#I'm accepting one more request if anyone else wants to jump on board
desert-dyke · 4 years
I Am Here When You Call To Me
An “Emily deserves better” AU where Jessamine doesn’t die. Corvo is able to stop the assassination attempt, but he and Emily are shaken up by almost losing their mutual loved one.
requested by @dashcon-baby-official
read on AO3 or read below
Corvo laid awake, staring at the ceiling. Besides him, the Empress was curled against him, fast asleep with her long black hair all in her face. She deserved this rest after the day they had. Being an Empress always came with its critics. If Corvo had been so naive to believe none of those critics would wish death upon her, he would have been out of a job. He had shut down assassination attempts in the past. What troubled him tonight was how uncomfortably close they had gotten today.
What would have happened if Corvo hadn’t returned early like he had? The city watch had failed to deter the group of assassinations. If he hadn’t been standing in that gazebo with Jessamine, he probably would not have gotten there in time to stop the blade from piercing straight through her abdomen. His fingers trace lightly along her arm, trying to focus on how smooth and intact her skin was. It hadn’t happened, he reminded himself. Though the thought played vibrantly in his mind. 
There was a sound from the corridor, a thump echoing through gaping empty halls. Corvo jolted to attention like his training taught him to do. His heart thumped like a wardum, blood pounding in his ears. He slips from the bed and with the stealth of a predator makes it to the door. Corvo peaked through the keyhole. He saw nothing but shadows. His breathing is rough and its a fight to keep it silent but he can’t deny how on edge he is. It was luck that he had stopped the earlier assassination and Corvo was sure it was going to eventually run out.
He threw a look behind him at Jessamine still asleep. He is hesitant to leave her behind and defenseless without consciousness while he explored the noise. He could only imagine the silent knife sneaking into her quarters once Corvo was lead away, slitting her throat while she was blissfully unaware she had been in danger at all. He contemplated waking her, but stopped when he realized he could very well just be acting paranoid. 
Corvo opened the door with care, so as not to make any noise. He saw a shadow skitter across carpet and behind a potted plant. Too large to be a rat, too small to be an assassin. He reached for his sword, drew it halfway so it would be at the ready, as he crept towards the plant. 
A shrill scream filled the corridor and Corvo nearly mimicked it as he took a step back. Two, small hands held in the air, as her face was turned away, unwilling to look her death in the eyes.
“Emily,” Corvo’s voice softened. He sheathed his sword and knelt to a less intimidating height. Her cheeks were glazed with tears he was sure were there even before he scared her nearly half to death. 
“Oh Corvo!” She raced to hug him, like she never hesitated to do before. His arms close around her, pulling her better into his lap. He held tight onto her, stroking her short dark hair. When he saw that assassin grab her, it had made his blood boil. Had he come to kill Emily as well? Or was the plot even further wicked than that? 
“What are you doing? You should be in bed,” Corvo reminded her, though he should as well. He wiped at her face with the sleeve of his nightshirt.
“I saw a mask!” Emily insisted. “Those glowing, circular eyes from the assassins. Right at the edge of my bed!” For the briefest of moments, Corvo’s heart twitched with panic. He remembered the sickly sight of those masks. How the assassins seemingly spawned out of nowhere. One moment nothing, and the next, he was surrounded by danger. He blinked away the memory.
“They’re all gone,” He assured Emily, but perhaps also himself. He had driven a blade through the back of one. Another, his sword clashed with, before Corvo had managed to throw the assassin off of their rhythm. He bashed the hilt of his sword into their throat, knocking the wind out of them, before kicking them off the ledge, tumbling against rock until hitting unforgiving waters. 
“What about the red one?” Corvo fell quiet at the posed question. The assassin in red hadn’t been wearing a mask at all. Corvo saw his black hair, the mangled scar that divided across his eye. He was last to arrive after the masked assassins in black. He, too, seemingly possessed some sort of power from the void. When Corvo saw him grab Emily, he wanted ever so much to take Jessamine’s place, as she threw herself in between the assassin and her daughter, but Corvo had been caught up in fighting the others. After they were killed, the red assassin vanished. Whether he had counted his losses or was currently planning a second strike was unknown to Corvo. He was vaguely aware that until he saw that assassin as a head on a spike, Corvo would forever be looking over his shoulder at every turn, expecting him to come back. 
“He’ll stay away if he knows what is best for him,” Corvo replied, feigning his confidence. He rose to his feet, picking Emily up with him. Her legs wrapped around his waist. She was getting a little big to be carried, but Corvo made the exception. The day she had required a maturity far beyond her age. He did not want to see her have to grow up overnight because of what happened. He’d gladly allow her be the child she was for a little bit longer.
“Why did those assassins attack mom?” Emily asked. Her chin was resting on his shoulder, looking down the dark hallway behind him. 
“As Empress, there is always going to be people who disagree with what you say,” Corvo relayed. “Sometimes those people feel so strongly they’re willing to kill for their beliefs.” It was a reality Emily was going to have to learn before she took over for her mother. He wished he could somehow spare her that truth, that she would never have to live it for herself. He couldn’t lie to her, though. It wouldn’t do her any favors. 
Corvo paused in his tracks. There was something still bothering him. The look on Spymaster Hiram Burrows’ face when he saw that Corvo had returned early. He looked nervous, and moments before those assassins appeared. “Or sometimes people are just greedy for power.” His tone was gritted. His paranoia was going to have him second guessing everyone’s intentions until he finally uncovered who had hired the assassin. 
Corvo opened the door with slightly less grace this time, given that his hands were occupied with the little Empress-to-be. He didn’t bother returning Emily to her room. He was confident what she had seen had been nothing more than a trick of the eye, but Corvo did not want to risk it. Nor did he want Emily to be alone and afraid all night. He brought her back to Jessamine.
The door closed behind him with a loud thunk. He heard Jessamine gasp from the bed. She sat up too fast, he realized with a sinking heart, no doubt afraid she was under attack again. He supposed they were all going to be a little jumpy the next few days.
“I brought you a present, your highness,” Corvo teased, despite the guilt he felt for waking her. Jessamine breathed a laugh, relief washing over her face. Emily was exchanged from his arms to Jessamine’s. She nuzzled in close to her mother. 
“What a surprise!” Jessamine remarked. Her smile was wide and bright, but Corvo could tell she was fighting off tears. Not because she was upset to see Emily - she would never be anything but doting to her only child - but out of fear of losing her. 
“I was too scared to be able to fall asleep,” Corvo explained, as he perched on the edge of the bed. “I needed Emily here to keep me safe.” This time Jessamine smiled for real, a small closed lip smile, her blue eyes beaming at him. 
“I’ll protect you Corvo!” Emily excitedly chimed in. She dove back into the multiple pillows on Jessamine’s bed, thrusting a fist out and giving her best attempt at a battle cry. “YAR!”
“Alright, my little warrior,” Jessamine said, pulling the young girl in closer. “Even heroes have to sleep,” She whispered into her hair, before kissing her forehead. A hand reached towards Corvo. “And you as well, my heart.” Corvo accepted her hand, grinning to himself. He thought they agreed to lay off the pet names while Emily was around. It was a pointless rule when the young girl had seen them share affections between each other many times before. Emily was a smart girl. He barely thought the Empire believed their lies that they weren’t a couple. Emily had to have seen right through it. 
He slipped beneath sheets, pulling them up and over Jessamine and Emily before settling an arm across his lover, the young girl happily sandwiched in between. He allowed his eyes to fall shut, knowing both of his best loves were here with him. They were safe. 
“Corvo?” The small voice pipped up. 
“Hmm?” His body was exhausted from the days trials and he was ready for sleep to claim him. 
“Will you teach me how to fight?” She asked. “So next time I can help you protect mommy?” Corvo peeled an eye open. Jessamine was looking back at him. She nodded slowly in approval. 
“Of course,” He answered Emily, stroking his hand along her hair affectionately. He only hoped there never came a time she would need to use it.
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joheun-saram · 4 years
January Rain (jjk)
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word count- 1.5k
pairing- ceo!Jungkook x secretary!Reader
rating- PG
genre- angst, fluff
warnings- none! :)
an- for the cute 🍒anon! I hope you like it!
You looked at the email your boss’s mother had sent you and felt a shiver run down your spine. You knew what you had with Jungkook was too good to last. It was a cliche really, the secretary sleeping with the CEO, but every time he looked at you, it was like you forgot your own name. The way his big doe eyes traced your features right before he devoured you, or the way he called you in his office for some paperwork, when really he just wanted to kiss you silly.
I'm not sure if Jungkook mentioned this to you yet, but can you please check when he is available for his date with Jisoo. Any time from Wed to Fri would work.
As you reread the email asking you to set a time for a date with his fiancee, you knew starting something with the handsome man across from you was a mistake. You would never be able to call him yours, never be able to hold his hand in public, and the thought made your eyes sting. Looking through his calendar, you did your job, quietly resolving to no longer fall for his charms. There was a reason he made the number of deals that he did, he was great at getting his way, but that would no longer be the case with you.
It was when you added the event in his calendar that he called your name. He was settled behind a large desk, the dark oak a contrast to the light cedar of the cabin. He had rented the chalet for the weekend, wanting a getaway to work on the new expansion proposal for the board. It was an added bonus that the large cottage came with a room with a king-sized bed and a hot tub on the back patio. Initially, you were looking forward to spending the weekend tangled up in the sheets with your boss, but the sound of your name on his lips just irritated you now.
He called you twice before you graced him with a glance in his direction.
"Why did you send me this?" He asked, eyes narrowed in your direction and jaw set. He seemed annoyed. Good.
"Your mother emailed me. I'm just doing my job," you replied with a huff, rolling your eyes at his demeanor as he sighed.
"Come here, baby." Jungkook spoke softly as he rolled his chair away from his desk, tapping his lap in an invitation. An invitation you would've jumped at a mere twenty minutes ago, but now it just caused frustration and hurt to bloom in your chest.
"I'm sorry. I think that would be unprofessional, sir." You remained straight-faced, averting your eyes towards your laptop as you continued to work through his emails and schedule for the week. He scoffed, turning to his true-tried method of humour to lighten the mood.
“Come on. I dare you.” He smirked, moving around his desk to lean against it, arms open, expecting you to grumble but make your way to him as usual. But you avoided looking at him, your full attention on your work, as you tried to pretend he wasn’t even in the room. In the attempt to shield your feelings, you missed the look of hurt that clouded his features as he lost his earlier confidence and fidgeted with the many documents strewn across his desk.
"Baby, look at me. Please?" Jungkook pleaded, the pout on his face evident through his voice. You couldn't look at him even if you tried, you knew the effect he had on you. It was the same adorable pout that had made you give him your heart the first time he aimed it at you. It was your kryptonite. The way he would be extremely polite and professional to all your colleagues but turn into a puppy whenever the two of you were alone. It was something that made you want him more, deluded you into thinking that he was only this open in front of you. But clearly, his change in character wasn't as special as you thought.
Ignoring his request, you swiftly stood from your seat on the couch, walking firmly to the main door into the cold rain outside. The freezing raindrops pelted your skin, making goosebumps rise in their wake as your teeth chattered. Although you had forgotten your coat in your haste to remove yourself from the situation, you didn't regret it one bit. You welcomed the chill, letting it cool you to the bone as you walked away from the fancy chalet. You didn't care that you would inevitably have to go inside in a few minutes and that you would also probably get a headache from the way the almost frozen droplets pelted your head.
Before you could walk too long though, you felt a pair of strong arms encircle you, the warmth of a firm chest molding to your back like a comfortable blanket.
"You're going to get sick," Jungkook murmured in your ear, his grip tight around your waist, as you tried not to give into him yet again.
"Stop worrying about me. You have Jisoo." You tried to push him off you, but his strength outmatched you by miles as he clung to your back, the two of you drenched and shivering.
"I don't want Jisoo. I want you." He whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of the rain. His words sent the butterflies in your belly a flutter, but your brain refused to let them win. You shoved him off you, turning around to stare at him. 
His hair was in his eyes, the black curls obstructing his eyes, as he shook his head to see you clearer. He was drenched, his white shirt almost invisible, highlighting the contours of his body. He moved closer, rubbing his hands on your arms in an attempt to warm you up, but despite the way he looked at you softly, you shrugged him off once again.
"So what? You're gonna break off your engagement and run away with me?" you questioned, arms folded as your gaze hardened.
"Absolutely." There was no hint of hesitation in his eyes, and his determination broke down your defenses. Before you knew it you were staring at the ground, willing the tears to go away. You were never more thankful to have the rain soaking you through.
"Don't do this to me. I can't take this anymore," you spoke quietly, unsure if he could even hear you.
"Do what? I told you I don't want her. I want you." Jungkook held your arms, bending a little to make the eye contact you were so adamant in avoiding.
"But your mom -" Jungkook scoffed, cutting you off. His hands cupped your face as he tried to pour as much of his feelings through his gaze as he could, his warm chocolate eyes entrancing you like they always did. 
"Do you think I care? I did my part, took over the company like a good little boy. I'm not going to let her control me anymore." His gaze hardened as he spoke and it reminded you of your resolve. Even though he was determined right now, you knew Jungkook. Knew that he would always pick his mom over anyone else, knew that he would never want to disappoint her. And above all, you knew that she would never accept you. 
"Jungkook, I think it's best if we end this." And although your words spoke differently, you moved closer to him, your hands over his arms as you held on like he would let go. 
"No. How can it be best if I can't be with the woman I love?" His forehead met yours as he confessed and your heart felt like it could explode. In the year you had been part of this fling, he had never told you he loved you. Jungkook wasn’t one for words, he would instead buy you extravagant gifts and take you travelling. You had always hoped he felt what you did but you never thought you’d hear those words escape his lips.
"Love?" you asked in a daze, your resolve falling like crumbs to the wayside. Jungkook smiled at your confusion as if it was the most endearing thing in the world. His nose scrunched a little as it grazed yours and he giggled.
"I love you." 
You couldn’t stop yourself from crashing your lips to his. How could you, when the man you had been in love with for years finally spoke like he had in your dreams. His kiss warmed you up, making you forget about the rain still pelting from above and the chill in your bones. His arms encircled your waist once again, pulling you close, chest to chest, as yours found home around his neck. Kissing him was so easy, it was like your body was finally at peace in his arms.
"Tell me you love me too. Please?" He pleaded when you finally broke for air and the uncertainty in his voice made you want to do anything in your power to assure him.
"I love you. I love you. I love you." You kissed him with every confession, your heart finally being allowed to pour through your actions. 
You didn’t remember how long the two of you stood kissing in the cold January rain, but it was worth the stuffy noses and headaches that plagued you both for a week afterward. 
Like this? Check out my other works.
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mlmxreader · 3 years
Return | Roman Sionis X M!Reader
request; I have no idea is this is where you request or not but I was wondering if you still do black mask x m!reader? If so I was hoping I could request the prompts "I fucking missed you" and “don’t you cry” for when the reader goes on a mission and black mask thought he died but the reader ends up being fine. - anon
summary; Roman doesn't want to think the worst, but all the same, he knows he should accept reality.
warnings; swearing, drinking, blood/injury mention
Roman was the only one who wouldn't give up after weeks of searching for you, Bane had joined, as had the likes of Scarecrow and Deathstroke, but none of them had been able to get so much as a whisper of your whereabouts after your last mission; you had taken a contract in another country, working with other mercenaries that you knew fairly well, but somewhere along the lines you had gone quiet - Roman hadn't gotten so much as a single word text from you, and while everyone else had given up hope, he refused. Roman knew, though, he knew that the chances of you surviving had never been strong from the start, and while it made him sick to think of such a thing, he knew that the odds were that you had probably bitten off more than you could chew and were in a shallow grave somewhere beneath thick soil and clay.
It was a cold night, months after you had first left, and Roman was sat on the edge of the bed, sipping on a gin and tonic as he ran his hands over one of your favourite hoodies, the one he always liked to steal, but he didn't even think about putting it on now; he screamed and swore at Victor every time he tried to coax Roman out, smashed too many glasses for it to be casual, shouted that the only man, the only person, he wanted near him was you - Roman didn't want to be near anyone else. He didn't give a shit about anyone else. But then the door opened, and just as Roman was about to open his mouth to scream and swear again, he shut up, shook his head in disbelief.
You were stood right there, leaning against the doorframe with a bandaged hand, a plaster on your nose, a cut on your eyebrow, two bruised eyes, bruises all over your face and what looked like the marks of a rope imprinted around your neck.
"Where the fuck have you been?" Roman asked quietly, setting his glass aside.
You grunted as you made your way towards the bed, finally collapsing down beside him with a huff. "Here and there... why, you didn't worry, did you?"
"Of fucking course I worried!" Roman snapped, almost jumping out of his seat as he glared at you. "I thought you were dead!"
"I dunno how," you replied casually, "you know that I've been doing this shit since before I became your boyfriend... babe, you know this shit happens - radios go down, communications get fucked up. Shit happens."
Roman didn't seem to take it on board, simply huffing as he dared to lean over, resting his head on your shoulder and gripping your hand. "I fucking missed you."
"I know," you gave his hand a little squeeze and let out the softest of chuckles. "I missed you, too, but... don't you cry, now, Sionis, I'm home, I'm back."
"You look like shit," he muttered. "I can't exactly celebrate your return at the club."
You let out a quiet bark of laughter, knowing that the less than kind comment meant that he was fine, that he was glad to have you back again. "Give it a day or two... I could use the rest."
"Don't pull that shit on me again."
"I'll try not to."
Leaning his head back for a second, Roman let out a long and harsh sigh, running a hand down his face as he bit at his lip. "I have a fucking meeting with that stupid clown tonight and I forgot all about it."
"I can go with you," you told him gently, "we could show him who the real Kings of Gotham are and who the fuck runs this city."
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hazard-queen · 4 years
When he break up with you (riddle/leona/idia/ malleus X Mc)
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Riddle rosehearts
• You left everything in your hand when you knew riddle called for you, you know...he's more important than anything, you made your way to the dorms as you expected him waiting for you, what could it be? Did he tell his mother about you? Or he's inviting you for a tea party and prepared some cake for you? Soon you will know....
• You knocked the door before getting in, on hearing "come in" you opened the door and walked in with a wide smile, "riddle, you called for me?" You asked with a joyful smile waitng for him to answer, his face had a mixed expression of sadness and worrying, "yes, please take a seat" he pointed to where you can sit and he sat by you not even making an eye contact with you which made you even worried.
• "I told you I'm going to tell mother about you that's right?" Riddle's eyes rised from the ground to your face then, "yes....did she accept the fact I'm being your gf?" You said with a worried smile, he lowered his gazes before he spoke again "no.....she didn't"
• You took riddle's hand into yours still smiling as you spoke " it's ok riddle, she will change her mind, I'm sure!" You tried to look him in face only to see a bitter expression on his face, "she won't and I'm afraid..." he pulled his hands from yours as your heart sink preparing yourself to the worse..
• "We have to break up"
• Time has stopped when you heard those words out of his mouth, he's not saying this is he? You laugh as you couldn't believe this, "are you joking? You're leaving me? Haven't you said you will stay by my side no matter what they said? ANSWER ME!!" you couldn't help it but screamed at him at the end of your words unable to hold your tears anymore.
• "I have no choice...I'm sorry"
• On hearing his words you couldn't handle it anymore, you ran out of the room slamming the door by you, riddle's eyes began to tear, it's harder on him more than you, he was angiry and all against it.....but he has no choice.
• Weeks passed and you were a crying mess, not even attending any lessons or talking to anyone, but in the last few days you began to come back again but this time with a brighter smile than ever, riddle decided to ditch everything and all orders he took to not talk to you anymore and decided to talk to you.
• "(Y/n) i was thinking....i don't want to listen to her orders again....i want to be with you!" Riddle was all determined talking to you, you gave him a smile preparing to speak again but that's when kalim dashed towards you giving you a big hug.
• "Finally found you! Come on, jamil has prepared lunch for us and then we will go in a trip on the magic carpet" kalim held your arm dragging you with him away from riddle before you even speak, he held his arm in sadness as all he could think about was your bright smile when you were with someone else,someone isn't him.....
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Leona kingscholar
• "Come again?" You're not sure if you didn't hear him well or he's joking or what is it anymore, is he seriously saying he wants to break up with you or this is one of his jokes...
• "Again, we have to break up" Leona sigh before pushing those heavy words from his mouth, he couldn't handle saying it once so you made him say it twice now,"and that's for?" You tried your best not to seem hurt as you rised an eyebrow questioning.
• "They arranged a marriage to me, they want me to marry a silly princess from a nearby kingdom to make an alliance with this kingdom that's it" leona closed his eyes as he tried his best not to get mad while speaking about them.
• "And you agreed?" You crossed your arms on your chest not liking what you just heard, " they are driving me mad and farena doesn't stop talking about this....they even want me to get engaged with her next holiday!" Leona hide his face with one hand as he spoke.
• "And since when you listen to anyone? Especially farena?" This time you began to get mad , you admit you even wanted to slap him!, "you don't understand anything"
• "Fine...and i don't want to understand, if breaking up is that what you want then you got it...i wish you happiness with someone else!" As stubborn he is you were also stubborn doing your best hiding your feelings..the daggers were staping you in your heart, once you closed the door and took some far steps from his room you begain crying and wailing, you think he didn't hear that? He did and it broke every inch of his loving heart to you, he squeezed his eyes shut, headache was already getting the best of him but breaking your heart was worse than headache.
• That was rough two months on the both of you, him being moody and getting mad at anyone and you for not trusting anyone anymore and not event talking with others, you just decided to keep your feelings for yourself but things can change sometimes.
• Leona saw you more active and all fresh new, did you forget about him that quickly? He moved by your direction as you were in the hall, you were speaking with someone else and laughing it was like you're finally back happy, leona take a hide as he moved closer but he was torn to see that you're talking to lilia! The vice of that lizard?! Why him!? He decided he's going to talk to you about that as he stopped you for a talk.
• "Can i talk to you alone?" It was more like a command not a request, you looked at lilia asking and he nodded and left you alone with a wide smile, "well actually i didn't expect you after being the girlfriend of a prince to become a friend with the lizard's servant I'm impressed!" Liona rised an eyebrow to you as he spoke in a sarcastic tone holding your arm into his grib which you of course didn't like...
• " well i prefer to be with a servant that truly loves me than to be with a prince that threw me away only because he was ordered to! Unfortunately....i thought myself valuable for you....." pulling your hand from his grib you walked away to catch with lilia who was watching over you from afar leaving leona hurt alone standing in the hall...
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Idia shroud
• "(Y/n)! You have to decide now, it's either you stay with me forever or go back to your world!" It was the first time idia seem that serious with you, it's not like you're going to your home now since no one found you a way yet so you decided to laugh it off with idia, "idia what do you mean? I'm always here for you!"
• "Not forever! One day you will leave me! And i will go back to be alone again, if you're going to leave then we have to break up right now!" Idia gave you his back as he spoke out, it was the first time you see him like that...."break up?!"
• "Yes! If you're going to leave me then there's no need for me to get attached to someone will leave me at last.....I HATE TEMPORARILY PEOPLE!" idia shouted made your heart jump from it's place, you ran to him to comfort him, you held his arm trying to face him as you tried your best to not seem sad from what he said...he didn't mean it, right?
• "Idia, i will always be by your side as long as I'm here but when it's time to go back i have to....i have a family waiting for me..." you were going to hug him and that's when he pushed you away, "then it's your choice to leave me then....I'm sorry (y/n) we have to break up!"
• "IDIA WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! Are you dumping me for that reason? Was i a game in your hand to toy with and leave it whenever you're tired? If that what you think of me then i will give you what you want and i will leave you...but when you know your fault don't come talk to me!" You shouted at him as you pulled him from his jacket to face your crying ones, you collected your strength to speak again "it was my fault i loved someone like you!" You threw him to the ground, you left him and ran back to your room crying, he was on the floor hugging his knees hiding his face with his hands almost crying, he felt a hand on his shoulder...it was ortho..
• "Nii san....why didn't you tell her the truth?" Ortho looked at idia in sadness as idia burst out into tears hugging his little brother tightly, "i had to do that , it's better if she don't know....when they knew im in love with a normal human they were going to get rid of her...it's all for her good to stay away from me"
• It hurts idia deeply what he said to you and what have you also said to him before you leave, but as long as you're safe then it's going to be ok, but he wasn't ok seeing you playing board games with azul every once in a while and spend time with him....and most importantly your smile that you used to bright up his day with are no longer his, he held his chest tightly crying, it was all for your own good.....
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Malleus draconia
• He was worried, not like every time he used to be, he's not that joyful person but at least not by you, you grew more worried as he was avoiding your gazes to him and that's when you decided to speak, "malleus...are you ok?" You looked at him with a questioning expression unable to read his face for the first time.
• He took a deep breath before he looked at you with a serious face, "i think we should break up" you froze for a second not knowing how to react to this sudden decision that he made all alone, " why should we? Have i done something that made you mad at me? Have i said something wrong or that's because of my carefree actions? I'm sorry, i will change it all but Don't leave me!" Your eyes began to tear, you didn't know what you did wrong!
• "Look....it's better if you stay away from me....that's my problem not yours" he looked at you with a frown as he spoke, he seriously want to break up with you? , "have i complained? I accept you with all your problems in all your forms!" You reached your hand to his back as he was facing the wall, what you couldn't see back then the pain into his face, he really doesn't want this....
• "(Y/n) it's all over between us! And....there's another one in homeland that is going to be my partner, one day you will go back to your word and i don't want to be alone anymore"
• "Malleus, have you replaced me?" You cried out you lunge as your tears were running down your face like a waterfall, your crying squeezed his heart , it's not easy for him as well, "i stood by you when no one was here, i never feard you, i loved you from the bottom of my heart...and what i got in reward that you replaced me?!" You held into malleus' back crying even harder, "please tell me you're not doinf this to me, tell me that is not real!"
• And that's when you heard another voice in the room " you're not the appropriate mach with malleus, we already found him the better ones so please calmly leave the place with no more struggling!" Your eyes widened on hearing lilia's words, it was the first time you ever hear him speaking to you in that tone, you left malleus back and took your way out of diasomania.
• Poor malleus stood there, he squeezed his eyes shut as he can't believe what he has done to you, you really were the most kind person towards him and he didn't want all of this to happen...
• "You did the right thing" said lilia before leaving malleus alone into his room..
• Time passed and you stopped hearing about malleus or even want to talk to him again, you were out of class waiting for someone, malleus saw you standing there and without thinking he began to walk towards you, but only to find another blonde guy running towards you, you were so happy to see him, " o mon fleur, sorry if i kept you waiting" it was rook hunt, he took your both hands and placed a Kiss on each one as you giggled on his action he continued, "come on, i will prepare us some tea and then we will do some skin-care routine!!" The happy guy took your hand walking you away from malleus' sight , he deeply wanted to go talk to you again but he will never do that after what happened this day.....
Even a hundred apologies will never cure broken hearts....
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Hey!! 👋🏽😄 I know you said in your last rant about SK8 and Reki and Renga that you were one of those people that always looks up and learns from others, but after your last Langa edit, I just wanted to remind you how immensely talented you are. I might have not seen your first attempts at editing, but I know how it looks like when you're barely starting something, and I'm sure everyone is proud of the progress you've made and many people looks up to you as the level of skill they want to achieve. You're doing amazing! 💖💖💖
Hi, my love!!!!!! ASDFSDFGHG that’s soooo sweet, thank you so much for saying this, it really means the world to me <3 Oh, haha I’ve deleted most of my old videos so it wouldn’t hurt anyone’s eyes lmao T_T I’m still a bit nervous each time I’m uploading my vids to the day to be honest, even with so many subs rn, but at first I really didn’t have any supporters at all and my god I sucked at this, but I guess the love for my fav ships was stronger apparently haha. So I always get silly happy at each nice comment and feedback, so thank you seriously. 
I really love love love vidding, Idk why but when smth comes out the way I wanted it’s a super addictive feeling for some reason, but many times I just looked at the final result and just threw it in the trash and started over and my god how many times SonyVegas crushed and didn’t autosave the project. I’m like Suga now, I’m pressing the save button each 2 minutes, cause don’t want to lose anything xD Being someone’s inspiration is truly an honor to me, I’ve got some messages that hit me too hard. Still feels weird bc I’m like “but do you know that I can’t even use photoshop tho, how do u like me now then?” lol.
I’m always drawn to talented characters, bc they amaze me, esp the humble ones. Like those who hate Haru or Lanaga just buffle me honestly. I understand that they’re pretty and talented and everything, but they’re also the sweetest and loveliest human beings, so like...??? And I adore those who don’t whine and get what they want. I just can’t help it. I’m a strong believer in the fact that "you can do anything if you put your mind to it”. So far it worked in real life so suck it lol.
People are also saying like Langa doesn’t deserve to win this and Haru doesn’t deserve to be in Olympics, like Langa didn’t snowboard since he was 2 and Haru wasn’t swimming every day since he was born. I’m like.. and you need to check in the mirror if your face is a shade of green. BTW I’ve also been in a professional sports for quite a long time since I was a little kid, ballroom dancing and adored it back then, and I did not get jealous at ppl who were talented than me, I was watching the tapes actually with a popcorn. And oh god those large competition events when you sit there for days and give it all, but then you’re like 296 out of 1000. Why was I proud instead of being sad? Idk xD It was fun.
So thanks for liking the vid, cause I even regretted uploading it a bit yesterday. Sadly everyone already knows that we lost this fandom to the middle schoolers being extra, so they do not care for anything each episode except for this ship, so that’s what I got for posting a just Langa vid:
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And etc. and that just made me sad, cause I do not like such fandoms, like it’s not even related to the video, that I’ve been making... with love.  Also thanks for the "sama” title, I’m flattered, but editor only wants to vid matchablossom for now, so like there’s no need for any warnings. I’ve been in such horrendoes fandoms, that I’m immune to this. I also in fact didn’t know some keep ruining Langa’s page and saying that he steals Reki’s screen time... cause he’s aparently the only main character...? ...lmao? I didn’t even know Langa can be hated tbh. I wasn’t really ready for all the drama that followed me making a vid about him.
I’ve already deleted some comments, cause I’m like what this even has to do with the vid about Langa? No, I am not obliged to make a vid about Reki, too. What if I post a matchablossom vid, everyone will only start commenting “do renga”, cause fuck your efforts? I’m like... I hate such fanbases, seriously. I do not even know where this is going, but their fans are already pissing me off. I’m still trying hard for this to not affect my point of view about the ship, cause it’d be kinda unfair to them, but its getting harder each week istg.
And I maybe can’t take requests, but I love when some try to get me addicted on their ship with passion and great arguments. It happened to me with some nice ppl. But def not with agression and stupidity haha.
Cause apparently its one of the fandoms where you can’t NOT care for the main ship, even if you accept it for the only possible Langa ship (cause he doesn’t give a shit for anyone else, so like what’s the point), but it doesn’t do anything for you. I’m like... thanks for threatening. This will make me on board ASAP. Like it’s not the epitomy of love to me... I’m sorry? LMAO 
Some anon even sent me a “you’re dense” (literally thats it) ask after that Reki ask. I was tempted to write smth like “oh I’m sorry, this is the most epic love story of my life and his character is the most complex in the world and he’s the best friend and the most inspiring human being that ever hit my screen. can I become undense now? xD”. But you know I do not know if they’d realise the sarcasm and my pride sadly never allowed me to sell my life values for a bunch of 12 years olds to love me lol
My sister always laughs and jokingly says “but you’d probably get much more subs if you made a vid about this or that, but at what price that would be lmao”. Cause yeah, I never could make myself vid smth I do not like, cause I love vidding and do not want it to be associated with things I do not like, plus it’ll most likely turn out ugly, if I do not care. My mom says that she can feel love I put in my shipping vids that’s why she loves them. I really don’t think she’s wrong. But that also kinda makes me an idiot technically, cause I’m not into many of the popular ships, and some popular animes I just find really basic. 
Also I’m like 100% sure it ain’t happening, but even if they miraculously suck each other’s dicks while sitting on a skate board, I can still have the rights not to care at the end. Like did I sign some form where I’m obliged to love each and everyone canon gay ship even if it’s not what I like? Like gay is not the type of love in relationships. You can only care about his ass like Lan Zhan for example or you can only care about your ass. Like that’s different types of relationships, and whatever you like you like. So get all the way of people’s backs, please.
Also do ppl know that you do not need to be blind to the bad sides of the characters in your ships? Or you just gonna be like “I suddenly can’t see” for forever.
So really thanks for such wonderful message and liking the video and for the boosts when I need them and not being an ass to me if I’m not being obsessed with smth, when you like it. (like I think we have different ship in bnha, right? but we’re still doing great tho, thanks for being an angel <3)
I still didn’t expect this becoming a Voltron 2.0. situation tho. We in our twenties see everything differently, I guess. I do get extra about “their love is everywhere”, but I do not get extra by anonymously attacking ppl, threatening creators and yelling “queeerbating psychotic blind assholes if these two aint fucking by the end of the season I’m shaving my head and jumping out of the window and shoot the director. you do not ship it HARD? YOU DUMB FUCK. THAT’S THE BEST LOVE STORY IN THE WORLD”. Like damn, take your blinders off and see the world, kid. Firstly, it’s definitely not, secondly, ppl see love differently in general and at each age too.
Ah, also you must kill Adam, cause he’s a pedo apparently. Like he ain’t even a threat to your ship, unless you’re blind, but they’re still at it, like they do not know that this kind of age difference is literally nothing for an anime? And that there are canon ships with a huger age difference left and right, too. It’s like its their first time approaching an anime or smth. Like in anime world character can literally kill 1000 ppl with his bare hands and bathe in their blood and we can still stan them, depends on their story, ok? Also Langa couldn’t care less for his advances, so like separate Adam from your ship pls. Like, fuck off, if someone is interested in his character. Yeah, he’s a weirdo for reasons, but anime kind of weird do not apply to real life. Stop acting like you’re some purist, when later you’re gonna ship smth else and it suddenly will not apply. Also rules do not apply to animes, everyone knows they do not apply. These are not western cartoons, my god. And 24 years old flirting with 16 year old is defiinitely not the weirdest shit anyone has ever seen in the anime. Chinese BL has characters who were 14 and 30 when they met and happily married. Also FICTION is not life. Literally no one cares. If you’re scared for your saint eyes, do not watch animes, you’re gonna have a heart-attack from what you can see there. Also we’ve seen gayer bromances in animes, who are just bromances, so pls do not shoot anyone if it’s not canon.
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So basically I was kinda pissed yersterday, cause fuck them for ruining the tag, but after chatting with my hommies and your ask, I’m okay again, I just have to avoid this fandom and stick to a tight community xD. I just got used to my nice fandoms and forgot for a bit about the precautions you need to take if you’re in one of those. You know. Who make a circus out of lgbt, instead of supporting it, and make other ppl hate being in fandoms.
P.S. sorry for this partially unrelated rant, your messages really always make my heart bloom, so thanks for supporting me, and I know you’re proud of my progress, too <3 and this makes me happy. LY
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
♡ loose cannon ♡ pt 5
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Here it is darlings, the fifth part of Loose Cannon, just like I promised! There will probably be only one more chapter to this fanfic, and that will be the end! Enjoy, my darlings! 💙
Keep Hope
      Hades is dead. 
      It was official now, you had seen his body. You had seen them take his  casket away, you had cried on his body. Three months had passed since his death and while you had changed physically, you were forever emotionally deceased without him. You now got up in the mornings, got yourself dressed, and attended royal meetings. Even though you and Hades never actually got married, Mal thought of you as her new mother figure, so she wanted you on the royal board. So, you attended those meetings. You forced smiles and responses when need be. But your smiles never met your eyes and your eyes were dead. Glossy and emotionless. You couldn’t feel any emotion, as your body had become as hollow as a tree. 
      An embodiment of nothing. You didn’t even have your powers. 
      You weren’t really sure what kept you going through the days. I mean, you were practically brain dead, on auto-pilot twenty four seven. But something kept you going through the days. Some sort of lingering hope that refused to leave, like when your loose tooth is only hanging on by a string, but yet refuses to let go. 
      Maybe there was something deep down inside of you that just knew... he was still alive. 
      “Due to the border being lifted, we’ve already confirmed that taxes are going to need to be raised slightly. There have also been some concerns regarding rogue Isle adolescents that we’re going to have to acknowledge...” Fairy Godmother’s reading of the daily concerns to be further addressed turned fuzzy as it swam through one ear and out the other. You stared blankly at the wall behind her head, chewing ever so slightly on your nail. Mal, who was seated next to you per her request, glanced over at you from the corner of your eye.
      You were fading again. 
      She gently tapped her knee against yours, causing you to jump slightly in your seat, reeling you back into the present. Clearing your throat, you made sure no one else noticed your little slip. “Sorry,” you apologized quietly. Mal just simply smiled at you. 
      You knew she was worried about you. Everyone was. You were never the same. But how could they expect you to be? You didn't have much to look forward too. They didn't dare try to encourage you finding another guy out of fear you might try to kill them.
      "And, before we close this meeting, there is one last thing we must discuss. Y/n?" Your head snapped at the sound of your voice, straightening your back.
      "Yes?" You croaked, your throat sore from barely speaking.
      "We never discussed Hades belongings," Fairy Godmother paused as you froze at his name. "His ember. We would like to get it in the museum as soon as possible. Do you have it?"
      Your eyes reglossed as you slowly lowered your head, causing everyone to purse their lips in pity. You slowly shook your head. "I'm sorry, but he had his ember on him when..." you couldn't finish the sentence as your voice became lodged in your throat.
      Ben gently rested a hand on your arm and offered you a sympathetic smile. "It's okay, Y/n. Let's wrap things up." He motioned the last part to Fairy Godmother, who quickly nodded and attempted to end the meeting on a happy note by mentioning your upcoming “coronation”. Since you had become Mal’s new mother figure, she had desperately tried to win you a prize of getting a position on the royal court that wasn’t out of pity or as a replacement for her father. The only position she was able to score was that of her Lady in Waiting, but the purple haired girl meant so much to you that you bit back your cringes and accepted the role.
      Of course, you got a whole coronation ceremony to go with the title, even though all you would really be doing is what you were doing already. Now you just got a fancy sash to go with it. 
      The bell rang throughout the castle, signifying that the students would be rushing to their next classes now. It was also your signal that the meeting was over. As you quietly began to pack your notes and books back into your bag, you pulled out your phone to check the time and instantly regretted it. You still had a photo of you and Hades singing a duet together as your lock screen. Tears brimmed in your eyes as you stared down at the glowing screen, wondering if this feeling would ever go away. 
      Mal and Ben glanced anxiously towards you, silently debating with one another on whether or not to ask if you were okay. They never got the chance though, as you quickly rushed out of the conference room, not noticing it when a book fell out of your bag and landed on the ground in front of their feet. Ben bent down to pick it up and once he read the cover, his face blanched.
      “What is it?” Mal asked. He held the book out to her so she could read the title too. 
      “Buried Alive?” She asked incredulously, turning to Ben with her mouth agape. She slowly shook her head, green eyes full of confusion. “She doesn’t really think...”
      Ben let out a soft sigh. “It is... rare, but it isn’t impossible for some people to have such a hard time believing that their loved one is gone that they resort to... drastic measures, like believing they’re still alive.” 
      “She thinks he’s still alive,” Mal said, more to herself than anyone else. “I can’t believe this. This is why she’s having such a hard time letting go. Should we do something?”
      “What is there to do?” Ben exclaimed. “It’s only been a couple months. We need to give her space. If I were in her position, and you were gone...” he gently took her hands in his and gazed into her eyes. “I would do everything I could to bring you back too.”
      It was the night before your coronation. Evie and Mal had paid you a little visit before they left you alone for the night to set out your outfit and put curlers in your hair, but the second that they left, you practically leapt onto the floor, tugging out all of the spell books and magical elements that you had collected. You had started trying to find ways to bring back Hades about a week or two ago, after your gut instinct that something was wrong here took the wheel. You had tried everything from Ouija boards to reincarnation spells and so far nothing had worked. You did your research on what happened to people who were buried alive and most of them ended in death, but none of those people were... Hades. You read books about being entrapped in ice, how to cure death, tons of articles on voodoo, but every page you turned, every spell you performed always ended the same way. 
      And while you had an inkering to just give up, you pushed through it. You wouldn’t give up on your true love even if there was just the slightest chance that he could still be alive. Running a hand over your face, you thumbed through another spell book you had swiped from the restricted section of the library until you came across one you hadn’t tried. It said that if you had an object that was once the deceased’s prized possession, and repeated a chant over it, that it could become enchanted and lead you to wherever your true love was. Of course, this was if you knew for sure that your true love was still alive whereas you only had a gut feeling. 
      You turned around to stare into your closet, the half that contained Hades’s clothes remained untouched. But you could still see the leather jacket that he always wore, the one that he had once asked you made him look fat. A smile whispered along the edge of your lips at the memory. You suddenly realized... that was the first time you had almost smiled in a while. It was worth a shot, you decided, and quickly took the jacket out of the closet. 
      Turning back to the spell book, you were about to begin the chant when you realized how late it was. Your coronation was tomorrow and you should probably actually try to get a good nights sleep for once, you decided. After you memorized the chant in your head, you were about to hang the jacket back up when you realized... it still smelled like him. Like that cheap cologne he always wore that you said you hated but you really didn’t. You cautiously held it a distance away from you, afraid to get it too close.
      After what seemed like forever, you finally pressed it against your chest and deeply inhaled the scent. Maybe if you breathed deeply enough, you thought, it could feel like he were still there with you. You decided to take the jacket to bed with you, snuggling up in a ball under the covers with his jacket still safe in your arms.
      Maybe if I dream hard enough, you thought, it could feel like he were still here... 
      The next morning was your coronation. Of course, you did your best to shove the jacket to the back of your mind knowing how important this was to Mal. It was difficult, but you managed to do so with fake smiles and grins, and while you loved Mal to death, it was very hard for you to find joy in things anymore. Mal and Evie had showed up like usual to help you get ready, and it seemed like only seconds before you were walking up to Mal and Ben on their thrones and getting dubbed with Fairy Godmother’s wand. Before you knew it, you had a glistening sash on your shoulders and a flurry of paparazzi in your face. 
      After Fairy Godmother cleared away the cameras, you and Mal exchanged a warm hug and you did your best to live through the mingling of the after-celebration before slipping away outdoors. The sun was slowly setting, so you knew you had to act fast before people began searching for you. Pulling out Hades’s jacket from your purse, you inhaled his scent one last time before holding it up into the sky. Drawing in a deep breath, you felt the power that wasn’t restricted by the pendant around your neck surge as you ran through the chant in your head once again. This had to work, you whispered in your head. It had to. 
      You began to chant the words, muttering them under your breath as you closed your eyes, sensing the air around you to pick up a bit as a magical reaction. The strength of your chant was beginning to pick up as his jacket began to feel lighter in your hands-
      The disruption was like slamming the door shut on your spell, causing you to stumble slightly, eyes popping open. The blissful power you had felt before snaked back into its shell and Hades’s jacket fell limply back into your hands. Tears of frustration sprung into your eyes as you whirled around to face who dared to disrupt your spell only to be greeted with the VKs, the Pirate Trio, and Ben. Expressions varied from face to face, some of confusion, others of shock, most of worry, and some of awe. But Mal’s was the one you were most concerned with. Quickly hiding Hades’s jacket behind your back, you tried your best to plaster on a nervous smile.
      “H-Hi guys, what’re are you doing out here?”
      “We came to look for you,” Carlos answered, eyeing the jacket that you were hiding. Mal crossed her arms on her chest and stared at you in disapproval.
      “I thought we were past this, Y/n,” she sighed. “I know how hard his death is for you, but trying to bring him back just isn’t going to happen.” 
      You tilted your head back and heaved out a deep sigh as some of your friends shifted awkwardly on the grass. “Mal, I love you, but this is none of your concern.” 
      “Actually, it is,” she spoke with wide eyes, full of concern and frustration. “He was my father. And I’ve gotten over it. But you trying all of these pointless spells and filling your head with such nonsense from stolen books-”
      “They are not pointless! I know he is out there somewhere, I can feel it, Mal!” You cried out, for once expressing more emotion than you had in months. Shock filled her expression as the rest of the crowd slunk away slightly, trying to give you and Mal room but not wanting to leave you two alone. You watched her closely as a flame suddenly ignited inside of her eyes. Gritting her teeth, she threw her hands up in the air and practically screamed, “Hades is GONE, Y/n! He is gone and there is nothing that you or me or even the Genie can do about it. I’ve made peace with it, and it’s time that you do the same. He’s gone, Y/n.” 
      Her words were enough to shatter you completely before a new voice entered the fight. 
      “You guys really underestimate me.”
To be continued...
I know, I know, I'm horrible for leaving such a cliffhanger. The next chapter will be the last one, so let me know in the comments if you want to read it!😉💙 I love you all so much, thank you for all the support and PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!
♡ a.a.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 88) "Bad Kids"
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"FUCK!! What day is it?" Luna asks as she lifts her face after railing another line of 30's.
"Thursday..?" Colson answers her, confused.
"Time?" She asks to his 542P. "Motherfucker..." Luna mutters.
Colson asks What's Up as she lights a joint. Luna missed her therapy session scheduled at 5P, she explains with a sigh.
Taking a moment to call Kylie. Luna assures her, she simply forgot and isn't MIA. She watches Colson snort a long line of Adderall while she's on the phone, puffing on the joint.
Once she's ended the call, she passes it to him as they get dressed. Both in all black. Colson in a black T, black jeans and his Vans. Luna in an oversized, long sleeve black T. Large enough to wear as a dress. Under, she has on sheer black stockings and tight, black spandex shorts. Her Docs, jewelry and a purple lip finishing off her look.
"You're gonna skate in that?" Colson questions her attire.
"Watch me." She replies with a smirk.
"Oh, I fucking will." He grins.
Throwing her school bag of goodies on his back. Colson grabs Luna's ass and their jackets as they head out of their suite.
The bar at The Ambassador is empty.
Until The Ten of Them pile inside. Loud and rowdy as usual. Taking up the entire wooden row of the bar.
They order drinks as they wait for their table at the Reserve Lounge inside the hotel. An Old Fashioned for Luna and a Heineken for Colson.
Grinning, he whispers into her ear. "You still taste better."
Luna shakes her head with a light laugh. Cheeks turning pink.
"I WANT a ribeye with fried onions and mushrooms. And a fucking baked potato. I don't give a FUCK about anything else." Sam states.
She's sitting to Luna's left, while Colson's on her right. Baze, who's next to Sam, leans up on the bar to look down at Luna.
"Bro. I think your girl's my twin." He laughs. Looking at Sam, then at Luna, finally back at Sam. "We gonna fuck up some beef TONIGHT!! He laughs again as he lifts his drink to Sam's agreement.
"Who we fucking up?" Slim hollers from the other end of the bar.
"BEEF!!!" Sam and Baze shout in unison.
Erupting them both into laughter along with Colson and Luna.
Luna gives her friend a Lil Look. Sam can get along with everyone. Same as she can hold her own against anyone. Being taken advantage by no one. Sam's never been about that Relationship Life. Knowing her friend too well, Luna can read her better then her favorite book. There's a LoveBuzz happening at the bar. Luna reading the signs before Sam can even write them herself.
Luna glances over at Colson. He catches the glimmer in her eye. They both cheese at the idea of their friends together. With no words said. Just One Look.
Once sat, they continue to converse loudly. The Ten of Them having no volume control. With more drinks and appetizers ordered, they're even louder. And so out of place.
Their server asking his Front of the House manager to watch them. Unaware of who they are and sure of the likelihood that they're gonna Dine N Dash. Feeling dumb upon his boss's explanation. 
"I don't know how to skate..." Ashleigh complains after they order.
She's one of three. Benny, nor Bullet grind either. AJ being an undercover SkaterBoy to Luna's unknown intrigue.
"There's one of those Rent-A-Bike stations in front." Rook chimes in.
"You want MY ass on a BIKE!??" Benny asks in disbelief.
"Weeble Wobbles Weeble but they don't fall down!" Luna grins at her friend from across their dinner table.
Benny laughs. He adores Luna, he has since that night at the strip club. He fears her too. Being from NYC also, he knows what she's connected to.... And fully aware of what she's capable of on her own.
"Ya gonna catch me Brooklyn, if I weeble too far?" Benny teases.
"Fucken' right, Benz." Luna grins at him, arms open wide.
Somehow, he knows that although he's the bodyguard and Luna's tiny as fuck. THAT Brooklyn Bitch would have him should ANYTHING erupt. It's who she is.
"We riden!!!" Benny shouts to Bullet's complete bemusement.
Bullet doesn't know Luna. He thinks he likes her but he's not sure, not having any experience to trust her. Irritated with Benny, he eats his steak and sips his wine.
The Other Nine of Them are as happy as fat clams. Engaged, boisterous and fully enjoying each other. Filling their bellies with food before The Magic.
Bullet doesn't know yet.... But he will.
After a paid for dinner and proper tip, they head to The Bus.
Climbing on, all of them bursting with delicious goodness. Passing eight joints between The Ten of Them, they settle their bellies easily. All full. All sighing.
Sam pops up first. That Bitch wants them slushies.
Scooping the WHOLE jar, all Ten of Them wind up with full solo cups of Magic. Like fucking water ice. Sam handing out a plastic spoon with each of their solo cup treats.
"I shouldn't eat this...." Bullet confides in Benny.
"You won't survive this night if you don't." Benny reassures him as he takes a bite of sweet, delicious Magic Slushies.
Poor Bullet. He thinks he knows... But he has no idea.
Splitting from The Bus, they head over to the Light District on boards and bikes. Obliging Ashleigh's one request.
"It's FUCKING closed!!???!!!" She shouts in frustration.
Kansas City's Light District closes at 5P. What THE fuck kinda shit is that?? Seriously... Why?
Ashleigh's really upset. All agreeing with her that It's Bullshit.
Luna asking her if she'd like Her to Burn it Down.
Ashleigh answers with a laughing and adoring NO. The Magic of Wild Mushrooms creeping around her brain. She appreciates Luna's brass love for her, but Ashleigh isn't violent. Never has been.
"Let's find somewhere else." She coaxes her defender as she climbs back on her rented bike.
Rolling through Kansas City, they're tripping their BALLS and PUSSIES off. Colors are streaking. Bodies are loose. The school bag packed with water instead of alcohol. Luna handing off bottles to everyone's gratitude.l
Lighting a joint as they roll through Kansas City. Luna passes it to Sam. Colson has his own lit. Passing it to Slim.
Firing another, Luna slows her pace. Riding beside Bullet, she grins. Hitting it multiple times before she speaks...
"I'm not THAT bad. I promise." A wink and grin following her words as she passes him the joint before pushing off to fly past him.
"Fuck you ain't...." Bullet thinks as she passes him. Amused by the tiny blonde girl and her wild punch.
They skate and bike around Kansas City. Watching the lights as they laugh. Passing joints and water amongst themselves as they eat their Magic Slushies.
Sliding up on a corner, Colson stops.
"Where the fuck are we?" He asks confused.
"In the Dark Pits of Hell, where we belong!!" Luna laughs, snapping his picture in the moment.
"He's so fucking beautiful." She thinks, not being able to stop her grandfather from lingering in her soul.
"C'mon Lovey!!" She shouts as they boot, scoot and boogie.
Ashleigh can't hold her shit together. Tripping balls, she doesn't know how to make the bike work anymore.
"Can we sit?" She pleads.
Always one to spot a park, Luna's on it.
"Come on, Buddy." She says, grabbing the back of Ashleigh's seat along with a handle bars.
Pushing Ashleigh along with ALL of Luna's force. There's a park ahead. The Holy Grail of her ENTIRE existence.
"We're almost there, Boo!" Luna's wide smile encourages Ashleigh's tired legs.
Hitting the park, Ashleigh drops her bike like a rock.
"Uggghhhh....." She exhales.
Luna grabs her board and Ashleigh's hand as the others arrive. She's undoubtedly Their Leader.
After swinging and climbing and running around the playground, they tire like little kids. Finding the perfect spot, Luna slips her bag off Colson's shoulders. Pulling out sheets as she displays them in front of their view.
All Ten of Them admire the glowing sight of Kansas City. Some standing in amazement, others sitting on the sheets in awe.
They're tripping their souls out as they stare into the sky line. Colors crossing and dancing. Bodies tingling as their third eyes see everything.
Laying and talking. The Ten of Them are curled upon the sheets, melting their faces off.
Pulling out her bag of tricks, Luna hands Colson four tennis balls to his delight. Face shining, he hops up to juggle them.
Next, she produces crayons and coloring books. Laying them out, they're grabbed by Ashleigh and Rook.
Slim finds the Nerf football. Sam jumping up for a solid toss.
Baze is stuck on the ground. Luna lighting a joint. Hitting it hard, she hands it to him.
"Fucken' Loons, Maaan..." Is all he can say in accepting pleasure.
AJ is lost in the stars on the sheets also. Magic Slushies winning. Luna handing him his own joint to his delight.
Benny is running around with Sam and Slim. Bullet still as a statue.
"Did you not drink the Kool-Aid...." Luna asks.
She had noticed his solid demeanour. Tall, strong. Relentless.
Arms crossed, he admits he had a scoop or two.
"Only a SCOOP!! BRO!!" Luna looks at him with disappointment. "We're not so crazy that you can't enjoy yourself, Sugar." Luna tries to reassure him. "I can't believe you didn't eat your slush." Luna looks at him, irritated. "What a fucking waste."
"I knooooww." Bullet sheepishly admits.
"Well, lucky YOU, Motherfucker!!" Luna grins.
She always has a secret stash. Pulling out a small container of pure mushrooms, she insists he eats them with her. NOW.
Luna's a rock when it comes to negotiating. Bullet sharing and eating the full half ounce she has stashed.
She grins as they chew. Her bright smile welcoming him into Her World.
There's a LOT going on in their group. Rook and Ashleigh are happily coloring. Slim, Sam, Benny and AJ toss the Nerf ball. Baze is still SO lost in the sky on his back.
Luna grabs Colson, dragging Baze and Bullet with them. It's football time, she calls to Benny.
"Hut!! Hut!!" Luna shouts to their colorful minds.
Their game is a ShitShow. It's hilarious to watch them toss, tumble and roll amongst themselves. None can see correctly and all of them have noodle legs.
Somehow, Luna can throw and avoid getting caught. Easily scoring a 14 to 0.
"Mothafucka, WHAT?... Mothafucka WHO??? Luna laughs.
She's never been a gracious winner. Laughing too hard.
She's caught by a "Fuuuck yooou?!!"
Along with a loving, grinning, full on body hit from Sam. They roll in the grass, wrestling and laughing. Each calling Uncle when they find themselves locked on their sides.
Laying in the night's sky, life comes into view. Playing Cold War Kids on one of their phones. Music drifts softly.
All Ten sprawled on sheets, they catch the beauty of Kansas City. Laying together in harmony.
Until Colson wants to take Luna away.
"Come're..." He begs
"Hmmmm..." She rolls her head up towards him.
Eyes dancing as she absorbs is face. Their colorful ensemble watching the stars like 4th graders at the Planetarium for the first time.
Colson grabs Luna's hand, pulling her out of the hype.
Yards away with only his phone, Colson holds Luna tight. She's the only one he's ever danced with outside of Casie and weird Middle School stuff. Tripping his face off, he's overwhelmed with feelings for Luna. His beloved.
In the darkness with just them two, Colson holds Luna close and firm. The lyrics to the original Swing Life Away swirl behind them. Causing Colson to hold Luna tighter then ever.
🎶Let's unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words🎶
He sings softly, ducking his head into her ear.
She loves him. So fucking much. More then she could've ever imagined. Those blue eyes that see right into her soul. Those fingers that know every inch of her body. That heart that just fucking gets it.
Their love is fresh in her brain. Breaking her heart as her soul ignites. Believing him as sings to her that they Could Get By Just Fine on Minimum Wage.
Luna can't handle it and starts to cry. The drugs have her overwhelmed. Feelings flying everywhere. Heart dangling on her long sleeve.
"Please don't fucking die." She whimpers into Colson's chest.
He holds her as she gently sobs.
His mind is twisting too. Making him not sure of what to say. Then it pops.
"Cockroach." He states like he's answering the most important question of his life.
This stops Luna. Colson's words sliding inside her body, wrapping themself around her heart.
Feeling her sigh, he scoops her off the ground as if he's going to carry her over a threshold. With her arms draped around him, they stare into each other's trusting eyes. No words need to be said. They're the only two in the world right now. Luna strokes his cheek, as Colson leans in to kiss her.
There's a whole body explosion happening between the two of them once their lips touch. It's part drugs but mostly insatiable love.
Not even caring, in their own world, Colson slowly brings himself and Luna to the ground. Never breaking their kiss. He runs his hands though her hair, making her brain tingle.
Climbing on top of her, he holds himself up as her hands slowly trail his body. Their touch is almost orgasmic as he sucks on her neck and she slides her hands down his pants. Gripping his ass.
His free hand up her shirt dress. Sliding under her bra, playing with her nipple peircing. Pulling at her shorts.
"I need to be inside of you." Colson says in between kissing her neck and face.
"Mhhhmmm." Luna agrees.
He pulls down his pants as Luna slides out of the shorts. She doesn't understand her stockings though. Both too far gone to figure out how to get them off. Taking off her Docs not even an actual thought for either.
Colson reaches back into his pants. Pulling Luna towards him by the crotch of her tights, he stretches them out as he flicks his blade open.
Luna's heart immediately begins to race as he brings the knife towards her pussy. Slitting a hole through her tights, he rips them open. She bites her lip as she watches him.
Both of their bodies throbbing for the other. Mouths salivating as they look upon each other.
The world EXPLODES as Colson slowly slides into Luna. Both moaning out a pleased FUCK.
Colson takes his time. Gliding along Luna's clenched walls. Every inch and touch is overwhelming. If he goes to fast, he's convinced he may die.
Luna can't handle anything. Dying a thousand tiny deaths as she clings to him. Shifting into his rhythm. Kissing his mouth and face. She has to keep her eyes closed. Looking at him is too much. Fearing her heart will explode from his blue eyes.
They could've fucked for 5mins or 5hrs. They have no idea. Luna having multiple mental and physical orgasms before Colson allows himself to let loose.
Laying inside and on top of her, Colson feels at ease. There's no place in the world he'd rather be. This moment being one of his most content in life.
"I love you, Kitten." He breathes out.
"Mmmm... I love you." Luna mummers into his neck with her legs still holding him close.
"ARE YOU TWO FUCKING AGAIN!!??!" Sam shouts across the field.
Colson pulls his face out of Luna's hair to look at her. His face is still too beautiful for her.
"Jesus fucking Christ. She's like the kid sister I never had." Colson's wide eyes say in amazement.
Making Luna laugh, he pops out of her.
"An annoying kid sister." He says with a pout.
Shifting down, Colson lays on Luna's chest. Stroking his hair, they enjoy their bliss for a bit more before they rejoin the others.
"Yeah, we were Fucking. Kid Sister." Colson states as him and Luna climb back into the pile.
Who you talking too?" Ashleigh asks, confused.
"Ol sex police Sam over here." He tells her to the group's laughter.
"You're like fucking rabbits." Sam shoots back.
"That's why she calls me Bunny." Colson states matter of fact, making Luna roll on her side in a fit of giggles. It's funny because it's true.
All of their bodies riding private rollercoasters as their brains link back up. The Ten of Them talk about life, aliens, what they think God may be, if they'd like to live under the sea like Sponge Bob and all kinds of other weird shit. Figuring out the key to life. Love and friendship. Even Bullet enjoying himself.
Back at the Ambassador no one wants to separate. The Boys drag mattresses from the other rooms to Colson and Luna's suite. It's sleepover time again.
Collecting water for everyone, Luna dutifully passes out Xanax along with vitamins D and B6 to aid in their recovery.
Surrounded by pillows, blankets and love, they watch reruns Rugrats. Burning and laughing as they slowly come down.
Laying with Colson wrapped behind her, Luna feels so at peace. Her eyes are closed as he strokes her hair.
"I'm so fucking in love with you.... I can see it radiating off of us." Colson says with his eyes closed too.
Opening her eyes, Luna jumps off the mattress. Body flying across the room.
Grabbing it, she hauls ass into the bathroom. Tossing it into the tub before turning on the water.
Everyone is kinda numb, shocked or can't comprehend what just happened. Bullet taking notice that Luna's quick.
Climbing back into Colson, Luna asks What The Fuck Is Up With Them and Fire. He shakes his head, not knowing. Kissing the back of hers, he holds her firmly as they fall asleep together.
Benny turning to Bullet. Giving him a knowing eye, he warns that Tonight Was Easy.
He'll get it eventually.
To be continued....
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balancingdiet · 5 years
A Perfect End
Anime: dcmk Word count: 1.6k Pairing: Canon (shinran/kaiao) Alternate Reading Site
Shinichi have had enough of living his life as Edogawa Conan. The last thing he needed was to disguise as Kaitou Kid.
Edogawa Conan's existence was erased the moment Kudo Shinichi returned after swallowing the cure.
Yes, there were some things Shinichi missed after returning back to his old self; He would miss the bond he built with the Detective Boys, miss the ability to crawl through small spaces, miss the opportunity to act like a little brat just to get some things his way... He would miss many other little things, but he already had had enough of living his life as Edogawa Conan.
Basically, he didn't inherit the love for acting and disguising as another identity from his mother.
But here was the catch: When he swallowed that cure, the debt he owed as Edogawa Conan was also transferred to Kudo Shinichi's ledger. And the first, big one on the list was Kaitou Kid.
Long story short, Kaitou Kid's help had massively secured the checkmate on Shinichi's board, and he didn't want to owe the thief anything. So as a repayment, Shinichi decided that he would return one favour of any kind when Kid asked for it.
Just one.
Kid accepted the offer.
Being in his original form now, Shinichi had no qualms about doing anything for that thief. He had once begged to all the gods that he'd trade anything to get his body back, so doing this favour for Kid was no big deal. He could only wonder what that favour would be, and truth to be told, he was looking forward to the day when Kid asked of him. Whatever that came from that thief had always been thrilling after all.
Maybe he needed assistance to take down some organization? Or maybe he needed help to find the jewel he was always seeking for? Or maybe solve a murder he was wrongfully accused of? Or… Or—
Or maybe disguise as him?
"What?" Shinichi yelled across the empty roof as the sound of the howling wind, along with Kaitou Kid's flapping cape, were making it a little noisy and disruptive to converse. At least that was what Shinichi wished to believe after hearing Kid's request, thinking he must have heard wrongly.
"You heard me, little detective."
Shinichi scowled. "Stop calling me that."
"Sorry." Kid smirked, clearly not sorry at all. "But don't you know that it takes at least 21 days to break a habit?"
"Let's see if it's your habit or your face that will break first." Shinichi muttered. This was one of the few rare times when he missed being Edogawa Conan, just because he could show his power-enhancing kick shoes to make his threats much real.
"Point-taken." Kid leaned against the roof door with crossed arms. "So are you going to do it or not?"
"Do what?" Shinichi snapped.
Kid tilted his head and sighed. "To give you the benefit of the doubt; since your hearing must have deteriorated after growing old… I said I want you to disguise as me."
"You. As in Kaitou Kid?"
"Of course."
Shinichi rolled his eyes. "Why? Because your true form needs an alibi?"
A beat of silence passed, and Shinichi thought time almost stopped.
"Whatever that floats your boat." Kid turned away, his voice suddenly levelled and plain.
Another beat of silence passed, and Shinichi pursed his lips as he registered Kid's request again. He didn't expect his wild guess to hit the mark, and what’s more that this had been nothing but a genuine and serious request all along.
Kid wasn't playing any games.
Whoever he was hiding his secret from and needed an alibi to cover it, that person must have the power to drive Kid to seek such desperate measures.
Shinichi cleared his throat. "Why not the other way? Why don't I disguise as your true identity while you—"
"Please don't bother lowering your intelligence just for the sake of this argument." Kid pushed the brim of his hat up and revealed the weariness of his blue eyes. "You know there is no way I'll allow that."
"And you know there's no way I can disguise as Kid perfectly."
"I don't expect perfection. I just need you to put on a show."
"…What's the show?"
"I'll tell you if you are willing to do it." Kid slipped a hand in his pocket. "So are you, or not?"
Shinichi understood that feeling of desperation; how he couldn't bear Ran to know the truth, yet at the same time he was very much overwhelmed with all the lies he had made and built. But Kaitou Kid—no matter how annoying his attempts and tactics were—had saved Shinichi a couple of times from drowning in those pile of lies and gave him a chance to breathe some times.
So how could he ever say no, even if he did or did not owe Kid a favour?
"I'll do it." Shinichi replied.
"Ok." Kid nodded his head, his features remained as stoic as ever.
But that thief was fooling no one. It was the no reaction that was a reaction, and Shinichi knew it all too well.
xxx xxx
"It's going to be easy" Kid (in another disguise) claimed before he passed his signature costume to Shinichi an hour before the heist.
Of course Shinichi didn't believe it, but he was still going with the plan anyway.
After that dreadful hour finally passed and he got the cue to start his act, Shinichi stood on ledge of the roof and exclaimed into the hidden microphone (while using the best of his ability to mimic that suaveness of Kid's voice) and proclaimed to the audiences below the building that he had stolen the jewel (which he did not but Kid's accomplice did), before jumping off to fly into the night in his hang-glider (which he knew how to operate since he learnt it in Hawaii).
Basically, Kid wasn't lying when he said it was going to be easy (but it just made all things stranger than it could ever be).
Shinichi was told to dispose of the costume after everything was done, which he did, because no amount of explanation would be enough for anyone if they saw Shinichi in possession of Kid's things. Besides the Edogawa Conan, many did suspect Shinichi to be actually Kid, which was ridiculous but complicatedly true too, in some sense…
That aside, Shinichi hoped Kid settled his problem on his end.
The next day when Shinichi went to the headquarters to get some work done, he found Hakuba Saguru in his office, face unusually solemn than usual. It wouldn't be that unsettling if he didn't know Hakuba was a frequent participant to Kid's heists.
Shinichi cleared his throat. "Good morning—"
"You were that Kaitou Kid on the roof yesterday, weren't you?" Hakuba said, arms crossed and watching Shinichi’s every move.
Tentatively, Shinichi walked towards his desk while shrugging his coat off. He already had a conversation and story planned if something like this happened, but he just didn't expect the first person he would have this conversation with was Hakuba.
"I… don't get what you mean." Shinichi said slowly.
"The man I suspected to be Kid was not Kid yesterday." Hakuba's steely eyes continued to fixate on Shinichi. "The only person he could turn to for this plan to work is you."
Shinichi started to blink rapidly. "Wait, you are the person that Kid is hiding his secret fro—"
"No. Whatever that you are thinking: No." Hakuba ran a hand through his hair. "I just needed clarifications, that's all."
"Were you at the heist?"
"No." Hakuba shook his head. "Inspector Nakamori wasn't at the heist either."
Shinichi leaned back in surprise as he hung his coat over his chair. No wonder things were so quiet and easy… like what Kid claimed as well. "Why didn't Inspector Nakamori attend?" He asked.
When that question left Shinichi, Hakuba's face contorted into all sorts of pain one could imagine. He then turned to stare out of the window by Shinichi's desk, amber eyes distant.
"...His daughter had leukaemia and they were with her last night at the hospital." Hakuba said in an almost whisper. "She passed away this morning."
Shinichi gaped, allowing a few muted seconds to pass. "I'm… sorry." He really had no idea what to say, and all of the sudden, his stomach felt uncomfortable, and that unease started to spread to his chest.
Why was he feeling so bad?
And bad for whom?
Hakuba mustered a smile. "Thank you for your honesty, I was expecting an interrogation."
Shinichi shrugged. "I think Kid should be fine with you knowing."
Hakuba said nothing else. He bade a goodbye and left.
It took Shinichi a while later to realise that Hakuba mentioned a "they", and he finally understood the reason for that pang of unease he felt earlier.
And that pang of unease stayed on till night fell too.
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Ooo, I would love to see Killervibe and 21. “If you walk away, everything will fall apart.” Thank you!
21. “If you walk away, everything will fall apart.”
(This is also for the nonnie who requested the same one) 
Sorry this is a long one. The under 1000 drabbles couldn’t last long. It was inevitable, guys, I’m long-winded.
Set a little bit after the finale.
Caitlin glanced at her watch and drew in an anxious breath. Thirty minutes till boarding.
You are going to go through with this, she told herself sternly. You have to. You want to.
You have to want to.Even this late at night, the airport was full and busy- intercom messages and crying babies and the low murmur of chatter blended together in a stream of noise that made her head hurt. She hadn’t slept in… she wasn’t sure how long, and she certainly wasn’t going to be sleeping for the next five hours. She’d gotten better at controlling her powers without restraints, and she could sleep for short periods with minimal involuntary effects, but she was afraid that if someone startled her awake, she’d freeze them to death. Sleeping was not an option.
She hugged herself, feeling small in comparison to the vast uncertainty that loomed ahead. She had no idea where she was going. Her plane ticket said Phoenix, Arizona, but that was temporary. She’d picked Arizona because it was home to the five hottest cities in the country, but she was worried it had too many people. Instead of going somewhere hot enough that she wouldn’t be cold, she could go somewhere so cold that no-one would notice. Like Alaska. There were less people in Alaska. Arizona was just a pit stop; somewhere far enough away from home that she could collect herself and think of a long-term plan.
She hadn’t thought ahead of Arizona, because even though she knew that she needed to leave, the idea that she was leaving behind her life forever hurt more than she wanted it to. Leaving Julian and the Wests and the Steins and- Cisco, her heart hurt thinking about Cisco. He was the only reason that she hadn’t left a long time ago, before she’d ever had a chance to lose control. He was comfort and safety and the only thing that made her feel like herself. She’d let him convince her to stay, and look where that got them. H.R. was dead, Barry was gone, and the team was shattered. She needed to leave Central City before she hurt anybody else.
Caitlin was vaguely aware of someone sitting down next to her. She flinched away, like she usually did whenever anyone came near her. She let her hair fall in front of her face and contemplated moving seats.
“Wow, I don’t smell that bad,” the person next to her said, and her heart skipped and she snapped her head up. Cisco was sitting in the seat next to her, wearing jeans and a vintage Star Trek t-shirt under his black bomber jacket.
“Hey there,” he said, and half-smiled in a way that didn’t reach his eyes. “Fancy meeting you here.”
His eyes were probing and full of concern, and she suddenly wished she could throw herself into his arms and let him hug her and stroke her hair. She crossed her arms and turned to face him, establishing distance between them. “How did you find me?”
“You know. I got a vibe.” She raised her eyebrows. “Well. A vague one. So I hacked into your computer and restored your deleted search history by hacking into your browser’s cookies, which I’m not proud of, but, I had a feeling that you were up to something, and lo and behold…” He threw his hands out. “Here you are. Up to something.”
A weighted silence settled over them. She stared at Cisco and he stared back, eyebrows slightly raised as if he were waiting for her to say something. When she didn’t, he sighed, flinging down the gauntlet. “What is this, Caitlin? What are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” Her voice shook. “I’m leaving. In thirty minutes.”
The corners of his mouth turned down. “Why?”
His eyes were big and brown and sympathetic, and she already felt her defenses crumbling. Leaving Cisco behind was hard enough when he was just a thought, a memory. Now that he was here, it felt impossible. “I don’t know. I figured the fact that I turned evil, aligned with our nemesis and got our friends hurt was reason enough.”
He looked at her with something between exasperation and incredulity. “Did you kill H.R.?”
“No, but-”
“Did you make Barry trap himself in the speed force?”
Caitlin huffed a little. “No, but he might not have had to if I hadn’t helped Savitar!”
“It would have happened anyway,” Cisco said. “Savitar was going to wreak his havoc with or without you. You can’t blame yourself for things that you didn’t do.”
She swallowed hard. “How about the things I did do?”
“That was her,” he dismissed. “Not you. You weren’t conscious.”
“Really?” Her voice trembled. “If I wasn’t conscious, then why do I remember trying to kill you?”
“You were under duress.” He reached out to put his hand on her shoulder and she flinched away. He stopped, clearly stung, and lowered his hand to his lap. “Come on, Caitlin, you didn’t want to kill me.” She stared back at him and he gulped. “Did you?”
Caitlin shook her head wildly. “Maybe. All I know was that I was in there the whole time. Killer Frost’s sins are mine.”
Cisco shook his head. “I don’t accept that.”
“Well, maybe you should,” she snapped. “Don’t tell me I wasn’t conscious, don’t tell me that wasn’t me, because I know more than you do. I know what I did, and I know how I felt, which is why I know that the best place for me is to be far away from all of you.”
His brow furrowed, eyes sad and serious. “Running away won’t make anything better.”
“No, but it might keep things from getting worse.”
“You can’t leave, now of all times.” He leaned forward. “I need your help holding up the fort. That’s what we’ve always done. If you walk away, everything will fall apart.”
“That’s not true.”
“You don’t know that, because you’re not the one whose best friend is skipping town!” Cisco’s bottom lip quivered and she had to look away. “Y’know, this is kind of a slap in the face after we fought for you.” He paused and shifted. “I fought for you. Does that mean anything to you?”
Caitlin looked away coldly. “You need to leave.”
“Nuh-uh. I’m going to use every second of the next-” he glanced at his watch. “-21 minutes to keep you from making this mistake. I’m not giving up on you any sooner than I have to.” Did he have to make this so difficult? Now she had a teary lump in her throat and her face was burning and it was too much.
She rose to her feet. “Fine. If you won’t leave, then I will. My plane’s boarding any minute now.”
“Twenty minutes,” he called after her. She walked away briskly, and waited to hear his footsteps echoing hers, but she didn’t. She glanced over his shoulder and realized he was gone, lost to the crowd. Her heart plummeted and she sunk into another chair. She attempted to compose herself, but now every time she thought about Phoenix, Arizona she saw Cisco’s face, sincere and determined and loving, and she felt sick.
Twenty. Nineteen, then eighteen, then seventeen minutes until she was leaving Central City behind. You have to do this, she told herself, but all she could think about was Cisco and she was even more torn than before.
Someone tapped her on the shoulder and she jumped, and then her hands felt cold and she was about to lose it, she was going to lose control again-
“Yo!” She snapped her head up and saw Cisco, holding a hand out in front of him. “Yo, it’s just me. Chill.” She glared at him witheringly. “Sorry, that was- that was bad.” He held out his other hand, which was holding a blue paper bag. “I brought you Cinnabon.”
She stared at the bag blankly. “Oh,” she said, and he slid into the seat next to her. He turned the bag over onto its side and fished out a white box. He held it out and she took it reluctantly. “If you think you can bribe me into staying with cinnamon rolls-”
“I know I can’t,” he said. “This is your last supper, not a bribe. If you’re gonna run off to-” He glanced at the electronic screen on the wall. “-Phoenix, and never come back, I want your last memory of me to be a quintessential Cisco and Caitlin memory. What’s more us than dessert after midnight?”
That made her want to cry all over again. “I’m not hungry.”
“Bull,” he said, and pried the box open for her.
She stared at the sugary, sticky mess as Cisco opened his own box. He dug into it, clearly starving. It smelled so good, but she felt faint and nauseous. She blew out a breath. “How can you still look at me?”
He swallowed and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “What does that mean?”
She bit her lip. “How can you still look at me the same way after everything I’ve done?” He started to say something and she cut him off. “I know you’re going to say that it wasn’t me, but you don’t know that I'm still me. I don’t even know if I’m still me.”
“I know you are,” he said slowly, “because this? The- the running away and the crushing guilt and the worry that you’re hurting people? That is Caitlin Snow, doctor, healer, and this is how you react to things. You turtle. You try to hide away from everything that’s hurting you. You did it when Ronnie died, and you’re doing it now, and I would be the worst friend in the world if I let you get away with it.”
Caitlin clasped her hands together. “I think the title of worst friend in the world goes to someone who kills their friend.”
“Which you didn’t,” he pointed out, a little forcefully. She stared at her cinnamon roll. “Look, I can’t pretend that I know how you feel. What I do know is that you chose to come back. You took control.” He turned to face her, and they were so close that she could feel him breathing. “It doesn’t matter that you were in control when you were chaotic evil-ing through the city, because that’s not who you are.”She stared at him, willing herself not to cry. “I don’t know who I am. I’m not sure I’m Caitlin anymore.”“That’s okay,” Cisco said softly. She studied his eyes and found nothing but sincerity. “But whoever you are, you’re a good person. If you can’t believe that right now, I will believe it for you.”
Her eyes stung and she ducked her head, letting her hair cover her eyes like a blonde waterfall. “I don’t know,” she said in a tiny voice. “I feel like I can’t go back.” He started to say something and she sat up straighter. “Please let me finish. I know you all forgive me, but I don’t, and that needs to come first. I need to find some kind of peace with myself.”
His eyes looked sad, but he nodded. “I get that. I do. Just one thing- why are you so sure that you’ll find peace in Arizona?” She ducked her head. “Hey, would you look at me?” She turned her face to him but didn’t quite meet his eyes. “I hear you, and I get it, I do. You need space. I just don’t want you to do something you might regret.” His brow crinkled intently. “Just- think about it first, because I think you’ll find it’s a lot harder to come back than it is to leave.”
She stared at him. He held her gaze. Overhead, the intercom announced that Flight 695 to Phoenix was boarding in ten minutes.
Cisco was watching her, and let out a breath that he’d been holding. “Listen. Whoever you are now, I still love you.” She glanced at him quickly. His face was composed, but his throat was contracting, like he was trying not to cry. “That’s never going to change. No matter who you are, you will always have a home with me.” He stood up and watched her, like he was waiting for her to say something, to say anything. She tried to find the words, but she came up empty.
Cisco touched her shoulder, and she didn’t flinch this time. “Take care of yourself, Cait.” His voice was suddenly thick and husky. “I hope Arizona is good to you.” He stood up and started to walk away.
Caitlin stared at the uneaten cinnamon roll in her hands, and something snapped into place. “Wait!” He stopped in his tracks and looked at her, eyes questioning. She rose to her feet and swallowed, hard.
“I canceled my lease on my apartment,” she said randomly.
He stared at her. “What?”
She swallowed. “What I mean is… I don’t have anywhere to stay.”
“In Phoenix?” he asked, and looked away, like he was trying not to think about it.
Caitlin shook her head and took a deep breath. “No. Here.”
Cisco’s face flooded with comprehension, and then relief, and then something so strong and pure that it made her chest ache, because she still wasn’t sure she deserved it. She looked into his eyes, and she didn’t want to run away anymore. She still wanted to cry, but now all she wanted was to throw herself into his arms. She took a deep breath. “I can’t promise that I won’t leave eventually. But you’re right, I should… I should sleep on it.”
His mouth was open slightly like he didn’t quite believe what he was hearing. “Okay.” He made a movement like he was about to wrap his arm around her shoulder, and then stopped himself. A dam in her chest broke and she flung herself into his arms. He froze for a split second, and then his arms closed around her, cradling her against his chest. He was so warm and she was so cold and she was scared to be touching him, but it also made her feel safe. She buried her face in his hair- he smelled like sweat and salt and grease and she never wanted to let go.
He pulled away, but still held her by her shoulders. “We should get you home,” he said quietly, and she saw that his eyes were wet. “You need to sleep.”
“So do you,” she said, and put her arm across his shoulders, just to be touching him. He closed his eyes for a second, melting against her touch, and then opened his eyes again.
“This isn’t about me,” he said. “But I need you to know-” He cut himself off and shook his head.
She tilted her head at him. “What?”
Cisco looked down at her. “I need you,” he said. “That doesn’t mean you have to stay. You can go wherever you need to for as long as you need to, but you should know that.” He swallowed, hard. “In case you were looking for a reason to stay.”
Caitlin nodded and took his hand silently. Even though she felt more uncertain than ever, she knew she was safe. She wasn’t sure who she was, but she did have a home. She had him.
She could let that be enough for now.
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