#I'm a hoarder and a collector ok
stelashe · 3 months
The thing about me is that if u give me stuff I won't say no, I'll bring it home :)
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andyxcds · 1 month
ok so really loved the moodboard and now im curious about your headcanons about him, question 5 if i remember correctly
okay im super glad you asked actually!
he's quite a hoarder as the effect of not having much as a child. this means hoarding: experiences, friends, things. It's not like he's a collector, he's just strongly aware of the value of things because he came from a childhood where there was much but you couldn't have it.
I've always liked to think that he was under imperio as a child and his father stopped coming home when he couldn't control his son.
his relationship with other was definitely messy when younger which influenced his need for clarity; speaking the truth, acting the truth. I've seen many people talk about his lying habit, and I have definitely been apart of that movement. However, he's the kind of character to twist his lies, so that he believes them just as much as everyone else believes them.
very avoidant attachment in his relationships, very difficult for him to trust or hand over intimacy.
apart from the insides, he's very prejudiced towards muggles, and I always believed that killing people isn't something you do because you hate your dad, rather, i believe its his response to a sort of familial death or pressure from upperclassmen who were already involved with death eating.
I never like to take away from the fact that he is clinically an asshole, he tends to walk away from fights but he has no issue getting into one, because he's smart enough to win.
he's very much ravenclaw sneaking into Slytherin, but mostly because he was sorted at a time when knowledge was what he needed the most. his attitude towards knowledge hasn't changed much, he just has different priorities which might be why he ended up in such different circles.
you mentioned something about voldemort and I can't help but feel as though he might've grown attached to voldemort? It might come from a place where his father wasn't around much so he really lacked a firm authority figure in his life, and proving his maturity to voldemort would keep him under his wing and keep him not so domesticated.
okay !! Im done! thank you SO much for the ask!! I'm so happy you asked because he is so one of my favourite characters!
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teadrop-12 · 6 months
HAIII HELLOOO hope you don't mind me sliding into your asks but I'm wondering if you have any headcanons for agent moon.....hehrhhr...... The silly!!!!
Ok so like.
- gacha kid. Or she makes fun of gacha kids. No in between
- watches too many horror games. Like it’s scary how she knows stuff like that
- you know the collector from toh? Yeah that’s her counterpart
- she/they I think. Or she’d go by any neo pronouns
- she is good friends with Ali even outside of MATA so like they hang out after school frequently
- knows a lot of slurs I think/hj
- rainbow loom too (me too lmao)
- kind of a picky eater I think
- audhd
- got really bad nightmares after what happened in season 2, and then even worse after what happened in s3
- plushie HOARDER. She has a blog about them and has individual bios for them.
If I think of more I’ll add to this but omg Tysm for asking this I adore talking abt my headcanons with ppl!!! Also pleaseee I would love to hear more hcs of yours!!
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across-violet-skies · 7 months
Ok so today my friend just asked me to make a challenge for LU writers: write any story you want about all nine Links, but you can’t call them by their nicknames, and no cheating using something like Link1, Link2, etc. nonono, only Link. However, you may use capitalization, font, italics, and bold text as alternative ways. Good luck!😂
interesting challenge! I feel like I would absolutely mess this up lmao
by nicknames, do you mean like... Legend, Hyrule, Four, etc? Or I can't use Vet, Traveler, Smithy, etc either? I think it's harder without both but I'm not entirely sure what the rules are
unfortunately I'm a bit pressed for time at the minute, but I'll compile a short list of alternate nicknames/distinct features to identify them instead if that's ok?
Four: smith/smithy/blacksmith, headband, "little one" (used by Time in the comic I believe)
Legend: vet/veteran, collector, hoarder, red tunic
Hyrule: traveler/wanderer, mage, fairy/fae, brown hair/curly hair, Calatian (depending on author)
Sky: chosen/chosen hero, sailcloth, master sword, knight, Skyloftian
Time: old man, one eye, strange markings, kokiri
Twilight: rancher/ranchhand, wolf/wolfie (if that counts?), strange markings, Ordonian
Warriors: captain, soldier, scarf/blue scarf
Wild: champion, chef/cook, scars, knight/past knight, amnesiac
Wind: sailor, pirate, kid, lobster shirt
I'm sure I missed some identifiers but this is what I came up with! most of these I probably wouldn't use normally... but for the challenge I think they'd work! I think it also depends on the author and the way they're being used. like "the man with the blue scarf" would work great if the links were first meeting or if someone was sick/delirious but maybe not so much otherwise? but "mage" would probably work in most situations so... idk
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s1st3r · 3 years
Lol ok so I’m back for another match up because last time i paired me with Cross (which I loved btw) and now I’m curious on a matchup outside tbb so here I am. (That’s only if ur not busy of course and if U want to lol)
I’m 5’8 with short brown curly hair. I’m kinda skinny (only because i have an eating issue) with a slim structure. My eyes are a weird colour, mixed with green, blue with a orange/brown ring around the iris (no it’s not hazel). I enjoy art, listening to music, writing, crafts, and just about anything that I can create. I enjoys cities, especially at night but I do enjoy nature during the day. I love the stars, especially when it’s a clear night and the moon’s out. I’m not very confident and i tend to stutter and get lost for words, can’t always say what’s on my mind because most of the time I’m not even sure what’s going on up there. Im more of a listener than a talker, although when I get really interested in something I’ll talk for hours. Never really had a group of friends or anything, kinda was just there. The social reject or the weird one. Not that i kind of course, i like being different. I’d say I’m a curious soul with an understanding heart. Im a mix between an extrovert and a introvert. I have a horrible sleeping pattern and normally fall asleep at ridiculous times late at night or early in the morning. Sometimes I’m still awake when the sun comes up, which is funny because I’m not really a morning person. I love coffee and tea, mostly tea (earl grey). Bit of a sweet tooth. Tend to do little dances and stim when I’m happy. I like to chew things, especially when anxious, stressed or bored. i also like to snack when I’m bored. I’m pretty chill with anything and everything. Not a fan of loud noises or yelling as it sometimes scares me. And I’m a hoarder/collector, I hoard almost anything and everything.
Ok so I left this for ages because I was really stewing on it you know?
Also, how are you enjoying the Clone Wars series so far?!
So Cherry, my friend, even though I'm pretty set on Crosshair (non-canon Crosshair ofc) to be ur man, I think your Reg ship is...
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You're a sweet tooth, he's a sweetheart, and together you make a pretty sweet pair.
Ok so, here's what I'm thinking:
Jesse is much more confident in his demeanor than you tend to be, but unlike many of his other brothers, he doesn't misinterpret your shy nature as disinterest.
He actually finds it really cute when you go all shy and bashful and your blush spreads from the tip of your ears to your neck.
But he also encourages you to get out of your shell and become more comfortable. And you do.
One time, while you were hanging out in the barracks with Jesse and his brothers, you were snuggled next to him, on his bunk, back leaning against the wall. He had his arm casually slung over your shoulder. When conversation turned to your favorite topic, you couldn't help yourself as you gushed on and on. You didn't notice, but the boys all shared looks of surprise. Jesse just watched with a proud smirk.
You were comfortable; you were home.
I've said this once AnD I'LL sAy iT aGaiN: Jesse is a GENTLEMAN not a cocky player. So he treats you like a gem. In fact, his nickname for you is Opal because your eyes remind him of the beautiful multi-coloured gem he saw off world once.
Hark! Did I hear "horrible sleeping patterns"?? (I know because you're like an hour time difference ahead of me and I see you online same moment as me when it's like 12/1am my time 😂😅)
Fear not! Jesse is a walking heat pack and the moment he holds you, you're like goo in his hands (tho you'll never admit it). Sleeping gradually comes easier and easier until you no longer think twice about it when Jesse pulls you from your office and takes you to the barracks to cuddle.
Honestly, the best moments the two of you share is in silence. Whether it be you're cuddled in the dark and hear each other's steady breathing as you lightly trace his tattoo with your fingertips, or when it's you and him alone smiling softly at each other across the table in the mess hall in the early hours of sunrise/sunset sipping your earl grey or coffee.
~ Sister
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dragontamer05 · 4 years
OK so random question(s)...Which muse plays Animal Crossing, Which Time Travels, Which invest in the stalk Market, which goes crazy with Design Codes, Which goes villager hunting for specific villagers, and which just creates their perfect 5-star island (I'm just...gonna assume you know animal crossing ^^;)
Yep. Recently got New Horizon a couple weeks ago.
Levi- Doesn’t give a flying frick about the game- if he did play h’ed probably just run aroud whacking villagers with nets and that’s about it.
Kisa- She definitely plays. Is fairly casual, tries to pop in even for like a short few minutes every day. Doesn’t often mess around with the clock but she might if there’s like an event she missed or something and really wants to do it.
- If she actually has the time she might hunt for a specific villager but after a certain amount of time has passed would put cap on like- if she doesn’t find them after X then she’ll just stop.
-Getting perfect 5 stars is just whatever to her. A neat and cool achievement that she’d certainly like to get but like she’s not gonna bend over backwards obsess over every last detail needing to be super perfect. She just lays things out how she likes and if it happens to end up getting her to 5 stars well that’s a bonus.
Turnips sometimes? I wouldn’t say she invests in them but if they happen to be selling for cheap she might buy some cause then selling them off will probably be easier.
But that’s assuming she owns it- Switches and the game aren’t exactly cheap. would definitely be one of those purchases that she’s put a lot of thought into and saved up for before buying.
Tim: Passing interest has seen people talk about it a lot and looked it up out of curiosity. Most likely instead of owning his own he plays off someone else’s copy of the game.
Though I could see him picking it up to play along with a friend - trade items, visit islands and all that fun stuff.
While there’d be villagers he likes I can’t seeing him willingly trying to hunt them.
Playing with the clock/time travel. It’s whatever. Sure the game may be designed for a sort of day by day play style but he doesn’t understand in the slightest why some people seem to get up in arms about those who do want to skip around with time.
- He’d be a giant hoarder/collector of things. Putting up everything of a certain or similar style.
-Doesn’t care for turnips in the slightest.
(As for any of my really old OCs They don’t or at the very least are probably sitting playing around with the older games )
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Am I the only one who gets annoyed at ppl who hate hoarding? I mean ok to an extent I don't like hoarding rares+ but literally all I'm hoarding are commons. I get that they want others to get a chance to get the pet, but really they're called "commons" bc so, so many ppl have them. I'm not even hoarding more than a hundred geez. No one's going to lose the chance to adopt commons. And they make it look like hoarders don't love the pets as much as collectors do. Um, excuse me?
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