#I'm also sorry for bringing up twilight again
ghulehthezombiequeen · 4 months
WHAT IF a Dracopia that hunts like a house cat bringing you a mouse 'cause he just loves you sm
also sorry this took so long, i was traveling. but i'm back now and i hope u enjoy !! <3
warnings/things to note: no pronouns used for reader, mention of bood (it's the mouse's), possibly autistic Copia, fluff
word count: 546
In all honesty, you hadn't realized Copia was a vampire until after you two got together. Which was fine with you at first, thinking he was going to be more of a Twilight Edward Cullen vampire and not... well, whatever he was. You didn't really mind that, though; it was just a bit unexpected.
When he suggested that you both share a living space, you were a bit hesitant as it was common sense that vampires were nocturnal creatures. However, you could never resist his cute little pleading face.
The first few nights were normal, except for the fact that he was a sleepwalker. It took some getting used to, but eventually it became one of your favorite things about him. Things were moving along well, and you thought nothing of it when he slipped out of bed, mumbling to himself as he wandered into the kitchen.
Until the mice started to invade.
You could hear a few of them scurrying in the walls while the both of you fixed dinner for yourselves, causing Copia's eyebrow to raise in suspicion. He said nothing, returning to the pot of boiling sauce for your dinner.
The rest of the night went by smoothly, neither of you wanting to bring it up as exterminators could get pricey and money was tight.
When you went to bed, he stayed awake holding you close to his chest in a protective manner.
"What? Scared of the mice?" You teased, to which he scoffed.
"No, amore. Don't worry about it. Let's go sleep now, yes?" He purred into your ear, pressing feather-light kisses to the back of your neck.
You sighed softly in contentment, slowly drifting off into the realm of dreams.
A few hours later, you heard Copia sliding out of bed. Nothing new to you, as you thought he was sleepwalking again. Then came a little rustle out in the living room, and soon enough you heard Copia's feet pitter-patter back into your room. What you weren't expecting, though, was a small thud of a dead mouse on your lap.
You bolted upright with a scream. "Copia, what the hell?!" You glared at him but were only met with his face in an expression pure joy.
"I caught one for you, amore! I finally got one!" He said, sounding like a small child as he clapped his hands happily.
You blinked, looking down at the mouse carcass in your lap. He'd already drained its blood, which made sense to you as he was a vampire (obviously), but was still disturbing nonetheless.
"I... for me? Is this just a- another vampire thing that I don't understand?" You asked as you lightly picked it up.
He shrugged. "I got it for you, amore. Oh- don't mind the, um... bite marks, I got thirsty."
"O-Okay, um... my dearest, ehm- thank you so very much for this, I'm speechless... but maybe we should... not bring them into the bed?" You tried to reason with him, to which he took a step back and thought.
"Yeah, you're probably right like always, amore. Mi dispiace," he chuckled sheepishly and took the mouse from your hand. "I'll take care of this..."
And with that, he ran off into the kitchen again, mumbling to himself with a slight giggle.
i hope this was what u wanted and sorry if it wasn't 😅
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 4 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 99... You have been warned...! 👌
S-Sorry about that folks, but uh... There is A WHOLE LOT to talk about with this chapter, so uh, let's into it shall we...?! 😵 [Aggressive Thumb SHAKING] ((👍))
So, to start things off... What happened at the end of chapter 98 was apparently just a false alarm, but it still managed to end the the graduation party after everyone ran to the bunkers... So, Henry asked Martha about what she was going to tell him, and well...:
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...She decided not to tell him the truth... 🥲
After this, Martha is seen crying her eyes out at her home...!! 😭 But after receiving a letter in the mail, she has a wonderful idea to write letters to Henry while she's away...!! 🥹
The first thing she writes to him is to see her off before she departs, but because the letter contained her exact location, these assholes "lovely gentleman" had to black out almost EVERYTHING MARTHA WROTE!! 😫 Which meant...:
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...Henry didn't show up... 🥲🥲
(Why Endo...? Just, WHY....?! 💔)
But even after that mishap, Martha would continue to write to Henry, and he even wrote back to her...! 🥹 But eventually...:
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Aw man... This image is just... It breaks my heart, man... 😔
Soon after that, Henry started to yearn to hear from Martha once again... But then, Martha and the rest of her group got some unexpected news...:
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While the girls are panicking, Martha steps up and says that she'll fight...:
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...And now Herny knows about it... 😞
Y'know... This chapter already had some crazy stuff in it... But nothing, AND I MEAN NOTHING, could've prepared me for THE VERY NEXT PAGE...!!!:
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AND BOY, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHIN'...! When I read what he said at bottom, that "Human beings are simply liars"... The first thing that came to my mind was...:
I MEAN, it's the only thing that makes sense, why else WOULD HE SAY THAT...!?!? 😵 He also could've been raised that way by his parents, BUT I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THAT ONE CHIEF!!!!
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Anyway, Young Donovan continues to speak about how as long as everyone hides their true intentions from each other, war can never truly end... And I just... I can't accept that...!!
Call me a dreamer, but I believe that we as people can make a difference if we speak up & fight back against ideals like Donovan's...!! I know that there is awfulness all around us and not everyone is in it for the betterment of others... BUT THAT'S WHY WE HAVE TO FIGHT BACK; THAT'S WHY TWILIGHT, YOR, ANYA, AND OTHERS IN THIS SERIES ARE FIGHTING FOR PEACE!!! So that we all can have a better tomorrow...!!! ✊
Anyway, back to chapter... And boy, it does not get better for Henry and Martha... 😔
After Martha writes a letter a telling Henry that she wishes that she could see him, it brings him tears and the only thing that he could muster to think of saying to her is "I wish I could see you too"... 💔 Then when going to mail another letter to Martha, Henry over hears on the radio...:
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Later at an assembly, Martha's group was brought up as valiant for giving their lives for the cause, but Henry was having none of it:
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...and then, they beat him up an locked him away...!! 😠 Then Henry's dad shows up and tells him that if he keeps this up, he'll never teach in another classroom again... And of course, Henry folds... 💔 AND I THINK THAT HENRY'S DAD NEEDS TO GET PUNCHED IN THE FACE!!! 😡
Time passes, Henry has a his famous monoclonal now (most likely due to be badly injured in his eye when those bastards beat him up) and is forced to marry someone for his family... Then, it cuts to place near the East-West border and...:
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Martha's still alive, obviously, but WHO TOOK HER IN AND SAVED HER!?!? 🤔
Could it be someone from the Blackbell's, someone related to Twilight, Shopkeeper or McMahon...? I DON'T KNOW...!! But, we'll have wait and find out in CHAPTER 100 BABY!!! 😆
And that was Mission 99, and it was FANTASTIC AND HEARTBREAKING ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!! 💔🥲💔 This why we LET 👏 ENDO 👏 COOK!!! 👏👏👏
But anyway, before I go....
I am SOOOOOO EXCITED for this!! 😄 But when it releases, I'm not sure if I'll continue to do reviews of the episodes as they come out... Near the end of season 2, I got quite a bit burnt out from writing my anime reviews, so I never talked about the last 3 episodes of season 2... 😩 But, we'll see how I feel by the time when the anime returns...!! 😁
Okay, that's it now...!! 😄 So until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! BYE!!! 👋😁
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I shouldn't have to make this post but Nintendo fans are trying extremely desperately to position the company whose cock they love the taste of in a good light and are generally doing this by spreading misinformation about the legalities of emulation so let's go over a number of the fabrications shall we?
Emulation is illegal to monetize This has so far been one of the really big ones that's taken traction, usually partnered with the sister lie that yuzu was paywalling access to early access builds. These are both lies, and are untrue. yuzu is far from the only modern emulator to be monetizing itself, plenty of mobile emulators do it, but developing an emulator for money is entirely legal. We have pretty much all of our emulation precedent set thanks to a series of lawsuits in the very early 2000s thanks to Sony suing an emulator called Bleem. There's a lot to say about Bleem, but Bleem was a commercial emulator. You could buy Bleem, in stores. At no point was there ever a court decision that Bleem was wrong to do so (despite Sony's best efforts).
Emulating current generation software or hardware is illegal. This is also wrong, and kind of fundamentally misunderstands a lot when it comes to emulation. Once again, Bleem was at the time emulating current generation software. It was a generation in its twilight, but Bleem first released in March of 1999: the Playstation 2 was not out yet. The reason why current generation software does not tend to be emulated is because we do not really have the tech or processing power to do it yet. The Switch's lower specs are entirely the reason it has had an emulator developed well ahead of the PS4 or the Xbone.
Yuzu's early access build allowed people to play Tears of the Kingdom ahead of release date This one is a couple of different statements packed together, and while I'm given to believe there's a chance other games may have been playable ahead of release, this specific statement is a lie, and maybe the funniest one on the list because it's a lie that's not even backed up by the lawsuit.
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The lawsuit is extremely clear in its language that it was modded instances of Yuzu that could play Tears of the Kingdom ahead of release date, not publicly accessible builds of Yuzu. Nintendo's argument here lies in Yuzu being open source: part of the lawsuit alleges that Yuzu is responsible for any and all acts of piracy done by its users, whether or not they used official or modded builds of Yuzu. This is, of course, a fundamentally fucking insane position to argue from. It is not a particularly uncharitable reading of this as an attack on open source software to begin with, as this precedent would make any developer liable for ANY illegal action taken by someone who modified their code. Supporting this, in my opinion, makes you an asshole and liable to be clocked in the fucking mouth.
4. Literally anything involving this screenshot.
I've seen this screenshot maybe three or four times with different takes on what exactly Illegal is happening here and I'm pretty content to just call it vibes at this point. Whether this is an intelligent screenshot is a different matter, but no one has been able to point to anything actually illegal being done here. There is already precedent in allowing one to make their own back-ups of software they own, even if decryption or bypassing copy protection to do so, which is a large majority of software. Switch games are not the only games that are either encrypted or have copy protection, and this is both not the earliest generation to do it AND its not the only industry that does it.
The only point of interest here is the date, which I've seen literally no one bring up, but this correlates into another point: personal piracy is still not something Yuzu is liable for. It's a dumb thing to broadcast, but it doesn't change anything material about the software.
5. Yuzu folded because Nintendo had a smoking gun
I, I just, I'm sorry this one isn't just a lie its a really naive and incompetent view of the faults of our legal system. If anything, the settlement seems to indicate the opposite. If Nintendo was sure they had Yuzu dead the rights, they wouldn't have fucking settled. Both parties need to agree to settle! Nintendo is actively interested in trying to set legal precedent that emulation is illegal, because Nintendo is great at saying obviously wrong things with a straight face.
This could be a reason, but remember, this was a civil lawsuit, not a criminal one. Civil lawsuits have a difference in how evidence is handled, and it's pretty likely that Nintendo just has more evidence than user does on account of being able to afford a larger legal team and having planned for this lawsuit in advance, regardless of how strong that evidence actually is. It's why most of the arguments in the lawsuit read kind of insane. Civil lawsuits are not handled "beyond a reasonable doubt".
There's also the fact that legal cases can be extremely expensive, even when you know you are absolutely in the fucking right. I want to link this video by James Stephanie Sterling as evidence of this. They were completely in the fucking right, and the lawsuit still took an incredible amount of time and monetary expense to argue, and that's against an opponent who you could reasonably confuse with a scarecrow. This is ultimately how Sony eventually "won" against Bleem. Bleem never lost any of its lawsuits against Sony, in fact Sony ballsed it up twice against Bleem, but Sony continued to file lawsuits against Bleem and its company over and over, until Bleem literally could not afford it and went bankrupt.
There's also the matter of precedent. If Yuzu had taken this court, and lost, it would be really bad. There's a lot in this court case that you don't want precedent leaning towards, and due to, uh, America's current political climate and judicial regime, there's a fair chance the judge would have just sided with Nintendo anyways. Settling the lawsuit, while to be entirely clear, sucks complete ass for Yuzu as they were basically eliminated, protects the sphere of emulation as a whole.
So what was the salient parts of Nintendo's case?
The parts of Nintendo's case that hold the most weight have to do specifically with the encryption keys used to de-encrypt Switch games, and how those keys interact with the DMCA. There's no legal precedence to back this up, this is thoroughly untested grounds. This is actually where the buck stops with the Bleem cases: this one never went to a judgment for Bleem and hence never established precedent.
There's a pretty reasonable chance that Nintendo had a chance to win the lawsuit off of the back of this point. This doesn't make it a guarantee, but it's the part of the lawsuit that's actually important.
What happened with the settlement?
Well Nintendo got to legally extort the Yuzu devs and their parent company for $2.4 million. This is, strictly speaking, chump change to Nintendo but I in particular hate this part of lawsuits with a passion. In addition, as per the conditions of the agreement, all copies of Yuzu that were released and in development under the purvey of the company must be destroyed, the company and its devs can no longer work on Yuzu in any way possible, and they cannot work on any other emulation software. This is why Citra also closed down by the way: it was an unfortunate emulator in the cross fire. This in and of itself, is a tragedy, since this is basically court mandated brain drain. Undoubtedly Yuzu will be forked and someone will continue development on "Zuyu", but the loss is still felt.
Why should I care? Piracy is illegal.
This is where I'm going to wax philosophical for a moment, but Frankie my dear, I do not give a damn. Nintendo could have had full legal rights to do this, and I would still be of the opinion that Nintendo's legal team are ghouls and shouldn't feel safe showing their faces. This is how I felt when Nintendo shut down Emuparadise. Whether something is illegal does not impact whether it is right. Laws exist in a state of being able to be both just, unjust, or both.
Emulation is extremely important in the preservation of gaming as an artform, something that the game industry is extremely against in all forms. There's money to be made after all, and attempts at making sure that games are available to play are often attacked and criticized. This is part of the reason I'm so against the existence of copyright law. It doesn't matter what the intent of a system is, but it does matter what the system does, and it's transferred an overwhelming amount of power into the hands of large corporations while largely screwing small creators over.
I do not believe art has a price tag to it. I do not believe that art can and should only be enjoyed by the people a company has decided to sell it too. I do not believe that companies like Nintendo should be able to throw their legal weight around and ruin people's lives. You should be able to play Mother 3 and Shin Megami Tensei without having to wait for their parent companies to decide they actually want to sell it to you.
Piracy does not inflict meaningful damages to Nintendo. Despite Nintendo's whinging, Tears of the Kingdom sold over 20 million copies in half a years time, something that we can estimate to have made Nintendo about $1.4 billion in revenue. We live in a game industry which does not care about its game devs: it's perfectly willing to underpay them, to overwork them, and to eventually let them go. Nintendo is not innocent here. They have a history of mistreating their contract workers, and I personally know that these are not the only allegations that hold water.
In short, fuck Nintendo. Pirate all Switch games until the end of time.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Ohhhh yay 🥰🥳
So my brain came up with this idea: Bucky is the leader of a werewolf pack (just like twilight haha I'm so sorry) and he gets fond of that one girl where he instantly feels a connection cause the wolves fall in love only once in a lifetime and he knows it's you. So when you get attacked by vamps one night he steps in saving you and bringing you to their camp to take care of you. Then you Kinda feel love at first sight as well and stay by his side ?
I love this but this is going to be a first for me, writing this type of AU so bear with me. Some A/B/O themes to do with the werewolf theme but not exactly an a/b/o fic. Just making up my own damn rules for this AU, so look the other way if something doesn’t make sense. 
18+ cause smut but also lots of fluff, knotting, marking, protective Bucky with platonic protective Steve, Sam and Peter
He didn’t mean to watch you so closely but he couldn’t help it. Perhaps it was a part of his instincts to notice the finest details that surrounded him. Every day he saw you, there was something new that captivated him. The way the wind would tousle your hair. The way your nails were painted to match the shades of the fall. Whenever you bought your morning coffee, you bought a second one along with a muffin, handing it to the homeless man that stayed near by the coffee shop. Sometimes you’d spent a good few minutes talking to him before continuing with your day. You’d hold the hand of the elderly woman who was slowly crossing the street, making sure she made it across safely before you went off to wherever you were going. 
You saw beauty in everything. Everyone.
You were beautiful.
Bucky shook his head, turning back to the bar, wiping down a few glasses, though still sneaking glances at the window as you walked by. He’d first noticed you months ago, in the summer, blinking when he saw an unfamiliar but pretty face walking down the street, a bundle of sunflowers in your hand. His eyes lingered on you, smiling softly when you handed a little girl a flower before continuing down the street, disappearing around the corner. Bucky knew everyone around the area; after all it was his territory. The east belonged to his pack so he was curious about the sweet stranger he’d never seen before. 
You didn’t seem to pose a threat so he didn’t dive into investigating you. The more often he saw you, the more he’d find to admire. It was late in the afternoon, meaning Bucky would only see you again closer to the end of his shift which would be around midnight. He felt his cheeks heat up when he realized he knew what your routine was. 
Stop being creepy Bucky. 
Hours went by, less than sober customers walking in and out, Sam, Steve and Peter were talking Bucky’s ear off about something he stopped paying attention to 20 minutes ago. 
“...and that’s how I caught Clint in the vents, you should’ve seen his face” 
“Caught in 4k, no cap”
“Why would he be wearing a cap”
“I’m going to move you all to the graveyard shift” Bucky groaned, barely focused on their conversation, mostly because he lost track of whatever Peter was referencing, 15 references ago. He glanced at the clock, only a few more minutes left until he was off. It also meant you would be passing by his bar soon enough. Which is why he frowned when he didn’t see you. For the past few months, Bucky noticed you’d always walk home, something he wasn’t very fond of but it’s not like he could do anything about it. The area was generally safe but it wasn’t perfect, especially at night. 
Bucky shoved the uneasiness he felt to the back of his mind; you had a life outside of the moments he saw you. You could have taken a cab or gone home with a friend. Maybe you look a different route. Maybe you made plans. He thought of 101 reasons as to why he didn’t see you to try convince himself he was worrying over nothing. Bucky grabbed his jacket, heading out into the cool night, the moon softly lighting the empty streets. 
Something felt off. 
The worry he felt when he didn’t see you hadn’t ceased and for some reason the feeling was growing. 
She’s fine.
She’s made it home safe. 
You don’t even know her-
Bucky stopped dead in his tracks, turning back to a faint sound he heard near a pitch black alleyway. He took two steps towards it, only to hear silence filling the air.
Until he heard it again. 
He knew he heard something, a pained whimper so quiet, he almost thought he imagined it. The hairs on his neck stood up, something not feeling right, bounding towards the source of the sound. His pupils dilated to scan the dark area, eyes growing wide when he saw the sight before him. 
“Quiet!” John hissed, his teeth grazing your cheek. “Such a pretty lookin’ princess” he whispered, his fangs glistening under the moon light, his finger tracing along the column of your neck. “Hold her still” He grumbled while his friend kept their hand firmly over your mouth, their other arm wrapped around your arms and waist. 
“Been watchin’ ya sweet heart” Valentina purred, trailing a sharp nail down your cheek, a sinister smile on her face watching you struggle, “These young ones are hungry” She sat back on a crate, crossing her legs, while the blond grabbed a fist of your hair, craning it back to expose your neck. “Go on, make it quick before one of the mongrels find us” She spat, venom in her voice, feeling a sense of uneasiness roaming the streets they were forbidden to set foot in. 
“Ladies first” John smirked while Sharon hummed, smacking your cheek when as you struggled, trying to break free. “This will be a lot easier if you’d just fucking-
She stopped mid sentence, her eyes darting around her, the sudden scent of pinewoods and cedar evading her senses. A snarl tore through the air, your eyes falling on a white wolf along with three others growling and stalking towards your attackers, the largest white one bounding towards you, pinning John underneath him. Sharon tried to grab you, her nails digging into your skin, only to be torn off by another wolf, dragging her by the ankle. You fell to the floor, gasping when the smallest wolf came to your aid, standing guard in front of you, warning for the others to back off. You couldn’t place what it was but there was something distinct about each wolf, it was almost as if you could see their different personalities. 
“Fuck-”  John tried to throw the large animal off him, heaving at the weight that sunk into his chest.  
“You don’t belong here” The white wolf let out a deep growl, claws piercing into his chest, breaths heavy, fanning on his face, sharp teeth on full display. All you heard was a growl but John seemed to understand what it meant, frantically nodding his head. “Leave now, take the rest with you” He understood the low rumble to be a final warning for them to leave if they wanted to stay alive. 
“Lets go!” Valentina had already jumped to the top of the building, not waiting for the rest, the group running off into the night, leaving you half bleeding and scratched on the ground. John gasped for air, scrambling off the floor as he managed to climb up a fire escape, striding across the rooftops to follow the rest. 
Your heart stopped as the white wolf turned to face you, taking slow calculated steps, as if to show you he meant no harm. He was beautiful with piercing sapphire blue eyes and thick white fur. Your eyes grew wide, your breath catching in your throat as he began to shift, fur disappearing replaced with brunette hair, limbs now muscular arms and legs. There was no longer a wolf before you, a tall handsome stranger standing in its place. It was just you and him in the alleyway; the other three wolves who had protected you had trailed after your attackers to ensure they left the territory. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Who-who are you” You whispered, trembling in the corner as Bucky approached you, his teeth no longer sharp, eyes now a soft shade of blue. He carefully stepped towards you, kneeling on the ground to help you sit up, his touch gentle. “Please don’t hurt me-”
“I won’t hurt you” He smiled softly, resting his hand on top of yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. Your mind was still reeling over what you had just seen, your head feeling dizzy from the deep cuts that ran along your arm. The skirt of your dress had ripped, nicks covering your knees from where you fell. 
“But-you-” You stumbled over your words, your heart still rapidly beating out of your chest, “You were just-” 
“Fluffy and walking on four legs?” He gave you a playful smirk, his smile dropping when he noticed your eyelids grow heavy, your body exhausted. “You’re really hurt”
“M’okay” You rasped but you knew you were far from it. The area where you were scratched began to burn and you didn’t understand why. You let out a whimper of pain, clutching onto him as the pain worsened. Bucky’s heart broke, the need to protect you and take care of you overbearing all his other senses. He tucked you against his body, not thinking twice about his decision to bring you back with him. 
“Come with me doll, we’ll take care of you” His voice was soft, soothing, like a warm blanket covering you. You gave him a faint nod, melting into his hold as he lifted you into his arms with ease. Something about him brought you a sense of calm you had never felt before. 
It was the same feeling you felt when you stepped into your home after a long day. The feeling of slipping into a warm bath. The feeling of fresh sheets and a cool pillow. The first sip of hot chocolate on a cold day. Soul soothing. 
You slipped in and out of consciousness, as he carried you through towards the forest that surrounded the area, his scent of pine and something distinctly him bringing you comfort. The soft crunch of twigs crunched beneath his footsteps as he walked down the trail towards a clearing. 
Tall beautiful log cabins surrounded the camp, the area completely hidden from the outside world. Bucky managed to open the door to his cabin while still holding you close, setting you down carefully on the couch before frantically calling Wanda. By the time Wanda was knocking on his door, you were  completely unconscious, bruises starting to form on your skin, your breathing slowed. 
“She was attacked” Bucky stayed by your side while Wanda looked you over, running her hands carefully over your injures. 
“Vampires?” She asked Bucky, flecks of red flashing across her eyes when Bucky nodded. “What are they doing here”
“They’ve been watching her” Bucky swallowed thickly, the sense of dread returning when he thought about what could have happened if he hadn’t found you in time. “They were going to feed...”
“Leave it to them to prey on the most vulnerable” Wanda shook her head in disgust, scanning the shelves for all the medicines she’d made. She grabbed a small vial, squeezing a few droplets out onto your skin, wrapping the scratches with a soft cloth. “She’ll be okay, just needs to rest. They didn’t bite her so she won’t be affected in anyway. Just keep an eye on her throughout the night in case she’s in any pain” 
Bucky nodded, thanking Wanda as she left. You stirred, the oil on your arm starting to sting making you groan in pain. 
“Doll, are you alright? What hurts” Bucky was at your side in an instant, eyes clouded with worry. You clutched onto your arm, curling into a ball, biting your lip waiting for the pain to cease. 
“Just stings, that’s all” You tried to bear the sting, letting out a strained groaned as the pain radiated more. It seemed to come in waves, pulsing through your body. Bucky crouched beside you so he was at eye level with you, his hand gently skimming over your covered scratches. You relaxed for a moment at his touch, your eyes meeting his pretty blue ones. 
“It’s the healing oil. It stings more because...” Bucky bit his lip, pausing and choosing his words carefully, “Well, the medicines were made for-for our kind?” He gave you a lopsided smile, “It’s very potent”
“Your kind?” You cocked your head, urging him to continue though there was only so much left to explain after you’d literally seen him shift from wolf to human. 
“Werewolf” He grinned; you could hardly believe moments ago his perfect teeth were razor sharp. 
“Werewolf?” You repeated, still struggling to take in everything that had happened in the past few hours. You’d always felt an intense unexplainable energy in the air since you’d moved to the area but you were not expecting werewolves. Or vampires for that matter. Bucky chuckled at your wide eyes, helping you sit up. 
“Not Jacob from Twilight werewolf” He playfully rolled his eyes while you giggled, “A real werewolf sweetheart” 
“Ah, of course, so more Mason from Wizards of Waverly place” You giggled, half expecting yourself to wake up from whatever strange dream this was. “tell me more”
“Hmm” Bucky thought, not knowing where to start, a part of him worried you’d be scared off, though you didn’t seem to be uncomfortable around him. “We’ve lived here for generations, the territory is ours. We don’t typically reveal ourselves to the outside world. We don’t have to wait for a full moon to change, we can do it any time. We shift according to our places in the pack”
“And what's your place in the pack” 
“Leader” He smiled softly, proud of his pack, the family he loved more than himself. 
“Thank you by the way”, your fingers skimming over a few scratches that were on his hands, previously large paws when he had fought off Walker, “For saving me...” You realized you didn’t know his name.
“Call me Bucky, doll” 
Bucky insisted you sleep in his room though you refused, not wanting to impose. He laid out his softest and warmest blankets and coziest pillows, creating a safe space for you to sleep in. You gasped, looking at the way he’d set everything up, it almost resembled a nest of blankets and pillows. He wanted you to be as comfortable as possible, giving you some of his clean clothes to sleep in after you showered. You fell asleep instantly, his soft scent all over the bed lulling you into a peaceful slumber as soon as your head touched the pillow. 
Bucky made his way back outside to check on Steve, Sam and Peter, rolling his eyes when he saw they were perfectly fine, the three nursing beers while sitting on the stairs of his cabin. 
“What the hell are you-”
“So this is who you’ve been keeping an eye on” Sam smirked, nudging Bucky’s shoulder while Steve and Peter shared shit eating grins. 
“Shut up Sam”
“See? He didn’t deny it!”
“So what, you’ve been watching me?” Bucky cocked and eyebrow while Sam scoffed. 
“Please. You’re always looking out the window like a love sick puppy” 
Bucky was able to control many things with his body but he couldn’t for the life of him control the blush that spread across his cheeks. 
“I didn’t know alpha’s could blush” Steve cackled while the rest joined, each poking fun at the way his cheeks reddened more. 
“I’m going to sleep, or so help me God-” He shook his head, going back inside and laying on the couch. He couldn’t help the butterflies that fluttered around his tummy, the sweet sunshine he loved to see everyday was there. 
In his home.
In his bed.
In his clothes.
Calm down Bucky.
He made sure to periodically check on you like clock work, not getting a wink of rest through the night, not when you had been hurt. He loved the way you looked, curled up in his bed, sleeping soundly. A flash of anger pulsed through him when his eyes fell on your bandages. Those that hurt you. It’d be a problem for another day but he’d fine a permanent solution to that problem very soon. 
You blinked awake, the delicious scent or fresh berries and pancakes wafting through the air. You felt warmth creep up your cheeks when you found another fresh set of clothes placed by the bed along with a brand new tooth brush and a towel. You mentally scolded yourself for the way your heart tried to skip at his acts of kindness, but you couldn’t help it.
There was something about him. 
You quickly got changed, padding down to the table where stacks of pancakes were piled high along with cut up berries. Bucky grinned when he saw you, his heart fluttering again at the way his Henley hung loosely on you. 
“Good morning doll, how you feeling”
“Better, again thanks to you” You felt giddy over his handsome smile and yet a sense of calm whenever you were near him. You couldn’t understand why you felt so comfortable around his presence. He was a stranger to you yet you felt like you’d found your place. You’d known him for less than 24 hours but there was a connection. Around him, you felt protected. Cared for. Perhaps it was the fact that he was the leader, so naturally he had a very protective nature. That had to be it, it’s not like you were special to him.  
You repeatedly had to remind yourself to stop gazing at him because there was another issue. It’s not like you were blind. Bucky was gorgeous. You loved his scruffy beard and dark hair, what you wouldn’t give to run your fingers through his soft-
You blinked, clearing the rogue thoughts that tried to probe your mind, distracting yourself with breakfast instead. 
“I didn’t know werewolves liked pancakes” You teased, ignoring the way your skin heated up, popping a berry into your mouth.
“I like to eat lots of things, doll” Bucky smirked at the way you moaned, licking off a droplet of the berry juice that stained your lips. Your pretty lips. Soft. Supple. Kissable. Would look even prettier wrapped around his co-
He shook his head, hoping to get his mind out of the gutter, why was he like this. A knock on the door made you jump while Bucky rolled his eyes, grabbing a few more plates before making his way to the door. 
“For fucks sake, even on a Saturday” Bucky mumbled to himself, knowing damn well the three idiots he called friends would have smelled him making breakfast from 3 cities away, let alone a few cabins down. You heard the voices of a few men, two large men about the size of Bucky entered the kitchen along with another who looked much younger. 
“Y/n, this is Steve, Sam and Peter”
You instantly recognized the three as the very same ones who had came with Bucky the day you were attacked. All three of them were as sweet to you as Bucky but you couldn't help but find Peter the most adorable, who managed to eat the most out of everyone. They happily raided the kitchen, passing each other glances you couldn't pinpoint, each look making Bucky more flustered.
“You protected me” You smiled at Peter, who blushed, stuffing another pancake into his mouth while Sam shook his head in disgust. 
“It was nothing, we’re just happy you’re safe” Peter preened at your praise, finishing the last of what was on the table. 
“Barnes, Peter ate everything again”
“For fucks sake-” 
Bucky didn’t let you lift a finger the entire morning, serving you everything you wanted and clearing the table away. In fact, he didn’t let you do anything that day. Or the next. Or the day after that. A week. Two weeks. He wanted to make sure you were completely okay before letting you leave. He was there to take care of anything you needed, cleaning and applying the oil to your cuts, redressing the bandages. Getting you fresh clothes. Fluffing out your bed so it’d be warm and cozy.  While you adored the warmth of his bed, you couldn’t help but wish he’d just stay with you instead. He’d introduced you to the rest of his pack, everyone happy to have you around when they saw the way his cheeks would tint pink when you sat beside him.
You’d both spent countless hours each night, talking by the fire place or walking in the moonlight. Each night, he’d make sure you were comfortably tucked in before crashing on the couch, occasionally morphing into his wolf form and curling up by the door just to be extra safe.
Bucky wasn’t sure why he was so drawn to you. What started as admiring you from afar was now making his heart beat faster. Skin warmer. He knew the feeling was far more intense than just friendship. He felt a bond. Something that pulled him to want you by his side forever.
For you to be his mate.
It was rare for werewolves to find a mate that wasn't a werewolf like himself but here was. In love with you. He never felt a pull like this towards someone else. Everything he felt was 10 times stronger than before, growing more and more with each day he spent with you. 
“I know it’s been a few days but...maybe you should stay a little longer?” Bucky knew there was truthfully no reason for you to stay any longer; the wounds had completely healed and you were perfectly fine.
"Are you sure?" You bit your lip, wanting nothing more than to curl up in his arms for the night as he stood by the bedside, handing you one of his sweaters.
"Of course, I-I don't want anything to happen to you, so just to be safe" He smiled softly, itching to just crawl into bed with you and snuggle.
“Bucky, you-you don’t have to sleep on the couch” You sat up just as he was about to leave, your heart beating a little faster when he stopped and turned around. "You can sleep here"
“Are you sure?”
You nodded, moving over slightly and lifting the covers up so he could lay beside you. At the start of the night Bucky was as still as a statue, worried you'd find it odd if he got too close, making sure there was distance between you both before he closed his eyes.
Of course, even in his sleep he sought you. You sighed contently at the feeling of his arm wrapping around you waist, pulling you close to his chest, his face burying into your neck, a happy low rumble emitting from his chest at the way you felt in his arms. He nuzzled his face into your skin, keeping you flush against him the entire night, hoping the sun would ride just a little bit later.
Every night, your cuddles became a little more intimate. You'd start off at opposite ends of the bed, only to find yourself tangled in each other each morning. Hands would wander a little more each time with gentle touches and a few extra kisses.
"Just come cuddle" You giggled as he scooted over, giving up on trying to sleep at the other side of the bed. Bucky smiled, pulling you to lay on his chest, his hand slipping past your shirt, gently stroking your spine. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, loving the way your skin felt on his lips. He didn't want to stop, continuing to trail kisses down your face, holding you a little tighter, the need to have you completely growing stronger. His eyes locked with yours, nervously leaning down, smiling against your lips as you closed the gap between you both.
His hands carded through your hair, deepening the kiss, his tongue tracing your lips, slipping into your parted mouth. He couldn't help himself, rolling you both over so you were pinned under him, dominating the kiss till you both needed air. Your eyes grew wide feeling his length pressing against your tummy, hips rutting slightly, fighting himself from stuffing you full of him.
"Buckyy" You panted from under him, gripping onto his arms, spreading your legs further for him. The needy whine that fell from your lips made him growl, he could smell how aroused you were, his cock painfully hard in his sweats. "Need you"
“I-I don’t want to hurt you” He whispered, his mind conflicted over wanting you so badly but also worried his hurt you with his strength. He nearly whimpered feeling the warmth of your core pressed against him, your thighs squeezing the sides of his waist.
“You won’t hurt me Bucky” Your eyes were pleading with him, needing this just as much as he did, he only had so much self restraint.
“Let me taste you?” He crawled down, his fingers skimming around the waist band of the boxers he had given you to wear, pulling them down as you nodded. He threw his own shirt off before settling between your legs, spreading your pussy apart, his hunger for you growing at the way you glistened under the dimly lit room. "You smell so sweet, angel"
You felt shy under his intense gaze as he looked up at you while kissing the soft flesh of your thighs. Bucky nearly growled as soon as his tongue flicked across your clit, feeling the way it throbbed each time he licked you. His lips sealed around your sensitive nub, alternating between lapping up your arousal and toying with your clit, suckling and kissing you, moaning when he felt your hands tug at his hair.
"Grind on my face sweets" Bucky threw your legs over his shoulders, urging you to push his face down deeper, the greedy side of him wanting to suffocate between you legs. You squeaked when he guided your hand to pull at his roots, a feral look flashing in his eyes when you hesitantly pulled a little harder, his eyes rolling back.
"Just like that baby, I'll use my tongue all over this pretty pussy, just show me how" He groaned as you pushed his head down, your back bowing off the bed feeling his tongue slip inside you, drinking every drop you gave him.
"Bucky, need you-" Your body felt hot, pussy clenching and throbbing, aching for him to fill you. He kissed up your body, throwing the rest of your clothes off before lining himself up with your entrance, his breath fanning over your face.
"Sweetheart, I don't know if I'll be able to control myself" He stroked your forehead, his cock leaking against your pussy. "It's more than just- I can't explain it-
You smashed your lips against his, squeezing your legs around his waist tighter, cutting off his nervous rambling. "Please, I want you, want to feel you Bucky, all over you"
"M'right here angel, you have me" He let out a shuddered breath as he started to press into you, moaning against your neck once he was fully sheathed inside you. He moved slowly, rocking his hips while his nose tracing against the column of your neck, his hands moving to fist the sheets. He could feel them tear under his grip, your tight pussy and sweet scent awakening something primal.
“Doll...” He groaned in your ear, his cock swelling more with each thrust, “Baby, I-
He let out a desperate growl, his hands balled into fists, his corded back muscles tensed, holding back from pounding you into the mattress. You could feel his cock grow harder, stretching you more, the swollen tip rubbing against your sweet spot making you gush around him.
“What is it” You whispered, your thumb caressing his scruffy cheek, your soft touch only making it more difficult for him to hold back.
“Fuck baby” It almost hurt him, desperately wanting you to be all his, his tongue licking and nipping your neck, biting his lip to keep from sinking his teeth in. “Want you to be mine”
“I'm yours Bucky” You carded your fingers through his hair, grazing his scalp, making him growl, the soft color of his eyes now an intense sapphire blue and glowing. Bucky gently nipped your neck, holding back how badly he wanted to claim you, mark you, the smooth canines of his teeth growing sharper the more you moaned for him.
"Y-you don't understand sweets, I want-I want you forever"
"You have me Bucky" You clenching around him, your moans broken as the band in your belly tightned more. Bucky grinded his hips down, desperate to be as deep inside you as possibly, the coiled hair at the base of his cock rubbing your clit, warmth spreading through your body. "I'm-I'm gonna-
"Cum for me angel, I need it, need it baby, cum for me please" He moaned with you, his hand flying to the headboard, the wood splintering and cracking under his grip. He started to chase his own high, speeding his thrust's up, his balls slapping your ass grunts growing deeper.
"M'gonna cum baby" He could hard speak, too consumed and overwhelmed by the way he felt inside you, his cock swelling and throbbing, spurts of precum already soaking your pussy.
"Cum Bucky!"
"You're mine" He panted, his forehead resting on yours, "Say it sweets, say you'll always be mine?"
"M'yours" You nodded, kissing his nose, your hands cupping his face, "All yours Bucky, make me yours"
"Oh FUCKK" Bucky moaned against your neck, his teeth grazing your soft skin, biting just enough to to mark you without hurting you, gently licking the area after while he continued to moan and whine, his orgasm unending. "All mine"
You both laid tangled in the sheets, going for a few more rounds until the sun came up. You shivered at the feeling of his hands trace over your skin, your whole body sensitive from how many times he had you cum all over his cock. His hands. His face. There was a feeling of security surrounding you as you laid on his chest, the faint mark on your neck tingling.
“Will you be my mate?” Bucky whispered shyly, blushing more at your giggle while you sat up slightly, your nose bumping against his.
"Even if I'm not a werewolf? " You teased while Bucky playfully rolled his eyes, nipping you again.
“Of course, how else will I protect you bunny” He let out a growl, cocking his eyebrow while you squealed, finding yourself flipped under him again. "You'll stay with me sweetheart?"
"Even if I can't change into a giant a fluffy puppy like you under a full moon?"
"Even if I can't hear Sam sneaking into the house for breakfast from 3 houses down"
"We'll work on that"
"Do I always have to rub your belly and feed you my peanut butter treats when you turn into a pouty little werewolf, pretending to be a big scary leader to everyone else"
"Yes and now that you know that secret, you have to stay" Bucky grinned, his hopeful eyes shining brighter when you cupping his face, kissing him deeply.
"I already told you, I'm all yours"
Imagine the utter joy the rest of the pack get from how soft Bucky is for you. They're so used to seeing him unmoving and broody but now theres flowers around his cabin and the blush is just part of his face now. Steve and Sam help move some of your things over to Bucky's, more than happy to have you around because now there's even more food for them to eat.
Nothing turns you on more than when he goes into protective mode. His eyes glow. His muscles tense. The growl that rumbles from deep in his chest makes your thighs squeeze together. He keeps you by his side, always touching you, his hands lingering on your waist, toying with your hair or playing with your fingers.
It's not often he fully transforms but when he does, its because someone got too close to you.
You can't help but giggle when you see him transform into his werewolf form because he's beautiful and scary, teeth barred out, claws flexed out, but only you know how adorably cuddly he is when he's just alone with you. He nudges his head against your hand, whining for you to give him attention, he's three times your size but his tail swishes about like a playfully puppy.
Theres no doubt you're the best thing thats ever happened to him.
Tags: @glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02  @gh0stgurl    @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes @alltheficsiwant @chemtrails-club  @eralen   @perdidosbucky-yyo  @clqrosmgc  
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saffire-8888-halo · 4 months
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☆Summary- You've been struggling with depression lately and don't want to burden your boyfriend Johnnie with it.☆
☆Includes-Fluff and mentions of depression.☆
☆I am taking requests! DM me or comment what you would want!☆
§-You’ve been lying in bed for weeks on end. Only getting up to film, though as of late even that's been difficult. Your mental health has been in the gutter again. You know you could tell Johnnie about it but you don't want to add extra baggage to his life. You can see him telling you that's ridiculous and that's what boyfriend's are for. Yet, stubbornly you decide to hide your pain under your bed covers where you plan to rot. There's a soft knock on your door.-§
§-Johnnie's voice can be heard through the wood of your door. You pretend to be asleep. You hear your bedroom door creak open and Johnnies boots tapping on the floor.-§
§-Johnnie whispers again. You keep your eyes shut hoping maybe he will leave you be. You should have known better though cause Johnnie lifts the covers and lays beside you. Wrapping his arms around your waist.-§
“I know you're awake.”
§-Johnnie says into your ear.-§
“How'd you know?”
§-You grumble.-§
“I didn't but you gave yourself away.”
§-Even with your eyes closed you can tell he is smirking.-§
“Y/n?...You know you can talk to me right?”
§-You can hear the concern in his voice but try to ignore it.-§
“Yeah but there's nothing to talk about.”
§-You reply stubbornly. Johnnie sighs loudly.-§
“Okay look I know you've been down lately. I know this because I've been there. I understand the appeal of just wanting to disappear into your bed and never resurface. I just want you to know I'm here for you. Also, it helps to talk about it and I'm here to listen.”
§-Johnnie speaks softly. Your heart swells in your chest. How'd you get so lucky you wonder.-§
“I know you've been through it. That's why I don't talk about how I'm feeling. I don't want to add more sadness to your life. If that even makes sense to you? Truth is I just don't have the energy to do anything as of late. Everything about me annoys me and just makes me feel like giving up completely. I just have these moments where I question what my purpose is or if I even have one. I'm sorry I'm babbling, does any of this make sense?”
§-You turn around to face him. Johnnie cuffs your face in his hands.-§
“Of course it does. Baby you only bring joy to my life. You could never make me sad by talking to me about how you're struggling so please don't ever think that. You are worth everything to me. I believe your purpose is to make people as happy as you make me. God I probably sound really cheesy right now. I'm not the best at these pep talks.”
§-Johnnie closes his eyes slightly cringing at himself as he laughs quietly. You kiss him on the cheek.-§
“No, no it was really sweet. Thank you.”
§-A small smile forms on your face.-§
“Okay how about I go get us some snacks and we watch a movie for the rest of the day?”
§-Johnnie asks-§
“Don't you have to film today?”
§-You wonder-§
§-Johnnie replies.-§
“Okay then a movie sounds great right now.”
§-Johnnie kisses your forehead before leaving your room, returning with your favorite snacks and dino nuggets of course. You and Johnnie end up watching Twilight. He makes jokes here and there about the movie that make you laugh. Johnnie cuddles you throughout the whole movie saga. Later after watching the last film you fall asleep on his chest. As he whispers in your ear that he loves you.-§
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Country Stylez Prompt List
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Please check the updated character list on my pinned post to see who I am writing for before submitting a prompt!
Also read the rules and do not forget to put the entire prompt into your ask!
You think I’d cheat on you? That I’d just throw everything away like that?
Make you grip the sheets with your fingertips
Oh, but that black dress makes it hard to breathe
Sun on your skin, 6 am And I been watchin' you sleep
And it's hard to resist, alright, just one kiss
Well, I finally get it now, when they say you know you know
I sleep a little deeper when you're next to me
And honey, I'm so afraid you're gonna wake up and say That you should probably leave
The way that you dance when you get kinda tipsy
I love the twilight in the morning 'fore the day wakes up
Babe, I don't wanna talk right now
Baby, that red dress brings me to my knees
Cause I know you and you know me And we both know where this is gonna lead
Watching you watch the sun going down
And I love a slow down in a beach town with an ocean view
Go slow, touch me like you do
And I know that I can't ever tell you enough That all I need in this life is your crazy love
And it's gettin' kinda hard for me to do the right thing here
But, baby, baby, something's tellin' me this ain't over yet
And I love a six string with the stars out and the campfire glow
Oh, if all I got is your hand in my hand Baby, I could die a happy man
You're my heart and my home
That’s it baby, get rough a little
Then we danced in the dark under September stars in the pourin' rain
But I'm still gon' wake up wantin' you and me
And yeah, girl, you had me from that first hello
"Sit down, I got some bad news that's gonna hurt"
Do not turn your back on me, not again
And I love a first fall Saturday trip down to Baton Rouge
Love, come a little closer now
No way it was our last night I kissed your lips
Stop, I need a little space
I know you packed your shit and slammed the door right before you left
I’ve waited my entire life for someone like you
Stay, a little longer please
It’s a long drive, I can’t ask you to take it with me
That look in your eye, girl, when you catch me staring
I've been down on my luck, my love
You were awfully busy in the bar that night with that slutty blond
But girl, that don't even come close To the way that it feels when you lean in and kiss me
'Cause to tell you the truth, I've been with her myself"
Usually these old neon lights Are pretty good for bad goodbyes
I’m sorry to break this to you but it’s been going on a long time.
And his cheating wife had never left town That's one body that'll never be found
I'm wrapped 'round your finger like this ring I'm wearing
Trying to get over your leaving You're still right here on my mind
You see little sister don't miss when she aims her gun
'Cause the judge in the town's got bloodstains on his hands
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in-ghost-we-trust · 9 months
No dew on the morning grass
Chapter 2
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Dewdrop x reader
Rain x reader???
A rewrite of twilight new moon
When dew left you crumbled into pieces, you've blocked out everyone
Rain = jacob???
Swiss = mike???
Also so very sorry this is so bad I'm on my phone not my computer, I haven't used my phone to post somthing on tumblr in years and I've completely forgot how to find bold and italics so pleaseeee don't judge I'm working with what I got
You haven't left your room in days, why should you? He's left and there's nothing else for you out of this room. When you do let yourself think, you realize that it sounds mean seeing how you have the rest of your friends, rain primaril. He was your best friend since he was summoned, you"ve been to peas in a pod ever since.
The first couple of days you didn't leave your room, he'd tried and tried to get in or you to come out, just anything, somthing. After you never did he would sit outside your door and tell you about his day, any stunts swiss pulled, mountains new flower beds for spring. He'd never get a reply but he could hear you shuffle out of bed to sit on the other side of the door, head pressed to the cool wood. You listened to him, took everything in. Anything he told you, you'd think about it when your mind wasnt on dew. As much as you wanted to open up that door and see rain, as much as you wanted his embrace, his familiar face, his safety, you couldn't bring yourself to open it. Your room was your salvation, no questions, no looks, you could just sleep, forget or dive into your grief, make yourself feel all the pain again and again. The pain was the only reminder that he was real, when mountain brought you back the pictures you had hanging from a line of fairy lights were gone, the blanket he got you for Christmas? Gone. All the shells he had dived into the lake by the abbey for you? Gone. It was as if wherever he had gone he had tied strings to anything that would directly remind you of him and tied them to himself and walked away.
You were in your bed when you heard it, the lock of your door being wiggled and a soft click, you weren't facing the door, you couldn't see who was comming in. Did you even want to look? You shut your eyes praying whoever this was would think you were asleep. A soft creak at the end of your bed sent a shiver down your spine, it didn't cross your mind it might be a creep or a werido until then. Staying still you heard soft foot steps and some rustling next to you. Your bed was about four feet from the window, you and dew had picked out a rocking chair when you both decided which one of your rooms to stay in when you became a couple. You hear it quietly creak like someone was sitting in it and rocking back and forth. A hand brushed stray pieces of hair away from your forehead, you fought the instinct to shoot your eyes open. The hand was cool and remind you of the smoothness of a rock. The hand left your skin and footsteps lead to the bathroom, the sound of water and more creaks towards you sounded in your ears. Your arm is lifted and a cold rag ran over it, you haven't even noticed you were burning hot, the rag moved to your other arm and the sheets you had covering you were moved away and you could feel the coolness of water run over your legs and stop just above your knee, at least whoever this is, is respectful. You heard a little drip drop of water and felt wetness on your face, gentle and safe, like you would wash a small child after they fell off their bike in the mud. It leaves your face and you don't feel anything else until a small part of your hair is moved, like someone trying to play with it. The rocking chair creeks and sounds like it is being pulled closer to the bed more than the window. You buck up enough to open your eye enough to look asleep and to see whoever it was.
Rain sat there looking at you, fingers fidgeting with the tips of your hair. You shut your one eye again. You relax a little bit but your brain starts to wonder. How long has he been doing this? How did you never notice? You decide to flip on your stomach to face him more, you feel his hands snatch away and a sharp intake of breath. You pretend to mumble somthing. You hear a shaky exhale and him starting to talk "I couldn't sleep again, swiss thinks it's werid for me to be here but I have to know your okay, I miss you so much ______ I mean everyone does but everyone has someone else" your stomach drops "cumulus and cirrus and sunshine, aether and swiss, mountains always been more to himself but me? I don't have you anymore" you feel like crying, you've been so caught up with your own heartache you've caused one "whenever you're okay and come back, I'll be there, as much as you need me" thank satan you had your eyes closed because if not tears would have been running down your face. You don't know what to do, you feel you have to do somthing. You "mumble" in your "sleep" again and stretch a arm out from under your head and let it flop on the arm of the rocking chair. You feel his hand take yours, it was a awkward angle but it was nice to feel his skin on your own. "I miss you so much _____" he whispers and traces your hand with his index finger. You actually do start to fall asleep with his voice as a lullaby. When you wake he's not there, your door is locked and there's no rag by your bed, no water, the rocking chair back in its spot. No evidence of him, just like dew.
Thanks to @the-fem1n1ne-urge for commenting, it really gave me motivation to write
Also sorry for no word count I'm writing this in tumblr and not my normal word docs
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azucarmorena97 · 1 year
Just a Friend (BTS Reactions || Hyung Line)
"Oh baby, you got what I need."- Biz Markie. Everyone loves a friends to lovers trope- let's see what happens when you guys finally acknowledge the elephant in the room <3
A/N: some mentions of dr*g @buse. Also Twilight slander.
Maknae line ||
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1.) Jin
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"How about this?" You turn to face yourself in the mirror, the tight black dress you'd bought earlier that day clinging to every curve on your body, "Too much?" Jin glances at you and then back down, "Looks great." His voice is noticeably flat, his face equally fallen. "Jin? What's wrong?" You ask, turning to look at him. He's silent for a moment, debating on whether or not to speak. "Did you forget we had plans tonight?" He asks. You furrow your brows, trying to remember what he's talking about. "We were gonna watch my brother's band play tonight and then hang out afterward." You slap your hand to your forehead, "Oh God. I completely forgot. I'm so sorry," You step closer to him, though he immediately recoils, "Just forget it." "Jin, come on. Don't be like that. I completely blanked- I never would've agreed to have gone out with Jimin if I'd remembered, You know that." "I said forget it." "Jin-" You reach out to grab his arm, "I get being annoyed but why are you being so cold?" You ask; he's never been this way with you. In all the years you've known each other, even in his low points, he is so gentle with you. When he looks back at you, he doesn't pull is arm out of your grasp; he just stares for a long while. "Jin, talk to me." His eyes soften, and now he looks more like the Jin you know.
"Y/n...we need to talk." "Okay," You let go of him and he straightens out his shirt, "Sit down. Please." You nod and take a seat on the edge of your bed. He goes over a few feet away and sits down on the stool that goes to your vanity. There's a long stretch of silence, as seems to be the pattern for tonight. When he finally does speak, his voice is low and steady, "I'm not sure that I can do this anymore..." "Do...what?" "This," He motions between the two of you, "I know we've been friends for a long time but I just can't..." He lets his head fall into his hands. "What? What do you mean you can't do this anymore? Because I forgot our plans this one time? I don't get why it has to be such a big deal, dude. I can just text Jimin and postpone. I don't get-" "Are you blind, Y/n?" His head shoots back up. You're dumbfounded by his question, "How is it that everyone can see it but you? How? How can you be so dense?" "See what?" You feel yourself getting more and more annoyed with his tone. "That I'm in love with you, Y/n. That's what."
Your heart feels like it stops mid-beat, and you have a difficult time processing what he's just said. "You- you what?" "You heard me," His voice is slightly hoarse, "I've loved you for years, and-" You see his eyes getting more watery, "-and if you don't feel the same way, I understand but that also means that I can't do this anymore." "Jin I- I had no idea." He laughs incredulously, "Oh really? No idea? Then tell me, Y/n- what happened at the office party this past Christmas? Hm?" You know what he's referring to, and you feel your cheeks heat up, "I don't know what you're talking about. I- I'd had a lot to drink." "I was with you all night and you had ONE vodka cranberry. You kissed me- and not like a friend. You kissed me like-" He runs his hand through his hair, and when he speaks again, his voice is soft, "like I was so much more... and then the next day, you pretended like you didn't remember. Do you know how that made me feel? But I didn't say anything. Didn't bring it up again. Just like I didn't bring it up again when you cried into my chest that night when you had that fight with your dad, or when you had me hold you all night during that rain storm- but I'm done not acknowledging this, especially when I know that you feel it too."
You look down at your hands, unsure of what to say. Of course you know what he's talking about, but to give it a name...you'd risk losing everything. This friendship has stood the test of time but this- this is something else entirely. "I don't feel like this is a wise thing for us to talk about at this point in time." "Okay, then when?" His heart is beating hard, already anticipating the worst from you. "I- I just don't want this to get ruined, you know?" You feel the tears starting to form. He nods, "Well, alright then." He stands up and walks over to get his jacket from right next to you on the bed. "Jin, please don't go." The brokenness in your voice gives him pause as he's about to turn the knob on your bedroom door, though when he looks back at you, you see a look of pained finality on his face, "See you around..." And with that, he's out the door, leaving you stuck in place, completely unable to even chase after him.
2.) Suga
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You let your head fall back, causing for the sweat to drip from the sides of your face rather than forward into your eyes, "Just gimme a few minutes, I'll be ready to beat you again," You say, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. "Oh please, those were lucky shots," He laughs. You simply shake your head, a smile forming at the corners of your mouth. The gym is completely empty; different from how it usually is. You quite like the silence, save for the occasional basketball dribbles from Yoongi. It's so nice, you even close your eyes to take in the uncharacteristic calm.
He goes over to where you're sitting on the ground and settles down on the bleachers right behind you. "Hey, Y/n...let me run something by you real quick," He says, breaking the silence. "Mm?" You grunt, not even bothering to open yours eyes. "You know Jin, right? My friend from the gym?" "Mhm?" "He has this like...enormous crush on his like, best friend from childhood-" "Oh, are you about to spill some tea?" You ask, eyes shooting open as you turn to look at him, your smile getting bigger, "Has he told her?" He blinks a few times and then quickly looks down, "Uh- no- I- I don't know. That's why I was bringing it up." "Psh. What's there to bring up then? You know I hate incomplete gossip." "Well, he- he asked me to ask you what he should do..." He looks back at you, eyes abnormally wide and doe-like. "About...his crush on his best friend?" You're a bit confused as to why Jin would want to know your opinion, seeing as how you've only met the guy a handful of times. "Yeah, about his friend."
You go quiet for a bit, mulling over the situation, considering all the possible outcomes- very Dr.Strange. "I...I don't know. On the one hand, they've been friends for kind of a long time by now and if he tells her how he feels and she doesn't love him back, it could not only damage his ego but even break apart their friendship. Scenario number two would be that he tells her, she feels the same, but then it doesn't work out in the end and we're back to scenario one..." Yoongi goes back to looking down, his eyes seemingly low and his expression crestfallen, though you assume it's just him being overly invested in Jin's love life as he tends to be, even with yours. "Although, there is the possible third scenario...one where he tells her and maybe she feels the same way and they try it and it's even more beautiful than they imagined, you know? Like maybe it was what they should've done all along and the timing was overdo- or maybe...the timing is just now completely perfect..." You look over at him, shrugging your shoulders, "I don't know though." "I love you."
You stare at him for a long time before it clicks, your heart feeling confused and simultaneously...something else. "You...love me? What do you mean?" "I mean..." He trails off, standing up from his spot and then turning his back to you. You can tell his mind is racing- and so is yours. Finally, he turns back around to face you; his eyes are fixed on you in such a way that it makes your heart flutter in your chest, "I mean that being your best friend already gives me everything I could ever want, but that being more...would be so much more than anything in this world that I could ever want." You're quiet for a long time but he doesn't stop staring at you.
His gaze is soft and patient, "Y/n, if you don't feel the same way I understand, and look, I will never bring this up again and I will still love you and support you just as much as I do now- but if there's a part of you- even just an ounce- that believes this could really be somethi-" You don't know when exactly the decision was made within your body, but somehow, you find yourself standing to your feet and completely closing the distance between the both of you. Your arms wrap around his neck and you press into him, taking in the delicious smell of his cologne. You couldn't get any closer to him if you tried. "I love you too," You say into his neck. His arms tighten around your waist and he also buries his face into the crook of your neck,
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to say that..."
3.) Hoseok
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Your stomach is in knots and your palms are incredibly sweaty. You feel as though you might pass out but you try to calm yourself down. Breath. Breathe. Breathe. You're about to do what you swore to yourself you never would...
You and Hoseok have been friends for years now; your connection was instantaneous and completely different from any other friendship you've ever had. You'd meet up for coffee, and then coffee turned to grabbing a drink with friends, then chugging beers just the two of you at whatever crusty bar you'd decided on that night- he was hilarious and sloppy and so...wonderful.
You're not really sure when it changed for you, but one day it was like a switch had flipped and things were...different. You couldn't put your finger on it but suddenly, you could feel something else going on between you. You used to be able to talk about your individual love lives: who you'd been with, who you wanted to be with, etc. but now, you feel your blood absolutely boil when he mentions even the vaguest interest in another girl- but you can see it's the same for him too. It wasn't lost on you when you brought up your date with Taehyung, how Hoseok's grip tightened on his beer bottle; his knuckles practically turning white even as he downed the rest of his bottle. His mouth was a tight line, his lids low and narrowed- and if it were physically possible, you're sure you'd have seen literal fire in his eyes.
Hoseok's been having a hard time lately. Things have developed in his personal life that would make anyone buckle...he was drinking pretty heavily for a while and even dabbled in...other things- but he's been working on himself and you've been as supportive as humanly possible. These days, you see the light back in his eyes the way you used to. Now, it's finally time to come clean."What are we watching?" Hoseok asks, plopping down on the couch, individual kernels accidentally dropping out of the bowl of popcorn. You clear your throat, snapping back to reality, "Uhm- I was thinking of something super cheesy and dumb." "Twilight it is," He scrolls through until he finds it and then the screen turns black for a moment as you wait for it to load up. In the blackness, you see your reflection; your facial expression is heavy with worry, but he doesn't notice. I need to tell him. I need to tell him. I need to tell him. Before you know it, it gets to the part of the movie where Bella goes out to meet Jacob and his dad.
"You know, I was so peeved when I re-watched the first movie after watching New Moon," He says, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth. "Oh? Why?" "Because her and Jake should've been endgame." You furrow your brows, "Really? I always thought she looked good with Edward," You shrug. "Are you kidding me?" He turns to look at you, "She had so much more chemistry with Jake- Edward didn't even LIKE her at first and basically wants to kill her all the time. And besides-," He takes a sip from his glass of Coke and then hands it to you to drink from as well, since he knows you always forget to serve your own drink before sitting down, "-everyone knows it's better to start off as friends first and then go from there." You stare down at the glass for a moment. This is it. This is my in. "I- I guess you're right." "Of course I am," He says, turning back to the TV. "Uhm, Hoseok?" "Mm?" "Can you pause it for a second?" He immediately pauses and looks at you, "You okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine- I just need to talk to you about something." "Okay, shoot," He positions himself so that he's able to face you directly, his expression showing concern. You suddenly feel your cheeks get hot, his gaze burning you with every second. "You're my best friend, you know?" "Of course." "I truly feel like you know me more than anyone and that you are the absolute most amazing person I've ever known." He smiles and looks down, "Shut up, dude." In the light of the TV, you can see he's blushing and it makes your heart flutter. "Hoseok, I love you." You stare at each other for a few seconds, and you watch as your words enter his ears and then settle into his brain- though when it does, his smile falters. Wait- what's happening? "Hoseok...say something." He remains quiet, his eyes moving from your face to his hands, and then he turns his whole body away from you so he's back to facing the TV. He presses play and then...nothing. He's completely mute. You let it go on for a few scenes, your heart about to break out of your chest. Tears begin to form in your eyes and you're so grateful that the lights are off. "Hoseok, please. Please say something." "What do you want me to say, Y/n? That I'm happy you told me? That I'm happy that now things are gonna be different?" "They don't have to be different," Your voice comes out as barely a whisper. This was not how you imagined this going at all. "Doesn't have to be different? Y/n, in case you haven't noticed, I'm-" He catches how loud he's getting and then his voice drops down to a whisper, "I'm not okay right now. I'm messed up. I don't have the capacity to give you- to be the thing you need me to. I'm incapable." He lets his face fall into his hands. "Hoseok, I don't need anything from you. I just wanted you to know-" "Why, Y/n? Why did you need to tell me? Why did you need to take this away from me?" "Take- what?" You're getting more and more confused at his reaction; granted, you always knew there was a chance he'd reject you, but this is so much worse. "This, Y/n. My best friend. My comfort. I'm never going to be able to feel like this again. I'll always feel like I let you down." "You're not letting me down," You try to reach out and touch him, but he tears himself away from your hand. "I have to go." "Jhope, please. Let's just pretend I didn't say anything-" "I need to clear my head. I have to go." You want so badly to get in his way, to stop him, to block the door- but your legs won't listen. Within two minutes, he's gathered his things and walked to the door, "I'll…talk to you another time."
4.) Namjoon
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Music is blaring from all sides of the club; bodies are practically sticking together from how hot and sweaty everyone is, and you've lost count of just how many people have bumped into you in the last hour- but he's here. Right next to you. He hasn't left your side all night. When he invited you out, you assumed it was because he'd felt bad that you'd be alone tonight and reluctantly, you got as ready as you could and met him there. He was standing out in the front with some of his boys, which made you nervous since you'd only met them a couple of times. You haven't gone out with him to a club in a few years; not really your scene so he doesn't invite you that often, so you assumed he'd eventually ditch you to go dance with some girls, but to your surprise, he stayed. "Hey!" Namjoon says loudly, leaning in so you can hear him over the music, "Wanna go get some air?" "Sounds good!" Immediately, he grabs your hand and pulls you so that you're as close to him as possible as he guides you through the sea of people. You're trying to focus on not tripping but it's hard to do when all you can think of is how you've never held his hand before. Of course, you've never really had the opportunity to do so. You've been best friends for years and he has no idea that you...feel the way that you do. No one does. When you finally make it back out to the front, you both let out a deep breath and he lets go of your hand. "Oh my God- fresh air!" He exclaims. "It was hot as hell in there, wasn't it?" "Yeah, and it's clear some people have never heard of deodorant," He scrunches his nose in disgust, making you laugh. "I'm gonna be honest, I don't know that I can go back in there," You chuckle. He smiles gently, "We don't have to. I know clubbing isn't really your thing to begin with. Thanks for coming." "Oh, it was nothing. I wanted to come." "Oh yeah? Plans to dance on some totally hot guys tonight?" He jokes, raising an eyebrow at you. You roll your eyes, "Oh please, the last thing I need is for some weirdo to latch on to me all night." He lets his mouth hang open in mock disgust, "I'm offended." "I meant a different weirdo than you," You assure him, a smile creeping up on your face. "Of course, of course," He smiles back, dimples on full display. "God, I love your dimples." Your eyes widen in shock; that was supposed to remain in your head. "Well, thank you," He says, surprised at your compliment. "Sorry, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud," You blush, immediately looking away to avoid further embarrassment. "Why not?" "Because no." "But I liked it." You bite your lip, looking down at your shoes and wishing the ground would open up and swallow you whole. "Why are you getting shy?" He asks, reaching over and lifting your head by your chin so that you're looking at him. Your stomach is practically doing summersaults. "I don't think I've ever seen you blush before," His smile is even bigger now. "Who's blushing?" You ask, trying to calm yourself internally, darting your eyes every which way just to avoid looking at him. He steps closer, hand still cupping your chin, "You are." His tone is low and soft, and yet, it commands your attention completely and you can't help but lock eyes with him. You can practically hear your heartbeat in your ears and you're almost positive that he can too- but neither of you break the connection. In fact, with every passing millisecond, you find that the both of you are inching closer and closer until finally, you can feel the heat of his face so close to yours. "Can I...?" He whispers, lips already parted in anticipation. "Please..." You say, finally allowing yourself to press into him.
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wayfayrr · 1 year
-motorcycle anon OMG I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!! i was also thinking of the scenario with Time [i have favoritism okay lol] BUT YOU ABSOLUTELY KILLED IT WITH TWI
I'm glad you liked it motorcycle 💖💖💖 I've got your request here for Time, and it's been written as a continuation for the one with twi!!
“It’s good to see that you two are alright, the fact you two disappeared earlier was a bit concerning. Given Twilight’s shouting.”
“Sorry about that Time, Twi found my bike and well it kinda spiralled from there.”
Concern is still lacing his features although now he looks more curious than anything like he wants to ask something but isn’t sure whether he has permission to or not. He’s got every reason to be concerned, his “son” was screaming like he’d shattered his ankle earlier and then he wasn’t able to find him until we got in? Yeah, I’d be concerned if I was in his place.
“You clearly want to ask something. Time, you don’t need to be worried about asking me anything alright? If it’s bothering you, which it clearly is, you can just ask.”
“Okay [name], you mentioned ‘your bike’, may I ask what that is?”
“Ah, yeah I’m still not quite used to you guys not knowing everything about my world, not that that’s an issue of course! I can show you if you'd like?”
He’s perked up a bit at that, the same innocent curiosity Twilight had when I offered him a ride, maybe he’d like that... At the very least I should offer it to him, it could help him destress. 
“If you’d like I could take you out for a ride, there’s a lovely hillside road with a perfect view of the sunset. If we leave in the next ten minutes we should be able to make it in time to watch. I could even make up a flask of something warm quickly?”
His blush is enough of a tell that he likes the idea of that so without another word, I got back my safety gear from Twilight, passed it to time and then left the room to quickly make up a flask to bring with us. When I got back to Time it seems Twi managed to help him get everything on so I won’t need to waste any more time helping him with it. All that’s left to do now is get back out to my bike again. 
“Coming then, fairy boy?”
Is there something about me when I invite the boys out like this? First Twilight and now time, it’s like they can’t stop blushing around me and can barely speak. Not like I mind it though, makes it easier to get out and help him sit behind me on my bike and it also seems like Twi’s given him a pointer or two about the best ways to hold me when I’m riding that or he’s a natural. Maybe he has a couple of similar reactions to his relative as well, there’s no harm in pushing my bike a bit faster than I really should to see, is there? I know road safety, and these roads are exclusively used by bikers so nothing bad will happen. 
“This is how you normally travel then? This fast?”
“Not all the time, not this fast anyway.”
He does share their reactions, not all of them but enough to tell they’re family. Time’s more confident, or tries to come off that way although his arms tightening around my waist shows me that he’s not as calm as he’s trying to come across as. Travelling this fast in Hyrule is near impossible though so I can’t hold his fear against him, and he’s trying so hard to come off as brave. Them being adorable has to be genetic. 
“We’re almost there, don’t worry!”
Pushing my bike just a bit harder to get to the perfect viewpoint, he’s not taken my advice to heart choosing instead to hold me closer still. Until we’ve reached our destination, the perfect place to watch the sunset with someone. And with a few minutes to spare on that front, just enough time to find a nice place to stand and pour a drink.
“We're here so you can let go of me, fairy boy. Now tell me, do you think this view’s worth that journey?”
“I think I understand the kind of awe you had in Hyrule, seeing a different type of beauty like this, it’s incredible.”
He kept that slight smile the whole time we stood there through the sunset, I’ll have to drag him out to places like this more often now I know this is the reaction he’ll have.
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adrift-in-thyme · 2 months
Hallo! I wanted to share some of my theories and other things I noticed from the latest LU chapter-- feel free to completely ignore this, these are just some things I thought were interesting
First off, Time's entire demeanor this chapter. It's clear that everything that came with Twilight's injury deeply scared the man. He's not treating this as casual as he did in the beginning and even middle of the story- he is terrified and acting based on his experiences. I'd like to think that Time understands that if the situation is underestimated, then more harm will befall the Chain- and although I think it's good that Time is being cautious, it's obvious that he's pent up, and I think that pent up, terrified state is what will lead to him getting hurt (maybe targeted).
At the end of the chapter, Time agrees to splitting up, but no one is to go alone. Time is absolutely gonna get separated from the group- just singled off. I think that in later chapters Time's fear will only grow, potentially causing him to panic or mess up in a critical moment, once again, leading to him being separated.
I don't think I really need to explain why (if my theory is correct) Time would be the one targeted- it's shown that he plays the main leadership role in the Chain.
I understand that everyone in the Chain has their own experiences with danger and working alone, but in this large group setting, Time helps create a connection and guiding force which adds to their functionality as a team.
Now normally, I think everyone does a great job of staying on topic and understanding the situation, but in this chapter (and other recent ones), the Chain has seemed a bit... relaxed? I'm not sure how to put it- they've mostly just been more distracted(?). So much relief over Twilight's recovery that they've almost forgotten just who hurt Twi. Time is acting to remind them of recent threats and to get them back on track.
Overall, my biggest theory is that Time is going to get seperated from the group.
Have a great day/night
(Also, that one panel with Epona in the background- I swear if Dink hurts Epona we're gonna have some issues)
First off I’m SO SORRY that I took forever to answer this!! Life’s been insane lately
But you make some great points and I completely agree!!
Time’s always been on edge a bit more than the others have imo (the Like Like incident, him repeatedly ensuring the boys team up/stay together when in new situations, taking the lead in heavy emotional situations) but this last update he’s gone over. As you said, he’s absolutely terrified (I’m wondering if this has anything to do with Malon’s letter in addition to Twilight’s near-death experience).
I can see him wanting Twilight with him when they inevitably split up to tackle the dungeon, and the rancher’s presence worsening his panic. He wants to protect him, he knows the dangers of the dungeons, he knows how easily one can lose and that point has just been driven home for him YET AGAIN. Having his pup beside him will make him more comfortable cause he can ensure he’s ok. But bring some crazy powerful villain into the mix? He’s gonna crumble. He’s too panicked and while anxiety can heighten senses (fight or flight anyone?) too much of it dulls them big time. It leads to slip ups.
And what if the worst happens and the Shadow shows up? From previous updates it seems like he’s gonna go after Twilight. If he shows up and Time jumps in between them, things are gonna get real FAST.
And yeah if Epona gets hurt I’m gonna throw hands. NO ONE TOUCHES MY GIRL
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garcargofarfar · 6 months
Wavering Between
A Garroth x Reader x Laurance Fic
Follow up on EIN REWRITE
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A/N : I have no intent in finishing the first two books before posting this one. :D
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"Oh, you have got to be kidding me."
"Like I want to be with you." Ein barked back.
"You better not mess this school up as well." I sighed. This was sure going to be a fun year of junior year. "I'm not going to stop you again this time."
"Spare me your overblown ego." Ein rolled his eyes at me, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground. "You don't seriously think you can stop me?"
"I did once, and I'll do it again."
Before he could argue back and break out into a fight, the principal finally walked into the office, and we both shut up.
"Ah, so sorry for making you wait." She says, "I'm assuming you're Ein and Erielle Lovette?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Wonderful! Let me start off by saying how happy I am to have you both here at Phoenix Drop." She beams.
I nod.
Ein forces a smile, scoffing silently.
"I'm Principal Layla, good friends with Principal Dickson from TH. Though, I'm sure you know that already." She simply laughs, and Ein glares when I nudge his rib to stop him from falling asleep.
"I'm really sorry for all the trouble, Principal Layla." Ein suddenly starts in a polite voice. "My sister and I never meant to cause trouble at Twilight High, but as her big brother, I just have to look out for her."
This time, I scoff.
"What in Irene's name are you on about?" I hiss.
"You know. Seeing as you're human and all. I feel it's my responsibility to take care of you and drop my position as Alpha in TH."
"You're joking." I almost laugh. "You two-faced little-"
"Alright, alright! Enough of this." Principal Layla cuts us off. "I don't care what happened back in TH. It's all in the past now. I only ask of you two to be well-behaved here at Phoenix Drop."
"Yes, Principal Layla." We say in sync.
"The school day is almost over today. You two can get settled in your dorms and check out the clubs they're holding for Freshmen. Feel free to come to me if you need help." We both glare at each other once more before she dismisses us.
"I don't want anything to do with you and your manipulative shenanigans, got that?" I ask, taking a look at my schedule.
"Like anyone wants anything to do with you." He hisses in return.
"Arya would."
"Stop. Bringing. Her. Into. This." He warns.
"You had a chance with her, Ein. You just completely blew it yourself." And with that, I walk off to my homeroom. "Have a good life without me."
I pass by Room 208, my homeroom for the year. TH didn't have homerooms, so I was still getting the hang of things.
Everything was so different here. The students in the halls were human. The students in the halls were also werewolves.
There's this weird balance and equality that I never got to experience in either schools for freshman nor sophomore year.
I don't think I've ever felt this nice just existing in a swarm of people before without any killing eyes or vicious brother to bug me.
"Hey." I turn to see a black haired boy with sky-blue eyes staring at me. "What are you still doing here in the classrooms?"
"Oh I'm sorry." I apologize. "Am I not allowed to be here?"
"No. It's just that everyone's gathered at the football field to sign up for clubs and all that stuff." He signals to the window, which has a view of the whole situation going on beneath.
"I'm new here. Just checking out my surroundings." I shrug.
"The name's Gene. Nice to meet you." He lifts out a hand.
"Erielle." I shake his. "You're a student here too?"
"Oh, no. I graduated last year." He says. "But my little brother still goes here, and he left his homework at home. I had to bring it over for him."
"Ah. I see." I laugh at his remark.
"You should run along, Erielle." He tells me. "They're already starting to sign up for clubs."
He looks out the window as I follow his gaze.
"Maybe I will." I mutter, mostly to myself. "You seem like a cool person, Gene. Was lovely meeting you."
"Was nice meeting you as well." He replies with a smirk. "I'll introduce you to my squad one day. You'd fit right in with the Shadow Knights."
"Looking forward to it." I smile. "I should get going. Have a good one!"
"Same to you."
As I turn the corner, I am finally struck with the realization that I'm lost.
Oh my Irene, why am I so dumb? I should've asked Gene for help.
The halls are mostly empty by now, and I have no idea where I'm going. I'm still walking along the halls as I finally spot sight of a tall blonde in the distance.
"Hey!" I yell, watching the blonde to turn to look at me with azure eyes.
"May I help you?"
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hylias-library · 2 years
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Part 3 featuring: Wild, Time and Twilight
[Navigation] [The Chain Masterlist]
[Part 1] [Part 2]
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Humming quietly to yourself, you scurried around your kitchen. You were making hearty seafood fried rice. One of your favorite dishes.
You were almost done cooking, just having to add the hearty blueshell snails and then let it simmer for about 20 minutes.
The snails were kept safe outside of your little cabin in a small bucket filled with water to keep them fresh, and placed high enough so no animal could reach.
Bucket in hand, you made you way back to your front door just to freeze up. Right in front of you stood a wolf. A huge one.
It sniffed the air and curiously trotted towards you. You didn’t have the guts to move a single muscle so you had to stand there and watch the wolf's next move.
The animal came to a halt directly in front of you, looking at you with curiosity. Then it proceeded to stick its nose inside the bucket you held.
The bark that followed almost let you throw the bucket away, startling you immensely. But the only thing that left your lips was a quiet squeak.
Next thing you knew, was the wolf taking the hem of your shirt into its mouth, dragging you along gently. At least it wasn’t hostile. But the actions the wolf took confused you greatly.
"Where are you taking me..?"
You soon got an answer, when you and the wolf passed a few bushes, revealing a group of travelers sitting around a campfire, a pot on top of the flames.
The group looked at you as astounded as you felt, but before anyone could say anything, the wolf dragged you over to one specific young man. He wore a blue tunic with white embroidery, his long hair tied in a loose ponytail.
As soon as you stood in front of him, the wolf stopped moving but still had your shirt in its mouth. The young man looked at you in surprise, having been busy with the food cooking in the pot until now.
You inhaled and bit your lip before hesitantly asking.
"Is this... your... uh... dog?"
That seemed to bring him out of his frozen state, shoving the wolf away from you. The other's in the background snickering.
"What were you thinking? Bad Wolfie."
He turned to look at you, ruffling the back of his head in embarrassment. "You could say that... I'm sorry about him."
You huffed in amusement. "It's fine. He didn’t do anything bad."
He seemed at a loss of words for a moment before his eyes fell on the bucket, you still held on your hands. His eyes widening in joy.
"Are those Hearty Blueshell Snails?!"
His outburst startled you, furrowing your brows before answering. "Yes?"
He took your one free hand in both of his, a pleading expression painted onto his features. "That’s just what I needed for our food. Would you mind sharing a few? I'll compensate you with a portion of the meal I'm cooking!"
At this, you couldn’t help but start laughing. Loudly. Making the young man and his companions look at you in the same startled way you did, minutes prior.
"I'm sorry." You whiped a tear from your eyes and let out a few more giggles. "Of course I'll share. But I have a better idea."
You tilted your head and nodded to where you came from.
"I live close by. And I also am cooking at the moment. Why don't you join me? The more the merrier."
You smiled at him, missing the way the tips of his ears went slightly pink.
"What do you say?" You asked again, this time looking at the rest of the group, then back at Wild, who rubbed the back of his neck, throwing an unsure glance at his friends, who nodded in unison.
"That sounds very good."
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It was nighttime yet again, but instead of sleeping, your mind decided to become restless. Making you toss and turn in your bed until you had to get up with an annoyed groan.
Getting dressed in comfortable clothes, you looked outside the window, biting the inside of your cheek. Maybe you should take a walk to tire yourself out.
Slipping on your shoes, you went outside of the Inn you stayed at. The evening air was cool, a soft breeze greeting you when you set foot outside. It already made you feel better. So you went for a stroll around the town.
Some torches lit up a few buildings here and there, but otherwise, the roads were dark and quiet. It was a peaceful atmosphere you greatly welcomed.
Lost in thought, you stopped paying attention to your surroundings and promptly walked straight into someone.
In surprise, one of your hands flew over your mouth while you apologized. "Oh my Hylia. Are you alright? I didn't pay attention to where I was going!"
The stranger in front of you chuckled and shook his head, looking at you in amusement. "No. I'm quite alright."
Relief flooded you, and you let out a long sigh. "I'm glad."
Now, you had time to actually take him in. He was handsome. Defined features, blonde hair, interesting red and blue markings on his face, a scar covering one of his eyes. You wondered what happened, but you were in no place to ask such a question.
He watched you for a bit too, curiosity gleaming in his one open eye.
"You shouldn’t be outside alone at night."
You raised one brow and gave him a onceover. Black, long sleeved shirt under a white one, pants, and boots. No armor.
"Neither should you."
He huffed in amusement, tilting his head to the side in a playful manner. "I am more than capable of handling myself."
You crossed your arms, joining his little game. "So am I."
Just as you wanted to add to your sentence, your mouth shut again with a click of your teeth. There was a fairly flying in front of you. An actual fairy. A fairy as in, normally too shy to get near cities, villages, or humans in general.
The small creature passed you, heading straight for the man you've held a conversation with, bumping into his cheek and circling around his head until he shooed it away.
"Enough girl. What is it?"
The fairy gave out some small noises, almost like tiny bells chiming.
"I see..." He sighed and waved the fairy goodbye. A heavy sigh leaving his lips. He seemed irritated.
"Are you alright?" You asked in concern.
He shook his head yet again. "Just some friends misbehaving."
You exhaled in disbelief. "So you can actually talk to fairies?!"
He nodded, and you excitedly proceeded to pester him with questions. He didn’t seem to mind all that much.
After you’ve satisfied your need for information, you froze, your mouth in an 'o' shape. "Oh, I've held you up for quite a while. I'm sorry if I've annoyed you with my questions."
The man smiled and shook his head yet again. "It's no problem at all. I found our conversation to be quite pleasant. But I'd like to accompany you home. It's late."
A blush stole itself on your face as you nodded shyly. "I'm staying at the Inn."
"Ah. It seems we have the same destination then. We haven't introduced ourselves yet, have we? My name is Link."
You smiled as the two of you strolled back towards the Inn. "(Y/n)."
Link was kind enough to bring you all the way up to your room. You opened your door and thanked him for his kindness.
"Have a good night, (Y/n)."
"Good night, Fairy Boy."
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It was a nice day today as you browsed through the stall of a farm you were visiting. You had run out of butter and milk during your travels and desperately needed to stock up.
When you were finished with your shopping, you stayed at one of the pastures. This one, in particular, held goats. The cutest goats you had ever laid eyes on. They were very friendly and let you pet them, making you giggle when they started to nibble at your fingers.
The sound of hoofs made you glance to your right, spotting a group of men heading towards the farm, one of them on horseback.
You weren’t the only one who needed to stock up on stuff, so your attention went back to the goats.
A sudden 'thud' followed by bellowing laughter let your head snap back into their direction. The one man on horseback now layed flat on the ground. The hanging sign of the farm gently rocking back and forth.
He had rode into the sign. Oh, gods.
With a snort, you went over to check if he was alright, since his party was still too busy with laughing. But you couldn’t help but join in.
"Are you ok? That looked painful."
The tips of his ears turned red in embarrassment when he spotted you. "I'm fine. Thank you for asking."
His friends grinned at you, then looked back at him in amusement. One of them, wearing a blue scarf, spoke up.
"You see, Twilight here, only does stupid things like this when he sees pretty-" He got interrupted when a cloud of dirt flew his way.
"Shut up."
You watched them in confusion while the others crackled.
Then your brows knit together in concern, crouching down to 'Twilights' level, pointing at your temple. "You're bleeding."
His fingers came into contact with his wound when he mirrored your movements. Bringing them back slightly bloody with a quiet hiss.
His group seemed to realize too now, one of them already reaching for a potion.
"Leave it, Rulie. It's just a scratch." The young man said and pushed the potion away.
You 'tsked' and took the potion from the one called Rulie, holding it out to Twilight with a pointed look. "Take it. Head wounds aren't to be taken lightly."
He tried to withstand your glare but failed miserably, taking the bottle with a sigh and emptying it in mere seconds.
"There we go." You smiled.
A hand clapped lightly onto your back. A man with red and blue markings on his face attached to it. "If I had known it could be this easy to get him to take potions, I would have looked for you way earlier."
You snorted, suppressing another laugh, winking at Twilight.
"I'm glad to be of service."
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lurkingteapot · 10 months
Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม Ep 6
another episode that's UP THERE. Goodness. The watch blog is even more incoherent than usual, consider yourselves warned.
Day is like deflect deflect deflect
god that hangover remedy looks TOXIC
oh fuck I didn't clock that August clocked the flower, ffff
aah I love On
I don't love August
afadsfas Mawk
posturing, oh nooo
how does a wrist wrap make anyone collapse? oh wait, he fell and hurt his wrist?
product placement, huh
oh god Mawk is SO jealous
ajaan On!!!
i see August did NOT get a glass of water
I love On
Mawk seeing a CHANCE huh
August like …
oh god this is STRESSFUL I love ittt
the touching-letting go- touching is. SOMETHING.
are you still talking about the shoes, Day?
this house is so cute
I love Phawjai so much
oh goodness, Mawk's FACE just now
Jimmy's really come far
oh man, are those his own? ohh he fixed them
calling it now the flower thing is gonna be merch too
that was a n extremely fake looking stumble right now, sorry not sorry, you've both done better
we're back to the unspecified time story time!
is August flirting or … what
Day definitely is
asfasdfasdf I love On
Mawk just openly pining in front of everyone's salad
is this the Rangsit U sports grounds again
yeah, looks like it
oh god I hate jealousy as a plot device but urgh
okay at least they did not make the banana eating weird
Mawkkkk don't bring down his hopes--
okay, that's more like it
what's UP here
I love these two together
I mean I especially love Phawjai
but they're so good as friends
you're making her point, dude
this is CUTE and I wonder what's gonna be the nail in the coffin for Day to choose Mawk over August
Hi Night, long time no see!
August is TRYING, huh
birthday coming up, huh
I want Chef Mon's hair
oh, are we getting Night backstory, huh
!!!! HE QUIT
he loves his little brother and it's hard for him that Day hates him, that's my read and I'm sticking to it
this seems like they filmed this early on, idk
leaving it to himmmm
I love that it's not that easy to answer and that they can just leave it at that
Day kicking his feet like a little kid!!!
I cannottttt
is he gonna ---------
no mention of the necklace, huh
OH he's putting his own cologne on him????
holy SHIT that's intimate idk also I need to find that scent
(P'Aof and scents is2g)
I LOVE that they're not being coy about the, whatever it is between them
AUGUST PLANNED THIS on one hand: this is so cute!!! on the other hand: YIKES SURPRISE PARTIES
so that's why August took Mawk to buy drinks
so we'll have, what, 1-2 more eps of AugustDay and then a  crisis and then MawkDay? aaah
August and that condescending little shoulder slap, WOW
but I want that cake kinda
he's gonna bum a cig-- yep
also how tall is that dude to make Jimmy look short
the cig in the cake, oh man Mawk. I get that you're mad, but that's nasty
he's heartbrokennnn and I bet the social status thing plays into it too
I'm not sure I get what's going on rn--
I love how they show anxiety rising here, it's beautifully done
that's like a "putting your name on things to show they're yours' thing and it's not cute august
preview has me super afraid that we're going to get a kiss out of them next part
I love Gee
love the way they have Day made up here, he really looks like someone coming off a BAD moment or five
the bridgeeee
Mawk is like 'what was I thinking', huh
Day's already fallen for Mawk, he's just catching up to that reality now, huh?
oh August isn't bad at looking smitten, either
not on Mawk's level yet, but that's okay
(Ohm is doing really well for a junior actor)
holy shit
oh wow what TIMING, of course
of course
poor Mawk, he's so unlucky with his sunflower timing every time
JimmySea fans everywhere throwing a shit
and Jimmy this is probably the weakest acting I've seen out of you so far
what the fuck why did you push him??? what the??????
was that a pity thing???
oh August, you fucker, the road to hell etc
did Day hear that???
asdfasdfasdfadsfasdfasdasdf adfadfasdfasdfasdfasdfasd oh DEAR
oh man Jimmy is MUCH better at being scary than at being kind
oh I unexpectedly love this??? y'know?
Mawk is Day's safe space atm, I love that.
what a terrible ending to a nice Birthday, huh
is this the early morning?? looks like it
I feel like this is not the time?
that's … gonna backfire
tiny "mai" incoming?
okay but Day is kissing back, huh?
Jimmy's eating
oh his voice went low there
but okay this is gonna get awkward I BET
OH we're going to get the "proving yourself / your love" arc in ep 7, huh. P'AOF!!!!
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darkbluekies · 2 months
My first ever ask was sent on this account, specifically February. I remember being a nervous mess when I sent you my first ask, I'm not one to socialize with people online. Remember that person I mentioned back then that was obsessed with my partner (also now ex, we broke up in 2022.) and them harassing me? It was something that happened online and ever since that and other things, I've found myself having a distaste for interacting with online people. The ones I did interact with were often my friends and the ones that weren't were just small conversations I made. Ever since I started recovering from my mental illnesses and also issues, I find myself more inclined to talk to people online and my recovery started in February ❤️ in a few words, you can see hints of me getting more comfortable interacting with you to the point I actually made two accounts where I socialize with people, on Tumblr of course. They are actually yandere accounts! One is fandom based while the other is just ocs, I honestly just have two yandere ocs and they've been with me since 2022 when I got interested in yanderes, the other one is a vampire servant and the other one... Is a psychiatrist XD I've always been interested in ocs that specialize in the medical field. Makes up for great ideas and scenarios.
You don't need to reply to this of course, just wanted to let you know how interacting with you made me more comfortable and open with strangers on the Internet. I still slightly — actual nah, tend to overthink whenever chatting with someone new but hey! Progress is progress.
I'm so happy for you🥹
I remember you telling me this earlier and I'm sorry that happened to you. Most people are nice and I'm glad that you feeling more comfortable now! I've had my fair share of nasty encounters on mywriting spaces over the years, but i know that there are a lof more nice people than evil so it is worth trying again. It brings joy and those that are less pleasent shouldn't ruin your experience if you enjoy it.
I hope that you're having fun writing and that you've created two characters you're pleased with. A vampire is interesting, I've tried it out before but couldn't really set myself on what type. Are you doing Dracula themed or more of a Twilight themed vampire? Or something else? I went for modern but with those typical old style vampire vibes, but i don't know. Would be nice to see how others do :)
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fractiflos · 11 months
To get some of the more obscure holders, how about headcanons for En? How he met Daigoro Banjo, how he obtained OFA, how he died, etc. Thank you!
YESSSSS! I HAVE SO MANY FOR EN! They're out of order, but I'm too excited to format it correctly. Sorry it got so long.
En was the youngest of 6 siblings. I have more on that here
All throughout high school he was made fun of for being short at 5'3 (160 cm) and would always say "just wait until I hit my growth spurt" and he did. He grew to the height of 5'6 (168 cm). Because of that, he always appreciates it when someone is shorter than him
This is part of the reason he became a babysitter, entertaining kids with his amazing art skills
His quirk first activated when he was in kindergarten. Back then, quirks didn't manifest until about 10, but he was under distress because all the other kids were making fun of him.
Part of the reason he fell in love with his girlfriend (Akane Akagi) is because she was shorter than he was. It's also why he likes their Ninth holder so much.
En just finished high school and had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. He loved technology, so his siblings encouraged him to do something with computers, because that's where all the money's at. He wasn't sure and decided to take a jog in the park to take his mind off things where he ran into a villain. His quirk activated on accident, allowing the new hero Lariat to take him down. After, Lariat invited him to join the new program of underground heroes the government was starting.
However, back then, underground heroes were stereotyped as cowards in the hero business. You see, this was just when quirked people were starting to become a bigger part of the population. Limelight heroes had a very good chance of being mobbed for the reason that they had quirks, and because they weren't allowed to fight back, they had a very good chance of being killed. Meanwhile, nobody even knew underground heroes existed, allowing them to be able to live a normal life. En experienced some workplace bullying because of that.
Banjo was cool though, and taught him a lot. He also became good friends with other heroes, such as Crimson Riot. And remember that girlfriend I mentioned? Yeah, she also became an underground hero. Unfortunately, she died young after being hit by a drunk driver. En's coat is red to honor her.
Red coat, blue coat, purple coat. This all means one thing. En is Bi.
En met Nana after being invited to her wedding along with his brother, Tatsuo (who would become a manga artist). Also, this happens after Banjo's death.
He was invited because Tatsuo was originally going to bring his girlfriend, but they broke up and the bride said he could come, because he was poor and in need of some good wedding food. He fell asleep during the ceremony, but after, on his way to the bathroom, he heard her crying. As it turns out, Nana's mother-in-law was a bitch to her throughout her and her husband's entire relationship. She just didn't say anything because said in-law acted like the perfect angel in front of everyone else and she was worried she wouldn't be believed. En gave her a peptalk and was surprised to see one of the new heroes from the newly created Twilight division emerge from behind the door but shrugged it off.
It was a good wedding. He ate a bunch and went back to work. Only to run into Nana again along with the fast-rising limelighter Gran Torino. They were all assigned a case, where he found himself impressed at Nana's skills. He thought back to how they first met and decided it couldn't be a coincidence. He offered her his quirk and she accepted, even knowing that she would have to fight against AFO.
AFO tried to take his quirk for the second time in their last battle. En found one of his Nomu experiment factories and was told to destroy it along with some other heroes. He didn't mean to get into battle with AFO, but it was becoming clearer that it would be unavoidable so he made sure everyone got out safely before confronting the man. After failing to steal his quirk the second time, All For One killed him out of frustration. At least the factory ended up being destroyed.
En's fighting style consisted of sneaking up on people and knocking them out. His coat has a bunch of pockets where he keeps some of his weapons and support items. His support items consist of two types of smoke bombs that he fills up with his smoke.
One type of bomb is your regular smoke bomb that fills a place up with a ton of smoke, but adds a few compounds made to irritate the lungs, forcing people to cough without being able to suppress it. The other does the same thing, but releases the smoke slowly over time. While his smoke doesn't affect him (and he's built up a decent immunity to other types of smoke) he still has the high collar to help filter out irritants like that, as long-term exposure to those things can be dangerous.
His weapons of choice are daggers, hammer, and those little rope things you throw at people that wrap around their legs and tie them up.
He and Banjo had a special move where Banjo would wrap Blackwhip around him, and then swing him around, knocking him into the enemy. Like that one scene in that Spy Kids movie, I forgot the name of.
En likes your usual house pets, but his favorites are reptiles. He always wanted a pet chameleon, but didn't have the resources for it.
He loves barbecue and his favorite drink is fruit juice. Any type of fruit juice. His favorite alcohol is wine. His favorite dessert is ice cream, it doesn't matter what flavor, he loves ice cream.
En's favorite season is winter because he really likes to wear scarves and thick coats. And yes, he eats ice cream in winter.
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ironwoman18 · 4 months
Rather Be - Part 6
Chapter 6: Jealous
Loid and Anya had been noticing that Yor was taking her time to arrive home that day. Normally since the winter started her boss seemed to like them to work extra hours because they are running of of people, especially on Fridays.
‘Maybe her boss asked her to work extra hours again’ thought Loid looking down.
“Daddy I'm hungry” said the little girl and Bond barked in agreement.
“I wanted to wait till Yor arrives but I'm also hungry so I will start to cook and hopefully she will be home by the time I'm done” he said and stood up.
He went to the kitchen and when the stew was almost done, Yor arrived. She had a smile on her face as she walked in.
“Good evening, I'm home” she took off her coat and smiled at Anya and Bond running at her and noticed a guy behind her.
“Oh hey Yor. I was getting worried” said Loid walking to her.
“Who is he?” Said Anya as Bond growls softly
“I'm sorry, my boss asked us to stay for a little bit longer to finish a job and on my way home I found someone... Everyone... This is Matthew Braun. A friend from my hometown!” The man looked at them a bit shy, running his hand on his light brown hair.
He had his hair tied in a little ponytail, he had green eyes and some of his hair fell on the right side of his face. He was wearing a white shirt with black tie and black jeans. Loid noticed his black coat was next to Yor's.
“I'm sorry... I told Yor I didn't want to cause troubles but she didn't listen and insisted in bringing me here to introduce me to her family”
Loid was speechless for a second then cleared his throat “it's ok, if you are a Yor’s friend then you are welcome here” said politely but his eyes were a bit cold, analyzing the situation. He was in his Twilight mode “I just finished a chicken stew for dinner”
“Great, I brought wine. It's from the store a few blocks away from here, Yor didn't want me too but I couldn't arrived with empty hands, that's something my mom taught me”
‘Ok this discard a new SSS agent in my house. That's good but what is he hiding?’
“It's good, I like this wine” said Loid, relaxing his eyes but still was ready to act at the least indicator of danger to him or his family.
“Oh and I got the dessert” he said “I brought Southern Cheesecake, like the one your mom made to us on your sixth birthday”
“Oh yeah I remember!!” Said Yor excited “with strawberry jelly, right?” the man nodded smiling, Loid was having a weird feeling in his stomach watching their interaction.
Yor held it and put it in the fridge then the three adults put everything on the table and started to eat.
The dinner was full of stories of Yor and Matthew as children, how they were playing around and making pranks to their neighbors and the people in town, Anya was laughing at them and Loid smiled politely but the pink-headed girl was aware her father wasn't happy. Then they went separate ways when the war hit them.
“I was sent to the military school by my father after my mother died and stayed there until I reached my eighteenth birthday. I left it and got into university and became a lawyer” he said looking at them “and started to work for a pharmaceutical company as their lawyer”
“That's great” said Yor smiling kindly to him “After my parents died, I had to look out for Yuri and work hard to support him”
Meanwhile Loid went to the kitchen and got out the cheesecake. It was big and looked delicious.
Loid still had a weird feeling in his chest, something he never felt before and was hurting him and this feeling kept growing as he heard them share stories and laughed.
‘What is this feeling? Is my family or my life in danger?... No... He is harmless or he seems like it’ he thought as he cuts five slices of the cheesecake ‘what if this whole situation make Yor realize she loves him and want to leave Operation Strix?’ he shook his head slightly, she doesn't know about his mission and she is aware of the importance of this marriage but still... Would he agree to let her go if she decided to leave the Forger family?
Yor already made tea and hot cocoa for Anya, so they were just waiting for the cake.
Loid brought the plates in a tray and handed a plate for each of them. They continued to chat, mostly Yor and Matthew until he sent Anya to sleep since it was past her sleep time.
“I will put her to sleep, and maybe it's better if Mr. Braun goes home now. It's getting late” he said, still a little cold, holding a sleepy Anya in his arms.
“Yeah I agree with him, Yor. I have to go now but maybe we can continue in contact” he said, feeling a bit awkward.
“Yeah I agree with him too. Let's go ” said Yor smiling unaware of the tension in the room and they exchanged phone numbers and addresses then she went down with him until a taxi arrived for him.
They hugged lightly which made Loid even more upset but he couldn't understand that feeling until he realized ‘Am I jealous?’ he thought and shook his head ‘Don’t be stupid Twilight. This is a fake marriage... She's not your real wife so your jealousy are off limits for our agreement’
Yor walked in removing her coat and smiling, a smile he never saw in her before. A nostalgic yet it wasn’t a sad smile, it was more like a dreamy smile.
“I'm sorry if this visit was inappropriate for you or Anya but he was my best friend in my hometown and since he left for the military school... I missed him” she said blushing.
Loid felt like a stupid. She was happy sharing time with her friend and he was feeling jealous.
“I wanted to apologize as well... I acted cold all night. I just felt jealous...” He confessed to her rubbing the back of his neck a little embarrassed and making her blush “...and I know I shouldn't but...”
He stopped talking when she hugged him, this surprised him and she started to say “Loid... You don't need to worry about him or another boy friend I might have. I'm committed to our marriage and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you or Anya” she said with a smile looking at him.
Loid hugged her back and nodded “I trust you Yor and I know you wouldn't hurt any of us. This is new for me... I'm always a really confident man but I saw your smile and the way you both were talking and I felt like you might find it better to be with someone with a deeper bond”
She had a couple tears in her eyes and rubbed her fingers on his cheek and he looked at her “Don't be silly Doctor Loid Forger... I'm happy with you and Anya and I wouldn't change you both for Matt... You are my family and I love what we have” said Yor with a sweet smile.
Then both of them do what they normally do on Friday night. They watched a movie and this time after a little confession of their feelings. They were cuddling on the sofa while watching the movie, Bond was laying at the end of the sofa sleeping.
‘Loid was jealous, does it mean he has feelings for me? Or just jealous of my friendship with Matt?’ were her thoughts during the last part of the movie and by instinct she held his hand and rubbed circles on it.
Loid smiled ‘I don't understand why, but Yor makes me relax and even let my guard down. Maybe I'm developing feelings for her...’ the spy in him cursed himself because he shouldn't have feelings for his partner on a mission but the Loid part of him wishes to explore these feelings so any display of affection coming from her is a welcome one, and of course it was for the mission... Now he has a new side mission: understand those new feelings.
In the end both of them went back to sleep and he made a bold move, kissing her cheek as a good night kiss. He was expecting her punch at any second but nothing happened, nothing bad I mean, because she didn't punch him but returned the kiss on his cheek.
“Good night Loid”
The man was lost in track for a split second them answer “good night Yor"
Both went to sleep in their rooms with their hearts pounding fast and their cheeks feeling burning up after that light kiss.
Are they falling in love?
I hope you liked this chapter. And I might use this character more often.
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