#I'm gonna show this stupid ass bitch brain that it doesn't need to start crying like a toddler in distress-
Honestly should have gotten myself a therapist earlier, maybe then I wouldn’t have basically failed all my last semesters. Today I was internally screaming and running around the room while it was going up in flames and she was just calmly going ‘Okay but let’s look why the circumstances are different now and why you will be mastering your exam😊’
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deadprompts · 11 months
content warning applies. change any pronouns / wording if necessary.
there's us and the dead.
this is what takes us down.
the tragedy of their loss cannot be overstated.
i'm gonna get shit-faced drunk again
you should've seen the look on his face when i punched out his front teeth.
you're still a dumbass.
nice moves there, clint eastwood.
i think tomorrow i'm gonna blow my brains out.
y'all be more polite to a man with a gun!
zero tolerance for walkers.
that's the biggest lie there is.
we're safe here.
it's not a toy.
i know how the safety works.
keep drinking, little man.
do not enter the city.
bright side, it'll be the fall that kills us.
you may think you do but you don't.
living underground doesn't help; not knowing if it's day or night.
wish i could have done it a month ago.
friend, you need glasses.
there's good news?
it was worth every minute of it just to see that prick spit his teeth out on the ground.
i finally got the scrubbers in the east sector shut down to save power.
there were dozens of 'em.
eww. that's nasty.
maybe we got a second chance.
help me now, show me the way.
i didn't behave, i know.
screw you, man.
sometimes they fall short.
you take that stupid hat and go back to "on golden pond."
you the new sheriff come riding in to clean up the town?
cozy in there?
the only reason i got away was 'cause the dead were too busy eating my family.
i don't even know why i'm talking to you.
that's my boy.
this is our extinction event.
how far do you think i can chuck this, huh?
things are different now.
if you see anything, holler. i'll come running.
go on, tell me what to do.
hey kid, what'd you do before all this?
what are the odds, huh?
i know what i want to say.
i see a chance to make a new start.
i remember my dream now.
i ain't begged you before, i ain't gonna start begging now.
i know i'm being punished.
it wasn't my intention.
i can't let a man die of thirst.
i wanna see how red your face can get.
the world ended, didn't you get the memo?
we survive this by pulling together, not apart.
anybody that gets in the way of that is gonna lose.
it scares the fish.
thought i'd get to drive at least for a few more days.
i'll give you a moment to think about that.
i'm sorry this happened to you.
i'm old enough.
it belongs to the dead now.
maybe we'll get to steal another one someday.
nobody is gonna hurt you, okay?
they came out of nowhere.
saves me the embarrassment.
that's the bad news.
can i learn to shoot?
you pull the trigger, you have to mean it.
not many people get that.
bites kill you.
just...feeling very...off.
words can be meager things.
what he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me.
what do you say to that?
guess the world changed.
the fever burns you out, but then after a while... you come back.
hell yes you're gonna learn.
you heard me, bitch.
the weak get taken.
there's no clinical progress to report.
still not sleeping well, can't seem to keep regular hours.
we gotta do it carefully, teach you to respect the weapon.
we are surviving here.
too bad i never studied engineering.
yeah, whatever, yee haw.
they might not seem like much one at a time, but in a group all riled up and hungry, man you watch your ass.
one thing i do know, don't you get bit.
we don't kill the living.
no crying in the boat.
i bet there isn't a single son of a bitch still listening out there, is there?
that's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being.
you don't know what it's like out there.
you're surrounded by walkers.
we don't have to be afraid anymore.
who voted you king boss?
we left him like an animal caught in a trap.
the line is pretty clear.
admit it, you only came back to atlanta for the hat.
i can see you make a habit of missing the point.
it's only a matter of time.
is this real?
there's us and the dead.
you got a problem?
there's too many of those things.
i never told them what i really thought.
i ain't so worried about some dumb dead bastard.
i'm a glass half full kinda guy.
it's the same as it ever was.
who the hell are you, man?!
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fangirl-everythang · 3 years
Happy Father's Day Part 3
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Summary: 3/3 Well, its the last part.
Warning: Sad, Mentions Death.
Word Count: 2269
"Harry? " I answer the phone.
"It's not Harry but glad you know your numbers." that high pitch annoying ass voice squeals. Rubbing my stomach, the baby's in go position and any day now my oven will be done baking. And of course, this bitch is answering his phone.
"Well bye-bye just thought you should know where he was at. " In the background, I hear Harry's voice going on about something so it must be true. Hanging up I sigh letting the hot tears roll down my cheeks. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I blame myself really, I let him back into my life and this doesn't surprise me. I gotta pee.
Waddling over to the bathroom door a gasp leaves my mouth feeling the surge of liquids fall between my legs. Holy shit. My water broke! Fuck gotta go. Thankful my bag was already in the car. Harry had insisted once I hit the 36-week mark claiming Styles's are either early or fashionably late.
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. My knuckles turning white as I grasp the wheel. Nope, I'm not pushing anything out of my vagina. Can't do it. I refuse.
The contraction going away after a few brief moments of completely unreasonable pain. Dialing the numbers, I know by second nature, thankfully she picks up on the fourth ring.
"I don't think you should drive y/n"
" Just call 911. I'm almost there! " Gemma ecstatically shouts. She's just like her brother, "Where's Harrold? "
I put the seatbelt on and wince. It's just 28 minutes I can do this. "He's with his whore."
I can hear an audible gasp, "he wouldn't he's so excited for Athena"
"Well I just called him and she answered. " I grunt keeping my eyes on the two lanes ahead of me. Fuck I hate merging lanes people don't know how to drive.
"I'll be at the hospital as soon as possible but my phones gonna-" the line went dead. She did say she was on like 10% oh well.
I can do this just focus y/n. "Hear that baby girl we're almost there, hang on okay Hunny. " I say as a reminder to myself that soon I'll be leaving with another human with me.
6 miles to go that's what I'm talking about, another sharp pain spreads throughout my abdomen while waiting for the light to turn green. "OH COME ON. FOR FUCKS SAKE!" they're getting closer by the minute. Shit. Arriving at a four-way intersection. I'm relieved to be at a red light, the contractions are longer and much more frequent. "Almost there Athena, this is the last light and a straight shot from there."
Abruptly my car is jerked forward with a sharp impact pushing to the oncoming lights. All I see are lights from both directions colliding with my 3,000-pound piece of metal. Sounds of shattering glass and sirens are the last thing I hear before it all fades to black.
Harry's POV
"Has anyone seen Mr. Style's phone?" The helpful aid asked around the dressing room. I could've sworn I put it down for a moment. Y/n could go into labor any minute now and how I am supposed to know. Fuck. I'm stupid.
I was supposed to be here to perform and list nominees and then go back home to y/n. I can't wait to propose to her, she's all I could ever want and she's giving me the most wonderful gift I could ever ask for. Running a hand through my damp hair, the lights really build a sweat, I hear a familiar voice. "Looking for this lover? " she asks slipping my phone into my pocket.
"Good luck at home. " she smiles and winks. Before I could question it she walks away.
Looking down at the device my heart skips a beat, I have 146 missed calls. And I've been gone for 5 hours. Seeing Gemma's name on the screen again I swipe to answer.
"Harry," she says sniffling.
"Gemma what's wrong? did I miss it? Oh my god I hope not"
"I think it would be best if you came now Harry." she breaks her voice cracking.
"Gem what?"
"Listen Harry, she needs you right now so please." she cries. Not needing another word, I tell Jackson the address and that I need to be there as fast as possible, 45 minutes later we're pulling into the Labor and Delivery section of the hospital.
"Congrats Harry!" Jackson says letting me out at the door. "Thank you!" I beam back at him.
Seeing Gemma, her eyes are puffy with tears still flowing. "Gem what's wro-," a sharp pain to my right cheek stings. Never has Gemma hit me like that, well not since I cut her prom dress. "How could you Harry? Cheat on her again WITH TAYLOR for Christ sakes!" She yells.
"I didn't cheat," I explain to my sister as calm as I can.
She looks at me with wild eyes pulling me into a hallway with fewer people, "Then what happened Harrold?" I clench my jaw instead of speaking, how dare she accuse me of cheating on my pregnant soon-to-be fiancé. Y/n Styles has a great catch don't you think?
"Is she here yet? Gem where are they?" I ask ready to see my new family.
She begins crying again "Harry there was an accident." Those five words make my breathing come to a halt. My heart shatters in a million pieces "Is Y/n okay? What happened?" She begins walking me to a door. "This one," she points. Looking through the glass I see y/n with bruises and cuts to her beautiful face, her stomach nearly deflated from when I last saw her this morning, a cast on a swollen leg of hers, and a sling holding a very damaged arm. Tears brim at my eyes looking at my love on that hospital bed. "She's awake." Gemma walks past me running to the outside.
I gently knock on the door, waiting for a response which I don't get. "Y/n?" I approach her almost as If I were going to help an injured puppy. "Hey love" I smile at her which she glares at me and then turns wincing in pain. "You wanted this didn't you Harry?" I look at her confused. "This is probably great for you, a way out. Well leave." She states using whatever energy she can find.
"Baby I didn't want- I want you and Athena" She breaks down in uncontrollable tears.
"You were with that her and couldn't even bother to pick up your phone!" she screams. "Y/n I wasn-" a knock at the door interrupts my sentence, "Come in" She says glaring at me as a nurse opens the door.
"Hey there Mama, we have a visitor." the nurse wheel in a tiny cart that has a bunch of equipment coming from it. She looks at me and asks Y/n, "Is this dad?" she nods and rolls her eyes. "About time you made it!" She smiles my way. Placing the beautiful baby in front of us. She's so small and fragile. "The doctor will be in shortly to talk to you." She states picking up the tiny child and putting her in Y/n's arm.
"Hi pumpkin," Y/n coos into her ear. "Guess who decided to show?" She smiles, a tear falling from the corner of her eye. She nods her head towards me as I go to hold her. She's so soft and precious. Her small eyes have a gorgeous mix of both mine and Y/n's. She has such a cute round face, I couldn't imagine her looking any different.
"Hi there angel, I'm so sorry I was late." I see a spot dampen on her blanket that surrounds her, knowing that I'm crying. Her small eyes shining like twinkling stars. So small I can feel her fragile body between my large hands.
Another knock before the door opens when several doctors walk in. "Mrs. Y/ln, unfortunately, we have some bad news,"
"Oh, hello there Mr. Styles." They state acknowledging my existence. One of the female doctors places a black and white image on the lighted board illuminating the small figure.
"Unfortunately, due to the accident, Athena has suffered from what we call a fetomaternal hemorrhage."
"What exactly are you saying?" Y/n ask looking at the child still in my arms.
The slightly shorter male doctor points to the image. "This is an abscess of blood in the brain. Unfortunately, the risk is too large to operate. I'd give her another day at most."
"You m-mean," Tears start pouring down her face" I was so scared she was hurt. I-I promise I saw the light it was red, and I-I stopped but," She began heaving losing more air with each word. I gently rub her back as I cradle Athena with one arm.
"She's still being monitored but I'm afraid she won't have much longer." The first doctor breaks the silence. "According to the police report the car that struck you from behind happened to be a drunk driver, Gage Joyce." I can feel the anger surging through me. "I remember the clashing of metal, glass breaking, the sirens but it all went b-black." She mumbles, seemingly remembering the awful experience. I grab her hand in hopes of comforting her but it doesn't seem to work.
"After striking your car at 72 mph it had ample force to push your vehicle into the opposite traffic. Your vehicle took the most impact and was hit by four other cars. On scene, EMT's said you were in and out of consciousness mumbling about a baby. Taken and brought to the L&D." he finishes.
"Fetomaternal hemorrhages are often caused by trauma and sometimes can be revered but in this case, we've done all we can do." They all frown looking at the small girl still in my arms.
"No, there's got to be more you can bloody do! We're in a hospital for Christ sakes!" I exclaim, passing my daughter to the love of my life. She gently caresses her soft skin. She's literally a perfect combination of us. I cannot lose my family.
"You can leave, thank you all for your help." y/n says quietly, they oblige by her wishes and leave us with our daughter.
"Harry," she wipes a tear from her face cautious of the IV placed on her hand, "If what they say is true, I just want to spend time with her." She sniffles. I nod understanding. She looks back at the small being in her arms, "Hi pretty girl, Mommy's so happy to meet you," she unfolds the blanket from her. I sit next to her on the small bed in the room that smells of sterilization. Placing my finger near hers' she wraps her small hand around my thumb, her grip so tight for someone so small. Y/n kisses her forehead, "Harry," she runs her finger along her small legs.
"Can you sing the song?" nodding and softly singing Isn't she Lovely by Stevie Wonder, in the small hospital bed as our new life falls asleep. All night I watch her little chest rise and fall allowing y/n to get some rest soon following my two loves.
By the early morning, nurses are rushing in because of the loud beeping from the monitor, waking y/n and I. It feels like everything is happening so fast but in slow motion right in front of me. Those three words are the ones I didn't want to hear. "No! no. I have to take her home. She's gotta go home..." Y/n screams, not being able to see her face due to the tears in my eyes falling and rebuilding themselves faster than the speed of light. "Call it." One of the nurses shouts.
"Time of Death 6:18 am March 7th, 2019"
As they cleared out the room, I see her small lifeless body curled into a blanket, almost as if she were sleeping, but no longer do breaths fall from her small heart-shaped lips.
Y/n hasn't said a word since we got in the car. It's been four days since we lost Athena. She slowly climbs into the car, still sore from the accident and birth. I go to the backseat holding back my emotions and putting the empty car-seat in the trunk of the car that should have been holding three of us.
Starting the silent journey back home she continues to look out of the window, a frown etched on her mouth, tears rolling down her cheeks as she instinctively touches her somewhat deflated stomach. What kind of sick joke is this?
"Harry why were you with her?" she asks me looking down at what used to be her baby bump.
"I wasn't love, she took my phone while I was on stage." She just nods and remains silent until we pull up to the flat. She begins walking up the stairs as best she can. "Y/n wait, let me help."
"No Harry!" She yells. Pain evident in her voice, ignoring her I open the door and help her inside. "Harry I can't do this." I stare at her confused, "What can't you do y/n?"
"Us Harry. I can't look at you and not think of her." She sobs.
"Y/n we can-" I try to reason with her.
"No Harry, please just go." She whispers.
"I'm not losing both of you," I state holding back my own sobs. I feel like everything feels like it's getting smaller around me, suffocating in grief.
"You already have."
A/N: What can I say I have a thing for dark endings. Anyways I really appreciate the support loves. I hope you enjoy these! Right now I've been working on a Loki piece, I'm so excited for it. I changed the writing style tho, so it's not 1st person per usual. I think it's going pretty well so far.
xoxo Janelle
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penny44224 · 4 years
I'm home
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(It’s been a while I hope you like it😫)
Drinking your freshly brewed coffee as you sat in your office while observing the outside scenery from the window. It’s been exactly five years since you have been married to Chris or formally known as Bang Chan from Stray Kids. What started as a random encounter turned into blissful romance.
You both fought hard to keep your relationship going from the company, parents, and of course the fans. But successfully, everyone saw how much your love for one other is and eventually let it be. This is what you wanted right, to finally be with Chan without second-guessing yourself. So why are you unhappy. The public thinks you guys are living the happy married life together, but in private, you guys were struggling. To start it off, Bang Chan still works for JYP. Meaning, he lives in Seoul while he also lives in Australia which is where you live. You’ve been pushing about wanting to start a family with him ever since you guys got married but the long-distance is becoming a real issue.
You knew how much he loved his career and you support him fully without a doubt. But you couldn’t take it. Because to be honest, you were just lonely. It’s been 8 months since the last time you guys saw each other, felt each other, and kiss each other. You longed for him physically but you knew it wasn’t you say so. You accepted the long distance while you guys were dating but now being married, it was a different story.
Last night, you decided to call him up but that was a horrible idea. You just wanted to check up on him, but it escalated to an intense argument. The last thing you remember is him saying to you, “why the fuck am I still with you!” You never felt so broken that you barely got sleep last night.
Now you're in your office, trying your best to get through the day. On cue, that’s when your coworkers, Lia, Beth, and Maxine came in.
“Y/N did you not see my text messages I sent you!” said Lia
“Oh I’m sorry I haven’t been on my phone” you replied quietly
The girls were always used to your uplifting spirit but notice a sad tone in your voice
“Hey honey you ok?” Beth asked walked closer to you
That’s when finally last night’s emotion hit you. You started brawling in front of your friends while they immediately comfort you. You began to tell them everything that has happened.
“Oh my goodness, I never knew you were dealing with this sweetie,” Maxine says as she hugs you
“I don’t know what to do anymore, does he even love me or are we just staying together because of how hard we fought to be together, “ you say as more tears begin to fall down your cheek
“Don’t say that girl, you know he loves you melanin and all! You guys fought because of how much you love each other. That’s what matters” Maxine states
“But I can’t believe he said that to you, he knows I will literally go to Seoul to beat his ass up!” Lia replied which made you guys giggle
“Exactly go book a flight now and a hotel too” Beth added
“Oh guys stop,” you say now laughing as the tears start to dry
”You know what we can do to cheer you up!” Lia gasped
The girls looked at each other unsure
”THE CLUB” Lia yelled excitedly
”oh my goodness yasss, we can go to the one that just opened!” Beth added
” Uhh guys I'm not sure going to the club will help my problem,” y/n said
”Trust us y/n, the more you stress, the more you will become depressed. So let just let go for one night. ” Maxine says sweetly
You did want to forget about what happened last night so you agreed
”yayyy we gonna party!” Lia jumped up and down
”umm guys, is it ok if I invite Susie, you know she's new to town and I want to show her around,” Beth asked
”of course, she can come” you answered unaware of the butterfly effect you just created
After two hours of getting ready, you examined your self in the mirror. Your hair was up in a high ponytail, smokey face look, a strapless burgundy dress that hugged your curves and lace heels.
”Your gonna have a fun night,” you tell yourself as you hear beeping outside
As you guys were at the club, the girls literally on cloud nine. But you were still in your mood because of what Chan said. That's when Susie, the coworker came over to you
”Hey I heard what happened to you,” Susie said
”of course you did, Beth has a big mouth,” you said rubbing your forehead
”Heyy you need a drink, I'll go get one for you ” She winked and left before you can decline her suggestion
As Susie received your drink, she turned around (with her back facing you ) and dropped a small pill inside of it. When the pill dissolved she walked right toward you
”Here this will help you to let loose” Susie says as she hands you your drink
Your mind was screaming at you don't do it. But you just want to let go of all this hurt you were feeling.As you finished the drink, a rush of adrenaline took over your body in an instant.
After at least ten minutes, you were dancing on top of the bar table while the crowd cheers you on too. Your friends taking videos of you while hyping you up. That when you saw a man from across the room looking at you. The way he stared at you made you dance sexier. He began to smirk and lick his lips at you. Enjoying the effect you had on him, you got off the bar table.
”Girl what was that, you were killin it,” Lia said chapping her hands
” You said get loose so I'm doing exactly that. ” you said flipping your ponytail as you walk toward the mysterious man
As you walked toward him, he stands up from his seat. You got a good look at him, muscles trying their best out hold inside his button-up shirt, hair perfectly styled, and a smile that can light up the room.
”What's your name, handsome?” you asked
”B/W (your bias wrecker) ” he said with a smile
” mmm, you wanna dance,” you said stretch your arm out to him
He took it as you brought him to the center of the dance floor. You two began dancing for quite a while until the DJ started to play slow R&B aka sexual music. (B/W) held your waist and brought you closer to him. You felt everything as his body and your body closed the gap between you too. The feeling was addicting as you feel his lips shadow your neck and bulge on your thigh. You look up at him slowly to meet his eyes. Once both of your eyes met, all you saw was darkness and lust
As you open your eyes, you began stretching. But that's when you felt immediately nauseous, jumped out of bed, and sprinted to the bathroom. After throwing up for the fourth time. You tried reaching for the toilet paper where you usually put it but all you felt was a wall. That when your senses hit you, this wasn't your house.
As you look around your surroundings., you realized. This was a hotel! Maybe the girls and I crashed her because we were so drunk. So you washed up and left the bathroom. As you were walking toward the bedroom, you halt your action immediately. You looked on the floor and saw clothes. But not only yours, male clothes too. So many thoughts filled your head as it pounds. You finally reached the bed and saw him, (B/W) sleeping peacefully yet naked. That when you started to remember everything last night. You felt can not be described. Guilt layer 1 You quickly put on your clothes, grabbed your phone and bolted out of the building.
As you reached home you hopped into the shower. You began to break down letting all last night's mistakes and your latest fight with Chan flood the shower. You cheated on your husband replied over and over in your brain. As guilt flood the atmosphere. You felt extremely horrible but you knew you had to tell him. Guilt layer 2
As you got changed and decided to empty the trash, as you were organizing from the recyclables to the trash, you found a pregnancy box. That’s when you felt a cold chill rise. You forgot to check if you wore a condom, but you rushed out of the hotel room without asking the man. What you were about to do felt sick but you wanted to make sure
After waiting the exact time, you finally saw your results...you never wanted to jump out of a window so badly but you couldn’t since there was not another human inside you. You called up Maxine, telling her everything while balling your eyes out. Guilt layer part 3
” I'm a horrible wife, Maxine. I got so sad that I drank my feelings out because my husband said he doesn't know why he's with me. A-and I made an m-mistake and slept with (B/W) and now I'm giving pregnant. Pregnant from someone who isn't my husband! ” you cried out in pain while lying down in the floor
” y/n how did you even get this drunk in the first place?” Maxine asked
”Well Susie gave a drink, it tasted very fizzy for a drink. ” you said as you sniffed
”Oh my fucking gosh that bitch drugged you. I knew there was something wrong with her I just couldn't put my finger in it. One of my coworkers says they were there last night as saw her in the act but was too drunk to remember until this morning. I'm so sorry I should if stood by you” Maxine explain sadly
”So I'm a cheating worthless wife, who got pregnant over a one night stand because j was drugged by my co worker..” you say blankly analyzing how broken you felt. Your emotions are now numb, realizing everything was your fault. If you would have just said no all of these events would not have taken place. But the only person you can blame is yourself. Guilt layer 4
”y/n don't do anything stupid, we're coming over there right now,” Maxine says but you hung up the phone without giving her an answer
You got up from the floor and loom in the mirror. Your hair was a mess, your face, and a bit swelled from all the crying. You took a deep breath and try telling your self you will be ok. You grabbed the pregnancy test and walked out of the bathroom. Once you enter the living room, you halt your movements as your eyes couldn't believe what you were seeing.
Your one-night stand (B/W) standing with your purse that you probably left at the hotel in his hands while displaying shook expression. But that's not what you shocked about. It was because your husband was also standing in your shared living room with your favorite flowers in his hands looking at you with an expression you can't identify.
Both men are looking at you, while you looking at them thinking this was a dream. But somehow you were still missing something. Your eyes turned traveled to the living table where all you guys family photos we're placed. But there was one photo that stood out the most. It was a photo of your husband and (B/w) in a picture together, a high school picture together. Now all the puzzles pieces are now connected. B/w was chan childhood friend he has mentions you about but you never really met him until now well last night. As the final cherry on top, the guilt cake was completed of worse wife ever. It like Chan knew your realization, he heard everything you said from the bathroom since you were practically yelling and especially (B/W) too.
That when Chan began to speak
”I'm home”
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