#I'll post a lore piece once we figure out his lore
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art-crumbs-main · 2 years ago
More doodles.
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I drew him in the tank top. It's a Dirk rite of passage.
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sirenjose · 10 months ago
So I've been really into your analysis lately and I'm a huge fan now, wanted to ask some questions, feel free to not answer any
1- what was your favourite idv story/event to analyze?
2- your least fav of the latter?
3- are you into anything else besides idv?
4-how do you find the motivation to analyze stuff? I've tried before and it was very draining :')
Thanks for your time, hope you have a lovely day
I'm very happy to hear you're enjoying yourself despite my own low opinion about much of what I put out. I'll do my best to answer!
Hmm I always dislike picking favorites because I'm bad at picking eheh... But the ones I liked most... I honestly enjoy T&I and COA (1-5) even more than the main story. So I think I might pick... Atropos' Ropes for T&I and for COA, thats harder... 3-5 are my faves but I might pick 4 just because of how it felt it had the most story/details given than all the rest. Even the *SONG* had story. I loved it.
Least fave, eh... Orfeo and Zinaida immediately come to mind, though Orfeo I'd say was worse... COA 1 is another primarily because of how DIFFICULT it was for me to figure it out enough to put together an analysis. And I had to rewrite that thing at LEAST 3 times to the point I'm just hoping it's good enough and leaving it alone. Time of Reunion I think is another that comes to mind, mainly because I didn't appreciate how they treated Norton in there, especially in the videos (but at least those aren't canon like the in-game event was). So based on all that, I might say Orfeo if I really had to pick 1. Then rank ToR 2nd and Zinaida/COA1 3rd.
FF14 and Honkai Star Rail especially I'm playing actively these days, but I honestly like a lot of stuff. Like Persona (espeially 4), 999 aka Zero Escape, and Star Ocean Til the End of Time. Least in terms of games.
Hmm... Maybe because the 1st reason I play a game is because of the story, and gameplay is always 2nd to me. If the story and characters are good, that gets me interested. Issue with IDV is we only get bits and pieces. Really need to look deeper to really understand some of the characters. I actually only started analyzing because I challenged myself (partially out of curiosity for the answer) to see if I could prove if Norton wasn't as evil as people thought (based on all the comments I saw when I 1st joined the fandom a long while ago). From there, there was Jose who I wanted to analyze because he honestly had so many plot holes I couldn't (and still can't completely) solve. So I get the most enjoyment analyzing something that doesn't have a clear answer. Which is why I don't always post for every letter. A big part of it is I enjoy history and culture and such, so it's fun for me to learn about different foods, or time periods, or how bad the environment was for miners or sailors back in the day, etc... I dont think I have an easy answer (I can see I'm rambling). Norton I actually only began to like because I was spending so long working on my 1st analysis for him (and my perfectionism made me analyze all of Norton's essences before i could call it finished). Jose was because I love Captain Hook, and then after because of the plot holes that bothered me. Then for others, I think I enjoy making analyses to... try to sometimes change people's opinoions/beliefs. Like with Margaretha or Vera. With Edgar was because I was more interested in his story and him as a character only once I put together all his lore. Sort of goes on from there. I could ramble on but I'm going to get even more guilty. I hope this helps somewhat, but let me know if it doesn't and I'll keep going. Maybe the simple is A) I like history/culture/research, B) I like to convince people that certain characters arent as evil as they think or change beliefs I think aren't quite accurate, C) I like solving puzzles and I love story, D) I already think too hard about literally everything, and combined with my perfectionism, we get analysis
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Fic master post
Here's a little master post of all (most of) my existing fic. I'm writing again so I'll update with new ones as I go along :)
On Ao3:
-Long fic:
Steps Toward the Water
Words: 16,161 (5 chapters)
Case fic, set early S11 (but written before S11 came out so canon divergence).
Winter has come early bringing with it the biting chill of the years first frost, there is the hum of electricity in the air and people are going missing. Sam dreams of Jess and faces in the ice. When a young woman named Liz disappears Sam is certain there’s more to the case than first appears. Meanwhile Dean is drawn in by tales of people vanishing on the shores of Coldwater lake, strange wordless songs and a woman standing out on the frozen water. It will take all of Sam’s cleverness, bravery, and perhaps just a smidgen of psychic ability, for him to be able to piece together the cases and bring a lost soul to rest.
-One shots:
*NEW* Looking for Meaning
Words: 1818
Soulless Sam, s6
Soulless Sam tries to figure out why he still has the Samulet.
*NEW* Digging into the Lore
Words: 2425
Sam/Piper (from 11 x 4 Baby), angst, later seasons Sam's complicated relationship with sex.
He hadn’t come here for this, and if he’s being honest with himself he usually would have smiled politely, said “another time” and then vanished off into the night. Certainly, he never would have initiated. He thinks again about the scent of her perfume, god she’d smelt good. Maybe . . . maybe he needs this. Something . . . uncomplicated. ‘You gotta learn to have fun. Seriously, it's pathetic’. His fingers grip the edge of the table again. Making sure.
"I'm Sam"
Make Something Good Out of It
Words: 1,631
Sam/Ruby, dub-con overtones. Not shippy.
The water feels good, cleansing and cooling, soothing the ache in his head as he lets it run through his hair and over his body. He leans his back against the wall of the shower and slides down the length until he’s sat pressed against the cold tile. There’s a grotty looking flannel laying abandoned on the shower floor to his left and he grabs it up in his hand, scrubbing it harshly over every inch of flesh he can reach, his skin reddening under the friction of the rough cloth. He can still feel the ink, seeping deeper into him. He scrubs harder.
Would you stay, as you are lying there?
Words: 1,343
Sam/Madison, canon divergence, (vaguely) NSFW.
A Sam/Madison slight AU, wherein Sam and Madison get to spend one last night together, even though the outcome is still the same.
Silver and Flames
Words: 1,640
Angst, young Sam.
Sam is bought a knife for his ninth birthday.
Ice and Blood
Words: 1,797
Angst, young Sam, a follow up to Silver and Flames
The story of Sam's first kill.
Words: 929
Jess finds out there is more to heaven than just her memories
On Tumblr:
Stamford Letter (young Sam)
These vary in length but are mostly drabbles/prompt-requests. Most don't have real titles so I've given them vaguely descriptive ones lol.
*NEW* Going on a Quest (Trials Sam)
November 2nd 1997 (young Sam)
November 2nd (young Sam)
Reason for Hope
Bones (Young Sam)
Soulless Sam drabble
After the funeral (s3)
Why I'm Leaving
I'm Proud of You (Sam/Jess)
Riot (Sam/Amelia - although its mostly about the dog)
Riot2 (again mostly about Riot but Sam/Amelia)
Loss (Sam/Jess)
There's a Storm Outside (Sam/Jess)
Night (gen, mentions of Sam/Brady, Sam/Jess)
The Nightmare (this one's actually pretty long - young Sam)
Once, when we were kids
First Kiss (Sam/Brady, demisexual Sam)
Sam Poetry master-post
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shithowdy · 18 days ago
Does Oliver follow game ghoul lore or the show's? And did Dallas give him a hug after the ugly cry event?
I've honestly gone for a mixture of whatever seems sensible to me! Even game ghouls are wildly varied in appearance and origin, so I don't feel too bad cherry-picking traits. Since whatever is put in the show is "officially canon", I'm looking forward to the explanation on a lot of stuff we've seen so I actually know what to do with it rather than speculate and tiptoe around it. I like the idea of there existing a dubiously-sourced chem that necessitates use when someone begins to turn feral, but the lore limbo of it all makes me itchy. How recent of a development is the drug/is it being a recent development why we haven't heard of it? If that's the case, was it recently developed because the "half life" of ghouls is becoming evident? Are there alternative methods to stave a feral descent? Is this something unique to the west coast ghoul types? Is it a situation where they were tricked and using one time actually damns them to needing it? What exactly are they extracting from feral ghouls, and are they the only source? Is there actually a point of no return, or was Cooper just being coldly pragmatic? Aaaaa!!!!
(I will say that I did like the "name repetition as an indicator" thing and I did definitely use it as the method through which Emil and Dallas learn his name after he slipped during those few weeks of Legion captivity, and obviously he got better. A psyker grandchild comes with many benefits. Also problems.)
(I also uhhh hope that in the show Lucy learns Cooper's identity through a similar crisis 🫣 Can you imagine!!!)
I've said Oliver does depend on a chem to stave it off, but I've left it vague with that he sources it from a Follower NPC with a (entirely self-imposed) life debt to him. I'll figure out what to do with it once the show explains more. Like other ghouls in the game and show, he also sucks down other chems and liquor like air and water, and the effect it has on him is basically "just to feel something" levels of effective until he overdoes it. Ambient radiation energizes and heals him (even sunlight, solar powered perk babyyy), but too much will make him aggressive and weird. He has rapid healing but can't make something from nothing, so small wounds will knit up with some light rads but large missing pieces will not (thus the face). There's a window where he could "fuse" tissue to his open wounds (this is how the boots problem technically occurred), but it has long since passed for his face. RadAway has a sedative/torpor effect on him, and a dart of it is probably the most effective way to take him down if you can get it into his skin.
He can only taste the most pungent food due to the olfactory situation, and he does feel spice, so he eats any garbage you give him and seeks out spicy food if available. He can fuck, because I know the question burns in everyone's mind, but the past century has been pretty dry for him outside of a blackout night here and there. His ghoulification was the result of an irradiated snowstorm, so his more mutated flesh is very top-heavy from where the snow settled on his shoulders and head. Like seen in the games, feral ghouls don't react with immediate hostility to him, and he can kind of assert himself as "alpha ghoul" to make them leave. He has partaken in cannibalism, but out of practicality-- if he doesn't eat this fresh post-battle meat, something else will. He does cook it, at least.
I'm still hoovering up lore as I find it, thank god for niche youtubers.
THANK YOU FOR ASKIN i'm so tickled. Dallas did not hug him after, both men are too emotionally constipated for that, but he's about to endure more hugs than he can handle once they get back to his "home".
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nicorfyrweorm · 1 year ago
I saw this post by @fantasiawandering and went "oooh!", so I guess I've been tagged.
How many works do you have on AO3?
108, which is... far more than I thought it'd be, now that I actually check.
What's your total AO3 word count?
680,841. That's... well, according to what I've looked up, that's about 8.5 novels, so... whoa...
What fandoms do you write for?
Doctor Who, Transformers (G1 and some Beast Wars) and Jujutsu Kaisen. I've also briefly forayed into Batman, Final Fantasy VII, One Piece, Dinosaur King and Zombies, Run!
You don't want to know how many unposted fandoms I'm in, trust me.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The first five installments of my Doctor Who S05 AU, After the Time War.
The premise goes as follows:
In one universe, the Doctor regenerated after sending Gallifrey into the Time War, and the Master along with it. In this one, the Doctor didn't regenerate... And the Master didn't get stuck in the Time War. ... Amy Pond still has to deal with a crazy alien, though. Or the one where the Doctor dies and the Master has to figure out who he is without the noise in his head or a friend by his side.
Each fic covers an 'episode' of Season 05, except for the first one, which covers the last part of The End of Time.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Most of the time. I would love to say always, but I sometimes leave the comments sitting for one reason or another, and by the time I get to it... Well, it doesn't feel right answering after who knows how many months it's been, though I'm trying to fix that.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I hesitate to name anything from the After the Time War series, because even the angstiest one has something that tells you it'll get better. Maybe some first parts of two-parters were angsty, but I wouldn't call them the angstiest. There's a few Transformers prompt fics that have dark or sad endings too, but again, not that angsty in my opinion.
I'll have to go with an oldie, surprised as I am to admit it. Somewhere Only We Know, a Transformers one-shot set in the far far future of the G1 iteration, exploring Starscream's fate after Cybertron's death.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have a few, but I'll have to go with, ironically enough, Lost Innocence. Despite the title, it's the most wholesome. It's a Final Fantasy VII post-Dirge of Cerberus 'slice of life' oneshot focused on the Turks and AVALANCHE.
Do you get hate on fics?
I don't remember ever getting any. Perhaps a few unkind/too blunt comments, but not hate, and definitely not on Ao3.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope. I do have some romantic pairings and relationships, but I tend to 'fade to black' if things seem like they are going to turn down that road, so people can take it whatever way they please.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have some between related fandoms, like Doctor Who and its spin-offs or different iterations of the Transformers franchise, but they could hardly be considered crossovers. The one that is not and which is the craziest by premise alone is City of Nightmares. It's a Batman/Miraculous Ladybug crossover of sorts, a oneshot that combines both worlds.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think I have. Could be, but if so, I'm not aware of it.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone asked me for it once, on a different platform, but I'm not sure it ever came to be.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, though I've tried some co-writing in real life and it's hard.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Season 7 Amy and Rory, from Doctor Who, could be one. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli, from Helluva Boss, are another one. And I can't come up with any others right now :P
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Big projects like After the Time War, in which I change something about a story (characters, premise, lore...) and then rewrite the story around that. I'll probably never do something as big as I'm currently doing, but I experimented with different ways of doing that in Devils' Fruit, a One Piece premise-change that covers up to the Time Skip, so I'll have to see if I could do something similar with those unfinished WIPs.
What are your writing strengths?
The ability to let the characters steal the show. I may have a plan about how a chapter/fic will go, but when I start writing, the characters say or do unexpected things and I follow them to its conclusion, even if it completely ignores my original plans. It can be a headache, but I like the results. They feel more 'organic'.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Discipline, or rather lack thereof. I write when I feel like it, but I have a bajillion fics at the same time, and when a new idea pops into my head, I have to try really hard not to allow it to take over. Usually, I do that by outlining it and then letting it go, which takes some time but nowhere as much as it would've otherwise.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't usually do it, because I don't want to botcher it, but when I must... I know a few languages, so I'm comfortable if it's in those languages. When it isn't, I try to avoid it, taking a "they started spouting gibberish" approach. And when I absolutely cannot avoid it, I tend to turn to online translators and be open to corrections.
First fandom you wrote for?
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, though it was very briefly and on a different site. The first 'serious' fandom was the Transformers franchise, with a brief foray into the Bay-verse and a more permanent one with the Generation 1 cartoons.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
Am I the only one that thinks that's a low blow? How can I choose? I guess I could say one of the newer ones, because I'm more experienced with life and writing and whatnot, but my first ones were the ones that gave me that boost to post, even if they're rough.
It's not on Ao3 because it's an old fic (2014-2018) and I would like to polish it a bit before posting it there, so it remains on FF.net exclusively. It's called Half the Truth, and it's a Transformers G1 fic about Spike figuring out some truths of Cybertronian culture and the fallout of those. It was the first fic that made me think hard about things, instead of it being just a story.
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shinidamachu · 3 years ago
You're a fantastic writer! ✏️ I'm curious before the whole Yashahime disaster, what was your ideal post canon ideas for Inuverse?
Some examples would be how many kids did Inukag have and do they look more human or demonic? What are the next gen kids personalities like? Did the well reopen? Is Sessomaru a good uncle/brother to Inukag and kids? How are Mirsan, Shippo, and Koga doing? Do you imagine the Inugang having more slice of life adventures or going on another serious adventure like Horai Island?
Sorry, that this is a lot to ask, I really enjoy your writing, anyways keep up the wonderful work! 🌟
.Well, thank you, first of all. You're very sweet for saying that about my writting.
And honestly? In my opinion, Inuyasha had a very satisfying, very definitive ending. The main characters have all earned their happily ever after and a continuation wasn't at all needed unless you wanted to mess this up. Sometimes the healthy thing to do is just let the piece of media you love go and revisit it or explore fanfiction if you miss it.
Which doesn't mean an official Inuyasha sequel couldn't have been done right. I know that because over the years, this fandom has written absolutely mind blowing post canon fanfics.
I'm talking about stories that have engaging and interesting plots, flawless characterization and actually fit right into the world of Inuyasha, not only respecting the lore and rules of its universe but expanding on it and adding substance to it, filling in the blanks the original left instead of creating more.
There are many, many examples of that, but to me, the ideal post canon, non next generation universe is the one written in Light Me a Lantern by @inuyashasforest (and I still can't believe we got this masterpiece for free). Compare it to Yashahime and you'll see the difference between writting with passion and love for the original story and writting so you can make money. It's disconcerting.
That being said, I talked about how many kids I'd like Inuyasha and Kagome to have here. As for their personalities and what do they look like, I expressed my thoughts about it here, but was specifically talking about Moroha since she was the one thing Sunrise did right.
Any children Inuyasha and Kagome eventually bring into the world would have to be only 1/4 demon as opposite to Inuyasha's 1/2. This means less demonic features and more human characteristics. I like the idea that their children would be a perfect mix of them, just like Moroha, only with a few outstanding demonic attributes here and there. Like, Moroha has the fangs, her brother could have white hair, her other sibling could have dog ears and so on. But never all at once.
I enjoy Moroha as a big sister and I like to picture her baby brother as a mama's little boy. He would be sensitive, shy, smart and very talented in artistic ways.
As for the Mirsan kids, I love the concept of the twins being huge flirts so Miroku pays for his sins. One of them having his spiritual powers while the other takes after her mother and becomes a great demon slayer also amuses me to no end. And I adore the name Hisui for their babyboy. Only I think instead of being a demon slayer he could grow up to be the leader of the village or have an equivalent position of political power.
The Well never opened again (I've talked about this before, but couldn't find the more in dept post I made, so I'll just summarize it here): the Well reopening greatly takes emotional weight away from the narrative. it diminishes Kagome's final choice, it annihilates the "bittersweetness" of her return, it keeps the story from circling back from Inuyasha being a lonely half demon being despised by everyone to the same Inuyasha now having someone willing to sacrifice everything for him. And it also leaves no room for Inuyasha and Kagome to figure it out how this sacrifice affects their relationship and grow from it as characters and as a couple. Of course you can interpret the ending in a different way, but I'm personally very passionate about this one.
Sesshomaru treats his nieces and nephews the same way he treated Rin and Kohaku. He grows to respect Inuyasha in his cold, silent way, but he's still closer to Kagome. One, because Kagome makes him. Two, because there's just too much story between Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, both of them deciding things are good the way they are, no reason to force it.
Miroku and Sango are doing great. They rebuilt Sango's village, their kids and friends are the joy of their lives. They often go on missions together when Inuasha and Kagome are free to babysit and or when their kids are old enough. And just like in Yashaime (because that part was actually interesting), Miroku feels a bit useless without the Wind Tunnel so he does his best to get stronger in different ways (ways that do not unclude basically abandoning his family) and he achieves that goal with a lot of effort and Sango's constant support.
Shippo becomes a very famous figure in the kitsune community because his tricks improve greatly and he grows up to be one of the greatest names in the story of transfiguration. Koga runs the rebuilt (and thrieving) Wolf Tribe with Ayame by his side. They're now human friendly thanks to the Inugang, with whom he regularly keeps touch.
I don't really have a preference as for if they would have more slice of life adventures or another serious quest when I'm reading fanfic. But if we're talking official content, I'd go for a new life or death mission in a heartbeat, because as much as slice of life is pure and cute and wholesome, I'd be waiting for something to happen all the time, then get frustrated and bored once it doesn't.
It's one thing to deliberately search for slice of life content, which I often do. Another one is being fed nothing but slice of life while Sunrise makes easy profit off it without any real effort to give us something that actually can be categorized as a sequel, not just another epilogue.
If we're paying for a whole show with at least two seasons, we should get slice of life and a real adventure while we're at it. Unless it's, like, a very compact list of episodes (half a season tops) made to be nothing but extra content to rise founds for charity or something of the sorts, in which case it would be acceptable.
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women-only · 5 years ago
I'm sorry it came out really long I'm gonna send it by pieces we humans are split into these categories              M: male          and             F:        female these categories have different identites: M: can be man (gc or gnc) , diasphoric man, diasphoric man who had transitioned (trans women) F: can be woman (gc or gnc) , diasphoric woman, diasphoric woman who had transitioned (trans men). I'll send the rest
(other messages are under the keep reading)
now about sexualities: if someone is attracted to opposite category (regalredess of identity) : heterosexual someone attracted to people within the same category (regardless of identity) homosexuality      if it's within category M :gay      if it's within category F: lesbian *someone attracted to both categories (regardless of identity) : bisexual.
ps. some hot takes. *pansexuality is bisexuality with extra steps you're not special you're just pretentious *if you're NOT sexually attracted to any category but have romantic feelings you're ace (so just replace sexuality with romantic suffix in identities that fits you) *if you're ace and HETERO romantic you're not part of the LGBT cause you don't face any oppression for "not wanting to fuck but occasionally falling in love" if you do it's more likely because of your sex.
if you're ace and HETERO romantic you're not part of the LGBT cause you don't face any oppression for "not wanting to fuck but occasionally falling in love" if you do it's more likely because of your sex. example: that ace woman who was killed by her bf because sadly male entitlement to women's bodies is a thing. *ace homo/bi romantic people don't need the A since they're already in the L/G/B (and i read somewhere that it used to mean Ally
* q**r is a slur and explains nothing about you, having it in the LGBT acronym adds nothing (and I'm pretty sure the Q was meant to mean Questioning) also you never see someone refer to a black historical figure as "n***** icon" so why does the expression "q**** icon" exist to describe people who probably heard it as an insult their whole life till the day they died.
hey this is the anon who posted multiple times I'm trying to finish my thread since Tumblr only allows 5 anon asks per hour and i don't feel comfortable with public . . . reclaiming a slur means other people can't even pronounce it that's why lesbian don't say f*g and gay men can't say d*ke. if you wanna use it on yourself good but don't normalize people outside of the lgbt using it so freely and casually and if someone from the LGBT doesn't like you using it on them they're more than valid.
*if you having sex with your s/o can make human babies you're not homo anything. *if you're in a heterosexual relationship but both of you are bi you're part of the LGBT as individuals not a couple. and that's ok *bisexuals don't stop being bisexuals if they're in het or homo relationship. *gay is not an umbrella term. *puberty blockers = bad *transitioning kids = child abuse *doctors who see dysphoric people as a cash grab are scum *being non binary doesn't make any sense just say you're gnc
* I don't know much about intersex but I'm pretty sure it's just used by people to push their agendas and people rarely care like they should be about intersex people the T used to mean transvestite not Trangender .... and "straight" Ts are already either the L or G and if they're heterosexual Ts then don't face oppression because of sexuality per say so the T doesn't really fit now nowadays especially since people are more open to ppl wearing unconventional clothes
and the T of now compared to the rest of the letters doesn't fit (the first are about sexuality and the last is about expression) the T before belonged because it challenged the norms (and most of people from it belong to 2 letters in the LGBT) but since those norms have changed. *the T now should stand on its own as a movement (and occasionally intertwine with the LBG when it fits)
people deny sex based oppression but i find it ironic that in the T the only voices you hear are trans women especially "transbians" aka straight males and trans men are pushed to the side and degraded on a sex based level (example threats f**ced impregnation and stuff) and their only achievements that reach the news are pregnancy. trans women are given positions women position but trans men get nothing.
continued... people saying drop the T doesn't mean stop caring about trans people altogether or deny them basic human rights. but you can't sit around and let someone hijack your movement guilty trip you into sleeping with them. make you feel like a bigot for who you're sexually attracted to, work on erasing you. like you don't see white people representing the BLM (and they shouldn't) they can only support it as allies....
Segway back to pansexuality I said it somewhere else but here we go pan works in fictional settings especially sci-fi or fantasy let me explain by giving an example: SpongeBob aka the first time i heard about the term pan spongebob is a fucking taking sponge and interacts with different species within that universe like obviously his sexuality isn't gonna be limited to the human sex binary (some cartoons do but you get what i mean)....
same goes for loki who is pan and gender bending like duh the fucker not only ISN'T human he can switch to any entity, object, animal and shit the lore of marvel has living robots mutants gods animals spirits, pretty sure he gave birth to a horse once having someone attracted to personality makes sense then end of rant i just wanna say thanks for letting me post here and sorry for posting so much it ended up being 4.5k letters oof p.s if any ask was submitted publicly please make them anonymous
everything you said is absolutely true and you summed it all up well. it creeps me out when people label fictional characters as pan or ace or trans because not only is pan and ace not a real fucking thing, neither are those characters. idk its just creepy. 
thank you for taking the time to write this ll out and send it over to me. im happy to read anything else you have to say :) sorry i dont have much to say about all this i dont have the ability right now to think critically. 
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zirkkun · 4 years ago
Not to hijack your post, just interested in bouncing back ideas cause I love discussing this stuff lol but,
To a certain extent, I do think he does recognize resets -- however, I think he recognizes resets about the exact same as everyone else. Flowey tells you everyone will forget everything on a Reset, but there's a reason we have Resets vs True Resets, right? Resets don't fully wipe everything. It just rolls back time. But because they're still the same people from the later time, their memories are foggy. But the characters do recognize you: Toriel says you seem so similar to one of the other children and will recognize when you have killed her before (indirectly), Papyrus constantly discusses with Sans on how you look really familiar, Undyne gets frustrated that she can't remember you but feels like she should, Asgore will acknowledge when you have killed him before with a nod, and probably others, but those are the main I can think of. In a way, pretty much everyone has some sort of vague memory in their mind, but it's surpressed because, technically, it "hasn't happened yet."
Even if we look at this in a game perspective (since a lot of Undertale's lore tends to lean towards "This world is built in a game" rather than "This is a separate world from our world"), the game still has logged what you've done. That's still in the files because it alters things on a Reset. Notably, you can't get the True Pacifist ending unless you defeat Neutral once. You'll also get Soulless Pacifist if you beat Genocide and then go straight into a Pacifist run. The game still has a memory of what, timeline wise, "hasn't happened yet." But it has happened, otherwise the paths to unlock the certain points would not have been met. Timelines get confusing, I barely understand them myself tbh lmao.
In the case of Sans, we can infer that he did at one point work with the Royal Scientists at one point due to the evidence left in his house (quantum physics joke book thing, the lab in the back of the house with an old badge and photo of a group of people as well as a mysterious machine) and that they did some sort of research relating to quantum physics, or, more specifically, the theory of alternate timelines and alternate universes. We can't exactly understand why they would research this, but that's not necessarily important for this particular point lol. In this case, all that matters is that he did research it at some point in the past before the events of Undertale.
Because of this, Sans, probably at some point during the plethora of Resets, clicked together his déjà vu with his research, and probably just kinda had an "Oh no" moment when he fit the pieces together. I'll spare deeper speculation I have into this theory bc lemmie tell you I could write an essay... or, well, I guess an essay longer than this post already is lmao.
But, basically, to sum up his "memory" of Resets (at least how I've viewed them) is that, once he figured out what was going on, while he doesn't exactly remember remember, he recognizes that there are Resets, and because of that, knows exactly what to look for in the Player's actions. While this following aspect is a bit more speculation and theory from my head, I do think that by recognizing these Resets, he's able to better remember things that have happened, but it's about as patchy as a dream. I think of it kind of like how I trained myself to remember my dreams: when you write them down immediately after waking up, or note them in some form, they stick with you like any other memory. If you don't, they'll disappear. Again, that part's kinda more of theory, but it makes sense to me at least lol.
But we can be at least for sure that his research combined with recognizing Resets, Sans is able to predict what path the Player is going down very quickly and able to deduce what choices are available to lead them to have certain emotions or expressions, amongst other things.
I think it's also important to note that, in Sans's fight, he says to the Player that there's no hope to going back to the Surface, "cause even if we do, we'll just end up right back here, without any memory of it, right?" That includes him. He says "we." If he were to not include himself in this, he would likely have said "they." One could argue that he might still be covering up for something, but I think it's pretty safe to say that he's literally aware of the fact he's about to die, so there's no point in holding anything back. He has no reason to lie here. Sure, he doesn't really explain everything, but I don't think he's flat-out lying.
But. Additionally. He does know what will happen when you beat him. He says that shortly after. "all i know is... seeing what comes next... i can't affort not to care anymore." Him saying "seeing what comes next" is probably what leads a lot of people to the idea that he directly remembers resets. I can't confirm or deny that, I'm not Toby Fox lmao, but it seems to me that he has seen it... but he doesn't necessarily say when he saw it.
Anyway, this already got longer than I wanted lmao, hope this isn't;;; TOO insanely long lmao.
Hot Take About Sans
Ironically, Sans full on remembering resets makes his character more of an idiot, rather than intelligent like people think. Canonically he knows of them in a mostly theoretical context via observation of people and awareness of himself and familiar experiences. This actively makes him more perceptive and intelligent. Meanwhile him just remembering resets is easy, it’s cheap. He didn’t earn reset memory just because he’s got A MASSIVE 5000 IQ BRAIN. He’s aware of it because of his observational skills.
TLDR Sans remembering resets actively makes his character dumber
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art-crumbs-main · 2 years ago
Reblogging at a reasonable time of day so more people see it.
More doodles.
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I drew him in the tank top. It's a Dirk rite of passage.
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