#I'm calling it it's gonna say Campbell on the back XD
nightwonder7 · 4 months
Saw summertime Norton skin right after I woke up. And right then and there the sleepiness had temporarily dissolved. This guy keeps stealing my funds and even my sleep lol
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I'm still reeling from the fact that these three asks dropped into my inbox within the span of a few hours after that summer skin was announced fgdhsjfghjskaghfjdsgfd
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lovetransaction · 1 year
Happy DFF Maggie!! I know Mary comes back at some point in the later seasons, and there’s plenty of fics about her finding out about samdean. BUT, I want to know how she’d react to johndean!
omg what an amazing question and i love thinking about their marriage so much so this was especially tailored for ME XD
I think Mary would resist it for a while, longer than she would samdean (because to me the Campbells are way incestuous and she makes allowances for a) cousins and b) situations where no children will be the result, but she has exceedingly complex feelings about parent/child).
When it got down to the point where she couldn't deny it anymore, she'd be furious. Not only is this a betrayal of her memories of John, her sweet dumb-boy besotted husband, but she's horrified that he'd do that to Dean and it would resurrect absolutely every single thing John did wrong in their marriage, the quarrels and his insistence on owning every single bit of her when she needed her own space, and his passive-aggressive way of putting distance between them to punish her for not cooperating with his desire for codependence.
--and on top of that she's mad at Dean, which means she's mad at herself, because of Samuel. And Mary's worked long and hard to shut all those feelings away so now the only person she can direct that anger at is Dean, which she technically knows is a shit thing to do because if there's a victim here, it's Dean. But he doesn't see it that way, and Mary hates being called a victim too but she knows how messy it was between her and her dad and that she still cared for Samuel just like Dean still cares for John, and she starts withdrawing. Spending more time with Sam instead of Dean so she doesn't have to think about if she married a man just like her father. Or if she can pin all of this solely onto Azazel. Or if Dean inherited only the worst and sickest parts of her.
Possibly what she's avoiding hardest (which Sam points out one day because they only knew each other as adults and so he has zero compunctions saying this since he doesn't have the sanctity of childhood memories hampering him), is that both Mary and Dean love John to an incoherent degree and always will. So ultimately, at this point when they're all drenched in each others' blood, what's the use of denying that love? They're a family and if Sam's learned anything, it's that this family devours itself because it doesn't know how else to express that love. He's just the only one who's okay with that now. Maybe Mom should get on his level.
Mary's like well I'm not crazy about this new tone of yours (heh) but he has a point. They're not like other families and never have been, never even had the option. She tells Sam she'll try and smooth the waters with Dean (for his sake, anyhow; she's fine! she can cope! she doesn't need to look at her feelings nope no way). She asks Dean to show her how to make the soup that John liked to make. He's surprised, but what's he gonna do, stay mad at her? He's Dean. He says it goes great with pb&j with the crusts cut off. They eat the soup and it has too much pepper and it hurts like hell, but it's good.
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laufire · 3 years
For the give me a character and I will answer: any of the Winchesters - you got me into rewatching spn and I just got past the episode where they meet the young version of their parents and I'm still mentally stuck on the scene where young John just hates on his future self.
I'll do all three of them lmao (AFAIC Mary is a Campbell and Adam a Milligan. Let them be free of that cursed name lmfao)
Why I like them: I think he’s a very dynamic characters, with a lot of tragically untapped potential. And I love how often he empathises with non-humans.
Why I don’t: well, he can be an asshole sometimes xD. And an enabler. And liking him can get exhausting, in this show.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): kind of hard to pick with a lead character xDD. The first one that came to my mind was actually the last of Soulless Sam’s episodes, when he’s trying to stop Dean from forcing his soul on him. It was... something lol.
Favorite season/movie: this one is difficult because it’s all a mixed bag lmao. I have s9 nostalgia for him standing up for himself, though.
Favorite line: because I’m now thinking of Soulless Sam... this exchange was EVERYTHING
Sam: "Yeah. Okay, look. That brings up a question. So, say you got a soul and you're on a case, and your brother gets abducted by aliens—"
Dean: "You do everything to get him back."
Sam: "Right, you do, but, what about when there are no more leads for the night? I mean, are you supposed to just sit there in the dark and suffer, even when there's nothing that can be done?"
Dean: "Yes!"
Sam: "What?"
Dean: "Yes. You sit in the dark and you feel the loss."
Sam: "Absolutely. But couldn't I just do all that and have sex with the hippie chick?"
Dean: "No!"
Sam: "It would be in the dark."
Favorite outfit: I’m gonna be honest, I don’t pay much attention because the wardrobe department for male characters in this show can get so... boring lol. With few exceptions. I’m picking this soft look (while he’s talking to Rowena) because it’s the first I saw that I liked in gif search lol. It’s bettter than all that plaid.
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OTP: Samruby, forever and ever.
Brotp: my favourite platonic relationship for him is Jack. They pull at my heartsrings.
Head Canon: he still has psychic powers, he’s just almost subconciously sublimated them for his own sake.
Unpopular opinion: I think Dean is terrible for him. Like on abstract, I get what those post about how it’s important that the show certers a platonic relationship are getting at, but... Dean is still Sam’s abuser and I hate when it goes unacknowledged.
A wish: well, I would’ve loved explicit canon Samwena.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I find what I’ve heard about his ending depressing enough thanks xD
5 words to best describe them: empathetic, stubborn, hurting, hypercompetent, intuitive.
My nickname for them: n/a, but The Boy King had a nice ring to it lol.
Why I like them: well, he has absolutely amazing moments and unusual traits I value in a lead character.
Why I don’t: he’s a terrible person, a raging misogynist, and a very annoying case of protagonist-centric morality lmao.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): 5x04 “The End” is a great episode for him.
Favorite season/movie: s10 for how terrible he is in it (the demon arc!! He was such a loser and such an ass lmfao), and s5 for a less terrible option lol. I enjoyed his arc in both in opposing ways.
Favorite line: his rant in 3x10 about how he didn’t deserve what John put him through nor going to Hell? Lives in my mind rent-free.
Favorite outfit: well, in terms of guys he gets better looks than the rest lbr xD. I personally miss the s1 times when they put him in bracelets/Rings/necklace etc. (this is the best I could find in the stupid search function).
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OTP: Dean/extensive therapy, forever and ever. Yes, I have complicated feelings on Deanbela and (pre-Dabb era) Destiel, but I’d never call them otps cause... just, no. Also there’s Dean/endverse!Dean. Selfcest is where it’s at xD
Brotp: frankly, it’s still extensive therapy. He’s a terrible friend lmao.
Head Canon: having such a... definite ending to look forward to makes this question kind of a bummer xD. I’ll go with my usual “I’m convinced Alastair brought Bela’s soul for him to torture in Hell, probably multiple times -because I think he’d refused at first”.
Unpopular opinion: I think this entire post is an unpopular opinion about Dean lol. I think the worst is that I’m a bit in ~no man’s land with him, because I might disagree with his stans’ reading of him... but there’s no love losts between me and his most vicious antis, trust me xD
A wish: n/a.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: n/a.
5 words to best describe them: charming, small-minded, controlling, prideful, clever.
My nickname for them: I have a tag solely for him calling him “my Schrödinger fave”, sooo.
Why I like them: he’s... competent. And a very important part of the narrative and the family themes in the show.
Why I don’t: *points at entire personality and behavior*
Favorite episode (scene if movie): 2x01. He had intense moments in there.
Favorite season/movie: well, he’s a key part of my enjoyment in s1.
Favorite line: that one you mention where young!John unknowingly insults his own parenting style lmao.
Favorite outfit: young!John was Dick Grayson-style pretty lbr.
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OTP: n/a.
Brotp: n/a.
Head Canon: n/a.
Unpopular opinion: Dean is a lot more similar to him than fandom would like (see: Jack).
A wish: that he and Mary weren’t implied endgame in Heaven ffs. I hate that ship. THEY WERE CUPID-ROOFIED FFS.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: well, that ship sailed *points above*
5 words to best describe them: bullheaded, rigid, determined, principled (not necessary a good thing xD), abrasive.
My nickname for them: n/a.
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