anewmyth · 6 years
“Every suffering is a buddha-seed, because suffering impels mortals to seek wisdom.”
— Bodhidharma
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anewmyth · 6 years
Saving Face
This documentary is literally heartbreaking, but worth a watch to understand even a little bit about the misogyny and patriarchal culture in South Asia (and other parts of the world).
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anewmyth · 6 years
“Treat people as you want Allah to treat you on the Day of Judgement.”
— Yasmin Mogahed
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anewmyth · 7 years
Learn to defend against a bigot grabbing your hijab from behind!
In this post-election hate-crime spike, self defense is more important than ever. Practice this move until it becomes muscle memory and teach your body to react before thinking.
(via Zee Abdulla)
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anewmyth · 7 years
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anewmyth · 7 years
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anewmyth · 7 years
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Athena blessed her with the ability to protect herself and men beheaded her for it.
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anewmyth · 7 years
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anewmyth · 7 years
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anewmyth · 7 years
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anewmyth · 7 years
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anewmyth · 7 years
Culture is just a global version of all that weird shit your family does that you don’t realise is weird because you assume everyone’s family does that.
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anewmyth · 7 years
He feels his thoughts. He can fall in love with an idea. An idea can make him ill.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra (via books-n-quotes)
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anewmyth · 7 years
when you find awful Discourse and show it to the squad
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anewmyth · 7 years
It’s easy to mock the pretensions to pro-life piety of a pussy-grabbing president. But what about the white liberal left’s insistence that criticising the global trade in sexual and gestational services is “telling a women what she can and cannot do with her body” and as such is illiberal and wrong? “Individual choice” can be every bit as much of a false, woman-hating god as the one worshipped by the likes of Humphrey and Trump.
The Handmaid’s Tale has already come true – just not for white western women (via losttomyownself)
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anewmyth · 7 years
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anewmyth · 7 years
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Goddamn it. 
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