a Halloween artwork, again. And this time it's not that simple (and for a spoiler: this year it's not gonna have Cacodemons as pumpkins, nope): it also serves as the first teaser for Chapter 5 and the second half of "Time & Again"! So don't miss out on it 😉 You won't though, because it will soon appear in my blog!
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postingjustwhatever · 2 years
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So today I was gonna draw a few variations of Hunter that were supposed to be previous Golden Guards. But then I decided to draw the featureless body with a few different facial features you could change and post it as a joke titled Make your own Grimwalker. But it spiraled out of control and I ended up making a few too many features, so I think I'm gonna just try and make a dress up game.
I might try and see if I can do anything with this website. I don't know if it will work or not. I've never tried to make anything like this. I will probably have to put what I've made so far in a different program, since I did all of these with Sai. And I'll have to line them all up and put them in different folders. I still have to make the outfits too. Hopefully I won't lose interest before it's finished.
In case I do lose interest, here's everything I have so far if anyone wants to play around with it. They all have transparent backgrounds so you'd just have to save the picture and open it in a drawing program or something. It will probably be annoying to line everything up so it looks right though. Also the ears go behind the hair and one of the hair only works with one pair of ears that have the notch in them since I kind of drew the outline of the ear into the hair.
Edit: here’s the game so far
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balkanbitch · 3 years
Alright so this is the first chapter to my mirabel weapons au but first I just have some quick notes
I am not much of writer so I'm sorry if the quality of this is not amazing. If you have any writing tips I would love to hear them
First chapter camilo is kinda of a bitch (he gets better) but just so you know it's mostly just this chapter
This my first time writing fanfiction since like the 6th grade so I apologize if anyone is wildly out of character
I do not have a official title for this fic yet so if you have any suggestions that would be super helpful!
Mirabel always knew she was different
And not in the way most people knew they where different. Most people knew they where different because of how exceptional they where at things like painting, writing, sewing and what have you.
No mirabel knew she was different because there was nothing special about her. At least compared to her family.
Her family could do incredible things from healing the sick, lifting impossible weights, changing the wheather and so much more!
Little Mirabel knew she was different at least from them. She didn't have a gimmick nothing she could do to draw attention to her. She blended in to the background with everyone else.
And that's what made her different to her family because she couldn't do anything special. Which made her different. To her she was just a normal seven year old
At least for now
Seven year old Mirabel smiled as she walked in to the kitchen. Her family had all been there talking and smiling with one another.
Today the family was planning on what they where neededof for preparations for the traveling fair that would be in today. Aubula as always dealing out the task to each madrigal. Turing towards them as they ate explaining quickly with what each of them needed to do.
"Luisa the town needs help moving booth set ups for the fair today."
"Isabela the townspeople need help with decorating the the town center for the merchants arriving later"
"Dolores listen and let us know when people start arriving"
"Julieta the food stands will need help cooking"
"Camilo help out anyone who needs an extra hand setting up"
"Pepa, clear skys, don't stress. Where all counting on you for for a good festival"
Finally she had turned to mirabel at first the young girl was shocked. Was she finally gonna be given something to do to help the town? She thought as she tapped her fingers in anticipation
"Mirabel, stay out of everyones way"
Oh... mirabel frowned at the task as isabela and camilo snickered at the comment.
She sighed as breakfast went on as normal as everyone chatted with excitement about the fair. It happened every year or so. Merchants far and wide would line the streets of encanto and sell there goodies of food, toys, clothes, weapons, jewelry and other trickets.
For others it was a time of celebration and laughter and joy, time to spend with friends and family. For mirabel it was a time to wonder the streets alone with no one to guide her.
Her family would often pair up in groups and go have fun laughing and smiling. Never including her in there shopping and eating. She also didn't have any real friends she could hang with. Most kids made fun of her for not having a gift like the rest of her family. Which saddened mirabel but she would rather spend time by herself then with people who don't want her around.
By the time mirabel got herself out of her own self wallowing her family was already grabbing there things and getting ready to leave.
Mirabel not wanting to be left behind shoveled the last of her food in to her mouth and quickly and stood up feeling a sudden nausea from eating so fast but pushed through none the less
She quickly rushed up the stairs to her room to grab what she needed. Her bag she designed herself and the chore money shes been saving up for the last year just for this fair.
She grabbed a few other small things but nothing of to much value before she pushed open the door to the nursery and bolted downstairs. When she got there none of her family was there except for her dad who had elected to stay behind and make sure she got to town safely.
Mirabel was grateful that her dad had remembered her but quite upset there other family didn't, as they left the castia the windows flapped as if saying goodbye to the last of the madrigals.
"So hows my special little girl doing?" Her father asked. She giggled at the question.
"Amazing I'm gonna get so much cool stuff there!" she said with a huge smile on her face.
Her dad nodded "I'm sure you will with all the money saved up? Maybe you could buy the whole fair." He joked which caused mirabel to giggle again.
" I need a much bigger purse for all that money!" She said earring a smile from her father.
"well maybe you could make it yourself! You seem quite good at sewing!" He said. The comment caused mirabel to smile to herself. Was she really that good? She pondered. Unfortunately before she could ask for confirmation there conversation was cut short by her dad being called to a honey booth.
Mirabel sighed, that's fine she thought. Maybe she could go talk to her sisters and cousins! Besides in her eyes she wasn't getting in the way if she did anything physically.
She marched forward to see who she would talk to first. When she spotted luisa grabbing a booth hauling it over to where a man was telling her to put it. Mirabel ran up to her just as she put the booth down.
"luisa!" she tried to say but was cut off by her older sister
"Not now mirabel I'm busy"
"That's okay! Maybe I could keep you company!"
"Sorry mira but I need to have my full attention on my duties"
"Oh that's okay! Maybe once the fair actually starts!"
The girl gave mirabel a pitying look before crouching down to mirabel level
"Sorry mira I already agreed to guard enacnto during the fair"
Luisa gave mirabel a small smile before patting her on the head
"But maybe you could hang out with some of the kids in you class" she said with a small smile on her face
Mirabel frowned, spending time with her classmates is usually a nightmare with there rude comments and occasional violent attacks with rocks she would rather anything else then spend time with them
But she didn't say any of this to luisa instead she just smiled and looked up to her
"Yeah maybe" she said bits of disappointment seeking in to her voice
Lusia smiled and nodded before being called over to a another person's booth.
Once luisa was far enough away mirabel sighed before walking once again. She stared at all the beautiful decorations that where being put up by the villagers. The banter and laughter they shared rang in mirabel ears as she walked past them.
'If the villager where putting decorations up that must mean isabela is close by!' Mirabel thought.
With in that in mind mirabel sorrowful walk turned in to a joyful skip as she searched for her older sister
It didn't take long until mirabel found her. She was in the middle of a small crowd of people as she talked in a nice soothing voice to the villagers about where the flowers she has created should go.
As the villagers dissipated to do there work as mirabel ran up to her sister with a wide smile on her face.
"Isa!" She shouted as she stopped right in front of her sister. A strange look over took isabela face before morphing in to a deep angery frown.
"Do you not have anyone else to bother? I'm in the middle of something thats more important then whatever your about to say" she said through gritted teeth in a low voice so no one could hear her.
Mirabel frowned at the statement. 'But isa had already given everyone there task and supplies why couldn't she spend time with me' she thought
But she didn't argue after she didn't want to upset her sister anymore then she already did.
"Oh okay" she mumbled before turning and walking the other way.
The young girl walked on as other kids laughter filled her head. Mirabel had grown to resent the other children happiness. Why did they get to have that but not her? She always wondered what did she do to be so undeserving of it.
She countied to walk in the streets with these thoughts. Looking for anyone she could talk with. Finally she spotted her primos! Dolores and camilo! There backs where turned towards mirabel so they could not see the tiny girl approaching.
She quickly jogged up to them calling there names until they turned towards her.
"What's going on mira?" Dolores said in concerned tone while crouching to mirabel level. Camilo rolled his eyes at the exchange.
"Shes fine. come on! You said you take me to the actors tent before the show started" he whined as he tugged on his sister skirt. Dolores sighed before turning to camilo.
"How about we bring mira along with us? Huh" she said with a sweet smile. Camilo huffed before looking at mirabel with disdain.
"I don't wanna do anything with her" he said as he stomped his feet and walked off. Dolores sighed before looking at mirabel.
"I'm so sorry for his behavior maybe we can get you some ice cream ....." she trailed before standing up and looking around.
"There here!" She yelled to everyone on the street causing people to stumble trying to setup the last parts of there own booths.
Dolores had stood up and was a walking when she quickly turned to look at mirabel
"I'm so sorry mira! I promise I'll find you later and get you an ice cream!" She shouted giving mirabel a smile before then jogging off
Mirabel had no time to respond as she watched her oldest primo run off. She felt an overwhelming familiar sensation wash over her. The same feeling she got when she would spend her birthdays only with her parents while her families birthdays where celebrated by the whole town. The same feeling she got when she talked a little to loud and everyone would stare and whisper about how she shouldn't say so much for someone who can't even get a gift. It was the same feeling she got when she was so proud of her first embroidery pattern but when she tried to tell someone who wasn't her parents it was scoffed at and ridiculed.
It was a mix of resentment, anger and embarrassment
All the traveling merchants have set up by now and mirabel was once again by herself.
Dolores had never come to find her for ice cream. Which was fine with mirabel she was use to these type of things happening so she walked with a similar disappointment in her heart. Her feelings became more akin to loneliness as she made her way through the crowed streets of people from far and wide that she had never seen in her life.
Mirabel stared half heartily at the trinkets from beyond the mountains that guarded her home. Beauties she had never seen in her life from jewelry to dresses to wood workings to beautifully made dresses she could only imagine making. She countied to stare in awe at everything that flooded her eyes until something shiny caught her attention.
Mirabel moved towards the object, out of the crowd and towards the booth. When she came close to it she saw what she was looking at. A leather handle with a gold hilt that curved downwards with engravings in the pattern of freshly sprung roses. The blade was slightly dull but still shined brightly in the sun with the same rose engravings as the hilt.
Mirabel had been broken out of her trance by the man behind the booth voice.
"You like that dagger?" The man said in almost in a amused tone. Mirabel quickly nodded. The man laughed at her responses.
"Alright but it'll cost you quite a bit." Before the man could finish mirabel poured all the money from her bag in front of the man. He stared at the money for a second before laughing once again
"Okay that's good enough. Let me wrap it up for you." The man said grabbing the dagger from the table before cleaning it and fitting it for a sheith. The young girl watched the man impatiently. Her short frame barely making it over the counter to see what the man was doing. Having to stand on her tippy toes to watch the man handle her soon to be most prized possession.
The man turned and saw mirabel trying to look at him over the counter. The man chuckled at the sight before sliding the dagger into mirabel hand and patting her of the head.
"There you go a beautiful dagger for an adorable little girl" mirabel smiled widely at the man before running off.
Mirabel had decided she had enough of the fair. 'Its not like I'm gonna have any fun' she thought bitterly as she made way to the castia to play with her new suvioner.
Part 2
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hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
Don't Mind
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Pairing: Hyunsuk x gn. reader
Genre: Fluff; suggestive
Content Warnings: Just a makeout
Word Count: ~0.5k words
Mellow speaks: My first Hyunsuk fic I'm gonna cry huhu. And that too, my forte of writing makeouts lmao, it was honestly such a treat!! Enjoy y'all! PS. Not me giggling at the title because it reminds me of Kento's dialogue from one of his old dramas xD.
Tagging: @ivyvesisi @yedammi @sweethyuka @hyunsukswhore (thank you so much for the request love but I somehow can't tag you) @hyunsuksmygod (since you wanted something Treasure bestie)
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Hip lips lazily dragging across your own, Hyunsuk's hands slither down your arms, making goosebumps rise in their wake. He tastes of candies and pizza, the only hints to the binge-eating session the two of you shared. Some random movie plays on the screen, nothing more than background noise as your legs rest over his, your knees brushing his.
Subtle as it makes its way into your mouth, his tongue soon draws your own out, the pair dancing around in a rhythm of their own, making you let out a soft hum. The sound causes your boyfriend to pull you even closer, his lips curving up into a satisfied smile as your nose rubs against his.
Stolen moments like this, when neither of you has anything to worry about, no deadlines to bet met and no songs to be made, are what help you through your days, the feeling of his body, warm against yours making your heart flutter. You love the man that's wrapped around you with everything you've got, and sometimes, kissing him is the only way you can actually express what you feel for him.
And so, you let your hands wander across his body too, running along his chest and biceps, your arms getting looped around his neck. His own hands move to your waist and thighs, rubbing the skin towards the inside of your legs as he continues to explore your mouth. You don't know how or when, but soon enough, you find yourself straddling his lap, his head resting easily on the armrest of the sofa, his hands now holding you in place.
Your lips keep meeting his, the kiss sweet and hot at the same time, your body feeling all warm and fuzzy as Hyunsuk's breath gets mingled with yours. "I love you so damn much," he whispers against your mouth, making you let out a giggle as you shush him by kissing him again. Hyunsuk's fingers dip under the hem of your shirt, drumming against your skin as you rest your forehead on his.
It goes on for heaven knows how long, your tongues meeting in a love-filled display as you continue to make-out. Not even oxygen can make you pull away for long, your faces inching closer again every time you stop kissing. What does make you stop though, is the sound of a snicker coming from the door, causing your eyes to go wide as you scramble away from each other.
"Don't mind us, we're just passing by," Jihoon smirks, pulling a disgusted looking Mashiho along with him to the kitchen. You can only shake your head at that, a pout forming at your lips as you look down at your boyfriend. But to your surprise, instead of chuckling like you had expected him to, all Hyunsuk does is pull you closer once more, the last thing you hear being "He told us to not mind them" before he catches you in yet another kiss.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
happy blorbo blursday! if you're participating today I'd love to hear about whatever oc is in the brain microwave as of late :)
OKAY i wanted to answer the Rook Vibes asks first b/c i decided that i'm gonna talk about rook here :D i did talk about them a bit with those vibes, but i want to talk about them more because they are my special little guy.
first up, let me share some art of my baby <3 this is a color palette meme thing i did for them! i randomly generated a color palette and found a random pose and outfit and went wild.
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[Image Description: A drawing of my OC Rook in a limited color palette, shown from around the knees up. The palette is primarily made up of shades of blue, with a vibrant red as well. Rook is a lean person with scars littering their skin and large, pointed ears. They have eyes with black sclerae and colored irises, short dark hair, long claws, and sharp teeth. In the drawing, Rook is wearing a loose wrap around their chest and shoulders and a long skirt. They are holding a baseball bat with one hand, resting it on their shoulders, and their other hand is resting on their hip. The background of the drawing is dark blue with a red stripe diagonally across it. End ID.]
ANYWAY so rook is the protagonist of a wip i keep going back and forth on the name of, but for now i just call it 'rook' as a working title. simple title, it's fine. the basic premise of the story is that it's about rook, a monster that's kinda like. some sort of zombie shapeshifter creature. rook was the victim of a violent, horrific murder, and they were resurrected an unknown amount of time later by someone who wanted a pet monster to order around and do his bidding.
instead of becoming their creator's little pet monster, though, rook ends up being found by a local woman named kay, who sees humanity in them when no one else does and takes them in. she and rook become friends, and a large chunk of the story centers around rook, who has no memory of their existence as a human, trying to Be A Person.
however, WELL, rook does know their death wasn't pretty, and as much as they want to be a nice person and have a happy life, they also want some kind of justice (or vengeance, whatever works). another big element of the story is rook trying to hunt down the one who killed them and get their fucking revenge. already a daunting task, made harder by the fact that they don't remember anything about what happened in the first place.
i'm very into stories that center around recovery, mental health, and identity, so that's a lot of what rook's story is. with an added element of "rook wants to do some murder so so badly."
anyway uhhh some facts about rook:
i have a lot of thoughts about rook's powers and the drawbacks of those powers, as well as why they have them in the first place, but honestly that's probably worth a whole separate post. i've thought about making them a void-walker, but i want them to have their own lore. (plus, well, rook is a shapeshifter and void-walkers can't do that)
rook was given their name by their creator, a man who's obsessed with chess metaphors. they're also not the only monster he's created--boy's goin for the whole set. they initially rejected this name, but eventually they come to reclaim it as their own. they make their own meaning.
for a while, rook really leans into the perception that they are a terrible, horrible monster who only causes harm. they refer to themself as a devil and a demon and a bunch of other shit, because there's a period in their story where they decide to be just as monstrous as they were "meant" to be.
i wrote a short story a couple of years ago about rook's murder and all the backstory around that, only to decide later that none of that was canon anymore for the most part. welp!
the actual perfect rook song is louie zong's song pumpkin's revenge. once again, if i had the energy to make something with them based on this song.... it'd be all over for y'all (i'm kidding)
rook loves animals, but unfortunately most animals are afraid of them :(
rook is a shapeshifter, but they don't actually have that much ability to change their physical form without a large amount of effort and energy. there are a lot of things about rook's appearance that generally can't change, regardless of the form they take, such as their scars and sharp teeth.
okay yeah that's my baby <3 i love them so so dearly and they matter so so much to me <3
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