#I'm black if that matters to anyone lol
kjaerekrake · 2 years
trying to be more active again
Hi ! I took quite a hiatus and I’m trying to come back to tumblr and be more active, like the good old days. I see quite a lot of people have left, and I have no idea who is studying languages anymore, but I figured I would take an opportunity to reintroduce myself for those who may be new or those I haven’t spoken to in a while !
My name is Briar ! I’m 23 and I dropped out of college for a while due to mental health reasons, but now I am back and finishing my degree in psychology. I may or may not graduate in 2025, but I am currently unsure, however I will definitely pursue my masters. I’m an American from the state of Wisconsin. 
I was previously studying Spanish, French, Norwegian and Finnish before I left, but I’ve since lost my French pretty much because I wasn’t using it, and I’ve put Finnish on the backburner. I’m currently learning Arabic in school and relearning French on my own, as well as making an effort to really learn and understand Spanish, and building my Norwegian ( Norwegian is probably one of my best languages currently, as I watch streamers and youtubers in this language. 
I have no idea what level I am in any of these but if I had to guess:
Spanish: B1 or B2
French: A1
Norwegian: B1ish
Arabic: A1
Finnish: A0
I’m currently working on a lot of things, for example, I’m starting to get back into art and posting my art again, both here and on Twitter, I want to get into Twitch streaming eventually, and I want to maybe start a Youtube channel sometime in 2023ish. I love cooking and trying new foods, as well as working out in order to get my mental health in check. I also enjoy video games and games in general. 
I’m so excited to be apart of this community again. I want to learn better studying habits and overall just be a better person in general. 
I’m looking forward to meeting y’all and making more friends hopefully!
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nicksolemnlyswears · 3 months
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pairing: aegon targaryen x targaryen!reader
word count: ~1.6k
warnings: spoilers for s2e2 of HoTD, mentions of murder and death of a child, surprisingly i thinks there isn't any cursing or smut, maybe next time ;) just good old sad aegon
a/n: this is my first time ever writing for HoTD or GoT for that matter. please be kind to me. i tried to use appropriate wording for the time period. i'm somewhat successful but i have work ahead of me to become a pro.
i felt so enraged when alicent walked out on her grieving son to go fuck around with cole. what the fuck is your problem? i always gave her the benefit of the doubt but this episode just proves what a terrible mother she is. i figured the only person fit to comfort my baby boy aegon is someone raised by rhaenyras gentle heart.
lowkey want to make a throuple out of reader, aegon, and helaena. readers gonna be a little psychologist lol. she'd hold their hands and force them to kumbaya haha but obviously they'd be like this cant work without you. maybe they'll follow aegon the conqueror and have her as a second wife but idk would anyone be interested in that? i'm rambling. enjoy!
Helaena’s Turn
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The cold stone of the Red Keep kept you company as you strode through its halls. The breeze of the night offered you comfort and aided your mind to forget the terrible events that have plagued the Keep.
And yet, despite your energies being depleted, you can't seem to find rest. Loss weighs you down and spirals you into a depth of overbearing thoughts, making sleep a mere idea.
The Red Keep, the place you once called home, has become your prison. For weeks, you were not allowed out of your chambers, and for a short time afterward, a guard followed you wherever you went.
It has all changed, though. The death of the King's son has diverted all of the guard's forces to find the culprit. The priority is to search for the monster that gruesomely and cruelly decapitated a child while he slept rather than to watch over a harmless Princess who is simply not on their side.
As a result, you're now free to roam the castle, granted there are eyes all around. You wouldn't be able to step foot outside the castle if you tried, and any suspicious activity would immediately be reported to the Hand of the King.
For an unknown reason, your feet guide you to the King's chambers, where indiscernible, muffled sounds come from. You look around and find that the guard meant to protect the King is absent. It's worrisome. You stand in the middle of the stone hallway, your hands clasped, as you make a decision.
While your loyalty lies with the Blacks, you cannot stand and watch more of your family be killed, including the Usurper. Daemon has always been 'kind' in mentioning that your gentle heart will cause your death. You'd argue it's an honorable way to go.
You slip through the ajar door quietly, getting closer to the sound. There is destruction across the room. The Old Valyria model your grandfather worked on for most of his life is scattered on the floor, beyond salvation. Goblets and spilled wine, thrown in a fit of rage, decorate the walls.
It is only when a sharp gasp and a shuddering breath echo around the room that you recognize the sounds you heard outside. They are cries.
You release a breath of relief. No one is in danger, although it does not signify someone is not hurting. You peak further into the room and debate on your next course of action. If the mess inside the chambers and the lack of guards mean anything, it's that the King would like to be alone.
But you know Aegon. You grew up with him. He's not one to reach out for help until it's too late. You make a haste decision. Aegon will not grieve alone tonight.
You know what that's like. Your brother, Lucerys, was murdered not too long ago, and you had no choice but to mourn alone. The Hand of the King locked you in your chambers, afraid your temper would lead you to do something drastic. It's the most horrid thing you've ever endured.
How you wished for Rhaenyra, or anyone for that matter, to hold you while you cried. A maid would've sufficed, but no one was allowed entry into your chambers.
Aegon sits by the fireplace, his head hung low, as he cries for his dead son. It might not have looked like it, but Aegon deeply cared for the boy. He wished to be better than his father ever was, and he was succeeding.
Until two days ago.
You've witnessed firsthand the blanket of sorrow that has covered the Red Keep, spent many hours by Haelena's side, offering her your shoulder, and never realized the King would need the same.
Why is Aegon alone? He should not have to go through this by himself. You expected he would have surrounded himself with his men and countless bottles of wine or sought refuge in Helaena's arms since they shared the same grief.
A heartbreaking cry snaps you out of your thoughts—his whole body trembles from loss. Aegon gasps for air to aid his burning lungs, yet he can't control the tears that track down his cheeks and the raking breaths that course through his body and limit his breathing.
He does not know what to make of himself. His fingers shake as he fumbles with the ring on his finger—the one with the dragon crest. Aegon doesn't know what to make of himself. He's never endured this sort of loss.
His sobs are the ones of a man who lost a part of himself. Jaehaerys, his legacy, has gone too soon. Aegon spent time with the boy the morning before his death, doting on him like Viserys never did to him.
He's so lost in his grief that Aegon doesn't hear when you stumble upon a piece of cast from the model. Being careful with your steps, you reach Aegon's side and place a hand on his shoulder.
Alarmed, he turns to face the person who disturbs him, only to find you—you who have been keeping the Hightower siblings together despite belonging to the other side.
"Leave me be," he sniffs, staring back into the fire. He wonders if that's how his son's pyre looked earlier that day.
You kneel on the floor, settling between his legs to cup his cheeks in your palms. Wide, glossy lilac eyes stare back as they fill with more tears.
As his tears fall, you wipe them away. It's enough to make Aegon crumble in your arms, releasing louder cries and questions that will forever remain unanswered.
It's so easy to let go when you know someone is there to catch you.
Aegon fists your dress like a child would to its mother. You rub his back soothingly, holding him as tightly as you're able. You press a kiss to the side of his head, whispering calming words.
Aegon never wanted to be king, yet the moment he tries to fulfill his duty the moment he tries to be a proper king, he is rewarded by his son being brutally taken from him.
It's not a fair world. The Gods have never been kind to him, and he's afraid he'll only ever live a life of torment.
Now, more than ever, he doesn't want to be King. It is a mere reminder of how heavy the crown truly is. It's a shackle meant to keep him in place while others act upon his name while he pays for the consequences.
"Jaehaerys was a bright soul. I am sorry this has happened. You should've never had to experience this pain," you whisper in his ear. No parent should experience the death of their child. It is a sad reality the Targaryens have experienced all too well.
Aegon nods in agreement, and only when he's calm enough to speak does he tear himself away from your embrace. He instantly misses your warmth and the smell of roses in your hair.
"Why are you comforting me when you should be celebrating my demise?" His waterline is stained red, just like the tip of his nose, and he's never looked more innocent than in that moment.
You tilt your head sadly, that same emotion reflected in your eyes. "I do not celebrate the loss of innocents, especially one that has gone too soon. I also do not particularly like the notion of someone I hold dear grieving alone."
"You did," he sniffs. He remembers hearing your cries that night; the whole Red Keep could. You cried and screamed the entire night until you fell asleep from exhaustion and starvation.
Otto prohibited them from coming to you. Haelena tried, but he dismissed the idea with the false notion that you'd hurt her in your grief. Otto confuses you with your parentage. Unlike them, you're kind and gentle and wouldn't dare hurt anyone.
"Which is how I know I would never wish it upon my worst enemy." You brush your fingers through his blonde hair, tucking the messy strands behind his ears.
"Is that what I am to you? An enemy?" He asks, disgruntled.
"No," you answer immediately, your hands coming down to rest upon his chest. His breathing has calmed since you first saw him. "At least, not yet."
His lilac eyes bore into hers in search of the truth; shyly, you hold onto his gaze with nothing to hide except your intentions to help. Sighing, he closes his eyes and bumps his forehead against yours. Aegon will take what he can get. There's seemingly no one else to help him deal with his emotions.
"Stay," he pleads, holding onto the hand that's placed on his chest. This is the most at peace he's felt in a while. He wishes to savor it for a moment longer.
"For as long as you need, my King," you reply, closing your eyes.
"Aegon," he says. He refuses to be reminded of what lies outside his bed chambers. For just a moment, he wishes to simply be Aegon.
"Aegon," you respond, correcting yourself. He squeezes your hand appreciatively, tucking your head on his neck.
He keeps you in his arms until late hours in the night, recounting memories he shared with Jaehaerys. The pain is real and raw, and he won't be well for a long time, but for this night, Aegon will seek solace in your embrace, where he knows he won't be judged or be seen as a burden.
In your arms, he's not Aegon' the Magnanimous.' He's not seen as careless or reckless or the lesser child of Alicent Hightower.
He's Aegon.
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helaena’s part has been posted! HELAENA’S TURN
Final part! STAY WITH US
that’s it! it’s sweet and short. i just wanted to have someone comfort aegon like he deserves. during that scene i wished i could jump into t he screen and hug him. it’s all so tragic.
i wish i could do the same with haelena. my girl needs to be coddled. fuck alicent. fuck otto. most importantly fuck criston cole.
if you enjoyed this one shot please don’t forget to like or comment and if you want more of it feel free to let me know! i don’t bite (unless you want me to)!
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anisespice · 2 months
“ baby steps ” || tokyo rev.
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continuation of this post.
pairing: bonten x fem!reader [ mikey, ran, sanzu ]
warnings: mature content ahead. MDI. mature language, crude humor, ANGST w/ comfort (mostly in mikey's), deadbeat!bonten (unintentionally), not proof-read so there may be A LOT of errors :// mikey's is LONG, ran + sanzu's are silly goofy, mikey + sanzu's are a lil unhinged lol and i think that’s it :))
notes: can i just say thank y'all so much for showing "accidents happen" the love that i didn't think it would get, it was made on a whim so i'm so so so happy y'all enjoyed! i tagged as many as i could (or that tumblr would allow) sorry if i missed some of you :( thank you for your patience and let me know how you feel about this continuation format :) !! notes ii: also also, pt. 2 for "accidents happen" coming soon! notes iii: MY COMPUTER CRASHED AND I THOUGHT I LOST EVERYTHING BUT IT'S OKAY IT'S OKAY :'))))
tagged: @fantasycantasy , @illegalspacecow , @captaincyberqueen , @cherryblossiren , @niragiswhore , @awkwardaardvarkforever , @valentsoup , @lovely212 , @miffysoo , @yandere-kouhai , @i-am-just-a-girl-ur-honor , @wisteriarose214 , @kindadolly , @yuwaimo , @sweetbella1221 , @simpingfor-wakasa , @sirachano0dles , @yutahg , @slowlikehonee , @blurpleuni-squid , @haruchiyoreen , @istanstraykidss , @loyard176 , @msluccapotato , @luv444lay , @backgroundcharactera , @jegelskeranime
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Ever since you picked up your daughter, there’s been a hovering presence that wouldn’t go away no matter where you went. From the park, to the grocery store, all the way home it clung to you like a bad itch. Despite looking over your shoulder and being met without any sort of threat, that didn’t stop the uneasy feeling. And it only intensified when you received a knock on your front door.
You made a confused hum, checking the time on the microwave to confirm that it was indeed past the reasonable hour for potential visitors. Not to mention, you weren’t expecting anyone.
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, instincts telling you that something wasn’t right, that your best option was to pretend you weren’t home. However, the person on the other side knew otherwise as they knocked on the door again, this time with more fervor. You inhaled sharply, taking hesitant steps towards the door until you were mere feet away from it. Eventually, you worked up the courage to look through the peephole, your brows furrowing in distress when all you could see was black—They were covering it. All the more reason not to open the door…
What if it’s a robber? Ridiculous, they don’t knock.
What if it’s just the neighbor? Why cover the peephole?
More and more did your mind swirl with endless possibilities, each one becoming less and less believable. Taking a long, deep breath, you doubled-checked the door-chain was on before slowly cracking it open. And as you attempted to peek through the sliver, nothing could’ve prepared you for the arm that forced its way through, startling you as you yelped, stumbling back as it made a grab at you.
Before you had the thought of shoving the door closed on the offender’s arm they grabbed the little chain, then yanked it clean out of the wall. To your terror, a dark hooded figure entered your home, head hung low, concealing their identity.
You began to hyperventilate, backing up to keep distance as they staggered further into your home before kicking the door closed behind them, effectively blocking you from the exit. Surely, someone heard your scream and would check in, or call the police. But, how long did you have before the intruder decided to make a move? Not to mention, your sleeping child just down the hall…
With that last thought in mind, you immediately steeled your nerves.
Even if you had to use your bare hands, you were going to do whatever it took to keep your baby out of harms way.
You reached for the closest weapon without taking your eyes off the figure, hands clasping onto a discarded umbrella that was leaned up against a closet door. It wasn’t ideal, but it would have to do. Taking a defensive stance, you prepared for what you assumed to be the inevitable.
“I-I don’t know who you are, or what you want…b-but if you don’t leave…my..my boyfriend will be home any minute! H-He knows how to fight, and he’ll fuck you up if you try anything!”
Your means of intimation fall on deaf ears. It were as if you hadn’t spoken at all. They just…stood there. Watching you from the darkness. That feeling, that hovering presence you’d been weary about all evening…there was no doubt in your mind it was because of this individual. Suddenly, they gave a watery chuckle, hand coming up to rub the lower half of their face as the chilling noise dissipated into soft snickers.
You sweatdropped. “I mean it! He’ll be here real soon, so you better get out of here before-”
“[_____]…” the figure finally rasped, voice heavy with an emotion you couldn’t decipher in the moment. You froze, eyes widening.
“…How the hell do you know my name?”
Without much urgency, they stepped forward into the light. Beneath the warm glow, it took you mere seconds to recognize the person standing before you. You gasped, trembling hands dropping the umbrella, it landing with a harsh clatter. Soft, mortified hitches in your breath echoed through the small space, memories flashing before your eyes as you covered your gaping mouth.
“M.. Ma..” you whimpered, throat tightening. A shell of a man, who gazed upon you with stormy eyes flooded with tears at the mere sight of you.
He gave another strained laugh, muttering to himself as he soaked you all in. “Needed to know.. Needed to know it was really you…”
Mikey eyed you up, intensely, eerily silent as he did so. Then, he took in the surroundings, the warmth, the interior, the smell of dinner—It truly felt like a home. A bitter pill to swallow once he reminded himself that you built it without him.
His sharp gaze returned to your stunned expression. He sneered.
“Must’ve been easy for you. To forget me and move on, just like that. Like I was nothing.”
You blinked, taken aback. All you could do was remain speechless, cemented to the ground with thoughts and questions racing in your head. Now matter how many times you opened your mouth, no sound would come out aside from choked whimpers.
“Do you know…how long I’d been searching for you? Been mourning for you?” He hissed through clenched teeth. “When you left, I thought… I thought someone had taken you. That I lost you all because I was too stubborn to say I’m sorry…”
As he spoke, Mikey slowly closed the space between you. The more he came into the light, the more you could see how the years had treated him. His cheekbones were more pronounced, the dark circles under his eyes as well. His lips were dry, cracked, his fair skin now ghoulishly pale. If not for the black hoodie you would’ve mistaken him as such; ghost of your past.
Your shoulders shook, hands hovering over your face as you gaped in disbelief. He’d been looking for you?
That night, that stupid fight you could barely remember…he made it crystal clear that he wanted nothing to do with you. He pushed you away. Pushed so hard that you almost believed he really wouldn’t have cared if you dropped dead. You knew he didn’t mean it, knew it was just another dark impulse…but none of that mattered when all your pregnancy tests came back positive just hours prior.
That night, you made the decision for the sake of your daughter. And also, for his sake. At the time, you were certain he wasn’t ready to be a father. He was quick to rage, merciless, losing himself to the darkness you tried to protect him from. If you had stayed, you were certain Mikey would’ve never forgiven himself if he lost control in front of his own flesh and blood, if the child grew to resent him for something he struggled to control.
You thought you were doing him a favor…but it appears to have done the opposite.
“And this whole time…you’ve been here, alive. Playing fucking house with someone else.”
You stiffened. Someone else? Your visible confusion only irritated him further.
He scoffed. “Don’t play dumb. You said it yourself. Too bad he won’t be coming home anytime soon. I’ve already got Sanzu and the Haitanis looking around for the bastard. And when they find him, I’ll make him regret sticking his filthy dick inside you.”
Confusion morphed into realization. You did threaten him with said hypothetical boyfriend…But, that was before you knew it was him!
“Oh, Manjiro…” you whispered. He glared, scorned.
“Don’t you dare pity me. I mean, you got the family you always wanted, right? So who cares who it was with, right? Congratu-fucking-lations.”
You shook your head, exhaling deeply as you held your face in your hands. For years, he thought you dead. Then, when he received word of your appearance, he finds you with child. And not once did he consider that child to be his? It’s like…he couldn’t fathom the thought.
If only he had looked just a little bit closer, he would’ve seen that she had his eyes. How they resembled those pools of ink that used to shine with so much hope back in his youth, so playful and full of love…those same eyes that now gazed upon you with contempt.
It stung.
He thought so low, not only of himself, but of you as well.
Taking a deep breath to reel in your emotions, tears began to well up in your eyes. He assumed they were tears for your doomed lover, further breaking his heart as Mikey clenched his fists to the point of nearly drawing blood. Luckily, even though you struggled to find the right words, someone else happily found them for you.
Both of you instantly drew your attention on the toddler standing near the kitchen, one fist clutching her blanket while the other rubbed the sleep from her eye. You glanced at Mikey, and he was stiller than stone. His once dead-stare had morphed into what could only be described as incredulous. Surely, he heard her incorrectly…
With a sniffle, you crouched down to address her, offering a soft grin as you nodded earnestly. “That’s right, sweetheart. Papa’s finally come home.”
The little girl blinked sleepily, taking a second to reboot. But, as soon as the words registered, a bright smile stretched across her face as she excitedly rushed towards Mikey, throwing herself onto his legs and hugging them like a koala as she chirped, “Papa, home!”
Said man hobbled a bit at the force, arms windmilling as he caught himself to keep from falling backwards. He didn’t know what to do with himself, especially when those big, round pools of ink opened and stared right up into his soul. Mikey’s heart nearly stopped. With a hitch in his breath, the gangster did everything he could to hold his composure, looking between you and the child as you both gazed at him with so much warmth…it was suffocating.
Sensing he was overwhelmed, you reached down to scoop up the bubbly bundle, holding her close as you eyed Mikey, apprehensively.
He resembled a cornered animal—Muscles stiff, jaw tight, eyes wild. After a moment, Mikey began to slowly back away into the shadows of your home, conflicted, devastated. It wasn’t until his back hit the door did he eventually fall to his ass, of which caused your child to giggle at how silly he was being. However, all you could do was hold back tears, watching as the reality started to weigh down on a man who just discovered he was a father.
Nervous, you gently explained. “I didn’t leave you because of our spat, Jiro…and I never moved on. I just…thought that I’d be doing more harm than good sticking around when I found out I was pregnant…I didn’t want to add any more stress on your plate, so I…”
Mikey didn’t respond. He sat there, stare vast and unfocused. But, you knew he hung on to every word. So you continued. “I wanted to tell you. But…I wasn’t sure how. At the time, I believed you had stopped caring about me altogether. And to hear you’d been looking for me, I-I’m…I’m so sorry. I’m sorry you harbored all that guilt. I didn’t mean for any of that to happen.”
Your daughter wiggled around in your hold, making small grunts in complaint. Her eyes were trained on his figure huddled in the dark, wanting to be acknowledged, wanting his attention. “Papa!”
Mikey flinched. He focused his gaze on the two you, haloed by the light emitting from the living room. You both were like salvation, reaching down to a broken sinner…How could she want anything to do with him? When he had missed so much already…
To keep from accidentally dropping her, you placed your daughter back on the ground, watching wearily as she wobbled all the way to Mikey, blanket in tow. You weren’t worried about him hurting her, far from it…if anything, he appeared to be the fragile one.
Eventually, she made it to her destination, standing before him with a curious, but eager expression as she rested a hand on his knee. Mikey watched her, took in all of her features, every last detail as he engraved it to memory. She was beautiful, just like her mother. One would think his genes didn’t stand a chance. But the eyes. That was all him. From his mother to his older brother to himself, there was no doubt in his mind that those were Sano eyes.
His lower lip quivered, reaching out hesitantly to caress her cheek. She didn’t cower away, merely babbled as she began patting his knee, allowing his thumb to rub over her chubby cheek. You clasped your hands over your mouth, growing even more emotional at the delicate moment. Mikey looked enamored already, eyes subtly sparkling from what you could see as they interacted.
“I-I told her stories, about you. And I made sure to show her photos, too. Old ones, but still you nonetheless. I wanted her to know who her father truly was. Despite everything else…”
Your daughter cooed, then placed her blanket in Mikey’s lap before climbing into it. Mikey didn’t dare move, rigid as she made herself comfortable. He looked up at you, looking for guidance, for reassurance. Your encouraging smile was enough for him to hesitantly place his hands on her small back for support, carefully adjusting so that she was stable. She laid her head on his chest and stuck her thumb in her mouth, sighing contentedly.
And, for the first time in years, he smiled.
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When you hadn’t seen her familiar pigtails bobbing around, or heard any of her excited chatter with the receptionist up front, worry couldn’t even begin to describe what you felt the moment you realize…your daughter wasn’t here.
As soon as the meeting looked like it was wrapping up, you politely excused yourself from the room. Masking your worry wasn't too difficult, but there's no doubt a couple people might've noticed the spring in your step as you exited. One of them being Rindou Haitani. He watched you speed down the hall with mild interest, corner of his mouth ticking up ever so slightly as he thumbed around on his phone beneath the table. Having been updating his older brother during the meeting while he was on his smoke break, he was more than eager to inform him of the storm that was no doubt heading his way.
Little did the younger Haitani know, he was already dealing with one.
"And then, Haruka-kun tries to take Momo-kun's bento box because she had cuter animal shapes, but Momo-kun already said no, and so Haruka-kun pushes Momo-kun, and then tries to take it! But I pushed him and hit him with my fist, like this," she clenched up her tiny fist and held it up to Ran before striking down on his forearm with all her might. It didn't even pitch. "Like that."
The lavender-eyed man merely gazed upon her with mirth. "Did you now?"
"Mmhm! And teacher got so mad, and said that she would tell Ma about me fighting, but she's stupid because Ma didn't pick me up today, and I told Haruka-kun if he snitches, I'll beat 'em up!"
Ran lowly whistled. "Quite the little menace, ain'tcha?"
She pumped her fists. "Yeah!" Then, she paused, holding a finger to her chin in thought. "Wait...what's a menace?"
"Ah, something you inherited from your old man." He ruffled her hair, much to her displeasure. Though her innocent jab earlier regarding his age still hit a sore spot, he was starting to like the sound of it. She, on the other hand, wasn't convinced.
"I already told you; Ma was on her happy juice when she said that. She said not to believe anything she says when she's on happy juice. It makes her do silly things."
Ran chuckled. He knew that all too well. The little girl wouldn't be in this world if not for your inability to hold your liquor. But judging based on how you've raised her so far, clearly you made the right decision keeping him in the dark.
He'll admit, he wasn't the best in terms of commitment. Throughout his day to day, Ran just didn't have the energy. With being in Bonten, keeping an eye out for his younger brother, handling business, dealing with numbskulls and disposing of their bodies, there was never a time to even consider settling down. One-night stands and on and off flings were the easiest choice. At least, until he stumbled upon you.
You were the whole package and more. Classy, independent, witty, and a looker to top it all off. When Bonten started collaborating with the organization you worked in, he couldn't help but to be drawn to you—Like a moth to a flame. It started out as the occasional bantering, trying to one-up the other, catch them off guard. Ran was smooth with his words but could never quite beat your sharp tongue. Thus, things escalated to something more flirtatious. Harmless, but it didn't take long before the months of tension between the both of you began boiling over...and throwing alcohol into the mix, it was the first time Ran finally felt like he had the upper hand. Seeing how poorly you handled just a few glasses of wine, it endeared him. Seeing a piece of you that no one else had the privilege to witness. Your sloppy side, the clumsy, whiny, touchy side. After that long, passionate night beneath the sheets, the one time you and Ran allowed yourselves the space to be vulnerable with one another...you found yourself pregnant. And Ran found himself being nonethewiser.
He wonders, if he hadn't left the next morning and completely ghosted you...would you have kept him in the picture?
Suddenly, his phone dings. Reaching back to pull it from his back pocket, Ran half expected it to just be another update on the meeting or Rindou cursing at him to hurry his ass back inside. But, it wasn't that at all. And at the sound of your kitten heels rushing out of the building and halting at the top of the steps, Ran didn't even need to look up to know who was glowering down from them.
"Hey, Ma! Guess what, the purple man isn't such a meanie after all!"
Ran snorted, finally looking up from his phone to greet the woman who not only still had his heart, but evidently his first child. You, on the other hand, weren't so thrilled to see him.
"Rika. Wait inside. Ma's got some words for the purple man."
He smirked. "Wanna say 'em over a glass of wine?"
"You son of a-!"
"Bad word!" Your daughter covered her ears. You flushed, your composure nearly slipping just by being in his prescence. Ran, immediately seeing the opportunity, teasingly pouts at you whilst covering her tiny hands with his larger ones, shielding her.
"Honey, please, not in front of the child. Can't have her repeating those dirty words at school, can we?"
You fumed, speaking through clenched teeth. "Haitani, as soon as I get her in this building, away from you, I swear to God, I'm gonna wring your neck."
He hummed, amused. "Well. Guess she didn't get her violent side from me after all. Speaking of which, did you know at school today-"
"Hey! No snitching!"
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“...What did you say?” 
You were hoping you heard the teacher wrong. Surely it was just your exhaustion taking the wheel. But, when her kind smile didn’t falter, nor did her gushes for the supposed “adorable display”, you immediately grew suspicious.
While heading home from work, you went to pick up your children from daycare. And when you arrived, the teacher merely informed you that it was already taken care of by your very handsome and very devoted husband. 
“I-I think you’re mistaken. My boyfriend and I aren’t married…”
The teacher, finally coming back down to earth, tilted her head in confusion. ���Eh? You aren’t?” 
“Did he…say we were?” 
“Well, no. I just assumed since it was easy to tell who he was here for. Hikaru and Kaoru look so much like their daddy.”
You choked on your spit.  Hikaru and Kaoru look so much like their daddy. Hikaru and Kaoru look so much like their daddy.
You did everything in your power to keep from strangling the poor woman. Sure, she didn’t do anything wrong per say…but she sure did make a grave error. And your struggle to restrain your intrusive thoughts must’ve shown on your face from the way she placed a concerned hand on your arm. “Are you alright, miss? You look like you’re about to faint.”
“M-Mhm, yep, great, just peachy.” You squeaked through clenched teeth, sweatdrop on your forehead. “Could you um…confirm something for me?”
“Uh.? Er, sure. I’ll try my best.”
With tense shoulders and a tight smile, you asked, “Their…father…did his mouth have two scars in the corners?”
The teacher blinked, confused. Shouldn’t you already know that answer yourself?, she was probably thinking. And she would be right; you did know. But her simple, hesitant nod was the final nail in the coffin that was your delusion—Haruchiyo Sanzu had found you. And to make matters worse, he had the children.
Your smile faltered, twitching ever so slightly. Covering it with a forced chuckle, you cried, “Oh, that’s..wonderful! He’s always been self conscious about them, and I’m j-just.. beaming with joy that he’s embracing them more. Have a nice evening, Ms. Yuki.”
The teacher didn’t get a chance to respond as you quickly turned on your heel and began speed walking home. You’d apologize for your abrupt exit another day…right now there were more important matters to worry about. For instance—How on earth did Sanzu find you? How did he know about the twins and where they were? Oh, God…did he know about Satoru?
Dialing him up a few times only for the calls to go straight to voicemail weren’t reassuring in the slightest, having you rush across oncoming traffic just so you could avoid any further delays for your fraying nerves. You could see your apartment complex up ahead, heart thumping in your throat at the familiar, black SUV parked a couple blocks down. Had it not been for the heavily tinted windows and no license plates, you probably would’ve overlooked it. He knew where you lived. Stomach in knots, muscles stiff, nerves shot. You didn’t know whether to feel relieved or devastated. Your kids were safe at home, but at what cost? You stood in front of the building, rooted to the ground. Despite mentally preparing for this exact scenario for years, it all went down the drain the second you went to that daycare and discovered your children were missing.
It wasn’t until your phone vibrated did you snap out of your thoughts, shakily pulling the device out of your back pocket to check the notification.
from : unknown 1:06 pm     “ hi, mama.~ ”
Your stomach twisted. Attached to the message were two photos.
The first photo was of your kids eating McDonald's in the kitchen, happily cheesing and waving at the camera. You couldn't hold your choked gasp, hand coming up to hold your quivering lower lip—They were safe.
The second photo...was of Satoru. Tied to a chair, gagged, and beaten senseless. And standing behind him, holding him by his hair so that he could pose for the camera, grinning like a cheshire cat...
Another message pops up. Your grip tightened around your phone.
from : unknown 1:09 pm " daddy's home.~ "
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© 2024-2025 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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star-sim · 3 months
espresso ☆ sunoo kim
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☆ super mega down bad!sunoo x fem! reader ☆ summary: that one time sunoo had a not-so innocent dream about you, and suddenly you're the only thing that consumed all of his senses. the problem? you're the most popular girl at the academy, and he's just a nerd. driven mad by his feelings for you, it felt like his chances with you were next to zero. it's actually much higher than he thought! ☆ genre: dark academia! au, classic popular girl x nerd, a looooot of romantic and sexual frustration LOL, a bit of nerdy lingo , loser and desperate sunoo!! ☆ warning(s)? slightly suggestive, but mostly just pure silliness and fluff :3 ☆ word count: 9.5k ☆ happy belated birthday to sunoo! the sunoo fic disparity is criminal. this is for you @ashtxrie. inspired "espresso" by sabrina carpenter. i hope i did mintchoco king justice. enjoy!
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Popular kids.
Sunoo narrowed his eyes, clutching his textbooks even closer to his chest as he walked past the hoard of snobby rich kids. Their expensive pearl necklaces and diamond rings gleamed under the warm hallway lights, but no golden jewelry would take away how downright obnoxious they were.
"How could anyone be so loud right now?" Sunoo grumbled under his breath, pushing up his thin golden-framed glasses. Seriously though, he had a point. There was no reason for anyone at all to be screaming at the top of their lungs at 10 in the morning. But alas, here he was, rolling his eyes at the stuck-up rich kids.
The Academy had a pretty simple admissions system. Either you pay to get in, or you apply and get evaluated based on your application. Most of the students at the Academy were from wealthy families, so they obviously paid to be admitted. Sunoo, on the other hand, had more humbler origins. 
To say that he worked his utmost ass off to even be able to apply was an understatement. It was almost patronizing to see all of these kids born with a silver spoon in their mouth act so carelessly.
They all acted so condescendingly, as if they didn't get admitted because of their father's paycheck.
"What's got your panties in a twist?" A new voice interrupted Sunoo's thoughts. It was his younger friend Riki, who threw an arm around his shoulder. 
"Nothing," Sunoo murmured, tearing his eyes away from the group of popular kids. 
All of them were the same. All arrogant, all pompous, all vain, all—
"Are you sure?" his other friend, Jungwon, joined. "You look a little bit—err— disturbed."
"I'm not."
Riki and Jungwon shared a look.
Okay, maybe not all rich kids were the same. 
Because there were a few exceptions, such as—
"Are you still mad about that one time that snobby little Sanghyeok threw a ball at you?" Riki asked, blinking owlishly.
"No, what are you—"
"He's a rugby player, isn't he?" Jungwon thought aloud. "Geez, all the rugby players love tossing that goddamn football around, don't they?"
"Erm, actually, it's called a rugby ball," Riki corrected in a nasally voice.
"Whatever. It doesn't matter. Why would anyone throw those around? It's like a ball of concrete!"
Sunoo tuned his younger friends' bickering out. He'll admit it, he's just a little bit of a hater. 
Among the snobby rich kids, there's definitely a few exceptions. Jay Park was a pretty cool guy, and so was Jake Sim. Sunoo could've sworn that there's one more person that he didn't mind too much... He just couldn't remember who....
"Watch out!"
It happened so quickly, because one moment Sunoo was lost in thought. And the next, a rugby ball was hurling at him, pummeling him square in the head.
Not again, was the last thing he thought of before he fell to the ground, blacking out.
"Aw man, you hit the nerd again?!"
"Hey, I didn't mean to— Ack!"
Sunoo stirred. It was weird. He could feel himself gain consciousness, but his head and body were pounding. Excruciatingly.
He could hear a little bit of arguing and a few masculine voices, all muffled yet somehow also painful to his ears.
"Quiet down," a new voice entered. It was a voice that Sunoo recognized, a voice that was much kinder and softer on his ears, almost healing. "If you keep yelling, you'll overwhelm him."
Whose voice was this? Sunoo knows that he knows this voice, but he couldn't quite put his finger on who.
Then, Sunoo felt a few gentle fingers run through his hair, and then a cold, ice compress pressed on his forehead.
"Just leave," the voice told the others. "Get to class. I'll take care of him."
There's some murmuring, and then some shuffling, and finally, the door slammed shut.
And the moment that it did, Sunoo's eyes shot open.
The first thing that he's met with as full consciousness pervades his body is a sharp pain everywhere, much more amplified and extreme this time.
The second thing that Sunoo sees is... you.
Of course, that makes sense now. You were the voice, and you were the person he was thinking about earlier. You were one of the exceptions to his "all rich kids are annoying" gag.
Of course you were.
Everyone knew you, and everyone loved you. Who wouldn't?
You were incredibly sweet, had a knack for calling everyone with affectionate nicknames, and every reason why Sunoo couldn't bring himself to hate everyone in the popular crowd. He's had a few classes with you in the past few years. You weren't the top student or academically driven by any means, but he could sense your effort. 
Not to mention, you were really pretty. It was no secret that every single guy in school wanted a chance with you. Sunoo wasn't like that, but he wasn't going to sit there and deny that your face was nice to look at. Truthfully, it was difficult to not like you, one way or another.
In total, Sunoo's spoken to you a total of probably four times. Nevertheless, you were a lot more than just tolerable, compared to the rest of your peers.
Now Sunoo was in the infirmary, after that rugby ball smacked him right in the head and knocked him out. He was lying down on the gurney, a cold compress to his head. And you were taking care of him.
"You're up, sweetheart," you said softly, jumping to your feet once you realized that Sunoo was awake. You handed him his glasses that were folded neatly on the table, and then you went to the shelves. Sunoo attempted to raise himself up to sit, but almost immediately he was met with that horrible, aching pain again.
"Aghh!" he groaned, dropping himself instantly and clutching onto the ice pack on his head. 
You hissed, scurrying over to his side. 
"Don't move," you instructed him. Sunoo got a good look at your face now. Pretty, as always, but you had a pinched expression. You looked frustrated, and as you unfurled the bundle of bandages that you fetched from the shelf, your eyes traveled to him and almost looked apologetic. "Let's get you fixed up, sweetie."
Very gently, almost as if you were dealing with glass, you lifted Sunoo's head just enough so that you could wrap bandages around his forehead.
"Is that okay?" you asked him quietly, your nimble fingers brushing against his skin gently. 
"Mmm—" Sunoo was cut off by a guttural sound in his throat— "Mhm."
You pushed his dark locks out of the way, humming.
While you worked on him, Sunoo couldn't help but notice how.... concerned you looked. As a matter of fact, where were the rest of your friends? Where was that bastard Sanghyeok that threw the damn rugby ball at him in the first place? 
It wasn't like you were a student nurse or anything. Aside from just being a nice person, what reason did you have to go out of your way to fix Sunoo up? It wasn't like you were the one that threw the ball.
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, your brows furrowing together. Something was on your mind. 
"I'm sorry," you finally blurted, your eyes wide and nearly glassy.
"I'm sorry that Sanghyeok threw that ball at you," you continued, words spilling from your glossy lips like a waterfall, your eyes trained onto the floor and your head hung low. As words tumbled out, you stopped your ministrations on him, your hands taking solace on the hem of your uniform skirt. "I-It was very wrong of him, and it's even worse that you're now injured, and—"
"Why are you apologizing?" Sunoo interrupted you, though with labored breaths between his words, as he didn't want to hurt himself.
You frowned even harder, your fingers wringing each other. "B-But—"
Sunoo's face scrunched. "You didn't throw the ball at me. Sanghyeok did, so there's no reason for you to say sorry to me."
You shook your head. 
"Still!" you huffed, your cheeks filling with air as you tapped your foot. You let out an exasperated breath. It smelled of coffee. "I know that it's not my fault, but— but that doesn't make what happened right."
Sunoo opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, beginning your ministrations once again. "I'm just doing what's right."
By the end of the school day, Sunoo got out of the nurse's office, just slightly stumbling. His head still hurt, but thanks to you, who missed a few classes, it hurt a lot less than it should have. Once again, you proved that you weren't as bad as the rest. 
If it was any other day, Sunoo would go to the library to fit in a few hours of studying, but after today's events, he just wanted to go back to his dorm.
It's been a long, stressful, and painful day. 
The moment that Sunoo's dorm door shut, he made a bee-line for his bed, completely ignoring his roommate Sunghoon. He threw off his uniform shirt and tie, peeling them off like they were some nuisance. 
And just like that, the second that Sunoo's head hit the pillow, he knocked out.
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Sunoo opened his eyes and he was in a bed. Not his own bed, but a softer, much more comfortable bed. 
He felt a warm—really warm— almost fuzzy, feeling in his chest. Sunoo's hands feel around the bed. The sheets are smooth and clean, and under his fingertips they wrinkle ever-so slightly. Now that he was looking around, it seemed to be early morning, with rays of sunlight peeking through the windows. In fact, this dorm room wasn't his. It smelled of espresso coffee, and was so pristine and neat.
Sunoo didn't notice it now, but all the pain he was supposed to be feeling disappeared. And just as he was about to get up to his feet to inspect, someone appeared at the doorway.
"You're up, sleepyhead?" you said, leaning on the doorway as a sly smile spread across your face. 
Why was he in your room? 
And more importantly, why were you in only a bathrobe? 
Sunoo looked down, and that's when he realized that he, too, was shirtless.
Instead of responding how he'd want to— confused out of his mind— words tumbled out of his lips, almost like he had no control over them. "I was waiting for you."
You giggled, pretty sounds falling from your pretty lips. You slowly sauntered over to the foot of your bed, your gentle hands coming down to brush against Sunoo's leg.
"You look so handsome, sweetheart," you rasped. The warmth and fuzziness that he felt earlier began to spread from his chest to his entire body.
And the next thing that Sunoo knew, you were on top of him. Your lips pressed wet kisses all over his bare chest. Sticky gloss clung to his flushed skin, leaving pretty lipstick marks across his skin. 
"God, I want you so bad," you groaned, before taking his skin between your teeth. You sucked on it gently, earning a gasp from the boy. You giggled into his ear.
By now, Sunoo was burning up completely. Each graze of your lips was like a scorching hot iron piercing his skin, but it burned so good. If it weren't for his fingers that dug into the crisp bed sheets, or the way that you gripped his chin, Sunoo would have fainted already. Each gasp for air as you marked his soft skin was ripped from his throat, hot lines of electricity running through his veins. 
"Please..." Sunoo pleaded through a strangled whimper, letting out a soft moan when you bit onto his ear, your warm breath brushing up against his skin in a way that made him shudder. "Please, [Name]."
Everything before had a haze over it, a blurry screentone cast over Sunoo's eyes.
But as you looked up at him through your pretty eyelashes, lips swollen from abusing his skin, Sunoo swore that he could see everything so clearly. Every line on your face, every shadow and every highlight, every blemish and every perfection— he could see all of it.
"Please, what?" you murmured, your lips spreading into a grin. "What are you begging for, sweetheart?"
And it drove him crazy.
Sunoo threw his head back, an airy moan tumbling from his lips, giving you better access to his neck. 
"I need you," he whined, his chest heaving up and down as he failed to catch his breath. "Please, I need you so bad."
You giggled again, pressing a hand against his chest.
"Anything you want you get—"
Beep beep! That was an eerily familiar alarm sound, one that was familiar enough to make Sunoo's head whip around.
You looked unfazed, only giggling again before leaning in to press soft kisses on his chest. 
Beep beep!
There it was again! This time, Sunoo's body jerked at the sound, his face scrunching. Why weren't you reacting?
"Focus on me, sweetie," you whispered in his ear. 
Sunoo complied (because of course he did), closing his eyes as you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. And just as he was beginning to forget that godforsaken sound, sinking into the sweet taste of your lips...
Beep beep!
Sunoo couldn't help the way that he jerked away from you.
And as he did, Sunoo jerked awake.
His eyes shot open.
Dark room, completely drenched in sweat, burning up, and unfortunately alone.
"I swear, you always look like someone pissed you off."
"Right? He always looks so... constipated?"
On most days, Sunoo could endure his friends' teasing. Not this morning though.
He woke up from that dream completely disoriented. With his hair disheveled and face flushed, Sunoo arose from his slumber with beads of sweat running down his temple. It took him four more rings of his alarm clock and his roommate yelling at him to truly regain his consciousness— for while he was physically awake, he wasn't truly awake. Not after a dream like that.
Sunoo told everyone so far that he woke up with a fever, which was true. His cheeks were bright red, and his skin was hot to the touch, as he was bundled up in a few layers of coats. 
Truthfully, his physical condition wasn't what was causing him to be so disoriented.
It was you.
What the fuck was that dream? 
Usually, Sunoo couldn't remember his dreams, even if they were fever dreams. But now sitting in the dining hall, nibbling on his breakfast, Sunoo could remember every little thing so clearly in his mind. 
He could remember how your room looked, how your bathrobe made your skin look so beautiful, how your plump lips felt against his chest, how fucking gorgeous you look—
Sunoo dropped his fork onto the table, the metal cutlery clanking with the porcelain plates around him.
"What's up with him?" Jungwon not-so-quietly whispered to Riki. The two watched, perplexed, as Sunoo's cheeks turned even more red, the older boy's tired eyes squeezing shut as he hid his face in his palms. 
Sunoo groaned, looking through his palms to look at his friends' confused expressions.
He felt hot. Maybe it was the fever. 
He looked down at his palms, the reddy patches sticky with a thin sheen of sweat. 
Definitely not just the fever.
He couldn't get your voice out of his head.
It was well-known that you liked to call everyone a nickname of sorts. It seemed like his nickname was "sweetheart."
Sunoo knew it was innocent, especially when you were fixing him up yesterday. But now with a new context—the context of his not-so innocent dream where you rasped "sweetheart" into his ear— he couldn't help but feel shy.
Sunoo's chest heaved. His tweed coat felt too thick now. His fingertips were held together by threads, and if he wasn't careful, he'd burst with blazing plasma. 
Tuning out his friends, Sunoo couldn't stop his mind from drifting back to last night's dream. 
He'd absolutely combust if he saw you again. Sunoo had no idea how he'd even look you in the eye, after doing unthinkable things with you in his dream.
God, there was no way that he'd ever let anyone, let alone you, find out about this. He felt like some pervert, some sick creep using you to fuel his nasty fantasies. He was not, but he sure felt like it.
Sunoo didn't dare look anywhere except down at his plate. If he did, he feared that he would catch sight of you, and completely die. As a matter of fact, even hearing the names of your friends in passing made his stomach do flips. 
The school bell rang, and now Sunoo had to drag himself to class. Murmuring a small good-bye to his friends, his heavy footsteps took him where his first period morning class would be.
Gosh, he fell asleep almost immediately last night! Quick, was there homework that he was supposed to complete? His morning class started with his elective, botany. 
Botany, botany, botany, he repeated in his head, jotting his memory. There weren't any notes due until the end of the week, and the closest test from today is two weeks. So why did he feel like he was missing something? Was there a presentation that he didn't remember? Maybe they were having a lab today and he forgot to bring his gloves. Or maybe—
Sunoo stopped in his tracks.
Just as he was cooling down, he felt his skin erupt with goosebumps, warmth overtaking his entire body.
If it weren't for his acute awareness of his surroundings, Sunoo would have tripped over his feet.
Because you decided to appear.
Oh fuck, why were you right there? Standing across the hall from him, all prettied up and completely oblivious to the hell that you were putting Sunoo through.
Had you always looked so pretty? 
Of course, Sunoo recalled how perfect your face looked at all times, how jaw-dropping you managed to look even when you didn't try. The way that the light reflected off your skin made you look like you were glowing. Like a halo.
Sunoo's face burned. You definitely looked prettier in real life than in his dream. Not even the intricate workings of his brain could capture your beauty.
A strangled noise escaped Sunoo's throat, his face turning as white as a ghost, eyes big as saucers. 
No, no, no! Sunoo squeezed his eyes shut. Of course. He had morning Botany with you! How could he forget!
"Move, you nerd!" someone grumbled as they shoved past him. Usually, on any other day, Sunoo would cuss back at them, maybe shove past them even harder. But all he could do now was stand back dazed.
He forced himself to pick up his feet again. After all, class was starting, and the bell would ring in a matter of minutes. 
What was harder than pulling himself out of his daze was walking into that Botany lecture hall. Sunoo didn't dare look anywhere that wasn't his shoes, in fear that if he even caught a glimpse of you, he'd evaporate.
With quick, hasty steps, Sunoo scurried along the sides of the hall, ignoring the little hi's and good morning's from his classmates. 
And just as he thought he successfully made it to his seat...
"Good morning, Kim!"
To say that Sunoo nearly jumped out of his skin would be an understatement. 
As you appeared before his seat, seemingly out of thin air, Sunoo felt every inch of his body flare up with warmth. 
You looked even better up-close.
"Oh— Uh—" Sunoo couldn't help the way he stared at you with wide eyes, his lips agape. 
"Good— Um, Good morning, [N-Name]," was all he could manage out.
You stared at him for a few moments, blinking a few times, before a wide smile broke out on your lips. 
You reached out, your hand resting gently on the crown of his head, completely oblivious to the way that the boy tensed under your touch. "How does your head feel, sweetheart?"
Sunoo completely forgot that he'd sustained a head injury earlier. How could he remember when something (or someone) else was making his head hurt?
"I-It's good!" he stammered quickly, words tripping over themselves. "I'm good!"
You cocked your head, your brows furrowing. 
"No one picked on you, right?" you looked around, leaning closer to him— close enough that he could feel your breath on his neck. "Did any of my friends try bothering you again?"
Sunoo flushed at the proximity. This was feeling a little too familiar.
"No!" Sunoo nearly shouted. When everyone turned to look at him weirdly, the room falling silent for a mere second, he muttered a quick sorry. "I mean— No, n-no one bothered me again."
You nodded slowly, before you brought your hand to his forehead. "You're feeling a little warm, sweetie. You aren't sick, aren't you?"
If he had less self-awareness, Sunoo would have run around that lecture hall a few times, dunked his face in a bucket of iced water, and maybe even screamed a few times before answering your question. But he couldn't, so all he could do was shake his head no.
"Good," you said with a smile. "I'll see you around."
With that, you turned on your heel, and went back to your seat. 
Class started, but Sunoo couldn't quite focus.
Sunoo felt like this had to be some joke. It felt like Jungwon or Riki were about to come out behind the curtains and scream "Gotcha!" in his face.
Because why on earth were you and him on the same path to the boys' dormitory?
After his daily study session in the library, Sunoo figured that the chances of him running into you again would be low.
But lo and behold, as Sunoo was on his way back to his dorm, you materialized from thin air and started walking with him. In silence, of course, but you greeted him with a smile.
Even after 10 hours of being out and about, you still managed to look so perfect.
In all the years that he'd attended this Academy, Sunoo's never seen you take this route, let alone go to the boys' dormitory.
Did you have a boyfriend? Or a special relationship with a boy? Sunoo's stomach dropped. What if he's been thinking about you all this time when you were taken already?
Sunoo opened his mouth to talk, but you beat him to it.
"Sooo, Sunoo," you said in a dreamy, sing-songy voice. "How's your day been?"
Torture, because of you. "I-It's been okay."
You hummed. "That's good to hear."
It wasn't like he was in love with you. But for some reason, it bothered Sunoo that you could be heading to the boys' dorm for a possible boyfriend. He just needed to know.
"Where are you— Where are you headed?" Sunoo winced at his question. You probably thought he was weird now. He felt hot all over.
You smiled, clicking your tongue with a playful eye roll. "Just to my cousin's dorm. He just transferred here so my parents want me to help him move in."
Sunoo blinked.
"Th-That's nice," Sunoo quipped. "I'm just going back to my— uh— dorm."
Of course he'd be going back to his own dorm! Sunoo chided in his head. You definitely thought he was an idiot by now.
The trip up the stairs and down the hall was quiet, awfully silent— only the distant sound of students and footsteps filling the air.
Eventually, the two of you met a stop.
"I should be turning at this corner now; his room is just down that hall," you said to him, earning a nod. "Thanks for walking with me, Sunoo."
"Of course," Sunoo said back shyly, a small smile on his lips. " 'It's my pleasure."
"No seriously," you continued, a bashful smile on your lips. "The halls during this time of year are a little sketchy. Sometimes, I can't even trust my own guy friends to walk me."
Sunoo cocked his head.
"The point is," you said, your eyes unwavering as they met with Sunoo's eyes, "You make me feel safe."
Before Sunoo could respond, you shot him a kind smile, before turning on your heel. "Good night, sweetheart!"
Sunoo was rendered speechless, staring at your retreating back.
"Good night," he muttered under his breath, not audible even to himself. "Sweetheart."
(He definitely thought about this interaction later into the night, and burned up severely.)
Although no one would guess it, the next few weeks were hell for Sunoo. It was almost terrifying.
How did you manage to show up everywhere?
Truly, it felt like everywhere Sunoo went, you just happened to show up. 
It started with little things. In the middle of class you would come in to give back a sweater you borrowed from your friend. Sometimes you would come in and sit at the back of class to make up a test that you missed, or to ask the professor any question you had about the upcoming assignment. Each time, you'd wave at Sunoo, sometimes even before you waved at your friends.
All normal, of course. Every time he'd see you, he'd immediately straighten his back to make sure his posture was perfect— maybe even brush his hair out of his eyes and adjust his glasses, all in the hopes that if you looked at him, he wouldn't be a pain to view.
All as if he wasn't screaming on the inside. There was just something about how you always had that dreamy look in your eye, like a princess. How could he possibly look you in the eye? 
Sunoo wanted to look perfect and pristine for you, but at the same time, he wanted to disappear under your gaze. Sometimes, he wanted to disappear because he simply couldn't handle the power that your eyes had. Other times he wanted to disappear so that he could look at you— observe every line, perfection, and imperfection of your face— without the existence of others around him.
No matter the time, one thing was common: Sunoo always turned four shades redder whenever you walked into the room. And it was frustrating.
"Why are you red?"
"You look embarrassed. Did you fart or something?"
"Tomato boy."
It was embarrassing, especially because his seatmates always ended up being the biggest assholes anyway.
Then, you began waving to him in the hallway. It started with small waves, sometimes with you mouthing hi or hello. But then you'd sometimes run up to him with a wide smile just to say hi.
Maybe you were just really nice, Sunoo thought, though he'd be lying if he said that he didn't wish you were giving him special treatment. In fact, it made him feel sick just thinking about how you called your friends cute pet names like darling, too. He almost had to excuse himself to the washroom when thinking about you calling other people sweetheart. You were bound to, of course, but that didn't mean that Sunoo particularly liked that idea.
All of these were small little things, pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things, especially considering that you were the most popular girl in school.
But then it started getting bad.
And it wasn't your fault.
Why— just why— did you have to be in every single one of his dreams?
The first dream he had about you was already enough. Why did he need a bajillion more?
The dreams ranged from extremely mundane to scary to a bit... raunchy. And yet, you still managed to be in every single one of them.
In the mundane ones, you'd be the person that mutters a remark to him before disappearing. 
In the scary ones, you'd be the person that Sun threw over his shoulder as he ran away from the undead. 
In the raunchy ones, you'd be under him, your arms thrown around his neck as he lays wet kisses on your skin, basking in the pretty sounds that you make— Too much!
He couldn't help it. He really couldn't.
There were times where Sunoo was afraid to go to sleep. Not because seeing you was a bad thing, but because the aftermath was always bad.
Sunoo always woke up sweaty and burning up. He'd trudge to the shared bathroom and splash water on his face. No matter how cold the water was, whenever he closed his eyes all he could see was your face. Your pretty, pretty, face. You seemed to get prettier with every dream, yet dream-you couldn't ever compare to real life-you.
Seeing your face wasn't the problem. He loved to see it. The problem was that every time he saw your face Sunoo would get all clammy and mushy and warm on the inside. His cheeks would burn, and he'd feel warm all over. 
And the hardest part was that every single time, all he could hear was your voice calling him "sweetheart" — over and over, in a hypnotizing cadence that only made him want to fall into your essence even more.
It was weird.
So, so, weird.
And Sunoo thought that he was going to die.
It seemed like Sunoo was always in for a surprise.
By the end of the month, Sunoo managed to convince himself to forget about his dreams completely. 
After all, after a few days of doing his best to avoid you, he was able to assure himself that all of these feelings would disappear with time, since his attraction to you was random anyway.
Sure, you're pretty, Sunoo told himself. And very kind and sweet, but it wasn't like you and him were best buds. So whatever delusion that was going on in his head was bound to go nowhere. He was just being a teenager, probably.
He'd never felt this way towards anyone before. It was best to just ignore it.
Sunoo clenched his fists. Yeah, he'd do his damn best to ignore it.
But as he was in line in the Academy's library, preparing to check out a new book about whatever topic he wanted to read up on, Sunoo felt a pair of hands clutch his shoulders.
"Hi, Sunoo!"
Sunoo whipped his head around and jolted, a small "Ah!" leaving his lips. Startled, he nearly dropped his massive hunk of a book, earning a glare from the snobby student-librarians. 
It was you.
The moment that he laid eyes on you and your silly little grin, Sunoo's resolve weakened. Like walls of a fortified castle crumbling under the force of a cannon, if Sunoo didn't look away now he'd be absolutely beat. 
"H— Hey there, [Name]," he said quietly, tearing his eyes away from you and turning back to the front, holding his book close to his chest.
"Whatcha got there?" you asked him curiously. He could still feel your hands on his shoulders squeezing him playfully.
Sunoo looked down at his book.
Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization?
Oh god, you were definitely going to think he was a nerd.
"Nothing..." he murmured, clutching the book even closer to him.
You shook him by his shoulders playfully, a little chuckle coming from your lips. "Oh, c'mon! I know that massive book isn't just 'nothing.' What're you reading?"
"It's..." Sunoo winced. "It's embarrassing."
You pouted, a little hmph! coming from you.
"Next!" the librarian called, and Sunoo moved forward in the line to check out his book, though he was distracted by the way that you still continued to cling to him.
"You didn't— You didn't get a book?" Sunoo asked as you followed him to a library table, your hands empty.
"Nope," you said smoothly. "I'm just here to study!"
"Oh." Sunoo blinked, pushing up his glasses. It was quiet and he didn't know what to say. "What are you studying?"
"I'll tell you," you smiled, "Only if you tell me what your book is about."
He sighed. Sunoo sat down, and naturally, you followed suit, sitting across from him. He plopped his massive book down onto the table, and slowly slid it over to you.
Your brows furrowed together as you read its title.
Sunoo's cheeks burned. You definitely think he's some nerd. How embarrassing.
You finally looked up at him. Only, instead of looking at him with condescension or ridicule, you looked embarrassed.
"Um," your brows knitted together further. "What's cartography?"
Sunoo stared at you. You don't think he's weird?"
"I-I'm sorry," you continued, letting out a deep breath. You looked perplexed. "I'm not very smart. I don't know what cartography is. Or what geo-something-something is. Can you explain it to me?"
He stared at you again.
After what you just said, there was no way that he'd possibly let his feelings for you fade away. There were a lot of things that Sunoo couldn't agree with when it came to the popular kids at his school. But here he understood why hoards of boys would be at your feet, begging for just one chance.
The corners of his lips lifted. The bashful look on your face was... cute.
"It's okay," he began. "Cartography is just the science of making maps."
You looked even more confused, but also relieved. Relieved that he wasn't going to make fun of you for not knowing. "There's a science behind making maps?"
"Hm," Sunoo paused to think, "Not exactly. But there's a lot of thought that goes behind making maps."
Sunoo thought he was going to fall in love. He loved his friends, of course, but none of them were ever as curious about his interests as you were.
"Well," Sunoo's hands joined to make a circular shape. "The Earth is a three-dimensional globe." You nodded to show that you were listening, staring at him with curious eyes. "Imagine even trying to transfer a 3D globe onto a flat, two-dimensional surface. It's pretty difficult to do without intense distortion."
You nodded slowly, your eyes narrowing.
"Was I rambling?" Sunoo asked quietly, so quietly that he didn't even think you could hear him.
"No!" you jumped to answer, earning a glare from the librarian. "I'm just trying to process it."
After a few moments of silence, you sucked in a deep breath. "I get it now, sweetie. You're so smart."
"Th-Thank you..." Sunoo stuttered out. Did he really just ramble to you about maps? And did you actually just listen to him with interest? "What are you studying?"
"Oh, me?" you looked down, embarrassed again. "It's just history. I can't wrap my head around it and I have an exam next Wednesday."
"Oh...." Sunoo blinked. "I can help you."
And that's how he got invited to your dorm.
(And to hell with forgetting his feelings!)
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Truth be told, you weren't the person that everyone thought you were.
It seemed like, to the rest of the school, you were just a perfect little angel. And the fact that you rejected every guy that made advances toward you only helped that image grow.
Everyone thought you were perfect, beautiful, and most of all, untouchable.
And that couldn't be any further than the truth.
The truth was simply that no one was good enough for you. 
Everyone had an essence of snobbery to them, something that you just couldn't get past. You wanted someone raw and genuine, someone that had more substance to them than just their daddy's money.
Which was why you wanted Sunoo Kim.
And you wanted him bad.
There was something so fucking attractive amount the way he'd push up his glasses, eyes squinting to get a better look of the board as he messily jotted down notes.
There was something so charming about the way he clenched his jaw when he was concentrated, his brows furrowing.
There was something that made your stomach flip whenever he rolled up his sleeves to do some math problem that you probably couldn't understand.
There was something that made you so obsessed whenever he swiped his tongue over his plush lips, his eyes brightening as he explained his favorite topic.
God, you didn't just want him. You needed him.
All these years, you did everything with him at the back of your mind. Would Sunoo Kim look up from his massive textbook if you wore this skirt? Maybe he'd even breathe in your direction if you got a better grade on this exam. 
You didn't get it. Everyone looked at you, yet the only person that you wanted to look at you did not.
You wanted Sunoo Kim, and you wanted him bad.
You and Sunoo agreed to meet on Monday and Tuesday to help you study for your history exam on Wednesday.
On Monday, the two of you met in the library right after school. It was a quiet, focused session, covering all the necessary sections in a short amount of time. For the first time ever, you actually understood the concepts!
On Tuesday, the two of you agreed to meet in your dorm at 7PM, because that was when you knew your roommates would be gone.
You glanced at the analogue clock pinned high on the wall near the entrance of your dormitory. Every dorm room had one, as mandated by the school to promote punctuality— all the exact same model with a red-brown base, serif lettering, and a gold trim. Yet, the clock in your dorm felt slower, much slower than it should.
6:47PM, it read, the slow ticks pushing off the walls as if to tease you.
Couldn't 7PM come any faster?
Your eyes fell over to your roommate's mirror in the corner of her desk. 
The Academy's uniform was strict. Collared button-up, the school blazer with its crest crisply embroidered on, for girls the skirt at a reasonable length: it was all very stringent. All students were required to wear the uniform during school hours.
This study session with Sunoo would not be during school hours. You picked out your best top— a pretty, white top with a delicate lace trim. You always got the most stares when you wore this one (and hopefully, Sunoo would stare at you).
You never thought that you had to put any more effort into your appearance than you usually did, but as the clock ticked on the wall, you couldn't help but feel self-conscious.
You knew you were pretty, but what if Sunoo didn't think the same? Did you look weird today? You swore your face was feeling puffy earlier— should you do something? What if you suddenly woke up today and you morphed into a frog-like creature, and everybody knew except you?
You picked at your fingernails as you waited (im)patiently for 7PM to come. Your palms felt a little clammy, and your heart pounded in your chest with each passing minute.
And finally, just when all of your self-confidence was beginning to slip from your grasp, you heard a knock at your door.
If it was anybody else, you would've taken your time to get to the door, maybe even shout a little "Just a minute!"
But because it was the Sunoo Kim, you couldn't help but eagerly scurry to the door. You would've been embarrassed because Sunoo could 100% hear your loud footsteps as you rushed to the door, but you were too engulfed by your nerves to even think of it.
"Hi, sweetheart!" you blurted the second you opened your door, a bright smile on your face. There Sunoo stood, with his delicate face and thin gold-rim glasses, looking composed and focused as ever. And god did that make you want him.
"Oh, hi," Sunoo said coolly, pushing up the glasses on his nose. Though, you missed the way his eyes twitched, his tongue swiping over his bottom lip as he sucked in a sharp breath.
The two of you stood at the door for a few moments, just staring at each other. Your smile never faltered. If anyone were to see you, they'd see hearts in your eyes and a sparkly, pink lovey-dovey aura radiating off of you.
"Come in!" you said cheerfully, letting the boy into your dorm.
The two of you got to work pretty quickly. If there was one thing about Sunoo that you could appreciate, it was his sheer willpower and concentration when it came to academics.
It wasn't like you didn't try in school. That couldn't be further from the truth; you always tried your best, even when your best didn't earn you the best marks. 
Sunoo was just another level. You couldn't understand how he did it. He was so focused and intelligent, it made your chest feel warm and fuzzy.
The moment that he stepped inside, he had your textbook and notes cracked open immediately, asking you questions that were just a little too difficult for your mind to wrap around.
"What?!" you cried, your face scrunching as jumbled words that you couldn't understand fell from his lips. You looked at Sunoo incredulously. "We did not study that!"
You could have sworn Sunoo chuckled at your confusion, his eyes squeezing into thin crescents as the corner of his lips lifted. Usually, you'd feel embarrassed for not quite being the brightest, but Sunoo never made you feel that way.
"Lee is your professor," Sunoo pushed up his glasses, unable to hold back airy chuckles at your outrage. You nodded. "Well, he's notorious for his ridiculous trick questions, right? As your study-buddy, it's my duty to prepare you as best as I can."
That's when you got up from your desk chair and flopped over onto your bed, groaning into your pillows. 
"Why do you have to be so thoroughhhh?" you whined, kicking your feet.
Your heart fluttered when Sunoo laughed. 
Yes, laughed. 
It was high-pitched and breathy, like he was sucking in breaths of air only to push it out with a pretty giggle.
You whipped your head around, picking it up from the pillow. You stared at the boy with wide eyes. 
God, how could anyone be so beautiful?
You watched the boy laugh, completely and utterly infatuated with him. He was so cute. You needed him now.
You threw your head back into the pillow, continuing to groan and whine, in the hopes that it would make him laugh.
"You hate meeeeeee," you whined, "You hate meeeee!"
"I don't!" Sunoo laughed, his hands slapping his knees, "I don't hate you."
You whined again, kicking your feet. "You doooo."
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you, filled with quiet giggles. From your desk, Sunoo nudged you with his foot, earning another cute whine from you.
You were cute. And hardworking and enthusiastic. But that wasn't a surprise to Sunoo. 
Sunoo watched as you shouted at your roommate who came back to the dorm to fetch something she left behind.
"Hurry up, Yujin!" you chided quietly, trying to get Yujin out of the dorm as quickly as possible... before your momentum with Sunoo was lost. "Move it, move it!"
"Geez, sorry!" Yujin rummaged through her things, trying to look for whatever she forgot. 
When Yujin finally left, you never closed the door any fast, eagerly turning back to Sunoo and plopping down on your bed.
"Sorry, sweetie" you murmured, a frown on your face. "My friends are having a party tonight and Yujin forgot her lipstick, or something. Her stupid crush is there so she needs to look 'perfect' or whatever."
"Party?" Sunoo cocked a brow.
"Yeah," you rolled your eyes. "It's for someone's birthday."
Sunoo narrowed his eyes. 
Did you skip your friends' birthday party just to study for your history exam? 
Did you just ditch your friends just to study with him?
A strange noise came out of Sunoo's lips as his cheeks felt warm.
Relax, he thought. It wasn't like it was a date or anything. Surely, you were just trying to get a good grade. That's why you chose to study instead of party.
"I was gonna go," you said smoothly, looking at your nails, "But how could I miss out on time with you?"
Sunoo's ears burned. 
"Oh— Well—" Just as words were becoming coherent in his head, you just had to drop that on him. He spluttered. "Thank you...? I-I— I mean—"
You chuckled. You got off the bed and joined Sunoo again at your desk. "Let's study, sweetheart."
For the next hour or so, the two of you were in a deep study session. Every word that you read and every word that fell from Sunoo's mouth, you soaked up like a sponge. You needed to pass this exam, and even more, you needed to make Sunoo's efforts worth it. He already spent yesterday and today helping you; you did not want to waste his time and fail.
Your dorm room was quiet now. Other than the sound of pages turning, pencils on parchment, and the distant sound of partying down the halls, the room was silent. From time to time, someone would run down the halls, probably running after their friend. You and Sunoo would look up at each other and share a chuckle.
You had just finished a practice test a few minutes ago, and now Sunoo was grading it for you. Meanwhile, you read up on your notes once again. Holding the notebook up, you hid behind it, creating a wall between you and Sunoo. 
You feared that if you could see Sunoo, you wouldn't be able to concentrate.
Well, just him being in the same room as you was already enough to make your mind drift. How could you not?
His concentrated expression made you feel weak to your knees, his fox-like eyes drilling into your practice test. His skin looked so perfect and airbrushed, you just wanted to pounce on him and mark it up and—
Okay, too far.
But still.
You've been studying for a good hour now. It wouldn't hurt to take a break, right?
You peeked over the side of your notebook to catch a glimpse of Sunoo. He was minding his own business and doing it quietly, but he looked so good that you couldn't tear your eyes away.
Yep, this was the break that your eyes needed, from those hunking paragraphs of text and difficult-to-read stimuli.
"Do you need something?" Sunoo asked, not moving his eyes from the practice test that he was currently grading. 
You felt your cheeks heat up. How did he notice your staring so quickly? This must mean that he could always notice you staring at him! Fuck, fuck, fuck, were you weird? He definitely thought you were weird now, and—
"N-Nothing," you stammered out, immediately burying yourself back into your notebook. In fact, you even went as far as turning your entire back from him out of embarrassment.
So embarrassing!
"I don't mind..." Sunoo murmured.
You snapped your head over to him. "W-What?"
Did you hear him correctly?
"I said..." This time, it was Sunoo's turn to hide his head behind the paper, making it impossible for you to see face. "I said I don't mind if you stare at me."
You felt light-headed.
Everything— from the deep espresso scent in the air to Sunoo's soft cologne to the way his moles littered his skin to the way he was sat so attractively at your desk, spouting intelligent nonsense at you to the very way that his glasses sat on his nose— everything about Sunoo was driving you mad.
You didn't feel like yourself. You didn't feel like the perfect angel that everyone wanted you to be.
You felt like a selfish animal about to pounce on another. You felt like you were going to sink your teeth into his neck and ravage him.
Your head was spinning. Everything was spinning. Your skin felt hot, your mouth dry, as if it needed something to satiate it now. You were thirsty, thirsty for Sunoo, and nothing would be able to satisfy you but him.
And before you could even control yourself, you threw aside your notebook, grabbed Sunoo's face, and smashed your lips against his.
In that moment, it felt like all time stopped.
You couldn't feel anything, other than your hands that delicately clutched Sunoo's face, and your lips that were pressed against his. Your heart pounded in your ears. You felt like you were tied to a pyre, burnt like a sinner at the stake, yet it felt good.
But the moment that you heard Sunoo's breath hitch in his throat, a guttural sound tumbling out, you regained your senses.
Immediately, you pulled away, stumbling back as you caught your breath.
Sunoo's face was bright red as he stared at you. He took heavy breaths, almost like he wasn't breathing before.
"I-I'm—" you blurted, your mind not quite thinking straight. When your eyes met with Sunoo's you nearly bursted. "I-I'm so sorry— I don't know what came over me."
Sunoo only stared at you.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. What on earth did you just do? Suddenly, you were hit with regret and embarrassment.
You spluttered, apologies and jumbled words spilling out of your lips. Yet, Sunoo wasn't listening.
Your words fell upon deaf ears. 
Sunoo was too busy staring at your lips.
And if you weren't too busy apologizing, you would notice the way Sunoo's teeth dug into his bottom lip, his fists clenching as his nails prodded into his palms. You would notice the way Sunoo stared at you with glazed over eyes, how his pupils were blown out.
You would notice Sunoo's own self-control slipping out of his grasp.
After all the torment that he's been through— all your light touches, appearances in his dreams, and goddamn pretty smiles— Sunoo could feel his resolve being torn from his hands. He did his best; he dug his claws into what determination and control he had, but alas, it wasn't enough.
And as fast as you could blink, Sunoo grabbed your wrist and pulled you in against his chest.
Holding you by the waist, Sunoo gripped your chin. 
"Can I kiss you?" His voice was desperate. "Please, can I kiss you?"
"Yes," you whispered, your hands sliding up his chest to hold his broad shoulders. "Yes, please kiss me."
As the last syllable left your lips, Sunoo wasted no time crashing his lips against yours. 
Unlike his usual quiet and calm self, his lips were the complete opposite. They were rough and hungry, eating you like a starved man. You whined against his lips, gripping Sunoo's hair with weak fingers. 
It was a messy kiss. An inexperienced, messy kiss that any of your friends would jeer about. No rhythm, no ebb or flow, just feeling.
But to you, this was what you needed. 
You could taste the desperation on Sunoo's tongue; the taste of someone pushed to the edge and now finally tipping over. It sent electric waves of warmth down your skin, your stomach doing flips as his hands roamed.
Then, Sunoo gently pushed you onto the bed, his lips swollen as he peered down at you.
"Are you okay?" he asked quickly, making sure that he didn't push too hard.
You only smiled. "Mhm."
Sunoo got on top of you, being careful to not crush you under him.
It looked just like his dream.
The smell of espresso coffee in the air, the two of you in bed, and did you think he wouldn't notice the white lace top that you chose to wear? Just for him.
Sunoo leaned on his elbows for support as he was on top of you, leaning in to kiss you.
Except, before his lips could meet yours, you giggled, placing your hands on his shoulders to stop him.
Sunoo looked at you concerned, like a deer in headlights. Had he done something wrong?
But you only smiled. 
Gently, you put your hands on his glasses, straightening them out. They had gotten crooked earlier when the two of you first kissed. 
"Can I take these off, sweetie?" you asked.
Shivers ran down his spine at the nickname. Sunoo hummed, too eager to kiss you to even care if he'd be half-blind without them. You took his glasses off, putting it on your bedside table.
Sunoo took your face in his hands, his fox-like eyes staring into your eyes. 
"You look so beautiful," he breathed. Sunoo's head dived for your neck. His breath tickled your skin, making you let out a whimper. "So, so, so beautiful."
With that, Sunoo began pressing open-mouthed kisses on your neck. With each kiss you let out a moan, your arms tightly wrapped around his neck and pulling at his hair. Your legs wrapped around him, your head falling back into the pillows to give Sunoo better access.
"Su— Sunoo— ahh," you struggled out, especially when Sunoo sucked on your skin. Although he was only kissing your neck, your entire body felt like jelly, including your brain. "Sunoo— I-I'm sensi— sensitive there."
"Sensitive where?" Sunoo asked simply, ignoring the way that you squirmed under him.
When you could only moan in response, you could feel Sunoo grin against you.
His lips nipped at your collarbone. "Sensitive here?"
"A-Ah—" you moaned, your arm jerking out to grip the bed sheets below you.
Sunoo kissed a wet line to your jugular, right at the center of your neck. "What about here?"
When all you could do was whimper, he grinned again. His lips traveled to the very side of your neck, just under your ear.
"What about here?" he asked again.
But instead of a moan or whimper, you laughed. You threw your head back again, pulling Sunoo's head into your chest in an embrace as soft giggles left your lips.
"I'm ticklish there," you giggled out. You bring a hand up to brush up against that spot on your neck. You grinned softly. "Sorry, I'm ticklish there I guess."
Sunoo nodded into your shoulder. He took in your scent, the feeling of you pressed up against him. He didn't mind that your little session was interrupted by something light-hearted. After all, he got to learn something about you, no matter how small.
And just as Sunoo was listening to your heartbeat, you pulled him back. 
"Turn over," you instructed. He did just that. You were now on top of him. "My turn."
Just like in his dream. 
He was in for a long night.
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"Sunoo!" you shouted, your legs moving faster than you could think. The moment that you spotted his familiar back, you pounced on him, throwing your arms around him. "Sunoo, guess what?!"
Sunoo looked over his shoulder, swallowing back any embarrassment and shyness as you hugged him. Everyone in the hallway was staring at you by now, but it seemed like you didn't care. And if you didn't care, then he didn't care either. "What?"
You turned the boy over. It was now that he noticed the papers in your hands. You shoved it in his face, big red numbers at the forefront.
"One hundred percent!" you exclaimed. It was your history exam. "I got one hundred percent!"
The two of you celebrated (i.e. you hugged Sunoo) in the hallway, completely ignoring anyone that was staring. After all, it was Wednesday afternoon and the dining period was ending soon.
"Good job," Sunoo smiled. He was happy. "You did great."
"I couldn't have done it without you!" Your smile was so bright that it could light up the entire academy. You threw your arms around him again, this time pushing your face into his neck. You squeezed him. "Oh, thank you, thank you!"
You pulled back, looking at him with big, glimmering eyes. You took his hands in yours, squeezing them excitedly.
Feeling bold, Sunoo pushed up his glasses before leaning down to whisper in your ear. "Your neck," he rasped, "I can see the hickeys."
Your eyes widened into saucers at that, immediately fixing your shirt's collar. Your face was painted with shyness, squeezing your eyes shut. Your panic was so evident that anyone could probably tell. So cute.
"Just kidding," Sunoo chuckled, before he turned on his heel and began walking away from you, ignoring your cute shouting as you followed after him.
Yeah, he'd regret that later. After all, you had him on a leash, and there was no way in hell that he could escape you. 
He wasn't going to sleep tonight, one way or another. Not if it's you.
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503 notes · View notes
lushrue · 3 months
hockeyteam!141 x figureskater!reader pt 4
really need to come up with a title for this series lol! comment if you want to be added to the taglist and send any title suggestions you have my way, i'm blanking! (also we're removing the "eventually" from the poly 141 tag tehe)
cw: allusions to sexual acts (nothing described)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8
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it had started out as a coincidental thing. now, it was anything but.
the first time you’d run into the boys at the ice rink was purely by coincidence, before your friendship with them had even started. you’d stuck to your side of the ice and they’d stuck to theirs. that didn’t stop you from stealing glances at each other, their eyes following you when you spun in the air and your eyes darting around as they ran plays and practiced their passes. now, though, it was routine. you knew when they practiced, just the four of them, so you practiced those days too.
your outfit was a bit deliberate. it wasn’t like you didn’t know what you were doing when you put on that tight fitting sweater and your legwarmers in price’s signature blue. in some way, it felt like a mark of their claim on you. they’d certainly been hanging around you more since that night at the bar, but whatever they were doing felt more respectful than the usual “pissing a circle around what’s theirs” routine that you’d become accustomed to from men. and not only was it more polite, it was coming from all of them.
johnny was getting handsy with you. not in a way that crossed your boundaries, but in a way that you barely noticed it was happening. a hand on your thigh when he laughed at your jokes, an arm around your shoulders or back to gently guide you through a crowd. price (john, he’d told you to call him) leaned in closer when he talked to you, his body fully angled towards you as he hung on your every word. you had his full attention any time you opened your mouth, no matter how trivial the comment. not only that, but he would shush anyone else who tried to talk over you. 
kyle opened up, confided in you. he would text you when he felt like he was having an off day, and in return, you’d share with him some encouragement or help to reframe the thoughts in his head. likewise, he was the first person you’d text when it felt like you were stuck in a rut with a skill or couldn’t work out some piece of choreography. and simon? well, he didn’t scowl as much when he was in your presence, and you took it as a win. he’d even offered you a cigarette one night before thinking better of it. “you don’ wan’ your lungs t’be black like mine, lovie.” johnny had told you later that that meant he liked you.
it made you feel like you were already theirs in some way, and they just hadn’t decided to let you in on that secret yet. you didn’t push back against it; there was something strangely comforting about the intimacy that you shared with them. you blended seamlessly into their group of four without the growing pains that came with expanding a social circle. you bantered, you chirped, and you took it as well as you dished it out. one of them, practically.
the sound of them entering the rink, heavy footsteps and simon’s gruff voice blending with johnny’s sharp brogue, snapped you out of your reverie. you finished lacing your skates and pulled the guards off, looking up to meet their gaze. kyle noticed you first, waving hello with that sweet smile on his face that you’d come to love. as your eyes scanned over the group, meeting each of their gazes in turn, you could’ve sworn you saw simon drop johnny’s hand. were they…? no, surely not. “skatin’ today, dove?” price’s voice echoed in the expanse of the empty rink. you smiled back at them, tying the last knot on your skate and standing from the bench. “yeah,” you responded, pulling your legwarmers up. you almost wanted him to notice. “got a competition coming up in a few weeks and i’m training a new routine.” price’s gaze followed your hands, smirking when he saw the color. the same royal blue as the tape on his stick and the mouthguard in his bag. cheeky thing. 
as you step onto the ice, the four of them shuck their coats and hoodies, revealing sweatshirts and athletic wear. johnny and kyle always trained in compression shirts, the fabric clinging to the contours of each muscle. if you looked hard enough (and you did), you could see the outline of their pecs. they might as well have been shirtless for all you stared at them. price and simon opted for something more utilitarian, sweatshirts that would keep them warm and give them good range of motion. it didn’t stop you from watching the way their bodies twisted and stretched, craving those slivers of skin that would peek out when they practiced their shots.
god, you really were feral. shaking your head to regain your focus, you skate around in circles for a while, getting your bearings on the ice. it always required a little bit of adjustment for you. you had to settle into a groove, change your mindset so that you could train effectively. you give the boys one last wave as they step onto the ice before slipping your headphones on and drowning out the world.
when you skated, everything else fell away. it was just you and the scrape of your skates on the ice, and even that was dulled. it felt like floating, second nature to you. there was a grace to skating that rubber-soled shoes on pavement didn’t afford you. you allowed yourself to get lost in the feeling for only a few minutes before locking in and concentrating. the routine, the competition, the pressure. you take a deep breath, pulling out your phone and changing the song. “thunderstruck” by AC/DC. not what you would’ve chosen for yourself, but your coach insisted on diversifying your display. you hit your starting pose, glancing past the four of them at the other end of the ice. the guitar thrums in your ears and you begin.
price wasn’t quite sure when he’d stopped barking orders and calling plays to run, but he had. all four of them stood on the other side of center ice, their laser focus on the puck broken by your performance. they couldn’t hear the song, but you enraptured them all the same. your movements sharp, precise. your balance was something they marvelled at. how were you able to spin that fast without falling? each jump had johnny and price’s eyes sparkling, simon holding his breath, and kyle counting your turns in the air. they shared a knowing glance when your back was turned to them. that’s our skater.
you wound up for a double axle, a jump you’d landed a thousand times before. you knew exactly how to shift your weight, when to push off the ice, how to position your legs for a smooth landing. as you gained momentum, skating backwards, you caught sight of them watching. their eyes were locked on you, watching your every move with interest and a pinch of something else. you could get lost in their eyes, you thought. each and every pair of them. johnny and price’s blues, simon’s and kyle’s browns. they were all so beautiful in their own way, so much depth to them. you feel your skates leave the ice before you’re prepared for it, muscle memory taking over to propel you upwards. you tense in surprise, which stops your leg from positioning the way it needs to to land properly. as a result, you fall, hip slamming onto the ice.
before you can even register the pain, all four of them are surrounding you, helping you up and dusting you off. your headphones have fallen off, letting you hear them fuss and fret over you. “y’alright, bonnie?” johnny asks, holding one of your shoulders. price is holding your hip, kyle is skating over to grab your headphones, and simon is watching from a healthy distance. it almost makes you laugh. they take harder hits on the ice every time they play, but the moment it’s you, it’s as if you were fine china. you brush the ice off your sweater, looking between all of them. “i’m fine, i swear. just got a little distracted, that’s all.” as if they could read your mind, emotion flickers across all of their faces in its own way. without you even saying it, they know the distraction was them. kyle looks almost guilty and price does too. johnny looks strangely smug, as if he’s proud of having been distracting to you. simon’s hands tighten almost imperceptibly around his biceps. “be more careful, lovie,” he grunts, the four of them skating back to their side of the ice.
you take a moment to recover from the thrill of being called “lovie” before slipping your headphones back on and starting the choreography over.
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the boys had an away game this week. it felt odd to be sitting at home, nursing a glass of wine as you refreshed the score on the team’s webpage. you would much rather have been in the stands, cheering them on and feeling the energy of the crowd as they played. watching the timer tick down from the comfort of your couch felt…impersonal. it didn’t help when the website was roughly five minutes behind the actual game clock. you supposed you couldn’t be too upset, though. the poor intern that updated the site probably didn’t even know anyone was using it.
you go between watching some home improvement show on TV and refreshing the website. each time you did, you were met with their faces towards the bottom of the screen. player stat sheets, each one with a headshot of the boys looking determined or smug. price’s picture oozed confidence, the way a team captain should. his chin tilted up, his jaw set. it was attractive, you realized. simon was stony-faced in his picture, staring down the camera like it owed him money. you could barely see the scar on his chin, an accident from when he’d played hockey in his childhood if price was to be believed. johnny and kyle were all smug smiles, holding their sticks beside their faces.
the third period was rapidly ending, two minutes of play time remaining. your boys were down by one goal. your eyes flicked between the scoreboard and the pictures, finally settling on the latter. after that day on the ice with them, you’d had complicated feelings that you weren’t sure how to work out. they were good friends to you, great friends even. but that hadn’t stopped the butterflies in your stomach. your heart didn’t seem to want to cooperate with your head when it came to them. rationally, you knew that romantic feelings could wreck friendships. you’d seen it happen far too often and you never liked the ending. still, it was growing into something that was harder to ignore. the feeling screamed at you, thumped at your ribcage and demanded to be noticed. every time you were on the ice with them, every time you watched them play, you felt it clawing to get out.
to make matters worse, it was all four of them that had pulled your attention in. it couldn’t have just been one. just my luck, you think. they all scratched a different itch for you. price was that domineering, masculine presence that you loved. never let you open your own door, never let you pull out your own chair. a perfect gentleman in every sense of the word. simon was the dark and brooding type, the one that you always read about in those romance novels of yours. he was mysterious, keeping you at arm’s length and making you want to learn more. you wanted to see through him into his soul, pick it apart and see what it contained. johnny was funny, always cracking a joke or getting a dig in on one of them. he kept you upbeat, optimistic, lighthearted. you always found yourself with a smile on your face when he was around. kyle was gentle in nature. he was artistic, in touch with his feelings. he knew just what to say when you were feeling unmotivated, upset, frustrated.
and for all those reasons, and more, you were pretty sure you were starting to love them. it was creeping in slowly, but you weren’t sure you could stop its approach. it felt relentless, inevitable.
you refresh the website again to see the final score. 2-1, a loss for price’s team. you sigh, disappointed on their behalf. kyle had told you how much they were looking forward to this game, how they’d prepared for it. you figured it had to be a weighty loss. so, you did what any good friend would do; you pulled up your messages and texted johnny.
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simon stomped into the locker room, head hung and shoulders slumped. he’d come so close to a goal in the third period. the game had almost been tied, and he’s pretty sure he would’ve felt better about the loss if it went into overtime. he sat down heavily on the bench, his head in his hands. he had the tendency to take losses personally. he always had, even when he was playing in the youth league. a losing score meant he hadn’t protected his team well enough. he could’ve hit harder, skated faster.
johnny’s hand on his shoulder snapped him out of it. he must’ve been sitting there a while, because soap was already out of his gear and showered. “happens t’everyone, si,” he said, taking a seat on the bench beside simon. “cannae beat yourself up over it. we all coulda done better.” simon huffed as johnny’s fingers dug into his tense muscles. he’d taken a couple of hard hits tonight and he could feel the ache settling in. “i know, johnny. i know.” he turned, rifling around in his bag for a bottle of ibuprofen. johnny somehow doubted that he knew, but he chose to let it go.
“where’s the captain and gaz?” simon asked, popping two pills in his mouth and downing them with water. johnny chuckled, wrapping an arm around simon’s shoulders. “still in the shower when i left ‘em. y’know how price gets after these games. kyle’s helpin’ ‘im work it out.” simon gave a grunt in reply, laying a hand on johnny’s thigh. “wish they’d hurry up,” he grumbled. “wanna get home and forget ‘bout this shitshow of a game.” johnny smirked, his fingers tugging at the sleeve of simon’s jersey. “we could kill some time,” he said teasingly, scooting impossibly closer to simon. “i know you need some stress relief too. my big, scary guard dog.”
simon’s eyes flicked up, taking in johnny’s smug little smile. most days, he wouldn’t give in, but it’d been a rough night. he deserved it. just as he leaned in, johnny’s phone vibrated on the bench, stopping his momentum. johnny gave him an apologetic look before reaching behind and grabbing his phone. his eyes lit up when your name popped up on the screen, your message displayed right below it. “tough loss. i know you all gave it everything you had though! i’m proud of you! <3”
he smiled, turning his phone around to show simon the message. simon read it slowly, taking in every word and letting out a little laugh when he saw the heart at the end. somehow, that praise from you made the pressure on his shoulders a little lighter. “call ‘er.” his voice was certain, resolute in its command. johnny chuckled, shaking his head as he pulled up your contact info. “you’re insatiable, ghost. gonna scare the lass off at this rate.” still, he pressed the call button, putting the phone on speaker.
two rings and you picked up, your voice coming through the tinny phone speakers. “hello? johnny?” “yeah, ‘m here, lass,” he said, looking up at simon as if to ask for permission to let you know he was here too. simon nodded, his eyes fixed on your contact photo. it was a cropped group photo of all five of you, your smile beaming at him through the phone screen. he swore he could feel the warmth of it from here. “simon’s here too. jus’ gettin’ ready to pack up our gear and head home,” johnny said, holding the speaker closer to their ears so that they could both hear you better.
“i’m sorry about the game,” you said, the memory of it coming back and sending a jolt of disappointment through both of them. johnny started to reply, but price and kyle came walking back into the locker room, looking the very picture of bliss. their skin flushed, water dripping from their hair. kyle looked particularly satisfied, wearing a few new marks on his neck to show how helpful he’d been to his captain. johnny couldn’t help but stare, lost in thought for a moment as he imagined just what they’d done behind that curtain. he’d heard the moans, but what he wouldn’t have given to watch.
“‘s alright, lovie,” simon grumbled, nudging johnny to remind him of who was on the phone. he’d had an agenda when he asked johnny to call you, and it wouldn’t do if everyone was distracted by each other. he glanced up to price, the two of them sharing a conversation beyond words. the raising of eyebrows, the curious cock of a head, and then a nod. simon cleared his throat, leaning a bit closer to the phone. “wanna grab a coffee with us when we get back tomorrow? got some things we wanna talk to you ‘bout.”
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taglist: @cadotoast @jupiternighties @hxnneydew @kaoyamamegami @lolly145 @linaangel @bestbookfriends
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petorahs · 8 months
a look into the healing properties of ▆▆▆'s power
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...some notes from the "White Book"! Will you read it? >Yes
when I started this second comic, it was primarily to address these plot beats GameFreak left in their writing of the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Epilogue that I found to be "immersion-breaking":
why didn't the protag tell anyone about Kieran? (my answer: they had to keep it a secret)
why did the protag travel from Kitakami to trigger the epilogue, then fly back to Paldea real quick before going back barely a week later? (I can't justify it for GameFreak lol so for me there are two protags and one of them was already in Kitakami, while the other got the call from Arven.)
I know in game this was done from a gameplay perspective, but it's fun to imagine an intricate story and reasoning for all this :] With this, my version of events can still play out in the games themselves without being too au-y. (It's even in-line with my previous pkmn art, which I'm semi-particular about.)
Of course, it was also to give my version of Florian and Juliana as well as Nemona some form of closure. I wasn't planning on healing them, but a kind comment from someone led me to this little brief passion project. Although the characters aren't mine, they seem to have taken hold of me anyway, driving me to finish telling their story.
Making this was what I call "wish-fulfillment" art. It has shippy elements, a bunch of specific exposition a nerd like me would care about, JP text for a character raised in fictional rural Japan that I'm aware not many would enjoy as I do? Or, idk. It's fanservice for me alone, and it was extremely fulfilling to draw, which is what matters. Believe it or not, it's been a while since I've been unapologetically able to enjoy drawing like this.
Basically, I blacked out and boom. These silly guys took over my life. I enjoyed it. I hope you guys do too.
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sunnylands-world · 8 months
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Pairing: Vinnie hacker x fem reader
Summary: you become needy and your boyfriend won't deny you no matter what he's doing
Word Count: 699
Warning: thigh riding, fingering, dirty talk, kinda sub reader and Dom Vinnie if you squint
A/n: I had deleted this but I don't remember why so here it is again lol
You read the warnings if you continue to read. I'm not to be held responsible.
Comments, reblogs, and inboxes are appreciated and motivational
Curled up in Vinnie's bed, you watched him play his game, but the dull ache between your thighs had not gone away since he seated himself. You are aware that he was live on something, but you were uncertain about what, not that it was important to you at the time.
He hasn't looked back at you since he told you he would be playing the game. He wore a pink sweater and black shorts while making minor comments to the fans or whatever. You made an effort not to disturb him while he was playing, but you had no idea how much time it would take or if he was aware of your desire for him at that moment.
You wiggled a bit and pressed your face against his pillow with a frustrated grunt. His blanket was tucked between your thighs and you unconsciously moved around, rubbing yourself against it. It wasn't helping, especially since you were aware of his close proximity.
He was chewing the inside of his cheek while his headphones rested on his dirty blonde hair. His lips were puckered slightly, and his nose piercing glowed in the blue lighting.
"Vin," you whined, but he didn't seem to notice.
"Vinnie" You yelled a little louder, Vinnie's eyes wandered for a moment before he asked someone to hold on. He pushed from the table, pulled his headphones down until they rested on his neck, and turned to you.
"Yes, baby," he said sweetly as he smiled and looked towards you.
Vinnie wasn't stupid. He knew you like the back of his hand, so it didn't take long to understand what was happening.
He returned his gaze to yours, this time with a lustful look, tilting his head while smirking. He gestured at you in a beckoning manner and asked you to come over.
You stood and walked towards him, his shirt falling just above your mid-thigh. You waited impatiently for anything he would give you.
He didn't say a word, but tapped his thigh. You looked puzzled, but still sat.
He lifted his headphones, leaning towards your ear, as he whispered,
You did what he said, rocking against him, in need of friction of any kind. You bite your lip, feeling your clit have just the appropriate amount of pressure to get you off.
He returned his attention to the game and announced his return to everyone. You moved shamelessly in his lap while he played, and he occasionally rested his hand on the fat of your ass, giving you a slight squeeze or leaning forward to whisper praises in your ear.
"Good girl."
"That's it baby, get it nice and wet for me."
"Just like that."
"My pretty girl is so needy for me, isn't she?"
And you nodded, biting your lip even harder, tasting the metallic flavor of blood as you try to suppress the need to be loud for him, like you usually are.
The wetness in your panties probably left a patch on his shorts, and it seemed to only heighten your pleasure doing something like this while everyone or anyone could have heard you if you made noise.
You began to feel your stomach knot. You leaned forward, kissing and sucking at your boyfriend's neck grounding yourself in the security of coming undone in his lap.
His unoccupied hand sneaked in between your bodies to touch your swollen clit, and he rubbed circles on the throbbing bud, assisting you in getting closer. You used all your will power to not cry out.
"Let go baby. I know you wanna cum for me," He whispered, noticing your starting to tighten on his fingers as he snuck them into your clenching pussy and that was all it took for you to unravel, trembling against him.
You quickened your pace and bite down on the flesh of his neck to hold in the sound, as the intense feeling made you feel limp.
He lightly tapped your ass, encouraging you to look up, and he simply nodded towards the three screens. As you looked back, you came to the realization...
You had just came on a live stream where you were visible to everyone...
©Sunnylands-world this belongs to me therefore you don't have the right to do anything with my work or ideas without permission.
Nice thought, reblogs, and inboxing is appreciated and motivational ❤
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luvwestwood · 9 months
"Build a Bear" - Nanami Kento
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3,077 words.
note: just re-posting this as i'm no longer shadow-banned, enjoy kento slutting you out in the victoria secret changing rooms lol
content warnings: nsfw (18+), sex, breeding, dom! nanami, pet names (princess/slut, doll etc), changing room sex, hair pulling, you walk around the mall with his cum stuffed into you lol, quickies, standing sex, semi-public sex? kento sluts you out in the vs changing rooms lol
banner cred. @/yunonoai on twt/ig
Nanami was your boyfriend of almost one year, and you must say, things were going pretty well. He was a gentleman, who was able to prove 24/7 that chivalry isn't dead at all. Kento was all you could ever ask for, and usually you'd spend your days with him wondering how did you end up with a man like the Kento Nanami?
Kento loved to spoil you rotten. He was more of a giver than a receiver. Acknowledging the fact that he’s financially stable, earns way more than what he needs, of course— the rest will go to you, his beloved girlfriend. It was almost like.. he found pleasure in doing it. He always anticipated the big cheesy smile on your face when he comes home with bags full of everything. He's always eager to whip out his sleek black credit card at any given moment as if it was toy money.
Hair curler not working anymore? You’d be getting a new one the next day. Your car broke down? Look out into the driveway the next morning. He ripped your panties the night before? You’ll wake up to four bags full of bespoke lingerie, all specially made for you.
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Today was Thursday, which meant either two things. One, it could just be a normal Tuesday. Two, it was Nanami’s payday. And so you know what that means…
“Anywhere else you'd like to go?" Kento followed behind you, all of your shopping bags from earlier in his grasp. Both hands full. Don't forget, he was a respectful guy. He'd never let you carry anything, even if you wanted to. "We have all the time in the world."
You let out a hum, thinking. "Hmm.." You continued, "Maybe Victoria's Secret? I heard theres a 4 for 15€ sale happening on the undies!" The two of you step onto the escalator, Nanami behind you. "And that will be it. I don't want to spend anymore."
"Doll, you already know what I'm gonna say to that." He lets out a labored sigh, looking up at you as you look down at him. You turn around and frowned.
"...I know, but.." You pause your words as Kento abruptly cuts you off. It was as if he was doing this so you speak no further about this matter which you bring up every now and then. Okay.. maybe every time Kento brings you on a shopping splurge.
"Hey- eyes forward, we're getting off the escalator." He quickly moves all shopping bags to one hand, using the free one to guide you off the escalator by gently pressing on your back. It was good timing, cause it allowed you to shut your mouth before you go on your daily rant about how he spends too much money on you, and that you would like to be independent for once.
"Okay, but.." You turn to him as soon as you enter the store; the sweet smell of the body mists and dark, sultry ambience of the place enticing you. "You never let me give you anything in return. I want to do something for you for once." You say this in a stern whisper, as it was more of a small but silly couple's quarrel, and you didn't want other customers to get the wrong idea between you and Nanami.
You hold eye contact with him as he returns the same, Kento remains silent before you see the evident glint in his eyes as an idea sparks in his thoughts.
"Alright then," He ushers you to a quieter part of the store, specifically where last season's lingerie was displayed. "You wanna do something for me?"
You aggressively nod in response. "Yes pleaseeee, anything." Tugging on his blue dress shirt, you quietly beg. Beg that he'd let you do something for him for once.
He looks around the store for a moment to see if anyone else was browsing close enough to where you two were standing. The coast is clear.
"Hmm.." The suspense was killing you. "How about, you and I head to the changing rooms.." Oh, I know where this is going. "I stuff you full of my cum, then we walk out like nothing happened."
You froze. Completely. You weren't mortified, just amazed at how he was able to come up with something like this. "Wh- Ken, are you craz-?!"
"Ah- bap bap bap- I'm not done." He shushes you immediately. "After all that, I buy you a set of lingerie that I get to choose, which you'll wear later tonight." You notice that he holds a tighter grip on the handles of the shopping bag - his sleeves were rolled up and you could see the veins straining on his forearm. Kento was most likely turned on at the thought of what he had just said.
Your own throat goes dry, causing you to swallow your own spit. With furrowed brows you approach him closer to whisper what you were supposed to say less than twenty seconds ago - "..Are you out of your mind?"
He just shrugs his shoulders. "You said you wanted to do something for me, so I gave you an idea for that exact something."
Skeptical, you frantically look side to side before you let out a blabber of words. "What is this, Build-A-Bear?!" And that's exactly what it was. Although he was a gentleman outdoors, and of course indoors; but he's a completely different story under the sheets, Kento never failed to amuse you.
He wanted to stuff you full of his cum in the changing rooms like the bears at Build-A-Bear that get violated by the metal rod that pumps out the fluff. Then, when he's happy about how full you are, he'll pull your panties back up before bringing you back out like nothing happened, choosing a new lingerie set for his eyes to feast on later tonight.
Nanami stayed silent as he watched you think. The two of you weren't talking, your feet grounded in the same position. But he knows your hard-thinking face when he sees it, and he can tell that you're considering the offer. Maybe you were tempted.
You cross your arms. "Fine. But tell me how they're gonna allow us to stay in those changing rooms for more than ten minutes. You know how they are... in a store like this."
Nanami, with his free hand, reached over to the rack beside you, that displayed cute baby-doll sets in various colors. You watched as he grabbed one in every color - he at least took five. In pink, black, red, blue and purple. "That'll give us enough time."
Your stomach fluttered at his remark, was he really going to blow your back in the changing rooms right now? Oh God, if we were to get caught I'm never showing my face in this mall ever again.
You squint at him before turning around, unable to catch the pleasurable grin he had ended your conversation with.
The two of you walked to the back of the store where the changing rooms were, with occasional glares behind you to Nanami. You were practically scolding him with his eyes. Luckily it was more secluded and closed off in the back, and the fact that it was only Thursday resulted in the mall being the complete opposite of busy. That meant no staff will continuously pester you to hurry up, as there are others waiting in the queue.
As you approached the changing rooms, a brunette girl came up to the both of you. You assumed she was a worker by the lanyard on her neck. "Hi, how many?"
You held up the hangers, smiling awkwardly. "..Six items." She weirdly ogled you due to the amount of items you had and don't forget, they were all the same item just in different colours.. As if it were her business anyways.
"Oh- I couldn't make up my mind.. I h-had to try them all." Your breath hitched as you told a lie, you heard Nanami snort behind your back as he listened to how ridiculous you sounded.
Fortunately the girl let it slide. "...Okay, follow me." She walked down the hall of changing rooms until she reaches the one at the very far end. Of course, you and Kento followed. You chewed onto the skin of your lip, gripping onto the mesh fabric of the baby-doll dresses as you walked.
The worker unlocks the door with the key on her lanyard, pulling it open and stepping aside. Only yourself enters first, and you turn around to the two of them. "You can just.. wait for me outside of the door babe." You cycle glances between the worker and Kento. The worker thinks nothing of it. Your boyfriend just nods, smiling as he stepped a bit further back from the door, leaning against the wall behind him.
The girl makes a comment before closing the door. "There's a special button on the wall, if you need any assistance with sizing. Just press it if you need anything."
You take a look at the button before smiling at her, and saying thanks. The door finally closes. You give yourself a minute, taking a look at yourself in the mirror, breathing in and out. You place the hangers on the rail, and your purse on the tiny stool in the corner.
The worker was long gone, it seems that she was occupied with stocking the body-mist shelves outside. Nanami was still waiting outside of the door, until the sound of a lock turning was heard followed by you opening it slightly. Your head poking out in the tiny gap you made.
"..C-come here." You whisper, before he moves himself away from the wall, entering the changing room with you in it.
Nanami wasted no time, immediately grabbing the door open wider with his free hand, locking it behind him. Dropping all the bags on the ground, his lips found yours first. The two of you gently move against the wall, his hands roaming all over your body - but cups your face in the end.
"Are you sure?" He had to double check. Kento wasn't the type of guy to force you into anything you didn't want to do, he always made sure you were comfortable doing it. That's another reason why you loved him so dearly.
Breathing heavily, you eagerly nodded in response. He peppers a trail of kisses from your lips down to your neck, causing you to let out a breathy moan of his name in response. "..K-Kento," You shiver as you felt him plant wet kisses just below your jaw, the obvious tent growing as you continuously call out his name. In return, you wrap your arms around his neck like a sloth, whimpering and moaning as he reaches your sweet spots.
He groans as he indulges himself in your scent, which he never fails to lose his mind about. You were just irresistible and each time he had you - Nanami just yearned for more. The way you'd be dripping wet even though he barely laid a finger on you, and how sensitive you were to his own touch. It felt like he had won the lottery by just being with you.
Considering the time you two had, Kento quickly went back to kissing you on the lips, this time with tongue. By the time he was finished, a string of spit connected your tongues as he pulled away. You look into his eyes before making a request. "..I need you in me."
"Turn around, stay against the wall." He says in short breaths as he tried to catch his own, clearly pent up by the intense make-out session the two of you just had. You obey, your cheek against the wall as he kept you in place.
You looked to your right to face the full length mirror, the cold air hitting the skin of your ass as he flipped your skirt up, followed by your panties being dragged down your legs. He kneels and places a small kiss on your dripping hole before standing back up into his original stance. He grabs a handful of your soft flesh, giving it a spank. The quiet gasps from your mouth only rousing him more.
He struggles with his belt, eager to get it unbuckled. Silently, you watch until he finally gets it, his hardened cock springing up onto his stomach as it finally was able to escape from his pants. Your heart palpitates like crazy at the sight of the arousal dripping from his pink tip, causing you to push back onto him when you weren't meant to - you needed him. Bad.
"..Be patient baby," he grins, after seeing how needy you've become.
You arch your back a bit more, putting your pussy on display to him. He did nothing but devour your body like a work of art with his own eyes. His warm hands snake onto your shoulder for support as he aligns the tip of his cock with your hole that was quite literally begging for him.
A sharp inhale comes from you as you felt his thick cock stretching you out. Kento heard this, and he quickly gave you a peck on the temple before gripping onto your flesh harder. As soon as he slid all the way in, he planted a few more kisses on your nape allowing you to adjust.
He gave you nothing but sweet, slow movements to make sure he didn't hurt you. His chin laid onto your shoulder as breathy moans slipped from his lips - this had only made your knees weaker.
Still pinned against the wall, you snaked your hand to the back of his head, pulling him closer. "G-go ha-arder." And so he did. Kento knew the difference between faster and harder, and he never mixed the two up.
You grab onto the wall for support as he ruts in to you harder, his cock covered with ring of creamy white near the shaft. The gel from his hair rather non-existent from the way you grabbed for it earlier.
"F-fuck," You moaned out, it had only made him go crazier each time you gasped his name or little curses under your breath. The noise of whimpering and squelches from each thrust echoing through the rather tiny changing room.
Your stimulation reaches peak as he fondled with your breasts each time he thrusted into you, his balls making a slapping noise along with them.
He gently tugged your hair into a pony, causing you to haul your face off the wall. "Look into the mirror doll," He spoke between soft grunts. "Watch how you take my big cock like the little slut you are." Your face was messed up, along with you hair at this point too. Each hair was no longer in place with its curl, and your lipstick had been rubbed off into different directions.
You felt his pace change not too drastically, but he continuously deeped onto your g-spot. Your knees weaken and he notices this, the knot in your stomach tightening as he felt your muscle clench non-stop around him.
"K-Kento.. I'm gonna..-" You gasp as he yanked the low cut collar of your top down, causing your boobs to slip out. He pulls you back onto his chest causing you to stand up straight, interlocking his forearms around your elbows. The two of you are now facing the mirror. Warmth of his chest hitting your back as you leaned against it.
You watch as your tits bounce with every deep thrust, Nanami whimpering quietly as he feels his balls tightening. "I-I need to cum..." You whispered, at this point your voice was no longer there. "Please..."
He leaned into your face as you rest the back of your head on his shouder, you were in a moment of bliss. "I know princess, cum all over my cock like a good girl."
And that did it for you. You moaned out loud, your intense orgasm washing over you, and Kento was quick enough to cover your mouth so no one from outside would hear the filthy things happening inside of a changing room as small as this.
Not long after, his warm ropes of cum filled you up constantly as he whimpered quietly, the two of you drained from the intense session.
You use your own two hands to grab onto the mirror decorating it with handprints. Kento breathed heavily as he watched his cock slip out from your hole. Before a drop slips out, he gently pushed two of his fingers in to make sure his load stays inside of you. And kindly enough, he pulled his panties back up for you.
"Thank you baby, you're too good for me." He combs your hair with his hands, putting it back into place before giving your cheek a soft kiss. You turn around and do the same, but this time on his lips.
"I love you, Kento. So much." You smiled, still a bit overstimulated but it was nothing you couldn't take. Your legs were a bit weak though, and it was time for you two to leave.
Just a few finishing touches before leaving, you made sure to fix straighten your top again as Nanami does the same to his signature animal print tie.
You turned to the untouched sets on the rack he had taken for you earlier, giggling as you had completely forgotten they were there. "I guess I didn't get to try them on," You smiled as you bunched up the hangers in your hand.
"I'm sure you'd still look beautiful in all of them regardless," He responded, picking up the bags off the floor and opening the door. Luckily no one was wandering the halls outside.
You rolled your eyes, walking out into the open as if you weren't stuffed with his cum right now. Kento walked beside you as he caressed your soft hair from the back, giving you another kiss on your head. "Hold on," Confused, you stopped in your tracks as he walked off somewhere else, calling out for one of the workers.
She was occupied with arranging the underwear into the sizing baskets. "Yes, may I help you?" She approached you both. It was actually the same girl from earlier.
"I'd like to buy everything in this store please, for my girlfriend over here." He asked, and he was serious. I mean, he's the Kento Nanami.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ ⤳ © luvwestwood ‘24. all works are owned by me, and originally come from my own head. please do not re-post on a third party platform without my permission!
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ⤳ as always, thank you for the love on each and every one of my posts. 🎀🩷
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annwrites · 4 months
see somethin' you like, darlin'?
— pairing: billy hargrove x fem!reader
— type: part of a series
— summary: you & billy are far from hawkins & get a room for the night.
— tags: there's only one bed, billy offering to share the shower, billy getting you to open up to him, billy just being a complete horndog
— tw: eating, drinking, mentions of domestic violence, mentions of near-childhood molestation, mentions of alcohol, smoking
— word count: 3,644
some of billy's dialogue is so funny to me lol
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When you wake, it's now daylight out and the car is stopped, the smell of gasoline wafting through the cabin. You slowly sit up and see that you're at a gas station. You look around, and spot Billy, who's standing behind the car, gassing it up.
You exit the car and he looks at you. "See you're finally awake."
You'd only woken one other time in the middle of the night, and had listened silently as Mötley Crüe played quietly on the radio, Billy softly singing along. You'd let his voice put you back to sleep.
You nod, stretching, and he licks his lips as your t-shirt rides up a tad before settling back over your hips.
His eyes meet yours again.
"Where are we?"
The nozzle jerks and Billy removes it, screwing the gas cap back into place. "Missouri."
Your brows raise.
He comes to stand in front of you. "Slept right through Illinois."
You'd gone through an entire state overnight.
Something about him letting you sleep peacefully all night while he raced to get the both of you away before anyone could come after you made warmth bloom in your chest.
You cross your arms gently. "Do...do you think we're okay?"
He shrugs. "My folks would probably know I'm headed for California. I'm guessing your dad wouldn't know where to start looking for you?"
You shake your head.
He reaches into the back pocket of his jeans, pulling out a pack of smokes, then retrieves a lighter from his front right pocket and he lights one up. He takes a long drag before speaking again, eyes wandering over those milling around the gas station, fueling up or wrangling unruly kids, taking bites of their gas-station snacks.
He then looks back down to you again. "You hungry?"
You blink up at him, more worried about being caught and dragged back home than grabbing a candy bar. Not one to dwell on serious matters, he is.
You shrug. "A little."
He turns, heading to go inside. You follow behind.
When you enter the small convenience store, the smell of hot dogs and something sugary greets your senses, cool air washing over you. The two of you go in separate directions. You opting for something hot to eat, him, a bag of chips and a pack of M&Ms. You grab a bottle of water from one of the coolers, while he opts for a Red Bull.
Once you're standing up front before the cashier, you begin patting your pockets, realizing your wallet is in one of your bags in the car. "I'll be right back, I have to go grab some cas-"
He pushes your food together with his. "It's fine, I've got it."
"Thank you," you say quietly.
The older woman behind the counter with dyed-red hair and a bit too much eyeliner glances between the two of you with a concerned expression. Your brows furrow, confused as to why she's giving you a strange look. Your pictures weren't already being broadcast on TV, were they? And then you remember that you'd been beaten black and blue last night.
Billy rolls his eyes. "I'm not the one that gave her a tune-up. So, you want to ring my shit up now, or what?"
You look down, embarrassed.
The scanner starts to beep.
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Once you're both back in the car, you taking small bites from your hotdog, Billy taking sips from his energy drink, you remain silent as he turns out of the parking lot, merging back into traffic.
"Are you still okay to drive? I mean, aren't you exhausted? You look tired."
He glances to you with a smirk and a raised brow.
Great, the pretentious asshole is back.
"If you think I'm about to let you behind the wheel, sweetie, you have another thing comin'."
You lean back, taking another bite of your food. You swallow. "I wouldn't know how, even if I wanted to."
He shifts gears. "Don't tell me you only know automatics."
You take a sip of your water. "I don't know any."
He slows for a red light, looking at you. "Your old man never taught you how to drive?"
You shake your head.
He rolls his eyes, accelerating again. "Figures."
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You're in Oklahoma when Billy finally stops, the sky now a dusky pink color, splotches of orange melded in.
The two of you had spent most of the day in silence—well, not talking, that is—at one point he'd turned his music back on, blaring Sammy Hagar's I Can't Drive 55, while, of course, refusing to drive that himself, instead cutting people off in traffic, while going well over the speed limit.
You'd tried to tell him if he kept it up, he'd inevitably get a ticket. And what if the cops then found out that he's been reported missing? That both of you had? Not that you were sure either of you had yet, but that paranoia of being discovered and carted back to Hawkins refused to release you.
He'd then smirked, smoking another cigarette—you hated the smell, and he knew it—and he'd told you "You worry too damn much, darlin'. Might help you relax if you just got laid.".
You'd groaned, leaning your head back against the seat, staring out the open passenger-side window.
He'd laughed, turning back to the road.
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Currently, you're standing next to him at the front desk of a Super 8 motel, your bags at your feet as he asks the receptionist for a room for the night.
"We currently have a few rooms available. How many beds?"
He glances to you and you stare up at him. "Which is cheapest?"
He turns back to the receptionist then.
You both wait patiently as she checks the motel's log book. She looks back up to Billy. "We have a room with a double-bed that's twenty-five a night."
He jaw flexes. "And if I wanted two beds instead?"
She glances to you, your bruised-up face, then back to him, then her log book once again. "It'd be double the price."
He sighs, pulling out his wallet, slapping a twenty and a five down on the counter. "One bed it is, then."
You watch as he writes down the name George Thorogood in the guest book, your lip twitching in amusement.
She hands him the key, and each of you pick up your bags from the worn, stained carpet, then, and head back outside, and you follow him up a flight of stairs to your room for the evening.
Once the door is closed behind you, you switch on the light, taking in the low-budget space. A single bed is shoved against the middle of the wall, small wooden nightstands on either side of it, an AC unit under the window to your left. Against the opposite wall is a box TV sat atop a dresser, a placard on top stating they have HBO. To the right side of the bed is the closet, past that, the bathroom. There's also a small table with two chairs by the door you'd just entered.
You watch as he drops his bag on the floor, kneeling down and pulling a jewelry box out, placing it on the bed, and then a small steel strong box.
Your brows furrow.
He flips open the lid of the jewelry box, dumping the contents on the comforter. He begins sorting through everything, separating it all into two distinct piles: cheap, and expensive-looking.
"Did...did you steal that from your mom?"
He looks to you. "Step, and yeah, I did. Got a problem with that?"
You study him for a moment, then shake your head.
He turns back to the jewelry—hand hovering over a silver ring—which he then picks up, and lets out a low curse. "This was my mom's. Fucking bastard. Bitch."
He shoves it into his pocket.
He looks to you. "Think a pawn shop would take costume jewelry?"
You shrug. "Maybe. If not, you could always try an antique store. They probably won't give you very much for it, though."
He dumps all the expensive pieces back into the box, then shoves the rest into a pocket on his duffel bag. Next, he slides the heavy strong box toward the spot the jewelry box has now vacated. He stares down at it for a moment, considering.
He then walks into the bathroom. You sit, listening as you hear the toilet tank lid scraping against the tank, then porcelain meeting porcelain as he, you assume, sets it atop the toilet lid. You hear something being jimmied, then he comes back into the bedroom, handle-arm from the tank in-hand.
He kneels before the box, shoving the piece of thin metal under the lid and pushing upward as much as he can, lips pressed into a firm line.
He stops for a moment. "Gonna end up breaking the fucking thing instead," he mutters to himself.
He looks back to you over his shoulder. "Do you have any bobby pins?"
You stand. "I think so." You walk over to your bag, pick it up, and set it atop the table. You begin rifling through the pocket where you'd put a few personal care items, including a small pack of bobby pins.
You hand them to him, your fingers brushing against the palm of his calloused hand.
He takes two out, unbending them, and he shoves both into the lock of the box and begins to slowly turn them.
He stares at the headboard a few feet from him, going off of feeling alone, trying to concentrate.
"Motherf-" He bites his lip, turning them the other way. He shoves one in further. "C'mon, you bitch."
And then you hear something unclick and a wide smile breaks out across his face. "Ha! Fuck yeah!"
He stands, throwing open the box's lid and both your eyes widen when you see the rolls of cash inside.
He looks to you—who's still standing beside him—with a raised brow and a pleased smirk. "My old man's savings. What I could get my hands on anyway." He begins pulling out rolls of quarters, handing them to you. "He has an account at the Hawkins Credit Union, too, but..." He looks back to the table you'd previously been seated at, then at the rolls of coins in your open palms. "Count those for me, will you?"
You nod, sitting, breaking open the tight paper rollers wrapped around the change.
You glance up and watch as Billy unrolls a fat wad of bills. He begins counting to himself. "Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty..." He continues counting in only a mere whisper then.
Once you've finished adding, you look up to Billy. "There's thirty-five dollars in quarters here." One of the rolls had only been half-filled.
He puts the last of the bills he'd been counting back in the strong box, practically vibrating with excitement. "Three-thousand fucking dollars!" He turns back to you. "Do you have any idea how long that'll keep us going for, honey? Fucking weeks—longer, maybe."
You smile at him.
He turns back, nodding. "Goddamn, three thou'."
He comes over to you, gathering the change to put it back away. "How much did you bring?"
You flush, feeling inferior in comparison, because you'd done the same as him before leaving home: stolen from him. But the amount you'd brought along was practically chump-change in comparison.
"Not nearly as much. My dad...he spends most of his paychecks on booze and scratch-offs. So, only a little over three-hundred." You reach into your bag, rifling through an inner pocket, until your fingers brush again cool metal.
"I did take this, though." You hand him a Rolex.
He whistles. "Damn, how much is this worth?" He looks at you from under his lashes.
You shrug. "My mom bought it for him at some point before she left."
His smile falters then, his eyes staring into your own.
You wonder what had caused his sudden shift in mood.
"Yours left you, too?"
So that was why.
You nod, taking the watch back away from him. "It was a long time ago." You drop it into your bag.
He steps away, flopping back on the bed, hands behind his head as he stares up at the ceiling. "So, what was the plan, anyway? If I hadn't come along, I mean. Were...you meeting someone?"
You tuck one of your feet under you. "No. I just planned to walk for as long as I could. Maybe thumb a ride if need-be."
He snorts. "'If need-be'," he repeats back to you. "You realize California is over two-thousand miles away, right, honey?"
You shrug. "I hadn't necessarily planned on California, specifically. Like I said: I just want to go West."
"Well, that's where you're headed now. Specifically." He smiles to himself. California. Home. He was finally going home. He'd never have to be around those people again.
"You mind if I ask how long he's been doing it for?"
You don't need to ask him to elaborate what he's asking exactly.
You're quiet for a moment, staring down at your recently-painted toes. "Since before my mom left. But before she did, he'd never hit me. Only her. So nine."
He chews the inside of his cheek. "That the only thing he did: hit you?"
You know what he's asking. And you don't want to answer.
"Does it matter?"
You'd given him the answer without even having to say it.
"How many times?"
You sigh, wishing he'd drop it. You briefly consider snapping at him, just to cause an argument, which would get you off of this subject.
"Never, technically."
He sits up, looking at you, forearms resting against his thighs, fingers steepled. "No?"
You shift uncomfortably. "When...after I turned twelve and hit puberty... There was this one night when he came home—drunker than I'd ever seen him before. I'd been in bed asleep. He woke me up. Called me my mom's name. I think he thought I was her. I decided to knee him in the groin when he started trying to take off my nightgown. He hit me for it, but it got him off of me, at least. I slept outside that night. Well, stayed outside. I didn't do much sleeping, too afraid to close my eyes.
"The next morning, it was like it'd never happened. Maybe he didn't remember. I sure as hell wasn't going to remind him out of fear of him finishing what he'd tried to start the night before."
You're both silent for a moment, a pregnant pause settling between you. Until Billy speaks.
"I'm sorry."
You look at him. "Me too."
He doesn't want you feeling sorry for him, though. Doesn't want you asking him to open up like you just had. Men were built different. Girls could cry and get upset all they wanted—they were emotional little things to start with. Men needed to be tough. You wanted to feel something? Get angry, then.
He stands, shrugging off his jacket, tossing it back on the bed. He then grips the back of his shirt, pulling it off as well, and you look away, blushing.
He smirks at the look on your face. A dozen sly comments make their way through his head, but he refrains. For now. "I'm going to take a shower to wash the road off of me."
He glances to your bag for a moment. "You got any makeup in there, like Revlon or some shit?"
You look at him with furrowed brows. "No. Why?"
"Well, maybe you should get some. Tired of people giving me dirty looks thinking I did that shit to you." He gestures toward your face.
You shrug. "It'll heal eventually."
"Yeah, in a couple weeks, if not longer."
"I thought you were going to shower?"
He raises a brow. "Saw it when I went to get the handle-arm. Big enough for two."
You roll your eyes, standing, then flop down face-first on the bed. "I'll be just fine right here."
He stares at your ass for a moment. "Oh, I'm sure you will, sweetheart."
You groan and he chuckles as he heads in the direction of the bathroom.
He doesn't bother closing the door and you hear the water start.
And he of course sings loudly the entire time—the lyrics to Warrant's Cherry Pie.
You cover your head with a pillow.
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Fifteen minutes later, Billy emerges from the bathroom with nothing but a towel hanging low on his hips, his happy-trail visible. He'd positioned it exactly-so in front of the mirror before coming out.
...and you were busy staring out the window. Because of course you were.
He clears his throat and immediately turns toward his bag when you turn to look at him. "Shower's free," he states, dropping his towel to the floor as he pulls on a pair of black briefs.
Your eyes widen. "Billy!"
He glances up to you with a bored expression.
Meanwhile, your face is now cherry-red, your expression that of mortification.
A mischievous smirk then crawls its way across his lips as your eyes glance from his now-clothed waist, to his muscled chest—still wet from the hot water—then your eyes meet his, noticing his damp, slicked-back curls.
"See somethin' you like, darlin'?"
You grab the clothes you'd picked out for wearing to bed tonight while he'd been cleaning up, and storm past him, slamming the bathroom door behind you, even locking it as you turn the water back on, sitting on the toilet lid, head in your hands as you try to calm your now-thundering heart.
Billy merely lays back on the bed again, feeling content, a wry smirk on his face. "Oh yeah, she wants me."
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When you emerge from the bathroom, you find Billy asleep on the left side of the bed, nearest the door, light from the window shining down in thin slivers which arch across his bare back.
You quietly pad over, pulling the curtains closed, the room darkening.
Your stomach then rumbles and you decide to go out in-search of a nearby place to get some dinner. It's when you open the door to the room—a twenty from the money you'd taken from your father tucked away in your pocket—that Billy's eyes pop open.
"The fuck're you doin'?" He asks, face half-buried in his pillow.
"I'm hungry."
He closes his eyes. "Then order room service."
You shift on your feet. "I don't think they offer that here."
He groans in tired irritation. "Fucking delivery, I mean."
"Why can't I just-"
"Because I don't need to worry about your ass disappearin'. And I'm fuckin' beat, so I'm not going back out. Close the damn door."
You sigh, doing as he's said, sliding the chain-lock back into place.
"Deadbolt, too," he commands.
You oblige.
You walk over to the bedside table beside his head and pull the drawer open, hoping to find some menus inside, and you end up in-luck. You bend over to grab them, and his hand suddenly slides up the back of your thigh then and you jerk, standing up straight, nearly dropping the laminated papers from your grip. You swat his hand away, stepping back over to the table.
He snickers to himself and you just look at him, shaking your head.
"Is that all you think about?" You ask, voice full of disbelief that he'd just done that.
He rolls onto his back, folding his hands atop his bare chest, eyes still closed. "You sure you want the answer to that, honey?"
You roll your eyes, perusing the menus. "Are you hungry?"
"For food or somethin' else?"
"What do you think?" You spit at him and his lip twitches at having gotten under your skin so easily. Again.
"Not really."
You feel the need to berate him for going to bed on an empty-stomach. All he'd had today was a couple bags of junk food, but you know he's tired, so you instead let it go.
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You order a small pizza from a local Italian place, and twenty minutes later, there's a knock at the door.
And Billy is woken yet again.
You silently pay the man, closing and locking the door behind you as you set the box on the table.
"Smells good," he says, words slurred.
And he said he didn't want anything. Men.
You plop a piece down on a paper plate and walk it over to him. "Here."
He looks up at you. "Really tired. Maybe I should let you feed it to me."
Jesus Christ—he never stops, does he?
You toss it down on the nightstand. "Your arms aren't broken."
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It doesn't take long for the two of you to finish eating. After which, you brush your teeth, then come back into the bedroom, the sky now dark outside.
You stand on the side of the bed opposite him, considering sleeping on the damn floor instead.
"You comin' to bed?" He asks, head turned toward you, eyes closed again.
"Are you going to keep your hands to yourself?"
He shrugs one shoulder. "No promises."
You briefly consider smothering him with a pillow, but instead opt for postponing committing homicide. For now.
You lie down next to him, right on the edge of the bed, and his eyes flutter open. He smiles then. "Knew I'd get you into bed eventually."
"Go the hell to sleep."
He closes his eyes again, a warm smile on his face. "I don't mind 'em fiesty, y'know."
You roll over, facing away from him.
"Mm, even better view."
You let out a loud, irritated groan, stand, then climb beneath the comforter, wrapping it around you. You close your eyes, ignoring the fact that Billy is lying just a few inches away, as you drift off to sleep.
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t-lostinworlds · 1 year
The Grump & The Drunk | Miguel O'Hara
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》 PAIRING: miguel o'hara x spider-woman!reader
》 TROPE/GENRE: grumpy x (drunk) sunshine, fluff, humor
》 SUMMARY: You were clingy, feisty with no filter when you're drunk. Miguel had front row seat of it—literally. You're lucky he didn't mind. In fact, he was glad it was him and not anyone else. The thought made him seethe in jealousy even though you technically were not his girl. But he wasn't sure if that still rang true after tonight's drunken confession (or that make-out session).
》 WARNINGS: alcohol consumption, soft!miguel (also emotionally constipated!miguel but what's new), r calls him miggy to tease him, height difference (he's 6'9" he's an effin giant), r thirsts over him in front of his face lol, some innuendos, brief argument about feelings, overall very cute and fluffy.
》 WORD COUNT: 6.1k+
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A/N: can anyone guess what movie i watched recently. is anyone surprised that i liked the grump with a side of trauma lmao. ANYWAY. this is the first time i'm writing miguel so pls be nice. wrote this fairly quickly too and it's barely proofread sooo. but i hope you still enjoy it!
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⊱ ─────.⋅♚ *。・゚.★. *。・゚✫*.
It was late.
Well, for now, at least.
Moments like these were rare to come by, where there wasn't much to do except to let things happen. The multiverse was stable enough not to need any intervention.
It usually was the epitome of the calm before the storm.
Nevertheless, everyone—well, those left at HQ and weren't on stakeout—in the Spider Society took advantage of it.
There was always some sort of activity going on during these types of days. Most of it were small get-togethers in the cafeteria, or perhaps a low-key karaoke in the cinema room. Other times it was much more on the nose.
Right now, there was a party held on the rooftop.
The music was blaring—muffled for him, thanks to his soundproofing—as it jumped from genre to genre depending on who successfully bribed the DJ.
It was rowdy—that he was sure of. What, with the modified alcohol strong enough to affect any Spider-Person as if they weren't enhanced, how could it not be?
Miguel wasn't one for festivities. Not to mention, strobe lights always gave him bad migraines. So after showing face for about ten minutes—he wouldn't have shown up at all but was begged to go by someone he couldn't say no to—he decided to call it a night.
Well, back to his…Spider-Cave.
He was sure there would be copyright issues if that was made official.
But it was dubbed by you so it simply stuck.
You, with bright eyes and a sweet smile as you pleaded for him to come with you to the rooftop even if it was "just a couple minutes, please?"
You, who wore a simple yet gorgeous black dress as you all but dragged him into the elevator, bouncing with excitement because it was going to be your first party here at HQ.
You, who enthusiastically sipped on your Pink Señorita—a margarita with pink lemonade—giddy to feel the buzz of the alcohol after years of being unable to.
You, who was so joyful and uncaring as you danced to your heart's content when your favorite song came on, right in the middle of the floor, shining as bright as the sun as the others revolved around you.
Miguel only watched from the sidelines, his chest aching with longing. So close but out of reach because he couldn't.
He'd only put a damper on your light.
It wasn't a matter of if, it was a matter of when.
He couldn't do that to you.
Soft spot.
Miguel had very few of those.
Anyone who dared to give their opinion on his life with the bravery to say it right to his face said one was occupied by you.
Some would even imply that you held the biggest one.
And sure, the first time Lyla scouted you and suggested for you to be recruited into the Spider Society he might've said yes far too quickly than he should've. But that was only because he saw the way you took down a sector of the Maggia all on your own. He was thoroughly impressed.
There were also times when he let you get away with annoying him scot-free. Whether that was teasing, various nicknames, talking his ear out for hours as you refused to leave him alone to do work, and sometimes even pranks. If it were any other person doing the same things you would've done, they would be leaving the premises at least fearing their life.
He also let you spend time around his magic carpet—as you so unoriginally named it. You were constantly testing those copyright issues—quite often to the point that some of your stuff had migrated the space. There were little trinkets scattered around, evidence that you'd been here.
Miguel finally bought a desk chair perfectly suited for his big and tall stature all because you complained about not having anywhere to sit while you were up here with him.
It was more your chair than it was his, to be honest, since you definitely sat on it far more than he had.
Sure, he could've bought an extra one for you but he didn't want to encourage the teasing—that had been nonstop since you waltzed into his life—that he was playing favorites.
He preferred to stand while he worked, anyway.
He could kinda see why many people would say he had a soft spot for you.
Speaking of…
Miguel could hear you before he could even see you.
You were giggling to yourself, followed by poor attempts at whispered apologies when you knocked over something or bumped against something else.
It made him worry a little.
Sure, you were too enthusiastic for his liking, all optimism and sunshine despite everything that you had gone through—it harshly contrasted with his personality.
But he wouldn't particularly classify you as clumsy.
He waited for you to call for him, anticipating which way you'd say it this time around. Your most recent one was: "O'Hara, O'Hara, let down your floating chair."
You thought you were really funny with that one.
But silence.
No cheeky way of asking him to let you come up.
Where'd you go?
Suddenly, he heard a very annoyed and frustrated groan, prolonged and all dramatic.
Then, that familiar thwip rang in the air.
You couldn't have been more impatient.
He was aware of exactly where you were, shooting your webs in random directions so long as you hit a column that took you higher and higher. But even if he didn't have his enhanced senses, your constant giggling would give you away.
Yet as loud as you had already been, your shriek was even louder.
Miguel didn't hesitate to jump off the platform.
His heart was pounding as he clocked your falling figure, adrenaline and fear all at once.
You looked dazed in your freefall, unable to comprehend that your cartridges were empty as you kept trying to shoot your webs.
In the nick of time, he caught you by the waist—upside down.
He let out a huge sigh of relief at the same time you turned into heaps of giggles.
"This isn't how I imagined us getting into this position," you snorted as if you weren't dangling a couple of feet above the ground, feet in the air, arms limp and swaying. "Wow…your thigh is bigger than my head!"
Miguel's whole body warmed, not only from your comments but also because you were still in your dress.
Thank fuck it wasn't a loose skirt.
Not that he would ever look. He might be a bit of a grump—temperamental at times, he'll admit—but he was still a gentleman.
Though he was glad you couldn't see the obvious fluster on his face given your current upside-down predicament.
He'd never hear the end of it.
"I'm flipping you around," he said.
"Like a pancake?"
He didn't answer. He simply tossed you into the air, your squeal echoing off the walls. He caught you again but the right way up this time—your hands clinging onto his shoulders, legs around his waist.
Miguel tried not to dwell on your closeness as he shot a web and pulled you both back up.
"You flipped me like a pancake!" you giggled, stumbling onto the platform once you reached it.
What on earth is going on with you?
One look in your eyes, his unspoken question was swiftly answered.
"Widely irresponsible to swing while drunk," he reprimanded, arms crossed over his chest.
You blew a raspberry, waving your hand dismissively. "Am not drunk."
"Then why did I have to save you from falling head-first into the ground?"
"I slipped!"
"You could've just called me to let the platform down."
"And have it take so fucking long?"
Miguel blinked.
Oh you were so drunk.
"I know it's an intimidating tactic or whatever the fuck it is you're doing. Either way, it's a choice, but it doesn't have to be so damn slow, Miggy!"
"I told you to stop calling me that," he said, no heat in his tone. He simply couldn't stand the way his heart did a funny thing whenever he'd hear that nickname slip past your lips.
"Sorry, sir," you said, sarcasm lacing each letter.
Miguel took a deep breath.
"Don't call me that, either," he said, voice an octave deeper.
You rolled your eyes, completely oblivious to the effect you had on him. "Someone's extra grumpy today."
"It's night."
"Pfft, you know, you should loosen up your suit," you said, waving at all of him. "Maybe the tightness is making you grumpier somehow, suffocating your muscles and everything."
"The tightness of my suit has nothing to do with my mood."
"Could've fooled me," you scoffed, glaring at him from head to toe. "You're probably chafing in weird places and it's making you irritable. I bet—no, I know you're naked underneath because even though I haven't seen you naked I can still see…stuff, many stuff, big stuff, you know, imagination and not leaving any and shit."
"Dios mío," he grumbled in disbelief, rubbing a palm over his warm face. "How drunk are you?"
"Zero percent-o, Miguelito."
He bit back a smile.
"Could've fooled me," he said, raising a brow at you.
"Don't you dare throw my words back at me," you warned, attempting to appear threatening with your chest puffed out, chin raised as you got all up in his face. You slumped with a pout a second later. "You are so fucking tall!"
"And you are so drunk."
"Uh-huh, sure," he hummed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Oh I am very sure—Miguel, can you sit down," you complained, brows deeply furrowed as you tried grabbing onto his shoulders, urging him to settle on the chair.
He decided to mess with you a little, planting his feet firmly so you weren't able to budge him even with your enhanced strength.
Your inebriated state wasn't helping your case.
It was the first time he ever got to see you annoyed and he actually found it cute. What, with your brows deeply furrowed and that pout in full play, huffing and puffing as you pushed at his chest with your full body strength, how could he not?
"Miggy sit the fuck down!" you growled.
He resisted the urge to laugh, throwing his hands up as he obliged, "Okay, okay, I'm sitting."
Now, he was the one looking up at you.
Yet you still looked frustrated.
"Is that not any better?" he asked, confused.
"No," you mumbled, glaring down at him, pout still prominent.
The next thing he knew, you were already grabbing onto his shoulders, pushing yourself up the chair.
You sat right on his lap.
Miguel was rarely surprised these days, considering what he did for a living.
But he sure as hell wasn't prepared to have you on top of him.
He could almost feel his brain short-circuit, taking a bit more time and effort for it to get its bearings back into place.
But then, you turned shy, eyes blinking at him all wide with shock as if you didn't know that climbing onto his lap resulted in him and you being so close.
"Hi," you whispered.
"Hello," he murmured, fingers twitching to hold you. He gripped the armrest instead. "Can I ask what exactly it is you're doing?"
"What…was I doing?" you questioned, almost to yourself, scanning the nearly non-existent space between you both before your face lit up. "Oh! I'm trying to talk to you without spraining my neck, genius."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah! You try talking to a six-foot-nine Adonis of a man and see if your neck doesn't hurt after a while."
The corner of his mouth twitched. "Adonis, huh?"
"Not like that," you quickly said, voice shyer. "I mean like…huge, muscular, a-and plump."
"Yeah!" You nodded enthusiastically, pressing your palms right on top his chest, one on each pec. "You've got plump boobs and ass."
He almost choked on air.
"What has gotten into you?" he asked, thoroughly amused.
"You, hopefully."
"Diosito, ayúdame," he muttered, resisting the temptation to take your word for it. You were drunk. You had no idea what you were saying.
Miguel shook his head when you stared at him confused, still slow on your Spanish. Then again, he'd only ever taught you a few phrases so far.
"How many lemonades did you have?" he asked instead.
"Why are you asking me so many questions!" you groaned, head thrown back as dramatically as you could. "It's my turn to ask questions!"
"Fine," he sighed, ignoring the urge to nip at your exposed skin. He heavily disregarded the thoughts that brewed in his head from the way you were innocently squirming on him, trying to get more comfortable, your skirt hiking up in the process.
He was good at keeping his composure, mastered it after years. He could do it for a couple of minutes more.
"Why'd you disappear?" you sighed.
"Too bright. Too loud."
"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"
"You were having fun. Didn't want to spoil your mood," he stated the obvious. "Besides, my absence didn't affect anything."
"But it did," you insisted, bottom lip jutting out. "Was gonna ask you to dance."
His brow rose at that. "And what made you think I'll say yes?"
"You always say yes," you said, shrugging as if it was a known fact to the universe.
If it was you asking? Maybe.
He honestly felt a little glad he left the party early. He wouldn't even dare to imagine the outcome if he was seen out on the dance floor with you.
He would much prefer it with no audience—just you and him.
"I don't always say yes."
You narrowed your eyes, obviously not believing him by one bit.
But you didn't bother to argue.
Instead, you plopped forward, arms wrapping around his shoulders, face pressed against his neck.
Miguel froze.
He honestly didn't know what to do with himself.
Well, he wanted to do so many things at once, he just didn't know if he should—too many boundaries, too dangerous to cross.
A battle between logic and emotions.
You chose for him, though.
"Will you just—" You pulled his arms off the armrest, wrapping it around you instead. "Want cuddles, please."
How could he say no?
And for the first time in a long while, Miguel finally let himself go.
Body relaxing into the seat, he pulled you a little closer, palms rubbing soft patterns on your back as he pressed his cheek against the side of your head.
It had been so long since he'd cuddled with someone, so maybe his judgment was a little skewed. But still, he didn't remember it feeling this lovely—not until now.
Or maybe because it was you.
And if he didn't know any better, he'd say you were purring.
"Comfortable?" he hummed, rubbing the tip of his nose against your crown.
You nodded, taking a deep breath, humming soon after, "I've always wondered just how nice you smell up close."
He couldn't stop the flush that crept up his face.
"You're warm," you whispered, rubbing your face against his neck like a cat.
It made him wonder if you'd been hanging around Spider-Cat too much—or Meows Morales.
He'd rather not think about it.
Instead, he commanded his suit to uncover his hands, one less barrier between his palm and your skin. The fabric of your dress did very little to conceal your warmth as he continued giving you comforting rubs.
It made you bury yourself deeper into his arms as if you could go any further.
"This feels nice," you murmured, voice muffled against him.
He hummed in agreement.
You both settled into a comfortable silence after that.
But if he listened closely, the steady thump of your heartbeat was soft against his ears. He found the sound relaxing, and the minuscule romantic part of him imagined it was syncing with his own.
A peaceful rhythm.
Your soft breaths tickled his skin as you snuggled closer, his smile unabashedly painted on his face.
No one was here to see it, anyway.
After a few more moments of calmness, he assumed you'd already fallen asleep. He was already preparing himself to carry you across universes and back home when you suddenly spoke up,
"Can I touch your fangs?"
He blinked.
You shifted, pulling back a little so that you could meet his eyes, face so close your noses almost touched.
"Your fangs," you repeated.
Before he could even respond, your hands were already on his face, one thumb lifting the corner of his lip while your other hand found his chin, holding him still.
"Wanna feel how sharp they are," you muttered, opting to use both hands now to pull his lips and expose his canines.
"Very sharp and dangerous," he chuckled despite himself, gently grabbing your wrists to stop your prodding. "Just take my word for it."
"You're pretty when you smile," you said, beaming and proud as if seeing his fangs was an accomplishment.
He rolled his eyes, unable to stop himself from grinning.
You smiled wider in return.
Holding your hands between you both, he absentmindedly started stroking your palms with his thumb.
It guided your gaze toward it.
"Your hands are naked!" you gasped, grabbing his wrists and bringing his fingers up to your face, wonder and awe in your eyes as if it was the first time you'd seen them without cover—it wasn't.
You'd seen him in casual clothes before.
Miguel couldn't stop his laugh from escaping even if he tried.
"I didn't know you could do that!" you said, fully amazed before your brows furrowed, pout coming back. "Why can't my suit do that? I have to get all naked just to feel my fingers."
He didn't dwell on that picture.
"I'll tweak it for you if you'd like," he said instead.
Your whole face brightened.
"Really? You'd do that?" you giddily gasped, bringing his hands up to press your palms against his like a double high five. The way your hand was much smaller than his made his heart warm.
He interlaced your fingers together. "Really."
"We're going to make a suit together!" you laughed, lovely and sweet. "That's a big big step."
He chuckled, gaze carefully tracing your beautiful features, each curve and divot glowing with happiness. He felt tempted to count every perfectly imperfect mark that littered your skin, wanting to know if it was there naturally, or if there was a story behind it.
It was supposed to be a swift glance.
He didn't mean to settle too long on your lips.
Nor did he plan to get caught.
"Stop staring," you whispered shyly.
"You're right in front of my face," he deflected, eyes back on yours.
"I know but…" You trailed off, shifting slightly, the tips of your noses brushing in the process.
"But?" he softly prodded.
"You're looking at me weird."
"How so?"
"Like…" you started, voice dropping into a whisper as if you were disclosing a secret. "You want to kiss me."
He couldn't even bother to deny the truth.
"I'll stop staring," he hummed, words holding no weight as he never removed his eyes from you.
"No!" you protested, turning flustered a second later, shyer when he smirked.
"I thought it was weird?" he teased.
"'Weird' was the wrong word," you said, scrunching your nose in thought. Adorable. "I meant different."
"How different?"
"I don't know," you admitted, leaning a little closer. "But I like it."
"Oh, do you, now?"
"Yeah," you breathed out, hands finding their way to gently cup his cheeks.
Miguel leaned into your touch with a soft smile. "Now who's staring?"
"It's because I want to kiss you," you admitted shamelessly. Your fingers traced the outline of his lips, your eyes following their path.
Miguel kissed your fingertips.
You leaned down and kissed him.
He gasped, eyes wide in shock.
A split second, they fluttered shut, head tilting, whole body melting as he kissed you back.
He spent countless amounts of time daydreaming about this moment, different scenarios, wondering what you tasted like, how it'd make him feel. But fuck—nothing could ever compare to the real thing.
It was so many things all at once.
Relief, hunger, satisfaction, desperation, fondness, fear, mind stopping, heart beating faster, soft lips, warm skin, so lovely, so sweet, so fucking addicting.
Now that he'd gotten a taste, he couldn't get enough.
Miguel cupped the back of your neck, arm snaking around your waist to keep you steady, close.
Your hand held onto his shoulder, the other finding its way into his hair, your fingers combing through the strands.
He lost any sense of control when you pulled.
Gripping your hips, he teased his tongue against the seam of your lips, slipping it in the second you opened up for him.
He groaned at your taste.
You whimpered in response.
The sound made him want to devour you.
But then you started moving your hips.
It was awakening, in more ways than one.
But the rational part of him prevailed because it was for your sake.
He pulled away, gently grabbing your chin, when you tried going back in.
"Slow down," he rasped, holding your waist and keeping you still. "Estás borracho, corazón."
"You know I don't understand," you breathed out, chest heaving, lips all plump and tempting.
"You're drunk, sweetheart," he clarified.
"I don't care," you whined, squirming.
He cupped your face in both hands.
"I do."
You pouted.
"Don't do that."
"I'm not doing anything."
"Don't pout," he sighed.
"I'm not pouting," you denied.
"You are," he said, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip.
Your pout only turned more prominent.
The beep of the clock broke him out of his trance.
It was midnight.
Miguel stood up, taking you with him before gently urging you to stand on your own two feet.
"It’s late. You should go," he said monotonously and stepped back.
You frowned.
He looked away.
"Why do you always do this?"
You were frustrated—no, you were getting angry.
He turned his back on you, eyes on the holograms even though there was nothing worth looking at.
"Do what?" he said, acting oblivious.
"Confuse the fuck out of me," you said, loud with frustration. "You act cold and distant one minute and then you're being nice and sweet the next. You keep your distance but then call me all these cute nicknames sometimes—and yes, you say them in Spanish but I asked Lyla about it once and she told me what they meant."
Traitor—thrown under the bus by his own invention.
"But then sometimes you give in and we get closer but the second I chip your walls you push me away," you continued, getting angrier by the second. "I thought things were getting better between us. But now, you won't even fucking look at me even after we just kissed—"
"You kissed me."
"You kissed me back!" you screamed.
It took him by surprise.
You had never raised your voice, much less yelled at anyone.
But honestly? There was no one else who deserved it more than him.
Slowly turning around, his heart sank when he met your tear-filled eyes.
By instinct, he reached out to try and comfort you.
It only made you angrier.
"You're doing it again!" you growled and stepped back, hands balled into fists.
Miguel stopped, hands up in surrender.
"I'm just trying to protect you," he softly said.
"Protect me?" you scoffed. "Or protect yourself?"
"I'm doing what's best for you," he reasoned, wanting nothing more than to wipe your tears away and kick his own ass for making you cry in the first place.
"You don't know that!"
"Maybe," he said, hands dropping to his sides, dejected. "But I know myself.
"Someone like me shouldn't be with someone as pure and as bright as you."
"No one gets to decide who I should and shouldn't be with," you gritted, taking long strides until you were squaring up to him. "No one but me. That's my choice."
Despite your boiling anger, despite the fact that you were glaring at him in a way that should scare him, despite the absolute animosity that lingered in your voice, your next words couldn't have brought the most opposite reaction from him.
"And I want to be with you."
Happiness, warmth, euphoria—the few things that made his heart burst at the seams.
But Miguel shook his head, eyes dropping to the ground, quickly stomping down emotions.
"I'm only going to end up hurting you," he sighed, pacing back and forth as he rubbed a frustrated hand over his warm face.
"I trust you that you won't."
"Well, you shouldn't," he insisted, eyes filled with longing, wanting to pull you close and taste your lips again despite his words saying otherwise. "You deserve so much better."
"If you believe that so fucking much then be better."
With that, you turned on your heel.
So many things flashed before his eyes, one of which was if he let you walk away now, he was going to lose you, for good.
He fucking panicked.
So much so that he jumped—right over your head.
You squeaked in shock when he landed in front of you.
Miguel didn't waste a second.
He grabbed your face and kissed you senseless.
You stumbled back, Miguel quickly webbing the chair, pulling it just in time for you to land on the cushion.
Not once did his lips leave yours.
He was bending over, hands grabbing the backrest, trapping you against it. You cupped his face, a shiver running down his spine when you trailed your hands down his chest.
But then you gently pushed him back.
He ignored the ache in his heart as he pulled away.
Miguel dropped to his knees in front of you, taking your hands in his, placing a kiss on each palm before he pressed it against his cheeks.
"I want to be with you so badly," he confessed, eyes never leaving yours so you could see it—all of him at your mercy.
"But I'm scared," he whispered, leaning into your touch. "I'm terrified that all I'll ever do is fail you, that I will never end up being the man that you deserve."
"How would you know if you won't try?" you said, thumbs brushing over his cheekbones with the sweetest smile. "And I know you think otherwise, but you deserve to be happy, too."
Miguel didn't know what to say.
So he didn't.
He kissed you instead.
It was slow, reassuring, a soft touch of your lips on his, but never less passionate.
He would've opted to deepen it a little more, but then you downright yawned between the kiss.
And here he thought you couldn't get cuter.
"You need sleep," he chuckled.
"I don't wanna go home," you grumbled, burying yourself into his chest. "It's too far."
"My room, then?" he offered.
You quickly nodded. He could almost feel you grinning against his suit.
He kissed your forehead. "Come on, let's get you to bed."
"Bed?" you gasped, emerging out of your hiding spot to wriggle your brows at him teasingly. "Gosh, take me out to dinner first."
"What am I going to do with you," he grumbled, shaking his head
"Many things, I hope."
He rolled his eyes, pressing the button to let the platform down.
"Miggy, can you give me a piggyback ride?" you asked, pouting for good measure. "I'm tired."
He sighed, turned around and crouched down.
"He doesn't always say yes he said," you giggled.
"Are you getting on or not?"
"Okay, okay, geez." You grabbed his shoulders and hoisted yourself on his back, arms around his neck, legs around his waist. Cheek pressed against his shoulder, you grinned. "Always eager to have me ride you, huh?"
His face warmed.
"I'll drop you if you won't stop."
"No you won't."
Miguel loosened his grip.
You yelped, quickly tightening your hold around him.
"You're so mean!"
He chuckled, turning his head as much as he could and puckering up his lips.
You giggled as you gave him a chaste kiss, pressing your cheek in between his shoulder blades with a deep sigh.
"Lyla, please send extra blankets and pillows to my quarters," he said, smiling to himself when you suddenly got heavier on his back.
He was sure you'd already fallen asleep.
Lyla appeared in front of him a second later, her grin far too wide for his liking.
"Not a single word about this to anyone," he interrupted whatever it was she was starting to say. "Please. Just…give us time to figure this out."
"Gotcha, boss," she said. "But for the record, I'm doing it for her."
You squinted at the bright glare that roused you from your sleep. You always close the curtains, it was part of your nightly routine. Why did you forget it this time?
Sitting up, you flopped back down with a deep groan.
Your head was pounding.
You didn't miss this part of drinking at all.
After a few moments, you slowly opened your eyes, the ceiling looking too unfamiliar.
Glancing down, the color of the sheets wasn't the sky blue you recently changed it into. As a matter of fact, that bed was much bigger than you were used to.
This wasn't your room.
In fact, this wasn't your world.
"What did I do?" you whispered, glancing at the nightstand. You saw the tall glass of water first, then the few pills of aspirin.
It was the framed picture that made you realize where you were.
This was Miguel's room.
Memories from last night came rushing in like a train, using your brain as railroad tracks which made your headache worse.
You quickly gulped down the water and meds, throwing the blankets off of you only to flush at the discovery.
Boxer shorts and a huge jacket—you were wearing his clothes.
Stumbling into the en suite, your heart warmed at the extra toothbrush that was already waiting for you.
You quickly made yourself as presentable as possible before making your way to the only place you knew he would be at this time of day.
First to clock in, last to clock out.
The platform was already down when you got there.
It was as if he was waiting for you.
"Morning, sleepy head," Miguel greeted without looking away from the screens.
"Good morning," you responded shyly. You picked at the hem of his jacket, second-guessing your choice of not changing out of it.
You honestly didn't know where to even begin.
As if sensing your discomfort, he turned his chair to face you.
Something flashed in his eyes for a brief moment, something primal as he regarded your figure. It was gone the next second you might as well have imagined it.
"Come here," he murmured, reaching out both hands for you to take.
Walking over to him, you slipped your hands into his, the platform beginning its ascend once you did.
You gasped in surprise when he suddenly pulled you onto his lap.
He placed your hands on his shoulders, his strong fingers curling around your waist.
You couldn't look him far too long in the eyes.
It felt like you'd combust if you did.
"What, now you're shy?" he teased, smirking freely. It was a good improvement, but you didn't know if your heart could take it having him smile at you like that. "You didn't seem to have a problem with this last night."
"Don't remind me," you groaned, hiding your face between your hands.
Miguel chuckled.
God this was so new.
It felt like you were drunk all over again—no sense of what was real and what was all in your head.
But with the soft squeeze on your waist, and the gentle fingers circling around your wrists, pulling your hands away from your face, you knew this was as real as it was going to get.
"What else do you remember?" he asked, thumbs drawing random shapes on the insides of your wrist.
You scrunched up your face. "Everything?"
He hummed, leaning a little closer to nudge the tip of your nose with his, urging you to keep your eyes on him.
"I have no idea how to do this…relationship thing. It's been a while," he started, a faint blush on his cheeks that made him so much more endearing. "But I'm willing to try this—with you."
Your heart grew ten times its size, you were sure of it.
He nodded, kissing your knuckles. "If you'll let me."
"We'll figure it out together," you said, holding his face in your hands with a smile.
"I'd like that," he whispered, grin turning cheeky. "On one condition."
"What?" Your brows furrowed.
"Morning kisses are mandatory."
You let out a hearty laugh, sound quick to turn into giggles when Miguel pressed his lips against yours.
It didn't take long for things to get heated.
You were picking up right where you left off last night, a little further given that alcohol wasn't in the equation anymore.
Yet with the way Miguel's hands were roaming your body, grabbing and groping whatever he could reach, tongue hot and heavy as it slipped past your lips, his deep groans vibrating against your palms as you rested it on his chest, his kisses moving their way onto the warm skin on your neck, softly nipping, tongue soothing—it was far more dizzying than any modified alcohol and then some.
It was a familiar voice that broke you off this time.
"Ahem! Uh, hello, I'm here!" It echoed from below. "The baby, too, by the way. So make sure you're…uhm, decent when you bring that thing down."
Miguel pulled away with an annoyed groan, eyes landing on the floating figure that appeared behind you.
If he could kill Lyla with one look—
"What?" she exclaimed. "I didn't say anything!"
"She didn't! You guys just weren't particularly…quiet," Peter B. defended on her behalf, chuckling. "And this place has the worst echo."
"Yeah, that's your fault," you whispered against his lips, pecking him one last time before getting off his lap.
He wasn't particularly happy about that either.
You pushed the button before he could say anything, the platform descending, smiling at him all innocent.
"I'm not done with you," he warned, voice deep with lust it made your whole body tingle.
"I'm counting on it." You winked, hopping off the platform before he could even respond.
Mayday landed in your arms before you could take a step.
"Hi, beautiful girl!" you greeted cheerfully, her chubby cheeks lifting as she giggled at you. "
"I wouldn't rush it," you heard Peter say.
"What?" Miguel gritted, still so annoyed.
"I know you're thinking about having a baby with her."
You bit back a laugh.
The utter silence from Miguel made it so much harder.
"You know nothing," he grumbled.
"Maybe," Peter chuckled, patting him on the back. "About time you made your move though."
Miguel grumbled something incoherent and turned back towards the screen.
Still, you caught the smile he was trying to hide.
It made you warm and fuzzy inside.
You walked over to him with Mayday in your arms. "Say hi to Uncle Miggy!"
Always your best accomplice, Mayday made grabby hands at him, blubbering, "Middy! Middy!"
Miguel sighed, carefully taking Mayday from you, before giving her a soft smile—the only other person he wasn't grumpy to. "Hello, peanut."
She giggled in response, climbing onto his shoulders, settling on them with her arms above his head. She always loved being so tall.
Miguel shot you a glare then, no heat to it at all. If anything, it was filled with pure fondness.
You grinned at him.
"You're a bad influence," he whispered to you.
"I don't think I am, Middy," you teased, standing on your tippy toes to place a kiss on his lips.
The way he suddenly turned flustered was adorable.
And when Mayday made a yucky sound, and Peter B. laughed, you knew your work of teasing him for the day was done.
"Come on, bub, let's go get you ice cream," you called, the little girl giggling in delight before jumping into your arms. You sent Miguel a wink before leaving him to deal with his beloved friend's teasing. Peter was practically waiting for this moment.
Many people regretted what they had done while drunk, especially when it involved something embarrassing.
Not you.
You regret nothing at all.
✫*。・゚.★. *。・゚♛ *.
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© t-lostinworlds, 2023 ✘ I do NOT give any permission to repost, translate, & use any of my works (writings, gifs, dividers, etc.) on any platform, with credit or otherwise. Please respect that. Thank you.
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btsmosphere · 2 months
Supercharged | JJK
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Epilogue: Sweet Taste
prev | masterlist
🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: How it all boiled down.
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 1k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: mentioned death, violence, weapons
a/n: and with this, we've reached the end of supercharged!! that is surreal to me🤯here's a reminder to those of you who may have already reblogged the masterlist to keep on your blog for reference (I'm honoured!), you may want to reblog it again now it's completed so all the links are there! since reblogged posts aren't updated on this wonderful site lol🤡 I also want to give a sincere thank you to everyone who had read, especially those who left even a single comment, reblog, tag or ask. this story was a lot of work but also a lot of fun and I'm so happy now I finally shared it! to hear anyone enjoyed it makes it all worth it😊you guys are the absolute best! I hope you enjoyed the ride, though there's still the epilogue to go👀 let me know what your favourite moment of this series has been!💜💜
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“More information has emerged after celebrated hero, Bolt, was found murdered in his home yesterday. Another beloved hero, Monsoon, also fell in the same battle.
“The anonymous attackers, who many theorists have already connected with the lair attacked by a monster earlier the same day, have sent several records to our studio, apparently taken from Bolt’s home. They have… requested that we display these on air.”
The screen cut away from the reporter’s face to a series of photographs. Weapons laid out, one by one, labelled in Namjoon’s handwriting with the locations they were stolen from, and the purpose each one served.
Next, a map with several red crosses marked on it; the places Bolt had attacked, and several more he planned to. Your home was one of them.
There were other files on the drive Jin had mailed to them. Detailing Bolt’s plans, his building of weapons and allowing them to be used to justify his ‘confiscation’. Jin had been careful not to record too much, but it painted a grim picture nonetheless. Had Bolt been preparing to rule the city?
You knew there would be people out there who would never shake their star-studded image of Bolt. But there would be others ready to see him for the monster he was. All that mattered was that you had all shaken up the grip he held over this city.
The last clip that jumped on screen was from only the night before. Of course, Bolt had cameras. And, in the end, it had turned out to be most useful to you.
“Flush out the rats and they’ll have nowhere left to run.”
The dark, fuzzy image shifted into static. The next voice was your own.
“You did this to me.”
Another cut.
“You were nothing before I gave them to you…”
It faded to black again. Good. It was past time for the people to start questioning the man they had idolised for too long. The man who would have thrown their lives away, too, the moment they happened to be in his way.
The reporter’s face returned, looking grave.
“This has left citizens wondering: who was Bolt really? Was he truly as heroic as he seemed?
“But it remains to be seen how we can stay safe in the wake of his demise.
“Next up, we report from the scene of a spate of attacks in the early hours since the hero’s death was announced. And stay tuned to hear from the families who say their loved ones died needlessly when working for Bolt-”
The screen flashed off and you turned to find Hope lowering the remote, hand on hip.
“Good to know the tv still works!” he beamed.
Snorting, you followed him over to the kitchen. The table had been set upright again. All in all, the scene was only partially being lit by the hole in the roof, most of which Jimin had already pieced back together.
An intimidating amount of dust and debris remained to be cleared, but you were sure Yoongi would just hide it by making the space look extra bright and fresh until someone could be bothered to pick up a vacuum cleaner (which may well be buried itself).
Oh yes – Yoongi. You were sure he would be playing his usual lighting tricks again… once he was strong enough. After seeing to Bolt’s fate, he was the first place you had all run to. Hobi and V had already been at his side. You remembered the crushing dread in your chest at seeing their faces, the tightness with which you squeezed Jungkook’s hand.
All you had to do to quell the memory of that feeling was cast your eyes over your white-haired friend. He sat at the table, sagging a little wearily onto his elbows, but grinning begrudgingly up at a giggling Jin and Jimin.
He was alright.
Jungkook sat across from the injured Yoongi, staring just as intently. You knew the protective fire that burned in him for his team, because the same one lived in you. And you had walked through that fire enough times, finally ending up on the right side of it.
Sliding into the seat beside him, you wordlessly put your hand on his back. Let it drift to circle his waist.
Jungkook’s fingers loosened their death grip on his mug, gaze shifting to you. You felt his sigh more than heard it, his back relaxing where you held it. Together you shared a smile.
Although perhaps it wasn’t quite as private as you first thought, because a second later Jin was thumping another mug loudly onto the tabletop. Jumping, you sheepishly turned away from Jungkook and accepted the drink Jin pushed towards you.
“Right!” The eldest clapped his hands to gather attention now that you were all here. “Y/N and I have made some good progress checking inventory. The ceiling seems to be… looking up!” (you all groaned as he erupted into his squeaky laugh) “We’ll be settled back in in no time – with no one to bother us.”
“Quite,” Namjoon agreed. For perhaps the first time, when he turned to face you, you were certain you read pride there. “With Bolt and Monsoon out of the picture, we’ll let Pheonix take their place.”
“So, nothing much to worry about at all!” Jimin chimed in, to a round of chuckles. Even Namjoon gave him an indulgent smile.
A grin of your own on your face, you sipped your drink, welcoming its flavour which nestled beside the sweet taste of revenge curled in your gut. Even with a gap letting fresh air in through the roof, you felt warm all over. Mostly from the heat of the arm pressed against yours.
You couldn’t imagine keeping your distance from Jungkook ever again. Having been victim of his fierce fight so many times, you knew you could always rely on it now he stood by your side.
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Thank you for coming with me on this journey💜What was your favourite moment?
<prev | masterlist
taglist: @aianloveseven @preciouschimine @written-in-flowers @taegularities @dvalities
@parapiop7 @taiwan0618 @11thenightwemet11 @junniesoleilkth @doctorquack
@oddinary4bts @svnbangtansworld @ktownshizzle @minisugakoobies @jksusawife
@kokoandkookie @veemegatron @kookxin @seokout @jkayy
@peaaachpit @stxrrielle @welcometomyworld13 @ssexsellls @ramicherie
@jk5t4r @purplebeebs @nanjeonlangakook @wifflepuff1344 @ot7stansthings
@thesmeraldogirl @fr0ggieth1nk
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kazutora-kurokawa · 7 months
HC's about your choice and I would like to challenge you to use this song for motivation!
TokRev x Reader: Risky Sex
♡ NSFW, needy!reader, fem reader, oral->fem receiving, exhibitionism, sex in Shin's bikeshop, sex in a dressing room, teasing, these men are cocky fr, also Tora has a tongue piercing because I said so ♡
Characters: Shinichiro and Kazutora (separately)
note: as soon as I heard the song I knew what direction I wanted to go with this and I kinda went overboard 😭 Sarah Ilysm for this 🩷 also I proofread this so yea my eyes hurt lol
You honestly couldn't help yourself when it came to Shin, especially when he was working on a bike, he always looked so hot when he was focused. As he was about to get up from his place on the floor you ambushed him, positioning yourself in his lap and wrapping your arms around him. He pulled his cigarette out of his mouth and put it out in the ashtray, focusing all his attention on you.
"What is it darling? Feeling affectionate?"
You couldn't even be bothered to respond, too busy grinding against the growing bulge in his pants. He chuckled at your neediness before planting a deep kiss on your lips.
"You sure you want me to fuck you here? Anyone could walk in on us."
Did he really just ask you that? As if he didn't see the desperate look in your eyes, like he didn't feel how hard your nails were digging into his back, itching to tear his clothes off.
"Shin, please!"
"Please what darling?"
"Please fuck me~"
That's all he needed to hear, as a matter of fact, he could live off of those words alone. He undid your pants before pushing you onto the cold floor and undoing his belt. The adrenaline coursed through his veins as the thought of being caught flashed in his head. But that didn't matter, all that mattered was how pretty you looked underneath him and how badly you needed him. He started off slow, setting a pace that only made you beg for him even more. Your whining was his signal to go faster, to go deeper, to be rougher. His hands held your legs down, spreading them as far apart as possible so he could hit every nerve. His cock rammed in and out of you so fast that your legs started to involuntarily close, but he wasn't gonna let that happen.
"Uh-uh sweetheart, don't try to get away. You wanted this remember? You were begging for me to fuck you and now you can't take it? Just be a good girl for me and take it ♡"
Fortunately, you two finished up without getting caught. It also goes without saying that he left you completely satisfied, filled to the brim, and unable to walk properly.
You had been out shopping with Tora all day and you didn't know why, but everything this man did was about to send you over the edge. The adoration in his eyes whenever you tried something on and the endless flow of compliments would've polluted your ego, if they hadn't gone straight to your pussy. You were already on your last straw when you came out of the dressing room in a tight black dress, praying that he'd hold off on the compliments for once.
"You look absolutely stunning angel, I love how you look in that, you'd look even better with it off though ♡"
Your hand gripped the doorway of the dressing room as you felt your legs about to give out on you. There was no way you were gonna be able to hold out until you got home, you needed him now. You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into the dressing room, closing and locking the door behind you.
"Do you have any clue what you're doing to me right now?"
"Of course I do, because I'm doing it deliberately."
"You're such a jackass!"
"I know, but I'm your jackass."
He pushed you onto the bench of the dressing room and was immediately in between your legs. His calloused hands pulled up your dress and pried your legs open, his tongue brushing over your clothed clit as he licked over the wet spot on your panties.
"Look at you, so fucking wet for me princess ♡"
His teeth hooked into the waistband of your underwear, pulling them off of you in an agonizingly slow manner.
"Tora, stop teasing!"
"Okay okay! I'm sorry angel, I'll stop teasing ya."
He gently pressed his thumb onto your clit, rubbing circles and applying more pressure as you got wetter. His thumb was quickly replaced by his tongue and you felt a chill go down your spine as the cold metal of his piercing hit your clit. This definitely didn't go unnoticed by him either.
"Aww angel, do you like it when I press my piercing on your pretty little clit?"
You could only nod in agreement as your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as you grinded against him. His grip on your thighs tightening as you came, leaving the bottom half of his face soaked. Before you could even let what just happened sink in, there was a knock on the dressing room door.
"Ma'am are you okay in there? Do you need assistance?"
"No I'm okay, I'll be out in a second!"
Tora looked up at you with a smirk on his face before kissing your clit and getting up to help you fix your clothes.
@arlerts-angel @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katshimizuu @happy-trenchcoated-impala @rinshawty @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @livefromnc
311 notes · View notes
honeykyeom · 2 years
white noise / track 1: st. patrick
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pairing: lee seokmin x afab! reader
series summary: your best friend seokmin has always been there for you. after a particularly rough heartbreak, you find out he's there for you in more ways than just one.
series notes: uni!au, best friends to lovers, friends with benefits, kpop 97 line antics and shenanigans (specifically seventeen & loona), 18+ (smut is outlined/warned beforehand)
chapter notes: alcohol mention and consumption, house party setting, smut!!! (oral sex [afab receiving], protected sex, small insecurity mention), mingyu being pouty, yves being a terrible wingwoman, minghao being the king he is, to my jaehyun lovers i'm so sorry, this is for the orbits for the pain that we've been through
wc: 7.2k (still can't believe i wrote this much)
a/n: i've teased bringing this back a lot and this series still means so much to me, even though it still sits unfinished lol. this first track especially. and if it weren't the support (& excitement) of @onlyseokmins, idk if i ever would've reposted it. so this is for you bb <3 please let me know what you think in the tags or send in asks, i'd love to hear your thoughts! <33
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“What do you think about this?”
You look over at your friend, her figure adorning a velvet tube top with loose white cloth pants, an outfit that’s comfortable and light for a steamy college party and yet accentuates her curves enough to show off. Any sane person would tell Yves that she would be the center of attention as soon as she walks through the door, having everyone question if they wanted to be her or be with her.
“It looks good,” you respond with a nonchalant shrug, going back to aimlessly scrolling on your phone, surrounded by a multi-chrome array of clothes.
You were clearly not the sane person in that scenario. 
Yves turns to you, exasperated at your attitude. “Dude, you’ve been so boring since you got your heart broken by Jaehyun.”
“I did not get my heart broken.”
“Really? Because you’re acting like the second lead who just got dumped in a drama.” 
“Your outfit and you are hot, like always! Is that what you wanted to hear,” a small chuckle leaves your lips as you stand up from the bed. “Anyways, I’m not heartbroken, just upset.”
You look over your outfit in the floor-length mirror of the room, your black booties standing out against your mid-wash jean shorts. As you play with your cardigan, your mind wanders to Jaehyun and the ghost of a fling, fleeting and indescribable to anyone not close to you. You begin to wonder how he describes you to his close confidantes, if the small cafe dates and late night study sessions in the library were described with care or if all that mattered were the rushed bedroom antics, leaving you with just a memory and an “I think we should see other people” text message. 
“Take this off. I know you and you’re going to get hot,” Yves wakes you from your daze, pulling your cardigan off your body, revealing your black cropped tank, “This is a better outfit anyway. We’re going to a party, not one of Haseul’s opera recitals.” She joins you in the mirror, a small smile gracing her face as she assesses your outfit. “Much better. Plus, this,” she gestures to your figure, “will help you get laid.”
You roll your eyes. “What are you talking about?”
“You know what they say! To get over someone, you have to get under someone new.”
Looking at Yves, her pride evident in her stance and a mischievous gleam in her smile, you were sure of one thing. “You’re absolutely mental.”
“You know I’m right,” Yves insists. “One way to quickly get over someone is to have sex with someone else. I’ve done it.” Her shameless approach on the topic bleeds through her demeanor, her shoulder sitting low on her upper body as she sits on her bed and one of her legs drapes across the other. Just as you were about to respond to her, your phone buzzes in your back pocket, distracting you and Yves from the current conversation.
LADS ‼️💯‼️
seokmin: ya’ll going to the party tn?
haseul: can’t :/ have the late night shift at the library
mingyu: booooo tomato tomato
minghao: and what happened to fuck capitalism?
haseul: try telling our landlord that
minghao: fair enough
yn: yves and i are going!
seokmin: jinsoul?
jinsoul: social battery is pretty low, so i’m probably going to stay home
mingyu: BOOOOO tomato tomato 🍅🍅🍅 i'm throwing tomatoes!
yves: leave her alone gyu!
jinsoul: i’m not getting you coffee before class anymore for that
minghao: lmao good job gyu
yn: he will be his own downfall
mingyu: :(
seokmin: anyways the boys and i will see yall there! 
seokmin: do you need a ride?
yves: we’re taking an uber!
minghao: good. stay safe!
Yves looks up from her phone and looks at you with a playful smirk pulling at her lips. “You know what I just thought was a great idea.”
With her track record, it’s probably not a good idea.
“You should hook up with Seokmin.”
It definitely wasn’t a good idea. “Okay, now I know you’ve lost your mind.”
“You can’t tell me that you haven’t thought about it.”
You can’t deny that you haven’t thought about how your best friend would treat you in the bedroom. You would get lost in your head, thinking about how his arms had gotten toned after his recent workout sessions and how those same arms would hold you down as he made you reach cloud nine. Many would cringe at the mere thought, but with how close you and Seokmin were and how much time you two spent together, people thinking you were at least hooking up wasn’t uncommon, your cheeks getting hot any time it’s brought up. His eyes would get wide with that same sweet smile, the red flush on his ears disappearing quickly. You’d never cross that boundary just to get over a silly boy; your friendship means much more to you than a quickie.
“Just because I might’ve thought about it, doesn’t make it something that needs to happen. I’m not that desperate,” you double down on your stance, grabbing your phone to check the status of your Uber, finding any excuse to escape this conversation. The thin black line stating your driver was more than 5 minutes away, you mentally curse at whoever was upstairs who enjoys watching you suffer at the hands of Yves.
“Please, have you seen how buff he’s getting! Those arms?” a sly grin blooming on her face, she looks over at you expectantly as if you would agree with her. You do, but you’d never let her know that. Instead of entertaining her antics, you grab your personal bag, ready to leave for the night.
“Okay, you’re done. Let’s go,” you say, pulling Yves from the bed, “the Uber is almost here.”
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Walking through the door of the frat house, the humidity in the air makes your shirt stick to your chest like a second skin. The packed bodies only add to the warmth inside the cramped house, you silently thank Yves for making you take off your cardigan, the couple years of your friendship proving that she knows you better than you think. She hugs your backside, keeping you close as you move through the mass of people, looking for your group of friends.
“Do you know if they’re here yet?” you hear Yves’ voice, yelling above the crowd from behind you and almost blending into the music.
You respond, bringing your face close to her ear, “Yeah, Seokmin texted me saying they were!” She nods in acknowledgment, eyes scanning the immediate area. It’s hard to miss a man towering over the crowd, his signature black hair striking against his tan skin making him stand out as he takes a sip from his red solo cup near the kitchen. Two other men stand close to him, donning similar red plastic cups, one with a bright smile that easily lights up the room, shining with the fluorescent blues and purples of the house, and the other boy making his mark with a messy mullet and trademark style that defines his frame. Even if you hadn’t recognized the trio as your best friends, you would’ve instantly taken notice, the boys immediately attracting your attention. 
“I found them!” you announce to Yves, who’s still close behind you, clinging to your arm as if her life depended on it. Grabbing her hand, you move through the crowd, not caring whose toes you stepped on or if people didn’t hear your ‘excuse us!’. It wasn’t long before you met with the trio of men, their faces lighting up as soon as they took notice of your presence and Mingyu pulling you in for a suffocating hug. 
“You finally made it!” Mingyu’s breath is hot against you as he yells over the noise, still keeping you close even after the hug was long done, his arms tucking you underneath him. His chin decides to rest on your head and naturally finding its place as his arms wrap around your figure. At first glance, people may think that the two of you were an item, but Mingyu was just close with anyone he knew, finding any reason to hug his close friends. 
“You’re lucky we made it all, hell, with how many people are here!”
“We were talking about moving to the backyard once you got here. Did you guys want a drink first?” Minghao is the one to speak up, looking at you and Yves through his bangs, bringing his red solo cup to his lips. 
A groan breaks through the air, Yves grabbing his hand as she responds, “Yes, please. I definitely need it.”
Surprisingly, the kitchen is less crowded than the common areas of the house, bodies not congregating in the area once they make their drinks. You feel instant relief, the air conditioning hitting your skin, even a nice breeze from the back door giving you much needed fresh air. The group makes their way to the kitchen island, an array of liquor, beer, and mixers lining the surface, making the workspace nonexistent. Mingyu works with what he has though, his hands moving with diligence and ease as he acts as the group’s personal bartender for the night - just like every group gathering before. 
Turning towards the voice, you’re met with Seokmin, his dark hair falling against his tan skin and a smile so big that the skin near his eyes smile along with him, still sparkling with the bright party lights. Your heart grows warm seeing your best friend, the energy around him bursting with sunshine and love that anyone can feel when they enter his presence. You return his smile and saddle up to his side. Your shoulders touch as the two of you watch Mingyu mix drinks for you and Yves, who joins you and Seokmin, sitting on the kitchen counter next to him.
“I haven’t gotten to ask you, how are you doing since…” Seokmin’s words trail off and you look at him, concern etched in his face.
“Since Jaehyun? I’m not made of glass, you know. We can talk about him.”
Yves chimes in, “Don’t act like you weren’t crying about how unloveable you were just two days ago,” her snark ever prevalent in her tone. 
“Anyways!” you retort, moving your attention back to Seokmin, “I’m fine. It was just a little fling, not a big deal.”
“It’s ok to be sad. You really liked him.” Seokmin flashes you a sincere smile, so pure, so full of light, the party seems to be worth it all from this little interaction. It’d been a while since you left your cave, only earthing to join the weekly movie night with everyone. Every time you wanted to hide away underneath your sheets, when you wanted your world to be blackness, when you wanted the world to swallow you whole, Seokmin was always there, the light at the end of your tunnel, pulling you out. 
“Well, we’re not being sad tonight,” Mingyu interrupts your daze, handing you a miniature plastic cup, the same shot-sized reusable cups that were on the counter for reckless decisions like this one. “We’re here to forget about Jaehyun and enjoy our friends. Ones we know won’t leave us high and dry.” He holds his cup up to the ceiling, everyone following suit. “To our friendship!”
The clear liquid burns in your throat and you can feel it travel down your body, a chill tingling up your spine. Your nights that usually start with vodka shots don’t end too well, you think.
Cheers to you finding out what this night has in store.
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A breeze wafts into the air, tripping you up and the ball you just threw blowing away with it.
“That’s not fair! The wind affected the throw!”
“Doesn’t matter! We discussed the rules before we started!”
A pout forming on your face, you stand back, giving Seokmin room for his turn. He turns to you, giving you a small pat on your lower back, muttering a soft ’it’s okay’ before his concentration is back on the five red cups laid in front of him on the table. His eyes are focused, his face still as he brings his hand up to aim, lining up his shot. The air was silent, the group paying close attention to his actions, watching him take his shot. The world seems to stop as he lets go of the plastic ball, everyone quiet until it reaches the rim of a plastic cup, toying with your emotions until it finally dips into the cup with a resounding plop.
You scream and wrap your arms around Seokmin, giddy with excitement as giggles fill the air. You don’t even care that there were still 3 cups to a victory and neither did Seokmin as he lifted you in the air, making your world dizzy. He held you tight, keeping you tucked into him even after he set your two feet back on the ground, his arms hugging you and taking place on your shoulders.
“I don’t know why Y/N is celebrating, they’ve missed every one of their shots!” Mingyu taunts, clearly trying to get under your skin. 
Before you can respond, Seokmin speaks up, “Hey! We’re closer to winning than you! And that’s bold coming from you when Yves is clearly carrying your team.”
Mingyu gets quiet at that, Yves not even able to defend her teammate, just turns to him with a sympathetic pat on his arm before lining up to take her shot. Minghao, who’s leaning comfortably on the back wall of the house, chuckles, only staying quiet once Mingyu shoots him a death glare.
Looking up at Seokmin, you pout with a small whisper, “Am I that bad?”
“What? No! Also, who cares? It’s just beer pong.” He leaves the comfort of your touch to grab the ping pong balls from the grass, both missed by Yves and Mingyu. 
“I care! For my ego.” You know he’s trying to make you feel better, trying to make sure you don’t take Mingyu’s competitive nature to heart like you tend to do. It is just beer pong. But the phrase “The more you drink, the better you are at beer pong” has exceptions and you may be one of them, the alcohol coursing through your system not helping whatsoever.
A playful smirk appears on Seokmin’s face as he says, “Would it hurt your ego if I helped you out with your form?”
You look at Seokmin through your lashes, your pout turning into a coy smile and a flirtatious lilt coming out of your tone. “No, I don’t think so.”
When Seokmin hands you the ping pong ball, he takes position behind you, lifting your hand with his, the other holding to your waist tightly. His breath was hot against your face, his voice soft and nurturing, tickling your ears, “You want to keep your wrist loose and have it high to start. It’s easier to aim from high above.”
It could be the alcohol talking, but having Seokmin this close, this intimate, had you thinking that maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to have him tangled in your sheets. The same caramel voice that was coaching you through your terrible beer pong skills, the same voice that calls you late at night to make sure you’ve made it home safely, that same voice would be coaxing you to your high, having you come apart from his words alone.
It’s definitely just the alcohol talking, you think. You hope that’s the case, anyway.
“Once you get an aim, you’ll want to let go and follow through with your throw.” Seokmin leads you in the motion he described, still keeping you close. With your confidence now elevated, the air still, and everyone quietly watching, you let go of the ball and follow its arc as it sinks into a center cup.
Pride lights your smile aglow, your first instinct to reach Seokmin for a hug in a small celebration. His grip on you is tight as he hugs you back, his eyes showering you with admiration. 
“I knew you could do it.”
“I only made that shot because of you.”
You glance over at the other side of the table. With a knowing smirk on Yves’ face, she keeps her eyesight towards the ground, preparing for her next turn. 
You won’t be hearing the end of it from her.
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You lean against the folding chair you’ve taken refuge in, a sweet breeze coming in, slightly lifting the jacket that’s draped across your shoulders. Smoke from the small fire in front of you makes your eyes sting, tears filling the corners. Bringing the cup you have to your lips, a clear line of separation from the ice that has melted and the alcoholic coke visible, you shudder at the taste and hand the cup back to Mingyu. “This party is kinda boring.”
“Oh, is beating us at beer pong not enough fun for you?”
“You’re starting to sound like a sore loser, Gyu,” Minghao chimes in, nursing his own screwdriver next to you. He keeps his puff jacket unzipped, letting the heat from the fire warm him up from the chill of the night air. 
“So what if I am? Yves didn’t do all that work for nothing.”
“Speaking of Yves, where is she?” You never saw her slip away from the group, the atmosphere missing her snark and light attitude, but you’re only met with shrugs from the two men in front of you. 
“She mentioned meeting with ViVi, don’t know if she ever found her.” The voice comes from behind you with a hand meeting your shoulder, the touch not unwelcomed, recognizing it to be Seokmin. “I’m assuming she has because she’s been gone for awhile.”
Just as Seokmin rejoins the group, a fresh drink in hand, your phone buzzes on your lap with the screen illuminating your face, looking at the text.
yves: leaving with vivi, don’t wait up <3
yves: also, don’t think we won’t be talking about seokmin later 
yves: 😉
yn: we won’t be talking about him bcs nothing is nor will happen
yves: keep telling yourself that
You tune yourself out of your conversation with Yves, exhausted from the few text messages and her persistence. Turning your attention back to the group, leaning your head against Seokmin’s arm. “Yves just texted me. She left with ViVi.”
“Of course she did. I’m surprised it took her this long to make a move,” Minghao comments. The fire was now burning stronger, embers flying through the space only to land softly on the concrete. “How long has she been talking to her, anyway?”
“About 3 months now,” Mingyu answers.
“Damn… She must really like her.”
“Yeah, she never waits that long if it’s just a hookup. Even if I wanted to take someone out, I don’t think I’d wait that long.”
Minghao's eyes flicker to Seokmin, something on the edge of understanding and comfort, almost like he was sympathizing with him. Something you might have noticed if you weren’t resting on Seokmin’s hips, eyes closed as he rubs small circles on your shoulder. Something you would ask Seokmin about if you had seen. The look leaves as quickly as it came, Minghao’s face leans downcast, lips pursed as if he was holding his thoughts in.
Seokmin’s face leans close to your ear, soft and inviting as he speaks, “You getting tired?”
“Not really. Just bored,” sighing, you look up at Seokmin, meeting his eyes. “Kind of want to go home.”
“Let me take you back, make sure you get home safe. I’ll get us an Uber.”
“You just got your drink! I don’t want to end your night early.” You give Seokmin a gentle smile, a small appreciative gesture at his care. He was always taking care of you, always by your side, always giving himself to you. You wanted him to enjoy his night not worrying about you, at the very least.
Suddenly, Seokmin is walking to Mingyu, handing his cup over to the man sitting on the concrete, engulfed in conversation with Minghao. He announces his departure, telling the boys to make sure to get to their shared apartment safely and let him know when they do. Then, he’s walking back to you, grabbing your hand with such kindness, such care, before he’s looking at you expectantly. 
“Let’s go.”
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Your keys clinking fill the dead space as you enter your apartment, making sure to hold the door open, inviting Seokmin to follow you. He’s been here many times, whether it was alone or with your group of friends. The apartments shared between the seven of you had an open-door policy, welcoming heartbreaks, laughs, boredom, and overall debauchery with wide arms and open cabinets. Seokmin didn’t ask any questions when he walked into your apartment last week and saw you left alone in the darkness, nursing a bowl of your comfort instant ramen, your body hidden underneath an oversized blanket. You didn’t ask any questions when he joined you in your reality tv show marathon, grabbing a blanket from your ottoman, letting the fabric swallow him whole when he settled on your couch. Neither of you said anything, sitting in a comfortable silence, your brains turned off from the stress of the week.
He knew he didn’t need to ask anything; he knew you would come to him eventually, when you were ready. 
He secretly hoped your heart would do the same.
“Did you want a drink?” your voice brings Seokmin back to reality. You were at your fridge, pulling out transparent green glass bottles. “I know you didn't get to finish yours earlier.” 
“I thought you were tired,” Seokmin ignores the question, instead looking at you incredulously.
After you open the bottles, you bring the cold bubbly liquid to your lips, walking across your kitchen island to bring Seokmin the other. “I said I was bored, not tired. There was nothing to do, just a lot of loud drunk kids.”
“That’s most frat parties, you know.”
“Yeah. I don’t know why I keep letting Yves drag me to them,” you sigh, staring past Seokmin but not focusing on anything in particular. 
“How about we play a game or something? Never have I ever?”
“You already know most everything about me! What fun would that be?”
“I bet there’s some things I don’t know about you!” While you and Seokmin had known each other since freshman year, spending most of your time together, you kept yourself guarded. Only letting Seokmin in when you were comfortable, prepared for the onslaught of judgment - which never came. Seokmin had been nothing but understanding, a warm breeze in an otherwise cold world. “How about we play 20 questions?”
You purse your lips, letting the beer bottle settle on your countertop as you think over Seokmin’s proposition. “Fine.”
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“What was your first impression of me?”
You giggle to yourself, settling on your rug in the living room, thinking back to when you first met Seokmin during freshman orientation. Your knees touch his, bumping into each other as you reminisce. “What was my first impression of the goofball who followed me around like a lost puppy?”
Seokmin laughs, lighting up the room, making happiness bubble to the surface of your skin. You join in his laughter as he says, “Hey! Two lost people is better than one! Would you have not wanted me to follow you around because look at us now!”
“You’re right. Who knew that little goofball would end up being one of the best people in my life?”
“Remember during the social, Mingyu busted his ass trying to show up Minghao at b-boying?”
“Yeah and we had to help him nurse his ego in the dorm hallway?”
You and Seokmin had been inseparable that weekend, from his first awkward “Do you know where the Admin building is?” to your last “I guess I’ll be seeing you around campus”, you two finding your way back to each other come the first semester. With you two living in adjacent dorm buildings, it was easy to catch up for lunch, walk each other to class and meet in the communal study rooms. Mingyu happened to live in the same building as Seokmin and Jinsoul was your freshman year roommate. Soon, your group during the lunch break grew to include Haseul, Minghao, and Yves and solidified during sophomore year. They all held a special place in your heart, but none like Seokmin and they all knew it. Life was easier with Seokmin; midterms never seemed as difficult with his guiding light, heartbreaks never felt as lonely with his warmth and bad decisions never were so irreversible with his love.
Seokmin was and will always be your home — your light at the end of the tunnel. 
The laughter between you two dies down, an easy silence falling in the air. It isn’t until you calm down that you ask the next question, “Okay my turn.” You bring a serious expression to your face, shifting the tone from the previous lighthearted atmosphere. “Is it better to love & lose or never love at all?”
“Oh, you’re getting philosophical on me now?”
“No better time than at 1 am on a Friday night, tipsy with my best friend.”
You see Seokmin slightly wince, something that happens in a blink of an eye before it’s replaced with a pensive expression, his lips jutting out in thought. You don’t have time to point it out before he’s answering, “Isn’t it better to love & lose? I mean, what’s a world without love?” You think on his words, albeit too long as he voices, “Why? Do you feel different?”
“Personally… yeah,” you mutter. You speak a little louder, confiding to Seokmin, “It might be everything that happened with Jaehyun but I can’t see how I can be thankful for giving him my love.” 
“You… loved him?” Seokmin murmurs quietly, unable to mask his surprise. 
“Not exactly, but is it embarrassing how fast I fell for him?”
No…” Seokmin trails off, his lips in a thin line, almost like he’s trying to keep himself from saying something he wants to. It’s faint, but you notice.
“What do you want to say?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re hiding something.”
“No I’m not,” he repeats, adamant. 
“Yes you are!” you smile before continuing, “C’mon, just tell me!” You begin to poke Seokmin’s side, a prominent offensive move in your arsenal. Seokmin giggles, trying to move away from the stimulation of your jabs, but is unsuccessful as you reach over and begin your attacks on his left side.
“Y/N stop!” His demand comes out broken as he tries to catch his breath, unable to break his fits of laughter.
“Not until you tell me what you’re hiding!”
Your assault continues, your giggles getting louder, probably annoying your neighbors. Neither of you are able to catch your breath, until Seokmin suddenly grabs hold of your wrists, bringing your back to the cushion of your rug, effectively pinning you to the ground.
Your laughter dies, the room becoming dead silent, only your ragged breaths filling the air. Your chest is heaving, your lungs trying to catch the precious air around you. With Seokmin straddling your waist, it isn’t until your breathing finally slows do you realize that his face is inches away from yours. His breath is audible, face red from the commotion. 
You’ve never really looked at Seokmin this close, his mole standing out on his cheek. You notice every pore, every freckle and every line, all of it accumulating into the beauty of his face. His eyes are soft as he looks at you. The tension is unmistakably palpable, making your skin hot underneath his touch. You glance down at his lips, the curves and various shades of pink accentuating against his tan skin.
Before you can think much about it, you’re suddenly kissing him. 
And just as quick, he’s pulling away from you, eyes wide. He looks at you as if you might break, like fragile glass ready to crack at any moment. 
“Are you sure you want this?” Seokmin is sincere, voice woven with care, loosening your own heart strings. “I don’t want you to do something you’re going to regret in the morning,” he whispers, speaking softly, trying not to overstep his boundaries. His thought to put you first was the last undoing of the tangled mess of woven string in your heart, unraveled and exposing yourself to him. 
“I’m sure, Seokmin. I want you.”
You don’t get to finish your sentence before Seokmin’s lips are back on yours, swallowing your last breath.
His lips are softer than you imagine and taste of mint and whiskey, combining to create something that was uniquely Seokmin. The hairs stand up along your body, your senses being invigorated by Seokmin’s attention to your lips. Shivers run down your body from his kisses alone and once he starts trailing along your jaw and neck, your skin lights fire, igniting the burning desire within you. 
His hands leave your wrists, bringing them to your torso, keeping you close against him as your hands immediately cling to his neck, breathing heavily. He runs small circles along your skin, making you go dizzy.
Panting, you manage to whisper through your short breaths, “Should we take this somewhere that, you know, isn’t my living room floor?”
Seokmin keeps his attention on your neck as he responds between kisses, “I don’t know. I was ready to take you right here.”
“Do you want me to blow my back out?”
“Oh, you’ll be getting your back blown out no matter where you are.. so it’s really up to you.” You can feel him smile against your neck with a small nip. You moan at his words, his confidence making you quiver. This kind of arrogance isn’t something you’re used to seeing on Seokmin, but you can’t deny that it looks good on him, easily molding you like clay under his fingers. 
You play it cool, though, or you hope, at least. “I’d rather not have sex with you on my living room rug.”
“Fair enough.”
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As soon as you shut the door, Seokmin finds his hands all over you, bringing you back to his mouth. One of his hands lands on your waist, kneading at your skin underneath your crop top, slightly lifting the fabric. He held on tight, not wanting to let you go, afraid of you disappearing from his grasp. He can’t help but think this is all a dream — his ears ringing with your whines, his fingers grazing your goosebumps, it was everything he’d fantasized about. 
“Seokmin…” Your voice sounds sweet in his ears, blissful, a desire dripping from it that he’s never heard from you before. 
“What is it?”
Your breath on him is hot, heavy against his skin. “Can we hurry this up because I need you,” you sigh, a small teasing smile playing against your lips. Your hands were grabbing at his clothes desperately, the tug and pull making Seokmin’s head spin. He lets out an airy chuckle, pulling you closer.
Seokmin leads you to your bed, your back hitting the mattress as he runs his hands along your thighs, still leaving kisses along your neck. He trails along the length of your body, down your neck, your clothed chest, your stomach, leaving languid kisses. He was in no rush, wanting this night to last as long as possible, even if it was already two in the morning. He could have you underneath him for hours, your hands pulling at the strands on his head.
He reaches the bottom of your shirt, playing with the hem, leaving open mouthed kisses along your stomach. “Can I?” He asks, referring to your crop as he looks at you, eyes meeting yours. He didn’t want to do anything out of comfort zone, feeling lucky enough to be in this position. As much as the flirty banter made both of your positions clear, he wanted to give you any opportunity to back out if you were ever uncomfortable with crossing the imaginary boundary of your friendship. 
You nod and slowly, Seokmin begins to lift your top, revealing your torso. It took everything in him to not confess to you right then and there, the alcohol flowing in his system removing the filter in his mind. He wanted to kiss you all over, sing sweet praises, tell you how much he’d always wanted this and more, how he’s been in love with you since that freshman orientation weekend — everything that’s been on his mind these past two years.
But he settles with a “God, you’re so beautiful,” hoping that you’d recognize the whiskey lacing his words instead of the yearning.
“Why are you acting so surprised? You’ve seen me in a bikini before!”
He has seen you in a bikini and Seokmin had to take a cold shower when he rinsed the chlorine off of his body for the day, hoping you hadn’t noticed his lingering eyes.
“Can’t a guy just compliment his best friend’s naked body before he fucks them?”
He’s also hoping that you don’t notice how hard it was for him to say that, disguising his wince with a teasing smile.
You begin to unbutton your jean shorts, your hands dancing around the waistband of the material. “Are you actually going to fuck me or are you just going to talk about it?”
Oh, you were going to be the death of him. He fears that you know that.
“I should’ve known you were going to be a brat,” Seokmin mutters, still loud enough for you to hear as he pulls down your shorts down your legs. He’s met with a visible wet patch on your black underwear, which almost takes him out right at that moment. The damp fabric is stuck to your cunt, like a second skin. “Fuck.”
“You’re so wet,” Seokmin responds, getting closer to the gap between your legs, blowing puffs of air from his words, making you shake from the stimulation. 
“Is that a bad thing?” He can hear the insecurity in your voice, the confidence from earlier breaking with you slowly pulling your legs together. Seokmin counteracts this action, bringing your legs apart and opening yourself up to him once again. He plants a soft kiss on your inner thigh and he feels the tension release from your body, welcoming his touch.
He looks up at you earnestly. “Of course not. It’s hot.” He toys with your panties, waiting for your approval to continue.
“You can take them off, Seokmin.”
That was all Seokmin needed, peeling your underwear off. 
Seokmin thinks he’s died and gone to heaven. Seeing you bare, spread open for him and only him, was something he’d never believed would happen to him in this lifetime. He’s awestruck at your beauty, only able to respond by kissing your thighs repeatedly, your moans only encouraging him. 
He lowers himself close to your pussy and licks a slow, long stroke along your bud. You grab at his head instantly, a whine coming out of you. He circles your folds, teasingly slow, savoring every moment he has between your legs. You taste sweet, more enticing than any of Seokmin’s dreams. His hands took purchase on your waist, pulling you closer to him when you’d steer away. Your arousal builds and he’s quick to flit his tongue against your clit.
“Fuck! Have you always been good at this?” you choke out, the question coming out broken and breathy, a moan following.
Seokmin smiles against you, laughing quietly, the vibrations tickling against his lips. His pride was swelling, hearing you, the person he’s been in love with for two years now, cry for him. The feeling is making him insatiable, the desire to make you cum overriding any other thought in his mind. Your fingers that were in his hair started to pull harder, fervid as the pleasure overtook you. 
The ache in between his legs, his dick squeezing in between the fabric of his jeans, started to become excruciating. Seokmin slowly grinds against the mattress, searching for any relief for his own hard-on. It proves to be useless, his arousal moving three steps forward and one step back each time you moan his name. His face was covered in you as you jerk against him, riding out the sensations.
He ghosts his fingers to your entrance, hovering over it, teasing you with the prospect of having them inside of you. He keeps his fingers where they are until you wail, begging for them.
“Seokmin, stop teasing…” your voice trails, punctuated with a gasp, from Seokmin slipping his fingers inside of you.
He didn’t need any lubrication, you were dripping enough for him. The sounds that were coming out of your cunt were lewd and it only turned Seokmin on more, blood rushing to his cock and the strain against his jeans becoming even more unbearable to ignore. He can feel you clenching around his fingers; he knows you’re close. Once he reaches the bumpy surface of your g-spot, your muscles tense even more and your breath hitches, your legs squeezing Seokmin.
“Let go for me,” he whispers with a kiss to your clit. A second later, you’re coming undone, back arching off of the mattress. Your walls pulse against his fingers, making his cock twitch. His eyes were transfixed on your figure, watching you fall apart because of him. You were beautiful, this he always knew to be true, but the image of you tensing around him and cumming against his fingers would be engraved in his mind for the rest of his life. 
You begin to come down from your high, Seokmin kissing your inner thigh, eyes shining with awe as he continues to slowly pump in and out of you. You look down at him, relaxing your hands that were once gripping his hair with superhuman strength. He didn’t mind, though. He never minded anything when it came to you, especially since he knew that he was the reason for the overwhelming pleasure.
“Oh my god… Seriously, where did you learn to eat pussy like that?” you breathe out, still trying to catch your breath. 
“I don’t know,” Seokmin chuckles as he slowly pulls his fingers out of you. “I guess I’m just a natural.”
You sit up, reaching for Seokmin’s chin as you bring his lips to yours, taking his breath away. He's completely intoxicated by you, the alcohol wearing off and being replaced by your allure. It still amazes him how you have him trapped under your spell, wrapped around your finger — and you don’t even know it. Seokmin is so lost in your kiss, he doesn’t realize that he’s now on his back with you straddling him, your hands fumbling with his zipper.
“Let me take care of you,” you coo, your lips still close to his, brushing against them softly.
It pains Seokmin, the thought of your mouth around his length, his body shivers with the image in his mind. “I’m going to be honest, while I’d love to have you sucking me off, I’d cum in 30 seconds,” he confesses. “I need to be inside of you. Now.” You smile so bright, so enchanting, Seokmin is already seeing stars when you kiss him again, only breaking the kiss to take off his pants and underwear and he removes his shirt.
“Do you have a condom?” he asks, lingering on your body as you remove your bra.
“There’s one inside my nightstand.”
Once Seokmin rolls the condom down his length, your body hovering over him, he finally realizes that this is actually happening. This might not be the way he thought it would ever happen, but he doesn’t have much time to think about it before you’re sinking down on him, enveloping his cock in your heat with a curse. 
You pause, eyes screwed shut as you mentally curse. Tears threaten to fall, pooling to the side of your eyes. Seokmin sees this and panics, immediately sitting up, rubbing soft circles on your cheek. “Hey, hey, are you okay? What’s wrong?” He speaks softly, comforting, afraid that you would crack.
You shake your head, finally opening your eyes to look at him. “It’s nothing, it’s just…” 
“Just what?”
“I just had to adjust. You’re…” you pause, thinking carefully on your words, “much bigger than I anticipated.”
Seokmin can’t help but feel smug. He can feel you clenching around him, squeezing the life out of his cock. He can’t hide his smirk, but he’s quick to give you a tender kiss, feeling you relax on top of him. “Just relax. You set the pace,” he soothes and you nod in response.
He stays sitting up as you slowly start to rock back and forth on his lap and Seokmin is already seeing stars, holding back moans. You start slow and easy, setting a rhythmic pace, building pleasure and you lean your head on his shoulder. “Fuck, Seokmin.”
“What is it, baby?” The pet name slips out before Seokmin can catch it. He mentally curses, hoping you don’t notice. It tastes sweet on his tongue, like it was meant to come out of his mouth. 
“You feel so good,” you moan, punctuating the statement with a clamp on his cock.
“I can say the same for you.” It was embarrassing how close Seokmin already was, completely drunk on you. Every squeeze, every whine brought him closer to his dissolve; it took every ounce of Seokmin’s self-control to not let go right there. It took everything in him to not confess, tell you that this was everything he’d ever dreamt of, that he was helplessly and completely in love with you. Seeing you drunk on him, on his cock, was shattering all of his resolve.
“Seokmin, I’m so close,” you whine.
Thank God, Seokmin thinks. His hands that were on your waist guide you, bouncing you up and down on his cock, helping you reach your high. “C’mon, baby, you can do it.” Fuck, I’ve got to stop saying that… 
He feels your nails dig into him, creating crescent moons and threatening to break skin as the tension that was building in your body starts to snap, an overwhelming amount of electricity coursing through your veins. Seokmin’s willpower is left on a thread, feeling your velvet walls tense around his cock, he’s close to his own climax. Once he’s looking at you, seeing your pleasure wash over you, your eyebrows furrowed and a symphony of moans releasing from your mouth, he’s done for. His orgasm crashes against him and he grips your waist tightly, keeping your body at a steady pace as he empties inside of you. 
You're both left panting, bodies spent and going still. All that’s left in the air is your breath and the humidity as you both come down from your highs. Seokmin doesn’t know what comes over him, but the overwhelming need to kiss you takes over his body. He doesn’t think, just reaches up and pulls you to his lips, kissing you passionately until his thoughts come back to him.
Well, where do we go from here?
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bellanoche-oxo · 8 months
I'm sorry this isn't a commission, but I just have a question about your art. Feel free to ignore this, of course. I was really amazed by your Miku drawing from December 16th. Seeing such a high-level piece, I wanted to achieve something similar, but no matter how much I try, I can't replicate your shading and highlights. I was so genuinely curious that I couldn't sleep. Could you possibly give me any hints or advice?
Hey, sorry for making you wait so much for this answer, i've been finishing some projects and i barely had free time. Anyways i'll try to do my best on explaing my coloring and lighting methos and you also asked me to explain how i create the folings of the clothes. Please take in consideration that 1 i am not native in english so it's a bit difficult for me to explain myself sometimes in this language and i may have some misspelings, sorry about that, and also 2 i am not great at explaing my drawing process bc i kind of turn off my brain when i draw lol, but i can explain the fundamentals that i know and help me create! Last thing i want to let you know is that i've started glazing my art, this is a metho to protect the images for AI images generators and it leaves a kind of pattern /effect on the image that i did not put there during the drawing process.
with all of this said let me start explaining things!
Learn the basics:
This may come as a cliche i guess, but yes my first ever advise to anyone is learn the basic theory on lighting and colors (on anything related to art tbh). You don't really need to spend a lot of money on books and such as there are lots of resources online like videos and documents you can read for free. It's not necesary to be an expert and even the smallest mount of knoledge is enought to inpruve your art a lot! , i find it very interesting to learn the way things work too so don't think you'll get bored of it!
To be frank, i am actually not very good at lighting lol. My lights and shadows are not very correct, but since i do have a lot o control over my colors and i know very well how to used them it kind of compensates and creates a very recognisable (i think) style.
just u know basic shitty advise that everyone is going to give you but it works! if you have free time try watching some videos or reading some documents about color theory shadow and lighting!
Your working space:
So this is something that works FOR ME not everyone likes it, you can try it see if you like it and if you do, cool! if you don't … that's cool too! When drawing on digital i prefer it when my base layer is grey instead of white. It helps with my headaches too but it's more about the fact that starting in a middle tone when coloring (in my opinion) makes the process of briging out both shadows and lights easier, let me give you an example:
Drawing from complete light (white) to compplete darkness (black) may condicion you to actually lose control in the contrast betwen these areas, i prefer staring in a middle place (grey) and that way is i want to show darkness i'll use a darkr color and if i want to show light i'll use a lighter color, but if i start on white i can't use anything lighter. I think i did a HORRIBLE job explaing myself there, but yeah it just helps me control my color valius a bit more lol.
this is the color that i used:
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Another inportant thing about your woking space is you brushes, in my case i prefer using textured brushes that mix well, and i prefer using very thick strokes, if it's too think i'll just color pick the transparent color and ease it! I work in CSP i don't know what you use, but just in case i'll give you the setiings of the brushes i use the most with their codes so you can find them
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Sculpting with lights and shadows
As i said before, i am not very good with light yet, so this is something that i do to help me with the process. When you think about it, lighting is used in art to give volume to the piece, not in every case bc rules in art are not there to be followed but to asist us when we need to take a creative decision. The way that we can start with our Sculpting is by creating a very easy first guide othe the shadows and lights and to do it with very big block, so that we get the general shape first,we don't neet to get lost in the detailds yet
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The actual coloring
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When drawing my process is divided in three stages. I first create the doodle/lineart, that doesn't neet to be super neat as i will fix it during the rendering. The basic colors, and the rendering.
During the preparation for the rendering when doing the base colors i recomend that you give special atention to the focal points of your illustration, in this case for example that's her face and the top of the hair, that's why i gave so much more atention for this part in comparation to the shirt, that it's literally not shadowed yet. Then another step that i use normally before rendering and that i can NOT RECOMEND ENOUGHT!!!! GO WILD WITH THE COLOR CURVES!!!! OMG!!!! THAT STUPID LITTLE TOOL IS SO FUCKING COOL!!!!!!!!! like for real, it gives effects that i have not been able to achive in any other way and omggggggg use the fucking color curves pleaaaaaaseeeeee
ok i'm notmal again , lets continue.
For the rendering i usually convine all the layers of the drawing on one layer, then use a textured brush that has low opacity of mixes very well fot the actual work. Tbh here is very i can't really help you a lot, bc i have no idea what i'm doing when i render i just don't know, the only thing i recognise is that i try to esare or clean the lines from the doodle/lineart, and i focus a lot on creating volume in the places that are more important.
An specific thing that i do a lot when it comes to coloring skin is using an undertone in red (literally) I will put the basi color, use the brush to mark where i want shadows to be in a very vibrant red and then use a blue / green / pruple (depends on the skin) to finish the shadowing. Thios metho is nice for lots of occasions, but take in consideration that it doesnt work for example for very dark scenarios where the character is suppoused to be in the shadows, as that red tone works as a outline for the light. It just depends on the situation.
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Clothes foldings:
Ok so here the only thing i can give you an advise with is to remember that the way that clothes fold dependes on gravity and that gravity works in curves most of the time that have two (or more) attachment points that are going to determinate theit trajectory. Example:
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And remeber that this creates (again) a volume, that there is an inside part, that it's probably going to be draker, and an outside part, that it's going to be lightter. With this info you can start practicing with images of clothes.
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this is as much information as i am able to recolect on my coloring process bc i am horrible explaining , spacially on text and in english, and i am also not very much aware when i draw, i kind of disconect. I still hope this is enough to help you a bit on your learning journy.
I may try doing a video at some point if i ever have the time so i can explain my coloring while i actually do it bc if not in that situation i'm not sure i'll be able to remeber what it is that i did.
My last piece of advise is to watch speedpaints and livestreams of artists you like during their drawing process and maybe even tray to imitate them while they are drawing to see what it is that they do exccly.
hope you have a good day and lot of lucks ! be proud of being able to create and be proud of being an artist!
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bridgetoesoteria · 8 months
🖤Breaking baddie🖤: Describing your 'dark feminine' energy. How to channel it?
Hola malacitas 😘 (i hope that actually made sense lol).
First things first, what is "dark feminine" energy?
Yes, this is the **first website that comes up when you google "dark feminine," but it is pretty thorough and comprehensive! I liked it the most out of all the others. The others either repeated the same points or had too many outdated/black-or-white views. Feel free to do your own research however. There are plenty of videos on YouTube as well. **One caveat...when you get to the part about tapping into DF energy, I disagree with #8 (specifically).
(We're going to keep this post light and I'll dedicate a separate post to my personal viewpoints.)
So I will be telling you all about your personal DF "archetype." I will also provide guidance on how you channel your DF energy.
I am so so excited for this! Eek 🙊 Okay, options below, left to right. I hope it resonates!
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I am using a few different decks. I won't be adding pictures but I will provide what cards I drew.
Pile 1
Off the bat: I am hearing "no fuss" and also "ruthless," which is interesting considering the image you chose. I was also hearing the lyrics "all I do is win, win, win no matter what." So I'm getting some really bad ass energy right away! Come thru mob girlies!
4-Card Spread: 4 of Diamonds, 8 of Diamonds, 7 of Hearts, Joker. Bottom of deck is 6 of Clubs.
It's funny you have the 6 of Clubs (wands) on the bottom of the deck. I was hearing those lyrics about winning. This is a card that signifies victory and public recognition or celebration. I feel like the DF side of you is really bad ass! I'm also getting a pinch of "lover girl" energy. Its kind of like you have perfect formula sugar+sheist+everything nice! lol
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This energy isn't afraid to be in the spotlight but is also quite comfortable in the shadows. You may be (or this is what other people think) the type to use underhanded to get ahead. Its not personal but you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm also getting an energy of it is easy for people (I'm hearing "dudes" so maybe some of you talk like that) to get attached and feel led on. But I think you are married to the hustle.
Some of you may not regularly reside in this energy and could be put off by the description. But that is exactly why its dark feminine energy. It pokes and antagonizes the status quo, which is where most of us reside from day to day. Traditionally, feminines are not painted as cunning, street-wise, heartbreakers. Your DF energy pushes back against those constraints placed on feminines that require prioritizing the group over self. Not that anyone asked but I think that's actually kind of amazing.
Of course you don't have to reside in this energy and adopt some toxic alter ego, but there probably are some gems hidden here. People who move like this are usually made, not born. In some way, they learned that survival=competition, so you learn to "stay ready so you don't have to get ready." Your motto as a DF would be "every (wo)man for themselves," making betrayals feel less personal because...well it just isn't, as crazy as that sounds.
Advice: The Devil, Queen of Swords, King of Wands, The Star. Bottom of deck is 7 of Swords + Mute (Oracle)
I'm getting a strong message about speaking up. I am using Tarot de Carlotydes and in this deck the 7 of Swords is depicted as a sword swallower. Which I always interpret as "swallowing" the truth. Then as I was focusing on this group's image, I realized the cabinet behind her is full of skulls, reminding me of "skeletons in the closet." Then finally we have a literal Mute card:
The Mute is told what to hear, say and think and is often suppressed. Sometimes breaking the chains against heeded words may be rewarded.
So you currently may be the complete opposite of your DF energy. One of the keywords for the Mute is "insecurities." I feel like a lot of you are sleeping on yourselves. 🔊AND ITS TIME TO WAKE THE F UP!
Maybe you are trapped in your light feminine energy. I say trapped because it feels like you are forced into that box. Super passive, loss of control. Where your DF energy would insist on speaking up and standing out, you may just keep your head down and avoid any trouble.
I'm hearing specifically that some of you love writing poetry but may have someone who discourages you from pursuing this interest. You may want to present your poetry to an audience and they tell you that no one wants to hear what you have to say. For others, they are saying no one wants to hear from you about something else.
If you are used to toxic and restrictive connections or friendships, you are being called to step out of that. Get used to asserting your boundaries, "do not speak down about my hobbies," "if you cannot allow me to think for myself, then we can not continue our relationship." I think you definitely have it in you.
Another keyword listed is "hope." I think some of you may enjoy singleness and being single-mindedly focused on you and your goals, more fulfilling than you think. It can be healing to finally feel like the star of your show.
TL;DR: Your DF energy definitely has a bit of edge to her. She does what she has to do to move ahead and she prefers to fly solo. Even if that is not where you are right now, this energy already exists within you. Once you drop the dead weight--be it toxic family, toxic friends, or a toxic partner--you will see how quickly you flourish. You have every right to speak your truth and protect your peace. Its time to peel yourself off the wallpaper and start standing out and speaking up!
Pile 2
Off the bat: I wasn't getting anything with this group. I found that strange and wondered if I wasn't "tuned in." I think this represents your mental space when you are in your DF energy. You are clear minded and have a "sober" outlook. Maybe some of you are literally sober or are considering it.
4-Card Spread: 2 of Clubs, Queen of Spades, 8 of Spades (R), Ace of Hearts/7 of diamonds. Bottom of deck is 9 of diamonds.
I am very strongly getting that there is something noteworthy about your DF's decision making abilities. Maybe that sounds "boring," but its actually pretty admirable! The world often sends the message that feminine energy does not possess strong cognitive abilities. When feminines contradict this stereotype, they can be labeled as "cold," "mean," "masculine," or met with hostility.
I'm honestly getting that the DF in you does not care. You may naturally lean more to this side in every day life. Or this is where you could be if you tapped into your DF energy more often.
You make clear decisions and keep it moving. You do not allow your thoughts to keep you tangled up in a web of confusion and indecision. Some of you could be really good at chess. I am getting that kind of energy. Calculated, self-assured, and making decisions with no intentions of taking it back.
You are quite comfortable standing on your own, and pouring into your own little world. I get the image of a woman who lives on a quiet estate, walking through her garden, with birds chirping and flying above. Have any of you watched the movie Men (2022)? I loved the imagery in that film and that's kind of the vibe I am getting now. A lot of horse girlies may have picked this pile.
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I feel you being very unbothered, above drama. Your DF energy would love to find a masculine that can match your energy. You are good on your own so you won't allow anyone disruptive into your peaceful little domain. You do not make impulsive decisions in love and you are willing to wait for a new opportunity that is worth the investment. With the king of diamonds two cards under the 9 of diamonds, I do feel like this DF energy could pull the kind of masculine you desire.
Your DF energy really shines in STEM related jobs, corporate spaces, or any position that requires a sharp mind.
Advice: Ace of Swords, 10 of Swords, 4 of Wands, Knight of Cups. Bottom of deck is 10 of Wands + Spider (Oracle)
As soon as I pulled the ace of swords, I heard "get used to speaking your truth." I also heard stop entertaining "little boys." I don't think this is in terms of age, I think this referring to the maturity level of masculine energies you may usually deal with. I am in no way encouraging that you pursue anyone older. (Honestly, that does not guarantee emotional maturity or respect. But that's another convo).
I think this message is about the expectations you set for your partners. There is nothing wrong with expecting them to match you. They can either rise to the occasion or be left behind. If you hold this potential inside of you to be a queen of swords, queen of pentacles, and 9 of pentacles. Then I'm sure that energy exists out there in a suitable counterpart. The ten of wands is encouraging you to keep forging forward. I don't like preaching to be "strong" and "endure," but this is different. You are being strong for yourself. If you have to walk alone right now, it gets tough at times, but you are doing it with purpose. It will pay off.
For some this may literally require you to live alone. Its interesting that I keep getting messages about homes. I got a lot of diamonds/pentacles in the last spread, which also can deal with the home and related practical matters. "Home" is one of the keywords for Spider. The Moon is on the bottom of the deck, I think it is also relevant. This is what the guidebook has to say about each:
The Spider traps those who wander into her web. Keywords: Control, Home, Familiarity, Comfort, Trapped, Security. The Moon is not always as she seems. Her delicate glow seeks for hidden truths while blinding others to her own. Keywords: Confusion, Apprehension, Suspicion, Feelings.
You may need to be more discerning when it comes to who you let into your home and/or your heart. You might need to create a little confusion when it comes to what your next move is. Everyone does not deserve your energy or to be held on to.
Spiders can also be associated with anxiety. In regular tarot, I do consider the moon to be a card that can speak about mental health. So some of you may need to make these changes for your own sanity, literally.
TL;DR: Your DF energy is a very strong and self-sufficient queen of swords type. She thinks clearly, can make decisions without questioning herself, and always stands on business. She has high standards for those who come around her because she has built a beautiful life for herself and will vet anyone who wants to join. This self-respect and authenticity helps to attract a suitable mate. One who can match this go-getter, no bs energy. The key to channeling this energy is to start living in it now. Trust your decision making abilities, don't announce or seek validation before you make a necessary personal decision. Staying true to yourself and becoming more independent will pay off.
Pile 3
Off the bat: When I looked at the image for your pile, I immediately heard "I'm not one of those/your little girls." So whew! We are coming in hot! Also hearing "I wish a b---- would."
4-Card Spread: 7 of Hearts, Jack of Clubs, 2 of Clubs, Joker. Bottom of deck is 5 of Hearts.
I am getting more light-hearted energy in this pile than the previous two. Maybe a lot of young, or young-at-heart, people have chosen this pile. This DF energy could easily pull many suitors but she views lovers as more of a "fun time," not so much a "long time." You could also be a little toxic toward lovers. Makeup to breakup, or honestly sometimes its just breakup lol.
This energy is quite fiery and uninhibited. Some of you could be fire signs, specifically Sagittarius. Or I am getting that because of what Sag represents: free spiritedness, adventure, luck. No wonder this DF energy resists being tied down. The world is literally your oyster and you knows it!
This DF energy is also a little scrappy. Have any of you watched the Bad Girls Club? You know how there would be that one person who has a temper, then gets a little too messed up when they go clubbing and ends up wanting to fight everyone... When you see red, people need to clear your path! I do get a bit of a party girl energy which is not surprising considering I was picking up on Sag.
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This DF does not have a problem fulfilling her emotional needs. You will always make sure your cup is full. You will always make sure you are having a good time. You realizes that you have this amazing, fortunate energy and unapologetically harnesses it to get the most out of life. I think your DF self is also likely to be single and happy that way. Picking yourself up after disappointments in love is no problem because there are plenty more where they came from. You have an abundant mindset when it comes to love and life.
Advice: Queen of Wands, The Hanged Man, Ace of Swords, 5 of Cups. Bottom of deck is 5 of Swords + Ghost (Oracle)
In order to channel this DF energy, some of you may literally have to ghost someone. I am not surprised the energy of having to cut people off has been coming up. Sometimes the company we keep can really hinder our growth and self-expression. The hanged man is about surrender and next to the ace of swords, I sometimes see this combo as maintaining no contact. Ghost could also be taken literally.
But I think Ghost is also talking about a tendency toward self sabotaging and shrinking yourself. This is the total opposite of the DF energy that I just channeled. Its like the past and your insecurities have a tendency to haunt you and keep you stuck. You may also try to make yourself invisible. In the guidebook, the word forgotten repeats itself twice for this card:
The Ghost lingers, forlorn and forgotten. Keywords: Hidden, Mystery, Forgotten, Spiritual Matters, Fears, Faith
You will need to work on your self-confidence. When you are more confident in yourself, you will be more confident in your decision making abilities. You will be more authentic with the way you present yourself to the world because it won't matter whether people approve or disapprove. You know who you are. With the 5 of cups, there could be something that you are still grieving or regretting but you can bounce back from this! Channel your inner phoenix and allow yourself to blossom. Its time to reinvent yourself!
Be open to all the great things life has to offer you. Guided meditations for gratitude and self-confidence/self-love could be very beneficial. Trust that the flow of life is always leading you to something wonderful. Trust that you are allowed to call the shots in your reality. Do your part then trust and let go.
TL;DR: Your DF energy is very spicy! She is popular and free-spirited. She knows that life has so many different adventures to offer and she does not let anything stop her from exploring them. This DF is likely to be single or somewhat noncommittal. She does not mind flying solo and knows she can always find another mate. She is also quite lucky and manifests fortunate events with ease. To channel this energy you will need to drop any dead weight and increase your confidence in yourself and your decision making abilities. You could benefit from some form of self-help resources like books and guided meditations. And if it is accessible to you, therapy, support groups, or other resources that will help your create a stronger you.
Pile 4
Off the bat: I am getting a pretty serious energy. Some domme energy or you could just be a pretty dominant woman. This could be describing you or your DF energy. I keep hearing strawberries and champagne. Is that even a real thing? I've never met anyone who enjoyed that combo.
4-Card Spread: 4 of Clubs, Jack of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts, and Ace of Spades. Bottom of deck is Queen of Spades
I am still getting some of that super assertive and stern feminine energy. I could see your DF self working being a principal. I am also hearing headmaster/headmistress. I think she would love working with children but not in the traditional, mushy-gushy light feminine way. Its more of a "I have/enforce rules because I love you" type of energy . You believe in structure and order. If this isn't working with children, this could also apply to raising children. I could also see this DF running an orphanage. I did hear "rule the roost" while I was shuffling, so no matter how this resonates, you definitely are not afraid to lead.
You are generous and wise. Beneath the stern exterior is a lot of love and compassion. Your soft spots are not visible until you take a closer look at what you invest your time and energy into. This kind of energy could also attract less mature suitors, because it intimidates them yet they are so infatuated. You carry yourself with grace and probably won't entertain them. You are much more suited to be their mentor than anything.
Going back to the original domme energy I was getting. You may actually prefer partnerships that allow you to wear the pants. You don't really want a masculine energy coming in and dictating to you. You can run your own life just fine and would rather partner up with someone who can understand that. I don't think you want someone that is "weak" either, its more like you desire the cliche of the masculine that calls the shots in the board room but is more submissive/passive at home. They are secure enough to be with a feminine energy as strong as them.
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Some of you as DF would be comfortable living a "nontraditional" life. Nontraditional as far as feminine energy is concerned anyway. You may prefer live-in partners, or life partners, over traditional marriage. You could identify with being poly or something similar. You would love to travel and always seek to broaden your horizons. This is the type of person you would expect to have "summer homes." You could also decide to not have children or you would want to wait on having/adopting children. You love living authentically because of how freeing it is to just be you. You don't care what outsiders think of your life because you know you are doing what works best for you.
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Advice: 3 of Swords, 5 of Pentacles, 9 of Swords, Queen of Wands (R). Bottom of deck is The Devil + Soil (Oracle)
To channel this DF energy more, you will need to master the art of not giving a shit. Some of you could be currently suppressing this energy. I really don't think its that far out of reach for all of you. Its just your fear that is keeping you trapped.
For some of you this trapped feeling is because you are in the closet. I am not telling you to come out because I don't know how that would impact your life. I want you to stay safe! However, maybe you can seek out queer friendly spaces. Or spaces that are supportive of whatever group you identify with.
There could also be a heartbreak that has left you questioning yourself. In the Tarot de Carlotydes, the 9 of swords is depicted as a woman chained in a dark room, with a flower in her hand and broken heart drawn on a piece of paper. I always see this card as being tortured over a disappointment. In this particular deck, I see as a mental prison that you feel trapped in because you are clinging to and rehashing an event. Holding onto this event keeps the pain fresh or recurring. It is time to release it.
Do not internalize other people's actions and shortcomings. It is not a reflection of you. You are who you decide to be. Do not dim your shine for anyone. Do not stunt your growth either. I'm not sure what it is that is holding you back but you have the potential to be the brightest star! You can be strong, and confident, and assertive. There is this little ball of power inside of you, that can grow if you allow it. Soil echoes the same message I am seeing in tarot. You must let yourself bloom:
The soil is a conduit of both growth and decay. Eyes forward, rooted to the past and reaching to the skies, she'll grow. Keywords: Balance, Forward, Growth, Duty, Building.
Some of you may use less than healthy tactics to cope. Maybe you should think of yourself like a plant. What are you fertilizing your soil with? What are you using for watering? Put the best in, get the best out.
TL;DR: Your DF energy is a L-E-A-D-E-R, okay?! She calls the shots in every area of her life. Some suitors are attracted to her because their immaturity is infatuated with her self-assured, mature energy. However, she prefers an equally strong partner at her side but this does not mean she wants to be led. No, she wants someone that respects her as an equal but allows her to take the lead. She lives life on her terms, loves on her terms, and does not care what anyone else thinks of that. She does have a soft spot but that is not for everyone. This nurturing energy could be channeled into working with children in some capacity. In order to step into this energy, you will have to untether yourself from insecurity and heartbreak. You already have this power inside of you, its only a matter of letting it grow. You don't have to deny what you have been through or the way it impacts you, but it also does not have to hold you back. Replace your unhealthy coping mechanisms with healthy ones.
As previously stated, I have a planned post that will expand on my views about feminine energy and other spiritual topics. I am really looking forward to sharing my thoughts and hope you all will chime in! I would love to start a discussion.
Until then ❤
~ K
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blueeb3rry · 8 months
Cn u do eunwoo smut x female reader?
this is my second request y'all, hope you enjoyed it, also english isn't my fist language so if there's a grammatical mistake i'm sorry, i accept constructive criticism and more request 😁☝🏼.
backstage fun⭐
summary: it's been a while since you have alone time with your boyfriend eunwoo, but he's ready to make it all for you. even if it's a little bit risky.
warning: unprotected sex, that's it lol
you been traveling around the world with your eunwoo on his tour for a few months even though you with him all the time, accompanied him, you barely have alone time, and it makes you a little bit sad and frustrated.
"whats the matter honey?" eunwoo asked
you knew about his busy schedule but didn't wanna complain, you know it was his job and that he loved doing that. but he knows you so well and that you can't hide your emotions away.
just a little bit tired baby, nothing to worry about .
i know i been so busy i barely dedicated you some time, you know, i miss you a lot, i miss your presence, your hugs, your body, and all of you.
i have 45 minutes before the show starts, wanna have fun time? he said.
baby!!! i would love that but anyone can enter the room and see us!!!
so? that makes it 10 times better and fun
ok but. he didn't let you finish talking and quickly grab you by the waist and pull you closer to his body.
you both started kissing each other like it was no tomorrow, his desperate kisses drive you insane, the feeling of him being neady for you makes you weak.
all you can hear in the room was hot wet kisses and heavy breathing.
one thing about eunwoo is that he was so touchy when it comes to kissing, he was all over your neck, your waist and slowly coming down to ur ass, as the kissing intensifies he was grabbing your ass tighter, making you moan a little.
by this time you already soaking wet and can feel his bulge near your cunt.
baby I'm so needy for you, eunwoo said to your ear.
hearing those words instantly makes you ripped his black shirt, all you wanted was to be closer to him, feel the warm of his body, his hands and wet kisses.
eunwoo without any effort carries you to the closest sofa and makes you sit on his lap, slowly he touches your breast with his big hands and starts kissing and bitting one of them, making your shirt wet, he can see your nipples tru the shirt, he takes it out, exposing your nice breast on his face, with his hands on your hips he keeps kissing all over your body.
dongmin, baby, that's feels really nice
with your hands on top of his shoulder you started to massage his naked skin, you loved the way his chest was big and strong, you loved his arms and the way he carries you with them, giving them wet kisses all over his neck, chest and arms.
eunwoo pull his head back and let you do your thing, he loved kisses on his neck.
honey you making me crazy, don't stop.
while you were working on his neck, he then lifted you skirt and started touching your wet cunt.
he laughed a bit, i didn't knew some kisses will makes you this wet honey
you now everything you do makes me wet baby, I'm always ready for you.
you knew what it means saying those words to your boyfriend, it instantly drive him crazy.
he lifted you again, and sat you on the table, quickly put your panties to the side, and started making out with your cunt, his tongue was up and down on you, making wet noises, he was eating you out like his life dependent on it.
oh my god, baby, keep doing that please o wanna cum on your face.
not yet honey, not yet. he responded
after a few minutes of enjoying his tongue between your legs you wanted more, you wanted him inside you.
baby that's enough, please i want you to fuck me, i need you so bad.
without thinking twice he pulled his dick out started fucking you, his thust were deep and fast, his hand on your hips, then your breast, he was going all in.
all you can hear was his moans and your wetness against his dick, it was music to your ears.
oh baby you don't know how much i missed you, i want you everyday, all the time, I'm always thinking about you, you make me feel so good all the time.
with sweat all over your body, you both reach climax.
that was amazing my love, you said laughing
its always amazing with you honey, now i have to get dressed and get ready for the concert
you both get dressed up and enjoyed the rest of the night.
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inspo pic because he looks soooo sexy in here!!
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