#I'll tag it as one anywayyyyyyyy
wayfayrr · 5 months
I may not read all of your works, because I like Wild/Sage/Tears/Cal the most and ship other Links with other people. You know Midna, Marin, Malon (and Wars with you now I suppose). But I know you're doing a splendid job. It might not always feel that way and I am aware that compliments from outside might not change how you feel inside. But please don't give up. The worst you can do is lose passion for something you love to do.
Not sure if you experience that too but often we tend to compare ourselves to others. And then talk ourselves down because we aren't as good as them. However people from outside just see two pieces of art and are happy, you know?
I guess it happens to all of us eventually but don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing great. I don't want to say measure your level of skill with your fame on tumblr but just look at how fast you got from 300 to 400 followers. I believe that shows how good you are at what you're doing and also how kind you are. And please never feel like you have to force content or writing. Not for yourself or us. Creativity can't be forced.
I hope this helps a little bit. If you ever need someone to talk I'm sure some of us are there for you and have an open ear *ruffles your hair*
Oh yeah I completely get not reading everything - everyone has their own preferences after all also you shipping wars with me is so funny ngl and losing passion is something I've been scared about (and very close to over the last couple of months) but I'm trying hard to not give up on it.
I do often compare myself to others because I've simply BEEN compared to others for most of my life and it's another thing I'm trying to stop doing. It isn't healthy and it just kinda destroys my own self-esteem lol :P but it's easier said than done.
I think there's a little pressure from how fast I've grown but it's getting easier to deal with than the reasons I was thinking of stopping for, there was just some memories to do with certain parts of what/who I used to write for and who I interacted with that has made me just want to leave a few times over now, but I am pulling through those feelings and not letting them break me! hell they've even helped me to write about other things - it's how tears came into existence after all. I probably won't be leaving this fandom for a good while, even if I did stay for a little out of spite to my own feelings - and while creativity can't be forced the right situations to bring it out can be :) I procrastinate on assessments by writing lol
thank you for being here though <333 it's nice being able to have a bit of a vent like this, plus having a bit of an involuntary writing break has helped a LOT to get me back into it
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
#i missed like at least one sophomore event 😔#i'm annoyed bc i know i read an email about sophomore events or something but then i lost that email and forgot about it#and then today i ran into someone i met yesterday at a small sort of event thing open house thing#he was the only other sophomore there lol but he brought up a sophomore event that happened today#and i'm mad that i forgot about that email bc now i don't think there are any more#tomorrow there's something that's apparently class of 2024 and 25 so maybe but idk#it's a 30 minute walk away from my dorm lmao so i'll have to figure out how to get thereee#i also have walked so much since thursday lol i don't want to anymore 😂 but i'll have to anyway when classes start lskdgjhdkfj#anyway i'm tired lol let's try to go to sleep earlier today (lmaoo)#jeanne talks#i'm so lskdjhgkdsjflgd fucking god i wish i went to that sophomore event thing 😭#but the person i did talk to said a lot of people are in the same boat#of not having been on campus last year#so ughdgjhdffk i hate this lmao i feel like a fucking freshman and i kinda just want to be a fucking freshman#i was in the elevator with an RA and he was like are you a new student and i was like wELL#anyway the RAs are so nice and outgoing like damn how could i ever be an RA lmaooo#but it would be nice to not have to pay room and boarddddd anywayyyyyyyy#lol i love how you can see where i thought i'd end this when i tagged 'jeanne taIks' and then it just kept goingggg#i need to go take a shower but why do i literally overthink going into the fucking bathroom so much ANYWAY i'm done lmao
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