#I'm an only child but like.... the sibling energy is so strong with these two. so well written. I like people laughing as a pick me up
shadowkira · 5 months
A story of siblings in two parts:
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dreadsuitsamus · 7 months
i'm waiting for my state inspection and this mom is here with her baby and the baby is so cuuuuuuute, the noisy lil thing. and now i'm imagining single parent nanami in a similar scenario with baby yuji, and reader being the only other person in the waiting lounge.
kento gently shushes the boy in his arms, the little thing quickly growing into a ball of energy, even at only six months old. "yuji." he murmurs softly, fruitlessly pressing the baby's pacifier into his mouth. "please settle down."
yuji spits out his favorite binkie, waving his hands around as he babbles to his adopted father his woes. kento nods along with a sigh, glancing over at the only other person in the lounge. "i apologize in advance for any headaches." babies deserve their space in public, no doubt, but yuji is so loud that kento feels the need to at least warn you.
smiling warmly, you wave a hand. "don't worry. i raised a child myself for a time— i assure you, i'm used to it."
for a time? perhaps you're a foster parent; kento initially only planned to be as such for yuji himself, but the bond he formed with the pink-haired cutie quickly became too strong for kento to even entertain the idea of giving him up. "thank you for understanding."
"besides, who could possibly ever be mad at that face?" you coo, waving at an enamored baby yuji. his cheeks blush, the now bashful baby hiding his face in his father's broad chest.
"you only act shy around women." kento murmurs, brow perked as he looks down at his boy.
chuckling, you settle back into the nice armchair and open your magazine again. kento glances over at you as he swipes a comforting hand over yuji's back. feeling eyes your way, you look up to catch his gaze. he's handsome. and a good father, from the looks of it. "how old is he?"
"twenty-seven weeks."
nodding, you pick up the toy yuji carelessly throws to the ground that rolled to your feet. standing and coming to hand it over, your fingers brush kento's. "i take it he resembles his mother?"
kento wipes the toy on his shirt before giving it back to the baby. "i'm not sure. i took yuji in when he was just born; he was left in the cold with a note attached to him." all the note said was the boy's name, and that this was what was best for him. a little digging for further information only provided that the boy's two older siblings have been lost to the system, but kento is determined to eventually bring them all together again as brothers should be.
gasping softly, you take the seat beside kento. "he's been through so much, hasn't he?" you murmur softly, eyes soft as the baby stares at you with big, warm eyes.
"he has." kento mumbles, squeezing his son just a bit. "his spirits are high, despite that."
"no doubt because of you."
kento's cheeks warm. "... thank you."
silence falls, or as silent as it can be with a rambunctious baby in the room. yuji begins to whine after a point, likely hungry! kento swears lowly; he hadn't anticipated it would take this long for his car to be serviced, and that's where the baby's snacks are!
the usual routine of bouncing, tickling and kisses isn't working, and you bite your lip as you watch the struggle. a handful of years ago, you fostered a baby too and are more than familiar with this struggle. "... may i?"
kento considers it, eventually handing the boy over. perhaps you'll be able to settle him just long enough for kento to make a dash into the shop—
yuji stops crying the second he's settled in your arms, that little smile bright. returning his grin, you gently rub his tummy. "now, now... giving your papa such grief isn't very nice!"
the baby is putty in your hands, quiet and giggly and bashful as a conversation stirs between you and kento. an hour passes and yuji's fast asleep by the time kento's name is called, and you stand to walk with him to the car and carefully settle yuji in the car seat. kento straps him in, triple-checking each buckle and strap before he's satisfied enough to close the door.
"thank you for your help." kento murmurs, staring down at you and your sweet face. it's been some time since he's encountered a stranger as lovely as you.
"of course... and, if you'd like..." it's your turn to be bashful now, your eyes flicking from kento's to anywhere else. "um... i'd love to see you and yuji again sometime."
glancing at the soundly sleeping baby through the window, kento gazes back at you. "i— we would like that." his cheeks flush, and your giggle pulls the tiniest of smiles to his lips.
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cheianimatez · 3 months
Please Don't Cry, Little One
Warnings: Child abuse, violence
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You have horrible parents. They treated both you and your older sibling horribly. But your sibling loves you. They swore they will never leave your side and maybe soon, when you two are old enough, you can finally escape this hellhole.
One day, they saw you crying, covered in bruises, so they decided to let you play on their phone. While your parents went out to get drunk, your sibling cooks you dinner. Meanwhile, while you're using their phone, you found a game called "Genshin Impact". You asked your sibling about this and asked for their permission if they can play it. Your sibling said yes.
You played the game and you're amazed from the graphics and the world. It looks like a fairy tale. Your sibling told you some basic knowledge on how to play the game and about the story.
You saw a character named Venti in the team, and when you tried his gameplay, you loved it.
When your sibling saw you happy and when they looked at their phone, they were surprised you used their main.
Everyday, when you have a chance, you played Genshin on your sibling's phone just to play as Venti. The bard is very fun to play with, your sibling can see that.
Until one day, tragedy struck.
Your sibling got beaten to death. Your father is now trying to find you, holding a bloody bat on his hand, while you're hiding in a closet somewhere in your room. You held your sibling's phone, the game still on but the sound volume is low so that the horrid man won't hear it.
Venti is wondering why is his guide no longer responded. He then looked through the screen; on the sky, there is a barrier between two dimensions: His world, and his Traveler's world. He gained sentience the moment he met the main character. He realized the Traveler he usually talked to is not the real one. And he's probably the only one who can see the translucent barrier.
And oh boy, when he looked through, his eyes widened in horror.
A child crying.
He could here their mumbles "My sibling's dead. I'm so sorry, Venti"
Wait, his Traveler is now dead?! The child is their sibling?
He could here faint shouts of another voice.
And it sounded angry.
"Come out, you little sh(#)!"
He won't linger here and watch helplessly!
He must do something!
Then he did what he shouldn't do in Teyvat, let alone in his nation...
He turned to his god form and flew fast towards the barrier.
Your father found you and is now holding you tight by the neck.
"Your sibling won't help you now, helpless creature!"
He's about to throw you to a wall when he suddenly got thrown away by a strong gust of wind, letting his grip on you go.
"Mortal fool, you think you're powerful by hurting a child?"
The man immediately scrambled backwards as his eyes widened to the god. The costume is not even a costume, it's legit.
"You should have taken care of your young. Instead, you and your wife abandoned them. Now, your punishment will be death!"
"The God of Freedom ensures everyone has freedom. But you, it seems you take it for granted..."
"So I have no choice but to take away your freedom. Your freedom to live"
Venti, or should I say, Barbatos, summoned his bow, and aimed the arrow infused with Anemo energy, and released it, hitting at the man's heart. You were behind Barbatos's wings, so you can't see what happened to your cruel father, all you heard are his screams of agony.
When the screams are no longer heard, Barbatos turned around, still not letting you see what happened to your father, but all you know is that you're finally safe. When you looked up, he looked familiar to your sibling's main
"Yes, little one?" -Venti, feeling glad the child, his Traveler's sibling, remembering his human form.
You then hugged him as you let out your quiet sobs, making Venti sad.
"Hush... It's alright, you're safe now" -Venti, hugging you back
"Please don't cry, Little One..."
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beneathsilverstars · 2 months
DO YOU HAVE ANY. headcanons about!! families?? outside of the party??
if not, relationships with food / cooking :]
Mira's family dynamics I talked about recently! Only child, lots of pressure to be her parents' perfect coddled baby, they loved her but couldn't love her bc they never gave her space to be herself. Let's say she has a mom and a dad, both trans. I think her parents struggled with infertility and had a previous late-term miscarriage — lots of time to desperately plan out their perfect family, and not much hope of a second child on whom to pin any of those dreams. They're so sad that she's not really in contact with them anymore, but they don't push it because they know they did something wrong, even if they don't quite get what they should've done instead.
Mira tried her best to go along with their plans and act properly as a child, but withdrew more and more as a teenager, then left at age 16. She didn't run away, and technically her parents gave their blessing, but they had a huge fight about it which had never really happened before. Sometimes Mira considers reaching out, but she feels too guilty about making her dad cry like that, and then upset that she feels guilty, etc. Easier to stay strangers.
Isabeau we know has a huge family! I think he has three older siblings and two younger (which means he has no older child responsibility, but also no younger child attention). Let's make them up real quick! But only with initials, I can't pull out names that fast.
31 - F - rebellious, angrily resists getting parentified 30 - J - overly kind, helps raise the younger kids, stressed 27 - M - neat freak, lots of hobbies/activities 24 - Isa - quiet, allergic to bothering anyone 23 - D - very sensitive both emotionally and sensorily 21 - L - fussy baby to loud and rambunctious child
The combination of D and L was very difficult! L knocks over D's tower, D starts wailing, L starts screaming, D cries so hard they throw up, etc. Also L's favorite activity from age 2-4 was escaping the house and exploring by herself! And that's why she was the last kid.
Let's say, two moms. Decent people, and good parents for the older couple kids at first, they love kids and looove babies! But they're a bit impulsive, and very stubborn, and really started to struggle with the last two kids. They still did a pretty good job with the most urgent issues, but they just didn't have time or energy for anything that wasn't an urgent issue.
Isabeau's parents often praised him for being so easy — you never cause trouble, you take care of yourself, you're so responsible! So he never went to them when he did maybe need help. Got good at teaching himself skills and repressing difficult emotions and not taking up space. Didn't protest chores, or other people not doing their chores. Didn't invite friends over. Didn't complain. Oh, Isabeau, so self-sufficient you hardly know he's there!
He got really good at reading a room! He's seen many a tantrum and argument, and quietly learned which resolution methods worked better or worse and even usually reasoned out why. He just... never did anything with that knowledge, because stepping in to mediate involves stepping in and becoming part of that conflict. Scary! And it's not like any of his siblings would listen to him, anyway, they barely remember he exists.
For the first half of his childhood, one of his mom's siblings lived with them too, along with their two kids. The cousins were nice enough, but 2 and 5 years older than F, and kinda fed up with all the young children pestering them. Though, out of everyone Isa was the favorite of the younger of the two, because he wasn't annoying and made a useful sounding board for her schoolwork. Isa got to learn about advanced topics and sometimes receive cool trinkets! Still not a super strong relationship, but he was devastated when she reached adulthood and moved out.
We know Odile's mom left when she was very young, I'm gonna say 1.5 years. She got past the baby period and went fuck, it's not getting easier? It's just getting different kinds of difficult? It's going to be difficult for the next 16.5 years??? And skedaddled. Odile's dad had also been ready for things to settle back into normalcy now that the baby was sleeping through the night and eating normal food, and was absolutely blindsided by his partner leaving. He got extremely depressed and relied a lot on community support to help care for Odile for the next little while.
Once Odile was walking and talking like a person, he was able to pull himself together and be there for her, and loved her so ferociously. But sometimes her laugh or something would remind him too much of her mom and he would kinda check out for the rest of the day. He hated thinking about his ex and then he'd start to hate her and then get so, so sad. Maybe even hate Odile for a moment and get even sadder. Why can't he just be content? Odile's the only light in his life, she's what makes everything worth it, why does he still wish he had her mom back instead?
Pobody's nerfect though and he did pretty well! Odile was a fairly cranky toddler because she just couldn't do all of the things that she so desperately wanted to be able to do (also trauma), but once she got past those first 5 years of constant developmental leaps, she mellowed out a lot. So she didn't mind hanging out and coloring or reading a book by herself while her dad was "taking a nap" (staring at the ceiling fighting his inner demons). And she love love loved all the things he did with her, reading and gardening and especially shopping — she got to write the grocery list and count out the money and everything! She got cranky-frustrated again as a teen, on top of increasingly complex feelings about her mom and realizing her dad is depressed as fuck, but they had a strong enough bond to make it through that phase okay.
At some point in her 20s Odile made him go to therapy! It helped, and so did anti-depressants. He even started dating again eventually and now has a nice husband, who Odile was quite wary of at first and generally not interested in getting to know. She's glad her dad is happier now, though! I think he's still alive during ISAT, but getting fairly old since he and his wife were a bit on the older side when Odile was born.
Bonnie is 11 years old during canon and Pétronille is 20; she ran away from home when Bonnie was 4 and she was freshly 14. She saw that their parents were starting to treat Bonnie the way they treated her, now that they were a full kid instead of a useless toddler, and she got them the fuck out of there!
(cw for the next paragraph: abusive parents, person who is both abusive and mentally ill and abused)
Nille is bipolar with psychotic symptoms, and I've been going back and forth on this but I'm gonna say yes it runs in the family and her mom was bipolar as well. She didn't really give a shit about her kids, she had them because that's what you do! She made Nille do most of the housekeeping, and help with her schemes to turn their lives around for real this time: surely if I perfect this recipe I can open a restaurant, surely if we rearrange the furniture I'll stop hating this house, surely if I buy and wear the right necklace my partner will love me again, etc. The second baby was an attempt to fix her relationship, and while she'd thought baby Nille was cute and had enjoyed the intense new baby-mom relationship, she got sick of baby Bonnie even faster and foisted their care onto Nille. Their dad was worse! He bonded with the person he did because he knew she'd be totally reliant on him, and he had kids because he wanted more people to control. Mom sometimes tried to stand up for the kids, but always quickly gave up and withdrew more or turned on them instead.
So! Nille stole her mom's jewelry, put Bonnie in a wheelbarrow and walked as far as she could. She ended up in Bambouche. She started working for a trio who fished and ran a shop/restaurant; she prepared the fish and washed dishes and other odd jobs, and she was allowed to bring Bonnie with her. Some people offered to take the two of them in, or babysit Bonnie, but she did not trust like that. So everyone just quietly patronized that shop a little extra so the trio could afford to do things like say "oh no I bought this huge bag of the wrong kind of rice, can't just serve a different kind, but I don't want it, guess I'll throw it away unless you could use it..?"
Eventually she started trusting her neighbors enough to directly accept leftovers and hand-me-downs, let Bonnie play at their houses, etc. Right in time for her bipolar disorder to really hit! She tried so hard to keep forcing herself through the motions for Bonnie, but one day she went into work manically ranting about how she was going to destroy Bonnie's life just like her parents did hers and her bosses were like woah there! They closed shop for the day to focus on checking on Bonnie and making sure they had babysitting arranged, finding Nille a therapist, and reassuring Nille that Bonnie was safe, and everyone will help make sure that Bonnie stays safe, and she can get help too so she can keep being a great gaurdian.
By pre-canon she is on anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers and knows a fuckton of coping mechanisms! She fishes now and sells her catches herself, and while she works Bonnie goes to school and runs around the village with the other kids and pesters travelers for stories and whatnot.
I don't have super solid headcanons for Siffrin's family yet because it makes me soo sad to imagine their family missing them or not-missing them or obliterated. So I'm trying to let myself just leave it open so I can practice the skill of "deciding on worldbuilding facts as they become relevant to your story instead of typing out an entire bible first". But let's say he had three parents and two siblings, which is pretty standard for the island, and lots of cousins and family friends. Someone or other is holding a huge cookout at least twice a week, and, and Siffrin was a really kind-but-mischievious older sibling and, bwahhhh 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
He sailed off for a couple hours at age 15 because his baba's super strict about everyone trying a bite of every food every time, yes even if you're sure you hate it it's important to be a good example for the younger kids and who knows maybe you'll like it this time! So Siffrin ran off to prove that he was basically an adult and not actually beholden to their rules, and they should appreciate his presence and take him seriously instead of treating him like a clueless baby.
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okimnerdy · 3 months
What your favorite [BLANK] character says about you, but I'm brutally honest. (Ninjago edition pt.1?)
Zane: You're probably an only child who was pretty much sheltered/had pretty strict parents and didn't really get to have a social life. Now that you're able to do so, you learn about the world through people you meet and find your place among people who are patient with you. You're living life to the best of your capabilities and treasuring every moment.
Cole: You don't have the best relationship with your parents, so you became the person most people could lean on. You keep up a strong front, but on the inside you have a bottle ready to overflow or break. You're afraid to ask for help, but when you do, you feel guilty but those who truly care about you don't judge and help you.
Jay: You hide your trauma with humor. Everyone is so used to you being the little energy pill of the group that they don't really see you as anything else. It takes those who know you to ask what's wrong or to even offer help. You put your trust in a select few. Those who know your past and not judge are the ones you let stick around.
Kai: You have parental sibling syndrome, it doesn't matter what age you are or where you fall in the family tree. You had to become the responsible one for those around you and didn't get to enjoy life as is. All you do is worry about what comes next for them instead of yourself. When you finally do start to think for yourself, you may feel guilty. It takes a kick in the butt for you to think about your needs for once.
Nya: You are headstrong but stubborn, feeling no one but yourself can understand what you've been through. You hate being put into molds and want to find your own thing. Change is scary, but forced change is a nightmare. Sometimes it's for the best, sometimes it can amount to nothing.
Lloyd: You just want to be loved. From a young age, you were loaded up with expectations and did everything you could to meet them. Still, it was never enough. When you started defying what was set, you were seen as a traitor or an enemy. It took one person to see you in that different light to turn your whole world around.
Pixal: You were raised to take over a legacy, but it ended up destroying you as a person. Once you built yourself back up, you kept quiet until you found people who understood the real you. You made peace with those that made you, setting boundaries for yourself, and finding love in those that built you up again.
Morro: You're the type to scream "But Daddy I Love Him" or "I Can Fix Him" when there's really nothing to fix. You love him as he is, but need an excuse for those around you who judge him because you feel like they hate him. You know the person underneath and cherish them more than the outward appearance. You end up loving something so broken that you can never forget about it once it's gone.
Garmadon: You blame the world and all who inhabit it because one person wronged you and changed your whole perspective. You don't like feeling this way, but trust is a two way street and few people have earned the right to walk it with you. You feel like you are doomed to solitude, but also know its because of your own doing.
Wu: You're cryptic and choose to be difficult. You use this as a way of blocking out past trauma rather than confronting it. You'd rather handle your problems yourself than accept the help you sought out. You'd rather confront the problem before others can find out there is a problem.
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lightdragon789 · 22 days
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I'm going through a bad burn out and art block right now, it's been a roller coaster for me atm.
So, I decided to share some pieces that I've done in the past but never got around to uploading. That being the rest of Nash's family. His mom Clara, his father Howard and his younger sister Agnes (Kid and young adult).
I'm going to give a brief description of his parents, as I haven't figured much out for Agnes yet. Just know she's a very cute kid with lots of energy. Plus that Nash never got to meet Agnes until he venture through Aakahn with Bodie to Montell. This is due to their father never coming to Nash's place for them to meet and Nash never visited due to going through his own mental struggles relating to his father. In the story Nash wrote a song for Agnes, thinking she had their mother's hazel eyes. But she didn't and it disheartened Nash and made him realize just how much of his sister's life he missed.
But anyway, let's start with Howard! Nash's father worked at Aakahn's hunter's guild. He was known as one of the best hunters in his prime, catching many beasts. Bears, wolves and even some avian half-bloods. He was a fighter but also a strategist with traps. It wasn't until Nash was around six that a half-blood from silverben, damaged his leg severely. To the point where he was to use a cane due to his bad limp, thus retiring early from being a hunter. This gave him the push to start training Nash into becoming a hunter like his fathers and brothers before him.
When Nash was showing lack of interest in becoming a hunter and more into the arts though. His father did all he could to disway him from that path. Drilling it into him, how he'd be nothing to nobody if he didn't become a hunter. Stating it was in their family's blood to be a hunter and that he had all the qualities of a hunter. Even when years passed and Nash still didn't show much interest, he took Nash to Montell to shoot an avian folk he caught before him injury with a crossbow. He was proud that Nash took the shot and advanced his training from then on.
He never noticed how much this was effecting Nash, only seeing his progress and showing his pride when Nash did what he was told. Then when Nash was 15, he helped him move out so that there would be space for his younger sibling. He never visited Nash after helping him move, as when he found out he became a librarian instead of a hunter. He grew ashamed of him and focused on his wife, but then she died in child birth. Leaving him to seek a caretaker for the baby while he worked in a more easy place.
It isn't until Nash passes by with Bodie does the two meet again after 4ish years. He's impressed and proud of Nash for catching such an impressive beast. But Nash isn't the same anymore and asks why his dad never visited him or came to console him after his mom's death. To which Howard is dismissive but it makes Nash more annoyed, to point where he lash out with all the years of anger flooding out. It's here he learns that Howard didn't visit due to being ashamed of Nash's choices and Nash disowns his father. Citing they were only tied by a last name and that was it, and how he wants nothing to do with him anymore and leaves with Bodie.
SO, yeah that's Howard! Onto Clara!
Clara all her life wanted to go to Thessla and train to become a mage. As she always was fascinated by glyph magic and knew she had some strong times to her affinities. However, her family was anti-magic and forced her into jobs around Aakahn. It made her feel tied down as she practiced magic on the side, away from her folks. But then they set her for an arranged marriage with Howard and there wasn't anything she could do about it. Thus stopping her magic practices and being wedded to Howard. Then having Nash as their first son. At first, due to postpartum depression. Clara distances herself, only feeding and caring for Nash when he cried.
However, things were easy as Nash was a very relaxed baby. Then as he got older, Clara would still be distant emotionally at times but tried her best to help Nash in anyway she could. Even showing off glyph magic to Nash when Howard was off working. When he went into retirement due to his limp, and started training Nash. She truly saw how much of a toll it was taking on their son. She tried to voice her concerns but was shot down multiple times by Howard. So, she'd make it up to Nash by taking him on nature walks, going to the library and in the summer time watching the fireflies.
She even saved money and bought Nash a violin, after his 11th birthday. Seeing how shaken up he was after shooting the avian half-blood. There wasn't mush she could do, other than say how sorry she was due to all of events his father put him through. Even the day he moved out, all she could muster was a teary sorry as he left. Even still, she waited for her son to visit. Writing letters and sending him the stories he would write her on her birthdays and Mother's Day. After she passed away giving birth to Agnes, she never blamed Nash for never coming but only wish to Div that he lives a better life than she did.
That was a lot to write....
BUT I hope you guys like the rest of Nash's family and I hope you all have a lovely day!
Characters and art belong to me!
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ell-arts · 11 months
Honestly wait, I'm not sure if it was mentioned already before but like, i feel like out of all characters, i feel like Spiral waa done dirty the most, yeah i know people already mentioned Ghost Gang also suffered from the same fate, but i feel like people barely talk about Spiral in here due to how we little bit know about him outside of being a bubbly person.
Because in season one he seemed very genuine and fun to be around! And being beside Pac whenever he was needed! Luke a brother to him! But for some reason in season two they reset his character so hard they made him dumb, like whyyyy, he was so fine the way he was! ...or whatever he actually was besides his caring and bubbly personality.
but yeah, what are your thoughts? What are your headcanons for him?
Honestly, I'd say that Spiral stayed relatively the same in season 2. He was still brotherly, caring, fun, genuine, etc, maybe just not as frequent as in season 1. The reason people don't talk much about him could just be because fans will prefer to talk more about their favourite characters, which is natural, it just so happens that Spiral is not at the top of the majority of fans' fave lists. Everyone asks, "Where is Spiral," but nobody asks, "HOW is Spiral" :')
But anyway, headcanons for Spiral:
Spiral's favourite food is bacon, but his all-time favourite meal is his mother's signature dish - barbequed steak with cheddar melt sauce. Or just anything that combines meat with cheese.
Spiral is a liiiiitle bit tone deaf. He enjoys playing the harmonica, but he's yet to realise that he's not particularly good at it. Or maybe he does know, but he keeps playing anyway xD
I'm not quite set on this headcanon yet (or I might just tweak it) but I've started playing with the idea that Spiral could've had a mild form of ADHD in his youth, in that he was a hyperactive kid who couldn't sit still for too long, and often had impulsive tendencies. He's mellowed out as he grew older, but he's still easily excitable and full of energy. He's learned to channel this energy into sports and ghost-fighting, and being a hypeman for Pac.
For as long as he can remember, Spiral had always wanted a little sibling. His mother never had any more children after him, so he was an only-child. Baby brother or baby sister, doesn't matter, he just wanted someone to play with and to look out for. Then Pac entered the scene :) As soon as their friendship grew into being best friends, Pac became like the little brother that Spiral never had. With time, Spiral also came to see Cyli as a sister.
This could be tweaking canon a lot, but I headcanon that Spiral never knew his biological father. He only has very vague memories of his father when he was a little boy. His father is not part of his and his mom's lives anymore. However, Spiral does have a stepfather, and the two of them get along well enough that Spiral just calls him 'Dad.'
Following up on that, because of the absence of his biological father, there was a period in Spiral's early childhood when he had a strained view of 'family,' and often watched his single mother provide for him with little to no support. This was before his stepfather entered their lives. Afterwards, Spiral's cynicism went away and he's come to learn that family is not just about blood, but about forming strong bonds. This is why his friendship with Pac and Cyli is so strong - he sees them both as family.
We MIGHT have a hint on who Spiral's mother could be. Remember this character?
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I know this might be reaching, but she looks so similar to Spiral. They both have blue hair, green eyes, and red skin, and both are quite tall. Like those are all literally Spiral's genes right there.
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And if you might need a bit more convincing on why I'm convinced, have a look here:
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This shot comes from the episode "Santa Pac," right as Spiral is talking about his parents' holiday decorating business. Spiral's words, combined with the flashback of visuals, make a strong implication that this here is one of his parents. It's that same character with the red skin, blue hair, and even the same lavender gloves. Plus, in most of this character's appearances, she's either a make-up artist or working with arts and crafts, which ties in perfectly with Spiral's parents owning a decorating/creative business.
Overall, it's more likely that this is just your average background/stock character that's being used to fill in empty NPC positions, especially because Spiral didn't acknowledge or talk to her at all in episodes where she appeared more frequently ("Pac-Mania"). But I'd like to think that she's his mom and just has a flexible job schedule in the creative industry :)
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neteyammeowmeow · 9 months
Ninjago OCs I'd just like to share right now because the urge to talk is uncontrollable right now (unfortunately I don't have any actual designs so they are only texts for now, art might come if someone's really THAT curious lmfao, but not guaranteed...) I've already writen about Zhìxìn, but there are a few others that are yet to be explained!
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1. Jinhai (Lloyd and Benthomaar fankid): At first he was the eldest of his siblings, but to adjust to Dragons Rising's timeline, he is now the youngest. They are a shapeshifting azure dragon.
His design is inspired by the appearance of the Wu Sheng of Peking Opera, it is a role that is based on warriors or soldiers. The correlation with his character, is because he is overall a strong type, not just physically, but also morally. He holds his beliefs highly, he has an immense sense to preserve the balance and justice of the world - due to being raised surrounded by two great leaders who maintain two different worlds under their rule, and that of course affected his ambition and perspective towards the world around him.
Though Jinhai is still young, and he can be easily shaken by how he percieves things. He may be strong at will, but he is also stubborn at that. Overall, he could be an unreliable narrator if he were to tell the story. But back at that, all of what he was introduced to, is what drove him to become a warrior for his nations.
Jinhai did not inherit Lloyd's elemental power, but at the same time he does. This is a more complex ability, it isn't something able to be wielded outright, but Jinhai has the power of empathy. Hopefully this is able to answer the reason on why his morals are strong but also unsteady in a way. Empathy, is similar to energy. While energy is outward, it is life, it is what goes around others, a cosmic and universal ability that blesses so many - empathy is an inward version, a cosmic and universal thing that connect so many together, plants, animals, humans, the sea, the land, the mountains, they all have feeling. Energy and empathy are tied together, thus is the cause of Jinhai's abilities.
More might be explored about this ability, but honestly in a separate post lol (again, if someone's really THAT curious about it)
2. Teyiko (Lloyd and Benthomaar's fankid): She is the middle child, and she is actually Benthomaar's adopted daughter, but only after the Merge reconciliation, she is also Lloyd's. She is a Merlopian based on a whale, once a humpback whale, but her type might change now.
I'm not sure how many have watched the Sea Beast, but it is what inspired her backstory. She intentionally parallels Arin but only vaguely and with certain elements. She is a Merlopian, who lost both of her parents before the Merge, and lived in an orphanage (unhappily) and after (canon divergent worldbuilding heree), she faced the underwater war between the nations, and she was hurt after being caught amidst the storm of a battle. It was then, that she was found by Benthomaar, who decided to take her in, and after discovering that she was an orphan, Benthomaar grew an attachment to her, as she reminded him of himself, and decided to take her in as his daughter.
Teyiko has the tendency to be rebellious, she prefers to do things her own way which causes her to be reckless. Due to her traits, it's easy for her to find herself in trouble, it only comes as a game if she is able to get out or get trapped with her consequences, but she takes that as a challenge instead of a fear. Unlike her brother, Jinhai, who is cautious and shy, she is the exact opposite, she always loves to explore her nation, meeting with her citizens and partaking with royal meetings whenever she is allowed the chance. Her curiosity brings her everywhere.
3. Lysianassa: (she's part of my canon divergent Merlopian worldbuilding!) She is one of Benthomaar's royal assistants, she is an Echenidaean (remora) Merlopian, and is based on the Nereids of greek mythology (her name also belongs to the Nereid of royal delivery). Her species are actually ocean nymphs that serve new Merlopia after the merge.
Lysianassa is an amusingly straightforward character at most times, but this trait easily causes her to be flustered, she's overall meant to be endearing and cute. Of course she isn't just an assistant to Benthomaar, but also one of his dear friends, she's also the one that pushed him to reconnect back with Lloyd because honestly, he seriously needed it. Despite how she can appear blunt, she often speaks very calmly and soothingly.
4/5/6. The Time Triad (but Neteyammeowmeow... What about the Time Twins...) I have NEVER ever, talked about this concept before but I have made these characters. They were once inspired by a really specific thought of mine once (I saw an edit of Dimitrescu's daughters from Resident Evil and it somehow spawned all this, lmfao, no joke).
The Time Triad's existence is caused due to the destruction of the time blades. The power of it combined with the time vortex's chaos, eventually materialized into vessels of the past (Hor), present (Mulo), and future (Igo). Their names combined is an anagram of the constellation: Horologium, the Timepiece. They're meant to be morally ambiguous characters, neither good or evil because time doesn't choose sides - it witnesses, records, and creates history no matter the morality. They're also sisters btw, they don't have a gender but they appear feminine.
Their purpose in world, honestly, I don't know yet, but I like them because they exist.
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extraskully5 · 6 months
Ahh yea cause torturing punishing another mewtwo or threatening to until Antimony behaves increases the risk of the second mewtwo feeling unfairly treated potential resentment feelings of being undervalued low self esteem and thus breaking their loyalty and making them potentially lash out meaning now you have two defiant mewtwo and two could lead to 3 to 4 ect cause if two are being difficult and they've got strong personalities influences smaller personalities will follow lead creating a whole horrible domino effect
It is really sad though Antimony cared about his siblings so much but his care for them wasn't matched by Cold Strike who values the freedom and power he has from his loyalty
Real golden child vs scapegoat child energy real this is a group of siblings trying their best to survive in an abusive household energy like there's probably clever parallels to be made and had and I'm eating it up complicated conflicting sibling relationships go brrrr
With the other two's personalities, that wouldn't happen. They constantly try to protect eachother but for the most part, their fear is what keeps them loyal. If they weren't afraid of being hurt, they wouldn't be as loyal as they are. Antimony is ironically the only one that isn't scared of being punished himself.
And funny you should say that
Cause Cold Strike is the only one that isn't a sibling. More details on that will be revealed later tho. Is a lore secret
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teal-skull · 1 year
I assume you have very strong moral compass and always try make people feel comfortable and cared for by being friendly and attentive. You are also very artistic and comfortable in your own skin. I get energy of someone who has at least two siblings and you are either the oldest or middle child.
People have told me that I have a strong moral compass so I suppose it's true! The second one is kinda true I suppose? It's more like I always just try to not be an asshole, and have respect for other people. There's rarely a reason to not be friendly/polite to some one. (Especially to people working at customer service)
I would consider myself artistic! It affects a lot of things I do. I might appear like some one who is comfortable in their own skin, and partially that is true, however I do have insecurities I'm working on.
The last one is wrong. I'm the only child babyyyy🤘
Put an assumption in my ask. I’ll confirm or dispute it. I’m not gonna be mean or anything, I’m just very interested. You can go anon if you want. [x]
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pizzapasta23045 · 2 years
Sending another ask so the psot doens't get too long but YEAH I SPENT. A REALLY REALLY LONG TIME ON THAT MOUNTAIN. Actually back pre-sumeru when I had more time and energy (less school) I was extremely intense with my gameplay. I'm talking the Chasm 100%ed within give or take a week after it's release. Hours upon hours spent getting the map to full completion. It was actually INSANE.
ALSO. Also also. Opinions on the organization setup of Khaenri'ah/related groups bc like I KNOW that so far the only DRECTLY Khaenri'ah related groups are the Hexenzircle, Fatui and the Abyss Order but I have. A reallllly really strong feeling that there's a fourth group and that's the one Kaeya belongs to BUT. I am very curious as to what you think :3
100% chasm??? You are so fucking real for that, I could never!
Well, about the different organizations, i sure have some thoughts... There are probably innacurate to some oscure lore but hey, whatever...
So, the Alberich are definetely not connected to the fatui, but that should be a given at this point. The ideologies are just different, one wants to restore the homeland or some semblance of it, the other (Pierro) is described as a traitor to Khaenri'ah, does not seem to care for the restoration and his organazation mostly focuses on ending destiny and destroying celestia. Moreso the second than the first.
So the Alberich. I have a feeling that Skirk is an Alberich (you know Skirk, right? Childe's master in the abyss), because she is incredibly misterious, described as looming in the dark, ridicoulusly powerful and in the Abyss where it is speculated Khaenri'ah's survivors went. She's also speculated to be part of the Herzenicle but i don't think so becase she's only describe as a swordwoman and not as a witch.
Dain's also an alberich, imo. Since he's against both the abyss order and the fatui and he can't be part of the Herzickel.
My theory about the Alberich is deeply connected with my theory on the abyss sibling. Which is that the sibling went through the entire journey just as we did and challenged the Heavenly principals, who, since they were loosing, basically reset the entire timeline, choose the traveler as the new descender and pushed the sibling into the role of leader of the abyss to fill in the blanks.
This is because the only, as far as I'm aware, time we can hear about our sister's journey, like really and in detail, is through the Aranara who call them by a nickname and talk in riddles. Which would bypass Irminsul
There's one time from the fatui, i think, but I can't find it and it doesn't seem specific enough to be erased, plus pierro may know how to avoid Irminsul through codes and written "fake" languages.
Now, back to the Alberich. My theory is that the place the alberich had in the world is the equivalent of the fatui in our timeline. So all the fatui's plans are similar to the Alberich's, which would explain why Pierro seems to be able to tell the future. In this case Childe would be Skirk (since I think it'd be funny) and dottore would be rhinedottir (since, you know, insane scientist ect,ect)
Now, after the Alberich's plans failed (since they were using the sibling to defy the world) the intelligence network divided into two groups. Kaeya's father and company basically form the most insane case of maliscous compliance.
Like "technically" they follow the heavenly principals while slowly making sure that the heavens still are defeated. Pierro doesn't like that so he creates the fatui to continue the revolution.
Now the Herznickel I'm not sure about, haven't researched it much to be honest, but my gut tells me they are associated with Celestia. Not sure why, like I said, Haven't researched it, but i'd be glad to listen if you can disprove it or something.
And the Abyss order seems like the farthest away from Khaenri'ah, oddly enough, maybe because most of the people that are part of it are just... mindless monsters trasformed by the curse. Also, any faction (the fatuii, dain, Kaeya to an extent) all seem to hate them or want them gone? We know that Khaenri'ah used to use the field tillers to cleanse the abyss beasts so it may because of that but idk...
Honestly, this is the first time I've externalized any of this so it may not make sense at all. But I'd be glad to hear your theories in turn oh wise sage from the old times (1.3 lmao)(non making fun of you btw, we're both just as insane.
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norovvareta · 3 months
大郷 真弓
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age: 27
birthdate: 8 january
birthplace: yokohama, japan
gender and pronouns: cisfemale, she/they
sexual orientation: bisexual/biromantic, has a masc preference
occupation: jujutsu sorcerer
signs: capricorn sun, gemini moon, libra rising
mbti: entp, the debater
alignment: chaotic good
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face claim: tae takemi, shi miao (teen) voice claim: taneda risa
hair: dark violet, nearly black. stick straight, cut, meticulously, into a short bob with straight bangs eyes: brown height/weight: 5'7"/140 lbs build: lean build, strong arms, solid core, but no super visible muscle mass details: pierced ears and tongue
dominant hand: right skills: excellent researcher, knowledge of local lore, can take a fucking beating, advanced close quarters combat (silat, taekwondo)
cursed technique: okay, so i'm still hashing it all out, but she crystalizes her cursed energy and can freeze weak enough spirits in it. it manifests like a piece of phantom quartz and it leaves the little ones looking like bugs in amber. she stands beside the fact that she thinks they'd be really interesting necklaces and will not hear it if you think otherwise. she can also create spears using this. she'd probably be a grade 1 sorcerer. yes, she is pissy that she's not regarded as special grade. it's 100% a pride thing. despite what she thinks, she does not deserve that.
interests: daytime tv dramas, concerts, literally anything other than cursed spirits religion: agnostic strengths: smart, resourceful, bodily awareness, enhanced strength and speed weaknesses: golly. she's mean. sorry. kind of a coward. super proud.
parents: masaru and himari siblings: none
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daigo has played second fiddle her whole life. the only child of parents with what felt like twenty combined siblings and even more talented cousins, she always seemed to be an afterthought. even when she did show talent through cursed energy manipulation, she didn't stand out amongst her classmates. and it drove her up the fucking wall.
in school, she was one to grind harder, work longer, and dig deeper so the two other students in her grade wouldn't leave her in the wayside. this, however, didn't last once yu was killed. everything became a lot more real after that and that scared her. people needed sorcerers to be well rounded, not just fly through the ranks as quickly as you could, so she was required to swerve into that mindset.
after school, she takes on an odd job here or there. usually the ones where she knows she won't be bothered or have to cross paths with other sorcerers. it is hard, thankless work, but who the hell else is going to do it?
daigo wants to be exceptional, but grade 1 meanie will have to suffice.
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verses: jjk (main), jjk (curse user), csm (devil hunter), tokyo revengers (age depending on timeline, but what we're not gonna do is be weird), nart (founder era)
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explainyourstory · 11 months
~Abyss Anon, Part 2, let us continue
What is it like to live with Anxiety or Depression? to live with ADHD, OCD? DID or OSDD? pt 1/2+1 I decided to split this into two different categories, and I wanted to add Autism as something you might want to add to your questioning. Now, let me be honest, the only official diagnosis I have is Anxiety, but it is strongly implied I have ADD/ADHD without the hyperactivity, and Autism. Depression...I am not sure, it might be a side effect of one of the other cocktails I've got or it might be Bipolar (as my mother was diagnosed Bipolar but with new information, I'm not sure if my mother was bipolar, or if autism/Depression/ADD/Anxiety created a bipolar mimic). Anyways, let's run down the list based on the strongest one I know: Anxiety. Anxiety is like there's a knot in your chest that never goes away, a nagging worry that something is about to go wrong. You're constantly nervous that you're about to be called to the principal's office in school, but you haven't the faintest idea what you've done. Anxiety most definitely contributes to my AFAB paranoia at night. ADD, I've got a fairly strong idea I have, and that it feeds into the anxiety, cause I've always had issues with focusing, my grandfather confirmed he thought he and myself both have ADD, and my younger sibling (who is technically my half sibling, but their dad adopted me, so I use dad to refer to him) has ADHD as well. But the reason I pointed out the anxiety feed-in is because some amount of energy drinks not only help me focus (a trait of ADHD), but it also quells some of my anxiety (but not all). Autism, I know the least about, but my mother confirmed that she theorized myself, her, and my sibling all are on the spectrum, I've had people who are autistic comment that I seem to have autism, and my dad has confirmed that my sibling seems to have autism as well. And a coworker of mine who is diagnosed as autistic has pointed out some of the behaviors and descriptors that point to me having autism. I am very good at mirroring or masking, though I would argue that I don't really have a good view of myself, and would have to ask the people around me if they view me as NT or ND. Depression, I sometimes get cycles of negative thoughts and low energy from depression, though I don't know perfectly with it anymore as the thoughts don't pop up at all thanks to a tactic I used when I was younger when I struggled with suicidal thoughts, and Depression and Anxiety only appeared in my late teens.
What is it like to live with an addiction? I'm modifying this slightly. My dad used to be a bad alcoholic and was and still is a bad smoker. Addiction...I recognize it's a disease, but if you're struggling with it, you, in my opinion, have no right to subject a child to it. My dad would drink a large bottle of Canadian whiskey every night or every other night, and buy a pack of cigarettes every day. I often had to remind my dad to go to bed (8-9~) and feed himself because he drunk himself to sleep. Some things that happened I won't expunge probably didn't help either. But nowadays, I try not to think about the $$. Remember how we were living paycheck to paycheck? Yea, if I calculate how much he spent every week or every two weeks, I won't be able to control my emotions and I'm liable to lash out. I'd rather not...think about how much money was wasted because I wasn't enough for him to get clean back then.
What is it like living with one mom, one dad, both, or neither? I lived with my dad alone from 8-9 to current day, 23. I lived with my mom for a short period of time. I lived with both for an equally short period of time. They both fucked me up in vastly different ways, and for vastly different (or maybe same) reasons. I definitely think living with dad did affect my emotional responses, but my mom didn't help. She got a therapist for me when I was constantly crying to ask why I was crying all the time and tell me not to cry. When a cat I loved died, I didn't cry, and back to the therapist I went, and when asked why I didn't cry, I stated they made it clear I wasn't to cry. So there's a lot of things in play that mess with my ability to say how much of my current personality is due to my extensive time with my dad, negative encounters with children thanks to my mom, and/or the abuse I went through on both parents parts. All I'll say is that parents can have the best of intentions, and their actions can still leave marks on their children that never heal. And I really hate the "Your trauma isn't your fault, it's your responsibility". I get the intent, but what it sounds like to me is "you are responsible for what happened to you". I know it's supposed to teach people who use their trauma to excuse being assholes (I don't use my trauma to excuse hurting others, and don't hurt others when I can help it), but all it does is make people like me wh never got justice from their abusers feel like now, not only do they have to deal with trauma and potential PTSD, but now it's somehow their fault the trauma even happened in the first place. As if being a good enough kid, being a good enough sister, daughter, friend would have been enough to avoid the trauma. YOU CAN NEVER BE A GOOD ENOUGH KID, A GOOD ENOUGH SISTER, A GOOD ENOUGH DAUGHTER, OR A GOOD ENOUGH FRIEND. IF THEY WERE GOING TO ABUSE YOU, THEY'D DO IT REGARDLESS OF HOW GOOD/NOT PROBLEMATIC YOU WERE. A better phrase IMO would be something like "Being abused wasn't your fault, but being abused does not give you the right to abuse others"
What is it like to be the oldest, middle, or the youngest child? So I'm in a weird space. I'm a middle child who has spent much of my life being the oldest child. I was always responsible for my younger sibling during visits, and I was expected to entertain any children in the nearby area, as well as be a role model. I was expected to be a perfect person for children to look to, as if I was a parent. I didn't like children, and that was only exacerbated by the bullshit my mother and dad let happen to me. At this time, my younger sibling and I still have an awkward relationship that is affected by the fact my younger sibling has called me mom by accident. Yea.
What is it like to live where you do? In rural towns, in the city? I live in a city/and near a second (172k where I live, and 62k in the city I'm nearby, which I work in), Personally, I don't really know the difference. I have never been to/lived in a rural town, so I have no frame of reference, though I'll say that compared to what I've heard about rural towns, it's more anonymous to live in a city like where I live. No one knows you, beyond the few people you meet and get to know. But it also means that there isn't a close bond to you and the public servants.
~Abyss Anon, as always, see you in Part 3
Part 2
As I stated in the previous post, the questions are merly examples/guidelines, so you're free to talk about anything you've deemed important or necessary, including Autism! Thank you for the suggestion though!
I've never heard of the saying "Your trauma isn't your fault, it's your responsibility." I agree with your reasoning, it does sound a bit,,, iffy. I like the alternative you proposed! I think it's the point across a lot better and makes it sound less vague.
Thank you for sharing!
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plutonianeris · 2 years
𓆩♱𓆪 ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴀ ᴄᴀʀᴅ: how can I truly follow my heart?
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for entertainment purposes only, take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Interpret & choose based on your inner guidance and gut feeling. 🖤
Spiral: “Introspect on how to break this repeating cycle."
energy you need to embody and/or reflect on: mars, assertion, conflict, drive, leo, confidence, playfulness, courage, strength, capricorn, tradition, career, image.
Growth, pleasure, and beauty can effortlessly bloom in your life, but only if you allow it. This pile is showing someone with a strong and serene intuition who has extremely undervalued themselves. You are very sweet and kind, it's clear as day…. but you let other people push you around sometimes, especially the people you love. Why? Are you truly that terrified of your potential? What's the worst that could happen if you choose to leave situations and people that no longer serve you? You've been idle for far too long, giving people second chances they don't deserve. I'm not going to lie: this pile makes me feel vulnerable and a little uncomfortable; is this how you feel, scared to be the person you constantly daydream about being? The phrase "do not be afraid" appears repeatedly. There is a ringing silence beneath your fear, like the stillness before a storm. It is critical to interact with this and challenge that anxiety. It can be tough to give up what you have already created, the time, emotions, and energy that you have spent on other people. But you must be sensible enough to leave anything behind that is truly not fulfilling because these shaky structures are close to falling. And you should fucking let it, but without you in it. You have an exceptional ability to sense how other people are feeling; imagine if you took the time to check in on yourself. You don't have to justify everything you say or feel. You are not required to explain your actions and choices to people. It seems you have reached a culmination point. You can never go back to the person who use to be and it's for the best so stop holding on. You will be rewarded for it, once you embrace the uncertainty there comes only joy. 
Communication: "Good communication leads to proper understanding." Pure love: "There is a truly wholesome love. Stop thinking you are not deserving of it."
energy you need to embody and/or reflect on: 4th house, foundations, traditions, home, family roots, 3rd house, cooperation, communication, the mind, siblings, speech, saturn, restriction, control, time, discipline.
How fitting—if you really wanted to, you could bring everybody to their knees. This pile kind of captivated me and threw me off. It is obvious that you are a person with many ambitions and potential. That has never been in doubt for you; even as a young child, people in positions of authority could have praised your intelligence or declared that you were such a "good child." It initially felt so great, and it prompted you to beam and hold your head high. But after that, years later growing under so much pressure, you spiral and burn yourself alive so that everyone can witness your brilliant flame. Surprise, you don't have to keep sacrificing yourself. How quickly you may be accused of being the villain for not doing what they want or abiding by their rules. Stop rejecting that, wincing at their words or labels...they don't even realize how stronger you get. Stop trying to prove to them how good you are. Stop trying to show them how much they are misunderstanding the situation, your actions, and your words. People perceive you as someone who is emotionally tough as if perhaps nothing truly affects you. Indeed, you may occasionally act in that manner, shrugging your shoulders and murmuring "I don't care" despite your awareness of how much it all fucking hurts. As much as you want to succeed and build a great life for yourself, you are quite harsh on yourself. You need to take a step back and consider where you want to focus your energy and efforts. You're so cruel to yourself. Would you treat others the way you treat yourself?  Would you speak to other people the way you talk to yourself? Be gentle to yourself; you aren't a bad person—you're fucking human.
Protection: "You are protected. No harm can be caused on you."
energy you need to embody and/or reflect on: exploration, venus, pleasure, money, love, 5th house, self-expression, inner-child, romance, fun, hobbies, uranus, experimentation, reform, shock, neptune, illusion, sacrifice.
You're worn out. When you're alone, the weight of your worries and anxieties is so great that it causes you to sigh and slump when you're sitting down. Despite everything, you remain dedicated to putting on a brave face for the world. You may silently wish that someone would intervene and save you. You think, maybe if I want something desperately enough it could come to me. I mean, your life has not been easy after all, especially your childhood. If anyone deserves a fucking break it's you. But we both know that it's not that simple, and deep down you know that no one will come to your rescue you from yourself… from your life. You will save yourself, but not in the same manner as before, no longer out of desperation, fear, and survival. You have outgrown these strategies of coping and can no longer function from a place of distrust and anxiety. If you allow them, the people in your life have the potential to see you in your full, authentic glory, including and especially the aspects of you that you would rather keep hidden. Let them comfort you and relieve the strain on your heart by being there for you. You are not the worse things that have happened to you. You are not who you are because of the people that have hurt you. They did NOT make you the the person you are now so stop feeling like you have to remain tied to them against your will for the rest of your life. You are stronger, braver, and wiser because of your fucking self. Because of the way you have stood up after being knocked down over and over again for as long as you can remember. Now you have opportunity to mourn your losses, end those chapters, and begin again. Are you going to take it? No one can hold you back anymore, not even yourself.
© plutonianeris 🕷
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ultrastarbee · 2 years
Bee, you are really back?!!! AMAZING AND PLEASE PLEASE HEAR ME OUT about Bonten!Sanzu. He sees a clown working for a toy shop and the clown's makeup is just like his scars
I AM BACK! Slowly, but I am. I will be real: even if a big part of the fandom is absolutely hating Sanzu right now, I still like him. Send help please.
Title: Clown reader / The Juggler Request: yes 💚💛 Couple: Bonten!Sanzu x reader Category: funny Content Warning: none Word Count: 756 Summary: Bonten trio deciding if they need to kill a clown before Sanzu comes with a new idea A/N: this one went kinda shitty, but i did my best
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As our young cupid watches Sanzu walking down the street, he thinks to himself that this man is a fucking problem. There's no way he will allow love in his life if it's not for divine intervention, so he shot.
You work on a toy store and your boss promised you a pay rise if you worked as the shop attraction. At first it was a hero costume, but now is a clown. It's a clown, your boss said, because it draws more attention becuse of the colors. Yeah, it sure does. That will remember you to never trust an employer again. At least you have a coffee break to rest a little before coming back to be the main attraction.
"Is that a strawberry cupcake? I want two and a strong coffee, please" you order at the same bakery across the stret.
"The fuck you are doing, man?" Rindou follows Sanzu inside. The three man look like hell after a mission.
"Mikey wants dorayaki" Ran explains as the third man went straight to the counter. All your colours suddenly getting his attention "Hey, Sanzu, I found your sibling".
"I'm an only child" Sanzu is still looking the food before paying for it.
"But look, they look like you. Pink hair and all" Rindou points to your face as you sip your coffee.
"Are you kidding me?" Sanzu stops in front of you. Your wig is the exactly same colour as his hair, your clown makeup looks so much like the diamond scars on his cheeks and even the purple on your clothes match his "Who paid you to do it?"
You are really trying to keep your cool even if it's the most funny shit ever. You know that if you laugh, you are dead. These men can't be good thing. Two of them are laughing as hyenas and the third, well, your doppelganger is staring at you with a pissed look on his face.
"Must have been Kakucho. Hate that bitch".
"I work at the shop across the street".
"Across the street, you said?" Ran, the older one, stopped laughing "Then we should end you too?".
"What? Why? If you are pissed about my clothes you should just go see my boss. He is the real clown around. All his idea, I swear".
"Done that" Ran keeps going "but why the fuck do you look like Sanzu?".
"They don't look like me".
"Fuck, Sanzu, they got even the shoes right" Rindou points at your feet.
"It was a pleasure, gentlemen, but I need to go back to work now" trying to escape the three devils, you wonder why no one is as scared as you are. Maybe they all are, that's why no one can look at the trio.
"No, no, you stay quiet there" Sanzu makes you sit back "need to know if we need to finish you too".
"Why? Don't even know you".
"You see, your boss wasn't paying us the protection fee anymore. We can't have that, can we?" Ran starts to talk again "And we need the store as a facade".
"Stop telling them" Sanzu cuts the chat.
"They ain't gonna last anyway" Rindou shrugs taking one of your cupcakes.
"Wait, is my boss dead?"
"All the fuckers inside are dead now"
"I DON'T NEED TO BE A FUCKING CLOWN ANYMORE?" your loud voice makes people look at you.
"Switched priorities" Ran smirks at your energy. Just like a children out of punishment.
"Wait, who's gonna pay me for this shit now?"
"Don't worry, you are going to die anyway" Rindou cuts your happiness.
"I don't think so" Sanzu is looking at you with new plans "we need a new manager for the toy shop. Are you up for the job or rather die?"
"I'm up" of course you are.
"Why?" Rindou frowns.
"Bonten need the store for money laundering".
"Bonten? Like the Bonten? Nice"
"You didn't even knew?" Rindou still thinks they should kill you.
"You two can go ahead, I'm explaining y/n here the way we do business" Sanzu has his eyes on you hoping you will behave being one of Bonten's puppets.
"Why don't you take a coffee with me right now? I'm still on my break"
"My pleasure"
The cupid doesn't know how it went this way, but maybe it will be okay. Sanzu likes the way you talk about Bonten as it's a salvation from your minimum wage job. You may be a little nuts to think like that. If so, you both match.
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
Okay, now I'm extremely invested in the potential Legolas & Arwen headcanons you might have. Care to share with the class? Pleeeeeaseee??? *Bambi eyes*
Yes I do care!
Although it'd be easy enough to headcanon Legolas and Arwen know each other pre-canon, I usually don't? Mostly, I transfer his relationship with the twins to his relationship with Arwen - he must've seen them when he's in Rivendell for the Council, but he acts as though he's not friends with the twins in any way, so I assume the same goes for Arwen. And the reason I prefer that is because I headcanon Legolas hasn't spent too much time traveling, and Arwen is almost always either at Rivendell or Lothlorien, so I find it more credible (and fun) if their paths don't meet until the Fourth Age, and then they become closely tied together.
I keep calling them siblings-in-arms-in-law because in my mind, that really is how they initially related to each other. Legolas would want to like Aragorn's bride (not that this is hard. People seem to like Arwen, which doesn't surprise me because she's basically Elrond and everybody seems to love Elrond), while Arwen would want to like everybody in the Fellowship, especially the other two Hunters.
The difference between Legolas and the rest of the Fellowship, though, is that Legolas is an elf. He will outlive Aragorn, and he knows that. Arwen probably suspects the same. And given the way Aragorn is, he's probably like, actively hoping Legolas and Arwen will hit it off so they can talk to each other about this. So really, it's in everyone's best interest that this friendship happens.
Besides that, Legolas and Gimli are a buy one get two deal, and after Galadriel sails, I bet Gimli decides he's honor-bound to devote himself to Galadriel's next-of-kin (which is why I headcanon Gimli and Celeborn become close, as do the twins, but that's a different topic), so hey would you look at that, another point of connection!
My point is that I think this relationship would be very natural and uncontrived. They just... have things in common and their social circle overlaps a lot. I also think that if Arwen hadn't already been a pretty serious person before (and I think she was), her father's departure would have made her so, so I headcanon that she would welcome Legolas's trademarked cheerfulness.
Speaking of which, in terms of actual dynamics, what I'm headcanoning is basically that after they're past the "our thing in common is Aragorn" stage (which probably happens fairly fast - Legolas has a very strong tendency to speedrun his relationships, and I don't think Arwen would mind going along with that), Arwen would become sort of a big sister figure, almost? Which is different for her because she only has elder brothers, and different for Legolas because I headcanon he's an only child. It's also natural because it's not too different from the dynamic Aragorn and Legolas have, except that Arwen is also literally older than Legolas (in my headcanons anyway), while Aragorn is technically younger despite his huge "I am responsible for Legolas's education" energy.
Besides, there's a weird lack of big sisters in Tolkien, and I want to change that :D
I could probably go on but this is already too long. But given half a reason to dive deeper I absolutely will
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