#I'm excited to do the third thing I think it will heal me
permanentreverie · 1 year
my goals for tomorrow:
- sing loudly in the shower
- thoroughly clean room/bathroom as I blast music
- lay outside in the sun as I listen to Maisie's new album
In short: listen to good music because it's healing <3
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cheeseceli · 11 months
Skz reacting to your mouth piercing
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pairing: skz ot!8 × gn!Reader (individually)
request: could you do a skz reaction to the reader getting angel fangs, like the piercing of it's alright.
warning: maybe a little bit cringey but what can i do
a/n: even though i said "mouth piercing", this can be read as angel fangs as well! i just changed the title so it'd be easier to understand. I wrote a few things about the angel fangs specifically as well. hope you like it nevertheless!
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When you first told him that you wanted to get a piercing, he was mentally preparing himself to simp over you
But once you actually got it???
So in love with how you look
Besides that, he would help to take care of the piercing until it healed
Always reminding you of what to do and how to do it
"I can't get over of how great you look. Does it feel okay? You're not in pain right now, are you?"
Lee Know
Shiny eyes
Open mouth
Staring at your lips like a kid who's excited
Doesn't say anything for a while
But you know he loved it
The type to be more addicted to your kiss
Would even think of piercing himself after all of this
(ngl i think his favourite type of piercing would be angel fangs, so if that's the case, he is so head over heels for you)
"Can I kiss you again?
Huge smirk
And infinite compliments
As long as my man can talk, he'd be complimenting you
The typa bf to take a picture of you like this and set it as his wallpaper
I feel like he'd want to be there while you get the piercing
But if not possible, he'd be waiting for you while being so excited
Would tell everyone how great you look with this new change
Your biggest fan
"Look how great you look smiling in this pic. It's the third time I change my wallpaper this week, because of you."
*hyunjin's voice" "sexy, hard sexy"🫸
Fr tho, my man's holding back from kissing you so hard
Wondering how he survived all those years before seeing you like this
*flashback to the tongue piercing during trainee day's rumours*
Lowkey thinks about getting a tongue piercing so you guys could "match" as well
(And if we're talking about the angel fangs, he'd paint it for sure. It's cliche but it's true)
Let's face it
He was the one who suggested it
He'd be like "good morning my love. Y'know what ? You'd look amazing with a mouth piercing"
And he's in shock
Positive typa shock
Deadass stared at your lips for a whole minute before saying anything
And when he does say something, every sentence he can form is a compliment towards you
"You look so good"
"I know Ji, you said that a few times already."
"No, you don't get it. You look SO good."
Such a simp for you!!
He wouldn't know what to do
You'd be talking and he'd be like
looking at your mouth
SO fixated
He's hypnotized
and 100% in love btw
"Felix, are you even listening?"
"Hm? Oh, sorry sorry. It's just, you look... beautiful. Really, really beautiful"
He's trying so hard to keep his posture lmao
but he's freaking out over how amazing you look
Every now and then you catch him lost in the little piece of metal, admiring you with heart eyes
Similar to Chan, he'd also take care of you to keep manutence of a piercing beforehand
I'm 100% but he's so bf material
(talking bout the angel fangs, I believe he'd be the biggest fan of it, he can't even hide it)
"You look even prettier somehow. I don't know how you do it"
He's dying to kiss you
He needs to kiss you and feel your lips right now in this moment
And he loves how the piercing makes you smile even brighter
He's giggling so much lmao
He swears he could spend a whole afternoon looking at your mouth
Probably will do it anyways
And if he didn't know about the piercing before, like a surprise, he will be so 😯
He's so devoted to you
"I'm telling you, seeing you like this was the best thing that happened to me the whole day"
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feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
dividers by @cafekitsune
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w2beastars · 17 days
Waezi2′s thoughts on “Beast Complex” chapter 25
So, I know we were all disgusted by the freak South who dated a lizard who was the same species as him(ewww). So I am happy to tell you all that we are going back to some good ol' freaky furry romance.
Better yet, this chapter is about Haru and Legosi!
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The main couple of Beastars now practically live together since their universities are pretty close to each other. Haru is doing her third year in college and Legosi, now with a clean criminal record, is doing his first year in college, studying entomology.
Good for you, Legosi :) It is never too late to get back to school!
So, the wolf and the rabbit has been together for three years now and (for the most part) live together. You know what that means...
Oh yeah! They sleep together!
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... In separate beds! There is no sex whatsoever!
Haru asks the same question as the rest of us: HOW?!?!?
Well, the first night Haru spent at Legosi's place, the ussual happened:
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Like most wolves, Legosi makes small bites when he gets overly exited. Haru didn't get hurt, she got a scratch behind her ear, it's not the end of the world.
But afterwards, their relationship has been... well, casual.
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There is no sexy atmosphere between them since the biting incident. They still spend their free time together, but it is almost like they are a middle-aged married couple where they brush their teeth together and everyday stuff like that. It bothers Haru a great deal since she is a college girl and it makes her feel old, makes the two of them feel old. She would like to get wild while she is still young... But to be fair, don't you think you had plenty of fun already, Haru?
I'm not slut-shaming or anything, just saying.
Anyways, Haru contacts Juno. Yep, everyone's favorite queen wolf is back!
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Two things I noticed is that Haru now calls her "chan", implying a bit more friendly relationship between the two of them. Second is that even though Juno is here to give Haru input and advise about wolves, we don't get to learn anything about what her life is like right now.
As I was saying, Haru wants Juno to give her advice to kick Legosi's wolf instincts into high gear. Juno is unsure if that's such a great idea(no duh!) but share what would normally make a male wolf... excited.
There is just one problem... Legosi is... well, Legosi.
He is a terrible mix of extremely polite, concerned and dense.
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Nothing Haru does triggers Legosi, he misreads the signals completely and Haru starts to wonder if they have simply lost their spark.
Then, one night as Haru goes to bed disappointed that she haven't unleashed the beast so to say, she sees that Legosi is awake.
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It's full moon, and Legosi can't help it but to stay up and watch it. Even if it is bogus that the moon should somehow affect wolves, Legosi and his fellow canines are still emotionally attached to it. Haru says she can relate to this to some degree, probably because rabbits have a religious connection to the moon.
This is possibly the first thing their species have in common. So the two of them goes for a late night/early morning stroll, enjoying the beautiful moon.
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The two of them just enjoy each other's company, it's nice and quiet. They are not tired from class or trying to study or doing everyday tasks, meaning they can actually connect on a emotional level.
And then we get the twist:
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As stated earlier, Legosi accidentally scratched Haru's ear when he got "excited" and Haru assumed it killed the vibe between them. But this seems to imply that he was waiting for the wound to heal completely.
Or maybe it is because they are both relaxed that Legosi feels less anxious.
Either way, they don't spend this night in separate beds.
I'm gonna be honest, it was not the best Haru x Legosi story I read, I would have liked a bit more of the classic Paru insanity. But I very much enjoyed it, and this specific story shouldn't have that much crazy because it is about the lack of insanity in the wolf and rabbit's life. We get to see that Legosi can finally get a real career and even achieve his dream of working with insects and how much they have evolved as an actual couple, not just furry angst and tension between the rabbit and wolf. It also feels like Paru is ending Beast Complex for real this time to focus more on her other projects, and if that's the case then this was a nice way to end it.
I'm Waezi2, and thanks for wasting time with me.
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hexedwinchester · 3 months
Early seasons of SPN are superior
so I'm re-watching Supernatural (I'm always re-watching SPN, don't mind me) and I realised why the early seasons are so freakin good whereas the laters ones are a complete mess...
Horror was the core theme of Supernatural (yes, I'm not discarding the brothers' drama, I'll get to it in a minute). These beautiful scare tactics that they employed were amazing: the crib mobile toy rotating, shadows moving out of the corner of the eyes, toys going off, subtle bloody Mary reflections in the mirror, creepy skulls dug from the ground, the ghosts flickering. Hell yea they nailed 'Scary just got sexy' with these.
Don't get me started on the background music. Whimsical music crescendo, building up the anticipation. The rock music blaring through the Impala. What happened to the cool ass music in the later seasons? They just played this weird, sad tune like someone's blowing raspberries to show grief and that's it!
Monster of the week theme and the lores/legends in early seasons were much, much better than S12's Foundry or the later season episode with bizarre tentacle porn thingy (you know which one I'm talking about). It just didn't feel the same. The stories were poorly written and even more poorly executed.
Early seasons used to be purely about Sam and Dean (as it should have been throughout) Them against the world, heaven and hell. No dumbass angel lurking in the background like a pathetic third wheel. No king of hell bitching about his sad childhood for two whole seasons. No Soccer mom half assing their way into hunting.
Foreshadowing was done so beautifully! Everytime I re-watch the early seasons I find a few bits that connects to something that happened initially in say S1-2. The parallels are done beautifully and writing is good, and I mean 'I wanna use this quote as a wallpaper' good.
The struggle for the boys was real. They had to do their own research, save their own asses, stitch their wounds, pop their dislocated shoulders back in the place. Later seasons? Bunker has answer to everything, angel healing wounds with a flash of light, Lucifer bringing Sam back from the dead without asking for anything (and no, taking him to Jack is not a good enough bargain), Jack healing wounds or whatever. Where is the damn struggle?! Where is the hero's journey?!
I miss the beautiful, colourful motel rooms that had its own personality. I HATE the bunker (yes I know a lot of people love it because Dean has a good shower, they have a home etc, etc) but no! Bunker is lame and boring and monotonous. There isn't a single thing I like about it. Gimme back my motel rooms with the sunburst mirror!
Story arc or lack thereof from S12 onwards. The main plot just got duller and duller from S12 onward and it felt like the writers got lazy and stopped putting efforts. There was no build up and the plot felt forced. The main arcs didn't feel exciting enough. BMoL and Kelly's pregnancy: the who and why? Jack: predictable. Other Micheal and Micheal Dean: meh, next! God as the big bad: interesting but I don't think they have it in them to execute this correctly.
Irrelevant/Unnecessary characters and their mini plots. S1-5 focuses purely on the brothers and that's what I'm here. I don't care how and why an idiot angel opened purgatory. It sounded more like a dull spin off plot than main story arc. I don't care about prophets and their lives (yeah Kevin is in Advance Placement, what am I to do with that?). I don't care about the different angel garrisons at war (again a plot for a lame spin off). I don't care about Crowley, his son or his relationship with Rowena. Tell me how this affects the boys. If it doesn't, please let's move on. Whatever was going on with Cole Trenton was pointless. I don't care about Mary and her hunting escapades with BMoL. I don't care about Kelly's pregnancy. The multi-universe and all characters they vomited back in the show with this. Not needed! Let Charlie, Gabriel and Bobby's memory rest in peace. Nick's killer storyline and wayward sisters. Enough said. Empty and the deal with Cas and Meg 2.0? Boring! Billy playing the bad cop, the whole death's library? Poorly executed and it turned into a bowl of cold spaghetti. In the end, the focus moved from the boys to useless characters and mini plots. Fuck that! Supernatural is about Sam and Dean and that's about it.
The direction. Later seasons lack the beauty of scenic shots of the landscape, close on up the boys' faces, the lights hitting their faces to show their beauty. Camera angles and slow panning shots. I miss the beauty that were the early seasons.
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The Moon will Sing
[SAGAU x Mexican! Creator-Reader]
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A/n: I love SAGAU but realistically if I was stuck there I would be so sad I can't eat my culture foods ngl. Also y/n is implied first gen. Sorry lol. Also heavy leaning on y/n x Zhongli. Also title is from the song from The Crane Wives.
Also sorry if this sucks, it's kinda rushed and Idk what to do.
TW// obsessive-ish behavior
You were transported to Teyvat after staying up all night playing Genshin before eventually passing out Infront of your computer.
When you open your eyes, you weren't in the comfort of your room but instead on gold altar.
People you recognized Infront of you as you sat up in shock. You hand hurting slightly as you looked down at it.
In matter of fact, the blood was gold.
You watched as the wound healed itself on its own but your thoughts get interrupted as someone speaks up.
"My Grace, we are honored to have you here. The imposter has been dealt with, we pledge our devote loyalty to you."
You straight up passed out after this revelation.
After that whole fiasco, and you woke up to a bunch of crying acolytes.
Turns out, you were asleep for DAYS.
But you eventually grew accustomed to everything, honestly it wasn't as bad you thought it would be. Besides the weird obsessions and yandere like tendencies But there's one thing you missed dearly.
You were home sick and even the acolytes can see that. You didn't smile, you look off into the distance.
You miss the parties, music, going to swap meet and family members. Even the novellas your mother watched and eating her cooking.
Hell, you missed the internet.
It was just boring.
Then you got an idea, why not share them with your acolytes?! You get to explain your culture and maybe try to recreate dishes your mom made with ingredients here!
You immediately stood up from your throne excited. You immediately ran out of the temple, with the archons following you panicked.
"Your grace wait!" Zhongli yelled out chasing behind you. " You can't just leave abruptly like this! Please take me with you. "
You stood there, looking at a map you summoned looking at the places. "Sure! Let's go!" You grabbed around his waist and flew to places you needed to go.
He was practically beating his heart against his chest. The Creator was holding him! His ears were burning red in embarrassment.
You literally searched high and low, for ingredients alongside Zhongli. You either found substitutes or you quite literally had to create the ingredients. But once you had everything, you went straight to the kitchen.
The Archons were begging you, that they can someone else do it.
But you declined them, deciding to do it yourself.
You think the easiest recipe to do would be caldo de res. It's the one you seen your mother do countless times. And with your powers it should quicken the pace.... probably
Some of your acolytes were watching you, making sure your safe and do any task you asked.
Venti stood by the door way, along side zhongli and Xiao. Making sure your grace was fine.
At this point your at probably your third attempt at making this but you were really determined to get it right or at least
You took a spoonful and blew on it, taking a sip. And God it tasted like home, you place the utensil down and started to cry.
Venti was first to noticed, and thought you were upset. " Your grace don't cry! We can have some one else do it for you if your tired! "
You shook your head, wiping your tears smile. " I'm not sad, in fact I'm happy. Really happy. Would you like to try? It's a soup my mother always made."
Venti was so honored that the creator would even let him try, let alone a recipe the creators mother made!
Zhongli and Xiao whined, they wanted to try it too!
"Don't worry, you'll try it too!" You smiled, as you got a small spoonful.
Venti blushed, he's truly being rewarded, to be fed by the creator itself. He knows Xiao and Zhongli are practically seething in jealousy over this.
You were oblivious to it, feeding Venti small spoonfuls laughing. " Is it good?" You asked practically shaking in excitement.
He nodded happily, unknowingly teasing the other two in the room.
You made the jealousy even worse when you grabbed a handkerchief and clean up ventis face. Getting to be touched and so close to the creator smelling your perfume/cologne.
The other two pushed Venti aside, practically begging to be fed too.
You stood their dumbfounded but reluctantly agreed as well. Spoon feeding both of them, their faces light up.
They were so happy.
After that, you started cooking other dishes, your acolytes and followers were always so excited to try it.
They saw how much you emotionally improved so they was no discussion over it.
You also started telling them old folktales and customs from your culture. Scholars started to appear and request to write it down and study it. You even taught them Spanish!
Thought they call it, [y/n's] language. And etc.
Sometimes when doing a task, followers can hear you quietly sing songs in your language.
Your favorite thing, was reactions. The reactions your acolytes and followers had to your culture. They saw it as sacred, but you saw it as home.
You remembered talking to Zhongli because he remembers all of liyues stories and such.
"Zhongli, would you like to listen to a folktale?" You quietly asked, sitting on your throne. Him standing besides you.
" I'll be honored. " He says with a smile.
"There's different variations of this story depending of the region, but this is how I know it. Usually told to children to scare children into obedience. "
You cleared your voice, " long ago, a beautiful indigenous women fell in love with a man of higher social status. They lived happily together, having two children of their own. One day the man abandoned her, to either marry a more beautiful woman then her or a woman of his status. It depends either way, he leaves her. Her feeling threatened by this, consumed by rage and despair. She drown her children, meeting her own demised along side it. God curses her to wonder as a ghost searching for lost children so she can get into heaven."
Zhongli perks up at the story, " did you curse the woman yourself ?"
"ummm...yes?" You said unsurely.
" I see, a fitting punishment of her. " He says proudly.
" ahem, yes of course. Anyway she's called "la llorona" meaning The weeping woman..forever walking near bodies of water in search of her children so she may enter...umm.. heaven? "
Zhongli, tilts his head " what is heaven? " At this point your hands were sweating. " Ummm it's kinda like Celestia? But instead angels and stuff are there and it's like... Holy. You know? Anyway no more questions."
Random Head Canons and such
If you have curly hair, best believe the acolytes would be fascinated by it. Especially if they give you baths and pamper you.
You would teach Venti songs you know for example: hijo de la Luna.
Sometimes you sing them if you feel like it. Mostly to little kids.
The Adults are definitely not jealous.
The Archons fight each other over being your dancing partner. This is because you needed someone to show how to dance bachata. And ever since they just fight over that spot.
Same for being food taster, they like eating your food and being the first one to try it is such a big honour. You don't know why? Either way they like being spoon fed your cooking.
They all listen to your stories and take your advice very very seriously. It's annoying lol
You taught them your cultures customs, for example birthday customs. You're absolutely not allowed to have your face smashed into cake. They absolutely refuse to do that to you.
Also if you like spicy food, they probably be amazed at your spice tolerance. You'll probably mess with them by eating a whole chile Infront of them.
There are times where you do get very home sick and won't leave your room. When you do, they try their absolute best to comfort you.
Also you have given some of your followers Spanish nicknames for funsies.
Sometimes you and your acolytes would speak Spanish with you. They think it's like the biggest honor to understand your language and speak it with you. But you just think it's nice. Plus you get to have secret convos with people you don't want to know what your saving.
That's all I can think of , off the top of my head lol.
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tumblerlove · 7 months
Boydad!Simon is something I feel like would be really healing for him to break the generational trauma
When you first told him you were pregnant after being married for a while. He was shocked. You both wanted children and talked about it before... but now it's real, and he's gonna be a father
His first thought that came in his mind was excitement and joy...but then he thought too "What if I fuck this up" but he didn't want you to think that he wasn't excited because he was happy that he would have a child with you.... but he was worried... so he hid his concern for now
He went to all of your appointments with you, he took time off work anytime you had to go so he wouldnt miss them. Simon wanted to see the baby on the ultrasound and see for himself that the baby and you are ok
Simon was there with you throughout the entire delivery holding your hand, encouraging you and cutting the baby boys cord. A boy. Simon had a son... throughout your pregnancy, Simon still didn't mention his fear that he would fail as a father. And now that he has a son, he's even more scared that he'll just be like his dad
As you're recovering the following days from the birth, Simon was super helpful he'd get up during the night and take care of the baby so you could sleep and heal. He was doing everything he could to help you and the baby
He would just stare at his son at nights and look at him and hope that he'll be better then his dad...he needs to talk to you he knows that...but how is he gonna tell you his fears without saying the wrong thing and scaring you into thinking hell be his father and become a failure not just for his son and well a failure for you too
Simon did come to you a few weeks after the birth. He had just laid the baby down while you got ready for bed. "Honey, can you come here?" he calls you softly to the bedroom. "Yeah, what is it, Si?" You ask with concern seeing his face etched in worry
"Im afraid...fuck...I'm afraid that I won't be a good enough father for our son." he spits the words out fast like they burned him. "Oh, Simon... you could have talked to me about this." You crawl up the bed and into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. Trying to comfort him the best way you know how
"I haven't wanted to tell you and admit it out loud... and make you think that I couldn't be a good Dad." he looks away from you, ashamed for saying it. "I know that you can be a dad, Simon. I watched you throughout my entire pregnancy already being a dad... being there for our son and for me. " You press your forehead to his. "These past few weeks, all you've done is be a good father...a great father Simon." You say to him softly
"I don't want him to think of me in the future like I think of my father...I don't want that." his face is breaking your heart. He looks so concerned and upset about it. "He won't ever think of you like that because you're not like that at all... if you can't tell already that little boy loves you so much he looks at you and he just sees love" you tell him as you comb your fingers through his hair
"I look at him, and I see that too...I see you and see love too," Simon says softly, his worry slowly going away from talking to you. "You're the best, Dad Simon. He's lucky to have you, and im lucky to have you as my husband. " You say into his chest as he starts falling asleep from calming down after talking, and you easing his worries
*15 years later*
"Dad, can you come outside and help me with this!!" You and Simon hear your oldest son from the backyard while you watch TV together. "I'll be right out!!" He calls back out to him. "Have fun," you say as he walks to the backyard
Simon had found this perfect home in the countryside after you guys had your second son. He wanted to give the boys lots to room to grow and run around and be happy like he didn't get to have. After your third son, Simon was very glad he had found this home. All three boys were just getting taller and bigger, just like their father. The boys also looked just like Simon too but with your eye color
"What do you need help with, Son?" Simon asks his son. "I can't get the ball into the net from this side...I just keeps missing it," he says, frustrated. "Alright, well, I can help with that," Simon says with a smile, earning him a smile from his son too
Anytime any of his boys smiled at him, his heart could've burst. Simon watched him first kick the ball to see how to help him. He went through the moves with him afterward to show just how to do it. Simon couldn't remember ever doing such a thing with his dad... being patient with him and teaching him. But Simon was different from his father. He was patient, caring, attentive, and loved all the boys deeply...and of course you too. The one who proved time and time again that he could do this
"You can do this son give it a go," Simon encourages him. He goes to try again, and sure enough, he made it with Simon's help. "YES FINALLY," your son screams out so loud that you even walk outside to see what happened
"What on earth happened!?" You call out as you see Simon and your son embracing. "He finally got it, didn't you hear?" Simon laughs while you shake your head in laughter. "Boys, put your shoes on. Let's go out back!" You call upstairs to your other two sons who were upstairs
They run right past you, heading straight towards Simon and your oldest. Not slowing down and pile driving them onto the grass. "Christ," you hear Simon say as he takes the weight of all three huge boys. "You guys are gonna squish your father to death one day," you say as you walk up to all of them. Still all on top of each other and poor Simon at the bottom
But it wasn't poor Simon...because he couldn't be happier right now. He couldn't have been any luckier in life. Finding you and your strength that helped him become who he is now. He couldn't be happier with his three boys on top of him, and with you laughing at them
So I did finally write boydad!simon and let me know what yall think...because I do love this 🥹
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
Idea could be either Knives or Vash. Humanoid plant reader is the power source for a now abandoned town. Low on energy and weak either Vash comes to heal/free them or Knives comes to take them away.
Been burnt out so this one is super short, sorry.
You Really Stole My Soul - Millions knives
SUMMARY: Abandoned in a town and alone by yourself, Knives comes to the rescue.
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He could feel you, the energy inside you fading, something about it felt different to him. It pulled him closer to you, begging for more. This energy was entirely different from anything he'd ever felt before. Only a few times in his life has Knives felt something like this, once at birth, the second after seeing the third independent. What ever it was he was feeling had to be in relation to these two things, there was another independent out there somewhere. Someone that wasn't his brother, that wasn't him, that needs his help. Your pain tugs at his soul, the energetic connection allowing for the channels to flow open freely between the two of you. Through this he can feel your pain, the loneliness that consumes you as you lay in stasis.
When he finds you, the sight of your independent body floating in the container unmoving sends shivers down his spine. You look so much more human than any other power generating plant, he's never seen anything like this before. It sends waves of anger throughout his body, underneath the skin his blood boils. Your home doesn't belong inside that tank and he can feel you steadily slipping away. This only serves to prove how horrible the human race really is, it makes his head reel as he lashes out. His blades fly forward, impaling the glass pane with force.
The acid gushes around his feet, jolting forward he grabs your body before you can fall to the ground. Coming in contact with your skin makes the two of you glow brilliantly, the emotional exchange departs quickly and he's flooded with sadness. Carefully scooping you into his arms with a frown, he turns to walk away. "it's okay now. You're not alone anymore. I'm going to take you home."
Knives swore that from that moment forward he would save you unlike he was able to do for his brother. You would be his shot at redemption, you would be safe with him.
Waking up, you felt lost. Everything around you was unfamiliar save for the last face you saw before you knocked out. He was sitting at the edge of the bed, his bleach blonde hair and pale skin make him glow under the sights above, he looks like an angel. You sat up and he turned to look at you.
"You're awake!" He grabbed your hand with a bright smile. "I'm so glad I'm not alone anymore. I'm Knives." His eyes were a brilliant blue, like the kind you always dreamed of seeing in the skies one day. It was clear when he touched your skin that he was a plant, the designs lit up across both of you and a flood of excitement took you whole.
"How did you find me? Did you escape too?" His hand squeezes yours. He doesn't want to let go, he might never feel the touch of his kind again, you might leave. Even so, leading your question he frowns deeply.
"I never had to escape." You furrow your brows. "I'm not like you. I was never used like you were. It pisses me off that you think like this."
You were the only one that hurt, knowing that you spent your whole life locked away while he was free... Alone. You've been alone for so long. The tears start to pool in your eyes, everything you thought was real was just a lonely dream, you were always the only one.
You cried until you couldn't cry anymore and it hurt Knives to see you so broken like this, if it was him in that position he would have destroyed the world by now. Just seeing you cry reminds him so much of his brother. He tried to push that to the side and explained to you how he had found you and what was going on. From there it took a long time before you were completely okay again but Knives brought you back to health.
To him, seeing you at your healthiest, he was resting his eyes upon one of the most beautiful beings in the world. He'd never seen something of the likes of you before, unlike him your natural marks weren't hidden away until the touch of another, they presented beautifully along your skin. Everything about you screamed radiance and light, he savored every bit of it, accompanying you wherever you went.
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sevilemar · 9 months
I got such an amazing gift from a fellow player in DnD today, I am still glowing with happiness and excitement.
I made the conscious choice at the start of the campaign to play a very young, very naive religious fanatic in a world designed to only contain shades of grey (Shulassakar in Eberron). Suffice it to say, I did not intend for her to live very long.
What I did not know before our first session was that a fellow player decided to play a very liberal, very hedonistic blood cleric Dhampir named Corvin, whose morality is firmly on the darker side of grey. We clashed from the beginning, and I had already attacked him once, but was stopped by other members of the party. I also saw him help and heal others, and we had each other's back in a few fights. For someone like Selise, who was born into an eternal, holy war to keep one of the Overlords from taking over the world, that means a lot.
I was just accepting that maybe, just maybe, 'good' might include other things than I was taught, when we went to the desert to find an old battlefield that became a manifestation zone for war and strife. Because Corvin hadn't fed for several days on the journey, he went into a blood frenzy, killing and feeding on a swarm of blood bugs.
Long story short, after he found himself again, I challenged him and we ended up fighting each other, becoming more and more locked in and angry until it truly was to the death.
As a player, I was hesitant at first. I had never taken such a big swing before, and it felt wrong to attack another player. Thomas and me had talked about it once it was clear our characters may be headed that way, and our GM and the other players had OKed PvP as well, so all was fine on the consent front.
And still I needed the dice to make the final decision, and I was quite shocked when they decided it was time to fight. But now I was commited, and so I went for it with a heavy heart. I love my Selise, and I really did not want to kill another player's character. It was a long fight with lots of dice rolls for me, since the third PC tried to stop us. Well, mostly me.
Halfway through, Corvin asked Selise if he will ever be safe in her presence, and I had to actually think about it. I talked myself through it out loud, and came to the shocking conclusion that no, he would not be. And after that, when we both knew this was to the end, I lost my doubts, and it became so much fun. I still did not want to kill Corvin, but I was OK if Selise died, and I knew it was OK if Corvin did.
In the end, Corvin had one hit point left, Selise had 4, and it was the third player's turn. She decided to use up all her inspiration to get the two NPCs around us to grapple me. I got out of her grasp, I got out of one of the Elf's grasp, but the third one pinned me down in a pool of blood. And then it was Corvin's turn. He casts Toll the Dead, my dice rolls, and it is only a 10. Selise is dead.
And then this motherfucking blood cleric, this awesome player and very kind friend, uses all his inspiration to cast a ritual and make me into a Dhampir like himself.
Fuck me, I did not see that coming.
It is such a beautiful, beautiful gift to a fellow player, a way to take the big swing, see it through to the end, and still keep a beloved character, and give her such an interesting new twist.
And Thomas told me after the game that it was his plan all along if we ever got here, and our GM knew about it, too. That means he thought about this, thought about a way to both let me be true to Selise, and let me keep her as well, and it is such a kind and generous thing to do that I'm still crying about it now.
And now it is my choice where we go from here. There are so many cool possibilities, because as Shulassakar, Selise is basically a mix between Aasimar and Yuan-Ti, descended from the Couatl: god-like beings with wings and a snake's body, and what does that mean for her now?
But that is a thought for another day. Today, I will go to sleep with a stupid smile on my face, firm in my conviction that telling stories together is good for the soul. Good night, gentlefolk, or god day, and may the story gods look upon you favorably always!
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rapha-reads · 9 months
The Church on Ruby Road [spoilers]
First of all: Fifteen is AMAZIIIIIING. I swear I'm going to try and be normal about him, but his energy! His joy! His connection to his feelings, the emotional depth! That moment when he says "I've adopted, I've just discovered that recently", and then his tears when he realises what happened to Ruby, and then how soft and gentle he was with baby Ruby.
I keep remembering Bill's words about Twelve: "With some people you can smell the wind in their clothes." - and that's exactly it with Fifteen. You can feel not only the age, the experience, the heartbreak and trials the Doctor has gone through, but also, and maybe more importantly, the healing, the love, the joy, the endless curiosity about the universe, the limitless desire to always learn and discover new things. Fifteen is the sum of all the previous Doctors, and he's carrying that weight, but he's also something new, something exciting. The trauma is still there, but he's not letting it weigh him down anymore. Even when he has a moment of doubt, when he says "Maybe I'M the bad luck", a previous regeneration would have left - he stayed and let Ruby make her choice. There's growth there.
We definitely are in a new era of Doctor Who. New New Who? New Who 2.0? Modern Who? Do we have a name yet or is still being debated?
Anyway, secondly. Ruby! Aw, she sounds so cool and kind! The mystery around her birth mother is thrilling without taking the precedent over anything else. Either her birth parents aren't that important, though it's Doctor Who - there's always something else, and I wouldn't be surprised if she's a Time Lord kid, or even the Doctor's child themself - or maybe Jenny's child, the Doctor's granddaughter? I'm just wildly theorizing at this point, never mind all of that.
What's interesting is her relationship with her adoptive mother. That scene where Ruby disappears and her mother forgets about her, and the colours themselves literally bleed out, and the joyful, kind, generous woman we've come to know suddenly turns bitter and sad and cold... Man, that scene messed me up. Makes you think about coincidences, about how and when you meet people and you can never know how important they are in your life, because sometimes the influence they have on you are so subtle, so diffuse, it's impossible to see it. Not the first time this happens in Doctor Who, though, time travel does have that impact. Butterflies and all that. But the impact is always the same heart-wrenching feeling.
Third, the language of rope! By which I mean, I was talking with my brother (huge Whovian like me), and he was telling me that he's a bit worried about RTD's decision to go towards fantasy stories. Well, magic is just another language, after all, isn't it? It's just science that we haven't been able to decipher yet. So, fantasy and science-fiction? They go hand in hand, actually. If the TARDIS is a wooden box that's bigger on the inside and can travel through time and space, then sure, why not, goblins exist, they eat baby, they can also move around time, and their science is the science of ropes and wood. Totally plausible in this world. Wouldn't be weirder than that time Ten met Satan in a pit, or Eleven had an ongoing feud with evil snowmen, or Twelve rode on Santa's sleigh, or Thirteen talked to a frog from another universe. That's cool. Love it.
Right. Well. I'm excited for this new series. It's shiny and fresh, it's something else! Moving forward without forgetting the past. And apparently we're going to meet the Beatles? I love historic episodes! And go to some new planets, meet some new aliens, deal once again with holes in the fabric of the universe (not new, but maybe done in a new way?)... This is going to be great. Next episode in Spring, though? At least it's not another full year of wait.
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truebluehue · 1 year
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Eyktanay: General; one step below leader.
Turns out, it isn’t hard to learn more about you.
Once Jake and Neytiri realize they not only were both interested in you, they never expected their children to be the one to give them more details about you.
“Y/N taught us more plants today!” Tuk yells out excitedly.
“Y/N gave me a few tips on hunting.” Neteyam says after a solo training session.
“She knows a lot about healing. I never thought to use yana bark to make the sting less.” Kiri says, coming back from training with Mo’at.
“Y/N? Yeah she helped me and Spider- Do absolutely nothing. I’m gonna go tend to my ikran.” Lo’ak rushes out after seeing his father over Kiri’s shoulder.
But it wasn’t just their children. Even fellow clansmen have only high praise of you. You don't mind helping with the younger ones in their training, you frequently help Mo’at with visiting the elderly, and you are a well known skilled huntsman. There is nothing but praise.
But that raises a new problem.
How do they get close to you?
Despite the small help in getting to know more about you through their children, there are clearly some things missing. More specifically, things like what are you looking for in a mate. So Jake and Neytiri observed, and it just made them fall even more with you. Especially the little things. Like the way you get up each morning to help the elderly with smaller chores. Who apparently have seen him and Neytiri looking.
“You and Jake are looking for a third.” Mo’at doesn’t bother to look at Neytiri with her statement.
“We are.” Neytiri doesn’t bother to share exactly who they are planning to court.
Mo’at huffs. This has been a game the two have played since Neytiri was young. “She enjoys nature more than hunting. You would want to be on the good side of her mother, even Eytukan preferred that than to be on the end of her bow. Be sure to make what you want clear from the start. Y/N hates having her time wasted.” Neytiri isn’t surprised by her mother’s meddling or the fact that she knows who Jake and her want to court, she’s more surprised at the steadfast approval.
“You do not think we are too old?” Neytiri asks with squinted eyes.
“I'm sure even you noticed I am considerably younger than your father. Besides, you are more hunter than Tsahik, and Jake is more protective rather than combative. She can balance you both.” Mo’at snorts and grins. “Have you even started a courting gift?”
“We have. Though we have no clue if she would like it.”
“Timun, just go for it.” You roll your eyes in exasperation. “What's the worst he can say?”
“No.” Timun says blankly, once again staring at Ayekxo. “Are you sure you heard correctly? I mean, he didn’t really ask about me in that way, right? Maybe he just wanted to know more about you?”
“Timun, his back may be gorgeous but he is not my type. We both know this.” You sigh, turning him by the shoulders to face you. “Listen, you got this. He wants you and you want him. Now stop being a skxawng  and gho get you man. You know what, I'll make it easier for you. Hey, Ayekxo!” Timun’s eyes widen as you beckon his crush over. He clutches your arm.
“If you weren’t my best friend I would kill you.” He whispers.
“I'd like to see you try.” You shoot a sharp smirk his way before greeting Ayekxo with a more friendly one. “Hey my friend Timun was wondering if there is more space in your hunting party?”
“Of course. Sadly my other members had other priorities. Are you fine if it's just me and you?” Ayekxo asks Timun, you notice the lovesick glint in his eye.
“Yes! I mean of course. That's no problem.” Timun rambles before turning to you. But you're already gone, on your way to do your own hunting. That sly ikran dung. Timun thinks with a shake of his head. 
Walking back into your kelku, you spot your mother standing there with an excited grin.
“Ma’ite! You have a courting gift!” She says, visably shaking in excitement.
“Mawey. At least let me look!” You say with a rush. Your mother thrusts a garment at you. At first glance, you can see it was made with excellent craftsmanship, but then you look at the details. It was a beautiful top with a blue lining that matches your skin, but it was what was in the center that made your breath hitch. It held two feathers. One from the Oltekan chest piece and the other from a well known huntress.
No wonder your mother was excited.
“These feathers-” You began breathlessly as your mother cut you off.
“Are the feathers of the Oletykan and Tskarem! Oh, ma’ite!” She shouts in glee. You can do nothing but just stand in awe. But then the doubts begin to creep in. 
Why me?
"It is a beautiful piece. But this is Toruk Makto and Palulukan Makto. What could they want with me?" You say confused.
Your other comes next to you, rubbing a soothing hand along your shoulders. She understands you ore than you realize. "Y/n. When I met your father he was eyktanay and I was just a simple gatherer. But you wanna know why we were able to fit? We decided rank meant nothing when it comes to finding the one person who will understand even the darkest part of yourself." She smiles softly before taking your hands in to hers. "Besides your like your mother. You never back down from a challenge."
Hi. Hello. Hey. As you all know I had major writer's block. I decided to post this regardless of how short it is because it kinda went to a different direction in my drafts. I am really stuck at the moment so please, if you have any thoughts, share them with me. Sorry its so short. This is my first time writing more than a one shot.
Tags: @thehoneymushroomhealer @rosyjn
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fellamarsh · 7 months
📣 Call for Beta Readers for Taker of the Third Path 📣
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Writeblr! I am super excited to announce that I'm looking for beta readers for Taker of the Third Path! If this is your first time hearing about the project, here's the synopsis:
Directed by the voice on the wind he calls god, traveling hedgewitch Linmiru settles in an abandoned inn at an ancient crossroads to watch for the next person to follow the overgrown “third path." Ton’s prophecy is deceptively simple: the fate of the world rests on Lin meeting the taker. But as the months drag on with this mysterious stranger nowhere in sight, Lin begins to form a connection with one of the inn’s guests that leaves him questioning his devotion to destiny… And when the taker finally does arrive, Linmiru must face the realization that nothing at the old crossroads has been as it seems.
Interested? Here's the details:
Word count: ~100k (split into two approximately equal sections)
Genres: queer romance (trans MLM), fantasy, potential tragedy
Themes and motifs: fate, grief, guilt and forgiveness, the past and the future, healing and redemption, revenge, love, circles and spirals, fate vs choice, names, ghosts, home, family, threads that connect vs threads that bind, journeys and return, power
Desired feedback: Broad strokes! Right now, I'm most interested in what works and what doesn't work about the story, specifically its plot and characters. Feedback about character development and dynamics, pacing, and clarity of concepts is what is most helpful to me. If accepted as a reader, I'll provide you with both a list of specific questions and a place to leave open ended feedback. Utilize either or both!
Beta period: Four to six weeks for each half, with some flexibility. Files and questionnaires for part 1 of the beta will be sent out in mid-April 2024; I anticipate sending out part 2 beginning of June 2024. If accepted as a reader I'll reach out to you in March to confirm your participation.
Content warnings: “Off-screen” child and sexual abuse; explicit, detailed, consensual sexual content; death; threats of violence; self harm; attempted suicide; manipulation; mild hallucinations; natural disasters; forced relocation; imperialist violence. If you would like to inquire about the presence of a specific trigger not mentioned here, please do so in the optional question at the end of the form, send me an ask or DM, or reach out to me via the email in the form.
Interest form here! By filling it out, you're not agreeing to beta for this project---simply indicating your interest to do so, so if you think you might want to do it but aren't totally sure you'll have time yet or etc, you're still more than welcome to submit!
Want to learn more about Taker of the Third Path? Read the full summary (under the cut), browse my taker of the third path tag, or check out a free preview on Patreon!
Linmiru Oddatma has spent the last ten years wandering. In accordance with the agreement they made the day he cast off his childhood name, Lin trusts that Ton, the Windblown, god of things caught in the wind, will lead him to the people who most need the help that he is best equipped to render. He fully intends to dedicate his life to this work. When he pictures his future, it is a spiral widening, taking him ever further from where he’s been before.
He never imagines that Ton will entrust him with a prophecy so powerful and profound that it will change the world.
Now Lin finds himself an innkeeper in the remote Kagognair Fastness, his wandering arrested by lonely days spent watching and waiting for the one who will next travel the overgrown third path outside his door. He does not know what will happen when they meet—but he does know that failing to do so carries deadly consequences.
Thankfully, he has a few distractions to help him pass his long days besides doing divinations to better understand Ton’s instructions. The faerie village of E'Dedga, situated in the adjacent valley, is more than eager to allow him to teach its cadre of magically gifted children. Lin is especially grateful to find Rukne, a boy increasingly alienated from his peers by his start-and-go magical development, among his students. The young faerie is exactly the type of person Lin longs to help the most. Rukne, more than anyone he's ever met, reminds him of the person he lost so long ago.
Naturally, Linmiru has visitors to the inn to entertain as well. His favorite is Olma, an aging wizard who spends her stays cracking jokes, smoking pipeweed, and regaling Lin with stories from her youth. 
But not all of Linmiru’s guests are quite so delightful. In fact, his most regular visitor is anything but.
Linmiru confirmed the day he first met Gent that he is not the taker of the third path—just as he confirmed his wish that the man never come back. Quiet, impenetrable, and with a name that is not a name at all, Gent returns to the Siffsarta with disturbing frequency. Whenever he's not holed up in his room or glaring at him in hateful silence, Gent insults Lin’s religion and interrogates his reasons for running the inn. Lin can handle a bit of rudeness, but Gent’s presence sets him on edge. He seems to want something from Lin; what it is, he has no idea.
But the worst thing about Gent isn’t the fact that he might be dangerous. It’s that, despite all reason, Linmiru is attracted to him.
As the wheel of the seasons turns, Lin learns more about Gent, about the faeries, and about the Fastness—a place of deep magic with a long and ancient history. In contrast, he understands less and less about the coming prophecy. Ton's answers to his questions are vague, cryptic, or absent entirely. Lin's frustration with his situation, with himself, and with his god only grows. He begins to feel—and Ton confirms—that there is something he's not quite seeing.
He doesn’t think Ton means Gent’s attraction to him, unnoticed by Lin until the instant before he first kissed him. Nor does he think Ton means the realization, deep into the nights he spends with Gent, that he is starting not to care about the prophecy. If he could get to the heart of what has brought Gent here, of what happened in his past, and help this man who is somehow more gentle with him than anyone has ever been, he wouldn't mind if the world as he knew it came to an end. Maybe then the dreams of his past that increasingly plague him would end, too.
As winter bears down—as Lin finds Rukne ostracized by the people of his village—as he learns the terrible meaning behind Gent's real name—as the past and the future run together, compressing into the present, Lin finds himself, at a critical moment, unable to move. The truth behind Ton’s prophecy is nothing like he ever expected.
If he doesn't want everything to end when he finally confronts the taker of the third path, Linmiru will have to be like a spiral, and turn away in the same movement that he turns back.
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hi Cal!
I'm mostly expecting this to be posted after the competition is through, but I am wishing the best of luck to you, Porto and Cassy this weekend ahead of time!
I'm very excited for every WIP you've got going this week! but particularly, I'm thrilled to see your style and flair there within one bed and bad things bingo, (especially more of this thread you and Chris are pulling out of Eddie,) so I'll start with those and see where the weekend takes things 😁💜
PS—any thoughts as to the emoji for the next square on your card? 👀
I appreciate that so much!
I'm not sure which square I'm going to do next but MAYBE something with a mouth?
54 for 🦷:
Buck is grinning ear to ear.
“I missed you so much!” He exclaims.
“I missed you, too, Buck,” Chris replies. “There’s no one like you in Texas.”
Buck chuckles and musses the top of Christopher’s hair.
“That’s why your dad’s never allowed to move back.”
“Yeah,” Chris agrees. “That’s true.”
Eddie feels warm.
“How’s your mouth?” Buck asks, stepping back from Chris a bit. 
“Crap,” Chris admits. 
“Rough go,” Buck empathizes.
“Have you ever had your wisdom teeth removed?” Chris asks him. 
“Nope!” Buck says. “Never became an issue for me.”
“Does that mean you’re wiser than Dad?” Chris asks, turning to smirk at Eddie a little.
Eddie chuckles. He’d explained to Chris that he also got his wisdom teeth removed, albeit later than Shannon, and now Chris. It had happened to Eddie during basic training. Before his first deployment. The whole recovery process had been cold and sterile and alone. Rushed, so he could get back to it. All a reminder of how young he was, really. He’d been desperate for a little comfort, but there was no one to ask. 
“Yep!” Buck replies cheerily. “But we already knew that.”
Once upon a time, Eddie would have rolled his eyes at that. Disputed it. Now he just shrugs. He thinks maybe it’s actually very true.
They fall back into the usual stride of things. Everything feels so normal for a moment that it leaves Eddie almost breathless. Video games and ice cream in front of the television. Teasing and laughter. A general sense of ease. Eddie wants to cry. He has been missing this so badly. 
Not everything is like before, though. And that’s… Well, Eddie thinks it’s good. Eddie thinks it means something. Eddie think it’s one of the big reasons things won’t fall apart the same way again.
Buck sits so close to Eddie they’re practically melting into each other. It’d be easy to blame it on the sudden reappearance of a third person on the couch, but that hasn’t seemed to matter for weeks. This is just what they’ve been like lately. Ever since Eddie sat him down tearfully after one of his therapy sessions and explained things. One of those broken, badly healed bones. Buck had held onto him while he fell apart, and he hasn’t fully let go since. 
42 for 🛏️:
The rushed, inexpensive couch he’d bought shopping with Natalia had not lived up to a couple weeks of sexual discovery and exploration with two large men. Whoops.
“I… I didn’t notice,” Eddie admits. 
“Hey, that’s okay,” Buck waves it off. “You’ve had a lot going on.”
And it’s Buck who has been dropping in on Eddie more often than not, lately. Making sure he’s, like, eating and moving and not totally catatonic. 
“The bed doesn’t matter,” Eddie says quickly. “I mean, if that’s okay. I don’t care about quarantine-style.”
They’d shared fine enough, for a few months in 2020.
“Fine by me,” Buck says. “Whatever you need.”
Neither of them mentions the air mattress sitting in a box in Eddie’s garage. 
The first night, nothing happens, of course. Not that Buck is expecting anything to happen. He’s not. Obviously! Just, what he’s saying is, it’s basically normal.
They have a couple beers, throw on bad reality TV to get Eddie’s mind off things, and go to bed. Backs facing each other, unmoving. Eddie sleeps like a rock. Like maybe he hasn’t slept well in nights, and he finally is managing it. Buck wakes up a few times in the night, just to check. 
That’s all that happens.
Father’s Day is obviously harder. They’re working until ten in the morning, and then they go back to Buck’s loft together. 
Work hasn’t been great lately. With Gerrard instead of Bobby. It sucks for everyone. Buck least of all. Except, Buck does the worst job of hiding how he’s feeling. He has to today, though. Because today, no matter how miserable he’s feeling, Eddie is feeling exponentially worse. And it’s up to Buck to alleviate that in any small way he can. 
In fact, he makes it his mission. 
There are several reasons for this. One, he wants a way to distract himself from work. Two, he feels like it’s sort of his responsibility. Three, if he can be of any help to Eddie, then maybe it will translate into Eddie being able to get Chris back sooner. But the real and most pressing reason is that he adores Eddie, is devoted to Eddie, and feels Eddie’s pain like a knife in his own gut. 
So he makes it his mission to make Eddie feel a little bit better, if he can. 
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dribs-and-drabbles · 9 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
Tagged by @daymork - Thanks for wanting to see how my analyses 'popped off and what my personal favs are!' 💖
most popular — Bad Buddy/My School President parallel - not an analysis but people do love a good parallel!
favourite(s) — Never Let Me Go discussion - I love when something I write inspires others and it sets off a long thread where people keep adding to it. | Another Bad Buddy/My School President parallel - not technically my post but I love the additions I brought together on this.
most popular/favourite(s) — The colour-coding of Bed Friend - another long thread where others joined in.
most popular/favourite(s) — A ramble about Moonlight Chicken - which includes a little analysis of the show as it ended.
most popular — "What exactly does being blue/red/yellow/etc. coded mean?" - I don't get asks often but I was humbled that someone came to me to understand what colour-coding meant.
favourite(s) — Chains of Heart colours series - I was late to the series, and it ended disappointingly, but the colours were brilliant. | Colour-coded folks in UMG - not a bl but they also colour-coded the leads.
May - n/a - I didn't really write any big posts/analysis this month.
most popular — "It's the right moment to kiss!" Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS - Aof calling himself out as well as us bl fans.
favourite(s) — Colours in Our Skyy 2 BBS x ATOTS - I couldn't resist writing about it since it stayed consistent to how they used colours in the original series.
most popular — The casting of Be My Favourite - the realisation that the 'odd pairing' of Krist and Gawin was integral to the story being told.
favourite(s) — Be My Favourite ep 9 - the ep that got me thinking about the characters even more. | Kawi and his sense of Self - where I dip my toe into philosophy, theories of The Self, and how memory plays a part in that.
most popular/favourite(s) — Laws of Attraction ep 5 - I loved everything about this series but this was the one that got the most attention - maybe because it featured Silvy a lot? 😂
most popular — Friends don't let friends go - which pairs with Only friends stay (posted in Oct), and which say a lot about the group and Boston.
favourite(s) — Clowned correctly Laws of Attraction - I just love when something flippant I say is (sort of) right in the end!
most popular — The Rainbow Best sweater - not an analysis, nor any created art...but the sweater itself is art, as is that so many characters and actors have worn it.
favourite(s) — Getting emotional over Kiseki: Dear to Me - this was the ep that hit me in the feels. | The Thai Communal Wardrobe items #6 and #3 - again not analysis or art but the start of the communal wardrobe list!
most popular — Mhok's Fart Proudly t-shirt - this had me going back to my Bad Buddy days of analysing t-shirts.
favourite(s) — Horney Hockey part 1 and part 2 - more t-shirts, more fantastic additions. | A thought on Night and Day - I'm still so curious about Day and Night's relationship and I can't wait to find out what their deal is. | Band aids on Rung's car and the goldfish slippers the symbolism of Mhok and day's 'damage' and the healing that they're doing. | "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly" | The t-shirts are definitely t-shirting - these last two are essentially reflecting on the same thing - the sentiments in The Little Prince story that Mhok reads out in ep 1 of Last Twilight.
most popular — Mhok is Day's eyes - a brilliant use of colour in Last Twilight.
favourite(s) — Couple bracelets - just me excited over possibilities. | Most memorable items of clothing in bl series in 2023 - looking back through the year. | The Thai Communal Wardrobe bl advent - this was a fun series to do...and it only encompassed about a third of the items on the list, so I'll be posting them in dribs and drabs throughout the year.
Tagging people who also tend to write analysis or meta posts, I'd love to see which were a hit with the masses and also which were your favourites: @wen-kexing-apologist @grapejuicegay @lurkingshan @btwinlines @twig-tea @rocketturtle4 @waitmyturtles @telomeke and @respectthepetty
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iamawolfstarsimp · 2 months
what's up everyone
a quick fic for you guys because I got inspiration when I woke up and a life update
so basically I've been spending my summer doing some different things but mostly spending time with family. I've been going through some difficult mental struggles recently and mostly have just not had any inspiration or interest to write or even be active in the community. I don't know how much I will be active on this blog in the future with writing and stuff but I won't be deleting my account yet, if I do decide to delete then I'll give notice. if you do want to see where most of my activity is now you can go to my side-blog which is non tickle related but still me (it's mostly different fandom stuff including marauders, taylor swift and whatever i feel) but yeah that's what I've been up to. I'm mostly okay I just need some time to heal
But here's a quick marauders fic for fun <33
love ya'll, stay blessed and enjoy
Contrary to popular belief, James wasn't dumb. Or at least not as dumb as he pretend to be for attention and to be funny.
He wasn't top of his class but he could be if he really wanted to be and tried to. He studied quittitch and memorized tactics and routines and was an excellent tutor and mentor depending on class (potions was never his strong suit, what could he say).
But besides school, he also knew people. He could read emotions and faces and voices. When he knew someone well enough he could tell what their different reactions to things meant on how they felt.
He knew that Remus went quiet when he was thinking hard about something or was being stubborn or spiteful and Sirius always got quiet when he was either concerned or ticked off. Peter would chew his nails when he was nervous or scared to relieve some of the stress. Lily sucked her teeth when she was annoyed at something and always grinned really big but tried to cover her smile when she got happy or excited.
So he wasn't exactly surprised when Remus and Sirius told him they were dating. He pretended to be in shock but eventually he told them one late night in the common room, almost two years after they'd told him.
"Yeah, no, I saw you two becoming a couple way before you guys ever did." James said nonchalantly.
"What?" "You're joking." Remus and Sirius yelled at the same time, both of them laying on the couch in front of the fire with James on the ground and his back against the armchair Lily was sat in, her legs criss-crossed and reading some book about quittitch history she had gotten from James ("I've already read all the books in the library, they're boring! Yes, and Remus' books too!").
James laughed at their shocked expressions. "How on earth did you know before we even knew we liked each other?" Remus asked, ever the skeptic.
James' mind flashed through memories over the years, a few specific ones coming to mind.
He remembered flying up on the quittitch pitch one winter day during their third year at hogwarts and practicing by himself, back when being in the air was the only time he could straighten his head and calm his thoughts.
He looked down at the snowy ground seeing his two best friends walking next to each other, shoulders brushing every few steps.
He thought of yelling at them but didn't and just watched their easy conversation he couldn't quite hear. He watches as they stopped and looked out onto the lake that was frozen over and kept talking, looking into each other's eyes every now and then.
He smiled to himself and turned away to give them some privacy, even though they didn't know they were being watched.
His mind flashed to the first time Remus spent Christmas at James' house. He remembered Remus watching James and Sirius play wizard chess and staring at Sirius' eyes and hands and back and then turning away as if he was ashamed of looking at him for too long.
And then he thought of Sirius doing the same thing when Remus would throw his head back and cackle at some joke James and Sirius had been saying. Remus was always quieter than the others but he was loud when he wanted to be or didn't care enough to be quiet. Sirius was always mesmerized by it.
His thoughts shifted again to one time when he was walking up to their door to hear loud laughter coming from their room, the door cracked open.
Out of pure instincts, he snuck up to peak through the crack at the scene he saw.
He couldn't tell whose bed they were in but if he could guess it would have been Remus' due to the fact it looked like it might have been slightly made before all the tackling and squirming that was currently happening.
Sirius appeared to have jumped on top of Remus (for whatever reason he found acceptable to do so) and was digging both hands into Remus' ribs, the later of the two throwing his head back and laughing loudly, the exact way Sirius was obsessed with.
"This is what you get for being so damn snarky all the time." Sirius grinned up at Remus who closed his eyes and grabbed onto Sirius' wrists but didn't pull them away from him.
"You're the wohohorst!!" Remus shouted through his laughter.
"Oh yeah, I'm the worst?" Sirius asked and Remus nodded, too busy laughing to actually answer.
"Ahaha-and I hahate youuUU AH SIHIHIRIUS NOO!" Remus' voice raised in pitch and volume as soon as Sirius' hand moved to his neck while the other snuck under his loose shirt to dig into his ribs better.
Sirius only grinned bigger and continued. "What's so funny, Moony?"
Remus growled through giggles and attempted to roll them over but only succeeded in prying Sirius' wrists off of him momentarily. James took this opportunity to walk in after a quick knock.
"Lads, you want some dinner?" James shouted over Remus' laughs. Sirius turned to look back at James but while distracted Remus managed to throw him off of him with his legs.
"Ouch Moony, that hurt." Sirius faked being hurt and pouted from the floor. Remus rolled his eyes while panting, a smile still plastered on his face. "I'd love some dinner, I'm starved."
"Alright then, meet you down there in five minutes! I'm off to find Pete." James replied.
"Great, we'll be right down." Remus was already throwing himself at Sirius before James had even left the room, more shouts and laughter coming from the room as he shut the door.
James blinked back into reality and simply shrugged at Sirius and Remus, a small grin on his face because he knew not explaining it would annoy both of them.
"Just had a hunch." He heard Lily laugh from above him at Remus and Sirius' faces.
Hope you enjoyed! And no, I didn't proof read this so if there's writing errors, my bad lol
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mo0dy-succubus · 1 year
Game On
Squirting,orgasm control(???), teasing,sex toy,(very lazy to add other tags so forgive me)
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You have always been the gamer of the relationship. You could spend all day playing them. As most if not all people know that your girlfriend was terrible at playing games. You would absolutely beat her ass in LOL then gloat about it for days on end. But would try to refrain about bragging when you would see her pouting face cuddling up to her kissing it gently.
"Heal me!.. heal me!!...GOD! I SAID HEAL ME!!!" You said screaming into your head set at your teammate as you died. Soyeon walks past you with a smirk looking at your frustration. "It's just a game relax hun" she said mocking you. You turn around before making a sparky remark back at her. "Pshhh yeah like you can play better then me. I can easily win a game"
Soyeon looks at you in awe before smirking. "Ok since you think you are SO GOOD..I challenge you" she said. You laugh think she was joking before turning around confirming her seriousness. "You have to play with a vibrator in and every time you die I turn it up to the next setting if you cum you lose and I win and I'll get to punish you for back talk as my reward" she says.
"Annnddd...if I win?" You say a bit curious. "You decide then" she said. You thought about it before agreeing. "Challenge accepted!" You shouted. After your game round ended soyeon passed you the vibrator with a devilish smirk. After you were situated your challenge had started.
You buckle down focusing on trying to not die so you won't get close to being punished. You got pretty far into the game before you got your first death."God dammit.." you muttered under your breath. "Oh looks like you got your first death you now what that means" soyeon says before actually turning on the vibrator to the lowest setting causing you to jolt.
"I only died because someone is standing over me while I play" you say quit snarky before going back to playing. You try your best to ignore the sensation deep within you but it was quite bothersome. As you try to ignore the buzzing you got killed again. "UGH!!" You groan out in frustration. "Another death already..I thought you were good at this game" Soyeon turns the settings up again.
"I'm n-not backing down" you tried to have a strong mentality, avoiding your girlfriends sinful and alluring gaze. The game finally ended with you only getting two deaths. "Hah! I did it" you say. Soyeon gives a small fake clap. You were so excited the vibrator didn't bother you. That was your first mistake you died a bit more early than last time causing soyeon to increase the level to the third one.
This setting was more uncomfortable, no matter how much you wanted to squirm and moan now was not the time. You let out a small gasp, wetness now starting to pour out of you more and more. Soyeon looks at you before teasingly saying something."looks like you are gonna break soon."
"You are the worst..." you say after dying again. The fourth setting was absolutely agony. Not knowing how much you can last for. "You must want to cum so bad hun". "Why do you do these things to me.." you say feeling hotter by the second. "I just like to see you suffer babe~.." soyeon says grabbing your face before kissing you deeply. The kiss was passionate and hot feeling soyeon wrap her hand around your neck giving it a soft squeeze.
You pull away trying not to get anymore aroused before play another round. The vibrator in you makes you squirm uncontrollably making you lose your focus. Another Death after another. As you grip the desk Finally cumming. Your head bowed down in shame as the warm liquid poured out of you like a water fall. You can hear soyeon coo walking behind you kissing your neck. "Looks like I win and you lose y/n~.,you know what that means~.." you feel tears form in you eyes for what she was about to do next.
(I'm very disappointed in this, it's not that it's bad I'm just not very happy but I just wanted to get something out for being gone for like a week I'm not doing ok)
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otakween · 10 months
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Digimon World 3 - Final Thoughts
I've beaten the third Digimon World woohoo!! It was a brisk 40 hours, the perfect JRPG length. Overall, it was way better than Digimon World 2, but maybe not better than 1?? I dunno. It was definitely more enjoyable than 1 gameplay-wise, but if I look at it big picture it was way more generic and less memorable. Defeating the first Digimon World felt like more of a triumph and beating 3 felt kinda hollow (because it was easy and anticlimactic).
Despite any gripes I have, I could see myself replaying this. I'm especially interested in a potential revisit (like 10 years from now lol) because I found out that the PAL version of the game (Digimon World 2003) is the true, complete version of the game. Whoops...
So uh...Lord Megadeath and Snatchmon huh...great naming sense guys, good job.
Confession: I straight-up ignored all of the side quests in this game. Skipped all of the card battles, never got the fishing pole, etc. In the end, I don't really regret it because those card battles were kind of pointless anyway.
Confession part 2: I WAS planning on getting back to the side quests in the post-game until I realized that there is no post-game in this game. This is one of those games where you beat the final boss and they kick you back to the start screen with no opportunity to save. I hate it when games do that TT__TT now there's now proof that I beat it!
That ending was kinda lame. I liked the final battle with all of the epic FMVs, but the epilogue with the kids was literally so boring. They did not make me care about any of these characters in the slightest.
Speaking of FMVs, this game had so many!! The FMVs combined with the awesome pixel art definitely made this game great. It was a little lame how half of the world was just the same environments but palette swapped, but eh...whatever. There was enough variation to keep me excited.
Travel in this game was BULLSHIT. I said in one of my previous posts "fast travel will probably come soon!" NOPE, never came. The worst was when you beat a boss and then they made you back track throughout the whole dungeon for no reason. Thank God I played this on an emulator because an unexpected death would have set me back AGES. Very often it would take me an hour in REAL TIME to get to the next place I needed to be. Entire game sessions were just me walking across the map. If it wasn't for this mechanic, the game would have been like 10 hours long lol. Definitely artificial padding.
I noticed a couple of digimon here and there that I had never seen before. I think this game had a great variety in its wild encounters, although it was kind of weird to battle so many ultimates and whoop their butts so easily.
Speaking of easy...I think this game was maybe too easy or at least too exploitable. Health items were dirt cheap so it was super simple to stock up on 99 of each at all times, the counter crest allowed me to deal massive damage beyond my digimon's levels. The final boss fight with Galacticmon was just a game of letting my digimon attack until they died, resurrecting them with a healing item, and repeating that cycle until the battle was finished. The resurrection item brings back all digimon in your party with their full health which is pretty OP. By the 2nd half of the game this strategy became unbeatable and battles became kind of stale.
SO many random battles, like an obnoxious amount. I would leave one random battle, take a single step and another one would be triggered. I listened to a lot of podcasts slogging through this.
One of the weakest parts of this game was the plot/writing, but that was also weak in Digimon World 1 & 2. At least the translation seemed pretty decent this time around. I guess the "stuck in the game world" cliche was kinda fun.
The other thing I ignored in this game was the bonus digimon you can pickup along the way. I did end up getting two of them, but I never used them. They start at level 1 and ain't nobody got time to level up digimon from level 1 halfway through the game. Also, I wasn't super interested in using Guilmon when my Renamon already had MegaloGrowmon in their digivolve roster. I kind of wish this game allowed you to catch the wild digimon because you could create some really crazy parties.
My "main digimon" that I ended up using the most was Kotemon in their Kyukimon form. This was unfortunate because I think Kyukimon is butt ugly, but oh well lol.
The blasted mechanic in battles was really great and I hope they bring it back in future games! It allows you a second chance when you're in a pinch and just feels epic. I rarely used the digivolve option in battles, so it was nice getting a "free" digivolve every now and then.
I could go on and on about this game apparently, but I'm gonna wrap it up here. I have many many more games to get through before I start the next season of the anime. Onwards!
I give Digimon World 3 a solid 6.5 out of 10
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