#I'm going to have a beautiful view where I'll never have to close my blinds bc I'm 12 fucking stories up
florafight · 7 months
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perspectivestarters · 5 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chappell Roan (Part II)
We broke up on a Tuesday.
Who knew that we'd let it get this bad when it ended.
Karma's real.
Hope it's your turn.
I heard from *Name*, you're losing it lately.
It's hot when you have a meltdown.
It's hot when you're drinking downtown.
You're getting called out 'cause you're running your mouth.
It's coming around.
People say I'm jealous but my kink is watching you ruining your life.
People say I'm jealous but my kink is karma.
Wishing you the best, in the worst way.
Using your distress as foreplay.
Six months since April and I'm doing better.
No need to be hateful in your fake Gucci sweater.
It's hot when you're going through hell.
I'm feeling myself.
It's hot when you know that you're caught and you're getting pissed off.
It's getting me off.
Draw the blinds.
Slip off my pretty dress down my chest.
It's ritualistic.
Counting lipstick stains where you should be.
I need you around.
I'm getting close now.
Do you picture me like I picture you?
Am I in the frame from your point of view?
Do you feel the same?
I'm too scared to say half of the things I do when I picture you.
So, tell me now all your perversions.
Here we go again.
Everything is fine.
I guess we could pretend we didn't cross a line.
Ever since that day, everything has changed.
The way I write your name
If you really wanna leave, I'll never make you stay.
Whatever you decide, I will understand.
It will all be fine.
Love is a kaleidoscope.
How it works, I'll never know.
It's somehow all the same
It's beautiful somehow.
It's never just a shape alone.
Well, I'd love to see them try.
There's no one else who could.
The only one is you.
If you change your mind, I will understand.
It'll just take time to go back to being friends.
Don't be afraid to hold it close.
I know you wanted me to stay.
I can't ignore the crazy visions of me in *Place*.
I heard that there's a special place where boys and girls can all be queens every single day.
I'm having wicked dreams of leaving.
I swear it's calling me.
Won't make my mama proud.
It's gonna cause a scene.
I know she's gonna scream.
God, what have you done?
I'm just having fun.
It's where I belong.
I'm gonna keep on dancing.
Every night's another reason why I left it all.
I thank my wicked dreams.
You've been too good to me.
Don't think I've left you all behind.
You're always on my mind.
I can hear your southern drawl a thousand miles away.
I know you just landed.
I know you're probably busy but I would love to see you.
Call me when you can.
I'll never cross the line.
I pushed you down a million times.
I'd love if you knew you were on my mind.
Boys suck and girls I've never tried.
We both know we're getting drunk tonight.
Touch me, baby.
Put your lips on mine
Could go to hell but we'll probably be fine.
I know you want it.
You can have it.
I've never done it.
Let's make it cinematic
I wanna know, baby, what is it like?
An inch away from more than just friends.
If I don't try, then it's my loss.
Won't you fucking touch me?
I just want to touch you.
I want all of your love.
I stretched myself across four states.
I trade amber clay roads for the sea foam and the endless sun rays.
I was never told that I wasn't gonna get the things I want the most.
If it hasn't happened yet, then maybe you should go.
Come get me out.
Thought I'd be cool in here.
I'd make you proud
To think I almost had it going, but I let you down.
Too hard to find reasons to stay.
Learned it on the internet.
Wild thoughts that make me melt.
Sometimes I scare myself.
I can't help what I can't help.
So shame on me, and shame on you.
I fantasize what we would do.
How would it taste?
Some good girls do bad things too.
I want this like a cigarette.
Can we drag it out and never quit?
Oh my god, you are heaven sent.
You give me guilty plеasure.
You're a pothead.
You're a cinephile.
It's been awhile since you turned up the dial.
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hannybkpop · 2 months
❖ The beginning of the End? ❖
 Finally arriving at Chans Place, you realized this man lives a pretty lavish life. He had his own house from his furnishing to the flooring you could tell a lot of it was from big name brands.
Chan: "If you go down that hallway and turn left, you'll find the guest room"
As You make your way down with your stuff you start to unpack what needs to be unpacked while in the other room the Boys where having their own discussion making sure you weren't listening in.
Lee know: "She's starting to remember, Which means pretty soon we won't be able to hide the truth from her anymore"
Chan: "We need to try and prolong it as long as we can, but with Heeseung in the picture who knows how far him and his group are."
Lee Know: "And if we can't? What if she finds out from one of these incidents?"
Chan: "We Just got to keep our eyes on her, I'll contact the rest of the guys tonight to make sure we Protect her. It will be safer that way than that band of Vampires"
Lee Know: "But it's not like we are any different than those Blood suckers"
They heard you close the guest room door and decided to cut their conversation short.
Lee Know ended up Leaving soon after, and both you and Chan decided to call it a night and get some sleep before your long day tomorrow.
As you opened your eyes, you remembered you weren't at your apartment anymore. First the Club attack, then Rose being murdered to practically almost getting kidnapped less than 24hrs ago. 
You sat up thinking to yourself that today would go a lot smoother than these last couple of days, that knowing Rose she wouldn't Want you sitting around upset over her death, she would want you to live her life too along with yours. So you got up, took a shower and got ready to face the day head on.
After eating breakfast, You and Chan met up with Lee know to take care of your lease, and to your surprise it was a lot easier than expected. From there you went apartment hunting, you had come up on  2 different places you really liked. One was closer to your college While the other just had a very beautiful view that no one in their right mind would give up BUT you would rather walk less than 10min to school over having to take buses and wake up a whole hour early just to get ready. 
Chan: "Yeseul, You Don't Have to rush on a decision, there's still about a week left before college starts so why not take another day to think about it?"
Honestly you didn't think it was a bad idea but if you were able to sign the lease today then you could start moving everything from your old apartment to the new one since they agreed to give you a few days to take all your belongings. 
Yeseul: "Thanks again Chan but I think if I sign the lease today then I have enough time to move my belongings and settle into the new apartment, plus I appreciate everything both you and Lee Know have done for me, without you guys I'm not sure what I would do"
So you returned to the Apartment Near the school, It was called 'Paradoxxx' Signed the lease and started working on packing everything up at your old apartment.
While finishing up the last of the items you picked up a picture frame, it was a photo of you and Rose. 
"Would you look at that, we are almost in the exact same classes even in College" Rose nudged your arm. "You going to finally fall in love this year Yeseul? You always seem turn away every single guy that even takes the slightest interest" Rose says with a grin.  "I have to focus on school, that way once I at least have a bachelors degree I can get a stable job, I have no time for boys and why would I look for love when I have you, Hyunjin can wait" You both laugh. "Just so you know Yeseul, I'll set you up on blind dates and you will never know"
This school year was supposed to be different, You had both finished your first year and had one more to go. Maybe this time around  you would follow through with Rose's idea of falling in love. But with everything going on you weren't sure how you were to do that if your life continued being in danger.
Packing away the Last Picture frame, you grabbed what was left and closed the door to your old apartment behind you. You were hoping this could mark a new beginning but you know life, it throws everything it can at you before the sun shines bright on the other side. Making your way downstairs you spot Lee Know and Chan, and some unfamiliar faces behind them.
Lee Know: "Is that the Last of your things?" He asked.
Yeseul: "Yeah this is it, the movers already headed over to the new apartment."
Chan: "Well if you would like we brought some extra hands to Help you settle into to your new place."
He went on to Introduce his friends. The one Named Jisung Had some of the cutest cheeks ever I swear you could pinch them. Then we had Changbin, he may be short looking but man did he work out. From there Seungmin was introduced but they did warn you that he had some of the best and snarkiest comebacks. Felix Looked like a entire ball of sunshine and supposedly he made some of the best brownies. Hyunjin, what else could you say about Hyunjin he radiated charisma and mentioned if you ever went clubbing again to take him with you because he was an amazing dancer plus now you could put a name to the face.  And then we had the Youngest Jeongin but they said you could call him I.N, they told you to watch out for him because you would never realize that he would be full on flirting with you. 
Yeseul: "Nice to meet you guys! My name is Yeseul and I will appreciate all the help I can get" you said with a smile. You looked over at Hyunjin but he slightly shook his head, and knowing that look he didn't want you to bring it up.
From there you split up into two different cars, you went in the same Car That Chan was in, but that was thanks to the members pushing for it. You sat in front with him as he drove. You never noticed since it was your first time in the car with him but from seeing him bartend to now driving you to help settle in, he was very thoughtful and very attractive. You couldn't help but Blush a little while watching him drive. One hand on the steering wheel while the other was on the gear shift. He Looked so relaxed while driving but mad did he look good doing it. The three members in the back couldn't  help but giggle in the back while watching the scene in front of them unfolds. The looked between both you and Chan noticing the small glances he would take your way and you would do the same. 
Finally arriving at your destination, the movers were there ready to start unloading so you headed straight to your apartment number, luckily you were on the first floor. With the help of the boys and the movers you managed to at least get all the furniture set now all that was left was all the packed away boxes.
Yeseul: "Hey! Let's take a break, I'll pay for dinner to thank you for helping me"
Chan: "Are you sure? There are quite a few of us" He said while look at the other 7 boys
Jisung: "If you are buying dinner from now I will call you Noona!" Everyone laugher.
Not to long after Your pizzas had been delivered you all had settles down on the floor, everyone grabbing a slice to two of different pizzas and started eating away.
Yeseul: "Han, from you statement earlier do you happen to be younger than me? I swear I thought you'd be older."
Lee Know: "Don't let those chubby cheeks of his fool you. Yeseul you're turning, 22 soon and Han will be 23"
Han Shot a glare at Lee Know. something about those two just radiated Best friend soulmates, you couldn't help but laugh to yourself. You guys chatted away for another 30-45mins after you finished eating learning how old everyone way and to your surprise but you and Felix were the same age.
After everyone went back to unpacking, they helped set up your living room to the kitchen, some items for the bathroom but not all since some you would rather keep secret and everything in your room except for the clothes that you said you would do yourself. Everyone was saying their Goodbyes but Chan stayed back.
Chan: "Yeseul, I know its only been a bit over 24hrs since the last incident happened at your apartment, do you fell comfortable enough to stay alone tonight?" you could tell there was genuine worry in the was he asked.
Yeseul: "If I am being honest, I am a little scared." It was not like you have never been alone but with the recent incidents you couldn't help but feel a little anxious about everything going on. And Before you used to contact Rose whenever you felt slightly this way for any inconvenient incident, but now you couldn't.
Chan saw the look on your face while you stayed silent, He felt every nerve in his body telling him to stay, He needed to protect you but this felt different than what happened with Heeseung around. And the only answer you could get was that more memories would be coming back. It feels like the more you regain your memories the more of a pull they felt.
Chan: "I can stay if you want me to, or until you are able to sleep" He had such tenderness in his eyes.
Yeseul: "Maybe just until I fall asleep if that's okay" you felt shy for asking him for this, but it didn't feel like the first time.
You closed the front door and headed over to the couch, you offered to watch a movie so you did. Throughout the movie Chan noticed that you were slowly drifting off to sleep, until finally your head dropped down. He looked at you as you were dozing off and thought you were cute, but he also thought that these last few must had been rough for you.
Chan: "Yeseul, Wake up. Lets go to your room or you'll wake up with your back hurting" he was lightly tapping your face.
Yeseul: "Oka..." you could barely manage to say. You knew you were exhausted but it has never been to the point you could barely wake up. You could feel an arm under your shoulder and the next thing you knew you felt a pull in your head.
⦅"Honey we need to run! Grab our daughter and run!" You could see a couple running holding a small child. "We need to get somewhere safe! Let's Give her a normal life, not this" they sounded distress. you could see them run and just continue running. but who were they running from, is this another memory that you had lost. You got lost in your thoughts.⦆
As Chan was Laying you down, he noticed you had broken into a cold sweat and you were breathing hard and fast. It looked like you were trying to get air in your lungs that just never got there.
Chan: "Yeseul! Wake up... what's wrong?!" you could hear pure panic in his voice.
⦅The scene switched, but now you were looking at the couples face from below. "Yeseul, can you lay down for Mommy?" You felt yourself nod. "This won't hurt, I promise. I know you don't Understand what's going on at the moment but hopefully you don't Have to remember" You could hear how much saying that broke her, but starring at her you felt your heart break. But why is this an actual memory, is it not my Brain playing tricks because of everything going on. So many questions but still you had no answers, or maybe now you had possible answers, you just weren't sure. Next you saw 7 other figures step forward one in front of the rest. "---seung, please make sure to Protect her, but don't ever reveal yourself to her unless needed" You could see the Figure Nod, what was his name you couldn't quite remember what she said. "I Promise, She is the ONE afterall, and as you know Not Just I but we would do anything for her" He sounded so confident but there was a hint of a different feeling in his tone. He sounded Familiar, but where have you heard that voice before. Next thing you knew you could hear Your mother reciting something along with your dad and within the chaos you could hear them Crying and then pure silence. ⦆
You could hear someone calling your name as you slowly start opening your eyes. You see Chan sitting on a chair next to bed holding your hand with eyes full of worry,
Chan: "Yeseul, are you  okay?"
Yeseul: "I'm...I'm okay, I just remembered a lost memory, that's all"
The room went silent, With Chan worried about you regaining your memories and what trouble could be ahead, to you in deep thought about what your parents did, to who said they would always protect you.
Yeseul: "Hey chan....?"
Chan: "Hmm, Yeseul?"
Yeseul: "Can you just hold my hand till I fall asleep?"
Chan: "Of course, Ill head out once I know you are completely asleep"
Yeseul: "Thank you, I really appreciate everything you've done these last couple days"
Chan: "Don't worry about it, it was no trouble at all. Now get some sleep." 
Chan laid his hand on your head and slowly tapped away until he noticed you were soundly asleep. As Chan stepped out he met up with the rest of his Friends.
Chan: "She's regaining her memories, I Don't know how much longer we have but we need to Delay as long as we can, Her mom did not want this life for her."
They all pitched in different Ideas but it all came down to their Leader, Chan. It was agreed that for now they would keep and eye out for her and make sure no Dangers come her way. If they were to get found out then so be it, but their kind was not labeled the Villain in this world.
Hi guys! Its a pretty long chapter today. I know a lot of information has been thrown in within the first 4 chapters But all this leads up to the "Main" Story.  So from the ending of this Chapter can you guess what Straykids is? Since we already know What Enhypen could be. Plus What is Yeseul? Who did their parents want to hide her away From? Plus I know Heeseung and Yeseul barely have any normal or Romantic Interactions but they will be coming i Promise"
Chapter 5 will hopefully be out by tomorrow! If not within the next 48hrs"
Thank you so much and hope you Enjoy!
Please Give it a read on Wattpad! Or If you Enjoy it Please leave a star on Wattpad, i would really appreciate it. Thank you Link will be in the Intro back at the Masterlist.
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Chapter 5.
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blueparadis · 3 years
ft. Tokyo Revengers::Bonten [ Koko,Ran, Rindou,Sanzu, Takeomi, Manjiro, Kakucho]
cw : fluff, explicit smut, foreplay, teasing, mention of cigarettes, alcohol & drug usage, f-reader. type : headcanons + scenarios
au'notes : straight up bonten members as husbands. Actually,it started after getting my nails done by @splinteredsunlight .I had a great urge wanting to put nail paint on Koko. He's such a beauty & so sweet to let you do those stuff. (Yes he would! wouldn't he?)
♡ or ⟳appreciated !
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+kokonoi hajime
— koko was engrossed in his laptop just like any other day. You watched him yawn as he took a sip from his cup of coffee. "Koko, could you please come over here for a while?" you patted on the bed as his gazed fixed upon you; a naughty smile turning upon your lips. "Why?" he whined. You raised an eyebrow at him to which he exclaimed "fine" with utmost annoyance. He made himself comfortable sitting beside you facing towards you in a tilt. "Close your eyes" you said.
He tried to protest but you placed your calloused index finger upon his slender lips. Taking a quick look he finally closed his eyes. "Stay still for me , okay?" You said. "Don't do anything funny" he complained continued "I've a meeting ahead" . You palmed his cheeks and he instantly melted into your hands. Eyes still closed as he kissed your hand. You stroked his cheeks following along the neckline. Squeezing a bit you held it in position applying eyeliner onto one of his eyelids. He didn't retreate, infact he remained perfectly still. He's accustomed to it. The first time you tried it on he made up a lame excuse 'no ! I will go blind— Try it on yourself' he said. This is the second time but you didn't let him know that ; "Let it dry, okay! — don't open your eyes" you said completing the last stroke on his other eye. "Y/n you're wasting my -
You interrupted his complaint by kissing on his lips. He jolted backwards while you grabbed his hands interlacing with yours. He still arched back until you were on top of him. "Open your eyes,koko" . He looked at you,his hands rested on bed while yours on his chest. You took his hands placing them on your cheeks. He watched as you kissed his palms. "Babe, where did you learn this blindfold technique?" ,he blurted out. You flinched and replied "oh dear God! You never learn do you!". He giggled while you buried your face into his shoulders thinking how he bluntly ruins your mood with his bad talking skills.
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+sanzu haruchiyo
— Sanzu being seated on couch was relaxing and humming a tune. Generally he hums while being high. You watched his face,his tailored suit ,his unbuttoned shirt that provided a view of his collar bones following his chest. Your eyes fell upon his hands noticing how big his nails have become.
He asked "what is it?" You eyed onto his fingernails. He smiled and said "put nail paint on it". "yep he's definitely high" you thought to yourself. As you applied nail paint he kept gazing on you. That's what he does. He watches you,he never gets tired of doing that. After completing the last skim of black nail polish on his nails you looked at him. He smiled at you declaring a naughty ploy he's gonna enact.
He leaned forward and rubbed his cheeks against yours letting you feel his scars. "You're going to ruin it" you protested. He backed and said,"but my hands are like this- putting his hand above his head. You giggled at his gesture while he said "hey! no laughing" which didn't shut you up until he kissed your lips hands still free, spreading out in the air.
You took the opportunity to cup his face as he is too stubborn to ruin his fingers by touching you. You kissed untill he ran out of breath. As you pulled out he gasped into your mouth ,his cheeks burned in your palms and he said,"I'll have my payback when I'm a bit sober" he said. You squeezed his cheeks that made him furrow his eyebrows at you saying,"yeah, I'm definitely gonna pay you back for this".
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+ran haitani
— "honey could you pick up a outfit for today's meeting?" Ran exclaimed holding two outfits in his respective grasp. "Geez,toss a coin! I'm busy", you said adjusting the collar of your shirt wrapping the neck-tie. Ran remained silent as he noticed you didn't even look at him while talking, not even through the mirror. He whined," You're so slow picking up the cue" . Without paying much heed to his words you turned around exclaiming ,"how do I look?" to which he replied "stunningly beautiful" without hesitation throwing his outfits on the bed.
He turned around towards his closet yet suddenly he tripped but somehow restored his balance resting his hand on the hand- rest of the couch. "Geez ! You're so hard Mr. Haitani" ,you said locking your arm around his waist and the other grazed his part. He hates sneak attacks , especially from you because he gets so weak that he forgets to take the lead. You continued to be a tease to his embarrasement seeing his flustered face,"what were thinking while asking me to choose a set for you?" . You bit his neck standing on your tip-toe while he let out loud moan, shuddering under your touch ; throwing his head on your shoulders. You pushed him slightly to restore his balance and backed a few steps.
He didn't look back. He let out a gasp. "Admit it Ran, you want me - in my knees" you whispered . He tilted his head partially to look at you , hands leaving the arm-rest as he spoke,"aren't you a bit too confident?" . You scoffed as you said,"you hate being late so that's the quickest way to get what you want baby, beg! beg for it" .
You turned around to leave the room reading his gestures of denial. He quickly pulled the mat on the floor with his toe making you stumble. He provided a leverage by placing his sturdy hand around your waist from behind. Squeezing your belly he said," as much as I want you on your knees I can't let you get bruises just by mere tripping." You giggled at his behavior exclaiming, "Oh Mr.Haitani you're the finest narcissist I've ever known".
Turning around your leaned towards his ears and whispered," i would love to see you in black today". He smirked at your bold response saying,"ofcourse,Mrs. Haitani"
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+rindou haintai
— "what the hell is that?" you screamed staring at him,at his collar. "A tie?!" he answered. Placing your plam on your forehead in dismal you said,"as hideous as ever" . He protested to your jab,"don't overreact". "I'm not ! Let me help" you replied softly loosening his tie.
You know it's just a excuse to feel your soft, warm hands; urge to stare at your pretty face up-close. He leaned forward a bit close enough to your ears. You didn't faze since he would definitely stop if you make him aware of his readable tactics. He watched you, your face as strands of hair fell upon your face, just a few. He blowed a puff brushing them aside giving you trails of tickels. "Yep ,all done" you said tieing balthas knot. As you retreated he grabbed your arm and murmured "you know— you don't have to baby me forever" as he softly placed a peck on your cheeks.
You looked at him placing your hands under his chin stroking a bit making him to tighten his grip on your arm . "That's it! Good boy" you muttered as he shut his eyes closed. He grabbed your hand making you stop & rested his head on your bare neck. You chuckled and said "stop taking classes from Ran already" . He smiled at his futile try , a try to tame you down. "You can kiss me anytime you want" and the very next moment he started trailing soft kisses with dry sucks with his puckered lips holding your hands as you arched back.
You kept being restless and waited for his response. As soon as he let go his grips,you stepped out from his range leaving him dumbstruck. Before he could react, you pulled his tie and kissed his lips ,his hands still free until you said,"Hey, get your hands busy". He squeezed your butt cheeks making you squeal. He didn't fight your dominance. His leg slipped in between yours as he moaned trying to pull out from the kiss. You held his lower lip inbetween your teeth hauling a bit and released.
He licked his lips tasting his blood. "Do we really have to attend the party tonight?" he complained as you adjusted his suit. "Yes! Otherwise, Ran's is gonna scold me for keeping you busy." "Right" he said with a smirk as you two headed towards the exit, your hand tugging in his.
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+takeomi akashi
- "Hey, you! help me out! I need a hand!" , Takeomi exclaimed taking a puff from his cigerette while his shirt was unbuttoned,tie hanging around his neck. You stared at him from head to toe. He noticed your eyes that made him grin. You slowly approached towards him. Taking the cigarette from his hand as you put it in between your lips. Hands became busy buttoning his shirt while his eyes locked onto yours. Releasing a puff by tilting your head to a side you proceeded onto his necktie. He extended his hand to reach out your cigerette and this time you exhaled into his face. "Looks like I've to teach you some manners" he exclaimed in a harsh tone glaring at you.
With your eyes locked on him,you patted his collar bone. Taking the cigarette out resting inbetween your fingers,you said,"there you go ! All done". He was shocked at your cold response. "Are you angry at me?" he asked softly. "Akashi visit a stripper's club. I don't mind" you sat on the couch resting crossing your legs and continued,"infact! Bring one i could watch you as you fuck her...ummm maybe join" . He fazed , scoffed saying,"what?"
You put out the cigarette as he sat beside you unfolding his tie loose again. "And you won't get jealous?" he enquired in dismal ;eyes narrowing a bit. "I would tell you unlike you who invites me to dress just to get off". He swallowed before speaking,"that's quite a harsh tone." Your pupils met his and then again shifted towards his scar. You trailed a finger on it . He hesitated. Grabbing your hands he asked,"what's wrong? C'mon tell me".
"Nothing" you abruptly answered trying to hide your blush as you buried your face in his chest. "Akashi" you called out along with a deep breath. "What,hon? What is it?" he asked . Restlessness crept into him. "Could you talk down to me?" you mumbled. "Maybe a little rough? again? Please?" You added. "And you would resist it?" he asked grabbing your hair , pulling your face to make a eye contact. You moaned making him inhale a sharp short breath. You kissed him while he grabbed your cheeks , squeezing a bit while his other hand pinched your nipple. You pulled back in a twitch. "Sorry! Was it too rough? You know it's —I mean I can't just do that— you know".
Your jaw dropped as you placed your palms on cheeks saying," awww you don't even realize it". He was dumbfounded at your merriment. He pulled you in his embrace and nuzzled his face along your neckline trying to hide his folly. "I know it, Akashi ! Don't hide that apologetic face from me" you murmured. He locked his hands around you while you pulled back to look at his adorably sorry face. You couldn't stop giggling out of amusement. You tied his neck-tie again saying,"it's gonna be fun since you're unaware of it. I could easily make you angry".
"For fuck's sake stop it! " he protested while chuckling at himself. Pinned you down to couch he asked,"Let me know when I should stop". Holding your wrists tightly he started by biting your neckline,a little too long than usual. You moaned "Oh ya-h. I'll".
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+manjiro sano
—Manjiro adjusted his attire standing infront of the mirror. As you approched shoving him aside he tartly exclaimed,"you look beautiful! Everyone's attention will be on you." You narrowed your eyes at him saying,"as if you would mind". He rested himself leaning on the work surface while you took a tiny bottle into your palm. "What's that?" ,he asked. "Oh this? This a perfume". His face went clueless as ever. Swallowing the hesitation he blurted out - "uh how? how do you use it?" You went towards him. Taking his hand in yours you spoke,"you roll the tip of it like this and — your eyes scanned his facial features. You noticed he was biting his lip which made you realize that you played right into his hands. You backed a bit while he nonchalantly spoke,"that's it?". "I guess so" you replied.
"I've seen you applying it here too" he added tapping his fingers on his collar bone. As your eyes fixated on his neck,he took the bottle from you wrapping his arm lightly around your waist pressing you against himself closer. He said,"but you don't need this. You already smell so good" he continued maintaining the eye contact,"even down there!" . You raised your eye-brow at him making him curl his lips towards his ears. Keeping the perfume bottle on the table he locked his arms behind your waist. You hands aligned with his chest resisting his force to close the gap in between both of you. "Anything else you want to put on?" he asked. "Yeah! a cufflink would look good on you!" you replied.
He smiled at your innocent response and said,"fine put it" releasing his grip. You took the box from the cupboard and asked him to extend his hand forward. As you got busy placing the glimmering button on his cuffs turning his hand a bit you pulled it closer to yourself to find the other neatly- ruptured slits. He let out a low whimper making you realize that his back of the palm was pressed too close to your boobs. A flicker of eye contact;If you pushed his hand away at this moment,he would definitely know that you're aware of his uneasiness which in turn would embarrass him to his bones.
You got busy to lock the button. As soon as you locked the button he extended his other hand clearing his throat, tapping his fingers on the table at a quick pace. "You sure took your time in this one" he exclaimed as soon as you were done. Before you could react or retreat from his range his right hand went at your exposed back. His nails dig onto you as he cooed leaning into your ears,"I'm glad that you wore this backless dress today" .
His other hand squeezed your flesh as his teeth buried into your neckline. All you could do was to moan to convey your protest but it doesn't bother him. Infact,he likes it when you gasp under his touch because he would swallow all your moans by kissing you making you go breathless. He pinched your nipples still using his teeth and occasional licks focused along your neckline. You tried to hold your squeal because you can't let him ruin your scented lipstick. He would definitely wipe it clean if he hears you moaning.
He retreated making you turned around facing the mirror. A wide grin spread across his face. You exclaimed in surprise, "You didn't just,- " oh yeah! I definitely did! even on your back." he cut you off. You turned around to watch your smooth skin by tilting your head a bit but it's futile. He placed his hands gripping your waistline saying "hold still!" You did as he took a mirror selfie.
"I'm going to trim your nails next time" you replied seeing the photo. "Not my fault that your skin is sensative; besides if I'm letting you to wear such revealing dresses your look is incomplete without those marks" he exclaimed grazing his fingers on you fresh hickey on your neckline.
"We're gonna be late, let's go" you said a bit disappointed at his lashing out like this. You walked ahead while he put a cape around your shoulders matching your outfit. As you adjusted,he placed his hands slightly above your pelvics. "Thank you" you exclaimed placing a kiss on his cheeks. He looked at you with a smirk declaring the fact that you're getting this tease back as soon as he gets you in the car.
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+kakucho hitto
— Kakucho stared at the display you've made. Chinning himself with his hand he pondered, kept staring and started to lick his lower lip occasionally until it came down to biting. "Oh C'mon ! Pick one" you yelled unable to keep up with his patience. "I can't- there are too many" . It's been fifteen minutes yet he has been standing infront of the bed looking at the outfits unable to choose one. He has been always like that before any occasion or gathering he has to attend,well ,mostly.
"Should I pick one for you?" you asked judging his confused face. "Why didn't you ask sooner?" he added to your query. Letting out a deep breath you understood that it's a "yes". Closing your eyes you picked one of the three and handed it to him. The last time when you selected an outfit for him you tossed a coin. Yes,he wasn't able to choose one among the two. "You gifted both of them to me" was all he could say in his defence. He grabbed the set and walked towards the changing room. "Where are you going, Kakucho?" You asked amusingly. "To change" he replied with utmost innocence. "Right ! As if i haven't seen you naked before" you exclaimed with a hint of irritation in your tone. He tilted his head a bit and raised an eye-brow at you.
"Umm - you would watch?me? Undressing " he approached towards you and continued "without laying hands on me and watching me as I dress up" . Now,this is not exactly the reaction you expected but now is not the time to think when did he pick up such tempting walk and talk. Before you could speak,he started to undress while you seated on your knees on the bed in a thin see- through homewear hanging upto your knees. He looked at you before undressing his underwear making sure your gaze was right where it's supposed to be. As he stood naked,it was hard to resist , to control your exploding emotions. You remain seated like a good girl without making any movements occasionally making eye contact with him. You could feel your perking nipples, mouth going dry. He dressed himself just fine except the collar. "Looks good?" he asked to which you replied,"yeah! Just - just the collar" . He fixed his collar and left.
You finally let out a loud gasp breaking your tense posture. You couldn't help the thought of touching yourself. Closing your eyes you slowly slipped your hand against your underwear grazing your plush thighs. All you felt was a firm hold on both your hands and Kakucho's chin on your shoulders. "Please! Save it. I'm gonna be back soon" he whispered almost making you jump out of his clutch. "You startled me" you said and he replied "you were too lost to notice the noise" jingling the car keys. "Or" he added, checking his watch he continued "you could get ready so that I can take you too but ain't promising anything" .
You knew he would tease you more until you begged for it. You pouted your lower lip and exaclaimed,"no! Just come home early!- you rarely do that" shifting your eyes upon the silky white bed sheets. He let out a sigh,more like a long breath filled with regret. He crouched partially , placing his hands on the bed for balance and said,"look at me". As you raised your eyes he kissed on your cheeks just about the corner of your lips. You shuddered which didn't go unnoticed by him. He pulled back and laid himself on the bed resting his head on your thighs. "I don't wanna go today" he exclaimed.
"What?no you're going. You wasted fucking fifteen minutes for choosing an outfit, made me all" - "wet" he added. You licked your lips and started to smile figuring how amusing he finds to tease you like this. "Yep, that's the face i would like to see when I leave for a occasion" he said and made his way towards the exit. He tilted his face towards you and said,"feel free to touch yourself." before leaving finally. "Nope! I can wait" you whispered to yourself.
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By @blueparadis : do not alter and repost elsewhere.
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yutanology · 2 years
Yandere!Yuta × Reader
You were sitting by the side of the bed. The cold fresh air had never felt so good as now as it caress your skin ever so gentle and goosebumps starts to raise on your exposed arms, feeling cold at the same time but you didn't do anything to warm yourself up.
You closed your eyes as if to savour every bit of comfort you felt from the whispers of the wind. It promised you that everything will be alright. Though you doubt that that would ever happen, the small flame of hope burning inside you never gave in the overwhelming darkness surrounding you.
You let out a deep breathe from your trembling lips. The heaviness on your chest somehow lessened a little bit. Just when your worries were about to be forgotten even for a moment, you heard footsteps from downstairs nearing the room you're in then the door opened.
He wasn't even in front of you yet but you can already feel him smiling ear to ear, happy to finally see you though he's only been gone for a couple of hours. "I'm home, love." he announced, kneeling across you. He took your cold hands on his warm ones and kissed your knuckles.
"How are you, love? Did you miss me?" You don't know how many times he had asked you these same questions whenever he returns from who knows where but if you're being honest, you're getting sick of answering them again and again. You only respond to him because you didn't want to get on his bad side like how other people had.
So you gathered all the bravery you had left to give him the greatest smile you ever could. In a stranger's point of view, you would look like you're very much happy that your lover had finally arrived home but in reality, you're dying to cry out for help for someone to take you away from the man holding an invisible leash bound by the unseen collar around your neck.
That unseen collar was getting tighter each day and you're already struggling to breath properly. "Not that much but I'm glad you're back." you lied and you're glad he fell for every bullshit you offered. "It feels so lonely without you around." you internally cringed at your own words but you feel him grinning like a child given their favourite sweets.
"Don't worry, love. Once I'm done with work, I promise I'll never leave you alone ever again." His thumb drew circles on the top of your hand as he stared at you so lovingly. Your beautiful e/c eyes stared back at him like he's the only one you can see. "My lovely Y/n." he whispers, one of his hands held your left cheek.
"You have no idea how much I love you." And that scares you. It also scares you how you have no idea what's going on inside his head. Who knows all the evil plans he's plotting and have been plotted? Just thinking about it made you shiver in fear but Yuta mistook this as a sign that you're cold.
He immediately stood up and shut the window that you kindly asked him to open before he left you alone earlier. When you couldn't feel the cool wind anymore, you felt like you're completely trapped in a stuffy cage again though the room was very spacious and wide.
The heaviness on your chest came back and your smile turned into a bittersweet one. "There. The wind won't bother you anymore." Yuta said, unfolding the curtains too and blocked the view outside. You felt like crying but sadly, the wind can't reach you to comfort you anymore.
Yuta returned to touch you again and you couldn't do anything but to give into him unless you wanted to get hurt. The small flame of hope inside you was also slowly dying out. "I'll make sure nobody would ever bother you again." He kissed you and a tear fell down to your cheek once you closed your blind eyes.
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missluckycharms · 3 years
You, Me and Harry make three. Part One.
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Summary: Joey, Izzy and Harry are in a poly relationship. They're head over heels for one another and they can't seem to keep their hands off each another, even when they really need to.
Harry is the Harry Styles, the man who is known for being so open and lovable. He's nervous to let the world see his girls, what would his fans think If he was dating two girls at the same time? And they all shared the one bed and home? He doesn't want to know, he wants them all to himself.
This small story follows the three and their rendezvous together behind the scenes.
Warnings: Switch!Harry, Mommy kink, slight Daddy kink, FxFxM threesome, fingering, oral sex f+m receiving, Male + Female penetrative sex, Female + Female sex, spanking, choking, hair pulling, sneaking around (?) masturbation and mentions of it, degradation kink, praise kink, dirty talking, anal play, biting, polyamorous relationship.
Warnings apply to both first and second part!
Word count: 3.6k words.
A/N: There will be a part two, keep your eyes out for it. I also envision the women with Blonde and Brown hair, but you can apply any hair colour you want to this scenario, I just wanted to give a description to people who find it hard to imagine people :)
It's rushing through Harry's veins as he finishes his last concert of his first ever world tour. His body covered in sweat from singing Kiwi and total of three times and his suit jacket is for a fact dripping from all the dancing he did, his body isn't exhausted, no, it's hyped up and he could go out and perform again if he could.
It's a bittersweet moment ending the tour he thinks, on one hand he has more time to himself, more time for friends and family but on the other hand he doesn't get to do what he loves every night for at least another year, which is perform for thousands of people.
The crew is cheering and slapping him on the back as he walks off, the band following him as they all congratulate one another on completing the whole tour. There's tears, tight hugs and even a champagne bottle popped by Mitch, for someone who seems emotionless he was the most emotional one amongst them all. He basically cried into his champagne flute.
Harry pulls himself away from the crew celebration after an hour or two, his phone buzzing in his back pocket non stop as he tried to converse and have a fair well party with his whole crew — he knew exactly who was texting him, and they won't be happy he isn't responding like he usually does.
His phone is filled with messages, some from Joey and some from Izzy and a few more in the group chat they all have together. Harry is scrolling through them all as he sits in the back of the car on the way to their hotel room. He lets out a shaky breath when he sees two photos — one of Izzy wearing a bright pink lingerie set, her dark hair all around her while Joey wears a dark cobalt blue set, her platinum blonde hair vibrant against the lace.
Izzy is laying down as Joey looks at the camera between her legs, the picture being from Izzy's perspective while the second photo is similar, but this time Izzy's panties are off and Joey's head is nuzzled into her pussy.
If anyone knew what Harry Styles was hiding behind the scenes they would be shocked, he's hiding two beautiful women who are in plain sight for all his fans to see, the pair helping out the crew and makeup department on tours while only the three of them know what they do behind closed doors. It's somewhat thrilling to have this secret, it's spurs them on more and even makes them act out and fuck one another in public places, such as Harry's dressing room or even his tour bus when all the rest of the band is asleep — they all seem to get off on their little dirty secret.
Harry never wanted to hide his girls, he feels guilty for doing so. But to protect them and himself from the hate and backlash they would get for this, he settled on keeping them himself only. Sure, there's times where they'd want to go to a restaurant, hold hands all together and feed one another dessert like couple do, but they have to settle on a professional looking dinner, each spread around the table with a large gap between them all as they try and keep their hands away from one another, cameras flashing outside and update accounts flashing the images labelling Harry to be at a business dinner.
It does take a toll on them, some nights they all cry together and hold one another when one of them has to leave and see family, they all aren't ready to tell their families so when one leaves it's like something is ripped from them, it's like they're missing a piece of themselves. Harry is the one who's away a lot, giving the media to calm down on the speculations that Harry is dating one of them — it's mainly always Joey because she's blonde and seen as "Harry's type" because of that, both of his girls are his type.
They take small vacations together, the three of them locked away in a villa in Italy or even in Spain, their own private space to lounge by the pool together or even show affection to one another more openly around the foreign country — but then cameras show up snd Harry is immediately hurrying the girls inside as he pays off the paparazzi to not leak the photos.
It's tiring, they're all exhausted from hiding, but it's what they have to do.
Harry chuckles darkly as he looks at the photos, his hand sliding down to palm himself through his suit pants as he types out a message with one hand, a lazy smile on his face as the driver doesn't suspect a thing.
Harry: told you both to wait, you know what happens when you disobey me, my girls.
It's not long after he sent the message that he's parked outside the hotel, the driver opening his door as a security guard walks out and helps Harry into the hotel under all the preying eyes of fans and paparazzis who seem to love blinding him every second with their flashes and asking him ridiculous personal questions that you wouldn't even ask someone who is on trial.
His security guard walks him as far as the elevator, Harry saying he can do the rest by himself — but in reality he didn't want anyone but him to hear the sweet little moans that are probably coming from his suite right now.
"Couldn't even wait two hours for Daddy, huh?" He says deeply walking into the room, rolling the sleeves of his shirt up as the two girls both look at him on the bed, Izzy nearly passing out from pleasure as Joey smiles evilly from where she's sat between Izzy's legs.
Izzy makes grabby hands at Harry which he immediately melts at the sight, she's the more submissive one in the relationship, leaving Harry and Joey to be the more dominant ones, and when Harry is submissive it's usually Joey fucking Izzy before him as he watches.
"Feeling good pup?" He asks Izzy brushing a strand of her hair from her face, her eyes glazed over and mouth slight parted as Joey teases her, sucking and nipping at her clit as Harry rests beside them both.
"Yes Daddy" Izzy says softly, licking the thumb that Harry brushes over her bottom lip, he slowly pushes it into her mouth as she takes it in with a small whine and suckling noises are heard from her pretty mouth.
"That's a good girl. You enjoying yourself down there?" He asks Joey more sternly, she loves when he's stern with her, while Izzy loves it when he dotes on her.
"Mmh yeah, such a pretty tasting pussy" she teases him, keeping her eyes on his as she licks a big stripe up Izzy's centre, Harry's cock twitching in his pants at the sight as Izzy keeps sucking on his thumb.
"Hope you've had your fun puppies, because you both know how Daddy hates it when you disobey him" he says with a small laugh, the two girls looking at him as he removes himself from the bed, standing tall as he strips down to his boxers.
"C'mere my girls, wanna feel both of you suck my cock" he says palming himself as he watches Izzy cum on Joey's tongue before they both jump off the bed and into their knees.
"I'm only obeying because tonight is your night, prepare for you to lose all control tomorrow, Daddy" Joey says, Harry already knowing she means what she says as he smiles at her.
"I'll look forward to it Jo, darling" is all he says as he runs both of his hands through each of their hairs, one hand on Joey's head with her hair wrapped around his arm, as the other has Izzy's hair wrapped around it, guiding them both to his clothed cock.
"Take me out, go on, know you both missed Daddy's cock" he moans out when they both palm him through his underwear, their hands immediately pulling down his boxers as he kicks them off, standing tall as both girls look up at him innocently through their eyelashes.
They both flatten their tongues and run them up either side of his cock, Harry immediately tightening his grip on their hairs and throwing is head back a little as he grunts under his breathe at the feeling. They both suck the head of his cock, their tongues in each other's mouths a little as they dance along the slit collecting his pre cum as he nearly buckles under the feeling and view he has of his girls.
"That's it, suck Daddy's cock" he breaths out through moans, his eyes fighting to stay open so he can watch every move his girls make.
The room is filled with heavy grunts and moans, small whines and sucking sounds from them all, Harry throwing his head back as he curses loudly into the air, Joey and Izzy working on his cock fast and messily just how he likes it. He's nearly scent into a frenzy when Izzy focus's on his head and pumps the rest in her hand while Joey sucks his balls into her mouth, dribbling and moaning around them which vibrates through Harry's body sending shivers all over and erupting goosebumps on his skin.
"Need to fuck you both now, onto the bed" he says sternly, taking their heads away as they both whine and try to get back onto him. Gentle slaps to their cheeks cause both girls to scurry over onto the bed, kneeling down and watching as Harry rests onto the bed, back against the head board as he begins to stroke himself.
"Izzy, do you wanna ride Daddy first? Yeah?" He asks and he chuckles lighty when Izzy nods in excitement, crawling onto his lap as he welcomes her into his embrace.
"Joey, sit on my face, gonna eat that pretty cunt of yours while I fuck our darling little Izzy" Joey smiles darkly at this, both of them looking at Izzy who's smiling cheekily against Harry's chest, her petite frame lost in his broad one.
Harry lays completely on his back, Joey coming to sit down on his face, as Izzy teases herself with the head of his cock. Joey faces Izzy, their mouths immediately catching in a sloppy kiss as Harry helps Izzy slide himself into her. She doesn't move, she grinds down a little as Joey's tongue explores her mouth, her tattoo hand holding the petite girls face as Harry holds onto Joey's plush thighs, his face nearly being smothered but he loves it — he wants to be smothered by her thighs always.
"Look at you Izzy baby, taking me all, such a good girl for me" Harry says lowly, looking at Izzy from between Joey's legs as Izzy begins to move, Harry immediately grabbing Joey's thighs and sitting her flush onto his face, his nose resting on her tightest hole as his tongue flicks and sucks at her pussy.
"Ride Daddy's cock Iz, fuck yourself until you cum like a good girl" Joey whispers to Izzy, her hand holding the girl by the jaw as she speaks to her, their lips inches apart as Izzy falls apart on Harry, the feeling sending her into oblivion as she bounces harder and faster, erupting guttural moans from Harry.
"Is he making you feel good Jo?" Izzy asks, her voice a slight tremble as she moans loudly watching as Joey grinds herself down onto Harry's tongue with force.
"Yeah, but you're making him feel so much better baby, hear him? Hear him moan into my pussy because of the work you're doing?" Joey asks as Izzy smiles lazily at her, her words making her go faster and faster on Harry's cock which ends in him meeting her bounces with thrusts of his own.
"That's it, fuck her Daddy, fuck her so good" Joey moans out loudly, grabbing Izzy before she crashes down onto Harry, holding the girl in her arms as Harry fucks up into her with all his strength.
"Fuck, yes right there Daddy" Joey moans out, Harry fucking his tongue into her while he fucks Izzy hard, the two girls holding onto one another as Harry pleases them both.
It's not long before they both cum with screams of his name and a mixture of Daddy between them all, Joey being the loudest as Izzy is barely able to speak or keep her eyes open over how fucked she is.
"Feeling okay puppy?" Harry asks when Izzy is laid out on his chest, his cock slipped out of her as she comes down from her high, Joey beside him as they both cradle Izzy and help her calm down.
"M'okay, just tired Daddy" she slurs out, the two helping her lay down onto the bed, Joey laying beside her as Harry positions himself on top of a smiling Joey.
Izzy turns her head to watch the two, Harry immediately bending down to kiss her softly as Joey kisses Harry's jawline and runs her hands over his bare chest lightly, her fingers playing with his dangling necklaces as her legs wrap around his waist, ankles locking behind him.
"My two pretty girls, all fucked out" Harry whispers as Joey pushes her hips up to him, signalling she's ready as he pecks Izzy's face before pulling away and focusing back down on Joey.
"Eager little thing aren't you? Such a slut for Daddy" he says to her, their lips inches apart as Izzy gasps at his language, Joey smirking and enjoying every last word that drips from his mouth towards her.
"You're also a slut for me Daddy, don't lie" she fires back, Harry shaking his head as he lines himself up with her pussy.
"Right now, you're my little slut, take it all for me, yeah?" He says kissing her chest as he pushes himself in, her moans immediately filling the room as Izzy runs her fingers over the lace bralette on Joey's skin, her head right next hers as they both look up at Harry.
"Come on Daddy, fuck me like a whore" Joey whines out as Harry begins to pound into her harshly, his balls hitting her ass as she sets a fast pace that has Joey's eyes rolling into the back of her head.
"You're going to hard Daddy, gonna hurt Jo" Izzy says nearly crying, Harry immediately bringing a hand to her face and cradling it as the other cradles the back of Joey's pulling her hair lightly.
"She likes it hard baby, she likes Daddy to wreck her pussy and call her his little slut" he says softly and calmly to Izzy who pouts before pecking his lips.
"Harder Daddy, please" Joey moans out, Harry immediately thrusting faster and faster as he holds both of his girls in his arms, Joey's legs wrapped around him as Izzy pecks his bicep every now and then with small giggles.
"Yeah? Want it harder, does my little slut want it harder? Does she want me to fucking wreck her and make her unable to walk for days?" He asks sinisterly as Joey babbles and moans under him, her words slurred and her eyes leaking tears at the intense pleasure she's feeling.
"Wreck my pussy Daddy, fucking ruin me, yes!" She screams out when Harry hits her spot over and over again, Izzy's small fingers now rubbing circles over her clit as the two of them coax her towards an orgasm, which hits her hard and fast.
"C'mere, wanna kiss you both before I cum" he moans out, his hips slowly down as his two girls push their heads together so Harry can bend down and take both of their mouths at the same time, their tongues everywhere as they all moan and grab onto one another.
"Come on Daddy, cum for us" they both moan out, looking up as Harry kneels on the bed over the two of them, their hands on their boobs pushing them up as he strokes himself fast, his eyes rolling back and his body covered in sweat.
"Gonna look so pretty painted in my cum, my two pretty babies all fucked out beneath me" he moans out, their tongues out flat as he finally cums, spirts and ropes of his cum coat their chests and some splashes up onto their tongues as they swallow it greedily, their fingers rubbing through his cum painting them more as Harry watches in awe, completely spent.
"I love you both, so much" he says smiling at them, their faces glowing and their own smiles on their faces as they look at him like he's the best thing in their worlds — which he is.
"We love you too H, right Iz?" Joey asks Izzy who's trying to fight off sleep, her small nod and smile is enough for Harry as he coos over how cute she looks, her cheeks blushing at his complements as Joey kisses her face all over making her giggle out, Harry kissing Joey's as they all attack one another with kisses gently with laughs in between.
"Think it's time for a bath, huh?" Joey laughs out as Harry agrees, Izzy laughing also as they both lay next to one another covered in Harry's release.
"Don't move, I'll be back" Harry says, the pair of girls whistling and cheering him on as he runs to the bathroom butt ass naked, his laugh loud as he wets two wash cloths with warm water.
"Are you two ever gonna not laugh at my ass?" He asks kneeling over them again, one hand clutching a cloth and washing Izzy while the other washes Joey and gets rid of his cum from their skin.
"It's funny! It's so soft and squishy looking when it jiggles!" Izzy laughs out, Joey beside her nearly snorting as she laughs along, Harry laughing and shaking his head as he throws the cloths into a laundry bin.
"You have a cute butt Mr Styles" Joey says kissing his nose as he flops his body down onto them, one of their legs resting on his waist as he rests his head between their breasts, both of their fingers running through his hair.
"We can't stay like this" Joey is the first to speak up in a few minutes, sleep nearly taking over them all before she realises they need to clean up and get ready for bed — Izzy needs to do her skincare routine while Harry needs to drink his nightly cup of tea.
"Yeah, yeah. I know. Come on, bath time" Harry groans, grabbing his boxers and sliding them back on to avoid anymore comments on his bare ass, the two girls avoid eye contact with him as they bite back their laughs looking at one another.
"I can hear you both laughing!"
"We aren't laughing!"
"Yes you are!"
The three of them have been dating for almost a year now, everyday bringing something new but their love for one another grows by the second. Harry cherishes small moments with them, heck, he cherishes all moments with them. When they step outside together Harry addresses them as part of his crew to not raise any suspicion. But all he wants to do is scream at the top of his lungs that these two beautiful women are his girlfriends.
Just as Harry is filling the bath, adding Izzy's favourite bath bomb and setting out Joey's favourite body wash for her, a shout and a hard knocking is heard from behind the front door to the suite, causing the two girls laughs and conversation to stop.
They look at him as he holds up a finger to his lips, shushing them both as they nod watching as he heads for the door. He opens it slowly, only revealing his head. Jeff stands outside, his hand running through his hair as he jumps when Harry opens the door.
"There's fans outside, they won't leave until you come out. Please just walk out and show your face or something" Jeff says nearly passing out with anxiety, his hands shaking from how nervous he was being bombarded with the fans who are lined up outside the hotel at nearly midnight.
"Okay, I'll be down in a few" Harry sighs, knowing guilt will eat him alive if he doesn't see his fans, but he'll also feel guilty letting the girls bathe alone and be without him for awhile again.
"We heard, go down to them. We'll have a bath and you" Joey says walking over to Harry, Izzy beside her as they hold hands, Izzy shorter than the two as she looks at them softly. "Can bring us all up some wine when you're coming back up, sound good?" Joey finishes as Harry smiles looking at them both.
"Yes Ma'am's"
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books-and-catears · 3 years
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Right everyone hold on to your feels, you will shortly be boarding Angst Express 101. Just look at this brilliant and angsty ask I'm speechless. Even the pairings you asked for are so unique and well thought this is a perfect angst concept. And I really hope I could do this justice. Thank you so much for this ask @saltypaperdestiny
So very sorry for the delay, this was the longest ask I've ever written and boy was I delighted. Though I have to admit I had to cry through some of them myself. This is PART 1. Rest of the brothers and the newly Dateables coming soon in part 2.
Who loved you first? Pt1
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Lucifer : Simeon
It was time, he decided. After months of being in your presence, his prideful heart had melted enough to recognise his feelings for you. You were the only he'd truly humble down for, because the affection and care you displayed was unparalled.
"MC please get dressed in something nice. I'm taking you to Ristorante Six as a thank you for helping me with Cerebus and the council paperwork" He says to you, barely containing the excitement. He couldn't wait to see the look on your face when he confessed and how you'd blush when you kissed your knuckles and your cheek and wait - What is Simeon doing in your room at this hour?
He didn't want to interrupt, surely it might be nothing to bother about. He patiently waited outside until he heard what Simeon said.
Simeon: MC... You look beautiful, what's the occasion?
MC: Aw thank you Simeon. You're always so kind. It's nothing much, Lucifer is taking me out as a thank you.
Simeon: Oh do you have to leave right away...?
MC: Oh no no. It's okay I have some more time.
Simeon: Well I originally came here to invite you to try Luke's latest attempt at some new recipes but now there's something else I feel like I must tell you. *Blushes* Something I've been holding back for too long.
MC: *joking* Oh what have you been hiding from me, angel? Speak I beseech you!
Simeon: *laughing and then going solemn* MC... *Takes your hands in his* I love you. I love you with all my heart.
MC: ....me? You love..me? But I'm not nearly-
Simeon: You're the most beautiful soul I've ever met. You radiate kindness and forgiveness and everything pure, overcoming the seven biggest evils you reside with. How can I not love you? Tell me, MC, will you accept me as yours?
Lucifer had a half a mind to storm in and laugh in Simeon's face. What a failure this attempt was going to be. His pride grew inside him as he stifled a laugh. MC was his and only his and now he would take pleasure in watching Simeon learn that. Surely MC was going to turn him down nicely but still. He creeped closer to the door, looking through the open crack.
MC: *in tears* Oh Simeon, I love you too! I never thought an angel could ever love me back!
Simeon: *kisses her knuckles* So... It's a yes?!
MC: Yes yes yes! Oh of course it's a yes! *Hugs him tight* My guardian angel who protects me in the dark, oh how I love you.
Simeon: *laughing as he picks you up and spins you around* Oh how happy you've made me MC! I'm the happiest being alive!
MC: *kissing his cheek* So am I, Simeon. I love you with all my heart.
It took Lucifer all his strength to not collapse or go into a violent frenzy. He balled up his fists so tight, the gloves started tearing at the seams. He watched you smiling so gleefully in his arms, looking so radiant. When Simeon dipped his head down to kiss you, the moonlight poured in through the window as if blessing your union.
It was supposed to be him. If only he made it to your room sooner, it could have been him. Embracing all your beauty, being the cause of the shining smile. IT COULD HAVE BEEN HIM.
At his best
"Are you really that happy with him?" he asks you later that night. The blush on your cheeks and that cheeky smile says it all.
"Congratulations MC." You look so joyous even at the thought of Simeon, how could he ruin that?
His temper is worse, more unforgiving towards all his brothers. He has to bear with your absence in the house all day. The fact that he knows you're at Purgatory hall, sipping tea and arm in arm with him pains him to think.
You bring Simeon along to the council to help him too. He outright denies and asks both of you to leave.
He only ever feels calm to see you alone, but that is even rarer with his brothers around to hog his remaining time.
Eventually makes his peace with it, maybe you're better off with someone as pure as yourself than a demon like him.
At his worst
His wrath is back. It's almost bad enough to birth another Satan. His sense of entitlement is through the roof.
He snaps three weeks later when Simeon and you tell everyone about it and decide that you'll be moving to Purgatory hall soon. Everyone claps and rejoices while Lucifer, drunk off Demonus, crashes the fun.
"Simeon, you dirty cheat, pretending to be all pure with your white wings and devious smile. How dare you?!" He says in calm and deadly rage.
"Lucifer... what's wrong-" You approach him to ask. He looks at you and you see the little tears in the corners.
Lucifer was louder now, hysterically angry, throwing his glass on the floor. "AND I KNOW THEY WOULD HAVE PICKED ME IF I GOT TO THEM FIRST! I LOVED THEM TOO DAMNIT." Simeon stood in front of you to protect you from Lucifer's rage. You hid your face in your hands, breaking down in sobs. What is happening? Where did you go wrong?
"Look at them, Lucifer. Look. At. What. You've. Done. And don't tell you've forgotten how many times you've threatened their lives before." Simeon said, holding you tight as you cried into his chest. "How dare you still feel like you deserve them?"
Lucifer sees you broken down, clutching onto Simeon for dear life, crying. You were smiling just a minute ago what has he done? Simeon blocked off his view with his pearly white wings. A reminder of what Lucifer used to be and cannot be again.
Mammon: Asmodeus
You were his human. And he was your first demon. No one was more territorial about you than him. So he finally made up his mind to seal the deal. No more lying about his feelings. He was going to claim you, once and for all. He imagined you smiling and running your hands through his hair and kissing him returning his feelings.
"MC! I brought the movie of the day!" He barged into your room excited, but you were nowhere to be found. Where could you have gone? It was your movie night with him. You were supposed to be waiting for him inside. He asked his brothers and they said you were with Asmo. He stomped his way up to Asmo's room and called out your name. No response. Not till he peeked inside the dark washroom. You were holding Asmo who looked very unstable and weak, sitting at the side of the bath.
MC: Asmo why don't you listen to me when I tell you not to drink so much!?
Asmo: I'm sorry MC *hic* I needed it today...
MC: Why? What's so scary that you don't have the confidence to do sober?
Asmo: MC do you think I look beautiful?
MC: Of course Asmo, you always do.
Asmo: Even with my runny make up, red nose and swollen eyes and this horrible complexion?
MC: *grabs his face* You're always beautiful to me MC.
Asmo: I...I stopped sleeping around MC. I couldn't do it anymore. *tearing up* Because to them, I'm only beautiful with a perfect covered up face.
MC: Asmo...they're blind and shallow demons who don't know anything! I know you, and I know how much more beautiful you are inside out. Don't listen to them.
Asmo feeling insecure about his appearance? What a big fat lie. Is this his new ploy to get to you? How irritating. It's not going to work, Mammon knows you're smarter than that. The Avatar of Lust can manipulate in many ways. Surely his human was smart enough to see through that!
Asmo: MC, I knew you were the one only who truly loved me. And today, I found the one I love too. Much more than I love myself. So I needed a drink to tell you this.
MC: Asmo...
Asmo: *holding your face gently* MC you saw past this pretty face. You saw the things I do more than what I am. Or what I pretend to be. I know it's hard to believe coming from the Avatar of Lust... But MC, I truly really love you. *looks down and sobs* But you probably can't believe me right?
MC: Asmo. Look at me. *You run your fingers through his hair and he looks up with teary eyes* I believe you. And I've loved you too. You're the only one who never hurt me. The one who willingly made a pact with me. You've been so sweet to me since I came. How could I love anyone else?
Asmo: MC I want you all to myself. Will you be mine? Only mine? I swear I'll keep you happy always!
MC: Of course Asmo. I'll all yours. I'm your little human. *giggling and kissing his head*
Asmo: *grabs and kisses you* MC, if you want, I can be your actual first tonight.
Mammon fell to his knees. He wanted to barge in and scream. He wanted to wrestle Asmo to the ground. He wanted to break his face for saying the words that were special to him and you. But your response had him paralysed. You...accepted him. You agreed to be his.
Silent tears streamed down his face as he watched you embracing Asmo, peppering kisses all over his face, running your hands through his hair, laughing and frolicking in the water with him. The colored moonlight through the stained glass danced on their skin like a scene from his favourite movie.
At his best
He cries to himself for days. Spends as much time outside as he can.
Maybe he is an idiot for thinking he had a chance with him. How could he compete with Asmo's charms.
Maybe it hurt more because Asmo didn't even have to use his charms.
Only ever tries to talk to you if he's sure your alone. One time he barged into your room and caught you and Asmo tangled up together and it broke him all over again.
He watched as you twirled around in a new outfit Asmo bought. He scoffs. He could have bought it for you too.
You both look so cheerful and in love, he decides to accept it. For the sake of his little brother and the human he loves.
At his worst
Breaks down and lets his emotions out in the worst way possible. Too desperate to win you back somehow.
Asmo and you were just telling Solomon and Simeon about your relationship when Mammon barged in through the doors of Purgatory halls.
"MC look! Look what I got you!" He came in all ragged. He knelt down and pulled out a ring. "Take me instead! I was your first wasn't I MC? Don't let him take my place please!"
"Mammon no... No please don't be this way...I'm sorry..." You kneel down next to him as he screams and sobs like a child. You feel guilty. You caused this. You lead him on. You fight your own tears as you keep apologising.
Asmo yanks you up and wraps his arms around you, staring down angrily at Mammon. "Mammon, leave."
Mammon lunged at Asmo. "I was going to tell them. That night was our movie night. You stole that night from me. YOU STOLE MY CHANCE AND MY MC!"
Asmo mocked at him with a sardonic laugh. "You still assume MC is yours without even telling them. You kept lying about your feelings and hurting them in the process. And yet, when they finally look happy, you come and make them cry. You are a scumbag Mammon."
Mammon looked at your tear stained face, nestled inside Asmo's arms and wings. He really felt like nothing but a scumbag.
Leviathan : Belphegor
Levi fell in love with you since your first act of kindness. As a shut-in whose only conversations were with his own eccentric and dismissive brothers, you were an angel who had brought him the gift of true companionship. Honestly he was okay being your best friend, until the day he started craving more. So he decided it was time to tell you.
'MC come to my room! I have a new game to show you!' It was a virtual dating game where he was going to confess digitally. You always loved his creative ways of doing simple stuff after all. He decided to play your favourite game while waiting for you. He even left the door ajar. Now he wished he didn't.
Belphie: MC do you have a minute?
MC: Yeah I was just heading to Levi's room what's up?
Belphie: I think I fallen in love with you, MC.
MC: .... Huh?
Levi almost burst out laughing hearing Belphie's confession. What kind of a bland confession is that? How can someone say that so easily? No that was definitely a joke on MC or something. Surely MC wouldn't take this seriously.
Belphie: I had a dream just now. About you.
MC: Uh huh?
Belphie: In that dream, we were up in the sky, among the stars. And you looked so pretty glittering along with them all. So I kissed you impulsively. And you kissed me back.
MC: ...that's a sweet dream. *blushes*
Belphie: *takes your hand* I woke up and my first thougt was I wish that was real. And then I realised it can be.
MC: ...
Belphie: I want to be able to kiss you always. I want to be able to take you far away. I want all your time. I love you MC. Be mine.
MC: Belphie I-
Belphie: I know, how can you possibly love your own murderer...? *Sighs* I cannot undo what I did. I'm sorry MC. I can only swear that I won't ever let that happen again.
MC: *smiles and cups his face* You were locked away for 3 millenia I can imagine your endless anger and grief for your sister. I forgave you long ago.
Belphie: So does that mean you'll accept me?
MC: You're already mine, silly. And now I'm yours. You're the only one I can relax with in the whole realm.
Belphie: MC... Come here. *holds you close and kisses you*
Levi's game screen displayed the message "GAME OVER: You lose". Levi couldn't see it clearly. His vision was blurred by the tears brimming on his eyes. You and Belphie looked to distant shadows on the moon.
He blamed himself for even thinking he had a chance with you. But maybe just...maybe if he had gotten there before? He stared at the screen and then at his spare console that he had declared yours. He picked up it, and locked it inside. Probably won't be needing it anytime soon.
At his best
He barely comes out of his room anymore. He tries to return your smile at breakfast but then returns hurriedly, leaving Beel to finish most of his food.
"Are you sure you want to play games? Wouldn't you rather go up to the attic" He mutters under his breath sometimes and then says it's nothing when you ask him.
Pains him when he sees you curled with Belphie in random places, dozing off. Might cover you with a blanket. Just you though.
Spites Belphie. A lot of people have said they look and act alike. But somehow you like sleeping more than anime and gaming?
Just accepts it as his fate. Atleast he's still your best friend, right?
At his worst
He's called the Avatar of Envy for a reason. He can barely hold it in seeing the both of you together constantly.
Belphie you and Beel were having a jolly time watching a movie and eating snacks while Belphie slept curled up in your lap. Levi happened to walk in while you were rubbing Belphie's head soothingly.
For some reason, Levi couldn't hold it in anymore. "UGH YOU FUCKING NORMIES!" he screamed out of frustration.
Belphie woke up drowsily when you stopped at stared at Levi holding back tears in the doorway. "Levi..what's wrong.." you call out to him.
He barges in and pushes Belphie off you and grabs your hands, tears falling and him screaming. "Why do you care, MC?! I'm a just disgusting shut in otaku right?! But guess what even as that I do more than just sleep and drool all fucking day! AND MORE IMPORTANTLY ATLEAST IM NOT THE ONE WHO KILLED YOU! So why him? WHY NOT ME MC?!"
"Levi...no..." You plead with him to calm down, tearing up yourself. You should have known. You should have known this would happen.
Belphie violently pushed Levi off you and grabbed him by the collar. "You were the first one to attack MC in this house. And I'm sure you would have killed them if not for Lucifer. So stop pretending you're better than me, you ridiculous creep. A shut in like you is worthless. The only thing you're good at is making MC distressed."
Levi looked at you trying to pull Belphie back, tears streaming down your face and hung his head low. It was simply an Otome game and MC didn't choose him.
Satan: Solomon
Satan took his time to fall. With late night studying session, every cat cafe date, every trip to the museum - he fell more and more each time. To the point where he wanted to spend every waking moment with you. And he was ready to tell you.
For a whole week, he kept writing and scrapping the perfect love letter for you. Then he realised you were someone who preferred simple honesty. "MC please wait for me in the library I'll be there shortly." He'd said before he dashed out to bring a boquet of your favourite flowers and a book which reminded him of you. He'd almost made it to the library, he saw you waiting inside for him eagerly. That was until someone flew in through the window.
Solomon? What's he doing at this hour? Satan peeked in through the half open library door. He wanted to be alone with you so he'd wait till Solomon was gone. He shouldn't have waited.
MC: Solomon! You scared me silly!
Solomon: *laughing* Your face just now MC...so adorable! Like a scared kitten!
MC: You wooshed in through the window!
Solomon: Okay okay my bad. Now what are you doing in the library so late at night. I went to your room and couldn't find you.
MC: Oh Satan called me out here. Told me to wait for him. Maybe there's a new book he wants to read.
Solomon: Do you guys do that often? Reading books this late?
MC: Haha yeah usually we just read in my room or his at night, in case we fall asleep.
Solomon: *sigh* So unfair.
MC: What's unfair?
Solomon: You and I are the only humans here. Why did they put us in different houses? Shouldn't we... be together more often?
MC: Well logically yes we should. Just classes and magic lessons aren't enough! You should live here too!
Solomon: I doubt Lucifer would be okay with that. But well.. here's the real reason I'm here now. *brings out a little basket*
MC: That's...that's a kitten! Hi baby! What's her name!?
Solomon: MC.
MC: Yeah what?
Solomon: No I named the kitten MC. This way I get to call your name as much as I want haha. The silly things us humans do for love, huh?
Satan had a sick feeling in his stomach. Watching you and him sitting in the moonlight, surrounded by books, cuddling a kitten and confessing...that should be him. Him not Solomon. He didn't like where this was heading. But just like you can't help but stare at disaster - he couldn't look away. What was MC going to say...?
MC: Solomon... *blushes*
Solomon: Does my affection scare you? *reaches for your hand*
MC: Of course not...I.. *gets closer and intertwining your fingers together*
Solomon: Is this your way of showing-
MC: *blushes* Yes. I love you too.
Solomon: I believe I've lived for a 1000 years just to hear those words. *kisses you against the bookshelves*
MC: I believe you've gotten 1000 years worth of romantic lines stored away in that head of yours. *Laughs and kisses him back*
Solomon: Let's take this to the moon shall we?
Satan watched as he took you and kitten in his arms and flew out the window. Satan rushed in not wanting to lose sight of you, dropping the flowers and books. Balling his fists, he choked on his angry tears as he watched you both laughing and kissing against the bright light of the moon. He felt like his own happy ending was stolen from him.
When you disappeared from view, he let out a blood curdling scream, pulling at his own hair and knocking over the bookshelf against which Solomon kissed you. The wrath inside him made him thrashing around in pain, burning him inside out. The flowers he dropped, lay there next to his sobbing body, wilting in his pain.
At his best
He manages to put on his best fake smile and go about his day. Tries hard to hide his annoyance if you bring him up.
But you seem so happy and you often invite him to new cat cafes and shelters. So despite Solomon's presence, he feels calm because of you and the cats.
Is secretly happy you get to spend more time with him than Solomon. Takes advantage of that and hogs you all to himself while in the house
While he can't hold or kiss you the way the Solomon does, you're here next to him, reading his recommended books. That's enough to soothe his yearning heart.
At his worst
The war for love is on. He doesn't care if Solomon already won. He will still declare his love no matter what.
It started out as subtle, he did what he knew Solomon couldn't. Cooking MC's favourite dishes whenever it was his turn to cook.
Tries to subtly reinforce his intelligence over Solomon when you're around. What's 1000 years of knowledge worth, Satan has been there since the first millenia ever
But the day Solomon and you announced you'll be moving to Purgatory Hall, he charged at him, his demon form angry and glowing. "How dare you think you can take them away from us? You think you can win against us... against me? You may have taken my chance with them but I won't let you take them away! They belong here with me!"
You inched closer to Satan's form. You'd never seem him this angry. "Satan please calm down-" Satan wasn't listening. He let out a feral growl and attacked Solomon.
Solomon held MC by his side and made a protection shield Satan couldn't get through. You started crying, watching his wrath take over, he must be in so much pain.
Solomon felt you curl up against him in fear and guilt. Gritting his teeth, he grabbed Satan by the scruff of his neck, like you'd do with a misbehaving cat.
"You say you want to protect them and yet look what you did instead." Solomon said. Satan looked helplessly at you, crying with your face buried in your hands. Glancing at his horns in the mirror, he called out to you sadly, "MC..."
Solomon creeped closer and said in a deadly low voice. "You love fairy tales right Satan? Well in the story of Beauty and the Beast, they could only be together because the beast was actually a human." And Satan was far from being a human.
Asmo : Mammon
It happened the day Asmo looked into the mirror and felt something missing. Suddenly his own reflection wasn't enough anymore. He pondered what it was when you happened to walk into his room and hug him from behind. And then he found the missing piece. You. He simply had to make sure you would become a part of him now.
Now contrary to popular belief, he did get nervous while thinking of proposing. This man is all about lust and a little kid when it comes to love. It's a whole new emotion and he's unsure how to deal with it. With some advice from Satan's romance books he lights your room up with candles, groomed himself perfectly, waiting for you to return to your room. Only you don't come. "What's taking MC so long?!"
He headed out and found you in Mammon's room instead. Asmo saw in the reflection off the mirror, Mammon's shirt off and him lying on his front as you poured ointment over his scars.
Mammon: Oi MC please don't be so upset...
MC: You didn't deserve this. You didn't. I did.
Mammon: MC, not again.
MC: You took my punishment. You took the blame for the broken vase for my sake.
Mammon: I didn't want ya getting hurt ya stupid human!
MC: Don't be calling me stupid and then go off doing stupid stuff yourself! *cries*
Mammon: MC...no don't cry. Please I'm sorry.
MC: Don't apologize for this! Mammon you're too kind... You keep taking blame for others, and the others just UGH.
Mammon: I've gotten used to Lucifer's punishments, MC! I'm more used to it than my brothers so I can take it!
MC: .... You're such a sweet big brother. You can't stop protecting the people you love, can you?
Mammon: *turns around to lie on his back* Now you get why I need to protect ya, don't ya?
Asmo's eyes flew open as did yours. Mammon just confessed to you. Albeit indirectly, but really did. But he felt pity for his older brother. Sure he was caring and sweet sometimes, but mostly he was a thief and a scumbag who constantly gets into trouble. He didn't stand a chance against Asmo's charms.
MC: Mammon... You silly demon. I love you too. *Lays their head on his chest*
Mammon: *blushes and coughs* Of course ya love the Great Mammon, human!
MC: *smiles against his skin* Swear to me, you won't ever do that again else I will fight Lucifer myself!
Mammon: *smiles* He's attacked ya thrice and yer face still loses its colour whenver he's around and yet yer thinking of fighting him for my sake, MC?
Mammon: But I don't want that. Ya did too much for all of us when ya sacrificed your life to bring Belphie back. I should know, I held ya in my arms. *Tears up* Ya know ye were smiling still?? So calm and undisturbed as if ya didn't care what happens to ya now that all the brothers are together?
MC: You caught me...
Mammon: And I never want to catch ya like that again, get that human!? I will be a good protector as I was meant to be.
MC: Mammon... you're far too kind to be a demon. *Kisses him and gets on top of him*
Mammon: *grips their arms and holds them close* Stay with me tonight.
Asmo watched as you nodded and took off your top and lay down over him again, your skins in gentle and intimate contact and you both wrap your arms around and you presses kisses onto each other. The moonlight danced on your entangled bodies.
He stared and stared, his insides burning with an alien feeling. He hadn't known envy till you came along. His signature move would be to call both of you out and suggest a threesome, but what you both seemed to have was impenetrable. And in the mirror where he saw your reflections, he couldn't see himself.
At his best
This demon had never known love. He might have if Mammon hadn't decides to confess that very night.
But who cares? What's done is done. It's time to root for the both of you. He still has his followers to turn to.
"Mammon finally confessed huh?" He asked jokingly. Until he saw you blush and nod.
"You both must have fun together huh?" He says with a dry laugh.
Your hugs and headpats still keep him going. He takes you buy new dresses knowing it's to impress Mammon instead.
Tries so hard to conceal his tears and tantrums around you. He doesn't want to lose the small part of you that he had left.
At his worst
He cannot stay home. The sight of you both together makes him irritated and stressed both very bad for his skin.
He drinks and parties uncontrollably, bringing home demons and succubi that always seem to resemble you.
One night, Lucifer had enough and caught him by the collar, forbidding him to go to his room. Asmo giggled until Mammon and you showed up.
He swiftly escaped Lucifer's grasp and lunged at you, holding your face between his trembling hands. You look at him closely, his make up was messier than usual, the cresent underneath his eyes was darker than usual.
"MC...look at me. Look at only me. Just for a little while." Asmo said and his eyes glowed. He'd turned on his charm on full force as he leaned into you for a kiss.
Mammon pushed him back and stood before you protectively. Asmo fell back, laughing like a maniac. "Stupid Mammon they are with you out of pity! How long do you think you can make them stay with that stupid brain and sub par beauty?"
You teared up and screamed, "Asmo stop saying things like that! You dont even know anything about him!" Mammon hugged you tight, trying to calm you down.
And then in a lowly growl he said, "Asmo don't let me see ya laying a finger on MC again. Ya would see how people really see ya if you learnt to look away from your own reflection!"
But Asmo did. He did look away from his reflection. He looked at you. Only you didn't look back at him.
Keep reading Pt. 2
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helloalycia · 3 years
just a kid [one] // wanda maximoff
summary: you're a field medic at the Avengers Tower and get into an accident where you hurt your head. It was only supposed to be a mild concussion, yet things don't seem to be going right when you try to remember the accident.
warning/s: mentions of violent/dark scenes.
author's note: here’s the first of a little two-parter I worked on not long ago, hope you all like it!
part two | masterlist | wattpad
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I woke up with heavy eyes and an aching head, momentarily dazed.
"Hey there, Doctor Y/L/N... can you hear me okay?"
Breathing deeply, I found the energy to clear my throat and scan the view above me. I was laying down on a bed, in a hospital room, I think. The lights were ever so bright and I now knew how annoying it felt to wake up like this as my patients had.
"What happened?" I asked, eyes roaming around until they settled on my doctor. "Doctor Maya? What am I–? Why am I here?"
I recognised Doctor Maya as a colleague of mine, though unlike me, she was a doctor who worked at the Avengers Tower whereas I worked as a field medic so was more on the move. The only reason I'd be here is if I was in an accident. Was I? I wasn't sure.
"Something happened when you were on your last mission," she explained gently. "I– hold on. I'm going to get Miss Maximoff, okay?"
"Wanda?" I asked, furrowing my brows and pinching them to relieve the stress in my head. "Where is she? Is she here?"
"She just nipped out," Doctor Maya said, before backing up. "One second, Y/N."
She left the room momentarily, leaving me to try and remember what had happened. I was on the quinjet and was getting briefed with my team. There were casualties that we had to get to and an agent– an agent I was helping, yes!
I groaned, clutching my head when I tried to remember. Deciding I shouldn't push myself so soon, I waited until the doctor returned with Wanda. Maybe they could tell me how I ended up here. I wasn't exactly injured, at least not physically and that I knew of. My head hurt and that was about it.
The door to my room opened suddenly and I looked that way, seeing Wanda rushing in wearing her civilian clothing. The doctor followed soon after, gently closing the door behind her.
"You're awake," Wanda said with relief, stopping by my bedside. Her hand rested on mine, squeezing it comfortingly. "How are you feeling?"
I smiled upon seeing her, even if she was staring at me like I was a fragile piece of glass. We'd been dating for a while now and she always had the power to make me feel better with her presence.
"I'm alright," I promised. "Just a bit confused to what happened. The last thing I remember is going into the field. Then I woke up here."
She chewed on her lower lip, exchanging unreadable glances with the doctor.
"There was a mine that detonated near you when you were helping an injured agent," Wanda explained softly, and I opened my mouth to speak, but she quickly added, "The agent is okay before you ask. But you hit your head from the impact. Mild concussion."
"That's why your head hurts and you're having trouble remembering," the doctor said, earning my attention. "You should be feeling better soon. And I've got some medication for the pain."
Now that Wanda mentioned it, I did vaguely recall being thrown back by a blast. But remembering it was like watching a film with poor satellite, the screen fuzzing around the edges and remaining unclear even though you focused hard. I was sure it would return to me soon.
"Thanks," I said, before attempting to sit up straight. Wanda helped me as I looked to her with gratitude before paying my attention back to Doctor Maya. "Am I alright to leave?"
"Of course, yeah," she said, nodding quickly. "Feel free to come back if you have any trouble. You should be okay though."
I nodded and smiled gratefully before watching her leave. Sighing, I pushed my hair from my face and looked to Wanda who was hanging by me patiently, eyes twinkling with concern.
"I'm fine," I promised her with a knowing look.
She gave me a small smile – her way of saying I'm still worried, but I'll dial it down – then moved to the chair beside the bed and grabbed some clothes.
"You can change into this," she said about the clothes in her hand, and I was sure they were some of hers; mine must have been ruined from the mine. "And if you want, you can stay with me whilst you recover."
I raised my eyebrows as I accepted the clothes. "You sure? It's nothing serious. I can take care of myself."
She shrugged, eyes avoiding mine with embarrassment as her hands played with mine. "I wanna help. I like looking after you... plus, you've stayed at mine before. This isn't any different. And you can be closer to Doctor Maya in case anything is wrong."
I weighed the decision briefly before giving in, unable to resist how cute she was when she was worried. "Okay, yeah, sure, why not?" She smiled widely, and I added, "Any excuse to cuddle with you, right?"
She chuckled. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist."
I rolled my eyes playfully. "Just let me get ready and we can head to your room. I'm actually a little tired."
She nodded and helped me up so I could get ready. I didn't think much of the whole thing, until later that night when I fell asleep beside Wanda.
My dreams never usually meant much. I wasn't one for reading into them, nor was I one to get seriously affected by 'nightmares', knowing they were usually a concoction of bad horror films and stupid ghost stories from my childhood.
But tonight was different.
It wasn't a dream and it wasn't a nightmare, but rather a memory that couldn't exist.
There was debris everywhere, a mixture of yellow rays blinding my sight with dark shadows looming over me. Destroyed buildings and scattered bodies – none were alive – surrounded me. The heat was too much, but I had a job. I knew I had a job, but I couldn't focus because of how fast my heart was racing, beating an incessant drum in my ears, and how rigid my body felt.
"Help!" a voice was shouting. A young girl, I think – she sounded like a kid. Who was it?
Before I could make sense of anything, I heard a loud noise, like an explosion, that sounded so close yet also extremely distant. Nonetheless, my eardrums weren't spared. The mine, maybe? Was this a memory? Was this how I got hurt?
I was thrown back, head hitting a wall, but I didn't pass out. There was a figure looming over me, short, like a child's shadow, but with no visible face or features. Nothing, actually, just a dark outline staring at me though I couldn't stare back because there was nothing to stare at.
The shouts for help returned, but it was distant like the explosion. I couldn't make sense of anything, and when I closed my eyes to blink, I opened them to find debris washing over me all over again, flying in the air along with my body. It had to be the explosion, my memory returning.
This time, when I hit the wall, I woke with a start. My eyes snapped open, taking in the dark room and nightly blue hue casting over the ceiling and walls. I swallowed hard, finding my breath, and raised my hand to gently massage my forehead. An aching pain was shooting all over, forcing me to sit up as slowly as I could as to not wake up Wanda, who appeared to be fast asleep beside me.
I checked the clock beside her bed and saw it was closing on half three in the morning. I went to bed around nine, which was also when I last had my medication. Doctor Maya said I could have it every five to seven hours and when I got a severe headache.
"I guess this counts...," I mumbled to myself, before grabbing the medication and bottle of water beside the clock.
I downed the two tablets within seconds before sitting upright for a few more minutes, needing a moment to myself before attempting to get back to sleep.
"Y/N...? Are you up?"
I winced at the sound of Wanda's groggy voice, immediately feeling bad for waking her. I turned around and saw her rubbing her eyes with one hand whilst blinking away her fatigue.
"Just have a headache, don't worry," I reassured quietly, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. "You can go back to sleep."
"Do you need me to get you anything?" she asked, finally able to keep her eyes open long enough to meet my gaze with her cloudy green ones.
I smiled through my exhaustion. "I'm okay, love. I've had some medicine."
"Well, I can get you something to–" she began, trying to make a move to sit up, but I pushed her back down gently.
"I'm okay," I repeated sternly, before slipping back into bed beside her. Wrapping an arm around her torso, I said, "Get back to sleep."
She nodded tiredly, getting comfortable and pulling me closer to her. I felt her arm wrap around me as I snuggled closer, relaxing in her embrace.
"Wake me if something is wrong," she mumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "Goodnight. I love you."
"I love you, too," I returned, kissing the closest thing to me which was her chest. "Goodnight."
Admittedly, it was still difficult for me to fall back asleep. It must have been no longer than ten minutes when I heard Wanda's breathing and felt the gentle rise and fall of her chest beneath me – she'd fallen back asleep. I sighed, slightly jealous, but stayed close to her and tried not to think about my accident or my weird dream/nightmare. Eventually, slumber found me.
The next morning, I didn't exactly feel well-rested, but I didn't want to concern Wanda nor draw attention to it as I knew it was probably just a rough first night. Instead, I let myself get distracted with Wanda wanting to cook me breakfast.
I soon found myself in the kitchen, sitting at the island and watching Wanda cook some pancakes for us both with an endearing smile on my lips. She was still in her pyjamas like me, her red hair pulled into a messy ponytail as an afterthought, and she radiated beauty. Right there, I could only wish my future looked exactly like this.
My moment of admiration was interrupted when someone came into the kitchen, earning our attention. It was Sam, one of the Avengers and a colleague of Wanda's.
"Good morning, ladies," he greeted with a smile. Already dressed for the day ahead, he asked, "Do I smell pancakes?"
"They're for Y/N, so back off," Wanda said playfully, pointing her spatula at him threateningly.
He raised his hands with defeat as I chuckled.
"Relax, I've got a shake," he said, grabbing said protein shake from the fridge. "Enjoy your pancakes." He glanced to me, expression softening as he added, "And I hope you feel better, Y/N. I heard about your accident."
"Thank you, Sam," I said gratefully, noticing the way Wanda flinched at his words. "I'm already feeling better, so..."
"That's great," he said genuinely, before looking between us. "I'll catch you guys later."
We both waved our goodbyes to him as he left. I wanted to question what was up with Wanda just then, but as Sam left the kitchen, the door slammed shut and startled me more than I thought it would. The noise sounded so familiar, so loud, kind of like what I heard last night in my dream. It must have been the mine when it exploded, a ghost of a memory that was returning. But that didn't seem right. Why didn't that seem right?
"Hey, Y/N, you okay?" Wanda asked, and I looked up, only to notice she was now standing by my side and looking down at me with concern.
I licked my lips, nodding. "Yeah, sorry, I just... yeah. I'm fine."
Her eyes were swimming with doubt, but she chose to say nothing. Instead, to my relief, she pulled me close, giving me a quick hug which I appreciated. As my head rested against her chest, I tried to ignore the familiar striking pain travelling around my forehead.
It was two nights later when another strange dream plagued my sleep. Similar to last time, there was a strange combination of scenes that I was sure I remembered and scenes that made no sense. This time though, all that I could feel was a tenseness in my whole body, like I was in a frozen state and my mind and body couldn't communicate. I couldn't move, paralysed by... fear? Shock? Disbelief? I didn't know what it was, but I woke up in the same way.
I'd heard of sleep paralysis, even experienced it a few times without realising. I think this was one of those times, with my body frozen in bed beside Wanda, but I didn't know it at the time. It just felt like a horribly-real dream. The room was dark, the familiar, yet unsettling, nightly blue hue casting shadows on the wall. But on the ceiling, bright and terrifying scenes played out before me. An explosion. Debris. Screaming.
None of it made sense and all I could feel was shock, horrified at how I couldn't move a muscle even if I tried. I tilted my head, seeing the alarm clock glowing red in the dark, letting me know it was past midnight. To the left, I saw a sleeping Wanda, lost in her dreams and unable to help me. I wanted to get up, run my hands over my face, have some water, open a window, do something. But I couldn't move. All I could do was watch the nightmare dance across the ceiling as my heart struggled to beat regularly and my lungs struggled to get enough oxygen.
I didn't know how long I was stuck like that, tears brimming my eyes and body paralysed with fear. But it finally ended and I opened my eyes, only to find the ceiling blank and myself able to move. Reluctantly, I lifted my hand, wiping the tears from my cheeks. It was just a dream (or form of sleep paralysis in hindsight). It wasn't real. But God, it felt horribly terrifying.
Admittedly, I was scared to go back to sleep for fear it would occur again. So, my eyes stayed wide awake, burning with exhaustion, and I continued to stare at the shadows on the wall, feeling my heart pounding in my ears.
I must have fallen asleep again at some point, as I woke up the next morning to Wanda getting out of bed. Sitting up in bed, I looked around and found the fear of last night wearing off now that the room was bathed in the morning light. Still, I was more shaken than I thought.
Not wanting to draw attention to it though, I let the day go on as usual, deciding to appreciate the free time I had from work to spend with Wanda. We decided to go to the park for a walk – Wanda thought it would help get me out of the Tower and I was hoping the fresh air would give me some clarity and help me to recover.
Only, it did the opposite.
We were walking hand in hand, myself listening to Wanda as she chatted about something that happened in training. If I'm being honest, I wasn't really listening; my thoughts were preoccupied with the jumbled mess that was my mind. Glimpses of memories were dancing across my head, teasing me with elements of the truth I couldn't quite make out.
My eyes drifted around mindlessly, settling on a little girl playing by the swings with her parents. I didn't think much of it, but then the familiar shouts for help from my nightmare plagued my mind, making me flinch. The dark, looming shadow returned and I suddenly felt a headache coming on, the pressure against my brain making me nauseous.
I stopped abruptly, letting go of Wanda's hand. She stopped speaking, turning around and furrowing her brows with concern.
"Hey, Y/N, what's wrong?" she asked, and I winced, clutching my head to relieve the pain.
The wave of nausea left after a moment, but the headache remained. I heard Wanda repeat my name quietly, sensing my discomfort.
"I think I need to see Doctor Maya again," I finally found my words.
"What is it? What's wrong?" she asked, resting a hand on my cheek and tilting my head up to meet her eyes. "You can tell me."
Her eyes were reassuring, calming me in an instant. I wanted to tell her everything, but I didn't want to burden her with my anxieties, so I offered her a small smile.
"I just don't think my recovery is as straightforward as I thought," I settled. "She may be able to help."
Wanda chewed her lower lip, nodding slowly. Thankfully, she didn't question me anymore. Instead, she took me back to the Tower to see Doctor Maya. I was grateful as she waited with me for her to be free, until I had to convince her I'd be okay going in myself.
"Are you sure? I don't mind," she said, exchanging looks with Doctor Maya, who looked away quickly.
I glanced between them, mildly confused, but nodded to Wanda. "I'd rather go alone, Wanda. I'll be okay."
She nodded, squeezed my hands comfortingly, then let me go. When I headed into Doctor Maya's office, she took a seat behind her desk and motioned for me to sit before her.
"You said this was urgent," she spoke first, after I took a seat opposite. "Is everything okay?"
I licked my lips, looking down at my hand as it scratched the arm of the chair nervously. "No... not really."
After a moment of hesitation and partial embarrassment, since I knew this was only supposed to be a mild concussion that felt like so much more, I explained everything that happened to Doctor Maya. The odd dreams/nightmares, the headaches, the overlapping memories and sleep paralysis. As hard as it was to relive, I told her everything in hopes she had an answer that maybe I hadn't realised.
When I finished speaking, she looked distracted with her own thoughts. I waited patiently, watching as she nodded to herself before looking to me calmly.
"It doesn't seem like anything to worry about, truthfully," she said, which I didn't expect. "You suffered a mild concussion, yes, but it must have rattled you more than we thought. The dreams and trouble sleeping are a result of your headaches and returning memories. You do remember what happened, right?"
I nodded, though something felt incorrect. "I think so, yes. I was helping an agent when a mine went off. I was thrown back, covered in debris. Hit my head."
She hummed. "Yes... and you're taking your medication?"
Another nod. "Of course. I just want to get better. The sooner I do, the sooner I can return to work."
"Then it seems that your only opponent is stress and impatience," she said simply. "You need to relax. Keep taking your meds. Try not to worry about returning to work just yet. Focus on getting better. I can prescribe you some sleeping pills if you think that will help."
Sighing disappointedly, I nodded. I was expecting more to be honest, possibly an explanation. Her words made sense logically, but it still didn't feel right. Nonetheless, I didn't want to hold her up any longer, so I let her prescribe me some more medication before leaving. Maybe I'd give relaxing a shot.
"It's a meatball."
I stifled a laugh as I studied the oddly shaped ball of meat in Wanda's hand. "Is it?"
She narrowed her eyes playfully. "It is otherwise you're making your own meal."
I laughed, pressing a haste kiss to her cheek. "Okay, okay, it's a meatball. Add it to the tray."
We were cooking spaghetti and meatballs for dinner about six days after my incident out in the field. I was still staying with Wanda at the Tower, and I was taking Doctor Maya's advice with my recovery. I didn't worry myself with returning to work which, admittedly, helped out, and the sleeping pills knocked me out long enough to get a good sleep. Though, sometimes the nightmares would still return. I didn't think about them too much though, not wanting them to hinder my recovery. Instead, I focused on getting better with my very supportive girlfriend by my side.
Wanda added the meatball to the baking tray, alongside the others, but as she reached to form another one from the bowl full of minced meat, she accidentally knocked it to the floor. The meat splattered across the tiles, making her gasp.
"Shit," she cursed, eyes widening slightly.
"Very clever," I teased with a smile.
"Let me just–"
"I got it," I cut her off, already bending to clear it up. "Just put the tray in the oven, yeah? Try not to drop it."
"Ha-ha, very funny."
I looked up in time to see her rolling her eyes playfully, but she grabbed the tray as I said.
I kneeled down, scooping the meat up and throwing it in the bowl, knowing it would have to go in the bin now. As I did, I realised how familiar the meat looked. Pink and flesh-like, covering my hands and sticking to me. Suddenly, my hands were shaking, the fleshy bits surrounded by blood, and I tried to blink away the sight, expecting to just see minced meat, but I couldn't. They were covered in what I somehow knew was the flesh of body parts.
Startled, I fell back onto my butt, my back hitting the drawer behind me and pulling me from my daydream. Wanda looked down at me with confusion, before sensing something was wrong and leaning down beside me. She rested a hand on my head, thumb stroking my forehead.
"What's wrong?" she asked, confused eyes staring between me and my hands which were still shaking. She grabbed the tea towel from the counter above us before wiping my hands for me and holding them. "Y/N. This has happened a few times. Please tell me what happened."
I was still shaken, unsure why there was a discomfort in the pit of my stomach. I risked glancing at my hands, which were clean and no longer covered in human fle– I mean, meat.
"I don't know what's going on," I finally admitted to her, shaking my head. "It's like my thoughts aren't my own. I can't control them. I just keep seeing stuff that isn't real."
She frowned, eyes peering through mine patiently.
"I still can't remember what happened with the mine," I said, swallowing the lump forming in my throat. "It's like, I know what happened and I know it's real, but when I try to remember, it just doesn't happen quite right. The picture doesn't appear. And I don't know why."
She pressed her lips together, jaw clenching slightly. I wasn't sure what she was thinking, but her eyes wouldn't meet mine.
"What did the doctor say?" she asked lowly.
I sighed, the discomfort still lining my stomach. "She thinks I just need time."
Wanda nodded, finally lifting her gaze. "Maybe she's right."
I knitted my brows together with frustration, nudging her away and standing up. "I don't need time! I'm a doctor, too. I know it shouldn't take this long. It was a mild concussion. I've treated hundreds of those."
"Just forget it," I said with exasperation, pulling away from her as she tried to reach out again. I knew it was uncalled for, taking it out on her for no reason, but I was too frustrated with the situation to care. "I think I'm gonna go for a walk."
She sighed from behind me, running a hand through her hair. I left her in the kitchen, suddenly not in the mood to eat. Clearly all of Doctor Maya's advice wasn't working – what I was experiencing wasn't normal. I needed to see her again.
So, after cleaning my hands properly and having a walk around the Tower to clear my head (as expected, it didn't work), I headed to Doctor Maya's office, hoping she was still in work today. To my surprise, when I reached her office, I saw her door was slightly ajar and she was already speaking to someone. My intention wasn't to eavesdrop, but when I heard my name said in a hushed whisper from a familiar voice, I knew I had to stay.
"...can't say anything," Wanda finished. "She'll get better."
Doctor Maya sounded frustrated. "It's not right, Miss Maximoff. This is against everything I stand for. Against everything Y/N stands for, too, I'm sure."
"This is for her benefit," Wanda snapped, before taking a deep breath. "Look, she can't handle the truth. It'll break her... I haven't worked out the kinks, but it'll be okay. She'll get better."
What the hell were they talking about? What truth could I not handle? Wanda and the doctor were in on something together, something they didn't want me to know... and it was something to do with why I was feeling like how I was. I knew I wasn't going insane – something was wrong!
I left them to it with plans of seeing the doctor afterwards, not wanting to get caught, and tried to wrap my head around the fact that Wanda had been keeping something from me this whole time. How could she? I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I thought that we could trust each other.
What was she hiding?
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sosadz · 3 years
Last Mimosa
Adult!Reborn x F!reader
warning(s) - blood, death, angst, hanahaki au
this is my first post on this app and I still couldn’t figure out how tumblr works lol I hope you guys enjoy
1,637 words
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You still remember the feeling when you first realized you love this man. It has been the same since day one. The way he acted like he didn't care, but secretly looked out for you in his own way. The way he sat in the chair of his apartment, admiring the view, slowly sipping his espresso. The way he walked with that charming look of his, the look that make legs go weak. His black eyes that look so cold yet so ravishing. You love all of that. All of him.
You had never accepted the fact that you love this man until a strange flower petal immersed out of your mouth. A mimosa flower.
The deepest secret from the bottom of your heart had revealed itself. One that you had never wanted to acknowledge yourself.
'A Mimosa... What a coincidence.' You sarcastically joke. The Mimosa's meaning is the conjuration of secret love. No one knows that I love you, not even myself until now.
'Is this a blessing or a curse - the Hanahaki disease?'
You and Reborn have enjoyed each other's company and you both like each other, but only in a platonic way. However, this platonic relationship is only one-sided, as you love him romantically. You had made a promise to yourself to never tell him about your feelings, since you didn't want to ruin this precious friendship.
Following your usual routine, you stopped by his office to greet him as always. Whenever you were with him the Hanahaki disease didn't act up much, so you just assumed everything was going to be okay.
You entered the building and walked into his office. There was nothing but a comfortable silence, accompanied by the sound of a coffee machine running and the smell of coffee. Of course it was espresso - just how he liked it. You opened the door to greet him.
"Reborn I-" you felt something coming from your throat. Reborn's gaze turned to you immediately after he heard your voice.
'Maybe I should stop assuming things'
Before he could answer or ask you anything, you quickly ran away from him while trying your best not to let any of the petals fall from your mouth. You felt something wet dripping down your cheeks. Your heart ached, but you had to run away as far as you could. He can't know about your secret, your disease.
When you had reached the rooftop of the building, you let all the petals you had kept inside your mouth flow out. Your heart ached, your mouth started to get dry, your throat was sore and all you could hear was nothing but a constant ringing. It was like your whole body reset itself. Your vision was blurry and you couldn't concentrate on anything but the pain you were feeling.
After thirty minutes, you began to feel better. You wiped away the remaining blood and petals from your mouth and off your clothes.
"Y/n" You heard someone speaking behind you. You knew damn well whose voice that belonged to.
"Oh, I'll be back in a minute don't worry." You tried your best to make your voice sound like you were okay, convincing him that there was nothing wrong. You quickly hid all the fallen petals in your shirt but it was too late. He was the world's best hitman, how could you lie to him without him knowing? You wish he would ignore the fact that you lied to him and just wait for you in his office.
And he did.
He nodded slowly and walked away from you, giving you the privacy you had wished for.
'Why do I feel like this?' You asked yourself. Weren't you supposed to be relieved that he did as you wished for? Why do your eyes feel so warm and watery? Why were you feeling so disappointed? It was like a million knives were stabbed into your heart, but instead it was the Mimosa flower.
Reborn actually knew. He knew everything. He knew you were suffering from the Hanahaki disease, and he knew you were throwing up on the rooftop. He knew that you lied to him. He tried his best to find out who was responsible for causing you to get this disease. He was the world's best hitman, but why can't he find the person you love and help you?
How could he ever find out,
When that person was him all along?
A few days after the incident you decided to visit Reborn again at his office. You stepped inside without knocking. It was just how it was. He always knew it was you who came inside, so he didn't even have to look.
"I just stopped by to say hi and maybe get some free coffee" You jokingly said to him followed by a chuckle. You were desperate to hide all of the sadness blooming inside your chest.
He didn't say anything but handed you a cup of coffee from his table that he had already prepared for you. You took it and gave him a playful smile.
'Maybe I'd stopped loving you if you stopped being so nice to me, Reborn.' You thought to yourself.
"I won't be here for a week, just to let you know." He said while looking at the sky next to him. You knew how much he admired those views. You walked next to him and looked the same way.
"Want me to take care of your office for you?" You asked sarcastically. You knew he never wanted you to take care of his office because he knows you are a mess, and would give him a headache when he came back from his mission.
"As if." He rolled his eyes and adjusted his hat.
"Alright, I'm going to go now. See ya!" You said, putting your now empty cup on his table and walked out from his office. After the door had closed, your whole body started shaking. You were afraid he was going to figure out what was going on with you.
You took time gathering yourself to stand properly again, and walked out from the building.
'I don't have much time left, and I don't think I will last until the time when he comes back. I should find a way to let him know I died happily.' You thought as you let out a deep sigh.
A week later,
Reborn came back just to find you laying in your bed, dressed in the most beautiful way possible. In fact, you were always beautiful. There were Mimosas all over your bed, covering your mouth all the way to your body. Your eyes were closed shut. He was too late. Reborn fell onto his knees, lifted one of your hands to his face and kissed it softly. He felt the warmth in his eyes, and his vision was getting more and more blurry.
Looking over to his right, he saw a letter on your drawer next to your bed. His name was written on it. Although his hands were still shaking uncontrollably, he made his way to your letter and opened it.
Dear Reborn,
Reborn, you know... I really appreciate our friendship. You have made me smile, laugh or even be mad. But in a good way, don't worry. I know you are the world's best hitman but please be careful and take care of yourself. Try drinking a lot of water, not just coffee.
Please know that I died while I was being happy. You have probably already figured out by now what the cause of my death was, and if you figure out who's the reason I got this disease, don't blame him. Be kind to him. All I ever want is for him to be happy because that makes me happy too.
You are a good friend of mine, Reborn.
You always will be. No one could ever replace you. But if someone ever replaces me, that's okay.
I won't be mad at you.
I hope you will remember me. And whenever you ever think of me, I hope it will be the time where I smile or laugh. I don't look nice when I'm crying or sleeping so... Don't.
I will always be with you -
in the skies you had always admired,
in the smell of your espresso.
If you aren't happy I will know.
So be happy. For me.
I love you, Reborn.
Y/n, L/n
He cried, for the first time. The world's best hitman cried, uncontrollably. The grief of losing someone precious to him was too much to handle.
He loved her,
And he couldn't stand seeing her get hurt.
If only he had realized it sooner, you wouldn't be here. Laying in your bed without your soul. You could be happy together with him by your side. He could have helped you, but he didn't. Instead, he spent his entire week going on a stupid mission. The purpose of the mission was actually to find a cure for the Hanahaki disease that you were suffering from. He wanted to save you, and he was so close to doing so. He was so blinded by the end goal that he didn't take into account your current situation. You slipped right through his fingers.
Reborn felt something sharp piercing his heart.
Something was about to come out from his throat.
He coughed.
A white petal came out of his mouth.
It was a Lily petal.
He picked it up and looked into it for a minute and thought: 'A Lily. I wonder if this disease chose a specific flower for me. Is this what you've been feeling this entire time, Y/n?'
He kissed your lips for the last time. But sadly, you never got the chance to kiss him back.
Not anymore.
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thiscastielhasflown · 3 years
day one of j&kcreatorfest (with @expectingtofly)— prompts: diner and road trip cas is a human, he goes on a road trip with dean (who secretly loves guy fieri) and they visit jody who is honestly just a third-wheel. (2.4k)
"Can you move more towards my left?"
Cas stares blankly at Dean who is holding a vintage Polaroid camera up to his eyes and frantically gesturing with his other hand indicating which side for the other man to move towards. Blinking rapidly, Cas nervously looks from side to side before planting his feet in a new spot, kicking up dust onto his newly acquired pair of tennis shoes.
"No no, a little bit more to the right now. Just one more step—"
Cas awkwardly takes baby steps while watching Dean, making sure he's on the right track. His legs still getting used to walking again after their non-stop drive from a small town outside of Billings, Montana since earlier that same morning. Dean insisted they get a head start to the first location before the families end up "taking all of the good parking spots".
This is their first solo hunt since Cas became his current human form, something he still isn't entirely confident with yet — and most likely never will be. After giving himself about a month to recuperate and time to get used to his "new" body, it was probably about time to get back into the swing of things again. Hunting, the only sense of prior reality that has continued to follow him into his new life.
It was clear to Dean the change in Cas' demeanor, noticing that he was sulking around the bunker more often (only during the times when he actually leaves his bedroom), and a certain spark he used to have no longer made its presence. Ultimately, it was Sam who suggested the trip, mentioning that a hunter friend of theirs had called to inform them about a vampire infestation near Billings and politely asked for extra support.
Cas insisted that Sam should be the one to take his place, even offering to stay back in the bunker to give it a deep clean it so desperately needed. In standard Dean Winchester fashion, he patted Cas on the back and said that they'd make a mid-summer vacation out of it. Of course, at this point, Cas had no say on the subject and woke up the next morning with a backpack pre-packed ready for him.
"Ah, there! Perfect! Now stay exactly where you are, don't even think about moving a muscle. Hold your breath if you have to."
With no hesitation, Cas sucks in an exaggerated deep breath and inflates his cheeks to keep the oxygen inside his mouth. Dean rolls his eyes behind the camera before pressing the shutter button that lets out an audible CLICK and coinciding blinding light of the flash going off.
Once the polaroid ejects from the camera, Dean pulls it out and gives it a light shake, letting his camera dangle around his neck by its convenient strap.
"Well, that's as good as we're going to get it,” Dean closes the distance between him and Cas, walking up to turn him back around so he's facing the correct side of the landscape.
The two stand next to each other looking off into the vastness of terracotta-colored canyons carved into the earth below them. Cas has to contain every bone in his body from reaching out to grab the hand of Dean's already brushing up against his.
“Here, can you hold onto this?” Dean hands over the undeveloped photo to Cas, who nods and grabs onto it delicately.
They stand in silence for a couple of minutes basking in their panoramic view, the sound of gleefully screaming children and stern parents echoing around them until Cas finally speaks up, "So where exactly are we again Dean?"
Dean gasps in exaggerated surprise, "Badlands National Park in South Dakota Cas, one of the greatest wonders in the United States and possibly even the world. I'm serious. Take a look here—"
Dean pulls out the complimentary map of the park and flips to the back page, "—a man named Frank Lloyd Wright called the badlands an, “inescapable sense of mysterious". Only a badass like him would make a comment like that. Have you been anywhere else in your life this awe-inspiring?"
Cas pauses, "Yes. Galaxy GN-z11 located about 13.4 billion light-years from here."
Dean opens his mouth to say something before shutting it promptly, giving himself more time to formulate a response, "Well. Alright Mr. Showoff, anything else you wanna share with the class?"
"You asked, so I answered," Cas answers in a monotone voice, "I guess, now that I'm a human, it's the second most beautiful thing I've seen."
"Huh. Then what was the first?"
Don't say it. Cas swallows his inner thoughts and shrugs his shoulders, "It's a secret."
Dean shoves Cas playfully to the side and laughs, "Since when have you started keeping secrets from me?"
Cas fakes a laugh in response and lets his head hang down to cover the tinge of a blush creeping across his face.
"I didn't just bring you here for the scenery, does the name sound familiar to you?"
Cas tilts his head to the side in interest, "Name, Dean? What name?"
Dean sighs and shuts his eyes for a second, “Bandlands, like the movie. I made you watch it."
"Oh yes, I do remember. Starring Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek as star-crossed murdering lovers," Cas turns his head to look at Dean, "Are you insinuating we're like them?"
"N-no, well—not exactly? I mean, we've both killed...things before but I'm not insinuating we should go on a murdering spree. Unless we come across another pack of vamps. But this is our vacation with no work allowed, you hear me?"
Dean claps at Cas' shoulder, giving it a good squeeze before letting go, "Time to head out buddy, better to get on the road now so we can make it to the Corn Palace before it closes."
Cas stands confused as he watches Dean take off on the path towards the area they parked the Impala, "Corn Palace?"
Staring into the sun setting over the horizon in front of him as he drives, Dean reaches into his pocket to pull out his cell phone and holds it up to his ear. He lets his eyes raise to look out the rearview mirror while the phone rings.
"Hey Jody, are you home right now?"
Jody hesitates on the other side of the phone, "Odd question but yes I am. Everything okay?"
"We're about an hour out from your homestead and were wondering if the two of us could bunk over tonight.”
"Of course! You and Sam are always welcome to stay over anytime."
Dean looks over at Cas fast asleep in the passenger seat next to him, a souvenir foam cob of corn hat from the Corn Palace gift shop functioning as a comfortable barrier between his head and the window, “No, it’s uh—Cas and I. Sammy isn't with us.”
"Well, that's a change for once. Regardless, I'll leave the front door unlocked. Just come in and make yourself at home."
"Will do, see you soon. Bye," Dean hangs up the phone and places it back in his lap, absentmindedly tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to pass the remaining driving time.
Once Dean turns down Jody's familiar street corner he calls out into the darkness of the car, "Cas, can you wake up for me? We're almost at our stopping point of the night."
Cas stirs, making a low humming sound but continues to sleep. Dean curses under his breath and turns into Jody's driveway and parks the car, thinking of the best plan to get not only their bags — but Cas — into the house in one piece.
He decides on starting with the bags first, reaching into the backseat area to grab them off of the floorboard carefully as possible without bonking Cas' sleeping body. Holding onto one in each hand, he exits the vehicle without trying to disturb his sleeping passenger.
"Hey there Dean, good to see ya!" Jody leans in for a hug and Dean maneuvers with the bags to give her a proper hug back, "Where's Cas?"
"Dead asleep in the car. I gotta go—" Dean signals towards the door with his thumb, "wrangle him out of there."
"I'll go put these bags in the guest room, take as much time as you need."
Dean walks off back towards the car, formulating a plan in his head. When reaching the car, he slowly opens the passenger side door and Cas instinctively leans away from it, cuddling up against the center console.
"Cas. Hey Cas, we're at Jody's house," Dean leans in to unbuckle Cas from the seat, jostling him enough in hopes of waking him up, "come on now, if you get up now you can go right back to sleep in a comfy bed."
Cas sleepily grumbles and holds out his arms, to which Dean grabs a hold of and pulls him up from the seat. The corn hat in the process toppling off of his head and onto the seat behind him. Dean pulls Cas' arm around his shoulder and locks his arm around his waist for stability, marching with him up towards Jody's house.
Jody holds the front door open for them, giving Dean a sympathetic look, and whispers, "The guest room is the first door on the right."
With the covers already pulled back, Dean plops Cas into the bed and adjusts his legs, pulling the covers up along with, "Good night," he murmurs before walking out of the room and closing the door quietly behind him.
Jody stands in the area between the living room and kitchen stirring a cup of tea, yawning slightly when Dean enters the living room, "I'm gonna head off to bed, there are leftovers in the fridge so help yourself. You look beat."
Dean scratches at the back of his head in exhaustion, "Been a long couple of days. I'm ready to stretch out on this couch and watch the back of my eyelids."
"Oh, you aren't..." Jody points in the general direction of the guest bedroom.
Dean's eyes widen in embarrassment, "No! I-I mean, Cas is in there, and uh, we didn't get time to talk about sleeping arrangements. So. Yeah. The couch."
"Sorry for...insinuating anything—something. There's a basket of blankets for you to pick from in the closet and I'm going to leave you be now. Get some good sleep, Dean."
"You too Jody, see you in the morning," with a slight wave of his hand, Dean awkwardly watches his friend retreat towards her bedroom. He plops down on the couch and sighs, putting his head in his hands.
Cas, Dean, and Jody sit at a tiny table located by the kitchen entrance in one of Sioux Falls’ biggest up-in-coming foodie restaurants, Bread & Circus Sandwich Kitchen — thanks to the exposure from being shown on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, one of Dean's favorite shows. The place was packed to the gills, the trio even had to wait for 45 minutes before getting a table. They only got in this soon because Jody managed to bribe the host with her position within the city.
They skim over the menu, making comments on certain dishes before the waiter finally approaches the table, “Hey there, I’m Jeremy. What can I get y’all to eat?”
Without hesitation, Dean speaks up first, “Guy’s fried chicken sandwich and a side of fries for me.”
Jeremy nods and writes down the order on a pad of paper before point his pen in the direction of Jody, “And for you Ms. Mills?”
“Oh Jer, you should know my usual at this point. The curried cauliflower with an extra side of sauce.”
“Perfect perfect…” he nods his head while writing before flashing a smirking smile at Cas, “Last but not least, what are you havin’?”
“Could I get just the standard burger? Oh, and a side of—”, Cas pauses and leans in closer to the menu to read, “—‘Naughty Fries’ please.”
Dean’s eyes narrow at Jeremy’s clear flirting, but he internally thanks his friend for still being so naive to pick up on the implication.
“I’ll go put these orders in, if you need anything else just flag me down,” Jeremy reaches for their menus and Dean takes this opportunity to shove his at the man a little harder than he should. Payback is sweet.
While their food cooks, the group takes this time to do some catching up with each other. Jody asks about how Sam is doing (“He’s trying to grow a beard and he looks like a grizzly bear” says Dean — Cas agrees to this statement), hunter-related gossip, and about their trip so far.
When Jeremy returns with the food, he sets them in front of each coinciding person before wishing them "good eats" and walks away to tend other tables.
"I've been waiting for this moment for months now," Dean licks his lips before holding the sandwich up to his mouth and taking a decent bite of it, letting out a pleasing crunch sound. Within moments his face changes its expression, lips pursing together with food squished in between each.
“You don’t like it, don’t you?” Jody asks, studying Dean’s reaction to his first bite.
Dean nods and reaches for his drink, using it to wash down the rest of the chewed-up sandwich, “It’s...alright. Not as good as I thought though. Guy made it look a lot better.”
“Switch with me,” Cas speaks up.
Cas grabs ahold of Dean’s plate and switches it with his own, picking it up right away and taking a bite of it. Jody looks intently between the both of them, choosing to say out of what’s going on before beginning to eat again.
Dean is left staring with his mouth wide open before looking down at the burger now in front of him, “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You ordered a burger because you knew I wouldn’t like the sandwich, right?”
Cas shrugs and continues to eat his new food. Dean shoots a look at Jody to points at the plate in front of him, signaling him to 'eat', which he complies.
Once they're all finished, Jody insists on paying for the food and after arguing at the table, she ends up paying regardless. Wrapping up their conversation, Jody gets a phone call for "official business" leaving the both of them with hugs.
Dean excuses himself to go to the bathroom, telling Cas to go wait for him at the front entrance. Wiping his still-damp hands on his pants, he approaches Cas who is shuffling through complimentary postcards.
"You should get one of those."
Cas jumps and turns to look at Dean, "I can't choose though. Help me?"
Dean grabs one that looks almost like the same part of the badlands they looked out on yesterday, "This one, so you'll never forget."
"I'll never forget this Dean."
(original photos i took on my nintendo dsi during my own south dakota bandlands trip that i still somehow have -- dated august 7, 2011)
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alecxaheart · 3 years
Wish I Were | Kim Seungmin Oneshot
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✎ Genre : High School Student AU, Angst, Fluff
✎ Pairings : Kim Seungmin X Reader (?)
✎ Word Count : 1.1k words
✎ Synopsis : Winter has already passed, yet Seungmin is getting colder and colder as time flies by.
✎ Warnings : Explicit Language
✎. . . Another angsty oneshot but a song inspired one. It's been a while since I wrote a very short oneshot. Btw, the whole oneshot is in Seungmin's Point of View. Enjoy my loves, mwah. <3
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Kim Seungmin.
Save the date, 3rd of December. Where in the middle of a snowfall, sunshine appeared out of the blue. The time I was saved from the inner demons haunting me, from the bothering cold of winter. The time I never thought would come to the point that I lost care for myself.
With a small yet simple gesture, I was saved. She came just in time and the best part of her rescue was probably her giving me her soft light-tinted blue sweater. " It looks better on you than it did on me, Seungminnie, " She giggled as we sat in front of her fireplace, my cup of coffee laid unfinished on the table. Her arms around my waist while I lay my head down on her shoulder. All the warmth I received on that day was completely comfortable. From the fireplace, the hot coffee she offered, her sweater and her care and love. I couldn't ask for more than that to feel enough.
With a small yet simple gesture, I couldn't help but fall.
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Fall.. In Love?
Just another new start allotted for this school year happened on this very day. Months had already passed ever since me and Yuri met. Right now, it's just me and her having a wonderful conversation. Her beautiful smile appeared once in a while with a small chuckle as we continued to just pass some time before class started.
" No way, this happened when you hit the baseball with your bat? You're that strong? " Her eyes twinkled as I showed her the picture my friend, Bang Chan, posted on Instagram. I responded with a nod and a hum, smiling.
" It looks like teeth marks at first glance, " Both of us giggled in unison while I tucked my phone back in my pockets. " But hey, that's really an impressive strength. You'll be in my speed dial in case I want you to kick some asses for me. "
Then there was a short silent pause in the area as the main doors opened. I took a glance towards it to figure out what caused such distraction from multiple individuals. And I must say or rather I could tell it already, he's definitely gonna be the elephant in the room.
His face defines ethereal, perfectly sculpted by the Gods to the point that they placed a star beneath his eye. He was indeed shining, everyone blinded by his beauty.
What broke my heart was when I took a glance back at you, you were one of them. I saw your eyes sparkling, filled with adoration towards the newcomer. You couldn't look away, trapped into his spell as he walked towards us. He caught your attention and you couldn't help but fawn over him more. What a sight for sore eyes.
I slowly distanced myself away when he was now onto you, both of you sharing smiles brighter than the blue sky and exchanging a few words. You're too lost in his eyes to notice my presence vanishing from your area, too lost in love while I'm starting to lose love itself. You never looked at me the same way as you did to him.
With one last glance, I witnessed how you got him so mesmerized before I die.
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Or Fall.. Apart?
Back in place, like it was the start of winter once again. The time I was emotionally and mentally going downhill. But the difference is that it's far from almost winter, the sun shines too bright these days and I hate it.
💟 : Hey, can't meet you up today
💟 : I promised Hyunjin I would go with him, sorry
It's okay. : KSM
Go and have fun with your man. :) : KSM
Read – 5:03PM
Closing the door, I leaned my head back on it before silently letting my body fall onto the ground with the phone in hand, the picture of the two of us showing in the lock screen. I knew that behind me, behind this door stood Hyunjin and you having the greatest time of your lives. Exchanging words, smiles, and laughter with one another.
The scene I saw a few moments ago played. I walked into the rooftop, supposedly to be looking for you – which I did but never thought of it to be something like this. I watched you two there standing before the golden sun setting in the horizon then he held your hand. You, too, gave one of your sweaters to him. Putting his arms around your shoulder afterwards when you two took a seat on the ground, your head resting on his chest as you both took in the scenery.
I wanted to hate him so much, for he took away my chances of even having the confidence to confront you and confess my feelings towards you, ruining all of my plans to have the greatest life I've ever had in my grasp. Although as much as I wanted to, I just couldn't bring myself to do so. Hyunjin-hyung never treated you or anyone else badly, being the angel that he is. He's also true to his feelings, I overheard it from a conversation he had with Minho that he likes you, the same way you like him. However, I did prefer him not existing at all – thinking that maybe it would go the way I wanted it to be if he was never there.
In the end, I'll only get colder and colder to the point that my heart will freeze, slowly distancing myself away from you. While you're looking beyond exquisite than ever with a smile brighter than the sun, twinkling stars adorning your eyes and the pinkness of your cheeks – all of it was because of Hwang Hyunjin. Just for the sake of your eternal happiness, I have to disenthrall you.
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Laying down alone on the bed, in the middle of my gloomy bedroom, drowning in my own pool of thoughts. Wearing the light-tinted blue sweater to feel the warmth back in the 3rd of December that I always loved, but I knew it would never be the same as before. Today, she wouldn't be able to save me. This would've been the aftermath back then.
Eyes red plus the visible dark bags underneath it came all from excessive crying and insomnia. Body tired like hell. Lost my appetite. Pale skin and dry lips. Too many emotions mixed up in my heavy chest. My mind screaming and yelling in agony yet none of it was heard since I lost my own voice as well. All in all, I feel like shit.
Beside me laid my journal, the messed up pages filled with black ink shown. The words " Wish I Were Hyunjin " were mindlessly written on the pages, repeatedly scattered.
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave him your sweater
It's just polyester
But you like him better
Wish I were...
Breaking the silence, a knock on the wooden door was heard out of the blue.
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years
A Thousand Times (Osamu x Reader)
A/n: I'm gonna be real this took so long because I just didn't know what to do? And then I started a various! Haikyu x reader. But I got this done finally so if you've been waiting for this one here it is. Also I just really like putting Osamu through the ringer huh? I'm so sorry bby. And Forget You beat out Unrequited for top one-shot recently!
WARNINGS: Angst. There's one mention of assault as well. Told from third person Osamu p.o.v
Date: Friday November 6th, 2020
Details: 5 pages 1,800 words
Theme: Star Tears- The victim cries tiny star-shaped tears. They are extremely painful and eventually cause the victim to go blind. They produce a dim glow and make a light 'Tinkling' sound when they hit the ground. The blindness can be cured if the person the victim loves makes a statement of love and means it.
Angst Masterlist
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It wasn't supposed to be like this.
There were so many other ways this was supposed to go. He thought while he looked at her. She stood twirling around the white dress catching the light and sparkling. She was beautiful to him and of course someone else thought so or else they wouldn't be here right now.
But here they were. 'Maybe' he thought if he hadn't been a coward then it would have been him dancing with her in a suit while she wore a white gown. It would have been him telling her he loved her. It would have been him calling her Mrs. Miya as they danced. Maybe he should have told her the day of their first date. While he helped her pick an outfit she had been panicked.
"Calm down Y/n," She scoffed in response "Calm down? Samu you and I both know I've never been on a date before. And now I'm going on one with my childhood best friend!" He watched her his heart rate picking up as she held up different clothes in the mirror.
"It's not that big of a deal y'know? He's known you pretty much your whole life," He stated feeling uncomfortable helping her. Maybe making her more nervous would be a better idea so she'd cancel and they could spend the day together. "I guess you're right but still! It's different now!" She stated. "Okay just...Treat it normally and you'll be fine,"
She went into the closet coming out in a cute outfit that fit her b/t figure just right. "Alright Samu I'm off. Wish me luck!" He waved by as she ran out the door a bright smile on her face and excitement in her eyes. He stood heading back to his own house with slow steps.
Arriving home he closed the door to his room intent on hiding away from everyone. He laid down staring at the ceiling as the familiar burning sensation built up behind his eyes.
"Fuck," he mumbled when he heard it the soft twinkle of a star tear and the pale glow that lit up a small area around his bed. More of them fell sparking pain in his eyes and across his face. The pain followed the trail left behind by the glowing stars and despite his best efforts to shove his palm into his eyes and stop the tears it didn't work.
"You know I didn't even think they liked each other!" Osamu tuned into her moms voice and then he heard his own mother speak and he sighed. "I know! I always thought she'd end up with Osamu not...," He tuned out knowing what they were talking about. He didn't need to listen anymore.
"Samu what's wrong with ya?" Atsumu was looking at him with judgement. His arms were crossed in front of him clearly upset and honestly he didn't blame Atsumu. "Nothing's wrong with me," He answered him. "Bullshit," His own eyes narrowed at his brother "I just don't like it okay?" Atsumu rolled his eyes "I told you you wouldnt," Atsumu voiced.
"Osamu," He looked to the right his eyes meeting the blank pair of Kita's. "Kita," he answered back watching Kita gesture with his hand. He stood following Kita outside throwing one last glance over his shoulder at Y/n as she danced around with Aran her dress sparking like freshly fallen snow.
"What is it Kita?" He asked when the two of them were outside. "You have to let her go Osamu," Kita voiced quietly. "I cant let her go," He said back. "Osamu...You shouldn't love her...Not when it causes this," Kita gestured to his face where the star tears were already prevalent. 
"And you especially shouldn't love her now that she just got married," Kita sent him a pointed look. "I would go blind over and over if it meant I could love her," He answered the male staring forward. The wind softly brushed them causing their hair to flutter. "Osamu...We all know we didn't expect it to go this far...but he loves her so you have to let her go," They heard a series of dull thumps against the ground turning they saw Atsumu jogging over.
"Hey what are you two doing out here?" Atsumu stopped as he got closer a wide smile decorating his face. "Oh we were just catching some air y'know," Kita easily responded handing Osamu his handkerchief as he stepped infront of him, blocking him from Atsumu's view. He wiped his eyes quickly hiding the star tears before they could give him away.
"Shouldn't you be inside Tsumu?" He voiced at his brother while said male hummed. "Ah they don't need me in there right now. Sakusa’s getting drunk and Bokuto’s dancing with Y/n," He flinched at the last part of the sentence. Though Atsumu never seemed to notice "Isn't Bokuto drunk? Are you sure they should be dancing?" Atsumu shrugged at Kita's question. "I think they'll be fine," Atsumu adjusted the sleeves of his button up with a hum as if he was truly thinking it over.
"You know maybe I should go-," "There you are!" The group looked past Atsumu. Y/n was there a bright smile on her face her hands were wrapped into the skirt of her wedding dress. Her head was tilted to the side eyes crinkling in pure mirth. "Hey what are you doin' out here?" Atsumu asked turning to face her. "Ah Bokuto passed out Akaashi and Hinata are sitting him down now. But I think the party is wrapping up soon," she giggled it was a light sound and God did Osamu love it.
"Alright we'll be back over soon. Kita can you bring the lovely bride back to the party?" Atsumu asked with a small smile. "Alright ya flirt," Y/n said with a laugh taking Kita's arm as they walked back. Atsumu sighed as he sat down. "So...I know you're upset about this...," Atsumu started off quietly.
"Im not upset Tsumu...I had my chance and I blew it," He voiced. Atsumu sighed as he stood up heading back to the party. "Hey Tsumu," He said looking at his brothers back. Atsumu turned back facing him with a questioning look. "You told me that if at any point I wanted her you'd back off...I know that deals off the table now so just...don't hurt her okay?" 
Atsumu shook his head "Im not going to hurt her Samu...She's everything to me," He raised a hand up to push his hair back the light from a nearby lamppost reflected off his ring. "You didn't even like her at first," He scoffed.
"Look Samu we all know you like her!" Atsumu claimed with an eye roll. "No i don't. You're just being stupid," He denied quickly just like every other time. "Alright fine Samu. I'll give you a deal," he rolled his eyes at his brothers provocation. "What?" He asked "You either ask her out by the end of the week or I do," Atsumu challenged.
He scrunched his nose in distaste "You don't even like her why would you ask her out?" He asked. "To spur you on. If you tell me to back off at any point I will y'know?" Atsumu said. "So you're just gonna string along our childhood best friend for this?" He asked incredulously. "No she'll get over it," Atsumu shrugged. "No. I'm not letting you string her along," He stated.
"You're right I didn't," Atsumu hummed in agreement. "But I love her now and that's what matters," He stared off into the distance with a smile. "You remember the day I told her I loved her? It was an accident too," he laughed.
They were playing at nationals. Atsumu and him were third years now and Y/n was watching from the stands. She wore Atsumu's jersey and everytime they looked at her she made a face at them before trying to get away from the guy next to her. Atsumu glared at the guy mumbling something under his breath "Let's finish this game," he angrily said. Sending one last glare at the man.
They finished the game with a service ace from Atsumu and as soon as the whistle blew Y/n raced down to the court the strange guy following her. She showed up on court with a smile "Tsumu!" He turned and on instinct Atsumu smiled as well. "Y/n," she hugged Atsumu while his nose crinkled. "Babe I'm all sweaty!" She pulled away placing a kiss on his cheek. "Dont care! I'll be outside okay?" She said skipping off.
Only five minutes later they were leaving the building looking for Y/n. Only for the team to pause as they spotted her. She stood trying to get away and the stranger that was in the stands with her was harshly gripping her wrist. "Come on baby I just wanna show you a good time!" "No thank you!" Atsumu moved first separating the two while grabbing the collar of the man. 
Osamu grabbed Y/n holding her close to him while she held on just as tightly. "Hey! Why are you putting your hands on my girl!" Atsumu yelled. He wasn't paying attention too busy trying to sooth Y/n the handprint already forming on her wrist. "You're okay," he whispered into her hair line.
"Y/n," He was thrown back into reality then remembering that no he wasn't the one dating Y/n. "Tsumu," He let go of her watching her throw herself at Atsumu and he held on to her just as tightly. "Fuck you alright babe?" He said catching her arm and seeing the bruise. "Im okay now," she smiled at him. He didn't know what his brother was thinking in that moment but he just watched Atsumu kiss her and pull away. "Im glad you're okay...I love you Y/n," she gasped then and smiled again. "I love you too Tsumu,"
"I remember," he got up following his brother into the party he stood off to the side watching them as Kita and Suna came over. Atsumu reached Y/n and kissed her Atsumu's voice carrying as tears started to drip down his face. "Ready to go Mrs. Y/n Miya?" She laughed taking his arm. "Of course Mr. Atsumu Miya," and as they walked out the last image he could see was Atsumu and Y/n looking at each other matching smiles on their faces.
Her dress sparkled next to the black suit Atsumu was wearing. They were holding hands matching rings sparkling on their hands. His vision faded until it was just black but despise that he smiled.
"Take care of her okay Tsumu?"
TAGLIST: @wonhomarshmallow
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throwaway3844893 · 4 years
A non-canon changing of the events in Crimes of Grindelwald
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Hundreds of witches and wizards stood up and cheered as Grindelwald ended his speech about dominance over muggles, his arms spread wide as he welcomed the joyous shouts and yells. Tina flinched, taking a few side steps closer to Newt as the crowd died down and Grindelwald continued to speak to the recipients. An encore at hand. "What are you gonna do?" Tina said breathlessly, staring at the crowd that rallied at Grindelwald's words. She turned to face Newt, her heart pounding in her ears as she drank in the sight of him. She shut her eyes to rid of the memory from only moments before,
He felt exquisite against her.
Newt stared at her then, and the first thing he noticed was the smudged state of her lipstick. Rouge was overlapped above her top lip, and it took everything in Newt not to reach out and trace it, to rid of this imperfection. Perfect, pristine Tina, never afraid, was now disheveled and worried. Scared, even. She stared back at him, unveiling the mask she put on to conceal the vulnerable person inside. Newt had no answers, and that frightened him. He didn't know what he was going to do., but telling Tina that would only scare her further. His eyes darted back and forth as he thought of an answer. "I'll think of something," he replied smoothly. Newt shifted toward her, running his hand down the length of her arm. "I always do, Tina. We can get through this."
They moved in conjunction together, all of their unspoken feelings coming to life.
Tina shook her head. "Look at all these people," she replied in disbelief, turning her head to face him. "You really think we can beat all of them?"
His kiss was soft and gentle, as if she was something delicate. Like an angel.
"I do, Tina. I do. I've fought in wars, we have our creatures, and you are the most powerful witch I have ever met," Newt said honestly, his expression soft as he tried to console her, though it was hard with his own panic threatening to spill at any moment. Newt didn't notice the way her breath hitched when he'd called his creatures theirs. He scanned the crowd of magicians, holding Tina close to him.They both knew how the night was going to end with them inevitably separating, dueling in their own separate battles. It's why, when Newt pressed a kiss to Tina's temple, she didn't object. "We can do this," he said before taking a shaky breath.
Tina was the first to pull away, flicking her eyes up to meet his and chuckling quietly. "I l-"
She was interrupted by a low grumble outside; it signified Grindelwald's arrival. They looked at each other once more, lost in the words they could no longer say.
Tina sighed, looking over the crowd and trying to decipher anyone she knew. Across the room Theseus and Leta were stationed together, and Tina was certain their conversation mirrored her and Newt's. She could barely picture the two, about to be wed, parting as they said what could be their final goodbyes. Her and Newt would soon do the same. Grindelwald was wrapping up his second speech, and Tina turned to face Newt. "Let's hope we get out of this thing alive," She mused quietly, searching his face. "And if we don't-"
Newt hushed her and brought a finger to her lips, shaking his head. "Not now, Tina. We mustn't act upon what could happen. We'll survive." Tina nodded and allowed herself to accept his embrace, breathing in the sultry, lovely scent of him. She locked it in a special place, deep in her head to be used only on the days she missed him most, if they were to be separated forever. The crowd below them began to stomp and cheer, and Tina drew her wand before she viewed something that stopped her in her tracks.
There, in the middle of a row of people, was her sister and the No-Maj they'd lost track of moments before.
Queenie, with her plaid dress and monochrome coat, stood with Jacob, who appeared dazed and confused, drinking in Grindelwald's words as if they were water and she were a thirsty beggar, starved for any kind of beverage that would quench her suffering And she was agreeing with them, as if every word he spewed wasn't a lie. As if world domination over those who were lesser and powerless against them was something she was okay with, all for the sake of love.
Newt saw her at the same time Tina did, and he reached out for her, who'd begun to pull away from his grasp. "You can't stop her," Newt said, his voice quiet. Many of Grindelwald's followers were beginning to disapparate, meaning the conference was coming to a close and the time to fight was drawing quick. "Her decision is clear, and we don't have time. We can only hope she's one of the ones who leaves. As for Jacob... oh, Merlin, look what he's gotten himself into-"
He trailed off when he saw the blank, closed off expression on Tina's face as she stared directly at her sister, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. She seemed to sway with the wind, her shoulders squared. It was a horrifying sight, Tina standing like that with Grindelwald's words barely audible behind her. "I'd promised to protect her," she said quietly. Newt watched the wind blow tendrils of Tina's bangs across her forehead, though she let them tangle with each other. "I protected her for years, but-" Tina took a deep breath- "It seems she's outgrown the protection."
With that, she let go of Newt and disapparated.
She landed a few steps above her sister and shoved others out of the way, pushing her way down the steps before reaching the blonde. Tina side-stepped in front of her, interrupting the clapping and smiling her sister was doing. Queenie paused for a moment, stunned, and then pushed Jacob away from her. Tina heard a snap! come from above her and she watched as Newt, panicked, apparated next to Jacob and began to tug on his arm. "Come now, it's not safe for a muggle like you here."
With Jacob safe in Newt's custody, the woman started to speak. "Why?" Tina asked breathlessly, her face showing clear distress. "How could you do this, Queenie? You know he's against everything we stand for!"
"No," Queenie said simply, watching her sister with pure defiance. Tina's eyes flicked up and over Queenie's shoulder, where she saw Newt dragging a curious Jacob up the steps and out of the arena. "He's against everythin' you stand for," Queenie reiterated, her expression stone cold, though hot tears pressed against her eyelids, daring to spill over. The two sisters almost mirrored each other. "I am in love with a No-Maj. Your congress does not allow that. Grindelwald's does. He's not a cruel man with cruel intentions." She kept her eyes on Tina as she spoke, never faltering as her sisters lips shook and breath hitched. "The cruel intentions come from your side. You won't allow me to be happy-"
"I want nothing but for you to be happy-"
"-because you think exposing the magical world is dangerous. I wasn't finished talkin'," Queenie added with a snap. They watched each other for a long time. Tina's breaths were shaky as she processed this betrayal. How could her sister have done this? Her sister, who she'd loved, nurtured, and cared for all her life? Her sister, who she'd been ordered to watch after their parents tragic demise? How could this sweet, beautiful creature turn into someone who followed the orders of a madman? Queenie shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "One of us had to be brave."
Tina gasped then, her features hardening as anger rose within her. "How dare you," she said, and her voice shook. "How dare you imply I'm not brave! You... you are the one whose not brave. You go running around with Jacob, cursed, unable to accept that you cannot love each other, and because of your blindness you've gone to join the most dangerous task force in the wizarding world and for what? Something as small as love?" The two watched each other, both steaming by the end of Tina's monologue. "I raised you, I put everything before myself for you, I postponed my career, I risked my career... everything I've done has been for you. Was that not enough?"
Queenie evaded her sister's expression, instead focusing on hitting the jugular. "You don't know or understand love because you refuse to accept it. You refuse to accept the fact that Newt is in love with you and that you broke his heart all because you thought he was married to Leta-"
"That's not the point!"
"And now he feels he cannot tell you how he truly feels because he fears you're still upset with him, and it's crushing him inside because he doesn't know that you love him back-"
"You broke him, Tina. He's closing off again; I know this. He's closing off because of you and your actions. You're losing the one man who could ever truly love someone like you-"
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Because despite your flaws, despite your obstinacy, despite your inability to accept any feeling of attraction toward you, he loved you. He loves you for you, and all your faults. And that isn't enough for you, is it? It's never-"
"Why are you doing this?"
"It's never enough. You're afraid of it. You're afraid, Tina. The thought of love scares you, because you know it's right. You know it's right and that it's gonna hurt and it's gonna be incredible but you refuse to accept that you feel it for him because you have this idea that you gotta protect yourself from everything. You love him, Tina, and you can have him. I can't have Jacob. This is why I'm with Grindelwald. He can assure I get what I need. He won't take it away."
There they stood in the middle of the seating in an arena, the blonde destroying the brunette and watching as she broke down. Queenie didn't flinch when Tina pulled out her wand; instead, she took out her own. They were poised to fight each other, though neither made the first move. Queenie cocked an eyebrow, challenging the elder sibling. "Try me," she said smoothly, her violet eyes burning into their chocolate opponents. "You know I'm right, Tina. You know that-"
Newt came rushing down the stairs, interrupting Queenie's thoughts. Without a doubt, he pointed his wand at the blonde. "Don't move," he ordered, surprisingly demanding. Tina had never seen him like this. In a flash he was in front of her, one arm outspread to cover her. "Don't touch her," he said again, eyes focused on Queenie, whose face was radiating pure shock. "Have a go at me, if you must... but not Tina."
Tina grabbed onto Newt's arm, attempting to pull him back. "Newt, what're you doing?" She whispered when he refused to move, his body rigid like a stick caught in tar. Queenie watched the two of them, an amused smirk on her face. Tina realized then that this was what Queenie had wanted; a chance for succor, to have the final word and to force Tina to rush into a life she wasn't sure she wanted yet.
Well, she was sure, but that's besides the point.
"Keeping you from doing something you'll regret," Newt said after a moment's hesitation, lowering his defences as he realized Queenie had no intent on harming them. Tina frowned, backing away and loosening her hold on him. "Queenie," he said quietly, forcing himself to meet the witch's violet eyes. His voice was low as he spoke. "There is another way. You don't have to fall victim to his words. You are not alone. We can fight this law, and break it, together. Grindelwald's way simply won't work."
"No," Queenie said sternly. "I've seen into his mind, Newt, it's... it's amazin', the things he plans on doin'. They'll work. I know they will. And I can't..."
The blonde trailed off again, looking toward the ground as the couple stared at her with wide eyes. "You can't... what?" Tina asked, daring to take a few steps forward.
"I can't fight with the congress that's betrayed me."
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jjbakaloskaiagathos · 4 years
A Bird in a Cell of Passione: The Butterfly is Flying to the Light 🕯
In the previous chapter:
- Don is waiting for you.
Chapter 2:
Carina has frozen. She cannot believe her ears. The girl attempts to look at the young man’s face to understand it is a joke or not. His serious facial expression and tight grip represents as an important intention.
Finally, the man has taken the hand. He understands that he might to scare Carina in a big way. The man has coughed up, touched a jacket and pointed the opposite direction from the exit.
- Follow me, please.
Carina has no other reason not to go with the stranger.
They are walking in complete silence but there is a chance to see the man. Obviously, he is so handsome. The stranger is tall height, following Carina like a guiding star. He has fair hair represents as strands, falling on the face, but they do not cover his violet eyes. They are pretty beautiful and at the same time his glance provokes anxiety. Perhaps, it seems like that because of unpredictable circumstances but maybe his eyes really saw something terrible. The stranger’s nose is straight, the cheekbones are sharp and the lips are so full a bit.
- This man looks like Dorian Gray. It is Dorian Gray who has already sinned. I hope he doesn’t hide something what he is afraid of. Perhaps, he hides the same portrait, - this thought has arisen in Carina’s head when she has stopped to look at the stranger.
They have already approached the stairs which leads the first floor. Although the stuff of interior is amazing and breath-taking, it doesn’t seems like Heaven’s door. On the contrary, setting foot on a new stair, the girl’s heart beats hardly. She is scared by the unknown place, people and situation. However, she has found out how the first floor of mansion looks: the same expensive furniture but this place is not crowded as others. All mafia’s members are polite but their speeches are false.
- Perhaps, one of this people definitely sold his or her soul to Satan to improve the status, - Carina is thinking, heavily breathing.
The longer the girl is on the floor with these mafia’s members, the more it seems to her that the hall is full of liars. She needs air.
- Oh, they must take a bigger room. Everyone walks in the group of two people: a person and the huge ego... I hope no one reads thoughts here.
Finally, the man and Carina went into a long dark corridor where there were no people who greet the girl’s companion every now and then. Apparently, he occupies one of the main positions at the mafia. The ex-model does not even know his name...
- You have come back, Fugo! I'm tired of waiting for you. Where are you all getting stuck today? - a voice hears ahead.
Carina has looked out from behind her companion, is named Fugo, and has seen a young man in front, leaning against the wall next to the wide door.
- Stop it, Mista. I’m late for five minutes. G... Don wants her.
After these words, the girl looked at Mista’s eyes. They silently met their glances, obviously enjoyed the view.
Mista represents as a real Italian and seems even taller than Fugo. His hair is hidden under a funny hat, but based on the color of the eyebrows, Carina can guess that Mista is a brunette. The eyes are framed by long eyelashes and plump lips are broken into a satisfied smirk.
- Okay, you may come in. Don is waiting for you, - says the man, smiling.
Сarina only nodded when Mista opened the door. It is interesting that she was not blinded by a bright light. On the contrary, the room is dark. The moon has lit up the place and its shining is breaking through the windows.
When Carina stepped on the marble floor, she was struck: the stranger, who appeared in the orchard, is sitting at the large table.
- Boss, I brought her.
- Thank you so much, Fugo. Enjoy the event with Mista.
The word “Boss” is entering Carina into trance. She did not believe in her eyes and her stupidity.
- You called me discerning but I didn’t realize who you are! What a disgrace!
When the door closed, Carina was standing without any movement. The ex-model does not know what she should expect: punishment, praise... Death?
- Often I have dinner by myself but I think you can make up a company today. Will you do me an honor?
Сarina nodded and obediently took the place in front of Don. There are a fish and vegetables on the plate.
- I don’t know your tastes but I guess that you are going to eat it.
- I’m fine, thank you so much, - says the girl calmly, looking down at the dish.
- Are you afraid of me?
- I respect you. Do you want to hear these words?
- Why do you think like that?
- I suppose the true authority must be based on respect and fear should disappear. Otherwise, a rebel can lead people and this power can be overthrown. Don, you control all mafia and its members then you need to get support and love, - answers the girl, spreading peas on the plate.
Finally, she has made a decision to look at Don because he said nothing. Boss is smiling and approval is being read on his lips.
The dinner lasted about forty minutes. The conversation was full of interesting and serious topics and the man asked some general questions about Carina. She answered honestly but partially, suspecting that Don has already checked the girl’s file.
Drinking the second glass of wine, Boss says:
- It’s too dark outside. How are you going to get home?
- I'm going by taxi.
- I think that Fugo can give you a ride.
- This is not necessary, thank you. I don’t want to bother your colleague.
- Everything is fine. I want to know that you will get safe and sound.
Сarina was embarrassed a bit but she understands that refusing is not a good idea. She was silent when Don was calling Fugo.
- I want to thank you for the dinner. However, I noticed you didn’t eat anything. Didn’t you like it?
- Everything was delicious on the plate but I'm just not hungry.
That is a lie. When the girl is being nervous, she can never eat.
- You are lucky that I’m not going to lick your cheek to find out a liar you or not, - says Don, looking teasingly at ex-model.
Carina feels cold drops of sweat on her back, listening to this strange phrase. She is saved by knocking.
- Boss, did you need me?
- Yes, I did. Can you get this pretty girl to home? She will tell you her address.
- Of course, will be done.
- See you soon, Carina, - says Don with a smile.
When ex-model left the office, she noticed the man who wears strange hat. He waved to her and then disappeared into the familiar room, closing the door behind.
- Giorno, the last time we were in that club and I chose a blonde for you. Our Don can just say that he likes dark-haired chicks more, - says the bodyguard, touching the man’s shoulder.
- I have no idea what you're talking about, Mista, - answers Boss shortly.
- Oh, come on, dude. By the way, why did you say that you usually have dinner by yourself? We always eat together.
- Don’t tell me that you overheard.
Carina is following Fugo. She noticed that he does not laid back because of this sudden responsibility.
- Sorry, can I go into the ladies’ room?
- Okay. Hurry up. I'll be waiting for you.
Carina has nodded in agreement and started to find the place. When the girl finished, she did not see her companion. However, ex-model noticed two middle-aged men who have greeted Fugo particularly friendly lately.
- Maybe they have met him. Come on Сarina, just ask.
The girl took a deep breath and approached. Noticing her, mafia’s members smiled.
- I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I'm looking for my friend and his name is Fugo. He is accompanying me...
- Ah, you're looking for Pannacotta. I think he has already come down and is waiting for you.
- Oh, thank you! Sorry for interrupting. Good night!
Carina has gone away.
- I didn’t know that Don prefers such cute whores.
- Now this isn’t important. Who is she?
- I never saw her here. Obviously, she is another pawn.
- We need to take Panacotta hostage and get rid of the girl. Before that, I want to see how she can sob when I will tear her clothes.
Smiling at each other, the men raised their glasses and drank.
⬅️ To be continued
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Love Story
Nick Jakoby x reader
This is my first ever fic and the first thing I’ve written in months so it’s horrible but like my username says no good fics here sorry to disappoint.
My own prompt: nick wants to surprise you with breakfast in bed but music and silly dancing ensues instead.
This is kinda a lyric fic and is a gender neutral reader thing I think.
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Groaning you slowly open your eyes wincing as the light from the window decided it was time to blind you, rolling over and stretching your hand out to the other side of the bed for your boyfriend but all you feel are cold sheets as the orc who usually occupies them is missing which isn’t usually an issue, since he gets up early for work but this is the only day that you and him actually have off together and you wanted to just laze in bed and sleep the day away together.
Snapping out of your grumbling thoughts you turn your head towards the way the sound came from, which you presume is the kitchen as it sounded like something metallic had hit the floor before the swearing and the sounds of your Alexa loudly playing the song “hit me baby one more time” by Britney Spears. Chuckling quietly to yourself you wondered what that dork you were dating was up to so you threw the covers off and got your ass out of bed to go and investigate.
As you rounded the corner to the kitchen you slowed down and stopped just before you got to the doorway, peering round the frame you were greeted by the glorious sight of officer Nicholas Jakoby clad in his black boxers and wearing your pink apron which had ‘kiss the cook’ blazened across the front in white bent over the kitchen counter frantically pleading with Alexa to turn the volume down. You smacked your hand over your mouth to attempt at keeping your laughter from being heard so you wouldn’t be noticed by the officer.
Eventually after a minute or so Alexa complied to his commands and turned the volume down a couple of notches. Which you noticed seemed to calm Nick down quite a bit as he straightened up and rounded the kitchen island to pick up the pan that he had dropped out of shock over the loud singing of good ol Britney, which you’re glad he did because of the great view you got of his bootilicious buns as he bent down to pick it back up so he could continue whatever he had been doing before all the shenanigans that had erupted previously. After you had finished ogling him from around the corner of the door you noticed the song ‘Love Story” by Taylor swift has started playing, smirking from your hiding place you think of something to surprise the orc that is currently faceing away from you.
We were both young when I first saw you,
I close my eyes, and the flashback starts,
I'm standing there,
On a balcony in summer air,
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns,
See you make your way through the crowd,
And say, "Hello",
Creeping out of your little hiding place you hastily move towards him and wrap your arms tightly around his waist, smooshing your face into that glorious body of his before he can sense you coming which causes him to yet again drop the pan out of shock as you had scared him half to death. Giggling you start swaying side to side pulling him with you so that you’re in time with the song. Nick is very confused at the start as he has no idea what’s going on so you had to tell him to stop him from worrying that something bad had happened and that’s why you were clinging to him like your life depended on it.
“Dance with me baby” you say whilst grinning as you move around his body so that you are facing him so that you can look into that beautiful face of his as you dance. Grabbing his hands you start pulling his hands back and forth to make a silly looking dance as you smile up at him, chuckling he smiles back like a lovesick fool while his ears twitch adorably as he realises that nothing is wrong and that you just wanted his attention which he will gladly give.
Little did I know
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you, "Please don't go, " and I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say "Yes"
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet, 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while
Nicks smiles even wider as he starts twirling you around the kitchen like a ballerina (whilst avoiding the pan just chilling on the floor) as you begin to sing along to the song trying to make it as exaggerated as you can.
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said "Marry me Juliet
You'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story baby just say 'Yes'"
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Because we were both young when I first saw you
As you sing this last part you attempt to push the giant orc man to the ground which he is thrown by at first but the second you get to the part where Romeo drops to his knees he gets the message and drops like a rock. Laughing even harder you grasp his hands and finish up the song, pressing your lips to his. Once you both pull back and finish your silly giggles he suddenly stops in realisation and stares you dead in the eye as he states.
“But I don’t have a ring.”
Blinking dumbly you just gazed at him for a couple of seconds before bursting out laughing. Seeing his generally upset expression you attempt at reassuring him.
“It’s just a song baby and if you were to ever give me a ring I’d definitely say yes.”
Noding slowly he registered your words before smiling and pulling you down for a passionate kiss which literally took your breath away the only thing that stopped it from continuing was the distinct smell of smoke. Nicks head moved so quickly that he looked as if he’d given himself whiplash as he heaved himself off the floor and quickly ran to the oven. Exclaiming,
“Oh shit, the muffins! I was going to make you breakfast in bed.”
Laughing as you fell with your back against the cold floor. Saying with the biggest grin on your face.
“This is why I love you.”
Hope you all enjoyed.
Send me requests of what you would like me to write.
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iamyoursinblog · 4 years
Find you
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Pairing: Park Jinyoung x Reader x Im Jaebeom
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 3,1 k
Part: [ 1] [ 2] [ 3 ] [ 3.5 ] [ 4 ] [ ]
 POV Jinyoung
"Run to the library quickly. You've got three seconds!" he hissed into the tube and passed out. He hid behind the book row, looking out the side of the window.
He went to the library to give the book away. Turning to the exit, girl in a red sweater catch his attention, who sitting on a table near the window. He didn't immediately believe his eyes. But it was definitely you! It was their chance with Jaebeom to meet you. So he's acting like he's in a spy movie right now. He got amused because he was acting like a teenager. A minute later, Jaebeom appeared in the doorway, breathing heavily. He ran to the door and grabbed Jaebeom for jacket dragged to the place where he was hiding before.
"What a jerk? What are you doing? Why such urgency?" Jaebeom wanted to keep talking, but Jinyoung covered his mouth with his hand.
"Shut up already!" whispered Jinyoung
He pointed with his finger on the window where you was sitting. Jaebeom turned his head and froze when he saw you. He almost laughed with Jaebeom's reaction. You really act on them just as much. He turned his eyes to you. You sat and read the book. You were wearing reading glasses, and your fingers were playing with strands of your hair. How can someone look so depraved just by reading a book in a library. He rested his forehead in Jaebeom's shoulder. How can he handle it?
"She definitely loves red," Jaebeom said, looking at you.
"Was she also in red when you first saw her? When I met her she was wearing a red dress." he replied
"When I met her, she was wearing a red suit, " said Jaebeom
"We have to approach her," he said, though he lacked the courage to do so.
"Yes, come on," Jaebeom replied. But a few minutes passed, and none of them budged. They looked at each other and giggled. They were arguing over who should go first, turning their heads, they saw that your place was empty. They ran out into the middle of the hall looking around.
"Damn, it's all your fault" Jinyoung slammed Jaebeom on the shoulder.
They ran out into the hallway. "There" Jinyoung pointed to the end of the corridor where you turned the corner. They ran there. Turning the corner, Jaebeom abruptly stopped. Jinyoung crashed into Jaebeom, causing them to fall.
"Why the hell did you stop so abruptly?" Jinyoung said shoving Jaebeom. But Jaebeom did not react at all, looking at the wall. He turned his head and sat down again on the floor, losing his balance. You stood near the wall with your arms folded on your chest, and you watched them on top of your glasses. You squatted, looking at them.
"So that's who was staring at me in the library. I think I've seen you before." "And you too" you pointed your finger at Jaebeom. "Too many coincidences to be an accident," you said before getting up.
"We liked your coffee shop. So we decided to meet each other," said Jaebeom, and got to his feet, giving Jinyoung's hand.
"And you go by promo of 1+1. Meet one, the other as a gift?" you chuckled.
"Yes, and you are against it? I think the offer is very profitable." replied Jinyoung.
"I'm sure you won't regret it" added Jaebeom
"Sorry, but we have to go, miss" the guy in the black suit appeared next to you.
"Yes, let's go," you told to the guy. "It was nice to meet them, 1+1" you looked at them from head to toe, before turning and going to the exit.
"I think we just screwed up," he laughed as he continued to look at you. He looked out the window watching you get in the car before getting out of sight. He turned and saw that Jaebeom was still looking out the window.
"But she remembered us, even though we came separately," Jaebeom turned his eyes to him. "So there's a chance."
"You don't think we've been playing in 'good guys' for too long..." he said, moving away from the window, "Come on, Mark is waiting for us."
They went to the restaurant where Mark was waiting for them. They said hello and made an order.
"Mark, remember that coffee shop you told me to go to?" asked Jaebeom.
"Yes, I thought you'd like it there, they've got a lot of interesting books." answered Mark
"Books are the only reason why you told me to go there." asked Jinyoung
"Yes, and what? You can't just get there. Nobody knows about them, only those who have been told about this by a person who has already been there can come there."
"Do you know the girl in red who works there in the second hall?" asked Jinyoung.
"I know" laughed Mark "But only she is not an employee, she is the owner."
"Tell us about her" asked Jinyoung
"Forget about it. She's not in our league. I'm even afraid to turn to her once again when she's at the bar. I've never met anyone like her. I heard that if you post on the Internet about this coffee shop, it's gone in a minute. She seems to have too much power. Even the two guys who work there, they're not bartenders, they're security guards."
"I've only seen one guy," Jaebeom said
'Me too' confirmed Jinyoung
"The second guy is on sick leave. One of the new customers recently got drunk and threw a glass in her direction, but the bartender stood in front of her and the glass crashed against his head. Usually in such cases there is began a panic, even me feel uncomfortable, but she looked like she saw it every day. A minute later, the customer was entered by security, and she calmly pulled shards of glass from his wound until an ambulance arrived." Mark shook his head "I have to go, see you later" he said, looking at his watch.
"Yes, see you" replied Jaebeom
'She's really something,' he thought to himself. And how do they deal with that. If he had the idea of hiring someone to find out more about her, now he realizes that it could be dangerous.
"Can we hire someone to find out who she is?" asked Jaebeom when Mark left.
"I've thought about it too, but now I'm not sure it's a good idea. Judging by what Mark said about her, she learns that she is being watched for 5 minutes, and in next five will know who exactly do it".
"Why don't we go to the coffee shop tomorrow?" asked Jaebeom.
"She certainly won't communicate with us there. It seems that she often visits the library, it is necessary to meet with her in neutral territory"
"It feels like we're discussing a takeover of a company, not an acquaintance with a girl." laughed Jaebeom
They came home with the hope that they could meet you again.
You were sitting in your office, the day was too busy. You smiled remembering those two guys outside the library. They seemed too innocent. You picked up the phone and dialed the number.
"My goodness. I never thought I'd be able to hear your beautiful voice again." answered male voice
"Too much sarcasm, from someone like you" you answered
"I just thought you were on the side of the angels now. Although it's safer for them if you're on their side."
"You've forgotten, I'm always on my side" you grinned.
"Closer to the point, baby. I don't think you called to find out how I was doing. Who should be found?"
"I sent pictures to your mail." You selected some screenshots from the surveillance camera in the coffee shops and clicked send.
"Ok. Will you come to see me sometime?"
"Have you forgotten? I'm kind of on the side of the angels," you said, and hung up.
A few days later you were sitting in a car looking at the pictures. 'They're really 1+1,' you thought. Always together, live together, even their families are friends. You read the name of the companies that their families own, they seemed too familiar. You took out your phone and opened your mother's letter, which had blind dating candidates. After scrolling through the list, you found two familiar names. 'Best in everything' you grinned. You kept looking at the photo, from home, from the car, from the workout, from the restaurants. You stopped at the last photo "This is more interesting" you said and laughed. You put the last photo in the envelope and put it in your bag. "Get rid of it" you passed the rest of the photos to the driver.
"Yes, Miss"
"I'll be on my own for a few days. I want to check something."
"Okay, miss. I'll be in the coffee shop. Drive your car from home?"
"My father didn't burn it after I refused to be part of the family business?"
He smiled, "He's probably still hoping that in a few years you'll change your mind. As far as I know there were no restrictions on your account"
"A couple of years? Hmm, maybe I'll change my mind" you got out of the car and went towards the library.
You've never been in a crowded place, unnecessarily. You felt like someone was looking at you all the time. When you went out and turned the corner, you heard quick steps in your direction. You wondered who might have been chasing you, so you decided to stop and see. But you didn't expect it to be your clients. You barely kept a smile when they fell in front of you. It's been a long time since you've been entertained. You've decided to see what'll happens.
You went into the library and sat down at your favorite place by the big window. You opened the book and started reading, it always calmed you down. It was a little escape to a made-up world. That's why you opened this coffee shop for those who wanted a break from the outside world.
"Excuse me, can I meet with you?" You looked away from the book and turned to the sound source. There was a nice guy in his 20s, standing in front of you, with a bright smile, holding out a drink for you. Apparently your look was too dissatisfied because you were distract from reading. That's why the guy apologized a few times and putting the drink next to you disappeared from view. You looked closely at the drink before you went back to your book. You heard laughter at the next table. Turned your head you saw two students who giggled and whispered, looking in your direction. Apparently today you will not be allowed to read quietly. You took a deep breath trying not to kill these girls mentally. You were too annoyed by the people who were discussing you behind your back, you could have seen us differently before. But as you were reminded recently, you're on the side of the angels. 'Devil pretends an angel' you laughed at the thought. After looking at the hall, you made sure that those you wanted to see were not here. You got up from your seat and went between the book rows to get the book back in place. You turned on your heels and headed for the exit. When you went into the library, you noticed a coffee shop, you decided to wait for your car there. You were hoping there wouldn't be too many people there at that time. When you got to the place, you went inside, and was happy because only a few tables were occupied. You sit on a table by the window from which you can see the parking lot, and you made an order. You feeling the vibration and picked up the phone.
"Your car will be in half an hour"
You smiled that your wait wouldn't last long.
POV Jaebeom
He was reaching the entrance to the library when he saw Jinyoung standing in front of the entrance.
"Well, what went in search?" said Jinyoung, when Jaebeom came closer.
"People already think we live in the library," he laughed. They were walking past the coffee shop when the red clothes in the window caught his attention. He didn't believe his eyes right away. You were wearing a red smock ruffle blouse and short black shorts that were naked on your beautiful legs. He stopped, but Jinyoung continued to walk towards the library. Grabbing Jinyoung by the collar he drew to himself.
"Hey, what are you doing?" said Jinyoung, stepping back.
"I think our plans have changed. Let's go and take some coffee."
"What? What coffee? Aren't we..." Jinyoung didn’t finish when he saw you in the window. "Coffee? Great idea, I really want to drink a coffee"
They went inside and quickly made an order. The hall was half empty, you were sitting on the couch at a table near the window and something looked at on the phone, with not very happy look. But then she smiled broadly, and from your smile a wave of trembling passed through his body. I think it's the first time he's seen your sincere smile. They took their order and went to your table.
"Is it not occupied?" he asked, and without waiting for an answer, they sat down on the couch opposite you.
You looked up from the phone and first looked at Jaebeom and then at Jinyoung. "You really are 1+1! But usually people wait for the answer to the question they asked before you take further action." you raised an eyebrow.
"I'm sure it's not occupied here," Jinyoung said.
"Then absolutely loses the meaning of your question, if you were sure that the place is free" you turned your eyes again to your phone.
He just loved what you said. I always left the last word behind me. He laughed.
"I think we started the wrong way," he said with a smile. "Hi. How are you?"
"Great" you answered without even looking at them.
"Isn't it customary to ask in response 'how are you' from the interlocutor" said Jinyoung, taking a sip of coffee
"Even if I'm not really interested?" you asked, finally looking at them.
"Even if you're not interested", Jaebeom smiled.
"How are you?" You fake smiled for a second
"We're great too, thank you for asking," Jinyoung replied, smiling broadly.
"We not introduced each other last time," Jaebeom said.
"Are you talking about the time when you both were lying at my feet" you grinned
"Yes, about that time" replied Jinyoung
"I know yours names"
"You know?" asked Jaebeom
"Yes, I do. 1+1!" You sent a stinging smile to them, and goosebumps ran over his skin. 'What a cute devil' he thought to himself.
Jinyoung laughed loudly, "If you like it, you can call us like that. But for help my name is Jinyoung, and this is my best friend Jaebeom"
"What's your name?" asked Jaebeom
"Why are you trying so hard to meet me?" you asked, taking the phone in your bag and completely switching your attention to them.
"We like you, " calmly replied Jinyoung
"Do you like me? Are you two?"
"Yes. Did you forget, after all, you called us 1 + 1" smiled Jaebeom
"Very interesting couple" you said your thought in loud. You looked intently first at him and then at Jinyoung.
Every time you looked at him with that glance, he seemed to fall in love more and more. "In that case, I have a couple of questions."
"Of course, ask everything you're interested in," Jinyoung replied.
"Are you gay?"
"No" they answered at the same time, and you chuckled. "We like girls. And now we like you," Jaebeom added.
"Are you bisexual?"
"No" they answered and looked at each other
"This time the answer was less confident. Perhaps you yourself do not know the exact answer to it." you said carefully watching their every move. "Have you kissed?" you asked, pointing your finger at them
"No" they answered again together. He heard the vibration of your phone before you took it out of your bag. You picked up the phone, but you didn't produce a word, you just looked out the window and nodded. He looked out the window, too, and saw a guy in a black suit, the same guy they saw in the library hallway.
"Then the last question. Did you want to kiss each other?" your view has changed, now he would have called it piercing through.
"No" they almost responded together, and he was glad that his answer coincided with Jinyoung's response.
You smirked and got out of your seat. So without saying anything, you're gone.
"See you " said Jinyoung to you after
For a few minutes they sat in silence, watching you leave the window. He still felt a tremor in his body from your gaze. Each time your presence caused indescribable emotions. He turned his eyes to Jinyoung and saw all the same emotions on his face as he was experiencing himself.
"I wonder if it's progress?" he said, "She spoke to us, but we still not knew her name."
Jinyoung laughed at his words. "I think it can definitely be called progress"
They had coffee and headed for the exit.
"Sorry" to them spoke the girl behind the bar. "Before going out, the girl you were sitting with asked to pass it on to you" she held out a white envelope and he took it
"Thank you" smiled Jinyoung
He turned the envelope over and saw the inscription in beautiful handwriting:
"Are you sure the answer to the last question is 'no'?"
He opened the envelope and the cold walked through his veins, chaining his whole body in a tight knot when he saw a photograph. It was a screenshot from a surveillance camera. In the pictures, he pressed Jinyoung against a wall in a dark corridor, and their faces were only a few centimetres apart.
"We seem to be in trouble," he said, handing over an envelope with a photo of Jinyoung.
'It's time to stop playing honestly,' he thought. He glanced again at the photograph which jinyoung held with trembling hands, and his face was an unreadable mask.
"Let's go" he put his arms around Jinyoung's shoulders, and headed for the exit. "I think we've been at the club in a long time ago" 
Part: [ 1] [ 2] [ 3 ] [ 3.5 ] [ 4 ] [ ]
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