#I'm genuinely so curious as to if anyone is gonna recognize this show
beesgav · 11 months
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I kinda like this pair of losers
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falling-star-cygnus · 2 months
Hi! I just fell on your blog a few minutes ago and then went on to read all your stories about Billy Kid (my favorite character in ZZZ) so I immediatly followed you and now dying to read more because I am starved for good Billy kid stories you have no idea. AO3 hasn't done much yet about him, there are some good ones, but they are also too few yet, maybe in a few months. Hope you don't mind if I flood your ask box with request about him. I love him being in a bad situation and the rest of the Cunning Hares immediatly going into War Mode the moment someone mess with him without their knowledge. Or him just being cared for by the rest of the girls when he's not in a good shape, or injured, or well, you get the idea. Think you could do a story where Billy suffers a blow to the head during a mission which makes him temporary lose his memories about his time with the Cunning Hares so he still thinks he's a feared enforcer in the Outer Ring and thus acts more like the old him, who is very much implied to have been much less nice and more ruthless than his present self given that in one of his trust events he actually sends a death threat to a thug, and also an entire gang of thugs running away from him the moment they recognize him. Meanwhile Nicole, Anby and Nekomata are at a loss at how to deal with a much less nice Billy who doesn't remember them and is clearly more than ready to shoot anyone or anything for just being in his way and them trying to just bring back the Billy they know by trying to show him everything he's been doing with them, and also them worried about how different he was before meeting them and them not knowing him more than that and stuff. Would be interesting, if you want to write it of course. Also, do you plan to maybe put your stories about Billy (all the asks you got about him) on AO3? There is not enough Billy Kid content yet there, and I think you would help immensely, given your stories are all incredible and they are about our favorite android. <3 <3 <3, Of course, no pressure there, I'm just curious and wondering, feels like a shame to only see those stories on tumblr, but I'll totally understand and respect whatever decision you choose. Also love the work you put for your stories about the Billy asks, I drank them faster than a thirsting man in a desert suddently having access to water, I love you so much for doing this the internet needs more Billy Kid stories the android is gonna be my death and I am so ok with that.
RAHHH YOU'RE SO SWEET, WHAT?? -> oml, you fr got me close to tears over here <333
as of right now, i don't have an AO3 account- bc it never seemed like much of a priority to make one, but i might just bite the bullet and start posting over there now that you're hyping them up so much 😭 
of course, i'll still primarily post on here methinks, and i'll definitely write that request of yours too bc i genuinely love that idea [just in a different post to keep this from getting too long] but seriously, you're so sweet. thank you so much and request away!! <3 <3 <3
HC for the Road: When Billy gets super angry, like genuinely needs to blow off some steam before he snaps at the girls, he'll just kick or punch the nearest safely destructible item -> for example: the Hares' could be in a Hollow and they get stuck or something, and Billy's already had a bit of a rough day so he just kicks one of the thick metal pipes laying around to vent and accidentally sends his foot through it [and gets stuck like a cartoon] -> the rest of the Hares' are struck yet again with the reminder of "oh yeah, he's CHOOSING not to break our bones 😃"
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yakool-foolio · 1 month
Nobody could see the Professor's face, not even the prison wardens? Hmm... sounds strangely familiar. What do you think, mystery man? Ring any bells?
OOOOOOOOOO TUSSPELLS IS SNITCHIN' ON DREBBER! GET 'EM! Now I need to see a Tusspells Takedown on Drebber with the assistance of Van Zieks.
Alright yeah I can safely kick my 'Asman is the Professor' theory under the rug since the Professor got shot after crawling out of the grave, and that'll certainly seal anyone's fate. So long, my theory, you lived a fulfilling life. OHHHHHHHHH WAIT ASMAN WAS THE REPORTER/ILLUSTRATOR OF THE ARTICLE I SEE NOW!
Perfect dodge, mystery man!
Everything went immediately downhill for Enoch as soon as Asman's article entered the public eye. Goes to show how powerful journalism is, especially when in disregard of the privacy of those affected by the traumatic, life-altering events they went through. Poor guy's lying to himself because his talent was completely wasted and he could never recover from hitting rock bottom. He messed with something he shouldn't have and paid the price for it.
At least Sithe has the guts to admit her guilt, but Enoch's a tough one to crack. But hey we absolved Harebrayne of a guilty verdict...! Probably... Most likely... there's a catch, isn't there?
Van Zieks is on his Edgeworth arc! I'm sure he's just as curious as we are to what's really going on behind the curtains of this cursed play. Aaaaaaaaand it looks like Sithe is the one that actually killed Asman, she fucked up big time. Rain Code chapter 1 prepared me for the bloodstain direction question!
Damn, no breakdown even when she confessed? Is there even more to this?! Enoch pulled the exact same treatment to Harebrayne that Asman did to Enoch; oh to become what you sought to destroy...
Awww Van Zieks consoling his buddy! Genuinely made me smile warmly, that's such a sweet thing for him to say. Ayyy an indirect compliment to the defense, I'll take it! Aw man Van Zieks doesn't want Harebrayne to die to the Reaper's curse and he's not risking him staying any longer.
There are tears in my eyes right now. Welcome back, Kazuma. I missed you dearly. My mental state right now:
(To Whom It May Concern - @raymondshields)
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Hey, um, can I ask something?
I stumbled across this post during my late night tumblr scrolling regarding an apparent clash between the 2012 TMNT and Rottmnt fandoms, mostly in the crossovers they draw/write, about people always slandering the former and calling the brothers toxic & abusive (especially towards Mikey).
[ https://teenagetaleglitter.tumblr.com/post/694408872097710080 ]
They even wrote a 2012/Rise crossover fic of their own as their way to vent about & resolve the debate.
And... It's just- As much as the OP did make some good points, it makes me feel so conflicted now about who's really right and who's truly wrong about the relationships of the brothers from both versions, and my stupid brain won't let me stop obsessing over it until I can get a second opinion. 🤦‍♀️😖
Which is why I'm here now. 😑
I'm only curious, what do you think about this? Can "non-overt" displays of affection still be as impactful and meaningful?
(I'm so sorry if what I'm doing comes across as rude or nosy to anybody. I just really wanted some more insight, I don't want to offend anyone! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️)
I’ll try my best to answer this as best as I can😅 I’m gonna be honest - I didn’t realize how much of a debate there was in the first place until I started getting into rottmnt on tumblr
I actually used to watch the 2012 TMNT and genuinely enjoyed the interactions between siblings in that as well as RiseTMNT because I also saw my relationship with my siblings in them as well. Short answer to ur question; yes, “non - overt” displays can be just as impactful and meaningful as “overt” ones.
Speaking from personal experience as someone with a younger and older sibling; there are ways of showing u care without outright saying u care or u love someone! I actually have a hard time saying that I love someone out loud while my older sibling will literally tell me they love me - that doesn’t mean I don’t care for them or love them just as much; the way I show it will be less obvious to someone looking from the outside, but it’s still there! I may be stubborn and not want to be outwardly affectionate with my siblings but that doesn’t mean i won’t be there for them when it counts.
Both shows actually present different ways that siblings/family can interact with one another - I know in 2012TMNT, raph will constantly argue and throw comments at his siblings, but that never meant he despised his siblings or that he didn’t love his brothers; if anything he’s the one of the most over protective siblings. My siblings and I will also argue often and throw comments just cause we’re angry or annoyed, but at the end of the day it doesn’t take away from how much we care for each other and that we’d defend one another anytime/anywhere. If anything, it also shows how comfortable we are around one another - I can argue but still recognize that my siblings view of me won’t change cause I’m acting out.
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Meanwhile RiseTMNT shows the brothers as openly affectionate and caring, which is still accurate amongst siblings! It may not be often but I’ll still do acts of service or spend quality time with my siblings and have vulnerable moments where I do say how much I care, and this is just as valid in sibling relationships.
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To say that RiseTMNTs version of sibling relationships is healthier than 2012TMNTs version is to be kinda ignorant of the fact that not every familial relationship is hugs and I love yous. I’ve seen my relationship with my siblings reflect the same relationships and interactions in BOTH shows! Both are valid, accurate representations of siblings! Not every healthy relationship between people are the same; and that’s okay!!!! Where some can be open and affectionate, others can be less overt - they both still don’t take away how much siblings actually care or view one another!
(Side note: I know I keep referring to MY siblings and myself, but I’ve also encountered other families/siblings - some outwardly caring and affectionate and some less obvious- and they still had healthy relationships with one another! It all depends on the people/family cause not it’s every one is the same)
I’m not the best at responses like this so hopefully this makes sense🙏
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kiwi-claire · 2 years
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KIWI | Harry’s Version Part One
The other point of view can be found on my wattpad @/kiwi_claire_
warnings: some of these parts will contain smut, swearing, alcohol, and drug use. Read at your own risk. Minors DNI
March 12, 2016
"See ya, man!" Jeff pats my back once we're done packing up our studio mess.
I wrote my first song today. Well...the first song since the band. I was home in England for nearly three months doing absolutely nothing. It was wonderful to be back and with my family for so long, but I have to admit I started going stir crazy. I'm not used to being in one place for so long. It was starting to become suffocating.
After leaving England, I first went to New York to get some filming things squared away for an upcoming movie I'm set to be in. Once all that was finished I came back to my LA house to get some time in the studio with Jeff and Tyler, two of the people I think will have a big influence on my first solo project endeavor. I'm hoping it can be finished within the next year and a half or so, but I'm going to take it slow.
So far, we've only written the one song. That was today. We wrote it about my time in New York. Just after I left home, my mum called to tell me that my stepdads cancer has worsened. They've only given him 18 months to live. It's heavy and there's nothing I can do. That's the hardest part, knowing there's absolutely nothing I or any amount of money can do to change the outcome.
After we finished up at the studio, I headed for the bar. I need a drink after that one. I chose a nightclub near my house. I don't want to be recognized right now. I just need a quick beer before I head home.
I walk in, showing the bouncer my ID and pointing out my name on the list and he lets me through. I have my hair pushed back and a hood up over my head. I'm also wearing sunglasses for good measure.
The club itself is pretty crowded, but the bar stools are fairly empty. Only a petite girl occupies a stool, swirling her drink in her glass with a pout set on her pretty face. I take the seat next to her and she ignores me completely. A refreshing change from what I'm used to. It's only when I speak up to order that I watch her head snap up to stare at me from my peripheral. Great.
When I turned my head to stare back at her, her face was already flushed with embarrassment, blue eyes cast down toward her drink.
"S'rude to stare, love." I tease lightly, hoping she'll smile.
"Sorry," she mumbled, keeping her eyes down. "Just curious what someone like you was doing in a place as public as this." She confessed.
I laughed at her bluntness, though she does have a point.
"Guess I just needed somethin' t'do. Figured my hood would keep me somewhat anonymous - that obviously failed." I joke, and she blushes darker. I like this girl. At first I thought she'd be some sort of attention seeker, but I've since realized she's just an ordinary girl...in a very A-list club. But I don't recognize her from anywhere.
"Recognized you by the voice." She admits as she takes a sip of her drink and nearly gags. "Anyone, in my industry would. Though I have to say, wearing a hoodie in the club definitely makes you stand out from everyone else."
She has a point.
Has she interviewed me before? Vocal coach? I have a sudden desire to know her occupation.
"And what industry are you in?" I ask. "You've ought to be successful to be on the list for this club."
She shrugged, completely brushing off the question she replied, "Eh, doesn't really matter."
"Are you gonna introduce yourself?" She then asks, taking me by surprise.
I gave her a questioning look, "You already know who I am."
"I know you as Harry Styles, the guy who sings with that band on the radio. I only know what the media tells me. Don't you want me to be able to form my own opinion?" She asked with sympathy. She genuinely wants to get to know me and that's rare for me these days. I take it she knows what it's like for people like me.
I looked at her for a second longer before reaching my hand out for a handshake, "Hi, I'm Harry. And you are?"
"Sienna."  She replied with a smile.
"Sienna." I repeat, testing it out on my own tongue. "Nice to meet you, Sienna."
"You as well." Her smile widens as we shake hands.
"So you're not interested in talking career, where're you from? You don't really strike me as a California girl." I tell her, truthfully.
She has dark hair and tan skin, and while her dress is revealing and her makeup is bold, I get the feeling this isn't her scene.
"Never expected to be on the west coast either but here we are." She shrugged. "Born in Ohio, raised in South Carolina. Pretty boring if you ask me."
"Both beautiful states." I nod. I've never had the pleasure to stay more than a night, but I've seen them. "Been to both a few times in my days."
"Yeah? They are very beautiful, I used to love lake days, the ocean just isn't the same." She speaks, and I can see in her eyes that she misses home- a feeling I know all too well.
"So what made you move here, when your family all lives back at home?" I ask curiously.
"I could ask the same thing to you. What are you doing out in Los Angeles while you're on break? But to answer your question I moved for work. Better opportunities here in California." She shrugs.
"Touche," I laugh. "But in my defense, I went home and just chilled out at my mum's house for like two months. Eventually, I got kind of bored and needed somethin' t'do, came out here to meet up with some producer friends of mine to make some music. Miss it." I admit. "S'alot easier to come out here when there's no obligation. I can go home at any time. There's no schedule I have to follow."
I leave out mentioning the movie that's supposed to start filming in a few months.
"Makes sense." She agrees. "You gonna release an album anytime soon?"
"Not anytime soon, only got one song written so far. But yeah, eventually." I respond.
"Can't say One Direction was my particular cup of tea, but I guess I could give you a shot." She shrugs, playfully, grimacing as she takes another sip of her drink. She clearly is not a drinker, it's quite amusing.
"Oh, yeah? You look like you'd be a fan of ours." I tease.
"I'm serious. I only liked a few songs."
Even if it was only a few, I have a need to know every single song she liked.
"I guess I can live with that. But you've at least gotta tell me your favorite." I say.
"Niall." She says without missing a beat.
I roll my eyes, smiling, "I was talking about your favorite song."
"Oh, silly me." She plays innocent, "Fools Gold."
"Wrote that one myself. S'my mum's favorite too." I tell her, proud that it's one of mine that's her favorite.
"Wrote it with a lot of help I'm sure." She giggles.
"Hey, I usually don't have that much help. Though on that particular song, I think I did." I admit. Fools Gold was a collaboration with another writer whom I admire and look up to as an artist. One of my favorite writing experiences I've had.
The conversation falls into silence as I wander through my own thoughts before I speak again with a bit of alcohol induced confidence, "I must say, you're quite different from most people I meet round these places. Y'gonna let me buy you a drink?"
"Sure, but make it something good."
So I wave the bartender over and order two Sex on the Beach drinks, hoping I'm not being too forward. This will only go as far as she's comfortable, but I want to keep getting to know this girl, Sienna.
She raises an eyebrow, "That's fruity. You strike me as more of a hard liquor kinda guy. Are you trying to imply something?"
I've been caught. Clever girl.
I play it cool, "Usually am, but you clearly don't enjoy your alcohol considering the way you practically gagged every time you took a sip. Gotta order somethin' that'll please ya." I tease. I didn't intend for my words to be sexual but she visibly shuddered at my words.
"Oh yeah?" She smirks, shyly, turning her whole body towards me so our knees knocked together.
"Wouldn't want to let down a pretty girl like you, miss Sienna." I go with it, never breaking eye contact with her playful blue eyes.
She leans in, placing her hands on my knees for leverage while she leans up to me ear. Her lips brush against it and I have to resist the urge to shiver. I can't help the goosebumps that prickle up on the surface of my skin and I pray she hasn't noticed them.
"There's other ways to please me besides buying me a drink, you know?" She whispers before pulling away.
My body betrays me and I shudder, taking a second to regain my bearings before I reply with a suggestive, "Oh yeah? Like what?"
She runs her fingers up and down the tops of my legs and maintains eye contact, "I don't know, but I'm sure you could figure that out yourself."
I gulped, am I really about to do this? I have to ask myself while I stare at her lips. Despite what the media portrays me as, I don't tend to sleep around. I've only had two one night stands in my life. They aren't typically my thing.
I then make a split second decision, brushing my lips against her cheek, "I plan to."
I open my wallet and throw a few bills on the counter for our drinks that have yet to come, "Meet me outside in 5, my car will be waiting out front. Don't be late." I order, standing up and walking straight out, leaving her speechless.
"Thank you for waiting, Clint." I hand my driver a tip, "If you don't mind, my friend Sienna will be joining me home tonight." I add, as I climb into the backseat.
"Of course, Mr Styles." Clint nods, accepting the cash and shutting the door behind me.
I fiddle on my phone while I wait, and after seven minutes (not that I was counting) I'm about to tap on the screen of the car and tell Clint to just take off when the car door opens.
I immediately look up and lock eyes with her and scoot over to make room.
"Didn't think you were coming," I say in her ear when the door shuts behind her. "You're late."
She shrugs easily, "Wanted to keep you guessing."
I watch her face carefully as I respond, "Succeeded at that, that's for sure."
Her cherry red lips stretch into a small smile and I can't help myself when I lean in and attach mine to her jawline. Her breathing noticeable shallows at the contact.
"Oh," she arches back slightly when I begin to suck on her supple skin. I smirk into her skin and bring one of my hands to massage at her thigh.
After a moment, I pull my head away to look at the damage I'd done, "Gonna have a hard time coverin' that one up, love." I grin.
"I don't plan to." She responds and I let out a groan at her confession.
"God, that's fucking hot."
I can't help myself after that, I reach for her hips to pull her up to straddle my lap. She takes a second to adjust herself, but once she does, she takes me by surprise and takes over.
She leans in and presses our lips together for the first time. She takes her time for the first few seconds, feeling it out, before something inside her takes over and she presses forward with need. I let out a soft moan when she begins grinding our lower halves together. I use my hands to guide her hips as she slips her tongue into my mouth.
I try to contain myself but it's been so long so my hands begin to wander dangerously. She sighs into my mouth when my fingers trace along the waistband of her underwear.
She pulls her head away after that, resting her forehead against mine as she catches her breath.
"You're a damn good kisser." I whisper looking down at her lips, lipstick now smudged and I'm praying Clint can't hear us from the front seat. He's relatively new.
My fingers begin to move again, brushing over her front. She smirks, leaning up to my ear,
"Wanna hear a secret?" She asks playfully and I nod eagerly. She's got me wrapped around her finger.
"I've never done this before." She reveals, biting her lip and I freeze and pull back to look into her eyes.
"You've never had a one night stand or you've never had sex before?" I gulp.
"Both," she giggles shyly.
Fuck, she's serious.
"Fuck, Sienna. Are you sure you're okay with this?" I ask her consent again.
"I'm in this car aren't I? I wouldn't be here if I wasn't one hundred and ten percent certain that I want this. I want you to fuck me, Harry." She responds with confidence and I find it incredibly hot.
"Jesus Christ. Okay," I nod, pressing forward to smash into a teeth clashing kiss.
She slides her delicate hands down my chest to squeeze at my pecs, similarly to the way I'm massaging her bum.
"Bloody good at this." I mumble into her mouth as I take her bottom lip into mine, venturing my hands down once again.
"Gonna let me feel ya, love?" I ask, "Bet you're so bloody tight, never been fucked before."
She moans out a breathy 'yes' and that's all I needed to hear as I tug her panties to the side completely. I slick my fingers through her folds a few times and her quiet noises are like music to my ears.
"Y'like that?" I ask when she drops her head onto my shoulder and she sighs in response.
"Use your words, or I'll stop." It came out more dominant and assertive than I intended, I really just want to make sure she's comfortable with this.
"God, Harry, yes." She cries out and I continue making circular motions on her clit.
"Good girl," I praise her and press a kiss to her hairline. "So fucking wet for me."
She adjusts slightly, and I think she's going to tell me to stop, but instead she bites down in my collarbone, making her mark. I take it a step further, easing one finger inside of her and she gasps but takes it well. Her hands slide down and suddenly they're grasping my member through my jeans.
I let out a quiet moan, conscious of the driver in the front seat. I ease in a second finger and feel her walls clamp down as I curl them and hit her sweet spot. She whimpers and bites down on my neck again.
"Squeezin' my fingers so good, so, so tight. Can't wait to feel y'wrapped around me." I tell her with a grunt when she palms my cock harder.
"This is so hot - my god - gonna make me cum just touchin' me through my trousers." This seemed to encourage her and she sped up her movements. I followed suit, feeling her flutter around my fingers.
"Y'gonna cum for me, baby? Feel it all for the first time?"
"I...I think so." She pants, " Feels so good, Harry, please don't stop."
I realize the car is just around the corner from my place and suddenly the time is ticking, I need her to cum and I need her to cum now. We don't need Clint seeing either of us like this, though I'm sure he knows what we're doing.
"It's coming, pretty girl, I can feel it. Let it go, cum for me." I mumble into her ear and bite down on her earlobe to send her over the edge.
Just like that her body goes limp and she's shaking in my arms.
"Yeah, just like that, let it go." I coax her through it, giving her a moment to catch her breath.
The car comes to a halt and she makes no effort to move, I don't think she's even realized we've stopped moving. So I take the initiative and tug her dress back into place and lift her off my lap. I barely have a chance to lick my fingers clean before Clint is opening the backseat door.
I climb out first and thank him before gently tugging Sienna by the hand to follow me. She's shaky on her feet as we're walking up the steps but she's coming to.
"You brought me to your house?" She asks.
"Yeah," I shrug, "Normally I'd check into a hotel but considering you were in the celebs section of the club, figured you'd be trustworthy enough." I reason.
"Wow, I'm touched." She giggles, "But don't get the wrong idea hotshot, just because you're about to fuck me doesn't mean I'll be running back here anytime soon."
And that bluntness is exactly why I didn't feel the need to get a room for the night.
I mock offense though as I sort through my key ring the unlock the front door, "Maybe you'll change your mind by the time I'm finished with you." I say despite the fact I have to interest in a relationship at the moment either.
I finally get the front door open and as soon as she's inside I'm pinning her against the front door and smashing our lips together again. She's addicting. Her fingers fumble with the hem of my hoodie and I help her to pull it over my head, leaving me shirtless.
"Fuck, can't take this, need you now." I groan, gripping onto her wrist to pull her down the hall behind me. I'm so fucking hard I think I'm about to rip through these skinny ass jeans. When we're in the bedroom I flick on the lamp and push her down onto the bed.
I hike up her dress and examine her face as I speak. "I'm gonna get another taste of you now, yeah? Tasted so good on my fingers, need a bit from the source."
I search her face for hesitation but all she does is blush and nod. I can't hold myself back when I rip her panties straight from her body and pull her by the ankles to the edge of the bed.
She starts squirming as soon as I come face to face with her heat.
"Sensitive are we?" I chuckle.
I press a gentle kiss to her clit and she throws her head back and claws at the sheets. I can already tell this one's gonna be quick so I dive in and begin lapping at her center, reveling in the way she thrashes above me.
"Oh god." She whimpers and threads her fingers in my long hair, tugging me closer and pushing me away at the same time.
She's close already and I know it won't take much to send her spiraling again so I push two fingers into her gently and curl them up as I latch on her clit. That's all it take for her hips to  buck up toward my mouth as she releases all over my tongue. I don't stop though, curious to see how much she can take. Her moans are loud and at this point she's practically ripping my hair out of my scalp, but I can't say I mind all that much.
"Fuck, Harry, no more - too much." She cries out trying to push me away. I comply, lifting my head up to grin at her.
"Alright, but only this once." I agree, coming to my feet to hover over her.
At this point I don't know if she can handle another round and I know she's probably thinking the same, but I'm determined to coax one more out of her.
I find our mouths attached once more, I can't seem to stop.  I unbuckle my belt, and attempt to kick of my jeans but practically fall on top of her multiple times.
“Eager, eh?” She teases as I attempt to peel the dark denim away from my legs.
“Oh shut up.” I flush, “Keep in mind I’m about to fuck your brains out.”
That shut her up.
“Now,” I say as I hover over her, “You’re absolutely positive you want this? I don’t need to have you sign an NDA? You won’t try to sue me after this will you?”
“Yes I promise. And I’m on the pill, by the way.” She rolls her eyes with a laugh while I line myself up.
“Are you ready?” I ask, once I’m lined up at her entrance.
“God, yes! Get inside me already.” She sighs out in exasperation and I smile.
I start pressing forward slowly, keeping my eyes trained on her face looking for any sort of discomfort, but she seems to be taking it well, only wincing once when I bottom out.
“Are you okay? Can I move?” I manage to grunt out. Her walls are like velvet and I have to curl my toes and dig my fingernails into my palms to keep from cumming right this second.
“Please.” She nods.
I start slow, grinding my hips down into hers. Her hands loop under my arms to push on my back, bringing us closer together.
“Not gonna last long love,” I admit, “You’re tight as hell.”
At my words I felt her clench down onto me, and I twitch.
“Oh my.” She breathes out, unable to form coherent words.
“Yeah, y’like it? Missed out on this how many years now?” I pant as I start speeding up.
“Too many.” She moans, “Oh dear god, right there!” She’s clawing at my back now.
“Yeah? That’s the spot?” I continue thrusting at the same angle, hoping I can get her to the edge before I bust a nut.
“Keep going.” Her eyes are clenched shut and she’s pulsing around me.
"Gonna cum for me again? Got one more in ya? Come on baby girl, cum with me." I encourage her gently, one hand slipping down to rub at her bundle of nerves. I’m about to explode any second now.
"So close, I'm so close, just one more-" she cuts herself off with a squeal when I pinch at her clit and send her flying into oblivion for the third time tonight.
"That's it love, keep on squeezin', ride it out - nearly there." I grunt.
I thrust one, two, three more times and I’m pulling out and using my hand to be safe before I spill all over the front of her dress
I collapse on top of her, careful to distribute my weight not to crush her as we breathe heavy together.
“Best sex I’ve ever had.” I admit. Maybe it’s the breaking of my dry spell or maybe it’s true. “Never would’ve known you were a virgin if you hadn’t said nothin’. ‘Cept y'were so goddamn bloody tight. That coulda given you away. Could get used t'fuckin someone like you." I say truthfully.
She laughs, "Yeah right."
"M'dead serious." I insist.
"This can only be a one time thing. I thought we were on the same page about that." She says, staring up at the ceiling, still trying to catch my breath.
"That's why they call it 'No Strings Attached" I reason, but I already can feel that it’s no use. I’m fine with this being a one time thing, but I still would like to see her again.
She rolls her eyes, "We'll see."
I grin, "Great, I've got all night to persuade you."
She immediately turns her head to look at me with alarm and I can’t help but laugh,
"What? You think sex is all I'm after? You may find this surprising, but I'm quite the cuddler." I admit, trying to charm her into staying the night.
Something about me is I hate being alone, I hate spending the night alone. I often try crashing at a friends place over my own when I can. My sister calls it my ‘toxic trait’
"I'll stay the night, only because I'm sleepy and too scared to call a cab this late.I'll also need a change of clothes." She gives in easily.
I smile in relief and jump up to grab her a towel to clean up and a change of clothes.
I help her wipe off and pull her tight dress over her head. I hand her one of my T-shirts and a pair of my briefs as pajamas.
She goes into the bathroom with a spare toothbrush I found and I go about putting on a fresh pair of briefs myself.
When we both climb back into the bed, I pull her towards me and intertwine our legs. She falls asleep almost immediately as I stay up wondering what it’d be like to find someone to do this every night.
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clowndensation · 2 years
which tmags episode should i most be looking forward to?
oh god, what a question. all of them. all of the episodes.
or. more realistically (i guess 🙄🙄🙄) on your first listen through, there are really two categories that matter: interesting statement episodes, and interesting plot episodes.
these categories aren't mutually exclusive, obviously, but i'm going to point out which is which, in case you're curious which episodes i think are good, and which i think are relevant. or... relevant to the season 1 plot. fun fact, i think 11 of the first 40 episodes are directly relevant to the plot later down the line, and 25 of the 40 episodes are referential enough to something that happens in the future as to be satisfying to recognize as you listen. but i'm not giving you a list that long, so, we're gonna stick to some key highlights.
also we're sticking with season 1, because genuinely my list of "favorite" tma episodes is like 100 of the first 160. which i don't think is really helpful. also even with just season 1, i will admit i... might have gotten carried away.
11. Dreamer - literally stan my boy. "why? what's so special about antonio blake?" don't ask questions, just stan him. he's hot and mysterious and just wants to be helpful.
14. Piecemeal - sorry that this episode is funny and cool and amazing and interesting and i think about it all the time. like it's my fault.
15. Lost John's Cave - this is an iconic episode. genuinely, i don't know that i've spoken to anyone who's listened to tma that doesn't point to lost john's cave when discussing episodes that fucked them up a little. a lovely experience <3
17. The Boneturner's Tale - second special boy alert. you should look forward to this episode because i like jared and want people to pay attention to him. literally what more reason do you need.
18. The Man Upstairs - okay well i have a thing about meat. episodes that reference meat make me feel things that no other episode can. this is my dream apartment living situation btw.
19/20. Confession/Desecrated Host - "wow, vinnie, this is a lot of episodes basically all in a row" that's just how it is sometimes. this is what you get for asking me about episodes you should look forward to. ANYWAYS, Father Edwin Burroughs is so special to me, and i'm obsessed with religion in horror, and also i <3 parallels that are more obvious after you've listened to the show at least once.
22. Colony - teehee what if you were listening to a horror podcast, and i was listening to a horror podcast, and it hinted at having a plot 😳😳😳
26. Distortion - special girl and special... uh. i don't think he has a gender. but two special characters! and plot, literally what more could you ask for.
27. A Sturdy Lock - this episode rules, and i'm only sometimes paranoid about it when i close my door at night <3
28. Skintight - stan melanie and jon's fun hatemanship or else.
29. Cheating Death - i think everyone should love death whenever it deigns to take on an anthropomorphized form. we don't have to discuss why it's deigning to do so, here, or whether "deigning" is even the correct word choice at all. stan death.
32. Hive - hehehehehehehe
34. Anatomy Class - i own a shirt that references this episode. literally the anatomy class has done nothing wrong, ever, in their life. my fun goodtime episode full of laughs and love and found family. :)
36. Taken Ill - i love sickness and disease and death and dying and the mistreatment of the elderly. this episode makes me want to scream and cry and throw up if i think about it for too long btw. for standalone reasons, and for other reasons :)
39. Infestation - :)
40. Human Remains - :)
the fact that i'm highlighting 17 of 40 episodes as standout episodes does make me feel like a first year college student who just got their first set of highlighters, but doesn't actually understand how to find key points in a text while listening to a lecture, btw. but i am what i am. i can not change this <3
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blooeyedtroll · 4 years
Home on the Range
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Rated PG-13ish Lolz. For occasional cussing and maybe innuendos(?). Lolz. This can also be read on Ao3. Feel free to read it there if you prefer.
More art scattered though out this fic, hope you like it!
Hello friend! Welcome!  
This is a One shot fic that takes place in mine & @messybitch802 ​‘s : 
Efflorescence AU. 
This is the beginning of our tale, I hope you enjoy.
This is in Hickory’s POV. I thought this would be a fun way to introduce Bloo and Messy. It also seemed fitting since Hickory will play a larger part as our tale unfolds.
However, I’d like to think this could be enjoyed as a fun one-shot Hickory & Dickory fic as well. This fandom needs more Yodel Brothers content!
Big thanks to @jade-green-butterfly ​ and her random ask that kicked my butt in gear, giving me the inspiration to finally start writing:
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Anyway, let’s get to it. Enjoy!:
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"Rock Trolls... no doubt about that.”
The rugged, orange haired Troll put down his hammer and stepped away from the task at hand. Fence work could wait. This needed his immediate attention.  Around this time of day he'd expect to see, at most, a tumbleweed passing by the entrance to the Ranch. Maybe. Nobody ever came out this way. Not since he'd been here anyway. At a good clip, it was about an hour trek away from Lonesome Flats. Which suited his needs perfectly.
The perfect place to lay low and still blend in.
"Bist du sicher?" whispered a muffled voice behind him.
"Of course I am. Now hush, I'm gonna check it out. Stay in character. An’ be ready, just in case."
The orange haired Troll patted the front of his jeans, freeing them of a satisfying amount of dust from the day’s hard work and checked his reflection in a nearby trough. Grinning as he placed a straw of wheat that was kept in the brim of his hat; between his teeth.
Who would guess otherwise, that the reflection in that water, was anything but a genuine Country Troll?
It took a lot of work shopping, trial and error, but he did it.
Well, they did it. The four legged, rugged, handsome, Country Troll was in actuality...two Trolls.
Two brothers to be precise.
Yodel Trolls by the names of Hickory and Dickory. 
The last Yodel Trolls by their accounts, and they happened to be the best damn team of Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries in all of Trolldom.
For good reason.
The best tool to their disposal was their ability to blend in. So much so, it was only until it was “too late” for their marks, by the time their true colors were revealed. And this disguise has been their best yet.
Hickory, though the youngest brother, was the much taller of the two. So he was the face to this particular get-up. Making Dickory to be left with the tail end. Literally. Understandably, this was not ideal for him. 
And he definitely made it well known on many occasions how he felt about having to play a literal “horse’s ass”.
But by gum, was he the best ass you could ask for.
At this point, Dickory had mastered the art of synchronizing with Hickory's movements, in such a way, it was now practically impossible to spot anything amiss. It was as if they shared one mind while under the guise of this centaur-esk being.
And while Dickory was fairly sour about the whole situation, Hickory found himself more and more, fond of living day to day as a Country Troll. Very much so to his brother’s shagrin. The look, the music, the lifestyle...everything.
It had been two months now since the brothers found themselves here, in Country Music territory. However, last anyone on the outside had heard about them, was that they had "yodelled so hard, an avalanche fell on them"...or something? Which was just what they wanted. For the time being anyway.
The brothers had struck a deal with their last mark. 
For his freedom, he was to spread said rumor, so the Yodelers could lay low for a while.
Queen Barb, of the Hard Rock Trolls, was no stranger to the two brothers. As a matter of fact, she was one of their most frequent clients for the past few years. Which suited them just fine. Well, almost. The last few jobs they did for the young Queen, left a bitter taste in Hickory's mouth. Not so much for the tasks she asked of them, but because of something she said and what he saw on their last few visits to Volcano Rock City. Maps. Marked up. Plans of some sort. Hanging everywhere. The young ruler, looking the most tired he'd ever seen her, yet looking as if ready to burst from being too tightly wound, at any moment.
"Hopefully next time I see you dudes, one way or another, we'll all be singing to a different tune. It's gonna be so Rad."
Whatever was going on, both Yodelers agreed that it was definitely not worth getting caught up in. They could just feel it. Deep down. They were hired to track Trolls down and do what needed to do, to get by.
Both of them could be shady characters at times, but they had decent moral compasses to live by. So they told themselves.
That's why the presence of Rock Trolls at this moment made Hickory's blood run cold. Could it be possible somehow, some way, they had been found out? That whatever Queen Barb was up to, she was looking for them? What is it that she’d need them for anyway?
No. Their plan worked perfectly. Blend in as a Country Troll, lay low for a while, only do the occasional "job" when the opportunity presented itself, just until the Queen of Rock cooled her head or went through with... whatever she is planning.
Not a soul knew about Hickory and Dickory being here.
Unless you counted, July.
Miss July, the owner of the Ranch. A rather interesting Troll.
A Pop-Country Troll. The only mixed genre Troll around these parts. Unlike her four legged, centaur, Country loving neighbors; she walked on two legs... well, hooves. Her appearance could be compared to a more "Satyr" like build, with a perfect blend of both genres in her appearance. The bright colors of a Pop Troll, but the sturdy build of that of a Country Troll.
A Tough, stern older lady-Troll, with a heart of gold.
Running this place all on her own, while tending to her extremely elderly parents.
That's one of the reasons he never expected any visitors here. Nobody in town wanted anything to do with Miss July or her family. Didn't much like associating with “their kind” if they could help it. Though you'd never hear them say it in polite conversation. But that suited Miss July just fine. That's how she liked it. Ever since Miss July and her folks suffered a terrible loss to their family, decades ago, she rarely went into town if she could help it.
Which on one such occasion, is when she stumbled upon the Yodelers, in their first attempts at putting together their  “Country Persona”.
They had been camping not too far from her Ranch and the Town, when she found them both, struggling to even walk in time together, in a pair of poorly made four legged pants.
July took their word as Gospel. That they were just fulfilling a lifelong dream of wanting to, in some way, be a Country Troll. So she offered them a place to stay and to show them the ropes on what it meant to be a Country Troll. If they agreed to work for her at her family’s Ranch.
"Until you feel you can stand on yer own four hooves!' She teased.
It could be easily wagered that July being an outcast in her own community, could be a factor of sympathy she felt towards them, making her wanting to help any way she could, and possibly what made her not judgmental in the least. That, and as tough as she put herself on as, she was sweet as apple pie, through and through.
Which did make Hickory especially, feel guilty about not being more upfront with her. As much as he could be anyhow.
Especially so, when the occasional “job opportunity" presented itself around Lonesome Flats during the Yodelers free time. Turns out, there were plenty of Trolls who had a bone to pick with others, or needed matters settled around these parts. Not to mention, crooks-a-plenty to turn in.
But both brothers always repented.  By being very diligent working for Miss July on the Ranch. Anything she needed done, got done. It was the least they could do for what she had done for them for these last two months. So the last thing needed was for anything to get ugly around here.
As Hickory approached closer and closer, he could feel his brother tensing up.
"Easy.” He whispered under his breath, smirking, patting behind him in attempts to calm his hotheaded companion. While still maintaining a nonchalant and calm demeanor.
Having spent a fair amount of time in Volcano Rock City for past jobs, and even on several occasions for other clients; needing to spend time incognito as Rock Trolls, it was fairly easy to recognize them from afar.
Upon closer inspection, it did come across as rather curious to see them wearing Country attire. They couldn't be trying to blend in, could they?
No. Not by the way these two held themselves.  
One Troll in various shades of blue in appearance, the other in peculiar shades of green from toe to tip. Both faces, still covered by wide brimmed hats. The blue Troll's demeanor was nervous right from the jump. Their green companion, holding them by the hand, grounding them. As if to keep them from sprinting away at a moment's notice. Both looking tired from the trek they must have taken from town to get to the Ranch property and from the sun's unforgiving afternoon rays.
Nothing but what seemed to be electric guitars and simple backpacks on their backs. However, these were definitely the most impressive guitars Hickory had seen in all his life.
The blue Troll’s, from what he could make out, was sage in color and looked as if it was made of some large critter's battered wing. Almost bat or reptilian in nature. The green Troll’s guitar, an imposing, venomous violet, crafted by what could only could be guessed as being once the claw and stinger of some scorpion-type critter. One he certainly wouldn't want to tango with. 
Lackeys of Queen Barb’s? No... couldn't be.
"Nobody knows we're here"
"We've been so careful."
He repeated over and over to himself. Almost mantra-like. He really had no reason to be this paranoid he kept reminding himself.
“Who are the most feared Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries in all Trolldom?”
“The Yodel brothers. That's who.” He smirked at that last thought. Puffing his broad chest a bit more, in response to his inner pep-talk.
And no Troll, no matter now--
"H--Howdy!" The blue Troll, clearing their voice, shakily called out.
"Right fine day, isn't it?"
The traveler seemed to ease into the drawl like putting on an old pair of comfy shoes, and with each word, their confidence seemed to boost. Stepping forward from their green companion, they removed their wide brim hat and gandered up at Hickory, with a small smile that damn near made his heart leap through his throat. In a good way?
That was...unexpected.
His usual quick witted mind and tongue, on the spot turned into a train that just left the station.
Those eyes. Absolutely pierced him right through. Large, inquisitive, pale, cerulean eyes. Staring right at him under dark lashes, and surrounded by a cascade of cobalt freckles.
The closest shade of color he could compare those eyes to were a color he hadn't thought of in ages. Snow. Snow that as a Trolling he played in. Usually when you found yourself making forts or laying in heeps that came up so high, you would look, and you'd catch the glimmering sunlight, shining through it. A shade of blue that just melted you to the core and drew out a smile, without you being the wiser.
"Right fine.”  he responded. Recovering from his wandering mind.
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No time to be side tracked by an adorable, freckled, blue-eyed Troll. With sweet, curvy features, who has solid looking muscles that look they could easily crush--
"How can I help you? You folks seem a bit far away from home. Don't get a lot of Rock Trolls around these parts.”
Thank goodness his voice seemed to be the one on track; at the task at hand.
“Oi! What’s that supposed to mean?”
The green Troll stepped forward, hotly, removing their own hat, as to glare directly at him. Sizing him up. Only a tad taller, but much more lithe in figure to their companion. Definitely much more fierce. Not just in attitude, but in appearance. Their eyes, deep as sapphires. Teeth, the bottom row protruding two large tusk-like lower canines. Ears, pointed back and just as sharp as their claws, which he found himself one the other end of, being pointed at. Just as he felt his hair prickle, preparing himself for what was bound to happen next, the tension was immediately neutralized.
"It's okay Mess” The blue Troll cooed, calming the green one.
"Sorry to just come on over uninvited, but uh, does a Troll named July still live here?"
"You mean Miss July? Sure does. Why, if You don't mind my askin’?"
"Well you see, she's my... can--can I please talk to her? If she's around here today?”
A good long pause washed over the three.
Hickory could feel the trepidation radiating from Dickory behind him as he swished "their tail' in annoyance. Normally, if this was any other situation, it'd be too bad for these two. He'd send them right on their way, or worse if it came to it. They seemed capable. They had guitars, they were Rock Trolls. Random Rock Trolls, showing up, asking for not himself or his brother, but Miss July. Out of all the Country Trolls in Lonesome Flats.
But the waves of anxiety radiating from this freckled Troll were massive; and when their friend wasn't staring daggers at his direction, they were gazing so tenderly and sympathetically at them. These weren't agents of Queen Barbs. These seemed like folks on a sad mission of delivering news, or something of the like. They looked as though this was the last place they would ever want to be.
Dickory always insisted that Hickory was too quick to let his heart think first before his head when it came to their line of work. He didn't see it that way though. Hickory thought himself a good judge of character. Hell, that's why they found themselves in this situation now. Tipping his hat in a friendly manner, he smiled at the two.
"Well, why dontcha follow me then. I'm sure Miss July is making lunch right about now. You folks are just in time. Name's Hickory"
"Messy." replied the green.
The blue Troll remained silent.
"Adorabull got yer tongue cutie?" he teased
Those freckled cheeks lit up in seconds, a flushed lavender. Too cute.
"Somethin' like that' They smiled sheepishly.
All the while, as Hickory walked with the two up to the main building on the property, they stuck to idle chit-chat. About the weather or the nearby town. They passed by many of the fences that housed just some of Miss July's critters. As well as a few stables, paddocks, a decent sized workshed, and the small house the Yodelers had been staying in since they arrived here. It was once they passed that particular building, the blue Rocker stopped in their tracks momentarily. Just staring. Almost trance-like. They only moved again once Messy had firmly grabbed their hand and they followed.
Finally, they reached the main building's porch. The family home. Without any prompting, the two travelers waited at the bottom steps of the porch. Hickory nodded, thinking that might be best. He walked up to the open door. The wafting aroma of today's lunch filling his nostrils. Chili with sweet rolls? If he wasn't mistaken, he could smell fresh squeezed lemonade too. Knowing better to barge in while she was in the Kitchen...
"Pardon me, Miss July?" he called out.
"Dammit Hic, I told ya once, I'll tell ya again. Lunch is on when I ring the damn bell, that's when it’s good and ready!"
Hickory couldn't help but chuckle. That July was a firecracker.
"It's got nothin' to do with that Miss. You see, You've got yourself some visitors."
"For the last time Hic, just call me Jul--"
July emerged from the doorway, holding in each hand a glass of lemonade with mint garnish. No doubt as something to appease the Yodelers until lunch was done. As soon as her eyes met the two travelers, she stopped dead in her tracks. Glaring at them something fierce.
"These two are the visitors I was talkin' about."
"Rock Trolls, huh? Here? Whaddya want?"
The blue traveler, clearing their throat, voice cracking; they smiled, eyes glazed and sparkling with unshed tears. Staring at July as if a secret wish had been granted.
"Aunty Ju-Ju? It's m-me. It's Bloo. I'm home."
Bloo? That Bloo? Could it really be? Hickory didn't need to dwell on that too long though. July suddenly yelped out loud, in such a way that it startled absolutely everyone. Including herself apparently because those glasses in her hands dropped and shattered to bits.
"You couldn't be-- w-what kind of game are ya playin’ at?!"
July at a loss for words. This was serious. There she stood, knees buckling, lip quivering, tail thrashing. Unable to look away from the Troll in front of them at the end of her porch. A look of torment across their face.
Slowly, the freckled Troll smiled sadly, and reached behind their back for their instrument. Hickory acted quickly, putting himself between the two. Staring intently at the Rocker. They stared back, as they slowly brought the instrument forward.
"Please. Let me play?"
Hickory's nostrils flared, biting down hard on the straw in his mouth. How was he so stupid? Well, he wouldn't be fooled this time.
Though the guitar was imposing and electric, with a stroke of their hand, it played a long, twangy, unmistakable, Country cord.
Laying a hand on Hickory's shower, July gently moved him aside, her attention almost trance-like on the player. Waiting.
As if they understood, they shifted and picked up their guitar in earnest. Strumming again, but to a much more upbeat melody. Much more upbeat than most Country music Hickory had heard around town that he grew to enjoy. This sounded more... Pop? Much more like something he'd hear July singing on a day she was in a particularly good mood. Or something July’s elderly mother, the Pop Troll of the family might hum.
That's when they began to sing along, starting off slowly and gaining strength with each note. A large smile on their face as tears cascaded down their round cheeks. As if putting on the show of their lives. It was raw, and beautiful.
"She loves rock ‘n’ roll,
they said it's demons’ tongue,
She thinks they're too old.
They think she's too young,
And the battle lines are clearly drawn.”
“She's a wild one,
with an angel's face,
She's a lovely Troll in a state of grace,
When she was three years old on her daddy's knee,
He said you can be anythin’ you wanna be.
She's a wild one.
Runnin' free."
“She has future plans,
and dreams at night,
they tell her life is hard,
she smiles, sayin’ “that’s alright”, yeah!”
“She’s a wild one,
With an angel’s face,
She’s a lovely Troll in a state of grace,
When she was three years old on her daddy’s knee,
He said you can be anythin’ you wanna be.
She’s a wild one.
Runnin’ free.”
"She's a wild one”~~
"~~Runnin' free.”  July finished and sobbed the last line.
"That was the song I wrote for your Mama... all them years ago..My Bloo. My little ‘Bloo-Jay’ came home!"
Hickory stood fully aside now, allowing the two to embrace, for what he now had realized had been the first time in more than two decades. An embrace that both warmed and broke your heart, all at the same time. This was July's pride and joy. Her niece. Bloo, the only child of July's older sister June.
June and July were extremely close sisters. Best friends even.
June was a very free spirited Troll who fancied herself a part-time singer at one of the local bars in town. On one of these trips to town, she met a traveling Rock Troll by the name of Ziggy. Busking for food and drink. Let's just say, it didn't take long at all until wedding bells were ringing and Ziggy was part of the happy family here on the Ranch. The couple waited a while before having a Trolling. The two were busy enjoying married life, Ziggy took June traveling, fulfilling her dreams of seeing life outside Lonesome Flats. And wherever they went, they were singing up a storm. When they returned home to settle down, at any bar or club, or bingo hall that would have them, they continued singing their hearts out. Occasionally even dragging July along. The three of them became inseparable. Especially after Bloo was born. The townsfolk even seemed to warm up to the entire, oddball family. It was all turning up roses for the family finally, after what felt like ages of trying to live in harmony. But it all came to a crushing end. 
Shortly after Bloo turned five years old, a serious, contagious illness spread throughout Lonesome Flats. Most folks who caught it, eventually recovered, but there were eight fatalities in the end. June was one of them. The family was torn to pieces by June’s passing. Ziggy just wasn't the same Troll after. A year passed and just as they thought things might slowly start looking up, Ziggy and Bloo were gone.
Apparently he had packed himself and Bloo up one night, and just left without a word. July knew he had family back home in Volcano Rock City, and figured that is where he would take Bloo to raise them. But July dared not go there. For good reason. A Pop-Country Troll, travel to Volcano Rock City?  Demand her niece back from a heartbroken father? While leaving her extremely elderly parents to fend for themselves? No. July would be turned away or torn to pieces. King Thrash at the time was feared for good reason in those days and most Trolls feared Rock Trolls the most out of all the other Tribes.
July and her folks basically moved on by learning to mourn the loss of June, Bloo, and Ziggy. They never expected to ever see Bloo or Ziggy again. Yet here Bloo was. Embracing their aunt, while Hickory and Messy looked on fondly. His smile grew wider as he realized how overjoyed July's folks: Clay and May, would be to see their grand-baby again. Something they thought they'd never live to see.
He could see it now that he got a better look at Bloo, as they were bombarded with kisses and hugs, that they did share a little resemblance to their Pop-Country Aunt. Though without a doubt, they took after their father Ziggy the most. No wonder Bloo wasn't easily recognizable at first glance, they looked so different in comparison to how they looked back then as a Trolling.
Who would have thought that he'd meet the Troll who's childhood pictures adorned the home he and his brother were staying in? Which happened to be Bloo's Old family home on the Ranch. The same house they had stopped to stare at on their way to the main house.
"Small world we live in!” He barked with laughter.
"Welcome home Miss Bloo, glad to meetcha." And he meant it, whole heartedly.
"Glad to be home again.”
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(Song used was Faith Hill’s ‘Wild One’. Tweaked for this story)
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Hi, after reading about 'why you think Levi and Hange are perfect together', and seeing your reasons quite similar to mine..I just want to ask if you have any opinions on Zutara?
I'm just very curious in what you have to say. It's okay if you don't want to answer.
Thank you for the ask anon! I’d be happy to give you my opinion on Zutara, so happy that you’re gonna be dealing with another long rant with probably a lot of rambling in between. Anyway, Lezzgo.
As always: 
Disclaimer: I do not want to start shipping wars. I specifically avoided the words like should or best because I recognize that shipping is generally based on preferences. I respect everyone’s preferences on what they want out of a ship or even a relationship and through this, I just hope to express my own preferences and maybe even gush with people who agree.
So, to give you some background on my love for ATLA, I first watched it in middle school when I came out and yes, I was a basic bitch. So basic, that I would always pair the hottest guy with the first person I saw him have potential sexual tension with, hence came Zutara and in 2013 when AOT came out Rivetra.
I grew up. Things changed but ATLA remains a masterpiece and through the years I have watched it countless times especially when I encounter people who have never watched it because YO, That show is literally one of the best examples of good writing and world building and more importantly, how to write a good ending (which so many people manage to fuck up? I’m looking at u D&D =_=). For anyone who hasn’t watched ATLA please give it a try.
As I grew up, my two favorite pairings became Sokka x Suki and Sokka x Toph. Canon was fine but I would have wanted to see the other ship sail too :/. But yeah, this is about Zutara so will answer that. 
If I ranked my current pairings: Sokka x Suki and Sokka x Toph are tied for first and second and I would put Zutara at third because that pairing still holds a special place in my heart. 
Would I have wanted Zutara to be canon over Kataang? 
Yes. I would. I still would have wholeheartedly picked Zutara over Kataang for so many reasons. (I have not watched the show in a while so a lot of my shit might be inaccurate but feel free to correct me.)
Okay, so first things first, two of the best written characters in the show for me were definitely Zuko and Katara from a character development sense. My favorite character is Toph and Sokka as second but I found Zuko and Katara to be incredibly profound characters with very blatant yet very well written developments which all culminated into one scene: THE ONE IN THE FUCKING CAVERN. 
Their particular hate (or is it tension, can’t think of the right word) for each other was strong but the thing is, the emotion was already there. It’s much harder to build emotional investment (even love) from nothing than to build emotion from what already existed. Katara so easily channelled that hate into actual care because she was so emotionally invested in Zuko as a person already having spent the whole first season being chased by a crazed him. Like yo, from shitting on him in the cavern to suddenly thinking, hey this guy who tried to kill us the past season changed, let me use my very rare magic water on him to help heal his scar. It sounds weird writing it out but personally, I thought that development in the cavern was more well written than the whole Kataang plotline IMO. 
And yeah, they only show you how fucking magical that water is by bringing a dead Aang to life with it at the end of the season. AND SHE WAS PLANNING ON USING IT FOR ZUKO TO HEAL HIS SCAR. Like wow, that’s some emotional investment. 
Okay, I know this can pretty much be justified by Katara being motherly and just an emotional being so let’s not get into that, let’s just get into the potential of this dam ship. Because, as an ATLA fan, personally, the shipping potential of Zuko and Katara was outstanding and I really felt blue balled to see Katara and Aang kiss at the end of it. 
Like literally Kataang was just too easy and the kiss kinda came out of nowhere?
The Katara and Aang romantic plotline was so easy, literally the first time we see any possible attraction between the two was ten episodes in when Aang blushed about the necklace he gave her. Here’s the thing I didn’t really like though, I found Kataang shoddily developed. The plotline between Aang and Katara seemed so one sided. All the way until season 3 with the ember island players episode, I was caught on to believe that the romance between Aang and Katara was one sided then they just bam, kiss at the end of the show
Zutara would have offered more development for both characters.
And anyway, what I really mourn aside from the shoddily developed plotline of Kataang is the lost potential of that damn ship. Zuko brought out an edgy side of Katara. I mean can we appreciate the part in the Southern Raiders episode were Zuko was the only who made the effort to understand what was bothering Katara? 
The scenes between Zuko and Katara had more emotion on them? Literally, Katara had Zuko-exclusive interactions. She said things she’d only say to Zuko. Zuko really brought out a part of her than no other character has?
Like sure people say shit like, Katara cried when Aang died. But I had interpreted a lot of those as motherly. And the creators literally slapped us with a similar Zutara scene at the end of the show? Like Zuko wasn’t dead but Katara was still crying her fucking eyes out.
Also, Katara’s interactions with Aang were not so different from how she interacted with everyone else. They were all motherly. They were all caring. You could have literally slapped another character in most of those scenes and it would have still made fucking sense.
Her actions with Zuko felt more like they were only for Zuko and that’s why I liked it so much. They had so much shit they could have gotten sorted out and it could have culminated into such a good relationship compared to what we got in canon?
Yeah, but after spending months ranting about how Levihan a best friends to lovers relationship became the pinnacle of perfection for me, some people might be wondering why the hell I love the enemy to lovers Zutara. 
Zutara was not unrealistic. It was not toxic. Zuko and Katara are both genuinely good people just working for the betterment of their loved ones and of the world. They had strong feelings they had to get sorted out between them and they had both proven to be characters willing to learn, change and grow which would have made the slow burn potential realistic.
Although Levi and Hange developed from best friends, I am sure before they became best friends they were definitely enemies. If not enemies, they fought and bantered enough with each other at least to see that there were a lot of feelings to be sorted out between them which is one of the reasons I love Levihan so much in the first place. Like people only gain so much patience for love ones if they spend a good amount of time sorting out feelings right? And I really think that the tension needs to exist for a good foundation.
The differences between Zuko and Katara’s characters and the feelings that would have had to be sorted out between them would have been such a good foundation to a good relationship and damn, the ending blue balled me so much. Just writing this brings back the strong feeling of disappointment from ten years ago and I had to go into shipping Sokka and Suki instead. 
Thanks for the question though anon, it was fun to consider this <3
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borom1r · 3 years
wait omg I didn't know it was your birthday?? hsnsjsjs genuinely sorry if I missed a post but!!! happy birthday <33 talking w u genuinely makes me so happy and I'm rlly glad we're friends!!!
But um!! Adz asks!! Honestly I wld like to hear abt some of his mannerisms and the way he perceives the things around him and subsequently how he interacts! I know you've talked a bit abt that b4 but I'm genuinely so curious - and it can be either his protogen form or the other, whichever you prefer!! And then like, maybe more abt the first time Sen kinda realized he loved Adz/that his feelings went beyond wanting to protect him!! I hope that's not too much + that it helps at least a little,,
ahh dude it’s ok u didn’t miss anything;; my birthday isn’t actually until the 10th but it’s been uh. hitting a little hard that out of my family the only person who reached out is my Mother (im rlly glad we’re friends too!)
+ aa! ok for Adz’s perception I think it’s very much key that he was a medic. a specially-trained, genetically engineered medic who was designed to recognize injuries automatically and read people to such a degree that he could see past whenever anyone was downplaying things— so he’s both incredibly analytical and observant. this shows in his photography, in that it’s not so much an artistic pursuit as it is a way to catalogue things he values. very often it winds up looking like textbook photography, because he is detached by necessity and by training. his passion for it comes not from the pursuit itself but from the fact that he is expending time + energy to have a physical memory.
that’s also part of why he’s so standoffish after being freed from Primogenitor control— he was MADE to be detached, because it wouldn’t do to have a field medic getting emotional every time a Protogen he was deployed with suffered a crippling injury or died, and it’s not easy to break out of that mindset. he’s reacting to suddenly being faced with the reality that each life around him is just that: a life with value belonging to a unique being with hopes and dreams. he’s not an unfeeling machine and neither is anyone else around him, and suddenly he’s staring down photographic memories of Protogen after Protogen he either watched die or actively put out of their misery because, statistically, it just wasn’t worth it to try to save them (except it WAS, he just didn’t have any control). the idea of getting close to someone again and being intimately aware of their status because that is what he was made to perceive is… difficult.
this gives him an interesting personality combo of Just Kind Of A Dick and Really Nurturing, because he HAS all these skills and never had any say in how he used them— which is why his and Sen’s first meeting was after Sen got in a fight, and Adz spends the entire time patching him up while verbally tearing him a new asshole for being so stupid as to get into a four-on-one fight even IF he’s a combat Proto. Adz can’t just walk away, but goddamn it he’s gonna make sure Sen is painfully aware that THAT was some fucking bullshit, mister, and next time he might not be there to patch Sen up! (which makes Sen smile because oh, so there might be a next time where Adz IS there?)
as far as specific mannerisms, he’s very tactile in general— so is Sen, but it’s mostly evident when he’s focused. Adz NEEDS to have something to do with his hands; if he gets really worked up Sen will let him snuggle up against his side + play with his fur until he calms down. that is by far his favorite stim; Adz is also prone to rearranging things/fiddling with the space around him. he NEEDS things to be as close to perfect as possible, easily regulated and overall safe. especially now that he’s close to someone because the idea that Sen could be hurt by something he could control is distressing; of course he’s trained to dismiss unavoidable risks (if he wants to cook, he can’t very well tear out their stove) but he will rearrange their knife drawer multiple times because he can control that but it’s also. a knife drawer. he winds up buying an actual knife block after a while because he was just never happy with the drawer, and the thought wouldn’t leave him alone.
that’s actually a source of some issues for them at first, because Sen was trained to ignore his own body and fight as long and hard as possible, so to him, he could be missing a limb and be “just fine” but Adz would freak. they work through it of course, and Sen has learned to say “I think I’m fine” (acknowledging that to him, yea, he’s fine, but uh. he might not ACTUALLY be) and will usually follow that up w/ asking Adz for a status check— which gives Adz a way to dispel his nervous energy by focusing in on diagnosing Sen, and will give him clear steps for treatment if Sen really needs it. (they’ve definitely had small accidents that still made Adz kinda jumpy; Sen’ll ask for a status check + Adz will tell him he’s at “approximately 90%” and that a hug will bring him back to full functionality. it’s Adz’ way of asking for reassurance without actually. asking for it sjkdhfkskjf. thankfully Sen is always willing to hug him for as long as he needs)
Adz likes to click his claws against his visor while he thinks (a reflection of my headcanon that Adam likes to hold things in his mouth ^^), and has a difficult time getting rid of things— both because he never had things before and now, like, they’re His Things, they’re evidence he exists as a Person, but also because he genuinely just gets attached? I think I’ve mentioned this before but Protogen do, at times, wear clothes + Adz’ fashion sense is heavily inspired by Lawrence’s in 3D! specifically his cut sweater outfit + heavy coat. Adz wore his favorite sweater until he literally couldn’t because it had fallen apart so much (an oversized, extremely soft cream-colored sweater— Sen replaced it for him + they’ve already had to patch the elbows on the new one). he doesn’t hoard things but once he Has something, he will use it until it falls apart completely because he feels bad replacing something that’s technically still functional (something that definitely stems from his trauma around having to abandon Protogen he absolutely could’ve saved, had the Primogenitor puppeting him allowed it)
+ as for Sen realizing he loved Adz <3
fhdhf it was… very much a process (for them both tbh) because Sen had a very similar mindset drilled into him of “you can’t care about people because they will die or get severely injured and you won’t always be able to do something” — less so for combat Protogen because they weren’t intended to analyze injuries like a medic, but it still wouldn’t do to have every Proto lugging around their fallen teammates just to get them to a medic. so they’re both coming into this a little wary, Adz moreso than Sen but still.
and on the flip side, Sen is also not used to being treated like he’s worth something. Sure, every Proto is replaceable, but combat Protogen are especially so— designed to be churned out and destroyed as fast as needed to fuel any ongoing Primogenitor conquests. nobody cared if they lived or died, and that’s a ghost that haunts Sen for a long, long time.
I think a big moment where it hits for him is when Adz is showing Sen his newest photographs (I think he uses a Polaroid-style camera for the most part; he prefers the physicality of it, without the hassle and time of developing the prints) and Sen realizes nearly all of them are of him. Mostly just putzing around their apartment, not doing anything noteworthy: cleaning a little, exercising, looking out the window. When he asks Adz about it, Adz just shrugs and turns one of the photos over in his hands; “I like remembering you.”
and Sen knows why Adz takes pictures, because he wants physical copies of moments he feels are most important. He’s making a choice to remember, not being forced to by implants in his brain, and it’s a very powerful way for Adz to come into himself beyond what the Primogenitors made of him. and Sen is staring down at a pile of memories that are 85% him. All these moments where Adz thought “this will be important, this is a memory I want to hold on my hands” and it’s him. he doesn’t express it out loud but that is a very powerful thought when he’s been struggling with this idea that he is inherently worthless.
it takes him a loooot longer to say it out loud but that is absolutely the first time Sen realizes he loves Adz, for realsies, and doesn’t want to let him go
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cblgblog · 3 years
I'm curious about your take on Wakanda being wronged hard in FaTWS, and by Bucky specifically? I haven't seen many people talk about it, but I'm just angry and confused as to why Bucky was to careless and rude towards Ayo and the Dora Milaje, acting as if their anger about Zemo was an overreaction. Hell, Walker got more respect from him in the end than the Dora did
I'm looking at the writers' perspective here, it was their decision and I'm wondering why. What was the thought behind it? Why did they make Bucky so insensitive? At first I thought it had to be some arc, but nothing came from it. I'm wondering what made them look at this series and think "Yes, let's make Bucky screw over the people that helped him".
It wasn't just him wronging Wakanda, it was his behavior towards Sam too, how he was so ignorant during the cop scene, dismissive of Sam's feelings, and obsessed with the shield to a point of lashing out at Sam for things that weren't his fault. Why was this a choice that was made? Bucky didn't have much personality in the other movies, they could've done anything but they chose this, and I think more people should talk about how wrong that is. Not for Bucky, but for the black people in the series who were wronged.
Okay so here’s the deal. One, I’m white, so know that going in, take my take on this for whatever it’s worth accordingly. Two, I haven’t watched the eps since they aired, with the exception of a couple scenes, so my memory—not so much of events but of specific nuances of how Bucky reacted to them—isn’t fresh.
I say that last part specifically because of Bucky and his interactions with Sam, because ultimately they bother me much less than the Wakanda stuff, and here’s why. Bucky is, to varying degrees depending on situation and episode, a dick to Sam about the shield for most of the series. Undoubtedly. But I get that, to a point. He at least explains his feelings in 1x05, why he reacted like that, and admits he fucked up. He had all his feelings for Steve wrapped up, incorrectly, in that shield, so when Sam just tossed it aside (from Bucky’s perspective), it caused him to freak out/lash out. Which was never fair to Sam, but at least culminated in Bucky recognizing that. Sam keeps saying to him that the two of them have not lived the same experience, the shield and its legacy do not mean the same thing to them, and Bucky finally realizes that. He acknowledges that neither he nor Steve grasped the full reality of the situation, and he apologizes. Does that erase what came before? No, but it’s not supposed to. It’s him acknowledging his own ignorance and trying to do better.
So, at least there’s an arc there, which is the other reason his stuff with Sam bugged me less. There was an evolution in his thinking, there was a change from wah wah, you gave up the shield, to oh wait, I kinda get it now. He realizes that his reactions were wrong, even if his feelings were understandable. Which, on a human level, I think they were. It’s a very human thing for Bucky to equate that shield directly to Steve, and take Sam’s rejection of it as a rejection of Steve. It’s understandable how he got there, given the bizarre nature of Steve’s time travel shenanigans, the nearly endless nightmare that Bucky’s life has been since he fell from the train. Losing yet another 5 years when he’s already lost 70+, all the unprocessed guilt and grief that isn’t helped by him having actually the worst therapist ever, oh my God this woman sucks at her job, she’s funny, but she’s awful. His feelings, I believe, were valid, given everything that went down. His reaction to them—the lashing out, whining, refusing to see Sam’s side of it—his reaction was not valid. But at least he gets to a point where he realizes that. At least there’s an arc.
Could they have found a different way to create conflict in the series? Sure, and I’m not gonna argue with anyone who wishes they had. For me personally, I was okay with it. Bucky’s ignorance and misplaced anger made sense to me. Bit of an aside, one of the few scenes I rewatched for this (because Youtube and knowing exactly where it was) was the cop scene, because you referenced. I’m assuming you mean the bit where Sam gets stopped, gets the ‘calm down sir’ treatment. I didn’t think Bucky was a dick in that scene? He seemed aware of what was happening, given his angry, “No he’s not bothering me, do you know who this is?” It’s actually one of a relatively few instances in the first 5 eps where Bucky does seem genuinely aware that he and Sam don’t live in the same world, even when they’re walking the same street, right next to each other. So, as far as illustrating that, and Bucky coming out of his own feelings long enough to pay attention to Sam’s, I thought it was one of the better scenes.
So, Sam and Bucky, I’m less bothered by. Bucky and Wakanda? That’s a hot garbage fire.
Zemo’s whole inclusion here, and nearly everything related to it, was incredibly botched. He’s randomly rich as fuck now, and a Baron, to match his comics counterpart. Which is not only an incredibly lazy retcon, it kills much of what made his character interesting in CW. In that movie, it was one guy, working alone, limited resources, dedicating himself to his cause. If nothing else, you had to admire his tenacity. Now suddenly he’s got a butler and a plane and piles of cash? Where was that in CW? More importantly…why? What purpose did it serve, besides making him more superficially similar to his comic self?
Why did we detour to him at all? None of his plans ultimately affect the larger narrative all that much. He starts out in prison and…ends up back in prison. Why? Why would the Dora just leave him there? Ayo says that they will bring Zemo back to face Wakandan justice…and then they just don’t. They leave him in the hands of the same people who lost him to two random dudes who were able to bust him out of prison on their own, one of those dudes being an entirely human guy, no enhanced powers, no Serum. In CW, okay, T’Challa did a deal with Everett Ross I guess, fine. But once the Americans proved they couldn’t hold him, it made no sense that the Dora would just go, okay, here you go again. They aren’t Batman. They have no reason to keep throwing the baddies in Arkham Asylum to wait ‘til next week when someone breaks out again.
The Zemo stuff had no arc to it. The only worthwhile thing was Bucky proving to Zemo that he can’t be controlled anymore, but that scene could have come about in a million better ways than it did. Ultimately, the weird little team-up with Zemo feels very cliché and contrived. It feels like a trip down a side road that dead ends to nowhere. It feels like filler, which is a particularly terrible crime when there’s only 6 episodes in the damn season.
Bucky’s dickishness towards Ayo and the other Dora really is baffling, especially when the writers went out of their way to give us that flashback, a direct, show don’t tell indication of all the Wakandans did for him. And it’s not his feelings for Steve that have him acting out this way, or at least it shouldn’t be. Steve has nothing to do with this aspect of things. Steve obviously had trust in and respect for T’Challa, and there’s no reason to think that wouldn’t extend to the Dora as well. Strong, badass women who put it all on the line for their country? Yeah, Steve should/would get that. He would have broken Zemo out of prison, if he thought it was the right call to make, but he also would’ve been like yeah, I did that, I understand that I fucked you over, I’m fully prepared to accept the consequences of that once my mission is complete, I’m sorry it went down like this. See the, “I’d like to surrender myself for disciplinary action,” he gives Phillips in First Avenger, after he goes to rescue the 107th. If it’s an authority he respects and acknowledges as having good intentions (Phillips as opposed to the Accords), Steve will ultimately give that respect back, even if he goes off to do his own thing first. He respected T’Challa and Wakanda. Bucky should have respected them even more, given his more direct connection, given the flashback scene in FatWS, given his acknowledgement that Wakanda and it’s people gave him a rare respite, a calm in the shit storm that’s been his life since 1945.
So yeah, it doesn’t make sense that he was so flippant and dismissive towards Ayo and the rest. It makes even less sense that they put up with it. It’s bad writing, that’s all I’ve got. The show is incredibly irritating, in that a lot of the plot-driven stuff is pretty fucking awful, but most of the character study stuff for Sam and Bucky is so good.
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topherfoxtrot · 3 years
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Here's the third part of my thunderbolts au. Emil Blonsky scaped his long imprisonment but he didn't went after the Hulk. Where did he go? The answer is bellow the cut. There's an original character here too. I'm not kin of OCs but I didn't find any character who would fit the role I wanted. Said oc will only be a part of this episode so consider it a special guest appearance. I've realized I've been writing more and more with each installment. Sorry about that, I'm getting more comfortable with the whole precess and I like to challenge myself. Continuing the trend, this chapter has a widely different vibe from the previous ones. As usual if you enjoyed please like, share or comment something.
Episode one
Episode two
Emil woke up from a nightmare. It was a fight. From as long as he could remember all Emil did was fight. Now even when he's not awake he's still fighting. He sat on the bed breathing heavily. Wait, where am I? He thought.
"You must be confused." A female voice was heard nearby.
Emil looked around looking for it. The cabin was small. The bedroom, the living room and the kitchen were all occupying the same space. There were two doors, one of them was probably for the bathroom. The woman was sitting at the kitchen table. She dressed a knitted sweater and rabbit slippers.
"My name is Charlie Reznik." She pointed at the soup, "Are you hungry?"
"Where am I?"
"Alaska. Three hours driving from Barrow."
Emil sat on the bed. He was naked. He covered himself with the blankets not for modesty but because they were warm.
"You weren't using any clothes when I found you and you don't seem like the kind of person who would wear my clothes. I hope the blankets kept you warm."
"Found me?"
"Yeah. You were screaming a lot. And throwing trees around." Charlie chuckled, "Eventually you got tired and just fell asleep right where you were. I was thinking about calling the police or something but when you started to shrink I decided to bring you here."
Suddenly Emil looked at himself realizing he did indeed shrink. He didn't look like that anymore. Still, the bones in his hands and abdomen were more prominent than they should be. He took his hands to his back to feel his spine was also prominent. That made him think of the super soldier serum, of the Hulk and of the prison he just scaped.
"I need to contact someone." Emil got up only to fall on the ground.
"Are you okay?" Charlie approached him with caution.
"I think I'll have the soap first actually." Emil muttered realizing how weak his body was.
The soup made with vegetables reminded Emil of his childhood in Russia. He had almost no recollection of those few years before he moved to England. He mostly remembered the cold and his mother's soap.
"I need to ask you but.. it's gonna sound weird." Emil was at the table tangled with the blankets, "What year is this?"
Charlie looked him in the eyes to decide if he was being serious or not. Emil didn't flinch so nor did Charlie, "It's 2023."
Emil pressed his lips and started to breath heavily. He was sleeping this whole time. They kept him asleep without ever giving him a chance to explain himself. No consent and no agency.
"No one has heard anything about you since 2008 Mr Blonsky and now you show up in the middle of the forest not knowing the year?" Charlie seemed genuinely curious.
"You know me?"
"I didn't recognize you at first. There isn't much footage from big you. But the sketch from witnesses matched pretty well. They call you the Abomination."
"Abomination?" Emil suddenly smashed the wooden table with enough strength to crack it. Charlie quickly moved her left hard to somewhere under the table. They locked eyes. For the first time Charlie didn't seem warm and inviting but rather fierce and absolutely ready to react. Emil closed his eyes a bit before recomposing himself.
"I'm sorry."
"I also think the name is impolite." Charlie brought her hand back, "But no one knew anything about you except you were military assigned to find Bruce Banner. I had to make some phone calls and turns out my guess was right! You are indeed in the accords database. Quite high level threat.
"What accords?"
"Alright." Charlie put her hair behind her ears, "I need you to be honest with me Mr Blonsky. What's the last thing you remember?"
So he said. He fought the hulk on Harlem, fell unconscious and woke up in Alaska. Charlie brought a computer from a big bag under the bed and put it on the table in a way that both of them could see it.
"The world changed a lot since 2008 Mr Blonsky. Put on your seatbelts."
Charlie then gave him a contemporary history class the best way she could while showing videos and pictures whenever she felt necessary. She talked about the avengers assembling in 2012 to stop an alien invasion caused by a norse god. She talked about the genocidal robot destroying a whole country in 2015. She talked about Wanda Maximoff killing those people back in 2016. She talked about the Sokovia accords and how that made the avengers disassemble. She talked about Wakanda opening up to the rest of the world. She talked about the avengers coming together again to fight yet another alien invasion. She talked about the snap and the chaotic years that followed. She talked about the blip and the even more chaotic year that followed it. Emil listened to everything in silence. It was a lot but he was smart.
"They put me to sleep for fifteen years." He whispered.
"I'm so sorry about that. It's unfair."
Emil had finished his soup but he stayed exactly where he was. Thinking about everything.
"I became strong. I became as strong as I could and still... they defeated me with bed time."
"You're being unfair."
"How come?"
"I don't think strength is really what you think it is."
"How would you know?"
Emil looked at Charlie's small stature with unconscious disdain. She picked on that and wore her fierce eyes again.
"With all due the respect Mr Blonsky..." It was possibly to hear the rage under her words, "You have no idea how strong I am. Thanos snapped my whole family! I wasn't even at home when it happened. Do you have any idea how much strength I needed to gather to simply get up every morning? I may not have big muscles like you -in fact no one does Mr Blonsky - but guess what? You could not have went through what I did. I'm sure of it!"
Emil got up aggressively and so did Charlie.
"You're really pulling the trauma card?"
"Wanna compete?"
"I think I do." He showed his teeth.
Charlie walked across the cabin stepping heavely. She sat on the bed. "Enlighten me."
The challenge got Emil off guard. He hesitated.
"I don't need to tell you anything."
"Of course you don't. If you tell me how traumatized you are, I'll tell you how traumatized I am. Then you will have to admit that none of it gives you permission to do the shitty things you did!"
The cabin merged in silence. Outside there was nothing but the cold wind running through the trees.
"I know your type." Charlie continued, a little calmer now, "Though childhood huh? No perspective of a future so you joined the military. Felt good to explode some heads didn't it? It felt powerful."
Emil remained in silence. He still looked mad, but remained in silence. Charlie went to the kitchen and grabbed a photograph from one of the drawers. She gave it to Emil.
"You're military." Emil studied the photo of Charlie and other soldiers smiling inside a tent.
"Used to be. Came back in 2019. The welcoming party wasn't exactly a party as you can imagine. My house was empty. As I said both my parents and my little brother got snapped. That's when I found this cabin."
"It's not yours?"
"Nah. I don't know who it belongs to actually. It was a cold night and I was just driving aimless. I don't know why exactly. Everything just seemed so meaningless back then. I felt weak."
Emil put the photograph on the table and they both locked eyes again. Not with anger this time though.
"It's cold but it's isolated enough. I could cry and scream as much as I wanted without anyone knowing. And did I need to scream! Scream at Thanos, scream at my parents, scream at myself. A part of me wish it could've been me, y'know? Trust me I would give my life for theirs in the blink of an eye! Yet, here I was."
Charlie sat at the table again. The temperature of the cabin went from 20°C to 40°C and then to 20°C again. Emil felt sorry about the table but most importantly he felt sorry for making Charlie mad.
"There's no much to say." He started, "Though childhood. No perspective. Joined the military. After everything I've seen, being strong is honestly the only option. It's survival."
"I get it. I really do. But strength is not on your muscles."
"Don't come with this heartfelt bullshit."
"It's not." Charlie chuckled, "Trust me I won't fall for that bullshit either. It's something else."
She got up and grabbed an old book from the shelf near the bed.
"All those things were already here when I got here for the first time. There was water, gas, energy, the bed, the blankets. It's like whoever lived here had just left. I've known this place for couple more than three years now. No one is ever here except me, yet the feeling never goes away."
The old book was covered with leather.
"Self help book?" Emil asked.
"In a way." Charlie tilted her head, "This book is about the universe. But not like a scientific encyclopedia. This book is about the whole universe, about the energy that comes from different parts of the multiverse and how to harvest and manipulate them. Essencially, magic!"
"Alright it's a self help book. Magic is not real."
"I was honestly hoping you would say that." Charlie smiled, "Check this out!"
Charlie put her hands in front of her and took a deep breath in order to focus. She moved her hands vertically and a orange string appeared from thin air. Charlie's hands drew a circle in the air and the string curved itself in a circumference. Charlie closed her hands as if grabbing something and with another gesture polygonal forms started to draw themselves in the magic circle. Charlie snapped her fingers with both hands and the whole thing started to spin like a magical ferris wheel.
"You discovered magic!" Emil whispered.
"Of course I didn't! People have been studying that for a long time. I just happened to find a weird book." The magical strings disappeared as Charlie stopped focusing so much on them, "You know when you are depressed so you set a simple goal just to give yourself a little achievement?"
"No, actually. But that's seems like solid advice."
"It is!" Charlie chuckled, "Anyways I read this whole book in like two days and I didn't understand shit. But I was super interested and started to dig the internet and beyond for anything related to all the weird concepts I found. I read the book more two of three times after that. Each time I learned something different and gained a new perspective over myself and the universe around me."
"So it is a self help book!" Emil laughed.
"As I said, it is but in a weird way. I mean look around. There's aliens and gods and the multiverse. When you think of all of it don't your problems seem way smaller?"
"I'm not sure."
"Here's how it's gonna be. I go to Barrow buy you some clothes and you think about everything I just said." She grabbed a jacket and wore boots, "But you have to pay me back alright? Otherwise I'm gonna hunt you and I'll find you. Remember: I know magic!"
"Okay, that's fair!"
Charlie grabbed a ring with slot for two fingers in a kitchen drawer. "That was one of the things I found here. Magic becomes weirdly intuitive once you learn some basics."
She made that focused face again and started to draw circles in the air with her right hand. The air in the middle of the cabin heated up and started to sparkle. An orange circle (much like the one she conjured with the hand gestures) appeared but in the middle of it was possible to see an alley.
"What is this?" Emil was shocked.
"Fast travel!" Charlie winked before passing through. The portal was gone as soon as she was gone and Emil found himself alone in the cabin.
There was a small mirror in the bathroom. Alone, he could check his own body for the first time. His face looked pretty much the same, he hadn't aged one day in the past fifteen years. Besides his hands and shoulders and spine, his elbows were also abnormally prominent. Was he the Abomination after all?
The power felt good, he remembered. Felt god-like. But the cost was too high. Emil became too dangerous and lost control over his own life for more than a decade. He wanted to blame Ross and Banner but would it be even fair? Emil was the one who accepted to take the serum in the first place. He actually pointed a gun at that scientist. He begged to become as strong as the Hulk is.
Emil left the house still covered in blankets. The cold snow made his feet burn but no enough to bother him. He was strong after all. Or maybe he enjoyed the pain in a sick way of reinforcing his own superiority belief. An orange portal opened nearby after a while.
"Aren't you feeling cold?" Charlie asked coming with a bag of clothes.
"A little."
"Come. See if any of those fit you. They're from the local thrift shop by the way."
"I've wore worse."
Charlie bought a simple jeans, two shirts, a flannel and boots. Really simple stuff just to protect Emil from the cold. It fit well.
"Thank you." He said.
"You're in debt, Mr Blonsky. Don't you forget that."
"You know magic." He chuckled, "I can't allow myself to have you as an enemy Ms Reznik."
They both laughed. Charlie sat at the table and started to type something on the computer.
"The feds are all over town." Charlie commented, "They're looking for you."
"Listen," he said, "I need to ask you a favor but first can I go for a walk?
Emil took a deep breath before jumping as high as he could. He could not see above the tall trees so he jumped again but grabbed one of the trees this time. Even with his bare hards, the wood bowed to his will. He kept climbing until he got to the highest part of the tree. From up there he could see the whole forest, including the trees he threw around the day before.
He jumped to the ground again. The snow splattered around him. His hands and knees started to bleed but he didn't care because he would break soon enough. He felt powerful and smiled without realizing it. Not a happy smile, bur rather a challenging one. Hey jumped a little before running in the direction of the destruction he caused. He started slow (more like jogging actually) but quickly escalated to marathon running and super human running. The cold wind cut his face like knifes but he didn't care. He just kept going faster.
When he finally reached the glade he jumped again. Even higher this time. When he landed his feet felt bigger. Breathing heavily he looked at his own hands and realized they were indeed getting bigger and muscled. Without wasting any breath he took off all his clothes and started running again. The cold started to bother him less and less as his body grew in size.
He started to scream so he could liberate his anger. He jumped high and landed with his fists causing the ground to crack bellow him. Emil grabbed a fallen tree and threw it to the air. He picked big boulders and threw them around at will. In the middle of the chaos he also started laughing. He was strong. He could destroy anything he wanted. He was as strong as he could be.
When Emil finally felt satisfied with his own display of power, he grabbed the trees and rearranged them back into the ground as best as he could. He picked the boulders and put them back where they were. So when the glade resembled the glade it once was, Emil sat on the ground next to his new clothes.
He started to think about everything Charlie said. Yes, he was big and could destroy everything is his way. But there were gods and aliens and robots and uncontable planets and entities across the universe. He was big and strong but he was also small and weak.
His strength though wasn't on his muscles but on his ability to survive. He survived his childhood, he survived the military and he survived the Hulk. Just like Charlie survived the snap and the aftermath. Like Charlie found new meaning in magic so could Emil find new paths to follow.
"I'm big and I'm small. I'm strong and I'm weak. I'm still here." Emil whispered to himself.
His body started to shrink calmly. Once he achieved regular size he wore his clothes and walked towards the cabin. Charlie smiled when he entered.
"Had fun?" She heard the screams obviously.
"Yeah actually. Thanks for everything."
"No problem. Remember, you're still in debt! So what favor do you need?"
"I need a portal but I also need an address. I believe you can find the person I'm looking for in the Sokovia accords database."
"Hm alright. What's the name?"
"Ava Starr."
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jaehyunsuh · 5 years
Comeback; Ten // part 2
part 1
"Want you to come back,
even your every breath I don't want to forget.
Run to me, come back."
series: songs for you🌃
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
—pairing: ten x reader
—genre: au/ ex boyfriend ?? Ten/ romance/ cheating
—words count: 1k
author's note: ten is one of the best people in the world, i don't think he is like this, this is fiction just for entertaining purposes not meant to hurt or offend anyone💕
summary: Ten and you used to hang out and have dates for around 6 months, until you found out he was doing the same with other girls. You decided to call it quits, stop hanging out and take separate ways but even since that day Ten has been insisting you that you are the only one for him and he is not going to see someone else. He wants you to give him a second chance but you have already said no thousands of times, will this time be different?
you were in your way to met Ten, and you decided to take a walk so you could think clearly and relax a little. You spent the while night thinking that you should stay calm, listen to what Ten has to say and just not let him lie straight to your face. You enter the restaurant and Ten waves his arm in the air letting you know where he was, you smiled at yourself thinking about how you slightly missed the small and cute things that he did that always lighted up your day and about how strong you were and didn't let yourself feel not even a bit sad about what he did.
"Hi, i already ordered for us." He shows a bright smile.
"Hi, it's okay." You smile back.
"So, i want to go straight to business and talk to you about what happened." He has a serious look on his face.
"Okay, go on." 
"First, the day at the coffee shop, i was actually on a date with this girl I wasn't cheating on you or anything, I think. But I just met her a couple days before the date and she was really into me so I got curious and the she decide to ask me out and since she seemed so nice I accepted and when to the coffee shop."
"In there I had a really nice conversation with her and we connected a lot but she was already so into me and she just knew me, I really didn't knew how to react because I didn't wanted to break her heart so when we were leaving she got close to me for a kiss and I just did it, but I swear it wasn't my intention I was going to talk to her later and tell her that I was seeing someone else." He stares at your eyes and you a neutral expression.
"Y/n, you are the only one I've ever liked and i want be with you. I'm really sorry that i ignored you when i saw you there but i was planning to talk to you later and clarify the thing. Also i thought she just wanted to be friends and that's why i accepted." He tries to hold your hands but you cross your arms.
"Ten, okay i forgive you and all of that." He smiles but the gets confused.
"But do you think I'm dumb? For the next 3 weeks after that my friends and even i saw you hanging out in really romantic dates with different girls, and thinking that may have done this during the whole 6 months we were together just made me sick and more disappointed. I could have picked your call earlier but seeing you be such and idiot didn't motivate me to listen to you." You sigh and look to the ceiling and then back to Ten.
"I just came here to hear an apologize and clearly things, and I'm good! I forgive you and now i have clear that you are an idiot." You say ironically.
"Y/n, no listen. I wasn't like that at all when we were together, the coffee shop thing was the only mistake and thing i ever did, after that i just became upset that i wasn't going to be able to be with you anymore and the only way to get you out of my head was to hang out with other girls." He gives you an upset look.
"I was in heartbreak and i didn't how to do or act while i wasn't with you." You feel empathy and give him a gentle smile.
"Okay, it's okay, everyone makes mistakes so I understand. I forgive you." He smiles back.
you food arrives and you start having a really nice conversation while eating. You realize how much you missed his presence and talking the whole night like you used to, cuddling and laughing all the time. He giving you advices and being so nice to you. You always asking him to show you his new dances and song recommendations. You really thought Ten was the guy for you and that you would be together forever. You start feeling nostalgic and excited while seeing the sweet smile on his face again.
"Y/n listen, i really like you, and i regret messing up this whole thing between us and all i want to ask you is to give me a second chance." He holds your hands and looks right into your eyes. You start thinking about all the thing he said and how genuine he looked, he felt bad and regret it. Either way your relationship was always nice and good so why not give him a second chance?
"I've liked you a lot too for a long time and you are an amazing guy so maybe we should try again." He smiles and you smile back at him.
"Why don't we have a proper date on friday?"
"Yes! perfect."
it's two days before your date with Ten and you take a walk around town looking for something you can wear. You pass by a park and look at all the cute couples and kids playing around. You notice a familiar face, it's Ten you give a better look and notice a girl sitting next to him, he holds her hand and gives pecks on her forehead. Wow, you couldn't believe he lied to you straight to your face the other, making you think that he was actually sad and regretting what happened at the coffee shop, but it was all a lie. What an idiot am i, you say to youself. You decided to walk in front of him so he could realize you aren't playing and you know his game. You pass right in front of his seat and slightly look to him so he could recognize you, he open his mouth in surprise and opens his eyes shocked.
"Y/n wait!" You hear while you keep walking and then someone grabs your wrist.
"Y/n please let me explain."
"Ten, there's nothing to explain, you clearly can't maintain a proper relationship and also honesty isn't your best attribute." 
"But y/n-" He tries to stop you again.
"No, and please don't even try to come back to me." He stands on the middle of the way and hits his forehead with his hand realizing how dumb he was. You take a deep breath and calm down convincing yourself that you are gonna be okay and find someone who is worth it.
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imagineyourstars · 7 years
Hellulululo there! Sorry, this is my main. My side is my Anime blog for Kmagines ah oh well. I'm here to rain HC things on you! ✨ How about HCS of Knights and Fine reacting to an S/O who transferred from an Idol Girl school? She was a decent (fairly popular) idol but quit to be a Producer.
idol!Anzu, what a nice request !! i tried to make it gender neutral so that everyonecould enjoy it but I kept the general idea, don’t worry ! ♥ - mod mademoiselle
Tsukasa :
He didn’t get the memo so he was very surprised tolearn you used to be an idol !
Really impressed with you and will probably be veryeager to get you to train him in dancing and singing !
He binge-watched all the music videos you starred inand all the songs you recorded and became an instant fan. He’d almost regretyou’re not an idol anymore !
Secretly very happy to have someone famous as hislover, he kind of feels like he’s hogging you all to himself and he absolutely loves this.
You just became even more lovable and impressive tohim, and you can be sure he’ll tell everyone he’s dating a former idol !
Arashi :
As he likes idols and knows many songs and artists, heprobably recognized you. He was surprised to learn you stopped your idolcareer, but he’s not gonna complain !
Loves to go to karaoke with you. The lovey-dovey songsfrom girl idols are his favorite ! He may even sing one of your own songs totease you.
He’s worried that you may have quit because the idolindustry is pretty harsh on young performers and will make sure you’re okay andyou’re not feeling down because of your career change.
Big sis Arashi is still extremely proud of you andwill tell all his friends you’re absolutely amazing, talented and beautiful !
But he’ll make it clear he loves you for who you are,and not just because you used to be famous or because you’re cute. He didn’tfall for you as an idol, but as a person.
Ritsu :
He didn’t know you used to be an idol and just hummedin response when you told him. He’s likely to forget it soon after, too.
To be honest, he doesn’t really mind. He’s just happyif you’re happy now as a producer, and if you don’t regret your idol career.
He got mildly curious one day and decided to go watchone of your music videos, only to find one where you were wearing an especiallycute outfit. Cue him asking you if you still have it around with bright eyes.He’d like to see it again… it looked so nice on you…
Will have higher expectations regarding  your job as a producer. He knows you were anidol before, so he feels you should understand him and other idols you’reworking with well.
He doesn’t really brag about it to his friends, butfor some reason he’s always very insistent to remind Rei you were famous.You’re starting to suspect Rei was a fan of yours and Ritsu wants to piss himoff.
Izumi :
His treatment of you changed once he learned you werean idol. He was pretty harsh with you before, but quickly mellowed after youtold him.
He’s extremely proud of you ! Anything you do is greatto him, but this is even different : you’re doing the very same job as him andyou’re hella good at it ! He fell for you all over again when he saw picturesof you on stage.
You still don’t know how or why, but he bought oldphotobooks online and hung some of the pictures of you (along with the freeposter) on his bedroom’s walls. He’ll sometimes stare longingly at them too,when you’re not here.
You caught him singing one of your songs once while hewas doing the dishes.
He’s very protective of you when you go out and isalways afraid someone might recognize you and decide to follow you. So now hegoes along with you and stares coldly at everyone. Needless to say, it’sworking pretty damn well.
Leo :
He forgets every time and you constantly have toremind him. You’re starting to think he’s doing it on purpose. Or maybe he justdoesn’t give a damn.
He did go and listen to your songs out of curiosity,but doesn’t really bring up the subject. To be fair, he’s happier with you byhis side as a producer.
It comes in handy when he writes new songs : he oftenhas you listen to them and asks if you think they’re not too hard to sing or iffans would like it.
You willhave to give him dance lessons. He’s okay at singing, but awful at dancing. Heconstantly messes up even simple parts, to the point that you wonder if he’snot doing it intentionally.
Sometimes he considers writing a song for you to sing.That would be his ultimate dream. But he can wait until you feel like singingagain : your happiness is most important to him.
Tori :
He did know you and was shocked to learn you stoppedsinging. He was one of your greatest fans, too ! It took him a while to getover it.
He’s constantly doing his best as an idol to impressyou ! It’s much harder when you used to be one too, which gets him unusuallynervous about his performances. He just wants you to be proud of him…
Will go out of his way to have you coach him insinging and dancing. The rest of fine is always surprised to see him so eagerto train, especially since he’s usually the first to complain.
He loves tobrag about you, even more so than bragging about himself. After all, everyonealready knows he’s the cutest and most talented idol in Yumenosaki, but whatthey don’t know is that he’s dating someone just as cute and talented as he is.
To him, you being an idol in the past is part of whatmakes you awesome. But there’s definitely much more to love about you than justthat !
Yuzuru :
He knows firsthand idol training is hard andunforgiving, so he’s had some newfound respect for you since you told him youused to be an idol too.
What he values most is your ability to train hardwithout giving up. To him it’s one of your best traits, and even though hemight not tell you, he’s proud of you about that.
Dating a fellow idol is perfect to him : he wants tobe seen as a person and not as some kind of god by the person he loves. Helikes that you see him as Yuzuru rather than as a famous idol.
He’s especially careful about dates, and makes sure tobring you in places where no one will recognize either of you. He wants someprivate time with you and won’t let anyone, not even fans, get in the way ofthat.
Yuzuru genuinely thinks the two of you are a perfectmatch and he’s incredibly glad to have you in his life. It’s always a bitembarrassing when he tells you so, but it makes you so happy !
Eichi :
You both probably knew each other before you even met.Eichi’s the son of a very influential family in showbusiness, and a lot ofidols know him as such.
He was intrigued to learn you stopped your idolcareer, and got increasingly curious about you as a result. You can be surehe’s listened to your entire discography…
He’s glad you understand the idol industry and willallow himself to rely on you. After all, you’re more than qualified to work ashis producer, what with being his lover and an ex-idol yourself !
He likes to tease you about lovey-dovey songs you didin the past, but he secretly loves them…
Constantly doing his best to impress you. He’s not regardedas the best idol in Yumenosaki for nothing, and now he’s determined to show youjust how great he can be on stage !
Wataru :
Out of all these boys, he’s the least impressed withyour past achievements.
He thinks you still have to prove yourself as aproducer, and doesn’t believe being an idol before automatically means youwon’t make mistakes.
Mind you, he still loves and supports you, but don’texpect him to make things any easier for you… He wants to see how hard you canwork on your goal and loves how determined you can sometimes get !
He’ll use your past as an idol to drag you on stagewith him quite a few times. There’s nothing he loves more than a good show !
Really, he’s glad you share his passion for shows andperforming on stage. He loves them just as much as he loves you, so he’sincredibly happy you’re a performer too !
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