I was banned for having two accounts when I was like 11 and Tess gave me my original account back after I spent a day annoying the fuck out of her by making new accounts and posting to the forums about how angry I was for getting banned lol
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Closed species adopts are just NFTs but not. I steal them both.
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I love how the staff tries to make themselves sound so intimidating when they say that they will catch all the cheaters. I've made 7 accounts and I haven't gotten caught.
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Don't. post. your dumb. trade. threads. like you're desperate a f just to be P I C K Y AS FU CKK. Case. closed. v-v
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very tempted to make multiple accounts for the december 18th event. it’ll be my first one i’ve participated in and i wanna see how chaotic i can be.
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I don't have any friends on CS, even though I tried to get someone into it. It's really kinda lonely and a lot of the times boring because I've got nobody to discuss, or trade, or do anything with. Part of it is because I'm an introvert, but nobody even approaches me on there. I try to be as friendly as possible, and I'm naturally not someone to get into drama. It's just disheartening overall :(
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any help on how to transfer a UR butterbun to my main acc 👀👀
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A lot of people complain about shit mods and admins but I've only interacted with an admin once and I've been on the site for almost 7 years ( that interaction was when I was 13 and said my age in the forums )
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i harass this bitch any chance i can get cause shes obsessed with me. its so funny. like if it hurts that much STOP COPYING EVERYTHING I DO
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So I just got sent four trades, all within 3 minutes of each other, but I haven't been on all too much lately and haven't posted anything in over a month and a half. Now normally I wouldn't be so suspicious, but they all asked for the same pets from the same litter (thankfully there was multiples), and even their usernames are similar to each other. So I did some sleuthing and found their typing styles are the same, including emojis; and they also have the same pets in their favourite (cont...)
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(cont. from suspicious trade post) and NFT groups. Am I just being super paranoid here, or is there actual reason to think they're shared/multiple accounts?!! I've been on CS since 2008 and haven't seen anything similar before! I don't want to cancel it with no good reason, but I'm also too paranoid to just accept them! Even if they're just pixels lol. I dunno what's going on.
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the bmd hoarder and their friend group are genuinely the most greedy and dishonest people on the site
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Kalons are like a kawaii / modern mashup aesthetic version of the Kiamaras.
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Life: Shambles, rough, I am shaking, and I am praying. *Goes to check cs @ 1am.* CS: All is well. Cities proper. NOTHING is happening. No notifications. Someone posted in a free pets thread. Go while the harvest is ready. Go, my child of God-
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It's so hard to trade with people during events lol. Like. Dang I guess it's okay and everything and I'm just a little salty cause I'm not getting the outcomes I wanted through the token program and it's closing today, but damn.
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what's up with the utterly abysmal communication skills on this site. I swear, a good 30% or more of the PMs I send to people who *ask* people to PM them for (insert subject) never respond. another good 30% of them leave you hanging in the middle of negotiating/discussing trade specs. what's the fucking point.
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